*** Culprit: sendmail-8.12.5-7 on RH 8.0 but probably me instead.

Problem: Make sendmail put my mail in queue when I'm not on the network 
and send it when I'm back home.

Client: Pine 4.44... :-)

I use a very basic sendmail.cf file and send all mail to my hub at home 
which does the rest. I'm using the same (slightely adjusted for the latest 
sendmail version) sendmail.mc file I used until now, with specifically 

        "FEATURE(`delay_checks')dnl" in the sendmail.mc file


        To:linuxix.2y.net       RELAY
        Connect:linuxix.2y.net  RELAY

in the /etc/mail/access file per instructions of 
/usr/share/sendmail-cf/README file:

delay_checks    The rulesets check_mail and check_relay will not be called
                when a client connects or issues a MAIL command, 
                Instead, those rulesets will be called by the check_rcpt
                ruleset; they will be skipped under certain circumstances.
                See "Delay all checks" in the anti-spam configuration control
                section.  Note: this feature is incompatible to the versions
                in 8.10 and 8.11.

According to me and the instruction above, all checks should be postponed
and I should be able to put mail in the queue while away. However,
sendmail is complaining with:

        ruleset=check_mail, arg1=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        relay=zoki@localhost, reject=553 5.1.8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... 
        Domain of sender address [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist

I'm overlooking something, but what?

If you find me, please return me to my $HOME: my address is 'cd'.

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