Re: default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Donald Stahl

NANOG is not a general purpose router help mailing list. Issues
discussed here are supposed to be relevant to the North American ISP

excuse?  configuring routers is not operational in north america?  have
you gone completely layer 2 over there?
Are you seriously going to sit there and claim that someone asking about 
how to set up 2 default routes on a FreeBSD box is operationally 
or technically relevant to the NANOG community at large?

I believe their email fails the NANOG pre-posting guide (specifically #3) 
and furthermore that it would be far better answered on a FreeBSD specific 
mailing list.

This same person posted a question on Wednesday about MTU's stating "Why? 
but I still don't know why mtu can cause this problem." I seriously doubt 
this was relevant to the thousands of people who read this list but I 
could be wrong about that one too.

Perhaps someone from the MLC can comment on whether these sorts of posts 
qualify as relevant.

On the other hand, if you really want to answer these sorts of questions 
then perhaps people can email you directly? I personally think NANOG has 
enough noise as it is.


Re: default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Donald Stahl

NANOG is not a general purpose router help mailing list. Issues discussed 
here are supposed to be relevant to the North American ISP community.

Please take this question to a FreeBSD mailing list.


ls it possible to have 2 default routes?
or how can I do the rebundant when the route is still
working either eth1 or eth2 down?

Router2 eth1 eth2 eth3

ip route
ip route


ip route
ip route 2

Router1 eth eth2 eth3

host1 connects R2 couldn't ping host2 connects R1 when the link is


i am using freebsd router

Thank you for your help


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Re: Assigning IPv6 /48's to CPE's?

2008-01-03 Thread Donald Stahl

Do you really think that today's allocations are going to be in use
(unchanged) when people are building homes out of IPv6-addressed
nanobots, or when people are trying to firewall the fridge from the TV
remote, etc.?
I certainly hope not- but then again I never thought IPv4 would be around 
this long either.

I understand trying to plan for the future, but if
someone is setting all this stuff up, getting a new (and larger) IPv6
block from their ISP is going to be the easiest part in the process.

You're right of course.

Again, why the hang-up on 8 bit boundaries?  Why not /52 or /60?  /60 is
not much bigger than /64, but /52 gives an end-site 16 times as many
subnets as /56 while giving the ISP 16 times as many blocks as /48.
Because byte alignment makes for shortcuts in routing softare/hardware 
allowing higher speeds? Because ARIN says so? :)


RE: Assigning IPv6 /48's to CPE's?

2008-01-03 Thread Donald Stahl

That's 281,474,976,710,656 /48 customer networks. It's 16
million times the number of class C's in the current IPv4
Internet. Am I just not thinking large or long term enough?

No, you are just counting wrong. When you are talking /48's
you are talking "number of bits of of subnet hierarchy", not
"pile of pebbles on the beach". If you read the ARIN IPv6 policy
you will see that they don't count /48's like pebbles, instead
they use something called the HD Ratio.

I'm fully aware of HD ratio thanks :)

My point was to give a rough approximation of the size difference here, 
not to talk about the specific numbers.

Basically, this recognizes that IP networks are not flat piles
of pebbles, but have a hierarchical aggregation structure in
them. At each level of aggregation, you have to do a fitting
exercise, where you fit what you have into a power of two
sized block. If you have 5 subnets that need to be aggregated
into a single higher level subnet, then you must use 3 bits
of your subnet hierarchy, even though those 3 bits could be
used for as many as 8 subnets.

This is not waste. It is a fact imposed by the structure of
IPv6 (and IPv4) subnet addresses. In fact, when you "throw away"
subnets (addresses) like that, you are actually following a
prudent conservation policy. That's because this kind of bitwise
network addressing is cheaper to implement in hardware and
can be processed faster in hardware when doing things like
FIB lookups. That conserves MONEY and TIME which are vastly
more important to conserve than theoretical counting capacity
of a bitstring.
I'm not sure what your point is here. I'm not remotely trying to argue 

You made a point about HD ratio-

80% HD with 48 bits of network address still gives us
300,000,000,000 /48 networks (unless my math is very wrong). Again, I'm 
not sure how we're going to use that up in 50 or 100 years, but I'm sure 
history will prove me a fool.


RE: Assigning IPv6 /48's to CPE's?

2008-01-03 Thread Donald Stahl

The only place in which people have noted that there is a possibility
of running out of bits in the existing IPv6 addressing hierarchy
is when they look at a model where every residential customer gets
a /48. In that scenario there is a possibility that we might runout
in 50 to 100 years from now.
Is it even a possibility then? A /48 to everyone means 48 bits left 
over for the network portion of the address.

That's 281,474,976,710,656 /48 customer networks. It's 16 million times 
the number of class C's in the current IPv4 Internet. Am I just not 
thinking large or long term enough?


Re: Assigning IPv6 /48's to CPE's?

2008-01-03 Thread Donald Stahl

So if /64 is "subnet" rather than "node" then the practice of placing one
and only one node per subnet is pretty wasteful.
The whole point here is flexibility. IEEE defined several standards for 
globally unique identifiers including EUI-48/MAC-48 and EUI-64.

MAC-48 should last us til 2100, but the IEEE seems to be thinking longer 
term and also came out with EUI-64. Rather than create a protocol that 
wouldn't be able to handle longer MAC addresses the IPv6 WG decided to use 
EUI-64 for the host address in IPv6. This works for two reasons, a) There 
is a defined method for converting from MAC-48 to EUI-64 addresses (and 
back) and b) Even if Ethernet (or whatever comes next) uses a longer MAC 
addresses (up to 64 bits obviously) it will still make sense in IPv6.

64 bits is also a nice multiple for 32 and 64 bit systems which doesn't 
hurt when you're writing routing software or designing hardware.

And giving residential users a /48 will leave them with 80 bits for
It leaves them with 65k subnets to choose from. Would a /56 make more 
sense? Right now- sure- becaue we lack the imagination to really guess 
what might happen in the future. Nanobots each with their own address, IP 
connected everything, who knows? Assigning a /48 to everyone gives 
everyone ample room and simplifies provisioning.

I'd rather push for /48 and have people settle on /56 than push for /56 
and have people settle on /64.

Take someone like Comcast with ~12 million subscribers.

It would take an IPv6 /24 to get 16.7 million /48's (2^24). With a net
efficiency of 10% they are going to need to be allocated 120 million /48's.
It would take a /21 to give them 2^(48-21) = ~134 million /48's.

In answer- so what?

So in short, a /48 to subscribers seems like complete overkill, and a /32 to
ISP's seems completely inadequate (80 vs 16 bits).
A /32 is the equivalent of a class A. How many small ISP's do you know 
with a class A? And larger networks? Give Comcast a /18. There is plenty 
of space.

IPv4 is 32 bits and has room for 4 billion addresses.
Adding one additional bit gives you 33 bits and room for 8 billion 
addresses. Adding two additional bits gives you room for 16 billion.

Adding 32 additional bits gives you room for 4 billion times 4 billion 
addresses. Seriously- stop and think about that for a second. We've 
taken the entire IPv4 Internet, multiplied it by 4 billion, and set 
that aside JUST FOR THE NETWORK PORTION of addresses! We've got 4 billion 
times 4 billion networks- that's a mind numbing increase in size even if 
you only assign a single host to each /64 subnet. If you put multiple 
hosts on each subnet then you've got an even larger space.

People just can't seem to wrap their head around how large the new 
address space is.


Re: European ISP enables IPv6 for all?

2007-12-18 Thread Donald Stahl

doesn't more address space just give us more routes to handle?

No. It only makes more possible prefixes. Migrating to IPv6 while keeping
the current (IPv4) routing and current business relations, there would be
somewhat less routes:

bigger address space -> bigger chunks -> less need to incrementally add
prefixes to the same place -> less prefixes

You mean "more address space" -> "individual businesses want to multihome
and are willing to pay for their own space" -> more prefixes.
Every business that wants to multihome and can afford it already does. v6 
isn't going to change that. v6 will allow more aggregation and a routing 
table closer in size to the number of AS's, which is a significant 
reduction. It should also reduce the problem of route churn and 
non-convergence. Whether everyone will play nicely and make it work is a 
different story.


Re: AS 7018 BGP blackhole / AT&T contact sought

2007-11-06 Thread Donald Stahl

...but without a (public) reply.  It has been suggested (both in the 
follow-ups to the above and elsewhere) that there are people involved with 
7018 that are frequent readers here; I'm really hoping one of them will take 
pity on us and either reply here or communicate with me off-list.

We are in need of an RFC3882-esque method of null-routing /32s on-demand  on 
our provider's network before they are sent to us.  I can provide details of 
our circumstances if requested.  I have been trying to get the answer to this 
question from AT&T MIS support for days now, but have gotten nowhere.  The 
telephone support guys won't talk to me about this and tell me to use "Life 
Cycle" / e-mail for this issue.  E-mail replies from AWMIS are days in coming 
and not helpful (typically just providing me with more hoops that they want 
to make me jump through), and I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with the 
level of "support" being given.  All I need is a "yes" or "no" response and, 
if "yes" is the answer, the proper community to use.
They don't support it. Other communities yes. Blackhole no. At least 
that's what's I've always been told by them.


Re: Good Stuff [was] Re: shameful-cabling gallery of infamy - does anybody know where it went?

2007-09-26 Thread Donald Stahl

I'll post some pictures when I get a chance.

In case anyone cares- those are the brackets we made.


Re: Good Stuff [was] Re: shameful-cabling gallery of infamy - does anybody know where it went?

2007-09-12 Thread Donald Stahl

Then again, sometimes it requires a whole lot more dedication. In our case 
the racks we inherited were installed wrong (no space between them for 
vertical cable management). Getting our cabling organized meant welding our 
own cable management brackets that we could bolt onto the front of the 

Nothing like some good old fashioned arc welding next to your $100k router. 
Wonder how you explain the scorch marks on the mounting bracket to support 
for an RMA

Please read what I wrote:

"brackets that we could _BOLT_ onto the front of the racks"

No where, in any way shape or form, did I say or imply, that we were 
welding above, below, next to, or anywhere near our routers. I said we 
welded up cable management brackets that we then bolted on to our racks.


Re: Good Stuff [was] Re: shameful-cabling gallery of infamy - does anybody know where it went?

2007-09-12 Thread Donald Stahl

Does anyone know if any good resources on best-practices at this sort
of thing?  I'm pretty sure that others must've already figured out the
trickier stuff that I've thought about.

Most good cabling jobs require one thing- dedication.

If you are willing to put in the time and effort, you can do a good 
cabling job the first time. Think about how the cables will get used, what 
might change in the future, and then lay them out so as to minimize 
problems when things need to be moved or upgraded.

Then again, sometimes it requires a whole lot more dedication. In our case 
the racks we inherited were installed wrong (no space between them for 
vertical cable management). Getting our cabling organized meant welding 
our own cable management brackets that we could bolt onto the front of the 

I'll post some pictures when I get a chance.


RE: "2M today, 10M with no change in technology"? An informal survey.

2007-08-28 Thread Donald Stahl

agree that this isn't "ideal", however Cisco has always been very specific
about the h/w FIB & adjacency table sizes on the hardware in question.
i know that vendor bashing is a sport in this list, but

Can you please point out where I can find this information ...

The only place I found information on the PFC3B was on a random page 
for the SUP 720-3B. I was completely unable to find the information on a 
Sup32 page.

Now maybe my search technique isn't up to snuff- but I would hope I could 
find this information after searching for a couple of hours- I couldn't.

I'm sure the information is on Cisco's site somewhere- but I honestly 
think that they could be a LOT more forward about it- rather then just 
very specific about it.


Re: "2M today, 10M with no change in technology"? An informal survey.

2007-08-27 Thread Donald Stahl

1.	Cisco is still selling the 7600 with the Sup32 bundle (which is what 
we bought) and saying you can take a full route table on it.  I could 
already do MPLS and IPv6 on this box.  This is pretty new hardware.

Where are they saying that?  The Sup32 sounded great until it became clear 
that it came with PFC3B (not 3BXL), and that there was no upgrade path to 
3BXL.  If it was/is being sold as a BGP routing solution, it was awfully 
short sighted.
Their reps do it all the time. I worked with my rep to buy a couple of new 
routers. I specifically said I would be taking a full routing table on 
these boxes- Cisco's rep said the Sup-32 would be fine for my needs. Now I 
definitely didn't do as much checking as I should have but I was busy and 
that's why you have rep's in the first place. (I kept thinking the Sup32 
was based on the 3BXL- I have no idea why).

Thankfully I don't need to take a full table on these routers and their 
forwarding speed among the few ports I have is more important than the FIB 
size. That said- if I did need the full table I would be royally ticked 
off at Cisco right now.

If I end up upgrading because of this it will probably be a forklift 
upgrade to another platform.  And there's no guarantee that it would be a 
Cisco one.

I guess cisco wants to play chicken with us and Juniper.  Will you really do 
the forklift, or just bite the bullet and go Sup720-3BXL?  I think they're 
better on the latter and counting on a bunch of hardware sales in the coming 
Given how many people are tired of being screwed over by Cisco I wouldn't 
make that bet if I were Cisco.


RE: large organization nameservers sending icmp packets to dns servers.

2007-08-07 Thread Donald Stahl

All things being equal (which they're usually not) you could use the ACK
response time of the TCP handshake if they've got TCP DNS resolution
available. Though again most don't for security reasons...

Then most are incredibly stupid.

Several anti DoS utilities force unknown hosts to initiate a query via 
TCP in order to be whitelisted. If the host can't perform a TCP query then 
they get blacklisted.

In addition, any UDP truncated response needs to be retried via TCP- 
blocking it would cause a variety of problems.


Re: The Choice: IPv4 Exhaustion or Transition to IPv6

2007-06-28 Thread Donald Stahl

You can, and this will work for a while.  When it stops working
(which is not at all predictable) you're going to need a fairly
sizable IPv6 Internet so that you can continue to connect new
customers up, and unfortunately, that means we need to start
getting folks moving ahead of time since we don't exactly know
how long your workarounds will last.
I'd like to know when Google is going to go IPv6. Vint Cerf's answer was 
(essentially) "I'm pushing for it."

The problem is twofold. First, if Google isn't going to index IPv6 
content, no one cares if their content isn't available that way. 
Second, when other people try to explain IPv6 to management they often 
hear "Is Google using IPv6?"

Heck, Google could offer incentives for IPv6 deployment and suddenly 
people would clamor for it- say side by side results. Most appropriate 
IPv4 on the left, most appropriate IPv6 on the right. (Even just an IPv6 
icon that people could click on to learn about IPv6 would help).


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Donald Stahl

This was a very curious experience. What they want to achieve is protecting 
children from abuse. This is of course a laudable goal. But they think they 
can do that by ridding the internet of images depicting said abuse. There are 
pretty strong laws against that in the Netherlands*, but this woman thought 
that wasn't enough: she felt it would be good to also outlaw _text_ 
describing child abuse. This is really scary. If these well-intentioned but 
extremely dangerous people get their way, someone can end up in jail for 
simply writing some text.
"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of 
zeal, well-meaning but without understanding."

-Judge Louis Brandeis

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its 
victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber 
barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies, The robber baron's cruelty 
may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those 
who torment us for own good will torment us without end, for they do so 
with the approval of their own conscience.

- C.S. Lewis

I'm not one to give up my civil liberties without a struggle, but protecting 
kids may be important enough to make it worth giving up a few. But is it too 
much to ask for something that actually works in return?
"They that would give up essential liberty for a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

"Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the 
government's purposes are beneficent."

-Judge Louis Brandeis

I am not willing to give up any of my own liberties to protect children. 
We already have laws that do that and judging by the number of people 
arrested they seem to work. You reach a point of diminishing returns.

At some point you have to accept that the world is a dangerous place and 
that bad things happen. There is a balancing point and a greater good to 
think about. Making everyone elses life less free does not balance out 
with the prospect of maybe saving a few kids. As the laws become more 
invasive they will eventually breed resentment and hatred for the 
government and fellow citizens. The end result will be civil unrest and 
fighting and that helps noone. Sadly it's already happening. Americans 
hate each other more than at any almost any other time in our history- and 
the hatred is becoming vicious.


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Donald Stahl

It is quite odd really that governments want to implement something to 
prevent people from breaking a law. And some posts have been correct in 
asking what's next? Automatic copyright/patent infringing filtering?
On that subject- we should probably change the language as well. Make it 
so that people can't even think of breaking the law because the words for 
such an action no longer exist. That would be doubleplusgood!


Re: Security gain from NAT

2007-06-05 Thread Donald Stahl

I, for one, give up. No matter what you say I will never implement NAT, and 
you may or may not implement it if people make boxes that support it. Clearly 


This was supposed to be a private reply and was not meant to go to the 
list. My apologies.

I will also refrain from further responses- something I definitely should 
have done 20 messages ago... -Don

Re: Security gain from NAT

2007-06-05 Thread Donald Stahl

Sure, very easily, by using NAT between the subnets.
Have at it. Nothing like trying to reach nad having to put in 
a dns entry pointing to, NAT'ing the address on your side to 
their side and from their side back to your side, and adding the rules. 
That's definitely simpler than allow a -> b for service c.

Can you clarify this claim?  What about managing NAT is allegedly
difficult.  Are you unable to easily map public addresses with private
addresses on your own networks?
Easily map them? Sure- I can do my external tcpdump, see some funny 
traffic, then match that up with the dynamic nat's. That's a lot easier 
than just going "oh, hey, it's this user" without any further steps.

I, for one, give up. No matter what you say I will never implement NAT, 
and you may or may not implement it if people make boxes that support it. 
Clearly neither of us will change our minds so why bother. I'm sure we've 
both gotten supportive emails in private and both know we are "right." In 
the end it isn't going to change a thing.


Re: Security gain from NAT

2007-06-04 Thread Donald Stahl

A core but often neglected factor in IT security is KIS.  NAT,
particularly in the form of PAT, is an order of magnitude simpler to
administer than a stateful firewall with one-to-one address mappings.
Why would a stateful firewall have one-to-one address mappings? I'm not 
even sure what you mean by this. Are you referring to static NAT with SI? 
Are you suggesting that someone would enter a rule for every individual 
host on the network rather than simply have one rule that says the entire 
subnet can get out but nothing can come in?

PAT is not simple- it's the antithesis of KIS. It means added code in your 
apps and firewall. It means it takes longer to troubleshoot problems. It 
means thinking about firewall rules AND the NAT that accompanies them.

A SI firewall ruleset equivalent to PAT is a single rule on a CheckPoint 
firewall (as an example):

Src: Internal - Dst: Any - Action: Allow


Given the degree to which complexity negatively correlates with

This is exactly why NAT is bad, not why it's good.

Any security auditor will tell you that, in the real world, stateful
one-to-one firewalls are rarely as secure as NAT gateways for the
simple reason that the non-NAT firewalls have more rules.

As a former security auditor I will tell you that you are wrong.

I've done security audits for years, been certified by the NSA to perform 
IAM audits, worked extensively with a variety of firewalls and intrusion 
detections systems, and I co-moderate a firewall mailing list. I think I 
can safely state that NAT adds complexity to a firewall rule set, it does 
not remove it.

A CheckPoint without NAT has N rules. A CheckPoint with NAT has N rules + 
M NAT rules where M is the number of NAT'd hosts. If you are doing port 
address translation rather than simpler static NAT then M is the number of 
NAT'd services as opposed to the number of NAT'd hosts. Either way it is 
definitely more complex. This is true of CheckPoint, ipfw and a myriad of 
other firewalls. (Sorry for all the CheckPoint examples- I just happened 
to have a client's CheckPoint ruleset open while responding).

This debate mirrors one that took place in a large university where I
worked several years ago.  The network admins made passionate
arguments against NAT but did little to firewall vulnerable
So because these network engineers were exceedingly lazy and or sloppy 
then NAT is somehow better?

Even supposing you could always enter PAT rules as simple firewall rules- 
how are 20 PAT statements smaller and or simpler than 20 SI statements?

The risk was obvious but so was the underlying
motivation.  They were simply protecting their turf.  In this case
multiple class-B allocations, awarded decades ago, before NAT and PAT
became affordable technologies.
How was this "protecting" their class-B? More than likely it was awarded 
before ARIN and there is no RSA agreement that would allow anyone to 
reclaim the addresses.

I don't know
all of the reasons but, having managed thousands of clients behind NAT
and unNATted gateways I'll take NAT any day.

Ever try to set up a VPN between two offices using the same address space?
I'll stick with no NAT any day.


Re: Cool IPv6 Stuff

2007-06-04 Thread Donald Stahl

Even people I have spoken that understand the difference between 
firewalling/reachability and NATing are still in favour of NAT. The argument 
basically goes "Yes, I understand that have a public address does not 
neccessarily mean being publically reachable. But having a private address 
means that [inbound] public reachability is simply not possible without 
explicit configuration to enable it". i.e. NAT is seen as a extra layer of 

I want NAT to die but I think it won't.
Far too many "security" folks are dictating actual implementation details 
and that's fundamentally wrong.

A security policy should read "no external access to the network" and it 
should be up to the network/firewall folks to determine how best to make 
that happen. Unfortunately many security policies go so far as to 
explicitly require NAT.


Re: NAT Multihoming

2007-06-04 Thread Donald Stahl

The last time I renumbered, I found that quite a few people were not
honoring the TTLs I put in my DNS zone files. [...] Custom customer
zone files hosted elsewhere?

Do not forget that applications have their own caches, too, and they
typically ignore completely the DNS TTL. A typical Web brower calls
getaddrinfo() once and use the IP address as long as it is not
Not to mention java's caching which has screwed me up more times than I 
care to think about. I sincerley wish Sun had disabled it by default- I 
really don't think it's the JRE's responsibility to cache name service 
lookups- at least not by default.


Re: NANOG 40 agenda posted

2007-06-03 Thread Donald Stahl

my favourite load balancer is OSPF ECMP, since there are no extra boxes,
just the routers and switches and hosts i'd have to have anyway.

quagga ospf6d works great, and currently lacks only a health check API.
Health checks are unfortunately the most important aspect of a LB for some 

Can you elaborate on where you use ECMP and specifics about your 
implementation that might interest people?


Re: NAT Multihoming

2007-06-03 Thread Donald Stahl

You write "when" rather than "if" - is ignoring reasonable TTLs
current practice?

Definitely.  We've seen 15 minute TTLs regularly go 48 hours without updating 
on Cox or Comcast's name servers.  I believe the most I've seen was 8 days 
I definitely meant "when" not if. And Cox is by no means the only ISP to 
do this.


Re: NANOG 40 agenda posted

2007-06-02 Thread Donald Stahl

[Update to earlier stats: The current v4 prefix/AS ratio is 8.7.
However, there are ~11k ASes only announcing a single v4 route, so that means 
the other ~14k ASes are at a v4 ratio of 14.3.  In contrast, the current v6 
ratio is 1.1 and the deaggregate rate is 1.2%.]

This is more than a little frightening :(

The simplistic answer is that nearly all assigned/allocated blocks will be 
minimum-sized, which means ISPs will be capable of filtering deaggregates if 
they wish.  Some folks have proposed allowing a few extra bits for routes 
with short AS_PATHs to allow TE to extend a few ASes away without impacting 
the entire community.
This is an excellent solution- is there some reason people wouldn't want 
to implement it? It would seem to lead directly to a more heirarchical 

justification for larger-than-minimum blocks.  OTOH, the community may see 
how small the v6 table is and decide that N bits of deaggregation wouldn't 
hurt.  After all, with ~25k ASes today, and router vendors claiming to be 
able to handle 1M+ routes, it seems we could tolerate up to 5 bits of 
deaggregation -- and 3 bits would leave us with a table smaller than v4 has 
Combine this with the above system. Allow 2 bits of deagg anywhere but up 
to 4 bits for a short as_path for networks in the /48 range. Allow 3 bits 
for networks in the /32 range and up to 5 bits for a short as_path. 
(or whatever other numbers make sense).

Either way we seem to be looking at a much smaller table as long as we 
decide on some sensible rules and actually stick to them. That is going 
to be the biggest problem though.


Re: IPv6 Advertisements

2007-05-31 Thread Donald Stahl

First of all, there's disagreement about the definition of "site", and some 
folks hold the opinion that means physical location.  Thus, if you have 100 
sites, those folks would claim you have justified 100 /48s (or one /41). 
Other folks, like me, disagree with that, but there are orgs out there that 
have tens of thousands of locations with a need for multiple subnets per 
location, and that could justify more than a /48 as well via pure subnet 
Companies with tens of thousands of sites, each needing multiple subnets 
is not the norm for end user allocations. And again- would the 
administrative overhead of a new /40 netblock really outweigh the benefits 
to our routing tables? I'm asking not stating...

ARIN's goal in v6 is to try to issue blocks so that aggregation is 
_possible_, by reserving a larger block to allow growth, but ARIN can't 
prevent intentional (or accidental) deaggregation,
But ARIN has the power to give the community the tools it needs to force 
aggregation (if the community decides they want)- even if it isn't ARIN's 
own policy.

and there's too many folks 
who want to deaggregate for TE purposes to pass a policy officially 
condemning it.
I understand limited deaggregation for TE purposes- but that doesn't mean 
you have to let people go nuts. 1 or two bits is one thing- 8 (or more) is 
another animal all together.

I'd agree in principle, but all it takes is a brief look at the CIDR report 
and you'll see that nobody does anything in response to far more flagrant 
examples in v4.

So because v4 is screwed up we should let v6 get just as bad?

The time to fix these sorts of issues is now- before it's really live, 
rather than later.


Re: IPv6 Advertisements

2007-05-31 Thread Donald Stahl

Current policy allows for greater-than-/48 PI assignments if the org can 
justify it.  However, since we haven't told staff (via policy) what that 
justification should look like, they are currently approving all requests and 
several orgs have taken advantage of that.
I can't imagine what an end-user could come up with to justify more than a 
/48 but what do I know. And if ARIN's primary goal is to prevent 
de-aggregation then shouldn't there be another fixed allocation size (/40) 
and block to prevent this?

So, it's entirely possible someone could get a /40 and deaggregate that into 
256 routes if they wanted to.  Given the entire v6 routing table is around 
700 routes today, it's obviously not a problem yet :)
Obviously that's short sighted :) As for the deaggregation- anyone 
deaggregating a /40 into 256 routes should have there AS permanently 
bloackholed :)


Re: IPv6 Advertisements

2007-05-31 Thread Donald Stahl

I don't think ARIN is planning on giving out more less a /48 but more than 
a /32- at least that was the impression I got. End sites get a /48- ISP's 
get a /32 or larger- and that's it (I could certainly be wrong). As such, 
deaggragation in the /48 block should not be an issue because no one will 
have more than a /48 in the first place.

Yes, you can get a prefix between /32 and /48 if you can justify it.  That is 

in line with the policy which resulted from proposal 2005-1.
You are of course correct- I misread "The minimum assignment size is 
/48" in terms of prefix length (ie minimum of /48- could be /56, etc.) 
which is not what was meant. The very next sentence should have 
clarified that for me but I probably skipped over it. mea culpa.

I'm looking forward to seeing a realistic justification from an end user 
for more than a /48 :)

As an aside- what is the address block for PI end user assignments from 
ARIN? (I can't seem to find it and 2005-1 only mentions a "distinctly 
identified prefix" without any mention of what that would be).

The Microallocation blocks are:

Internal Infrastructure: 2001:0506::/31
Exchange Points: 2001:0504::/31
Critical Infrastructure: 2001:0500::/30

(all of which are /48's so far).

But I see no mention of end-user assignments (unless they fall into one of 
the above categories- though I don't see how).


Re: IPv6 Advertisements

2007-05-31 Thread Donald Stahl

The upside is that in the block you're expected to accept /48s, nobody will 
have a /32.  The downside is that anyone who gets a larger-than-minimum sized 
allocation/assignment can deaggregate down to that level.
I don't think ARIN is planning on giving out more less a /48 but more than 
a /32- at least that was the impression I got. End sites get a /48- 
ISP's get a /32 or larger- and that's it (I could certainly be wrong). As 
such, deaggragation in the /48 block should not be an issue because no one 
will have more than a /48 in the first place.


Re: NANOG 40 agenda posted

2007-05-29 Thread Donald Stahl

and this means getting a good story in front of bean-counters about
expending opex/capex to do this transition work. Today the simplest answer
is: "if we expend Z dollars on new equipment, and A dollars on IT work we
will be able to capture X number of users for Y new service" or some
version of that story.
IPv6 should simply be a requirement of all new equipment purchases (in 
large ISP's this should have been the case for a while now). The bean 
counters don't see a cost for new equipmnent just to run IPv6- they see 
the normal costs to upgrade older equipment. At least that's the way I'm 
doing my upgrades.


Re: IPv6 Advertisements

2007-05-29 Thread Donald Stahl

I understand the problems but I think there are clear cut cases where
/48's make sense- a large scale anycast DNS provider would seem to be a
good candidate for a /48 and I would hope it would get routed. Then again
that might be the only sensible reason...

Don't give people an excuse to deagg their /32
RIPE may only give out /32's but ARIN gives out /48's so there wouldn't be 
any deaggregation in that case.

It's a question of cost versus benefit.

Does it make more sense to save a routing table entry- or reduce traffic 
by localizing DNS through anycasting?


Re: Juniper M10i sufficient for BGP, or go with M20?

2007-05-14 Thread Donald Stahl

Strange. My rep always took pride in the fact that M- and T- series
devices have no overcommit at all.. Maybe things changed, we use no
Many of Junipers cards for the M7/M10 are oversubscribed- just look at 
their pdf's on the subject:

I'm very happy about the Juniper devices I manage. They're expensive but
very reliable, and their config interface has lots of unique features.
Juniper's greatest asset over Cisco is the single software image for all 
their systems. In my latest purchase that didn't justify paying 4 times as 
much no matter how much I love the software.


Re: Juniper M10i sufficient for BGP, or go with M20?

2007-05-13 Thread Donald Stahl

choice. Layout here is such that I'd expect to use a single quad gigabit port
ethernet blade in each of a pair of M10i/M20 to achieve redundancy.

he said 'blade' to which I read '4 pics in a FPC'... maybe it's a
terminology thing? Neal?
The M10i doesn't have an FPC blade per se (it's built into the chassis) so 
in the context of the M10i I assumed "single quad gigabit port ethernet 
blade" meant a single card- though I could definitely be wrong. My 
knowledge of the Juniper line is sadly pretty limited.


Re: Juniper M10i sufficient for BGP, or go with M20?

2007-05-13 Thread Donald Stahl

I don't know much about Juniper but I'm about to learn with a new job. If 
I'm going to take full routes from a couple of upstreams and have a couple of 
peers will the M10i (768M max) be enough or is the M20 (2048M max) a better 
choice. Layout here is such that I'd expect to use a single quad gigabit port 
ethernet blade in each of a pair of M10i/M20 to achieve redundancy.
The M10i is perfectly capable of handling the full table and then some. 
The only question is whether you want to buy more just in case your needs 

That said- Last time I spoke to a Juniper rep I was told that their 4 port 
GigE card for the M7/M10 is oversubscribed 4:1- ie the backplane 
connection is only gigabit. Check into that if it is important to you. I 
may have been misled or things may have changed- frankly I didn't look 
into it much as an equivalent Cisco solution with additional ports came in 
at 1/4 of the price :(

Is there a pricing resource for this stuff online some where? I do *not* 
want to hear from any sales people over this comment ...
The pricing for all of this stuff is so ludicrously flexible it isn't 
funny. If the company wants you as a client (for marketing reasons or 
whatever) then suddenly a $50k router becomes a $25k (or less) router. If 
you point out a competitors router is xyz dollars less you may suddenly 
find yourself with yet another discount. Get quotes from everyone, compare 
features, and don't hesitate to push for better pricing from everyone.


Re: HSRP availability in datacenters?

2007-05-11 Thread Donald Stahl

On routers, you have your choice as of 12.2 (I believe). On the small 
3550/3560 type MLS products only HSRP is offered.

Sorry- wasn't thinking.

Of course the "new" animal in town is GLBP which offers load sharing.

GLBP being completely Cisco proprietary unfortunately.


RE: HSRP availability in datacenters?

2007-05-11 Thread Donald Stahl

No, in fact those are very interesting as they're a stop-gap between 3750s
and 4500s at a good price per port.  Are there any HSRP limitations on them?
Guess I need to do some more research, as those are pretty hot.
Hasn't Cisco said for years that HSRP should not be used in new 
deployments and that VRRP should be used instead? Just curious.


Re: ISP CALEA compliance

2007-05-11 Thread Donald Stahl

A _much_ longer version of this was sent privately- but I had to take 
public exception to the following comment:

I'm not surprised that when they are dealing with companies that delete
all evidence they might need or push as much red tape as possible, that
the LEA turns around and scrutinizes the company to find where they might
be in breach of the law.
You are saying it's ok for people in power to be vindictive assholes. You 
are saying it is ok to govern through intimidation.

I am both incredulous as well as fearful for the future of our country.


Re: ISP CALEA compliance

2007-05-10 Thread Donald Stahl

You work so hard to defend people that exploit children? Interesting. We are 
talking LEA here and not the latest in piracy law suits. The #1 request from 
a LEA in my experience concerns child exploitation.

?? ???

Working hard to defend privacy does not automatically equal protecting 
people who exploit children- and I'm getting sick and tired of people 
screaming "Think of the children!" It's a stupid, fear mongering tactic- 
and hopefully one day people will think of it in the same way as crying 

If law enforcement could be trusted to be competent you might have an 
argument- but considering the avalanche of cases where cops a) get their 
information wrong and go after the wrong person b) go out of their way to 
ignore evidence exhonerating people because it might screw up their 
records c) simply don't have a clue or d) plant evidence (on a 90 year 
old woman for gods sake)- then it's nice to know that there are people out 
there forcing LE to play by the rules, get actual warrants, etc.

Then again perhaps I am biased- The USSS use to hold meetings at 7 World 
Trade Center to facilitate interaction between computer security firms and 
LE. In those meetings after I realized that LE is split about 50/50- 
those who get it (ie those I would help)- and those who are so clueless 
wrt computers that is makes me cringe (ie those I wouldn't talk to, let 
along try to help). Unfortunately it seems to have gotten worse- The 
agents who use to deal with this stuff were those who actually wanted to- 
now every agent likes to play with computers.

Hmmm, you must have been one of those types the agents I talked to were 
referring to. They said that those who give them the most flack usually get 
the least amount of slack. Play hardball with the government, and it will 
play hardball back at you. I'd definitely make sure you stick to #4 if 
following #1-3.
Great- so a bunch of people who want the laws bent for them go on a power 
trip because you expect them to OBEY THE LAW and you end up with no 
recourse against them. Yeah- this is the America I want to live in. You're 
absolutely right- it's a crying shame we aren't all buddies with the 
fed's- after all- they only want what's best for us! I'm looking forward 
to the day when the government tells me what to think- thinking is hard 
after all.

If you don't have anything to hide- then why should you care right?

On the other hand- these sorts of laws may just be enough to push everyone 
to use encryption- and then what will LE do?

Sigh- I give up.


Re: UK ISP threatens security researcher

2007-04-20 Thread Donald Stahl

In my personal opinion, ISPs, vendors, and such should legally be held
responsible for their product's security and unconditionally be made to
repair any security holes. -- if a vendor or ISP maintains good security
practices, there will be nothing for them to fear from this.
What's really upsetting is that often it's faster to just fix the problem 
than it is to complain about it. Unfortunately companies seem to feel 
that legally threatening people is the wiser course of action.

I'd like to know when people stopped taking pride in their work. When I 
screw up- I'm upset with myself, not with the guy who pointed out the 
mistake. Now if he used my screwup to wreck everything I've worked- then 
to hell with him- but if all he did is point out the mistake- then I 
should learn from it and make sure it doesn't happen again.


Re: UK ISP threatens security researcher

2007-04-20 Thread Donald Stahl

It *is* a criminal offence under extensions to the original CMA1990 in the
Police and Justice Act 2006. The maximum penalty was also increased to two
years imprisonment.

I don't think this particular incident is enough to attract a custodial
sentence, but he will almost certainly end up with a well-deserved criminal
record for his stupidity if somebody can be bothered to press charges.

Some people's opinions are truly astounding.

Why do we even bother having best practices if people aren't going to 
follow them?

No damage was done- that's a hell of a lot more than you can ask from a 
damned hacker. And if your provisioning system doesn't blow- then fixing 
the problem isn't a big deal either.

Would your insurance company pay a claim on your stolen car if you left it 
running, with the doors wide open, in Harlem? Of course not.

Nobody wants to take any responsibility for their own stupidity. The only 
criminal act here was the negligence on the part of the ISP. They got 
embarrassed- no harm was done- get on with your damned life.

The fact is that people will ALWAYS be curious- it's what makes human 
beings so amazing. People will explore their surroundings and if you don't 
want them to- then try taking some basic steps to ensure they can't.

As for the laws? Prison is for people who irrevocably harm society- some 
stupid kid who went exploring his cable modem DOES NOT QUALIFY. And 
what about a criminal record? Who the hell does that help? Give the 
guy a record and force him to go to work for the spammers and botnet 
writers? Great thinking.

"well-deserved criminal record for his stupidity." Where is the criminal 
record for the idiot who allowed remote access with a single username and 
password to every single cable modem? That's pretty damned stupid.

Honetly- when did we all become such vindictive assholes? Had the guy 
caused any real damage then you might have an argument. He didn't. We need 
to stop letting companies abuse the law instead of performing due 


RE: summarising [was: Re: ICANNs role]

2007-04-04 Thread Donald Stahl

offers 5 minutes from curb to seat checkin service. The need exists but
it ain't gonna be filled anytime soon because the government prohibits
such things. The government mandates delays and multiple vetting
processes between the time you step on the curb and the time you sit in
your airplane seat.
And government interference has been such a boon for the airlines and air 
travelers? Or just about any industry for that matter? Come on. Do you 
really want a group of people who think the Internet is a bunch of tubes 
telling you how things should be run?? God help us all if that happens.

Same with buying a handgun in most states and in Canada. Same with
opening a business in most jurisdictions. You have to go to cityhall and
apply for a license first. Why should domain name registries be special
and be exempt from these normal processes of vetting and registering?

Did you seriously, honestly, just compare a domain name to a handgun??

I have NO idea what to say to this ...

This was originally a much longer email but your statement made me realize 
the futility of my arguments...


Re: ICANNs role [was: Re: On-going ...]

2007-04-03 Thread Donald Stahl

Well, you're not likely to get it for the $8.95 that Godaddy charges.
Their abuse department does a remarkably good job, considering their
volume and margins.

Perhaps the message here is that you get what you pay for.  For a rock
bottom price, You get rock bottom service.  There are registrars that
charge considerably more and provide considerably more service.
The problem here is that the community gets screwed not the guy paying 
$8.95. If he was getting what he paid for- well who cares. The problem is 
everyone else.

That said- even if domains were more expensive it wouldn't change anything 
for the phishers using their stolen credit cards.

There simply needs to be a better way for the community to quickly 
identify phishing sites- verified by some independent body (such as CERT) 
that can quickly verify the domain is a phishing site and alert the 
registrars to shut them down. Don't let it be used for copyright or any 
other non-sense complaint.


Re: ICANNs role [was: Re: On-going ...]

2007-04-03 Thread Donald Stahl

I know the head abuse guy at Godaddy.  He is a reasonable person.  He
turns off large numbers of domains but he is human and makes the
occasional mistake.  The fact that everyone cites the same mistake
tells me that he doesn't make very many of them.
We cite this one because it was such an unbelievable cock-up it wasn't 
funny. Fyodor a blackhat? a malicious site? Honest to god did 
the guy do even the teensiest little bit of due diligence before shutting 
the site down? I don't believe he did. There have been plenty of other 
examples of GoDaddy deleting stuff they shouldn't have. just 
takes the cake.

An even better question would be why doesn't he read in the 
first place? It would be an excellent way to keep on top of security 
problems- something someone in your friends position should probably be 

Actually, I have never seen any evidence that phishers use domain
tasting.  Phishers use stolen credit cards, so why would they bother
asking for a refund?  The motivation for tasting is typosquatting and
"monetization", parking web pages full of pay per click ads on them.
Tasting is a bad idea that should go away, but phishing isn't the
I agree that typosquatters and the like are the primary reason and that it 
should go away. As for the phishers- fine- say the problem is stolen 
credit cards. What then is the solution?


Re: ICANNs role [was: Re: On-going ...]

2007-04-03 Thread Donald Stahl

What are your thoughts on basic suggestions such as:
1. Allowing registrars to terminate domains based on abuse, rather than 
just fake contact details.

I don't like this because its impossible to define abuse clearly enough in 
this context.

If a fictitious web-shop '' get a box owned which has the 
reverse dns set to something in that zone, is this abuse ?  Yes .. sort of, 
but it's no business of the registry.  Is registering a domain name which 
causes offense to some people abuse ?  It might be, but its no reason not to 
let the domain name registration go through.  What if you and I fall out, and 
I manage to build a case against you to get de-registered ?  Do 
you want to spend time and effort fighting it ?

Who arbitrates/polices this scheme ?

Who pays for any mistakes ?
I think the shutdown of by GoDaddy is a perfect example of 
exactly why the registrars should NOT be making these decisions.

And exactly what good is 24 hour notice (as some people have suggested) 
going to do? With 2 million domains registered every single day (according 
to a recent techworld article) who could possibly go through such a list 
and make informed decisions?

If you want a really simple, and probably very effective first step- 
then stop domain tasting. It doesn't help anyone but the phishers.

An even better idea would be for companies to send out their own phishing 
emails. Every user that falls for it gets an email/phone call informing 
them just how stupid they are and notifying them that if they fall for it 
again they are going to lose their account. The next time fall for it you 
shut down their account.

Seriously though- why do we keep blaming the infrastructure for the mind 
boggling stupidity of users?


Re: On-going Internet Emergency and Domain Names

2007-04-02 Thread Donald Stahl

You got me there. I will add:
"You can NEVER make the Pirates go away" but;
"You can make sure they never enter your seas"

Enough analogies though. :)
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is not at all happy about this talk of 
stopping pirates. He will likely smite you all with his noodly appendage.



Re: On-going Internet Emergency and Domain Names (kill this thread)

2007-04-01 Thread Donald Stahl

You do realize this post is not about Microsoft or IE 0days, right?

I would prefer not to turn this into an OS flamefest, my only point is that 
*this list* is not the proper venue to discuss this issue; nor the methods 
that you suggest as a remedy, regardless of merit.

Again if the rest of the list wants to continue, then so be it.
In the end, phishing and scams work because people are stupid (or 
possibly ignorant- but then again with all the warnings they've received 
you'd have to be stupid to still be ignorant at this point). Period. End 
of discussion.

Every time we come up with another "solution" - the universe comes up 
with a bigger idiot.

Honestly- I, as well as everyone I know, receives a million warning 
messages from banks, web sites, etc. warning people not to trust email 
claming to be from said institution. And yet, every single day, thousands 
upon thousands of people keep falling for it. Where do you draw the line?

Since we seem to love analogies:

Imagine you have a high voltage outlet and people keep sticking their 
fingers in it and getting electrocuted. So you put up a sign that says 
"Danger- high voltage," and people continue sticking their fingers in it. 
Then you warn them about it personally, and you have segments on the tv 
news and articles in the papers and people STILL do it.

At what point do you just have to walk away and let nature take it's 

Everybody in the world has been _repeatedly_ warned about phishing and 
other scams, and yet just like 419 scams, they KEEP falling for it.

Nobody stops to think. Enough is enough already.

Do I think certain policies should be changed? Sure. Domain tasting is an 
idea that I can not believe benefits anyone but a scammer (or a domain 
advertiser- which is no better). There are plenty of other examples but in 
the end, no matter what we do, users are going to continue to do 
mind-bogglingly stupid things.


*Please don't think for a second I want to see the scammers given carte 
blanche to do what they want- or that we shouldn't try to stop them- but 
pretending we can solve the problem of user stupidity through technology 
is disingenuous and laughable.

Re: NOC Personel Question (Possibly OT)

2007-03-15 Thread Donald Stahl

1) Expected to have above-average UNIX skills, above-average exposure to 
DNS (understanding SOAs, must have familiarity with dig, etc.), 
familiarity with HTTP (manual fetches/form queries, etc.), SSH and 

and do not hire people who tote themselves as superior or "too proud to 
work in a NOC".
Then these people should have the title System Administrator (or something 
similar). Just because they work in a "NOC" doesn't mean they have to have 
NOC-anything in their title.

But for the type of NOC most people are describing- NOC-anything would be 
fine- it really doesn't matter. Some of those NOC people (The ones that 
want to learn) will move on to become SA's or NA's or whatever. Others 
will not, or do not want to, learn anything and will never move out of the 


RE: NOC Personel Question (Possibly OT)

2007-03-15 Thread Donald Stahl

Anyway, I have a friend who used managed to get "Not A Janitor" on his
business card.
"Rear Admiral" was my favorite business card title if only because that 
was also the caller ID on my phone (I managed the PBX at the time).

I've seen "Systems/Unix/DNS Ninja." At my current job I make breakfast on 
Thursday mornings for the team I work with- I'm trying to get business 
cards that say either "Head Chef" or "Chief Cook and Bottle Wash."

Before this gets too wildly off-topic- perhaps the original poster can 
comment as to why NOC Specialist is a problem?

We call our level 1 NOC people "Operators." We reserve Network Analyst for 
the level 2 people who also do some small amount of scripting and other 
more advanced troubleshooting. Network Analyst makes me think of Stock 
Analysts, though. The problem is that they aren't very good at telling me 
what kind of returns I can expect on my equipment and what the future 
holds for the network :)

Has anyone thought to clearly define these titles somewhere so that 
everyone can standardize on them?


Re: Google wants to be your Internet

2007-01-23 Thread Donald Stahl

Especially in rural areas (where physically reading meters sucks the most due
to long inter-house distances), you have no guarantee of good cellular coverage.

The electric company *can* however assume they have copper connectivity to
the meter by definition

Doesn't have to be copper- it could be aluminum :)


2007-01-16 Thread Donald Stahl

I have a cage at an AT&T hosting facility in NY.

Every few weeks I end up with horrendous VPN problems to another site I 
have on MCI's network in Maryland, as well as to a partners site, in the 
same area, also on MCI.

mtr -s 800 to either site shows 10% packet loss on the hop from: ->

Both of these appear to be AT&T routers (I say appear to be because 
I am relying on the netblock information from ARIN- reverse DNS for 
routers seems to be uncool).

Does anyone else run into this problem? Smaller pings show far fewer 
(if any) issues and other traffic is passable- but it kills my VPN's.


Re: AS41961 not seen in many networks

2007-01-04 Thread Donald Stahl

now pingable addresses are:

From one location, things die as soon as they hit AT&T, another location 
things work perfectly.
I have a couple of networks off AT&T and I am not seeing these routes in 
my tables. I do see them off other networks, however.


Re: Collocation Access

2006-12-27 Thread Donald Stahl

throughout the US.  In recent memory, I can think of two large collocation
centers that retain your ID.  One is in Miami and one in New York (I don't
think I need to name names, most of you know to which I refer).  All others
(including AT&T) have never asked to retain my ID.

I dont mind naming names. telex. I left.

AT&T's colocation facility in mid town retains your ID. So do a lot of 
others I've been to. And that happens whether or not they give you a cage 


RE: Bogon Filter - Please check for 77/8 78/8 79/8

2006-12-11 Thread Donald Stahl

So we're saying that a lawsuit is an intelligent method to force someone
else to correct something that you are simply using to avoid the irritation
of manually updating things yourself???

That seems to be the epitomy of laziness vs. litigousness.
I think the point is that people are trusting this "self appointed" 
authority and thus others are blocking _his_ legitimate traffic.

If you're going to appoint yourself an "authority" then you have a 
responsibility to be accurate. If you're too lazy to keep your lists up 
to date then you need to stop offering said lists.

As an admin I can't stop other people from using such an idiotic list. 
However I can sue the list for libel- after all they are printing the
incorrect fact that the traffic I am sending is bogus and thus are harming 
my reputation and impacting my business.

Seems to me like this is _exactly_ what the courts are for. There is no 
gray area- it's not a question of whether or not this is spam for example. 
This list is publishing the false statement that the traffic this ISP is 
trying to send is bogus. If they won't correct their mistake then you 
absolutely should be able to petition the courts to get them to stop 
publishing false information about you.


Re: The IESG Approved the Expansion of the AS Number Registry

2006-12-01 Thread Donald Stahl

agreed, let's NOT do the v6 thing... do the 32-bit asn's give us more than
just 'more bits' ? :) (Sorry, I couldn't resist). So, yes, let's get
someone to start testing, I'd just caution on assigning the 32-bit asn's
for real-users, since much of the net might not be able to use them,
partial reachability will/could-be a problem.
The good news is that 32 bit ASN's won't be assigned by default until 
2009. Starting on January 1, 32 bit ASN's will be assigned- but only to 
those people explicitly requesting them. All in all it seems like a 
sensible migration strategy.


Re: The IESG Approved the Expansion of the AS Number Registry

2006-12-01 Thread Donald Stahl

So, all of the current devices need to get upgraded before 'day one' of
32-bit ASN use... that'll be fun :) Why is RIPE passing out the 32-bit
ASN's now?
ARIN will begin passing out 32 bit ASN's to anyone who asks as of January 
1, 2007. This is the same policy as RIPE so I don't see what the big deal 

aren't there still plenty (+20k or so) 16-bit ASN's out there
for assignment? (perhaps I'm missing something on the need to allocate the
new asn's?)
By all means let's wait until the last possible second to upgrade ASN 
support. The waiting approach has worked so well for IPV6 :) Seriously 
though- why not let people start registering now. The only way we'll know 
if 32 bit ASN's will work is if we start using them.


Re: IP adresss management verification

2006-11-13 Thread Donald Stahl

At some point, it will become cheaper to just deploy IPv6 than to do the
things needed to get more IPv4 space.

What's this week's forcast for the event horizon, anyhow?  It keeps moving
That's what I'd like to know. Is the DoD "deadline" going to motivate 
anyone? When are we going to be able to announce IPv6 blocks through the 
major backbones, etc.?

Or is Google simply going to require IPv6 and overnight it will happen? :)


RE: [c-nsp] [Re: huge amount of weird traffic on poin-to-point ethernet link]

2006-11-09 Thread Donald Stahl

Steve's 100% spot-on here.  I don't have bogon filters at all and it
hasn't hurt me in the least.  I think the notion that this is somehow
a good practice needs to be quashed.

Some people don't use condoms with hookers either.  Just because they
haven't caught anything yet doesn't make it a smart practice.
Sorry I have to agree with Steve as well. I know I've left networks with 
Bogon lists in place and then gotten calls a year or more later asking why 
traffic can't isn't coming in from XYZ new client. Turns out the new admin 
never updated the bogon list.

If this was done through a central repository and updated daily, or 
required the list to be refreshed periodically otherwise it timed out- 
fine. The problem is people leave these lists in and forget about them.

If you are going to keep on top of them, and make sure to remove them when 
you leave- then that's great. But if you are going to do it half way- 
please don't bother.


Router Options & Support Experiences

2006-11-08 Thread Donald Stahl

I've got a client looking to upgrade their edge routers and they want 
to consider all of their options.

Right now we're looking at Cisco, Juniper and Foundry. I'd like to hear 
what other people have to say about the vendors, their offerings and their 
support. Do their products have particular strengths or weaknesses? Also, 
if anyone has another vendor we should be considering- we are open to 

In this case the router requirements are small- 5 GigE interfaces, BGP, 
OSPF, VRRP and the ability to handle as many PPS as possible so as to 
avoid a router DoS in the event of an attack (10 Mpps minimum).

I have my own opinions about each vendor but I'd like another perspective 
this time around.

Thanks in advance,

Re: UUNET issues?

2006-11-05 Thread Donald Stahl

As for the LSA issue- rebooting would have fixed the problem, assuming it was 
done by all nodes at the same time. All of the Link State tables would have 
been rebuilt from scratch by the IMPs and the corrupt announcements would 
have been gone.

Turns out this is actually mentioned on page 14 of RFC 789.

As I recall the IMP software was actually patched to ignore the problematic 
announcements from IMP 51.

Not that it matters- but it was IMP 50 not 51.


Re: UUNET issues?

2006-11-05 Thread Donald Stahl

Anyway, I don't think that would have helped if you're talking about the
same incident I'm thinking of.  There were application-level
retransmissions of (corrupted) packets, complete with building new bad
packets from bad data structures, all over the net

The problem is documented in RFC 789  It and "The Bug Heard 'Round the
World" are two of my favorite "how complex systems fail" papers; all
system designers should read, memorize, and undertand both.
I actually asked Stephen if he was referring to the LSA corruption problem 
and he said he was referring to an earlier issue (circa 1972).

As for the LSA issue- rebooting would have fixed the problem, assuming it 
was done by all nodes at the same time. All of the Link State tables would 
have been rebuilt from scratch by the IMPs and the corrupt announcements 
would have been gone.

As I recall the IMP software was actually patched to ignore the 
problematic announcements from IMP 51.


Re: down sev0?

2006-10-28 Thread Donald Stahl

My tests from 2 years ago showed the same thing, both /24s were behind
the same system in Exodus' NYC DC in Manhattan (IIRC).  That is what
prompted me to move everything to the rcom partner side which uses eNom.
I don't know about a "partner" side but their premium service was always 
run by themselves. The servers were in a number of locations 
across the world. Whether any of this remains true today I have no idea. may have also resold eNom services but I doubt that had 
anything to do with their premium service.


Re: down sev0?

2006-10-28 Thread Donald Stahl

I submitted both spams to spamcop and the appropriate abuse addresses would 
have been notified in both cases.  I got no response from either of my 
submissions.  As for a "reason for ignoring" my complaint I really couldn't 
say since, well they ignored me.
Did you ever send a complaint to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] personally (so that you could actually verify it 
was sent and delivered)? I've never dealt with a company that didn't at 
least acknowledge receipt of a complaint.


Re: down sev0?

2006-10-27 Thread Donald Stahl

It's pretty well-known that has been a source of spam, and that 
complaints to them have been ineffective.


I don't know about's opinion but I dare say the statement 
above isn't very helpful to me as an admin.

When you say "has been a source of spam" is there a time frame involved? 
Was this in the last week? Month? Year? When you say "" has 
been the source do you mean a) their netblocks b) their mail servers or c) 
partners acting on their behalf?

You also state that complaints have been ineffective. Again is there a 
time frame? Did anyone get back to you? Did they investigate? Did they 
give you a reason for ignoring or doing nothing about your complaint?

I ask this not because I want to know but because if someone from the 
company came here to address the issue then perhaps we should give them as 
much information as possible (After all- you have a contact now) Simply 
saying that "it's pretty well-known" doesn't really help.

I frankly doubt they would bother posting here with "let us know" if they 
had no intention of looking into it- this isn't exactly a group likely to 
be pacified by empty promises. (It's also possible that in the past the 
right people never found out- or that there are new people there who take 
the issue more seriously).

will be happy to hear that. If you're here to tell us that there never was a 
problem and that we're all just imagining it... you'll need these:
I don't think they are going to claim there was never a problem- 
unfortunately sometimes the marketing folks don't consult or listen to 
their technical folks- it's happened at a lot of companies. That said- I 
haven't had spam from a netblock in a long time. Then again 
maybe I've just been lucky.


Re: down sev0? - More information

2006-10-26 Thread Donald Stahl

5. AT&T (at least when I've dealt with them in their datacenters) does not 
support BGP community strings for null routing (or any strings for that 
matter :)
Lest anyone take me too seriously on that last point- AT&T hosting does 
have community strings for certain features- unfortunately not for null 


(My apologies for the earlier lack of a full email name)