Re: I can't have "group" as a column name in a table? [SOLVED]

2011-02-25 Thread Dave M G
Aveek, Simcha, Johan,

Thanks for explaining the situation. I knew there were some reserved
words, but I hadn't realized there were so many.

Anyway, now that I know I can protect my column names with backticks,
I'm good to go.

Dave M G

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I can't have "group" as a column name in a table?

2011-02-24 Thread Dave M G
MySQL users,

Simple question:

In one table in my database, the column was named "group".

I kept getting failed query errors until I renamed the column.

I've never before encountered a situation where MySQL mistook a column
name for part of the query syntax.

Should I never use the word "group" for column names? Seems a little
silly. Is there a way to protect column names to that there is no confusion?

Dave M G

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Re: MySQL won't run on Ubuntu 10.10 [SOLVED]

2010-10-16 Thread Dave M G

Thank you for responding.

The my.cnf file was fine, but when you mentioned it, it sparked a long
forgotten memory that there was something specific to Ubuntu that
affects who has access to files like my.cnf.

After a little web searching, I realized it is a security thing called

Long story short, when I upgraded Ubuntu, I kept the my.cnf file that
had served me well for years, but had overwritten
/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld with new default settings. Some of the
directories in that file did not match my system.

Editing the Apparmour file and restarting both Apparmour and MySQL
solved the problem.

Thank you for setting me in the right direction.

Dave M G

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MySQL won't run on Ubuntu 10.10

2010-10-16 Thread Dave M G

MySQL List,

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10, and I have a LAMP server which is not connected to 
the internet, but is just used for locally creating and testing web sites.

MySQL does not seem to be running, however. Check out the output from these 

~$ sudo service mysql start
mysql start/running
~$ ps -ef | grep mysql
dave 23043 22341  0 23:57 pts/000:00:00 grep mysql

If I understand these outputs, it says MySQL is running when I start it up, 
but, after that, if I look for the process, it doesn't show up as

When I run any of my local web sites that rely on MySQL, they don't work, so I 
guess the final verdict is that MySQL isn't on.

But, without any error when I try to start it, I'm not sure how to diagnose the 

I tried purging then re-installing MySQL, but that didn't change anything.

Any ideas on what else I could try?

Thank you for any advice.

-- Dave M G

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Alphabetical search to and from

2009-11-04 Thread Dave M G

This should be a fairly simple question.

I have a table with a bunch of people's names. I want to find people
who's name begins within a certain range of characters.

All names between F and P, for example.

What SELECT statement would I use to do that?

Thank you for any advice.

Dave M G

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Re: MySQL not running on fresh LAMP install

2008-09-18 Thread Dave M G

MySQL List,

Thanks for your advice and help. I tried various things suggested, and 
in the end, this is what seems to have worked (I've abbreviated most of 
the output):

$ sudo pkill -9 mysqld
$ sudo dpkg --force-all -r mysql-server-5.0

This removed MySQL, but left the configuration files. I went into 
/etc/mysql and edited both my.cnf and debian.cnf so that the socket = 

Then I reinstalled MySQL server:

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-server-5.0

Seems to be running now.

Thanks everyone for helping me get things sorted out.

Dave M G

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Re: MySQL not running on fresh LAMP install

2008-09-17 Thread Dave M G


Thank you for responding.

To start with, check that the .pid file doesn't exist if the server is stopped

Part of the problem is that I can't stop the server.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop
* Stopping MySQL database server mysqld [fail]

try running it manually with "/etc/init.d/mysql start" or "invoke-rc.d mysql 

$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start
* Starting MySQL database server mysqld 

$ sudo invoke-rc.d mysql start
* Starting MySQL database server mysqld 

invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.

Try to take a look in syslog, it'll tell you what's been happening - if anything, give 
"cat /var/log/syslog | grep mysq" a try ...

Whatever is messing with my MySQL server might be stopping it from 
logging properly, because most of the logs I can find are empty. Every 
time I try to output stuff, it just comes right back to the prompt:

~$ cat /var/log/syslog | grep mysq
~$ cd /var/log
/var/log$ more mysql.err
/var/log$ more mysql.log
/var/log$ cd mysql
/var/log/mysql$ ls

Is there anything else I can do to get a clean install of MySQL running 

Dave M G

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Re: MySQL not running on fresh LAMP install

2008-09-17 Thread Dave M G


Thanks for responding.

Does the .pid file exist in either /var/run/mysqld/ or /tmp/ at the moment?

The file is in /var/run/mysqld.

The mysql.sock file is in /tmp

What symlink did you make?
None right now. I removed any that I had made before so that I wouldn't 
confuse the situation.

Dave M G

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Re: MySQL not running on fresh LAMP install

2008-09-17 Thread Dave M G


Thanks for the helpful advice.

Unfortunately I've hit an error I don't know what to do about.

The symlink solution worked, but Ubuntu clears the /tmp directory on 
every boot. So I edited the my.cnf file to use /tmp/mysql.sock.

But when I tried to restart MySQL, it kept saying "[fail]". So I put the 
my.cnf file back to the way it was, and it still failed to start MySQL. 
I rebooted, and MySQL still didn't work.

So I thought I would reinstall MySQL using Synaptic, and it gave me 
errors. It said the package hard errors in it, and it wouldn't 
re-install. Then I tried removing it, and then it ironically told me 
that it had errors and I should reinstall it before attempting to remove it.

I tried removing it from the command line, and it said this:

Preconfiguring packages ...
(Reading database ... 111433 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace mysql-server-5.0 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1 (using 
.../mysql-server-5.0_5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1_i386.deb) ...
* Stopping MySQL database server mysqld 

invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "stop" failed.
dpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...
* Stopping MySQL database server mysqld 

invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "stop" failed.
dpkg: error processing 

subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
* Stopping MySQL database server mysqld 

invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "stop" failed.
* Starting MySQL database server mysqld 

invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.
dpkg: error while cleaning up:
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

So now what am I supposed to do? It won't let me start it, stop it, 
remove it, or anything.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Dave M G

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MySQL not running on fresh LAMP install

2008-09-16 Thread Dave M G

MySQL List,

I'm going through a post-hard-drive-crash process of reinstalling my 
whole operating system, and MySQL is acting very strange.

I installed it as I always have done, by using Ubuntu's Synaptic Package 
Manager to install all the default packages for a LAMP server. Every 
time before I've done this it has worked like a dream.

It seemed to work when I first installed it yesterday, but today, when 
trying to access phpMyAdmin, I got this error:
#2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket 
is not correctly configured)

I figured I'd give MySQL a bit of a kick just to see if that would help:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld restart

But it gave me this new and unusual response:

sudo: /etc/init.d/mysqld: command not found

Huh. Weird. But I thought it was running, so I ran:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ps aux | grep mysql

And it said back to me:

root 11171  0.0  0.0   1772   532 ?S20:36   0:00 /bin/sh 
mysql11290  0.1  0.7 126708 15424 ?Sl   20:36   0:00 
/usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql 
--pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --skip-external-locking 
--port=3306 --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
root 11291  0.0  0.0   2920   736 ?S20:36   0:00 logger 
-p daemon.err -t mysqld_safe -i -t mysqld

dave 11309  0.0  0.0   3004   764 pts/0R+   20:37   0:00 grep mysql

I'm obviously no expert (closer to babe-in-the-woods in the grand scheme 
of things), but it looks like MySQL is running in some kind of safe mode 
or something?

I tried rebooting, which is how people who are clueless like me pretend 
problems can be solved, and it still came up the same, indicating that 
this safe mode seems to be locked in.

The problem seems to go beyond phpMyAdmin. I can't login to Zend 
Platform (returns the same error), nor can I start a mysql interface 
from the command line:

$ mysql -u root -p
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

Oh, this might be relevant - I ran a PHP script with phpinfo() and it 
says my MYSQL_SOCKET is located at:


Which is where it should be, no?

Any ideas why it is doing this, and how to get MySQL happy again?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Dave M G

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Re: [PHP] Importing and exporting from MySQL, escape slash problem

2008-03-04 Thread Dave M G

Richard, Jed,

Thank you for replying.

Richard said:

It's possible that there is an .htaccess file in phpMyAdmin that has
Magic Quotes on that is messing you up...

The .htaccess file for phpMyAdmin says "php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off", 
so I guess that means I'm okay there.

Other than that, it's specific to phpMyAdmin, so maybe ask those guys
what they did...

I joined their list through Sourceforge, but I haven't seen any mail 
from it, and any mail I send gets bounced back to me. I'm not sure what 
the issue is.

Jed said:
If you're having trouble importing a mysql dump using phpMyAdmin, it might be simpler not to use it, and use mysqldump instead. 

I suppose I'll have to if I can't get phpMyAdmin to behave. It's too 
bad, though, as phpMyAdmin is so convenient otherwise.

Dave M G

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Importing and exporting from MySQL, escape slash problem

2008-03-01 Thread Dave M G

PHP List, MySQL List

In my PHP environment, I have "Magic Quotes" turned off, and I use the 
mysql_real_escape_string() function clean strings of SQL syntax before 
inserting them into my database.

So the data stored in my database does not have escape characters in it. 
Particularly, double and single quotes don't have slashes in front of them.

This seems to work fine so long as I'm reading data into and out of the 
database from within my scripts.

However, when I backup and import databases - I use the phpMyAdmin 
interface - they have escape slashes in front of every double and single 
quote characters. I'm not sure if it's on the export or import where 
they get added in.

I've looked through the phpMyAdmin online documentation, and I can't see 
any option to control the presence of escape slashes. It seems to me 
that if it adds them in when exporting, it should take them out when 
importing. Or vice versa, but in either case be consistent.

I just want my database to be exactly as it is before any export or 
import options.

I'm a little muddled as to where I'm making the mistake. Can anyone 
advice on the best practice for preserving my database as is when 
backing up and restoring?

Thanks for any advice.

Dave M G

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Re: Synchronizing a remote database with a local database

2007-03-20 Thread Dave M G


Thanks for responding.

I was really hoping to not have to go to any third parties and start a 
whole new learning curve.

Is what I'm after really not possible with MySQL?

Dave M G
Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft
Kernel 2.6.20-5-generic
Pentium D Dual Core Processor
PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache 2

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Synchronizing a remote database with a local database

2007-03-16 Thread Dave M G

MySQL Users,

I have a local website development environment where I have a "master" 
MySQL database.

I have several web sites which use the exact same database structure.

The structure of the master database doesn't change very often, but it 
does sometimes. When that happens, I want to be able to synchronize all 
the web sites to match it.

Currently, I'm creating a bash sell script so that I can update all my 
web sites in one go. I've got it so that it will upload all the newest 
PHP and other web files.

For MySQL, so far I've figured out that I can create a .sql file with 
the latest database structure with this command:

mysqldump -u "root" -p"password" articlass_db --no-data 

But I'm now stuck on how to use that .sql file to upload the new 
structure to each web site's MySQL server. Can this be done?

And can it be done in a non-destructive way. I mean, the web sites may 
include data that I don't want to lose. So I don't want the new data 
structure to wipe out any existing structure. I just want to compare the 
master database structure with the one on the web site, and if there are 
new tables or columns, then add them.

Is this possible without third party commercial software?

Thank you for any advice.

Dave M G
Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft
Kernel 2.6.20-5-generic
Pentium D Dual Core Processor
PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache 2

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Global change of database collation

2007-02-14 Thread Dave M G

MySQL Users,

I know from the manual that I can change the collation set of a table 
with the following command:

ALTER TABLE `mytable` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci

And that I can do this to alter a column of a table to change its collation:

ALTER TABLE `mytable` CHANGE `column` `column` CHARACTER SET utf8 
COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci

But what I can't seem to find is the ability to change more than one at 
a time.

Neither of these work:


Is there no way to make every instance of "latin_swedish_ci" in a 
database, both on the table and the column level, turn to "utf8_unicode_ci"?

I have a huge database to work with, and the prospect of doing this by 
hand is rather unappealing.

Any advice or information would be much appreciated.

Dave M G
Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft
Pentium D Dual Core Processor
PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache 2

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Can't connect to mysql.sock

2006-07-14 Thread Dave M G

MySQL List,

This is an issue that I am also pursuing on the PHP list, but since it 
involved my MySQL my.cnf file, and also use of MySQL sockets, I'm 
posting here in hopes of finding additional assistance.

To make a long story short, while installing Zend Studio (a PHP IDE), I 
was getting errors when trying to connect to MySQL. I finally resolved 
the problem with Zend, but, in my earlier attempts to find a solution, 
I've munged up my MySQL or PHP settings because I can no longer connect 
to MySQL from PHP.

To resolve this, I tried to retrace my steps and put everything back the 
way it was. I also reinstalled MySQL, PHP, and phpMyAdmin from the 
Ubuntu repositories using apt-get.

Despite these efforts, whatever it is that I've done to mess up my 
system remains in place.

When I start a PHP script that calls upon MySQL, I get the following error:
Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Can't connect to 
local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in 
/web_sites/web/db_fns.php on line 6.

So far as I can remember, the only places I made edits were in 
/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, and /etc/mysql/my.cnf.

In /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, here is what the relevant section looks 
like now:

- - - - - - - - -
; Default port number for mysql_connect().  If unset, mysql_connect() 
will use

; the $MYSQL_TCP_PORT or the mysql-tcp entry in /etc/services or the
; compile-time value defined MYSQL_PORT (in that order).  Win32 will 
only look

mysql.default_port = 3306

; Default socket name for local MySQL connects.  If empty, uses the built-in
; MySQL defaults.
mysql.default_socket =
- - - - - - - - -

My understanding of the above is that if the socket variable is left 
empty, it should go with the MySQL default. I have tried specifying 
"mysql.default_socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock" and 
"mysql.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock", but that hasn't helped.

As for /etc/mysql/my.cnf, it says:

- - - - - - - - -
pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock
- - - - - - - - -

I am unsure where to look to diagnose this problem further.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Dave M G

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Should I upgrade to 4.1 or 5.0 (Newbie level question)

2006-05-02 Thread Dave M G

MySQL Mailing List,

Currently I'm running MySQL 4.1.15 on my home computer where I do web 
development, and MySQL 4.1.13-beta on my hosting service. Actually, I do 
work on web sites that are hosted on many hosting services, but on only 
one of them do I have enough access to decide for myself if I want to 
upgrade the server.

It seems that MediaWiki, something I'm currently experimenting with, 
requires MySQL 4.1.14 or above. So at the very least I need to upgrade 
MySQL on the hosting service.

But I'm a little confused by the presence of MySQL 5.0. On the 
web site, it promotes version 5.0 and barely makes any mention of 
previous versions. (Of course, in the support documentation there is a 
lot about previous versions, but I'm just talking about the site's 
promotional text.)

Ordinarily, a new version of any software wouldn't be confusing. I would 
assume that whatever the latest version that the developers are making 
available is the one that is supported and stable and preferable to use.

But none of my hosting services anything higher than 4.1.15. And my home 
computer, which runs Ubuntu, defaulted to installing 4.1.15 and uthe 
application update manager doesn't update it to 5.0.

So if 5.0 is the "current" version of MySQL, why does it seem to me that 
it's not widely adopted?

Would it be problematic now or later if I upgraded to 5.0?

Would I have to soon upgrade to 5.0 if I upgraded to 4.15 now?

Thank you for any advice.

Dave M G

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utf8 character collation not working

2006-04-26 Thread Dave M G

MySQL list,

I have a database on a server that contains English and Japanese text. I 
have tried to ensure at every turn that all text encoding is in utf8.

On the web hosting server where the live site resides, everything is 
working fine.

But on my testing environment at home, the Japanese text displays as 
question marks.

Japanese text that is written directly into the PHP/HTML displays 
correctly. Only Japanese text retrieved from the database displays 

All the Japanese text was initially entered on the hosting server. To 
get the database duplicated onto my testing environment, I exported the 
database, and then imported it again. I also checked the .sql file that 
was generated to ensure that the utf8 encoded Japanese was still 
readable as Japanese before importing it.

Further, when I look at the database in phpMyAdmin, it displays the 
Japanese correctly.

I had a similar problem a few months back, and at the time, it was 
advised that I add the following lines to /etc/mysql/my.cnf:

init-connect='SET NAMES utf8'

I've done this, and so these are my collation variables:

Variable   Session value   Global value
character set clientutf8   utf8
character set connection utf8 utf8
character set database utf8 utf8
character set results utf8 utf8
character set server utf8 utf8
character set system utf8 utf8
character sets dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/

collation connection utf8_general_ci utf8_general_ci
collation database utf8_general_ci utf8_general_ci
collation server utf8_general_ci utf8_general_ci

This solved the problem last time.

But this time the same solution does not seem to be working.

I hope I have described the problem in enough detail. If not, please let 
me know.

Is there any other character set related setting that I may need to do 
on my local MySQL server to correctly display Japanese?

My home set up:
Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06
MySQL MySQL 4.1.15
phpMyAdmin 2.7
PHP 4.4.2

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Dave M G

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Re: Unable to duplicate a database at home, possible encoding problem

2006-02-14 Thread Dave M G

The precise instructions are here:
...but if it is your local home installation you could also recompile 
mysql specifying utf8 when you run configure.

Thank you for the very helpful advice.

I understand what it is you're saying I can accomplish, but I'm fuzzy on 
the specifics, because, if it weren't already apparent, I'm a bit of a 
newbie at this stuff.

I get that I can use commands with the --with-charset=utf8 perameter to 
rebuild (?) my server with utf8 as the default encoding.

But you see, I installed MySQL from within a program called Synaptic 
within Ubuntu. On the upside, it was very easy to get my MySQL 
installation up and running. On the downside, I didn't see or do any 
configuration settings our source code building, which means I'm 
clueless as to where this stuff happens.

Being the exploratory newbie that I am, I tried the following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mysqld --character-set-server=utf8
060215 11:40:58 [Warning] Can't create test file 
060215 11:40:58 [ERROR] Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Address 
already in use
060215 11:40:58 [ERROR] Do you already have another mysqld server 
running on port: 3306 ?

060215 11:40:58 [ERROR] Aborting
060215 11:40:58 [Note] mysqld: Shutdown complete
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ./configure --with-charset=utf8
bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

I kind of knew it wasn't going to work when I tried it, but I thought 
I'd dive in anyway.

Is it possible I can get a slighly more newbie-friendly set of 
instructions on how I can either reconfigure my MySQL server, or at 
least permanently alter the system variables?

Dave M G

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Re: Unable to duplicate a database at home, possible encoding problem

2006-02-14 Thread Dave M G

detailed info here:

Thank you for that link. I think this is the heart of the issue.

Following the advice on the web page, I ran these commands:

But I can check my MySQL system variables in phpMyAdmin, and here's what 
it says:

VariableSession valueGlobal value
character set clientutf8   latin1
character set connection utf8 latin1
character set database latin1 latin1
character set results utf8 latin1
character set server latin1 latin1
character set system utf8 utf8
collation connection utf8_general_ci latin1_swedish_ci
collation database latin1_swedish_ci latin1_swedish_ci
collation server latin1_swedish_ci latin1_swedish_ci

What I want to do is change *all* of these to utf8. That's the only 
encoding I ever work in, and I want to make my system as consistent as 

What commands do I run to permanently fix all of these collation and 
character set variables to utf8?

Dave M G

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Re: Unable to duplicate a database at home, possible encoding problem

2006-02-13 Thread Dave M G

MySQL List,

   With the off list help of a member of this community, I have solved 
the issue of accessing my database data from within PHP. It was an issue 
related to PHP's register_globals setting.

   However, the encoding issue remains. I've taken the text that 
pertains only to that, and reproduced it here in hopes that someone can 
give me some advice which will enable me to transport my utf8 encoded 
data from my hosting service to my home machine.

   I can take the .sql file that I have exported from my hosting 
service, open it in OpenOffice Write as a text encoded file, and verify 
that it is encoded in utf-8. Most of the Japanese text shows up 
readable. Some of it, however, shows up as coded numbers (I'm not sure 
what the term is when utf displays this way): 

  When I import the .sql file into MySQL, I can look at it in 
phpMyAdmin and see that the text that displayed correctly as Japanese in 
OpenOffice still displays correctly as Japanese. The text that was in 
number form is also still in number form when viewed through phpMyAdmin. 
In short, phpMyAdmin sees it after import the same way that OpenOffice 
did before import.

  But, then when I view a PHP file in FireFox, and it accesses the 
database that way, the situation changes. The text that is encoded as 
numbers displays as correct Japanese. The text that displays as actual 
Japanese text in OpenOffice and phpMyAdmin now displays as quesiton marks.

  Again, just to be clear, all Japanese characters and all database 
data display correctly when viewed from the hosting service.

   I hope someone can shed some light on this.

   Thank you.

Dave M G

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Unable to duplicate a database at home, possible encoding problem

2006-02-12 Thread Dave M G

MySQL list,

   I'm afraid this explanation is a bit long, but hopefully it's clear 
and concise.

   A while back I reported having troubles copying a database from my 
hosting service to my home machine.

   One of the problems I encountered was that I had some table columns 
named "group", which is a reserved word in MySQL. I've since corrected 
that error by renaming every instance of the word "group" with the word 
"groupid". This also entailed editing my PHP files, which took some time.

   However, at this point, the database and associated PHP files were 
succesfully corrected, and are working fine on my hosting service. So I 
downloaded all PHP files to my home computer, and exported my database 
(structure and data), to a .sql file.

   My .sql file imports into my home SQL server without returning errors.

   And almost all the PHP pages that seek to get any data from the 
database return this error:
Warning: mysql_data_seek(): Offset 0 is invalid for MySQL result index 
11 (or the query data is unbuffered) in 
/home/dave/web_sites/ on line 51

   Because the pages work flawlessly on my hosting service, I have to 
assume that there is some flaw in how it's all being copied to my home 
computer. The PHP files are just copied by FTP, so it's unlikely that 
they have been altered.

   The MySQL data, however, is under suspicion because I have Japanese 
text, and on my home computer, not all of it is displaying correctly. 
Some of it comes up as question marks when viewed in FireFox.

   When I have the .sql file on my desktop, I can open it in OpenOffice 
Write, as a text encoded file, and verify that it is encoded in utf-8. 
Most of the Japanese text shows up readable. Some of it, however, shows 
up as coded numbers (I'm not sure what the term is when utf displays 
this way): メーン・

   When I import the .sql file into MySQL, I can look at it in 
phpMyAdmin and see that the text that displayed correctly as Japanese in 
OpenOffice still displays correctly as Japanese. The text that was in 
number form is also still in number form when viewed through phpMyAdmin. 
In short, phpMyAdmin sees it after import the same way that OpenOffice 
did before import.

   But, then when I view a PHP file in FireFox, and it accesses the 
database that way, the situation changes. The text that is encoded as 
numbers displays as correct Japanese. The text that displays as actual 
Japanese text in OpenOffice and phpMyAdmin now displays as quesiton marks.

   Again, just to be clear, all Japanese characters and all database 
data display correctly when viewed from the hosting service. The fact 
that the Japanese is not displaying correctly and the database error may 
not be correlated. But I'm hoping that solving one will either alleviate 
the other, or that solving one will make more clear what the other 
problem is. One problem at a time, although I don't care which one is 
solved first.

I'm a bit stumped as to how to diagnose and solve exactly what the 
problem that causes what should be the same data on both my home machine 
and the hosting service to behave differently.

   Any advice on how to solve this would be much appreciated.

   Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Dave M G

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Exporting utf-8 data problems

2006-01-04 Thread Dave M G

Thank you for the advice.

In order to isolate the problem, I have checked to see if the text file
that I have exported from the MySQL server on my virtual host is, in
fact, in UTF-8.
By opening it in OpenOffice and selecting UTF-8 encoding, it displays
Not entirely without problems. Most of the Japanese text shows up
correctly. But about 10% of it shows like this:
I believe this is because there is probably some Japanese text that was
entered in sometime before the server upgraded MySQL to 4.1.
But, ignoring the 10% of "legacy" text, it seems that at the very
least, I do have a proper UTF-8 encoded text file with which to import
into my home MySQL server.

Instead of importing the data as an SQL file (which successfully
imported, but with faulty Japanese characters), I copied the text and
pasted them in as a straight SQL query. 

But it returns an error. Can anyone enlighten me as to why the file
would import into SQL as an SQL file, but the text won't work as an
import statement?

Here is the error output:

SQL query:

# phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump
# version 2.3.3pl1
# (download page)
# Host: localhost
# Generation Time: Jan 04, 2006 at 10:04 AM
# Server version: 3.23.37
# PHP Version: 4.3.11
# Database : `signup`
# Table structure for table `event_groups`
CREATE TABLE event_groups(

egid int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
GROUP int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
event int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY ( egid ) 

MySQL said: Documentation

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'group int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  event int(11) NOT NULL de

(the error message cuts abruptly, as shown here)

    Any advice would be much appreciated.

Dave M G

MySQL General Mailing List
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Exporting utf-8 data problems

2006-01-03 Thread Dave M G
MySQL List,

I have recently switched over from Windows to Ubuntu Linux, in order to
emulate as much as possible the environment I have on my web hosting
service. The goal is to be able to develop and test my web sites more
completely at home before uploading them.

I have successfully installed Apache, PHP, and MySQL (Most of which
came by default when installing Ubuntu). I'm comfortable writing PHP and
MySQL code in a web page, but I am very much a beginner in MySQL set up
and maintenance.

I have all the PHP and HTML files downloaded, and now my next step is
to copy the databases from my web hosting service to my home machine.

A lot of my database data is bilingual, English and Japanese. I try at
every turn to store and retrieve all data in UTF-8 format.

Using phpMyAdmin on my virtual hosting service, I exported my database
information to a text file, which I then opened on my local machine,
again through the phpMyAdmin interface.

It mostly worked. All the tables and their contents were inserted into
the home version of the database.

However, when viewing the web pages where content is dynamically called
from the database, all the Japanese text appears on my home machine as a
series of question marks.

So far as I know, I selected to use utf-8 encoding at every available
opportunity. I'm wondering if the problems came when saving to a plain
text file.

Can anyone recommend the best way to preserve text encoding methods
when copying a database from one machine to another?

Any advice is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Dave M G

MySQL General Mailing List
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