Re: cooling door

2008-04-02 Thread Martin Hannigan

On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 6:06 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I doubt we'll ever see the day when running gigabit across
>  > town becomes cost effective when compared to running gigabit
>  > to the other end of your server room/cage/whatever.
>  You show me the ISP with the majority of their userbase located
>  at the other end of their server room, and I'll concede the argument.
>  Last time I looked the eyeballs were across town so I already have
>  to deliver my gigabit feed across town. My theory is that you can
>  achieve some scaling advantages by delivering it from multiple locations
>  instead of concentrating one end of that gigabit feed in a big blob
>  data center where the cooling systems will fail within an hour or two
>  of a major power systems failure.

That would be a choice for most of us.


Re: cooling door

2008-04-02 Thread vijay gill
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 3:06 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I doubt we'll ever see the day when running gigabit across
> > town becomes cost effective when compared to running gigabit
> > to the other end of your server room/cage/whatever.
> You show me the ISP with the majority of their userbase located
> at the other end of their server room, and I'll concede the argument.
> Last time I looked the eyeballs were across town so I already have
> to deliver my gigabit feed across town. My theory is that you can
> achieve some scaling advantages by delivering it from multiple locations
> instead of concentrating one end of that gigabit feed in a big blob
> data center where the cooling systems will fail within an hour or two
> of a major power systems failure.

It might be worth the effort to actually operate a business with real
datacenters and customers before going off with these homilies. Experience
says that for every transaction sent to the user, there are a multiplicity
of transactions on the backend that need to occur. This is why the bandwidth
into a datacenter is often 100x smaller than the bandwidth inside the

Communication within a rack, communication within a cluster, communication
within a colo and then communication within a campus are different than
communication with a user.


> --Michael Dillon

RE: cooling door

2008-04-02 Thread michael.dillon

> I doubt we'll ever see the day when running gigabit across 
> town becomes cost effective when compared to running gigabit 
> to the other end of your server room/cage/whatever.

You show me the ISP with the majority of their userbase located
at the other end of their server room, and I'll concede the argument.

Last time I looked the eyeballs were across town so I already have
to deliver my gigabit feed across town. My theory is that you can
achieve some scaling advantages by delivering it from multiple locations
instead of concentrating one end of that gigabit feed in a big blob
data center where the cooling systems will fail within an hour or two
of a major power systems failure.

--Michael Dillon

RE: cooling door

2008-04-02 Thread michael.dillon

> Eg, I 
> click on a web page to log in. The login process then kicks 
> off a few authentication sessions with servers located 
> halfway around the world. Then you do the data gathering, 2 
> phase locks, distributed file systems with the masters and 
> lock servers all over the place. Your hellish user 
> experience, let me SHOW YOU IT.

I know that this kind of hellish user experience exists today
but in those situations, the users are not happy with it, and
I don't think anybody would consider it to be a well-architected
application. But let's use two concrete examples. One is a city
newspaper hosted in a local ISP data center which interacts with
a database at the newspaper's premises. The other is an Internet
retailer hosted in the same local ISP data center which basically
runs standalone except for sending shipping orders to a fulfillment
center in another city, and the nightly site updates uploaded by
the store owner after returning home from the dayjob.

Now, move the retailer half a mile closer to the city center in
distributed pod 26 of a distributed ISP data center, and move
the newspaper to pod 11 which just happens to be on their own
premises because they have outsourced their data center to the
ISP who runs these distributed data center pods. For the life of
me, I can't see any technical issue with this. Obviously, it 
doesn't suit the customers who can't fit into a single pod because
they risk creating a scenario like you describe. I'm not
foolish enough to suggest that one size fits all. All I am suggesting
is that there is room for a new type of data center that mitigates
the power and cooling issues by spreading out into multiple pod
locations instead of clustering everything into one big blob.

> Other than that minor handwaving, we are all good. Turns out 
> that desining such distributed datacenters and setting up 
> applications that you just handwaved away is a bit harder 
> than it looks. I eagerly await papers on distributed database 
> transactions with cost estimates for a distributed datacenter 
> model vs. a traditional model.

For the big applications which cannot fit inside a single pod,
I expect the Amazon EC2/S3 model to influence the way in which
they approach decentralized scaling. And in that case, when
these people figure out the details, then the distributed pod
data center architecture can support this model just as easily
as the big blob architecture. I'm not holding my breath waiting
for papers because in the real world, people are going with what
works. The scientific world has bought into the grid architecture, 
or the so-called supercomputer cluster model. Everyone else is 
looking to Google MapReduce/BigTable, Amazon EC2/S3, Yahoo Hadoop,
XEN virtualization and related technologies.

> See above. That right there doesn't quite solve most of the 
> problems of traditional jobsets but its kind of hard to hear 
> with the wind in my ears.

This is NANOG. Traditional jobsets here are web servers, blogs/wikis,
Internet stores, Content-management sites like CNN, on-demand video,
etc. The kind of things that our customers run out of the racks that
they rent. Tell me again how on-demand video works better in one big
data center?

> I guess I can try to make it clearer by example: look at the 
> cross-sectional bandwidth availability of a datacenter, now 
> compare and contrast what it would take to pull it apart by a 
> few tens of miles and conduct the cost comparison.

It would be pretty dumb to try and pull apart a big blob architecture 
and convert it into a distributed pod architecture. But it would be
very clever to build some distributed pods and put new customers in

--Michael Dillon

Re: cooling door

2008-04-01 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 16:48:47 MDT, Michael Loftis said:

> Yeah except in a lot of areas there is no MAN, and the ILECs want to bend 
> you over for any data access.  I've no idea how well the MAN idea is coming 
> along in various areas, but you still have to pay for access to it somehow, 
> and that adds to overhead.  Which leads to attempt efficiency gains through 
> centralization and increased density.

I doubt we'll ever see the day when running gigabit across town becomes
cost effective when compared to running gigabit to the other end of your
server room/cage/whatever.

Description: PGP signature

RE: cooling door

2008-04-01 Thread Michael Loftis

--On March 29, 2008 5:04:01 PM -0500 Frank Coluccio 

Michael Dillon is spot on when he states the following (quotation below),
although he could have gone another step in suggesting how the distance
insensitivity of fiber could be further leveraged:

The high speed fibre in Metro Area Networks will tie it all together
with the result that for many applications, it won't matter where
the servers are.

In fact, those same servers, and a host of other storage and network
elements, can be returned to the LAN rooms and closets of most commercial
buildings from whence they originally came prior to the large-scale data
center consolidations of the current millennium, once organizations
decide to free themselves of the 100-meter constraint imposed by
UTP-based LAN hardware and replace those LANs with collapsed fiber
backbone designs that attach to remote switches (which could be either
in-building or remote), instead of the minimum two switches on every
floor that has become customary today.

Yeah except in a lot of areas there is no MAN, and the ILECs want to bend 
you over for any data access.  I've no idea how well the MAN idea is coming 
along in various areas, but you still have to pay for access to it somehow, 
and that adds to overhead.  Which leads to attempt efficiency gains through 
centralization and increased density.

We often discuss the empowerment afforded by optical technology, but
we've barely scratched the surface of its ability to effect meaningful
architectural changes. The earlier prospects of creating consolidated
data centers were once near-universally considered timely and efficient,
and they still are in many respects. However, now that the problems
associated with a/c and power have entered into the calculus, some data
center design strategies are beginning to look more like anachronisms
that have been caught in a whip-lash of rapidly shifting conditions, and
in a league with the constraints that are imposed by the
now-seemingly-obligatory 100-meter UTP design.

In order for the MAN scenarios to work though access has to be pretty 
cheap, and fairly ubiquitous.  Last i checked though making a trench was a 
very messy very expensive process.  So MANs are great once they're 
installed but those installing/building them will want to recoup their 
large investments.

Re: cooling door

2008-04-01 Thread vijay gill
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 8:24 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Here is a little hint - most distributed applications in
> > traditional jobsets, tend to work best when they are close
> > together. Unless you can map those jobsets onto truly
> > partitioned algorithms that work on local copy, this is a
> > _non starter_.
> Let's make it simple and say it in plain English. The users
> of services have made the decision that it is "good enough"
> to be a user of a service hosted in a data center that is
> remote from the client. Remote means in another building in
> the same city, or in another city.

Try reading for comprehension. The users of services have made the decision
that it is good enough to be a user of a service hosted in a datacenter, and
thanks to the wonders of AJAX and pipelining, you can even get snappy
performance. What the users haven't signed up for is the massive amounts of
scatter gathers that happen _behind_ the front end. Eg, I click on a web
page to log in. The login process then kicks off a few authentication
sessions with servers located halfway around the world. Then you do the data
gathering, 2 phase locks, distributed file systems with the masters and lock
servers all over the place. Your hellish user experience, let me SHOW YOU

> Now, given that context, many of these "good enough" applications
> will run just fine if the "data center" is no longer in one
> physical location, but distributed across many. Of course,
> as you point out, one should not be stupid when designing such
> distributed data centers or when setting up the applications
> in them.

Other than that minor handwaving, we are all good. Turns out that desining
such distributed datacenters and setting up applications that you just
handwaved away is a bit harder than it looks. I eagerly await papers on
distributed database transactions with cost estimates for a distributed
datacenter model vs. a traditional model.

> I would assume that every data center has local storage available
> using some protocol like iSCSI and probably over a separate network
> from the external client access. That right there solves most of
> your problems of traditional jobsets. And secondly, I am not suggesting
> that everybody should shut down big data centers or that every
> application
> should be hosted across several of these distributed data centers.

See above. That right there doesn't quite solve most of the problems of
traditional jobsets but its kind of hard to hear with the wind in my ears.

> There will always be some apps that need centralised scaling. But
> there are many others that can scale in a distributed manner, or
> at least use distributed mirrors in a failover scenario.

Many many others indeed.

> > No matter how much optical technology you have, it will tend
> > to be more expensive to run, have higher failure rates, and
> > use more power, than simply running fiber or copper inside
> > your datacenter. There is a reason most people, who are
> > backed up by sober accountants, tend to cluster stuff under one roof.
> Frankly I don't understand this kind of statement. It seems
> obvious to me that high-speed metro fibre exists and corporate
> IT people already have routers and switches and servers in the
> building, connected to the metro fiber. Also, the sober accountants
> do tend to agree with spending money on backup facilities to
> avoid the risk of single points of failure. Why should company A
> operate two data centers, and company B operate two data centers,
> when they could outsource it all to ISP X running one data center
> in each of the two locations (Company A and Company B).

I guess I can try to make it clearer by example: look at the cross-sectional
bandwidth availability of a datacenter, now compare and contrast what it
would take to pull it apart by a few tens of miles and conduct the cost


> In addition, there is a trend to commoditize the whole data center.
> Amazon EC2 and S3 is not the only example of a company who does
> not offer any kind of colocation, but you can host your apps out
> of their data centers. I believe that this trend will pick up
> steam and that as the corporate market begins to accept running
> virtual servers on top of a commodity infrastructure, there is
> an opportunity for network providers to branch out and not only
> be specialists in the big consolidated data centers, but also
> in running many smaller data centers that are linked by fast metro
> fiber.
> --Michael Dillon

RE: cooling door

2008-04-01 Thread Frank Bulk

Alex's point is that 5x density does not mean that the infrastructure costs
are less than 5x.  At a certain point in time there is a rate of return
lower than 1.

We're so stuck thinking that costs are primarily related to square feet, but
with powering and cooling costs being the primary factors, we may be better
off thinking in terms of costs in relation to amps.


-Original Message-
Robert Boyle
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 10:29 PM
To: Alex Pilosov; Paul Vixie
Subject: Re: cooling door

I don't disagree with what you have written above, but if you can get
100A into all 5 racks (and cool it!), then you have five times the
revenue with the same fixed infrastructure costs (with the exception
of a bit more power, GenSet, UPS and cooling, but the rest of my
costs stay the same.)

>To rephrase vijay, "what is the problem being solved"?

For us in our datacenters, the problem being solved is getting as
much return out of our investment as possible.


Tellurian Networks - Global Hosting Solutions Since 1995 | 888-TELLURIAN | 973-300-9211
"Well done is better than well said." - Benjamin Franklin

Re: cooling door

2008-03-31 Thread Christopher Morrow

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 11:24 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Let's make it simple and say it in plain English. The users
>  of services have made the decision that it is "good enough"
>  to be a user of a service hosted in a data center that is
>  remote from the client. Remote means in another building in
>  the same city, or in another city.
>  Now, given that context, many of these "good enough" applications
>  will run just fine if the "data center" is no longer in one
>  physical location, but distributed across many. Of course,
>  as you point out, one should not be stupid when designing such
>  distributed data centers or when setting up the applications
>  in them.

I think many folks have gotten used to 'my application runs in a
datacenter' (perhaps even a remote datacenter) but they still want
performance from their application. If the DC is 20ms away from their
desktop (say they are in NYC and the DC is in IAD which is about 20ms
distant on a good run) things are still 'snappy'. If the application
uses bits/pieces from a farm of remote  datacenters (also 20ms away or
so so anywhere from NYC to ATL to CHI away from IAD) latency inside
that application is now important... something like a DB heavy app
will really suffer under this scenario if locality of the database's
data isn't kept in mind as well. Making multiple +20ms hops around for
information is really going to impact user experience of the
application I think.

The security model as well would be highly interesting in this sort of
world.. both physical security (line/machine/cage) and information
security (data over the links). This seems to require fairly quick
encryption in a very distributed  envorinment where physical security
isn't very highly assured.

>  I would assume that every data center has local storage available
>  using some protocol like iSCSI and probably over a separate network
>  from the external client access. That right there solves most of
>  your problems of traditional jobsets. And secondly, I am not suggesting
>  that everybody should shut down big data centers or that every
>  application
>  should be hosted across several of these distributed data centers.
>  There will always be some apps that need centralised scaling. But
>  there are many others that can scale in a distributed manner, or
>  at least use distributed mirrors in a failover scenario.

ah, like the distributed DR sites financials use? (I've heard of
designs, perhaps from this list even, of distributed DC's 60+ miles
apart with iscsi on fiber between the sites... pushing backup copies
of transaction data to the DR facility) That doesn't help in scenarios
with highly interactive data sets, or lower latency requirements for
applications... I also remember a SAP (I think) installation that got
horribly unhappy with the database/front-end parts a few cities apart
from each other over an 'internal' network...

>  In addition, there is a trend to commoditize the whole data center.
>  Amazon EC2 and S3 is not the only example of a company who does
>  not offer any kind of colocation, but you can host your apps out
>  of their data centers. I believe that this trend will pick up

asp's were a trend in the late 90's, for some reason things didn't
work out then (reason not really imporant now). Today/going-forward
some things make sense to outsource in this manner, I'm not sure that
customer critical data or data with high change-rates are it though,
certainly nothing that's critical to your business from an IP
perspective, at least not without lots of security thought/controls.

When working at a large networking company we found it really hard to
get people to move their applications out from under their desk (yes,
literally) and into a production datacenter... even with offers of
mostly free hardware and management of systems (so less internal
budget used). Some of that was changing when I left, but certainly not

it's an interesting proposition, and the DC's in question were owned
by the company in question, I'm not sure about moving off to another
company's facilities though... scary security problems result.


Re: cooling door

2008-03-31 Thread Frank Coluccio

>Here is a little hint - most distributed applications in traditional jobsets,
tend to work best when they are close together. Unless you can map those jobsets
onto truly partitioned algorithms that work on local copy, this is a _non 

I thought that I had made my view clear in this respect in my earlier postings.
When moving to the kinds of optical extension techniques I outlined earlier in
this thread, I can't be too emphatic in noting that one size does not fit all.

And while I appreciate the hint, you probably don't realize it yet, but in some
ways you are helping to make my argument.

Consider for a moment my initial point (my main point, in fact) concerning 
all of the LAN gear in an enterprise building out to the cloud (customer-owned
data center or colo, machs niches). My contention here is that, this not only
eliminates LAN rooms and all the switches and environmentals that fill them, but
it radically reduces the bulk of the gear normally found in the building's
telecom center, as well, since hierarchical routing infrastructure, and severs 
most types that are used for networking purposes (along with their associated
power and air provisions to keep all of them going) would also no longer have a
place onsite, either.

Rather, these elements, too, could be centrally located in an offsite data 
(hence reducing their overall number for multi-site networks) _or _in _a _colo _
OR in one of the enterprise's other sites where it makes sense.

"OR IN A COLO" is especially relevant here, and in some ways related to the 
you are arguing. There are many enterprises, in fact, who have already, over
their own dark fibernets (now lit, of course) and leased optical facilities, 
since taken the steps to move their server farms and major network node 
to 111-8th, 611 Wilshire, Exodus and scores of other exchange locations around
the world, although most of them, up until now, have not yet taken the next
precipitous step of moving their LAN gear out to the cloud, as well.

Of course when they do decide to free the premises of LAN gear, so too will they
obviate the requirement for many of the routers and associated networking
elements in those buildings, too, thus streamlining L3 route administration
within the intranet, as well.

I should emphasize here that when played properly this is NOT a zero sum game. 
the same token, however, what we're discussing here is really a situational 
I grant you, for instance, that some, perhaps many, jobs are best suited to
having their elements sited close to one another. Many, as I've outlined above 
not fit this constraint. This is a scalar type of decision process, where the
smallest instance of the fractal doesn't require the same absolute level of
provisioning as the largest, where each is a candidate that must meet a minimum
set of criteria before making full sense.

>lets assume we have abundant dark fiber, and a 800 strand ribbon fiber cable
costs the same as a utp run. Can you get me some quotes from a few folks about
terminating and patching 800 strands x2?<

This is likely an rhetorical question, although it needn't be. Yes, I can get
those quotes, and quotes that are many times greater in scope, and have for a
number of financial trading floors and outside plant dark nets. It wasn't very
long ago, however, when the same question could still be asked about UTP, since
every wire of every pair during those earlier times required the use of a
soldering iron. My point being, the state of the art of fiber heading,
connectorization and splicing continues to improve all the time, as does the
quality and costing of pre-connectorized jumpers (in the event your question had
to do with jumpers and long cross-conns).

>There is a reason most people, who are backed up by sober accountants, tend to
cluster stuff under one roof.<

Agreed. Sometimes, however, perhaps quite often in fact, one can attribute this
behavior to a quality known more commonly as bunker mentality.
When I closed my preceding message in this subthread I stated I would welcome a
continuation of this discussion offlist with anyone who was interested. Since
then I've received onlist responses, so I responded here in kind, but my earlier
offer still holds.

Frank A. Coluccio
DTI Consulting Inc.
212-587-8150 Office
347-526-6788 Mobile

On Mon Mar 31  9:53 , "vijay gill"  sent:

>On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Frank Coluccio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Michael Dillon is spot on when he states the following (quotation below),
>although he could have gone another step in suggesting how the distance
>insensitivity of fiber could be further leveraged:
>Dillon is not only not spot on, dillon is quite a bit away from being spot on.
Read on. 
>>The high speed fibre in Metro Area Networks will tie it all together
>>with the result that for many applications, it won't matter where
>>the servers are.
>In fact, those 

Re: cooling door

2008-03-31 Thread Deepak Jain

Matthew Petach wrote:

On 3/29/08, Alex Pilosov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can someone please, pretty please with sugar on top, explain the point
 behind high power density?

 Raw real estate is cheap (basically, nearly free). Increasing power
 density per sqft will *not* decrease cost, beyond 100W/sqft, the real
 estate costs are a tiny portion of total cost. Moving enough air to cool
 400 (or, in your case, 2000) watts per square foot is *hard*.

 I've started to recently price things as "cost per square amp". (That is,
 1A power, conditioned, delivered to the customer rack and cooled). Space
 is really irrelevant - to me, as colo provider, whether I have 100A going
 into a single rack or 5 racks, is irrelevant. In fact, my *costs*
 (including real estate) are likely to be lower when the load is spread
 over 5 racks. Similarly, to a customer, all they care about is getting
 their gear online, and can care less whether it needs to be in 1 rack or
 in 5 racks.

 To rephrase vijay, "what is the problem being solved"?

I have not yet found a way to split the ~10kw power/cooling
demand of a T1600 across 5 racks.  Yes, when I want to put
a pair of them into an exchange point, I can lease 10 racks,
put T1600s in two of them, and leave the other 8 empty; but
that hasn't helped either me the customer or the exchange
point provider; they've had to burn more real estate for empty
racks that can never be filled, I'm paying for floor space in my
cage that I'm probably going to end up using for storage rather
than just have it go to waste, and we still have the problem of
two very hot spots that need relatively 'point' cooling solutions.

There are very specific cases where high density power and
cooling cannot simply be spread out over more space; thus,
research into areas like this is still very valuable.

The problem with "point" heating is often that the hot point is then the 
*intake* for other equipment. If you spread your two T1600s into 10 
racks (i.e. skip 2, drop one, skip 4, drop 1, leaving two at the end) 
your hot point problem is much less of a concern.

If you bought 10 racks... not in a row, but SURROUNDING (in each of the 
rows opposite the cabinets)... Say 12 (a = vacant, b,c = T1600)


You would be doing everyone in your datacenter a service by a) not 
thinking linearly and b) providing adequate sq ft space to dissipate 
your heat.


RE: cooling door

2008-03-31 Thread michael.dillon

> Here is a little hint - most distributed applications in 
> traditional jobsets, tend to work best when they are close 
> together. Unless you can map those jobsets onto truly 
> partitioned algorithms that work on local copy, this is a 
> _non starter_. 

Let's make it simple and say it in plain English. The users
of services have made the decision that it is "good enough"
to be a user of a service hosted in a data center that is
remote from the client. Remote means in another building in
the same city, or in another city.

Now, given that context, many of these "good enough" applications
will run just fine if the "data center" is no longer in one
physical location, but distributed across many. Of course,
as you point out, one should not be stupid when designing such
distributed data centers or when setting up the applications
in them.

I would assume that every data center has local storage available
using some protocol like iSCSI and probably over a separate network
from the external client access. That right there solves most of
your problems of traditional jobsets. And secondly, I am not suggesting
that everybody should shut down big data centers or that every
should be hosted across several of these distributed data centers.
There will always be some apps that need centralised scaling. But
there are many others that can scale in a distributed manner, or
at least use distributed mirrors in a failover scenario.

> No matter how much optical technology you have, it will tend 
> to be more expensive to run, have higher failure rates, and 
> use more power, than simply running fiber or copper inside 
> your datacenter. There is a reason most people, who are 
> backed up by sober accountants, tend to cluster stuff under one roof.

Frankly I don't understand this kind of statement. It seems 
obvious to me that high-speed metro fibre exists and corporate 
IT people already have routers and switches and servers in the
building, connected to the metro fiber. Also, the sober accountants
do tend to agree with spending money on backup facilities to
avoid the risk of single points of failure. Why should company A
operate two data centers, and company B operate two data centers,
when they could outsource it all to ISP X running one data center
in each of the two locations (Company A and Company B).

In addition, there is a trend to commoditize the whole data center.
Amazon EC2 and S3 is not the only example of a company who does
not offer any kind of colocation, but you can host your apps out
of their data centers. I believe that this trend will pick up 
steam and that as the corporate market begins to accept running
virtual servers on top of a commodity infrastructure, there is 
an opportunity for network providers to branch out and not only
be specialists in the big consolidated data centers, but also
in running many smaller data centers that are linked by fast metro

--Michael Dillon

Re: cooling door

2008-03-31 Thread vijay gill
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Frank Coluccio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Michael Dillon is spot on when he states the following (quotation below),
> although he could have gone another step in suggesting how the distance
> insensitivity of fiber could be further leveraged:

Dillon is not only not spot on, dillon is quite a bit away from being spot
on. Read on.

> >The high speed fibre in Metro Area Networks will tie it all together
> >with the result that for many applications, it won't matter where
> >the servers are.
> In fact, those same servers, and a host of other storage and network
> elements,
> can be returned to the LAN rooms and closets of most commercial buildings
> from
> whence they originally came prior to the large-scale data center
> consolidations
> of the current millennium, once organizations decide to free themselves of
> the
> 100-meter constraint imposed by UTP-based LAN hardware and replace those
> LANs
> with collapsed fiber backbone designs that attach to remote switches
> (which could
> be either in-building or remote), instead of the minimum two switches on
> every
> floor that has become customary today.

Here is a little hint - most distributed applications in traditional
jobsets, tend to work best when they are close together. Unless you can map
those jobsets onto truly partitioned algorithms that work on local copy,
this is a _non starter_.

> We often discuss the empowerment afforded by optical technology, but we've
> barely
> scratched the surface of its ability to effect meaningful architectural
> changes.

No matter how much optical technology you have, it will tend to be more
expensive to run, have higher failure rates, and use more power, than simply
running fiber or copper inside your datacenter. There is a reason most
people, who are backed up by sober accountants, tend to cluster stuff under
one roof.

> The earlier prospects of creating consolidated data centers were once
> near-universally considered timely and efficient, and they still are in
> many
> respects. However, now that the problems associated with a/c and power
> have
> entered into the calculus, some data center design strategies are
> beginning to
> look more like anachronisms that have been caught in a whip-lash of
> rapidly
> shifting conditions, and in a league with the constraints that are imposed
> by the
> now-seemingly-obligatory 100-meter UTP design.

Frank, lets assume we have abundant dark fiber, and a 800 strand ribbon
fiber cable costs the same as a utp run. Can you get me some quotes from a
few folks about terminating and patching 800 strands x2?


> Frank A. Coluccio
> DTI Consulting Inc.
> 212-587-8150 Office
> 347-526-6788 Mobile
> On Sat Mar 29 13:57 ,  sent:
> >
> >> Can someone please, pretty please with sugar on top, explain
> >> the point behind high power density?
> >
> >It allows you to market your operation as a "data center". If
> >you spread it out to reduce power density, then the logical
> >conclusion is to use multiple physical locations. At that point
> >you are no longer centralized.
> >
> >In any case, a lot of people are now questioning the traditional
> >data center model from various angles. The time is ripe for a
> >paradigm change. My theory is that the new paradigm will be centrally
> >managed, because there is only so much expertise to go around. But
> >the racks will be physically distributed, in virtually every office
> >building, because some things need to be close to local users. The
> >high speed fibre in Metro Area Networks will tie it all together
> >with the result that for many applications, it won't matter where
> >the servers are. Note that the Google MapReduce, Amazon EC2, Haddoop
> >trend will make it much easier to place an application without
> >worrying about the exact locations of the physical servers.
> >
> >Back in the old days, small ISPs set up PoPs by finding a closet
> >in the back room of a local store to set up modem banks. In the 21st
> >century folks will be looking for corporate data centers with room
> >for a rack or two of multicore CPUs running XEN, and Opensolaris
> >SANs running ZFS/raidz providing iSCSI targets to the XEN VMs.
> >
> >--Michael Dillon

Re: cooling door

2008-03-30 Thread paul

> I have a need for a 1U that will just act as a backup (higher MX) mailserver
> and, occasionally, deliver some large .iso images at under 10Mbit/Sec 
> :) And I'm sure that there are other technically saavy users just like me
> that could help you out with this "surplus" space!  :)

see for some places to host that backup MX.
(note, i have no business affiliation with any of the entities listed there.)

Re: cooling door

2008-03-30 Thread Brandon Butterworth

> I can lease 10 racks,
> put T1600s in two of them, and leave the other 8 empty; but
> that hasn't helped either me the customer or the exchange
> point provider; they've had to burn more real estate for empty
> racks that can never be filled

Seems fine to me, you used your power in two racks, to get more power
will cost the provider more so you will have to pay more. This is just
an extreme example of blade servers causing half a rack to be empty
the facts haven't changed no matter how bad seeing empty racks feels

Waste implies you could use it for no additional cost, old pricing
models were vulnerable to gaming on combinations they'd not thought

It might be easier for people to understand in these cases
if the provider put yellow/black stripe tape over the unused
space with a big sign saying "not yours"

> I'm paying for floor space in my
> cage that I'm probably going to end up using for storage rather
> than just have it go to waste

That's nice, I hate cages where you have no room for tools or to work
and the kit hits the walls when you try and unrack it. I've no
idea how they fit a normal engineer in some

> and we still have the problem of
> two very hot spots that need relatively 'point' cooling solutions.

Accepted, big fan on the back of the rack? Plenty of empty
space for such solutions.

High density servers seem to be vendor driven, they can
charge more and make you buy the switch and other ancillaries
you'd likely choose cheaper from others. And when new models come
out the whole lot gets replaced rather than just the odd few U
of servers. The convenience may be worth the high price for some

Density is just another DC design parameter to be optimised for


You know a nanog thread has gone on too long when I
overcome inertia and post. More science please.

Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-30 Thread Frank Coluccio

Silly me. I didn't mean "turns" alone, but also intended to include the number 
state "transitions" (e-o, o-e, e-e, etc.) in my preceding reply, as well.

Frank A. Coluccio
DTI Consulting Inc.
212-587-8150 Office
347-526-6788 Mobile

On Sun Mar 30 16:47 , Frank Coluccio  sent:

>Mikael, I see your points more clearly now in respect to the number of turns
>affecting latency. In analyzing this further, however, it becomes apparent that
>the collapsed backbone regimen may, in many scenarios offer far fewer
>opportunities for turns, and more occasions for others. 
>To the former class of winning applications, because it eliminates local
>access/distribution/aggregation switches and then an entire lineage of
>hierarchical in-building routing elements. 
>To the latter class of loser applications, no doubt, if a collapsed backbone
>design were to be dropped-shipped in place on a Friday Evening, as is, the 
>would surely be some losers that would require re-designing, or maybe simply 
>re-tuning, or they may need to be treated as one-offs entirely. 
>BTW, in case there is any confusion concerning my earlier allusion to "SMB", it
>had nothing to do with the size of message blocks, protocols, or anything else
>affecting a transaction profile's latency numbers. Instead, I was referring to
>the "_s_mall-to-_m_edium-sized _b_usiness" class of customers that the cable
>operator Bright House Networks was targeting with its passive optical network
>business-grade offering, fwiw.
>Mikael, All, I truly appreciate the comments and criticisms you've offered on
>this subject up until now in connection with the upstream hypothesis that began
>with a post by Michael Dillon. However, I shall not impose this topic on the
>larger audience any further. I would, however, welcome a continuation _offlist 
>with anyone so inclined. If anything worthwhile results I'd be pleased to post 
>here at a later date. TIA.
>Frank A. Coluccio
>DTI Consulting Inc.
>212-587-8150 Office
>347-526-6788 Mobile
>On Sun Mar 30  3:17 , Mikael Abrahamsson  sent:
>>On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Frank Coluccio wrote:
>>> Understandably, some applications fall into a class that requires very-short
>>> distances for the reasons you cite, although I'm still not comfortable with 
>>> the
>>> setup you've outlined. Why, for example, are you showing two Ethernet 
>>> switches
>>> for the fiber option (which would naturally double the switch-induced 
>>> latency),
>>> but only a single switch for the UTP option?
>>Yes, I am showing a case where you have switches in each rack so each rack 
>>is uplinked with a fiber to a central aggregation switch, as opposed to 
>>having a lot of UTP from the rack directly into the aggregation switch.
>>> Now, I'm comfortable in ceding this point. I should have made allowances 
>>> for this
>>> type of exception in my introductory post, but didn't, as I also omitted 
>>> mention
>>> of other considerations for the sake of brevity. For what it's worth, 
>>> propagation
>>> over copper is faster propagation over fiber, as copper has a higher nominal
>>> velocity of propagation (NVP) rating than does fiber, but not significantly
>>> greater to cause the difference you've cited.
>>The 2/3 speed of light in fiber as opposed to propagation speed in copper 
>>was not in my mind.
>>> As an aside, the manner in which o-e-o and e-o-e conversions take place when
>>> transitioning from electronic to optical states, and back, affects latency
>>> differently across differing link assembly approaches used. In cases where 
>>> 10Gbps
>>My opinion is that the major factors of added end-to-end latency in my 
>>example is that the packet has to be serialisted three times as opposed to 
>>once and there are three lookups instead of one. Lookups take time, 
>>putting the packet on the wire take time.
>>Back in the 10 megabit/s days, there were switches that did cut-through, 
>>ie if the output port was not being used the instant the packet came in, 
>>it could start to send out the packet on the outgoing port before it was 
>>completely taken in on the incoming port (when the header was received, 
>>the forwarding decision was taken and the equipment would start to send 
>>the packet out before it was completely received from the input port).
>>> By chance, is the "deserialization" you cited earlier, perhaps related to 
>>> this
>>> inverse muxing process? If so, then that would explain the disconnect, and 
>>> if it
>>> is so, then one shouldn't despair, because there is a direct path to 
>>> avoiding
>>No, it's the store-and-forward architecture used in all modern equipment 
>>(that I know of). A packet has to be completely taken in over the wire 
>>into a buffer, a lookup has to be done as to where this packet should be 
>>put out, it needs to be sent over a bus or fabric, and then it has to be 
>>clocked out on the outgoing port from another buffer. This adds latency in 
>>each switc

Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-30 Thread Frank Coluccio

Mikael, I see your points more clearly now in respect to the number of turns
affecting latency. In analyzing this further, however, it becomes apparent that
the collapsed backbone regimen may, in many scenarios offer far fewer
opportunities for turns, and more occasions for others. 

To the former class of winning applications, because it eliminates local
access/distribution/aggregation switches and then an entire lineage of
hierarchical in-building routing elements. 

To the latter class of loser applications, no doubt, if a collapsed backbone
design were to be dropped-shipped in place on a Friday Evening, as is, the there
would surely be some losers that would require re-designing, or maybe simply 
re-tuning, or they may need to be treated as one-offs entirely. 

BTW, in case there is any confusion concerning my earlier allusion to "SMB", it
had nothing to do with the size of message blocks, protocols, or anything else
affecting a transaction profile's latency numbers. Instead, I was referring to
the "_s_mall-to-_m_edium-sized _b_usiness" class of customers that the cable
operator Bright House Networks was targeting with its passive optical network
business-grade offering, fwiw.

Mikael, All, I truly appreciate the comments and criticisms you've offered on
this subject up until now in connection with the upstream hypothesis that began
with a post by Michael Dillon. However, I shall not impose this topic on the
larger audience any further. I would, however, welcome a continuation _offlist _
with anyone so inclined. If anything worthwhile results I'd be pleased to post 
here at a later date. TIA.

Frank A. Coluccio
DTI Consulting Inc.
212-587-8150 Office
347-526-6788 Mobile

On Sun Mar 30  3:17 , Mikael Abrahamsson  sent:

>On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Frank Coluccio wrote:
>> Understandably, some applications fall into a class that requires very-short
>> distances for the reasons you cite, although I'm still not comfortable with 
>> the
>> setup you've outlined. Why, for example, are you showing two Ethernet 
>> switches
>> for the fiber option (which would naturally double the switch-induced 
>> latency),
>> but only a single switch for the UTP option?
>Yes, I am showing a case where you have switches in each rack so each rack 
>is uplinked with a fiber to a central aggregation switch, as opposed to 
>having a lot of UTP from the rack directly into the aggregation switch.
>> Now, I'm comfortable in ceding this point. I should have made allowances for 
>> this
>> type of exception in my introductory post, but didn't, as I also omitted 
>> mention
>> of other considerations for the sake of brevity. For what it's worth, 
>> propagation
>> over copper is faster propagation over fiber, as copper has a higher nominal
>> velocity of propagation (NVP) rating than does fiber, but not significantly
>> greater to cause the difference you've cited.
>The 2/3 speed of light in fiber as opposed to propagation speed in copper 
>was not in my mind.
>> As an aside, the manner in which o-e-o and e-o-e conversions take place when
>> transitioning from electronic to optical states, and back, affects latency
>> differently across differing link assembly approaches used. In cases where 
>> 10Gbps
>My opinion is that the major factors of added end-to-end latency in my 
>example is that the packet has to be serialisted three times as opposed to 
>once and there are three lookups instead of one. Lookups take time, 
>putting the packet on the wire take time.
>Back in the 10 megabit/s days, there were switches that did cut-through, 
>ie if the output port was not being used the instant the packet came in, 
>it could start to send out the packet on the outgoing port before it was 
>completely taken in on the incoming port (when the header was received, 
>the forwarding decision was taken and the equipment would start to send 
>the packet out before it was completely received from the input port).
>> By chance, is the "deserialization" you cited earlier, perhaps related to 
>> this
>> inverse muxing process? If so, then that would explain the disconnect, and 
>> if it
>> is so, then one shouldn't despair, because there is a direct path to avoiding
>No, it's the store-and-forward architecture used in all modern equipment 
>(that I know of). A packet has to be completely taken in over the wire 
>into a buffer, a lookup has to be done as to where this packet should be 
>put out, it needs to be sent over a bus or fabric, and then it has to be 
>clocked out on the outgoing port from another buffer. This adds latency in 
>each switch hop on the way.
>As Adrian Chadd mentioned in the email sent after yours, this can of 
>course be handled by modifying or creating new protocols that handle this 
>fact. It's just that with what is available today, this is a problem. Each 
>directory listing or file access takes a bit longer over NFS with added 
>latency, and this reduces performance in current protocols.

Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

On 30 Mar 2008 21:00:25 +
Paul Vixie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Buhrmaster, Gary") writes:
> > > ... feed "tcp throughput equation" into your favorite search
> > > engine for a lot more references.=20
> > 
> > There has been a lot of work in some OS stacks
> > (Vista and recent linux kernels) to enable TCP
> > auto-tuning (of one form or another), ...
> on
> i'd read that freebsd 7 also has some tcp auto tuning logic.

There are certain things that the stack can do, like auto-adjusting the
window size, tuning retransmission intervals, etc.  But other problem
are at the application layer, as you noted a few posts ago.

--Steve Bellovin,

Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-30 Thread Paul Vixie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Buhrmaster, Gary") writes:

> > ... feed "tcp throughput equation" into your favorite search
> > engine for a lot more references.=20
> There has been a lot of work in some OS stacks
> (Vista and recent linux kernels) to enable TCP
> auto-tuning (of one form or another), ...

i'd read that freebsd 7 also has some tcp auto tuning logic.
Paul Vixie

Re: cooling door

2008-03-30 Thread Matthew Petach

On 3/29/08, Alex Pilosov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone please, pretty please with sugar on top, explain the point
>  behind high power density?
>  Raw real estate is cheap (basically, nearly free). Increasing power
>  density per sqft will *not* decrease cost, beyond 100W/sqft, the real
>  estate costs are a tiny portion of total cost. Moving enough air to cool
>  400 (or, in your case, 2000) watts per square foot is *hard*.
>  I've started to recently price things as "cost per square amp". (That is,
>  1A power, conditioned, delivered to the customer rack and cooled). Space
>  is really irrelevant - to me, as colo provider, whether I have 100A going
>  into a single rack or 5 racks, is irrelevant. In fact, my *costs*
>  (including real estate) are likely to be lower when the load is spread
>  over 5 racks. Similarly, to a customer, all they care about is getting
>  their gear online, and can care less whether it needs to be in 1 rack or
>  in 5 racks.
>  To rephrase vijay, "what is the problem being solved"?

I have not yet found a way to split the ~10kw power/cooling
demand of a T1600 across 5 racks.  Yes, when I want to put
a pair of them into an exchange point, I can lease 10 racks,
put T1600s in two of them, and leave the other 8 empty; but
that hasn't helped either me the customer or the exchange
point provider; they've had to burn more real estate for empty
racks that can never be filled, I'm paying for floor space in my
cage that I'm probably going to end up using for storage rather
than just have it go to waste, and we still have the problem of
two very hot spots that need relatively 'point' cooling solutions.

There are very specific cases where high density power and
cooling cannot simply be spread out over more space; thus,
research into areas like this is still very valuable.


Re: cooling door

2008-03-30 Thread Henry Yen

Perhaps this is apropos:

  Linkname: Slashdot | Iceland Woos Data Centers As Power Costs Soar

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 23:29:18PM -0400, Robert Boyle wrote:
> At 02:11 PM 3/29/2008, Alex Pilosov wrote:
> >Can someone please, pretty please with sugar on top, explain the point
> >behind high power density?
> More equipment in your existing space means more revenue and more profit.
> >Raw real estate is cheap (basically, nearly free). Increasing power
> >density per sqft will *not* decrease cost, beyond 100W/sqft, the real
> >estate costs are a tiny portion of total cost. Moving enough air to cool
> >400 (or, in your case, 2000) watts per square foot is *hard*.
> It depends on where you are located, but I understand what you are 
> saying. However, the space is the cheap part. Installing the 
> electrical power, switchgear, ATS gear, Gensets, UPS units, power 
> distribution, cable/fiber distribution, connectivity to the 
> datacenter, core and distribution routers/switches are all basically 
> stepped incremental costs. If you can leverage the existing floor 
> infrastructure then you maximize the return on your investment.
> >I've started to recently price things as "cost per square amp". (That is,
> >1A power, conditioned, delivered to the customer rack and cooled). Space
> >is really irrelevant - to me, as colo provider, whether I have 100A going
> >into a single rack or 5 racks, is irrelevant. In fact, my *costs*
> >(including real estate) are likely to be lower when the load is spread
> >over 5 racks. Similarly, to a customer, all they care about is getting
> >their gear online, and can care less whether it needs to be in 1 rack or
> >in 5 racks.
> I don't disagree with what you have written above, but if you can get 
> 100A into all 5 racks (and cool it!), then you have five times the 
> revenue with the same fixed infrastructure costs (with the exception 
> of a bit more power, GenSet, UPS and cooling, but the rest of my 
> costs stay the same.)

Henry Yen   Aegis Information Systems, Inc.
Senior Systems Programmer   Hicksville, New York

RE: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-30 Thread Buhrmaster, Gary


> ... feed "tcp throughput equation" into your favorite search
> engine for a lot more references. 

There has been a lot of work in some OS stacks
(Vista and recent linux kernels) to enable TCP
auto-tuning (of one form or another), which is
attempting to hide some of the worst of the TCP
uglynesses from the application/end-users.  I
am not convinced this is always a good thing,
since having the cruft exposed to the developers
(in particular) means one needs to plan for
errors and less than ideal cases.


RE: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-30 Thread Fred Reimer
Thanks for the clarification; that's why I put the "seems to" in the reply.

Senior Network Engineer
Coleman Technologies, Inc.

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Mikael Abrahamsson
> Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 12:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: latency (was: RE: cooling door)
> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, Fred Reimer wrote:
> > application to take advantage of the networks' capabilities.   Mikael
> (seems
> > to) complain that developers have to put latency inducing
> applications into
> > the development environment.  I'd say that those developers are some
> of the
> > few who actually have a clue, and are doing the right thing.
> I was definately not complaining, I brought it up as an example where
> developers have clue and where they're doing the right thing.
> I've too often been involved in customer complaints which ended up
> being
> the fault of Microsoft SMB and the customers having the firm idea that
> it
> must be a network problem since MS is a world standard and that can't
> be
> changed. Even proposing to change TCP Window settings to get FTP
> transfers
> quicker is met with the same sceptisism.
> Even after describing to them about the propagation delay of light in
> fiber and the physical limitations, they're still very suspicious about
> it
> all.
> --
> Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 13:03:18 +0800
Adrian Chadd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, and kernel hz tickers can have similar effects on network
> traffic, if the application does dumb stuff. If you're (un)lucky then
> you may see 1 or 2ms of delay between packet input and scheduling
> processing. This doesn't matter so much over 250ms + latent links but
> matters on 0.1ms - 1ms latent links.
> (Can someone please apply some science to this and publish best
> practices please?)
There's been a lot of work done on TCP throughput.  Roughly speaking,
and holding everything else constant, throughput is linear in the round
trip time.  That is, if you double the RTT -- even from .1 ms to .2 ms
-- you halve the throughput on (large) file transfers.  See for one
summary; feed "tcp throughput equation" into your favorite search
engine for a lot more references.  Another good reference is RFC 3448,
which relates throughput to packet size (also a linear factor, but if
serialization delay is significant then increasing the packet size will
increase the RTT), packet loss rate, the TCP retransmission timeout
(which can be approximated as 4x the RTT), and the number of packets
acknowledged by a single TCP acknowledgement.

On top of that, there are lots of application issues, as a number of
people have pointed out.

--Steve Bellovin,

RE: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-30 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, Fred Reimer wrote:

application to take advantage of the networks' capabilities.   Mikael (seems
to) complain that developers have to put latency inducing applications into
the development environment.  I'd say that those developers are some of the
few who actually have a clue, and are doing the right thing.

I was definately not complaining, I brought it up as an example where 
developers have clue and where they're doing the right thing.

I've too often been involved in customer complaints which ended up being 
the fault of Microsoft SMB and the customers having the firm idea that it 
must be a network problem since MS is a world standard and that can't be 
changed. Even proposing to change TCP Window settings to get FTP transfers 
quicker is met with the same sceptisism.

Even after describing to them about the propagation delay of light in 
fiber and the physical limitations, they're still very suspicious about it 

Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-30 Thread Fred Reimer

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Paul Vixie
> Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 10:35 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mikael Abrahamsson) writes:
> > Programmers who do client/server applications are starting to notice
> this
> > and I know of companies that put latency-inducing applications in the
> > development servers so that the programmer is exposed to the same
> > conditions in the development environment as in the real world.  This
> > means for some that they have to write more advanced SQL queries to
> get
> > everything done in a single query instead of asking multiple and
> changing
> > the queries depending on what the first query result was.
> while i agree that turning one's SQL into transactions that are more
> like
> applets (such that, for example, you're sending over the content for a
> potential INSERT that may not happen depending on some SELECT, because
> the
> end-to-end delay of getting back the SELECT result is so much higher
> than
> the cost of the lost bandwidth from occasionally sending a useless
> will take better advantage of modern hardware and software architecture
> (which means in this case, streaming), it's also necessary to teach our
> SQL servers that ZFS "recordsize=128k" means what it says, for file
> system
> reads and writes.  a lot of SQL users who have moved to a streaming
> model
> using a lot of transactions have merely seen their bottleneck move from
> the
> network into the SQL server.

I have seen first hand (worked for a company and diagnosed issues with their
applications from a network perspective, prompting a major re-write of the
software), where developers work with their SQL servers, application
servers, and clients all on the same L2 switch.  They often do not duplicate
the environment they are going to be deploying the application into, and
therefore assume that the "network" is going to perform the same.  So, when
there are problems they blame the network.  Often the root problem is the
architecture of the application itself and not the "network."  All the
servers and client workstations have Gigabit connections to the same L2
switch, and they are honestly astonished when there are issues running the
same application over a typical enterprise network with clients of different
speeds (10/100/1000, full and/or half duplex).  Surprisingly, to me, they
even expect the same performance out of a WAN.

Application developers today need a "network" guy on their team.  One who
can help them understand how their proposed application architecture would
perform over various customer networks, and that can make suggestions as to
how the architecture can be modified to allow the performance of the
application to take advantage of the networks' capabilities.   Mikael (seems
to) complain that developers have to put latency inducing applications into
the development environment.  I'd say that those developers are some of the
few who actually have a clue, and are doing the right thing.

> > Also, protocols such as SMB and NFS that use message blocks over TCP
> have
> > to be abandonded and replaced with real streaming protocols and large
> > window sizes. Xmodem wasn't a good idea back then, it's not a good
> idea
> > now (even though the blocks now are larger than the 128 bytes of 20-
> 30
> > years ago).
> i think xmodem and kermit moved enough total data volume (expressed as
> a
> factor of transmission speed) back in their day to deserve an
> honourable
> retirement.  but i'd agree, if an application is moved to a new
> environment
> where everything (DRAM timing, CPU clock, I/O bandwidth, network
> bandwidth,
> etc) is 10X faster, but the application only runs 2X faster, then it's
> time
> to rethink more.  but the culprit will usually not be new network
> latency.
> --
> Paul Vixie

It may be difficult to switch to a streaming protocol if the underlying data
sets are block-oriented.

Senior Network Engineer
Coleman Technologies, Inc.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-30 Thread Paul Vixie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mikael Abrahamsson) writes:

> ...
> Back in the 10 megabit/s days, there were switches that did cut-through, 
> ie if the output port was not being used the instant the packet came in, 
> it could start to send out the packet on the outgoing port before it was 
> completely taken in on the incoming port (when the header was received, 
> the forwarding decision was taken and the equipment would start to send 
> the packet out before it was completely received from the input port).

had packet sizes scaled with LAN transmission speed, i would agree.  but
the serialization time for 1500 bytes at 10MBit was ~1.2ms, and went down
by a factor of 10 for FastE (~120us), another factor of 10 for GigE (~12us)
and another factor of 10 for 10GE (~1.2us).  even those of us using jumbo
grams are getting less serialization delay at 10GE (~7us) than we used to
get on a DEC LANbridge 100 which did cutthrough after the header (~28us).

> ..., it's the store-and-forward architecture used in all modern equipment 
> (that I know of). A packet has to be completely taken in over the wire 
> into a buffer, a lookup has to be done as to where this packet should be 
> put out, it needs to be sent over a bus or fabric, and then it has to be 
> clocked out on the outgoing port from another buffer. This adds latency in 
> each switch hop on the way.

you may be right about the TCAM lookup times having an impact, i don't know
if they've kept pace with transmission speed either.  but someone's theory
here yesterday that software (kernel and IP stack) architecture is more
likely to be at fault, there are still plenty of "queue it here, it'll go
out next time the device or timer interrupt handler fires" and this can be
in the ~1ms or even ~10ms range.  this doesn't show up on file transfer
benchmarks since packet trains usually do well, but miss an ACK, or send
a ping, and you'll see a shelf.

> As Adrian Chadd mentioned in the email sent after yours, this can of 
> course be handled by modifying or creating new protocols that handle this 
> fact. It's just that with what is available today, this is a problem. Each 
> directory listing or file access takes a bit longer over NFS with added 
> latency, and this reduces performance in current protocols.

here again it's not just the protocols, it's the application design, that 
has to be modernized.  i've written plenty of code that tries to cut down
the number of bytes of RAM that get copied or searched, which ends up not
going faster on modern CPUs (or sometimes going slower) because of the
minimum transfer size between L2 and DRAM.  similarly, a program that sped
up on a VAX 780 when i taught it to match the size domain of its disk I/O
to the 512-byte size of a disk sector, either fails to go faster on modern
high-bandwidth I/O and log structured file systems, or actually goes slower.

in other words you don't need NFS/SMB, or E-O-E, or the WAN, to erode what
used to be performance gains through efficiency.  there's plenty enough new
latency (expressed as a factor of clock speed) in the path to DRAM, the
path to SATA, and the path through ZFS, to make it necessary that any
application that wants modern performance has to be re-oriented to take
modern (which in this case means, streaming) approach.  correspondingly,
applications which take this approach, don't suffer as much when they move
from SATA to NFS or iSCSI.

> Programmers who do client/server applications are starting to notice this
> and I know of companies that put latency-inducing applications in the
> development servers so that the programmer is exposed to the same
> conditions in the development environment as in the real world.  This
> means for some that they have to write more advanced SQL queries to get
> everything done in a single query instead of asking multiple and changing
> the queries depending on what the first query result was.

while i agree that turning one's SQL into transactions that are more like
applets (such that, for example, you're sending over the content for a
potential INSERT that may not happen depending on some SELECT, because the
end-to-end delay of getting back the SELECT result is so much higher than
the cost of the lost bandwidth from occasionally sending a useless INSERT)
will take better advantage of modern hardware and software architecture
(which means in this case, streaming), it's also necessary to teach our
SQL servers that ZFS "recordsize=128k" means what it says, for file system
reads and writes.  a lot of SQL users who have moved to a streaming model
using a lot of transactions have merely seen their bottleneck move from the
network into the SQL server.

> Also, protocols such as SMB and NFS that use message blocks over TCP have 
> to be abandonded and replaced with real streaming protocols and large 
> window sizes. Xmodem wasn't a good idea back then, it's not a good idea 
> now (even though the blocks now are larger than the 128 bytes of 20-30 
> years ago).


Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-30 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Frank Coluccio wrote:

Understandably, some applications fall into a class that requires very-short
distances for the reasons you cite, although I'm still not comfortable with the
setup you've outlined. Why, for example, are you showing two Ethernet switches
for the fiber option (which would naturally double the switch-induced latency),
but only a single switch for the UTP option?

Yes, I am showing a case where you have switches in each rack so each rack 
is uplinked with a fiber to a central aggregation switch, as opposed to 
having a lot of UTP from the rack directly into the aggregation switch.

Now, I'm comfortable in ceding this point. I should have made allowances for 
type of exception in my introductory post, but didn't, as I also omitted mention
of other considerations for the sake of brevity. For what it's worth, 
over copper is faster propagation over fiber, as copper has a higher nominal
velocity of propagation (NVP) rating than does fiber, but not significantly
greater to cause the difference you've cited.

The 2/3 speed of light in fiber as opposed to propagation speed in copper 
was not in my mind.

As an aside, the manner in which o-e-o and e-o-e conversions take place when
transitioning from electronic to optical states, and back, affects latency
differently across differing link assembly approaches used. In cases where 

My opinion is that the major factors of added end-to-end latency in my 
example is that the packet has to be serialisted three times as opposed to 
once and there are three lookups instead of one. Lookups take time, 
putting the packet on the wire take time.

Back in the 10 megabit/s days, there were switches that did cut-through, 
ie if the output port was not being used the instant the packet came in, 
it could start to send out the packet on the outgoing port before it was 
completely taken in on the incoming port (when the header was received, 
the forwarding decision was taken and the equipment would start to send 
the packet out before it was completely received from the input port).

By chance, is the "deserialization" you cited earlier, perhaps related to this
inverse muxing process? If so, then that would explain the disconnect, and if it
is so, then one shouldn't despair, because there is a direct path to avoiding 

No, it's the store-and-forward architecture used in all modern equipment 
(that I know of). A packet has to be completely taken in over the wire 
into a buffer, a lookup has to be done as to where this packet should be 
put out, it needs to be sent over a bus or fabric, and then it has to be 
clocked out on the outgoing port from another buffer. This adds latency in 
each switch hop on the way.

As Adrian Chadd mentioned in the email sent after yours, this can of 
course be handled by modifying or creating new protocols that handle this 
fact. It's just that with what is available today, this is a problem. Each 
directory listing or file access takes a bit longer over NFS with added 
latency, and this reduces performance in current protocols.

Programmers who do client/server applications are starting to notice this 
and I know of companies that put latency-inducing applications in the 
development servers so that the programmer is exposed to the same 
conditions in the development environment as in the real world. This means 
for some that they have to write more advanced SQL queries to get 
everything done in a single query instead of asking multiple and changing 
the queries depending on what the first query result was.

Also, protocols such as SMB and NFS that use message blocks over TCP have 
to be abandonded and replaced with real streaming protocols and large 
window sizes. Xmodem wasn't a good idea back then, it's not a good idea 
now (even though the blocks now are larger than the 128 bytes of 20-30 
years ago).

Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread Wayne E. Bouchard

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 06:54:02PM +, Paul Vixie wrote:
> > Can someone please, pretty please with sugar on top, explain the point
> > behind high power density? 

Customers are being sold blade servers on the basis that "it's much
more efficient to put all your eggs in one basket" without being told
about the power or cooling requirements and how not a whole lot of
datacenters really want/are able to support customers installing 15
racks of blade servers in one spot with 4x 230V/30A circuits
each. (Yes, I had that request.)

Customers don't want to pay for the space. They forget that they still
have to pay for the power and that that charge also includes a fee for
the added load on the UPS as well as the AC to get rid of the heat.

While there are advantages to blade servers, a fair number of sales
are to gullable users who don't know what they're getting into, not
those who really know how to get the most out of them. They get sold
on the idea of using blade servers, stick them into S&D, Equinix, and
others and suddenly find out that they can only fit 2 in a rack
because of the per-rack wattage limit and end up having to buy the
space anyway. (Wether it's extra racks or extra sq ft or meters, it's
the same problem.)

Under current rules for most 3rd party datacenters, one of the
principle stated advantages, that of much greater density, is
effectively canceled out.

> > Increasing power density per sqft will *not* decrease cost, beyond
> > 100W/sqft, the real estate costs are a tiny portion of total cost. Moving
> > enough air to cool 400 (or, in your case, 2000) watts per square foot is
> > *hard*.

(Remind me to strap myself to the floor to keep from becoming airborne
by the hurricane force winds while I'm working in your datacenter.)

Not convinved of the first point but experience is limited there. For
the second, I think the practical upper bound for my purposes is
probably between 150 and 200 watts per sq foot. (Getting much harder
once you cross the 150 watt mark.) Beyond that, it gets quite
difficult to supply enough cool air to the cabinet to keep the
equipment happy unless you can guarentee a static load and custom
design for that specific load. (And we all know that will never
happen.) And don't even talk to me about enclosed cabinets at that

> if you do it the old way, which is like you said, moving air, that's always
> true.  but, i'm not convinced that we're going to keep doing it the old way.

One thing I've learned over the various succession of datacenter /
computer room builds and expansions that I've been involved in is that
if you ask the same engineer about the right way to do cooling in
medium and large scale datacenters (15k sq ft and up), you'll probably
get a different oppinion every time you ask the question. There are
several theories of how best to hand this and *none* of them are
right. No one has figured out an ideal solution and I'm not convinced
an ideal solution exists. So we go with what we know works. As people
experiment, what works changes. The problem is that retrofitting is a
bear. (When's the last time you were able to get a $350k PO approved
to update cooling to the datacenter? If you can't show a direct ROI,
the money people don't like you. And on a more practical line, how
many datacenters have you seen where it is physically impossible to
remove the CRAC equipment for replacement without first tearing out
entire rows of racks or even building walls?)

Anyway, my thoughts on the matter.


Wayne Bouchard
Network Dude

Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-29 Thread Frank Coluccio

Understandably, some applications fall into a class that requires very-short
distances for the reasons you cite, although I'm still not comfortable with the
setup you've outlined. Why, for example, are you showing two Ethernet switches
for the fiber option (which would naturally double the switch-induced latency),
but only a single switch for the UTP option?  

Now, I'm comfortable in ceding this point. I should have made allowances for 
type of exception in my introductory post, but didn't, as I also omitted mention
of other considerations for the sake of brevity. For what it's worth, 
over copper is faster propagation over fiber, as copper has a higher nominal
velocity of propagation (NVP) rating than does fiber, but not significantly
greater to cause the difference you've cited. 

As an aside, the manner in which o-e-o and e-o-e conversions take place when
transitioning from electronic to optical states, and back, affects latency
differently across differing link assembly approaches used. In cases where 
or greater is being sent across a "multi-mode" fiber link in a data center or
other in-building venue, for instance, "parallel optics" are most ofen used,
i.e., multiple optical channels (either fibers or wavelengths) that undergo
multiplexing and de-multiplexing (collectively: inverse multiplexing or channel
bonding) -- as opposed to a single fiber (or a single wavelength) operating at
the link's rated wire speed.

By chance, is the "deserialization" you cited earlier, perhaps related to this
inverse muxing process? If so, then that would explain the disconnect, and if it
is so, then one shouldn't despair, because there is a direct path to avoiding 

In parallel optics, e-o processing and o-e processing is intensive at both ends
of the 10G link, respectively. These have the effect of adding more latency than
a single-channel approach would. Yet, most of the TIA activity taking place 
that is geared to increasing data rates over in-building fiber links continues 
favor multi-mode and the use of parallel optics, as opposed to specifying
single-mode supporting a single channel. But singlemode solutions are also
available to those who dare to be different.

I'll look more closely at these issues and your original exception during the
coming week, since they represent an important aspect in assessing the overall
model. Thanks.

Frank A. Coluccio
DTI Consulting Inc.
212-587-8150 Office
347-526-6788 Mobile

On Sat Mar 29 20:30 , Mikael Abrahamsson  sent:

>On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Frank Coluccio wrote:
>> Please clarify. To which network element are you referring in connection with
>> extended lookup times? Is it the collapsed optical backbone switch, or the
>> upstream L3 element, or perhaps both?
>I am talking about the matter that the following topology:
>server - 5 meter UTP - switch - 20 meter fiber - switch - 20 meter 
>fiber - switch - 5 meter UTP - server
>has worse NFS performance than:
>server - 25 meter UTP - switch - 25 meter UTP - server
>Imagine bringing this into metro with 1-2ms delay instead of 0.1-0.5ms.
>This is one of the issues that the server/storage people have to deal 
>Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-29 Thread Adrian Chadd

On Sun, Mar 30, 2008, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Frank Coluccio wrote:
> >Please clarify. To which network element are you referring in connection 
> >with
> >extended lookup times? Is it the collapsed optical backbone switch, or the
> >upstream L3 element, or perhaps both?
> I am talking about the matter that the following topology:
> server - 5 meter UTP - switch - 20 meter fiber - switch - 20 meter 
> fiber - switch - 5 meter UTP - server
> has worse NFS performance than:
> server - 25 meter UTP - switch - 25 meter UTP - server
> Imagine bringing this into metro with 1-2ms delay instead of 0.1-0.5ms.
> This is one of the issues that the server/storage people have to deal 
> with.

Thats because the LAN protocols need to be re-jiggled a little to start
looking less like LAN protocols and more like WAN protocols. Similar
things need to happen for applications.

I helped a friend debug an NFS throughput issue between some Linux servers
running Fortran-77 based numerical analysis code and a 10GE storage backend.
The storage backend can push 10GE without too much trouble but the application
wasn't poking the kernel in the right way (large fetches and prefetching, 
to fully utilise the infrastructure.

Oh, and kernel hz tickers can have similar effects on network traffic, if the
application does dumb stuff. If you're (un)lucky then you may see 1 or 2ms
of delay between packet input and scheduling processing. This doesn't matter
so much over 250ms + latent links but matters on 0.1ms - 1ms latent links.

(Can someone please apply some science to this and publish best practices 


Re: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread Robert Boyle

At 02:11 PM 3/29/2008, Alex Pilosov wrote:

Can someone please, pretty please with sugar on top, explain the point
behind high power density?

More equipment in your existing space means more revenue and more profit.

Raw real estate is cheap (basically, nearly free). Increasing power
density per sqft will *not* decrease cost, beyond 100W/sqft, the real
estate costs are a tiny portion of total cost. Moving enough air to cool
400 (or, in your case, 2000) watts per square foot is *hard*.

It depends on where you are located, but I understand what you are 
saying. However, the space is the cheap part. Installing the 
electrical power, switchgear, ATS gear, Gensets, UPS units, power 
distribution, cable/fiber distribution, connectivity to the 
datacenter, core and distribution routers/switches are all basically 
stepped incremental costs. If you can leverage the existing floor 
infrastructure then you maximize the return on your investment.

I've started to recently price things as "cost per square amp". (That is,
1A power, conditioned, delivered to the customer rack and cooled). Space
is really irrelevant - to me, as colo provider, whether I have 100A going
into a single rack or 5 racks, is irrelevant. In fact, my *costs*
(including real estate) are likely to be lower when the load is spread
over 5 racks. Similarly, to a customer, all they care about is getting
their gear online, and can care less whether it needs to be in 1 rack or
in 5 racks.

I don't disagree with what you have written above, but if you can get 
100A into all 5 racks (and cool it!), then you have five times the 
revenue with the same fixed infrastructure costs (with the exception 
of a bit more power, GenSet, UPS and cooling, but the rest of my 
costs stay the same.)

To rephrase vijay, "what is the problem being solved"?

For us in our datacenters, the problem being solved is getting as 
much return out of our investment as possible.


Tellurian Networks - Global Hosting Solutions Since 1995 | 888-TELLURIAN | 973-300-9211
"Well done is better than well said." - Benjamin Franklin

Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-29 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Frank Coluccio wrote:

Please clarify. To which network element are you referring in connection with
extended lookup times? Is it the collapsed optical backbone switch, or the
upstream L3 element, or perhaps both?

I am talking about the matter that the following topology:

server - 5 meter UTP - switch - 20 meter fiber - switch - 20 meter 
fiber - switch - 5 meter UTP - server

has worse NFS performance than:

server - 25 meter UTP - switch - 25 meter UTP - server

Imagine bringing this into metro with 1-2ms delay instead of 0.1-0.5ms.

This is one of the issues that the server/storage people have to deal 

Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-29 Thread Frank Coluccio

Please clarify. To which network element are you referring in connection with
extended lookup times? Is it the collapsed optical backbone switch, or the
upstream L3 element, or perhaps both?

Certainly, some applications will demand far less latency than others. Gamers 
some financial (program) traders, for instance, will not tolerate delays caused
by access provisions that are extended over vast WAN, or even large Metro,
distances. But in a local/intramural setting, where optical paths amount to no
more than a klick or so, the impact is almost negligible, even to the class of
users mentioned above. Worst case, run the enterprise over the optical model and
treat those latency-sensitive users as the one-offs that they actually are by
tying them into colos that are closer to their targets. That's what a growing
number of financial firms from around the country have done in NY and CHI colos,
in any case.

As for cost, while individual ports may be significantly more expensive in one
scenario than another, the architectural decision is seldom based on a single
element cost. It's the TCO of all architectural considerations that must be 
into account. Going back to my original multi-story building example-- better
yet, let's use one of the forty-story structures now being erected at Ground 
as a case in point: 

When all is said and done it will have created a minimum of two internal data
centers (main/backup/load-sharing) and a minimum of eighty (80) LAN enclosures,
with each room consisting of two L2 access switches (where each of the latter
possesses multiple 10Gbps uplinks, anyway), UPS/HVAC/Raised flooring,
firestopping, sprinklers, and a commitment to consume power for twenty years in
order to keep all this junk purring. I think you see my point. 

So even where cost may appear to be the issue when viewing cost comparisons of
discreet elements, in most cases that qualify for this type of design, i.e. 
an organization reaches critical mass beyond so many users, I submit that it
really is not an issue. In fact, a pervasively-lighted environment may actually
cost far less.

Frank A. Coluccio
DTI Consulting Inc.
212-587-8150 Office
347-526-6788 Mobile

On Sat Mar 29 19:20 , Mikael Abrahamsson  sent:

>On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Frank Coluccio wrote:
>> We often discuss the empowerment afforded by optical technology, but we've 
>> barely
>> scratched the surface of its ability to effect meaningful architectural 
>> changes.
>If you talk to the server people, they have an issue with this:
>I've talked to people who have collapsed layers in their LAN because they 
>can see performance degradation for each additional switch packets have to 
>pass in their NFS-mount. Yes, higher speeds means lower serialisation 
>delay, but there is still a lookup time involved and 10GE is 
>substantionally more expensive than GE.
>Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

latency (was: RE: cooling door)

2008-03-29 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Frank Coluccio wrote:

We often discuss the empowerment afforded by optical technology, but we've 
scratched the surface of its ability to effect meaningful architectural changes.

If you talk to the server people, they have an issue with this:


I've talked to people who have collapsed layers in their LAN because they 
can see performance degradation for each additional switch packets have to 
pass in their NFS-mount. Yes, higher speeds means lower serialisation 
delay, but there is still a lookup time involved and 10GE is 
substantionally more expensive than GE.

Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread Frank Coluccio

I referenced LAN rooms as an expedient and to highlight an irony. The point is,
smaller, less-concentrated, distributed enclosures suffice nicely for many
purposes, similar to how Google's distributed containers and Sun Micro's Data
Centers in a box do. And while LAN rooms that have been vacated, as a result of
using collapsed fiber, might fit these needs, since they would have been already
powered and conditioned in many cases, those could actually be reclaimed by
tenants and landlords as usable floor space in many cases.

>I suppose the maintenance industry would love the surge in extra 
>contracts to keep all the gear running

Your supposition is open to wide interpretation. I'll take it to mean that you
think "more" gear, not less, will require maintenance. Maybe in some cases, but
in the vast majority not.

Consider a multi-story commercial building that is entirely devoid of UTP-based
switches, but instead is supported over fiber to a colo or managed service
provider location. Why would this building require L2/3 aggregation switches and
routers, simply to get in and out, if it hasn't any access switches inside? It
wouldn't require any routers, is my point. This reduces the number of boxes
reqired by a factor of two or more, since I no longer require routers onsite, 
I no longer require their mates in the upstream or colos. I wouldn't require a
classical in-building L3 hierarchy employing high-end routers at the 
and core levels at all, or I'd require a lot fewer of them. Extending this
rationale further, the level of logistics and LAN element administration 
to keep on-prem applications humming is also reduced, ir not eliminated, and/or
could easily be sourced more efficiently elsewhere. I.e., from a CLI or Web
browser the LAN admin could be doing her thing from Mumbai (and in some cases
this is already being done) or from home. So there's actually "less" gear to
manage, not more.

I realize this isn't a one-size-fits all model, and I didn't intend to make it
appear that it was. But for the vast majority of enterprise buildings with
tenants occupying large contiguous areas, I think it makes a great deal of 
or at least would be worth evaluating to determine if it does. 

Frank A. Coluccio
DTI Consulting Inc.
212-587-8150 Office
347-526-6788 Mobile

On Sat Mar 29 18:30 , david raistrick  sent:

>On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Frank Coluccio wrote:
>> In fact, those same servers, and a host of other storage and network 
>> elements, can be returned to the LAN rooms and closets of most 
>> commercial buildings from whence they originally came prior to the
>How does that work?  So now we buy a whole bunch of tiny gensets, and a 
>whole bunch of baby UPSen and smaller cooling units to support little 
>datacenters?  Not to mention diverse paths to each point..
>Didn't we (the customers) try that already and realize that it's rather 
>I suppose the maintenance industry would love the surge in extra 
>contracts to keep all the gear running
>I suppose the maintenance industry would love the surge in extra 
>contracts to keep all the gear running
>david raistrick

RE: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread david raistrick

On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, Frank Coluccio wrote:

In fact, those same servers, and a host of other storage and network 
elements, can be returned to the LAN rooms and closets of most 
commercial buildings from whence they originally came prior to the

How does that work?  So now we buy a whole bunch of tiny gensets, and a 
whole bunch of baby UPSen and smaller cooling units to support little 
datacenters?  Not to mention diverse paths to each point..

Didn't we (the customers) try that already and realize that it's rather 

I suppose the maintenance industry would love the surge in extra 
contracts to keep all the gear running


david raistrick

RE: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread Frank Coluccio

Michael Dillon is spot on when he states the following (quotation below),
although he could have gone another step in suggesting how the distance
insensitivity of fiber could be further leveraged:

>The high speed fibre in Metro Area Networks will tie it all together
>with the result that for many applications, it won't matter where
>the servers are. 

In fact, those same servers, and a host of other storage and network elements,
can be returned to the LAN rooms and closets of most commercial buildings from
whence they originally came prior to the large-scale data center consolidations
of the current millennium, once organizations decide to free themselves of the
100-meter constraint imposed by UTP-based LAN hardware and replace those LANs
with collapsed fiber backbone designs that attach to remote switches (which 
be either in-building or remote), instead of the minimum two switches on every
floor that has become customary today. 

We often discuss the empowerment afforded by optical technology, but we've 
scratched the surface of its ability to effect meaningful architectural changes.
The earlier prospects of creating consolidated data centers were once
near-universally considered timely and efficient, and they still are in many
respects. However, now that the problems associated with a/c and power have
entered into the calculus, some data center design strategies are beginning to
look more like anachronisms that have been caught in a whip-lash of rapidly
shifting conditions, and in a league with the constraints that are imposed by 
now-seemingly-obligatory 100-meter UTP design. 

Frank A. Coluccio
DTI Consulting Inc.
212-587-8150 Office
347-526-6788 Mobile

On Sat Mar 29 13:57 ,  sent:

>> Can someone please, pretty please with sugar on top, explain 
>> the point behind high power density? 
>It allows you to market your operation as a "data center". If
>you spread it out to reduce power density, then the logical 
>conclusion is to use multiple physical locations. At that point
>you are no longer centralized.
>In any case, a lot of people are now questioning the traditional
>data center model from various angles. The time is ripe for a 
>paradigm change. My theory is that the new paradigm will be centrally
>managed, because there is only so much expertise to go around. But
>the racks will be physically distributed, in virtually every office 
>building, because some things need to be close to local users. The
>high speed fibre in Metro Area Networks will tie it all together
>with the result that for many applications, it won't matter where
>the servers are. Note that the Google MapReduce, Amazon EC2, Haddoop
>trend will make it much easier to place an application without
>worrying about the exact locations of the physical servers.
>Back in the old days, small ISPs set up PoPs by finding a closet 
>in the back room of a local store to set up modem banks. In the 21st
>century folks will be looking for corporate data centers with room
>for a rack or two of multicore CPUs running XEN, and Opensolaris
>SANs running ZFS/raidz providing iSCSI targets to the XEN VMs.
>--Michael Dillon

Re: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo

John Curran wrote:

Chilled water to the rack implies multiple CDU's with a colorful
hose and valve system within the computer room (effectively a
miniature version of the facility chilled water loop).  Trying to
eliminate potential failure modes in that setup will be quite the
adventure, which depending on your availability target may be
a non-issue or a great reason to consider moving to new space.

Actually it wouldn't have to be pressurized at all if you located a 
large tank containing chilled water above and to the side, with a 
no-kink, straight line to the tank.  N+1 chiller units could feed the tank.

Thermo-siphoning would occur (though usually done with a cold line at 
the bottom and a return, warmed line at the top of the cooling device) 
as the warm water rises to the chilled tank and more chilled water flows 
down to the intake.

You would of course have to figure out how to monitor/cut off/contain 
any leaks. Advantage is that cooling would continue up to the limit of 
the BTUs stored in the chilled water tank, even in the absence of power.


Patrick Giagnocavo

Re: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread John Curran

At 7:06 PM + 3/29/08, Paul Vixie wrote:
> > While the chilled water door will provide higher equipment
>> density per rack, it relies on water piping back to a "Cooling
>> Distribution Unit" (CDU) which is in the corner sitting by your
>> CRAC/CRAH units.
>it just has to sit near the chilled water that moves the heat to
>the roof.  that usually means CRAC-adjacency but other arrangements
>are possible.

When one of the many CRAC units decides to fail in an air-cooled
environment, another one starts up and everything is fine.   The
nominal worse case leaves the failed CRAC unit as a potential air
pressure leakage source for the raised-floor and/or ductwork, but
that's about it.

Chilled water to the rack implies multiple CDU's with a colorful
hose and valve system within the computer room (effectively a
miniature version of the facility chilled water loop).  Trying to
eliminate potential failure modes in that setup will be quite the
adventure, which depending on your availability target may be
a non-issue or a great reason to consider moving to new space.


Re: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread Paul Vixie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Curran) writes:

> While the chilled water door will provide higher equipment
> density per rack, it relies on water piping back to a "Cooling
> Distribution Unit" (CDU) which is in the corner sitting by your
> CRAC/CRAH units.

it just has to sit near the chilled water that moves the heat to
the roof.  that usually means CRAC-adjacency but other arrangements
are possible.

> I know that it would have to be quite a bit before
> many folks would: 1) introduce another cooling system
> (with all the necessary redundancy), and 2) put pressurized
> water in the immediate vicinity of any computer equipment.

the pressure differential between the pipe and atmospheric isn't
that much.  nowhere near steam or hydraulic pressures.  if it gave
me ~1500w/SF in a dense urban neighborhood i'd want to learn more.
Paul Vixie

RE: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread michael.dillon

> Can someone please, pretty please with sugar on top, explain 
> the point behind high power density? 

It allows you to market your operation as a "data center". If
you spread it out to reduce power density, then the logical 
conclusion is to use multiple physical locations. At that point
you are no longer centralized.

In any case, a lot of people are now questioning the traditional
data center model from various angles. The time is ripe for a 
paradigm change. My theory is that the new paradigm will be centrally
managed, because there is only so much expertise to go around. But
the racks will be physically distributed, in virtually every office 
building, because some things need to be close to local users. The
high speed fibre in Metro Area Networks will tie it all together
with the result that for many applications, it won't matter where
the servers are. Note that the Google MapReduce, Amazon EC2, Haddoop
trend will make it much easier to place an application without
worrying about the exact locations of the physical servers.

Back in the old days, small ISPs set up PoPs by finding a closet 
in the back room of a local store to set up modem banks. In the 21st
century folks will be looking for corporate data centers with room
for a rack or two of multicore CPUs running XEN, and Opensolaris
SANs running ZFS/raidz providing iSCSI targets to the XEN VMs.

--Michael Dillon

Re: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread Paul Vixie

> Can someone please, pretty please with sugar on top, explain the point
> behind high power density? 


> Raw real estate is cheap (basically, nearly free).

not in downtown palo alto.  now, you could argue that downtown palo alto
is a silly place for an internet exchange.  or you could note that conditions
giving rise to high and diverse longhaul and metro fiber density, also give
rise to high real estate costs.

> Increasing power density per sqft will *not* decrease cost, beyond
> 100W/sqft, the real estate costs are a tiny portion of total cost. Moving
> enough air to cool 400 (or, in your case, 2000) watts per square foot is
> *hard*.

if you do it the old way, which is like you said, moving air, that's always
true.  but, i'm not convinced that we're going to keep doing it the old way.

> I've started to recently price things as "cost per square amp". (That is,
> 1A power, conditioned, delivered to the customer rack and cooled). Space
> is really irrelevant - to me, as colo provider, whether I have 100A going
> into a single rack or 5 racks, is irrelevant. In fact, my *costs*
> (including real estate) are likely to be lower when the load is spread
> over 5 racks. Similarly, to a customer, all they care about is getting
> their gear online, and can care less whether it needs to be in 1 rack or
> in 5 racks.
> To rephrase vijay, "what is the problem being solved"?

if you find me 300Ksqft along the caltrain fiber corridor in the peninsula
where i can get 10mW of power and have enough land around it for 10mW worth
of genset, and the price per sqft is low enough that i can charge by the
watt and floor space be damned and still come out even or ahead, then please
do send me the address.

Re: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread Alex Pilosov

On 29 Mar 2008, Paul Vixie wrote:

> page 10 and 11 of 
> says there's a way to move 20kW of heat away from a rack if your normal
> CRAC is moving 10kW (it depends on that basic air flow), permitting six
> blade servers in a rack.  panduit licensed this tech from IBM a couple
> of years ago.  i am intrigued by the possible drop in total energy cost
> per delivered kW, though in practice most datacenters can't get enough
> utility and backup power to run at this density.  if "cooling doors"
> were to take off, we'd see data centers partitioned off and converted to
> cubicles.
Can someone please, pretty please with sugar on top, explain the point
behind high power density? 

Raw real estate is cheap (basically, nearly free). Increasing power
density per sqft will *not* decrease cost, beyond 100W/sqft, the real
estate costs are a tiny portion of total cost. Moving enough air to cool
400 (or, in your case, 2000) watts per square foot is *hard*.

I've started to recently price things as "cost per square amp". (That is,
1A power, conditioned, delivered to the customer rack and cooled). Space
is really irrelevant - to me, as colo provider, whether I have 100A going
into a single rack or 5 racks, is irrelevant. In fact, my *costs*
(including real estate) are likely to be lower when the load is spread
over 5 racks. Similarly, to a customer, all they care about is getting
their gear online, and can care less whether it needs to be in 1 rack or
in 5 racks.

To rephrase vijay, "what is the problem being solved"?

[not speaking as mlc anything]

Re: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread Jon Lewis

On Sat, 29 Mar 2008, John Curran wrote:

unit...I know that it would have to be quite a bit before
many folks would: 1) introduce another cooling system
(with all the necessary redundancy), and 2) put pressurized
water in the immediate vicinity of any computer equipment.

What could possibly go wrong?  :)
If it leaks, you get the added benefits of conductive and evaporative 

 Jon Lewis   |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net|
_ for PGP public key_

Re: cooling door

2008-03-29 Thread John Curran

At 3:17 PM + 3/29/08, Paul Vixie wrote:
>page 10 and 11 of  says
>there's a way to move 20kW of heat away from a rack if your normal CRAC is
>moving 10kW (it depends on that basic air flow), permitting six blade servers
>in a rack.  panduit licensed this tech from IBM a couple of years ago.  i am
>intrigued by the possible drop in total energy cost per delivered kW, though
>in practice most datacenters can't get enough utility and backup power to run
>at this density.

While the chilled water door will provide higher equipment
density per rack, it relies on water piping back to a "Cooling
Distribution Unit" (CDU) which is in the corner sitting by your
CRAC/CRAH units.  Whether this is actually more efficient
depends quite a bit on the (omitted) specifications for that
unit...I know that it would have to be quite a bit before
many folks would: 1) introduce another cooling system
(with all the necessary redundancy), and 2) put pressurized
water in the immediate vicinity of any computer equipment.
