RE: MySQL and HIPAA Compliance?

2005-08-05 Thread J.R. Bullington
Now see, if I gave that away, I wouldn't have interested you, now would I?

As with all databases, you need to collect some kind of identifying
information. That's what the "save 1 or 2 tables" statement was about.

Take this simple system for example.

Table 1 ...
UserID  UserNameFirst_Name  Last_Name
1   logmeon J.R.Bullington

Table 2 ...
ID1 UserID  SitePassword
1   1   145 12345

Table 3 ...
SiteID  SiteNameSiteLoc
145 HomeSomePlace USA

And so on and so forth...

Out of the information above, let's "print" some...
If I printed 2 and 3, what could you do with it? Nothing, since the FK is
not the same as PK. Now, we database people know what we could do, but not
the layman.

If I printed 1 and 3, what could you do with it? Nothing, no references...

If I printed 1 and 2, a little more could be done, because you have username
and password, but the rest of the data is unrecognizable.

Now here is the real fun... Take away the table names, add 5000 records to
each table, and shuffle them. That's the typical database size in a
medium-sized clinic. Since you wouldn't actually print all 5000 records onto
paper, you would only print what you wanted to see, how could you figure it

Rhetorical question as you couldn't without the database schema in hand to
relate back to.

Only 1 table out of the ubound(Table(x)) that I could have created (only 3
shown) have personally identifiable data in them. No one but the
administrator and/or data entry person(s) has/ve access to that one table.

Hence... HIPAA compliance.

Welcome to my world...

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 1:46 PM
To: J.R. Bullington
Subject: Re: MySQL and HIPAA Compliance?

>> Now the systems that I designed/use were designed with HIPAA in mind, 
>> so, save 1 or 2 tables, everything is in integers. Printing out an 
>> entire table of data and leaving it in the cafeteria is not an issue 
>> as you would see nothing but numbers. Without having the database 
>> schema in hand to reference what all the numbers mean, you won't be able
to determine anything.

>That's a clever idea!  But didn't you have to store personal information at
somepoint?  I guess you
>could do a clever encoding scheme to map a name and address to a very large
integer, but that seems... >not much better.  How did you handle that issue?

Ross Vandegrift

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Re: MySQL and HIPAA Compliance?

2005-08-05 Thread ross
On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 01:29:19PM -0400, J.R. Bullington wrote:
> The way that data is stored is not at the issue. It's the way that data is
> collected that is at the heart of the RDBMS part of HIPAA.

I once interned for a major vendor of HIPAA-compliant hospital IT
solutions, doing software quality assurance on their internal
products.  I was responsible for testing two of the most
HIPAA-relevant pieces of inftastructure in the whole architechture:

1) User authentication: HIPPA compliance requires that someone be
explicity authorized to view data before they can view it.  We had a
reasonably sophisticated token system that was implemented for every
API.  In addition to a function's parameters, it also needed it's
security token.  That security token was based on the user that had
logged in and what they were attempting to view.

Security tokens would be assigned to users and stored in an isolated
database (we had Oracle, MS SQL, and DB2 modules, though there's no reason
MySQL couldn't be supported).  A security administrator would
use a tool to assign the proper permissions to their users.  This
would literally define what APIs the user had access to (similar to
Java's security policy, but with a database backend and even finer
grained control).

2) Audit logging:  Every time an authenticated user retrieved some
piece of data, we had to create an audit record that could prove they
did it.  This is the "Accountability" part of HIPAA.

An auditing administrator would configure the auditing properties,
which gets stored in another isolated database.  Anytime an
authenticated user does something that the auditing administrator has
decided is significant - boom, a record gets written to record the

You'll notice that in both cases, the HIPPA-ness is implemented on a
higher level than the actual database.  Like JR said, as long as the
server is secured, there's no problem with that implementation.

Having said that, we all laughed at the idea of running our software
in a production environment on anything but a DB2 mainframe.  These
two pieces are quite a heavy load on the databases - just imagine how
many audit records can be generated at a large busy hospital!

We had a test load that could easily bog down our database servers.  Of
course it was contrived, and our testing budget prevented us from
having serious hardware to test with, but it always boggled my mind to
think of all the audit records that would be stored somewhere (and
probably never looked at ::-).

> Now the systems that I designed/use were designed with HIPAA in mind, so,
> save 1 or 2 tables, everything is in integers. Printing out an entire table
> of data and leaving it in the cafeteria is not an issue as you would see
> nothing but numbers. Without having the database schema in hand to reference
> what all the numbers mean, you won't be able to determine anything.

That's a clever idea!  But didn't you have to store personal
information at somepoint?  I guess you could do a clever encoding
scheme to map a name and address to a very large integer, but that
seems... not much better.  How did you handle that issue?

Ross Vandegrift

"The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who
make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians
have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine
man in the bonds of Hell."
--St. Augustine, De Genesi ad Litteram, Book II, xviii, 37

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Re: MySQL and HIPAA Compliance?

2005-08-05 Thread Mark Matthews
Hash: SHA1

Mark Matthews wrote:

> For example, besides containing regulations concerning techology for
> software that deals with artifacts that fall under HIPPA (but does not
> mandate _which_ technology to use), there are regulations about
> _physical_ security (i.e. who has access to the file cabinet, the server
> room, the fax machine, etc), administrative safeguards, as well as
> codifcation standards (ICD9's and the like, as well as other
> "Portability" issues, which is one of the "P"s in HIPPA) and any number

Sorry, that should've been _the_ "P" in _HIPAA_ ;)

Finally managed to dig up the technology requirements from H&HS at

And of course, given these, a solution built on top of MySQL _can_ be
HIPAA-compliant (given that you meet the non-technology-related
regulations as well, which are probably harder to deal with). Of course,
these requirements apply to the system as a _whole_, but MySQL by itself
also meets the requirements.

> Requirement
> --
> Access control (The following implementation feature must be implemented: 
> Procedure for emergency access. In addition, at least one of the following 
> three implementation features must be implemented: Context-based access, 
> Role-based access, User-based access. The use of Encryption is optional).

There's emergency-based access, as well as user-based access in MySQL.
One can also, if they so desire use encryption.

> Audit controls

You can enable MySQL to create audit logs, with recording every query
issued by any user the time at which that query happened.

> Authorization control (At least one of the listed implementation features 
> must be implemented).
> Role-based access.
> User-based access.

MySQL has User-based access.

> Data Authentication (HIPAA's definition is "The corroboration that data has 
> not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner. Examples of how data 
> corroboration may be assured include the use of a check sum, double keying, a 
> message authentication code, or digital signature.")

MySQL has cryptographic hashing functionality which meets this requirement.

> Entity authentication (The following implementation features must be 
> implemented: Automatic logoff, Unique user identification. In addition, at 
> least one of the other listed implementation features must be implemented).
> Automatic logoff.
> Biometric.
> Password.
> PIN.
> Telephone callback.
> Token.
> Unique user identification.

MySQL has automatic log-off capabilities (connection timeouts), as well
as unique user identification, and has passwords.


- --
Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Connectivity
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RE: MySQL and HIPAA Compliance?

2005-08-05 Thread Keith D. Holler
I just completed designing a site for a dentist that had to be HIPAA
compliant. To see how I structured it take a look at

Keith D. Holler
Owner/Senior Network Engineer
AZCAPPY Network Services
623-321-8177 Fax

-Original Message-
From: J.R. Bullington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 10:29 AM
Subject: RE: MySQL and HIPAA Compliance?

What a great discussion thread!


I currently use MySQL as part of a HIPAA compliant system for the
integration of web-based apps with Patient Care information.

HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) is a set of
standards set by the US Government to protect people's private health
information. Although created in 1996, only recently (April 2005) has it
started to really affect the way that health care organizations really
needed to worry about it's IT implications.

So, let's get to quick and dirty bottom of this: 
Is MySQL compliant -- NO. Neither is any other RDBMS on the market

The way that data is stored is not at the issue. It's the way that data is
collected that is at the heart of the RDBMS part of HIPAA.

You are correct that the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and application
layers are responsible for the encryption of the data. As long as the data
is in a locked, windowless, office (hopefully a server room) with adequate
security features (like physical security) and the system is locked with
passwords and has virus protection, then the data is HIPAA compliant.

What HIPAA was truly designed for was not the storage of data but the
PORTABILITY of data. How is the data accessed and who sees it? 

Data needs to be accessed over a secure connection, either via SSL or other
encryption standards (AES, WEP, TLS, etc.) and must have a strong password
(minimum 8 characters, alphanumeric, and special characters) in order to
decrypt it. That being said, only certain individuals are even allowed to
access that data, set up via Active Directory, directory shares, or by
access lists. With the web based applications that I use, you must either be
inside the network or access it via a 128-bit encrypted VPN. Not only does
the data transmission need to be encrypted, but it also needs to be
adequately logged as to who sees it, what they were looking at, how long
they were there, and what their purpose was. 

Now the systems that I designed/use were designed with HIPAA in mind, so,
save 1 or 2 tables, everything is in integers. Printing out an entire table
of data and leaving it in the cafeteria is not an issue as you would see
nothing but numbers. Without having the database schema in hand to reference
what all the numbers mean, you won't be able to determine anything.

Now, I am just a computer jockey with ump-teen years experience under my
belt, so don't take what I have written here to be law. However, being the
in healthcare field and designing databases with HIPAA compliance in mind
has been a huge help.

There are lots of sites out there with much more information than I have in
my head, so I would seek those out as well.

One site, has all the data that you need
straight from the ass's (oops, horse's) mouth of the US Gov't. 

I have helped in the authoring of a few papers on HIPAA compliance and
computers in the healthcare industry that, if this would be of interest to
anyone, are available. Please email me directly, as putting them on the list
would be unwanted propaganda.

I hope this sparks some more discussion from 'the group'.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 12:56 PM
Subject: MySQL and HIPAA Compliance?


I'm taking a database class and we are given open ended discussion questions
each week.  The question this week is:

"Will MySQL take away market share from popular DBMSs? Will your comments
change if you are told that MySQL is not HIPPAA compliant?"

I have been using MySQL for well over 3 years, and other databases for well
over 10 years (professionally, as a coderbout time I took a class eh?)
and I do think I have an informed opinion for the first part.

I'm weak in the area of HIPAA compliance though.  I know it basically
centers around privacy.  I know it covers things like adequate logging,
encrypted connections, etc, but it also seems to include a lot of EDI
interoperability.  Now that seems to be something that should be handled at
an application level and MySQL shouldn't be penalized because of this.
>From the searching I have done, it appears that MSSQL for example 
this mandatory feature via their Biztalk server (to handle all the EDI)

There are all manner of sites that will discuss HIPAA compliance for a fee.
Is anyone here familiar with this that

RE: MySQL and HIPAA Compliance?

2005-08-05 Thread J.R. Bullington
What a great discussion thread!


I currently use MySQL as part of a HIPAA compliant system for the
integration of web-based apps with Patient Care information.

HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) is a set of
standards set by the US Government to protect people's private health
information. Although created in 1996, only recently (April 2005) has it
started to really affect the way that health care organizations really
needed to worry about it's IT implications.

So, let's get to quick and dirty bottom of this: 
Is MySQL compliant -- NO. Neither is any other RDBMS on the market

The way that data is stored is not at the issue. It's the way that data is
collected that is at the heart of the RDBMS part of HIPAA.

You are correct that the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and application
layers are responsible for the encryption of the data. As long as the data
is in a locked, windowless, office (hopefully a server room) with adequate
security features (like physical security) and the system is locked with
passwords and has virus protection, then the data is HIPAA compliant.

What HIPAA was truly designed for was not the storage of data but the
PORTABILITY of data. How is the data accessed and who sees it? 

Data needs to be accessed over a secure connection, either via SSL or other
encryption standards (AES, WEP, TLS, etc.) and must have a strong password
(minimum 8 characters, alphanumeric, and special characters) in order to
decrypt it. That being said, only certain individuals are even allowed to
access that data, set up via Active Directory, directory shares, or by
access lists. With the web based applications that I use, you must either be
inside the network or access it via a 128-bit encrypted VPN. Not only does
the data transmission need to be encrypted, but it also needs to be
adequately logged as to who sees it, what they were looking at, how long
they were there, and what their purpose was. 

Now the systems that I designed/use were designed with HIPAA in mind, so,
save 1 or 2 tables, everything is in integers. Printing out an entire table
of data and leaving it in the cafeteria is not an issue as you would see
nothing but numbers. Without having the database schema in hand to reference
what all the numbers mean, you won't be able to determine anything.

Now, I am just a computer jockey with ump-teen years experience under my
belt, so don't take what I have written here to be law. However, being the
in healthcare field and designing databases with HIPAA compliance in mind
has been a huge help.

There are lots of sites out there with much more information than I have in
my head, so I would seek those out as well.

One site, has all the data that you need
straight from the ass's (oops, horse's) mouth of the US Gov't. 

I have helped in the authoring of a few papers on HIPAA compliance and
computers in the healthcare industry that, if this would be of interest to
anyone, are available. Please email me directly, as putting them on the list
would be unwanted propaganda.

I hope this sparks some more discussion from 'the group'.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 12:56 PM
Subject: MySQL and HIPAA Compliance?


I'm taking a database class and we are given open ended discussion questions
each week.  The question this week is:

"Will MySQL take away market share from popular DBMSs? Will your comments
change if you are told that MySQL is not HIPPAA compliant?"

I have been using MySQL for well over 3 years, and other databases for well
over 10 years (professionally, as a coderbout time I took a class eh?)
and I do think I have an informed opinion for the first part.

I'm weak in the area of HIPAA compliance though.  I know it basically
centers around privacy.  I know it covers things like adequate logging,
encrypted connections, etc, but it also seems to include a lot of EDI
interoperability.  Now that seems to be something that should be handled at
an application level and MySQL shouldn't be penalized because of this.
>From the searching I have done, it appears that MSSQL for example offers
this mandatory feature via their Biztalk server (to handle all the EDI)

There are all manner of sites that will discuss HIPAA compliance for a fee.
Is anyone here familiar with this that could provide a reference or a simple
summary.  It seems an interesting and important topic that I thought the
list might be interested.


Gary Huntress

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: MySQL and HIPAA Compliance?

2005-08-05 Thread Mark Matthews
Hash: SHA1

> Hi,
> I'm taking a database class and we are given open ended discussion questions 
> each week.  The question this week is:
> "Will MySQL take away market share from popular DBMSs? Will your comments 
> change if you are told that MySQL is not HIPPAA compliant?"

I'm not a HIPPA consultant, nor a lawyer, but have worked in the
healthcare industry in the past (before I joined MySQL), so I have _some
_ experience, but don't take this as a legal consultation ;)

As far as I know, a _Database_Product_ can't be declared
HIPPA-compliant, although features _in_ a database can help ease the
route to compliance.

Medical Records Software in combination with an organization and its
processes have to be compliant (and it's based on process just as much
as product).

For example, besides containing regulations concerning techology for
software that deals with artifacts that fall under HIPPA (but does not
mandate _which_ technology to use), there are regulations about
_physical_ security (i.e. who has access to the file cabinet, the server
room, the fax machine, etc), administrative safeguards, as well as
codifcation standards (ICD9's and the like, as well as other
"Portability" issues, which is one of the "P"s in HIPPA) and any number
of regulations that are outside the scope of database and/or middleware

> I have been using MySQL for well over 3 years, and other databases for well 
> over 10 years (professionally, as a coderbout time I took a class eh?) 
> and I do think I have an informed opinion for the first part.
> I'm weak in the area of HIPAA compliance though.  I know it basically centers 
> around privacy.  I know it covers things like adequate logging, encrypted 
> connections, etc, but it also seems to include a lot of EDI interoperability. 
>  Now that seems to be something that should be handled at an application 
> level and MySQL shouldn't be penalized because of this.   From the searching 
> I have done, it appears that MSSQL for example offers this mandatory feature 
> via their Biztalk server (to handle all the EDI)
> There are all manner of sites that will discuss HIPAA compliance for a fee.  
> Is anyone here familiar with this that could provide a reference or a simple 
> summary.  It seems an interesting and important topic that I thought the list 
> might be interested.

Try Health and Human Service's Website


- --
Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Connectivity
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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