RE: PAIX Outages

2005-04-28 Thread Huopio Kauto

> From: Alexander Koch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> As another matter I do not believe in public peering at all
> when you have flows to a single peer that are ore than half
> of a full GE. Been there, was not at all nice. I guess more
> and more operators will have less and less public IX ports,
> and the open peering coalition will start wondering at some
> point... The AMSIX has a lot of 10G peers. While they just
> take two ports, and the AMSIX supposedly also being redundant
> (and cheap ) it is just a time- bomb. How many times did
> either LINX or AMSIX had issues (actually very rare!) and we
> happily overloaded our peers' interfaces at the respective
> other IX... Say what you want, but public peering (yes/no)
> has a lot to do with your amount of traffic, and your peers.
It depends. Thinking of reliability: 
FICIX over here in Finland requires all full members to 
join _two_ switches in physically separate locations from separate
points in your own network, using redundant fiber paths. 
Result: a very reliable IX. In Sweden
Netnod has IX facilities in five cities around the country. 
AFAIK most of the traffic exchange is done over public peerings
in Finland and Sweden - very reliably.  


FW: Summary/minutes from sunday evening?

2005-01-31 Thread Huopio Kauto

-Original Message-
From: Matthew Petach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 11:15 AM
To: Huopio Kauto
Subject: Re: Summary/minutes from sunday evening?

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 11:00:55 +0200, Huopio Kauto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> So..
> Could someone please summarize the Sunday evening meeting? Minutes anyone?

I'm not allowed to post to NANOG from this account...but if you'd
like to forward this message to the list, I've included my minutes
from the Sunday night session at the end of this message.


> --Kauto
> Kauto Huopio - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Information Security Adviser / CERT-FI -coordinator
> Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority / CERT-FI
> tel. +358-9-6966772, fax. +358-9-6966515
> CERT-FI duty desk +358-9-6966510 /

2005.01.30 Coordinating NANOG--input from community

Paul Vixie, moderator
Betty Burke, Merit
Steve Feldman, CNET
Martin Hannigan, Verisign
Paul Vixie, ISC
Dan Golding, the Burton Group

Betty Burke starts off.

NANOG needs to evolve.

Thanks to all who helped this effort
We all recognize the need for continous change
Our goals this evening:
 Get your input
 Ensure ongoing community coordination
My role at Merit--Special Projects

Why Merit?
NANOG grew out of of NSFNET backbone services
re-engineered and managed  by Merit 87 -95
Merit has been joining diverse technologies and organizations
  nationally/regionally since late 60s
Regional role: MichNet, Michigans largest ISP
 525 customers (affiliates)
 13 members (Michigans' 4-yr public universities)
 26 peers
National role: neutral organization for NANOG coordination

NANOG's early years to today
94 - 95 meetings planned by Elise Gerich
95 - 98 Bill Norton takes over, begins to get outside help
  with agenda in 97 convenes advisor group
98 program committee formalized under Craig Labovitz
2000 Susan Harris becomes coordinator

PC today:
 selects talks for agenda
 chaired by Susan Harris
 target is 18 members, currently at 17
Members selected by:
 self-nomination (volunteer) or PC nominations
  PC holds internal discussion, issues invitation to join

Thanks to the program committee
k claffy, CAIDA
Keven Epperson, LEvel3
Steve Feldmen, CNET
Elise Gerich, Juniper
Barry Greene, Cisco
Sue Hares, NextHop
Susan Harris, Merit
Crag Labovitz, Arbor
Bill Manning, EP.NET
Dave Meyer, U of O/Cisco
Bill Norton, Equinix
Dave O'Leary, Juniper
Ted Seely, Sprint
Stephen Stuart, Google
Rob Thomas, Cisco/Team Cyrmru
Curtis Villamizer
Bill woodcock

Mailing list growth
evolved from NSFNET Regional-Techs list
became NANOG in 1994
today: 7,919 subs, 10,000 receive mail

Mailing List Moderation
Sample annual volume: in 2004, 10,500 unique messsages
 sent to the list
Moderator sent ~460 private messages since 2000 (about 2/week)
135 dealt with spam management topics
 loosened up on this in mid-04
29 noop (moderation review would be helpful)
67 pseudonyms (many added .sig on request)
52 foul language
46 politics
44 personal attack

Neither Betty nor Susan are operators, so target may
have been off on the 29 non-op moderations.

29 addresses temporarily removed since 2000
 two warnings, three you're removed for 3-12 months,
  depending on violation
 People can re-subscribe upon request.  Nobody has
 ever been denied a request to resubscribe to the list.

NANOG attendance slide.  Less than 100 in 1994, to peak
of over 600 in 2001, back down to 400 now.

Only a few registration fee increases since inception.
Given hotel logistics, that's surprising, and difficult;
the goal is to try to keep the cost down so people don't
find it hard to manage to attend.
Get creative with sponsorships to help with costs.

That's it for formal information from Betty.

Steve Feldman will take over talking about the program
committee, and changes for the future.

NANOG talk selection process
Steve Feldman NANOG PC  CNET Networks
One of 17 Program Committee members

Ancient History
Originally the NANOG Chair did it all
Bill Norton started informal admisory committeee in 1997
Mailing list used to coordinate

Modern History
Advisory committee became Program Committee in 1998
Mailing iist discussion as proposals recieved
Formalized PC's talk selection process in 2004
Continuing refinements and improvement

Talks reflect attendees' needs
 ISPs (transit and end-user)
 Content Providers
 Large Enterprises

Relevance: operational experience
Technical content (vs marketing)
 Speaker  (good with audience?)

Call for Presentations, few months ahead
CFP Deadline
 6 weeks before meeting
Prgram Committee Review and Rating
PC Conference Call: Initial Selections (blind until this)
Initial notifications
 4 weeks before meeting
Late Submission Review (more later)

This was a short period 

Summary/minutes from sunday evening?

2005-01-31 Thread Huopio Kauto


Could someone please summarize the Sunday evening meeting? Minutes anyone?


Kauto Huopio - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Security Adviser / CERT-FI -coordinator
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority / CERT-FI
tel. +358-9-6966772, fax. +358-9-6966515
CERT-FI duty desk +358-9-6966510 /

NISCC vulnerability note, Cisco advisory on H.323 issues

2004-01-13 Thread Huopio Kauto

Following documents are recommended reading:


Kauto Huopio - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Security Adviser / CERT-FI -coordinator
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority / CERT-FI
tel. +358-9-6966772, fax. +358-9-6966515
CERT-FI duty desk +358-9-6966510 /


2003-08-15 Thread Huopio Kauto

It seems that Microsoft is Akamai'zing as we speak..


Kauto Huopio - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Security Adviser / CERT-FI -coordinator
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority / CERT-FI
tel. +358-9-6966772, fax. +358-9-6966515
CERT-FI duty desk +358-9-6966510 /

-Original Message-
From: Bryan Heitman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 8:48 AM

Several networks I have talked to are reporting they can't get to

Has the virus began?  anyone?


Latest analysis of MSBLAST

2003-08-14 Thread Huopio Kauto

from F-Secure is here:


Kauto Huopio - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Information Security Adviser / CERT-FI -coordinator 
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority / CERT-FI 
tel. +358-9-6966772, fax. +358-9-6966515 
CERT-FI duty desk +358-9-6966510 / 

RE: companies like microsoft and telia...

2003-06-26 Thread Huopio Kauto

>> Perhaps someone could write a bcp for an email-form that lays out the
>> information so we can make the complaints use this format and all
>> departments can accept using this form, to get some structure to it?

>yow.  i first asked that this be done in 1998, and for this very reason
>among others.  can anybody beat that date (with an earlier one?)  this is
>a hard problem but with outlook forms and sri-style ascii templates it's
>quite achievable.  note though that many abusebots will reject MIME
>since it might contain a virus.  and, there will be huge controversies
>about header munging, list cleaning, complaint forwarding, and >definitions
>"abuse", "consent", "implied consent", "recourse", and "standing".

>so if ``someone'' writes this up, count me as a grateful&willing
>Paul Vixie

How about IODEF? Lots of CERT:s and company-internal abuse teams:s ticketing
systems are going to eat it with ease - if not now, soon.


RE: OT: Increasing Cell Phone Signal inside a NOC?

2003-03-12 Thread Huopio Kauto

In Finland, it is very usual that cell providers can bring a mini-cell
(_not_ a repeater, a real cell) _in_ to the building and wire all floors and
especially facilities that are below ground level. In my previous life, I
a cell provider to install an extension to the in-house antenna network to a
previously unused area of the basement when we decided to build a new
room there. Full coverage indeed. :)  Well, Helsinki is a city where even
metro system has 100% coverage from all four network operators :)

Just call your cell operator customer service and ask for someone who is
to talk about coverage issues. 


Re: Wireless insecurity at NANOG meetings

2002-09-23 Thread Huopio Kauto

How about just plainly blocking the most obvious holes, that is
telnet and POP? If someone wants a direct telnet connection to a 
route server or something similar - open a hole with a web-based tool?
Ok, then you say all unencrypted www traffic with plain username/pw..
SSH'ing everything back to home base is quite useful :)


RE: AS286 effectively no more..

2002-07-25 Thread Huopio Kauto

>> What is the legal position of an IRU deal if the cable owner goes belly
>> up?

>Unless someone buys the equipment and agrees to theke the IRU:s on - they 
>are worthless.

How about duct IRU:s? 


RE: AS286 effectively no more..

2002-07-25 Thread Huopio Kauto

>Does anyone know what happened to the Ebone/KPNQWEST European-wide DWDM 
>system? I figure that if it was shut down, we would see more impact. 
>Their IP network load I bet was quite easily handled by other operators 
>considering the huge over-capacity situation we have had the past years.

Parts of the Eurorings (the KPNQwest part of the KPNQwest/Ebone network
combination) seem to be semi-active - otherwise bits wouldn't flow from
Qwest to Leiden in NL. But there are just KPNQwest core AS/KPN Belgium/
Luxembourg prefixes advertised on the IP side. 

I am worried on the networks that have swapped/IRU:ed fibers from KQ and
have transmission gear co-located at KQ amp huts / major nodes, using KQ
rectifiers to get DC juice to their racks. 
It is going to be interesting to watch if/when the still-lit remains of 
the Eurorings go dark on transmission level - I've understood there were 
couple of _very utilized_ WDM rings in KQ central european network..  

What is the legal position of an IRU deal if the cable owner goes belly up?


AS286 effectively no more..

2002-07-24 Thread Huopio Kauto

Interesting how quietly one of the powerhouses in Europe has been shut
down yesterday evening. Any notes on increased latency / routing issues
wrt AS286 shutdown?


Kauto Huopio - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Security Adviser
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority / CERT-FI
tel. +358-9-6966772, fax. +358-9-6966515
CERT-FI duty desk +358-9-6966510 -