Re: Server-Crash - What to do?

2006-08-28 Thread Ludwig Pummer

Karel W. Dingeldey wrote:
Ok, I will do it more clearly. The server has two harddisks, one for the 
system, one for the data. The system harddisk breaked, hardware failure. It 
seems that this happed while mysqld was writing some data, so that some 
tables are corrupted. Most tables are reconstructable, only the one where I 
have only the MYD file is very important.

On filesystem level I made all rescue trials. My problem is, that only the MYD 
file is still available. I tried reconstructing it with "myisamchk -r -o 
table_name.MYD", but as I said without the wanted result.

My question is, if there is any solution to get a working table from this MYD 
file. Because the data is saved in this file, IMHO it should. Am I right?

If you're using MyISAM tables, then you should have an .MYD (data), .MYI 
(index) and .frm (table definition?) file for every table. If you don't 
have a backup copy (or two) of your MYD file by now, make one. Then try 
repeating the CREATE TABLE statement that defines the table. If you can 
get a CREATE TABLE that exactly matches the table definition previously 
used, the data in the MYD file may be accessible again. You may have to 
move the MYD file out of the way while you do the CREATE TABLE.

How you get your CREATE TABLE statement is up to you. Have you got a 
mysqldump created since the last time the table definion was changed? 
Was it automatically created by some program which uses the database? If 
you can't get anywhere with that and the data is valuable, you should 
consider paid support.

--Ludwig Pummer

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Re: Trouble with read-only

2006-06-14 Thread Ludwig Pummer

Rod Heyd wrote:


I'm trying to set up a replication slave as read-only, but the read-only
part doesn't seem to be working.

Replication between the master and the slave works fine.  I have added the
read-only keyword to the slave's my.cnf, and looking at the output of show
variables indicates that read-only is set to 'ON'  So as far as I can tell,
it I should not be able to connect to the slave and insert rows into my
tables.  However, I AM able to insert rows into the tables.

Have I missed some additional configuration option?

I'm running 5.0.21 on Solaris...


Are you logging in as root on the slave when you try to insert rows? 
read-only is ignored for users with root or replication privileges.

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Re: mysql for freebsd 6.0

2006-03-23 Thread Ludwig Pummer

kalin mintchev wrote:

  hi all...

  i can't see the mysql 5 version for freebsd 6.0 on the mysql developer
  am i blind or it's on purpose?!?!

  curious...  and actually need it...



I suggest you familiarize yourself with the search feature at

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Re: is this safe against sql-injection?

2006-03-06 Thread Ludwig Pummer

Jochen Kaechelin wrote:

Can somebody give me some general hints how to prevent

I always go this way to build my queries:

function clean_mysql_string($string) {
$clean_string = stripslashes($string);
$clean_string = htmlentities(strip_tags(($clean_string)));
$clean_string = trim($clean_string);
$clean_string = rtrim($clean_string);
$clean_string = mysql_real_escape_string($clean_string);

		$searchstring = clean_mysql_string($_POST["searchstring"]);

$query = "  SELECT id,uname,nickname, MATCH(uname,nickname) 
AGAINST('$searchstring' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS mtch
FROM wlh_accounts
HAVING mtch > 0.001

$results = mysql_query($query);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$values[] = array (
"id"  => $row["id"],
"uname"   => $row["uname"],
"nickname"=> $row["nickname"],
"mtch"=> $row["mtch"]

Is this safe??

AFAIK, all you really need to prevent SQL injection is to use 
mysql_real_escape_string and enclose the variable in single-quotes when 
you construct the query. Stripslashes is a good idea if magic quotes are 
enabled in PHP. htmlentities, strip_tags, trim and rtrim are not 
necessary for preventing SQL injection (and the rtrim is redundant).

Look at Example 3 on (but 
pay attention to the user comments regarding the is_numeric check).

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Re: mysql_real_query.... probably asked a lot

2006-02-25 Thread Ludwig Pummer

Eric Smith wrote:
OK, I'll bet you guys get a lot of this one, but I can't seem to find 
the answer in the archives.

I have binary data that I want to store in a longblob.  This is just 
byte data null bytes are possible.  So, I use mysql_real_query.  How 
do I format the char* query string?

Here's the way my format looks:
sprintf(queryString,"update images set imageData=%p where 
imageID=\'%s\'",imageData,[imageID cString]);

and then I do the query:
result = 

where strlen(theDBData)+nBytes gives the total byte count for 
queryString.  Well, I get an error message saying that I have an error 
in my syntax.  How do I format this properly?


The documentation for mysql_real_query does explain that it can handle 
null bytes, but what if your binary data contains single-quote? You get 
a syntax error.

I see two options for you here:
1) use mysql_real_escape_string() on the binary data before you build it 
into the final query string

2) use the prepared statement API

If you go with option 1, you'll need to allocate another buffer twice 
the size of imageData to hold the escaped version.

If you go with option 2, you can use the imageData buffer directly, but 
you'll have to use the prepared statement functions instead of 
mysql_real_query(). I've never used prepared statements in the C API so 
I'm just going on what the documentation says.

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Re: Help...I am desparate

2006-01-03 Thread Ludwig Pummer

Logg, Connie A. wrote:

I was asked (told) by my security people to use a port < 1024.  I am
running with 1000 other places, and was running with 1000 on both of
these machines.

-Original Message- From: Jeremy Cole
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 4:25 PM 
To: Logg, Connie A. Cc: Subject: Re: Help...I

am desparate

Hi Connie,

060103 15:54:02 [ERROR] Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: 
Permission denied

060103 15:54:02 [ERROR] Do you already have another mysqld server 
running on port: 1000 ?

You can't bind to a port less than 1024 unless you're running as
root. I suspect that's the problem here.  Try another port, higher
than 1024.

I'm kind of curious why you aren't running it on the standard 3306?



-- Jeremy Cole MySQL Geek, Yahoo! Inc. Desk: 408 349 5104

This might work...

1. Follow the steps in
2. Run the mysql init script as root.

However, if MySQL drops privileges before binding to its sockets, then 
it won't work. I'm afraid I don't know that much about MySQL's internals.


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Re: Quotation marks in string causing repace to not work.

2005-07-25 Thread Ludwig Pummer

Gregory Machin wrote:
I tried the following  

UPDATE temp SET 'file_content' = REPLACE(file_content, '' ,

but it didn't work, i think thing problem is that the string i need to
replace / null has quotation marks .. how can i work around this 

You need to escape the quotation marks. Also, did you mean to write 
'file_content', or `file_content` ?


UPDATE temp SET `file_content` = REPLACE(file_content, 'require($_SERVER[\'DOCUMENT_ROOT\']."/scripts/define_access.php");?>', '');

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Re: storing php pages with sql queries in a mysql database

2005-07-23 Thread Ludwig Pummer

Gregory Machin wrote:

Hi all.
I'm writing a php script to store the contents of html and php pages
in a data base, it works well until there are mysql queries in the
pages source then give errors such as this one.

Query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'temp' 

how do stop mysql from trying to interperate this data and blindly store it ??

Many Thanks

You need to escape the string before you sent it to MySQL to be stored. 
The link below is for the C API function; whichever language API you're 
using has something equivalent.

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Re: Using PHP to select MySQL record

2005-03-24 Thread Ludwig Pummer
This is not really a MySQL question so much as it is a PHP/HTML 
question, but it's a quick answer.

echo "".$rows['lastname']
echo "".$rows['lastname']
On the next page, $_REQUEST['person'] contains the selected chairid.
Martin Toombs wrote:
Sorry if this is simple, but I'm a fairly new user and it's got me stumped.
Using PHP and MySql; I want to look up a specific record from a table of 
people by using a select query to populate a PHP   
statement. I can do it with one field, but I need to do it with more 
than one field since I have people with the same last name.

This populates my option box quite well:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM chairs order by lastname";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
echo "Chairman's Name:
while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo "".$rows['lastname'].", ".$rows['firstname']." 
}//end while
echo "";

It gives me a "Smith, John 42" to select, with 42 being the chairid 
(index field)

I need to know how to use this to pick a specific record up for editing.
I appreciate any help.

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Re: Trying to match on something that is not there

2004-10-20 Thread Ludwig Pummer
Or without a subquery,
SELECT s.questionid, s.userid FROM SurveyAnswers s LEFT JOIN Users u ON = s.userid WHERE IS NULL;

Brian wrote:
select s.userid from surveyanswers s where s.userid not in (select
distinct from users u)
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 16:30:29 -0600, Jonathan Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a user who is using the following query to try and delete rows
from one table based on the lack of a user id in another table:
SELECT s.questionid, s.userid, s.questionanswer
FROM Users u, SurveyAnswers s
WHERE != s.userid
The corresponding user rows have already be deleted from the table
Users.  Thus, this of course seems to match on just about everything
since there is no actualy record in the Users table to match on.
Is there some way to match on a lack of information?
Jonathan Duncan
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Re: Mysql, php and unsubscribe or delete

2004-08-09 Thread Ludwig Pummer
My guess is that since your id field is not auto_increment and you're 
not specifying a value, all email addresses are getting an id of 0. 
Since your primary key is composed of both id and email, MySQL isn't 

However, Problem application is giving me is in case I unsubscribe one email 
it deletes all emails from database. table. I have pasted php code and mysql 
Any guidance, please.

//add record
$sql = "insert into kemails values('', '$_POST[email]')";

   //unsubscribe the address
   $id = mysql_result($check_result, 0, "id");
   $sql = "delete from kemails where id = '$id'";
   $result = mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die(mysql_error());
   $display_block = "You're unsubscribed!";

mysql> describe kemails
-> ;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id| int(11)  |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| email | varchar(150) |  | PRI | |   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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Re: MySQL query problem in conjunction with PHP

2004-05-08 Thread Ludwig Pummer
Thomas Nyman wrote:
I found an instruction on the net concerning "Date Arithmetic" and which 
seems to be exactly what I need to hel me get going..however there seems 
to be either a mistake on my behalf or on the writers behalf.

Can anyone say whats wrong with this query

$query2="UPDATE KK_Fatalie SET datum = DATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL intervall'
''.$typeArray[$row->type].")WHERE kk_ID="".$row->kk_ID"";
The query is suppose to result in the following;

do an UPDATE on table KK_Fatalie and set the column datum equal to 
todays date increased with the interval stated in the column intervall 
where the kolumn kk_ID equals the kk_ID in my earlier php query.
You appear to have some syntax errors in your PHP (too many quote marks, 
and they're mismatched in some places). You also don't tell us the exact 
MySQL error message, and it's not obvious based on your $query2 line 
what all problems are without more knowledge about your table structure.

Try printing out your $query2 string to the web page where you're 
running this query. Then enter the query using the interactive mysql 
program and seeing what error message MySQL produces.

You could also edit your mysql_query() call to do something like:

$rid2 = mysql_query($query2);
if(! $rid2)
echo "Error in query! Error: ".mysql_errno().": 

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Re: [PHP] Plz help quick - mysql/php/web server undefined function all of a sudden

2004-05-04 Thread Ludwig Pummer
Chip Wiegand wrote:

Yep, looking at phpinfo.php shows no support for mysql. This is very 
strange. I know these things don't just happen by themselves. I also know 
there are only two people with the password to the server, myself and my 
boss (and he knows nothing about the server to begin with).
Anyway, looks like php needs to be configured to work with mysql. Now that 
it is the way it is, how do I go about that? According to pkg_info the 
version of php is 4.3.4_3. 
Being a port install how do I configure it to use mysql?

If you install it using the ports collection and not using any sort of 
automation tool like portupgrade, it should have a text-mode 
configurator which will give you the option of MySQL support if you 
enable the checkbox. You may need to 'make clean' in the port directory 
before running 'make' again to force it to give you the menu. It may 
fail to work if MySQL or Apache were not installed from the ports 
collection to start with, since the PHP port makes some assumptions 
about the paths to Apache and MySQL.

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Re: Similar simple query slow down dramatically, by just select one more field, why?

2004-02-18 Thread Ludwig Pummer
Oscar Yen wrote:
create table a (
  imgid int not null,
  parent int,
  imgtype char(3),
  img longtext,
  primary key (imgid),
  key searchkey (parent, imgid)
) type = innodb;

T1) select imgid, parent from a where parent = 10;
   returns 3357 rows in 0.08 sec.
T2) select imgid, parent, imgtype from a where parent = 10;
   return 3357 rows in 8.32 sec.!!!

T7) After change the searchkey to (parent, imgid, imgtype), T1/T2, T3/T4 runs in almost same speed.

Anybody can explain my questions:

Q1- What cause the slow down, T2 vs T1 and T4 vs T3?
Q2- Can I assume mysql pooly handled on large BLOB data, by comparing performance of 
T6 and T4?
Best Reguards.
It's explained in the MySQL Documentation under Optimization - How MySQL 
Uses Indexes. See and pay 
close attention to the 5th bullet. This explains the behavior you see 
from T7.

I have no answer for you there, Sorry.
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elminating filesort

2004-01-06 Thread Ludwig Pummer
Hello folks :)

I'm trying to eliminate a filesort from a very simple query but having 
no luck. Even though I've read the manual section on when indexes are 
used in conjunction with ORDER BY, it seems I just can't get an index to 
be used.

I'm running MySQL 3.23.58.

The table:
CREATE TABLE `minifatboy` (
  `p1date` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
  `p2date` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
  `struct` char(120) binary default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`p2date`,`p1date`)
This table has just under 1 million rows. It has a "big brother" table 
called fatboy which has over 143 mil rows on which I'll be running the 
exact same query later, assuming I can get good performance out of this.

The query?

SELECT struct FROM minifatboy ORDER BY p2date, p1date;

An explain gives me:
mysql> explain select struct from minifatboy order by p2date, p1date;
| table  | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows   | 
Extra  |
| minifatboy | ALL  | NULL  | NULL |NULL | NULL | 999370 | 
Using filesort |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I feel like I have to be missing something obvious here. I don't want to 
have to wait while MySQL performs a filesort to sort the data into the 
order already specified by the primary key. It doesn't matter much for 
minifatboy, but for fatboy this means performing a filesort on a 31gb 
table. Is it just because I'm not restricting rows and therefore MySQL 
thinks it should just do a table scan? I know I can try to force the use 
of an index with MySQL 4, but I'd rather not upgrade if I don't have to 
(USE INDEX doesn't help, btw).

--Ludwig Pummer
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