Re: [newbie] Sound

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 11:38:20AM +0800, Mr-X- wrote:
> i have a key generator already from linuxcracks

Are you really broke enough that you're unwilling to pay $20 for the

This _REALLY_ pisses me off.  Hannu and the rest of the guys at Open
Sound/4Front have worked their asses off bringing drivers to the Linux
community.  They've done the crap work of agreeing to NDA's from sound card
manufacturers so that people who've made unfortunate choices in hardware
purchases can USE that hardware under Linux.

Sure, it's only $20.  And who's going to miss $20, right?  And they're not
really LOSING any money, because you wouldn't have bought OSS if the crack
hadn't been available, right?  Those are typically the arguments of the
little creeps that depend upon cracks and "warez".  Unfortunately, they're
just too damn convenient.  

Would you like knowing that YOUR hard work was being stolen?  Would you like 
reading a mailing list and seeing someone brag about using your software 
without paying?  

By stealing this software, you're going a long way toward convincing
software manufacturers that it's just not worth porting to the Linux
platform.  "Look at OSS," they say, "they can't even sell that many OSS
licenses!  There's surely no market for our XYZ!"

The price for OSS just isn't that high, pay for the drivers.
Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] update problelms?

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 08:35:52PM -0700, Don Whitman wrote:
> I just tried to update for the first time. I am running mandrake 6.0. I
> selected all updates which was quite a lot. It took about one and a half hours
> to download. Then when it was installing I got an error (do not remember exact
> message) and was asked to either force or quit so I forced. I then got about 7
> errors stating that I had conflicting files and it I believe asked me to
> continue. After that everything was gone. Nothing got installed. Where did I
> go wrong. Is it there somewhere that I can try to reinstall? Is there an
> easier way to do this?Thanks Don

Luckily, all of the files that you downloaded are still available in /tmp. 
They'll be the ones that end with .rpm.

Login as root, and copy those files to your home directory:

cp /tmp/*.rpm /root/.

Then install them:

cd ~
rpm -Uvh *.rpm

If you still get errors, post 'em.  We're glad to help!

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Fortify install

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 11:14:35PM -0400, Hugh wrote:
> Today I tried installing Fortify into netscape. But I ran into a problem
> When I try to UN zip the file I get an alarm that says it doesn't know  -xf-
> I'm using this command
> gzip -dc Fortify-1.4.5-unix-x86.tar.gz | tar -xf-
> what am I doing wrong? I'm really bad with tar files as you can see

Put a space between the -xf and the - so it looks like this:

gzip -dc Fortify-1.4.5-unix-x86.tar.gz | tar -xf -

the '-' at the end means "use the stuff fed to you as the file to be
Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] My printer...

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 10:54:30PM -0400, John Aldrich wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > After several installations and reading several documents, I have found that my
> > Epson Stylus Color 740 printer will not work under Linux at all times (my
> > experience and quote from a howto document).  I have been able to print a test
> > page once or twice but that has been it.  I am taking a computer class that is
> > using Linux, so I need the printer for printing out my assignments.  I know
> > that I can go into Win98 to print them out, but it's inconvenient and it would
> > be nice to be able to use Linux without having to rely on Win98 for anything. 
> > 
> According to the Linux Printer Compatibility list, the Epson 740 is
> listed as "mostly working" which they say means the colors may be off
> a bit, and such, but it should print. Have you run the printer setup
> util in X? If not you should (sorry, can't recall right off what the
> command is.) That should help get it working as best it's going to.


Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-23 Thread Sam

Hi Jeannette,

SoftQuad has a webserver package for Linux. Maybe if people start pestering
them, they'll consider porting HotMetalPro- which is an incerdible program.


Jeanette Russo wrote:

> Thanks David, I have did most of the site using Linux.  I started with
> asWedit, and edited it in various other HTML editors such as Webmaker
> and August.  From time to time I might add a link or edit something when
> I am on in Windows or NT using Notepad or Homesite.
> Jeanette

Re: [newbie] (now is about GIMP)

1999-10-23 Thread Sam

Pick up a book or go to and start using GIMP. The Filters and Scripts are
incredible and the use of layers becomes indespensible. You'll rarely ever use
PaintShop Pro again. I get better results than I do in Corel Photo-Paint in half the
time. But, like all graphics tools, each one always has at least one tool that's
different, so you'll still probably use PSP occasionally. (It only took me one week
to move from Photo-Paint to GIMP)

Jaybird X wrote:

> "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:
> > Since I have started using Linux, I seldom run Windoze any more, because there
> > are few things I can not do in Linux
> Yeah, same here. I guess I'll have to keep windows until Corel Draw,
> PaintShop Pro, and Colin McRae Rally make Linux versions, and until I
> get a Linux friendly printer too. I have switched over most of my daily
> browsing and e-mailing to KDE so I am making progress.
> Jay Deacon
> --
> Be the first one on your block to put a Penguin in your box.

Re: [newbie] Fortify install

1999-10-23 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Hugh:

First make sure your Netscape (all windows) is CLOSED.

Use the following command:

tar -xzf Fortify-1.4.5-unix-x86.tar.gz

Then cd to the Fortify directory (Fortify-1.4.5-unix-x86) and type as


When it asks you for the location of Netscape, do NOT say:
/usr/bin/netscape. That's just a symbolic link.

You need to write:


After installation and testing at (README file online),
you should consider repeating the procedure to fortify
netscape-navigator as well. 



Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] linux & games, and when will they fix the address book?

1999-10-23 Thread Seth Gibson

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I saw HereticII at ALS a weekend or so ago It rocked! :-) I'm
> going to have to give up this video card and get a 3d card, I
> think... :-)
>   John
Wow cool!  yes linux games are coming along quite nicely from what ive seen. 
Speaking of 3D cards, let's hope that the support continues to be on the
upward.  I'd actually say keep your current vc and add some voodoo2s or a
voodoo3 (when XFree86 4 comes out anyway). . .just cuz linux support for the
voodoo's is so nicely stable and widespread. . .


Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
To paraphrase my friend stephen:
"life can be like that great ifs xscreensaver. . .random garbage goes in
and sometimes, beautiful things come out."

Re: [newbie] Sound Problems

1999-10-23 Thread Sam

Try one of the Ensoniq chipsets. I think that is what the AWE cards were
built on, I know it's the chipset the SB PCI xxx boards use

Todd White wrote:

> i recently installed mandrake 6.1 .. and have no sound .. any ideas? the
> sound card is recognized .. its a SB Awe 32.
> Thanks in advance
> Todd

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-23 Thread Sam

If you're talking about Mandrake 6.1, the answer is no. The only gotcha seems to be
if someone has a TNT2 card. It will come up as a Diamond V770. For some mfgs you
don't probe, for other mfgs you go ahead and probe. If you're talking about Red Hat
6.1, the answer is YES, there a several major bugs in the install routine. Red Hat
just sent me an e-mail that they now havea new install disk image to download that
fixes the bugs. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I wouldn't try an install
without it. My background is as a power user, not an IT pro or programmer. I've used
computer's for almost every conceivable function outside of the IT arena, from 3D
animation, to desktop publishing, to industrial control systems. I've only been
around Linux for about 2 weeks, so I am truly giving you an answer from a newbie's

I would send them home with Mandrake for these reason's.
1. It's the only one that let's you pick from a list of sound cards if their pick
doesn't work, the other listed below expect you to fix it after the installation
2. It's the only one that asked me about setting up my printer during the
installation - very important for a stand alone workstation.
3. It has more productivity software than the others on the downloadable
4. The support seems to be the best.

One more point- I'm going through some of the major Linux publications, and right
now the best bang for the buck seems to be O'Reilly's Running Linux (Linux in a
Nutshell is a reference guide, not a beginner's book). There is a new book out I saw
but haven't picked up yet. The name escapes me at the moment. It looks good, but the
price is $53. That's a little high for most students unless you're teaching working

I hope this helps

Seth Gibson wrote:

> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > My advice is to get the mandrake release too. I'm going through installing
> > most of the major releases that you can download or get get from LinuxMall for
> > $2.00 in order to write a review on them from a newbie's perspective. Here's
> > what I've discovered so far-
> >
> Are there any major MAJOR bugs in 6.1 that would turn some less computer
> literate people off?  Im going to be teaching a computer class pretty soon
> here and i'd like to give each of the participants a copy of Linux to take
> home and try, but i dont want to hand out something thats going to leave a
> sour impression because of what might be to you or i a really simple bug..
> Thanks all!
> --
> Seth Gibson
> (Under Construction)
> To paraphrase my friend stephen:
> "life can be like that great ifs xscreensaver. . .random garbage goes in
> and sometimes, beautiful things come out."

Re: [newbie] StarOffice -- original $39.95 version?

1999-10-23 Thread Sam

Amanual an afew small extras from what I can remember. You were mainly
paying for the book

Benjamin Sher wrote:

> Dear friends:
> Before StarOffice was bought by Sun, it was offered free for personal
> use by StarDivision. There was also the option to purchase it for $39.95
> from StarDivision. Does anyone know what that original $39.95 Personal
> Edition contained: e.g. was there a Font Installer? More fonts? More
> clip art? Multilingual support (Cyrillic)? Etc. What happened to that
> original edition? Is it still available? I don't see anything about it
> on the site. Is it worth bothering with?
> Thank you so much.
> Benjamin
> --
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] How do I bring eth0 down?

1999-10-23 Thread Ty Mixon

On my box the commands are also shortened to ifup and ifdown.


>> Original Message <<

On 10/23/99, 7:46:21 PM, John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] How do I bring eth0 down?:

> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > I have a Linux server that I use for IP Masq.   I wish to bring the 
> > card to the outside down before lowering my firewall to do work on the
> > server.  (I have has a LOT of attacks.)
> >
> > I would just unplug the cable modem but when I do that there are a lot 
> > time out problems (delays)  I was hoping that I could avoid these by 
> > the eth0 card off-line.  (It may not help but It's worth a try.)
> >
> > Can someone tell me how to bring this card down (and back up.)  
> > rebooting the server?
> >
> Su to root, type "ifconfig eth0 down" :-) That should do it. Then,
> when you're ready to plug it all back up, "ifconfig eth0 up" :-)
>   John

[newbie] How do I get my old ksirc back?

1999-10-23 Thread Ty Mixon

For some reason if I update ksirc beyond the 6.0 version it breaks.  
Instead of connectiing to a server it starts to, then just dies.

What I'd like to do is go back to my old ksirc, but it's part of the 
kdenetwork package and I don't want to downgrade the whole package.

Anyone know how I'd do this?


Ty Mixon

Re: [newbie] Sound

1999-10-23 Thread Mr-X-

i have a key generator already from linuxcracks

On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, Vic said:
> I wish I knew C better or I would crack the heck out of it
> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > Im having trouble installing my sound card aswel...
> > i couldnt get it working in the installation of Red Hat 5.2 or Mandrake 6.1 but
> > when i downloaded OSS on my RH 5.2 box it worked.. it only had about 3 hours on
> > the demo and it expired b4 i could crack it.. i updated the kernel and
> > re-downloaded the new version and it wouldnt work at all.. i thought it would
> > be different in mandrake but its not.. it says more than 1 pnp card was
> > detected and id have to choose it myself from the list.. i tried all the pnp
> > cards i could see and none would work...
> > when i do pnpdump the first few lines say this...
> > 
> > # Trying port address 0203
> > # Board 1 has serial identifier 2f ff ff ff ff 81 71 93 04
> > 
> > # (DEBUG)
> > (READPORT 0x0203)
> > (IDENTIFY *)
> > # or WARNING
> >  
> > # Card 1: (serial identifier 2f ff ff ff ff 81 71 93 04)
> > # Vendor Id ADS7181, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0x2F.
> > # Version 1.0, Vendor version 2.0
> > # ANSI string -->Analog Devices AD1816A<--
> > #
> > # Logical device id ADS7180
> > # Device support I/O range check register
> > # Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x38
> > # Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3a
> > # Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3d
> > # Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3f
> > 
> > i dont understand most of that..
> > anyone know if it will work or i should just buy another sound card..
> > 
> > Mr-X-
> > 
> > On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. said:
> > > Yup, I think you're right, sorry about that. I think it was pnpdump. It's been a
> > > while since I did the set-up. I had to do it the hard way with RedHat 5.2, but
> > > since using Mandrake 6.0 and 6.1, I have been able to use sndconfig to set up
> > > the card.
> > > 
> > > The "no boards found" line tells us that pnpdump is not seeing your card
> > > (obviously). Your sound card has the same chip set as mine. I read somewhere
> > > something about edge detection with respect to setting up the card, so I went
> > > into my BIOS settings, and changed the setting for detection from "level" to
> > > "edge". Then I was able to set up the card.
> > > 
> > > I am not a technician, and I have no training whatsoever, so what I usually
> > > do, is a lot of reading, and a lot of trial and error. I think I would check
> > > the BIOS settings to see if your (I can't remember the correct name) detection
> > > mode is set to level detection, or edge detection. I don't know if this setting
> > > really did anything for me or not, but if the pnpdump utility is looking for
> > > edge detection, and the BIOS is set to level detection, then pnpdump may not be
> > > able to "see" the card, hence, the "no boards found" line in the isapnp.conf
> > > file. I'm just shooting in the dark, here. Maybe someone with more know-how can
> > > lend a hand.
> > > 
> > > Good luck,
> > > 
> > > Ernie
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Fri, 22 Oct 1999,R_Yeo wrote:
> > >   | "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:
> > >   | 
> > >   | > isapnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf
> > >   | 
> > >   | Got this far, but I think the command was pnpdump.  The output file,
> > >   | however contains lots of commented out lines.  An excerp below:
> > >   | 
> > >   | # Trying port address 03ab
> > >   | # Trying port address 03b3
> > >   | # Trying port address 03bb
> > >   | # Trying port address 03e3
> > >   | # Trying port address 03eb
> > >   | # Trying port address 03f3
> > >   | # No boards found
> > >   | 
> > >   | Where would I go about looking for the addresses for my soundcard and
> > >   | FDD?  BTW, my soundcard is a Crystal 4232.  This is from my
> > >   | /var/log/messages:
> > >   | 
> > >   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright
> > >   | (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996 
> > >   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: cs4232: set synthio and synthirq to use
> > >   | the wavefront facilities. 
> > >   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (C)
> > >   | by Hannu Savolainen, Rob Hooft 1993-1996 
> > >   | 
> > >   | Appreciate any further help.  Looks like this is a good start so far.
> > >   | 
> > >   | -- 
> > >   | Ronald Yeo
> --
> Vic
> Student Of Linux

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 07:38:30PM -0700, Seth Gibson wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > My advice is to get the mandrake release too. I'm going through installing
> > most of the major releases that you can download or get get from LinuxMall for
> > $2.00 in order to write a review on them from a newbie's perspective. Here's
> > what I've discovered so far-
> > 
> Are there any major MAJOR bugs in 6.1 that would turn some less computer
> literate people off?  Im going to be teaching a computer class pretty soon
> here and i'd like to give each of the participants a copy of Linux to take
> home and try, but i dont want to hand out something thats going to leave a
> sour impression because of what might be to you or i a really simple bug.. 

Of the recent distributions (although I haven't tried the latest Caldera or
Red Hat tries), Mandrake 6.1 is probably one of the better.

As long as they don't attempt to compile the kernel, they'll probably be

And a replacement package for the kernel problem is coming soon, right
MandrakeSoft??  :)

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: FIXED !!! [newbie] Postfix mail will not deliver locally, will not error back

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 10:27:35PM -0400, R. 'Trebor' Groves wrote:
> Amen somebody


Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] optimizing for K-6 III

1999-10-23 Thread Rick Murphy

John Aldrich wrote:

> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > I'm running mandrake 6.1 and it says its optimized for intel right on the
> > label.  I'm using an amd k-6 III.  I don't need to do anything to make it run
> > faster on my K-6... right? Or do I?
> >
> No. It's just compiled for Pentium or better, including K-6
> processors.

Well that is what I thought but it never hurts to check.  Thanks.



[newbie] update problelms?

1999-10-23 Thread Don Whitman

I just tried to update for the first time. I am running mandrake 6.0. I
selected all updates which was quite a lot. It took about one and a half hours
to download. Then when it was installing I got an error (do not remember exact
message) and was asked to either force or quit so I forced. I then got about 7
errors stating that I had conflicting files and it I believe asked me to
continue. After that everything was gone. Nothing got installed. Where did I
go wrong. Is it there somewhere that I can try to reinstall? Is there an
easier way to do this?Thanks Don

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Re: newbie Core Dump

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 10:10:46PM -0400, John Aldrich wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > What is a core dump??? and why do you get them???
> >
> Core dump is a memory dump of a crashed program. Instead of a "blue
> screen of death" like you get with Microsoft, you get a "core dump"

Now come on now... A core dump is like a Dr. Watson trace.  It just saves
the memory image to disk so you can beat someone for it later.

Now, an OOPS... THAT's like a Blue Screen of Death.

> when a program fails. Also, the nice thing about Linux is that the
> PROGRAM fails, not the Operating System. :-)


Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 07:40:54PM -0600, Sam wrote:
> My advice is to get the mandrake release too. I'm going through installing
> most of the major releases that you can download or get get from LinuxMall for
> $2.00 in order to write a review on them from a newbie's perspective. Here's
> what I've discovered so far-
> Caldera and Red Hat may have prettier installers, but they have BUGS, a couple
> of them are BIG bugs, and don't include anywhere near the applications

They must be humongous to beat the out-of-the-box doozies in Mdk 6.1.  I
seem to recall Red Hat is still having problems with their installer as

> Mandrake does. The Suse interface takes going through a couple of times to
> really understand it and get what you want. It has more applications than Red

YaST does take a little getting used to, but you've really got to admire the
thing.  It would be great if it weren't proprietary, because I really prefer
working in text mode to do administrative chores.

> Hat ot Caldera but less than Mandrake. Suse leaves out the configuration of

I think you must have something confused if you think SuSE ships with less
apps than RH or Mdk.  There are things in SuSE that I've never even SEEN
shipped with any of the other distributions -- look up Mirror Magic, it's an
addicting game!

> some important features for a desktop machine during the install that are part
> of Mandrakes installation routine. Mandrake has been the ONLY distribution

Caldera does a little better than Mandrake at setting up the user
environment, but I think that might be because I can SKIP the
floppy/cdrom/printer icons in Caldera.  I don't like 'em, never use 'em.

> that allowed me to pick my sound card from a list when it identified my PCI128
> incorrectly.
> I'm getting ready to give TuboLinux a spin. Once that's done I get to start on
> the commercial packages. (Oh my achin' head)
I'd be interested in hearing more about TurboLinux.  I've read a bit about
it and I'm rather intrigued.  It might just be the next distro on this

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] Fortify install

1999-10-23 Thread Hugh

Today I tried installing Fortify into netscape. But I ran into a problem
When I try to UN zip the file I get an alarm that says it doesn't know  -xf-
I'm using this command
gzip -dc Fortify-1.4.5-unix-x86.tar.gz | tar -xf-
what am I doing wrong? I'm really bad with tar files as you can see

Thanks for any help


Boling's postulate:
If you're feeling good, don't worry.  You'll get over it.

Re: [newbie] Where is Kernel?

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I am trying to compile ftape and keep getting errors. I think it is
> because I have not properly specified the location of the kernel. I
> am running mandrake 6.0. Which directory would contain the Kernel?
/usr/src/linux- for the source code. For the existing
kernel, it would be in /boot.

Re: [newbie] How do I bring eth0 down?

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I have a Linux server that I use for IP Masq.   I wish to bring the ethernet
> card to the outside down before lowering my firewall to do work on the
> server.  (I have has a LOT of attacks.)
> I would just unplug the cable modem but when I do that there are a lot of
> time out problems (delays)  I was hoping that I could avoid these by taking
> the eth0 card off-line.  (It may not help but It's worth a try.)
> Can someone tell me how to bring this card down (and back up.)  without
> rebooting the server?
Su to root, type "ifconfig eth0 down" :-) That should do it. Then,
when you're ready to plug it all back up, "ifconfig eth0 up" :-)

Re: [newbie] linux & games, and when will they fix the address book?

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> On the loki side, Railroad Tycon II is on its way.  Theyre also continuing
> their alliance with Activision and have plans to port Heretic II and Heavy Gear
> II as well.
I saw HereticII at ALS a weekend or so ago It rocked! :-) I'm
going to have to give up this video card and get a 3d card, I
think... :-)

Re: [newbie] My printer...

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> After several installations and reading several documents, I have found that my
> Epson Stylus Color 740 printer will not work under Linux at all times (my
> experience and quote from a howto document).  I have been able to print a test
> page once or twice but that has been it.  I am taking a computer class that is
> using Linux, so I need the printer for printing out my assignments.  I know
> that I can go into Win98 to print them out, but it's inconvenient and it would
> be nice to be able to use Linux without having to rely on Win98 for anything. 
According to the Linux Printer Compatibility list, the Epson 740 is
listed as "mostly working" which they say means the colors may be off
a bit, and such, but it should print. Have you run the printer setup
util in X? If not you should (sorry, can't recall right off what the
command is.) That should help get it working as best it's going to.

Re: [newbie] re - compiling kernal to support ESS-Solo - 1 soundchip

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 02:34:09PM +1300, Warren Doney wrote:
> Has anyone got tips/links for doing this?

cd /usr/src/linux
make menuconfig

and when you get to the Sound menu, say 'Y' to ESS-Solo1.  It's
marked as experimental, so I don't know how well it works.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] user security

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 06:25:32PM -0700, Richard Salts wrote:
> What user privileges do I, as root, enact to be able to enable an ordinary
> user to be able to dial up the Internet and use browser, e-mail, chat, etc?

The only thing you have to do is allow them to dialup.  Everything else is
automatically available.

Depending on what you're using to connect to the Internet, it's easy to
allow normal users to make the connection:

Kppp:  just set up kppp for that user.  They start the connection
just like root.

netcfg:  there's a checkbox to "allow normal users to (de)activate
the connection, put a checkmark in it and save all the
way back out.  Users use

/sbin/ifup ppp0 # to connect
/sbin/ifdown ppp0   # to disconnect


which is just a one button window that you click
to connect and click to disconnect.

Does anyone else get the idea that we've got too damn many ways to
accomplish one thing?  

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] StarOffice -- original $39.95 version?

1999-10-23 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Before StarOffice was bought by Sun, it was offered free for personal
use by StarDivision. There was also the option to purchase it for $39.95
from StarDivision. Does anyone know what that original $39.95 Personal
Edition contained: e.g. was there a Font Installer? More fonts? More
clip art? Multilingual support (Cyrillic)? Etc. What happened to that
original edition? Is it still available? I don't see anything about it
on the site. Is it worth bothering with?

Thank you so much.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Where is Kernel?

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 07:45:35PM -0400, art-nj wrote:
> I am trying to compile ftape and keep getting errors. I think it is
> because I have not properly specified the location of the kernel. I
> am running mandrake 6.0. Which directory would contain the Kernel?

> Your help is appreciated. Thank you!!

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] Sound Problems

1999-10-23 Thread Todd White

i recently installed mandrake 6.1 .. and have no sound .. any ideas? the
sound card is recognized .. its a SB Awe 32.

Thanks in advance

Re: [Re: [newbie] Re: newbie Core Dump]

1999-10-23 Thread Jaguar

I noticed them after trying to install a GZIP proggy

> On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 12:27:51PM -0400, Jaguar wrote:
> > What is a core dump??? and why do you get them???
> A core dump is a dump of the system memory to allow debugging of a broken
> application.
> Why do you get them?  Programming errors.  Yours, theirs, doesn't really
> matter unless you don't have the source to fix it!
> -- 
> Steve Philp
> Network Administrator
> Advance Packaging Corporation

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-23 Thread Seth Gibson

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> My advice is to get the mandrake release too. I'm going through installing
> most of the major releases that you can download or get get from LinuxMall for
> $2.00 in order to write a review on them from a newbie's perspective. Here's
> what I've discovered so far-
Are there any major MAJOR bugs in 6.1 that would turn some less computer
literate people off?  Im going to be teaching a computer class pretty soon
here and i'd like to give each of the participants a copy of Linux to take
home and try, but i dont want to hand out something thats going to leave a
sour impression because of what might be to you or i a really simple bug.. 
Thanks all!


Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
To paraphrase my friend stephen:
"life can be like that great ifs xscreensaver. . .random garbage goes in
and sometimes, beautiful things come out."

RE: FIXED !!! [newbie] Postfix mail will not deliver locally, will not error back

1999-10-23 Thread R. 'Trebor' Groves

This is a little long, but it is well worth the read for newbies, and some
of you 'old timers' may think back upon this and chuckle... if not, the
answer to the problem without the how "i gots theres", is at the bottom of
this email.

Original problem: new loads of Mandrake Linux (6 then 6.1) had worse effects
for mailing on my system.

I tried to stay away from Sendmail because I've not found ANYTHING readable
on sendmail that doesn't take a good stiff drink or two to help me muddle

So .. Mandrake Postfix simple config file, well commented...

Mandrake installed like a dream... until friends started telling me that
half their emails were not getting answered.

I then started testing... Mind you the best way to test your mail is to
directly telnet into port 25 of your server, so that you KNOW what is
happening at that stage

(newbies, telnet generally refers to a way to get a 'console' or terminal
screen that allows you to log into your linux box.  Telnet communicates
normally on port 23.  SMTP Mail goes across on port 25, and is english for
the most part, so if you tell your telnet program to connect you with port
25 instead of port 23, you can talk and hear back from your SMTP services)

Looking for help I posted to several areas, and one email to Wietse, the
super brain that created the program in the first place.  It took a while to
get a response, maybe after him sifting through it was my one word subject
that caught his attention: Help!

I received an email from Wietse, he probably laughed knowing that I wasn't
sure where to start.

He told me to look for a mail log in the log folder or something similar.

I found where the log files were, found an error, but still could not fix
it.  A crucial piece was missing.

Here's a clip from the log file:
 (Oct 23 20:35:42 treborg2 <- removed this from beginning of lines below)

 postfix/local[3004]: fatal: open database /etc/aliases.db: Invalid argument
 postfix/qmgr[2998]: warning: mail_scan_any: got EOF; expected: string
 postfix/master[461]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/local pid 3004 exit
status 1
 postfix/master[461]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/local: bad command
startup -- throttling
 postfix/qmgr[2998]: warning: private/local: malformed response

>From this I could see it did not like the alias database.

prior to this, I had this error:
 postfix/local[692]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/aliases.db: No such
file or directory

And I'm sure we ALL hate those "No Such" my a** messages, because as soon as
we get them we confirm that the files are there and even do the tricks like
in this case, copied the file from "aliases" to "aliases.db"  and upon
searching our computers we find other files already named aliases.db so like
you'd do I copied those files there.

Thais where the light started shining today.. not much mind you, more like a
D cell battery attempting to light a 120watt bulb.

I had already tried several times to change in the file to tell it
where the database was sitting, to whether it had hash or dbm or db in front
of the name and so on...

NO luck.

This is what I took from the to show you the uses of the word

[ grep aliases /etc/postfix/ ]

#alias_maps = dbm:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
#alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
#alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, nis:mail.aliases
# are built with "newaliases" or "sendmail -bi".  This is a separate
#alias_database = dbm:/etc/aliases
#alias_database = dbm:/etc/mail/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
#alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/opt/majordomo/aliases

** AND mind you that section that says "# are built with newaliases..."
meaning the command newaliases

Now that I knew where to look for the error messages, I purposely changed
the place where I said the file was to see how the error changed, and I
started looking at that error message.

and then I had another error... I tried wiping the system and installing
RH6.1 (I'm sorry, it WAS a moment of weakness, I could get it free via
download, and I had liked their 5.1 version so please forgive me).

Of course redhat is still sticking with Sendmail.

I thought I'd try it.. hey.. I was able to at least receive mail again...
but my major need for a mail system at the office is NOT so that I can have
it do my office mail.

I need that box because at my house, resources are limited, so instead of
paying $5 bucks a head for email addresses, I've got extra computers and
parts out the ying-yang, so a cheap pc, cheap os, relatively free mail.

Oh think were're not cheap... 5 computer users all running through a home
network using a 56k modem on a 24/7 dialup account through Earthlink.. THATS

oh yeah...back to the story...

SO I installed RH6.1, sendmail worked, but I could not relay.  I've looked
for help on that one since last night.  That's right, I've been at the
office now for nearly 40 hours.  I've had three 2 hour naps on the cold 

Re: [newbie] Re: newbie Core Dump

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> What is a core dump??? and why do you get them???
Core dump is a memory dump of a crashed program. Instead of a "blue
screen of death" like you get with Microsoft, you get a "core dump"
when a program fails. Also, the nice thing about Linux is that the
PROGRAM fails, not the Operating System. :-)

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Versions

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Thanks John. Haven't had any problems with it so will continue to play for the
> time being.
No may have been the final version before it was actually
changed to a "release." Which would mean you essentially have the
current version. :-)

Re: [newbie] optimizing for K-6 III

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I'm running mandrake 6.1 and it says its optimized for intel right on the
> label.  I'm using an amd k-6 III.  I don't need to do anything to make it run
> faster on my K-6... right? Or do I?
No. It's just compiled for Pentium or better, including K-6

Re: [newbie] linux & games, and when will they fix the address book?

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I'm using kmail as my primary mail service now and I like it, with a couple of
> exceptions.  There are always exception right.  When will KDE get the address
> book fixed so I can load an address right from the book.  It is a bit of a pain
> to type in the address every time.
You can. At least, *I* have done it. Which version of KMail are you
using? I've got 1.0.21 here, and a much newer version at work, and
both versions allow me to add addresses directly from the KMail
addressbook. Just click on the dots to the right of the "to" or "cc"
(or whatever) line and select an address there and click "OK." That
will result in the address being placed on the indicated line.
> Secondly,  how are linux games coming along.  I'm thinking
> about getting civilization for linux but it's $44.  The windows
> version is $19.  I know I'm sounding cheap here, but hey I guess
> I'm cheap.  Is there  a source for a cheaper civilization.
Heh. I'm with you! I'd love to see more games available for Linux...
OTOH, all Id games are available for Linux now. :-)

Re: [newbie] linux & games, and when will they fix the address book?

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Well I guess I was wrong,  EXCUSSEEE MEE!!!.  Thanks for the info Tom,  looks
> like kde it developed further than I thought. Kmail is clearly the mailer of
> choice now.  I remember  reading somewhere (my Sam's KDE book I think)  that
> that feature didn't work but that was a couple of months ago.  You know 2
> months in linux is like 4 in dog years.
You need to check out which version of KDE they're
discussing...probably discussing version 0.9 or something. :-) KDE is
now up to 1.1.2 or better! :-)
> On to the next thing that doesn't work
> but probably does.  How do I make files > in my KDE bookmarks and
> then save to them like I do in netscape? > 
> you mean KFM? There's a "flag" up in the top menu of KFM.
This is your "bookmarks" for KFM. This works here. :-) The way I
invoke KFM is to go to a message (or whatever) and select "save as"
and that brings up the KFM where I can either select a pre-existing
bookmark or move to the directory where I want to save the file (or
create the directory) and then bookmark it.

Re: [newbie] Sound

1999-10-23 Thread Vic

That's what I mean, a dis-assembler.

No big deal, just a puzzle to solve when your bored, hehe.

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 01:25:07PM -0500, Vic wrote:
> > I wish I knew C better or I would crack the heck out of it
> Not to ruin your fantasy here, but you realize you don't get source with the
> OSS drivers, right?
> I'd imagine that a disassembler and hex editor would be all that you'd need
> to "crack" OSS.  
> But really, what's the point?  The driver set is only $20...
> -- 
> Steve Philp
> Network Administrator
> Advance Packaging Corporation
Student Of Linux

[newbie] re - compiling kernal to support ESS-Solo - 1 soundchip

1999-10-23 Thread Warren Doney

Has anyone got tips/links for doing this?


Re: [newbie]

1999-10-23 Thread Sam

My advice is to get the mandrake release too. I'm going through installing
most of the major releases that you can download or get get from LinuxMall for
$2.00 in order to write a review on them from a newbie's perspective. Here's
what I've discovered so far-

Caldera and Red Hat may have prettier installers, but they have BUGS, a couple
of them are BIG bugs, and don't include anywhere near the applications
Mandrake does. The Suse interface takes going through a couple of times to
really understand it and get what you want. It has more applications than Red
Hat ot Caldera but less than Mandrake. Suse leaves out the configuration of
some important features for a desktop machine during the install that are part
of Mandrakes installation routine. Mandrake has been the ONLY distribution
that allowed me to pick my sound card from a list when it identified my PCI128

I'm getting ready to give TuboLinux a spin. Once that's done I get to start on
the commercial packages. (Oh my achin' head)

The Cyberian wrote:

> I would say the only real way to learn Linux is to install it
> and Mandrake 6.1 install is so easy that anybody should be able to do
> it :-) If you buy the boxed package, you get the manuals and the 6
> reference books on CD that you can use and the manuals walk you
> through the basics of installing and using Linux and so you should be
> on your way. As it lets you boot up straigt into a GUI environment via
> KDE, you should be more or less in familiar territory if you've used
> Windows 
> i> I'm so new I haven't even loaded Linux; I've never seen a Linux screen
> i> and I don't know one command. When you pick yourself up off the floor I
> i> have one question. I've decided on Mandrake based on the strength of
> i> support. Where do I go to begin to learn the raw basics? My goal is to
> i> have a pure Linux box.
> Fahim

Re: [[newbie] LILO installation error]

1999-10-23 Thread Slagathor

I don't think so because if I do a straight Linux install (no multiple 
partitions) there are no errors. Of course, I always have the option of 
forgoing LILO and using LOADLIN or a boot disk to boot Linux, but that 
would be a hassle. Hmm ..

At 07:20 PM 10/23/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Just a suggestion...maybe the BIOS is set for ANTI-VIRUS (which will HALT when
>trying to write to MBR), that maybe be part of the trouble.
>Slagathor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I continually get an error message when trying to install LILO to the MBR.
> > The error reads something like "An error has occurred while trying to
> > install LILO to the MBR". I have tried multiple combinations of
> > partitioning strategies with the same result. The most time consuming part
> > of this is having to complete an entire installation with each attempt.
> >
> > The hardware: 4GB SCSI drive
> >
> > I use the Linux FDISK to create the partitions. Although I should not be
> > burdened by the 1024th cylinder issue, I make it a habit of creating a
> > 100MB /boot partition as sda1. Here is an example of a typical partitioning
> > strategy that I use:
> >
> > sda1  /boot   Linux native100MB
> > sda2  /dosDOS 1000MB
> > sda3  Linux Swap  100MB
> > sda4  /   Linux native2800MB
> >
> > I suspect that since I use a SCSI hard drive, I may have to provide some
> > arguments during the installation  section that asks for them, as well as
> > whether or not to use linear mode. I don't understand this section, nor can
> > I find any documentation regarding what it's for and how it works.
> >
> > Any tips?
> >
> > Thanks
> >

"The three greatest things in life are to crush your enemies,
to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations
of their women." -Conan the Barbarian


Re: [Re: [newbie] tnt nvidia 32mg?]

1999-10-23 Thread Sam

You either need Mandrake 6.1 or you'll have to download and install the updates for 

Don Whitman wrote:

> Already tried not to probe and checked the 8mb or more selection but still had
> problems. Has anyone else got the tnt nvidia to work with mandrake 6.0
> Thanks
> D
> John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > I am trying to install Mandrake 6.0 on my brothers machine. He has the tnt
> > nvidia 32mg video card. During install linux recognized the video card but
> had
> > problems with the ram. The probe did not work. It said unable to detect
> ram.
> > It kept wanting us to retry. Is there any way to get it to work with the
> card?
> > Has anyone had luck with this card?
> >
> Sure..don't probe. Just tell it how much RAM there is on the card.
> :-) That's all you should have to do. I believe if you tell the X
> setup program NOT to probe, it'll ask how much RAM you have.
> John
> Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

[newbie] FTP Server

1999-10-23 Thread Vic

Hey all.

Just wondering if anyone can tell me how do I properly setup
an ftp server from my linux machine.

I have a dialup connetion and hate it but its all there is.
I hope that the errors I am getting is not because I have
dialup connection.

when I try to login to my own server to test it I get a
"not enough buffer space" or some poop like that.

I tried the remote addres and the local ip addresses and
the remote one don't do poop.

The local one tries to connect but gives the not enough buffer

What have I not done?

Student Of Linux

Re: [newbie] linux & games, and when will they fix the address book?

1999-10-23 Thread Seth Gibson

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Secondly,  how are linux games coming along.  I'm thinking about getting
By now it's probably common knowledge that Quake 3 will be released for the Big
L.  Unreal Tournament will also be released with a Linux client, but it will
all come in the same package.  Quake and Quake II are Linux playable either via
standalone Linux versions or using a Linux client and the data from the Win32
CDs.  Outrage is currently also working on a Linux client for Descent 3, and a
Kingpin client is also in development (tho it may be finished by now).  

On the loki side, Railroad Tycon II is on its way.  Theyre also continuing
their alliance with Activision and have plans to port Heretic II and Heavy Gear
II as well.


Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
To paraphrase my friend stephen:
"life can be like that great ifs xscreensaver. . .random garbage goes in
and sometimes, beautiful things come out."

Re: [newbie] LILO with Compaq's dreadful F10 BIOS Partition... can they coexist?

1999-10-23 Thread Joe Marcom

I'm using a 2240.  I used Partition Magic to set up my hard drive; also,
I put the Linux boot partition at the very beginning. Only need ~2 mb,
and label it /boot when making the Linux partitions. Also, I use
Partition Magic as my boot loader to select which OS to start.
One more thing...My 2.1 gig HD was too small, so I added another.

Re: [newbie] Re: newbie Core Dump

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 12:27:51PM -0400, Jaguar wrote:
> What is a core dump??? and why do you get them???

A core dump is a dump of the system memory to allow debugging of a broken

Why do you get them?  Programming errors.  Yours, theirs, doesn't really
matter unless you don't have the source to fix it!

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] LILO installation error

1999-10-23 Thread Justin Rickert

if your cdrom is bootable insert it and install linux when you get to disk
druid make the following partiions

sda1/boot   15MB
sda5 swap   128
sda6/   100
sda10   /home   200
sda11   /apps   500

but this will help
after installing linux boot your window98 cdrom and install it
linux can even mount windries

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Slagathor wrote:

> I continually get an error message when trying to install LILO to the MBR. 
> The error reads something like "An error has occurred while trying to 
> install LILO to the MBR". I have tried multiple combinations of 
> partitioning strategies with the same result. The most time consuming part 
> of this is having to complete an entire installation with each attempt.
> The hardware: 4GB SCSI drive
> I use the Linux FDISK to create the partitions. Although I should not be 
> burdened by the 1024th cylinder issue, I make it a habit of creating a 
> 100MB /boot partition as sda1. Here is an example of a typical partitioning 
> strategy that I use:
> sda1  /boot   Linux native100MB
> sda2  /dosDOS 1000MB
> sda3  Linux Swap  100MB
> sda4  /   Linux native2800MB
> I suspect that since I use a SCSI hard drive, I may have to provide some 
> arguments during the installation  section that asks for them, as well as 
> whether or not to use linear mode. I don't understand this section, nor can 
> I find any documentation regarding what it's for and how it works.
> Any tips?
> Thanks
> "The three greatest things in life are to crush your enemies,
> to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations
> of their women." -Conan the Barbarian
> -Slagathor

Re: [newbie] Printer lpq -- any solution yet?

1999-10-23 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear R_Yeo and friends:

This is what I mean: Just sent two print jobs to the printer and
immediately typed lpq. Here are the data:

[sher@adsl-77-232-189 sher]$ lpr shore
[sher@adsl-77-232-189 sher]$ lpr shore 
[sher@adsl-77-232-189 sher]$ lpq no entries
[sher@adsl-77-232-189 sher]$  

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Sound

1999-10-23 Thread Vic

I wish I knew C better or I would crack the heck out of it

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Im having trouble installing my sound card aswel...
> i couldnt get it working in the installation of Red Hat 5.2 or Mandrake 6.1 but
> when i downloaded OSS on my RH 5.2 box it worked.. it only had about 3 hours on
> the demo and it expired b4 i could crack it.. i updated the kernel and
> re-downloaded the new version and it wouldnt work at all.. i thought it would
> be different in mandrake but its not.. it says more than 1 pnp card was
> detected and id have to choose it myself from the list.. i tried all the pnp
> cards i could see and none would work...
> when i do pnpdump the first few lines say this...
> # Trying port address 0203
> # Board 1 has serial identifier 2f ff ff ff ff 81 71 93 04
> # (DEBUG)
> (READPORT 0x0203)
> # or WARNING
> # Card 1: (serial identifier 2f ff ff ff ff 81 71 93 04)
> # Vendor Id ADS7181, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0x2F.
> # Version 1.0, Vendor version 2.0
> # ANSI string -->Analog Devices AD1816A<--
> #
> # Logical device id ADS7180
> # Device support I/O range check register
> # Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x38
> # Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3a
> # Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3d
> # Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3f
> i dont understand most of that..
> anyone know if it will work or i should just buy another sound card..
> Mr-X-
> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. said:
> > Yup, I think you're right, sorry about that. I think it was pnpdump. It's been a
> > while since I did the set-up. I had to do it the hard way with RedHat 5.2, but
> > since using Mandrake 6.0 and 6.1, I have been able to use sndconfig to set up
> > the card.
> > 
> > The "no boards found" line tells us that pnpdump is not seeing your card
> > (obviously). Your sound card has the same chip set as mine. I read somewhere
> > something about edge detection with respect to setting up the card, so I went
> > into my BIOS settings, and changed the setting for detection from "level" to
> > "edge". Then I was able to set up the card.
> > 
> > I am not a technician, and I have no training whatsoever, so what I usually
> > do, is a lot of reading, and a lot of trial and error. I think I would check
> > the BIOS settings to see if your (I can't remember the correct name) detection
> > mode is set to level detection, or edge detection. I don't know if this setting
> > really did anything for me or not, but if the pnpdump utility is looking for
> > edge detection, and the BIOS is set to level detection, then pnpdump may not be
> > able to "see" the card, hence, the "no boards found" line in the isapnp.conf
> > file. I'm just shooting in the dark, here. Maybe someone with more know-how can
> > lend a hand.
> > 
> > Good luck,
> > 
> > Ernie
> > 
> > 
> > On Fri, 22 Oct 1999,R_Yeo wrote:
> >   | "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:
> >   | 
> >   | > isapnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf
> >   | 
> >   | Got this far, but I think the command was pnpdump.  The output file,
> >   | however contains lots of commented out lines.  An excerp below:
> >   | 
> >   | # Trying port address 03ab
> >   | # Trying port address 03b3
> >   | # Trying port address 03bb
> >   | # Trying port address 03e3
> >   | # Trying port address 03eb
> >   | # Trying port address 03f3
> >   | # No boards found
> >   | 
> >   | Where would I go about looking for the addresses for my soundcard and
> >   | FDD?  BTW, my soundcard is a Crystal 4232.  This is from my
> >   | /var/log/messages:
> >   | 
> >   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright
> >   | (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996 
> >   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: cs4232: set synthio and synthirq to use
> >   | the wavefront facilities. 
> >   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (C)
> >   | by Hannu Savolainen, Rob Hooft 1993-1996 
> >   | 
> >   | Appreciate any further help.  Looks like this is a good start so far.
> >   | 
> >   | -- 
> >   | Ronald Yeo
Student Of Linux

RE: [newbie] Postfix mail will not deliver locally, will not error back

1999-10-23 Thread R. 'Trebor' Groves

sendmail on or off same result

I've spent most of the night here wiping the drive and reinstalling, this
time with RedHat's 6.1 via ftp.

funny thing... The RH install didn't go the way I say is "correct" either.
I was used to the options to set my nic being present when I finished the
installs, and hence would be able to surf immediately once in KDE/Xwin...

however... RH didn't keep my settings for DNS, Default Route, and I'm
finding that with RH, they are sticking with sendmail and they don't do a
full configuration (automagically) as they had in past builds so I am unable
to POP mail from the box.

At this point I'm wishing I'd stuck to needlework/patch-quilts or something
other than computers..  ;)

After installing RH, they default to gNome, no harm intended, but I didn't
want Gnome, I wanted KDE, and Mandrake's KDE default was set up nicely and
all icons were good to go... RH however is trying to be like microsoft and
put three icons on the desktop for RH web sites, but no Netscape icon, I'm
getting off subject... sorry..

Needless to say, if anyone could come up with a "here's a real
troubleshooting index" for the types of problems experienced under Postfix,
I'd love to reinstall Mandrake and trouble shoot the problems through.

As it is I've got real important work to do, and this "upgrade to get away
from badly outdated RH5.1" has left me a week behind and wishing I could
just shoot something, perhaps myself in the foot.

Ending it all, I found to be great with what they have for
NHF's (newbie friendly help files) but they haven't covered Sendmail, and
Postfix's site is primarily a here's how you config it, now how you fix it,
sendmail is similar to that, and so whoever sets up the best in the
beginning is how I _HAVE_ to go just for sanity's sake.

So again... Apologies for this being long winded, I have been here at the
office now for just over 36 hours, two two hour naps on a cold but carpeted
floor, and again... if anyone can pass along really good sites with
TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS extensively covering Sendmail and Postfix, I would be
really really REALLY appreciative!

Thanks ALL!!!

R.'Trebor' Groves
Network Technician, HarvardNet

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Aldrich
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 1999 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Postfix mail will not deliver locally, will not
error back

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I switched from RH 5.1 to Mandrake 6, then 6.1, each a clean install.
> under RH, sendmail seemed ok, but there were numerous hacks and bugs
> reported for RH5.1 so I decided to upgrade.
[mega-clip for brevity]
> Local Mail fails to deliver.
> NO Error messages returned for unknown users at my computer's domain name
> Oh... but after I had reloaded (when I gave up on my first attempt to
> manually fix) I could send locally, but not from OUTSIDE into users.  So
> I logged into my box, opened PINE and sent a message to someone else on
> system, they WOULD get the message.
> so delivery out bound (either from a user directly logged onto the
> or via relays) no problem.. In bound, no delivery all the emails just
> up in the deferred folder.
> help...
Silly question, I know, but have you double-checked to make sure that
Sendmail isn't still enabled? I've read that if you have Sendmail AND
Postfix (I think that's the combo) neither one will work correctly.
Also, IIRC, Sendmail is ON by default in Mandrake, at least in the
"custom" setup that I choose each time. Might want to double-check

Re: [newbie] How do I bring eth0 down?

1999-10-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

ifdown ethX
ifup ethX

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Eric L. Damron wrote:

> I have a Linux server that I use for IP Masq.   I wish to bring the ethernet
> card to the outside down before lowering my firewall to do work on the
> server.  (I have has a LOT of attacks.)
> I would just unplug the cable modem but when I do that there are a lot of
> time out problems (delays)  I was hoping that I could avoid these by taking
> the eth0 card off-line.  (It may not help but It's worth a try.)
> Can someone tell me how to bring this card down (and back up.)  without
> rebooting the server?
> Thanks


Re: [newbie] Sound

1999-10-23 Thread Steve Winston

When I had trouble setting up my sound card, I
downloaded updates to soundconf and sox, installed
them, and away I went.
--- Mr-X- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im having trouble installing my sound card aswel...
> i couldnt get it working in the installation of Red
> Hat 5.2 or Mandrake 6.1 but
> when i downloaded OSS on my RH 5.2 box it worked..
> it only had about 3 hours on
> the demo and it expired b4 i could crack it.. i
> updated the kernel and
> re-downloaded the new version and it wouldnt work at
> all.. i thought it would
> be different in mandrake but its not.. it says more
> than 1 pnp card was
> detected and id have to choose it myself from the
> list.. i tried all the pnp
> cards i could see and none would work...
> when i do pnpdump the first few lines say this...
> # Trying port address 0203
> # Board 1 has serial identifier 2f ff ff ff ff 81 71
> 93 04
> # (DEBUG)
> (READPORT 0x0203)
> # or WARNING
> # Card 1: (serial identifier 2f ff ff ff ff 81 71 93
> 04)
> # Vendor Id ADS7181, No Serial Number (-1), checksum
> 0x2F.
> # Version 1.0, Vendor version 2.0
> # ANSI string -->Analog Devices AD1816A<--
> #
> # Logical device id ADS7180
> # Device support I/O range check register
> # Device supports vendor reserved register @
> 0x38
> # Device supports vendor reserved register @
> 0x3a
> # Device supports vendor reserved register @
> 0x3d
> # Device supports vendor reserved register @
> 0x3f
> i dont understand most of that..
> anyone know if it will work or i should just buy
> another sound card..
> Mr-X-
> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. said:
> > Yup, I think you're right, sorry about that. I
> think it was pnpdump. It's been a
> > while since I did the set-up. I had to do it the
> hard way with RedHat 5.2, but
> > since using Mandrake 6.0 and 6.1, I have been able
> to use sndconfig to set up
> > the card.
> > 
> > The "no boards found" line tells us that pnpdump
> is not seeing your card
> > (obviously). Your sound card has the same chip set
> as mine. I read somewhere
> > something about edge detection with respect to
> setting up the card, so I went
> > into my BIOS settings, and changed the setting for
> detection from "level" to
> > "edge". Then I was able to set up the card.
> > 
> > I am not a technician, and I have no training
> whatsoever, so what I usually
> > do, is a lot of reading, and a lot of trial and
> error. I think I would check
> > the BIOS settings to see if your (I can't remember
> the correct name) detection
> > mode is set to level detection, or edge detection.
> I don't know if this setting
> > really did anything for me or not, but if the
> pnpdump utility is looking for
> > edge detection, and the BIOS is set to level
> detection, then pnpdump may not be
> > able to "see" the card, hence, the "no boards
> found" line in the isapnp.conf
> > file. I'm just shooting in the dark, here. Maybe
> someone with more know-how can
> > lend a hand.
> > 
> > Good luck,
> > 
> > Ernie
> > 
> > 
> > On Fri, 22 Oct 1999,R_Yeo wrote:
> >   | "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:
> >   | 
> >   | > isapnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf
> >   | 
> >   | Got this far, but I think the command was
> pnpdump.  The output file,
> >   | however contains lots of commented out lines. 
> An excerp below:
> >   | 
> >   | # Trying port address 03ab
> >   | # Trying port address 03b3
> >   | # Trying port address 03bb
> >   | # Trying port address 03e3
> >   | # Trying port address 03eb
> >   | # Trying port address 03f3
> >   | # No boards found
> >   | 
> >   | Where would I go about looking for the
> addresses for my soundcard and
> >   | FDD?  BTW, my soundcard is a Crystal 4232. 
> This is from my
> >   | /var/log/messages:
> >   | 
> >   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: ad1848/cs4248
> codec driver Copyright
> >   | (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996 
> >   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: cs4232: set
> synthio and synthirq to use
> >   | the wavefront facilities. 
> >   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: YM3812 and
> OPL-3 driver Copyright (C)
> >   | by Hannu Savolainen, Rob Hooft 1993-1996 
> >   | 
> >   | Appreciate any further help.  Looks like this
> is a good start so far.
> >   | 
> >   | -- 
> >   | Ronald Yeo


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: [newbie] question on linux download

1999-10-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, SERRANO CORINNA wrote:

> i want to download the linux installation. what file types should be
> ASCII and what should be binary?
> thanks.

Transfer it all as binary and it doesn't matter what it is... 


Re: [newbie] I really screwed up- part two

1999-10-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, Eric Mings wrote:

> I realized that when using the startup disk without a command it was 
> loading from my regular hard disk. However, when I used the rescue mode, 
> I got a kernel panic stating it couldn't find init. I really would 
> appreciate some help on this!!
> Regards,
> Eric Mings Ph.D.
We don't supply rescue disk in the oldway (dont think redhat does either
anymore), use the rescue disk from your cdrom under images/rescue/ 


Re: [newbie] Sound

1999-10-23 Thread R_Yeo

"Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:

> The "no boards found" line tells us that pnpdump is not seeing your card
> (obviously). Your sound card has the same chip set as mine. I read somewhere
> something about edge detection with respect to setting up the card, so I went
> into my BIOS settings, and changed the setting for detection from "level" to
> "edge". Then I was able to set up the card.

You have led the horse to the water, now is time to drink
it.  You just gave me a hint on where to look.  I read
somewhere during my initial install that I should set the
PNP in BIOS to off.  (Anyone care to contradict that?).  So
when I set if to 'on', wallah, I get sound without going
thru' sndconfig. But, there's a big BUT there,   the
notebook doesn't detect my PCMCIA slots, so no network.

Back to the drawing board, but I feel I'm getting closer.
Turned off the PNP in BIOS and I'm back again.  Let me dig
thru' the PCMCIA-HOWTO again and I'll get back on the

Any kind soul have any suggestions on what could be the
cause of this?

Ronald Yeo

Re: [newbie] Harddrive problem

1999-10-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 22, 1999 at 07:50:03PM -0700, Yifan Yu wrote:
> > Is there a way to find out what address I should use? Also, when I tried
> > the boot option, it says ide2 is an invalid option.
> Do you already have Linux installed on this machine?  You can find
> information about the controller in /proc/pci.  
> If not, you _might_ be able to find the info in the Windows device manager
> under the resources tab.
> Mine also said that "ide2..." was an invalid option, but continued with the
> install (and did see the drive) despite the warning.

Load your install disk, change to tty2 then 'cat /proc/pci'
You will need the first i/o address for both ide2 and ide3.

Re: [newbie] optimizing for K-6 III

1999-10-23 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Rick Murphy wrote:

> I'm running mandrake 6.1 and it says its optimized for intel right on the
> label.  I'm using an amd k-6 III.  I don't need to do anything to make it run
> faster on my K-6... right? Or do I?

The AMD K6 chips are pretty compatible with their Intel counterparts so
the Pentium optimizations improve performance on AMD chips as well.

Of course, it's probably also possible to optimize even further for a
Pentium II/III, or more specifically for an AMD, but the performance
differences would probably be negligible (someone else please correct me
if I'm wrong).


Re: [newbie] Bash and Aliases problem

1999-10-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > John Aldrich wrote:
> > > 
> > > On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > > >
> > > > not the only way..
> > > > su - `whoami`
> > > >
> > > gives me an "invalid option --w" Is it supposed
> > > to?
> > > John
> > 
> > If you put the quotes backwards it will.  You're looking for the ones
> > next to the '1'.  :)
> > 
> Hmm...interesting. :-) It works...if you put two dashes after the
> "su" instead of the single dash and use the correct quotes. :-)
>   John

(this is a confusingly ordered thread i must say)

If you provide two dash's it will not source your login files.


Re: [newbie] Bash and Aliases problem

1999-10-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> >
> > If you put the quotes backwards it will.  You're looking for the ones
> > next to the '1'.  :)
> > 
> Ahh...Ok. :-) The way it appeared on my screen at work was the one
> next to the 'enter' key. :-)
>   John

Now see i just tryed that too, and didn't get an invalid option i got.
(stoned@Elminster)[~]-% su - 'whoami'
su: user whoami does not exist


[newbie] How do I bring eth0 down?

1999-10-23 Thread Eric L. Damron

I have a Linux server that I use for IP Masq.   I wish to bring the ethernet
card to the outside down before lowering my firewall to do work on the
server.  (I have has a LOT of attacks.)

I would just unplug the cable modem but when I do that there are a lot of
time out problems (delays)  I was hoping that I could avoid these by taking
the eth0 card off-line.  (It may not help but It's worth a try.)

Can someone tell me how to bring this card down (and back up.)  without
rebooting the server?


Re: [Re: [newbie] tnt nvidia 32mg?]

1999-10-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On 22 Oct 1999, Don Whitman wrote:

> Already tried not to probe and checked the 8mb or more selection but still had
> problems. Has anyone else got the tnt nvidia to work with mandrake 6.0
> Thanks
> D

Now edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config, search for "Xconfigurator"
the device stanza below this is you card, there will be something to the
effect of "# VideoRam32768" (note it currently probably sayss 8megs
not 32) remove the comment "#", verify the number is set for 32Megs (as
above) save exit and try the Xserver now.

> John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > I am trying to install Mandrake 6.0 on my brothers machine. He has the tnt
> > nvidia 32mg video card. During install linux recognized the video card but
> had
> > problems with the ram. The probe did not work. It said unable to detect
> ram.
> > It kept wanting us to retry. Is there any way to get it to work with the
> card?
> > Has anyone had luck with this card? 
> > 
> Sure..don't probe. Just tell it how much RAM there is on the card.
> :-) That's all you should have to do. I believe if you tell the X
> setup program NOT to probe, it'll ask how much RAM you have.
>   John
> Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 


Re: [newbie] Lilo

1999-10-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

It's getting thru to the list, it's our buddy down at with the
s**ty mailer again. 

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, Jaswinder S. Ahluwalia wrote:

> First off, i apologize if you are reading this message for the second or
> even third time, but i keep getting an error reply saying that the mail
> was not delivered. 
>  To whom it may concern,
>  I am running windows 98 on my machine with a 8 gb
> hard disk. I used fips to create a new partition (2 gb). Now my set up is
> 6gb and 2gb. I used disk druid to delte that partition and create two more
> the size of 1872 mb (linux native) and 128 mb (swap). I recently tried to
> install linux mandrake 6.1 but failed. When prompted if i would like to
> create a boot disk, i said yes but an error message came up that asked if
> wanted to go to the previous step, retry, or go into the install menu. I
> hit retry several times and used different floppies but i kept getting the
> same error. I decided to move on. when trying to set up lilo, i recieved
> the same error again, no matter what i set as the default os and no matter
> which partition i decided to set up lilo on (linux native or master boot
> record).
> Does any body have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> jas


Re: [newbie] Postfix mail will not deliver locally, will not errorback

1999-10-23 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

rpm -e sendmail

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, R. 'Trebor' Groves wrote:

> I switched from RH 5.1 to Mandrake 6, then 6.1, each a clean install.
> under RH, sendmail seemed ok, but there were numerous hacks and bugs
> reported for RH5.1 so I decided to upgrade.
> The first time I used mandrake 6, with Postfix, it seemed like all was well
> and running fine however, I started getting messages from friends that they
> were not getting mail to me or responses from me.
> I went through and manually configured all the options in postfix (the ones
> it supposedly figures out) and the problem got worse, then worse still so
> that I could not mail from one user to another ON the machine, and relays
> from one user to another didn't work either, along with sometimes getting
> mail, sometimes not.
> I wiped reinstalled, and the problem wasn't much different.  I can relay
> through my box, the intent I wanted, but I can not receive mail on the
> machine.
> I finally received a little help from weise (maker of postfix) that at least
> showed me there were mail errors...
> postfix/local[3606]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/aliases.db: No such
> file or directory
> of course the message is kindof false.  the aliases are there...
> however I found that when I added new aliases, the "Newaliases" command
> would not operate on /etc/postfix/aliases, but instead operated on
> /etc/aliases.
> No problem I thought... Change (postfix config file) and tell it the
> file is actually in /etc  right??
> wrong...
> different error (don't have it at this time)
> but it said it was an incompatible format or something similar to it, with a
> .dbm extension mentioned.
> Anyway..
> I'm trying to install RH6.1 now to see if there is any difference.
> Has anyone had this kind of problem?
> Local Mail fails to deliver.
> NO Error messages returned for unknown users at my computer's domain name
> Oh... but after I had reloaded (when I gave up on my first attempt to
> manually fix) I could send locally, but not from OUTSIDE into users.  So if
> I logged into my box, opened PINE and sent a message to someone else on the
> system, they WOULD get the message.
> so delivery out bound (either from a user directly logged onto the machine,
> or via relays) no problem.. In bound, no delivery all the emails just stack
> up in the deferred folder.
> help...


[newbie] Re: newbie Core Dump

1999-10-23 Thread Jaguar

What is a core dump??? and why do you get them???

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Sound

1999-10-23 Thread Mr-X-

Im having trouble installing my sound card aswel...
i couldnt get it working in the installation of Red Hat 5.2 or Mandrake 6.1 but
when i downloaded OSS on my RH 5.2 box it worked.. it only had about 3 hours on
the demo and it expired b4 i could crack it.. i updated the kernel and
re-downloaded the new version and it wouldnt work at all.. i thought it would
be different in mandrake but its not.. it says more than 1 pnp card was
detected and id have to choose it myself from the list.. i tried all the pnp
cards i could see and none would work...
when i do pnpdump the first few lines say this...

# Trying port address 0203
# Board 1 has serial identifier 2f ff ff ff ff 81 71 93 04

(READPORT 0x0203)
# Card 1: (serial identifier 2f ff ff ff ff 81 71 93 04)
# Vendor Id ADS7181, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0x2F.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 2.0
# ANSI string -->Analog Devices AD1816A<--
# Logical device id ADS7180
# Device support I/O range check register
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x38
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3a
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3d
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3f

i dont understand most of that..
anyone know if it will work or i should just buy another sound card..


On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. said:
> Yup, I think you're right, sorry about that. I think it was pnpdump. It's been a
> while since I did the set-up. I had to do it the hard way with RedHat 5.2, but
> since using Mandrake 6.0 and 6.1, I have been able to use sndconfig to set up
> the card.
> The "no boards found" line tells us that pnpdump is not seeing your card
> (obviously). Your sound card has the same chip set as mine. I read somewhere
> something about edge detection with respect to setting up the card, so I went
> into my BIOS settings, and changed the setting for detection from "level" to
> "edge". Then I was able to set up the card.
> I am not a technician, and I have no training whatsoever, so what I usually
> do, is a lot of reading, and a lot of trial and error. I think I would check
> the BIOS settings to see if your (I can't remember the correct name) detection
> mode is set to level detection, or edge detection. I don't know if this setting
> really did anything for me or not, but if the pnpdump utility is looking for
> edge detection, and the BIOS is set to level detection, then pnpdump may not be
> able to "see" the card, hence, the "no boards found" line in the isapnp.conf
> file. I'm just shooting in the dark, here. Maybe someone with more know-how can
> lend a hand.
> Good luck,
> Ernie
> On Fri, 22 Oct 1999,R_Yeo wrote:
>   | "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:
>   | 
>   | > isapnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf
>   | 
>   | Got this far, but I think the command was pnpdump.  The output file,
>   | however contains lots of commented out lines.  An excerp below:
>   | 
>   | # Trying port address 03ab
>   | # Trying port address 03b3
>   | # Trying port address 03bb
>   | # Trying port address 03e3
>   | # Trying port address 03eb
>   | # Trying port address 03f3
>   | # No boards found
>   | 
>   | Where would I go about looking for the addresses for my soundcard and
>   | FDD?  BTW, my soundcard is a Crystal 4232.  This is from my
>   | /var/log/messages:
>   | 
>   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright
>   | (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996 
>   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: cs4232: set synthio and synthirq to use
>   | the wavefront facilities. 
>   | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (C)
>   | by Hannu Savolainen, Rob Hooft 1993-1996 
>   | 
>   | Appreciate any further help.  Looks like this is a good start so far.
>   | 
>   | -- 
>   | Ronald Yeo

Re: [Re: [newbie]]

1999-10-23 Thread Jaguar

Although NOT for everyone...I have Linux MDK 6.0 on a separate machine...I am
able to experiment all I like...if/_WHEN_ I mess upjust a reinstall
away... BTW I have a cable modem, and I get the IP's and stuff right every
time...even the FIRST time...:)

Seth Gibson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > > > I'm so new I haven't even loaded Linux; I've never seen a Linux
> > > > and I don't know one command. When you pick yourself up off the floor
> > > > have one question. I've decided on Mandrake based on the strength of
> > > > support. Where do I go to begin to learn the raw basics? My goal is
> > > > have a pure Linux box. 
> > > > 
> Some really neat spots to check out are the Support pages on as
> as the documentation pages at  There are also several
> really good books available that are worth a look, particularly the QUE
> or the SAMS books.  Im going to agree with everyone else in keeping your
> partition around for a bit just to make sure you dont miss anything.  What
> did was keep my original Win32 partition, then installed linux on another
> partition temporarily.  Then i played around with it for a while, seeing
> all software was available, etc.  After i was pretty well satisfied that i
> could do most of what i did in Windows with Linux, i resized my partitions
> reinstalled Linux with a much larger partition, as well as slimming down my
> Win32 install.  Just one guys experience, worked pretty well for me!  Good
> Luck!  to paraphrase some unnamed movie character "You've taken your
> first step into a much more useable OS.";)
> --
> Seth Gibson
> (Under Construction)
> To paraphrase my friend stephen:
> "life can be like that great ifs xscreensaver. . .random garbage goes in
> and sometimes, beautiful things come out."

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Versions

1999-10-23 Thread bluebottle

Thanks John. Haven't had any problems with it so will continue to play for the
time being.

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > Morning all (it's 09.00 in UK)
> > 
> > Picked up a copy of Mandrake 6.1 on front of magazine in France last Saturday.
> > Runs very nicely but I notice it comes up as "Cassini" whilst most people refer
> > to 6.1 as "Helios"
> > 
> > Could someone please explain difference.
> > 
> "Cassini" is the pre-release version. You've got a Beta version of
> 6.1.
>   John

Re: [newbie] home directory

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 12:32:34AM -0700, Eric L. Damron wrote:
> I want to move the home directory away from my system disk onto a larger
> disk.  What files to I need to edit to make everything point to the right
> things?

(We'll assume /dev/hdb2 is the new partition)

First, create the new partition and format it.

fdisk /dev/hdb
mke2fs /dev/hdb2

Second, mount the partition somewhere.

mkdir /mnt/new-home
mount /dev/hdb2 /mnt/new-home

Third, copy the existing /home directories to the new drive.

cp -a /home/* /mnt/new-home/.

Fourth, unmount the new partition.

umount /mnt/new-home

Fourth, edit /etc/fstab to reflect the new mount point.

/dev/hdb2/homeext2defaults1   1

Fifth, test the new partition to ensure the copy worked well.

mount /home

If everything looks okay, we're all set (almost).  If things are wrong, just
unmount the filesystem, you've still got all of your old /home stuff
available to make another pass at the copying.

Sixth, clean up and go!

umount /home
rm -rf /home

# this step may seem odd, but it's really true.
# When you mount the new /home partition, anything that
# was on the old /home will still be using disk space,
# but you won't be able to get to it.
# You want to remove it so you get the disk space back.

mount /home

Good luck!
Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] Mailling lists

1999-10-23 Thread Richard Salts

How can Kmail handle maillists?  How can I use this program to send mail to
multiple names instead of just one?


Re: [newbie] Harddrive problem

1999-10-23 Thread sphilp

On Fri, Oct 22, 1999 at 07:50:03PM -0700, Yifan Yu wrote:
> Is there a way to find out what address I should use? Also, when I tried
> the boot option, it says ide2 is an invalid option.

Do you already have Linux installed on this machine?  You can find
information about the controller in /proc/pci.  

If not, you _might_ be able to find the info in the Windows device manager
under the resources tab.

Mine also said that "ide2..." was an invalid option, but continued with the
install (and did see the drive) despite the warning.

> And here a little more information on the controller:
> Manufacturer: Promise Technology, Inc. 
> Model number: Ultra66 
> Controller type: Bus master Ultra ATA/66 drive controller 
> Board controller type: PCI 
> - Yifan
> On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, Steve Philp wrote:
> > Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
> > > 
> > > On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, Yifan Yu wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Hi, when I tried to install Mandrake 6.1, it cannot detect any harddrive.
> > > >
> > > > I have a 27.3 GB Ultra ATA with ATA 66 controller card.
> > > > Is this problem due to this type of HD being to new or something and is
> > > > not supported yet?
> > > >
> > > > Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
> > > 
> > >  You need to tell the kernel the is a 3rd and 4th ide controller, because
> > > the ide patches were not applyed they were causeing problems with cdrom
> > > drives.
> > > 
> > > at the boot prompt enter
> > > linux ide2=0xd800
> > > or
> > > linux ide2=0xa800
> > > 
> > > (sorry i thought these were generaly the same, but i've done some checking
> > > looking for what i thought was the address for a chip other than the
> > > HPT366, but it was the same card with several different addresses :/ )
> > 
> > Be careful on those addresses!  Those don't match what I've got here...
> > 
> > I've got ide2=0xd800,0xdc02,11
> > 
> > -- 
> > Steve Philp
> > Network Administrator
> > Advance Packaging Corporation
> > 

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] linux & games, and when will they fix the address book?

1999-10-23 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Rick Murphy wrote:
> Secondly,  how are linux games coming along.  I'm thinking about getting
> civilization for linux but it's $44.  The windows version is $19.  I know I'm
> sounding cheap here, but hey I guess I'm cheap.  Is there  a source for a
> cheaper civilization.

Well, I think what you're talking about is Civilization: Call to Power (by
Activision) which is not the same as Civilization and Civilization II by
Microprose.  Though it IS very similar in style from what I've read.  But
anyway it's newer and I think the Linux version and Windows version are
the same price (they might even be in the same box, if I remember

There's also 'Freeciv', which is, as you might guess, a free and open
source Civilization type game, which you might want to try.  You can
download it at Linuxberg and probably also

As for games and general, there's not a huge variety of commercial games,
and most of the better open source games are still heavily under
development I think.  I just found one yesterday that really stands out to
me--Myth II: Soulblighter.  I downloaded the demo and it looks REALLY
nice, I'm definitely going to order it.  It's kind of like a Warcraft type
of game but with much better graphics and a 3D environment (though the
demo is running fine with my video card which normally sucks with 3D stuff
:) ), and it's just tactical fighting--none of the building towns and
mining for resource stuff that you have to waste time with in Warcraft. :)

Oh, and it's bloody.  Very bloody.

If you want more info on Linux games check out and


Re: [newbie] MandrakeUpdate as user -- SOLVED!

1999-10-23 Thread Mr-X-

Hi again..
i was just playing around with the update and i went to a diferent mirror site
and wanted me to update the screen package that i updated just a few minutes
ago. doesnt it write to a file somewhere so that it knows youv already updated
that package ?

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Benjamin Sher said:
> Dear friends:
> The credit for this solution belongs to Andrew, a member of our list. I
> apologize for not remembering his surname. I hope he comes through to
> confirm this.
> OK, the solution is a piece of cake (again, please take a bow, Andrew):
> On your Mandrake 6.1 desktop, right-click on the Update icon: actually
> not on the icon itself but on the caption "update" beneath. This will
> bring up a short menu with Properties as the last item on the menu. Open
> that and go into Execute, delete what's there and type:
> kdesu -c MandrakeUpdate
> Just like that. No quotes.
> Click OK.
> If necessary, log out of KDE and log back in (as user). You probably
> won't have to log out at all. The change should take effect immediately
> (unlike in Windows, where the slightest configuration chagne requires a
> reboot).
> Now just click on the Update icon (yellow star) on the Desktop. It will
> ask you for your root password right off. Remember to check the
> "remember password" part at left bottom of the dialogue box. And the
> rest is history.
> I had entered the command a few days ago, but tonight was my first
> chance to test it. There were two update rpms waiting for me. It worked
> flawlessly, fetching and installing the rpms AS USER (that is, as user
> who has automatically su - to root while still logged in as user in KDE. 
> You can also open xterm and su - to root and type the same command.
> Should work just as well.
> Once Update remembers your password, it's all automatic and just plain
> fun to watch it to its updating for direct from the Internet's
> neverneverland. And you never have to leave KDE as user.
> It works, folks, and flawlessly.
> Yours,
> Benjamin
> -- 
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web

[newbie] screen lockup

1999-10-23 Thread Stanley O'Larey

I'm relatively new to Linux. tried to install Redhat 5.2, failed,
installed Caldera 2.2, it worked. Boot magic inabled me to run several
partitions, Win98, win 3.11, and Linux. Next installed Mandrake 6.0 over
Caldera, then upgraded to Mandrake 6.1. I have a 8.4 gig HD, AMD 300
chip. Now the problem:  ( it started with Mandrake 6.0) The screen will
lock up.  The mouse arrow moves but clicking on anything produces
nothing. At first I tried rebooting , (the Win98 method) it scrambled
things, all kinds of errors on bootup.  A friend streightened it out so
I can get into Linux but the "screen lockup" still continues. It locks
up when I try to "shutdown".  Clicking logout gives the "logout screen"
but clicking "Shutdown" locks up the Screen. It does it in KDE, GNOME,
user or root. To exit now I either use Ctrl+Alt+F2, then Login as "root"
,password, "Halt". Or I go into the terminal, then "su", password,
"halt."  Thanks for the help.

Re: [newbie] MandrakeUpdate as user -- SOLVED!

1999-10-23 Thread Mr-X-

Bloody finaly
thanx guys


On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Benjamin Sher said:
> Dear friends:
> The credit for this solution belongs to Andrew, a member of our list. I
> apologize for not remembering his surname. I hope he comes through to
> confirm this.
> OK, the solution is a piece of cake (again, please take a bow, Andrew):
> On your Mandrake 6.1 desktop, right-click on the Update icon: actually
> not on the icon itself but on the caption "update" beneath. This will
> bring up a short menu with Properties as the last item on the menu. Open
> that and go into Execute, delete what's there and type:
> kdesu -c MandrakeUpdate
> Just like that. No quotes.
> Click OK.
> If necessary, log out of KDE and log back in (as user). You probably
> won't have to log out at all. The change should take effect immediately
> (unlike in Windows, where the slightest configuration chagne requires a
> reboot).
> Now just click on the Update icon (yellow star) on the Desktop. It will
> ask you for your root password right off. Remember to check the
> "remember password" part at left bottom of the dialogue box. And the
> rest is history.
> I had entered the command a few days ago, but tonight was my first
> chance to test it. There were two update rpms waiting for me. It worked
> flawlessly, fetching and installing the rpms AS USER (that is, as user
> who has automatically su - to root while still logged in as user in KDE. 
> You can also open xterm and su - to root and type the same command.
> Should work just as well.
> Once Update remembers your password, it's all automatic and just plain
> fun to watch it to its updating for direct from the Internet's
> neverneverland. And you never have to leave KDE as user.
> It works, folks, and flawlessly.
> Yours,
> Benjamin
> -- 
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] tgz files

1999-10-23 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

The answer is essentially yes. The easiest way to extract the contents of the
.tgz file is to use KDE's archiver tool. Open KFM, and navigate to the .tgz
file, right-click the file, and select "archiver" from the context menu. This
will open the file in an archiver window, then select (I think) "File/Extract to
..." which will open a destination window. You can then deposit the contents of
the .tgz file where you want.


On Fri, 22 Oct 1999,Eric L. Damron wrote:
  | Are tgz files the same as tar.gz files?  If not how do I decompress them?
  | Thanks

Re: [newbie] linux & games, and when will they fix the address book?

1999-10-23 Thread Rick Murphy

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > I'm using kmail as my primary mail service now and I like it, with a couple of
> > exceptions.  There are always exception right.  When will KDE get the address
> > book fixed so I can load an address right from the book.  It is a bit of a pain
> > to type in the address every time.
> > Rick
> R-clk on the sender's email address (in your case it was only 
> your name), and you'll get a drop down where one option is to 'add 
> to address book'.
> When composing a new email, on the far right of the 'To' line
> there is a button to clk which brings up the address book. Then
> you can either dbl-clk the address you want, or clk it and then
> choose 'OK'.  The same can be done for 'Cc'.
> -- 
> ..Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well I guess I was wrong,  EXCUSSEEE MEE!!!.  Thanks for the info Tom,  looks
like kde it developed further than I thought. Kmail is clearly the mailer of
choice now.  I remember  reading somewhere (my Sam's KDE book I think)  that
that feature didn't work but that was a couple of months ago.  You know 2
months in linux is like 4 in dog years.

On to the next thing that doesn't work but probably does.  How do I make files
in my KDE bookmarks and then save to them like I do in netscape?

Thanks again.


 . -- 
"I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

Re: [newbie] Sound

1999-10-23 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

Yup, I think you're right, sorry about that. I think it was pnpdump. It's been a
while since I did the set-up. I had to do it the hard way with RedHat 5.2, but
since using Mandrake 6.0 and 6.1, I have been able to use sndconfig to set up
the card.

The "no boards found" line tells us that pnpdump is not seeing your card
(obviously). Your sound card has the same chip set as mine. I read somewhere
something about edge detection with respect to setting up the card, so I went
into my BIOS settings, and changed the setting for detection from "level" to
"edge". Then I was able to set up the card.

I am not a technician, and I have no training whatsoever, so what I usually
do, is a lot of reading, and a lot of trial and error. I think I would check
the BIOS settings to see if your (I can't remember the correct name) detection
mode is set to level detection, or edge detection. I don't know if this setting
really did anything for me or not, but if the pnpdump utility is looking for
edge detection, and the BIOS is set to level detection, then pnpdump may not be
able to "see" the card, hence, the "no boards found" line in the isapnp.conf
file. I'm just shooting in the dark, here. Maybe someone with more know-how can
lend a hand.

Good luck,


On Fri, 22 Oct 1999,R_Yeo wrote:
  | "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:
  | > isapnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf
  | Got this far, but I think the command was pnpdump.  The output file,
  | however contains lots of commented out lines.  An excerp below:
  | # Trying port address 03ab
  | # Trying port address 03b3
  | # Trying port address 03bb
  | # Trying port address 03e3
  | # Trying port address 03eb
  | # Trying port address 03f3
  | # No boards found
  | Where would I go about looking for the addresses for my soundcard and
  | FDD?  BTW, my soundcard is a Crystal 4232.  This is from my
  | /var/log/messages:
  | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright
  | (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996 
  | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: cs4232: set synthio and synthirq to use
  | the wavefront facilities. 
  | Oct 22 01:20:39 pc15-gmy kernel: YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (C)
  | by Hannu Savolainen, Rob Hooft 1993-1996 
  | Appreciate any further help.  Looks like this is a good start so far.
  | -- 
  | Ronald Yeo

[newbie] optimizing for K-6 III

1999-10-23 Thread Rick Murphy

I'm running mandrake 6.1 and it says its optimized for intel right on the
label.  I'm using an amd k-6 III.  I don't need to do anything to make it run
faster on my K-6... right? Or do I?


"I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

Re: [newbie] linux & games, and when will they fix the address book?

1999-10-23 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I'm using kmail as my primary mail service now and I like it, with a couple of
> exceptions.  There are always exception right.  When will KDE get the address
> book fixed so I can load an address right from the book.  It is a bit of a pain
> to type in the address every time.

> Rick

R-clk on the sender's email address (in your case it was only 
your name), and you'll get a drop down where one option is to 'add 
to address book'.

When composing a new email, on the far right of the 'To' line
there is a button to clk which brings up the address book. Then
you can either dbl-clk the address you want, or clk it and then
choose 'OK'.  The same can be done for 'Cc'.

..  Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]  .

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-23 Thread Jaybird X

"Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:

> Since I have started using Linux, I seldom run Windoze any more, because there
> are few things I can not do in Linux

Yeah, same here. I guess I'll have to keep windows until Corel Draw,
PaintShop Pro, and Colin McRae Rally make Linux versions, and until I
get a Linux friendly printer too. I have switched over most of my daily
browsing and e-mailing to KDE so I am making progress.

Jay Deacon
Be the first one on your block to put a Penguin in your box.

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-23 Thread Jeanette Russo

"David P. Greenberg" wrote:
> Hi Jeanette. Nice site. Did you do it all in Linux?
> David P. Greenberg
> Bitco Electronics
> "In Service to the Recording Industry"
> **The falcon has heard the falconer**
> -Original Message-
> From: Jeanette Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 7:47 PM
> Subject: RE: [newbie]
> >Suggest you head on over to my web page lots of good links for newbies
> >Jeanette
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mr-X-
> >Sent: Friday, October 22, 1999 6:34 AM
> >Subject: Re: [newbie]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, ibi said:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I'm so new I haven't even loaded Linux; I've never seen a Linux screen
> >> and I don't know one command. When you pick yourself up off the floor I
> >> have one question. I've decided on Mandrake based on the strength of
> >> support. Where do I go to begin to learn the raw basics? My goal is to
> >> have a pure Linux box.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Pj
Thanks David, I have did most of the site using Linux.  I started with
asWedit, and edited it in various other HTML editors such as Webmaker
and August.  From time to time I might add a link or edit something when
I am on in Windows or NT using Notepad or Homesite.

Re: [newbie] GREP

1999-10-23 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

The grep command is a search tool for the command line. You can use it to fild
specific strings in selected files etc. To learn about grep use the man command
as in "man grep" (without the quotes). The man pages are a little criptic, but
with a little practice and carefull reading, you can find a lot of information


On Fri, 22 Oct 1999,Shannon M. Johnston wrote:
  | Does anybody know what the grep command do?

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Versions

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Morning all (it's 09.00 in UK)
> Picked up a copy of Mandrake 6.1 on front of magazine in France last Saturday.
> Runs very nicely but I notice it comes up as "Cassini" whilst most people refer
> to 6.1 as "Helios"
> Could someone please explain difference.
"Cassini" is the pre-release version. You've got a Beta version of

Re: [newbie] tgz files

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> To the best of my knowledge there different..
> the commands are still the same though..
> tar -zxvf filename.tgz
> or
> tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz
Nope. You're mistaken. :-) .tgz and .tar.gz are the same
thingjust that the "tar" and "gz" have been combined to make it
more compatible with "broken" operating systems which can't handle
multiple extensions. :-)

Re: [Re: [newbie] tnt nvidia 32mg?]

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Already tried not to probe and checked the 8mb or more selection but still had
> problems. Has anyone else got the tnt nvidia to work with mandrake 6.0
Well, I've got it working with RedHat 6.0 at work. If you want the
best support, either upgrade your X server to the latest, which
includes much better support, built-in, for the TNT, or go get the
drivers from nVidia. :-) Personally, I'd go for the upgraded
X-server, 'cause you can always install that as an RPM, whereas the
nVidia drivers have to be decompressed and installed manually. :-)

Re: [newbie] tgz files

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Are tgz files the same as tar.gz files?  If not how do I decompress them?

Re: [newbie] Postfix mail will not deliver locally, will not error back

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I switched from RH 5.1 to Mandrake 6, then 6.1, each a clean install.
> under RH, sendmail seemed ok, but there were numerous hacks and bugs
> reported for RH5.1 so I decided to upgrade.
[mega-clip for brevity]
> Local Mail fails to deliver.
> NO Error messages returned for unknown users at my computer's domain name
> Oh... but after I had reloaded (when I gave up on my first attempt to
> manually fix) I could send locally, but not from OUTSIDE into users.  So if
> I logged into my box, opened PINE and sent a message to someone else on the
> system, they WOULD get the message.
> so delivery out bound (either from a user directly logged onto the machine,
> or via relays) no problem.. In bound, no delivery all the emails just stack
> up in the deferred folder.
> help...
Silly question, I know, but have you double-checked to make sure that
Sendmail isn't still enabled? I've read that if you have Sendmail AND
Postfix (I think that's the combo) neither one will work correctly.
Also, IIRC, Sendmail is ON by default in Mandrake, at least in the
"custom" setup that I choose each time. Might want to double-check

Re: [newbie] LILO with Compaq's dreadful F10 BIOS Partition... can they coexist?

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Hello all (especially Compaq Presario Owners),
> I'm trying to install LILO onto the MBR of my Crappaq Presario Desktop.  The problem 
>is that the Presario Desktop uses that type12
> partition to store the BIOS program.  When I install one, it overwrites the other 
>and vice versa.  How would you get both of those
> programs to coexist?
Write LILO to the Linux partition and use a dos-based loader to load
Linux, or use a floppy boot disk for booting Linux. My boss does that
on his machine, even though it's 100% linux-native.

Re: [newbie] windows screws up linux

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> >%_after I run windows the linux bootloader fails at the check root
> filesystem (internal inconsistencies).  if I reinstall linux it works
> fine until I run windows again.  any help appreciated :)

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

First, please stop posting in HTML.
Which version of Mandrake did you install? If you installed Mandrake
6.0, did you perform the kernel and initscripts upgrade? If not,
that's likely the problem. There is a known bug in the 6.0
distribution which will cause the hard drives to fail to cleanly
unmount. Updating the kernel and initscripts will take care of it.

Alternatively, you may have made that partition visible to windows,
which is NOT a good thing, by creating the partition with FDISK from
dos/windows. To fix this, you need to completely REMOVE the partition
using Windows FDISK and then reboot using the install CD or the boot
floppy for the installation. Then, use Linux FDISK or Disk Druid to
re-create the partition and install from there. One of those two
scenarios SHOULD work.

Re: [newbie] question on linux download

1999-10-23 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> i want to download the linux installation. what file types should be
> ASCII and what should be binary?
Get an "intelligent" FTP client, one that knows the difference
between binary and ascii automatically. If you're working with
Windows, I highly reccommend WS_FTP or CUTE-FTP. If you're already
using *nix, I highly recommend NCFTP (commandline is ncftp -- all
lower case) which is a highly intelligent client. Not only can it
auto-detect binary vs ascii, it can download directory trees, resume
downloads, etc.

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-23 Thread Rick Murphy

> You may not be too impressed with Linux until you have used it for a while, and
> start to realize how nice it is to be able to find a way of doing nearly
> anything you want to do with your PC, and then there is the added bonus that
> the shell won't crash on you at the drop of the proverbial hat. There is a lot
> of work involved in learning a new OS, but at least with Linux, the OS does not
> hide the hardware from you, and you will learn how the PC works while you learn
> Linux. To me, this is as it should be. I am a newbie myself, perhaps 4 to 6
> weeks with Linux, and already, I am spouting off trying to help others with
> what I have discovered.

I would also encourage you to fiddle with linux for a while.  I believe you
will like it better than windows.  The first positive point is that help is
always available,  from this list and elsewhere.  I've been pretty impressed
with the patience some of the linux guru's have shown me in getting  linux
straightened out.  So don't learn a little and then  stay there,  get out and
experiment and when you completely crash your system there will be some folks
who will straighten it out for you.  Secondly,  I think you will find that you
like  linux better than windows  once you learn to grok it a little.  I was
fiddling around in windows yesterday and found myself missing the ability to
click a button and switch to a different virtual screen to run a new program. 
It is small things like that which take a while to appreciate.

Good hunting,


"I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

Re: [newbie] Installing kdelibs on a 486 style machine

1999-10-23 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999,Sean Armstrong wrote:
  | "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:
  | > 
  | > For anyone else who has run into the problem with the kdelibs rpm not getting
  | > installed properly, and if the previously posted fix methods (using rpm -Uvh
  | > kdelibs-1.1.2-4mdk.i586.rpm) does not work, as in reporting that the rpm is for
  | > a diferent architecture, then this may work:
  | > 
  | > Boot the machine with the Linux-Mandrake 6.1 instalation boot disk .
  | > 
  | > Proceed through the installer screens until you get to the Install, Updgrade
  | > screen.
  | > 
  | > When you get to the screen with the "Install" and"Upgrade" buttons, choose
  | > the "Upgrade" button.
  | > 
  | > Proceed through the screens until you get to the one which offers you the
  | > chance to edit (customize) the packages which will be updated. This will be a
  | > check box. Navigate to it with the TAB key. Select it with the SPACE bar (key).
  | > Then navigate to and select the "OK" button.
  | > 
  | > Next you will be presented with packages screen. after the "rebuilding
  | > RPM database" message.
  | > 
  | > Navigate to System Environment/Libraries/kdelibs. You can use the UP-ARROW and
  | > the DOWN-ARROW keys to navigate between headings, and the SPACE key opens and
  | > closes collapsed sub-headings (with the "+" or "-" in the small box at the
  | > left).
  | > 
  | > Select the kdelibs package with the SPACE bar, then TAB to "OK", and select it.
  | > 
  | > Continue through the upgrade process, answering the questions as suitable for
  | > your system configuration.
  | > 
  | > When you re-start into Linux, in KDE, the icons will work as expected.
  | > 
  | > Please note that I removed the kcmclock RPM package as indicated in other posts
  | > to this list previous to trying to install the kdelibs package. There is a
  | > conflict between these two packages as indicated in the RPM program error
  | > message while the kcmclock package is still installed, when trying to install
  | > the kcmclock RPM package.
  | > 
  | > Now that I have the kdelibs package installed properly, I not only get the
  | > icons in kfm properly displayed, but I can now run the kmail e-mail reader
  | > again. I am using it now! Also, if I have gone into greater detail than anyone
  | > needs or wants, please forgive in advance. I do not know if this work-around
  | > solution will work on all 486 style machines, but it did on mine. Imagine that,
  | > Linux-Mandrake 6.1 running on an AMD x5-133 with a 486 style main board!
  | > 
  | > Ernie
  | Even easier, use kpackage to remove kcmclock and then install kdelibs
  | with kpackage.  This is what I did on my computer.  Took all of about
  | one minute.
  | SA

Yup, I tried that, but on my system, I got an error message saying that the RPM
is for a diferend architecture, and k-package refused to do the install, so I
found this work around. I did get another responce telling me how to correct
the problem, but that was after I posted the first message. See responces from
Axalon and Mr-X.


[newbie] linux & games, and when will they fix the address book?

1999-10-23 Thread Rick Murphy

I'm using kmail as my primary mail service now and I like it, with a couple of
exceptions.  There are always exception right.  When will KDE get the address
book fixed so I can load an address right from the book.  It is a bit of a pain
to type in the address every time.

Secondly,  how are linux games coming along.  I'm thinking about getting
civilization for linux but it's $44.  The windows version is $19.  I know I'm
sounding cheap here, but hey I guess I'm cheap.  Is there  a source for a
cheaper civilization.


"I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-23 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

The first place to find information is on the Linux-Mandrake CD-ROM, and in any
Manuals or books which came with the CD. In the doc folder under the root
directory on the CD, there are several references you can use to get started (
you can use your web browser for some). Just start reading. Personally, I'd
suggest you go ahead and install Linux-Mandrake, then use the references while
using the OS, sort of like earn while you learn . While you are learning
Linux, you may want to keep your current OS working, so you can get on-line to
ask questions here on the list and search web sites for information. You can
also start searching for information from the Mandrake web site at

You may not be too impressed with Linux until you have used it for a while, and
start to realize how nice it is to be able to find a way of doing nearly
anything you want to do with your PC, and then there is the added bonus that
the shell won't crash on you at the drop of the proverbial hat. There is a lot
of work involved in learning a new OS, but at least with Linux, the OS does not
hide the hardware from you, and you will learn how the PC works while you learn
Linux. To me, this is as it should be. I am a newbie myself, perhaps 4 to 6
weeks with Linux, and already, I am spouting off trying to help others with
what I have discovered.

Linux comes with a graphical user interface called the X-Windows system, and
while X is running, you can use your choice of many desk-tops, among which are
Gnome, and KDE. These make using Linux quite easy, and you still have the
option of using the command line interface when you need or want to, either in
a virtual console, or in a console window while in the desktop environment.

Since I have started using Linux, I seldom run Windoze any more, because there
are few things I can not do in Linux. I keep Windoze for my family - they're
not interested in learning the new OS - go figure!

So welcome to Linux, I think you'll like it if you give it a chance,


On Fri, 22 Oct 1999,ibi wrote:
  | Hello,
  | I'm so new I haven't even loaded Linux; I've never seen a Linux screen
  | and I don't know one command. When you pick yourself up off the floor I
  | have one question. I've decided on Mandrake based on the strength of
  | support. Where do I go to begin to learn the raw basics? My goal is to
  | have a pure Linux box. 
  | Thanks,
  | Pj

[newbie] Test -- please ignore

1999-10-23 Thread Benjamin Sher

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Printer lpq -- any solution yet?

1999-10-23 Thread R_Yeo

Benjamin Sher wrote:

> Is your printer's lpq command (and lprm) working? Mine says: no entries.
> I have checked with others. This seems to be a bug. What's your
> experience?
Try printing something.  It means that there is no entries
in the queue (to be printed).
Try sending something to the printer and it should come

Ronald Yeo

[newbie] Printer lpq -- any solution yet?

1999-10-23 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Is your printer's lpq command (and lprm) working? Mine says: no entries.
I have checked with others. This seems to be a bug. What's your


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web