Re: storing images in the database

2006-10-11 Thread Greg Donald

On 10/10/06, Rodney Courtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want to store jpeg images in a mysql database from php in the form of 'blob' 
Is this possible and can you detail for me the steps to achieve this?

For a nice size performance hit, yup:

Greg Donald

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Re: Zip Code & Distance

2006-08-29 Thread Greg Donald

On 8/29/06, Jesse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is not necessarily SQL Specific, but it will impact my MySQL

Using the zip code, how can you determine what's in a (say) 50 mile radius.
In other words, if I'm looking for schools within a 50 mile radius of my
location (Zip Code 33881), How can I determine this by the zip code?  I have
seen lots of search engines that do this, but don't know how they determine
the distance.  I figured that I can use the first 4 digits as a match, then
the first 3 digits which will be a little further away, but I don't know how
accurate that would be.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Greg Donald

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Re: Update or insert with a single SQL statement?

2006-03-31 Thread Greg Donald
On 3/31/06, Brian Dunning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a really simple two-column database:
> domain_name (primary key)
> timestamp
> I'm trying to keep track of the referrer of every visit to a web
> site, and I'm looking for a single SQL statement (since my ISP limits
> the total number of calls I can make in a day) that will either
> insert a new record if the referring domain is not already in there,
> or simply update the timestamp if the referring domain is already in
> there.
> Possible?


Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer
MySQL Core Certification

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Re: manage multiple mysql servers on different hosts?

2006-03-01 Thread Greg Donald
On 3/1/06, Bing Du <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're running several mysql servers for different applications on
> different machines.  Instead of connecting to each mysql server manually
> to find out basic information, e.g. versions, mostly like what 'show
> variables' returns, plus what databases exist on each server, are there
> any tools that can do that?   Can phpMyAdmin manage multiple mysql
> servers?

Additional MySQL servers can be defined in phpMyAdmin's file.

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer
MySQL Core Certification

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Re: Replication from multiple masters?

2006-03-01 Thread Greg Donald
On 3/1/06, Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know if it's possible to replicate to a single slave from
> different databases on different masters?
> For instance:
> M1:dbAM2:dbB
>   \ /
>   rep rep
> \ /
>  Slave

MySQL only supports one master and many slaves.

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer
MySQL Core Certification

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Re: How do you set a Primary Key when uploading data into a table?

2005-10-10 Thread Greg Donald
On 10/10/05, Bill Abel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do you load data into a table and generate a primary key which
> auto increments by 1.
> I want to end up with a primary key value of int 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.
> My table has three rows, Id (pri_key), Code, Description. I'm loading
> data from a text file into the table like this:
> load data local infile 'path_to_myfile.txt' into table sic_codes lines
> terminated by '\r' (code, description);
> Currently, the Id gets values of 99897, and then increments by one.
> Any  help is appreciated.

Add an auto_increment option to your Id field.

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer
MySQL Core Certification

Re: compare tables from two systems

2005-10-05 Thread Greg Donald
On 10/5/05, Claire Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have two clusters running the same data
> independently and saving output to databases on two
> systems (two hosts) respectively. We need to compare
> the output each day. Is there an easy way to compare
> tables from two systems? We are sure the structure of
> the tables are all the same and we need to compare the
> data. Any advice is welcome. Thanks.

mysqldump -l -B db1 > db1.sql
mysqldump -l -B db2 > db2.sql
diff db1.sql db2.sql > diff.sql

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer
MySQL Core Certification

Re: PHP MySQL connection problem

2005-06-10 Thread Greg Donald
On 6/10/05, Andre Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am getting slow connections between php4 and MySQL 4.1.9.
> There are some connections that are very fast, but others can take from 5 to
> 20 second or more (usually it takes less than 0.1 second to create a new
> connection). I tried to identify if there is a pattern but it seems that it
> does not exist, in other words, it can create 5 connections and then the 6th
> takes too much time. In another time, it process 13 connections fast and the
> 14th is slow again.

If your going across network you might check your network cards.  Had
this happen to me once.  Reseated the card in the database server,
fixed it right up.

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer

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Re: zip code search within x miles

2005-04-15 Thread Greg Donald
On 4/15/05, Scott Haneda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How are sites doing the search by zip and coming up with results within x
> miles?  Is there some OSS zip code download that has been created for this?

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Reg Backup

2004-10-04 Thread Greg Donald
On Mon, 4 Oct 2004 22:10:39 +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> mysqlhotocpy supports only Linux and Netware software. Will it support windows 
> operating system. Please clarify.

I have heard of people using Perl on windows, so I would guess it will
run, mysqlhotcopy being a Perl script and all.  Feel free to try it
and discover the definative answer for yourself.

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer

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Re: Reg Backup

2004-10-04 Thread Greg Donald
On Mon, 4 Oct 2004 21:55:58 +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Is there any suitable command in MySQL 4.0 with out InnoDB for taking the
> backup. Please suggest.

Have you looked at mysqlhotcopy ?

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer

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Re: Problems with Left Join query

2004-09-17 Thread Greg Donald
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 11:33:04 -0700 (PDT), David T. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am building a database with permissions for different modules. The
> permissions table contains a separate row for each module/user combination, 

You didn't say, but if you're using PHP you might find this of use:

Greg Donald

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Re: Global privileges - everyone has them!!!

2004-09-16 Thread Greg Donald
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 11:24:08 -0400, Dave Shacket <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a database up and running on my server. (Windows XP Pro, IIS, mySQL
> 4.1.1a). I have created 4 users, including root (which I had completely
> removed, then recreated with the same name). My problem is that everyone has
> global priviledges to the entire server. There are no items to add or remove
> in the Global Priviledges tab under "Users" (using mysql administrator). I
> have looked at the users table and there is an N for every entry under the 3
> other users (there is a Y under all for root). I have searched the
> documentation and can't figure out where I have gone wrong here.
> In the db table, there is one entry for one user (not root). There are no
> entries in the host table.
> I would appreciate any help you can give me!

Did you flush priveledges after making changes?

Greg Donald

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Re: root-password important?

2004-09-15 Thread Greg Donald
On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 17:48:50 +0200, Marten Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't want to allow either. That's why I'm asking. From outside, noone
> can connect as root directly. And as noone has access to localhost
> through ssh or whatever, noone except me can login as root. My question
> was just: Is it possible somehow for a remote-client, that connects from
> outside to the mysql-server, to re-connect as root once logged in? Is
> there any any connect or open function that could be used from a
> mysql-client that's connected to a server?

I don't believe there is any way to elevate permissions for a given
MySQL login once logged in, no.

Greg Donald

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Re: root-password important?

2004-09-15 Thread Greg Donald
On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 17:10:27 +0200, Marten Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> imagine the following setup:
> - a mysql-server
> - a client on a different host
> Privileges on the mysql-server are setup in a manner, that users can
> connect from every host, but not from localhost (and they don't even
> have access to localhost). root on the other hand is allowed to connect
> from localhost only, but without giving him a password. Is this a
> security problem? Is there any way to trick the mysql-server, so that a
> remote-client can claim to be a localhost-client and thus can connect as
> mysql-user root?

Why not just set the permissions correctly with no 'tricks' ?

You can lock down MySQL to exactly who needs access from exactly which
hosts with (or without) passwords, even the tables and databases to be
accessed can be restricted:

I would never allow anyone except myself to connect to my MySQL server
as the root MySQL user.  I usually don't even do it myself.  I make a
new 'root' user named something else besides root, and I add seperate
users and permissions for each database.  Unless it's a dev server
behind a firewall or something like that I tend to be pretty

Greg Donald

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Re: Mysql and PHP

2004-09-15 Thread Greg Donald
On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 16:02:45 +0100 (BST), andy thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did you build both php and apache with MySQL support?

I wasn't aware you could build Apache with MySQL support.  How is that done?

Greg Donald

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Re: Mysql and PHP

2004-09-15 Thread Greg Donald
On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 08:04:08 -0700, nestor(earth)
> This more of a php mysql question.   I have installed PHP ( 5.01) with
> Apache(1.31) and it runs.
> I have install Mysql (the latest as of last night)  and it runs.  My
> problem is that PHP does not see
> Mysql.  Now I have done this installation 4 or 5 times but th elast time
> was over a year ago.
> Any ideas?

Perhaps this will help:

Greg Donald

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Re: Query error need help please

2004-09-14 Thread Greg Donald
On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 19:55:42 -0700, Soheil Shaghaghi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a subroutine which checks for multiple entries and if a user has
> voted once in the same day, it will not calculate the vote. However, I
> found out that it does not really do this.
> What it does is only look at the last entry. If the user IP address is
> the last entry it does not calculate the vote, but if it is not, it goes
> ahead and let the user vote.
> So, basically it only looks at the very last entry.
> Can someone please tell me what needs to be done to fix this?
> Thanks so much.

This is fixed in the latest version:

If not, let me know and I'll look into it.  I'm still maintaining the
0.3 series.

Greg Donald

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Re: quick PHP question

2003-08-30 Thread Greg Donald

> Unfortunately I want my darn PHP web page to do this calculation and
> spit it out with my other run data but I can not find any useful PHP
> function similar to MySQL's sec_to_time() or time_to_sec(). Nor can I
> make mktime() do anything useful here.

You probably want strtotime(), it can do things like:


Greg Donald

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Re: Cloning a Database

2003-07-08 Thread Greg Donald

> I need to know if is there anyway to clone a existing database (structure and
> data)?

I use mysqlhotcopy myself.

Greg Donald

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Newbie questions (3) - listeners / BLOB / PHP

2003-07-07 Thread Greg Donald

> 1) Have installed mysql 4 on a linux server. If I want to access this from
> another machine (i.e. run a MySQL-compliant client), is there a 'listener'
> of some sort that has to run on the server where the database is?

Nope, proper permissions is the only requirement.  MySQL listens on port 3306 
by default.

> 2) Can anyone tell me if MySQL allows the storage of BLOB data?


> 3) What is a good resource for learning about PHP & MySQL 'together'?

I learned both of them from the online manuals and a little help from the 
available mailing lists.  Both have excellent searchable online manuals.

Greg Donald

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: need help

2003-07-06 Thread Greg Donald

> Is there any way to seed a column set to autoincrement?  Say I wanted it to
> begin at 1.

alter table table_name auto_increment = 1;

Greg Donald

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Re: need help

2003-07-06 Thread Greg Donald

> my coulmn (id) is an auto_increment coulmn and lets say that i have 100
> entries, so the problem is that when i delete all entries on my table, the
> column (id) starts from 101 ,shouldn't is starts from 1 again!
> please i need help with this

Use truncate table, it will reset the auto_incement.

Greg Donald

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Re: two-field primary key update issue

2003-06-29 Thread Greg Donald

> # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2003-06-29 13:09:03 -0500:
> > CREATE TABLE extraFieldOptions (
> >   fieldID tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
> >   fieldOption varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
> >   fieldValue varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
> >   PRIMARY KEY  (fieldID,fieldOption)
> > ) TYPE=MyISAM;
> > mysql> update extraFieldOptions set fieldValue = 'horizontal' where fieldID
> > = '2' and fieldOption = 'alignment';
> > Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
> > Rows matched: 1  Changed: 0  Warnings: 0
> > 
> > MySQL doesn't produce an error.. but I think maybe it's the 'and' in
> > my where clause that isn't working.  I have looked high and low for an
> > example of such a query but cannot find anything.  Any help would be
> > greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
> what was the value of fieldValue prior to the update?

fieldValue is "vertical" before the update.

Greg Donald

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two-field primary key update issue

2003-06-29 Thread Greg Donald

I have a table with a two-field primary key, it's structure is like this:

CREATE TABLE extraFieldOptions (
  fieldID tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  fieldOption varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
  fieldValue varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (fieldID,fieldOption)

I can't figure out how to update the 'fieldValue' for a given row, here is my 

fieldValue = 'horizontal'
fieldID = '2'
fieldOption = 'alignment' 

mysql> update extraFieldOptions set fieldValue = 'horizontal' where fieldID 
= '2' and fieldOption = 'alignment';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 0  Warnings: 0

MySQL doesn't produce an error.. but I think maybe it's the 'and' in my where 
clause that isn't working.  I have looked high and low for an example of such a 
query but cannot find anything.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Greg Donald

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Re: Exporting Data

2003-02-12 Thread Greg Donald
> How would you export your data from the mysql tables to a tab or coma
> delimiter.

There are lots of ways, here are my favorite two:

phpMyAdmin :

Greg Donald 

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multi-master replication

2002-01-24 Thread Greg Donald

Will MySQL, at any time in the near future, support multi-master
replication?  We're looking at splitting some very large databases up among
several machines, but we need a way to bring them back together for our
stats creation databases on the backend.

What we need is a way to combine databases from different machines back onto
one database machine, where the databases from the different machines can be
joined without the use of "daisy chaining" to bring it all back together.

Is there some way to over come the single master replication limitation now?


Greg Donald

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Re: Random Selection

2001-07-06 Thread Greg Donald

> I have a database of 5.6 million records and I need to choose 5000 random
> records.  What would that query look like?

select * from records order by rand() limit 5000;

destiney - (des-ti-ny) - n. 1. deity of all things "html", 2. common
internet addict, 3. lover of late 80's heavy metal music, 4. Activist
for the terminally un-elite; see also - cool guy, des, mr. php...

It's 4:00am, your web site is still up, why are you?

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Re: mysql

2001-06-25 Thread Greg Donald

> I have downloaded the source file mysql-3.23.39.tar.gz
> But when I do
> gunzipmysql-3.23.39.tar.gz
> tar -xvf mysql-3.23.39.tar
> I get this eror message "tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors"
> after the tar is done
> Then I
> cd  mysql-3.23.39
> ./configure --prefix=/usr
> gmake
> I get this error
> gmake[2]: Leaving directory
> `/afs/'
> Making all in libmysql
> gmake[2]: Entering directory
> `/afs/'
> gmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `libmysql.c', needed by
> `libmysql.lo'.  Stop.
> gmake[2]: Leaving directory
> `/afs/'
> gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> gmake[1]: Leaving directory
> `/afs/'
> gmake: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

Sounds like a corrupt download.  Try downloading again with a differnet
browser, or better yet use wget.

destiney - (des-ti-ny) - n. 1. deity of all things "html", 2. common
internet addict, 3. lover of late 80's heavy metal music, 4. Activist
for the terminally un-elite; see also - cool guy, des, mr. php...

It's 4:00am, your web site is still up, why are you?

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RE: multiple instances and initial password

2001-03-30 Thread Greg Donald

> Two things that I am sure will be answered very quickly.
> 1) I have a development box that I have successfully installed and
> configured 3 seperate instances.  Each instances has its own port
> number.
> When playing around with mysqladmin I know I can specify the port
> number as
> an option, but what I cannot figure out is how to change the password.
> What is the default password that is used whenever the tables are created
> for root?

it's null, you can login as root with no password initially

> 2) second what is the syntax for changing that blasted password.

update user set password=password('changeme') where user='root';

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