MD: Sound cards

2001-05-16 Thread Jim Gray

Speaking of DAT, I found an old booklet announcing the new DAT medium, and
it mentions End Search.  Somehow it just didn't hit me that End Search was
vital for not recording over a tape, but it makes it seem that much more
stupid and useless for a random access medium like MD!

I know this has been discussed before, but I don't have the old digests:
what is the least expensive sound card with a TOSlink input that will
preserve track numbers from an MD?  I'm finally getting into CD burning and
now it's important to me.


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Re: MD: md-l-digest V3 #12 LP speeds

2001-04-19 Thread Jim Gray

I recorded over 3 hours of lectures at a seminar recently, required 2 MDs on
my portable Sharp 722, and when I dubbed them onto my JB940 at LP4 speed, I
was very happy with the results.  Up to 5 hours on a disc is wonderful, when
it's just voice-quality you need anyway.  This isn't a lowering of
standards, it's a sensible usage.

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MD: earbuds

2001-02-19 Thread Jim Gray

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This may have already been answered some time ago, but what should I pay =
for a really decent pair of earbuds, and what model is recommended?  =

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Re: MD: md-l-digest V2 #865 hi speed copying

2001-01-29 Thread Jim Gray

>I'm hoping to find a deck that will do high-speed dubbing from
>cassette tapes (voice, not music, so absolute hi fi isn't required)

This would be sorta convoluted, but if you had an MD deck AND a Sony JB940
deck connected to it, you could actually run your tape thru a dubbing deck
and record the double-speed signal (analog, of course) onto the 940, then
copy it onto the other MD deck while playing it back slowed down by half
speed to normal.  The 940 lets you vary the playback speed slower (but not

Unfortunately, this wouldn't save you time in the end, but it would get your
tapes copied off the cassettes faster and let you edit your MD versions at
your leisure.  And you can often edit speed tapes at a much higher speed
than normal.

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MD: Sony 940

2000-07-29 Thread Jim Gray

So far no one has spoken up: does ANYONE own a Sony 940 deck?
I wanted to know if it will still record at mono, and here's another
question: if you record on the new, long play lower-bitrate speed, can
that disc be played on other models, or only on new equipment with the
long play feature?

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MD: disc vs. disk

2000-07-17 Thread Jim Gray

I prefer disc, but if you read the New York Times, they ALWAYS spell it
DISK even for Compact Discs (trademark).  They refuse to spell it with a

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MD: scms

2000-07-16 Thread Jim Gray

people don't necessarily want SCMS control just to STEAL music, it's
also because without it you can't even copy YOUR OWN stuff.  And we
don't all have the budgets for pro equipment.

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MD: plug in power

2000-07-05 Thread Jim Gray

I got one of those Sony mics, I think the 907, and even witha  fresh
battery, it only puts a weak signal into my Sharp 722.  I have to almost
shout into it to get any volume, and any song I put on the MD is way
louder than my speech.  Is it supposed to be that way?
I've actually gotten the best results with one of those cheap little
computer mics that are allegedly stereo but only output to one channel,
Ijust record my voice in mono and I get good volume input.

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MD: end search petition

2000-06-01 Thread Jim Gray

I must have missed the first mention of an End Search petition to Sony,
but please sign me up.  I would strongly recommend that it leave out all
other issues, and stick to End Search only, as the others will dilute
the message.  End Search needs to stand out alone as the greatest
abomination of all the Sony portables, and the point should be very

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2000-05-30 Thread Jim Gray

I would like to ask [EMAIL PROTECTED] and also liteways to please not
put such long quotes into your posts, they are completely unnecessary
and in fact the latest digest was probably more quotes than original
messages!  It's a huge waste of bandwidth and time!

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MD: onecall sale

2000-05-25 Thread Jim Gray is having a big sale, and includes the Sharp 722 portable
for $176!  Great price for a great recorder!  I got mine there a year
ago and was very satisfied with their service.

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MD: end search again and again

2000-05-18 Thread Jim Gray

We wouldn't be arguing about end search if Gaz would stop trying to
defend something so stupid, useless, and ergonomically idiotic, not to
mention destructive.  I don't understand why he does this, unless he
just likes calling people stupid and arguing with them.

But more importantly: does anyone at Sony even KNOW how much people hate
it, or are we all making a lot of noise in the wilderness?  Does anyone
here know anyone at Sony who could be contacted about this?  Is there
any way to find out if Sony realizes that this feature is so unpopular?
IF not, they'll just keep adding it to every new unit from now on!

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MD: circuit city site

2000-04-12 Thread Jim Gray

I got this nice reply re that circuit city web page:

Dear Mr. Gray,


?s always a pleasure hear from one of our customers, but when we can
ways to improve our web site in the process we always feel we've gotten
better end of the bargain.

As a result of your note to us, we have made changes to the article on
that we hope you will feel addresses to issues you raised. Among other
the updated article makes fewer comparisons between MiniDisc and CD and
comparisons to cassette tapes. This new article should be available on
in just a few days.

When you see the revised section of our web site, please feel free to
know how you feel about the changes we made. Again, thank you for
make even better.


Doug Hess
Web Content Project Manager

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MD: circuit city

2000-04-10 Thread Jim Gray

I sent my own reply to Circuit City regarding their website:

To: George Barr
Re: MiniDisc

This is not to start or perpetuate a feud on the Minidisc issue, but
only to point out that what was objectionable about your web statement
about the MiniDisc is that you are comparing it to the CD, rather than
to the cassette, which it was intended to replace.  If you were to say
"it sounds better than the cassette, and almost as good as the original
CD," then no one would really complain.  It's the wrongful comparison
that misleads the buyer, by putting it in the wrong context.  I would
rather have a CD than a MiniDisc copy, but oftentimes the MD copy sounds
good enough to keep, and I would ALWAYS rather have an MD copy than a
cassette copy of something.  That's the point you seem to miss.  Thanks
for your time on this.   Jim Gray

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MD: toslink v. coax

2000-04-04 Thread Jim Gray

Thanks, everyone, who answered my query about toslink v. coax; I figured
it was BS.  The info came from a book by Robert Harley, who I'm told is
"controversial" among audiophiles.  I'm not an audiophile yet, but hope
one day to have the bux to do so.  But no matter how rich I ever get, I
plan not to be stupid enough to spend Eight Thousand Dollars on speaker
cables; that really takes the cake!!

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MD: CDs with graphics

2000-04-04 Thread Jim Gray

About 10 or so years ago some CDs on the market had graphics included,
but you needed a special player to see them; it was usually lyrics and
maybe some artwork.  Does anyone know of a Windows CD player program
that would display those graphics?  I still have the Hendrix Smash Hits
and I think it was Van Dyke Parks' Tokyo Rose but have never seen the
graphics on them.

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MD: coax v. toslink

2000-04-02 Thread Jim Gray

Can someone please explain to me how there could possibly be any
difference between digital transmission by coaxial versus TosLink?  I
would assume that the exact same data is transferred, and that error
correction would insure that no data is lost, and yet I read in this
high-end stereophile book a statement that toslink gives inferior bass
and imaging, or some such.  Is this for real?

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MD: Boosting digital input

2000-03-23 Thread Jim Gray

This may be a silly question, but I hate to assume; when I digitally
copied a CD, I found it was recorded at a very low volume, so I kept
boosting the input volume on the MD recorder until it was still
undistorted, and recorded a much louder MD from the CD.
I would imagine that there will be no difference in noise (such as the
original tape hiss that recorded along with the music on the original
CD), that everything would be boosted equally, but does anyone know
differently about this?

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MD: Sharp and Sony

2000-03-21 Thread Jim Gray

I use a Sony 520 deck and a Sharp 722 portable, and everything recorded
on one plays perfectly on the other, including mono recordings.  I've
been very happy with both units.  I recently got the little Aiwa
bookshelf unit (XDM110? not sure of the number) and it came with a free
portable player, those have worked fine as well.  Of course, I hate any
unit that has only a digital in but no digital out, like that Aiwa and
the Sony CD to MD dubbing deck, what a stupid idea, having no digital
out or keyboard input!

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MD: Sony 520

2000-03-19 Thread Jim Gray

My 520 has worked great, flawlessly for over a year now.  A couple of
Memoriex discs have been troublesome, but on all 3 of my recorders, not
just the 520.

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MD: Sony

2000-02-04 Thread Jim Gray

I would tend to doubt that anyone at Sony bothers to look at this
digest, else someone would've spoke up by now... we still do not know
,to this day, whether Sony knows how much most of us hate and despise
End Search, and probably don't know or care that they really blew it
when they didn't put a keyboard jack on their deck that copies CDs at 4X
speed.  It would be so nice to be able to get a message to someone at
Sony who knows and cares, but that's assuming such a person even exists.

Any Sony lurkers, please speak up now!

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MD: and another thing...

2000-02-04 Thread Jim Gray

Forgot to mention that a product called D-Solvit is good for getting
labels off, it's orange scented and comes in very small or large plastic
bottles, if it's still on the market...

I guess I'm gonna have to try that timer thing, so can we assume that
when you press "timer' on your Sony deck, it puts into an Eprom (or
whatever) a command to start recording when power comes back on?  Why
couldn't they just explain this in the manual?  I was under the
impression that you needed some sort of Sony electronic timer that
actually controls the deck somehow!

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MD: Timer

2000-01-28 Thread Jim Gray

What type of timer works with these Sony decks?  Is it a special model
you buy from Sony?  Surely it's not a kitchen timer that cuts the power
on, since the deck has to be powered the whole time it's on standby.
What model, make, price, where does one get a timer as described?

On another topic, I love the new Sony deck that copies a CD at 4X speed,
but why the hell didn't Sony put a keyboard socket in that model?
That's the only thing that keeps it from being absolutely perfect  I
guess I'm just going to wait another year or 2 for that to happen on the
next upgrade...

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MD: dropouts

2000-01-05 Thread Jim Gray

I've found problems with Memorex blanks on several occasions, in 2
different recorders; the problem is that the disc 'hangs' up and won't
record or play past a certain point.  Sometimes it will record all the
way thru, but on playback it stops at a certain point and the timing
display flashes the second before and after repeatedly, other times it
just stops recording at a spot and leaves the rest of the disc blank.
This happened on a Sony JE520 and a little Aiwa bookshelf model.  It
hasn't happened yet on my Sharp 722, but it's always a Memorex blank
that does it.

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MD: tricks

1999-11-01 Thread Jim Gray

re the 930 editing trick, I've sometimes added a dummy track (a few
seconds of silence or noise) at the end just so that I could go
backwards into the previous track, rather than take forever to go
forward.  after finishing, delete the dummy track.  it's fun, working
out these little tricks, once you get used to the digital editing

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MD: friendly advice

1999-10-15 Thread Jim Gray

If you're going to post this on every single message:
"A book judged by it's cover makes for a very shallow read."
you might want to get rid of the apostrophe, it's "its" not "it's"
don't get offended, just trying to save you some embarrassment

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MD: end search

1999-09-08 Thread Jim Gray

I'm trying not to get caught up in this ES debate again, but I'm
beginning to realize that some people, who bought Sonys and then had to
get used to a stupid, useless, destructive feature WOULD RATHER DIE than
admit that they got something inherently stupid, and will strain their
brains trying to rationalize something that is completely indefensible!!

I promise you, that if a word processor such as Word or Wordperfect
forced you to save every file to a blank space, and didn't even ask you
if you wanted to preserve your previous data, we would all go nuts, but
you would find a few people who would find some way to rationalize just
how much "better" that is, that it somehow gives the end user "more
control" or some such nonsense, and would do anything not to admit that
a product whose DEFAULT is to DESTROY DATA is sheer idiocy!!!  In fact,
they would accuse the rest of us of being stupid for not remembering
each and every time to search our hard drives for a blank area!!

But, you would absolutely find a few such people willing to debate that

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MD: analog

1999-08-30 Thread Jim Gray

Hey, I don't hate analog just because I love digital and MDs!  I
recently dug out an old Dolby B cassette of a gig I played with some
guys in our surf band 21 years ago, and it made a nice copy on MD.  It's
a relief knowing that the MD will probably long outlive the original
cassette, being an optical medium that won't accidently erase like a
tape, and having the exact timing and titling is a bonus.  It's the one
thing that makes me prefer MD to DAT, having instant access to a track
and not worrying about that fragile tape crinkling up or getting erased
or fading out.  I don't hate analog, I just prefer to back it up on
digital and on a more permanent medium, the MD.

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MD: decibels

1999-08-20 Thread Jim Gray

I seem to recall from a physics class that when you double the sound volume,
it's an increase of 3 dBs.

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MD: We Sharp fools

1999-08-14 Thread Jim Gray

Yeah, to the guy who called us "fools," I'll gladly switch when Sony
gets rid of that fookin' End Search crap!

You really know how to win friends and influence people!

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MD: sony

1999-08-06 Thread Jim Gray

Yeah, I too just got my 3 sony discs, for which i sent in the coupon
last december!

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MD: memorex

1999-08-03 Thread Jim Gray

OK, this is totally unscientific, but I've had the odd problem where I
can record on my Sony 520 deck, and it plays back perfectly on my Sharp
722, but doesn't play back on the 520 (where it was originally recorded)
without skips and glitches.  This has happened at least twice, and only
on memorex discs.  Again, totally unscientific, but it's disappointing
that I'm beginning to lose the complete faith I had in recording on
MDs.  Now I worry that I have to play back every recording to make sure
it's OK before giving up the source disc.

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MD: marketing

1999-07-30 Thread Jim Gray

I wonder why the merchants are so far behind in marketing current
models?  At Best Buy, I finally saw the Sony 330, a big improvement over
the 320, but I've had my Sharp 722 for months, and some have had 821s
for a long time, and yet they just keep pushing the 702 in all the
And I have no idea where I could buy a 530 or a 930 at a good price, as
no local merchant carries them!
I thought the USA was much more on the ball with distribution!

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MD: and another thing...

1999-07-27 Thread Jim Gray

I finally got that Sony 907 microphone that everyone's recommending, and
I find that just like the cheap ones I was using, it puts a weak,
low-volume signal into the recorder, so that I have to talk LOUDLY into
it or very close up to get any volume.  Are they all like that?

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MD: equipment failure

1999-07-27 Thread Jim Gray

just lately, my Sony 520 has been faltering on  a couple of tracks; I
don't know if it's in the record or playback process where the error
begins, but a track now and then will hesitate, the second-counter
stalls, and it plays with blank spaces intermittent.  I thought it was
my Sharp 722, but it's the Sony deck.  Both times it happend on Memorex
blanks, but I don't know that that explains it.  When I rerecord the
songs on the same disc, then delete the bad track, it works OK, but this
means I now have to listen to every MD I make before letting go of the
CD I copied.  I no longer feel I can trust the deck to make a reliable

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MD: 722 error

1999-07-21 Thread Jim Gray

for the first time, my Sharp 722 made an error: I was copying an MD via
Toslink, and near the end of the 68 minute album, the final track began
to break up into intermittent skips of silence for several seconds, then
more of the song, then more silence, back and forth.
The 722 hasn't been roughly handled at all, and it only recently fell
off the edge of a bed about 2 feet or less onto thick carpet, so I don't
think it was damaged, but my question is: does this sort of thing just
happen once in a while with digital recording, or is it the
unmistakeable sign of damage and failure?

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MD: analog v. digital

1999-07-19 Thread Jim Gray

I greatly enjoyed Kade Hansson's account here:
 For years, devoted
audiophiles have been complaining that CDs are too "sharp" sounding and
not present the "warmth" of vinyl records. I personally find this
ridiculous- vinyl is clearly a distorted impression of the sound- and it
my belief that a vinyl record, suitably filtered, and recorded onto a CD

(or MD), would exhibit no difference to a listener accustomed to this
warmth. i.e. The effect is probably a desirably familar distortion, not
advantage of analogue sounds over digital sounds.

I've always wanted to hear an informed opinion on that issue, and I
loved it!

In case David Janssen (sp?) doesn't post here any more, it needs to be
announced that Prospec will no longer sell its SCMS-stripper after
October 1, and has already stopped manufacturing them.  Something's up
in Japan, whatever it is, that has caused them to be banned.  If you
want one, either go ahead and order or look into the other models that
have been mentioned here.

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MD: CD graphics

1999-01-17 Thread Jim Gray

Regarding this topic:

The CD+Graphics specification mainly evolved in a few multi-purpose
interactive-CD players such as the Commodore CDTV (an earlier attempt to

house a computer - an Amiga 500 with CD-ROM drive - in a
living-room-friendly box) and the Philips CD-I machines as well as a
of JVC players pitched at karaoke use. Also the CD+Graphics format ended
mainly being used as a medium for karaoke applications -- a disc
with a backing track and some real-time lyrics.

Does any windows CD player program display these graphics?  I have a
couple of old CDs with those graphics, and I've never actually seen the
graphics!  I'd like to if I can do it thru windows software...

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MD: coupla things

1999-01-03 Thread Jim Gray

60 min discs always cost more, for no apparent reason other than maybe
scarcity.  is there any advantage to a 60 over a 74?  are the tracks
spread out wider for less errors, or are they just crippled 74s?  why
would they exist?

damark (at has a Sharp portable for sale for $199 in their
latest catalog, it looks nice.  If I didn't already have a 722, I'd
probably buy it.  Has anyone here used the Sharp MD-MT15?  (Or is it an
old model with earlier ATRAC?)  Just in case anyone is interested...

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