[Mailman-Users] RE: How does Mailman compare with YahooGroups?

2004-04-27 Thread Brad Knowles
At 5:48 PM -0700 2004/04/27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It does not have a built in archive
 search, but one that far exceeds Yahoo's can be easily added.
 Do you (or other mailman-users members) know where I can
 find the "patch" for that please?

 HTML is not well supported.
	I wouldn't say that "HTML is not well supported".  The built-in 
pipermail archiver isn't so great with HTML, but this can be 
remedied.  Mailman itself does a pretty reasonable job with regards 
to the messages as they are actually sent out, considering just how 
difficult various programs make this process.

	I would encourage you to search the archives for more details on 
this subject.

	Out of curiosity, do you remember the original ProDOS?  Apple ]I[?

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
  SAGE member since 1995.  See  for more info.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: How does Mailman compare with YahooGroups?

2004-04-27 Thread Glenn Sieb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said the following on 4/27/2004 8:35 PM:

Yes--if you're looking for community-based mailing lists, MM will not

Will NOT do?

Hmm ... okay.

If you look at what people _use_ Yahoogroups for, it's not just for a 
mailing list in general--it's being used to schedule get togethers, keep 
track of members' birthdays, et cetera. Mailman doesn't do all that (at 
least, not efficiently, unless you count some poor schmuck being stuck 
with the duties of emailing the whole list every week/month/etc to keep 
everyone up to date ;) ). And, from the past comments I've seen on the 
subject, it's not something that interests the dev team (and that's 
fine.. no one said they had to find it interesting .. I'm just 
mentioning it as this subject has been brought up in the past...

Maybe a future version of Mailman will offer some of those functions.

See above :)

Thanks for your comments.



Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] RE: How does Mailman compare with YahooGroups?

2004-04-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Prodos (Melbourne, Australia)
To: Paul H Byerly

Dear Paul,

Thanks for your comments 

> >I'm writing to ask about comparing Mailman with YahooGroups.
> >
> >Would anyone on this list care to offer a comparison?

>   Mailman does not allow posting from the archives.

Ah! Good point. That's a big minus.

> There is a program know as M2F that will tie Mailman and
> phpbb together - see
> http://m2f.sourceforge.net (public beta).
> I've not yet tried that integration, but it looks promising.  Mailman does
> not have a files section, or calender.

Thanks. I'll have a look at it.

> It does not have a built in archive
> search, but one that far exceeds Yahoo's can be easily added.

Do you (or other mailman-users members) know where I can
find the "patch" for that please?

> HTML is not well supported.


> >Or, if you are an ex-YahooGroups user, say why you changed
> >to Mailman?

>   Yahoo has been increasingly unreliable, and the ads are worse and
> worse.  Some of the list moved from Yahoo to Mailman are now boards run
> on phpbb - look at both and see what best fits your needs, or look at the
> M2F method of combining the two

Thanks for that suggestion.



http://prodos.com - Internet Radio

"Discover the power. Of ideas!"

Mailman-Users mailing list
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RE: [Mailman-Users] Re: How does Mailman compare with YahooGroups?

2004-04-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Prodos (Melbourne, Australia)
To: Glenn Sieb


> >>Would anyone on this list care to offer a comparison?
> >>Or, if you are an ex-YahooGroups user, say why you changed
> >>to Mailman? Or, if you know of an already existing comparison
> >>online somewhere, perhaps you could send me the URL.

[Chris Barnes:]
> >For pure mailing list capabilities, MM (and other "real mailing list
> >managers" such as Lsoft's Listserv, majordomo, etc) have Yahoo groups
> >beat hands down.
> >
> >* no advertising (some of which is of less than acceptable topics for
> >lists my kids get!)
> >
> >* Better response time (depending on your connection)
> >
> >
> >But if you are enamored with the extra features in yahoogroups such
> as
> >the calendar, file sharing, etc - you might be disappointed.  None of
> >these others have any of that.  Just as well since I hate those
> >things anyway...

> Yes--if you're looking for community-based mailing lists, MM will not
> do...

Will NOT do?

Hmm ... okay.

> I've toyed with writing something around MM to more emulate the
> YahooGroups functionality that way, as A) I _was_ a user of those
> features B) People I know who run groups on Yahoo, haven't taken me up
> on my offer of hosting on my server, because MM *doesn't* offer
> calendars, integrated web-posting, et cetera, that they actively
> use.on Yahool.


> Unfortunately, it's the old axiom: It's a Simple Matter of
> Programming. Now to only find the _time_ to do that programming. :-/

Maybe a future version of Mailman will offer some of those functions.

Thanks for your comments.



http://prodos.com - Internet Radio

"Discover the power. Of ideas!"

Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] RE: How does Mailman compare with YahooGroups?

2004-04-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Prodos (Melbourne, Australia)
To: texas critter & list

Dear texas critter,

Good morning. Thanks for your reply 

> > Or, if you are an ex-YahooGroups user, say why you changed
> > to Mailman?

[texas critter:]
> Because Mailman *works*.  Any large free service is bound to 
> have a level of unreliability and with Mailman, I have reliability,
> fast delivery of emails, the ability to save the archives all in 
> one plain text mbox file to my local hard drive.


> I never use the web features of Yahoogroups much, I mainly run mailing
> lists.  

Me too.

> And with v2.1, Mailman has the most important features of
> Yahoogroups, moderating new members, moderating individual members,
> stripping html and/or attachments and searching the member list.


> And there's no advertising! :)  And less spam on my own 
> domains than at Yahoogroups.


> > I've been using YahooGroups (previously eGroups) for my various
> > discussion and bulletin lists for years. I think they are very good.
> > But I'm now looking around for alternatives.

[texas critter:]
> I still run some Yahoogroups and in some cases, I have
> duplicate lists, people can choose to join the YG group 
> or the Mailman list.

Really? May I ask why do you provide such an option?
Do some of your members prefer - feel more comfortable
with - YahooGroups? Why would that be the case? Do you know?

>  But I still prefer my Mailman lists over Yahoogroups.  
> Yahoogroups is free, but you get what you pay for, so I 
> expect it to not work reliably and to break from
> time to time (and Yahoo usually fulfills my expectations ;)).


>  But my
> Mailman lists just keep going like the energizer bunny.

I think the earlier Energizer adverts featured an Aussie
footballer called "Jacko". The guy who used to say "Oy!"
Just thought I'd throw that in since McDonalds is now
also run by an Aussie. As is Coca Cola. And Fox media.  :-)

> Since I moved to my own server, I'm discovering all 
> the things I can do with root access to Mailman.

Okay. Do you mean that you use "Python" to alter the
functions of your Mailman list?

> If you like and use the Yahoogroups web features, you might find
> bulletin boards/forums like PhpBB or Invision boards to be an easier
> transition, it's web based but boards can send email notices 
> of new posts in threads or boards so that keeps people involved
> and checking in at the website.

Thanks for that information.

> It all depends on what your lists and the membership use and like the
> most.

My lists are mainly moderated discussion lists: Physics, 
pro-Capitalism philosophy and politics, creative thinking tutorials, etc.

> (and I loved eGroups and Onelist before that, I still miss them! 
> and the great people that used to work there before Yahoo 
> chased them all away.)

That's a pity.

> > And what about Majordomo? How does that compare with Mailman?
> I haven't used Majordomo in years but I happened to look at the
> Majordomo site recently, v1 (which I used at one time for a couple
> years) is straight mailing lists, all admin is thru email commands,
> no web interface, no archives.


> v2 is supposed to really good and with the MajorCool web interface,
> similar to Mailman v2.  But from what I could see, there's not a lot of
> development going on with Majordomo.  I prefer using something 
> that is still being developed and improved.

That makes sense. Okay.

The two main concerns I have with Mailman are:

1. That it doesn't allow the moderator to edit the subject 
line and body of a message.

I've found there is a patch which can provide this function @


... but I wonder how well tested this is.

2. I'm concerned about how easy it will be for a not-very-technical
fellow like me to set it up and run. YahooGroups is a breeze to operate.
Will I need to learn a language like Python to operate Mailman?
(Sorry if my questions are astoundingly dumb.)

If you or other [mailman-users] members have any comments on these
concerns I would value your thoughts. Thanks.

> hth,

Very much so! Thanks!  :-)

Best Wishes,


"The rich get richer. The poor get richer. Imagine ... Capitalism!"


Mailman-Users mailing list
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Correct Terminology for Mailman

2004-04-27 Thread Steve Burling
--On Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:55 PM -0400 Brendan Chard 

What are quick one or two word descriptors that folks are using to refer
to their mailman lists?
To which I reply:

"Mailing List".

Steve Burling
University of Michigan, ICPSRVoice: +1 734 615.3779
330 Packard Street   FAX:   +1 734 647.8700
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2910
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

RE: [Mailman-Users] Re: How does Mailman compare with YahooGroups?

2004-04-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Prodos (Melbourne, Australia)
To: Chris Barnes

Good morning!

> > Would anyone on this list care to offer a comparison?
> > Or, if you are an ex-YahooGroups user, say why you changed
> > to Mailman? Or, if you know of an already existing comparison
> > online somewhere, perhaps you could send me the URL.

> For pure mailing list capabilities, MM (and other "real mailing list
> managers" such as Lsoft's Listserv, majordomo, etc) have Yahoo groups
> beat hands down.
> * no advertising (some of which is of less than acceptable topics for
> lists my kids get!)


> * Better response time (depending on your connection)


> But if you are enamored with the extra features in yahoogroups such as
> the calendar, file sharing, etc - you might be disappointed. 

No, I never use any of those functions, personally.

> None of
> these others have any of that.  Just as well since I hate those things
> anyway...


Thanks for those comments. Most appreciated!  =]:-)

Best Wishes,


http://prodos.com - Internet Radio

"Discover the power. Of ideas!"

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Correct Terminology for Mailman

2004-04-27 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Brendan Chard wrote on Tue, 27 Apr 2004 16:55:37 -0400:

> Is it ok to refer to a list on
> a mailman server as a "listserv"?

You could refer to the mailman machine running the lists or the conglomerate 
of runners as a "list server" or listserv if you like, but a list? Why 
should a list in itself be a "listserv"?

I know there is a mailing list server
> product out there called LISTSERV, but has it gotten to the point that say
> the word "Kleenex" has?  What are quick one or two word descriptors that
> folks are using to refer to their mailman lists?

mailing list? list?



Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com
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[Mailman-Users] News -> Mail: no mail!

2004-04-27 Thread NFN Smith
I'm in the process of setting up a server with the following:

- Fedora Core 1
- Mailman 2.1.4, installed from RPM supplied with Fedora;
- Sendmail 8.12.10, also installed from RPM;
- INN 2.3.5

I'm doing this setup as an internal server, so I'm not exchanging
traffic with the Internet at larger.

Where I currently am is that I have Mailman working fine as a mailing
list server, and no problems at all with INN as a news server.  I also
am not having any difficutly of getting mail to news.

However, where I am having difficulties is in getting messages
composed in news back to mail.  In my mailman configs, I'm pretty much
running with default settings -- in fact, the only things I'm
specifying in my mm_cfg.py are the necessary settings for the server name.

I do have all the supplied activities running in the mailman user's
crontab, and those are running on the specified schedules.

The specific place where I'm having problems is when I run gate_news,
I'm getting no response, other than a single log entry in /var/log/cron:

Apr 27 15:00:01 bronze CROND[12436]: (mailman) CMD (/usr/bin/python -S

If I run gate_news from a shell prompt, I get a pause for a few
seconds, and then a new prompt, but no other output.

I've checked all of my logs, including /var/log/maillog and
/var/log/mailman/*, and there are no updates to any of these logs
following gate_news runs.

I also checked all the steps in the troubleshooting section (3.14) of
the Mailman FAQ.  The only thing that turned up other than what should
be is that that a check_perms check showed that the permissions of the
files in /var/mailman/qfiles were incorrect.  On the advice of
check_perms, I ran 'chmod 02775 *' on the directory.  (These files
have owner:group set to:  mailman:mailman ).  I then restarted all the
mailman services by rebooting the machine.  Following that, I'm still
having the same behavior.

What I'm missing has to be something small, but I'm not seeing it.
Any clues?

Thanks in advance.


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RE: [Mailman-Users] Backup / Recover of Lists or mailman application.

2004-04-27 Thread Franco, Ruben
So does the "lists" sub-directory contain data for each individual list including 
rosters and digests?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kai Schaetzl
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Backup / Recover of Lists or mailman

Ruben Franco wrote on Tue, 27 Apr 2004 13:11:46 -0600:

> In the event of the corruption of an individual list or loss of the
> entire Mailman server, are there any tips for recovery for either
> individual lists or for restoration the entire mailman application from
> a tape backup?   Are there any specific directories or files that need
> to be restore to recover an individual list from backup?

for backing up lists: /usr/local/mailman/lists
for the whole installation: /usr/local/mailman
assuming it's installed to the standard path.
It's really easy!



Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com
IE-Center: http://ie5.de & http://msie.winware.org

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Correct Terminology for Mailman

2004-04-27 Thread Brad Knowles
At 4:55 PM -0400 2004/04/27, Brendan Chard wrote:

 It seems that a lot of terms are floating around out there that all mean (in
 some fashion) an electronic mailing list that allows member communication.
 My question pertains to the word "listserv".  Is it ok to refer to a list on
 a mailman server as a "listserv"?
	The term "listserv" never really caught on outside of the 
LISTSERV community.  The standard terms that I have heard applied are 
"mailing list", or maybe "mail list", over the decade-plus that I've 
been doing this sort of stuff.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
  SAGE member since 1995.  See  for more info.

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Backup / Recover of Lists or mailman application.

2004-04-27 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Ruben Franco wrote on Tue, 27 Apr 2004 13:11:46 -0600:

> In the event of the corruption of an individual list or loss of the
> entire Mailman server, are there any tips for recovery for either
> individual lists or for restoration the entire mailman application from
> a tape backup?   Are there any specific directories or files that need
> to be restore to recover an individual list from backup?

for backing up lists: /usr/local/mailman/lists
for the whole installation: /usr/local/mailman
assuming it's installed to the standard path.
It's really easy!



Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com
IE-Center: http://ie5.de & http://msie.winware.org

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Archives?

2004-04-27 Thread Lloyd F. Tennison
I have never used it, but Sourceforge.net lists Smart Archiver as a 
replacement for pipermail:


Maybe someone else has used here?  If not and you use, let us all 
know how it worked out.

Date sent:  Tue, 27 Apr 2004 13:17:35 -0400
From:   Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:[Mailman-Users] Archives?

> Does anybody have any suggestions for archiving software better than the
> built-in pipermail?  I'd really like something with searching and sorting
> functionality.
> -- 
> Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://xcski.com/blogs/pt/
> "The government turns every contingency into an excuse for enhancing power
> in itself" -John Adams
> --
> Mailman-Users mailing list
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
> Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
> Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/


Lloyd F. Tennison

No trees were harmed in the transmission of this message.
However, a rather large number of electrons were temporarily

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Who Broken

2004-04-27 Thread Webmaster
More info provided...  Here is the email that I get when I send the 'who' 

<--- START --->
The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is your
original message.
- Results:
Non-digest (regular) members:
- Done.
<---  END  --->
Any idea why there would be no list of subscribers when there are almost 
6000 people on the list?

At 04:45 PM 4/27/2004, Webmaster wrote:
>I have a MM 2.13 list on a cPanel box.  When I go into the admin pages I
>see there are in excess of 5,000 people subscribed to the list.  I send the
>email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the 'who' command so I can get a
>listing of subscribers but all I get is either a reply telling me the usage
>of the 'who' command or an email with no addresses listed as being 
>I have tried sending 'who' with and without the password.
>I have tried sending 'who' as the subject and in the body.
>I have tried setting the privacy option for view subscriptions to all three
>Any idea why I cannot get MM to send me the subscriber list?  I have this
>client moving to a new server and they need a list of subscribers before
>the move.
>Mailman-Users mailing list
>Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
>Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Correct Terminology for Mailman

2004-04-27 Thread Brendan Chard
It seems that a lot of terms are floating around out there that all mean (in
some fashion) an electronic mailing list that allows member communication.
My question pertains to the word "listserv".  Is it ok to refer to a list on
a mailman server as a "listserv"?  I know there is a mailing list server
product out there called LISTSERV, but has it gotten to the point that say
the word "Kleenex" has?  What are quick one or two word descriptors that
folks are using to refer to their mailman lists?


Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Who Broken

2004-04-27 Thread Webmaster
I have a MM 2.13 list on a cPanel box.  When I go into the admin pages I 
see there are in excess of 5,000 people subscribed to the list.  I send the 
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the 'who' command so I can get a 
listing of subscribers but all I get is either a reply telling me the usage 
of the 'who' command or an email with no addresses listed as being subscribed.

I have tried sending 'who' with and without the password.
I have tried sending 'who' as the subject and in the body.
I have tried setting the privacy option for view subscriptions to all three 

Any idea why I cannot get MM to send me the subscriber list?  I have this 
client moving to a new server and they need a list of subscribers before 
the move.


Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Backup / Recover of Lists or mailman application.

2004-04-27 Thread Franco, Ruben
In the event of the corruption of an individual list or loss of the entire Mailman 
server, are there any tips for recovery for either individual lists or for restoration 
the entire mailman application from a tape backup?   Are there any specific 
directories or files that need to be restore to recover an individual list from backup?

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Posts To List Not Working: But Admin Emails Do

2004-04-27 Thread Karl R. Balsmeier
Problem was solved as I described, the "log" was created using exim's 
debugger.  You start exim with -d9 -bd, and then you submit a post to a 
list, the Exim debugger "catches" the traffic in real time, and tells you 
in a deeply verbose way what it's doing to deliver the message to the 
list.  It showed about 241 lines down the session starting to error out, a 
nice, verbose error, complete with quasi-solution in quotes.

This is nifty for all sorts of inbound/outbound checks, often telling you 
exactly what you need to do.

The "log" I speak of was simply the transcript of the exim debug level 9 
session.  I made it with my putty client and reviewed it with my boss.  We 
found a broken pipe at line 241, and sure enough, the exim "director" was 
puking on "guest" when it needed "daemon".

Exim uses "directors" and "transports" as mechanisms for getting 
list-related emails to their proper destination.

Many people have googled this error and try to recompile their ports to use 
--with-mail-gid.  I didn't have to do this because the debugger proved you 
can get some precise information, much more than the normal static logs for 
exim (mainlog/rejectlog), and for mailman, because it's so much more 
verbose at d9.

Thanks for showing me where to find the logs in Mailman, these complete the 
picture in stellar fashion, my lists are up and running now, and I noticed 
right away posts sent from squirrelmail-webmail sessions do not 
work.  Squirrelmail is IMAP-based, so i'm assuming the 'post' log will 
contain some errors I can sift a solution for.

My postings from Eudora and Ximian, both of which are using pop3d, work 
great.  Any idea what could be causing this?

Anyhow, much thanks for the info thus far!


At 10:25 AM 4/27/2004 +0100, Richard Barrett wrote:

On 27 Apr 2004, at 09:50, Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:

We found it was a group_id problem in /etc/exim/configure.

The following block of code was corrected to read:

  driver = aliasfile
  file = /etc/mail/aliases
  search_type = lsearch
  user = daemon
  group = daemon
  file_transport = address_file
  pipe_transport = address_pipe
Where group=daemon, it used to say "guest".

The log file was what caught this.
Which log file?

  I opened a console and typed:
./usr/local/sbin/exim -d9 -bd
The error in the log
Which log?

looked like this:
Mailman mail-wrapper: Group mismatch error.  Mailman expected the mail 
wrapper script to be executed as group "daemon", but the system's mail 
server executed the mail script as group "guest".  Try tweaking the mail 
server to run the script as group "daemon", or re-run configure,
providing the command line option `--with-mail-gid=guest'.

My question about mailman logs is still open in curiosity, -are here 
actual logs, or justmethods to check out what's going on?
Maybe I have not understood your question but here goes. Mailman writes a 
number of logs to its log directory, see below the directory listing from 
my system. The log file names are fairly explanatory. Normally, the most 
useful tend to be the error, post, smtp and smtp-failure logs:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:$prefix/logs> ls -1 | grep -v "\."
There will not be much in these logs and the log files may not have even 
been created if the MTA was failing to deliver to Mailman, as seems to be 
your case. Without the stimulus of incoming mail the logs may have yet to 
be opened/created for the first time.


At 09:43 AM 4/27/2004 +0100, Richard Barrett wrote:

On 27 Apr 2004, at 07:50, Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:

Creation and subscription to lists works great, email is making it from
the mailman host to the mail server, but when I post to a list, (i have
test users who have joined the list, etc.), nothing comes through?
Have you started $prefix/bin/mailmanctl (MM version 2.1.x) or installed 
the MM crontab (MM version 2.0.x)?

Where are the mailman logs?  I'll check em out'...
$prefix/logs/ is a good place to look; and also check the MTA's mail log 
to check it is delivering to MM successfully

Are messages accumulating in any of the subdirectories of $prefix/qfiles/ ?

Take a look a some of the MM FAQ entries (see the link in the std footer 
of mail from the mailman-users list)

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Command output: Group mismatch error

2004-04-27 Thread Karl R. Balsmeier
Check your /etc/exim/configure where directors are called out.  You can run 
exim in debug mode by typing ./exim -d9 -bd, and try sending emails to your 
list, you will catch the error, my error was in my director, I changed 
"guest" to "daemon" and was all set.  You shouldn't have to recompile every 
time, even though alot of people are saying that.  Create logs with the 
debugger of your MTA, logs are your friend.


At 01:41 PM 4/27/2004 +0200, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
David Kiner wrote on Tue, 27 Apr 2004 09:01:54 +0200:

> I re run mailman port, with make --with-mail-gid=mailman but I have the 
> result.

I always do it this way:
make distclean, then *configure* with the above, then make.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com
IE-Center: http://ie5.de & http://msie.winware.org

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Looking for a mailing list provider

2004-04-27 Thread Brad Knowles
At 3:46 PM -0400 2004/04/23, Pete Holsberg wrote:

 I no longer have appropriate privileges on the system where
 I have my mailing list -- and the admins are being less
 than cooperative -- so I would like suggestions as to where
 I might move the list.
	See .

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
  SAGE member since 1995.  See  for more info.

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman support

2004-04-27 Thread Brad Knowles
At 8:17 AM -0600 2004/04/24, Steven and Becca wrote:

  Let me know if you know someone who wants the job.
	For mailman hosting, see 

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
  SAGE member since 1995.  See  for more info.

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Creating a list of approved senders

2004-04-27 Thread Mark J. Bradakis
There was a patch sent to the list about a year ago that allowed
one to use addresses of the form [EMAIL PROTECTED] as automatically
approved addresses.  We applied it to our Mailman 2.1.1 here at the
U of Utah School of Computing.  It is real handy for professors to
add the teaching assistant list as an approved poster for the class
list.  Basically the patch changes one section of code in Maillist.py
so that if a +listname is found, it checks the membership of that list
to see if the sender is a member.
We don't know yet if the patch will work with Mailman 2.1.4, I'll be
testing it RealSoonNow.
Now, all I have to do is remember where I put the patch source


Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Re: Question about CookHeaders

2004-04-27 Thread Paul H Byerly
Bruce Embrey wrote:
I have encountered a circumstance with Eudora users when receiving
messages with long subject lines from mailman lists. The subject line in
their email client is blank but if you open the message the entire
subject line appears on a line beneath the blank one.
 Is this on older versions of Eudora?  I have no such problem with 
6.x, nor with the later 5.x versions.  And what version of Mailman?

<>< Paul

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Re: How does Mailman compare with YahooGroups?

2004-04-27 Thread Paul H Byerly
Prodos wrote:
I'm writing to ask about comparing Mailman with YahooGroups.

Would anyone on this list care to offer a comparison?
 Mailman does not allow posting from the archives.  There is a program 
know as M2F that will tie Mailman and phpbb together - see 
http://m2f.sourceforge.net (public beta).  I've 
not yet tried that integration, but it looks promising.  Mailman does not 
have a files section, or calender.  It does not have a built in archive 
search, but one that far exceeds Yahoo's can be easily added.  HTML is not 
well supported.

Or, if you are an ex-YahooGroups user, say why you changed
to Mailman?
 Yahoo has been increasingly unreliable, and the ads are worse and 
worse.  Some of the list moved from Yahoo to Mailman are now boards run on 
phpbb - look at both and see what best fits your needs, or look at the M2F 
method of combining the two

<>< Paul

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Archives?

2004-04-27 Thread Richard Barrett
On 27 Apr 2004, at 18:17, Paul Tomblin wrote:

Does anybody have any suggestions for archiving software better than 
built-in pipermail?  I'd really like something with searching and 

See http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq01.011.htp

And these patches for Mailman might be of interest to you:



Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://xcski.com/blogs/pt/
"The government turns every contingency into an excuse for enhancing 
in itself" -John Adams

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Archives?

2004-04-27 Thread Paul Tomblin
Does anybody have any suggestions for archiving software better than the
built-in pipermail?  I'd really like something with searching and sorting

Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://xcski.com/blogs/pt/
"The government turns every contingency into an excuse for enhancing power
in itself" -John Adams

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: How does Mailman compare with YahooGroups?

2004-04-27 Thread Glenn Sieb
Chris Barnes said the following on 4/27/2004 12:47 PM:


Would anyone on this list care to offer a comparison?
Or, if you are an ex-YahooGroups user, say why you changed
to Mailman? Or, if you know of an already existing comparison
online somewhere, perhaps you could send me the URL.

For pure mailing list capabilities, MM (and other "real mailing list
managers" such as Lsoft's Listserv, majordomo, etc) have Yahoo groups
beat hands down.
* no advertising (some of which is of less than acceptable topics for
lists my kids get!)
* Better response time (depending on your connection)

But if you are enamored with the extra features in yahoogroups such as
the calendar, file sharing, etc - you might be disappointed.  None of
these others have any of that.  Just as well since I hate those things

Yes--if you're looking for community-based mailing lists, MM will not
do... I've toyed with writing something around MM to more emulate the
YahooGroups functionality that way, as A) I _was_ a user of those
features B) People I know who run groups on Yahoo, haven't taken me up
on my offer of hosting on my server, because MM *doesn't* offer
calendars, integrated web-posting, et cetera, that they actively use.on
Yahool. Unfortunately, it's the old axiom: It's a Simple Matter of
Programming. Now to only find the _time_ to do that programming. :-/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] How does Mailman compare with YahooGroups?

2004-04-27 Thread texas critter

> Or, if you are an ex-YahooGroups user, say why you changed
> to Mailman?

Because Mailman *works*.  Any large free service is bound to have a level
of unreliability and with Mailman, I have reliability, fast delivery of
emails, the ability to save the archives all in one plain text mbox file to
my local hard drive.

I never use the web features of Yahoogroups much, I mainly run mailing
lists.  And with v2.1, Mailman has the most important features of
Yahoogroups, moderating new members, moderating individual members,
stripping html and/or attachments and searching the member list.

And there's no advertising! :)  And less spam on my own domains than at

> I've been using YahooGroups (previously eGroups) for my various
> discussion and bulletin lists for years. I think they are very good.
> But I'm now looking around for alternatives.

I still run some Yahoogroups and in some cases, I have duplicate lists,
people can choose to join the YG group or the Mailman list.  But I still
prefer my Mailman lists over Yahoogroups.  Yahoogroups is free, but you get
what you pay for, so I expect it to not work reliably and to break from
time to time (and Yahoo usually fulfills my expectations ;)).  But my
Mailman lists just keep going like the energizer bunny.

Since I moved to my own server, I'm discovering all the things I can do
with root access to Mailman.

If you like and use the Yahoogroups web features, you might find bulletin
boards/forums like PhpBB or Invision boards to be an easier transition,
it's web based but boards can send email notices of new posts in threads or
boards so that keeps people involved and checking in at the website.

It all depends on what your lists and the membership use and like the most.

(and I loved eGroups and Onelist before that, I still miss them!  and the
great people that used to work there before Yahoo chased them all away.)

> And what about Majordomo? How does that compare with Mailman?

I haven't used Majordomo in years but I happened to look at the Majordomo
site recently, v1 (which I used at one time for a couple years) is straight
mailing lists, all admin is thru email commands, no web interface, no

v2 is supposed to really good and with the MajorCool web interface, similar
to Mailman v2.  But from what I could see, there's not a lot of development
going on with Majordomo.  I prefer using something that is still being
developed and improved.

texas critter

EL-M FAQ: http://www.emaillist-managers.com/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Re: How does Mailman compare with YahooGroups?

2004-04-27 Thread Chris Barnes
> Would anyone on this list care to offer a comparison?
> Or, if you are an ex-YahooGroups user, say why you changed
> to Mailman? Or, if you know of an already existing comparison
> online somewhere, perhaps you could send me the URL.

For pure mailing list capabilities, MM (and other "real mailing list
managers" such as Lsoft's Listserv, majordomo, etc) have Yahoo groups
beat hands down.

* no advertising (some of which is of less than acceptable topics for
lists my kids get!)

* Better response time (depending on your connection)

But if you are enamored with the extra features in yahoogroups such as
the calendar, file sharing, etc - you might be disappointed.  None of
these others have any of that.  Just as well since I hate those things


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Chris Barnes AOL IM: CNBarnes
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Yahoo IM: chrisnbarnes
Computer Systems Manager ph: 979-845-7801
Department of Physics   fax: 979-845-2590
Texas A&M University

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Access subscription list via PHP?

2004-04-27 Thread Justin Alcorn

Sean Robertson said:
> I have a PHP form set up that I'd like to be able to use to subscribe
> people
> to the mailing list.  The problem is tha they might already be signed up
> to
> the list, so just sending an email to the listserve is not a very clean
> solution.  Is there any way to access the memberlist via PHP and find out
> if
> someone has already signed up or not so it doesn't try to do it again if
> they already have?

call list_members and capture the output.

$members = `/usr/local/mailman/bin/list_members mylist`;
// find the member...

The universe is ruled by letting things take their course. It cannot be
ruled by interfering. -- Chinese proverb
JaBbA's hut: http://jalcorn.net

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] How does Mailman compare with YahooGroups?

2004-04-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Prodos (Melbourne, Australia)


(Firstly: Oops! I accidentally sent a wrong email to the list.
I hope the moderator deletes it. If not, sorry about that!)

I'm writing to ask about comparing Mailman with YahooGroups.

Would anyone on this list care to offer a comparison?
Or, if you are an ex-YahooGroups user, say why you changed
to Mailman? Or, if you know of an already existing comparison
online somewhere, perhaps you could send me the URL.

I've been using YahooGroups (previously eGroups) for my various
discussion and bulletin lists for years. I think they are very good.
But I'm now looking around for alternatives.

And what about Majordomo? How does that compare with Mailman?

If you prefer to write back privately rather than through
the list, no problem: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for any advice or assistance.

Best Wishes,



"Discover the power. Of ideas!"

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] How does Mailman compare with Yahoo

2004-04-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Automatic Discard
> From: "Tim Faircloth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, April 27, 2004 7:30 am
> To: "mailman-users list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 03:19 AM 4/26/2004, you wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I'm a happy Mailman user (2.0.11); unfortunately, in these days
> there's a
> >lot of spam attacks to our list.
> >
> >Is there a way to automatically discard messages posted by
> non-members? I'm
> >tyred to discard them manually using the web interface.
> on the web interface, go to "Privacy options..." / "Sender Filters". 
> At 
> the bottom of the page there's a setting that says "Action to take for
> postings from non-members for which no explicit action is defined". 
> Set it 
> to "Discard"  You'll probably also want to set the option below it to
> "No" 
> so your administrator/moderator doesn't get spammed.
> /tim
> -- 
> Tim Faircloth, System Administrator
> Office: (229) 931-5076Beeper: (229) 928-1458
> --
> Mailman-Users mailing list
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
> Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
> Searchable Archives:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Automatic Discard

2004-04-27 Thread Tim Faircloth
At 03:19 AM 4/26/2004, you wrote:

I'm a happy Mailman user (2.0.11); unfortunately, in these days there's a
lot of spam attacks to our list.
Is there a way to automatically discard messages posted by non-members? I'm
tyred to discard them manually using the web interface.
on the web interface, go to "Privacy options..." / "Sender Filters".  At 
the bottom of the page there's a setting that says "Action to take for 
postings from non-members for which no explicit action is defined".  Set it 
to "Discard"  You'll probably also want to set the option below it to "No" 
so your administrator/moderator doesn't get spammed.

Tim Faircloth, System Administrator
Office: (229) 931-5076  Beeper: (229) 928-1458
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Fwd: message 'batch' processing?

2004-04-27 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Alvar Saenz-Otero ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> >While the interface lets you do about everything, the page is extremely 
> >big, and there is no method to 'batch' process messages.  With 
> >approximately 20 messages a day of spam (sometimes up to 40), and most 
> >times *none* real messages waiting, using mailman becomes a task of every 
> >single day clicking 20-40 individual radio buttons, lots of scrolling, and 
> >then submitting data.

All my publically advertised mailing lists (and one private one whose
existance was "outed" by a jerk) are now set to accept members posts only,
and to bounce anything that isn't from a member.  Yeah, it means the users
have to learn to stop sending email from their other accounts unless they
are willing to subscribe that account to the list and set it to "no mail",
but it sure lessens my burden.

Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://xcski.com/blogs/pt/
The thing I've noticed, particularly about Usenet, that while as a
welcome break from work it is refreshing and interesting, when you've
got bugger all else to do it kinda loses its appeal.  -- C Speed

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Downloading Mailman

2004-04-27 Thread Thomas Sittig



Rose wrote:

We are looking to download the Mailman software, however, we are unsure from
which Source to download the software.
Can you provide us with assistance?


Rose Fullerton
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Automatic Discard

2004-04-27 Thread Fabrizio Gianneschi

I'm a happy Mailman user (2.0.11); unfortunately, in these days there's a
lot of spam attacks to our list.

Is there a way to automatically discard messages posted by non-members? I'm
tyred to discard them manually using the web interface.


Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Downloading Mailman

2004-04-27 Thread Tim Faircloth
At 08:54 AM 4/27/2004, you wrote:
We are looking to download the Mailman software, however, we are unsure from
which Source to download the software.
Can you provide us with assistance?
You have 3 choices from the download page on mailman's site 
(http://www.list.org): Sourceforge, GNU, and List.org.  It doesn't matter 
which one you choose, the package is the same no matter which one you choose.

Tim Faircloth, System Administrator
Office: (229) 931-5076  Beeper: (229) 928-1458
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] web gui disappeared after moving location...

2004-04-27 Thread Tim Walter
Hi, I run Mailman on a RAQ4 and having run out of space I moved usr to 
home using the usr2home.sh script successfully.

The lists seem to work fine again but the web gui pages 
/mailman/admin/list/members etc have gone AWOL.  I am pretty sure they 
are all there but for some reason not functioning/displaying.

Anyone any experience or able to tell me where these pages reside and 
how to get them back again.  I suspect it might be a permissions thing 
but am no expert.
Tim Walter
Emis NUG website  http://www.emisnug.org.uk/index.asp
To join the NUG, phone 0191 487 4571
The Emis-list archive is at http://www.medhost.co.uk/forum/
Join/leave at http://www.emisnug.org.uk/online

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Fwd: message 'batch' processing?

2004-04-27 Thread Alvar Saenz-Otero

The MIT administrators said I should forward this to you, hopefully they're 


Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 08:56:01 -0400
From: Alvar Saenz-Otero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: message 'batch' processing?

We've been using mailman for [EMAIL PROTECTED] for about two months now.

While it has served its main purpose quite well (getting rid of spam to 
the majority of the member), administering the list (mostly dealing with 
"pending messages") has been quite hard because of one main thing: the 
interface to the pending messages is very cumbersome.

While the interface lets you do about everything, the page is extremely 
big, and there is no method to 'batch' process messages.  With 
approximately 20 messages a day of spam (sometimes up to 40), and most 
times *none* real messages waiting, using mailman becomes a task of every 
single day clicking 20-40 individual radio buttons, lots of scrolling, and 
then submitting data.

I would strongly encourage you to have a more streamlined interface to 
message processing.  Webmail is a very good example: it has "select all" 
options, and then an action; it shows one message per line, concisely but 
with all the information needed.

I am quite sure I'm not the only administrators/moderator with this issue, 
and many will appreciate having a better and simpler interface to message 

Thank you,


Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman don't deliver the mails

2004-04-27 Thread Rick Aliwalas
On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, Daniel Eichelsbacher wrote:

> Hello,
> i install mailman, but it's not working well. If i send a mail to a created
> mailing-list i get the following error message back:
> smrsh: "mailman" not available for sendmail programs (stat failed) 554 5.0.0
> Service unavailable
> I read the installation-file and make a link in etc/smrsh to my mailman
> folder like this:
> Ln /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman

I had the same problem.  Apparently, the default CMDDIR for smrsh is not
/etc/smrsh but /usr/adm/sm.bin .  Try putting the symlink as follows:

ln -s $PREFIX/mail/mailman /usr/adm/sm.bin/mailman

-rick aliwalas

> Now i get no error message back, but the mail isn't deliver! Can someone
> help me?
> The web-interface is okay and running check_perms there are also no errors.
> Thanks for an help,
> Daniel
> -- 
> NEU : GMX Internet.FreeDSL
> Ab sofort DSL-Tarif ohne Grundgebühr: http://www.gmx.net/dsl
> --
> Mailman-Users mailing list
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
> Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
> Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] web gui disappeared after moving location...

2004-04-27 Thread Tim Walter
Hi, I run Mailman on a RAQ4 and having run out of space I moved usr to 
home using the usr2home.sh script successfully.

The lists seem to work fine again but the web gui pages 
/mailman/admin/list/members etc have gone AWOL.  I am pretty sure they 
are all there but for some reason not functioning/displaying.

Anyone any experience or able to tell me where these pages reside and 
how to get them back again.  I suspect it might be a permissions thing 
but am no expert.
Tim Walter
Emis NUG website  http://www.emisnug.org.uk/index.asp
To join the NUG, phone 0191 487 4571
The Emis-list archive is at http://www.medhost.co.uk/forum/
Join/leave at http://www.emisnug.org.uk/online

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Downloading Mailman

2004-04-27 Thread Rose
We are looking to download the Mailman software, however, we are unsure from
which Source to download the software.

Can you provide us with assistance?


Rose Fullerton
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Command output: Group mismatch error

2004-04-27 Thread Kai Schaetzl
David Kiner wrote on Tue, 27 Apr 2004 09:01:54 +0200:

> I re run mailman port, with make --with-mail-gid=mailman but I have the same
> result.

I always do it this way:
make distclean, then *configure* with the above, then make.



Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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Re: [Mailman-Users] RE: Footer isn't At the Bottom of the E-mail; It's an Attachment

2004-04-27 Thread Steffen Mueller
On 04/26/04 19:22 Paul Tomblin wrote:

Can anyone tell me where the setting is for the text “footer” so that it
DOESN’T show up as an attachment?

As far as I know, it has nothing to do with the list.  If people send
email that's dual html and plain text, or otherwise mime multipart, then
the bit mailman attaches will be another attachment.  If they send plain
text only, then it will be appended to the text.

I'm running into same troubles. Every mail from my lists comes along 
with footer attachment instead of appended plaintext.
I tried to send mails with my mozilla thunderbird, which uses plaintext:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

To be sure, I did a simple telnet session on my mailserver on port 25 
and sent a testmail to a list running on that server - without 
mime/multipart of course.

Both mails come back from the list with the footer as attachment. and 
that's not what I expect...

Thanks in advance you your suggestions.

I'm riding Mailman 2.1.4 on Debian Woody (2.1.4-1.backports.org.1), Exim 


Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Posts To List Not Working: But Admin Emails Do

2004-04-27 Thread Richard Barrett
On 27 Apr 2004, at 09:50, Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:

We found it was a group_id problem in /etc/exim/configure.

The following block of code was corrected to read:

  driver = aliasfile
  file = /etc/mail/aliases
  search_type = lsearch
  user = daemon
  group = daemon
  file_transport = address_file
  pipe_transport = address_pipe
Where group=daemon, it used to say "guest".

The log file was what caught this.
Which log file?

  I opened a console and typed:
./usr/local/sbin/exim -d9 -bd
The error in the log
Which log?

looked like this:
Mailman mail-wrapper: Group mismatch error.  Mailman expected the mail 
wrapper script to be executed as group "daemon", but the system's mail 
server executed the mail script as group "guest".  Try tweaking the 
mail server to run the script as group "daemon", or re-run configure,  
providing the command line option `--with-mail-gid=guest'.

My question about mailman logs is still open in curiosity, -are here 
actual logs, or justmethods to check out what's going on?

Maybe I have not understood your question but here goes. Mailman writes 
a number of logs to its log directory, see below the directory listing 
from my system. The log file names are fairly explanatory. Normally, 
the most useful tend to be the error, post, smtp and smtp-failure logs:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:$prefix/logs> ls -1 | grep -v "\."
There will not be much in these logs and the log files may not have 
even been created if the MTA was failing to deliver to Mailman, as 
seems to be your case. Without the stimulus of incoming mail the logs 
may have yet to be opened/created for the first time.


At 09:43 AM 4/27/2004 +0100, Richard Barrett wrote:

On 27 Apr 2004, at 07:50, Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:

Creation and subscription to lists works great, email is making it 
the mailman host to the mail server, but when I post to a list, (i 
test users who have joined the list, etc.), nothing comes through?
Have you started $prefix/bin/mailmanctl (MM version 2.1.x) or 
installed the MM crontab (MM version 2.0.x)?

Where are the mailman logs?  I'll check em out'...
$prefix/logs/ is a good place to look; and also check the MTA's mail 
log to check it is delivering to MM successfully

Are messages accumulating in any of the subdirectories of 
$prefix/qfiles/ ?

Take a look a some of the MM FAQ entries (see the link in the std 
footer of mail from the mailman-users list)

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Posts To List Not Working: But Admin Emails Do

2004-04-27 Thread Karl R. Balsmeier
We found it was a group_id problem in /etc/exim/configure.

The following block of code was corrected to read:

  driver = aliasfile
  file = /etc/mail/aliases
  search_type = lsearch
  user = daemon
  group = daemon
  file_transport = address_file
  pipe_transport = address_pipe
Where group=daemon, it used to say "guest".

The log file was what caught this.  I opened a console and typed:
./usr/local/sbin/exim -d9 -bd
The error in the log looked like this:
Mailman mail-wrapper: Group mismatch error.  Mailman expected the mail 
wrapper script to be executed as group "daemon", but the system's mail 
server executed the mail script as group "guest".  Try tweaking the mail 
server to run the script as group "daemon", or re-run configure,  providing 
the command line option `--with-mail-gid=guest'.

My question about mailman logs is still open in curiosity, -are here actual 
logs, or justmethods to check out what's going on?


At 09:43 AM 4/27/2004 +0100, Richard Barrett wrote:

On 27 Apr 2004, at 07:50, Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:

Creation and subscription to lists works great, email is making it from
the mailman host to the mail server, but when I post to a list, (i have
test users who have joined the list, etc.), nothing comes through?
Have you started $prefix/bin/mailmanctl (MM version 2.1.x) or installed 
the MM crontab (MM version 2.0.x)?

Where are the mailman logs?  I'll check em out'...
$prefix/logs/ is a good place to look; and also check the MTA's mail log 
to check it is delivering to MM successfully

Are messages accumulating in any of the subdirectories of $prefix/qfiles/ ?

Take a look a some of the MM FAQ entries (see the link in the std footer 
of mail from the mailman-users list)

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Posts To List Not Working: But Admin Emails Do

2004-04-27 Thread Richard Barrett
On 27 Apr 2004, at 07:50, Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:

Creation and subscription to lists works great, email is making it from
the mailman host to the mail server, but when I post to a list, (i have
test users who have joined the list, etc.), nothing comes through?
Have you started $prefix/bin/mailmanctl (MM version 2.1.x) or installed 
the MM crontab (MM version 2.0.x)?

Where are the mailman logs?  I'll check em out'...

$prefix/logs/ is a good place to look; and also check the MTA's mail 
log to check it is delivering to MM successfully

Are messages accumulating in any of the subdirectories of 
$prefix/qfiles/ ?

Take a look a some of the MM FAQ entries (see the link in the std 
footer of mail from the mailman-users list)

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Command output: Group mismatch error

2004-04-27 Thread David Kiner
I run freeBSD 4.9 Postfix 2.0.16 and mailman 2.1.14

When I test by sending this email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I get:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Command died with status 2:
"/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman subscribe ff". Command output: Group
mismatch error. Mailman expected the mail wrapper script to be executed as
group "nobody", but the system's mail server executed the mail script as
group "mailman". Try tweaking the mail server to run the script as group
"nobody", or re-run configure, providing the command line option

I re run mailman port, with make --with-mail-gid=mailman but I have the same

when I do a "make options":

* MM_USERNAME [mailman]
  The username of the Mailman user
* MM_USERID [92]
  The user ID of the Mailman user
It is recommended that you do not change this option.
* MM_GROUPNAME [mailman]
  The group to which the Mailman user will belong
  The group ID for the Mailman user
It is recommended that you do not change this option.
* MM_DIR [mailman]
  Mailman will be installed in ${PREFIX}/${MM_DIR}
* MAIL_GID [mailnull]
MTA | MAIL_GID   | Submitted by
Exim3   | nobody (65534) | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Exim4   | mail   (6) | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Postfix | mailman| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Qmail   | ???|

NOTE: for Postfix, the group may need to be 'nobody' if you are not
using the Mailman integration for generating the postfix virtual and
aliases files.
* CGI_GID [www]
  The group name or id under which your web server executes CGI scripts
By default, this port works with the current port of Apache2.  If your
WWW server executes CGI scripts under a different GID, you'll have to
set this at build time.
* IMGDIR [www/icons]
  Icon images will be installed in ${PREFIX}/${IMGDIR}
* WITH_CHINESE [undefined]
  Define to include support for Chinese mailing lists
* WITH_HTDIG [undefined]
  Define to include the htdig integration patches.

# ps aux
mailman  6454  0.0  2.2  6740 5584  ??  Is   12:40AM   0:00.04
/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/mailman/bin/mailmanctl start
mailman  6456  0.0  2.2  6708 5564  ??  S12:40AM   0:01.13
/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=ArchRu
mailman  6457  0.0  2.2  6712 5568  ??  S12:40AM   0:01.16
/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=Bounce
mailman  6458  0.0  2.2  6712 5560  ??  S12:40AM   0:01.15
/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=Comman
mailman  6459  0.0  2.2  6708 5564  ??  S12:40AM   0:01.14
/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=Incomi
mailman  6460  0.0  2.2  6720 5600  ??  S12:40AM   0:01.21
/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=NewsRu
mailman  6461  0.0  2.2  6748 5636  ??  S12:40AM   0:01.17
/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=Outgoi
mailman  6462  0.0  2.2  6708 5564  ??  S12:40AM   0:01.17
/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=Virgin
mailman  6463  0.0  2.2  6708 5564  ??  I12:40AM   0:00.48
/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=RetryR
postfix  6529  0.0  0.4  1360  896  ??  I12:54AM   0:00.01 pickup -l -t
fifo -u
postfix  6530  0.0  0.4  1388  940  ??  I12:54AM   0:00.02 qmgr -l -t
fifo -u

where is the error?

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/