table status: Create_time

2005-03-01 Thread Jim Grill
Hello all,
Is there a way to change a table's Create_time that is displayed when 
doing a `SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM mydb LIKE 'foo'\G`?

I've tried using touch to modify the file dates directly and searched 
the online docs with no luck.

The reason I want to do this is because we had some tables that were 
dangerously close to running out of room.  The tables are in excess of 
5-8 million rows and it is not possible to lock them for the time it 
would take to alter the MAX_ROWS and AVG_ROW_LENGTH so I renamed them to 
a temporary name and created a new table to be used for the duration of 
the alter.  Once the alter statement was complete I switched the names 
and INSERT...SELECT from the temporary table into the newly altered 
table.  This changed the table's Create_time which breaks a program we 
have that estimates how many days, months, or years we have before a 
table is full based on the number of rows and the Create_time.  We have 
far too many tables to just alter them all in one sitting so we do them 
as needed.

Jim Grill
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: replication, table db already exists

2005-02-25 Thread Jim Grill
Hello All,
Here is a problem I have been trying to debug for a few days.  I had a mysql 
server running for about a month.  I did a mysql dump of all the tables on the 
master and setup a second machine to be the slave, loading all the tables.  I 
set the replication stuff up in the slave my.cnf.  Now as soon as I start the 
slave I get good data flow between the two machines but the slave does not 
update with the error below.  Is this because I did not do a binary snapshot of 
the master machine to setup the slave?  I originally was not going to setup 
replication, just going to do dumps of tables, but then changed directions.
Thanks!  If you need more info, please ask.
mysql> show slave status \G;
*** 1. row ***
 Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Master_User: repster
Master_Port: 3306
  Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: rhea-bin.17
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 405948310
 Relay_Log_File: dione-relay-bin.02
  Relay_Log_Pos: 121
  Relay_Master_Log_File: rhea-bin.01
   Slave_IO_Running: Yes
  Slave_SQL_Running: No
 Last_Errno: 1050
 Last_Error: Error 'Table 'db' already exists' on query.
Default database: 'mysql'. Query: ' CREATE TABLE db (   Host char(60) binary
DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,   Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,   User
char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,   Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N'
NOT NULL,   Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,   Update_priv
enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,   Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N'
NOT NULL,   Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,   Drop_priv
enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,   Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N'
NOT NULL,   References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,   Index_priv
enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,   Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N'
NOT NULL,   Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,
Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY Host
(Host,Db,User), KEY User (User) ) comment='Database privileges''
   Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 79
Relay_Log_Space: 11454541057
Until_Condition: None
  Until_Log_Pos: 0
 Master_SSL_Allowed: No
  Seconds_Behind_Master: 12172794
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I'm guessing but... It looks like you did not set the master log 
position properly. Your slave is at position 79 in the master log.  You 
can tell by looking at Relay_Log_Space and Seconds_Behind_Master (140 
days) that is it far behind the master.  That would account for the 
couple of months that the server was up before you decided to replicate it.

Did you get the log position of your snap shot and use `change master 
to` to sync the slave to the correct position?  You can either reset the 
master logs using RESET MASTER or you need to do a SHOW MASTER STATUS to 
get the log file position at the time of your snap shot.  When you set 
up the slave you can provide the log file position or, if you RESET 
MASTER, you can set MASTER_LOG_FILE='the_name_the_log_file' and 
MASTER_LOG_POS=4, which is the default start position for a fresh binary 

Here is some good reading:
Best of luck to you.
Jim Grill
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Re: aggregate count and group by

2005-02-25 Thread Jim Grill
Jim Grill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/18/2005 03:17:39 PM:

I need some SQL guru help on this one.
I'm trying to re factor an existing application where a number of clicks 

grouped by keyword for two different time periods are needed.  For 
example, a user picks a date range and the application selects a count 
for how many times a keyword appears in a table for that date range. 

mysql> SELECT keyword, COUNT(id) AS clicks FROM clicksTable WHERE 
domain = '' AND click_date BETWEEN '2004-12-01' AND 
'2004-12-15' GROUP BY keyword HAVING COUNT(id) > 10 ORDER BY keyword;

This might return many thousand rows similar to:
| keyword| clicks |
| advertising pay per click | 11 |
| advertising statistics| 29 |
| keyword management| 13 |
| pay per click software| 14 |
The application then loops through the result and issues separate 
queries for each keyword that are similar to:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(id) AS clicks FROM clicksTable WHERE 
keyword='$keywordFromPreviousQuery' AND domain = '' AND 
click_date BETWEEN '2004-12-16' AND '2004-12-31' GROUP BY keyword HAVING 

COUNT(id) > $countFromPreviosQuery ORDER BY keyword;
As you can imagine this makes the app very slow and nearly unusable. 
Unfortunately, my job is to make it usable again. :-)

I'm trying to figure out a way to do this in one query (or at least not 
have to send tons of queries over the network) but can't figure out how 
to aggregate the results.  I'd like to get a result similar to the 

| keyword| previous clicks |  current clicks |
| advertising pay per click | 11 | 15  |
| advertising statistics| 29 |30 |
| keyword management| 13 |   29 |
| pay per click software| 14 |19  |
I'm using MySQL 4.1 so perhaps some of the new features might help. ???
Thank you for the help!
Jim Grill


What you are doing is a form of crosstab or pivot table report based on 
date ranges. That means that if you want this to be a "dynamic" query you 
will have to build your statement in your code (it won't be static SQL). 
But to take your examples and convert them to a single query would look 
like this:

SELECT keyword,
, SUM(if(click_date BETWEEN '2004-12-1' AND '2004-12-15',1,0)) as 
'previous clicks'
, SUM(if(click_date BETWEEN '2004-12-16' AND '2004-12-31',1,0)) as 
'current clicks'
FROM clicksTable
WHERE click_date BETWEEN '2004-12-1' AND '2004-12-15'
OR click_date BETWEEN '2004-12-16' AND '2004-12-31'
GROUP BY keyword
HAVING `previous clicks` > 10 
OR `current clicks` > 10;

For different ranges (different sets of weeks) you will have to build your 
SQL statement to match. I know I could have used one large date span in my 
WHERE statement but that wouldn't have shown you where your column 
conditions and your WHERE conditions matched up.

Using this pattern you can compare this week to last week, this year to 
last year, or any other sets of ranges.  The HAVING statement filters the 
results so that you get only those keywords that were clicked on more than 
10 times during either range.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Thank you very much, Shawn!  That pattern makes perfect sense to me and 
helps solve my problem.

Thank you for taking the time to show me that.
Jim Grill
MySQL General Mailing List
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aggregate count and group by

2005-02-18 Thread Jim Grill
I need some SQL guru help on this one.
I'm trying to re factor an existing application where a number of clicks 
grouped by keyword for two different time periods are needed.  For 
example, a user picks a date range and the application selects a count 
for how many times a keyword appears in a table for that date range. 

mysql> SELECT keyword, COUNT(id) AS clicks FROM clicksTable WHERE  
domain = '' AND click_date BETWEEN '2004-12-01' AND 
'2004-12-15' GROUP BY keyword HAVING COUNT(id) > 10 ORDER BY keyword;

This might return many thousand rows similar to:
| keyword| clicks |
| advertising pay per click | 11 |
| advertising statistics| 29 |
| keyword management| 13 |
| pay per click software| 14 |
The application then loops through the result and issues separate 
queries for each keyword that are similar to:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(id) AS clicks FROM clicksTable WHERE  
keyword='$keywordFromPreviousQuery' AND domain = '' AND 
click_date BETWEEN '2004-12-16' AND '2004-12-31' GROUP BY keyword HAVING 
COUNT(id) > $countFromPreviosQuery ORDER BY keyword;

As you can imagine this makes the app very slow and nearly unusable. 
Unfortunately, my job is to make it usable again. :-)

I'm trying to figure out a way to do this in one query (or at least not 
have to send tons of queries over the network) but can't figure out how 
to aggregate the results.  I'd like to get a result similar to the 

| keyword| previous clicks |  current clicks |
| advertising pay per click | 11 | 15  |
| advertising statistics| 29 |30 |
| keyword management| 13 |   29 |
| pay per click software| 14 |19  |
I'm using MySQL 4.1 so perhaps some of the new features might help. ???
Thank you for the help!
Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
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Temporal values VS. int values

2004-11-11 Thread Jim Grill
Looking for some informed opinions...

Which is faster for searching by date ranges?

...Times stored in date() columns - temporal values.

...Or dates stored as unix timestamps in an int(10) unsigned column - int 

Most of the queries will be searching for rows between certain data ranges 
consisting of up to a few months worth of data at a time.


Jim Grill

Re: Sync db

2004-10-01 Thread Jim Grill
Two way replication is possible. However, it does not work like you think it
would. It would not be safe to modify data on both databases at the same
time. See the FAQ on replication:

There is some information regarding two-way replication that will shed some
light on the subject.

Jim Grill

> yeah, I seen that have.  Have you tried that before?  I need to do it
> two-way.  But have not seen any special setup for that.  Each site
> will be entering data and all sites will need to see the updated
> change.
> On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 10:38:07 -0400, Michael Stassen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Have you considered replication
> > <>?
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> >
> > spiv007 wrote:
> >
> > > I want to know what to best way to keep a 4 mysql servers sync.
> > >
> > > I have 4 remote locations,  I am thinking about putting a mysql server
> > > in each location and every hour have the 1 db that I need to sync to
> > > sync together.
> > >
> > > Is there away to do its in somewhat real time or even a delay maybe of
> > > an hour or two?
> > >
> >
> -- 
> MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: (if !update then insert) sequence - result Duplicate key :(

2004-09-29 Thread Jim Grill
> Hi!
> Sorry for my ugly English.
> I use mysql in my PHP script(for calculating INs and OUTs from site).
> And I meet some strange thing there.
> Example goal: store statistics for clicks on some links.
> I use next algorithm:
> ---
> $key='somekeyvalue';
> dbquery("update sometable set count=count+1 where keyfield='$key'");
> if(mysql_affected_rows()<1)
> dbquery('insert into sometable set keyfield='$key', count=1');
> ---
> First question: this is good method? Or I MUST use pre-query with
> "select count(...) from sometable where keyfield='$key'" for detection:
> exists needle record(for update) or not(for insert)???

This method is fine. That is to say that I have seen it before in older
code. However, you might take alook at REPLACE:

And for MySQL 4.1.x you might take a look at  INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY

> Second... My script work on many different hosts with different
> hardware, os(only Linux or FreeBSD), and different PHP and MySQL
> version. It works fine excepting one thing... Sometime happens errors
> like:
> MySQL: Duplicate entry 'somekeyvalue' for key 1, query was: insert into
> sometable set keyfield='somekeyvalue', count=1

I would look at your logic. What is $key? Where does it come from? If
`keyfield` is a unique index then you cannot have duplicate values.

> Why this happens? On some hosts this messageis very rare, but on others
> - so often... I cant understand reason :(
> My script use DB locks, so two clients cant make this situation(i
> think).

Do a little research to find out if your locking is working.

> Only one idea: sometime 'update' query dont work(or work, but dont
> return good result), and 'insert' query started... But WHY?

Again, I would look at your logic and try to use REPLACE or INSERT ... ON


Jim Grill

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Re: SELECT queries on replicate DB server

2004-09-27 Thread Jim Grill
> My question is:
> Why would they deem it necessary to use yet a third server?   Could it
> be because the main server and the main slave are constantly being
> updated and they wouldn't want to overload the main slave(which
> is not on as high a horsepower of a box I know for a fact).  Could it
> be because maybe the subset of tables that they put on the third server
> are relatively more stable and hence there arent so many writethroughs
> so it can handle the complex selects better.
> All theories gladly accepted...
I'm not too sure about the third server either, but I do have an idea. It
wouldn't make much sense if the third server had different data on it. That
would tend to make things difficult to keep up to date - or maybe not. It
might be a slave that they only connect to the master every so often.

It's very common to have applications that write to one server and read from
a slave server. Sometimes many slave servers since there are typically way
more reads than writes.

Perhaps they use the third server so that if the master or slave servers die
there will always be a spare server for reads.

As far as any difference in the tables on the third server... Since it is
doing selects only you can start a slave server with a few options to speed
things up like:  --skip-innodb, --skip-bdb, --low-priority-updates,
and --delay-key-write=ALL which will force the server to use
non-transactional MyIsam tables for better performance.

It's really tough to speculate. Every system administrator would probably do
it a different way.

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Conexiones no autorizadas

2004-09-27 Thread Jim Grill
> Hola ,
> Estoy empezando a notar intentos de ingreso con usuarios ilegales
> no existentes) a mi server.
> Mi pregunta es : Como lo rastreo teniendo como unico dato el numero de
> ip desde el cual se esta conectando?
> O si alguien tiene una mejor idea o ha pasado por lo mismo,
> le agradecere me comente sus experiencias
> Desde ya muchas gracias
> Mauricio
Hola Mauricio,

MySQL List Espanol:

Hadios Amigo :-)

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Re: Addslashes / data sort

2004-09-27 Thread Jim Grill
> I'm using PHP to retrieve user input and store it in MySQL.  PHP's
> addslashes function is used on data going into the database and PHP's
> stripslashes function is being used on data coming from the database.
> is allowing me to store and retrieve data with no problems, but it's
> problems when trying to sort data.  In particular, data with double or
> single quotes is getting escaped, which changes it's position in the sort.
Sounds like you are escaping twice. If you have magic_quotes_gpc enabled
then your data is already being escaped when it's submitted. Most likely
this is your problem.

magic_quotes_gpc is a bad hack and is actually disabled in newer releases.
However, if you're a noob, you might want to leave it on. :-) The problem is
that when magic_quotes_gpc adds slashes to escape quotes and then you
explicitly escape them again with add_slashes() you end up with all quotes
escaped twice.

Now your asking: "why then is there only one slash in the database?"


try this:

INSERT INTO sometable VALUES('Ed\'s','\'Pizza\'');

and then...

SELECT * FROM sometable;

| name | what |
| Ed's | 'Pizza'  |

The slashes never actually get inserted into the table so there is no need
to call strip_slashes() on the results either. :-)

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: How to pick the oldest row

2004-09-27 Thread Jim Grill
> Hi , I'm trying to fetch the oldest row from a result 
> set in wich the resulting rows have duplicates,
> I need only one row for each duplicate.
> The problem is that I need always the oldest row
> Like in the example
> FROM `mj_tmp` 
> (SELECT idk FROM `mj_tmp` 
>  GROUP BY Concat(ida,u) 
>  HAVING Count( Concat(ida,u) ) >1 )
> I would like to get the first of this two rows
> but I'm always getting the second.
> idk ida u d
> 90 14450 13 2004-09-08
> 147 14450 13 2004-09-09
> Is there a way in which I can make sure I get always the oldest row?
Try adding something like ORDER BY d DESC LIMIT 1

Jim Grill

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Re: high availability question

2004-09-27 Thread Jim Grill
(Sorry for the long reply)
> If i write to server A, will server B automatically be
> notified of the change, and be properly updated? If i change server B
> instead, will server A be notified and updated?

Yes...Just like that. :-) They will both have the same data. I have a
similar set up in my office. In fact, I have a two way replication of all my
databases on two Linux machines and then I replicate only a few databases
from one of the Linux machines on a windows machine for cross platform
development purposes.

> safe, a dirty hack or a
> feature?

Well. The thing is: the master server has no clue it is a master or how
many slaves are present. So, in effect, a master can also be a slave and
slaves can have slaves. This includes two-way replication. I'd say it's a
feature and not a dirty hack.

Safe? ...that depends.

The only thing that is not safe is when you write to both machines at the
same time. There is a possibility that updates can appear out of order at
heavy load times even after all the changes have propagated both ways. That
is to say that while you will have all your data in both databases but
records may be in different orders if they were inserted or updated before
propagation completed. This could be huge problem is the same record was
updated on both servers or if you rely on LAST_INSERT_ID() to be accurate.
There is a plethora of possible problems due to that fact.

There are two scenarios:

1) For performance: Perform updates and inserts on the master and perform
all reads from the slave. You can also replicate the master and slave on two
more servers to add some redundancy. Two way replication is not necessary
for this situation. If you know that you will read 70% of the time and write
only 30% of the time you could use the master for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
and then use two slaves for reads.

2) For redundancy: Two way replication - both servers will be up to date and
you can read or write to either server. In this scenario it is best to
always read and write to *one server at a time* (the master) unless it
dies - then switch to the slave while repairs are made. You can then STOP
SLAVE on the slave and bring the master back up and replicate the slave from
the mysql client prompt. When the master as back up to date STOP SLAVE on
the master and START SLAVE on the slave again.

Note that in both scenarios two-way replication is not really necessary. The
only real benefit to having two way replication is if your a lazy bum like
me and don't want to have to type anything or think to much when a server
dies or you feel like switching server for some other reason.

I am aware of scenarios where two-way replication is used along with special
client code that will automatically connect to the slave if the master dies.
This way if a database server crashes in the middle of the night the client
code will simply redirect connections to the slave or back to the master if
it somehow comes back to life (how lucky). I'm not too sure how safe this
idea is and I'm sure that some unnecessary overhead is introduced by testing
for live connections all the time.

My best advice to you is to set up a few servers and start testing.
Replication is not at all hard to accomplish.

Best of luck.

Jim Grill

> Hi Jim, Hi all!
> Doing a two way replication, assures me that i can write and read data
> from both servers? I mean, the app servers, can read from any data base
> on demand. If i write to server A, will server B automatically be
> notified of the change, and be properly updated? If i change server B
> instead, will server A be notified and updated?
> For this to work, what MySQL version do i have to use? 4, 4.1, 5.0
> I own both books by Jeremy and Paul, in Paul's book (the second edition,
> BTW) I almost certainly understood that replication is one way only,
> Master2Slave, the "cheat" ( just to give it a name! =) ) of configuring
> Master and Slave in a two way relationship is safe, a dirty hack or a
> feature? Paul's book is for MySQL 4, what version do i need for this to
> work?
> I can hard code the app to query any of the two db, but i _MUST_ assure
> that at any given time, they both have the same data.
> As always, thanxs! =)
> Vic.
> On Mon, 2004-09-27 at 12:43, Jim Grill wrote:
> > > Hi guys!
> > >
> > > I am having some doubts in how to implement a high availability,
> > > geographically distributed MySQL DB.
> > >
> > > The thing is, I would like to have.. let's say two (02) app. servers
> > > with two (02) DB servers, running exactly the same data. In case one
> > > fail, the other will be available. The thing is, how can i ensure that
> > > both DB servers has exactly the same data? I took a look at
> > > features

Re: studying for the certification exam

2004-09-25 Thread Jim Grill
> Hi, I took the MySQL core and professional certification exams and failed
both, so now I want to go again, but does anyone have any tips or techniques
for studying that they've found useful?
Wow, what a drag.

Did you read the study guide? How long have you been a MySQL user?

I am preparing to take the professional exam and have been reading the study
guide. I find it to be very useful and informative in that it lets you know
what percentage each topic will be covered in the exam.

I also started reading the entire online manual. I skim through a lot of it
and spend the most time on the areas that either interest me or are unclear.

I have been a MySQL user since 1998. Most my experience was
installation/administration for a web hosting provider until around 2001 at
which time I began using it for my own projects. It's really only been the
last year or two that I started feeling any kind of confidence with MySQL.

Although I have not taken the exam, I am feeling pretty confident that I can
pass after reading the online manual and the study guide from front to
(almost) back. I hope I'm right about that feeling!

Wish me luck :-)

Best of luck to you, too.

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: browser form question

2004-09-24 Thread Jim Grill
> > I've been searching long and hard and have come across
> > a few techniques for changing text entries with lower
> > case (entered by web user) and changing them to have
> > first letter capitalized.
> >
> > in php. ucfirst
> > in java  capitalize
> >
> > But I'm not having success on the database side.
> > Everything they enter from the web form hits the
> > database as entered, or raw, or lower cased.
> >
> > Is there a way to have the text fixed before it hits
> > the database?
> I'm a little confused. You're not entering data from the form directly
> into the database right?
> As long as there's a scripting language between the form and the database
> (perl, php, java, etc.) then you should (and easily can) handle the
> ucfirst right there.
> Sorry if that's thick headed...and if you mean something else, please
> elaborate.

If you absolutely must use MySQL to do this task:

INSERT INTO testing (name)



There might be a better way to do this too??? I do agree that you should
probably handle this with simpler functions in your app like php's

Jim Grill

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Re: how to change mysqldump output txt file format?

2004-09-24 Thread Jim Grill
> Yeah. I am moving data from mysql server to sql
> server.
> Because I have single quote in some strings, it
> generated errors when I ran mysqldump scripts in sql
> server to import data in.
> i.e. strings Here's, Martin's ,... caused trouble.
> Does that mean sql didn't recognize escaped single
> quote?
> Thanks,
> Monet
I *think* sql server escapes single quotes *only* when two appear together.
So two single quotes in a row equals one single quote. Brilliant, eh? ...To
be a fly on the wall when that decision was made. :-) I think that is
actually the ANSI SQL standard for escaping single quotes and not just an M$
thing. It works in MySQL too by the way. Try it:

INSERT INTO testing values('Here''s','Martin''s','mom''s');

same as

INSERT INTO testing values('Here\'s','Martin\'s','mom\'s');

I suppose you could try to open the dump file in an editor like vi or
notepad or some other editor that has a search and replace and replace \'
with '' and see what happens. vi: :%s/\\'/''/g

The alternative would be to use mysqdump with -T option and use the
options --fields-terminated-by=, --fields-enclosed-by=, --fields-optionally-
enclosed-by=, --fields-escaped-by=, and --lines-terminated-by= to make a csv
file. You can use BCP or MS DTS to load a csv into sql server tables. There
may be another sql server equivelant to LOAD DATA INFILE that can accept csv
or tsv. Who knows???

Good luck,

Jim Grill

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Re: how to change mysqldump output txt file format?

2004-09-24 Thread Jim Grill
> Is there nothing you can do with 
> --fields-terminated-by=... 
> --fields-enclosed-by=... 
> --fields-optionally-enclosed-by=... 
> --fields-escaped-by=... 
> --lines-terminated-by=...

As I mentioned, those options **only** apply when using the "-T" option which creates 
a tab delimited dump file. That would be a cool option though. :-)

There are a number programs that can assist with converting to and from MySQL if 
that's the goal.


Jim Grill

  - Original Message - 
  To: Jim Grill 
  Cc: Monet ; mysql 
  Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 1:59 PM
  Subject: Re: how to change mysqldump output txt file format?

  Jim - He needs to change the format because he isn't exporting from one MySQL 
database to another His destination database doesn't like the escaped single 

  Here is the manual page for mysqldump: 

  Is there nothing you can do with 

  to get what you want from mysqldump? 

  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 

  "Jim Grill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/24/2004 02:35:40 PM:

  > > Hello everyone,
  > >
  > > In mysqldump output txt file, all datetime, varchar,
  > > text fields value are surrounding by single quotes. Is
  > > there any way that the single quotes can be replaced
  > > by double quotes in the txt file?
  > > Furthermore, if you have a single quote in text field,
  > > it will automatically replaced by \'. But I like to
  > > keep it in the way it input.
  > >
  > There is no way to change the use of single quotes in a standard dump. The
  > only time you have a choice is when you use the -T option, which creates a
  > tab or csv type dump files depending on options present on the command line.
  > You could use this option if you wanted. The only draw back is that
  > mysqdump -T must be run on the same machine as the server.
  > However, why is the presents of escaped single quotes a problem? They are
  > only escaped to let MySQL know to treat them as literal single quotes and
  > not string delimiters. They do not actually get inserted into your table
  > with the slashes.
  > Regards,
  > Jim Grill
  > -- 
  > MySQL General Mailing List
  > For list archives:
  > To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how to change mysqldump output txt file format?

2004-09-24 Thread Jim Grill
> Hello everyone,
> In mysqldump output txt file, all datetime, varchar,
> text fields value are surrounding by single quotes. Is
> there any way that the single quotes can be replaced
> by double quotes in the txt file?
> Furthermore, if you have a single quote in text field,
> it will automatically replaced by \'. But I like to
> keep it in the way it input.

There is no way to change the use of single quotes in a standard dump. The
only time you have a choice is when you use the -T option, which creates a
tab or csv type dump files depending on options present on the command line.
You could use this option if you wanted. The only draw back is that
mysqdump -T must be run on the same machine as the server.

However, why is the presents of escaped single quotes a problem? They are
only escaped to let MySQL know to treat them as literal single quotes and
not string delimiters. They do not actually get inserted into your table
with the slashes.


Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] MySQL License Question

2004-09-24 Thread Jim Grill
> Hi!
> I sent this question to the mysql license email, but it's been more than
> 3 days since then and I haven't received a answer... So I will ask it
> again here, to see if someone can clarify this issue.

Are you actually distributing MySQL with your application? Or are you just
using installations that are installed separately?

You only need the licensed version for two possible reasons:

1) You are bundling the MySQL server or the C client code in your
application which is not licensed under the GPL or a compatible Open Source
Initiative license approved by MySQL.

2) You want support.

That's it. Pretty simple. If your application simply *uses* MySQL but you
are not distributing any of the MySQL source code in your program or along
side your program you don't need the license.

If I'm wrong about this someone please yell at me. I've been studying for
the MySQL certification and this is covered in the first chapter of the
study guide. :-)


Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: formating output

2004-09-17 Thread Jim Grill
> Hi folks -
> I have looked thru the documentation and the books I have on MySQL -
> but have not found anything on how to format column output from select
> statements.  I'm trying to do several things -
> a)  if a date is the default of -00-00 then just show a blank
> b) for a phone number of 99, format the output as 999-999-
> Hints?

Here are some hints. :-)



Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Problem with tables;

2004-09-15 Thread Jim Grill
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a table using the commands below, and everything
> to work and the table is there - I just can's access any of the fields.
> happens on both my Windows and Linux versions of MySQL. Any help is
> appreciated. Note, I have 8 other databases that I created with no problem
> about 2 months ago (on both platforms) - this is the first time I have
> since then. Any help is appreciated
> Thanks
> I am in the proper database when I run the commands below...
> CREATE TABLE spamdata (
>  id  bigint(20)   NOT NULL,
>  dates   varchar(60)  NOT NULL,
>  probe   varchar(100) NOT NULL,
>  ip  varchar(15)  NOT NULL,
>  fqdnvarchar(100) NOT NULL,
>  reason  varchar(100) NOT NULL,
>  portvarchar(2)   NOT NULL,
>  codevarchar(10)  NOT NULL,
> PRIMARY KEY (idm));
> Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec) *** This tells me nothing happened...
> When I run 'desc id' (or any of the others) I get the following:
> mysql> desc id;
> ERROR 1146: Table '' doesn't exist
> This shows the table is there though.
> mysql> show tables;
> ++
> | Tables_in_spamtool |
> ++
> | spamdata   |
> ++
> 1 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Try doing 'desc spamdata'

There is no table named id; hence the error.


Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: mysql still can't start up OT

2004-09-15 Thread Jim Grill
> I compiled mysql w/o this option.  Is there any file that I can modify and
> bounce the server to take this?  I modified:
> my-path/share/mysql
> -rw-r--r--   1 root other   4938 Jul 23 10:32 my-huge.cnf
> -rw-r--r--   1 root other   4914 Jul 23 10:33 my-large.cnf
> -rw-r--r--   1 root other   4897 Jul 23 10:33 my-medium.cnf
> -rw-r--r--   1 root other   2482 Jul 23 10:34 my-small.cnf
> where
> socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
> to
> socket = /software/mysql-4.0.14/tmp/mysql.sock
> and bounced the server, but it still created /tmp/mysql.sock
> There might be another config file the server reads when it started, that
> I didn't modified, but I don't which?
> Thanks!
> Annie
Well None of the files you edited are actually in use. :-)

You should have picked on of those cnf files and copied it to your
sysconfigdir specified by ./configure --sysconfdir=/path

Typically, the sysconfig directory is /etc so you'll want to copy on of
those example cnf files like "my-medium.cnf" to /etc/my.cnf

You can change the location of mysql.sock a few different ways.

1) Add "socket=/path/to/mysql.sock" without the quotes under the [mysqld]
and [client] sections of your my.cnf file.
2) Specify it when starting the server like
mysqld_safe --socket=/path/to/mysql.sock
3) Reconfigure mysql adding --with-unix-socket-path=/path/to/mysql.sock


Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: mysql still can't start up OT

2004-09-15 Thread Jim Grill
> Another question related to server start:
> Can I configure mysql.sock to some other dir, since /tmp/mysql.sock might
> easiely being deleted by someone?
> Thanks!
> Annie
Yes, you can - and I'd make that recommendation on shared systems.

configure option:


Make sure that the directory is owned (or at least writable) by the user
that MySQL runs as or you will get the dreaded "MySQL ended" errors when
starting the server.


Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: 4.1.4a-gamma in production?

2004-09-15 Thread Jim Grill
> Hello,
> >>Is gamme the last step
> >>until the 4.1.4 will be released?
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> >>Or will rc's follow before?
> >
> > No.
> that's nice to hear. So when will the final version be released? 2 days?
> 2 weeks?
> Regards
> Marten

Wishful thinking :-)

As far as I'm aware there is no set time frame from Gamma to Production.
However, Gamma status indicates that no major bugs have been found for over
a month. IMHO: With an estimated (and growing) user base of over 4 million
(early 2003) I'd say that Gamma is more than safe enough to use in a
production environment.


Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mysql and PHP

2004-09-15 Thread Jim Grill
> People,
> This more of a php mysql question.   I have installed PHP ( 5.01) with
> Apache(1.31) and it runs.
> I have install Mysql (the latest as of last night)  and it runs.  My
> problem is that PHP does not see
> Mysql.  Now I have done this installation 4 or 5 times but th elast time
> was over a year ago.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Nestor :-)

How about some more info. Did you install PHP from source or an RPM? Did you
configure PHP --with-mysql or --with-mysqli? Did you install MySQL after you
installed PHP and Apache or before?


Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mysql still can't start up

2004-09-15 Thread Jim Grill

Stop repeating the same question or you will never get an answer. Try again

> Hi
> I have installed some software on aix5.2 .
> the list of software:
> apache-1.3.29-1.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
> php-4.0.6-5.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
> MySQL-3.23.47-3.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
> MySQL-client-3.23.47-3.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
> All of them was installed  by using the command : rpm -i *.*
> then
> Apache and php can work
> but mysql  can't run
> when I used the command "safe_mysqld start" the system told me "
> Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
> 040913 19:08:45 mysqld ended"
> when I used the command "mysql" the system told me
> "
> ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)"
> Many friends tell me to see the err log, the below is the err

> 040915 19:14:06  mysqld started
> /opt/freeware/libexec/mysqld: unrecognized option `--key_buffer=16M'
> /opt/freeware/libexec/mysqld  Ver 3.23.58 for ibm-aix5.1.0.0 on powerpc
> Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB, by Monty and others
> This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
> and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license
> Starts the MySQL server
> Usage: /opt/freeware/libexec/mysqld [OPTIONS]
>   --ansi Use ANSI SQL syntax instead of MySQL syntax
>   -b, --basedir=path Path to installation directory. All paths are
> usually resolved relative to this
>   --big-tables Allow big result sets by saving all temporary sets
> on file (Solves most 'table full' errors)
>   --bind-address=IP Ip address to bind to
>   --bootstrap Used by mysql installation scripts
>   --character-sets-dir=...
> Directory where character sets are
>   --chroot=path Chroot mysqld daemon during startup
>   --core-file Write core on errors
>   -h, --datadir=path Path to the database root
>   --default-character-set=charset
> Set the default character set
>   --default-table-type=type
> Set the default table type for tables
>   --delay-key-write-for-all-tables
> Don't flush key buffers between writes for any MyISAM
> table
>   --enable-locking Enable system locking
>   -T, --exit-info Used for debugging;  Use at your own risk!
>   --flush Flush tables to disk between SQL commands
>   -?, --help Display this help and exit
>   --init-file=file Read SQL commands from this file at startup
>   -L, --language=... Client error messages in given language. May be
> given as a full path
>   --local-infile=[1|0]  Enable/disable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
>   -l, --log[=file] Log connections and queries to file
>   --log-bin[=file]  Log queries in new binary format (for replication)
>   --log-bin-index=file  File that holds the names for last binary log
>   --log-update[=file] Log updates to file.# where # is a unique number
> if not given.
>   --log-isam[=file] Log all MyISAM changes to file
>   --log-long-format Log some extra information to update log
>   --low-priority-updates INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE has lower priority than
>   --log-slow-queries=[file]
> Log slow queries to this log file.  Defaults logging
> to hostname-slow.log
>   --pid-file=path Pid file used by safe_mysqld
>   --myisam-recover[=option[,option...]] where options is one of DEAULT,
>   --memlock Lock mysqld in memory
>   -n, --new Use very new possible 'unsafe' functions
>   -o, --old-protocol Use the old (3.20) protocol
>   -P, --port=... Port number to use for connection
>   -O, --set-variable var=option
> Give a variable an value. --help lists variables
>   -Sg, --skip-grant-tables
> Start without grant tables. This gives all users
> FULL ACCESS to all tables!
>   --safe-mode Skip some optimize stages (for testing)
>   --safe-show-database  Don't show databases for which the user has no
> privileges
>   --safe-user-create Don't new users cretaion without privileges to the
> mysql.user table
>   --skip-concurrent-insert
> Don't use concurrent insert with MyISAM
>   --skip-delay-key-write
> Ignore the delay_key_write option for all tables
>   --skip-host-cache Don't cache host names
>   --skip-locking Don't use system locking. To use isamchk one has
> to shut down the server.
>   --skip-name-resolve Don't resolve hostnames.
> All hostnames are IP's or 'localhost'
>   --skip-networking Don't allow connection with TCP/IP.
>   --skip-new Don't use new, possible wrong routines.
>   --skip-stack-traceDon't print a stack trace on failure
>   --skip-show-database  Don't allow 'SHOW DATABASE' commands
>   --skip-thread-priority
> Don't give threads different priorities.
>   --socket=... Socket file to use for connection
>   -t, --tmpdir=path Path for temporary files
>   --sql-mode=option[,option[,option...]] where option can be one of:

Re: question

2004-09-13 Thread Jim Grill
> Hi
> I have installed some software on aix5.2 .
> the list of software:
> apache-1.3.29-1.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
> php-4.0.6-5.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
> MySQL-3.23.47-3.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
> MySQL-client-3.23.47-3.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
> All of them was installed  by using the command : rpm -i *.*
> then
> Apache and php can work
> but mysql  can't run
> when I used the command "safe_mysqld start" the system told me "
> Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
> 040913 19:08:45 mysqld ended"
> when I used the command "mysql" the system told me
> "
> ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)"
> help me please
> thanks a lot
> Yours
>   2004-09-14

Sounds like a permissions problem. Make sure the data directory is owned by
the user that mysqld runs under. Usually `chown -R mysql /var/lib/mysql`
will do the trick.

The error: "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)" is due to the fact that mysqld is not running when
you try to connect via the mysql client.

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: when to use backquote in SQL

2004-09-09 Thread Jim Grill
> In the last episode (Sep 09), leegold said:
> > Could anyone link me or explain the purposes of backquotes in an SQL
> > statement. I tried searching the manual and googling it but couldn't
> > find a simple explaination. ``` vs. "regular" single quotes'''.
> > Thanks, Lee G.
> Backquotes are used to delimit table or field names; they aren't used
> to delimit SQL strings the way ' or " are.  You'll almost never need to
> use them unless you have spaces or other strange characters in your
> table/field names.
> -- 
> Dan Nelson

Backtics can also be useful to avoid SQL injections if an application your
working on requires table names or field names to be supplied from user
input (always a bad idea) like a select box.

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: help urgent please

2004-09-09 Thread Jim Grill
> -- 
> help please
> please tell me how to extract a script file of a database from mysql
> s.deepak
> This life is a hard fact; work your way through it boldly, though it may
be adamantine; no matter, the soul is stronger
> Swami Vivekananda

Are you looking for mysqldump?? If you want to produce a dump file of a

mysqldump -u yourusername -p --add-drop-table dbname tablename >

to do the whole database:

mysqldump -u yourusername -p --add-drop-table dbname > dbname.sql

also do "man mysqldump" or see

The "--add-drop-table" will add a "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tablename" to your
script before creating and populating the tables. This is useful when
restoring a possibly corrupt table.

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2004-09-09 Thread Jim Grill
> I have been getting following error.
> [polaris] ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
(Using password: YES)
> How to fix that?
> What is default port for mysqlserver?
> thx
> -seena
Is this a new install? Have you set the password yet? Have you forgotten the

The default port is 3306

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Compilation Error

2004-09-09 Thread Jim Grill
> Hi,
> I am trying to compile MySQL. I know that it is possible to install this
> as a binary, that is not my goal.
> My environment consists of the following: If there are other tools that
> I need to specify please let me know.
> gcc-3.2-7
> libgcc-3.2-7
> gcc-c++-3.2-7
> I run configure as specified at the MySQL site: From config.log:
>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --with-extra-charset=complex
> --enable-thread-safe-client --enable-local-infile --enable-assembler
> --disable-shared --with-client-ldflags=-all-static
> --with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static
> When I run make I receive the following output:
> libmysql.c:1850: warning: passing arg 5 of `gethostbyname_r' from
> incompatibleointer type
> libmysql.c:1850: too few arguments to function `gethostbyname_r'
> libmysql.c:1850: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without
> a castmake[2]: *** [libmysql.lo] Error 1
> I have googled this error message and the result include the following
> recommendation from MySQL:
> "This is known problem with RedHat. In order to build MySQL you need to
> have g++
> installed from separate RPM
> In RedHat 8.0 RPM in quesiton is gcc-c++-3.2-7.i386.rpm"
> It appears that I have installed gcc-c++-3.2-7.i386.rpm as you can see
> above from my build environment obtained by:
> rpm -qa | grep gcc
> Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
> Andrew

Looks like you have the right stuff.

Have you tried the following:

(run "make distclean" before configuring again to be sure you get a clean

CFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=pentiumpro" CXX=gcc CXXFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=pentiumpro \
-felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" \
./configure --your options here

change "-mcpu=pentiumpro" to suite your system (i386, i486, i586, i686,
pentium, pentiumpro, k6, or athlon).

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sql problem

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Grill
> Now, to complicate things further, suppose there is
> yet another table (grandparent, let's say) and there is
> a column in parent that is grandparent_id. I only want
> results where parent.grandparent_id = 'Fred'. How do
> I do that? Is it with a WHERE clause or some other
> SQL magic?
> Dean
This is not meant as an "rtfm", but this helped me in the past.

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sql problem

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Grill
> Suppose I have two tables: parent and
> child. I want to create an SQL statement
> that will get the count of all children
> belonging to parent. Is this possible in
> one statement? The one I have works
> if parent has children, but not if the
> number of children is 0. Here's what
> I have:
> SELECT,,COUNT(child.parent_id)
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> Dean Hoover

This is untested, but I've used this same technique for a similar problem.
The only part that I am unsure of is using COUNT inside an IF.

SELECT,, IF(child.parent_id IS NULL, 'none',
COUNT(child.parent_id)) AS child_count

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Table fixed BUT...Re: Table crashed! Please help OT

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Grill
> Bingo. Yeah, that works very well.
> Really appreciated.
> BTW, still curious about the reason of duplicate.:)
> Any thoughts?
> Monet

Several thoughts; one of which is "Thank my lucky stars!  I have my data
back!" :-)

Other, less significant thoughts include the possibility that some esoteric
communication problems between Navicat and MySQL caused the problem to begin
with, which brings me back to my first thought.

Best of luck to you,

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Table fixed BUT...Re: Table crashed! Please help

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Grill
> Hello there,
> I tried "REPAIR TABLE" to recovery the crushed temp
> table and that works. Thanks a lot.
> But, after reparation, there are some duplicated
> records generated. Is that because the temp table has
> no primary key? Or is because the table was crushed in
> the middle of query? 
> Anyway, I tried to delete the duplicated records. BUT,
> I can't. if I just simply delete one of duplicate
> record, then another one is deleted as well. For
> instance, there are two duplicate record with qid =
> 3170, I delete one of them from table, confirm the
> delete, refresh table, another one disappeared too. 
> Does anyone has any idea about what happened and what
> should I do to delete duplicate records?
> Many thanks for any advise. 
> Monet

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE id=[your duplicate value];

This will show you how many dups there are... so let's say there were 7...

DELETE FROM table WHERE id=[your duplicate value] LIMIT 6;

Now you have one left.

I hope that helps.

Jim Grill

MySQL General Mailing List
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