Re: MD: MD inferior to MP3: it's not computer-literate

2001-08-04 Thread Gerry Morgan

Larry wrote:
> >Also, even MP3s are an improvement over vinyl, cassettes and FM.

>macdef wrote:
> > Woah! Larry, now you're really out there ;) Vinyl on a good system
> > sounds as good as any CD, and FAR better than any MP3.

Larry replied:
> From time to time I hear "vinyl purists" make claims like yours.  But 
> they never sight any double blind studies.  They present no data or facts 
> to support their position.

I've not done any double blind tests, but I have done blind tests with 
several people, using a fairly good stereo system, and there are plenty of 
LPs out there that sound much better (in the unanimous view of those 
listening) than the commercially-available CD version of the same piece. It 
depends on the mastering and the pressing though, and I also have CDs that 
sound better than the corresponding LP. None of this was statistically 
significant, of course. We're talking about groups of 4-5 people. However, 
I have never heard an MP3 (even a well-produced one) that came even close 
to the quality of good LP (vinyl) sound.

For portability and ease of editing, I prefer minidisc. I hope that any 
future, "computer-literate" flavour of minidisc that might emerge will 
sound at least as good as what we have now. It does not necessarily follow 
that it will. My older (late 1950s and 1960s) LPs generally sound better 
than those from the 70s and 80s.


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MD: Universal AC Adapter and Sharp 831

2001-06-20 Thread Gerry Morgan

I bought my Sharp 831 last year while I was living in France, but now I'm 
back in the US. Unfortunately, Sharp supplied an AC adapter that only works 
on European voltages (does not support 60 HZ / 110v), which seems rather 
surprising for a device as portable as a minidisc player. Anyway, I'm 
planning to get a universal AC adapter from Radio Shack (or similar), but 
first I just wanted to check whether anyone on the list had had any bad 
experiences with universal AC adapters on Sharp 831s, or whether anyone 
knows a good source for "official" Sharp adapters.



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Re: MD: The far horizon of MP3 storage

2001-02-14 Thread Gerry Morgan

Mike Burger wrote:
>But is that really news?  It was IBM Germany, after all.  The employees
>were German.  Besides the Jews and Gypsies, who else do you think was
>killed...anyone who spoke out against Hitler/The Reich.  Hitler ruled by
>fear just as much as force of personality, you know.

The book by Edwin Black that has just been published on this says that the 
chairman of IBM, Thomas Watson, expressed admiration for Hitler and that 
Hitler personally presented Watson with the Merit Cross of the German Eagle 
with Star. I don't know to what extent Watson really sympathized with Nazi 
ideology. There was pressure on him after the US joined the war to return 
the medal, and he did so. According to the book, there was no such thing as 
IBM Germany before the war. It was created in order for IBM not to be 
caught trading with the enemy. Watson knew that the profits could be 
repatriated to the US after the war.

But if one decided to boycott IBM for trading with the Nazis, one should 
also boycott: the Ford Motor Company (Henry Ford was awarded a similar 
medal, and definitely was a Nazi sympathizer); General Motors, which owned 
Opel, purveyor of fine automobiles to the Nazi regime; Bayer 
Pharmaceuticals and Hoechst, both of which were part of the notorious I.G. 
Farben group, and Hugo Boss, which designed the Nazis' uniforms. There are 
many more examples, and it might prove impractical to boycott them all.

The important thing is to understand what happened in the past, in order 
better to understand how things are today. That's why I'm planning to read 
the book (so far I've only seen an extract from it in the UK Sunday Times).

As for me, you can be absolutely sure that I do NOT own an IBM minidisc 


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MD: Portable MD with Big Display?

2000-12-20 Thread Gerry Morgan

I'm looking for a portable minidisc recorder that has a fairly large 
display. It's for someone who liked my Sharp 831, but whose eyes are a 
little older than mine, and who found the display too tiny to read easily 
(the 831 display is about 1 inch square). I guess it would also be OK if 
the display is no bigger, but the words and icons are a bit larger than on 
my 831.

Does anyone have any suggestions? It's OK if the minidisc recorder itself 
is bigger than the 831, and I have no preference as far as brand is 
concerned. But it must record.



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Re: MD: SACD? Any chance for survival?

2000-12-05 Thread Gerry Morgan

Leon wrote:
>The future doesn't look bright for DVD-A or SACD.  If nothing else, I think
>us people nowadays are far less likely to spend on audio as if it's a hobby,
>and pursue the (supposedly) more refined stuff.
>Of course, that's probably also due to things like MD being so easily

Isn't it a little early to write off those two formats (especially DVD-A, 
which has only just become available)? Few people would have been buying 
CDs when they were first available in 1981. And, on the face of it, DVD-A 
has a lot going for it -- reportedly better sound quality than CD, and a 
whole new format for the record companies to sell to people whose record 
collections are in CD format (many of them will already have "upgraded" 
once from vinyl). I doubt that MD will have much effect either way, because 
the pre-recorded MD market is so small.


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Re: MD: Recommend Portable

2000-10-01 Thread Gerry Morgan

Ivica Petrovic wrote:
>some sort of Fade does have the Sharp 831.

It lets you set the fading time to 3, 5 or 7 seconds. You can then choose 
to fade in and fade out recordings automatically.

Also, as the recording level can be changed while recording is in progress, 
you could manually fade in/out over whatever period of time suits you.


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RE: MD: Recommend Portable

2000-09-30 Thread Gerry Morgan

Peter Forest wrote:
>Basically, with the use you want to do with your MD recorder, my first
>suggestion is the Sharp MS-722. This is the advantage of this unit :

You could also consider the Sharp 831, which also has all the features you 
mentioned. It has the same features as the 722, and is smaller. But it has 
the clam-shell door that some feel is fragile (as Peter mentioned). I have 
an 831, and I like it a lot. The clam-shell door has proved to be fine so 
far (but the unit is only three months old).

I chose a Sharp recorder because a friend of mine is very pleased with his 
722. Both the 722 and 831 let you change the recording level without 
stopping the recording, by the way, which I think is not the case with all 
MD recorders (that may or may not be important to you).


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Re: MD: digest mode is annoying (md-l-mimedigest V2 #766)

2000-09-26 Thread Gerry Morgan

Shawn Lin wrote:
>Digest Mode is annoying.
>At LEAST with commercial SPAM, I know what is in the body of the message
>by reading the subject.
>With a digest mode reply, I see "md-l-mimedigest V2 #766" as the

Digest subscribers who wish to post to the list should fix the subject so 
that it refers to the post they are replying to. It is simple list 
etiquette, and you are right to complain about it. Other lists that I 
subscribe to block any messages that have the equivalent of 
"md-l-mimedigest V2 #766" as the title.

I routinely delete messages that have "md-l-mimedigest V2 #766" as the 
title, just as I always delete messages that start with "NB: Over 50% of 
this message is QUOTED".

But there are good reasons for some people to prefer digest mode, and 
Michael Stouffs has listed some of them. I'm an immediate-mode subscriber 
to this list, but there are other lists where I choose digest mode. Digest 
mode serves a useful purpose.

I think the best suggestion was to create a second list for advertising, 
and that those who wish to receive advertising subscribe to both lists. It 
is so easy to subscribe to another list and filter it wherever you want to 
that the only possible reason to object to this is if you are an advertiser 
who wants to reach people on *this* list. So why not have two lists, and 
let the advertisers promote the *other* list in their signatures (when they 
post non-commercial messages to this list). That way, new subscribers to 
this list will be made aware of the advertising list, and this list can 
focus on discussing MiniDisc.

I'm giving it till the end of the week for the list to get back on topic. 
If not, I'll unsubscr!be.


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