Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem with Blackberry

2012-01-11 Thread Mark Sapiro
Jeff Basham wrote:

>I have a subscriber who is on multiple lists that I run.  He gets email on
>his Blackberry, and one list is completely fine ... the other list he can't
>see the body of the email, only the header.  The only difference with the
>2nd list is that it has a header configured in the admin interface.  I
>removed the header, and he saw the message without the header just fine,
>but leaving it off permanently is not an option.
>Any ideas on what to try next?  I am thinking that the blackberry mail
>software is seeing the header as a 'signature' and not displaying anything
>below it, but I might be way off-base.  I don't have a blackberry, and
>never have had one, so I am a little blind on that end.

The header is added as a separate MIME part because the original
message is already multipart or doesn't consist of a single text/plain
message body.

The Blackberry sees the initial header text/plain part as the message
body and everything else as either attachments or things to be
ignored. This has nothing to do with the content of msg_header, just
the fact that there is one.

See the FAQ at  for more information.

In your user's case, this is basically a problem with the Blackberry
mail client. It is not unique to Blackberry, many "smart phone" mail
clients fail miserably at displaying messages with any sort of complex
MIME structure.

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] Problem with Blackberry

2012-01-11 Thread Jeff Basham
Hello -
I have a subscriber who is on multiple lists that I run.  He gets email on
his Blackberry, and one list is completely fine ... the other list he can't
see the body of the email, only the header.  The only difference with the
2nd list is that it has a header configured in the admin interface.  I
removed the header, and he saw the message without the header just fine,
but leaving it off permanently is not an option.

The header started with "", so I changed that to "" and there was
no change ... His Blackberry still would not display the body of the email,
which for everyone else, regular mail clients, iPhones, and other smart
phones see the message just fine.

Both lists are identical in the admin interface, except for the header.
 I've checked every single setting side-by-side.

Any ideas on what to try next?  I am thinking that the blackberry mail
software is seeing the header as a 'signature' and not displaying anything
below it, but I might be way off-base.  I don't have a blackberry, and
never have had one, so I am a little blind on that end.

Anyway .. TIA for any help.

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