Re: Cardinality doesn't auto start

2003-01-30 Thread John Hinton

"Grigor, Peter" wrote:
> You need to run [analyze table] to create the index this
> reasonable often (once a day for a well-used table).

This script will be run on servers around the world by regular people,
not sys admins. I will have no control over their databases.

> Running [optimize table] on the table recreates index stats AND
> reorganizes/defrags/coalesces data this once a week or so.

The one index I have in this database is on a field which contains
TO_DAYS(NOW()). Therefore the return is automatically grouped in the
database as each day is written in order. Is there any value in
optomizing in this situation? Apparently, this index is working pretty
well, as the time to execute the queries has halted at about 12 seconds
on the test site and the time doesn't seem to change after optimizing.
The rows in this database will not be edited. Deletion should always
occur only from the beginning as deletion is be month or year and I
can't imagine anyone not deleting the oldest months first. Will this
operation cause fragmentation? I'm having a bit of trouble between the
order in which I see the data onscreen and how the actual file is
> Look up the mysqlcheck utility--it lets you do this from scrips pretty easy.

I see where I can write a script to run these functions, however,
getting an end-user to run a script 'later' after the install, we all
know is not an easy thing. I simply find it frustating that MySQL does
not start its cardinality count automatically when an index is created
at the time the table it created. It has been counting perfectly when I
create the index after data is in the table. There also seems to be a
'isamchk -a' function which is supposed to jump start the cardinality
count. I'm just hoping for a cure to getting this to start by doing
something in the install script where there table is created as well as
many other config files.

Perhaps if cardinality were set to 0 it would begin the count on its
own? I can find very little information regarding cardinality and have
no idea about how one would set it to 0 if that did work. 
> Peter

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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Cardinality doesn't auto start

2003-01-29 Thread John Hinton
mysql  Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.54, for pc-linux (i686)


I'm building an application which will have a self install script,
intended for use by many people. One particular area of the program
requires the need for an index. If I create this index when I build the
table or apparently even after the table is built but before any data is
written to the table, cardinality is shown as 'None' (using phpMyAdmin)
and futhermore it does not start counting until after data is entered
and the index is recreated.

Seems like when the index is created, if no data is in the table, it
should be given a default cardinality of 0 and the count continue as
data is entered.

This need to create/recreate the index after data is written, is tough
to deal with as a programmer having to ask the end user to create this
index after data is gathered.

Any ideas besides creating an index creater script for the user to run

Would this be considered a bug?

 SQL to create table with index 

CREATE TABLE somename (
  ndx int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  d_now int(7) default NULL,
  adate timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (ndx),
  UNIQUE KEY id (ndx),
  KEY d_now (d_now)

 end SQL ---

I have also tried it with d_now set to NOT NULL with the same results.
The index just won't start counting with no data entered.

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

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fighting with select distinct

2002-12-31 Thread John Hinton
Stuck on this join temp (MySQL ver 3.23)

>From one table I need:

field1, field2 FROM $table");

both field1 and field2 have various repeating data and I need to return
only the first occurance of the distinct data along with the rest of the
data selected below for only those distinct rows.

$result = mysql_query("SELECT $table.field3, $table.field2,
$table.field1, $table.field4 FROM $table LEFT OUTER JOIN temp ON
$table.prikeyfield0 = temp.prikeyfield0 ORDER BY $table.field1 DESC");

Running the above kills the distinct select and returns all of the rows.
I see where it is broken in that temp.prikeyfield0 is not being
into the temp table, but as prikeyfield0 is a primary key, all values
distinct and when added to the select distinct statement, all rows are

Is there any way to 

SELECT field0, (DISTINCT field1, field2) FROM table? Sure would make
this easy!

or SELECT field0 WHERE DISTINCT field1, field2 FROM table?

There seems to be very little information anywhere on DISTINCT or
perhaps DISTINCT has very few options?

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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Re: How long is my piece of string?

2002-12-21 Thread John Hinton

wcb wrote:

> seems to lack detail in answering the question, which might be phrased "when
> might indices start making a performance difference?".

Well, I'm no wizard or anything, but have just spent the last twos days
on this subject here on my project. Anyway, waht I have learned is they
make a performance difference immediately, but that can be increases or
decreases in performance.

The basic rules I have laid out for myself include, only build an index
if you 'are' going to be sure you write the SQL to make use of it. This
is an area where I'm struggling, but have made a break thru or two. Only
index fields with lots of the same data. If every piece of data is
different, the index gets to be about as convoluted as the field itself.
Indexes slow down writes and updates to the database and take up disk
space, so indexing every field in your database is generally not a good
idea. I think I read something about mysql getting a bit confused about
how best to use the indices if you have lots of them... so, again,
carefully create the ones that 'will' for sure be used, and are in a
field of like data.

In my earlier post regarding the success on my date index stuff, I think
the only way the index would be used is if in the WHERE statement, the
indexed field was the first to display? and also, maybe it could not be
used inside of a function?

So, here I am a newbie to indices talking about something I know little
about... Hopefully someone will read this post and correct anything that
is in error... So, I'll learn if I've made any errors in my thinking?

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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Re: need index date help

2002-12-21 Thread John Hinton

Yes, I created a new field called 'd_now' with data inserted as
(TO_DAYS(NOW()), updated it to include the proper date format for all
the old records and of course then had to paste in the old timestamp
values that automatically updated when I did that update... lots of fun
on 2800 records. Anyway, I then created an index on the 'd_now' field
and changed from:

SELECT TO_DAYS(adate), mask FROM $table WHERE mask NOT LIKE '$user_net'
AND page LIKE '$page[$i]' AND TO_DAYS(adate) >= TO_DAYS(NOW()) - 6

where 'adate' is the mysql timestamp to:

SELECT d_now, mask FROM $table WHERE mask NOT LIKE '$user_net' AND page
= '$page[$i]' AND d_now >= TO_DAYS(NOW()) - 6

I reduced the number of times the statement was run by 20% and I wound
up with a reduction in time of 70% total!!! Excellent Very
excellent! This indexing stuff is really sweet. The whole trouble I
had with indexing the timestamp, was the inability to create a clean use
of the indexed field, as it was inside of a TO_DAYS() function. Or at
least that is my understanding of it.

Anyway, this might be just totally boring stuff to many, but I'm feeling
pretty good right now. I was about to the point of creating this
additional field, and the responses from this list really confirmed that
I needed this.

Joseph Bueno wrote:
> Instead of:
> TO_DAYS(adate) >= TO_DAYS(NOW()) - 6
> you can try:
> adate >= unix_timestamp(now()) - 6 * 24 * 3600
> This way, you don't need to apply a function to 'adate'.
> You should also note that these expressions are not exactly
> equivalent since yours compares day numbers but mine compares
> seconds.
> If you really need to work on day numbers, it would
> be more efficient to use a separate column where you explicitely
> insert TO_DAYS(NOW()). This way you can index it and efficiently
> use it on SELECTs.
> Hope this helps
> Joseph Bueno

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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need index date help

2002-12-21 Thread John Hinton
I keep getting weird return messages from the list.. not sure if this
made it through..

I am running into a system wall here. I have at the moment about 2600
rows of data totaling 650K. I expect this to grow at a rate of about an
additional 1200-1500 rows per week. I am using PHP to format the returns
into webspace.

I have a field named 'adate' which is a mysql 14 character timestamp
(yes, I need HHMMSS data for other stuff). I am creating an array based
on a distinct return from the database. I then am in turn looping
through that array of about 25 entries, (which will remain at about 25
with time) and running each through 10 queries all based on date.
The queries are really only two, with the exception of choosing separate
intervals of time to return, one having distinct fields parsed, the
other all rows parsed. The following are the two snippets of code which
get repeated five more times with only the time interval changed.

$table, $user_net are PHP variables and $page[$i] is the array of 25

SELECT TO_DAYS(adate), mask FROM $table WHERE mask NOT LIKE '$user_net'
AND page LIKE '$page[$i]' AND TO_DAYS(adate) >= TO_DAYS(NOW()) - 6
SELECT adate, mask FROM $table WHERE mask NOT LIKE '$user_net' AND page
= '$page[$i]' AND TO_DAYS(adate) >= TO_DAYS(NOW()) - 6

All I need is the count from each query.

So, these ten queries are being run 25 times on 2600 rows of data and it
is taking about 4-6 seconds. I plan to collect data up to a limit of
about 70,000 rows. If I can expect the query time to grow linearly, it
would take about 2 minutes to generate this data. I need to get that
down to maybe 15 seconds  or as little as possible.

I have indexed 'adate', but don't think the index really works within
the functions? Maybe I'm stuck thinking inside of a box here? Perhaps
there is one blindingly great solution which I have not considered. This
is the first time I have ever created anything that really taxed a
system... therefore I am new at thinking in many of these terms. Perhaps
I should be rolling the data off into a temp file or something and
running the results using PHP? I really don't know what direction to
take, but I do see what appears to be a lot of repeating work, with only
little changes in time chunks. 

Should I perhaps create a 'date' field, grabbing only MMDD and
working from there? What am I not thinking about here?

Any suggestions are very much welcome.

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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Re: need index date help

2002-12-21 Thread John Hinton
OK.. no takers the first time... I'll try to give more/better

I am running into a system wall here. I have at the moment about 2600
rows of data totaling 650K. I expect this to grow at a rate of about an
additional 1200-1500 rows per week. I am using PHP to format the returns
into webspace.

I have a field named 'adate' which is a mysql 14 character timestamp
(yes, I need HHMMSS data for other stuff). I am creating an array based
on a distinct return from the database. I then am in turn looping
through that array of about 25 entries, (which will remain at about 25
with time) and running each through 10 queries all based on date.
The queries are really only two, with the exception of choosing separate
intervals of time to return, one having distinct fields parsed, the
other all rows parsed. The following are the two snippets of code which
get repeated five more times with only the time interval changed.

$table, $user_net are PHP variables and $page[$i] is the array of 25

SELECT TO_DAYS(adate), mask FROM $table WHERE mask NOT LIKE '$user_net'
AND page LIKE '$page[$i]' AND TO_DAYS(adate) >= TO_DAYS(NOW()) - 6
SELECT adate, mask FROM $table WHERE mask NOT LIKE '$user_net' AND page
= '$page[$i]' AND TO_DAYS(adate) >= TO_DAYS(NOW()) - 6

All I need is the count from each query.

So, these ten queries are being run 25 times on 2600 rows of data and it
is taking about 4-6 seconds. I plan to collect data up to a limit of
about 70,000 rows. If I can expect the query time to grow linearly, it
would take about 2 minutes to generate this data. I need to get that
down to maybe 15 seconds  or as little as possible.

I have indexed 'adate', but don't think the index really works within
the functions? Maybe I'm stuck thinking inside of a box here? Perhaps
there is one blindingly great solution which I have not considered. This
is the first time I have ever created anything that really taxed a
system... therefore I am new at thinking in many of these terms. Perhaps
I should be rolling the data off into a temp file or something and
running the results using PHP? I really don't know what direction to
take, but I do see what appears to be a lot of repeating work, with only
little changes in time chunks. 

Should I perhaps create a 'date' field, grabbing only MMDD and
working from there? What am I not thinking about here?

Any suggestions are very much welcome.

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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need index date help

2002-12-21 Thread John Hinton
OK.. I have a field named 'adate' which is a mysql auto timestamp. I
need to use this data to do many time functions on a large 160,000 or so
row database. I have indexed adate, but am having trouble with this
WHERE statement because I am unable to make clean use of the index. I
have to do everything I can to get this to run as fast as possible.

to get today - MMDDHHMMSS <= 364 (to return all entries this year) I

WHERE TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(adate) <= 364 


TO_DAYS(adate) >= TO_DAYS(NOW()) - 364

to get TO_DAYS(MMDDHHMMSS) = today I run


I simply cannot figure a way to get adate outside of the TO_DAYS()

BTW, I am collecting a 14 char timestamp as in another location I will
need to pull the time to the second.

Perhaps I simply need to add another field to deal with this part of the
date stuff?

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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Re: MySQL 3.23.53 is released

2002-10-14 Thread John Hinton

Lenz Grimmer wrote:

>  - We've hopefully fixed the problem with spurious load spikes on Linux
>systems when accessing the Database via TCP/IP. This was caused by the
>static glibc files we used to link against and should now be resolved.

Apparently this glibc/mysql situation is being worked on from both
ends? RedHat and MySQL!

BTW... just in case I forgot to tell you... MySQL RULES Thanks for a
great database and all your hard work!

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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Re: HELP - Having serious trouble here...

2002-10-14 Thread John Hinton

is a link to this bug. In fact the glibc update is conflicting with
client connections to mysql. The bug was first reported around 10-4-02
and has been given a priority code of 'High'.

Redhat Response.

The problem is actually that MySQL uses insanely low RLIMIT_STACK and
 gethostbyname from such threads. There are many other places in glibc
 use alloca for 32K etc., so it is weird MySQL did not get caught by
 far earlier. A patch to deal with low RLIMIT_STACK while not slowing
 down in the normal case is in the works.

End Redhat response.

They are working on a patch. One is in the testing phase. 'Fixed' RPMs
are available, but have not been fully tested and IMO should be
considered very raw alpha patches.

For now, all I can find is to revert back to the previous version of
glibc, or wait until the update is released.

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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Re: HELP - Having serious trouble here...

2002-10-14 Thread John Hinton

I'm having the same problems. I'm on a RedHat machine... 7.2 running
MySQL ver. 3.23.41. I've been told to upgrade my package. 

I think RedHat has put out an update to some other library, module or
such, that is in conflict with remote/client management applications???

Everything is working fine 'on' the server... I have had reports from a
MAC user that his mysqlMAC or whatever he called it would not work. I
have noticed that my Mascon program fails to connect. I have noticed in
the logs, that everytime I try to connect it restarts mysql. If any
calls are made to MySQL from a java app or script, I have not tested it,
but bet that it will not connect but only restart mysql not good at

I think if someone knows 'what' causes this, it would be nice to get the
information out to the likes of RedHat, so they can let us subscribers
know to update, or send through the update to MySQL at the same time
this incompatibility issue arises.

I know we've had updates to glibc and it seems I read something about
that Don't remember where as I've been researching this for the last
week and have been surfing/searching like a madman for several full

If you are using RedHat, have you updated your packages recently?

Did you try to run mysql-front only this morning, maybe the first time
after doing recent updates?

I had a server shut down last Monday due to a fan dieing I fixed it
and of course went through reboots. I noticed Mascon would not run after
the reboots... But, it had been a while since I had tried to run Mascon,
so I'm not sure this occurred after the reboot, or perhaps after some
package upgrades. The server had run non-stop for over a year... so
gee that leaves lots of questions

It would be nice to get to the bottom of what is happening.

gerald_clark wrote:
> What is in the error logs?
> Vernon Webb wrote:
> >I have been using MySQL for nearly a year now with no problems, until now. I
> >rebooted my box this morning and since rebooting I have had nothing but
> >trouble.
> >
> >First off I have noticed (I never looked before because I had no need to,
> >but there is nothing in my "msqld.log" They are all 0k.
> >
> >Secondly, I can no longer log in as root using MySQL-Front as I keep getting
> >an error message stating that it has lost connection during query.
> >
> >The MySQL daemon keeps restarting itself over and over and I can't figure
> >out why.
> >
> >I'm a littel frazzled right now and am at a lost as to where to start to
> >resolve this. Anyone have any ideas? PLEASE!!!
> >
> >
> >
> -
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John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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Re: MySQL-3.23.53 and Redhat-7.3

2002-10-14 Thread John Hinton

Do you have a user defined as?

Login Name: mysql
Full Name: MySQL Server
group: mysql
Home directory: /var/lib/mysql

Your 'Fatal Error' line indicates that user mysql does not exist?

> >Description:
> Upgrade from MySQL-3.23.52 to MySQL-3.23.53
> 021014 15:49:54  mysqld started
> Fatal error: Can't change to run as user 'mysql' ;  Please check that the user 
> 021014 15:49:54  Aborting
> 021014 15:49:54  /usr/sbin/mysqld: Lõpp
> 021014 15:49:54  mysqld ended
> >How-To-Repeat:
> RedHat-7.3 and MySQL-3.23.53
> >Fix:
> >Submitter-Id:  
> >Originator:root
> >Organization: CVO Group Ltd.
> >MySQL support: [none | licence | email support | extended email support ]
> >Synopsis:
> >Severity:  critical
> >Priority:  high
> >Category:  mysql
> >Class: sw-bug
> >Release:   mysql-3.23.53 (Official MySQL RPM)
> >Environment:
> System: Linux 2.4.18-3smp #1 SMP Thu Apr 18 07:27:31 EDT 2002 i686 
> Architecture: i686
> Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
> GCC: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/specs
> gcc version 2.96 2731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-110)
> Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS='-O6 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mpentium'  
>CXX='gcc'  CXXFLAGS='-O6 -fno-omit-frame-pointer  -felide-constructors 
>-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -mpentium'  LDFLAGS=''
> lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   13 sept   8 18:08 /lib/ -> 
> -rwxr-xr-x2 root root  1260480 apr   15 16:44 /lib/
> -rw-r--r--1 root root  2310808 apr   15 17:02 /usr/lib/libc.a
> -rw-r--r--1 root root  178 apr   15 16:55 /usr/lib/
> lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   10 sept   8 21:02 /usr/lib/libc-client.a -> 
> Configure command: ./configure --disable-shared --with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static 
>--with-client-ldflags=-all-static --without-berkeley-db --without-innodb 
>--enable-assembler --enable-local-infile --with-mysqld-user=mysql 
>--with-unix-socket-path=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --prefix=/ 
>--with-extra-charsets=complex --exec-prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/sbin 
>--sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --localstatedir=/var/lib/mysql 
>--infodir=/usr/share/info --includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man 
>'--with-comment=Official MySQL RPM' CC=gcc 'CFLAGS=-O6 -fno-omit-frame-pointer 
>-mpentium' 'CXXFLAGS=-O6 -fno-omit-frame-pointer   -felide-constructors 
>-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -mpentium' CXX=gcc
> -----
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John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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OK... stuck on can't connect from client

2002-10-13 Thread John Hinton

I'm on Linux Redhat 7.2 and MySQL v. 3.23.41

I can make connections from the server... including the use of other
hostnames for test purposes. All my PHP/MySQL sites are up and running.
I can access the database through phpMyAdmin.

I cannot connect from a client app such as Mascon. I notice that each
time I try I get the following added to my logfile.

Number of processes running now: 1
mysqld process hanging, pid 8617 - killed
021013 20:08:43  mysqld restarted
/usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections

Number of processes running now: 1
mysqld process hanging, pid 9796 - killed
021013 20:10:02  mysqld restarted
/usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections

Number of processes running now: 1
mysqld process hanging, pid 9858 - killed
021013 20:25:23  mysqld restarted
/usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections

I've included the last three instances. I've been fighting with this now
for the last three days!!! Please help. All 'was' working fine for a
year or more, up until the point of a machine reboot.

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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Offsite Apps won't run

2002-10-13 Thread John Hinton

I'm running a Linux Redhat 7.2 webserver. Recently, after making a
change to the server name, I found that I can no longer connect to MySQL
via programs such as Mascon or MACSQL (think that is the customer's
app?). All on machine functions seem to be operational. phpMyAdmin still
works for the several users and I have my full access to the entire
database. MySQL functions via PHP pages.

I've looked high and low and can't find anywhere to fix this. Any ideas?

Other info... the server had not been rebooted for a looo time
prior to my name change... perhaps there is something else that could
have been done which might have interferred and maybe it was
co-incidence that it only appeared after this name change?

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music

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