[IFWP] Re: DOC ICANN buck passing

2000-10-05 Thread Karl E. Peters

Thanks for keeping an ear to the political ground for us and alerting us
to the sad state of affairs that have characterized this administration in the
US, though the affairs are usually less political in nature. I encourage all
US readers of Joe's post to ask their representatives (now running for
re-election!!!) who is responsible for ICANN oversight and what they are doing
to keep up with such a key issue to the future of American and global
business, the internet! Post their responses here and for press people to be
aware of. They are there to represent us and work for our interests, let your
local papers know when they do not!

Thanks again, Joe!!!
Karl E. Peters

"!Dr. Joe Baptista" wrote:

> Just in case someone is interested - there is no one at the DOC in charge
> of ICANN.  It looks as if there's going to be a bit of buck passing at the
> NTIA since Burr's departure.
> Burr left the NTIA on Sept 8th and her responsibilities were trasnferred
> to Ken Schagrin.  Ken called me from Montreal yesturday (he's enjoying the
> recent funeral we had there - great for internatinal contacts) and he
> confirmed that he will be transfered to another government department
> (trade) on Oct 10th.  That's five days from now and he has no idea who is
> going to replace him - or at least won't say.
> Now this is conveniently happening in the middle of an icann election
> during a very contraversial TLD application.  I commened the NTIA on
> avoiding it's responsibility.  This is the classical example of the civil
> service suffle called "let's avoid responsibility".  I'm not impressed.
> regards
> joe
> --
> Joe Baptista
> http://www.dot.god/
> dot.GOD Hostmaster
> +1 (805) 753-8697

[IFWP] Considered Response to the WIPO paper

2000-07-15 Thread Karl E. Peters
this address because I can prove that I live there or have a business
there or even have named my business this because it has this same
actual address and it seemed like a good name for my company. Let us say
that there are two such businesses in the same region and each one, in
its own town, wants to incorporate in the same region with that name. I
believe most governments would not allow this because the first one is
first and the others are too late. Why can we not use such logic in the
virtual world. Some people simply get beat to the punch. Does this mean
they can not open their business? NO! Just that they must chose another
name to be officially known by in that region. (or TLD)
Here in the US, a major food retailer was growing quickly under the
name "Food Town" in North Carolina. They owned that name in North
Carolina, but not in every state. In order to grow into other states,
they had to either change their name for the new states only or for the
whole company to keep continuity. They changed their name to "Food Lion"
which was available in all the planned states and built name recognition
for the new name rather than complain openly about and try to sue the
people under the name "Food Town" in the other states. I'm sure they
would like to have kept the old name, but reality did not allow it and
they are now again known for the quality of service and product rather
than for any particular name. The internet can and should be no
different. If you can't get the name or address you most want, you get
another and do the best you can to make it known for the content it
includes or represents. Certainly it may not be as easy, but it reflects
reality, which, like it or not, does have its place in the virtual


In closing, The WIPO and ICANN seem to believe that there should be
a means for the people who mean the most to them, whether it be
sponsors, members or contributors, to get the sites they most want on
the internet. There is nothing wrong with this as long as it can be kept
context with all the others that believe they should get the best sites
on the internet, too.
The problem comes in the WIPO and ICANN friends being willing to use
their real weight to gain what they want in the virtual world. I appeal
to ICANN and the WIPO to let these friends compete in the real world on
the internet, too. We all have a list of sites that we would own if we
could. We all own a list of sites that we have made the best with in the
absence of the most desired sites. Through the clever use of search
engines and proper site promotion in the real world, we have all been
able to work within the system of the virtual world just like we have
made do with the house that WAS available and the corporate name that
WAS available in the real world. Why set up a whole pecking order to
replace what has always been normal order of business in a first come,
first served world.
If we can not satisfy more people under this new proposed system,
why change the old one. Let us strive to find ways to satisfy more
people first. When we can do this, the change will be justified.

Very sincerely,
Karl E. Peters

[IFWP] Re: [idno] Re: NSI Restricts Re-sale of Domain Names - and IDNO revisionist history?

2000-04-15 Thread Karl E. Peters

Mr. Williams,
For one who so readily criticizes the amateurish list behavior of
others, you certainly have much room for improvement.
Please refrain from cross posting this drivel from other lists onto
this one and equally, from cross posting drivel from our list onto other
lists. If it is not important enough to write twice, perhaps it is not
important enough to be read by two groups of people. Certainly posts
like this last one do not deserve even a single reading.
To the rest of you receiving this, I apologize for this intrusion
into your mailboxes, but believe that public attention to this behavior
is key to trying to discourage it.

Karl E. Peters