MD: SB! value + hoontech bracket = ?

2000-04-15 Thread Mitch P.

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Can someone walk me through exactly which supplies I need to get?  I want to get a 
Soundblaster Live! value card + hoontech bracket so I can hook my Sony JE630 optical 
out to the optical in on the soundcard and record to my computer hard drive as WAV 

I went to the Hoontech web site and got lost ---everything seems so coded to me.  I 
just want the combo everyone has good luck with that will allow me to do what I want.  
I can't seem to find the right stuff.  Is it the SB Digital I/0 III that I am looking 
for?  It must be able to accept the optical cable connection from my MD deck.  I 
clicked on "order" but it seemed to give me a bunch of vendor sites.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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MD: Whats Up With Circuit City?

2000-04-06 Thread Mitch P.

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Hey did you guys notice the price increase on Memorex colored minidiscs 20 pack at 
Circuit City?  Whats up with that?  I thought prices normally come down, rather than 
go up :(   I bought a 20 pack before for $29.99 at Circuit City, and they were on sale 
for $28.49 a couple weeks ago.  I go back to the store and they have been repriced at 
$34.99!  (It still beats Best Buys price of $39.99 for these)  Any thoughts?  Maybe 
they realized these were a hot item and decided to make some extra cash.  Gr!

They also had this comment on their web site:

"Mini-discs don't have frequency response or other "normal" hi-fi measurements because 
the ATRAC system does not permit "straight" measurement of the compressed/reduced 
data. Some audiophiles object to this and prefer to stick with high end cassette decks 
or expensive DAT machines for critical recordings. We won't argue this point, for if 
you put on headphones and compare a CD to an MD recorded from the CD, you will hear 
some minor degradation if you listen closely. The real point is that the mini disc 
will make better recordings than the vast majority of cassette decks in use today and 
is much more compact and convenient to use."

It seem kind of negative to me.  I really don't hear the "minor degradation" they are 
talking about and I can't imagine ANY cassette deck making a better recording than 
minidisc - maybe they put this statement out during older versions of ATRAC.


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MD: RE-JE630

2000-03-02 Thread Mitch P.

On the MDS-JE630:

"No end-search that I have found."
-the JE630 automatically begins recording where the
last song ended. No danger of recording over
previously recorded material.

"No simple way to place a track mark (R50 has
dedicated button for this)"
-use the / (backslash) key on the keyboard to divide
the track and get a track mark.  This nice feature
also allows you to preview your "division"before
actually doing so.

"No simple way to delete a track (R50 has dedicated
button for this)."
-push the - (minus) key on the keyboard.  

"Not as simple to synchro-record with an optically
connected Sony CD player."
-push the "cntrl" and "enter" keys on the
keyboardinstantly puts the JE630 in sycro-record
mode.  Press play on the CD player and your off
and running.

Get to know the keyboard, it is one of the nice
features of the JE-630.

Use the keyboard template given by Sony in the box and
you will find how fast and how easy it is to control
it.  It really makes moving in an out of options a


"I just got one.  The keyboard port is fantastic! 
Some of the interface is not as slick as my R50
however.  No end-search that I have found.  No simple
way to place a track mark (R50 has dedicated button
for this).  No simple way to delete a track (R50 has
dedicated button for this).  Not as simple to
synchro-record with an optically connected Sony CD
player.  So in some ways Sony has failed to deliver on
the simple to use interface of the R50, but... it does
have the
keyboard and digital level control.

- -John"

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Re: MD: Quality earphones / Koss :)

2000-02-22 Thread Mitch P.

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I gotta tell you guys that I really like the Koss KSC-35.  I went through many earbuds 
and headphones.  When I got my hands on the Koss KSC-35, there was no competition.  
Smooth and balanced sound from the lows to the highs, doing an excellent job of 
bringing out all of the sounds.  I bought mine from Borders bookstore.  I liked them 
so much I went back and bought the Sporta Pros.  These have the same "dynamic element" 
as the KSC-35, but perhaps slightly more base due to the fact they hold a little 
tighter to the ears.  The Sporta Pros also have a slick design.  The headband can be 
set upright over the top of the head, or can be smoothly folded down to wear behind 
the head.  The KSC-35 are so comfortable, gently clipping over the ear, you hardly 
know you are wearing any headphones at all!  They are perfect if you want to lay back 
and relax with them on, no headband to get in the way.  Both come with nice carry 
cases and are backed by a Lifetime Warranty by Koss.  Hope my mini-!
review was helpful!

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MD: Minidisc Manager and optical in on computer

2000-02-21 Thread Mitch P.

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This Minidisc Manager looks great, but do you have to buy the Slink-e controller 
available from Nirvis Systems at $199?  This would be ideal, I do have a S-link 
compatible Sony Deck (JE-630), but I don't want to shell out the 200 bones to get the 
controller.  Does anyone have experience with this?  Is it possible to just use this 
software package, my digital out on my computer, and my JE-630 digital in to get the 
automatic titling to work?

By the way, does anyone have a Hoontech or another digital i/o sound card they would 
like to sell cheap?  Oops, I got the Xitel which has only the optical out :(  lack 
of foresight..  Unless there is an easy way to "add-on" a digital in???




Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 05:05:05 GMT
From: MiniDisc Community Pages Weekly News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MD: MiniDisc Weekly News for 20 February 2000

MiniDisc Community Pages News for 14 February 2000

 o William Hollingworth has updated his free [1]MiniDisc Manager 
   software to include a [2]WinAmp Playlist Recorder function that 
   fully automates the titling and recording of MP3s and CDs onto Sony 
   MD decks.


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MD: MiniDisc as a Medical Diagnostic Tool

2000-01-20 Thread Mitch P.

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I recently used my MD recorder for an interesting purpose.  For awhile I have been 
hearing a tone in my ears which was starting to annoy me.  I would only hear it at 
night or during extremely quiet times.  So I decided to get it checked out.  I made an 
appointed with a doctor and an audiologist.  I decided that, since this is something 
that a doctor can't physically examine or hear for himself, I decided to make a 
recording that the doctor could listen to and know exactly what I was hearing for 
better diagnosis.  I generated a tone at 8,000 Hz from CoolEdit2000 on my computer and 
played it through my soundcard which was in turn, hooked up to my MD and recorded.  I 
took this 20 second recording with me to the appointment and both the doctor and 
audiologist were taken back by this.  They asked "Wha.., what's that? To which I 
explained that it was a MiniDisc recorder and give a brief description on how I went 
about recording this particular frequency.  I guess this is one way to !
introduce more people to MiniDisc!!  By the way, my hearing is above normal at all 
frequencies, its just that one of the ears "hears" the 8k Hz much better than the 
other, which in turn creates some kind of phantom sound of 8k Hz.

Have a good one,


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MD: Saw another movie with MD in it

2000-01-18 Thread Mitch P.

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Hey fellow MD friends!  I know a little while ago we had a conversation about Movies 
that had MD products in them.  Just wanted to let you know that I just saw another 
movie with MD in it.  The movie was called "Open Your Eyes"  (Abre Los Ojos).  It was 
a movie based in Spain, so it was in Spanish with English subtitles.  A great movie I 
might add.  Anyway, there was a scene that had an MD blank displayed and another scene 
which a couple of MD recorders were displayed, one of which I believe was the Sony 
MZ-R37.  The movie was made around 1997.  


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MD: Recording MD to Computer CD-R

2000-01-16 Thread Mitch P.

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Does anyone have a quick tutorial on how to record MD to a computer CD-R drive?  I 
realize this has been covered before, but I searched the archives and can't seem to 
get the right info.  Anyway, my soundcard only has analog in, so I would be going that 
route.  Let's say I want to record onto CD-R a particular album from my portable MD 
connected to my analog in on the soundcard (Xitel Storm).  Would I need to make each 
individual song from my disc a WAV file (would be using MusicMatch Jukebox for this) 
and then turn around and burn these individually onto CD-R?  

I guess one problem I forsee is the inability for the software to recognize silent 
periods between songs, therefore not automatically starting a new WAV file for the 
each song.  That would be a pain having to individually start and stop each song from 
the MD album in order to separate WAVs which would be burned as separate tracks on the 
CD-R.  Any software out there than can help alleviate the pain in that respect 
(possibly free)?  Maybe I can only record the entire MD to one big 'ole WAV file and 
then try to splice it up to get my individual songs, I am sure software for that ain't 
free.   I will be getting the CD-R in a couple of days, so I am trying to get ready 
for the transfers.

Thanks for the advice- Mitch

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MD: Is MD trading ILLEGAL?

1999-12-24 Thread Mitch P.

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I would like to do some MD trading of some popular music groups. However, before I do, 
I would like to know if it is in violation of the copyright laws to copy and trade 
minidiscs which have been recorded from an original CD. 
Does anyone have knowledge in this matter? Could you point me to any links which 
explains the copyright law? 
Has anyone heard of anyone being charged if it is indeed a violation of the law?  I 
have seen several reputable minidisc vendor sites which have links to MD trading 
posts, its seems if MD trading is illegal, these vendors would not have links to these 
MD trading sites.

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MD: Is auto-track marking possible AFTER a recording is made?

1999-12-22 Thread Mitch P.

I have a Sony JE630 home MD deck. I have a recorded
disc that has just one track but with many songs with
spaces between the songs.  Is there a feature with
this home deck that will allow me to insert this
recorded disc into the deck and have it read the
spaces and add track marks accordingly?. Can it do

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RE: MD: Sanyo MDR-4 car stereo

1999-12-22 Thread Mitch P.

No Sanyo MDR-4 car stereo at the Wal-Marts around
here.  Its not even at the Best Buy or Circuit Cities.
 Car md players at Circuit City are special ordered if
you want one.

Does sound like an offer too good to be true - darn.

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MD: Car Minidisc Player

1999-12-15 Thread Mitch P.

Does anyone know where one can get a car minidisc
player for under $300

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Re: MD: OT, anyone know how to title tracks on a CDR?

1999-12-09 Thread Mitch P.

You not only have to get the right CD text compatible
hardware, but I believe that not all CDs themselves
have the song titles encoded in the disc.  I think its
a relatively new thing, so not many CDs have the bonus
of having song title and other info available when you
play them.  Does anyone have experience with this?

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Re: MD: What can I do with a digital out?

1999-12-09 Thread Mitch P.

Oops - a correction to my earlier post.  I realize I
can't hook up a digital out from portable to the deck,
since my MZ-R55 doesn't have a digital out.


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MD: What can I do with a digital out?

1999-12-08 Thread Mitch P.

What can I do with a Digital Out that have on my Sony
Deck MDS-JE630?  I have 2 digital inputs where I can
hook in a CD player and my Sony portable MD, but I
don't know what uses I can put a Digital Out to.

Any suggestions?

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MD: headphone amps and such

1999-12-03 Thread Mitch P.

I have seen some posts regarding headphone amps.

I have a Headbanger amp ($79) I bought from  It does the job very well, driving my
Sony MDR-CD570 headphones(be careful, this amp can get

By the way, I bought these Koss "The Plug" in your ear
type earbuds.  They sound very good.  It is basically
an earplug you roll up and stick in each ear.  There
is a little tube in the center of the plug which feeds
sound to your ear.  There is very good bass isolation
due to the earplug "sealing" your ear.  Costs $20 and
is impressive.

Another less powerful headphone amp I have is the
Boostaroo.  It is only $20 and does a suprisingly good
job.  No volume control here, you use the volume
control on your MD player.  Check them out at

Boostaroo  Specifications
>System Description:
The Boostaroo  is an audio amplifier that separates
the signal into individual stereo channels to drive 3
separate headsets or speakers.

>Frequency Response:
The Boostaroo  employs similar output amplifiers to
those found in CD players.  Frequency response is
equal to or exceeds specifications. Typical
specifications are 20 to 20,000Hz +/- 2 dB.
(EIAJ CP-307 Method).

>Output (@ 3VDC):
Into 16 ohm head phones (stereo mini jack),
approximately 40 mW per channel, 12 dB gain in sound
per channel.

>Power Requirements:
DC at 3.0 VDC:  Two size AA batteries are required.
Use of alkaline batteries is suggested for longer
playing time.

>Product Dimensions:
Size: 4.5" x 1.5" x 1.1"
(11.43cm x 3.81cm x 2.79cm) 
Weight:  6 oz (170.10G) 
with 2 AA batteries. 
Cord: 6 inches (15 cm) 
Color: Black 


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MD: headphone amps and such

1999-12-03 Thread Mitch P.

I have seen some posts regarding headphone amps.

I have a Headbanger amp ($79) I bought from  It does the job very well, driving my
Sony MDR-CD570 headphones(be careful, this amp can get

By the way, I bought these Koss "The Plug" in your ear
type earbuds.  They sound very good.  It is basically
an earplug you roll up and stick in each ear.  There
is a little tube in the center of the plug which feeds
sound to your ear.  There is very good bass isolation
due to the earplug "sealing" your ear.  Costs $20 and
is impressive.

Another less powerful headphone amp I have is the
Boostaroo.  It is only $20 and does a suprisingly good
job.  No volume control here, you use the volume
control on your MD player.  Check them out at

Boostaroo  Specifications
>System Description:
The Boostaroo  is an audio amplifier that separates
the signal into individual stereo channels to drive 3
separate headsets or speakers.

>Frequency Response:
The Boostaroo  employs similar output amplifiers to
those found in CD players.  Frequency response is
equal to or exceeds specifications. Typical
specifications are 20 to 20,000Hz +/- 2 dB.
(EIAJ CP-307 Method).

>Output (@ 3VDC):
Into 16 ohm head phones (stereo mini jack),
approximately 40 mW per channel, 12 dB gain in sound
per channel.

>Power Requirements:
DC at 3.0 VDC:  Two size AA batteries are required.
Use of alkaline batteries is suggested for longer
playing time.

>Product Dimensions:
Size: 4.5" x 1.5" x 1.1"
(11.43cm x 3.81cm x 2.79cm) 
Weight:  6 oz (170.10G) 
with 2 AA batteries. 
Cord: 6 inches (15 cm) 
Color: Black 

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MD: CD changer with Custom File and CD Text transfer

1999-11-27 Thread Mitch P.

I will soon have a Sony MD deck and would like to get
a compatible Sony CD changer with Custom File and CD
Text transfer (disc and track titles transfer
automatically as you record from CD to MiniDisc).

Does anyone know where I can get one of these for
under $200?  They probably come in the "carousel"
variety, but do some portable CD players have this as

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Re: MD: Are There Any Other Titling Options

1999-11-20 Thread Mitch P.

Yes, I should have clarified my earlier post.  I was
really looking for other titling options using a
Portable Sony MZ-R55.  I have received a good number
of replies, but they are for home decks.  Well, I just
ordered a Sony MDS-JE630, to arrive next week.  This
one will be great for what I want.  It has a keybord
input on the back of the deck, so titling will be a
breeze, no need for buying software and hooking it up
to the computer.  
I got it for a good price too!


Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 09:34:40 -0600
From: "Steve Riley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: MD: Are there any other titling options?

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED,
please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text   

again, if anyone has found a titling solution for
portables, especially
r55, please let me know.
that damn pc link kit is way too expensive.

 steve riley.
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Re: MD: md-l-digest V2 #429

1999-11-20 Thread Mitch P.

Well put Jon, thats the way I see it too.


Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 19:02:06 -0500
From: Jon Deutsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: MD: Sony MZ-R50 vs. MZ-R55

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED,
please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text   

R55 - one of the best looking portables available
(IMHO).  Battery life
sub-standard, but that said, 16 hours of continuous
play really isn't
bad.  Don't want to go AA?  Then get another
rechargeable battery and
up to par with the rest of them.


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MD: Are there any other titling options?

1999-11-16 Thread Mitch P.

Anyone know of other easier ways to title a minidisc? 
I love my minidisc player, but titling letter by
letter by letter gets old real quick.  The MDS-PC2 may
be too expensive for me to buy.   Any other options?



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MD: Sony MDS-PC2 MiniDisc - PC Link Recorder

1999-11-14 Thread Mitch P.

I am thinking about buying the Sony MDS-PC2 MiniDisc -
PC Link Recorder in order to do fast editing and
titling from my PC to MD.  I have seen the MDS-PC2 for
sale in the range of $289 to $399.

Does anyone have one of these?  What are your opinions
about it?  Also, what is the difference between the
MDS-PC2 and the MDS-PC1?  



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MD: Is my player fried?

1999-11-11 Thread Mitch P.

Quick question...Is my player fried?
I have a Sharp 702 and just got done recording some
music onto it from my computer, and I get no playback
at all.  All I hear is ssshhh, crackle, crackle. 
And it only gets louder when I turn the volume up. 
The functions all work ok, but no playback.  
What do you think?



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