Error compiling 3.23.54a (errno)

2002-12-17 Thread Chris Chabot
While trying to upgrade, i ran into this compiler error:
/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link g++  -O3 -DDBUG_OFF -O2 -march=pentium4 
-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions  -fno-implicit-templates -fno-exceptions 
-fno-rtti  -rdynamic  -o mysql  mysql.o readline.o sql_string.o 
completion_hash.o -lreadline -lncurses ../libmysql/ 
-lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm
g++ -O3 -DDBUG_OFF -O2 -march=pentium4 -mcpu=pentium4 -msse2 
-fno-exceptions -fno-implicit-templates -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti 
-rdynamic -o .libs/mysql mysql.o readline.o sql_string.o 
completion_hash.o  -lreadline -lncurses 
../libmysql/.libs/ -lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm -Wl,--rpath 
mysql.o(.text+0x374e): In function `com_source(String*, char*)':
: undefined reference to `errno'

This is on a 'plain' rh8 + updates. Previous versions compiled without 
such errors..

Anyone know whats up with this? Any easy fixes?

	-- Chris

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Re: MySQL Still a wise choice for developers?

2001-08-26 Thread Chris Chabot

Hey Jeremy, Michael,
I wanted to thank you both for your replies, they definatly have given me
some more insight into the situation, and also gave me some extra motivation to
keep my commitment to mysql. Like most other people, i hope this 'mess' can be
resolved in the near future.

Jeremy, to awnser your questions. The dispute, ofcource, is know to the
'outside world', as soon as you hit the page, thats the first
articles one would see looking @ the page. It shows un-updated invites to
NuSphere, FAQ's and licencing disputes.. these are not words that motivate
middle-management (my client base) to have a 'good feeling' about the product.

As far as the Microsoft example goes, i must agree that people should 'open
there eyes', however, microsoft does do a lot of good things though as far as
PR goes. They know how to convince less-technical people that microsoft
products are a solid investment (even when that might not be the case).
Microsoft further greatly benifits from that fact that most anti-ms people
sound like religious freaks on a jihad, thus fail to communicate the points
that matter most. And its this great PR + FUD that gives MS the position it
still has.  Anyways, enough on that.

The point is that when non-tech people go to the site, or read other news
sources about it, they either find information on the dispute, or on how
'postgres does 'feature N' better'.

So as far as your question goes on 'how to get that out to the world better',
that would probably be on the top of my list. Make sure that next to the news
worthy events (which the dispute is), people will see articles about things
like 'how to optimise your queries', 'why innobase or myisam is better',
'customer testimonials', 'mysql in the enterprise', 'mysql case studies'... The
stuff that makes middle-management or developers wanting to try out mysql go
'oh nice!'. The basic feel-good-factor. Some of these items were already
pointed out in these emails (used by nasa, now employing over 30 people up from
16, etc). Things like 'big guys using mysql in there projects' will work
miracles. is a good example of community / enterprise market type targeting ...
imidiatly one will see PR material and developer resources..

Jemery said it best: 'It might be worth pointing out mysql's excelent
reputation and track record'

(last, but thats my personal taste, i would love to see the site desing redone
using the new logo & colors)

Anyways, thanks for all your reactions, and i hope in turn i have been able to
give you guys some insight into my world.

-- Chris

Jeremy Zawodny wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 26, 2001 at 04:45:07PM +0200, Chris Chabot wrote:
> > Hi Jeremy, thanks for a good reply. In awnser to some of your questions :
> >
> > Jeremy Zawodny wrote:
> >
> > > > Now, a few years after first using MySql, a major dispute seems to
> > > > plague the 'image' of MySql, and posibly also the future of the
> > > > product.
> > >
> > > The image of MySQL or NuSphere?
> >
> > There's no difference for end-users ... MySql is MySql right?
> End-users or developers?  They're often not the same groups.
> > The finer points of dispute, and the parties involved are often mere
> > (uninteresting details) to end users who only want to 'feel good'
> > about tech descissions..
> Very true.
> But does the fact that Microsoft has been legally declared a monopoly
> (a decision which has been upheld in court already) impact their
> sales?  People still buy their software in favor of lesser known
> rivals.
> I've found that people tend to be very selective in how they apply
> their arguments for an against software decisions.  They're not
> internally consistent.  I'm not sure what we can do about it, but it's
> often valuable to point out.
> > Middle management often will react in this way (want to 'feel good'
> > about the choice) since they lack the insight, or don't have the
> > time or patience to gain that insight into the situation.
> They should also realize that there are times when they should
> actually trust the people that they've hired because of their
> expertise in a particular area and not second-guess them.
> > > What are they asking, specifically?
> >
> > It's not 'specific questions' that one could awnser, unfortunatly
> > when selling products like content management systems etc, one deals
> > with middle management, and not knowledgable developers or top
> > managers.. By the time you have to explain why it's 'not 

Re: MySQL Still a wise choice for developers?

2001-08-26 Thread Chris Chabot

Sigh, that wasnt realy the point of the email, but ok, i knew it could
happen when i wrote it.

The images -are- stored in the database in the product i'm activly
marketing, its a content management system, which can be administered via a
web interface. All text / html / images are stored in the DB for several
reasons, the most important one being  - Cache Replication. my CMS behaves a
lot like StoryServer, it gets the image or template or html from the DB once
(when it knows its updated), saves it to local disk, and uses that to serve
pages to the web browser.. This allows very high scalability by clustering
many web servers, which only need a relativly under-powered db, while
retaining very high speeds..

So basicly the DB is used as a replication of data tool .. data stored in a
relational envirioment.

That 'serving images from a database' is the worst thing you can do, does
-not- mean there are no valid uses for storing binary data in a database
sometimes... thnx for assuming the worst guys ;-)

ps, in reply to some other email, yes backing up the site content is a lot
easier this way ... all it takes to backup a complete site is one mysqldump
statement. And yes the images make that dump pretty big, but actualy the
HTML is @least 10x larger then the images in practise..

-- Chris

"Carsten H. Pedersen" wrote:

> > > I would also strongly suggest not storing your images in the
> > database but
> > > rather a link to the image.
> >
> > even that  - why?
> > if you're using an ultrafast webserver like Tux in combination with
> > Apache/php-perl
> > the Tux webserver serves the images incredibly fast (see specweb tests)
> > what advantage is the storing of a link to images in a SQL database?
> Because:
> A) There's no *point* in keeping the image in the database.
> A DBMS is all about searching, comparing, relations, etc. You
> get *none* of these by storing the image data in the DB.
> B) Unless you're careful, you totally defeat both the
> web servers and the clients ability to make use of caching
> mechanisms. While you may not see a big difference on the
> server, it can make one h... of a difference to the user
> stuck behind a 33.6K modem.
> I can think of more reasons, but these are enough to convince
> me that it's a Bad Idea(tm).
> / Carsten
> --
> Carsten H. Pedersen
> keeper and maintainer of the MySQL FAQ

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MySQL Still a wise choice for developers?

2001-08-25 Thread Chris Chabot

Dear Everyone,
I have been looking at this dispute for a while now,
and i must say i am getting more and more wurried. I have been a
faithfull user of MySql for some years now. Not because it is the 'best
full features database out there', but because it serves my specific
needs perfectly (easy intergration with PHP and support for tons of
images stored in a database).

First MySql was a commercial product, freely available for most
situations, and all was well with me. Though i strongly prefer GPL, it
was still a source tar.gz, and i can imagine a company needs to try to
make money any way they can..

Later MySql was GPL'd and i rejoiced.. No more wurries about finding
out about licencing issues, and hoping for good 3rd party contributions
to MySql.. All was well and my choice for MySql was only re-affirmed.

Now, a few years after first using MySql, a major dispute seems to
plague the 'image' of MySql, and posibly also the future of the product.
Big disputes like this won't make any customer of mine choose my
MySql-based product any faster, quite the oposite, and i have already
recieved numorous questions from my clients about my MySql choice..

I am not siding with any party, nor giving (or want to have) any
opinion on this dispute, however it is hurting my buisness, and my faith
in continued fast development in MySql. MySql is not 'there' yet, it has
a while to go before it is 'there' (thats why external parties
sponsoring or helping with mysql 4 sounded great). And any obstacles
like this will make people doubt if it will 'get there'.

For my clients, and my self, only the bottom line matters... will
this still be a product of choice in a few years, and is it worth the
investment of resources to use it.

The last thing that wurries me is the lack of updates on the issue,
when i, as a wurried client & customer go to the website, the
only thing i find is a 'open inventation for 2001/07/18'. Being
deep-august i presume that has come and gone, and no results or
communications can be found.. (and the changelog mentioning: All
reference to Gemini DB removed). offers even less information.

So, my real question, is MySql still the top choice for developers?
Can you affirm that my choice for MySql is the right one?

-- Chris Chabot

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