Re: MD: Coax- Optical Converter

2000-07-07 Thread Leo Davidson

On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, las wrote:

> Ralph, DTS is a whole other world. You combine that with TXH ( or is it THX?)

THX is just a guarentee of certain qualities, it's not a sound format or
encoding. THX is more like a seal of approval than anything else, and one
of dubious worth, FWIW. For example, a DVD with the THX logo might still
be a non-anamorphic transfer, but everyone would agree that a (widescreen)
DVD should be anamorphic if it's meant to be of the highest quality.

> because unlike Dolby, in DTS all of the channels are full spectrum (and
> the rear channels are separate descrete

If you mean Dolby Digital, this isn't entirely true. Dolby Pro-Logic is
what you're describing. That has left, right and rear channels
only, AFAIK. Dolby Digital is a different format to Pro-Logic. Both Dolby
Digital and, like DTS, features fully discrete 5.1 channel sound: left,
right, centre, rear-left, rear-right, and low frequency effects (the .1),
which is sometimes called the subwoofer channel, but that is slightly
incorrect. (Although the way the LFE channel is usually used, it might as
well be true.)

I think DTS stands for Digital Theatre Sound, but I often get the name
wrong so don't quote me on that, heh! (In case anyone thought the D in DTS
meant Dolby.)

There are also new versions of both DD and DTS, I think called DD-ES and
DTS-ES (Extended Surround). (Actially, I can't find the article I read on
DD-ES so I could be remembering things wrong! DTS-ES definitely exists,
though.) The ES part gives DTS yet another channel for rear-centre.

All very exciting, I know... heh :-)

 .- Leo Davidson --//-//--//--.
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Re: MD: Coax- Optical Converter

2000-07-07 Thread Leo Davidson

On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, las wrote:

> Hi.  Do you have a receiver that has DTS circuitry in it?


 .- Leo Davidson --//-//--//--.
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Re: MD: Coax- Optical Converter

2000-07-07 Thread Leo Davidson

On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Ralph Smeets wrote:

> looked it up and it seems that only DTS sound surpasses the bandwidth of
> TosLink..

Still not sure there since my DVD player does DTS and there's no mention
of it only working with the coax output. I'm pretty sure I played a DTS
disc on it before I switched to coax for the DVD (since I got a CD player
which only had optical out, not for any other reason.)


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Re: MD: Coax- Optical Converter

2000-07-07 Thread Leo Davidson

On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Ralph Smeets wrote:

> AFAIK, Dobly Digital, DTC and/or MPEG-1 sound surpasses the bandwidth of
> TosLink (the optical link). Thus coaxial is used.

I don't think this is true since many DVD players, mine included, have
both coax and optical outputs and 5.1 channel sound works through both.


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Re: MD: Coax- Optical Converter

2000-07-06 Thread Leo Davidson

On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, las wrote:

> What do you think?  All I know is that I just bought a DVD player (hasn't
> been delivered yet) that plays MP3s.  Unfortunately it has a coaxial
> output, so I guess I may be one of those people interested in such a
> converter.

One thing I would say is that if there really is a difference between coax
and optical, it's very unlikely to be as noticable as the difference
between mp3/minidisc and the original, uncompressed recording, so why
worry? :-)

 .- Leo Davidson --//-//--//--.
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MD: UK supplier for TOSLINK splitter?

2000-07-02 Thread Leo Davidson

Hi, does anyone know a UK (or decent US or wherever) supplier for a
TOSLINK y-splitter?

I've spent the last couple of hours (ARGH!) searching with no luck. have a nicely priced splitter but for orders
from outside of the US they require a fax or email of a scan/photocopy of
both sides of your credit card. I don't have a fax machine at home and
there is no way in hell I am going to send a picture of my credit card
over something as insecure as email! (No other site I've seen does this;
it can't be good for business...)


Any help would be much appreciated.


 .- Leo Davidson --//-//--//--.
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Re: MD: Purchasing MD equipment from the US (to the UK)

2000-07-02 Thread Leo Davidson

On Sat, 1 Jul 2000, Mathew J. Newton wrote:

> Has anyone out there (UK members specifically) had much experience in
> purchasing MD equipment mail order from the US? seem very good to me. I got a Japanese import MZ-E90
from them. They ship to the UK but I don't know how fast or whether
customs will burn you since I was in the USA at the time. :)

 .- Leo Davidson --//-//--//--.
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Re: MD: emailing bird song recordings

2000-06-29 Thread Leo Davidson

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, David Kuhn wrote:

> I am engaged in a research project involving recording bird vocalizations.
> I need to be able to email these recordings.  I have a Sony MZ-R90 MD and a
> HP Omnibook 2000 laptop computer with a sound card.  Can someone tell me how
> I can find out what is needed  to get the recordings into my laptop and then
> to email them?

Assuming that you don't mind sampling the MD output (i.e. not a digital
copy of it), you could just get a cable with a small headphone jack on
each end and connect the MD's line-out to your laptop's line-in. (Or use
the headphone connector and/or laptop's mic, if either doesn't have a
line-in/out, but that's not as good.)

Then you just need something to record the samples. Sound Recorder comes
with Windows but I think is still pathetically limited to 30 seconds or
something rediculous. If you need longer I'm not sure what the best thing
to use is, but you could go for a trial version of Cool Edit Pro which I
think would do the job.

Good luck!


 .- Leo Davidson --//-//--//--.
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Re: MD: Aiwa AM-F5 problem

2000-06-28 Thread Leo Davidson

You've probably already tried this, but maybe the lens is just dirty and
needs cleaning with one of the cleaning MDs you can buy in most shops?

Whatever the problem is, good luck! My second Sony discman did something
similar a few months ago -- when trying to play most CDs it would say "no
disc" unless the unit was shaken while it started to play (seriously!). I
tried a cleaning CD (and I had to shake the unit to get that to play, too,
heh), but no luck. (For some reason it played one of my CDs fine,

The complete unreliability of portable CD players is what ultimately made
me jump to MD for portable audio, despite being quite anti-MD at the time.
I didn't like the idea of lossy compression and I hated (and still do :-))
having to spent time in advance recording my CDs to MD. But if the damn
players were going to break ever six months, MD was a much better
option. (And the players are a lot more portable, too.)

(That said, I bought another discman, almost identical to the old one, to
use as a decidated digital-output CD->MD device. :-) (And to play a new
CD which came out while I was in another country with only my MD player,



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MD: Digital CD-MD-Amp passthrough

2000-06-27 Thread Leo Davidson

Hi, I've just joined this list so apologies if this has been asked before,
but I couldn't see a mention in any FAQs or webpages.

I'm thinking about getting an MD-deck, mainly to record CDs to MD. (I
currently use a Discman and an MZ-R55 connected via optical, and have an
MZ-E90 for playback.)

My problem is that my Sony CD megachanger has a pretty bad DAC and sounds
a lot better when connected to my Amp via an optical cable. If I get an MD
deck I want to connect the CD changer to it in the same way to get
digital-quality MD copies, but the changer only has one optical/digital

I guess I need to get an MD deck that has optical input and output and is 
able to act as a passthrough so the CD's optical output can reach the amp 
via the MD deck.

Does anyone know which MD decks, if any, support this? I have seen one or
two which have optical output as well as input, but the typically sparse
webpages don't say whether the output is only for the MD deck itself or
whather it will relay the optical input to the output when the MD isn't in

Many thanks for any information,



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