Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-25 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
Exactly what a 4th grade math teacher told me Monday.   Or, as a former 
boss said:  "if you thin someone is dumb (cant do math) Just short em a 
nickel  on their paycheck.  They will be in the next day teaching YOU math.

Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote on 7/23/19 3:10 PM:

  I compare our education system to factory farming. Everybody is taught the same. For 
years I thought I couldn't do math, just not my thing, can't do math. Turns out I can't 
do the "carry the one" style, its just not how I process things. I can do more 
math now in my head than I could do with a calculator in high school. We need to spend a 
minute figuring out how a kid learns and stick 'em in with other kids that learn the same 
way and a teacher that understands it. Putting different learning styles together is dumb 
and wastes everybody's time.
Low expectations of course is nothing new, in the '50s nobody cared if Johnny 
couldn't read, he could always go work in the mill, except now he can't, even 
if there was a mill...



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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-25 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes

No  Return to actual teaching.   Not indoctrination.

OK Don via Mercedes wrote on 7/23/19 11:29 AM:

Yes, and return to the medieval days ---

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 11:23 AM Curley McLain via Mercedes <> wrote:

Amen.  If I were king for a day, I'd eliminate schools and their taxes.
tell parents to band together and teach or hire a teacher with the money
they are no longer taxed for.   6-8 years in a one room school was far
superior to a current kolledge ejamacation in most  cases.   (oh, and
sell the real estate, refunding the money to the taxpayers)


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-25 Thread MG via Mercedes
I've found that ink lasts a good long time. I've even 
added a few drops of water when I thought it was too 
thick. I remember having a long handled pen it came 
with a desk set. One fountain and the other a 
ballpoint. They are long gone can't even think of when 
I saw them last.


My mother used a long handled Shaeffer fountain pen, with green ink
exclusively for writing letters, etc. I still have a collection of various
colored inks in bottles, don't know if they are still good though.


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-24 Thread Curt Raymond via Mercedes
Townsends did a video on making quill pens recently. Theres more to it than I 


On Wednesday, July 24, 2019, 7:34:39 PM EDT, MG via Mercedes 

Well I usually used a fountain pen in High School but I 
got curious about quill pens when I read a bunch of 
books about the colonial times (by Danial Defoe, you 
know the ones) so I did some research and taught myself 
how to do it. Haven't tried to cut one in many years 
but now I may just have to see if I can still do that. 
In full disclosure I did use store bought ink.


archer75--- via Mercedes wrote:
> Wow! Did you write with quill pens? My father, who was born in 1862, made his 
> own quill pens for a one room country school from turkey feathers and the ink 
> was made from fruit juice. When pencils came into use around 1900, he started 
> using pencils in his railroad job, but still wrote cursive in quill pen 
> strokes rather than continuous lines. 
> I wonder what is going on in European schools? Are they leading or following 
> the changes in American schools?
> Gerry 
> MG wrote:
>> Wow that dates me a bit. I know how to do all those 
>> things including how to cut a quill.
>> fmiser via Mercedes wrote:
 Allan wrote:
 It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody
 will know how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.

 The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his
 name, prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a
 pretty developed signature at that age.
>>> On the other hand, if there is no real purpose - why develop the
>>> skill?
>>> How many of us are competent with driving a 4-in-hand team of
>>> horses?
>>> Or what is the value of knowing how to start a car with a
>>> carburetor?
>>> Conversely, are you any better than me with the tiny, no-tactile
>>> keyboard on a 'phone?  It wouldn't take much to be better than
>>> me!  Meaning the skill of using a tiny keyboard is much more
>>> practical than writing with a quill and ink well.
>>> ___
>>> To search list archives
>>> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
>> ___
>> To search list archives
>> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-24 Thread OK Don via Mercedes
Same here, but I was not very successful with crow and chicken feathers. I
also didn't know what I was doing, which didn't help any. I still do carry
a "pen knife" though ...
My mother used a long handled Shaeffer fountain pen, with green ink
exclusively for writing letters, etc. I still have a collection of various
colored inks in bottles, don't know if they are still good though.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 6:34 PM MG via Mercedes 

> Well I usually used a fountain pen in High School but I
> got curious about quill pens when I read a bunch of
> books about the colonial times (by Danial Defoe, you
> know the ones) so I did some research and taught myself
> how to do it. Haven't tried to cut one in many years
> but now I may just have to see if I can still do that.
> In full disclosure I did use store bought ink.
> MG
> archer75--- via Mercedes wrote:
> > Wow! Did you write with quill pens? My father, who was born in 1862,
> made his own quill pens for a one room country school from turkey feathers
> and the ink was made from fruit juice. When pencils came into use around
> 1900, he started using pencils in his railroad job, but still wrote cursive
> in quill pen strokes rather than continuous lines.
> >
> > I wonder what is going on in European schools? Are they leading or
> following the changes in American schools?
> > Gerry
> >
> > MG wrote:
> >> Wow that dates me a bit. I know how to do all those
> >> things including how to cut a quill.
> >
> >> fmiser via Mercedes wrote:
>  Allan wrote:
>  It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody
>  will know how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.
>  The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his
>  name, prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a
>  pretty developed signature at that age.
> >>> On the other hand, if there is no real purpose - why develop the
> >>> skill?
> >>>
> >>> How many of us are competent with driving a 4-in-hand team of
> >>> horses?
> >>>
> >>> Or what is the value of knowing how to start a car with a
> >>> carburetor?
> >>>
> >>> Conversely, are you any better than me with the tiny, no-tactile
> >>> keyboard on a 'phone?  It wouldn't take much to be better than
> >>> me!  Meaning the skill of using a tiny keyboard is much more
> >>> practical than writing with a quill and ink well.
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> To search list archives
> >>>
> >>> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >> ___
> >>
> >>
> >> To search list archives
> >>
> >> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> ___
> To search list archives
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

OK Don

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to
pause and reflect." Mark Twain

"There are three kinds of men: The ones that learns by reading. The few who
learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence
for themselves."

WILL ROGERS, *The Manly Wisdom of Will Rogers*
2013 F150, 18 mpg
2017 Subaru Legacy, 30 mpg
1957 C182A, 12 mpg - but at 150 mph!

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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-24 Thread MG via Mercedes
Well I usually used a fountain pen in High School but I 
got curious about quill pens when I read a bunch of 
books about the colonial times (by Danial Defoe, you 
know the ones) so I did some research and taught myself 
how to do it. Haven't tried to cut one in many years 
but now I may just have to see if I can still do that. 
In full disclosure I did use store bought ink.


archer75--- via Mercedes wrote:
Wow! Did you write with quill pens? My father, who was born in 1862, made his own quill pens for a one room country school from turkey feathers and the ink was made from fruit juice. When pencils came into use around 1900, he started using pencils in his railroad job, but still wrote cursive in quill pen strokes rather than continuous lines. 

I wonder what is going on in European schools? Are they leading or following 
the changes in American schools?

MG wrote:
Wow that dates me a bit. I know how to do all those 
things including how to cut a quill.

fmiser via Mercedes wrote:

Allan wrote:
It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody
will know how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.

The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his
name, prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a
pretty developed signature at that age.

On the other hand, if there is no real purpose - why develop the

How many of us are competent with driving a 4-in-hand team of

Or what is the value of knowing how to start a car with a

Conversely, are you any better than me with the tiny, no-tactile
keyboard on a 'phone?  It wouldn't take much to be better than
me!  Meaning the skill of using a tiny keyboard is much more
practical than writing with a quill and ink well.


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-24 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes

There you have it.  Cursive is raysisss


On 7/23/19 4:08 PM, Clay Monroe via Mercedes wrote:

The parish school taught #1 boy cursive and other old school tricks.  Seven 
years later, #2 boy did not get this training.  He is confused when he is 
confronted with anything but Times Roman or some san serif lettering.  He is 
very concerned about feelings and justice for socialist though




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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes
For years I wrote with and collected vintage Parker fountain pens.  A real
pleasure - save for those nasty leaks when I inserted the pen in my pocket
sans cap. :(

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 11:28 PM Scott Ritchey via Mercedes <> wrote:

> Money has very little to do with it; look where the money actually goes.
> As long as equality is more important than quality things will not
> improve.  Parenting (motivation. expectations, and consequences) matters.
> Otherwise, why do some minorities (like Asians) do so well while others (no
> names) don't.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Mercedes [] On Behalf Of G
> > Mann via Mercedes
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 11:55 AM
> > To: Mercedes Discussion List 
> > Cc: G Mann 
> > Subject: Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200
> >
> > Per student, the public funded educational system spends more than any
> > country in the world... yet, USA schools are ranked near the bottom
> So, the
> > question comes, "If we just throw more money at the problem, will it fix
> it's
> > self?"
> >
> > On a daily basis, in business, I am confronted by less than 30 yr olds
> who can
> > not spell, can not do basic math, can not read and comprehend, can not
> follow
> > simple instructions, and can not use basic logic... yet, when they are
> > confronted with their failures, they become near violent and insulted...
> >
> > Reading news reports has become an exercise in guessing what the writer
> is
> > saying, due to lack of use of basic English and syntax, coupled with
> gross
> > spelling errors, which should have never been passed from an editors
> desk..
> > is there is still such a thing...
> >
> > Increasingly, I find I must exercise my "Racist White Heterosexual
> Privilege"
> > and fire them. [sarcasm folks]
> >
> > On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 4:52 AM Dan Penoff via Mercedes <
> >> wrote:
> >
> > > Cursive writing in primary schools went the way of the horse and buggy
> > > about 25 years ago if not more. I remember my oldest son not having
> > > cursive writing in school, and he’s in his early 30s.
> > >
> > > Although I think it’s important to know how to sign one’s name rather
> > > than making a bunch of “X”s.
> > >
> > > -XXX
> > >
> > >
> > > > On Jul 22, 2019, at 11:11 PM, Allan Streib via Mercedes <
> > >> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes  writes:
> > > >
> > > >> It just occurred to me that many of these spelling glitches may be
> > > >> a result of rampant use of voice recognition, w/o reading the
> > > >> results before sending.
> > > >
> > > > It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody will
> > > > know how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.
> > > >
> > > > The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his name,
> > > > prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a pretty
> > > > developed signature at that age.
> > > >
> > > > Allan
> > > >
> > > > ___
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > To search list archives
> > > >
> > > > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > >
> > >
> > > To search list archives
> > >
> > > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > ___
> >
> >
> > To search list archives
> >
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> >
> ___
> To search list archives
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread Scott Ritchey via Mercedes
Money has very little to do with it; look where the money actually goes.  As 
long as equality is more important than quality things will not improve.  
Parenting (motivation. expectations, and consequences) matters.  Otherwise, why 
do some minorities (like Asians) do so well while others (no names) don't.

> -Original Message-
> From: Mercedes [] On Behalf Of G
> Mann via Mercedes
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 11:55 AM
> To: Mercedes Discussion List 
> Cc: G Mann 
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200
> Per student, the public funded educational system spends more than any
> country in the world... yet, USA schools are ranked near the bottom So, 
> the
> question comes, "If we just throw more money at the problem, will it fix it's
> self?"
> On a daily basis, in business, I am confronted by less than 30 yr olds who can
> not spell, can not do basic math, can not read and comprehend, can not follow
> simple instructions, and can not use basic logic... yet, when they are
> confronted with their failures, they become near violent and insulted...
> Reading news reports has become an exercise in guessing what the writer is
> saying, due to lack of use of basic English and syntax, coupled with gross
> spelling errors, which should have never been passed from an editors desk..
> is there is still such a thing...
> Increasingly, I find I must exercise my "Racist White Heterosexual Privilege"
> and fire them. [sarcasm folks]
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 4:52 AM Dan Penoff via Mercedes <
>> wrote:
> > Cursive writing in primary schools went the way of the horse and buggy
> > about 25 years ago if not more. I remember my oldest son not having
> > cursive writing in school, and he’s in his early 30s.
> >
> > Although I think it’s important to know how to sign one’s name rather
> > than making a bunch of “X”s.
> >
> > -XXX
> >
> >
> > > On Jul 22, 2019, at 11:11 PM, Allan Streib via Mercedes <
> >> wrote:
> > >
> > > Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes  writes:
> > >
> > >> It just occurred to me that many of these spelling glitches may be
> > >> a result of rampant use of voice recognition, w/o reading the
> > >> results before sending.
> > >
> > > It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody will
> > > know how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.
> > >
> > > The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his name,
> > > prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a pretty
> > > developed signature at that age.
> > >
> > > Allan
> > >
> > > ___
> > >
> > >
> > > To search list archives
> > >
> > > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > ___
> >
> >
> > To search list archives
> >
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> To search list archives
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Wow! Did you write with quill pens? My father, who was born in 1862, made his 
own quill pens for a one room country school from turkey feathers and the ink 
was made from fruit juice. When pencils came into use around 1900, he started 
using pencils in his railroad job, but still wrote cursive in quill pen strokes 
rather than continuous lines. 

I wonder what is going on in European schools? Are they leading or following 
the changes in American schools?

MG wrote:
> Wow that dates me a bit. I know how to do all those 
> things including how to cut a quill.
> fmiser via Mercedes wrote:
> >> Allan wrote:
> > 
> >> It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody
> >> will know how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.
> >>
> >> The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his
> >> name, prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a
> >> pretty developed signature at that age.
> > 
> > On the other hand, if there is no real purpose - why develop the
> > skill?
> > 
> > How many of us are competent with driving a 4-in-hand team of
> > horses?
> > 
> > Or what is the value of knowing how to start a car with a
> > carburetor?
> > 
> > Conversely, are you any better than me with the tiny, no-tactile
> > keyboard on a 'phone?  It wouldn't take much to be better than
> > me!  Meaning the skill of using a tiny keyboard is much more
> > practical than writing with a quill and ink well.
> > 
> > ___
> >
> > 
> > To search list archives
> > 
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> >
> > 
> > 
> ___
> To search list archives
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread Clay Monroe via Mercedes
A number of schools I attended had two classes for each grade through Jr. High. 
 There was the dummy class and the bright kids.  Some occasional flow between 
groups, I suspect to keep the dumb kids from figuring out just how limited 
their prospects for higher education might be.  The same kids tended to pursue 
more trades and skills classes in high school.  And made a good living in their 
careers while the rest of us racked up college debt and were essentially 
unemployable for a number of years after.


> On Jul 23, 2019, at 12:02 PM, OK Don via Mercedes  
> wrote:
> Which is why support for "gifted" programs is so important - it let's those
> who rise to the top reach their potential instead of staying with the
> bottom of the class. Too bad it's frowned on these days as "elite" and
> "those kids dopn't need anything more, they're smart already".


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread Clay Monroe via Mercedes
We have had dysfunctional parenting for ages.  What makes the current batch of 
idiots so bad is that the Greatest Generation wanted a better world for their 
children that they were a bit more forgiving about discipline.  The boomers 
went nuts being their own brand of people and had children who were even less 
capable of being parents.  Now the folks having kids are just breeders with no 
clue how to raise a child.  There are no consequences that used to teach you 
often and early the best path forward


> On Jul 23, 2019, at 11:20 AM, G Mann via Mercedes  
> wrote:
> I quote my Paternal Grandmother [who birthed and raised 12 children who
> were successful in their chosen fields].
> "Civilization is only one generation deep, we either pass it to our
> children, or, they get to start from the beginning all by themselves."
> IMHO, low expectations always produce low results. We have produced a
> visible segment of those who have never been challenged to produce educated
> and energized children... Question is: Is it our fault they never learned
> good parenting skills... or is it theirs?
> Education, such as it now exists, always teaches to the lowest common
> denominator.


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread Curt Raymond via Mercedes
 I compare our education system to factory farming. Everybody is taught the 
same. For years I thought I couldn't do math, just not my thing, can't do math. 
Turns out I can't do the "carry the one" style, its just not how I process 
things. I can do more math now in my head than I could do with a calculator in 
high school. We need to spend a minute figuring out how a kid learns and stick 
'em in with other kids that learn the same way and a teacher that understands 
it. Putting different learning styles together is dumb and wastes everybody's 
Low expectations of course is nothing new, in the '50s nobody cared if Johnny 
couldn't read, he could always go work in the mill, except now he can't, even 
if there was a mill...


On Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 3:20:56 PM EDT, G Mann  
 I quote my Paternal Grandmother [who birthed and raised 12 children who were 
successful in their chosen fields]."Civilization is only one generation deep, 
we either pass it to our children, or, they get to start from the beginning all 
by themselves."
IMHO, low expectations always produce low results. We have produced a visible 
segment of those who have never been challenged to produce educated and 
energized children... Question is: Is it our fault they never learned good 
parenting skills... or is it theirs?  
Education, such as it now exists, always teaches to the lowest common 

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 11:31 AM Curt Raymond via Mercedes 

Ugh, can you imagine how dumb 90% of the kids would be if their idiot parents 
were "responsible" for their education?

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 

  On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 12:23 PM, Curley McLain via 
Mercedes wrote:   Amen.  If I were king for a day, I'd 
eliminate schools and their taxes. 
tell parents to band together and teach or hire a teacher with the money 
they are no longer taxed for.   6-8 years in a one room school was far 
superior to a current kolledge ejamacation in most  cases.   (oh, and 
sell the real estate, refunding the money to the taxpayers)

G Mann via Mercedes wrote on 7/23/19 10:54 AM:
> Per student, the public funded educational system spends more than any
> country in the world... yet, USA schools are ranked near the bottom So,
> the question comes, "If we just throw more money at the problem, will it
> fix it's self?"
> On a daily basis, in business, I am confronted by less than 30 yr olds who
> can not spell, can not do basic math, can not read and comprehend, can not
> follow simple instructions, and can not use basic logic... yet, when they
> are confronted with their failures, they become near violent and insulted...
> Reading news reports has become an exercise in guessing what the writer is
> saying, due to lack of use of basic English and syntax, coupled with gross
> spelling errors, which should have never been passed from an editors desk..
> is there is still such a thing...
> Increasingly, I find I must exercise my "Racist White Heterosexual
> Privilege" and fire them. [sarcasm folks]
> O


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread Clay Monroe via Mercedes
The parish school taught #1 boy cursive and other old school tricks.  Seven 
years later, #2 boy did not get this training.  He is confused when he is 
confronted with anything but Times Roman or some san serif lettering.  He is 
very concerned about feelings and justice for socialist though


> On Jul 23, 2019, at 3:51 AM, Dan Penoff via Mercedes  
> wrote:
> Cursive writing in primary schools went the way of the horse and buggy about 
> 25 years ago if not more. I remember my oldest son not having cursive writing 
> in school, and he’s in his early 30s.
> Although I think it’s important to know how to sign one’s name rather than 
> making a bunch of “X”s.
> -XXX


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread OK Don via Mercedes
Which is why support for "gifted" programs is so important - it let's those
who rise to the top reach their potential instead of staying with the
bottom of the class. Too bad it's frowned on these days as "elite" and
"those kids dopn't need anything more, they're smart already".

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 2:21 PM G Mann via Mercedes 

> Education, such as it now exists, always teaches to the lowest common
> denominator.

OK Don

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to
pause and reflect." Mark Twain

"There are three kinds of men: The ones that learns by reading. The few who
learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence
for themselves."

WILL ROGERS, *The Manly Wisdom of Will Rogers*
2013 F150, 18 mpg
2017 Subaru Legacy, 30 mpg
1957 C182A, 12 mpg - but at 150 mph!

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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread Clay Monroe via Mercedes
Civilization is a thin veneer over rampant chaos once the lights go out.  I 
guess the troops are able to swoop in and set up their own pocked of calm in 
the midst of disaster, but getting things set right once again takes time.  I 
have been in situations long ago where SHTF for a prolonged period after a 
natural disaster.  In an analog world things plodded along while there was no 
power or water, let alone gas or communications beyond a fellow on a bike 
carrying notes hither and yon.

The quake in ANC this past November was not that bad.  Far less damage to 
infrastructure than could have been.  A repeat of the 1964 quake would make 
Katrina and Sandy look like jaunts in the park.  

I think survival skills that will carry a person through in extreme situations 
should be required learning.  At least to maintain a certain modicum of 
civilized society until the iPhone and ‘puters work again and we can all go 
back to ignoring each other.


> On Jul 22, 2019, at 7:38 PM, fmiser via Mercedes  
> wrote:
>> Allan wrote:
>> It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody
>> will know how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.
>> The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his
>> name, prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a
>> pretty developed signature at that age.
> On the other hand, if there is no real purpose - why develop the
> skill?
> How many of us are competent with driving a 4-in-hand team of
> horses?
> Or what is the value of knowing how to start a car with a
> carburetor?
> Conversely, are you any better than me with the tiny, no-tactile
> keyboard on a 'phone?  It wouldn't take much to be better than
> me!  Meaning the skill of using a tiny keyboard is much more
> practical than writing with a quill and ink well.


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread Mitch Haley via Mercedes
No child left behind might sound good, but no child let ahead is easier to 
There's a reason why home schooled kids outperform the professionally educated. 

> On July 23, 2019 at 3:20 PM G Mann via Mercedes  wrote:
> Education, such as it now exists, always teaches to the lowest common
> denominator.


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread G Mann via Mercedes
I quote my Paternal Grandmother [who birthed and raised 12 children who
were successful in their chosen fields].
"Civilization is only one generation deep, we either pass it to our
children, or, they get to start from the beginning all by themselves."

IMHO, low expectations always produce low results. We have produced a
visible segment of those who have never been challenged to produce educated
and energized children... Question is: Is it our fault they never learned
good parenting skills... or is it theirs?
Education, such as it now exists, always teaches to the lowest common

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 11:31 AM Curt Raymond via Mercedes <> wrote:

> Ugh, can you imagine how dumb 90% of the kids would be if their idiot
> parents were "responsible" for their education?
> Curt
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>   On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 12:23 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes<
>> wrote:   Amen.  If I were king for a day, I'd
> eliminate schools and their taxes.
> tell parents to band together and teach or hire a teacher with the money
> they are no longer taxed for.   6-8 years in a one room school was far
> superior to a current kolledge ejamacation in most  cases.   (oh, and
> sell the real estate, refunding the money to the taxpayers)
> G Mann via Mercedes wrote on 7/23/19 10:54 AM:
> > Per student, the public funded educational system spends more than any
> > country in the world... yet, USA schools are ranked near the bottom
> So,
> > the question comes, "If we just throw more money at the problem, will it
> > fix it's self?"
> >
> > On a daily basis, in business, I am confronted by less than 30 yr olds
> who
> > can not spell, can not do basic math, can not read and comprehend, can
> not
> > follow simple instructions, and can not use basic logic... yet, when they
> > are confronted with their failures, they become near violent and
> insulted...
> >
> > Reading news reports has become an exercise in guessing what the writer
> is
> > saying, due to lack of use of basic English and syntax, coupled with
> gross
> > spelling errors, which should have never been passed from an editors
> desk..
> > is there is still such a thing...
> >
> > Increasingly, I find I must exercise my "Racist White Heterosexual
> > Privilege" and fire them. [sarcasm folks]
> >
> > O
> ___
> To search list archives
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> ___
> To search list archives
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread Curt Raymond via Mercedes
Ugh, can you imagine how dumb 90% of the kids would be if their idiot parents 
were "responsible" for their education?

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 12:23 PM, Curley McLain via 
Mercedes wrote:   Amen.  If I were king for a day, I'd 
eliminate schools and their taxes. 
tell parents to band together and teach or hire a teacher with the money 
they are no longer taxed for.   6-8 years in a one room school was far 
superior to a current kolledge ejamacation in most  cases.   (oh, and 
sell the real estate, refunding the money to the taxpayers)

G Mann via Mercedes wrote on 7/23/19 10:54 AM:
> Per student, the public funded educational system spends more than any
> country in the world... yet, USA schools are ranked near the bottom So,
> the question comes, "If we just throw more money at the problem, will it
> fix it's self?"
> On a daily basis, in business, I am confronted by less than 30 yr olds who
> can not spell, can not do basic math, can not read and comprehend, can not
> follow simple instructions, and can not use basic logic... yet, when they
> are confronted with their failures, they become near violent and insulted...
> Reading news reports has become an exercise in guessing what the writer is
> saying, due to lack of use of basic English and syntax, coupled with gross
> spelling errors, which should have never been passed from an editors desk..
> is there is still such a thing...
> Increasingly, I find I must exercise my "Racist White Heterosexual
> Privilege" and fire them. [sarcasm folks]
> O


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread OK Don via Mercedes
Yes, and return to the medieval days ---

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 11:23 AM Curley McLain via Mercedes <> wrote:

> Amen.  If I were king for a day, I'd eliminate schools and their taxes.
> tell parents to band together and teach or hire a teacher with the money
> they are no longer taxed for.   6-8 years in a one room school was far
> superior to a current kolledge ejamacation in most  cases.   (oh, and
> sell the real estate, refunding the money to the taxpayers)
OK Don

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to
pause and reflect." Mark Twain

"There are three kinds of men: The ones that learns by reading. The few who
learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence
for themselves."

WILL ROGERS, *The Manly Wisdom of Will Rogers*
2013 F150, 18 mpg
2017 Subaru Legacy, 30 mpg
1957 C182A, 12 mpg - but at 150 mph!

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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread OK Don via Mercedes
I was shocked at the level (low) of education and language skills in the IT
shop I worked in for 15 years - and they were my generation - mostly
retired now.

Our education system isn't bad because we spend too much money, nor because
it's public. It's bad because of the way we structure it and spend the
money. We have way too much overhead from all the little autonomous school
districts, bloated bureaucracies, heavy spending on sports and security
(due to a few widely broadcast isolated incidents).

There are several relevant points in the article below:

The world’s developed nations are placing a big bet on education
investments, wagering that highly educated populaces will be needed to fill
tomorrow’s jobs, drive healthy economies and generate enough tax receipts
to support government services.
Bucking that trend is the United States.
U.S. spending on elementary and high school education declined 3 percent
from 2010 to 2014 even as its economy prospered and its student population
grew slightly by 1 percent, boiling down to a 4 percent decrease in
spending per student.
Over this same 2010 to 2014 period, education spending, on average, rose 5
percent per student across the 35 countries in the OECD. In some countries
it rose at a much higher rate. For example, between 2008 and 2014,
education spending rose 76 percent in Turkey, 36 percent in Israel, 32
percent in the United Kingdom and 27 percent in Portugal. For some
countries, it’s been a difficult financial sacrifice as their economies
stalled after the 2008 financial crisis. To boost education budgets, other
areas were slashed. Meanwhile, U.S. local, state and federal governments
chose to cut funding for the schoolhouse.
“Overall (U.S.) education spending has been cut quite severely in the last
few years,”said Andreas Schleicher, who heads the OECD directorate that
issued the report.  “That clearly puts constraints on the environment you
have for learning.”
How lower spending constrains learning is subtle. Schleicher has pointed
out for years that there isn’t a clear relationship between money spent and
student outcomes. Some countries that spend far less than the United States
on education consistently outshine this country on international tests.
And even with the decline in spending, the United States still spends more
per student than most countries. The United States spent $11,319 per
elementary school student in 2014, compared with the OECD average of
$8,733, and $12,995 educating each high school student, compared with an
average of $10,106 per student across the OECD.
The way that high-performing countries achieve more with less money is by
spending it differently than the United States does. For example, larger
class sizes are common in Asia, with more resources instead spent on
improving teaching quality. During the period of U.S. budget cuts to
education, there weren’t major changes to how the money was allocated.
“If you simply cut spending with your existing spending choices, you will
end with less for less,” said Schleicher, citing school districts in
Oklahoma that cut the number of school days to four from five each week.
One big way that the U.S. education system differs from others is in asking
teachers to carry a heavy teaching load. U.S. teachers teach close to 1,000
hours a year, compared with 600 hours in Japan and 550 hours in Korea. In
these countries, teachers might specialize in one course, such as Algebra
I, and teach it only a few periods a day. The rest of their work week is
spent on other activities, such as preparing lessons or giving feedback to
“In the U.S., teachers have less time for professional development, teacher
collaboration, lesson preparation, working with students individually,”
said Schleicher. “In other countries, teachers have a lot of time to watch
each other’s lessons, design lessons and evaluate lessons.”
By contrast, the U.S. system spends a lot of resources on keeping class
sizes relatively small, and hiring more teachers for them.
The OECD’s data echoes what the National Center for Education Statistics in
Washington D.C. has been tracking. It found that education spending for
elementary and high school students had fallen for several years in a row
from 2009 to 2013, due to a combination of federal, state and local budget
cuts. Spending rose a smidgen during the 2013-14 school year, the most
recent year for which data is available, but, after adjusting for
inflation, it is still well below the 2009 peak.
Last week’s U.S. Census report showed that middle class incomes are rising.
One could argue that the economy is flourishing just fine with less
spending on schools. But education is an 18-year, long-term investment,
from preK through college. It could be that we won’t see our economic
prospects smashed from this divestment for many years down the road.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 10:55 AM G Mann via Mercedes 


Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
Amen.  If I were king for a day, I'd eliminate schools and their taxes. 
tell parents to band together and teach or hire a teacher with the money 
they are no longer taxed for.   6-8 years in a one room school was far 
superior to a current kolledge ejamacation in most  cases.   (oh, and 
sell the real estate, refunding the money to the taxpayers)

G Mann via Mercedes wrote on 7/23/19 10:54 AM:

Per student, the public funded educational system spends more than any
country in the world... yet, USA schools are ranked near the bottom So,
the question comes, "If we just throw more money at the problem, will it
fix it's self?"

On a daily basis, in business, I am confronted by less than 30 yr olds who
can not spell, can not do basic math, can not read and comprehend, can not
follow simple instructions, and can not use basic logic... yet, when they
are confronted with their failures, they become near violent and insulted...

Reading news reports has become an exercise in guessing what the writer is
saying, due to lack of use of basic English and syntax, coupled with gross
spelling errors, which should have never been passed from an editors desk..
is there is still such a thing...

Increasingly, I find I must exercise my "Racist White Heterosexual
Privilege" and fire them. [sarcasm folks]



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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread MG via Mercedes
Wow that dates me a bit. I know how to do all those 
things including how to cut a quill.


fmiser via Mercedes wrote:

Allan wrote:

It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody
will know how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.

The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his
name, prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a
pretty developed signature at that age.

On the other hand, if there is no real purpose - why develop the

How many of us are competent with driving a 4-in-hand team of

Or what is the value of knowing how to start a car with a

Conversely, are you any better than me with the tiny, no-tactile
keyboard on a 'phone?  It wouldn't take much to be better than
me!  Meaning the skill of using a tiny keyboard is much more
practical than writing with a quill and ink well.


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To search list archives

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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread G Mann via Mercedes
Per student, the public funded educational system spends more than any
country in the world... yet, USA schools are ranked near the bottom So,
the question comes, "If we just throw more money at the problem, will it
fix it's self?"

On a daily basis, in business, I am confronted by less than 30 yr olds who
can not spell, can not do basic math, can not read and comprehend, can not
follow simple instructions, and can not use basic logic... yet, when they
are confronted with their failures, they become near violent and insulted...

Reading news reports has become an exercise in guessing what the writer is
saying, due to lack of use of basic English and syntax, coupled with gross
spelling errors, which should have never been passed from an editors desk..
is there is still such a thing...

Increasingly, I find I must exercise my "Racist White Heterosexual
Privilege" and fire them. [sarcasm folks]

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 4:52 AM Dan Penoff via Mercedes <> wrote:

> Cursive writing in primary schools went the way of the horse and buggy
> about 25 years ago if not more. I remember my oldest son not having cursive
> writing in school, and he’s in his early 30s.
> Although I think it’s important to know how to sign one’s name rather than
> making a bunch of “X”s.
> -XXX
> > On Jul 22, 2019, at 11:11 PM, Allan Streib via Mercedes <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes  writes:
> >
> >> It just occurred to me that many of these spelling glitches may be a
> >> result of rampant use of voice recognition, w/o reading the results
> >> before sending.
> >
> > It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody will know
> > how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.
> >
> > The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his name,
> > prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a pretty
> > developed signature at that age.
> >
> > Allan
> >
> > ___
> >
> >
> > To search list archives
> >
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> >
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-23 Thread Dan Penoff via Mercedes
Cursive writing in primary schools went the way of the horse and buggy about 25 
years ago if not more. I remember my oldest son not having cursive writing in 
school, and he’s in his early 30s.

Although I think it’s important to know how to sign one’s name rather than 
making a bunch of “X”s.


> On Jul 22, 2019, at 11:11 PM, Allan Streib via Mercedes 
>  wrote:
> Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes  writes:
>> It just occurred to me that many of these spelling glitches may be a
>> result of rampant use of voice recognition, w/o reading the results
>> before sending.
> It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody will know
> how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.
> The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his name,
> prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a pretty
> developed signature at that age.
> Allan
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-22 Thread fmiser via Mercedes
> Allan wrote:

> It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody
> will know how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.
> The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his
> name, prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a
> pretty developed signature at that age.

On the other hand, if there is no real purpose - why develop the

How many of us are competent with driving a 4-in-hand team of

Or what is the value of knowing how to start a car with a

Conversely, are you any better than me with the tiny, no-tactile
keyboard on a 'phone?  It wouldn't take much to be better than
me!  Meaning the skill of using a tiny keyboard is much more
practical than writing with a quill and ink well.


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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-22 Thread Allan Streib via Mercedes
Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes  writes:

> It just occurred to me that many of these spelling glitches may be a
> result of rampant use of voice recognition, w/o reading the results
> before sending.

It's getting bad. I think in another generation or two, nobody will know
how to write (i.e. longhand), type, or spell.

The typical high school kid today, when he has to "sign" his name,
prints it like a 2nd grader. In my day (1980s), kids had a pretty
developed signature at that age.



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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-22 Thread Buggered Benzmail via Mercedes
There loosers

Sent from iPhone

> On Jul 22, 2019, at 4:04 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes 
>  wrote:
> My wife's uncle got an iPhone right about the time voice recognition and Siri 
> started becoming a thing. I remember at a family gathering I'd mentioned that 
> Siri didn't understand a word that I said but Google understood every word. 
> He immediately chimed in that Siri didn't understand him at all. To 
> illustrate he pulled out his phone "Call Beebs!" I don't remember the exact 
> reply but it was something like "I don't know anyone with that name."
> I asked him who he was trying to call, turns out it was his daughter Becky. 
> Her contact, in his phone, was listed as "Rebecca Manca" but somehow he 
> expected Siri to "know that I always call Becks "Beebs". Well, except when I 
> call her Becks!"
> -Curt
>On Monday, July 22, 2019, 3:38:36 PM EDT, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes 
>  wrote:  
> It just occurred to me that many of these spelling glitches may be a result
> of rampant use of voice recognition, w/o reading the results before sending.
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 3:05 PM Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <
>> wrote:
>> --
>> --FT
>> ___
>> To search list archives
>> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> ___
> To search list archives
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> ___
> To search list archives
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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-22 Thread Curt Raymond via Mercedes
 My wife's uncle got an iPhone right about the time voice recognition and Siri 
started becoming a thing. I remember at a family gathering I'd mentioned that 
Siri didn't understand a word that I said but Google understood every word. He 
immediately chimed in that Siri didn't understand him at all. To illustrate he 
pulled out his phone "Call Beebs!" I don't remember the exact reply but it was 
something like "I don't know anyone with that name."
I asked him who he was trying to call, turns out it was his daughter Becky. Her 
contact, in his phone, was listed as "Rebecca Manca" but somehow he expected 
Siri to "know that I always call Becks "Beebs". Well, except when I call her 

On Monday, July 22, 2019, 3:38:36 PM EDT, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes 
 It just occurred to me that many of these spelling glitches may be a result
of rampant use of voice recognition, w/o reading the results before sending.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 3:05 PM Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <> wrote:

> --
> --FT
> ___
> To search list archives
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

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Re: [MBZ] Tell lights 200

2019-07-22 Thread Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes
It just occurred to me that many of these spelling glitches may be a result
of rampant use of voice recognition, w/o reading the results before sending.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 3:05 PM Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <> wrote:

> --
> --FT
> ___
> To search list archives
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

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