RE: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Peter Forest

I must confess, I never try a blind test like you suggest and maybe, yes, it
could be for me no difference between a digitally recording and the master.
However, the factor that didn't help is that we play the music (the media)
from 2 different kind of unit. So, it's hard to tell when the sound seems
worst if it's the unit fault or the CD - minidisc fault.

To know it exactly we should have CD unit and MD unit perfectly the same in
all way... What I don't have.  I have professional equipment for CD -
Cassette - and Professional Video Equipment. For Minidisc, I have only a
Sony Deck , a portable recordable player and a Sharp Home System. Nothing
really able to do real comparaison...

Also, sorry for all my english, I'm originally French so I try my best to
write what I think and what I've experienced in the best English I can

Sorry also for the term big... I meant by this, that when I hear my CD in my
portable CD player or in my car, the sound is better than my digitally
recorded MD. In fact, it's not a good test in the car since I don't have the
same Blue Punk Car CD unit with my MD car system... Like before, it's hard
when you want to compare two different kind of things together... It's like
compare orange and apple !!!

So, I must agree that if we want to get real result, real proof, we need to
use proper equipment... So, in some conditions, with professional equipment
either a MP3 files could be better or worst and same thing for a CD or a

All this to conclude that anyone who believe in any kind of music format :
MP3 files, CD, MD or any other kind of music media use, could succeed to
reach a high quality if he bought the best level equipment for this media...
What I think is important is that you like what you use and you are
satisfied with it... If some people can afford to pay memory card for MP3
and you like it, perfect ! Personally I prefer MD because it's inexpensive,
you can edit, move, rename, erase, divide, combine mostly forever and this
is a great thing for me !!! Even if better stuff will be release, I will
wait a while before changing all my MD equipment. I know it's maybe not
perfect, but enough perfect for me right now... I've try MP3 player from Rio
and sorry, the sound was not really impressive. Maybe there is very good MP3
player but I've not tried some yet !

I hope this will answer your questions...

Best Regards, good week-end !

Pierre Forest

Kheops Minidisc -
Your one stop shop for all your minidisc needs !

Well I'm glad that in your original statement when you said that TDKs were
better. That you were not talking about the sound quality.  That would
totally destroyed your credibility.

What you state about the shell (I was calling it a jacket, because I
think of the name, mind just went blank) I agree with 100%.

But I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this statement:

"I have try a lot of minidisc : Hi-Space, Sony, TDK, Maxell, Denon, Xita and
I'm reputed for my perfection in sound... I always record digitally all my
minidisc and I didn't notice a difference between 2 different kind of MD.
There is however a big difference, for me, between the original CD and the
MD copy

So you are saying that when you make a copy of a CD digitally transferred to
MD, you hear a loss in sound quality or increase in distortion??  In plain
English, you think that the MD does not sound nearly as good as the  CD.  Is
that what you are saying?

If it is, there are so many factors that are involved in what you are
But lets keep it simple.  A good quality portable MD recorder makes a
copy of a CD that is very noticeably (you used the term "big") inferior in
quality to your ears.

If that is what you are saying, I'd love to try a double blind experiment.
I'll' bet that you would be surprised by the results.  For one thing, all of
senses, with the exception of pain, fatigue as time passes. So by the end of
test it would be much more difficult to determine no matter how good your
selections were in the beginning.

"There is however a big difference, for me, between the original CD and the
MD copy and also, [a huge difference between the CD, The digital copy of a
on a MD and MP3 files.]

I'm not quite sure what you mean by the section that I have placed in
Please clarify.  I think it may just be a typo or it could be my incredible
stupidity-that certainly doesn't help me understand things any better.

MP3 files are good to hear in a room or in a radio
when working but I hate this when I exercice cause I hear the loss in sound
and all the imperfection."

There was an e mail from someone claiming that MP3 sounded better then MDs.
think he is grossly mistaken.  Does what you say above support my opinion?


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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread las

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Peter, we are talking about 2 and a half to 3 years ago.  At that time, there
was only one company making MDs that were not located in Japan, Hi Space.  It
said "Made on France" on the disc.

Since there were no other companies outside of Japan making MDs at that time, I
don't see how it could have been made by anything else.  Also, Hi Space must
have gotten their act together since I was selling (we never sold Hi Space
because we could not come to an agreement on price with the owner of the
company) because they didn't have a very good reputation back then.


Peter Forest wrote:

> I've already verify this...
> Hi Space and Memorex are not alike... They come both from Europe but
> Hi-Space is not the same than Memorex for sure...
> There is a lot of European Minidiscs too... Also there is many from England,
> Japan, Thailand... I've seen and test a lot of minidisc...
> I have sell last year some Memorex and used some and experienced problems
> with shutters and I also noticed that the design is really different in the
> construction of the minidisc between Memorex and Hi Space minidisc...
> I never experienced any problem with Hi-Space, especially the brand new
> Techno Color Collection from Hi Space, they have a killer look and seems
> like more resistant (particulary from heat).
> I will have an interview with some guy from MPO (Hi Space France) soon and I
> will ask him the question even if the guy from Hi-Space Canada already told
> me that Memorex and Hi-Space are two really distinct company...
> Honestly, take a Hi-Space minidisc and a Memorex minidisc and, without
> lying, tell me if you don't see a difference... Of course, there is a
> difference, easily noticable..
> Good Week End !
> Peter.
> --
> Pierre Forest
> Kheops Minidisc -
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of las
> Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2000 12:18 AM
> Subject: Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?
> Peter Forest wrote:
> Are you related to the man who owns Hi Space or do you know him.  I only
> know
> him for e mails and that was a very long time ago.
> Also, you mentioned Memorex.  You said that you didn't care for the quality
> of
> the jacket, etc.  I have some Memorex MDs that are a few years old.  It
> says,
> "Made in France" on them.  Back then the only company making MDs outside of
> Japan was Hi Space.
> So I'm almost 100% sure that they made the discs.
> Thanks,
> Larry
> -
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RE: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Peter Forest

I've already verify this...

Hi Space and Memorex are not alike... They come both from Europe but
Hi-Space is not the same than Memorex for sure...

There is a lot of European Minidiscs too... Also there is many from England,
Japan, Thailand... I've seen and test a lot of minidisc...

I have sell last year some Memorex and used some and experienced problems
with shutters and I also noticed that the design is really different in the
construction of the minidisc between Memorex and Hi Space minidisc...

I never experienced any problem with Hi-Space, especially the brand new
Techno Color Collection from Hi Space, they have a killer look and seems
like more resistant (particulary from heat).

I will have an interview with some guy from MPO (Hi Space France) soon and I
will ask him the question even if the guy from Hi-Space Canada already told
me that Memorex and Hi-Space are two really distinct company...

Honestly, take a Hi-Space minidisc and a Memorex minidisc and, without
lying, tell me if you don't see a difference... Of course, there is a
difference, easily noticable..

Good Week End !


Pierre Forest
Kheops Minidisc -

-Original Message-
Behalf Of las
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2000 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

Peter Forest wrote:

Are you related to the man who owns Hi Space or do you know him.  I only
him for e mails and that was a very long time ago.

Also, you mentioned Memorex.  You said that you didn't care for the quality
the jacket, etc.  I have some Memorex MDs that are a few years old.  It
"Made in France" on them.  Back then the only company making MDs outside of
Japan was Hi Space.

So I'm almost 100% sure that they made the discs.


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Re: MD: model numbering (was: MZ-E900, R900 - scary Sony!)

2000-08-18 Thread Spicefish9

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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread las

> I will have an interview with some guy from MPO (Hi Space France) soon and I
> will ask him the question even if the guy from Hi-Space Canada already told
> me that Memorex and Hi-Space are two really distinct company...

The man I dealt with told us he was the owner.  He said that he was from Canada,
but he was French (which is not to say that he wasn't born in France and moved
to Canada).

I don't think that anyone in the company will admit having made Memorex even if
they did.

The start up costs for manufacturing MDs must have come down, because 3 years
ago (except for Hi Space) all MDs were made in Japan.  MDs were not selling well
enough outside of Japan to invest big bucks in an MD manufacturing facility.

It didn't pay to make discs outside of Japan if you were going to sell most of
them to Japan.  The shipping charges would make it too costly.  I am surprised
to here that there are so many new manufacturing facilities in Europe now.

Frankly I don't understand it.  Sales of MD have not shown growth outside of
Japan.  When a big chain like Best Buy, who was probably the largest carrier of
MD gear in the past drops the line almost completely, that isn't good.

They really pushed MD.  They carried a verity of MD stuff.  Probably one of the
only places that you could walk in and walk out with an MD boom box.  But I
guess it never made it for Best Buy.

Circuit City is also a huge chain.  They never went after MD in a big way.
Their sales people knew nothing about MD.  It's hard to sell something when you
know nothing about it.  But that's typical of these chains.

I may be making one of the stupidest statements I have ever said, but I really
believe that more MD stuff is sold through the internet then in stores (in the
US).  If you read the FTC complaint about MiniDisc Now, look at the company they
were in.  Macys.  Macys!!!  Toys R US!!! These are multi multi million dollar

It's late and I'm too tired to proof read my dyslexic e mail.  Please excuse
anything that makes no sense.




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Re: MD: Future of minidiscs

2000-08-18 Thread las

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

> > Sir you incorrectly state that an MP3 file will produce CD quality music.
> The
> > quality of MP3 files can vary greatly.  But one thing that I am fairly
> certain
> > about is that the quality of a true digital copy of an original
> (prerecorded CD)
> > to an ATRAC encoded Mini Disc is superior to that of MP3 .


NO!! YOU ARE WRONG! because what you state below is a subjective statement that
has no meaning in reality.  If you hear digital artifacts so clearly with the MD
copy, something is wrong with your CD player or recorder.  Sounds like a it may
be a bad ADC.

> Larry

> Everything that I record on my Sharp831, using a digital optical connection
> to my Marantz CD6000OSE from a good quality CD source sounds NOTICEABLY fake
> with clearly audible compression artifacts.
> Yes, the quality of MP3 -encoded audio can vary greatly ... but good quality
> MP3 audio DOES sound better than everything I personally record on my
> Sharp831.
> The quality of ATRAC compression can vary greatly. Both MP3 encoders and
> ATRAC encoders have improved since their inception such that almost any
> modern MP3-encoded file will sound better than a MiniDisc recorded using a
> version of Atrac that is a couple of generations old.
> The quality of Prerecorded MiniDiscs however is almost certainly going to be
> better than the quality of any handmade MP3 files.

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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread dattier

Rat reiterated,

| I stand by my statement: you believe that you will hear a difference,
| therefore you hear a difference, even when there is none.

We all agree on that: the only bit of contention is whether the word "psycho-
acoustic" covers that.  The word "psychosomatic" certainly does.

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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread las

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Stainless Steel Rat wrote:

>  No, I meant psychoacoustic, the subjective experience of audio vs. the
> scientific measurement of sound by various devices (definition courtesy of
> I stand by my statement: you believe that you will hear a difference,
> therefore you hear a difference, even when there is none.

Well, I gotta agree with the Ratman on this one but I couldn't get the URL to
work.  I really wanted to read it.  But once again, I say the Ratman is right


> --
> Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\ Happy Fun Ball may stick to certain types
> Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ of skin.
> PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \
> -
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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread las

Peter Forest wrote:

Are you related to the man who owns Hi Space or do you know him.  I only know
him for e mails and that was a very long time ago.

Also, you mentioned Memorex.  You said that you didn't care for the quality of
the jacket, etc.  I have some Memorex MDs that are a few years old.  It says,
"Made in France" on them.  Back then the only company making MDs outside of
Japan was Hi Space.

So I'm almost 100% sure that they made the discs.


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Re: MD: Problem with recording from CD

2000-08-18 Thread David W. Tamkin

Larry asked,

| It take it that this would not apply to copies of CDs made using a
| computer, CD ROM drive and CD writer?  Is that correct?

Computer storage formats such as .wav and .mp3 do not include SCMS informa-
tion.  When you rip music to a computer, the SCMS status of the source is
forgotten.  The burning software or firmware has to decide how to set the
SCMS bits when you write the files to an audio CD, and the original SCMS
statuses of the sources, having been lost, won't matter at all.

Adaptec Easy CD Creator always sets them to SCMS-penultimate.  ExactAudioCopy
has a checkbox that apparently can be unchecked to create an SCMS-unlimited
track, but I've never successfully burned anything with EAC.  (I've ripped
tracks with EAC, but for burning that program might as well be an airplane
cockpit for all the controls and settings it has, and the defaults just lead
to error boxes saying you didn't set all the parameters).
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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread las


Well I'm glad that in your original statement when you said that TDKs were even
better. That you were not talking about the sound quality.  That would have
totally destroyed your credibility.

What you state about the shell (I was calling it a jacket, because I couldn't
think of the name, mind just went blank) I agree with 100%.

But I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this statement:

"I have try a lot of minidisc : Hi-Space, Sony, TDK, Maxell, Denon, Xita and
I'm reputed for my perfection in sound... I always record digitally all my
minidisc and I didn't notice a difference between 2 different kind of MD.
There is however a big difference, for me, between the original CD and the
MD copy

So you are saying that when you make a copy of a CD digitally transferred to an
MD, you hear a loss in sound quality or increase in distortion??  In plain
English, you think that the MD does not sound nearly as good as the  CD.  Is
that what you are saying?

If it is, there are so many factors that are involved in what you are saying.
But lets keep it simple.  A good quality portable MD recorder makes a digital
copy of a CD that is very noticeably (you used the term "big") inferior in sound
quality to your ears.

If that is what you are saying, I'd love to try a double blind experiment.
I'll' bet that you would be surprised by the results.  For one thing, all of our
senses, with the exception of pain, fatigue as time passes. So by the end of the
test it would be much more difficult to determine no matter how good your
selections were in the beginning.

"There is however a big difference, for me, between the original CD and the
MD copy and also, [a huge difference between the CD, The digital copy of a CD
on a MD and MP3 files.]

I'm not quite sure what you mean by the section that I have placed in brackets.
Please clarify.  I think it may just be a typo or it could be my incredible
stupidity-that certainly doesn't help me understand things any better.

MP3 files are good to hear in a room or in a radio
when working but I hate this when I exercice cause I hear the loss in sound
and all the imperfection."

There was an e mail from someone claiming that MP3 sounded better then MDs.  I
think he is grossly mistaken.  Does what you say above support my opinion?


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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Stainless Steel Rat

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David W. Tamkin)  on Fri, 18 Aug 2000
| I think the other poster might have meant "psychosomatics."  You believe
| something, so your body reacts accordingly.

No, I meant psychoacoustic, the subjective experience of audio vs. the
scientific measurement of sound by various devices (definition courtesy of>).

I stand by my statement: you believe that you will hear a difference,
therefore you hear a difference, even when there is none.
Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\ Happy Fun Ball may stick to certain types
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ of skin.
PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ 
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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Stainless Steel Rat

* "Dave Hooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Fri, 18 Aug 2000
| That isn't Psychoacoustics!

Psycho (mind) accoustics (sound) is all about perception.  That's why it is
called "perceptual encoding".
Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\ If Happy Fun Ball begins to smoke, get
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ away immediately. Seek shelter and cover
PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ head.
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RE: MD: Problem with recording from CD

2000-08-18 Thread Nathan White

Just ignore what I said, I read thing incorrectly. But what you wrote is

Nathan White

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: MD: Problem with recording from CD

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Nate, now I'm not sure who you are saying is not correct?? Me (Larry??) or

I don't see how you can say that I am not correct, because I am agreeing
what you just stated.  Copies made on a computer do not have SCMS and you
make a copy of a copy of a copy.  These are not really "copies" but

If you copy a CD using a stand alone music only CD recorder, it is going to
SCMS to the copy so you can not make a copy from the copy.  But when you
make a
"copy" from a computer CD writer, it is a "true copy" or clone in that it is
exactly the same as the original with no SCMS.


Nathan White wrote:

> Hi, not correct. Computer CD recorders don't use SCMS, or it is turned
> or you can turn it off, not sure which. But that is because they are meant
> for Data. So the SCMS is set to unlimited copies. Kudos,
> Nathan White
> -Original Message-
> las
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 3:47 PM
> Subject: Re: MD: Problem with recording from CD
> > Len Moskowitz wrote:
> >
> > In general commercial CDs *are* SCMS encoded, but the way SCMS works is
> > that you can make as many copies of the master as you like -- you can't
> > make copies of copies.  The original poster didn't say, but if he was
> > trying to copy a CD that was itself a copy (say, a CD-R copy of a
> > commercial CD), then SCMS would get in the way of further copies.
> It take it that this would not apply to copies of CDs made using a
> CD
> ROM drive and CD writer?  Is that correct?
> Larry
> -
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RE: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Peter Forest

Honestly, every MD (regular MD, not INDUSTRIAL or DATA MINIDISC) have the
same disc or mostly inside... What is different is the shelf, the cover and
the shutter. I can't hardly believe that some minidisc have better sound
than other.

I have try a lot of minidisc : Hi-Space, Sony, TDK, Maxell, Denon, Xita and
I'm reputed for my perfection in sound... I always record digitally all my
minidisc and I didn't notice a difference between 2 different kind of MD.
There is however a big difference, for me, between the original CD and the
MD copy and also, a huge difference between the CD, The digital copy of a CD
on a MD and MP3 files. MP3 files are good to hear in a room or in a radio
when working but I hate this when I exercice cause I hear the loss in sound
and all the imperfection.

Anyway, before I went to far outside the subject, the difference between
minidisc is the outside, the plastic, cover, shuter and case. Personally, I
prefer Sony Minidisc for design, TDK Gold and Techno Color Hi-Space
Minidisc.  I use a lot of regular clear, red and colored Hi-Space minidisc
but, French don't have the best marketing ever. It's a great quality product
but the design is not the best. However, the price is really good.  The
worst MD for me are the Memorex, not for the disc itself but for the
weakness of the shutter and the plastic shelf.  I used to sell Memorex
minidisc and I had to reimburse so many customers for defect minidisc that I
stop it very fast ! Also, the second worst minidisc are the Maxell color
with plastic shutter. A lot of time, customers (and myself too) had problem
when the disc is insert in the minidisc recorder... It's annoying. Maxell
are not so good for marketing and design too...

Really the best minidisc (I like them equally I must say...) are : Sony
Shock Absorbant Mechanism 5 colors - TDK Gold Minidisc - Techno Color
Hi-Space Minidisc and Clear Crystal Hi-Space Minidisc...

The only problem with Hi-Space minidisc is the clear label supplied... But I
get rid of this because I do my own label with Avery Label... What I love
the most with Hi Space minidisc is the flip case, very useful when you do a
party !

So, I hope this will help... Just to tell you, I have over 500 minidiscs and
on these 500, 350 are Hi-Space minidisc and I had never experienced problem
with those ! All the other are Sony, Denon, TDK and a few Maxell... (No, I
don't have any Memorex !)

Good Evening !

-Original Message-
Behalf Of las
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

Peter Forest wrote:

> Try the TDK Gold, they are better than Maxell Gold...
> Pierre Forest

I'm not sure what you are saying here.  What do you mean by "better"???
packaging?  Stronger plastic used in the jacket?  Or are you saying that
will produce music that has a better sound quality then other mini discs??

Please clarify.

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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread las

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Dave Hooper wrote:

> - Original Message -
> From: "Charles Redell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 8:23 PM
> Subject: Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?
> > I don't understand why there isn't a differnece in sound quality between
> > blanks (If that is really the case)? I mean, why are some more expensive
> tha
> > others? Are some not made better/easier for the laser to read/smoother
> > inoperation or something akin to all of that?
> Yes ... Smoother in operation means better for your MiniDisc player - I
> guess a cheap badly-made MiniDisc could present unnecessary resistance to
> the motor or cause the head to scrape or scratch on something and your
> MiniDisc player to break down. Easier for the laser to read simply means the
> laser won't 'fail' to read the disk as often
> The laser failing to read the disc is simply a bit error which the ECC
> (error correcting code) used by the
> MiniDisc can recover. I can't remember the exact figures but the ECC used
> can allow something like 1 bit out of
> every 200 to be corrupted with no (literally ZERO) difference in audio
> quality

I have sold MD gear.  It is as close as impossible as you can get to receive a
defective disc that will deliver an error count in excess of 200.  Even if that
was the problem, it would not be the sound quality that would be effected, you
would either get a disc that would not play at all or skip  and drop out.


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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread David W. Tamkin

Dave Kimmel explained to Charles Redell and Mark Davini:

| When you install a program on a Fujitsu drive, is the program any
| different than when you install it on a Maxtor drive?  Do MP3s sound
| better if you download them to a SCSI hard drive instead of an IDE one?  
| Are any family photos that you might have saved on one hard drive more
| vibrant when saved on another?  

Back on March 3, 1997, on the predecessor to this list, Daniel MacKay and
Rick Woudenberg posted in the vein of Dave's explanation when others were
commenting on audiophiles' beliefs that some MD brands sounded better than

If the old md-l archives at still exist, the subjects of the posts
were "Re: Audiophiles" and "Re: Re: Audiophiles" respectively.

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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread David W. Tamkin

Dave Hooper quoted someone, not saying who it was,

> Psychoaccoustics.  You believe that there is a difference, therefore you
> hear a difference even when there is none.

and Dave responded.

| That isn't Psychoacoustics! Psychoacoustics is in fact the complete
| opposite!

I think the other poster might have meant "psychosomatics."  You believe
something, so your body reacts accordingly.

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Re: MD: MT831 User Manual

2000-08-18 Thread Dave Hooper

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =


- Original Message -

> I'm sorry Marina, I don't have one. I'm forwarding your note to the MD
> mailing list with the hope that someone may be kind enough to scan one
> and send it in. -Rick
> Marina Ortega writes:
> >Can you help with this?  I bought my MT831 while in Japan and need the
> > user manual.
> >Thank You-
> -
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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Dave Hooper

- Original Message -
> Psychoaccoustics.  You believe that there is a difference, therefore you
> hear a difference even when there is none.

That isn't Psychoacoustics! Psychoacoustics is in fact the complete
Psychoacoustics is used to trick the human ear into think that there ISN'T a
even when there IS a difference and is one of the major principles of
digital music encoding
(e.g. ATRAC for minidisc, or MP3, or Ogg Vorbis, or whatever)

I guess it's just straightforward psychology and the human temperament.

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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Dave Hooper

- Original Message -
From: "Charles Redell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

> I don't understand why there isn't a differnece in sound quality between
> blanks (If that is really the case)? I mean, why are some more expensive
> others? Are some not made better/easier for the laser to read/smoother
> inoperation or something akin to all of that?

Yes ... Smoother in operation means better for your MiniDisc player - I
guess a cheap badly-made MiniDisc could present unnecessary resistance to
the motor or cause the head to scrape or scratch on something and your
MiniDisc player to break down. Easier for the laser to read simply means the
laser won't 'fail' to read the disk as often

The laser failing to read the disc is simply a bit error which the ECC
(error correcting code) used by the
MiniDisc can recover. I can't remember the exact figures but the ECC used
can allow something like 1 bit out of
every 200 to be corrupted with no (literally ZERO) difference in audio

So - if you ARE hearing differences in audio quality between two different
makes of MD blanks then the worse sounding one must have a SHOCKINGLY high
bit error rate ... as a simple analogy, imagine buying a batch of 1.44MB
Floppy Disks and formatting them in your PC and subsequently discovering
that they give you 7.5KB worth of bad sectors... FAULTY DISK!

> Cassettes definitely have higher qualities amongst them... Why not MDs?

Cassettes are analogue in that they record music as patterns of waves
(literally encoding the pressure waves as patterns of magnetic fields on the
tape). The sound waves can be measured to any arbitrary accuracy, and it is
the ability of the tape recorder to coax the magnetic tape into storing
sufficiently accurate patterns of magnetic fields that determines the
resulting sound quality.
In MiniDisc and other digital media, the patterns recorded are (essentially)
far more simple. The recording device simply needs to only store a 'zero'
pattern or a 'one' pattern at a time. Just like a hard drive.
Analogy - imagine recording a .WAV file using Sound Recorder on your PC and
then saving the file to the hard drive. You don't worry about the .WAV file
stored on your hard drive sounding muffled and dull because you have a
low-quality generic hard drive instead of a Seagate Barracuda do you?  You
don't think about upgrading your hard drive to the latest IBM 14,000 rpm
model because it will make all your .GIFs and .JPEGs sharper and improve the
color contrast of web pages?
It's more or less exactly the same with MiniDisc.

As long as the media is usable and not faulty, then any data - the actual
sound or music stored on the disk - will always be the same recorded on any
two pieces of working media.

> Thanks,
> c


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Re: MD: Problem with recording from CD

2000-08-18 Thread las

> In general commercial CDs *are* SCMS encoded, but the way SCMS works is
> that you can make as many copies of the master as you like -- you can't
> make copies of copies.  The original poster didn't say, but if he was
> trying to copy a CD that was itself a copy (say, a CD-R copy of a
> commercial CD), then SCMS would get in the way of further copies.

Len I have no way of testing this the way you make a copy of a CD to an MD
because I do not have a stand alone CD recorder.  I am assuming that using a
computer does not apply, since you are not really copying music, but rather
files.  Am I correct?

In other words, when we copy a CD to an MD or if you have the equipment, you are
making a copy.  It is actually not 100% the same (CD to CD-obviously an MD
isn't).  But when you copy a CD to a CD using a computer you are not just making
a copy, but a "clone".  This is a "true" copy  that will allow you to make a
copy from it even though it is not the mother CD.


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Re: MD: Future of minidiscs

2000-08-18 Thread Dave Hooper

- Original Message -
From: "las" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: MD: Future of minidiscs

> Sir you incorrectly state that an MP3 file will produce CD quality music.
> quality of MP3 files can vary greatly.  But one thing that I am fairly
> about is that the quality of a true digital copy of an original
(prerecorded CD)
> to an ATRAC encoded Mini Disc is superior to that of MP3 .


Everything that I record on my Sharp831, using a digital optical connection
to my Marantz CD6000OSE from a good quality CD source sounds NOTICEABLY fake
with clearly audible compression artifacts.
Yes, the quality of MP3 -encoded audio can vary greatly ... but good quality
MP3 audio DOES sound better than everything I personally record on my

The quality of ATRAC compression can vary greatly. Both MP3 encoders and
ATRAC encoders have improved since their inception such that almost any
modern MP3-encoded file will sound better than a MiniDisc recorded using a
version of Atrac that is a couple of generations old.

The quality of Prerecorded MiniDiscs however is almost certainly going to be
better than the quality of any handmade MP3 files.

> Music on the other hand must be stored on something very portable and
> so that you can build up a library.  You don't need computer to listen to
> Just a player.  You want to be able to carry with you as many songs as you
> like and play them at will.  Even with the larger CD, you can still carry
> of them with hundreds of songs in a relatively small space and weight.

If there existed mass-production MP3 encoding portables then it would make
sense for them to use Flash Ram
... the device could be used to create wholly digital solid-state no-skip
recordings of live events or dictation ... which could then be transferred
(using a PC) onto more suitable media for building up a collection.
I have no idea if MP3-encoding portables exist, but I would rather use
MiniDisc anyway because it is portable AND inexpensive. In the same way
that, if I wanted to build up a collection of photographs (just as I build
up a collection of music) I would probably want a digital camera that takes
portable and inexpensive rewritable media (and I don't mean floppy disks or
any proprietary non-mainstream junk).


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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread las

Peter Forest wrote:

> Try the TDK Gold, they are better than Maxell Gold...
> Pierre Forest

I'm not sure what you are saying here.  What do you mean by "better"??? Nicer
packaging?  Stronger plastic used in the jacket?  Or are you saying that they
will produce music that has a better sound quality then other mini discs??

Please clarify.

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RE: MD: Problem with recording from CD

2000-08-18 Thread Nathan White

Hi, not correct. Computer CD recorders don't use SCMS, or it is turned off,
or you can turn it off, not sure which. But that is because they are meant
for Data. So the SCMS is set to unlimited copies. Kudos,

Nathan White

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: MD: Problem with recording from CD

> Len Moskowitz wrote:

> In general commercial CDs *are* SCMS encoded, but the way SCMS works is
> that you can make as many copies of the master as you like -- you can't
> make copies of copies.  The original poster didn't say, but if he was
> trying to copy a CD that was itself a copy (say, a CD-R copy of a
> commercial CD), then SCMS would get in the way of further copies.

It take it that this would not apply to copies of CDs made using a computer,
ROM drive and CD writer?  Is that correct?


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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread J. Coon

Dave Kimmel wrote:

> Think of it this way...  A MiniDisc is a digital medium, just like a hard
> drive.
> When you install a program on a Fujitsu drive, is the program any
> different than when you install it on a Maxtor drive?  Do MP3s sound
> better if you download them to a SCSI hard drive instead of an IDE one?
> Are any family photos that you might have saved on one hard drive more
> vibrant when saved on another?

My digital camera is so much better when I store my pictures on my
Western Digital hard drive.   When I store them on TDK floppy disks they
take much longer to read.  They don't near as good printed on a black
and white dot matrix printer, either.

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Les


With over 22 years of experience in electronics as both a technician and
audio enthusiast your story is totally believable ONLY with analog
equipment.  As I have stated many times you need test equipment costing 10k
or more to even measure a difference from CD to MD much less the difference
between one blank and another. I have yet to find one single customer as a
mobile DJ who can tell me if I am playing the same tune via CD or MD
(regardless of which brand blank it may be).  If your test is truly
repeatable then there is something wrong with your gear or something went
wrong while recording.  If there were truly ANY difference I would use ONLY
the best for mobile DJ use; as it is I stick with HiSpace for price.  I make
almost the same argument for CD blanks except that we have compatibility
issues to deal with on those; unlike MD..

Speaking of HiSpace; the 80 minute month at musicmixers is now over half
gone.  If you have not checked out the special deals yet, do so before they
are gone..

Welcome to MD!

Les Lee

- Original Message -
From: "PrinceGaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

> From: "Davini, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi everyone:
> > I'm a total "newbie" not only to this list, but also to Minidiscs in
> > general, just having purchased a Sony MDS-JB920. I love it! It sounds
> Excellent, always good to have another Minidisc enthusiast.
> > I read the "Myths" within the page, and everything Mr.
> > Woudenberg writes makes perfect sense to me, BUT - - - -
> > Could someone please tell me WHY I REALLY DO hear a difference between
> > then? I was using the regular Sony Color collection discs, but then
> > some Maxell GOLD, and I was amazed by the sonic difference. I recorded
> > through the analog ins, direct from the CD player, same tune, and never
> > changed anything (input levels) and could sense exactly what those
> > "audiophiles" were saying - more clarity in the highs, lows had a nice
> > roundness...
> > Okay, okay! I know, and since I'm 41, I figured I must be deaf, and
> > wanting to hear a difference. So I played the same test for a twenty
> > year old friend of mine, who doesn't have any preconceived notions about
> > (and didn't kick the extra money for the GOLD blanks) and HE could tell
> > instantly!
> > So I guess I need to know if anyone else out there is going through the
> > thing, or are you all going to tell me I'm crazy?
> > Mark S. Davini
> > Media Production Specialist
> > Western Wisconsin Technical College
> > LaCrosse, WI. 54601-0908
> > (608)785-9229
> >
> > "If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten..."
> > -   George
> Hmmm, whats the nicest way to put this.  I don't really want to just say
> "you're crazy!".  First off did you and your friend do blind listening
> tests, that is you didn't know which disc was which while listening (so
> you put a disc in and your friend listens, and vice versa)-- also just to
> make it more interesting, sometimes use the same disc for both of the
> and see if a difference is still as noticeable [I bet it probably would
> Still it's good to have another MD convert, and you did provide me with a
> good five minutes of helpless laughter which can't be bad :-)
> Yours,
> PrinceGaz.

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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread las

> I don't understand why there isn't a differnece in sound quality between
> blanks (If that is really the case)? I mean, why are some more expensive tha
> others? Are some not made better/easier for the laser to read/smoother
> inoperation or something akin to all of that?
> Cassettes definitely have different grads.. Why not MDs?

Because cassettes are recording analog signals that are very sensitive to
differences in the arrangement, and quality of the magnetic material on the
tape.  Unfortunately there is often no relationship between price and quality
here either.

MD's record ones and zeros.  There is almost no variation with all other things
being equal.  Tape has dropouts do to varying quality.  But except for the
quality of the case (which has nothing to do with the quality of the sound, but
the durability of the MD), each little disc inside is very close to identical.

Most are manufactured on the same exact machines.  The manufacture of these
machines states that the first thousand discs will be the best quality, but is
quick to add that you will never be able to hear the difference.

> There is something know as error correction built into into MD and CD
> players.  As long as the quality control is maintained all discs fall way
> below the error correction limits)

What the difference in price?  Some discs have cases that are constructed
better.  But the main reason is profit and fooling the general public.  Sony's
expensive "high end" ES discs contain the same disc as their least expensive
ones (just fancy white packaging.

20 20 exposed a contact lens manufacture for selling different grades of
lenses.  Supposedly, they were selling three types.  One had to be changed
weekly,  one monthly and one after several months (something like that).

Of course the ones that you could use the longest were a lot more expensive.
But it turned out that all of the boxes contained the EXACT same lens!!!  This
was just another attempt of large manufactures to cheat the public.


> Thanks,
> c
> -
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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Charles Redell

> When you install a program on a Fujitsu drive, is the program any
> different than when you install it on a Maxtor drive?  Do MP3s sound
> better if you download them to a SCSI hard drive instead of an IDE one?
> Are any family photos that you might have saved on one hard drive more
> vibrant when saved on another?

A. That makes sense now thanks for the clarification!c

> -
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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Dave Kimmel

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Charles Redell wrote:

> I don't understand why there isn't a differnece in sound quality between
> blanks (If that is really the case)? I mean, why are some more expensive tha
> others? Are some not made better/easier for the laser to read/smoother
> inoperation or something akin to all of that?

Some discs may, in fact, be easier to read due to different optical and
mechanical properties.  However, this doesn't change the sound quality
unless something is wrong with your player (motor or laser not powerful
enough, something major like that).  But in the case, the disc should not
play at all, right? 

Think of it this way...  A MiniDisc is a digital medium, just like a hard

When you install a program on a Fujitsu drive, is the program any
different than when you install it on a Maxtor drive?  Do MP3s sound
better if you download them to a SCSI hard drive instead of an IDE one?  
Are any family photos that you might have saved on one hard drive more
vibrant when saved on another?  

Of course not, that's silly!  The hard drive returns the exact same data
that was written on it!  If it returned different data all the time, or
different hard drives scrambled the data differently, computers wouldn't
even work!  Right?

But that's exactly what you're saying about MDs!

> Cassettes definitely have higher qualities amongst them... Why not MDs?

If you understand what I wrote above, you'll know the answer.

-- Dave Kimmel
   ICQ: 5615049 

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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread PrinceGaz

From: "Charles Redell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I don't understand why there isn't a differnece in sound quality between
> blanks (If that is really the case)? I mean, why are some more expensive tha
> others? Are some not made better/easier for the laser to read/smoother
> inoperation or something akin to all of that?
> Cassettes definitely have higher qualities amongst them... Why not MDs?
> Thanks,
> c

Where do I start?  Cassettes are analogue and MD are digital, with digital
recording you either read the data or you get garbage, garbage shows up
wuite clearly when listening as snap, crackle and pop sounds.  Dodgy tapes
will more likely give a more muffled playback, which will get steadily
worse as the recording detiriorates.  Unlike the digital media, even a
really poor analogue recording will resemble the original, but a digital
one where half the bits are unreadable is ready for the bin.

However, unless you have a faulty disc, or MD equipment, you should never
encounter digital errors that exceed the error-correction information
included on a minidisc.


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RE: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Davini, Mark

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

well as it says in the "Myths" section of your grocer's, the
actual storage of data is digital only - therefore the disk really doesn't
have anything to do with it. All of the digital to analog conversion, and
error correction takes place BEFORE OR AFTER the data is stored, so the
media shouldn't really have anything to do with it.
It's a dog gone good read, that. I highly recommend it. But as I said
earlier, I've gotten two people that think akin to me, so we'll just keep
buying the TDKs and everyone will be pretty happy with the whole business. 

> --
> From: Charles Redell
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 7:23 PM
> Subject:  Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?
> > "Davini, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > I read the "Myths" within the page, and everything Mr.
> > > Woudenberg writes makes perfect sense to me, BUT - - - - Could
> > > someone please tell me WHY I REALLY DO hear a difference between
> > > discs then?
> I don't understand why there isn't a differnece in sound quality between
> blanks (If that is really the case)? I mean, why are some more expensive
> tha
> others? Are some not made better/easier for the laser to read/smoother
> inoperation or something akin to all of that?
> Cassettes definitely have higher qualities amongst them... Why not MDs?
> Thanks,
> c
> -
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Re: MD: Problem with recording from CD

2000-08-18 Thread las

> Len Moskowitz wrote:

> In general commercial CDs *are* SCMS encoded, but the way SCMS works is
> that you can make as many copies of the master as you like -- you can't
> make copies of copies.  The original poster didn't say, but if he was
> trying to copy a CD that was itself a copy (say, a CD-R copy of a
> commercial CD), then SCMS would get in the way of further copies.

It take it that this would not apply to copies of CDs made using a computer, CD
ROM drive and CD writer?  Is that correct?


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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Charles Redell

> "Davini, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I read the "Myths" within the page, and everything Mr.
> > Woudenberg writes makes perfect sense to me, BUT - - - - Could
> > someone please tell me WHY I REALLY DO hear a difference between
> > discs then?

I don't understand why there isn't a differnece in sound quality between
blanks (If that is really the case)? I mean, why are some more expensive tha
others? Are some not made better/easier for the laser to read/smoother
inoperation or something akin to all of that?

Cassettes definitely have higher qualities amongst them... Why not MDs?


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Re: MD: minidisc on CNNfn

2000-08-18 Thread Dan Frakes

"Timothy P. Stockman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I definitely agree with the "pros". (I think higher recording quality 
>is based on the 128K MP3's that are widely available in the 'net; MP3 
>gives fairly high quality at higher bit rates.)

The higher quality "pro" is still quite evident even with the highest MP3 

>>needs high-end recorder
>(???) The R70 *is* a recorder. It even has digital in. The real 
>con is that your computer has to have digital out to use it.

Actually, that may be a con when comparing CD->MD recording vs. PC->MD 
recording, but when comparing MD to MP3, I don't consider it a "con." An 
MD recorded via analog RCA cables still sounds better than an MP3 encoded 
directly from the CD. The compression used for MP3's is inferior enough 
that MD still sounds better.

>Also, it only does 1X transfer.

That's the best argument for MP3. However, when you consider that MD does 
the copy and encoding at the same time, while MP3s have two steps -- 
encode and copy -- the time differences isn't all that great.
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MD: This is from the Most Recent Crutchfield (e) Newsletter

2000-08-18 Thread James Jarvie

Set Your Digital Music Free 
Your PC is an audio gold mine   an endless supply of
MP3 downloads, MS Windows Media and WAV files, ripped
CD tracks, 'Net radio broadcasts, audiobooks, and

And thanks to a new breed of MiniDisc portable, all
your"desktop audio" is now just a single connection
and a few clicks away from total freedom and mobility.

For some time, Crutchfield has considered MiniDisc to
be digital music's reigning versatility champ. We're
impressed by a format that's compact, recordable,
durable, portable, and affordable, plus easy to edit
and simple to use. Now you can definitely add
"PC-ready" to that long list of attributes   thanks to
the introduction of some ingenious MD portable options
from Sony and Sharp. 

Sony's MZ-R70PC MD Walkman recorder allows easy
PC-to-MD music transfer via an adapter than hooks up
to your computer's primary USB port. It works with
standard Windows 98/2000 audio players, and has a
built-in D/A converter for sound quality that
surpasses many PC sound cards. 

Organize all your PC audio with the included Voquette
Media Manager software (for Windows 95/98/NT); then
use its Voquette NetLink adapter (which connects to
your PC's sound card and PS/2-type keyboard output)
drag-and-drop PC-to-MD recording. 

Each of these products represents a significant
opportunity for digital music lovers to take their
favorite files "to go." 

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MD: Why Can't I record?

2000-08-18 Thread James Jarvie

I want to thank those of you who responded.  Everyone
was of the opinion that it was an SCMS issue that kept
me from being able to record.  

>all MDs will allow you to make one original copy from
>an existing original prerecorded CD.  In general CDs
>are not encoded. The MD becomes encoded when it is
>recorded (preventing you from making a digital second
>copy from your original copy of the MD).

This is what I thought too.  I only tried the one
disc, however.  I don't know too much about the Denon
decks.  They belong to the radio station where I work
(this is why I want to be able to do this, I want to
record music onto minidisc so that I can audition it
to see if I want to play it on a future program.  The
station has a policy against taking CDs home - I do it
anyway, but I have to get them right back which is a
pain.  The full-time staff have time to audtion CDs,
but we part-timers don't have that luxury, since we
don't have much off-air time). 

When I come back from vacation next week, I will take
the same CD home and try it on my MXD-D3.  I wonder if
the deck has some sort of setting on it that would
prevent it from allowing the music to be copied?  I
would be really surprised if there was anything on the
actual disc.


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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Stainless Steel Rat

* "Davini, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Fri, 18 Aug 2000
| I read the "Myths" within the page, and everything Mr.
| Woudenberg writes makes perfect sense to me, BUT - - - -
| Could someone please tell me WHY I REALLY DO hear a difference between discs
| then?

Psychoaccoustics.  You believe that there is a difference, therefore you
hear a difference even when there is none.

Either that, or you didn't make an "exact" copy.  Something changed between
Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\ Happy Fun Ball contains a liquid core,
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ which, if exposed due to rupture, should
PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.

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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread las

Nathan White wrote:

> Your crazy!!
> Nate.  I'm very disappointed in you.  I would never expect such a response
> from a fine gentle man like you (I'm dyslexic and almost typed gentile-God
> would that have it the fan if I didn't catch my typo.

While I agree with you that he should not be hearing any difference, that
doesn't mean he is crazy.  But something is obviously wrong with his testing

The only way to verify his statements would be to use a double blind study.  And
also not to point out to anyone that they should expect to hear any difference
in sound quality.   I have a feeling that he violated both of his testing rules

The placebo effect can be very potent.  My undergraduate degree is in
Pharmacology so I am constantly checking up on new media.  Especially any that I
may have to take.  Sometimes the listed side effects from the placebo will
actually show a larger number of responses then the real medication!

It is too bad that Mark lives so far from me.  I would love to hear this (in at
least a blind study if not double blind).  If he wants to send me copies of his
discs let him e mail me personally and I will conduct at least a blind study-but
there are people on the list with far superior systems then mine and that might
make for sense.

I have been trying to factor in the analog matter since I almost always record
only digitally.  But I don't think that should make a difference.  The signal
delivered to the MD is digital no matter what.

Different CD players and MD recorders, and specifically DACs and ADCs can make a
difference.  But he claims that his only variable is the discs.  The signal from
a CD using the analog line out goes into the recorder as an analog signal and is
converted to a digital ATRAC signal.  This is in turn converted to an analog
signal again.

I don't see anywhere in the loop with all things being equal except the disc
that could make a difference there.  It doesn't matter whether you feed in an
analog signal or PCM, the format delivered to the MD is still going to be the
same (of course the analog has more potential for distortion-but that is a whole
other topic.)

I really don't believe that in a true double blind study anyone could hear the


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Re: MD: Problem with recording from CD

2000-08-18 Thread Len Moskowitz

Larry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The thing that may not equate in your explanation of SCMS is that all MDs
> will allow you to make one original copy from an existing original
> prerecorded CD.  In general CDs are not encoded.  The MD becomes encoded
> when it is recorded (preventing you from making a digital second copy from
> your original copy of the MD). ...

In general commercial CDs *are* SCMS encoded, but the way SCMS works is
that you can make as many copies of the master as you like -- you can't
make copies of copies.  The original poster didn't say, but if he was
trying to copy a CD that was itself a copy (say, a CD-R copy of a
commercial CD), then SCMS would get in the way of further copies.

> If this list gave out rewards for unselfish, highly informative
> contributors, you would certainly be one of the recipients.

 Thanks for the very kind words -- I try to help when I can.

Len Moskowitz Stealth Microphones (tm), Cables, Interfaces
Core Sound
Teaneck, New Jersey
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: 201-801-0812, FAX: 201-801-0912

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Re: MD: Future of minidiscs

2000-08-18 Thread las

> >Dear sir,
> >   i do like the minidisc for its size and quailtiy however, portable
> >mp3 cd players have been introduced. I like the fact that i can now burn up
> >to 8 hrs of cd quality music to one CD

Sir you incorrectly state that an MP3 file will produce CD quality music.  The
quality of MP3 files can vary greatly.  But one thing that I am fairly  certain
about is that the quality of a true digital copy of an original (prerecorded CD)
to an ATRAC encoded Mini Disc is superior to that of MP3 .

> I agree that the storage is a significant factor and that for the vast majority
> of people the difference in sound quality between MP3 and digital transfer Mini
> Disc is not as important as the extended time.  But the fact still remains that
> MD is superior in fidelity when compared to MP3.

> Sony and others have just announced MDLP products (see the MDCP news),
> these can provide 5h20m of stereo playback at "reasonable" fidelity
> (not much has been reported about MP3 vs. ATRAC3 quality at 66kbps
> yet).

Until certified A/B double blind listening tests have been performed it is
impossible to say who the quality of the new ATRAC3 encoding compares to MP3
files transferred to a CDR(W).

> MDLP can be seen as the MiniDisc's [current] answer to MP3.
> Should the walls of RIAA and SDMI someday come tumbling down, I am
> sure there might be other, more interesting MD/MP3 (or at least open
> ATRAC) synergies.

As Rick has stated, I think that the consumer electronics industry in general is
waiting to see if legislation will be passed permitting the downloading of
copyrighted music.  It is very possible that some agreement will be reached.  But
I feel strongly that there will be some cost to the consumer paid to the
copyright holder.  Such as the few cents that are supposed to be added to compact

In spite of of the terrible disappointment regarding the growth of the Mini Disc
format in the United States (it remains a huge success in Japan), if this whole
MP3 thing is eventually worked out, I think that we may see new growth (certainly
the door would be opened for growth potential) in the MD in the US.

> I do not see static RAM (for example Flash Cards) as a realistic means of
> storing music.  Although they offer the advantage of totally eliminating the
> skipping problem (when shaken) I do not realistically see them as anything more
> then a temporary means of storing songs.  The price is way to high and will
> continue to remain so.

It is important not to confuse photographs with music.  Flash cards are great for
use in digital cameras.  They are not intended for anything but temporary
storage.  Since digital images will require a computer or hard copy, the object
of the flash card is to use on the "road" and then to transfer to your computer
(CDRs are a great place to store them).

With the advent of direct memory to computer transfer using USB (either through
newer camera or the quite inexpensive card readers (e.g. SanDisc's is only $30)
copying images takes only seconds.

Music on the other hand must be stored on something very portable and inexpensive
so that you can build up a library.  You don't need computer to listen to music.
Just a player.  You want to be able to carry with you as many songs as you feel
like and play them at will.  Even with the larger CD, you can still carry dozens
of them with hundreds of songs in a relatively small space and weight.

> Larry
> -
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Re: MD: Problem with recording from CD

2000-08-18 Thread las

> From Len Moskowitz,

> It could be a connection problem but if the CD is SCMS protected, you
> may be encountering the copy protection inhibit.

Hi Len. I don't know if you remember me, the Jewish dentist from PA (it
has been a long time since we communicated, so you may not-(my apologies
to all on the list for this brief person reference).

The thing that may not equate in your explanation of SCMS is that all MDs
will allow you to make one original copy from an existing original
prerecorded CD.  In general CDs are not encoded.  The MD becomes encoded
when it is recorded (preventing you from making a digital second copy from
your original copy of the MD).

I'm not saying that it is impossible to find a prerecorded CD that has
SCMS on it.  But making one digital copy a CD to an MD is to the very best
of my knowledge, perfectly legal.

I have personally  been recording from prerecorded CDs (I have been making
digital MD copies since early 1993) and have, to date, never encountered a
SCMS encoded prerecorded music CD.

Just as an aside, I want to state for myself, and I know that I speak for
at least several other members of this list, the respect that I have for
you and your responses here.  You have to the best of my memory, never
used the list as a source of advertising.

When ever you have made reference to Core Sound, it has always been as a
means to provide a solution to an individual's problem.

The majority of your responses do not even mention Core Sound.  I greatly
admire and respect you for that.  I also wish to acknowledge the superior
knowledge that you bring to this list.

In many areas, especially live recording, I personally believe that you
are the most knowledgeable person on this list.  What's more, you impart
this knowledge without expecting anything in return.

If this list gave out rewards for unselfish, highly informative
contributors, you would certainly be one of the recipients.



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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread PrinceGaz

From: "Davini, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi everyone:
> I'm a total "newbie" not only to this list, but also to Minidiscs in
> general, just having purchased a Sony MDS-JB920. I love it! It sounds great.

Excellent, always good to have another Minidisc enthusiast.

> I read the "Myths" within the page, and everything Mr.
> Woudenberg writes makes perfect sense to me, BUT - - - -
> Could someone please tell me WHY I REALLY DO hear a difference between discs
> then? I was using the regular Sony Color collection discs, but then bought
> some Maxell GOLD, and I was amazed by the sonic difference. I recorded
> through the analog ins, direct from the CD player, same tune, and never
> changed anything (input levels) and could sense exactly what those
> "audiophiles" were saying - more clarity in the highs, lows had a nice
> roundness...
> Okay, okay! I know, and since I'm 41, I figured I must be deaf, and REALLY
> wanting to hear a difference. So I played the same test for a twenty five
> year old friend of mine, who doesn't have any preconceived notions about MD,
> (and didn't kick the extra money for the GOLD blanks) and HE could tell
> instantly!
> So I guess I need to know if anyone else out there is going through the same
> thing, or are you all going to tell me I'm crazy?
> Mark S. Davini
> Media Production Specialist
> Western Wisconsin Technical College
> LaCrosse, WI. 54601-0908
> (608)785-9229
> "If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten..."
> -   George Carlin

Hmmm, whats the nicest way to put this.  I don't really want to just say
"you're crazy!".  First off did you and your friend do blind listening
tests, that is you didn't know which disc was which while listening (so
you put a disc in and your friend listens, and vice versa)-- also just to
make it more interesting, sometimes use the same disc for both of the tests
and see if a difference is still as noticeable [I bet it probably would be].

Still it's good to have another MD convert, and you did provide me with a
good five minutes of helpless laughter which can't be bad :-)


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RE: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Nathan White

Your crazy!!

Nathan White

-Original Message-
Davini, Mark
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 12:56 PM
Subject: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

Hi everyone:
I'm a total "newbie" not only to this list, but also to Minidiscs in
general, just having purchased a Sony MDS-JB920. I love it! It sounds great.

I read the "Myths" within the page, and everything Mr.
Woudenberg writes makes perfect sense to me, BUT - - - -
Could someone please tell me WHY I REALLY DO hear a difference between discs
then? I was using the regular Sony Color collection discs, but then bought
some Maxell GOLD, and I was amazed by the sonic difference. I recorded
through the analog ins, direct from the CD player, same tune, and never
changed anything (input levels) and could sense exactly what those
"audiophiles" were saying - more clarity in the highs, lows had a nice
Okay, okay! I know, and since I'm 41, I figured I must be deaf, and REALLY
wanting to hear a difference. So I played the same test for a twenty five
year old friend of mine, who doesn't have any preconceived notions about MD,
(and didn't kick the extra money for the GOLD blanks) and HE could tell
So I guess I need to know if anyone else out there is going through the same
thing, or are you all going to tell me I'm crazy?
Mark S. Davini
Media Production Specialist
Western Wisconsin Technical College
LaCrosse, WI. 54601-0908

"If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten..."

-   George Carlin
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Re: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Leon

Hi there,

Glad you're enjoying your 920.

I think this is pretty much a taboo issue. Scientifically, all blanks should
give you the same results. Some suggest a blind test to clear things up.

But firstly, I believe some things exist but can't be proven. Secondly, when
I listen to music, my eyes are usually open - does blind test matter?

In the end, either you believe blanks do make a difference, or you don't.
It's the same for a number of other issues. Either you believe it, or you
don't. It's like a religion, because audio is such an objective, touchy
issue. Personally, I do what I think is useful.

Personally, I use TDK XA-PRO blanks. When I record with my portable
recorder, I keep it free of all connections, except the input. I always
power it on battery, and I turn volume all the way down.  There are other,
far more rational things that I do, but these seem to work for me.

Enjoy :)


> Hi everyone:
> I'm a total "newbie" not only to this list, but also to Minidiscs in
> general, just having purchased a Sony MDS-JB920. I love it! It sounds great.
> I read the "Myths" within the page, and everything Mr.
> Woudenberg writes makes perfect sense to me, BUT - - - -
> Could someone please tell me WHY I REALLY DO hear a difference between discs
> then? I was using the regular Sony Color collection discs, but then bought
> some Maxell GOLD, and I was amazed by the sonic difference. I recorded
> through the analog ins, direct from the CD player, same tune, and never
> changed anything (input levels) and could sense exactly what those
> "audiophiles" were saying - more clarity in the highs, lows had a nice
> roundness...
> Okay, okay! I know, and since I'm 41, I figured I must be deaf, and REALLY
> wanting to hear a difference. So I played the same test for a twenty five
> year old friend of mine, who doesn't have any preconceived notions about MD,
> (and didn't kick the extra money for the GOLD blanks) and HE could tell
> instantly! 
> So I guess I need to know if anyone else out there is going through the same
> thing, or are you all going to tell me I'm crazy?

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RE: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Peter Forest

Try the TDK Gold, they are better than Maxell Gold...

Pierre Forest - Kheops Minidisc

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Davini, Mark
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 12:56 PM
Subject: MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

Hi everyone:
I'm a total "newbie" not only to this list, but also to Minidiscs in
general, just having purchased a Sony MDS-JB920. I love it! It sounds great.

I read the "Myths" within the page, and everything Mr.
Woudenberg writes makes perfect sense to me, BUT - - - -
Could someone please tell me WHY I REALLY DO hear a difference between discs
then? I was using the regular Sony Color collection discs, but then bought
some Maxell GOLD, and I was amazed by the sonic difference. I recorded
through the analog ins, direct from the CD player, same tune, and never
changed anything (input levels) and could sense exactly what those
"audiophiles" were saying - more clarity in the highs, lows had a nice
Okay, okay! I know, and since I'm 41, I figured I must be deaf, and REALLY
wanting to hear a difference. So I played the same test for a twenty five
year old friend of mine, who doesn't have any preconceived notions about MD,
(and didn't kick the extra money for the GOLD blanks) and HE could tell
So I guess I need to know if anyone else out there is going through the same
thing, or are you all going to tell me I'm crazy?
Mark S. Davini
Media Production Specialist
Western Wisconsin Technical College
LaCrosse, WI. 54601-0908

"If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten..."

-   George Carlin
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MD: sound quality difference in blanks?

2000-08-18 Thread Davini, Mark

Hi everyone:
I'm a total "newbie" not only to this list, but also to Minidiscs in
general, just having purchased a Sony MDS-JB920. I love it! It sounds great.

I read the "Myths" within the page, and everything Mr.
Woudenberg writes makes perfect sense to me, BUT - - - - 
Could someone please tell me WHY I REALLY DO hear a difference between discs
then? I was using the regular Sony Color collection discs, but then bought
some Maxell GOLD, and I was amazed by the sonic difference. I recorded
through the analog ins, direct from the CD player, same tune, and never
changed anything (input levels) and could sense exactly what those
"audiophiles" were saying - more clarity in the highs, lows had a nice
Okay, okay! I know, and since I'm 41, I figured I must be deaf, and REALLY
wanting to hear a difference. So I played the same test for a twenty five
year old friend of mine, who doesn't have any preconceived notions about MD,
(and didn't kick the extra money for the GOLD blanks) and HE could tell
So I guess I need to know if anyone else out there is going through the same
thing, or are you all going to tell me I'm crazy?
Mark S. Davini
Media Production Specialist
Western Wisconsin Technical College
LaCrosse, WI. 54601-0908

"If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten..."

-   George Carlin
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Re: MD: Problem with recording from CD

2000-08-18 Thread Len Moskowitz

James Jarvie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...
> I have a digital coax cable that I bought from Sound
> Professionals running from the CD player into the
> converter.  The coax cable is coming from the digital
> out (unbalanced) RCA type-jack on the CD player. 
> There is also an XLR type connection, but that doesn't
> do me any good.
> The message on the MD unit says "Can't Record".
> ...

It could be a connection problem but if the CD is SCMS protected, you
may be encountering the copy protection inhibit.

To remove the SCMS restriction, use an SCMS modifier like the Midiman
CO3.  You'll find details about it on our Web page.

I hope that this helps!

Len Moskowitz Stealth Microphones (tm), Cables, Interfaces
Core Sound
Teaneck, New Jersey
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: 201-801-0812, FAX: 201-801-0912

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MD: Future of minidiscs

2000-08-18 Thread Eric Woudenberg

Hi Michael,

I'm responding to MD-L, in case there's general interest.

"Coon, Michael" writes:

>Dear sir, 
>   i do like the minidisc for its size and quailtiy however, portable
>mp3 cd players have been introduced. I like the fact that i can now burn up
>to 8 hrs of cd quality music to one CD as compared to 74 min for a minidisc.
>   my question is, does the minidisc industry plan on going to the blue
>laser allowing the minidisc to hold five times more music. Or does the
>industry plan on using the 650 mb minidiscs that are being used for cameras?

I haven't heard anything to that effect. 

>Finally, do you think the current 74 min minidisc will be able to compete
>with an 8 hr mp3 cd in the long run?

Sony and others have just announced MDLP products (see the MDCP news),
these can provide 5h20m of stereo playback at "reasonable" fidelity
(not much has been reported about MP3 vs. ATRAC3 quality at 66kbps

MDLP can be seen as the MiniDisc's [current] answer to MP3.

Should the walls of RIAA and SDMI someday come tumbling down, I am
sure there might be other, more interesting MD/MP3 (or at least open
ATRAC) synergies.

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RE: MD: Thank you very much !

2000-08-18 Thread Peter Forest

Thanks for you good words... I appreciate this...


-Original Message-
Behalf Of J. Coon
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: MD: Thank you very much !

Thats a lot better than it was, Peter.

Peter Forest wrote:
> Also, thanks to Will Yoder who told me that our website was too heavy, to
> slow to open and with too many graphics... So, I have change a lot of
> things, I have rebuild my website and now it is 2-3 times faster than
> before... :

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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Re: MD: Thank you very much !

2000-08-18 Thread J. Coon

Thats a lot better than it was, Peter.

Peter Forest wrote:
> Also, thanks to Will Yoder who told me that our website was too heavy, to
> slow to open and with too many graphics... So, I have change a lot of
> things, I have rebuild my website and now it is 2-3 times faster than
> before... :

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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MD: Thank you very much !

2000-08-18 Thread Peter Forest

I want to say a big "THANK YOU" to each of you who have filled out our
survey since the last 2 weeks... I really have appreciate it...

Also, thanks to Will Yoder who told me that our website was too heavy, to
slow to open and with too many graphics... So, I have change a lot of
things, I have rebuild my website and now it is 2-3 times faster than

And just to tell you, it's the last day today to take advantage of our great
special for 5 colors minidisc : Only $8.00 for 5 color minidisc. (instead of
$9.50 regular price).

And also, with every order, you will always receive ONE FREE TECHNO COLOR
74mn MINIDISC ! No minimum order...

Shipping is really cheap and fast ! We ship Priority Mail and UPS Ground...

We also accept Credit Card Payment, Paypal Payment and Money Order

To know more, simply visit :

Pierre Forest.

P.S. Tell us what you think about our new version of our website. Thanks !

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MD: model numbering (was: MZ-E900, R900 - scary Sony!)

2000-08-18 Thread Leon

Hi there,

>> - - the R900 has the standard monaural recording mode;
> Didn't the R90 and all others back to the MZ-R3?

I should've said "retains the standard monaural...". It wasn't mentioned on
the press release for the MD-LP-equipped Sony decks/systems. I thought Sony
may be dropping mono recording (just keeping playback) across the range. :)

> Does anyone else think that "MZ-R900" is a hell of a high model
> number? How about MZ-R100, or MZ-R190 or something? Maybe we really
> will be into the 4 digit numbers in a year or two.

Actually, I was posting on another forum that I thought Sony would just
bloat the model #'s by 10x.  That, because of the MZ-E800. Sony doesn't ever
make it clear at launch, but the E800 is the new entry-level model for
Japan. Soon after the E800 launch, the E80 was pulled off Sony's official
Walkman catalog site.

Also, for Sony and Matsushita, there seems to be a sense of competition in
model #'s. A few years ago Panasonic "bumped up" from SJ-MJ7 to MJ70, as
opposed to Sony's MZ-E35 (or 50?) to E55. And then Sony moved from MZ-R55 to
90.  This time, Sony may be aiming to appear "higher" than other brands.
There are parts of the MD-buying public who could fall for these higher
numbers, the way they fall for battery life/smallest/lightest figures.

Of course, a very valid argument is that large # jumps occur when there's
some kind of renewal. New optical block, for instance. But Sharp never does
this. Kenwood doesn't do it either, even for the non-clones. It's just
interesting for me.

Back when Toyota and Nissan each did market research for the (then upcoming)
Lexus and Infiniti brands in the mid-80s, they found one thing: the most
impressive naming for them is the form of "letters + numbers". Someone using
a (e.g.) B & O -style naming on MD equipments will be cool, but I don't see
that happening.

Thought of the car example because Sony always reminds me of Honda, and
Matsushita reminds me of Toyota.


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Re: MD: How to get a free MD recorder...

2000-08-18 Thread PrinceGaz

From: "J. van de Griek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The other day I recieved my company's new gift catalog, you know, a small
> booklet with a list of things you can choose as presents for bringing in a
> new employee. And lo and behold, there it was, one of the gifts: a Sony
> portable MiniDisc recorder, MZ-R55. Wow. Strange thing is, they classified
> it as a gift of about $360, which kind of makes me doubt the mentioned value
> of the other goodies... Hmmm...
> ,xtG
> .tsooJ
> --
> Joost van de Griek
> Applications Developer
> Yacht ICT

/me mumbles about paying something like 350 ukp / US$600 for his MZ-R3.  And
that was because it was soon to be superceded by the MZ-R30 and was being
sold at ukp 50 less than the going rate (yep ukp 400 , no kidding).  At least
it still works flawlessly unlike certain Sharp units.


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MD: How to get a free MD recorder...

2000-08-18 Thread J. van de Griek

The other day I recieved my company's new gift catalog, you know, a small
booklet with a list of things you can choose as presents for bringing in a
new employee. And lo and behold, there it was, one of the gifts: a Sony
portable MiniDisc recorder, MZ-R55. Wow. Strange thing is, they classified
it as a gift of about $360, which kind of makes me doubt the mentioned value
of the other goodies... Hmmm...

Joost van de Griek
Applications Developer
Yacht ICT

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Re: MD: minidisc on CNNfn

2000-08-18 Thread Ivica Petrovic

The other night I watched TV and saw the MD blanks in a music spot by Jason
Nevine feat. Fast Eddie. They're playing a lot with some MD blanks ( maybe
Sony) in it, with a couple of close-ups of the same. The music is awful,

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Re: MD: sblive optical board

2000-08-18 Thread Ralph Smeets

> >Hi, I was wondering if anyone has the optional optical board for the
> >sblive. i was thinking of ordering one, but was wondering if SPDIF is the
> >same as toslink. not sure if there's an optical connection standard yet,
> >and i wanna make sure i buy the right cables. i recently traded up my
> >sharp md-x5 for a sony dhc-mdx10 after i had to get it repaired 4 times
> >from best buy (no lemon policy). anyways, the sony doesn't have coax
> >digital in, so i'm gonna have to buy an optical board. here's a link to
> >the spec page for the optical board:
> > thanks!
> Hi,
> You seem to be confusing S/PDIF and TOSLink -
> S/PDIF is the standard for transmitting digital audio data
> TOSLink is (afaik) the "standard" for the size/shape, etc of the plugs on
> optical cables.
> S/PDIF can be send down any kind of cable - as long as there's appropriate
> electronics at the other end to recieve it :)  The board you gave the URL
> for should be fine for your purposes.

Yep, S/PDIF is a standard for transmitting digital audio data in the non-
professional world. S/PDIF stands for Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format.

TosLink stands for Toshiba Link, and is nothing more than an S/PDIF over
an optical medium in which connectors and cable types are well defined. Note
that TosLink also defines the protocol that goes over the cable (S/PDIF).

Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
  "For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then
   something happened which unleashed the powers of our imagination: 
   We learned to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --

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