Re: Between Operator

2004-07-09 Thread Michael Johnson
On Fri, 09 Jul 2004 11:38:05 -0400, Keith Ivey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Craig Hoffman wrote:
This should pull up all the rock climbs that are in Yosemite, that are  
traditional style and are between the rating 5.5 to 5.10c.  Here is my  

"SELECT * FROM routes, users WHERE area='$area' AND style='$style'   
BETWEEN rating='[$rating1]' AND rating='[$rating2]' GROUP BY route  
ORDER BY rating ASC ";

Not sure what those square brackets are doing there, but your main  
problem is that MySQL has no way of knowing what order you think those  
rating strings should be in.  The string '5.5' is greater than '5.10c',  
and the number 5.5 is greater than 5.10.  I think you're going to need  
to change the way you represent the ratings -- maybe something like  
'5.05' and '5.10c' would work (depending on what other possibilities  
are, and how the letters are supposed to affect sorting). Then  
manipulate the strings to produce what you're used to when it comes time  
to display them (that, or have two columns: one for display and one for  

You could also set up a linked table that holds the sorting and rating  
string information. You could go with either a two column or three column  
table. The only difference being that the three column table would have an  
auto increment primary key so the sorting column can be changed without  
affecting the linking. A simple join connects the sort and rating columns.

Michael Johnson < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Internet Application Programmer, Pitsco, Inc.
+++ Opinions are my own, not my employer's +++
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: MySQL Open Source Status

2004-07-09 Thread Michael Johnson
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004 09:24:37 -0500, Darryl Hoar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Someone on a technical forum I participate in stated that
MySQL was converting to be a commercial application.
I always knew that MySQL had a commercial arm, but always
continued to have the Open Source arm as well.
For project planning purposes, will there continue to be an
open source version of MySQL for personal use ?
We're dealing with this right now. Basically, MySQL is distributed under  
the GPL and always will be. However, their interpretation of what a work  
based on the program is (which requires the new work to be GPLed) is that  
anything that connects to the server is based on it. I believe this comes  
from the fact that you need to use the client library to do so. As a  
result, they offer a commercial license for proprietary products.

The commercial license is quite inexpensive compared to most competitors  
($249 USD w/o InnoDB, $495 USD w/InnoDB) and is permanent. You get  
unlimited upgrades and can transfer the license as well. IIRC, the price  
is per server, not per processor. And there are no limitations on the  
number of connections (unlike most competitors).

All in all not a bad deal if you don't want to GPL your code.
Michael Johnson < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Internet Application Programmer, Pitsco, Inc.
+++ Opinions are my own, not my employer's +++
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Cost of joins?

2004-07-09 Thread Michael Johnson
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004 14:55:40 +0200, Martijn Tonies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> If you need more performance, throw more hardware at it -
> a larger cache (settings -> memory), faster disks and a faster CPU.
After adding a column for "one level up", adding indexes, optimizing the
query it took only a few hundreds of seconds.
Of course, indices should be added to get acceptable performance.
That's what they are here for.
Nevertheless, your database design should be based on logic
and all data should be stored normalized. If you're de-normalizing
your design to get better performance, then there's something
wrong with the database engine (whatever engine that may be).
Unfortunately, there is not a perfect database engine. Sometimes you have  
to break normalization to get acceptable performance, especially when you  
can't through more hardware at the problem. I have no doubt that some day  
every problem that must be de-normalized now for acceptable performance  
can be renormalized at some future time. But you can't know when that  
future time will be exactly and must accept a compromise in the meantime.

Michael Johnson < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Internet Application Programmer, Pitsco, Inc.
+++ Opinions are my own, not my employer's +++
MySQL General Mailing List
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Cannot start 4.1.3 on Debian Linux

2004-07-08 Thread Michael Johnson
I just tried installing 4.1.3 on my development machine today. To my  
dismay, I couldn't get it to start properly. I was upgrading from 4.1.2,  
which I installed identically to the procedure below.

On to the actual problem. When I started MySQL the first time I used  
'/etc/init.d/mysql start'. mysqld_safe was started and just sat there,  
eating CPU cycles. I couldn't connect at all. I checked the error log and  
found the log information that follows. I also tried manually starting the  
server. The results were the same but I discovered that mysqld_safe was  
continually trying to start processes and failing, apparently with the  
error show below.

I could not find anything, after a fairly extensive search, that even  
hinted to a problem like this. I downloaded the debug version of the  
server, but installing it is a bit more complex that I'd like to do at the  
moment, especially if someone has an easy fix.

To install the server, I downloaded the RPMs, converted them to DEBs for  
debian with the alien package, and used dpkg to install them. This update  
procedure has worked since 4.1.0. I remember at some point I did have to  
run a conversion program for permissions, but I don't believe that was  
necesary with this update. I am running a current (as of 2004-06-08  
12:00-0500) installation of Debian testing/sarge.

Does anyone have any ideas or pointers?
Crash log:
Number of processes running now: 0
040708 10:16:10  mysqld restarted
040708 10:16:10  Warning: Asked for 196608 thread stack, but got 126976
040708 10:16:11  Warning: Can't open time zone table: Table  
'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without them
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help  
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely  
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections =  
80383 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
Cannot determine thread, fp=0xbfffeb08, backtrace may not be correct.
Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace!
Please read and follow  
instructions on how to resolve the stack trace. Resolved
stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do
resolve it
Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...
thd->query at (nil)  is invalid pointer
The manual page at contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

Resolved backtrace:
0x808bd47 handle_segfault + 423
0x82c79d8 pthread_sighandler + 184
0x82c8f47 __pthread_unlock + 103
0x82ca2ca pthread_rwlock_rdlock + 234
0x826eef4 mi_rnext + 148
0x80fae2a index_next__9ha_myisamPc + 42
0x80e6789 __11GRANT_TABLEP8st_tableT1 + 1641
0x80e80fe grant_init__FP3THD + 526
0x808d389 main + 697
0x82d74f4 __libc_start_main + 212
0x8048101 _start + 33
Michael Johnson < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Internet Application Programmer, Pitsco, Inc.
+++ Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's +++
MySQL General Mailing List
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MySQL upgrade

2004-07-08 Thread michael johnson
I have ben trying to install MySQL v4 for Linux on a machine that had a
previous v3 installed badly. I have removed all of the old v3 or so I
thought. When I try and put the new v4 on it says that it cannot do this as
there is still a v4 on the machine. What can I do to overide?

Michael Johnson

sock file

2004-07-06 Thread michael johnson
When trying to start mysql on a lx50 I get the following message:

Error 2002 Cannot connect to local MySQL server through socket
/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock (111).

What can I do to resolve this problem pls?


Michael Johnson

RE: Connect string for ASP

2004-04-29 Thread michael johnson
The connection I am trying to make is from a website where the hosting
machine will not have Myodbc installed and the database I am trying to
connect to is on another Internet visible server where MySQL is installed
and myodbc is installed.

-Original Message-
From: Victor Pendleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 29 April 2004 19:54
To: 'Joy Johnson '; Victor Pendleton; ''michael johnson ' ';
''[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql. com ' '
Subject: RE: Connect string for ASP

You will need to have MyODBC installed. You do not need to create a DSN.

-Original Message-
From: Joy Johnson
To: 'Victor Pendleton'; 'michael johnson '; '[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql. com '
Sent: 4/29/04 1:50 PM
Subject: RE: Connect string for ASP

I presume I do not need myodbc installed anywhere to do this.

Thanks for the prompt response

BPEnet Sales & Support Team

Sun iForce Premier Solution, Sales, Change Management & Development
Part of the BPE Group Limited
13 Austin Friars
Tel: 0870 922 0247 / 0207 670 1690
Fax: 0207 670 1717
BPEnet Offices in: Sussex, London & Dublin

-Original Message-----
From: Victor Pendleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 29 April 2004 19:46
To: 'michael johnson '; '[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql. com '
Cc: 'Joy Johnson '
Subject: RE: Connect string for ASP

ConnectStr = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};server=;DB=;UID=;PWD="

-Original Message-
From: michael johnson
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql. com
Cc: Joy Johnson
Sent: 4/29/04 1:33 PM
Subject: Connect string for ASP

Dear All

I am using ASP. Can anyone give me the connection code to connect to a
MySQL database without using ODBC DSN?


Michael Johnson

Sun iForce Premier Solution, Sales, Change Management & Development
Partner Part of the BPEnet Group Limited 13 Austin Friars London EC2N
2JX Tel:. +44 (0)870 922 0247 / (0)207 670 1690
Fax: +44 (0)207 670 1717
BPEnet Offices in ~ Sussex, London & Dublin

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Connect string for ASP

2004-04-29 Thread michael johnson
Dear All

I am using ASP. Can anyone give me the connection code to connect to a MySQL
database without using ODBC DSN?


Michael Johnson

Sun iForce Premier Solution, Sales, Change Management & Development Partner
Part of the BPEnet Group Limited
13 Austin Friars
Tel:. +44 (0)870 922 0247 / (0)207 670 1690
Fax: +44 (0)207 670 1717
BPEnet Offices in ~ Sussex, London & Dublin

German Language characters storage.

2004-02-24 Thread Michael Johnson
Can MySQL store German characters such as ä,  o,  u and ß 

Thinking the Problem all the way through

Michael Johnson
Managing Director   Humphrey Consulting Limited BPEnet
13 Austin Friars
mobile: +44 (0)870 922 0247
+44 (0)1323 419554
07710 858586

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What is the proper method of creating innodb/ibdata files with mysqld_multi?

2004-02-10 Thread MIchael Johnson
Good morning:
What is the proper method of creating ibdata files with mysqld_multi?
Using mysqld_multi the second server started, but just created one 
ibdata file instead of four, which I have indicated in the second servers' 
my.cnf file located in its data dir.
Also, I was unable to log on to the new mysql server and I was unable 
to stop the server.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Thanks in advance for any help.

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INNODB - Reclaiming ibdata space and various ibdata questions

2004-02-06 Thread MIchael Johnson
Good Afternoon and thank you in advance for any help that you may be able to provide.
QUESTION 1 : How do you reclaiming ibdata space?
We have 3 databases that together use several ibdata files (ie each database does not 
have its own ibdata file) .  We would like to drop 2 databases and reclaim the ibdata 
space that the 2 databases took up.  What is the best way to do this?
QUESTION 2 : Can you have multiple MySQL Instances that contain one database and a 
seperate ibdata spaces?  Is this the best way to create seperate ibdata files for each 
database?  What would you recommend?
QUESTION 3:  How can you defrag a database instead of a table?
We have found that you can defrag a table: "From MySQL Manual: The way to do the 
defragmenting is to perform a 'null' alter table operation ALTER TABLE tablename 
TYPE=InnoDB."  We would like to do this for the complete database.
Thanks again for any help.

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RE: automate MSAccess into MySQL

2003-12-04 Thread michael johnson
Visit my web site and look at data converters

Michael Johnson
BPEnet Humphrey Consulting Limited
13 Austin Friars London EC2N 2JX
Tel +44(0)870 922 0247
Fax +44(0)1323 419554
Also in Dublin & Luxembourg

-Original Message-
From: McKeever Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 04 December 2003 23:14
To: MySQL Lists; Warren
Subject: Re: automate MSAccess into MySQL

On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 15:00 , Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

>Is there a way to automate an export of a single table from a MS Access
>DB into a Temp MySQL DB?
>I would like to make a front end that the client can select the correct
>MS Access DB and then the correct table and once those are selected the
>table will be exported into the MySQL DB for my C++ front end to utilize.
>Does anyone know how to do this?

I have read posts about implimentations of this.  You can easily grab the
table structure using VBA and then connect to MYSQL to create and
import row by row (or even out to a CSV with a text file for the table
schema).  PHP could do the same, but I do not know if you can get the
table structure as easiliy.  I guess the main question is, do you want to
keep field types, or just quickly push the data over.

Chris McKeever
If you want to reply directly to me, please use

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V3.23 to V4

2003-11-30 Thread michael johnson
I have a version 3.23 database I want to put into version 4.0. I have used
EMS Mysql manager to transfer the database from a version 3 environment to
version 4 environment on different machines. When I start the GUI
application I use MySQL with it says that the files need re-indexing and
will not work.

My Question is: Should I have used some procedure in addition to the
transfer to re-index the files. Under version 3.23 the MySQL Manager says
the tables are MyISAM.

Any help will be gratefully received.

Michael Johnson
BPEnet Humphrey Consulting Limited
13 Austin Friars London EC2N 2JX
Tel +44(0)870 922 0247
Fax +44(0)1323 419554
Also in Dublin & Luxembourg

Send someone a database

2003-11-28 Thread michael johnson
Dear All

I want to send a MySQL database to a client by email. Which is the best way
to do it?

Michael Johnson
BPEnet Humphrey Consulting Limited
13 Austin Friars London EC2N 2JX
Tel +44(0)870 922 0247
Fax +44(0)1323 419554
Also in Dublin & Luxembourg

Re: Intermittent 'access denied' errors.

2003-11-25 Thread Michael Johnson
On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 16:10:47 +, Duncan Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


I've just finished installing 4.1 alpha (yes, I know, alpha) on a test 
Now that I'm starting to stress test it, I've run into an odd bug:

Every once in a while, (and from what I can tell, randomly) the server 
reject the attempted connection from another host on the network with an
access denied message.

I'm also seeing the same intermittent failures in my PHP scripts.

Linux 2.4.20-20.9 #1 Mon Aug 18 11:45:58 EDT 2003 i686 
i386 GNU/Linux
RedHat 9 based system, fully updated glibc etc.  MySQL 4.1 installed 
from the
RPMs provided on the site.

I can work around the issue in my PHP scripts, merely by looping the
connection attempt a set number of times if a failure is encountered.  
the nicest of solutions though.

Is this a known problem in 4.1?  Any better way I can debug it to provide
I've witnessed a similar problem (also 4.1). I'm connecting only via 
localhost. I've used the suggested solution of looping a set number of 
times. IIRC, I encountered a similar problem ages ago with an older 3.x 
version. But I wrote the loop and forgot about it.

This is happening to me on a low volume server right now, but when I move 
to production it will handle a much higher volume of traffic. I'm just 
hoping my looping check doesn't bog things down too much. :)

If you find a solution, please let me know.


Michael Johnson < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Internet Application Programmer, Pitsco, Inc.
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: web interface...

2003-10-10 Thread Michael Johnson
If you are looking at PHP, may I suggest the PEAR DB > family of classes? It implements functionality that 
I imagine is similar to perl's DBI interface.


// Note that database backend can be specified.
$db = DB::connect('mysql://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/database_name');
// Check for errors (should do this throughout :)
if (DB::isError($db)) {
  // do something
$data = $db->getAll('SELECT * FROM my_table');
// $data is now an array representing all the result rows from the query
$aRow = $db->getRow('SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = 345');
// $aRow is the first row from the query
// etc...


On Thu, 9 Oct 2003 15:53:45 -0700, Dathan Vance Pattishall 

If the are a UNIX CGI plant then they probably run PERL which then you
can use DBI; this is much different then writing HTML since PERL by
itself can't include raw imbedded html. So, I suggest using PHP it
should be easier for you to make a transition to then a pure old fashion
CGI script.
Look below


 I connected 

# do something else


 More html 

Check out and PHP for programmers by WOX publishing. This
will help you out allot.
- Dathan Vance Pattishall
  - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.
-->-Original Message-
-->From: Dora [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-->Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 3:42 PM
-->To: 'Dathan Vance Pattishall'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-->Subject: RE: web interface...
-->I m open to suggestions.  I use HTML and JavaScript regularly.  If I
-->have some sample code I could hack it do what I need.  My website is
-->a UNIX CGI plant form.
-->What are your thoughts?
-->-Original Message-
-->From: Dathan Vance Pattishall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-->Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 6:28 PM
-->Subject: RE: web interface...
-->-->-Original Message-
-->-->From: Dora [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-->-->Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 3:18 PM
-->-->Subject: web interface...
-->-->I have used other relational databases but am new to my sql.
-->-->I find documentation on how to connect my database to a web page?
-->Depends which language your using. Perl, C++, Java, PHP, etc. all do
-->- Dathan Vance Pattishall
-->  - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.
-->  -

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Michael Johnson < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Internet Application Programmer, Pitsco, Inc.
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: newbie SELECT question

2003-10-01 Thread Michael Johnson
How about this?

  SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING(url, LOCATE("//", url) + 2), '/', 1) AS domain
FROM referals

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 14:54:24 +0100, Graham Nichols 


I have a table containing page referral URLs gleaned from users browsing 
my website. Is there a way for me to use SELECT based on a portion 
record's contents?


table contents:
I wish to return only the portion between the // and /. Sort of a //*/ 
thing so I can use COUNT with this to allow me to build a table in PHP 
of the most popular root domains which go to my site.

I hope this all makes sense ;-)

kind regards,  Graham Nichols.

Michael Johnson < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Internet Application Programmer, Pitsco, Inc.
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Select statement

2003-09-04 Thread Michael Johnson
On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 13:57:53 -0500, Darryl Hoar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Joins can in fact be rather confusing at first. The MySQL manual doesn't 
help out much, either, I'm afraid.  There are lots of good references 
available though. I don't know of any online right off hand, but _SQL 
Queries for Mere Mortals_ (Hernandez and Viescas) is a very good book.

Anyway, try this:

  FROM employee
JOIN emp2 ON employee.field1 = emp2.field3
This will give a combination of all columns from both tables where the ON 
condition holds true.

To restrict the columns returned, change the * to list the columns.

To get all employees with NULL for those who don't have an entry in emp2 
change the JOIN to a LEFT JOIN.

Hope this helps.
I am just trying to wrap my brain around joins.
I have a table employee.  For each record in employee, I want to see
if a record exists in table emp2 based on a field value in both tables.  

for each employee
  for each emp2
 if employee.field1 = emp2.field3 then
do something interesting.
   end emp2 loop
end employee loop.
can someone point me to the right join syntax to get this done ?


Michael Johnson < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Internet Application Programmer, Pitsco, Inc.
MySQL General Mailing List
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MySQL 4.1, derived tables, and privileges

2003-09-04 Thread Michael Johnson
I hope someone can help me on this. I've searched the mailing list 
archives and the manual and can't find anything, except for user comments 
in the manual that confirm what I'm finding.

I'm using derived tables users with restricted privileges. The only way I 
can get the derived tables to work though is to give the user global 
SELECT privileges. I don't want to do this. Am I missing something? If 
not, is there a way around this problem?

The error I get is:

   #1142 - select command denied to user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
   for table '/tmp/#sql_135_0'
My select looks something like:

  SELECT t1id as "Key", IFNULL(k2, dfltValue) as "Value"
  FROM t1
 (SELECT t1id, k2
  FROM t2 WHERE k3=1) as derived;
My tables have the columns:

  t1: t1id, dfltValue
1  a
2  b
  t2: t1id, k2, k3
1c   1
1d   2
2e   2
Note that not all values of t1id exist in t2 for a given k3. Hence, this 
select gets all t1id keys with a default value if it doesn't exist in t2.

Desired result:

  Key Value
The privileges for [EMAIL PROTECTED] are:

  No global priveleges (setting Create_tmp_table_priv makes no difference)
If I grant global SELECT it works as expected. Again, 
create_tmp_table_priv is irrelevant at this point.

Any thoughts on why this is working like this?

PS If there is a better way to do this query, I'd like to know that, too, 
but I've run into this problem at other places where I *know* I have to 
use derived tables, so the problem is still pertinent to my use.

Michael Johnson < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Internet Application Programmer, Pitsco, Inc.
MySQL General Mailing List
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2003-03-27 Thread michael johnson
I do apologies I should have said has anybody been able to connect Sage
Accounting to MySQL

Michael Johnson
BPEnet Humphrey Consulting Limited
13 Austin Friars London EC2N 2JX
Tel +44(0)1323 438975
Fax +44(0)1323 738355
Also in Dublin & Luxembourg


2003-03-27 Thread Michael Johnson
Has anyone used saga to connect to MySQL database? If so what tools did
they use?

Michael Johnson

Managing Director

Humphrey Consulting Limited BPEnet

Tel/Fax: 0870 922 0247 


websites: &




2003-03-16 Thread michael johnson
Dear All

Has anyone successfully used Goldmine accessing MySQL databases via ODBC or
any other connection method?


Michael Johnson

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RE: convert ms access mdb file to file that can be imported in mysql

2002-08-31 Thread michael johnson

I can supply a converter that will do this without having Access installed.
Contact my Sales Manager Joy Johnson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] who will let you have
a copy for £30.00 plus VAT (If in the EU)

Michael Johnson
BPEnet Humphrey Consulting Limited
13 Austin Friars London EC2N 2JX
Tel +44(0)1323 438975
Fax +44(0)1323 738355
Also in Dublin & Luxembourg

-Original Message-
From: Mertens Bram [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 31 August 2002 17:20
To: mysql mailing list
Subject: Re: convert ms access mdb file to file that can be imported in

On Sat, 2002-08-31 at 17:59, David Lloyd wrote:
> ( mysql, query )
> You have missed his point. He's asking Microsoft to support MySQL as a
> native backend.

I'm sorry if I was unclear, I'll try to clarify.
I created a db under Windows using Access, I backed the .mdb files up.
I have upgraded my OS to Linux. :) And my dbm to mysql, I do have  Win98
installed on a separate partition but I haven't reinstalled Access or
any other Office program and would like to know if it is possible to use
a LINUX tool or program (I don't mind installing software, I just would
prefer not to install any software under Windows) to convert the .mdb
file into something I can use under Linux as input for my mysql db.

> I'd suggest the original asker rephrase his question into something a
> little more useful...

Is this more useful?

And an additional question: if the files can only be read/altered under
Windows wouldn't it be easier to install Access and export the data to a
text-file? I do believe Access offered that possibility,or doesn't it?

BTW the Office version I could install is 2000.

And finally: I wouldn't want Microsoft to support mysql in any way, they
have a bad habit of 'improving' other software. In the process rendering
it useless for everybody not willing to upgrade to the last version of
their OS.

so again, thanks in advance for suggestions!

 #  Mertens Bram "M8ram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Linux User #249103  #
 #  Red Hat Linux 7.3  KDE 3.0.0-10  kernel 2.4.18-3  i686  128MB RAM  #

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Re: MySQL Starts, but quits immediately

2002-08-02 Thread Michael Johnson

You need the mysql daemon running before you can connect to it. To me it
looks like need to start the daemon as a user with the right permissions
and then connect to it.

Is mysql configured at all on your box? If you haven't read the docs--you
probably should.


On Fri, 2 Aug 2002, Bill Leonard wrote:

> Here's the console report... Anyone have any idea what might be the cause? I
> checked and the .sock file exists, and of course there is no mysqld service
> running (because it can't start!)
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated...!
> 2002-08-02 21:02:55.755 MySQLInfoTool[1464] attempting to start server
> /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
> error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/tmp/mysql.sock' (61)'
> Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'
> exists!
> 2002-08-02 21:02:55.980 MySQLInfoTool[1464] path:/usr/bin/safe_mysqld
> args {type = immutable, count = 1,
> values = (
> 0 : {contents = "--user=mysql"}
> )}
> Env (null)
> --
> Bill Leonard   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> www.machinemen.com407.464.0147
> -
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Lost root password

2002-07-22 Thread michael johnson

We have a support contract with you. One of my clients has lost his root
password. How can we access his mysql?

Michael Johnson

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Lost root password

2002-07-22 Thread michael johnson

We have a support contract with you. One of my clients has lost his root
password. How can we access his mysql?

Michael Johnson

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RE: Compile guide / needed /recommended versions solaris 8 Sparc

2002-07-08 Thread Michael Johnson

We can supply MySQL box set with manuals and releases for all supported
platforms plus some goodies. The price is £35.00 plus VAT (if
applicable) you can find details on our website at The
price above is a concessionary price.
Michael Johnson
Managing Director
Humphrey Consulting Limited BPEnet
Tel: +44 (0)1323 438975
Fax: +44 (0)1323 738355
websites: & www.bpenet.lnet

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 6:33 PM
Subject: Compile guide / needed /recommended versions solaris 8 Sparc


I am trying to build the best version of mysql on solaris 8 for Sparc.

Can anyone please recommend 

1.) The best version of Mysql to use (I am told there is a payfor
version with transactions)
2.) The suggested version of GCC to use (I am using sun freewares GCC
3.) The needed / suggested software on the Solaris machine to make Mysql
run well compile well
4.) a good compile and install guide as I have done it many times on
Linux however I remember having problems on solaris 2.6 and I would like
this install to go well.
5.) Any other advice would be greatfully appriciated.
6.) Is it worth compiling mysql in 64 bit mode ? 

I am not new to Solaris or Linux, and I have used mysql on Linux for a
year or 2 now (not in deapth)

However I would like to get this first time runnign Mysql on Solaris
done well 

Thanks for your time and help on this. It is much appriciated.


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RE: Should We purchase mysql license Under Windows 2000??----Please Help!!!

2001-09-10 Thread michael johnson

If you are using MySQL for commercial gain then you need a developer's

Michael Johnson
BPEnet Humphrey Consulting Limited
13 Austin Friars London EC2N 2JX
Tel +44(0)1323 438975
Fax +44(0)1323 738355
Also in Dublin & Luxembourg

-Original Message-
From: Walter Bertin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 September 2001 06:58
To: michael johnson; Joy Johnson
Subject: AW: Should We purchase mysql license Under Windows 2000??Please

what does it mean  commercially   in the case of  MySQL.

do I need a license (pay mony) to make my own page/site
or if i make it for a firend

To my understanding  -
as long as i do not make profit or think i will make profit
while using software product under GNU  license, like MySQL, or Linux
i can use it with no charge - free of any paymant

will anyone correct me, if i am wrong ???


-Urspr¨¹ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: michael johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Montag, 10. September 2001 08:42
An: Walter Bertin
Cc: Joy Johnson
Betreff: RE: Should We purchase mysql license Under Windows 2000??Please

If you are going to use the software commercially you need a license.
We can supply such a license and will be pleased to quote.


Michael Johnson
BPEnet Humphrey Consulting Limited
13 Austin Friars London EC2N 2JX
Tel +44(0)1323 438975
Fax +44(0)1323 738355
Also in Dublin & Luxembourg

-Original Message-
From: Walter Bertin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 09 September 2001 14:44
To: Deryck Henson; aDragon
Subject: AW: Should We purchase mysql license Under Windows 2000??Please

MySQL was till version 3.22.??? shareware
and you had to pay for it when used commercialy (like in your case).
You had only 30 days free useage for, lets say, developing
- if you would use this aldery versions
- in case on new development does not make much sence -
you would have to pay.

since above version 3.22.???, which means all newer version,
is MySQL under the GPL convension
which means to mi -  it is free for a normal use - (like in your case)

 - this is what it is my understending of GPL.
am I right ??? would anyone correct me ???

see on the this states like

"For normal internal use, MySQL costs nothing.
You do not have to pay us if you do not want to."

I understand that - the term - "internal use" -
means here simple
use MySQL to make SQL-Databases, lets say, for web.

-Urspr¨¹ngliche Nachricht-
Von: Deryck Henson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Sonntag, 9. September 2001 04:59
An: aDragon
Betreff: Re: Should We purchase mysql license Under Windows 2000??Please

It's about $208.00 in USD or 1725 CNY (Chinese Currency).
You can buy it from anywhere I THINK.  You might want to check me on that
Just buy it straight from MySQL's website ( ) .
And, in my opinion, I'd just use the free version.
Not as much to worry about, but, if you WANT to pay $208 bucks, go ahead.

- Deryck H
- Original Message -
From: "aDragon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 9:53 PM
Subject: Should We purchase mysql license Under Windows 2000??Please

> hi,Everyone,
>I have a great problem now,
>I'm building a web site, using MySql as my Database under windows 2000
Advanced Server, and BEA weblogic Server as my server.
>I don't whether we should buy the license in order to public our web
site for commercial purpose.
>And What's the price for only one license of mysql server?
>How to buy it in China? Is there any OEM or other for us to buy easily?
>Any help is appreciated!
> aDragon
> -
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mysql distribution box sets available

2001-07-28 Thread michael johnson

I have a stock of Box sets, which contain a MySQL manual together with a
distribution CD that includes the following:

1. Binary for: Linux, Solaris, SGI Irix, AIX 4,x DEC Unix 4,x Tru64 Unix,
SunOS 4,x SCO, Hpux,PPC Win32, FreeBSD+BSDI+NetBSD
2. Contribution programs
3. Documentation
4. Examples
5. Benchmarks
6. FAQs
7. MySQL Manual Server Client
8. Graphical User Interface (GUI)
9. Bonus Software

I am offering this package for £50.00 plus VAT. If you would like one then
just reply to this email.


Michael Johnson
BPEnet Humphrey Consulting Limited
13 Austin Friars London EC2N 2JX
Tel +44(0)1323 438975
Fax +44(0)1323 738355
Also in Dublin & Luxembourg

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Various Issues the Mysql Community seems to be raising

2001-07-26 Thread michael johnson

I have been a member of this list for a week now and have read with interest
the issues that are raised. I have tools that will resolve some of these
issues especially for new users of MySQL. I know this list probably should
not be used as a sales forum but I do believe I have a tool that will help
the community.

It is called BPEAccesstoMySQL and has two components: 1. A desktop MySQL
environment manager, which means that you can manage your MySQL servers from
one, place no matter what the operating systems of the server. The problems
of how to code the creation of new tables goes away it can do it for you. 2.
A converter that converts MS Access tables and data to MySQL that resides on
the desktop.

If any of you are interested in these tools please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
who will be pleased to give you details. I really think they will solve some
of the general questions that you are all asking.


Michael Johnson
BPEnet Humphrey Consulting Limited
13 Austin Friars London EC2N 2JX
Tel +44(0)1323 438975
Fax +44(0)1323 738355
Also in Dublin & Luxembourg

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Removal of MySQL

2001-07-22 Thread michael johnson

Is there a simple command one can give in Linux that will remove all trace of Mysql 
except the databases so that I can install from fresh?

Michael Johnson
Humphrey Consulting Limited
13 Austin Friars
Tel  +44 (0)1323 438975
Fax  +44(0)1323  738355

Also Offices in Dublin, Luxembourg and Eastbourne


2001-07-20 Thread Michael Johnson

I have been trying to install MySQL on my Cobalt RAQ3 and I seem to have
lost my mysql.sock file. I get the following error message when I tray to
carryout any mysql activity.

ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111)

Pls advise

Michael Johnson
Humphrey Consulting Limited
13 Austin Frais
London EC2N 2JX
Tel +44(0)1323 438975
Fax +44(0)1323 738355

Also @ Carmichael House
60 Lower Baggott Street
Dublin 2
Tel +353(0)1 602 4739

Also @ 26 Boulevard Royal
Tel +352 22 99 99 55 07

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