Re: [mb-style] "Milten with Deval Premal" vs. "Dave Premal & Milten"

2007-11-23 Thread Wendell Hicken
Ok, here's more info on the issue, from someone who's actually got
firsthand experience with the artists in question.

I suppose my question then is, do we want to go ahead and use the
recommendation below?

Deva Premal and Miten
Miten with Deva Premal

These would be different "groups", each with Miten and Deva Premal as
either members or collaborators.
Or is this not quite a distinction which MB supports in this way?


-- quote begins (jalal)  --
I've known Miten and Deva Premal for nearly 20 years. I still work with them
on occasions, running the tours in Europe, helping with the CDs, running the

As some background. Miten was (in an earlier phase, 60s) quite a well known
folk/rock musician, touring with bands such as the Kinks. After a while he
dropped out, gave up music and turned to a more spiritual life style.

After a while (middle to late eighties) he started to get back into song
writing and performing. At the end of the eighties he met up with Deva Premal
and they lived together.
After a while, Deva wanted to try singing. She had always loved mantras, knew
many of them and slowly they started to put together mantras and produced the
first of the CDs (The Essence).
Deva became something of a star in the field of yoga meditation and mantra
singing, particularly in the USA. Not so well known in Europe, where Miten
has more of a following.
Throughout all this they have continued giving voice workshops.

So, from these different phases, there have been different levels of
collaboration. Miten's early CDs are basically his (Tidal Wave, Global Heart
etc) although Deva does some singing on the later ones.
CDs such as The Essence, Love Is Space, Dakshina etc, are basically Deva
Premal's, although the arrangements are mainly Miten's.
Some of the CDs though are clearly collaborations, such as Strength Of A Rose,
Satsang, Trusting The Silence.
And, through this, Miten has put out a couple of CDs, such as Blown Away and
Songs For The Inner Lover.
The last CD though has, on the cover, 'Miten with Deva Premal'. Partly this is
a marketing thing, but also a couple of the songs are mantras from Deva

So, over the years, we have:
Deva Premal
Deva Premal and Miten
Miten with Deva Premal

Plus, as a further twist to the naming... originally, as Miten was the major
partner in the productions, they called themselves 'Miten and Deva Premal',
but this resulted in Miten being called 'Miten Premal', and this is
completely incorrect, so they turned the names around, to become 'Deva Premal
and Miten'.

(Both Miten and Deva Premal were, for many years, part of the Osho Community
in Pune, India, which is where they acquired rather unusual names: Deva
Premal and Prabhu Miten).

I hope that gives some background to the naming scheme. If you have any
questions, just ask. I'd like to see them represented correctly and fully on
Musicbrainz. I wish I had more time to devote to the mb project, as I like
the way it works. (i do subscribe to mb-users, but not mb-style).
-- quote ends --

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] "Milten with Deval Premal" vs. "Dave Premal & Milten"

2007-11-20 Thread Wendell Hicken
This is in regards to the following edit (mine):

Different releases by the pair list different combinations of the
artists name.  Treating this is a collaboration was the motivation for
my merge (which passed).

However, if there's clear artist intent that the two should be treated
more formally (as different "groups" that simply happen to have the
same members), then we can split them out again (and add the
appropriate annotation so they don't get re-merged in the future.

Prior to deciphering the necessary edits, I'd just like to run this
through the group and see if (a) there's consensus on how to handle
this, and possibly (b) someone more knowledgeable about these artists
than me has useful insight.

You can get more relevant info here:

(Not that the URL is simply devapremal, but includes all the info
about miten as well.


Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] artist type: project

2006-10-11 Thread Wendell Hicken
On 10/11/06, Robert Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What is the difference between a band and a group?I could see adding a collaboration and a project type, but anythingelse starts getting too complicated.Would anyone venture to write a one paragraph definition for each of
these proposed types?Here's a stab at "collaboration" - I don't distinguish between "group" and "band",unless you mean "group" in the current MusicBrainz sense of "more than 1 body".
There's rather more than a paragraph here, but the first paragraph stands as apossible definition.
A collaboration is an "artist" XYZ, who would only have artists related 
to itwith the assocation
"Artist collaborated with XYZ". An artist of the Collaboration type must include all collaborating 
artists in its name - otherwise it's probably not a Collaboration in the strict sense of justconnecting 
different artists. (That may be
a clue that you're dealing with a Group rather than a Collaboration).
Similarly, two artists marked ascollaborations are ineligible to collaborate with each other, as only"primitive" artists types should be in a collaboration relationship.
Edge cases: Humans will have to do what humans do best, and make senseof boundary cases.  "Simon & Garfunkel" could be classified as a collaborationin the above definition, since it contains the names (albeit abbreviated)
of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel.  The second point of the defintion providesa clue - if "Simon & Garfunkel" is ever to be treated atomically, as asingle unti, then it would be better suited to calling them a "Group", 
as I would recommend.  The majority of Collaborations are easier tohandle than this.Clarifications: There are no "members" of a Collaboration 
"artist", nor does itcorrespond
to an individual person. 
Advantages to having "collaboration" as a type:1) It simplifies a common question on how to group these.2) It expresses a more complicated implicit relationship:In the current db, for example, we have:
Stéphane Grappelli:
• collaborated on Oscar Peterson & Stéphane Grappelli, Stéphane 
Grappelli & Jean-Luc Ponty and Stéphane Grappelli and Earl Hines

By introducing the 
Collaboration type, that information
could be expressed as:

Stéphane Grappelli:
• collaborated with Oscar Peterson, Jean-Luc Ponty and Earl Hines

I'm not suggesting the website be updated to show data in the "improved" 
format,just pointing out that
applications using the MusicBrainz database could takeadvantage of the 
more formal relationship.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] artist type: project

2006-10-10 Thread Wendell Hicken
My 2 cents are that the issue of types probably needs to be fleshed out better.  As I recall, "collaborations" were not received as positively as "projects", partly getting stuck on a matter of definitions.  But it's a slippery slope adding one new type at a time
Nonethless, I'm not opposed to "project".  I'd merely like to see "collaboration" as well (and I have a formal definition floating around if we can't find it in the mail archives).
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] New AR links for Broadway Productions and ClassicalMusic

2006-07-01 Thread Wendell Hicken
On 7/1/06, Simon Reinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't want to bring it through since that'd mean I really want it and have to support it. But I think with a bit more input from the original requester we can work this out. Then we are able to write wiki pages and do an RFV.
What sort of input would you like?  Do you want me to try to contact the "admins" for these sites and clarify the linkpersistence issue?Wendell
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] New AR links for Broadway Productions and Classical Music

2006-06-27 Thread Wendell Hicken
Two databases I think would be useful to add formal connections to are:IBDB - Internet Broadway Database (    This is roughly an analogue of the Internet Movie Database, only for Broadway.
    Many artists have pages here with information on their Broadway productions.Classical Composers Database (    This contains a lot of information about classical composers, which could
    help augment the Classical support in MusicBrainz.  (I'd personally like to    see more of the type of info stored there - i.e. French Composers, Russian    Composers, etc).  Note the nice About page here:
    "All material presented in this database is freely available to everybody."Wendell
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