Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V3 #46

2001-06-14 Thread Luis Dodero

< A firewire solution would be better off since it is becoming the standard
for a/v components that offer pc connectivity.

< And a deck made by Sony supposedly can do 4x transfer from firewireif
this thing was cheaper I'd definitely get it...but its not...

Wow...nice...I wonder if any faster decks are coming out...I mean, CD
burners are at 16X now, soon to be at 22 and (24?) speeds...while MD is
stuck at 4X, which is only supported on 2 recorders. Is it harder for MD
technology to record at faster speeds? (more processing power needed to
compress at faster speeds?). BTW, does anyone know if recording MD's at 4X
degrades sound quality? Sometimes you get jitter when recording CD's at high
speeds on cheap drives

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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V3 #46

2001-06-14 Thread Luis Dodero

>Sound is not just heard with your ears, it is felt by your whole
>body. I feel that you and your entire body should be enveloped in
>sound. You just can't do do that with headphones.

Well that depends...take a look at these


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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V3 #46

2001-06-14 Thread Luis Dodero

>Sound is not just heard with your ears, it is felt by your whole
>body. I feel that you and your entire body should be enveloped in
>sound. You just can't do do that with headphones.

Well that depends...take a look at these


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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V3 #46

2001-06-14 Thread Luis Dodero

>Sound is not just heard with your ears, it is felt by your whole
>body. I feel that you and your entire body should be enveloped in
>sound. You just can't do do that with headphones.

Well that depends...take a look at these


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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V3 #46

2001-06-14 Thread Luis Dodero

>Sound is not just heard with your ears, it is felt by your whole
>body. I feel that you and your entire body should be enveloped in
>sound. You just can't do do that with headphones.

Well that depends...take a look at these


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Re: MD: Earphones

2001-06-14 Thread las

Dan Frakes wrote:

> You're correct that headphones can't produce the physical effect that
> full-range speakers can.  But if you can do without that effect, for the
> money, headphones offer far better "bang for the buck." For $550, you can't
> really get a good amp and speakers to hook up to your CD player that will
> provide you with high-end sound. But you can buy a Sennheiser HD600 and a
> Musical Fidelity X-CANSv2 headphone amp that will give you simply amazing
> sound.

Dan, I guess it depends upon what you consider  "high-end sound".  Personally I
don't consider sound that does not produce the "physical effect" to be high
end.  I guess it's a matter of personal taste.  I really don't enjoy the feeling
of the sound being in my head.

That's the way headphones seem to me, like the music is in my head instead of
all around me.  Even these systems that use small speakers and one "subwoofer"
don't impress me.  Bose is big on this type of arrangement.  They have these
relatively expensive systems that use these tiny little drivers for the highs
and pretty small boxes for the mid and I don't know what.

If the so called subwoofers are true subwoofers their little boxes have to carry
not only the mid range but a lot of the bass also.  They are just not good
enough to do that.  And if the subwoofer is really more of a woofer, a) it's a
pretty poor excuse for one and b) there should be two of them.

I think that for $550 (USD) I could find an amp or receiver and two speakers
that to me personally, I would consider higher quality sound than the
headphones.  The price of receivers has dropped so much that I think I could
find a pair of speakers for $300 and a receiver for $250 that would, for me,
give me what I consider higher quality sound than a pair of headphones.

Receivers that would have cost $500 a few years ago are turning up at places
like Sam's Club (only the newer receivers not only include Dolby Digital, but
DTS) for about $250.00.  Is my $900 Onkyo DTS receiver really going to offer me
higher quality sound than the $250 unit?  Or is it just that it has a lot more
surround options and inputs.

OK, the THX certification is suppose to "insure" me of certain standards.  But
would I really be able to tell the difference between it and the cheaper
receiver if I was only using it in the stereo mode with the same speakers on
both systems?  Now if you let me go just a little higher so that I have a little
more to spend on speakers and can buy the Polks that I like, I know it would
blow away your headphones :).

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Re: MD: Which is the best dual Mini Disc / CD Player

2001-06-14 Thread las

Richard Rudie wrote:

> I have a MZ-R700DPC, and the only thing I'd really like to have from the
> 900 is the automatic trackmark ability. At a family gathering, I set up
> the MD recorder with a microphone to record the evening for posterity,
> like my uncle used to do with a reel-to-reel recorder, and ended up with
> one three-and-a-half-hour track (in LP4, of course). Naturally this
> makes it difficult to find anything in particular ("What was that joke
> Dan told, about the nun and the coffeemaker?"); with the 900 I could've
> had trackmarks automatically inserted every some minutes while
> recording.
> And someone mentioned the battery bulge on the 500 and 700... I like the
> bulge, as it lets me set the 700 on my desk, while using the PCLink for
> example, and still have the screen at a readable angle.

Automatic tracks that are just placed arbitrarily every few minutes really
doesn't tell you anything.  So take a half hour or so to divide the one
track into realistic tracks.

Track 1 the start.

Track 2 Aunt Bea starts telling about her recent operation.
Track 3 after growing tired of Aunt Bea's never ending story, uncle Joe cuts
her off and starts telling a joke.
Track 4  while everyone has been listening to uncle Joe's story, your little
cousin has been ignored as he begged  to be taken to the bathroom, and now
there is a big commotion because he just peed in his pants.
Track 5 Grandma starts telling you about her bowel movements.
Track 6 Grandma switches from her bowel movements to telling everyone about
Grandpa's constantly getting up in the middle of the night trying to pee.
Track 7 Grandpa starts fighting with Grandma and starts complaining about
what a big mouth she has.
Track 8 your parents, aunts and uncles try to calm grandpa down.
Track 9  after eating supper Fat uncle Fred who has this gas problem has
never learned that it is not polite to break wind in public (well it is
family, so maybe he thinks that's an acceptable place to not have to try and
control your self).  And you are their with your 700 and mike to catch the
you uncle's symphony in digital sound.
Track 10. well you get the idea.

Now 20 or 30 years from now (it depends upon your present age) you play this
for you wife and kids.  They are rolling on the floor.  Especially if they
know/knew any of the people on the "tape".

Maybe you'll have to transfer the family gatherings to some more advanced
form of recording and I may have used crazy examples, but you really will
appreciate this stuff.  Video is even better though.  For me it used to be
8mm movies.  Every time we took out the projector we had bitter sweet

It seems that each time you look at them someone else is now gone.  My
father in law past away last December.  Last night my wife brought home a
box of his movies (some going back to the 1940's).  I'm dying to get hold of
a projector and watch them.  Then we'll transfer them to digital video.

The funniest experience I have ever had with home movies happened as an
accident.  For a joke I spliced a few minutes of a "stag" movie (compliments
of my late father in law) on the end of one reel.  I completely forgot about
doing it.  Years later my wife decides to bring out the projector at a
Thanksgiving Family gathering.

I've got little nephews there.  One of them asks "is that Aunt Barbara and
Uncle Larry??

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Re: MD: home made mics

2001-06-14 Thread J. Coon

It depends on the venue.  Some will let you  record and some won't. 
Sometimes you can even get a feed from the sound board, but I haven't
been that lucky.  I have set the recorder with my homebrew T mike on the
sound board.  I have also just kept it in my shirt pocket.  One thing
though, if you aren't getting good sound where you are setting, the
recorder will play it back just like it heard it. SO, when you go in
find a good spot that isn't right in front of a speaker.   

Mike Lastucka wrote:
> >Like you are setting there listening to it all over again.  You also
> >hear the people next to you coughing, talking, clapping or making
> >noises.
> Hey, that's pretty cool.  My only other question would be about the legality
> of it. :)  I'm assuming it's, well, not legal.
> ---
> Mike Lastucka, B. Tech
> 2048 bit DH 0x16DC15CD
> _
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> -
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Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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Re: MD: Which is the best dual Mini Disc / CD Player

2001-06-14 Thread Richard Rudie

> As for the portable, from everything I have read, the Sony 
> 900 sounds like it is great.  The 700 has almost as many 
> features (both are MDLP units) and I believe only lacks
> things like back lighting of one section.  Most of the
> features are the same.

I have a MZ-R700DPC, and the only thing I'd really like to have from the
900 is the automatic trackmark ability. At a family gathering, I set up
the MD recorder with a microphone to record the evening for posterity,
like my uncle used to do with a reel-to-reel recorder, and ended up with
one three-and-a-half-hour track (in LP4, of course). Naturally this
makes it difficult to find anything in particular ("What was that joke
Dan told, about the nun and the coffeemaker?"); with the 900 I could've
had trackmarks automatically inserted every some minutes while
And someone mentioned the battery bulge on the 500 and 700... I like the
bulge, as it lets me set the 700 on my desk, while using the PCLink for
example, and still have the screen at a readable angle.


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Re: MD: Which is the best dual Mini Disc / CD Player

2001-06-14 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, las wrote:

> With CDs we are approaching the limits of human hearing and often even
> measuring equipment.  Oh you can always design more sensitive equipment
> so that you can measure the flutter and wow of a CD, but would the human
> ear be able to hear it?

absolutely. In my experience there's a VERY BIG difference even
between "high-end" $2000 systems and then really really good stuff
($10-2 for a complete system). Many recordings will sound like
crap on both though, so depending on the kind of music you listen to
it might sound better on your $200 box. :-)

I know that for a lot of the music I like (electronic music of
different kinds) it doesn't make all that much of a difference.

My dad has assembled a pretty good system over the years and if I
listen to a good clasical recording there I usually don't bother to
listen to music on anything else for a while.

Try finding a small HiFi shop where they have the real stuff and a
good listening setup and sit there for some hours (or days if
they'll let you).

> As for the portable, from everything I have read, the Sony 900
> sounds like it is great.  The 700 has almost as many features
> (both are MDLP units) and I believe only lacks things like back
> lighting of one section.  Most of the features are the same.

IIRC the batteries are different for the two.

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen,   !try; do();

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Re: MD: Which is the best dual Mini Disc / CD Player

2001-06-14 Thread las

Julian Moray wrote:

> Could anyone recomend a dual Mini Disc / CD Player?
> Or a combination of seperates for a reasonable price which will offer
> better quality.
> Also thinking of replacing my SONY MZR50, whats the best portable at
> present?
> Regards, Julian

If you can find them the Sharp MD-C2 is a good choice.  It is a full mini
system complete with one  cassette deck, an AM/FM receiver section, amp
and 2 speakers.  In addition is has a 3 CD and 3 MD changer.  With this
unit you can place 3 CDs in it and 3 blank MDs.  Press one button and it
will copy each CD to MD.

In the end you will have 3 MD copies of the three CDs.  The unit
automatically starts to record on a new MD once the CD is finished.  If
you CD's time is shorter than your blank's, you will have space left at
the end of the MD.

You can record on this space, just like you can with any other recorder,
but like other recorders, you have to do it manually.  There is no way to
make the MD fit as much on it as it can hold until it uses up all of it's
space and then automatically continue on the next MD.  The important word
here being automatically.

If you think about it this makes sense.  You wouldn't want the CD to be
continued on the next MD in the middle of a song.  I like to use the
extra space at the end of an MD (if I have copied a full CD to it) to
record favorite songs of mine even if I have them on other MDs.

If you have songs that you really like and like to hear over and over,
it's nice to be able to fill the MD with them, rather than waste the
space at the end.  This is not such a big deal some of the time but, for
example, if you are using a portable MD unit connected to your car's
receiver, it's nice to have it play for as long as possible before having
to change it.

You can add songs to the MD manually, just like any portable.

There are no digital in or outputs on the unit.  It is designed to be a
self contained recording machine.  But the interface between the CDs and
MDs is digital.

There is also one auxiliary input, which accepts the standard line out
from audio and video equipment and a headphone jack.  The unit comes with
a kind of cheap looking, but fairly full function wireless remote

The MD section also has full editing and titling, similar to a portable
unit.  I would estimate that the quality of the CD and MD units that are
built in are comparable to Sharp's portable units.

For under $200.00 don't expect a Sony ES.  But the MD-C2 copy of a CD
played back on a Sony ES unit through a high end stereo system would
probably sound as good to the human ear as a copy made on the ES unit.

With CDs we are approaching the limits of human hearing and often even
measuring equipment.  Oh you can always design more sensitive equipment
so that you can measure the flutter and wow of a CD, but would the human
ear be able to hear it?

It's like giving specifications lower than 20 HZ and higher than 20K HZ.
Unless you are a dog that really appreciates great sound and can also
read, the numbers are useless.

As for the portable, from everything I have read, the Sony 900 sounds
like it is great.  The 700 has almost as many features (both are MDLP
units) and I believe only lacks things like back lighting of one
section.  Most of the features are the same.


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Re: MD: Rebadged MD gear (was: Dolby and Minidisc Patents)

2001-06-14 Thread las

"Francisco J. Huerta" wrote:

> Neil, I assume what he was trying to say is that someone who is always
> confronting everyone about everything should tell us why he is better than
> any and every one of us. Not to be confrontational, but there have been a
> couple of instances where I know I am right, and Mr. Rat has come out with a
> story I had never heard of (case in point: the Dolby patent on ATRAC).
> I mean, disagreeing every once in a while is *good*, but someone who is
> *always* disagreeing about *everything* becomes bothersome after a short
> while.
> Francisco (Masters in Technology Administration, Mechanical Engineer, if-
> anyone is asking).

Francisco, that is precisely correct.  At one time or another everyone on this
list has given information that they really believed was accurate.  My
statements about Ford being different from Lincoln for example.  Shawn tells me
that Lincolns are now being manufactured from Ford bodies.

The information that I stated may no longer be accurate.  But I know that
Lincolns used to be totally different cars from Fords.  No Ford in my life time
every had doors where they were mirror images of themselves.  But the Lincoln
Continental did at one time.

Makings doors where the handles are next to each other and they open from the
middle takes more than just reversing the hinges, like you can on a

But I have not kept up with the most recent Lincoln models.  Shawn usually
doesn't make a statement unless he is very sure about it.  So I believe that he
is more than likely correct.

To use Shawn again as an example (Shawn, I'm only using you because I have
"known" you since you started college and know a little about you and your
skills), he has told us about his buying old non functioning Sony units and
repairing them.  Years ago I also had more extensive private e mail
conversations with him (so I know even more about his talents).

He also undertook to run the Mini Disc Appreciation Page.  First of all this was
a great deal of work and time to do.  Anyone capable of placing all of the
information on a web site, had to have a fairly extensive knowledge of audio
equipment and MD in particular.

But we know nothing about the Ratman.  If he did not constantly and rudely
disagree with just about everyone else on the list, it would not matter (for
myself, I also enjoy "hearing" a little about what people I meet on the internet
do and like to share with them-that is also an other reason.

"When I say we, who is we?", was a question.  Well there is myself and other
people on the list that I privately e mail.  Even one other person would qualify
for use of the term "we".

Don't you think that this list would be an even more interesting place to
exchange ideas if you knew a little about each member.

I have had e mails from people on the list as young as 14 with more wisdom than
someone 40.  I find the knowledge and maturity that some people of youth exhibit
here VERY impressive.  I doubt that I was as sharp as they are, but as I have
mentioned before, I have been "into" Hi Fi (that's would we used to refer to it
as) since I was about 12.

Back then most 12 year olds didn't even know what a woofer or tweeter was (but
then again, I couldn't hit a base ball or catch one if it was placed in the
glove :).  I was different than the "average" kid.  There was no term nerd back
then, but if someone interested in electronics and science, who knows very
little about sports and really couldn't care less is a nerd, then I guess I was
a nerd :).

Except for my being interested in knowing about people in general, Francisco's
reply was exactly my point.

But, I personally feel too many people spend too much time on a keyboard
exchanging technical information without knowing anything about the other
person.  If you just want technical answers and really don't care about people
(to me it seems like you are kind of using them) that's fine.  But I am also
interested in the people behind the answers.

The people giving these answers are real flesh and blood.  They are not a data
base.  If a person does not wish to share anything about him/herself with
others, that's their right.  But then I also have the right to be suspect as to
the accuracy of their data.

Larry (as most of you know I am a dentist)

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Re: MD: Recording speeds

2001-06-14 Thread I Can Not Tell You you can tell I didn't do too well in English :P

Anyhow...yes I know firewire has been around for a while but you probably
know this more than me that there are lot more devices now that come with
firewire than there were few years ago.

And my point in the reply was that instead of going with USB for the higher
recording speed...firewire solution seems (at least to me) is more elegant
way too go...and I am sure its possible to do so already with that MDS-LSA1
md deck


PS As you can also see that my emails aren't very well constructed like
other veterans of this ignore my newbieness (is that even a word?)
- Original Message -
From: "Stainless Steel Rat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: MD: Recording speeds

> * "I Can Not Tell You" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Thu, 14 Jun 2001
> | A firewire solution would be better off since it is becoming the
> | for a/v components that offer pc connectivity.
> Wrong tense :).
> Apple and Sony have been shipping equipment with IEEE-1394/Firewire for...
> three years now.
> --
> Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\ Ingredients of Happy Fun Ball include
> Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ unknown glowing substance which fell
> PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ Earth, presumably from outer space.
> -
> To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
> "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: MD: Rebadged MD gear (was: Dolby and Minidisc Patents)

2001-06-14 Thread Stainless Steel Rat

* "Francisco J. Huerta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Thu, 14 Jun 2001
| I mean, disagreeing every once in a while is *good*, but someone who is
| *always* disagreeing about *everything* becomes bothersome after a short
| while.

If I always disagreed about everything... oh, never mind.
Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\ If Happy Fun Ball begins to smoke, get
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ away immediately. Seek shelter and cover
PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ head.
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Re: MD: Recording speeds

2001-06-14 Thread Stuart Howlette

> * "I Can Not Tell You" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Thu, 14 Jun 2001
> | A firewire solution would be better off since it is becoming the
> | for a/v components that offer pc connectivity.
> Wrong tense :).
> Apple and Sony have been shipping equipment with IEEE-1394/Firewire for...
> three years now.

Hmm, two companies producing equipment with Firewire does not mean it is THE
standard as said in the previous e-mail, but a standard, so it is not the
wrong tense

Stuart Howlette

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Re: MD: Rebadged MD gear (was: Dolby and Minidisc Patents)

2001-06-14 Thread Francisco J. Huerta

Neil, I assume what he was trying to say is that someone who is always
confronting everyone about everything should tell us why he is better than
any and every one of us. Not to be confrontational, but there have been a
couple of instances where I know I am right, and Mr. Rat has come out with a
story I had never heard of (case in point: the Dolby patent on ATRAC).

I mean, disagreeing every once in a while is *good*, but someone who is
*always* disagreeing about *everything* becomes bothersome after a short

Francisco (Masters in Technology Administration, Mechanical Engineer, if
anyone is asking).

> >  What do you do?  Are you a student? Are you older than that
> >  and out in the real world?
> And why are you so interested in his background? Is it necessary, for
> validity of his standpoint? Or do you simply want to know somebody's
> background / history, before arguing with him?
> Is this a Sun Tzu thing, or simply some subtle, or non-too-subtle,
> suggestion about credibility and background? Or is it mere curiosity?

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Re: MD: Recording speeds

2001-06-14 Thread Stuart Howlette

> Stuart Howlette wrote:
> > Sharp MD-C2H does 3 CD's to 3MD's, I own it, but never really use the
> > function, but I have tried it once and it worked pretty damn good.
> I also own one.  It's no Onkyo $900 receiver with Polk speakers and a high
> CD or MD deck, but it is a steal for the price.
> I'm sure that the CD player and the MD recorder are as good as those that
> would find in Sharp's portable units, yet the MD-C2 (there is no "H" on
> I'm not sure if there is any difference) is less expensive than a Sharp
> MD recorder used to be.
> I bought mine from so some obscure e business that is probably not in
> any more.  We are living in a small apartment for the time being, having
> our house.  I figured that it didn't make any sense to use my Techniques
> surround sound receiver, Baby Advent speakers and KLH surround speakers in
> small bedroom.
> Besides, I hated all of them.  I never liked the Baby Advents.  They just
> suck as does the impulse buy Techniques receiver.  I sold the whole thing
on e
> bay for $100.  I think I even through in a Pioneer 6 disc changer.
> The MD-C2 is a real strange system.  Kind of a mix of what you'd expect
from a
> teenager's mini system and some really hi tech features.  No digital ins
> outs  The built in CD changer is digitally connected internally to the MD
> changer.  But the entire system sells for less than you would expect to
pay for
> a comparable Teenager's mini system.
> I never play cassettes, but the unit includes one cassette recorder.  No
> functions what so ever.  Very basic unit.  I'm not even sure why they
> one.  I guess that they thought for the small cost of a cassette recorder
> might broaden the appeal of the unit.
> Larry

I completely agree with you, it is a decent system, but me being as I am, I
want better, so I am gonna get some separates and put this next to my
computer in my other room (I'm 16 living with my parents by the way), but
for now it does well enough to warrant repeated use. I would recommend this
system to ANYONE on a budget or wanting 3 CD's to MD's straight off.

Stuart Howlette
"There are many questions in life, but is the right answer only correct
because the majority believe in it?"

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Re: MD: Recording speeds

2001-06-14 Thread Stainless Steel Rat

* "I Can Not Tell You" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Thu, 14 Jun 2001
| A firewire solution would be better off since it is becoming the standard
| for a/v components that offer pc connectivity.

Wrong tense :).

Apple and Sony have been shipping equipment with IEEE-1394/Firewire for...
three years now.
Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\ Ingredients of Happy Fun Ball include an
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ unknown glowing substance which fell to
PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ Earth, presumably from outer space.
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Re: MD: xitel DG-2 and linux

2001-06-14 Thread Marc Britten

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

mine was prepackages w/ my sony(the DPC part of the model) and seems to work fine.  I 
think its build to work w/ sony's and if it works w/ anything else your lucky ;)

On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 10:02:28PM -0400, las wrote:
> Marc Britten wrote:
> > in case anyone was wondering i finally got off my butt and hooked up my xitel from 
>my sony md-r700dpc and played around a bit to get USB into my linux kernel and its 
>working fine.
> I tried a xitel digital version with my portable Sharp MD recorder.  The xitel 
>proved unreliable in my case and I ended up returning it.
> Larry
> -
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Re: MD: xitel DG-2 and linux

2001-06-14 Thread Marc Britten

i have Sound support(OSS) compiled into the kernel, but it can just be a mod too

UHCI (JE) as a module (JE is the new USB controller)
audio as a module (audio is the USB sound module)

then had the kernel load them at boot time (using debian in /etc/modules)

after that it was just a matter of outputting data to the right /dev/dsp device.  on 
my machine with a SB Live! value it was /dev/dsp2, but most would probably use 
/dev/dsp1 (my /dev/dsp1 is taken up by the other output devices on the SB Live!)


On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 09:42:35PM -0400, Stainless Steel Rat wrote:
> * Marc Britten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Wed, 13 Jun 2001
> | in case anyone was wondering i finally got off my butt and hooked up my
> | xitel from my sony md-r700dpc and played around a bit to get USB into my
> | linux kernel and its working fine.
> Details?  What USB module(s) required, and what sound modules?  OSS or
> ALSA, or does it not matter?
> -- 
> Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\ Do not use Happy Fun Ball on concrete.
> Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ 
> PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ 
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Re: MD: Rebadged MD gear (was: Dolby and Minidisc Patents)

2001-06-14 Thread Neil

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001 21:36:26 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  So tell us about you, please.

Why is this relevant for this discussion? ie that you would like to know
about him?

>  I think that we would all like to
>  know more about you.

Who is this "we" you presume to speak for?

>  What do you do?  Are you a student? Are you older than that
>  and out in the real world?

And why are you so interested in his background? Is it necessary, for
validity of his standpoint? Or do you simply want to know somebody's
background / history, before arguing with him?

Is this a Sun Tzu thing, or simply some subtle, or non-too-subtle,
suggestion about credibility and background? Or is it mere curiosity?


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Re: MD: Recording speeds

2001-06-14 Thread I Can Not Tell You

A firewire solution would be better off since it is becoming the standard
for a/v components that offer pc connectivity.

And a deck made by Sony supposedly can do 4x transfer from firewireif
this thing was cheaper I'd definitely get it...but its not...

- Original Message -
From: "Timothy Stockman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: MD: Recording speeds

> > couldn't there be some way of making 2X or
> > 4X recordables? I mean, I know obviously it's not as easy as it would be
> > do on the 4X deck, but maybe some sort of USB port with a winamp plugin
> > speeds up the audio output? Is this possible?
> Current recorders only accept S/PDIF at 1X.  With a sound card that is 96
> capable and if the recorder could accept it, 2X transfer would be
> 96 KHz and even 192 KHz soundcards exist, but no MD will accept S/PDIF
> at a rate other than 1X.
> USB would be the far better solution, because it would permit *flow
> This would eliminate the annoying pops, dropouts and stutters that result
> Windows inability to handle even 1X audio smoothly.  A complete USB
> could include bi-directional audio transfer, control and status, and even
> given the modest requirements of today's portables.  All of this via 1
> small connector!
> One note of caution:  Due to the nature of the differing Windows
> of USB mass storage support, it would be wise to steer clear of treating
MD as a
> mass storage device (even though it is) to avoid conflicts with other USB
> storage devices.  Right now, USB mass storage is a real Pandora's box, and
> have to wait at least for Win98SE and older to die out before mass storage
> fulfill USB's "plug and play" promise. (I don't know about WinME, but I
hear Win2K
> supports USB mass storage properly.)
> -
> To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
> "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: MD: Which is the best dual Mini Disc / CD Player

2001-06-14 Thread Steve Hill

> Also thinking of replacing my SONY MZR50, whats the best portable at
> present?

I guess that depends on your criteria but, of the people that I know, all
have either stayed with or moved to Sony portables. Assuming - given the address - that you're from the UK, I bought the MZ-E500 for £132,
which is a great playback only deck that takes a chewing gum cell so no
power-bulge for the AA cell. The only downside is the plastic case if it may
need to take a few knocks. If you need to record as well, a friend waxes
lyrical about his MZ-R900, about £200 on-line, which is the only Sony
recorder without a power-bulge, I believe, and has a metal case. Both are
MDLP compatible.
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Re: MD: Which is the best dual Mini Disc / CD Player

2001-06-14 Thread Julian Morey

Could anyone recomend a dual Mini Disc / CD Player?
Or a combination of seperates for a reasonable price which will offer
better quality.
Also thinking of replacing my SONY MZR50, whats the best portable at
Regards, Julian

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MD: legality of recording concerts (was home made mics)

2001-06-14 Thread David W. Tamkin

| My only other question would be about the legality
| of it.  I'm assuming it's, well, not legal.

When the artist's management (or the artist, if the management contract
leaves it up to the artist) specifically permits it, it is legal.  Even
then, sometimes you'll have trouble from the venue or the security firm.

The above is gleaned from posts I've read over the years; I neither have nor
claim any personal experience.

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Re: MD: home made mics

2001-06-14 Thread Mike Lastucka

>Like you are setting there listening to it all over again.  You also
>hear the people next to you coughing, talking, clapping or making

Hey, that's pretty cool.  My only other question would be about the legality 
of it. :)  I'm assuming it's, well, not legal.

Mike Lastucka, B. Tech
2048 bit DH 0x16DC15CD

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Re: MD: Recording speeds

2001-06-14 Thread Timothy Stockman

> couldn't there be some way of making 2X or
> 4X recordables? I mean, I know obviously it's not as easy as it would be to
> do on the 4X deck, but maybe some sort of USB port with a winamp plugin that
> speeds up the audio output? Is this possible?

Current recorders only accept S/PDIF at 1X.  With a sound card that is 96 KHz
capable and if the recorder could accept it, 2X transfer would be possible.
96 KHz and even 192 KHz soundcards exist, but no MD will accept S/PDIF
at a rate other than 1X.

USB would be the far better solution, because it would permit *flow control*.
This would eliminate the annoying pops, dropouts and stutters that result from
Windows inability to handle even 1X audio smoothly.  A complete USB solution
could include bi-directional audio transfer, control and status, and even power,
given the modest requirements of today's portables.  All of this via 1 fairly
small connector!

One note of caution:  Due to the nature of the differing Windows implementations
of USB mass storage support, it would be wise to steer clear of treating MD as a
mass storage device (even though it is) to avoid conflicts with other USB mass
storage devices.  Right now, USB mass storage is a real Pandora's box, and we'll
have to wait at least for Win98SE and older to die out before mass storage can
fulfill USB's "plug and play" promise. (I don't know about WinME, but I hear Win2K
supports USB mass storage properly.)

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Re: MD: home made mics

2001-06-14 Thread J. Coon

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

here is the web site

Lalita wrote:
> hey all..
> I was looking at jim coon's t mic instructions.. has anyone used this mic
> to record concerts?  if so, what does it compare to?
> I was also interested in looking at tidmarsh's plans but the link on
> isn't working.. does anyone know of a working link?
> thanks
> Lalita
> ==
> Lalita Pukyama  ~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ICQ: 4634919   AIM: Pukyama
> ==
> -
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Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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Re: MD: home made mics

2001-06-14 Thread J. Coon

Like you are setting there listening to it all over again.  You also
hear the people next to you coughing, talking, clapping or making

Mike Lastucka wrote:
> >I was looking at jim coon's t mic instructions.. has anyone used this mic
> >to record concerts?  if so, what does it compare to?
> I'm curious about something.  How do recordings of concerts sound when done
> with an MD player?
> ml
> ---
> Mike Lastucka, B. Tech
> 2048 bit DH 0x16DC15CD
> _
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> -
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> "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MD: MDLP Question

2001-06-14 Thread Dodge


Then i'd have to get me a new recorder AND a new portable AND a new car MD 
AND the MDS-PC3 (if it supports MDLP)
It's a bit too costly for me... :(

But thank you anyway


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