Maildir and new mail notification

2001-12-06 Thread Ailbhe Leamy


Since changing to Maildir format, I have noticed some odd behaviour - if
I am in a folder while it receives new mail, I don't get notified.  If I
change to another folder, I immediately get notified of any new mail in
the first folder.

What have I missed?



Re: Maildir is not Updated

2001-12-06 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (02/12/01 17:43), Mark Brown wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 09:05:57AM -0800, Curt W. Zirzow wrote:
> > On Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 02:22:33PM +0100, Benjamin Michotte wrote:
> > > 2 minutes 38 to open my in.mutt maildir (± 6000 mails) instead of 18
> > > secondes to the same in mbox format 
> > Wow, I knew maildir was slower but not by that much.  I guess it has to
> > do with reading each individual file instead of scanning the mbox.
> Maildir isn't faster or slower than mbox, it just uses the filesystem in
> a very different way to mbox.  I've had exactly the opposite experience
> - order of magnitude speed increases from using Maildir.  

Me two.



Re: a couple more questions

2001-12-04 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (30/11/01 10:45), Paul Brannan wrote:
> 1) How can I refresh the current inbox?  The 'G' key seems to be
>POP-specific (I'm using IMAP).

Try $

> 2) Can I set up vim to place the cursor in the "To" field automatically
>when composing a message?

Probably, but I don't know how...


Re: Some questions about trivial things

2001-11-18 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (18/11/01 12:35), Sean LeBlanc wrote:
> Wanted to ask some questions about some things that I haven't figured
> out yet.
> 1. How to go back to "main" mailbox, once I've done "c" to change to
> another folder?  If I hit q for quit, it goes back to "main" mailbox,
> if there are still some unread messages there. Otherwise, it quits to
> shell prompt. This seems like a really stupid question, but I just
> can't figure it out.

c ! 

! means the main mailbox.

> 2. How to select and move (or copy, if there is no move) multiple
> messages to other folders? I haven't found a move, just a copy, and so
> far, I've been doing it one message at a time.

t to tag all the messages you want to move. T if you want to tag all
messages matching a pattern.

;s to save all the tagged messages to another folder.
$ to synchronise mutt (delete all the messages you saved to another




Re: [Fwd: help]

2001-11-18 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (17/11/01 22:44), David T-G wrote:

> I work in support and part of what floats my boat is helping other
> people.

You sick, sick bunny.



Re: mail preferences menu?

2001-11-17 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (10/11/01 18:17), Piotr Stolc wrote:

> I have one, maybe trivial, problem...I want to choose some
> configuration options (like 'from' string, signature etc) when I start
> composing mail. Now I can do this with folder-hook, but this is very
> uncomfortable. IMHO the best solution would be adding a menu with
> defined templates...Is this possible? Or, maybe, there are some other
> solutions? Note that I don't want templates to be automaticly chosen
> by mutt, I want to have the possibility to change it's decision...

I have a directory called ~/.mutt/headers/ containing files for my
various headers and signatures.
macro index "\ch"":source \.mutt\/headers\/" # ^headers
gives me a prompt after which I just type the name of the relevant
header file.



[OT] gpg multiple keyrings

2001-10-18 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

OK, I have seen a bunch of people say that they use multiple keyrings.
This strikes me as an excellent idea. I, however, am a newbie to gpg
and an idiot to boot, and so I have two points of failure.

1) how to get mutt to file keys in the correct keyring?
2) how to move keys from the wrong keyring to the right one?



Re: Changing my "From" field

2001-10-04 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (03/10/01 23:45), René Clerc wrote:
> * Zane Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [03-10-2001 20:25]:
> | send-hook (~t .* 'my_hdr "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"'
> | send-hook (~t !.* 'my_hdr "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"'
> Change (~t !.* from the second rule to "."
> (whithout quotes)
> This is the default rule.

But do it in this order: 

send-hook (~t .) 'my_hdr "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"'
send-hook (~t .* 'my_hdr "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"'

If you reverse these, everything will match the default rule, with no
exceptions for



Re: Changing my "From" field

2001-10-04 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (03/10/01 23:45), René Clerc wrote:
> * Zane Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [03-10-2001 20:25]:
> | send-hook (~t .* 'my_hdr "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"'
> | send-hook (~t !.* 'my_hdr "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"'
> Change (~t !.* from the second rule to "."
> (whithout quotes)
> This is the default rule.

But do it in this order: 

send-hook (~t .) 'my_hdr "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"'
send-hook (~t .* 'my_hdr "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"'

If you reverse these, everything will match the default rule, with no
exceptions for



Re: Hiding read messages in a newsgroup

2001-10-01 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (01/10/01 00:12), Mat?j Cepl wrote:

> seem to make a trick. Thanks a lot. I am now really persuaded
> that mutt is able to do everything (except for that buttered
> bread, I know)! And help on this list is really terrific. Thanks
> again.

And for your next trick, you can learn to send messages only once...



Re: Hiding read messages in a newsgroup?

2001-10-01 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (30/09/01 14:33), Benjamin Smith wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 10:14:19PM -0400, Matej Cepl wrote:
> > Maybe, that I am asking too much, but my experience with mutt is
> > that everything is possible -- one just has to know, what to put
> > in .muttrc. So,
> > 
> > would it be possible to hide read messages in a newsgroups (using
> > VVV patch for nntp on mutt and listerver is local
> > leafnode)? I mean, that it would be much better if there would be
> > only unread messages in opened newsgroup.

> Couldn't you use the limit feature to do this.
> Try something like

> l ~N | ~O
> to only show new and old messages.

folder-hook . "l ~A"
folder-hook =news\..* "l ~U"

Untested, but I think it ought to work. For all folders, limit to all
messages (heh). For folders starting with the string "news.", limit to
unread messages.



Re: Mutt + PGP

2001-09-15 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (14/09/01 15:26), Justin R. Miller wrote:

> Ailbhe, you should read up on the web of trust.  While it is the weak
> point in public key crypto, it answers your question.

Trouble with the web of trust is that I don't trust it unless it
contains a fairly high proportion of people I know and trust.
Admittedly, this is partly because I like to know that my signature on a
key is trustworthy.




Re: Mutt + PGP

2001-09-15 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (14/09/01 15:00), David T-G wrote:

> ...and then Ailbhe Leamy said... 
% On (14/09/01 09:41), David T-G wrote: 
[attribs snipped, because it's basically a David-Ailbhe-David
discussion so far]

% Having a valid From: address is hardly the same as adding a 
% pgp-signature to things. 
% Having a sigfile doesn't seem like the same thing to me, either.

> I accept both of those points.  I also reserve the right to draw the
> "same thing" line anywhere I please.

I understand that. I was kind of hoping you could explain to me why you
seem to think that they _are_ the same thing. For some reason I'm
assuming that you haven't drawn a line arbitrarily based on the colour
of the dirt on your shoes, or something.

> % > It is my not-so-humble opinion that everyone everywhere should be

> % Yes, but _why_?
> Why use PGP/GPG?  Because it should be mainstream and available
> to all, it should be easy to use and familiar to all, and private
> communication should be both avaiable and commonplace rather than
> challenging and noteworthy.

OK, all of this I understand. I completely fail to understand why it
should apply to public communication, as distinct from private

> % In what way is it useful to pgp-sign or encrypt a mail that is for
> I can't think of a time I'd encrypt a mail to a mailing list, since I
> don't know of any encryption-aware mailing list servers (though such
> things have been discussed even here).

Oh good.

> It's useful to sign a message
> so that others can confirm that the message came from me as they see
> it -- whether because I am concerned about forgery, concerned about
> a patch or piece of code being maliciously modified, or concerned
> about my messages being accidentally munged in transmission (found
> on this list only a month or two ago and bought to my attention by
> a guy -- whose name I have now forgotten but whose attention is
> still appreciated -- who wondered why my messages kept saying "bad
> signature" and eventually tracked down to an added space and newline,
> IIRC).

All of these are good reasons, and I understand that if in the past you
have been a victim of malicious forgery, or anything else, you'd want
to make sure it couldn't happen again. But I don't see how pgp-signing
things to a public mailing list ensures that.

> % distribution to a mailing list? You are aware of the fact that there
> % are archives?
> Yes.  I must admit that I don't see your point here, though.

Well, if I read your mail using a browser to access the archives, I
absolutely cannot verify whether your pgp signature is good, bad, or

> % > Everything I can do to encourage such behavior and raise
> % > everyone's awareness is thus a good thing.  Since I don't often
> % > have to post anonymously (though I generally don't have a problem
> % > with those who do), I can sign everything.
> %
> % OK. That's really useful. I see this. Er. Where's your public
> % key? And
> At the moment I'm in transition, so you'll not find a public key for
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] out there; sorry about that, but you can find
> it if you look for [EMAIL PROTECTED] and messages sent there will
> get to me.  You can, however, find my key on the public key servers as
> well as at my web site; just ask.

Well, since every message you send is pgp-signed, having your public
key would be useful, I think. Though admittedly a valid public key for
the address you actually use would be best.

> % how do I verify that it _is_ your public key? If I can't, what
> % possible use could it be?
> It's a start.  I haven't been to any signing parties, I admit, but
> there are those who have bothered to contact me directly and exchange
> keys.

Well, it's probably because I know too many people too interested in
security, but I'd not trust your key to prove anything unless we
exchanged keys face to face, and even then I wouldn't trust it much
unless it had been signed by people I know and trust. I don't know you,
I therefore don't trust you, and I don't trust your public key. All it
proves to me is that your messages are probably consistently being sent
by the same person.

> % > Here, of all places, it should be no biggie; mutt can handle
> % > GPG/PGP with ease, and procmail/formail could strip out the
> % > signature entirely, and this is the group that would know how to
> % > do it.

> % I repeat: archives?
> %
> Looks fine to me.  I still don't see your point.  You can't be arguing
> that I shouldn't sign my messages because the archive server can't
> read 'e

Re: Mutt + PGP

2001-09-14 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (14/09/01 09:41), David T-G wrote:

> ...and then Ailbhe Leamy said... %

> % Query: why do people pgp-sign mail to mailing lists?
> Why not?  You put your home page in your signature, for instance; you
> have a mailing address that you list that is suitable for replies.

Having a valid From: address is hardly the same as adding a
pgp-signature to things.

Having a sigfile doesn't seem like the same thing to me, either.

> It is my not-so-humble opinion that everyone everywhere should be
> signing and encrypting all of the time, except as required (don't sign
> if you want to be anonymous or don't encrypt if the message is for
> mass distribution -- you get the idea).

Yes, but _why_?

In what way is it useful to pgp-sign or encrypt a mail that is for
distribution to a mailing list? You are aware of the fact that there are

> Everything I can do to encourage such behavior and raise everyone's
> awareness is thus a good thing.  Since I don't often have to post
> anonymously (though I generally don't have a problem with those who
> do), I can sign everything.

OK. That's really useful. I see this. Er. Where's your public key? And
how do I verify that it _is_ your public key? If I can't, what possible
use could it be?

> Here, of all places, it should be no biggie; mutt can handle GPG/PGP
> with ease, and procmail/formail could strip out the signature
> entirely, and this is the group that would know how to do it.

I repeat: archives?



Re: Mutt + PGP

2001-09-13 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (13/09/01 21:59), Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:

> Cliff Sarginson  [13/09/01 18:08 +0200]:
> > > Query: why do people pgp-sign mail to mailing lists?  Ailbhe
> > This is an excellent question, since I just accidentally bombarded
> > this list with my public key I have been thinking that signing
> > mailing list messages serves *no* useful purpose.
> There's no damned point to it - unless you anticipate that your mail
> will be forged by someone.  Web of trust indeed .. based on a system

Unless you anticipate that your mail will be forged by someone who
sends something potentially damaging to a public mailing list.

I can't think of anything sent to something as public as this list that
would really be really damaging. Certianly nothing that couldn't be
denied with a pgp-signed mail...



Re: lists

2001-09-13 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (13/09/01 16:44), Vittorio wrote:

> How can I reply directly to the list address?

L, i.e. shift-l


Re: Mutt + PGP

2001-09-13 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (13/09/01 10:37), Nelson D. Guerrero wrote:

> PGP signature could NOT be verified.

# Recognise good signatures set pgp_good_sign="^gpg: Good signature

This way, only genuinely unrecognised signatures will give you this

Query: why do people pgp-sign mail to mailing lists?



Re: easy question... :)

2001-09-11 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (11/09/01 17:31), Matthias LOITSCH wrote:

> it's just an easy thing i'd like to know :
> how can i filter my messages so that, for example, all mails from
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] get into a specific mailbox when they arrive?

Procmail. - from memory.


WTC and Pentagon disaster

2001-09-11 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

My thoughts are firmly with anyone bereaved by this disaster.



Re: pointer to multiple email address setup

2001-09-11 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (11/09/01 21:31), Peter Lavender wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I've been presented with the requirement to pick up email from my
> works server, using an alternate email address.  Problem is that I
> need to do this fairly quickly.
> I'm sure this is a fairly common thing, I would appreciate if there is
> one a pointer to configuring fetchmail, procmail and mutt to chuck the
> mail into it's own mail file and have mutt know what email address to
> use and which signature to use.



Re: mutt finding mailboxes problem

2001-09-10 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (10/09/01 00:27), Cliff Sarginson wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 11:06:24PM +0100, Ailbhe Leamy wrote:
> > On (09/09/01 19:19), Cliff Sarginson wrote:

> > set folder=~/Mail
> Does not make any difference..
> typing =folder

Hmm. In your mailboxes command, does the file
appear as
mailboxes =important


Re: mutt finding mailboxes problem

2001-09-09 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (09/09/01 19:19), Cliff Sarginson wrote:

> Hello, A problem. My users mailboxes are in ~/Mail, as per default.
> However if i do a "c" to change mailbox folder mutt does not find it
> unless I am either in ~/Mail or I type in ~/Mail/folder.  However if
> I use "?" to see the list of mail folders, it shows them in ~/Mail
> without a problem.  I think my enviornment etc is ok.  Is there some
> setting I am missing ? Thanks --

set folder=~/Mail


Subscriber address change, was Re: Folder_Format Question?

2001-09-09 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

FYI, mutt-user-people. . .

- Forwarded message from Josh Meekhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

> To: Ailbhe Leamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> From: "Josh Meekhof" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Folder_Format Question?
> Josh Meekhof is no longer with Techniki Informatica.

- End forwarded message -


Re: Folder_Format Question?

2001-09-07 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (07/09/01 10:29), Gord Mc.Pherson wrote:

>I'm new to the world of mutt (and liking it :-) I'm in need of
> some assistance with my .muttrc file. It's my understanding that '%N'
> should display an 'N" when selecting another folder to read that has
> new mail in it, but for some reason the following:
>   set folder_format = "%2C %N %t %d %25f (%s bytes)"
>doesn't seem to be working? I'm using Mutt v1.2.5i. Can anyone shed
> some light on what I'm missing to get this feature to work?

mailboxes /var/spool/mail/username =mailbox1
(etc etc)


Re: Mysteriously purged emails

2001-08-31 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (31/08/01 12:10), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> it mysteriously purged the last 15 days worth of email.  I intended
> to quit and restart it, but it said 'writing mailbox...', and then
> reopened it with 15 days worth of emails gone. :'( This is a serious

> PS- A coworker using the same version (1.2.4i) on a different computer
> noted that he had a similar experience.  I'll try upgrading to 1.2.5,

This is really weird. I'm using 1.3.20i, and have used whatever versions
were in Debian for about two years now, and I've never had anything that
remotely resembles this problem. I _must_ have used 1.2.4i at some

If you find out what part of your setup caused this, please let
everyone know!



Re: muttrc

2001-08-30 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (30/08/01 14:55), Thomas Roessler wrote:

> On 2001-08-30 10:43:02 +0100, Ailbhe Leamy wrote:
> >Ah. Thank you. I find stuff stored in /usr/doc so much less
> >conveneitn than stuff in manpages that I forgot it was there.
> I've fixed in the man page.

Now *that's* service. Thanks.

"but all free software is so unreliable!" "Shyeah. Right."


Re: muttrc

2001-08-30 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (29/08/01 19:43), Christoph Maurer wrote:

> Am Mit, 29 Aug 2001, schrieb Ailbhe Leamy:
> > OK, I may be being stupid, but mutt seems to recognise ~/.muttrc
> > _and_ ~/.mutt/muttrc

> > Of course, if the manpage does know... where?
> It is explicitly said in the mutt user manual, section 3
> "Configuration"

Ah. Thank you. I find stuff stored in /usr/doc so much less conveneitn
than stuff in manpages that I forgot it was there.

So, a little light reading, then...




2001-08-29 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

OK, I may be being stupid, but mutt seems to recognise
~/.muttrc   _and_

... but the man page doesn't mention this. Gah. Why not? I found out
accidentally, and it's very useful to me.

Of course, if the manpage does know... where?



Re: moving to inbox

2001-08-29 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (28/08/01 21:53), Will Yardley wrote:

> i use mutt 1.3.21i and when i move a message from another folder to my
> inbox (in my case 'Maildir') it marks the message for deletion each
> time i leave the folder or compose a message in the folder; i need to
> undelete it individually each time in order to keep it in my inbox. is
> it somehow 'flagged'? is there a way to get rid of this?

Are you moving messages when you actually want to copy them?

> also is there a way to get to a message that's marked for deletion
> other than jumping specifically to that message number?

Er. Not as far as I'm aware.



Re: Unwanted, huge messages

2001-08-24 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (24/08/01 18:03), Vittorio wrote:

> When using fetchmail how can I delete messages greater than a certain
> size (say 100,000 octets) directly on the POP3 server avoiding that
> slowdown?

in .fetchmailrc

limit 5
(or whatever)



Re: GPG / PGP verification problem

2001-08-24 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (24/08/01 10:39), Justin R. Miller wrote:

> Hmm, I wonder if it's related to this, but still affected 1.3.20?

Setting this worked.

set pgp_good_sign="^gpg: Good signature from"

Many thanks!



Re: GPG / PGP verification problem

2001-08-24 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (22/08/01 19:03), Justin R. Miller wrote:

> Thus spake Ailbhe Leamy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > . . . mutt tells me, just below the status bar, that "PGP signature
> > could NOT be verified."
> >
> > Although it has, in fact, been verified.
> >
> > Is this a wetware error, or a Real Bug?
> If you're using 1.3.18 as your mail headers say, then I'd recommend
> you try 1.3.20 or 1.3.21, it seems to have fixed misc. things like
> this.

Just upgraded to Mutt 1.3.20i (2001-07-24) and still have the same

Well. Problem. It's irritating, certainly.



 PGP signature

Re: GPG / PGP verification problem

2001-08-24 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (23/08/01 14:43), Josh Huber wrote:

> I suspect that his version of libc wasn't new enough, so apt wants to
> upgrade it, pulling in a shit ton of other upgrades. should work fine
> though :)


> that's what you get for running sid (or maybe woody?)

What should I run?

OK, more specific: what should I run that will work and not fall over
and all I'll have to do is an apt upgrade?

apt-updating now. Shouldn't let housekeeping get so far behind...


Re: GPG / PGP verification problem

2001-08-23 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (23/08/01 23:38), Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:

> Ailbhe Leamy  [23/08/01 18:24 +0100]:
> > # apt-get install mutt Reading Package Lists... Done

> cd /usr/ports/mail/mutt-devel make install clean

> [yes, you have to switch to freebsd, but that's a minor detail ]

I'm way too lazy to look after all my interdependencies myself. I just
hadn't realised how much stuff had changed since my last upgrade.

Next spare box we have in the house is going to be a Windows game box.
After that, maybe FreeBSD. Or OpenBSD. I have equal numbers of
OneTrueWayists recommending both.


Re: Indent_string..

2001-08-23 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (18/08/01 18:57), David Röhr wrote:

> When I answer a mail mutt always put "> " as quote on the last mail
> according to the indent_string in my .muttrc.
> I want "> " only when no other has replyed, but if there already is a
> "> " then i want it to become just ">"
> How do I fix this?

I don't know, but if you find out, tell me.

It hasn't been a problem for me since I started using par, but it's a
reason I started using par.



Re: making personal mailing lists

2001-08-23 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (16/08/01 16:55), Eric Cheney wrote:

> Hello.  I'm kind of new to mutt after coming from years of using pine.
> I like mutt very much but one thing I can't find documentation for
> (probably my bad) is how to create a personal mailing list.  I have
> mailing lists that reside on a machine other than mine written in
> .muttrc---for example, I have "lists mutt-users" among others.  But
> how can I make a my own mailing list that's not run by some majordomo
> on some external box?

If you want to automatically have an alias expand to a list of people,
then use "alias MyPals [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]" etc.

If you want a mailing list, you need something like Mailman, which I
found idiotishly easy to set up, customise and use.



Re: GPG / PGP verification problem

2001-08-23 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (22/08/01 19:03), Justin R. Miller wrote:

> Thus spake Ailbhe Leamy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> > Is this a wetware error, or a Real Bug?
> If you're using 1.3.18 as your mail headers say, then I'd recommend
> you try 1.3.20 or 1.3.21, it seems to have fixed misc. things like
> this.

# apt-get install mutt
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
  abiword bonobo cpp cpp-2.95 defoma e2fsprogs esound esound-common fbset fetchmail 
g++ gdk-imlib1 gnome-bin gnome-card-games gnome-games-locale gnome-gnomine gnumeric 
imlib-base libaudiofile-dev libaudiofile0 libbonobo2 libc6 libc6-dev libdbi-perl 
libefs1 libelfg0 libesd0 libgal9 libgnomesupport0 libgnorbagtk0 libguile9 
libmysqlclient10 liboaf0 libperl5.6 libpng2 libpng2-dev libquicktime4linux0 libsane 
liburi-perl libxaw7 libxml1 locales mesag3+ggi mysql-client oaf perl perl-base 
perl-modules python2-base rsh-server scantv ssh vgagamespack xawtv xchat xchat-common 
xlibs xpilot-server xscreensaver 

The following packages will be REMOVED:
  at libesd0-dev task-games 
The following NEW packages will be installed: bonobo libbonobo2 libefs1 libgal9 
liboaf0 oaf scantv 
53 packages upgraded, 7 newly installed, 3 to remove and 214  not upgraded.
Need to get 34.2MB of archives. After unpacking 4414kB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 




GPG / PGP verification problem

2001-08-22 Thread Ailbhe Leamy


When I receive a gpg-signed and -encrypted mail, and gpg gives me the 
result . . .

[-- PGP output follows (current time: Wed 22 Aug 2001 18:53:27 BST) --] 
gpg: encrypted with 1536-bit ELG-E key, ID D289D3A4, created 1999-11-25 
  "Person One <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" 
gpg: encrypted with 1024-bit ELG-E key, ID 01BD4B5E, created 2001-08-22 
      "Ailbhe Leamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" 
gpg: Signature made Wed 22 Aug 2001 18:35:52 BST using DSA key ID 5863F769 
gpg: Good signature from "Person One <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
gpg: aka "Person One <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
[-- End of PGP output --]

. . . mutt tells me, just below the status bar, that
"PGP signature could NOT be verified."

Although it has, in fact, been verified.

Is this a wetware error, or a Real Bug?



Re: Reformatting text using elvis/par

2001-08-06 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (06/08/01 12:05), David Champion wrote:

> On 2001.08.06, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Ailbhe
> Leamy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I've been reformatting text using par, before editing it in vi.
> > Basically, I've changed my editor to a script that pipes the message
> > through par and then opens it in vi. The only trouble with this is
> > that it also reformats my signatures at the bottom of the mail.
> I'm not sure exactly how you're running par, but I'd think it's
> possible to add in something to set its range.

All I could find was "protected characters", which one can set in the 
environment. But I've obviously done it wrong, as it's not working.

> editor="vi '+/^>/;!}par" %s My vi doesn't do what I'd expect here, but

This seems to open and close the file without altering it; "Abort
unmodified message?". I tried it as editor="vi '+/^>/;!}par'" but it
didn't quite work then either... At least, it didn't seem to reformat
anything, though it was quite good at leaving the sig where it was.

> 2. Use something more complex as your editor filter. Perl or awk
> should be able to split up the incoming document nicely. I've attached
> an example. This script filters the draft message, then runs the
> editor on it, leaving no temporary files behind.

Again, this seemed to close the file without altering it, giving me
"Abort unmodified message?" as before.




Re: Reformatting text using elvis/par

2001-08-06 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (06/08/01 18:16), Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:

> Using a large mallet, Ailbhe Leamy whacked out:
> > I've been reformatting text using par, before editing it in vi.
> > Basically, I've changed my editor to a script that pipes the message
> > through par and then opens it in vi. The only trouble with this is
> > that it also reformats my signatures at the bottom of the mail.
>  Try using a vi macro to append your signature on starting vi.

But then I couldn't change sigs using folder- and send-hooks...



Reformatting text using elvis/par

2001-08-06 Thread Ailbhe Leamy


I've been reformatting text using par, before editing it in vi.
Basically, I've changed my editor to a script that pipes the message
through par and then opens it in vi. The only trouble with this is that
it also reformats my signatures at the bottom of the mail.

I'd rather it didn't do this. Any ideas? Or should I just go back to
emacs -nw?

Of course, I could always change to vim...


Simplifying configs: fetchmail -> procmail -> mutt

2001-08-01 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

Hi folks

I've been messing around with fetchmail / mutt / procmail. I use
fetchmail / IMAP to download mail from sundry folders on a hosted
server, leaving a copy of everything.

I use identical procmail rcfiles on my home machine and the remote

I use a script to extract mailfolder names from the .procmailrc and put
them where fetchmail and mutt can use them.

I receive approx. 300 emails a day, I think. I only read about 100 of
them _daily_, and save the rest up in archives.

This is the script I use:
grep ^[A-Za-z] ~/.procmailrc | grep -v =  | grep -v ackup | sort | uniq > 

cat ~/tmp/mailboxes | sed "s/^/mailboxes =/" > ~/.mailboxes
cat ~/tmp/mailboxes | sed "s/^/echo folder Mail\//" > ~/.fetchmailfolders
chmod 755 ~/.fetchmailfolders

cat  ~/.fetchmailhead > ~/.fetchmailrc
~/.fetchmailfolders | cat >> ~/.fetchmailrc

Ugly, isn't it?

I do this because procmail saves mail to folders called
Mail/listname'date +%Y%m', which mutt understands and fetchmail

What should I be doing instead? Should I learn how to use IMAP




Re: moving messages

2001-07-27 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (27/07/01 07:51), Kalle Hasselström wrote:

> How can I make a simple command for moving messages between folders? I
> don't see how it could be done with a macro that first copies and then
> deletes, since  needs an argument from the user (the
> destination folder).

s saves messages to a different folder. 
 - to tag all messages matching a pattern
 - to move all tagged messages to a new folder



Re: mutt and vim questions

2001-07-12 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (12/07/01 10:30), Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:

> Viraj Alankar [mutt-users] <11/07/01 17:08 -0400>:

> > 2. I receive mail as different addresses. For example, say I receive
> > mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] When I reply to this message, I
> > would like my From: to be [EMAIL PROTECTED] Likewise for other
> > addresses. Is there an easy way to do this?
> $alternates in muttrc (see the manual)

I'm not sure how this will work, but never mind. What I do is have
procmail sort all mail to a given address into a folder, and use a
folder-hook to source a file containing the relevant headers.

Hope this helps.



Re: Limiting Folder view

2001-07-12 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (11/07/01 16:20), Drew Raines wrote:

> * Ailbhe Leamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Utilize the magical  key.
> >
> > My only real problem with this is that I want it to display only
> > those mailboxes which actually contain new mail.
> You're allowed to press it more than once.

OK, I press it twice and get...

List of all folders and files in Mail directory

List of all mailboxes listed with "mailboxes"

List of all folders and files in Mail directory

What should I be getting?



Re: Limiting Folder view

2001-07-11 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (11/07/01 09:17), Drew Raines wrote:

> * Biju Chacko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I would like to limit the list of mailboxes in the folder browser to
> > those that have new mail. Is this possible? If so, how?
> Utilize the magical  key.

My only real problem with this is that I want it to display only those
mailboxes which actually contain new mail. I have over a hundred
mailboxes listed with the mailboxes command, all of which receive new
mail from time to time.



Re: Elvis and par as editor

2001-07-11 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (11/07/01 12:30), David Champion wrote:
> On 2001.07.11, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   "Ailbhe Leamy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > simple ESC+q. However, I found par, and now I need to know how to make
> > elvis use it. Oh, and make it use a ~/.exrc file, so I can have pretty
> > colours while editing.
> "" Par lines from my .exrc.  Note literal control codes in this message.

For some reason, nothing I put in my .exrc that begins with "map"
works. Not even if I source .exrc after opening a file in vi.

So, ah, how do I get elvis to read and heed my .exrc?

Yours in fuddled anticipation,



Elvis and par as editor

2001-07-11 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

Hi people

OK, I'm really stupid, I should be able to work this out myself.


I have been using emacs -nw as my editor for as long as I've used
mutt, simply because I can reformat most normal and quoted text with a
simple ESC+q. However, I found par, and now I need to know how to make
elvis use it. Oh, and make it use a ~/.exrc file, so I can have pretty
colours while editing.

If enough people answer "Just use vim", I'll definitely switch. I have
no deep emotional attachment to Elvis.

Many thanks,



Re: netiquette (was: Re: Simple mutt question ... I think?)

2001-07-11 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (11/07/01 10:30), Ken Weingold wrote: This brings up a question of
> mine, since we are on the topic.  This comes up more in USENET than
> email, though.  You have a thread going on for a while, and want to
> quote it, but it is MANY lines.  That is where I wonder what to do,
> since you could have more than a page-worth of just quoting, and it
> is all relevent.  Still okay?  I do do it, since I think it is
> better than top-posting, but still ugly.

In news, this is necessary, because not all posts arrive on all
servers at the same time. In mail, it's not the case, since mail is
sent in a specific order, even from mailing lists.



Re: x-face

2001-05-02 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (02/05/01 11:25), Andre Bonhote wrote:
> > Have a look at
> this is fine! do you as well know a method to cleanly insert my x-face
> into my muttrc using my_hdr? which characters have to be quoted? i
> quoted [";'$`\] and i got a completely shafted face :(

This really interests me. 

If anyone finds a way to include X-Face headers by default, please
post it to the list so that I can take notes... I've never received
mail with an X-Face header, but if I can spread the word among the
people I converted to mutt, I might...



Re: smtp server config?

2001-04-17 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

> > The only sticking point is djb's licensing.  He purposely
> > makes it obtuse and purposely does not license it to the
> > norms
> djb's licensing not only sticks but sucks !!  Throw out
> qmail and move over to Exim.  It is you choice in the final
> run.

OK, this religious debate is fascinating - but I'm wondering why
no-one has mentioned postfix?

reading a MUA list? nh...


Re: Finding new mail

2001-04-14 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (14/04/01 08:07), CB wrote:

> Currently, I can find new mail when I press "c" and I look at the
> modify date/time of the list of folders.  Another mutt user told me
> that when I receive new mail, the bottom status line should tell me
> that I have received new mail.  It does not.  I suspect this is
> because I run procmail in daemon mode, so mutt cannot know (unless
> it was constantly checking the timestamp).  Is this correct?

I shouldn't think so... 

My .muttrc contains the line

# if open and idle for this long, time out and check for new mail
set timeout=60

> Also, when I press the "c" key, he told me I should get a list of
> folders with new mail.  Instead, I get the entire list.  I have it

I get the entire list, with folders containing new mail marked as
N. Mutt only knows about folders you specify with "mailboxes", ie

mailboxes /var/spool/mail/ailbhe

If anyone does know a way of displaying only folders with new mail
when one presses "c", I'd love to hear about it. I asked a few days
ago, and no-one seems to know.



Re: Folder selection list

2001-04-13 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (12/04/01 22:31), Russell Hoover wrote:

> On Wed 04/11/01 at 12:21 PM +0100, Ailbhe Leamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When I run mutt -y, or when I change folders using c and ?, os it
> > possible to get it to display only folders containing new mail?
> > Otherwise I have two screensful of folders at least.
> Try tab.

Tab allows me to view all the mailboxes listed as mailboxes in my
.muttrc, including those in subdirectories. It doesn't allow me to
view only those mailboxes containing new mail.

If there's nothing in existence, can anyone think of a macro I could
set to do this?



Re: [OT - Procmail] Filter UU/XXencode and HTML?

2001-04-11 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (11/04/01 12:02), Lars Hecking wrote:

> > Also, I wonder how in the world shall I make procmail take a
> > (optionally MIME-encoded) message with HTML and turn it into plain
> > text, so I can read the thing?

Pipe it through lynx -d ?

>  I would just bounce it straight, or delete it. Lusers who send html
>  email should not be encouraged.

I filter all content/[mixed|html|alterniatve] into a seperate folder
so that I can apply a LART as appropriate.



Folder selection list

2001-04-11 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

OK, I want the moon and the world on a stick, but...

When I run mutt -y, or when I change folders using c and ?, os it
possible to get it to display only folders containing new mail?
Otherwise I have two screensful of folders at least.



Re: [OT] well slightly

2001-04-09 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (08/04/01 23:05), Luke Ravitch wrote:

> As an aside, what version of Mutt do you use?  On 1.2.4, I don't see

>From his headers...
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i



Re: pop

2001-04-06 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (06/04/01 04:32), Johannes Zellner wrote:
> >> Is there a way to select a pop server like
> >> pop://
> >> somehow by completion (like I can select regular mailboxes by '='
> >> and )

> >I seriously doubt that you want mutt to download the entire DNS
> >database from all over the net... ;-)

> I think it is pretty common to have only one (or very few) pop
> mailboxes. I thought more of something like specifying all known pop
> mailboxes.

If this is what you want, you could, eg, source a popserver details
file using a macro. I use this to source various different sets of

macro index "\ca"":source \.mutt\/headers\/foo"

If you did this, then G should download mail from that server for you.

Why not use fetchmail? it handles multiple servers nicely for me...



Re: Colors aren't quite working

2001-04-05 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (05/04/01 16:39), Aaron Schrab wrote:
> color header   green black ^X-
> color header   white black ^X-Mailer:

OK, so I start mutt in a different xterm and suddenly it works. After
I've emailed to say "It still won't play nice!"

I have no idea why.

Thanks to everyone who helped.

If anyone can tell me why neither :source-ing the .muttrc nor feeding
it the :color commands direct while it was running worked, I'd be most



Re: Colors aren't quite working

2001-04-05 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (05/04/01 16:39), Aaron Schrab wrote:
> color header   green black ^X-
> color header   white black ^X-Mailer:
> Works for me.  I'm using the development version, but that shouldn't
> matter.

> If for some reason the above doesn't work for you you could use a regexp
> like:
>   x-([^m]|m[^a]|ma[^i]|mai[^l]|mail[^e]|maile[^r]|mailer[^:]+):

OK, neither of these work. Am I overloading mutt's ability to parse
colours? Is my version of mutt weaker than another, and if so, where
can I get the .deb for the other? Or should I give up, and use header
order to make the vgrep easier, rather than colours?



Re: Mutt and xEmacs

2001-04-05 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (05/04/01 20:57), TeLeNiEkO wrote:

> Is there anyway to integrate mutt and xEmacs? I'd like to use both
> integrated, I actually use emacs as my editor, but Launching xEmacs
> is ugly.

set editor="emacs -nw"

emacs no window.

"It works for me"(tm)



Re: Colors aren't quite working

2001-04-05 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (05/04/01 15:26), Wade A. Mosely wrote:
> Ailbhe Leamy wrote:
> > Nothing I've tried has allowed me to colour ^X-(anything except
> > X-Mailer:) seperately from X-Mailer:
> > 
> > XMailer: always gets trapped in the X- colouring.
> Try specifying the X- coloring before the X-Mailer coloring, e.g.
> color header   green black ^X-.*:
> color header   white black ^X-Mailer:

Sadly, this doesn't work. Nor does reversing the order. Is there a way
to construct a muttrc-friendly regexp to match "^X-(.*!'Mailer'):" or



Re: aliases

2001-04-05 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (05/04/01 12:26), Theo Bierman wrote:

> why is it when i send a mail to someone in my aliases file, it sends
> it off with my own domain name and not what is specified in the
> aliases file itself

Have you sourced your aliases file properly?
in .muttrc, "source /my/alias/file/path"

Are you sending to the _alias_ and not the username part of the
aliased address?
"alias thingy [EMAIL PROTECTED]" - send to thingy, not to foobar

What happens if you tab-complete an alias instead of typing it out?

What happens if you unset use_domain?

Can you give a detailed example, please?



Re: why is mutt not acknowedlging all my folders?

2001-04-05 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (05/04/01 11:09), Thomas Duterme wrote:
> So I use 'c' all the time to go through all of my mailboxes
> and find out which box has new mail.

An admirable practice. I use "c" and then hit space until it cycles
through to a list which looks interesting...

> Q1: How do I control which folders will show up when I hit c
> (assuming the folder has new mail)?

mailboxes ~Mail/list1
mailboxes ~Mail/list2
mailboxes ~Mail/list3

> Q2: How do I control the order of what comes up first?

mailboxes ~Mail/list3
mailboxes ~Mail/list1
mailboxes ~Mail/list2

OK, so my mailboxes file is a bit long, but it works for me.



Colors aren't quite working

2001-04-05 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

OK, I have gone a little mad with colours, but I'm too lazy to actualyl
read things, I prefer to have it land in my brain without my

So to get all the info I like form message headers, I use

color hdrdefault cyan black
color header   green black ^To:
color header   green black ^Cc:
color header   green black ^From:
color header   red black ^Date:
color header   green black ^Reply-To:
color header   magenta black ^Subject:
color header   yellow black ^List-
color header   white black ^X-Mailer:
color header   white black ^User-Agent
color header   white black ^Organi

Nothing I've tried has allowed me to colour ^X-(anything except
X-Mailer:) seperately from X-Mailer:

XMailer: always gets trapped in the X- colouring.




Re: filtering

2001-04-05 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (05/04/01 12:29), Theo Bierman wrote:

> hi, i'm a first time user, still customizing my mutt, or at least
> trying to, how can i set up rules for incomming mail, so that it
> goes to different folders

Use procmail. There's info on my website (see "support"), and at and at

Good luck!



Re: "Randomly" change From: and signature using Macros

2001-03-29 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

On (29/03/01 10:06), Wade A. Mosely wrote:

> send-hook . "set from=\"`~/.mutt/selectfrom`\""
> (Note the use of backquotes for command substitution.)

> set signature='~/.mutt/createsig|'

This is lovely and I fully intend to use it, as soon as I write the
appropriate scripts.

However, I obviously expressed myself badly. What I actually want is
the ability to hit

and have it change the From and Sig to a pre-determined one,
presumably using a :set command. ^bar to change to a different
one. I'd prefer to be able to do this _after_ composing a message, but
will accept answers on how to do it in the index.

And then I shall write some help docs on Macros. I couldn't find
anything I understood.



"Randomly" change From: and signature using Macros

2001-03-29 Thread Ailbhe Leamy

Is this possible? I can't find anything really useful using a Google

