Wordpress MU

2006-02-24 Thread Erich Beyrent
I am currently evaluating the multi-user version of the popular blogging 
software, Wordpress.  One of the things I am not so sure about is its 

To support multiple users, Wordpress creates about ten tables per user. 
 I have, at worst case, 4000 users who may be using this software, and 
I assume roughly 100 posts per user.

My question is whether or not it is good design to have each user have 
his or her own set of tables.  Would it not make sense to have all user 
posts in a single table, referenced by a BlogID?  This table could 
easily grow to be a few million rows, and I know MySQL won't choke on 
that, as long as the indexes are maintained.

Aside from ease of backing up user data in the individual table 
scenario, is there any other benefits to doing it this way?  I am 
considering modifying the product to support a single table, but want 
some insight before doing so.


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Re: important! help plsss

2005-12-02 Thread Erich Beyrent

Umit tas wrote:

hello i'm umit Tas;

i have a problem.

i'm writing programme in visual basic 6.0 but i must use MySQL server.

i'm installed MySQL server and executing my program (no problem) but my 
problem is :

MySQL must be installed "A" computer and my programme must be installed 
"B" computer

in LOCAL area network :( pls help

Private Function dbConnect()
'If we hit an error, go on to the next command
On Error Resume Next

'Create a new instance of the ADODB connection onject
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection

'Control the cursors on the client side
conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient

'Create the DSN string using properties from the preference file
conn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" _
   & "SERVER=" & strDBHost & ";" _
   & "DATABASE=" & strDBName & ";" _
   & "UID=" & strDBUser & ";" _
   & "PWD=" & strDBPass & ";" _
   & "OPTION=" & 1 + 2 + 8 + 32 + 2048 + 163841 'SET ALL PARAMETERS

'Open the MySQL database connection

'Sanity check - verify we have a connection to the database
If conn.State <> 1 Then
    MsgBox "Error connecting to the database")
MsgBox("Connected to the database.")
End If

'Return a reference to the database connection object
Set dbConnect = conn
End Function

Erich Beyrent

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: Runing MySQL on boot

2005-11-18 Thread Erich Beyrent

Andrew Kuebler wrote:

I'm running FreeBSD and MySQL version 4.1. How do I get FreeBSD to load
MySQL on boot? I don't see a script file that came with the installation.

Thank you.


Place a script called mysql-server.sh in /usr/local/etc/rc.d


case "$1" in
   /usr/local/server/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --old-passwords &
   /usr/bin/killall -TERM mysqld
   /usr/bin/killall -TERM mysqld_safe
   echo "Usage: `basename $0` (start|stop)">&2

exit 0

And make a corresponding entry in /etc/rc.conf:


Erich Beyrent

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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2005-11-04 Thread Erich Beyrent

Jigal van Hemert wrote:

Hi Joerg (and other list readers),

Joerg Bruehe wrote:

Jigal van Hemert wrote:
Win/IIS/ASP/MSSQL might need a bit more hardware to run on compared 
to Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP (aka LAMP).

You could always run MySQL on Windows Server along with your IIS and 
ASP.  You don't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

If you decide to keep your ASP code, then I would keep your IIS setup, 
as opposed to running something like Chilisoft and Apache.

Erich Beyrent

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Reporting question

2005-10-25 Thread Erich Beyrent
This is probably a silly question, but here goes...  I have a table that 
logs access to web services, and I am looking to create a report to 
track the number of times each service was accessed in a given month.

I know I can loop through the days in the month in PHP and do a seperate 
query for each day, but is there a way to do this in MySQL and populate 
dates not accessed with zeros?  In other words, if I have hits for the 
23rd and 25th, but not the 24th, can I get something like

| Day| Hits   |
| 23 | 46 |
| 24 | 0  |
| 25 | 156|

Thanks in advance!

Erich Beyrent

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: Setup for MythTV

2005-10-25 Thread Erich Beyrent


Erich Beyrent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/25/2005 12:06:28 PM:


"Jim C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/25/2005 11:10:50 AM:

Where can I get tips on how to manually set up MySQL for MythTV? 
MythTV's site was not very helpful in this regards.

Jim C.


Did you see this:


And also:

http://wilsonet.com/mythtv/tips.php (see the section on Front Ends)

And lastly:


Erich Beyrent

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: Setup for MythTV

2005-10-25 Thread Erich Beyrent


"Jim C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/25/2005 11:10:50 AM:

Where can I get tips on how to manually set up MySQL for MythTV? 
MythTV's site was not very helpful in this regards.

Jim C.
[attachment "signature.asc" deleted by Shawn Green/Unimin] 

I think they (MythTV) probably know more about MySQL than we (the list 
members) do about them. What is MythTV? Is is a RTOS, a regular OS, some 
kind of application platform, a game system, ...?

The more you can tell us about the platform you are trying to use, the 
more help you can get as I am sure there are others out there that can 
help but don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

MythTV is a kick-ass PVR application that runs under Linux.  Like an 
open-source TiVO.

Erich Beyrent

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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MySQL dump (OT?)

2005-02-14 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi all,

This is perhaps off-topic, but I need to dump my MySQL database into a
format that FileMaker Pro will understand.  Does anyone have any tips for
doing this?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: Pulling a database schema out of a unknown MySQL database?

2005-02-02 Thread Erich Beyrent
> I have a system with set of web pages that use PHP and a MySQL database.
> Apparently the old webmaster has disappeared, and a new webmaster has been
hired.  She needs to know the schema of the database.
> So my question is: Is there a way of querying MySQL not for values of
fields, but rather for the schema of the database?
> Thanks!

If you use DBDesigner by fabForce (open source), it will connect to your
MySQL database and reverse engineer it for you, building both the sql and a
graphical representation of the database.

Pretty cool stuff...  And it's free!


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RE: Export database to XML/UML/Webpage?

2005-01-28 Thread Erich Beyrent
> Have you looked into using the MySQL Administrator yet? It's a GUI program

> that should do most of what you want (I know it doesn't diagram but it's 
> somewhere to start). You will have to search around to find some other 
> ER-based GUI administrator tools because I can't think of any off the top 
> of my head (sorry! no coffee yet!). Maybe others on the list will 
> recommend some?
> Shawn Green

Fabforce's DBDesigner 4 is fantastic...

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Limit on text field select

2005-01-27 Thread Erich Beyrent
Is there a way I can select from a text field and limit the amount of text I
get back in my query?  For example, if I have an articleText field of type
TEXT, and the article contains 4000 words, is there a way to select that
text with a limit of 200 words, or should this kind of logic go in my php

Best regards,

Erich Beyrent
Information Technology Services
Plymouth State University

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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RE: MyODBC 3.51.10

2005-01-04 Thread Erich Beyrent
> You need to set the OLD_PASSWORDS variable in the [MYSQLD] section of the
my.ini file. 
> Set-variable = old_passwords=1
> It's not the ODBC, but your version of MySQL. 4.0.x uses 1 variant of
password hashing, 4.1.x uses a more > 
> secure one that will be covered in MyODBC 3.53 (coming soon...).
> J.R.

I did read that in the manual, but I was confused as to why I get the error
on one pc and not the other.  I am also somewhat confused as to why I have
3.51.10 on one pc, but cannot find it anymore for my other.  Did it get
pulled from the website?


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MyODBC 3.51.10

2005-01-04 Thread Erich Beyrent
I somehow managed to download and install MyODBC 3.51.10 on my XP box, and
it connects with no problems to my database server running version 4.1.7.

However, it seems that MySQL is only allowing downloads for 3.51.9, and when
I installed it on my Server 2003 and attempted to connect, I get the
following error:

Client does not support authentication protocol requested
by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

I can only assume it's because of the older driver?

Best regards,

Erich Beyrent
Systems Administrator
Information Technology Services
Plymouth State University
(603) 535-2948

"Si vis pacem para bellum" 

MySQL General Mailing List
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User variables

2004-12-13 Thread Erich Beyrent
I am having a problem with a query:

SET @SoftwareID = 7;

software s
INNER JOIN platform_groups pg
on s.softwareID = pg.softwareID
INNER JOIN platforms p
on pg.platformID = p.platformID
INNER JOIN vendors v
on s.vendorID = v.vendorID
INNER JOIN builds b
on s.buildTypeID = b.buildTypeID
s.softwareID = @SoftwareID

This does not work.  It appears that the user variable is not picked up in
the WHERE clause - the query works fine if I have:

WHERE s.softwareID = 7

Is what I am trying to do not supported?  I am using version 4.1.7 on
FreeBSD 5.3.

Best regards,

Erich Beyrent

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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RE: Backing up directly to tape.

2004-09-06 Thread Erich Beyrent
I have seen people dump the database with mysqldump and then use a cpio
command to write the files to the tape device...


-Original Message-
From: Egor Egorov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 4:35 AM
Subject: Re: Backing up directly to tape.

"Tucker, Gabriel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been searching the archives and was unable to find an answer.
> I need the ability to backup MySQL instances directly to a tape
> Currently, I run a mysqldump to disk and have legato pick up the file.
> As I get to some larger databases, hundred's of gigs, and higher =
> transaction rates, I will need an online solution that goes directly
to =
> a tape device.  Currently we are using MySQL table types, though this
> may change.

tar? mysqlhotcopy? 

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User Permission System

2004-08-31 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi all,

I have a need to use a kind of user permission system in the database,
but because the database is a hosted solution, I do not have access to
the real user tables and permissions and such.


What we're talking about is a document management system:

1.  Some users can read, write, and add documents
2.  Some users can only read documents
3.  Some users cannot do any of the above

I need to implement some kind of table that allows these things.

CREATE TABLE MemberPermissions (
  MemberID bigint NOT NULL auto_increment,
  canRead tinyint NOT NULL default 0,
  canWrite tinyint NOT NULL default 0,
  canInsert tinyint NOT NULL default 0,

where the canRead, canWrite, and canInsert are Boolean flags of 0 or 1.

Clearly, I will need to implement a login system.  With this design, it
appears that there will either need to be two queries - one to check the
permissions, and the second to perform the action requested.  I suppose
the other thing I could do is query the permissions on login and cache
that info in session data while the user is logged in.

I had another thought to assign permissions to groups, and then assign a
group to a user.  Would this be easier and more manageable?

I am looking for feedback as to whether this is an appropriate design,
or perhaps some suggestions for a better design, pitfalls to watch out
for, etc.

Best regards,


MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Design Question

2004-08-04 Thread Erich Beyrent
I think I understand.  So instead of my queries being centered around
the listings table, they will be centered around this new table?

Currently, I pull the records for each category like so:

$query = "select 
listings l, 
publishers p, 
composers c, 
arrangers a, 
categories o 
l.CategoryID=o.CategoryID and 
o.Name='".$Category."' and 
l.PublisherID=p.PublisherID and
l.ComposerID=c.ComposerID and 
  order by ".$OrderBy;

To follow your example, I would add these other fields to the
listings_projects table you defined below, and restructure the query
around that?

Thanks for your insight!


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: Design Question

As posted, your data structure supports two one-to-many relationships,
the one-to-one relationships as you described. You can have multiple 
Listings per Category and multiple Categories per Group.  What it sounds

like you have been asked to do is to support a many-to-many
You need to support both  multiple Listings per Category and multiple 
Categories per Listing. 
As you have it now:
Groups (1..*) Categories (1..*) Listings

As you need it to be:
Groups (1..*) Categories (*..*) Listings

To create a (*..*) relationship between two tables, you need a third 
table.  Each entry in this table represents one Listing-Category 
association (relationship).

CREATE TABLE listings_projects (
ListingID bigint not null
, CategoryID int
, ... any additional fields as needed ...
, PRIMARY KEY (ListingID, CategoryID)

The primary key ensures that at each Listing/Category combination
only once (no duplicate assignments). I showed you where additional
can fit into the relation table because sometimes there are facts about 
relationships that do not fit into either of the tables they relate  A 
recent example in this list was a relation table between chemical 
compounds and the various plants in which those compounds could be
A fact that belongs to the *relationship* could be the concentration of 
that chemical in that plant. That concentration value would not belong
the plants table nor would it belong to the compounds table but does 
belong to the relationship of plant to compound. Make sense? I have 
personally used additional fields like those to indicate "deletion".
way "old" values are no longer available for new relationships (in my 
applications) and my queries won't break as I didn't actually get rid of

any information. My "historical" reports still function as the "old"
are still in the system, even if you can't use the the old names for any

current purposes.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

"Erich Beyrent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/04/2004 10:35:33


> Hi all, 
> I need some advice on a project I have.  Basically, I have some
> CREATE TABLE listings (
>   ListingID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   CatalogNumber varchar(12) NOT NULL default '',
>   PDFLink varchar(100) default NULL,
>   PDFName varchar(80) default NULL,
>   Title varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
>   ComposerID int(11) default NULL,
>   ArrangerID int(11) default NULL,
>   PublisherID int(11) default NULL,
>   Price double(16,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
>   DiscountID int(11) default NULL,
>   Description text,
>   NewTitles tinyint(1) default NULL,
>   CategoryID int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
>   PRIMARY KEY  (ListingID)
> CREATE TABLE categories (
>   CategoryID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   Name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
>   Alias varchar(60) default NULL,
>   DiscountID int(11) default NULL,
>   Description text,
>   GroupID int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
>   PRIMARY KEY  (CategoryID)
> CREATE TABLE groups (
>   GroupID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   Name varchar(50) default NULL,
>   DiscountID int(11) default NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY  (GroupID)
> ) TYPE=

RE: Design Question

2004-08-04 Thread Erich Beyrent
EB> My thought was to add a new field to the listings table that would
EB> contain a comma-separated list of CategoryIDs, but something doesn't
EB> feel right about this solution.

> This would break the first normalization form and is extremely bad

Okay - I thought something was off...

> First of all ask your customer - what is the relation between listings
> and categories - is it one-to-many or many-to-one or many-to-many

The current relationship is one to one - each listing can only have one

The customer is requesting a change to this, so that each listing can
have many categories.

> if it is one-to-many (many-to-one) then you should add a field to
> details table that constitutes a primary key in the main table and
> define a foreign key. That means having either CategoryID in listings 
> table or ListingID in categories table.

My current table definition for the listings already has the foreign key
of CategoryID.

What you are saying is that the categories table should have a field for



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Design Question

2004-08-04 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi all, 

I need some advice on a project I have.  Basically, I have some tables:

CREATE TABLE listings (
  ListingID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  CatalogNumber varchar(12) NOT NULL default '',
  PDFLink varchar(100) default NULL,
  PDFName varchar(80) default NULL,
  Title varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  ComposerID int(11) default NULL,
  ArrangerID int(11) default NULL,
  PublisherID int(11) default NULL,
  Price double(16,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
  DiscountID int(11) default NULL,
  Description text,
  NewTitles tinyint(1) default NULL,
  CategoryID int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (ListingID)

CREATE TABLE categories (
  CategoryID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  Name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  Alias varchar(60) default NULL,
  DiscountID int(11) default NULL,
  Description text,
  GroupID int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (CategoryID)

  GroupID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  Name varchar(50) default NULL,
  DiscountID int(11) default NULL,

Currently, there is a one-to-one relationship between listings and
categories, and listings and groups.  Now, the customer is requesting
that a listing be included in several categories.  I am not quite sure
how to do this.

My thought was to add a new field to the listings table that would
contain a comma-separated list of CategoryIDs, but something doesn't
feel right about this solution.  

What would be a good approach to this problem?


MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: BLOB's - General Guidance

2004-05-21 Thread Erich Beyrent
> Luis - you're quite polite so I'll assume that you are ignorant rather
> an prejudiced.
> You have a university email so I'll also assume you're a student who
wants > to learn.
> So here's your lesson for today: Don't judge people by their cover, or
by > their color, or by their name, or by their service provider. Don't
assume > all AOL users are technical lightweights, just like you don't
want people > to assume that all people Named Rodriguez are illegal
> AOL may be a favorite with internet newbies but in many parts of the >

> country it also offers the best service. Never make assumptions about
> people based on what ISP they use.

No kidding.  Why the hell would you ask for help on an online group,
only to insult and trash the person who is helping you?

I certainly would not be quick to help him in the future...

I, for one, would like to thank each and every person on this list who
has helped me in the past - you are all extremely knowledgeable, and
it's a real honor to learn from you all.


MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Sorting Varchar

2004-05-13 Thread Erich Beyrent
> OK, I'm sorry.  The solution I gave doesn't work.
> You need to have some sort of conditional in the sort expression so
> numbers are sorted numerically and other things are sorted > 
> alphanumerically.
> I'm not aware of a test for numeric vaues in MySql, so you need to use
> some
> trick to differentiate between the two.
> This seems to work, provided there are no negative numbers and the
> things start with letters
>   ORDER BY IF (cost < ':', LPAD(cost,10,'0'), CONCAT('1',cost))
> In this,
>   cost < ':' tests if the string starts with a digit (':' is the
> after '9')
>   LPAD(cost,10,'0') pads the integer on the left with zeros -- replace
> 10
>  with a number at least one more than the maximum number of digits
>   CONCAT('1',cost) causes the text items to sort to the end (the
>  now start with '0')
> Pasha's solution is probably cleaner, but you have to change the
> table definition.  For Pasha's solution to work, you would need to
> have the text_val column be null (or '') when the value is numeric.

You could try something like this alphanumeric sort:

order by 
  when substring(cost,1,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then ''
  when substring(cost,2,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then left(cost,1)
  when substring(cost,3,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then left(cost,2)
  else 'Z'
, cast(
  when substring(cost,1,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then substring(cost,1)
  when substring(cost,2,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then concat('0',substring(cost,2))
  when substring(cost,3,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then concat('00',substring(cost,3))
  else 9
  as integer)  


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RE: Last inserted ID

2004-05-06 Thread Erich Beyrent
> Well, you don't need the distinct.
> Are you inserting with your PHP script?  LAST_INSERT_ID(), as per the
> manual, 
> only returns the id from the last insert on that connect.  You cannot
get >the 
> LAST_INSERT_ID() for another connection.

j- k-

I used distinct because otherwise, I was getting 3575 results from the
command line - I only wanted one.

My PHP script uses an insert method in a class, and then tries to get
the last insert id.  After reading the manual, I was under the
impression that the class would use the same connection, but that
doesn't seem to be the case.  I suppose my insert could return the last


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Last inserted ID

2004-05-05 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi there,

I seem to be having a problem retrieving the last inserted ID for a

The query I am using is as follows:

mysql> select distinct LAST_INSERT_ID() as LastID from listings;
| LastID |
|   3575 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

However, when I run this from my PHP script, I get a value of 0.

Any clues as to how to resolve this?



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Group By Order By problem

2004-04-30 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi all,

I am trying to get a bunch of results, group them by category, and then
order each group of categories.  My query is thus:

listings l, 
publishers p, 
composers c, 
arrangers a, 
categories o 
(a.ArrangerLname like '%$Criteria%' or
 p.PublisherName like '%$Criteria%' or
 c.ComposerLname like '%$Criteria%' or
 l.Title like '%$Criteria%' or
 l.CatalogNumber like '%$Criteria%' or
 l.Price like '%$Criteria%' or
 l.Description like '%$Criteria%')
l.PublisherID=p.PublisherID and
l.ComposerID=c.ComposerID and
l.ArrangerID=a.ArrangerID and
o.Alias ASC
o.Alias, c.ComposerLname ASC;

This only displays 1 row in each category, so clearly I have an error in
my Group By and/or Order By clause(s).  I am sure my error is fairly
basic, but I don't have enough experience with MySQL to figure it out.  

Does anyone have any insight into the problem?


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question about searches

2004-04-22 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi all,

This is probably a dumb question...

I am in the planning stages for a database project, where I will need to
store a bunch of documents in both PDF and MS Word format.  Assuming that
the documents are stored as binary in the database, suppose I want to be
able to search the database for text that is included in these documents.  

Is there any way to do text searches on the contents of binary data in the
database, or do I have to implement something like a Keywords field and a
Description field containing specific words or phrases that are in the
stored document, and do a full text search against that?

This is probably the most obvious answer, but I wasn't sure if there was a
mechanism for searching directly in the files.



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Dumping sql commands

2004-03-25 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi there,

I am running a website on a host who has blocked access to mysqldump.
Is there any way I can show all the sql commands for creating and
populating a table from within mysql?  Again, I don't have access to



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RE: Sorting with an alpha numeric field.

2004-03-23 Thread Erich Beyrent
> I have something like A001C, B689, B1001 etc...

I had to do something like this, and someone suggested the following:

order by 
  when substring(YourField,1,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then ''
  when substring(YourField,2,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then left(YourField,1)
  when substring(YourField,3,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then left(YourField,2)
  else 'Z'
, cast(
  when substring(YourField,1,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then substring(YourField,1)
  when substring(YourField,2,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then concat('0',substring(YourField,2))
  when substring(YourField,3,1) between '0' and '9' 
  then concat('00',substring(YourField,3))
  else 9
  as integer)  

I never was able to get it to work the way I wanted though...  Perhaps
it will trigger some ideas from the talented people on this list.



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RE: AddressBook CMS

2004-03-19 Thread Erich Beyrent
> Hi Everyone,
> Fisrtoff, I know nothing about databases and even less about web
> What I do know is that I want to move my Outlook contacts (~10,000) to
> real database :)
> I've looked at FileMaker Pro and MyGroupWare and the likes but I just
> something simple where I can export my contacts and sort them into
> templates. And those have either to much cost attached to them or
simply > try
> to offer to many features for what I want.
> Can someone point me in the right direction? I know I need to learn
> and that I will (I'm getting more and more comfortable with
PHPmyAdmin). > My
> main concern is how to access and manage the content in a user-friend
> Cheers,
> Phil

Hi Phil,

Under the File Menu, choose Import Export...  Export your Contacts to a
CSV file, and then import that file into MySQL.  I believe you can also
export your contacts directly to Access and FileMaker Pro.  Of course,
you mentioned that you want to move your contacts to a real database, so
MySQL is the way to go!

Look up in the MySQL documentation how to import CSV files.



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RE: Saving file into database

2004-03-11 Thread Erich Beyrent
>Use the BLOB, Luke!
>See your local MySQL manual for details.
>We're using BLOBs to store PDF in our database, and through the use of
>headers, we're able to let user download the PDFs without having to
store a 
>local copy on disk, directly from the database (content-disposition 

Hi Kurt,

I have been using MySQL to store links to PDFs which live in other

Is there an advantage to storing the PDFs directly into the database?


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RE: Optimizing Queries

2004-03-09 Thread Erich Beyrent
> Chris,
> Is it faster if you remove the 'IS NOT NULL'?  I know that's not the >

> results
> you want, but we have found that is NOT NULL will do a full scan.  But
> normally use it with a join.  Since you are using one table, I'm not
> how it would affect it.
> Donny

This is an interesting point.  This may be off topic, but I work with a
guy who has an allergic reaction to NULLs in database fields.  It is his
opinion that a "proper" database design would set default values for
every field.  

If MySQL truly does a full scan for NOT NULL, it would seem that my
co-worker is correct.  Being new to MySQL (and databases in general), I
was wondering what the rest of you thought about this topic.


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RE: Duplicates returns in query?

2004-03-04 Thread Erich Beyrent

You have no join criteria between your tables.

Of course.  I am so stupid...

  date_format(e.EventDate, '%c/%d/%y') as EventDate,
  events e, 
  venues v
  e.VenueID = v.VenueID;

Works beautifully!

Thanks all!


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Duplicates returns in query?

2004-03-04 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi all,

I have a problem with a select returning duplicates, even though there
aren't any duplicates in the database.

  date_format(e.EventDate, '%c/%d/%y') as EventDate, 
  events e, 
  venues v;

| EventID | EventDate | EventTime | VenueName   | VenueID |
|   2 | 3/06/04   | 09:00:00  | The Bombshelter |   1 |
|   3 | 3/12/04   | 09:00:00  | The Bombshelter |   1 |
|   2 | 3/06/04   | 09:00:00  | Goodtimes   |   2 |
|   3 | 3/12/04   | 09:00:00  | Goodtimes   |   2 |

I tried adding a "distinct" to the above select, which had no effect.  I
also ran an "explain" on the query:

| table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra |
| e | ALL  | NULL  | NULL |NULL | NULL |2 |   |
| v | ALL  | NULL  | NULL |NULL | NULL |2 |   |

Which tells me nothing.  What have I done wrong here?


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Logging in Users

2004-03-04 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi all,

I need some advice as to how to manage a user login system using PHP and
MySQL.  Currently, I have the following table:

| Field   | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| MemberID| bigint(20)   |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| MemberFname | varchar(30)  |  | | ||
| MemberLname | varchar(40)  |  | | ||
| Login   | varchar(8)   |  | | ||
| Password| varchar(32)  |  | | ||
| Bio | text | YES  | | NULL||
| Address | varchar(127) | YES  | | NULL||
| City| varchar(40)  | YES  | | NULL||
| State   | char(2)  | YES  | | NULL||
| Zip | int(5)   | YES  | | NULL||
| Phone   | varchar(20)  | YES  | | NULL||
| Cell| varchar(20)  | YES  | | NULL||
| Email   | varchar(40)  | YES  | | NULL||

And my PHP function looks like this:

function login($user, $pass)
  // Validate the fields passed in
  if(($user == "") || ($pass == ""))
$status = array('code' => -1,
  'msg' => '[ERROR] Invalid form'
return $status;

  // Build the query
  $query = "select 
  Login = '$login' and
Password = MD5('$password'))";

  $this->query($query) or die"[ERROR] Could not login: ".mysql_error());

  // Loop through all of the records, and push into an assoc array
$User[] = $this->Record;
  // Return the results
  return $User;

My question is, is this the best way to be doing this?  I would love
some feedback and suggestions as to perhaps better methods to do this.

The database is on a hosted account, so I don't have access or privs to
change configurations or add real MySQL users.



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RE: Help with query

2004-02-06 Thread Erich Beyrent
OH MY GOD IT WORKS!!!  I got 32 rows in set (0.08 sec).

That is fantastic!  Thank you so much

Now, when I do an explain on this query, I get the following:
| table | type   | possible_keys | key |
| l | ALL| NULL  | NULL|
| p | eq_ref | PRIMARY   | PRIMARY |
| c | eq_ref | PRIMARY   | PRIMARY |
| a | eq_ref | PRIMARY   | PRIMARY |
| o | eq_ref | PRIMARY   | PRIMARY |
| key_len | ref   | rows | Extra   |
|NULL | NULL  | 2647 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|   8 | l.PublisherID |1 | Using where |
|   8 | l.ComposerID  |1 | Using where |
|   8 | l.ArrangerID  |1 | Using where |
|   4 | l.CategoryID  |1 | |

This seems really efficient, since the only large number of rows to
search against is the main listings table, if I read this right.  Is
there any further optimization that I can do, or this as good as it
gets?  Believe me, I am NOT complaining!!!

Thanks again!


> If every record in the listing table will have a corresponding record
in > 
> the category table you may just include the category clause in with
> rest.  
> (a.ArrangerLname like '%$Criteria%' or
> p.PublisherName like '%$Criteria%' or
> c.ComposerLname like '%$Criteria%' or
> l.Title like '%$Criteria%' or
> l.CatalogNumber like '%$Criteria%')
> l.PublisherID=p.PublisherID and
> l.ComposerID=c.ComposerID and
> l.ArrangerID=a.ArrangerID and
> l.CategoryID=o.CategoryID
>   Hi Evelyn,
>   How would I do that - would something like this be what you had
in > 
> mind?
>   left join categories o on o.CategoryID = l.CategoryID
>   This goes in the WHERE clause, right?
>   Thanks!
>   -Erich-
>   -Original Message-
>   From: Schwartz, Evelyn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:53 AM
>   Subject: RE: Help with query
>   You will need parentheses around the 'or' clauses of your where
> clause. 
>   You also don't seem to join the categories table with any other 
> tables.  If
>   you don't join tables you will create what is called a 'cross
>   query.  If table A has 10 rows and table B has 20 rows then
querying A > and B
>   will return 200 rows (every row of A will be joined with every
row of > B!).

-Original Message-
From: Erich Beyrent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 2/6/2004 8:46 AM
Subject: Help with query
Hi everyone,

I am having a rough time with a query, which seems to be taking
so long
it hangs the systems.

listings l,
publishers p,
composers c,
arrangers a,
categories o
a.ArrangerLname like '%$Criteria%' or
p.PublisherName like '%$Criteria%' or
c.ComposerLname like '%$Criteria%' or
l.Title like '%$Criteria%' or
l.CatalogNumber like '%$Criteria%'
l.PublisherID=p.PublisherID and
l.ComposerID=c.ComposerID and

How can I rewrite this query to be efficient (and functioning!)
- I am
fairly new to MySQL and could use lots of advice!



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RE: Help with query

2004-02-06 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi Evelyn,
How would I do that - would something like this be what you had in mind?
left join categories o on o.CategoryID = l.CategoryID
This goes in the WHERE clause, right?
-Original Message-
From: Schwartz, Evelyn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: Help with query
You will need parentheses around the 'or' clauses of your where clause.  
You also don't seem to join the categories table with any other tables.  If
you don't join tables you will create what is called a 'cross product'
query.  If table A has 10 rows and table B has 20 rows then querying A and B
will return 200 rows (every row of A will be joined with every row of B!).
-Original Message- 
From: Erich Beyrent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Fri 2/6/2004 8:46 AM 
Subject: Help with query
Hi everyone,

I am having a rough time with a query, which seems to be taking so long
it hangs the systems.

listings l,
publishers p,
composers c,
arrangers a,
categories o
a.ArrangerLname like '%$Criteria%' or
p.PublisherName like '%$Criteria%' or
c.ComposerLname like '%$Criteria%' or
l.Title like '%$Criteria%' or
l.CatalogNumber like '%$Criteria%'
l.PublisherID=p.PublisherID and
l.ComposerID=c.ComposerID and

How can I rewrite this query to be efficient (and functioning!) - I am
fairly new to MySQL and could use lots of advice!



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Help with query

2004-02-06 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi everyone,

I am having a rough time with a query, which seems to be taking so long
it hangs the systems.

listings l, 
publishers p, 
composers c, 
arrangers a, 
categories o 
a.ArrangerLname like '%$Criteria%' or
p.PublisherName like '%$Criteria%' or
c.ComposerLname like '%$Criteria%' or
l.Title like '%$Criteria%' or
l.CatalogNumber like '%$Criteria%'
l.PublisherID=p.PublisherID and
l.ComposerID=c.ComposerID and 

How can I rewrite this query to be efficient (and functioning!) - I am
fairly new to MySQL and could use lots of advice!



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Search multiple fields across multiple tables

2004-01-28 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi everyone,

Sorry to ask this question, because this is going to get complicated...
Okay - what I need to do is be able to search for data across multiple
fields which are organized in multiple tables.  Here is a basic
description of my database schema (not quite all of the fields...):

Table listings
 - ListingID
 - CatalogNumber*
 - Title*
 - ComposerID
 - ArrangerID
 - PublisherID
 - Price
 - CategoryID

Table arrangers
 - ArrangerID
 - ArrangerLname*

Table publishers
 - PublisherID
 - PublisherName*

Table composers
 - ComposerID
 - ComposerLname*

Table categories
 - CategoryID
 - Alias*

(* = field to search against)

My queries have been based on categories, so for a given category, I can
easily pull out all of the appropriate records:

But what I need to be able to do is search the CatalogNumber, Title,
Arranger, Composer, Publisher, and Description for a given search
string.  I tried to put that into one big query and hung the database
pretty badly.  So I resorted to doing five separate queries, and then
merging the result arrays into one array.  This however, does not quite
do what I need it to do, because now I have to group all of the search
results according to their categories (all listings in category x
displayed together, all listings in category y displayed together, etc).

My problem is that I don't even know where to start.  Can it be done
with MySQL, or does it need to be done on the PHP side?


PS: If you want to see all of this in action, you can go to

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Search multiple fields across multiple tables

2004-01-26 Thread Erich Beyrent
Hi everyone,

Sorry to ask this question, because this is going to get complicated...
Okay - what I need to do is be able to search for data across multiple
fields which are organized in multiple tables.  Here is a basic
description of my database schema (not quite all of the fields...):

Table listings
 - ListingID
 - CatalogNumber*
 - Title*
 - ComposerID
 - ArrangerID
 - PublisherID
 - Price
 - CategoryID

Table arrangers
 - ArrangerID
 - ArrangerLname*

Table publishers
 - PublisherID
 - PublisherName*

Table composers
 - ComposerID
 - ComposerLname*

Table categories
 - CategoryID
 - Alias*

(* = field to search against)

My queries have been based on categories, so for a given category, I can
easily pull out all of the appropriate records:

But what I need to be able to do is search the CatalogNumber, Title,
Arranger, Composer, Publisher, and Description for a given search
string.  I tried to put that into one big query and hung the database
pretty badly.  So I resorted to doing five separate queries, and then
merging the result arrays into one array.  This however, does not quite
do what I need it to do, because now I have to group all of the search
results according to their categories (all listings in category x
displayed together, all listings in category y displayed together, etc).

My problem is that I don't even know where to start.  Can it be done
with MySQL, or does it need to be done on the PHP side?


PS: If you want to see all of this in action, you can go to

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Re: After successful INSERT, no record found

2003-10-30 Thread Erich Beyrent

> Yes, the transaction was committed.  I was using MyCC at the same time
> the anomaly occurred, also.  Could this have had anything to do with
> it?

I am new to MySQL - do you *have* to commit the transaction after the

What is the benefit of the commit - does it do anything?


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