Re: MD: MP3 versus MiniDisc

2000-03-21 Thread JR Moore

>  I got a MDS-JE510 which has NEVER had any problems, it plays 
> on and on without any hint of the "known 510 bugs" Those bugs 
> were allmost all related to the Malaysian units. I got the European 
> model which was made in Japan and it is absolutely trouble free. 
> Those Malaysian units take down the whole 510 range allso the 
> perfect ones... 

I traded my 320 with my sister for the 510 she got in a Bundle4 we found
at Mont. Wards during the summer. She never even uses the 320, but
anyway, only bug I've found is the microswitch bug.


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Re: MD: MP3 versus MiniDisc

2000-03-20 Thread rmeeder

> It's like the Sony-Sharp battle on this list. I must admit I'm a
> Sharpy, why? simple, I've got a 702 that has never failed on me. I've
> got also the MDS-S38 home-deck (a 510 in midi size) with all the 510
> bugs in it (turning on, display flickering, grinding noizes). And a
> MDX-7900R car-head which sometimes doesn't want to accept a disk.
> (Randomly... Disks are ranging from HiSpace to Sony and several Maxell
> disks. They ALL give troubles (sometimes).) 

 I got a MDS-JE510 which has NEVER had any problems, it plays 
on and on without any hint of the "known 510 bugs" Those bugs 
were allmost all related to the Malaysian units. I got the European 
model which was made in Japan and it is absolutely trouble free. 
Those Malaysian units take down the whole 510 range allso the 
perfect ones... 

> > I just don't find anything compelling (yet) about those overpriced
> > little MP3 boxes, sorry. Maybe I'd feel differently if I listened to
> > tunes during high-g sports activites.
> > 
That's about the only pre on MP3, that it is shockproof, but I think 
that the modern MD units with 40 secs or more memory will hardly 
ever skip... 
And one other strange thing Look at the battery life some MD 
units play for as long as 50 hours on a rechargeable cell... Most of 
the MP3 units will not even make it to 20 hours and they got no 
moving parts in them at all

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RE: MD: MP3 versus MiniDisc

2000-03-20 Thread Simon Gardner

Just thought i'd pitch in here:

> > I just don't find anything compelling (yet) about those overpriced
> > little MP3 boxes, sorry. Maybe I'd feel differently if I listened to
> > tunes during high-g sports activites.
> >
> > Rick
> I see a market for MP3, but unless they solve the high cost of
> taking MP3's
> with you (which is solved using MD), I don't see a very bright
> future. I've
> seen that there are some 'stand-alone' home-decks comming out. They enable
> you to record a MP3 and to store it on the internal HD.

Which is kind of useless, if there's no easy way to get the tracks back off
again. I worked out a while ago that storing high-quality MP3s on HD was
actually more expensive than MD - it may not hold true any more with HDs
getting cheaper, but MD isn't far behind.

You're right though - MP3 needs a cheap, removable media to compete. MP3
player owners harp on about "memory prices coming down", but I can't see SM
or CF memory dropping below the $15 mark for several years to come.

> For me MP3 is a 'consumer-unfriendly' format.
> 1) you need a PC.
> 2) You just can't push the button and a WAV is converted into MP3. You
>need to fiddle around with settings to obtain the best sound!

For me, MP3 players are far too much hassle. I have a lot of MP3s; I ripped
my 200+ CDs over the summer so I could have all my music with me at uni
without using up a couple of shelves. Problem is, they're mostly at 192k (I
figured if I'm ripping them all, I may as well do them at a decent quality).

At that bitrate, it's about 1.44mb a minute. 22.2 minutes on a 32mb card, or
44.4 minutes on 64mb. Either way, it's not a lot of music (most albums are
longer). I could squeeze more on if I re-encoded them, but by then the time
to re-encode (usually losing ID3 tags) and upload to the player is roughly
the time it takes to dump it onto MD.

I don't fancy going through all that every morning/evening just to have
fresh music in my player every day. I'd rather fall out of bed, grab my MD
player and a couple of discs and leave.

> It's also a format that will be brought to dead by the
> music-industrie. Why,
> simple, they just hate it that there is no copy-protection on MP3 and the
> underground MP3 sites that come with this. (type MP3 in altavista and you
> see what I mean. (80% of the responses are 'warez', 'games',
> 'mp3z' sites).
> Cheers,
> Ralph -> may I say that one of the reasons MD is getting more popular by
>  the day is MP3?

I think there are a lot of people who get blinded by all the "free music!"
hype, only to find that the easy-to-get free music is from and
similar, where good tracks are chucked in randomly with utter rubbish. Then
if they go looking for their favourite commercial songs they're confronted
with links that don't work, tracks put in geocities webspace (non-resuming),
or several porn banners.

Of course, a lot of MP3 trading goes on that isn't like this - but how would
someone who's new to MP3 know about that? The majority of people still go
into shops and buy their music. For them, the easiest way to get that music
into a portable format is MD.

Simon>  discmans are too big to be "portable" :)

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Re: MD: MP3 versus MiniDisc

2000-03-20 Thread Ralph Smeets

> Hi David,
> Thanks for taking up your questions on MD-L. I'm even happier to
> answer them here.
> > I was really into MiniDisc until I went to the Switzerland Web Site and its
> > seems that every player had problems with it and eventually whether it takes
> > 1 month or 1 year, the player shuts down.
> Okay, careful, you're looking at a page *devoted* to equipment
> problems. People are not invited to report e.g. "unit working just
> fine for years!"  there. And of course it is false to say that every
> unit will eventually fail. I have a nice MZ-R50 and MD-MS701 that have
> never had problems.

It's like the Sony-Sharp battle on this list. I must admit I'm a Sharpy, why?
simple, I've got a 702 that has never failed on me. I've got also the MDS-S38
home-deck (a 510 in midi size) with all the 510 bugs in it (turning on, display
flickering, grinding noizes). And a MDX-7900R car-head which sometimes doesn't
want to accept a disk. (Randomly... Disks are ranging from HiSpace to Sony and
several Maxell disks. They ALL give troubles (sometimes).) 

> I just don't find anything compelling (yet) about those overpriced
> little MP3 boxes, sorry. Maybe I'd feel differently if I listened to
> tunes during high-g sports activites.
> Rick

I see a market for MP3, but unless they solve the high cost of taking MP3's
with you (which is solved using MD), I don't see a very bright future. I've
seen that there are some 'stand-alone' home-decks comming out. They enable
you to record a MP3 and to store it on the internal HD.

For me MP3 is a 'consumer-unfriendly' format.
1) you need a PC. 
2) You just can't push the button and a WAV is converted into MP3. You
   need to fiddle around with settings to obtain the best sound!
3) It's to expensive to carry your 'music-database' with you. (Unless you've
   got a laptop).
   (Example: You're going on a two-weeks holiday. You want to take your
favourite music with you: About 20 CDs (which isn't that much for a two
weeks holiday). That makes 20MDs @ $4. In terms of MP3, you'll have a
problem here... Either you buy a $2000 laptop, or you buy 20 32MB memory
cards @ $100 

It's also a format that will be brought to dead by the music-industrie. Why,
simple, they just hate it that there is no copy-protection on MP3 and the
underground MP3 sites that come with this. (type MP3 in altavista and you
see what I mean. (80% of the responses are 'warez', 'games', 'mp3z' sites).

Ralph -> may I say that one of the reasons MD is getting more popular by
 the day is MP3?
Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
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  "For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then 
   something happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: 
   We learned to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: MP3 versus MiniDisc

2000-03-18 Thread JR Moore

> I heard that a few times. What I see in the shops says otherwise - 
> you can
> get blank MDs in ASDA (a supermarket) now!

Yeah, CVS, Food Lion and Giant carry like, 3 packs.

Dollar General had some at one point. Don't know where they got them
from. But it was like, 3 pack for $3.50. Crap though.


> 15 hours of the same 30 minutes of music doesn't appeal to me. I 
> usually
> take about 3 or 4 MDs out with me for variety. I also take a blank 
> for
> recording on if I feel I want to.

3 or 4??? I take my whole case, about 30, 24 in the sleeves and 6 between
the pocket that holds the plastic part for the sleeves and case top.

> Well as of yet I haven't seen an MP3 recorder than can make near CD 
> quality
> recordings from a microphone, but I would love to be proven wrong. 
> I've
> tried a few MP3 players and I'm much happier with MD. Maybe in a few 
> years
> when MP3 has caught up I may feel differently,

The circuts in MP3 only call for, at best, radio quality. And problem
with MP3 is they THINK they're improving it when in reality they can't do
much more.

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Re: MD: MP3 versus MiniDisc

2000-03-18 Thread JR Moore

> I was really into MiniDisc until I went to the Switzerland Web Site 
> and its 
> seems that every player had problems with it and eventually whether 
> it takes 
> 1 month or 1 year, the player shuts down. 

Like someone said. How many people are gonna say "Yeah, my unit works
great!" You know, I got this leather wallet for my birthday and it's
still doin it's job. That little piece of plastic with my picture on it
that allows me to drive, well, I can still drive.

> I talked to a guy I knew 
> and he 
> said MiniDisc is on its way out and MP3 is on its way in.  He said 
> in never 
> shocks because it has no moving parts. 

U...I think onetime we figured out how much it would cost to do the
equivilent on MD and MP3 and it would cost over $1000 to get the storage
space and quality you get from a portable and one disc.

 This sounds great, and also 
> it will 
> last 15 hours regardless of what you're doing.  It has the same kind 
> of 
> features (being able to record from computer, computer, microphone) 
> as the MD 
> player, and the slots can hold a lot more memory on it.  It seems 
> upgradable. 

Yes, for a price.

MP3's take up room, face it. Compared to what we CAN do with much better
quality, MP3's are just a waste of space and smartmedia and compactflash
cards ARE NOT cheap (I just spent $80 for a 16MB Compact Flash card for
use in my digital camera.) Also, theres only 2 portable MP3 units that
record. The Rio does not have this. Nor does they Lyra.

To get 74 minutes on a MP3 player you'd need to balence bitrate and card
size (well duh) but that not the point I'm making. Largest cards that
exist are 128MB (largest compact flash I've seen, there MIGHT be a 256)
and thats at 192kbps. But, who wants to spend $300 for a friggin memory
card. It's about $600 total for the Rio while you can get a MD portable
and some discs for $300. Hrmm, I wonder. Not only do
MP3's sound bad but, to fit a whole CD I'd have to spend close to $300.
I've barely spent $150 on blank MD's and I have 24 albums and like, 7
MD's of mixes.

One other thing. MP3 is way to overmarked to the point it's stupid. Have
any of you seen Samsungs new digital camera. It's only VGA resolution but
has a built in MP3 player and it's only like, $289. I paid like $250 for
my megapixel Kodak even though it doesn't include the MP3 playback (like
I'd want it anyway)

>  I just dont want to shell out $250 and have it be obselte in a 
> couple of 
> years.

Nothing ever becomes obselite, it just becomes rare or hard to find. Like
Beta. I still use beta. Hell, I just bought South Park, Bigger, Longer &
Uncut on Beta. They're still making it, it's just harder to find. Even if
it dies down in the US (which I don't think it ever really will, it's
lasted this long aganist DAT and DCC and so far CD-R for Comsumer. Even
if it does, it has strong ties in other countries. Thank god for the

MD is not going out, in fact, in some ways, it's just getting started. 


P.S. (BTW, if anyone was wondering where I did my calculations for the
MP3 stuff. I wrote an application (purposly NOT trying to plug) if you
want it:

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Re: MD: MP3 versus MiniDisc

2000-03-18 Thread Magic

Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 10:06 PM
Subject: MD: MP3 versus MiniDisc

> I was really into MiniDisc until I went to the Switzerland Web Site and
> seems that every player had problems with it and eventually whether it
> 1 month or 1 year, the player shuts down.

Probably because the people who#s units are working properly are happily
using them rather than posting about them.

>  I talked to a guy I knew and he
> said MiniDisc is on its way out and MP3 is on its way in.

I heard that a few times. What I see in the shops says otherwise - you can
get blank MDs in ASDA (a supermarket) now!

> He said in never
> shocks because it has no moving parts.  This sounds great, and also it
> last 15 hours regardless of what you're doing.

15 hours of the same 30 minutes of music doesn't appeal to me. I usually
take about 3 or 4 MDs out with me for variety. I also take a blank for
recording on if I feel I want to.

> It has the same kind of
> features (being able to record from computer, computer, microphone) as the
> player, and the slots can hold a lot more memory on it.  It seems
>  I just dont want to shell out $250 and have it be obselte in a couple of
> years.

Well as of yet I haven't seen an MP3 recorder than can make near CD quality
recordings from a microphone, but I would love to be proven wrong. I've
tried a few MP3 players and I'm much happier with MD. Maybe in a few years
when MP3 has caught up I may feel differently, but MD will have probably
moved on then anyway. There's a financial risk with any technology, but I
for one think MD will be around for a few years yet!

"Creativity is more a birthright than an acquisition, and the power of sound
is wisdom and understanding applied to the power of vibration."

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Re: MD: MP3 versus MiniDisc

2000-03-18 Thread Matt Wall

I need to say something here.  First off i've a couple portable players for
a couple of years now and have had absolutely no trouble with them at all.
Yes there are problems with every product ever made and that will be the
case with portable MP3 players also.  As for just talking to some guy and
having him say that minidisc's are on thier way out, unless it's the
president of Sony, personally i wouldn't listen to them (but then again i
dont listen to many people)  As for the 15 hr playing time, i hope you like
your 30 minutes of music and having to have a computer around every time you
wanna change songs or dish out some serious  on solid state memory.  As
for being outdated, look around windows wma format is already gaining ground
on MP3 like you wouldnt believe, you can have a 64kb encoded wma file that
sounds much better than a 128kb encoded mp3 file, which do you think will
win?  I cant answer that either because i dont know but saying that any 1
format will win is crazy.  Minidisc will be around for a while yet, there
are just too many applications out there for this medium that currently no
other medium is usable with.  anyway that's my 2 cents.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 5:06 PM
Subject: MD: MP3 versus MiniDisc

> I was really into MiniDisc until I went to the Switzerland Web Site and
> seems that every player had problems with it and eventually whether it
> 1 month or 1 year, the player shuts down.  I talked to a guy I knew and he
> said MiniDisc is on its way out and MP3 is on its way in.  He said in
> shocks because it has no moving parts.  This sounds great, and also it
> last 15 hours regardless of what you're doing.  It has the same kind of
> features (being able to record from computer, computer, microphone) as the
> player, and the slots can hold a lot more memory on it.  It seems
>  I just dont want to shell out $250 and have it be obselte in a couple of
> years.
> -
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