On 17 Dec 2010 as I do recall,
          Steve Fryatt  wrote:

> On 17 Dec, Michael Drake wrote in message
>     <518702c9e1tlsa-dgxf7japlxvbejmqvebnxkb+6bgkl...@public.gmane.org>:
> > In article <b112418551.harriet-qglwrmlu8clzjhtm8ag...@public.gmane.org>,
> >    Harriet Bazley 
> > <lists-zU4/+e8wvZWAV2smNHXGwRMqcT6ajmmy9dF7HbQ/q...@public.gmane.org> wrote:
> >
> > > Definitely still weird things happening here (rr11053)
> >
> > If you start the edit via the menu's Selection > Edit option it can go
> > wrong when you press SHIFT on RISC OS.
> >
> > If you start the edit with a CTRL+Click or ALT+Click on the text you want
> > to edit, it should behave correctly.

Oooh, I didn't know you could do that!


> Does r11090 sort the wierd things?
Seems fine on r11105: though Shift-arrow seems to have stopped doing
word-forward/word-backward cursor movement.   But I assume this again is
because these are no longer 'real' desktop icons and the WIMP key
shortcuts are no longer automatically implemented....

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder.

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