Global Crossing right now

2003-04-01 Thread Peter Salus

Is anyone seeing peering problem with GBLX?  

We've seen peering problems on GBLX across NA.  It's being felt by
many of their peering partners and, in turn, being felt by many of
our customers.  We're sending a generic report to the effected
customers and will try to get more info on the problem.  The perf.
losses started at approx 16:00 GMT and are ongoing.

"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." -- A.J. Muste

Peter H. Salus  Chief Knowledge Officer, Matrix NetSystems
Ste. 3005001 Plaza on the LakeAustin, TX 78746
 +1 512 697-0613

Re: 923 Mbps across the Ocean ...

2003-03-07 Thread Peter Salus

>It would have been nice if the reporter bothered to mention that "Internet 
>speed records" are measured in terabit meters per second. An article 
>about "Internet speed records" that doesn't include the actual record, or even 
>a definition of the term "Internet speed record", is hardly deserving of 
placement on the front of Slow news day?

I'm sorry to inform you guys that just picked this up
from the BBC, yesterday.  And the Beeb got the spin wrong, 



Peter H. Salus  Chief Knowledge Officer, Matrix NetSystems
Ste. 3005001 Plaza on the LakeAustin, TX 78746
 +1 512 697-0613


2003-03-04 Thread Peter Salus

Bravo, Lou!  Anyway, one of the *virtues* of the Net has 
always been its anarchic and chaotic nature.  Trying 
to set things into neat, regimented lines will get us
back to the OSI way of doing things.  I revile spammers,
hate spam, and throw out tons of it; but I'd hate 
regimentation and central authority yet more.



Peter H. Salus  Chief Knowledge Officer, Matrix NetSystems
Ste. 3005001 Plaza on the LakeAustin, TX 78746
 +1 512 697-0613

Re: The good old days (was Re: M$SQL cleanup incentives)

2003-02-24 Thread Peter Salus

Plus ca change, plus c'est le meme chose.

Of course the past is with us:  look at Bob 
Metcalfe's RFC 602 (1973).  Have we fixed 
anything over the nearly 30 years?  How 
recently have you seen a password on a Post-It?
How many folks have their spouse's/significant other's/
offspring's name as a password?

How many uninstalled fixes can dance on a port?


Re: Homeland Security Alert System

2003-02-21 Thread Peter Salus

David, what does "from" mean in your "rules"?

with .cc at the end?  But there are very many
places with addresses in TLDs and ccTLDs other
than the geographical location.

passing through an AS known to be in a given


Re: The minutes seem like hours (was Re: Symantec detected Slammer worm "hours" before)

2003-02-15 Thread Peter Salus

It's quite interesting, Mike and Sean, to note that on 
Symantec's "Expanded Security Response List"
there is nothing (that's right, nothing) at all between 
January 21 and January 27, 2003.

As I said the other day, this is an instance of an 
over-zealous marketeer going way out on a limb.  Think
of Coyote out-tricking himself.

This has been supplied by the Acme Novelty Co.


Re: Symantec detected Slammer worm "hours" before

2003-02-13 Thread Peter Salus

I attribute this to over-zealous marketing.  As I 
mentioned at the NANOG BoF, there is, indeed, a
decrease in latency about 6 hours prior to the 
actual mass attack.  Mike Lloyd (RouteScience)
saw this, too.  There's also a decrease about 
16 hours out.  Sean suggested that they might be 
attributed to cable cuts, but I don't have the 
data to attempt correlation.

If Semantec's ouija board brought them news "hours"
earlier, they are behaving reprehensibly not to 
have alerted the community.


Re: Mono Culture - was Re: Bell Labs or Microsoft security?

2003-01-29 Thread Peter Salus

Though it was written nearly two years ago, John 
Quarterman's "Monoculture Considered Harmful"
remains the very best exposition of this issue.


Root servers

2003-01-27 Thread Peter Salus

vixie wrote:

>I did DNS queries of all of the root servers several times throughout the
>event.  Other than G, I was eventually able to get responses from all of

I'd like to report that I did at least one DNS query on Sunday 
morning from three different machines around the country.  My
results were identical to Paul's.

Only g didn't respond.


Peter H. Salus  Chief Knowledge Officer, Matrix NetSystems
Ste. 3005001 Plaza on the LakeAustin, TX 78746
 +1 512 697-0613

Verio yesterday

2003-01-09 Thread Peter Salus

Verio appears to have had a number of problems
yesterday:  We noticed a tremendous packet loss 
spike and a loss in "reachability" to various sites.

Verio states that it had issues [!] with www1501 and 
that "customers in Boca Raton" may have experienced 

Anyone know what happened?


Re: C&W east coast flap this afternoon?

2002-11-13 Thread Peter Salus

C&W is divesting itself of a lot of "real estate" these 
days.  It struck a deal with Primus concerning its 
voice customers (last week), now its DSL customers to
New Edge.

Moreover, the BBC reports today that C&W is cutting 3500 jobs 
worldwide and "also announced heavy losses."  C&W announced 
that it was cutting 23 of its 42 "data centres around the 

(The losses this past year exceed $6.5 Billion.)



Peter H. Salus  Chief Knowledge Officer, Matrix NetSystems
Ste. 3005001 Plaza on the LakeAustin, TX 78746
 +1 512 697-0613

Re: ICANN Targets DDoS Attacks

2002-10-29 Thread Peter Salus

Am I the only one to find this ludicrous?

Expecting ICANN to competently hand these things is
analogous to asking the Captain of the "Titanic"
about how to handle icebergs.


Re: DNS issues various

2002-10-24 Thread Peter Salus

This is the perfect council to totally immobilize 
the Internet into a Bell-head pattern.  The 
problem is that we no longer have any big ISPs
that aren't telco-driven.  PSI and UUNET and 
the descendants of BBN are all but extinct.


Testing root server down code

2002-10-23 Thread Peter Salus

I was thinking.  If the "servers" went down on 
28 June 1985, how many were there?  Host table 
#485 (October 1985) lists 1961 hosts.


Re: root servers DDoS

2002-10-21 Thread Peter Salus

That's, Sean.


Re: IPv4 country of origin

2002-10-03 Thread Peter Salus

I fail to see where a pointer to the French version of Dodge's
UCL-based cybergeography pages responds to Ralph's queries.


RE: IPv4 country of origin

2002-10-03 Thread Peter Salus


You and alex exchanged:

>On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > > Is there a more accurate method to determine the country of origin for an
>> > > IP than the methods I've described above?
>> Yes, at least three companies have databases of pretty much all /24s and
>> above mapped up to a zip code.
>So far I've been referred to 3 commercial services, and all (including
>NetGeo/Ixia) fail on the example I gave (
>- -Ralph

As near as we can tell, is 
near Eisenhuettenstadt, Brandenburg, Deustschland.

Is this good enough?


Peter H. Salus  Chief Knowledge Officer, Matrix NetSystems
Ste. 3005001 Plaza on the LakeAustin, TX 78746
 +1 512 697-0613

Re: effects of NYC power outage

2002-07-22 Thread Peter Salus

We saw real hits on both Genuity and on NYC Teleglobe
on Saturday.  Both in latency and in packet loss.

Our 9/11 graphs are visible at //
where I put them following the event and on the NANOG 23 (Oct. 2001)


Peter H. Salus  Chief Knowledge Officer, Matrix NetSystems
Ste. 501W   1106 Clayton Lane   Austin, TX 78723
 +1 512 451-7602

Re: Notes on the Internet for Bell Heads

2002-07-12 Thread Peter Salus

Absolutely dead on, Sandy.

And Padlipsky is still available.

See my review in the most recen issue 
of The Internet Protocol Journal (June 2002).

M. A. Padlipsky, The Elements of Networking Style.
ISBN 0595088791 (orig. 1985; iUniverse, 2000)


Peter H. Salus  Chief Knowledge Officer, Matrix NetSystems
Ste. 501W   1106 Clayton Lane   Austin, TX 78723
 +1 512 451-7602

Re: Notes on the Internet for Bell Heads

2002-07-11 Thread Peter Salus

I'd love to write The Internet for Bell-Heads.
Tell you what, Sean.  You find an interested publisher 
and I'll write it.  


Peter H. Salus  Chief Knowledge Officer, Matrix NetSystems
Ste. 501W   1106 Clayton Lane   Austin, TX 78723
 +1 512 451-7602

KR assignments

2002-04-26 Thread Peter Salus

If you go to //,
you can pick up all three RIRs.  Then 
grep for KR in APNIC.

