MD: FYI - Becker Mexico MD head F.S....

2000-07-06 Thread Richard Anderson


By: Miles Burnell
RARE ITEM FOR SALE:   Becker 4937 Mexico Pro MD Player & Silverstone 6 Disc 
Becker Mexico Pro MD Player and Silverstone 6 Disc CD Changer (See for further details) 10 Months old, Boxed with Instructions 
(14 Month Warranty Remaining)Cost me over  1000 i will accept offers around 
 600. If you are interested please email me on [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone 
07970 385897

( Not my fault if it all turns sour blah blah blah... Richard )

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MD: DP-DJ150

2000-05-13 Thread Richard Anderson


4 / 28 / 00

  Denon Electronics has released a new turntable for the DJ marketplace. 
While their new DP-DJ150 uses a substantial motor and offers the usual 
quartz direct-drive system with variable speed control like the longstanding 
Technics 1200 series turntables, the new Denon also offers a built-in RIAA 
stage and S/PDIF digital output for direct connection to outboard digital 
electronics such as MD, CD, DAT and hard drive recording capability. Retail 
pricing is set at $600 and the unit is now available at retailers throughout 
the USA.

Could be useful to those archiving their vinyl


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1999-10-01 Thread Richard Anderson

Magic wrote:

>There were a few discs of that type mixed in with the type I have in >the 
>shop stock, and they *did* all arrive in the same package from >the 
>warehouse. The discs I had were all of the type in the top >picture on the 
>web page you sent, yes.

Hmmm.  A (small?) shipment made up off discs of different ages from 
different manufacturers arriving at the same time? Whatever.  Usually the 
least you can buy wholesale is a shrinkwrapped 'bale' of 1000. This consists 
of 10 boxes of 100 which are themselves usually 20 boxes of 5.  These don't 
usually get split then mixed'n'matched.  Most Richer Sounds branches get 
2000 discs a week, and they're not split either. I guess your little shop's 
just special then ;-)


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1999-10-01 Thread Richard Anderson

Magic wrote:

>As MDs are classed as non-perishabvle items, it is common for >warehousing 
>groups not to stocj rotate the items. This means that >when the stock is 
>renewed, the old stock stays at the back, and is >only distributed if the 
>stock level drops low enough for sll the >newer stock (now in front of the 
>old stock) to have run out. In the >case of media like floppy discs, 
>cassettes and even CDR, it is
>not uncommon for stock to arrive being mixed in age from brand new >to 
>months or even sometimes years old.

here we go

Whilst at University I worked for the Stockport branch of Richer Sounds, the 
UK's largest volume MD blank retailer. Stockport was their 2nd branch, and 
is the largest outside London.  Previously to that I worked for the local 
Sony franchisee in York, and have kept in touch with them since I left, so I 
would have somewhat more knowledge of MD's status and availability than you 
seem to give me credit for.

  Originally very few people carried MD, and the wholesalers who dealt with 
other consumables would not stock them as they were low volume and high 
cost, at around  10 retail.  As the MD market picked up,  the retailers of 
MD blanks sourced *only* from the manufacturers, which led to price 
stagnation at around  5 per disc.

  During this time Sony offered it's franchisees a deal whereby they could 
by 5,000 discs at a reduced cost price.  The franchise I worked for did this 
(after I had left), and was untilmatly to loose out when Richer Sounds 
started selling their discs at cost price as a loss leader, and eventually 
sourcing their discs from lower cost manufacturers.

When at Richer Sounds, I was frequently left with 'empty warehouse' syndrome 
- everybody who's ever tried to buy one of the offers from them knows what 
I'm talking about, and we did try to source from Hitachi-Maxell, Memtek, 
MPO, Sony and others. ( Sony were the least keen, BTW :-)

The odd time we would get some grey import Sony's, but these were never a 
stable supply.  Only know do 'warehouses' have any supply of MD's, and their 
prices are terrible.  Richer Sound's loss-leader price is below their cost 
price, so imagine what they charge as middlemen to other shops.  Their is no 
margin for them, so THEY DO NOT HOLD STOCK.

>I cannot say whether the stock is or is not manufactured by a >specific 
>company - no longer having the discs I am unable to provide >any 
>information that would enable somebody to do that.

You sent me a picture, from which I identified it as the same design from a 
Korean plant that also manufactures for Mitsubishi. The Mitsubishi is 
identical in all but colour.

MPO's discs have a very different style shell.  Compare their BASF's and 
FNAC discs with their own-brand Hi-space.  They are identical in all 
respects, including rivit points, style of printing on the shutter, shading 
on the left side of the discs etc... the only difference is the colour and 

>As I was the owner of the discs and I don't have that information,

There is a little strip on the back of the disc, if it says 'Made in E.U' 
it's an MPO made Memorex, if it says nothing ( blank), it's made in 
Korea(for some reason that plant does not print the origin on the disc.) 
  There! That wasn't TOO difficult for you, was it?

>I find it amazing a manufacturer could find a way to tell the
>batch details and age of any piece of media without even having seen >more 
>than a scan on a web page not even originating in the same area.

The scan below it on that web-page is the MPO style disc.  This is not the 
same as your disc, correct?

Perhaps Arnaud, as sales manager for MPO, knew that none of their Memorex 
discs had ever been supplied to the UK?

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1999-09-30 Thread Richard Anderson

Arnaud Devilder, Area sales manager of MPO media ( makers of CDR's, MD's, 
LD's, LP's, DVD's etc...) wrote:

>>Dear all,
>>I am sorry to inform you that due to a very strong competition >>against 
>>Taiwanese manufacturers, European made discs Hi-SPACE/MPO >>do not 
>>manufacture anymore Memoresx MDs for months now.
>>So this problem with these discs is not due to one of ours.

Magic sniped:

>Presumably this means you have some psychic ability to tell how long >the 
>discs were in the warehouse before their eventual resale?

Due to the constantly falling price of MD media ( hurrah !) I doubt anyone 
would be foolish to sit on stock for any long period of time, as it's value 
would have dropped 50% in the last year at market prices.

  As far as I am aware,  Memtek started sourcing their MD's from Korea in 
the first few months of 1998, long enough for the remaining MPO stock to 
have been sold, and have only just started selling/distributing in this 
country. ( Yes, I used to be so sad I had one of every type of disc on the 
market. Checkout for some of my contributions. Hell, I 
had 2 lens cleaners...!!)  The disc you have is Korean.  It comes from the 
same factory as the Mitsubishi discs that have been available for the last 
couple of months, and is off the same design.

It is unusual for a reseller to source from two companies when one is 
undercutting the other, unless they are tied into a contract.

Magic, don't snipe at manufacturers, or they will not stay on this list.  
Arnaud is fantastic answering technical questions about MD's, and also has 
replaced faulty discs FROM ANOTHER MANUFACTURER for me, whilst investigating 
the cause(s) of their failure.


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Re: MD: (Memorex error rates)/eh?

1999-09-29 Thread Richard Anderson

Magic quoted a private mail:

>>What do they look like ( i.e who makes them? )

>Try for come pictures (took a guess at that URL but >it 
>seems obvious enough). I have no idea who makes Memorex discs. >Judging 
>from the quality I would take a guess that they are probably >discs that 
>didn't pass quality control in some other factory!

There are at least 3 different types of memorex disc. I was curious as to 
which were available in the UK. I've no idea why you decided to post this 
to MD-L after sending a picture to me of the disc to me last night.  Quoting 
a private email into a public forum without the prior consent of both 
parties is not on.  Please do not do this again.

>>Memtek do not make their own CDR's, so I would assume they OEM >>their 
>>MD's from someone like Xeus?

>Very probably.

Thankyou for telling me what I told you last night.  It was a rhetorical 
question. I KNOW they are OEM'd, I just wanted to know BY WHO.

>Hi-Space are another OEM company, I *think* they're actually Sony discs, 
>but I have yet to confirm it. Needless to say >if you phone and ask them 
>they don't tell you.

Hi-Space are made by their parent company MPO, who also make BASF and FNAC 
amongst others.  Definitely not by Sony.

Richard  ;-(

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Re: MD: MD ---> CassetteYann

1999-09-28 Thread Richard Anderson

LEZY wrote:

>If you are using a portable, the output is always analogic (never >seen any 
>digital one yet... anyone has ?).

Magic replied:

>Yes, the Sony MZ-R1, but it is not dissimilar to a brick in many >ways 
>(large,combersome and heavy). It is an old unit though, no >longer 

What's an MZ-R1?  I've never seen one...   ;-)

Seriously, my MZ-1 was probably the easiest of my Sony's to use.
No end-search button, optical out, direct track access from the keypad, 
adjustable recording level whilst recording, backlight on the main 

It's a shame the modern Sony's aren't as usefull.
People who slag them off have probably never even seen one, let alone used 

( Yes, Gaz, I mean YOU!  I remember those unfounded comments about
"Atrash 1"  ;-)


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Re: MD: MD ---> Cassette

1999-09-28 Thread Richard Anderson

Barry wrote:

>>I'm wondering what the best way to get a recorded minidisc >>transferred 
>>to a regular old cassette would be. I can't seem to >>locate anything that 
>>would let me do this digitally (I'm SURE I'm >>wrong about that).

to which magic replied:

>Unless you are talking about linking to a Digital Cassette system (I >doubt 
>you are) you're going to be looking for a long time!

Pioneer's analogue tape decks that have their 'digital processing system'  
have optical inputs for just such a use.

That wasn't long, was it?  ;-)

Speaking of Digital Compact Cassette, anybody out there want my old DCC 
pre-rec tapes? I've got about 30 left, so if you're willing to pay shipping, 
they're yours.  If you're interested, email me for a list of titles.


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Re: MD: Error Correction Audibility (Memorex error rates)

1999-09-27 Thread Richard Anderson

Magic wrote:

>The pack of 5 discs were purchased last month.

>We tested some other Memorex discs in the
>shop and almost all of them had BLER 40 to 60.

Which shop?  I didn't know memorex were available in the UK.
What do they look like ( i.e who makes them? )
Memtek do not make their own CDR's, so I would assume they OEM their MD's 
from someone like Xeus?


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MD: There are holes in my minidiscs ( dear Liza, dear Liza :-)

1999-09-19 Thread Richard Anderson

Whilst sorting through a box of old MD's to decide if they were worth 
keeping, I found quite a few that wouldn't spin up in my R55, giving disc 
errors.  Opening the shutters of these discs I saw pin-prick holes in the 
disc surface that light was able to shine through. I have found discs like 
this before, and last year sent a sample to Arnaud Devilder of MPO to 
examine.  He told me that the disc lacquer was still intact on that disc, 
and could not explain the holes/dropouts caused. I reasoned it was an 
isolated incident, but now I have a box of 20 or so I am not so sure.  It 
cannot be the equipment I use, as I have owned many units, change my 
portable recorder every 6 months or so to avoid wear and tear problems and 
these discs have never been heavily edited or used frequently, some once 
recorded only ever being played in a car unit.

So what is causing this 'rot' in my discs?  They are different brands, 
different ages, and have had different amounts of use, so I doubt it's a 
manufacturing fault. Theories, anybody?

Arnaud, if I send you these discs, can you try and find out what's wrong?

Richard<--- very puzzled

Current equipment:  R55, R35, E25, Je520, MD5, MEH P5000R

Previous recorders:  MZ1, R3, R30, DMP R70, 702 X2, 722, R50, Je510

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MD: Pioneer in-car MD changer...

1999-09-11 Thread Richard Anderson

Hey everybody,

I've just installed my new Pioneer P100 changer into my car, connected to my 
MEH P5000R MD head unit and CDX P5000 CD changer, and I've noticed that when 
changing MD's ,the current MD continues to play at reduced volume whilst the 
next disc is selected, and continues to play until either the next disc is 
playing or the 10 second shock memory is exhausted, rather than cutting off 
the sound instantaneously, like the CD changer does when changing discs.
Anybody else notice this?  Is this normal for MD changer operation?


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re: MD: Audiophase MD Player On Sale for $99 at Best Buy

1999-09-07 Thread Richard Anderson

Daryl wrote:

>Incidentally, I displayed the MDP1 today since no one in my store had
>displayed it yesterday when the ad was set (I merchandise my store's
>computer department).  It is quite obviously a Sony design.  Its >battery 
>compartment alone gives its origins away.  The MDP1, by the >way, comes 
>with a NiMH AA-sized battery.

>From the looks of it, it's a Kenwood DMC J3 clone. The NiMH AA cell and the 
fact someone else does a cheapo version of it ( Goodmans, UK), confirms 
this.  MDCP says the Kenwood's unit is their own design, so it's not a Sony 
based design.


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MD: KVJ Fairdeal / NH 14WM 99p TDK's

1999-08-30 Thread Richard Anderson

Howdy folks.

Just got home from London today, where I'd popped along to KVJ and picked up 
some MD bargains.

Sony 60min premium discs - 99pence each,  8 for 10.
JVC 74mins  1.40 each,  11 for 10
Hi-Space 80 mins,  1.99 each,  16 for 10.

And finally,
a NiMH gumstick for my new shiny R55. NH 14 WM for  6.99!
Yes, 7 pounds.  Retails for  30 on the TCR?
I asked the shop assistant and he said they'd recieved 100 of them 'by 
mistake' so they were selling them off. Get 'em while they're hot.

Oh, BTW, this months What Hifi Richer sounds ad has TDK XG 74's at 99pence 
each.  Hi-space/Xeus/Samsung et al don't get a mention
( meaning their cheapo price is no longer valid)

Is this 'thank you, Hi-space, and goodnight'?

I wouldn't buy them now they're only 12p per disc cheaper :-(
( Sorry Arnaud, but let's face facts here. )


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MD: Traxdata MD's

1999-08-30 Thread Richard Anderson

Found on Traxdata's site  ( )

"Traxdata to launch new MiniDisc range

After years of being at the forefront of CD based technologies, Traxdata 
have decided to launch a brand new MiniDisc range. Initially, two types of 
discs will be available: the TXA74-MD, a 74 minute disc and a TXA80-MD, a 
brand new MiniDisc standard that allows for up to 80 minutes of audio 

MiniDisc is a recording media similar to that of an audio cassette tape, 
allowing you to record your own selection of music, but with superior 
digital sound quality.

Set to be launched in the third quarter of 1999, these discs will be 
available from all quality audio outlets. "

Good news, as Traxdata have a good reputation for their CDR's and machines, 
and are also one of the cheapest for audio-use CDR's, so the prices will be 


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MD: Grundig MD deck

1999-08-16 Thread Richard Anderson

Hi people,

Today I saw a Grundig deck in Dixons here in the UK for  149 - it didn't 
look like any other I've seen ( i.e a Kenwood/Sharp clone or a 

Anybody know anything about it?


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Re: MD: 79p Md's

1999-08-11 Thread Richard Anderson

I wrote:


I rang head office, they confirmed that the cheap 79pence MD's are Samsungs,
not Hi-Space, and they do not have any 'yet'...
The also apologised for the mis-leading add, saying 'it won't happen
I also rang the Newcastle branch, asking if they had 79p Hispaces for What
hifi readers, they said no, they were Samsungs, and they didn't have any.
Seems if you haven't got your Hi-Space yet Gaz, you ain't going to get them
for 79p :-(


Finally on this, after a few phonecalls to a few people,
Hi-Space MD's are now 87 pence each with the What Hifi voucher at any branch 
of Richer Sounds, max 20.  Or you can wait 'till they get some 

If they don't believe you, get them to ring customer services ( NOT on 0800 
181355 as the number is out of order, but on 0171 940  which is the head 
office number ) and check..

Hope all you UK MD'ers appreciate this :-)


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re: MD: 79p MD's

1999-08-11 Thread Richard Anderson

Gaz wrote:
Well as I said before, I called the Newcastle branch and spoke to Simon (a
quick check on the back of the catalog shows he is the assistant manager)
I found HiSpace74 were UKP1.49 each, and he confirmed they were UKP0.79
with the voucher, limit of 20 and in stock.  I would need the voucher he 
I wrote:

When did you speak to him?  The fax only came through from their Head office
today. I asked to see it as I thought they were winding me up ( and scoring
20 for a round of staff drinks) You should have got 'em while you could...
I will be checking again though

I rang head office, they confirmed that the cheap 79pence MD's are Samsungs, 
not Hi-Space, and they do not have any 'yet'...
The also apologised for the mis-leading add, saying 'it won't happen 

I also rang the Newcastle branch, asking if they had 79p Hispaces for What 
hifi readers, they said no, they were Samsungs, and they didn't have any.  
Seems if you haven't got your Hi-Space yet Gaz, you ain't going to get them 
for 79p :-(


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MD: 79p MD's

1999-08-10 Thread Richard Anderson

You wrote:
Well as I said before, I called the Newcastle branch and spoke to Simon (a
quick check on the back of the catalog shows he is the assistant manager)
I found HiSpace74 were UKP1.49 each, and he confirmed they were UKP0.79
with the voucher, limit of 20 and in stock.  I would need the voucher he 

When did you speak to him?  The fax only came through from their Head office 
today. I asked to see it as I thought they were winding me up ( and scoring 
 20 for a round of staff drinks) You should have got 'em while you could...

I will be checking again though

As for fruity 80mins,  no news yet, but I did get some snazzy green 74's :-)


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MD: The continuing adventures of Julian Richer.....

1999-08-10 Thread Richard Anderson

Hello people,

I popped into my local Richer Sounds today, and here's what I found out:

1: The 79 pence Hi-Space discs DO NOT EXIST. The cheapest you can buy a 
Hi-Space for is 99pence, as this is just above cost. The voucher printed in 
What Hifi this month is, IMO, not worth the paper it is written on, as 
although it shows a Hi-Space disc, the description says ' Blank MD - Picture 
The 79pence discs are in fact Samsungs, but these will not be in stock until 
the voucher is out of date...GRRR...

( 20 pence a disc makes a difference when buying 100, and I even rang head 
office to complain. They stick by their 'Picture approximate' get-out 

2: Richer Sounds WILL continue to stock MD portables, but will have a 
reduced range and *will not* carry any Sharp portable recorder due to the 
large amount of problems with the 701/702 series - being parallel imports 
into the UK the do not have a manufacturers warrenty and so R.S's only MD 
trained service technician ( Leroy at the Stockport branch where I used to 
work ) is overworked...
( I've asked for some ballpark figures as to sales:returns - if I get them 
I'll let you know )

So lookout for ridiculus prices on anything other than Sony portable MD's 
very soon..

The range of decks available is unaffected.


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MD: Pre-rec MD's in the UK

1999-07-20 Thread Richard Anderson

Today I was out at the McArthur Glen outlet village in York, where Virgin 
music ( not associated with the Virgin Megastore ) have an outlet store 
called 'XS' , and they had The Sex Pistols' "Kiss This" for  7.99 stlg, and 
if you buy more than 3 items, you get  1 off each one, so it eventually cost 
me  6.99 stlg.

I had a chat with the manager, asking why they only had 1 MD title, and only 
5 copies of that 1 title, and he said there will be a different title every 
week or so at that price from the Virgin label in the shop, but they will 
not know in advance what the title will be

They also stock Bush (!!!) blank MD's at  9.99 stlg for 5


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