On Sun, 29 Oct 2000, William X. Walsh wrote:

> Hello Joe,
> Sunday, October 29, 2000, 4:40:15 PM, you wrote:
> > institution.  At least one things for sure - i have managed to get a bug
> > up vixies ass, and that's worth a giggle or two.
> Not really.  They post messages from anyone who sends in a lawsuit
> threat, regardless of the grounds or who it is.

No - not paul.  He get's alot of that - I know I keep getting people
calling me about pursueing it, or who are pursueing thei own actions.

We all know how I can get paul off his proverbial ass.

Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster
                                        +1 (805) 753-8697

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