MySQL Connector/Python v1.2.3 GA has been released

2014-08-22 Thread Sowmya Dass

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Python v1.2.3 is the new version of the 1.2 release
series of the pure Python database driver for MySQL. This is the first
GA (General Availability) version of Connector/Python 1.2.

MySQL Connector/Python version 1.2.3 is compatible with MySQL Server
versions 5.5 and greater. Python 2.6 and 2.7, as well as Python 3.2
and greater are supported.

MySQL Connector/Python 1.2.3 is available for download from

This release will be available on eDelivery (OSDC) in next month's upload

The ChangeLog file included in the distribution contains a brief summary
of changes in MySQL Connector/Python 1.2.3. For a more complete list of
changes, see below or online at:

Changes in MySQL Connector/Python 1.2.3 (2014-08-22)

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * Connector/Python is now compatible with Django 1.7. (Bug
   #72746, Bug #19225481)

   Bugs Fixed

 * Negative timedelta values were incorrectly converted to and
   from Python. Thanks to Vitali Graf for the patch. (Bug #72493,
   Bug #18694096)

 * Fetching results from a prepared statement that returned many
   columns could produce an error. (Bug #72602, Bug #18742429)

 * Previously, a RuntimeError exception was raised when a Django
   application was inactive for a while. Now, the Django backend
   verifies that the database connection is still valid each time
   a database request is made. (Bug #72545, Bug #18843153)

 * Django TimeField values of 00:00:00 were incorrectly converted
   to NULL because Python considered that value equal to False.
   (Bug #72732, Bug #18956789)

 * An exception was raised when a cursor tried to convert
   LINESTRING data as UTF-8 data. Now such values are returned
   without decoding. (Bug #73187, Bug #19164627)

 * With Python 2, Connector/Python could truncate digits of
   floating-point values. (Bug #73266, Bug #19225481)



The source distribution includes the manual in various formats under
the docs/ folder.

Reporting Bugs

We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:


On Behalf of the MySQL RE team at Oracle,
Sowmya Dass

MySQL Connector/Java 5.1.32 has been released

2014-08-11 Thread Sowmya Dass
ters during
   calls. This fix makes the classes use
   com.mysql.jdbc.Connection instead in those cases. (Bug
   #16722757, Bug #62577)

 * The Ant script for building Connector/J from source failed to
   check the availability of javac and rt.jar from JDK 1.6 before
   compilation. That caused compilation to fail when the two
   files weren't available. This fix corrects the step in the
   build script that checks for those files before compilation.
   (Bug #11748301, Bug #35829)


Reporting Bugs
We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:   

On behalf of Oracle/MySQL Build Team,
Sowmya Dass

MySQL Connector/C++ 1.1.4 has been released

2014-07-31 Thread Sowmya Dass

Dear MySQL Users,

A new GA (general availability) version of MySQL Connector/C++ has
been made available: MySQL Connector/C++ 1.1.4 GA. The MySQL
Connector/C++ provides a C++ API for connecting client applications to
the MySQL Server 5.5 or newer.

You can download the production release at:

MySQL Connector C++ (Commercial) will be available for download on the
My Oracle Support (MOS) website. This release will be available on eDelivery
(OSDC) in next month's upload cycle.

The MySQL driver for C++ offers an easy to use API derived from JDBC
4.0. MySQL Workbench is using it successfully since years.

We have improved the driver since the last GA release. Please see the
documentation and the CHANGES file in the source distribution for a
detailed description of bugs that have been fixed. Bug descriptions are
also listed below.


The MySQL build team at Oracle


Changes in MySQL Connector/C++ 1.1.4 (2014-07-31)

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * Connector/C++ now supports the following connection options:
   sslVerify (boolean), sslCRL (string), and sslCRLPath (string).
   These correspond to the MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT,
   mysql_options() C API function. (Bug #18461451)

 * Connector/C++ has new functions to provide schema, table, and
   column character set and collation metadata for result sets:

  + ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getSchemaCollation(const
sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString&

  + ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getSchemaCharset(const
sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString&

  + ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getTableCollation(const
sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString&
schemaPattern, const sql::SQLString& tableNamePattern)

  + ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getTableCharset(const
sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString&
schemaPattern, const sql::SQLString& tableNamePattern)

  + SQLString ResultSetMetaData::getColumnCollation(unsigned
int columnIndex)

  + SQLString ResultSetMetaData::getColumnCharset(unsigned
int columnIndex)
   (Bug #72698, Bug #18803345)

 * Connector/C++ now supports the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD
   option, which accepts an std::map argument. This option
   corresponds to the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD option for
   mysql_options4(). (Bug #72697, Bug #18803313)

 * Connector/C++ now supports a useLegacyAuth connection option,
   which corresponds to the MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH option for
   mysql_options(). (Bug #69492, Bug #16970753)

 * Connector/C++ is now compiled and linked with Connector/C
   6.1.5 rather than with libmysql.

   Bugs Fixed

 * MySQL_ResultSetMetaData::getColumnTypeName() returned UNKNOWN
   for LONG_BLOB fields. (Bug #72700, Bug #18803414)

 * Connector/C++ version-information methods have been revised to
   return the correct values. (Bug #66975, Bug #14680878)

 * Definitions for character sets and collations were added
   (utf8mb4 in particular). (Bug #71606, Bug #18193771)


Reporting Bugs
We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:

On Behalf of the MySQL RE team at Oracle,
Sowmya Dass

MySQL Connector/Python 2.0.0 Alpha has been released

2014-07-24 Thread Sowmya Dass
_groups: Which groups to read from option files, if
option files are read. The value can be an option group
name (a string) or a sequence of group name strings. If
this argument is not given, the default value is
['client, 'connector_python'] to read the [client] and
[connector_python] groups.
For more information, see Connector/Python Option-File Support

   Bugs Fixed

 * Fetching results from a prepared statement that returned many
   columns could produce an error. (Bug #72602, Bug #18742429)

 * Previously, a RuntimeError exception was raised when a Django
   application was inactive for a while. Now, the Django backend
   verifies that the database connection is still valid each time
   a database request is made. (Bug #72545, Bug #18843153)

 * Django TimeField values of 00:00:00 were incorrectly converted
   to NULL because Python considered that value equal to False.
   (Bug #72732, Bug #18956789)


The source distribution includes the manual in various formats under
the docs/ folder.

Reporting Bugs

We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:

Enjoy !

On Behalf of the MySQL RE team at Oracle,
Sowmya Dass

MySQL Cluster 7.3.6 has been released

2014-07-12 Thread Sowmya Dass
Replication: When using NDB$EPOCH_TRANS, conflicts
   between DELETE operations were handled like conflicts between
   updates, with the primary rejecting the transaction and
   dependents, and realigning the secondary. This meant that
   their behavior with regard to subsequent operations on any
   affected row or rows depended on whether they were in the same
   epoch or a different one: within the same epoch, they were
   considered conflicting events; in different epochs, they were
   not considered in conflict.
   This fix brings the handling of conflicts between deletes by
   NDB$EPOCH_TRANS with that performed when using NDB$EPOCH for
   conflict detection and resolution, and extends testing with
   NDB$EPOCH and NDB$EPOCH_TRANS to include "delete-delete"
   conflicts, and encapsulate the expected result, with
   transactional conflict handling modified so that a conflict
   between DELETE operations alone is not sufficient to cause a
   transaction to be considered in conflict. (Bug #18459944)

 * Cluster API: When an NDB data node indicates a buffer overflow
   via an empty epoch, the event buffer places an inconsistent
   data event in the event queue. When this was consumed, it was
   not removed from the event queue as expected, causing
   subsequent nextEvent() calls to return 0. This caused event
   consumption to stall because the inconsistency remained
   flagged forever, while event data accumulated in the queue.
   Event data belonging to an empty inconsistent epoch can be
   found either at the beginning or somewhere in the middle.
   pollEvents() returns 0 for the first case. This fix handles
   the second case: calling nextEvent() call dequeues the
   inconsistent event before it returns. In order to benefit from
   this fix, user applications must call nextEvent() even when
   pollEvents() returns 0. (Bug #18716991)

 * Cluster API: The pollEvents() method returned 1, even when
   called with a wait time equal to 0, and there were no events
   waiting in the queue. Now in such cases it returns 0 as
   expected. (Bug #18703871)

On Behalf of the MySQL Cluster and the Oracle/MySQL RE Team
Sowmya Dass

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.3.1 has been released

2014-04-30 Thread Sowmya Dass

 The user manual can be found at:

 Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

 Please report any problems you have at


 On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team,
 Sowmya Dass

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