MD: Portable MD recorder advice, please.

2001-03-06 Thread Posgroup

I have been using a Sony MZ-R30 since it was released for recording 
on-location material for radio commercials.  Using a Sony one-point stereo 
microphone, I have had, and continue to have, excellent results.  I am 
thinking of buying a new recorder and I am a little confused by the new 
models.  ATRAC version, for example.  The newer models don't seem to specify 
what version is being used.  The size or battery drain isn't as important to 
me as the sound of the recording.  I also recall reading that some of the 
models generate mechanical noise when recording.  I edit the material on Sony 
decks.  What would you buy?  Thanks!  Jerry
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MD: asking advice on portable

2000-08-07 Thread Posgroup


If you were going to buy a portable MD recorder to specifically record voice 
tracks for radio commercials with a stereo mic  Which would you choose?  
Size and weight are not issues.  Remote control is also not an issue.  Sound 
quality is the primary issue.  I have been using a Sony MZ-R30 without any 
problems.  Another question:  how does the Sharp ATRAC designations compare 
to the Sony designations ... and are they completely compatible?  In other 
words, can you record on a Sharp and edit on a Sony?

Thanks very much for sharing your knowledge.  I am a MD user since the very 
beginning - I still have an MZ-101 (which I use as a digital clock)!

Best regards, Jerry Posner
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MD: Aiwa CSD-MD50

2000-02-13 Thread Posgroup

<< Subject: Re: MD: Aiwa MD boombox on sale
does anybody know if it has optical out?

No optical out - no outs at all!  Just a headphone jack.  But a great 
sounding unit with many features.  Well worth the $199.  By the way, does 
anyone know the ATRAC version of the this Aiwa CSD-MD50?

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MD: AIWA CSD-MD50 Atrac?

2000-01-16 Thread Posgroup

Hi -

Does anyone know what ATRAC version the AIWA CSD-MD50 mini-bookshelf system 
uses?  By the way, J&R Music has it for $199.99.  CD, cassette, MD - a nice 
sounding unit for the money, in my opinion.  Thanks, Jerry
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