[CSSU] GTK+ developers wanted

2013-01-02 Thread Christian Ratzenhofer
We (the cssu team) have more and more GTK+ based applications in the 
repository, and by far not enough manpower to work on all of them.

With the latest steps towards replacing closed components the amount of 
those applications increased again.

Things like the virtual keyboard could need some love in order to 
finally enter cssu.

We are happy about every bit of help (gtk or not) and can be found on 
irc (#maemo-ssu on chat.freenode.net).

Sources for everything inside cssu can be found here: 


PS: I've posted this on tmo as well:
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Fwd: Fw: Re: [Fw: CSSU meeting ]

2012-08-20 Thread Christian Ratzenhofer

The "meeting" basically had 2 discussion points:

#1 adoption of a kernel into cssu
#2 upgrade of the toolchain used to build cssu

As for the kernel, and the libc select/pselect bug that could be fixed 
with an updated kernel we still haven't come to a clear decision.
freemangordon suggested to take the power kernel and strip it of 
unstable patches, which leads to the problem of how to review the 
patches kernel power contains.
Another solution would be to take the current nokia provided kernel 
source and backport only necessary patches to keep a system that is as 
stable as possible. For this job nobody stepped forward though.
I personally would prefer the second solution since it should be the 
users choice if they want everything (or even a subset) of the 
features/changes the power kernel brings to their device, whilst the 
select/pselect bug has to be fixed regardless if the kernel is as stock 
as it can get or if it's the power kernel.
Here we reached no real decision, but if a maintainer for a patched 
stock kernel shows up it will be integrated quickly.

The upgraded toolchain is if anything something for future.
Cssu-thumb already uses an upgraded toolchain because otherwise it 
wouldn't work, so it could provide a benchmark of the stability of a 
chosen toolchain in the future, but there was no decision as to when or 
if we change the toolchain that is is used for -testing and -stable.

Am 18.08.2012 10:38, schrieb ?? :

afaik merlin1991 is on holiday till monday, with "flaky inet" :).

 ?? ? 
??: Iván Gálvez Junquera
???: Fwd: Fw: Re: [Fw: CSSU meeting ]
??: maemo-developers@maemo.org
? ??: ?, 2012, ?? 17 19:16:10 EEST


I'm resending this message as I have noticed that it was rejected by 
maemo-developers mailing list as I wasn't properly subscribed.

I'd also like to comment that it would be useful to have scheduled 
meetings, considering the big momentum and the quantity of developers 
and contributors that CSSU is receiving. At least if it doesn't 
increase the overhead of the project.


Being the maintainer of CSSU, could you please provide, maybe via 
mailing list, the minutes of the meeting with a brief summary of the 
decisions adopted?

I know that logs are available, but there has been a lot of 
argumentation after the meeting, and It is appreciated if you can 
clarify which direction that is going to be adopted, specially about KP.

Regards and thanks for all the time you are investing on this.

-- Forwarded message --
From: *Iván Gálvez Junquera* <../servlet/sendmess?ac=sab&to=ivgal...@gmail.com>>

Date: 2012/8/11
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: [Fw: CSSU meeting ]
To: maemo-developers@maemo.org 
coun...@maemo.org <../servlet/sendmess?ac=sab&to=coun...@maemo.org>
Cc: ?? ? <../servlet/sendmess?ac=sab&to=freemangor...@abv.bg>>, Christian 
Ratzenhofer <../servlet/sendmess?ac=sab&to=christian_ratzenho...@yahoo.de>>


Being the maintainer of CSSU, could you please provide, maybe via 
mailing list, the minutes of the meeting with a brief summary of the 
decisions adopted?

I know that logs are available, but there has been a lot of 
argumentation after the meeting, and It is appreciated if you can 
clarify which direction that is going to be adopted, specially about KP.

Regards and thanks for all the time you are investing on this.

2012/8/2 Marcin Mielniczuk <../servlet/sendmess?ac=sab&to=marmis...@linux.pl>>

I resend this as I sent it from wrong mail address :P

Sent from my Nokia N900


-- Mensaje reenviado --
From: Marcin Mielniczuk >
To: "?? ?" >,
coun...@maemo.org <../servlet/sendmess?ac=sab&to=coun...@maemo.org>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 18:50:10 +0200
Subject: Re: [Fw: CSSU meeting ]

I have some debug info about eglibc I compiled but causes many

I'm attaching gdb logs from Calendar and Angry Birds Classic for
MeeGo, the 2nd one run thru MeeCoLay. Calendar from libc6 2.10
only, the AB problem exist with both version of glibc. hth.

I've got some more info about problems with libc6 from "gcc 4.6
and fremantle thread", I'll send it later.

I'm not at home and have a limited internet access, so I won't be
able to attend.
Sent from my Nokia N900


On Thu Aug  2 2012 10:38:47 AM CEST, ?? 
> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> Following the attached mail, I would like to propose a meeting
> team and everyone who is 

Re: [CSSU] how to include rewrites of closed blobs

2012-05-15 Thread Christian Ratzenhofer

For those who couldn't attend the meeting:

We decided to introduce / work on a deployment system, which allows the 
user to choose for each and every component.

It's made up of 3-4 packages.

#1 is the nokia package, this is not going to be shipped from the cssu 
repo, but will be there as always in the nokia ssu repo
#2 is the rewrite package, this is going to live within the cssu repo 
and will conflict with #1 and #3
#3 is a helper package, it has no real content, but depends on #1, it 
also conflicts #2.
It is needed because most (all) nokia packages are not in one of the 
visible user/* sections.

#4 is only existing where appropriate, and will be a package that 
installs the rewrite side by side to the nokia package, ie. the 
calculator could have such a package.

All those packages (except for #1) will go into a new component inside 
the cssu repo, which has the name replace (existing ones are free and 
Though for this to work we have to adjust the 
hildon-application-manager, because currently it just errors out if one 
wants to install a conflicting package.

Thus it might take some time before we see any of this in action.

maemo-developers mailing list

[CSSU] how to include rewrites of closed blobs

2012-05-11 Thread Christian Ratzenhofer
Coming monday (14.05) we will have an irc meeting in #maemo-ssu on 
freenode @ 18:00 UTC

Target of the meeting is to decide on a way how we handle rewrites 
within cssu, and how new ones should be added.

Anybody is free to join the discussion!

maemo-developers mailing list

[CSSU] stable release

2011-11-26 Thread Christian Ratzenhofer
This is a crosspost from 

I'm happy to announce the release of the stable branch of cssu
Included packages can be found at 
Included and configureable features at 

For installation instructions see http://wiki.maemo.org/Community_SSU


Christian Ratzenhofer
maemo-developers mailing list