Re: DDE, URL helper application in Windows, how to.... SOLVED

2001-05-03 Thread Rodney Tamblyn


I'm forwarding this to the list as well.

The purpose of the registry settings I posted is to allow you to associate a URL 
protocol with an application (in this case, an application created with MC, which 
implements the MC External DDE server).  In my case I wanted to associate a protocol 
emv with my application.

eg: if the user clicks on a link 
emv:// in a page
it will launch my MC helper application and pass the URL value to my app's DDE server.

The MC External DDE server works fine without doing any registry alterations - all you 
need to remember is that the DDE server is EXT - not the name of the application you 
have created, see my previous post.  And also, as we discuss below, to remember to 
include the ext.dll in the same directory as the application.

If you were registering a file type (eg .mxy) with your application, rather than a 
protocol as was interested in doing, you might want to include the DDE details to 
prevent multiple instances of your application openingfor more info, see:

I have created an Windows InstallerVise vct file which makes the Registry edits 
outlined in my previous post, if anyone is interested in a copy of this, just email me 
off list.


>Recently, Rodney Tamblyn wrote:
>> I misunderstood the role of importing EXT.dll as a component - it seems this
>> just binds the DLL to the stack/application.  You must also include the DLL in
>> the same directory as the application you are creating.
>Yes, I was going to run this by you in case you didn't get an answer to your
>post:  on Windows, the external (DLL) must be included in the same directory
>as your MC app; on Mac the external is imported.
>>From your post, have you surmised that editing the registry is required to
>make DDE work?  Without knowing enough about the mechanics, I assumed that
>any app with DDE capability would be able to send and receive messages, but
>perhaps this is not possible without custom keys established in the
>Thanks for your thoughts.
>Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
>Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Web:

Rodney Tamblyn
Educational Media group
Higher Education Development Centre, 75 Union Place
University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
ph +64 3 479 7580 Fax +64 3 479 8362 ~

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: MC and outside world

2001-05-03 Thread Phil Davis

- Original Message -
From: "slavko milekic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 5:57 PM
Subject: MC and outside world

> I am trying to use MC for student projects in building innovative
ways of
> interacting with the outside world.  I have come across serial
> IO card called EZIO  ( -- there is an example stack for
> HyperCard but I need to use it on a Windows machine.  Any guidelines
> converting the HyperCard stack (and external)  to MC (and DLL) on
> platform would be greatly appreciated!

It's very possible that I misunderstand what's involved here, but I'm
not sure you need the DLL or anything found in the Hypercard stack.
The EZIO API tells exactly what data is needed to control what EZIO
functions, so... have you tried writing and reading directly to/from a
Windows COM port?


1) init serial port to 57600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
   set the serialControlString to "BAUD=57600 PARITY=N DATA=8 STOP=1"

2) get an analog to digital conversion:
   API instructions:
   send out "A" (ascii 65)
   send out line number as ASCII character, range= 0 through 7
   read back the result, which will be an ASCII char from 0 to 255
   open file "COM1:" for update
   write "A" & tSomeLineNumber to file "COM1:"
   read from file "COM1:" for 1 char
   put it into tEZIOresponse
   close file "COM1:"

3) set the pulse-width-modulation duty cycle (PWM)
   API instructions:
   send out "P" (ascii 80)
   send out line number as ASCII character, range=0 through 1
   send out the duty cycle as two chars/bytes, high byte first, then
low byte, to make a 10-bit number (zero through 1023). For example: to
set the duty cycle to 100% (full on), send out ascii 03 in the high
byte, followed by ascii 255 in the low byte.
   open file "COM1:" for write
   write "P" to file "COM1:"
   write tSomeLineNumber to file "COM1:"
   write numtochar(3) & numtochar(255) to file "COM1:"
   close file "COM1:"

In example 3, you may wish to use the "binaryEncode" and
"binaryDecode" functions to create the send string, instead of doing
it the way shown here.

If you pursue this, please let us know if you get it to work. I've
never used EZIO, I just went to their web site and read their stuff.

Phil Davis

> Slavko Milekic
> -
> Slavko Milekic, M.D., Ph.D.
> Assoc. Prof. of Cognitive Science & Digital Design
> Dept. of Art Education & Art Therapy
> The University of the Arts
> 320 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19102
> tel: 215-717-6052 fax: 209-844-9704
> -
> Archives:
> Info:
> Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: multiple sockets to the same address:port

2001-05-03 Thread andu

Robin-David Hammond wrote:
> It looks like the close sockets function does not accept the name of the socket,
> but the host:port pair. this would make opening multiple sockes to the same port
> rather difficult.

I'm not sure about 2.3.x but in 2.4 you can "number" each socket like:|1 and|2...

> can someone please confirm/deny?
> -
> Robin-David Hammond
> 56 Hardwick RD
> Ashland MASS, USA
> "Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern
> technology.  Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."


Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

How to subscribe--again

2001-05-03 Thread Sivakatirswami

I seem to have been unsubscribed from the list. I tried to subscribe again
by putting simply

subscribe digest

into the subject and body of a memo to this list, but it bounced...if
someone has better instructions, post them to the list and I will view from
the archive. Thanks

Hinduism Today

Editor's Assistant/Production Manager

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

RE: DDE, URL helper application in Windows, how to....

2001-05-03 Thread Monte Goulding

The problem is that you need the EXT.dll file in the same folder as the
standalone engine. This is different from MacOS where the external is
actually in the resouces of the file. I had the exact same problem when I
first played with standalone & externals on windows.

> Further to my last email:
> I have now got this working within Metacard, but not yet within a
> stand-alone MC application.
> Recap: I wished to configure a Windows computer so that a url of
> emv:// would be handed off to my MC application.
> Take a look at the key for "URL:Hypertext Transfer Protocol" (you
> can use Find in Regedit to search for keys if you want) to see
> the basic format.
> You can set some of these values from within explorer window
> ->view menu ->Folder Options:File Types tab, however I don't
> believe you can create a URL protocol setting from scratch within
> the File Types window.  I was only able to get this working by
> using Regedit.
> From System Start menu, choose open and run Regedit
> - Under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT create a new key "emv"
> - emv should have the following values set:
>   Default   URL:EMV
>   URL Protocol ""
> -within emv key create a key "shell", then a key "open", then a
> key "command"
>command should have default value set to the path to Metacard
> - within open key create a "ddeexec" key with values for:
>   default "Display" %1 (this is what will be passed to MC)
>   Application EXT   (our DDE server, you need to have the
> MC External installed)
>   Topic   System   (not sure if this is required or not)
> Now go to window ->view menu ->Folder Options:File Types tab and
> scroll down to URL, you should should find a setting for URL:EMV.
>  View this... you can change values now like the application you
> are linking to etc...
> Now open MC, open your stack and start the DDE server (see MC
> External documentation under DDE if this is a mystery to you).
> In a Explorer type: emv://testing and press return.  Message
> should be displayed in MC.
> Now the problem: if I import EXT into my stack as a component,
> then save the stack as an application, I cannot get windows to
> pass messages to the stand alone stack in the manner described
> above.  Windows launches a new instance of the stack each time
> (very slowely) then reports that a library is missing or
> something similar.
> I think the issue is related to having a DDE server in a stand
> alone MC application ... I have been having problems getting this
> working (eg: make a simple stack implementing a DDE server that
> puts messages received into a result field, import the external
> as a component, save as a standalone stack.  Try to call this
> from another application ... I can't get this to work).
> Any tips or suggestions?
> R.
> --
> --
> Rodney Tamblyn
> Educational Media group
> Higher Education Development Centre, 75 Union Place
> University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
> ph +64 3 479 7580 Fax +64 3 479 8362
> ~
> Archives:
> Info:
> Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Strange behavior (2.3.2)

2001-05-03 Thread Phil Davis

- Original Message -
From: "Karl Becker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 4:07 PM
Subject: Strange behavior (2.3.2)

> Okay, here's my problem, maybe someone can see a problem with my
> I have a handler (loadFonts) that makes a list of the user's fonts,
> sorts it alphabetically, and puts it into a button in the stack's
> menuGroup (titled, appropriately enough, "Text" ) .
> However, I keep getting an execution error dialog when I do a few
> different things (like going to a card whose function is related to
> printing) in the standalone version (and only the standalone
> not in the development environment) of the stack that usually points
> to two things: a specific line of script, and the one place I call
> the handler in the entire stack, which is in preOpenStack.
>   I think the call to this font handler in preOpenStack may be
> some sort of weird problem, but I'm not sure what.  In preOpenStack,
> I read info about a bunch of stacks from the user's hard drive (to
> get every stack's name that's contained in an 'Add-ons' folder,
> is pretty much like a 'Plug-ins' folder) .
> I don't know if I'm explaining this problem very well, but anyway I
> put it, I need help!  Does anyone have any idea what could be
> this problem?  (When I removed this loadFonts handler from the
> preOpenStack, the error points to the call of the nextHandler on the
> list, a loadHelp handler.  I'm sure it has something do with calling
> handlers in preOpenStack, but the problem didn't pop up until
> recently.)
> Any ideas as to how to fix this nasty bug?

If you suspect the "preOpenStack" aspect of the situation, you could
test your assumption by moving the problem-script's execution to
"openStack". That might tell you if you're truly on the right path. If
the code worked until recently, what changed on your machine? Software
upgrades? New installs?

Phil Davis

> --
> Karl Becker, KB Productions -
> Featuring:New Tricks, Tiger's Eye Casino, and The Fishin' Hole
> Archives:
> Info:
> Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

DDE, URL helper application in Windows, how to.... SOLVED

2001-05-03 Thread Rodney Tamblyn

Further to my last email:

I misunderstood the role of importing EXT.dll as a component - it seems this just 
binds the DLL to the stack/application.  You must also include the DLL in the same 
directory as the application you are creating.

Revised instructions below:

I strongly recommend that you look at other examples in Regedit (eg URL:Hypertext 
Transfer Protocol") to get the idea of how the following example works.

Create your DDE server:
Open a MC stack, create a DDE server (see MC External documentation). Import the 
Ext.dll as a component under stack properties. Save the stack as a stand-alone 
application. Copy the Ext.dll to the same directory as your stand alone. 

>From System Start menu, choose open and run Regedit
- Under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT create a new key "emv"
- emv should have the following values set: [right mouse button click, select from 
Default   URL:EMV
EditFlags   02 00 00 00   (use a binary value for this setting)
URL Protocol ""
-within emv key create a key "shell", then a key "open", then a key "command"
  - within command, set default value to the path to your application (see above), eg 

- within 'open' key create a 'ddeexec' key with values for:
default "Display" %1 (this is what will be passed to MC)
Application EXT   (our DDE server, you need to have the MC External 
Topic   System   (not sure if this is required or not)

Now go to window ->view menu ->Folder Options:File Types tab and scroll down to URL, 
you should should find a setting for URL:EMV (if you omitted the EditFlags value under 
EMV above then you will not see or be able to edit the URL:EMV values from within the 
File Types tab).  View settings... you can change values now like the application you 
are linking to etc...

Rodney Tamblyn
Educational Media group
Higher Education Development Centre, 75 Union Place
University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
ph +64 3 479 7580 Fax +64 3 479 8362 ~

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Digest metacard.v004.n303

2001-05-03 Thread Phil Davis

- Original Message -
From: "Robin-David Hammond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: Digest metacard.v004.n303

> It looks like the close sockets function does not accept the name of
the socket,
> but the host:port pair. this would make opening multiple sockes to
the same port
> rather difficult.

But not impossible.
Here's a snippet from the "open" card of the 2.3.2 Metatalk Reference

To open multiple sockets to the same host:port address, an optional
connection identifier can be supplied by appending it with the |
character as a delimiter (e.g., "|1").

Phil Davis

> can someone please confirm/deny?
> -
> Robin-David Hammond
> 56 Hardwick RD
> Ashland MASS, USA
> "Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of
> technology.  Neither do they throw parties for the urban
> Archives:
> Info:
> Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

MC and outside world

2001-05-03 Thread slavko milekic

I am trying to use MC for student projects in building innovative ways of 
interacting with the outside world.  I have come across serial port-based 
IO card called EZIO  ( -- there is an example stack for 
HyperCard but I need to use it on a Windows machine.  Any guidelines for 
converting the HyperCard stack (and external)  to MC (and DLL) on Windows 
platform would be greatly appreciated!

Slavko Milekic
Slavko Milekic, M.D., Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. of Cognitive Science & Digital Design
Dept. of Art Education & Art Therapy
The University of the Arts
320 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19102

tel: 215-717-6052 fax: 209-844-9704

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

DDE, URL helper application in Windows, how to....

2001-05-03 Thread Rodney Tamblyn

Further to my last email:

I have now got this working within Metacard, but not yet within a stand-alone MC 

Recap: I wished to configure a Windows computer so that a url of emv:// would be 
handed off to my MC application.

Take a look at the key for "URL:Hypertext Transfer Protocol" (you can use Find in 
Regedit to search for keys if you want) to see the basic format.

You can set some of these values from within explorer window ->view menu ->Folder 
Options:File Types tab, however I don't believe you can create a URL protocol setting 
from scratch within the File Types window.  I was only able to get this working by 
using Regedit. 
>From System Start menu, choose open and run Regedit
- Under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT create a new key "emv"
- emv should have the following values set:
Default   URL:EMV
URL Protocol ""
-within emv key create a key "shell", then a key "open", then a key "command"
   command should have default value set to the path to Metacard
- within open key create a "ddeexec" key with values for:
default "Display" %1 (this is what will be passed to MC)
Application EXT   (our DDE server, you need to have the MC External 
Topic   System   (not sure if this is required or not)

Now go to window ->view menu ->Folder Options:File Types tab and scroll down to URL, 
you should should find a setting for URL:EMV.  View this... you can change values now 
like the application you are linking to etc...

Now open MC, open your stack and start the DDE server (see MC External documentation 
under DDE if this is a mystery to you).

In a Explorer type: emv://testing and press return.  Message should be displayed in MC.

Now the problem: if I import EXT into my stack as a component, then save the stack as 
an application, I cannot get windows to pass messages to the stand alone stack in the 
manner described above.  Windows launches a new instance of the stack each time (very 
slowely) then reports that a library is missing or something similar.

I think the issue is related to having a DDE server in a stand alone MC application 
... I have been having problems getting this working (eg: make a simple stack 
implementing a DDE server that puts messages received into a result field, import the 
external as a component, save as a standalone stack.  Try to call this from another 
application ... I can't get this to work).  

Any tips or suggestions?

Rodney Tamblyn
Educational Media group
Higher Education Development Centre, 75 Union Place
University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
ph +64 3 479 7580 Fax +64 3 479 8362 ~

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Digest metacard.v004.n303

2001-05-03 Thread Robin-David Hammond

It looks like the close sockets function does not accept the name of the socket,
but the host:port pair. this would make opening multiple sockes to the same port
rather difficult.

can someone please confirm/deny?


Robin-David Hammond
56 Hardwick RD
Ashland MASS, USA

"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern
technology.  Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Digest metacard.v004.n303

2001-05-03 Thread Robin-David Hammond

It looks like the close sockets function does not accept the name of the socket,
but the host:port pair. this would make opening multiple sockes to the same port
rather difficult.

can someone please confirm/deny?


Robin-David Hammond
56 Hardwick RD
Ashland MASS, USA

"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern
technology.  Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Strange behavior (2.3.2)

2001-05-03 Thread Karl Becker

Okay, here's my problem, maybe someone can see a problem with my logic:

I have a handler (loadFonts) that makes a list of the user's fonts, 
sorts it alphabetically, and puts it into a button in the stack's 
menuGroup (titled, appropriately enough, "Text" ) .

However, I keep getting an execution error dialog when I do a few 
different things (like going to a card whose function is related to 
printing) in the standalone version (and only the standalone version, 
not in the development environment) of the stack that usually points 
to two things: a specific line of script, and the one place I call 
the handler in the entire stack, which is in preOpenStack.

  I think the call to this font handler in preOpenStack may be causing 
some sort of weird problem, but I'm not sure what.  In preOpenStack, 
I read info about a bunch of stacks from the user's hard drive (to 
get every stack's name that's contained in an 'Add-ons' folder, which 
is pretty much like a 'Plug-ins' folder) .

I don't know if I'm explaining this problem very well, but anyway I 
put it, I need help!  Does anyone have any idea what could be causing 
this problem?  (When I removed this loadFonts handler from the 
preOpenStack, the error points to the call of the nextHandler on the 
list, a loadHelp handler.  I'm sure it has something do with calling 
handlers in preOpenStack, but the problem didn't pop up until 

Any ideas as to how to fix this nasty bug?

Karl Becker, KB Productions -
Featuring:New Tricks, Tiger's Eye Casino, and The Fishin' Hole

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

RE: DDE, URL helper application in Windows, how to....

2001-05-03 Thread Monte Goulding

Interesting questiong Rodney

I had a poke aroung the registry editor and found that under HKCR there is
key for each protocol with the shell commands you need to use. The keys are
very simmilar to accesing a file.

Hope that helps.

Cheers from Oz

> I've got an image viewing Metacard program which can handle
> events received from a web browser.
> On the Mac I have configured my program as a helper application
> in the Internet Control Panel (Advanced tab, Helper Apps),
> allowing the URL type emv to be associated with my program.
> In the browser if the user clicks on a link starting emv://
> this is passed to my Metacard application as an appleevent.
> Now I want to try and do the achieve thing under Windows, namely:
> associate the url type emv with my application. I see that there
> is a URL file type (see: explorer window ->view menu ->Folder
> Options:File Types tab) eg "URL:File Transfer Protocol".  There
> must be more to it than this though (where is the actual protocol
> prefix specified?).
> I have made a MC application using the MC External, configured to
> act as a DDE Server (ie able to receive DDE events) but haven't
> yet been able to get the web browser to talk to it.
> Related question: when I make a stand-alone application which is
> acting as a DDE server, does the server name becomes the name of
> the application (not EXT?).  Is there any way of getting a list
> of all available DDE servers on the computer?
> If anyone has had any success trying to do this sort of thing or
> can point me towards any relevant documentation or instructions I
> would appreciate it.
> Rodney
> --
> --
> Rodney Tamblyn
> Educational Media group
> Higher Education Development Centre, 75 Union Place
> University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
> ph +64 3 479 7580 Fax +64 3 479 8362
> ~
> Archives:
> Info:
> Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: mcRipper .2

2001-05-03 Thread Richard Herz

Klaus Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I've done a version of "rip and burn" for single-card stacks with XML
> > markup.  I picked XML for markup because Bill Gates thinks it's great ;-)
> sounds interesting.
> Could you please post it somewhere?

I've emailed a stack that contains the major handlers from my database stack
and a listing of an example database text file to Geoff and Klaus.  The
database stack itself is to crude for public consumption.  The only function
of immediate and independent use is nextTag, which can be used to parse XML
text.  However, by inspecting the script you can get an good idea of my
approach to MC stack "rip and burn" and database markup.

I would be happy to email a copy of the stack I sent to Geoff and Klaus to
anyone else.  Please request off-list via email.


Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

MetaCard app on a server...

2001-05-03 Thread Richard MacLemale

OK, hypothetically speaking...

Suppose you create a standalone app on the Mac.  And the app has a
collection of data stacks that it uses, and they are in the same directory
as the app.  And you set the shared flag to true (via ResEdit) and you put
it on a server.

Now two Mac clients both launch the app.  And they both use it to open the
same data stack on the server.  What would happen?
A.  Both users would get a copy of the data stack loaded into their own RAM,
and when they did a save, the save would be rewritten back to the data stack
on the server, or
B.  The first user to get to the stack would win, and the other user would
get a "stack is in use" error

Furthermore, suppose you have a global variable named "myName" (not that I
would do this, but just supposed.)  If two people would run the app at the
same time, would they both get the same global?  Would it be different for

I can test this all out at work, but was sorta hoping someone had already
walked down this path.  I could see some cool local network gaming
possibilities for my school based on the answers to these questions...

Anyone know?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: proportionalThumbs behaving strangely

2001-05-03 Thread Phil Davis

Hi Craig,

Wild guesses:
- Could this have anything to do with the scrollbar's "style"
property? (The prop value can be scrollbar, progress, or scale.)
- How's the supply of available memory when it happens? That can
affect the way things are drawn on the screen.

Phil Davis

- Original Message -
From: "Craig Spooner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 8:07 AM
Subject: RE: proportionalThumbs behaving strangely

> I'm still having problems with this and wonder if anyone has found a
> solution.  Anyone?
> Thanks,
> Craig
> At 2:28 PM -0400 4/10/01, MisterX wrote:
> >>some kind of parent to the bug with the horizontal bar I get on
> >>
> >>if you resize the object it fixes itself. but it comes back once
in a while!
> >>
> >>Xa
> >>
> >>>  -Original Message-
> >>>  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Craig
> >>>  Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 4:58 PM
> >>>  Subject: proportionalThumbs behaving strangely
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>  Has anyone noticed a change in the behavior of the
> >>>  property?  When I set the proportionalThumbs to true for the
Mac, the
> >>>  vertical "thumb bar" expands to fill the entire height of the
> >>>  scrollbar, even though there is nothing to scroll up or down
to.  The
> >>>  same project built with MC ver. 2.3.1 a year ago behaves
> >>>  i.e., the "thumb bar" disappears under these conditions.
> >>>
> >>>  Has something changed, or is a new setting required now?  I've
> >>  > the current MC readme files and don't see any mention of it.
> --
> /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
> \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
> Craig Spooner
> Instructional Technology Training and Development
> WebCT Administrator
> Office of Instructional Services
> Colorado State University
> (970) 491-2516
> Archives:
> Info:
> Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

trans pixel in rectangular btns

2001-05-03 Thread Craig Spooner

Has anyone noticed that standard and rectangular btns in Windows (not 
a problem on the Mac) have what appears to be a transparent pixel in 
the upper-right corner.  If you position such a btn over a dark 
background, you'll see this odd speck.  This is something new since 
an earlier version of MC about a year ago. I'm having to rework my 
interface design to avoid it.  Anyone know of a workaround?




Craig Spooner
Instructional Technology Training and Development
WebCT Administrator
Office of Instructional Services
Colorado State University
(970) 491-2516

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

"library" scripts?

2001-05-03 Thread Phil Davis

I tried to "start using" a .mt script without success. So, I assume
MC's library functionality is intended for stacks only. Correct?

It makes sense. How could a text file have the smarts to do that? It's
reminiscent of the scarecrow singing "...if I only had a brain."

But we've seen MC do so much... that can only mean one thing... Oz
must be in Boulder.

Phil Davis

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

RE: proportionalThumbs behaving strangely

2001-05-03 Thread Craig Spooner

I'm still having problems with this and wonder if anyone has found a 
solution.  Anyone?

At 2:28 PM -0400 4/10/01, MisterX wrote:
>>some kind of parent to the bug with the horizontal bar I get on windoze.
>>if you resize the object it fixes itself. but it comes back once in a while!
>>>  -Original Message-
>>>  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Craig Spooner
>>>  Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 4:58 PM
>>>  Subject: proportionalThumbs behaving strangely
>>>  Has anyone noticed a change in the behavior of the proportionalThumbs
>>>  property?  When I set the proportionalThumbs to true for the Mac, the
>>>  vertical "thumb bar" expands to fill the entire height of the
>>>  scrollbar, even though there is nothing to scroll up or down to.  The
>>>  same project built with MC ver. 2.3.1 a year ago behaves normally,
>>>  i.e., the "thumb bar" disappears under these conditions.
>>>  Has something changed, or is a new setting required now?  I've review
>>  > the current MC readme files and don't see any mention of it.



Craig Spooner
Instructional Technology Training and Development
WebCT Administrator
Office of Instructional Services
Colorado State University
(970) 491-2516

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: (no subject)

2001-05-03 Thread Michael Kann

--- Matthew Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
inquired from across the pond:

How would you search a file for a line beginning with
some id number, and then extract that line and read
each item into a separate variable name?

kv is just a holder variable 

put url "c:/windows/desktop/goodfile.txt" into kv
filter kv with "#123*"
set itemDelimiter to "@"   -- whatever yours is
put item 1 of kv into varUno
put item 2 of kv into varDos

the mac urls I'll let others handle

good luck, Michael Kann

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Re: (no subject)

2001-05-03 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Matthew,

> Hi List,
> I have a quick question if anyone has time to respond.
> I would like to know how to search a file for a line beginning with some
> id number, and then to extract that line and read each item into a
> separate variable name.
> Many thanks

here's a quick and (hopefully not too) dirty one:

##supposed your file is a text-file...

put url"file:" & "the_path/to_your/file.txt" into whatsoever
get lineoffset("your_id_number", whatsoever)
set the itemdel to xxx   ##  replace xxx with your itemdelimiter
put line it of whatsoever into the_line
put item 1 of the_line into etc...

...not tested, but should do the job.

If in doubt, consult your dealer or this list or me off-list ;-)


MetaScape GmbH

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: (no subject)

2001-05-03 Thread Pierre Sahores

Matthew Davies a écrit :
> Hi List,
> I have a quick question if anyone has time to respond.
> I would like to know how to search a file for a line beginning with some
> id number, and then to extract that line and read each item into a
> separate variable name.

open file thefile for read
read from file thefile until eof
put it into theread
get lineoffset("#" & some id number & the itemdel,theread)
close file thefile


get lineoffset("#" & some id number & the itemdel,url thefile)

where "#" is used as the line begining delimiter.

> Many thanks
> --
> * Matthew L. Davies*
> * Nonlinear Kinetics Group *
> *  *
> * School of Chemistry  *
> * University of Leeds  *
> * LEEDS. LS2 9JT. UK   *
> * TEL: (0113) 233 6489 *
> Archives:
> Info:
> Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Pierre Sahores

WEB & VPN applications & databases servers
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Qualifier & produire l'avantage compétitif

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

(no subject)

2001-05-03 Thread Matthew Davies

Hi List,

I have a quick question if anyone has time to respond.

I would like to know how to search a file for a line beginning with some
id number, and then to extract that line and read each item into a
separate variable name.

Many thanks

* Matthew L. Davies*
* Nonlinear Kinetics Group *
*  *
* School of Chemistry  *
* University of Leeds  *
* LEEDS. LS2 9JT. UK   *
* TEL: (0113) 233 6489 *

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.