Re: Limitation of SQL when making LEFT JOIN

2002-11-21 Thread Juan C. P. Garrido
Keith C. Ivey wrote:

On 21 Nov 2002, at 8:46, Juan C. P. Garrido wrote:


When I  make the LEFT JOIN between the two tables,  it takes a long time,
and it seems that the machine is crashed , because everything I try to make
in the machine is extremely slow, so I have to reset it manually.

Do you have indexes on the columns you're using for the join?  Can 
you show the output of EXPLAIN on your query?


Thanks you for your response. Really one of the tables was without index 
and for this reason the
query with LEFT JOIN was so slow.



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re: Limitation of SQL when making LEFT JOIN

2002-11-21 Thread Egor Egorov
Thursday, November 21, 2002, 12:46:55 PM, you wrote:

JCPG> Iam using MySQL version 4.0.5 in Windows and I want to make a JOIN between
JCPG> two tables that have approximately 20,000 records and 20 columns. As all 
JCPG> the records
JCPG> from one of the tables must appear in the result of the SQL( the tables 
JCPG> donnt have the same
JCPG> number of records) , I ought to use a LEFT JOIN.
JCPG> When I  make the LEFT JOIN between the two tables,  it takes a long time,
JCPG> and it seems that the machine is crashed , because everything I try to make
JCPG> in the machine is extremely slow, so I have to reset it manually.

JCPG> Is this a limitation of MySQL when making a LEFT JOIN between two tables 
JCPG> with a
JCPG> certain number of records or is there a different way to solve this 
JCPG> problem in order to
JCPG> increase the speed of the query ?

Show me your query? What are the tables structure? What is
the output of EXPLAIN SELECT?

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Re: Limitation of SQL when making LEFT JOIN

2002-11-21 Thread Keith C. Ivey
On 21 Nov 2002, at 8:46, Juan C. P. Garrido wrote:

> When I  make the LEFT JOIN between the two tables,  it takes a long time,
> and it seems that the machine is crashed , because everything I try to make
> in the machine is extremely slow, so I have to reset it manually.

Do you have indexes on the columns you're using for the join?  Can 
you show the output of EXPLAIN on your query?

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Limitation of SQL when making LEFT JOIN

2002-11-21 Thread Juan C. P. Garrido

I´m using MySQL version 4.0.5 in Windows and I want to make a JOIN between
two tables that have approximately 20,000 records and 20 columns. As all 
the records
from one of the tables must appear in the result of the SQL( the tables 
don´t have the same
number of records) , I ought to use a LEFT JOIN.
When I  make the LEFT JOIN between the two tables,  it takes a long time,
and it seems that the machine is crashed , because everything I try to make
in the machine is extremely slow, so I have to reset it manually.

Is this a limitation of MySQL when making a LEFT JOIN between two tables 
with a
certain number of records or is there a different way to solve this 
problem in order to
increase the speed of the query ?



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