[newbie] remove

2000-01-29 Thread Hieronymous Bosch VII

Please remove my name and e-mail address from all your 
lists immediately.

--- This message was intercepted by SpamKiller (www.spamkiller.com) ---

Write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he can answer your question, he's an expert,
I'm a novitiate.

da wrote:

>  Hello,
>  I am trying to connect to the internet in Mandrake 6.1.  I have a modem
> (with plug and pray turned off) on Com4 (as it is called in windows).
>  Now there is no dev/modem. So I set the dialler to use com4 (tty3 or
> what it is called), it can communicate with the modem but will not
> pickup.
>  What do I have to do to achieve pickup so it can connect?
>  (my modem is a non winmodem that I have got to run fine in the past
> with the same settings on another unix)

Re: [newbie] stuffed buttons

2000-01-29 Thread Zulfiqar Naushad

Sure, why not.

After doing that, he might get upgraded from a newbie to an expert :-)

At 05:48 AM 29/01/00 , you wrote:
>Considering the original message was posted to a "newbie" list do you think
>this response is responsible?

Zulfiqar Naushad
ICQ: 6001618

[newbie] both modem and LAN networking?

2000-01-29 Thread Derek Sivers

Just installing Mandrake  (7)  for my first time.

At setup it asks if we want dial-up-modem networking **or** LAN networking.

What if we want both?
Which should I choose?

(I've been running SuSE Linux fine for a year with a modem to connect to 
the web, and an Ethernet to connect to the other computers in the office.)

In fact, I'd like to make the Mandrake 7 computer do IP forwarding / 
Masquerading to be the only computer in the office that dials in to our 
local ISP - with the 4 Windows computers using it for internet access.

So - that being said - can someone please please tell me which options to 
choose at Mandrake 7 setup??

(I tried LAN only, and it doesn't seem to connect to our ISP.)


Derek Sivers

[newbie] Cable Internet

2000-01-29 Thread Raymond Wells

Still trying to connect to Cable internet. Mandrake 7 found NICs for
eth0 and eth1
Have input ip, host, domain, gateway and namesserver info but on startup
I get message "starting http  .  failed"  this is the only failure
message in startup...I am then told it "cannot activate local host name
." do something with "Server Name directive "  info scrolls past
pretty quickly.

Any help to get this machine connected would be much appreciated..
Ray Wells

[newbie] voodoo3 troubles (not X)

2000-01-29 Thread doomdorf

OK, here goes. I have a problem with my Voodoo3 card... Now I have installed the
X server w/ the MDK 6.1 installer, and everything with that works fine. Now this is
my problem: When got a downloaded the 3d GLIDE stuff from the linux.3dfx.com site (or
whater it is) and installed the RPMs, everything went just peachy. But when i try the
final step of setting up the voodoo, it fails. All this last step is, is running a
simple program called "test3Dfx". It makes sure your card works. All i get when i run
the program is " video memory is unprotecting" "Could not open display (640x480)
Application Aborted. "

i have no clue what makes this do what it does..

please help.. (programming GLIDE is what i do on my windows box, but i want to use my
voodoo3 on my linux box. thats why i bought it :)



Re: [newbie] How do I unscribe? Too much mail!

2000-01-29 Thread Paul Marriott

To unsubscribe send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put in the
subject :

unsubscribe newbie.

or go to the web page and unsubscribe via the web interface.

Ribbo wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, John F. McClinton wrote:
> >
> >
> how do you subscribe?
> --
> Matrimony isn't a word, it's a sentence.

[newbie] Graphics

2000-01-29 Thread Joeseph6pak

Ok I got Air installed, got my SBLive working, got Qauke 2. How do I get 3D 
accelleration for it?
My vid card is a Diamond Stealth III Xtrreme. (Savage4xtrm chip)
Mandrake 7.0
400 mhz PII
Please help!

Re: [newbie] Xwin

2000-01-29 Thread SuperS

its an amd althon 500 with a s3 ViRGE video card, hope that helps

At 02:54 PM 28/01/00 GMT, you wrote:
>It sounds like a problem with a piece of hardware on your PC.  Since you are 
>having a problem with your hardware, we need to know what hardware you have 
>on your PC!
>>From: SuperS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: [newbie] Xwin
>>Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 15:48:27 -0500
>>I seem to be having a problem with mandrake7 when it runs X setup on the
>>install or I run XFdrake, my system just freezes. Any ideas whats wrong?
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

[newbie] No KDE or GNOME.

2000-01-29 Thread T.K. Kim

I just installed Mandrake 7.0 with both KDE and GNOME.  So I type 'startx' 
at the prompt and all I get is two fixed xterms on a plain back ground.  I 
tried 'startkde' and 'kdm_on', but no avail.

Any ideas?


RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 installation

2000-01-29 Thread Scott Stone

how do i unscubscribe to this stupid thing!! [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: jeff fernandes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2000 10:43 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 installation

use rawwrite from within dos and of course use the non
windows version with the cd-image... it works just
keep trying.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I don't have the answer but the same thing happend
> to me 
> V delephimne
> -Original Message-
> From: Antoniou, Stylianos
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 12:10 PM
> Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 installation
> Hi there,
> I downloaded Mandrake 7.0 iso image file, burnt the
> installation CD but when
> I tried the installation, after the first successful
> step of recognizing my
> hardware, it could not intialize the CD-ROM. After
> the 'Intializing
> CD-ROM...' message it gave me:
> 'mount failed. Invalid argument; 
> and then
> 'Error mounting ramdisk. This shouldn't happen. I am
> rebooting your system
> now'
> I then tired to make a boot floppy with
> rawwritewin.exe. However, when I
> tried to open it (following the orders of
> install.htm) I got the message:
> F:\dosutils\rawwritewin.exe is not a valid Win32
> application' This made me
> suspicious whether the CD was created correctly.
> Does anybody know if it is
> a problem with the new version of Mandrake or with
> the program that I used
> to burn the CD (Easy-CD creator 4.0, which very
> rarely gave problems,
> anyway).
> Thank you in advance
> S. Antoniou

Silence is the best substitute for brains ever invented.
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

[newbie] xdm login blanking

2000-01-29 Thread Michael R. Batchelor

Anyone know how to get xdm to blank the login prompt like a screen

[newbie] Lucent Winmodem

2000-01-29 Thread Mark LaPerriere

I got a great deal 
on a Lucent Winmodem from http://www.compgeeks.com , $17. I know I've 
seen sites that have instructions on how to get this thing working. I believe I 
have the right "linmodem" drivers. Anybody know of some links? I've tried 
linmodems.org, not too much help there. Or maybe someone have a walkthrough to 
get this working? Thanks.

[newbie] @home connection

2000-01-29 Thread Raymond Wells

I have installed Mandrake 7, expert/normal install... install detected
both NIC cards and when asked, I input ip, host, gateway and name
servers but I have no joy connecting to my tv/cable internet provider.
Anyone have any hints about connecting via a cable modem??
Ray Wells

[newbie] problem with 7.0 installation (CD blocks)

2000-01-29 Thread Marc Herms

I have downloaded the iso file (Mandrake 7.0) and put it on CD (Easy CD 
creator did everything for me, I just doubleclicked the iso file icon.).

No problem so far. I can also boot from CD. All seems fine.

BUT.. then it says LOADING and then "Loading second stage ramdisk" and 
the cursor blinks on the right side for quite a long time. After a while (5 
minutes or so...) it says "initializing CDROM" and the cursor blinks on the 
lower left... nothing else happens!!

what`s up there and HOW can I resolve this?

I have tried booting from floppy, but still when it goes to the CD to 
install it, it blocks...

Please send me some remedies URGENTLY !!! Thanks,


[newbie] Telnet into another Linux box.

2000-01-29 Thread Sevatio Octavio

How do you set up a linux box so that someone can Telnet into it?  What daemon is 
responsible for that service?


Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.0

2000-01-29 Thread Monte Milanuk

Jake Pettengill wrote:
> Hi,
> My name is Jake and I bought your Maximum Linux magazine #1. I enjoyed
> the magazine but i have trouble installing the Linux Mandrake 6.0 in my
> computer (h.p) I have install it several times now, but failed to work. I'm
> don't familiar with Linux but I want to learn from it. I'm going to explain
> you what happens when I try to get in.
> 1- Turn on the computer and choose Linux
> 2- In my screen it appears The Penguin
> 3- and I'm asked for a login, wich I type jakepp (the one I typed in the
> installation)
> 4- then I type my password (333666) and i get this:
> Last login: Fri Jan 28 14:42:48 on tty1
> [jakepp@localhost jakepp]$
> After this it stays like this, i type "help" and it gives me a list,
> I also typed "Tab" key and it gives me another list.
> I am trying hard to get it to work but I think is time to ask for help
> from people who know, I also followed the 12 easy steps from the magazine
> and I also tryed to do it in Workstation and Custom but failed to do so.
> I would really appreciate if you can help, thank you!
>   Sincerely
>  Jake Pettengill
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Congratulations!  Apparently you have gotten a good install (so
far).  What you are seeing is a command prompt, similar to the
msdos prompt you may be familiar w/ in M$ land.  You really need
to get a beginners book, like Linux in a Nutshell, or Running
Linux 3rd Ed from O'Reilly  Associates.  But in the meantime, try
the following:  

'startx' should start your X Window session i.e. gui desktop,
assuming it was configured properly during install. If not, well,
you are about to have a much rougher intro to linux.  If you did
get a decent desktop to come up, click on an icon that looks like
a computer monitor, and you will be in a terminal (like an M$-DOS
window), and continue.

'cd /usr/doc/howto/'  , then 'dir' or 'ls | less' and press
'Space' after you are done reading each screenfull.  This is a
listing of all the HOWTO files on your system.  They may be
archived w/ a *gz extension, so log in as root, then return to
the same directory and type 'gunzip -r *', which will recursively
unpack everything at and below this directory.  Then type 'emacs
Unix-Internet-Fundamentals-HOWTO' and read it _all_.  If you get
tired and want to quit emacs, try Control-x Control-c.  Then read
'DOS-Win-to-Linux-HOWTO', and if by now you are feeling a little
more comfortable, good.  Next time you fire up emacs, type
'Control-h t' for a tutorial on emacs.  Granted we put the cart
befor the horse here, but you didn't need to know much about
emacs to get this far.  Alternately, you could use emacs to read
the Emacs-Beginner-HOWTO.  

Note that none of this requires a graphic desktop.  It all works
just fine w/o .  If you find emacs to be too much, try 'vi
/usr/doc/HOWTO/Vim-HOWTO' to try the vi editor.


Monte Milanuk

RE: [newbie] simple question I think?

2000-01-29 Thread sean F

Como en englias? por favor?

I understand what you said ;) ps -a shows all
services, yes, I am looking for running deamons
though. And alot of services I know are running do not
show up under ps -a.


--- Softec - Javier Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Con ps -A ves todos los servicios ejecutandose en tu
> maquina.
> -Mensaje original-
> De:   sean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Enviado el:   viernes 28 de enero de 2000 8:32
> Para: Newbie
> Asunto:   [newbie] simple question I think?
> What is the command to see what services are
> running? I want to shut
> off SMTP on my IP MASQ. and see what else is
> running.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
> http://im.yahoo.com
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.


2000-01-29 Thread Unilogic

subscribe newbie

Re: [newbie] sorry for disturb

2000-01-29 Thread Warren Doney

- Original Message -
From: "John Aldrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2000 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] sorry for disturb

> On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> > i am a new user of linux i want i have the mandrake 6.1 and i can't run
> > x windows on my pc
> > while installing it ask me to choose a CARD but my card its not found
> > ATI (128 RAGE) 32MB and my screen is view sonic g790
> > i select in the card category unlisted and in the screen my screen view
> > sonic g790 when the test will run it tells there is an error
> > please tell me what is the best configuration to setup my vga card and
> > get on x windows
> >
> I believe that the RAGE128 is a new chipset. You MIGHT try
> the XF86_Mach64 SVGA server and see if that works... that's
> what most of the other ATI cards use.
> John

The SuSE X server for the rage 128 is in the "apps" directory on the 6.1 CD.
IMHO this would probably work much better than the XF86_Mach64 SVGA  one.


Re: [newbie] typing in licq

2000-01-29 Thread David van Balen

It's stopped doing that for some reason. Maybe it was because I told it to
"save options." I supposed it's possible that save options makes it dump
all it's config to files and overwrite the faulty config... who knows.

Thanks a lot though. You've been a great help.


On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Randall Randall wrote:

> David van Balen wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks for the help. It would've taken me forever to figure out about that
> > env variable with the new qt path if you hadn't mentioned it!
> > 
> > Even though I have licq working now, it's complaining about my config
> > files... I'm getting messages like
> > 
> > [WRN] Inifile: Warning, failed to find key.
> > File   = /hone/user/.licq/licq.conf
> > Section = [network]
> > Key = "TCPServerPortRange"
> > 
> > There are several of these messages, all of which are different, including
> > one about not being able to find section [startup] in licq_qt-gui.conf.
> > 
> > All of these things that it says it can't find really are in those files
> > and appear, to the best of my knowledge, to have a reasonable value
> > assigned to them. These warnings don't appear to affect licq I'd rather
> > not see them... I did think about changing the debug level but that
> > section seems to have been removed from the menu in this version.
> Hm.I didn't have this problem, but then, I didn't follow the
> instructions I gave you exactly.  What I actually did was
> copy all the "users.conf" file to the new one, and let it
> discover the attributes of the contacts from ICQ.  Probably,
> then, there is some spacing or punctuation difference in licq.conf.  
> Anyway, here is my network section, if it helps:
> [network]
> AllowNewUsers = 1
> NumOfServers = 3
> DefaultServerPort = 4000
> Server1 = icq.mirabilis.com
> Server2 = icq2.mirabilis.com
> Server3 = icq3.mirabilis.com
> TCPServerPort = 0
> TCPServerPortRange = 0
> TCPEnabled = 1
> FirewallHost =
> MaxUsersPerPacket = 100
> Errors = log.errors
> Rejects = log.rejects
> Translation = none
> UrlViewer = viewurl-netscape.sh
> Terminal = xterm -T Licq -e
> IgnoreTypes = 1
> Yours may have different values, but it should have the
> same order and structure.
> -- 
> Wolfkin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
> Crypto key: www.freedomspace.net/~wolfkin/crypto.text
> On a visible but distant shore, a new image of man;
> The shape of his own future, now in his own hands.-- Johnny Clegg.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 installation

2000-01-29 Thread Harvey B. Herman

I had exactly the same problem. When I checked the cd using Windows it
read the directory but not the readme(s) down one or two levels. I then
downloaded the iso file once again from another mirror (can't remember
which one) and burned another cd. This one was readable with Windows and
installed Linux successfully.
Did I need to download again? Who knows, but it is strange that we
independently had the same symptoms. Was it the iso file or a bad burn?
You tell me, all I know that it finally worked.

Re: [[newbie] Mandrake 6.0]

2000-01-29 Thread Michael Scottaline

"Jake Pettengill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> My name is Jake and I bought your Maximum Linux magazine #1. I enjoyed
> the magazine but i have trouble installing the Linux Mandrake 6.0 in my
> computer (h.p) I have install it several times now, but failed to work. I'm
> don't familiar with Linux but I want to learn from it. I'm going to explain
> you what happens when I try to get in.
> 1- Turn on the computer and choose Linux
> 2- In my screen it appears The Penguin
> 3- and I'm asked for a login, wich I type jakepp (the one I typed in the 
> installation)
> 4- then I type my password (333666) and i get this:
> Last login: Fri Jan 28 14:42:48 on tty1
> [jakepp@localhost jakepp]$
> After this it stays like this, i type "help" and it gives me a list,
> I also typed "Tab" key and it gives me another list.
> I am trying hard to get it to work but I think is time to ask for help
> from people who know, I also followed the 12 easy steps from the magazine
> and I also tryed to do it in Workstation and Custom but failed to do so.
> I would really appreciate if you can help, thank you!
>   Sincerely
>  Jake Pettengill
Instead of typing "help", try typing "startx" w/o the quotes ;o)
This will get you into a gui interface (probably KDE) which will be easier for
you to begin with.

Michael Scottaline

COL 2.2   Linux 2.2.5
* * * * * * * * * * * 
It's a fresh wind that Blows Against the Empire

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 


2000-01-29 Thread Chris
first, the kde desktop is bigger than the screen size. how do i make them the same size?
also how do i run gnome and enlightenment?Christopher L Delp
mobile e mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Friend of Bill W.
If the futures looking dark, We're the ones who have to shout
If there's no one in control, were the ones who draw the line
Though we live in trying times, we're the ones who have to try
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] RPMs

2000-01-29 Thread jpgois

If you want to install a package that comes from a different distribution that
the one you use, you should check the files it will install with :
rpm -qpl package.rpm
and verify that it will not install files in a place that will mess up your

Lance & Carrie Borden wrote :
> Hey Y'all,
> Does it make any difference "what kind" of rpm I see/install?  What's the
> difference between an i386.rpm and a noarch.rpm?  There is sometimes the option
> to download i386.rpm, i586.rpm or noarch.rpm, and sometimes there are even rpms
> with the same name from different companies (mandrake, suse, red hat, etc.) --
> does it make any difference in the world which one I download and install?  I
> assume i386 means you need at least a 386 machine, and 586 at least pentium, but
> noarch?
> Lance

[newbie] Soundproblems ?!?!?

2000-01-29 Thread David Koehler

i have a Creative Labs 128PCI Soundcard, and i want to use it with my RedHat6.0

i used the program /usr/sbin/sndconfig for set up.
but when there is the soundcheck there come the following errormessage:

Device or Ressource "es1370.o" is busy !!!


thanks in advance
cu david

[newbie] netscape can't open......

2000-01-29 Thread H.B

I use mandrake 7.0 with netscape 4.71 . My netscape can't open several
webpages like
under windows netscape opens these pages very well and M12 also opens them
Is it some java or fonts problem and is it possible to do something?
please help

Re: [newbie] kernel can't detect my ls-120

2000-01-29 Thread jpgois

Did you load the module in the kernel with modprobe?
If you didn't, try typing 'modprobe ide-tape' when you are logged as root.
Then try to mount it again.

> Hi Neville,
> I've followed what you told me: inputting the line "/dev/hdc  /ls120  
> msdos rw,no auto, user  0  0" in the /etc/fstab, but it seems that 
> still doesn't work.  The two messages still appear after lilo.  The 
> ls-120 cannot be mounted in root user as well as normal users.  I 
> think the kenel can detect a ATAPI drive in hdc but can't recognize 
> the disk drive is a ls-120 and doesn't load the required driver for 
> it.  The BIOS can detect the disk as a ls-120 and I can use it under 
> windows 98 (I have two OS in my PC).  What do you think that I should 
> do to make the kernel recognizes my ls-120?
> John
> >Date sent:Wed, 26 Jan 2000 07:19:07 +1100
> >From: Neville Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject:  Re: [newbie] kernel can't detect my ls-120
> >Send reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >> 
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I have installed linux mandrake 6.0, but it can't recognize my
> >> ls-120 drive.  The atapi floppy driver has been  installed as a
> >> module.  My ls-120 is in hdc.
> >> 
> >> messages after lilo:
> >> 
> >> ...
> >> hdc : Q, ATAPI UNKNOWN (type 17) drive
> >> ...
> >> /dev/hdc: Device not configured
> >> 
> >> Anyone can help me to make the kernel recognize my ls-120?
> >> 
> >> John
> >
> >John
> >
> >If extra drives are installed after the main installation has passed
> >you must add the word 'user' in the options of the device to be
> >mounted. Otherwise if left at default, the user will not have rights
> >to mount the drives, only root. This can be corrected through kfstab
> >and removing 'default' and replace it with rw,no auto,user.Note: you
> >will need to add a directory in the root or /mnt (wherever your
> >current drives are located)  /ls120 (or anything you like) to mount
> >the device. The program kfstab can facilitate this process.
> >
> >/etc/fstab file should have the following line.
> >/dev/hdc /ls120  msdos   rw,no auto, user  0  0
> >

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.0

2000-01-29 Thread Lawrence G

Jake Pettengill wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Jake and I bought your Maximum Linux magazine #1. I enjoyed
> the magazine but i have trouble installing the Linux Mandrake 6.0 in my
> computer (h.p) I have install it several times now, but failed to work. I'm
> don't familiar with Linux but I want to learn from it. I'm going to explain
> you what happens when I try to get in.
> 1- Turn on the computer and choose Linux
> 2- In my screen it appears The Penguin
> 3- and I'm asked for a login, wich I type jakepp (the one I typed in the
> installation)
> 4- then I type my password (333666) and i get this:
> Last login: Fri Jan 28 14:42:48 on tty1
> [jakepp@localhost jakepp]$
> After this it stays like this, i type "help" and it gives me a list,
> I also typed "Tab" key and it gives me another list.
> I am trying hard to get it to work but I think is time to ask for help
> from people who know, I also followed the 12 easy steps from the magazine
> and I also tryed to do it in Workstation and Custom but failed to do so.
> I would really appreciate if you can help, thank you!
>   Sincerely
>  Jake Pettengill
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

linux is installed on your computer, what your doing is logging in on the
command line no gui. type startx after you get [jakepp@localhost jakepp]$.
that more than likely put you in kde as your window manager.


Re: [newbie] sorry for disturb

2000-01-29 Thread Lawrence G

John Aldrich wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> > i am a new user of linux i want i have the mandrake 6.1 and i can't run the
> > x windows on my pc
> > while installing it ask me to choose a CARD but my card its not found its
> > ATI (128 RAGE) 32MB and my screen is view sonic g790
> > i select in the card category unlisted and in the screen my screen view
> > sonic g790 when the test will run it tells there is an error
> > please tell me what is the best configuration to setup my vga card and to
> > get on x windows
> >
> I believe that the RAGE128 is a new chipset. You MIGHT try
> the XF86_Mach64 SVGA server and see if that works... that's
> what most of the other ATI cards use.
> John

your going to have to upgrade to mandrake 7.0(air) the  RAGE128  is supported on
that version of mandrake.



Re: [newbie] stuffed buttons

2000-01-29 Thread TRUB

Considering the original message was posted to a "newbie" list do you think
this response is responsible?

- Original Message -
From: Christopher Molnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 6:38 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] stuffed buttons

> On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, John Aldrich wrote:
> > Heh. Good luck... can't help there... I'm trying to decide
> > whether to open up my Linux box to local FTP (protected
> > behind an ISDN router/hardware firewall) or to try and run
> > an FTP server on my Windows box, OR to try and set up SAMBA
> > to copy files from Windows to Linux. :-)
> Use Linux, works perfectly here. Solve the dilema by doing a:
> cd \
> deltree *.* /Y
> on the window box. When it reboots make sure the CD drive has a Linux CD
> in it!
> Chris

[newbie] Quicktime for Linux -- Petition

2000-01-29 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

If you would like to see Quicktime for Linux, please consider signing a
petition that will be presented to Apple. Here is the URL:


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Graphical FTP server

2000-01-29 Thread R_Yeo

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Jason M. Shatto wrote:
> I'm looking to download QUITE a bit from an FTP server, In windows, I
> always used Ws-Ftp, I'm looking for a similiar program or just something
> graphical would be nice.  With Netscape I can only download one file at a
> time, I want to download directories.

For graphical, you can try caitoo, IglooFTP or even kruiser.  For
command line, try wget.


Re: [newbie] simple question I think?

2000-01-29 Thread R_Yeo

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, sean wrote:
> What is the command to see what services are running? I want to shut
> off SMTP on my IP MASQ. and see what else is running.

Try "ps aux" or "ps -ef"


Re: [newbie] kernel can't detect my ls-120

2000-01-29 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Johnthere are spaces that don't belong there in the options
field of your fstab entry.  Try removing them.  Also try
changing msdos to vfat.

/dev/hdc/ls120  msdos   rw,no auto, user  0  0

/dev/hdc/ls120  vfatrw,noauto,user0  0


> Hi Neville,
> I've followed what you told me: inputting the line "/dev/hdc/ls120
> msdos   rw,no auto, user  0  0" in the /etc/fstab, but it seems that
> still doesn't work.  The two messages still appear after lilo.  The
> ls-120 cannot be mounted in root user as well as normal users.  I
> think the kenel can detect a ATAPI drive in hdc but can't recognize
> the disk drive is a ls-120 and doesn't load the required driver for
> it.  The BIOS can detect the disk as a ls-120 and I can use it under
> windows 98 (I have two OS in my PC).  What do you think that I should
> do to make the kernel recognizes my ls-120?
> John
> >Date sent:Wed, 26 Jan 2000 07:19:07 +1100
> >From: Neville Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject:  Re: [newbie] kernel can't detect my ls-120
> >Send reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I have installed linux mandrake 6.0, but it can't recognize my
> >> ls-120 drive.  The atapi floppy driver has been  installed as a
> >> module.  My ls-120 is in hdc.
> >>
> >> messages after lilo:
> >>
> >> ...
> >> hdc : Q, ATAPI UNKNOWN (type 17) drive
> >> ...
> >> /dev/hdc: Device not configured
> >>
> >> Anyone can help me to make the kernel recognize my ls-120?
> >>
> >> John
> >
> >John
> >
> >If extra drives are installed after the main installation has passed
> >you must add the word 'user' in the options of the device to be
> >mounted. Otherwise if left at default, the user will not have rights
> >to mount the drives, only root. This can be corrected through kfstab
> >and removing 'default' and replace it with rw,no auto,user.Note: you
> >will need to add a directory in the root or /mnt (wherever your
> >current drives are located)  /ls120 (or anything you like) to mount
> >the device. The program kfstab can facilitate this process.
> >
> >/etc/fstab file should have the following line.
> >/dev/hdc   /ls120  msdos   rw,no auto, user  0  0
> >

[newbie] 7.0 install problems

2000-01-29 Thread Web Dreamer

Hi, I'm having problems installing 7.0 on my system. I have a P200 with 64MB 
of ram, a Voodoo Banshee, and I'm installing from a FAT32 partition. When 
the install menu comes up, it installs everything and gets to the ZoneInfo 
part and says an error has occurred, then goes to the printer setup and 
after printer setup goes right back to the ZoneInfo part and loops there. I 
can make it finish the rest of the installation, but when it gets to the X 
config, it says it can't find any of the files. I know I chose X to be 
installed. Anyone care to help?

Randy Mongenel
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [newbie] RPMs

2000-01-29 Thread Alex V Flinsch

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, you wrote:

> with the same name from different companies (mandrake, suse, red hat, etc.) --
> does it make any difference in the world which one I download and install?  I

Try to get either a Mandrake or a RedHat rpm, as the config files and whatnot
will be in the same places.  I have never had a problem with using a rpm for
either of those distro's.  Personally, I have never been able to get a Suse
built rpm to work under Mandrake.  If something other than mdk or redhat is all
that is available, try getting the src rpm and rebuilding.

> assume i386 means you need at least a 386 machine, and 586 at least pentium, but
> noarch?

noarch means that no special architecture is needed, the rpm is possibly
something like a python or perl script or some sort of documentation.

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

[newbie] GNOME problems

2000-01-29 Thread Jesús Gonzàlez

Hi everyone:

I have just installed mdk 7.0, it seems every thing to go ok,
but when I execute GNOME, appears this "neighbour table overflow", (of
course if you are in another term
working waiting GNOME to load). What does this appear? When I have redhat
6.1 this doesn't appear to me.
And GNOME takes a lot to load.
Thanks very much for your help.

Re: [newbie] How do I unscribe? Too much mail!

2000-01-29 Thread Ribbo

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, John F. McClinton wrote:


how do you subscribe?

Matrimony isn't a word, it's a sentence.

Re: [newbie] Graphical FTP server

2000-01-29 Thread Michael J. Lee

Scott Stone wrote:
> when ya find something please let me know also!!
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason M. Shatto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 3:15 PM
> To: Newbie list server
> Subject: [newbie] Graphical FTP server
> I'm looking to download QUITE a bit from an FTP server, In windows, I
> always used Ws-Ftp, I'm looking for a similiar program or just something
> graphical would be nice.  With Netscape I can only download one file at a
> time, I want to download directories.
> Any help would be appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Jason

Howdy Jason

Make sure you know the ftp address of the place you want to go before
starting this, it will help immensley.

Right click on your desktop, you will see a list of stuff you can do.
Mouse down to "new"

The popout that opens should give you a list of stuff you can make on
the dekstop. You should see one there called Internet Link, or something
like that, Click that one. 

When the naming box pops up, type in the ftp address. hit Enter.

Double click the new folder on your desktop, it should open up the
directory you are looking for!


Re: [newbie] new user - new installation

2000-01-29 Thread Lance & Carrie Borden

Alan Pitts wrote:

> Would someone also be kind enough to tell me the correct way to close down,
> exit linux from either kde and/or gnome so that I can reboot into windows.

Sorry, can't help you with the screen problem, but many people here can!

If you will log out of kde or gnome (hit the X on the panel or choose it from
the main K or Gnome menu), you'll come back to the login screen, where there is
a shutdown button.  When you choose it, you'll get the choice to shut down or
reboot.  Naturally, you can shut down from there (wait for the message that the
system is halted before you turn off the power).

If you want to reboot, you need to watch the reboot process.  As your computer
boots, you'll get the line "LILO:"  When that appears, you have something like 5
seconds to hit the tab button.  If you do nothing, the computer will
automatically boot into Linux.  When you hit tab, you'll see 2 words, (Linux
Dos;Linux Windoze;  Linux   Win; etc.).  This is where you choose which
system to load.  Simply type in the word that designates your Windoze (for me,
it is "dos") and hit enter.  Then you'll boot into Win.   Now, I do believe
ctrl+alt+del will also reboot your system, but I haven't done it that way (yet).


Re: [newbie] new user - new installation

2000-01-29 Thread David van Balen

Xconfigurator or xf86config should fix the display problem. To exit either
kde or gnome, you click on the "logout" button which looks like a padlock
under kde and, I believe, is under the "foot" menu in gnome and is labeled
simply "log out" or something of the sort.
To reboot your computer, you exit X and run 'shutdown' (minus quotes) from
the command line. shutdown -r will restart and shutdown -h will turn off
the computer. If you have insuficient priviledges to do this under your
user account (which I think you can't), you'll have to log out and log
back in as root to shut down or restart.

Hope this helps.


On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Alan Pitts wrote:

> Hi,
> I have just installed the Deluxe Linux-Mandrake 6.0 systemapparently successfuly 
>- Lilo boots into both windows and linux !
> My problem is that the display I see in Linux is far too big for my screen !  It's 
>like holding a magazine right up to your face so that you can't see the periphery.  
>How do I alter this please ??
> Would someone also be kind enough to tell me the correct way to close down, exit 
>linux from either kde and/or gnome so that I can reboot into windows.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Alan
> ~~~
> ~~~
> Answerphone/Fax: 0207 681 2314
> ~~~
> ICQ: 60295665. 
> ~~~
> noi non potemo aver perfetta vita senza amici

[newbie] Problem Installing 6.0

2000-01-29 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

First of all, TIA for any help you can give. A friend of mine is trying to
install Mandrake 6.0 on his laptop. He has a 24gb hard drive. Approximately
12GB are dedicated to Windoze. The rest is all free space. 

During the install, he is using Disk Druid to create the Linux partitions.
He is able to create the swap and /home partitions. When trying to create
the / partition, he gets a message from Disk Druid saying there is not
enough free space for the partition. This seems to happen regardless what
size he tries to make it. He started trying to create a 1GB partition. Then
he lowered it to 800mb, 500mb, and so on. It did no good. He still received
the same message. 

Any ideas what could be happening?


Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest place to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."


2000-01-29 Thread Web Dreamer

I just installed Mandrake 7.0. Ok, on boot, I get an error that says:
mount: fs type supermount not supported by kernel   [FAILED]

It ends up booting for the most part ok as far as I can tell. What's up with 
this error message?

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 installation

2000-01-29 Thread jeff fernandes

use rawwrite from within dos and of course use the non
windows version with the cd-image... it works just
keep trying.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I don't have the answer but the same thing happend
> to me 
> V delephimne
> -Original Message-
> From: Antoniou, Stylianos
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 12:10 PM
> Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 installation
> Hi there,
> I downloaded Mandrake 7.0 iso image file, burnt the
> installation CD but when
> I tried the installation, after the first successful
> step of recognizing my
> hardware, it could not intialize the CD-ROM. After
> the 'Intializing
> CD-ROM...' message it gave me:
> 'mount failed. Invalid argument; 
> and then
> 'Error mounting ramdisk. This shouldn't happen. I am
> rebooting your system
> now'
> I then tired to make a boot floppy with
> rawwritewin.exe. However, when I
> tried to open it (following the orders of
> install.htm) I got the message:
> F:\dosutils\rawwritewin.exe is not a valid Win32
> application' This made me
> suspicious whether the CD was created correctly.
> Does anybody know if it is
> a problem with the new version of Mandrake or with
> the program that I used
> to burn the CD (Easy-CD creator 4.0, which very
> rarely gave problems,
> anyway).
> Thank you in advance
> S. Antoniou

Silence is the best substitute for brains ever invented.
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Modem problem

2000-01-29 Thread Hieronymous Bosch VII

Write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he can answer your question, he's an expert,
I'm a novitiate.

da wrote:

>  Hello,
>  I am trying to connect to the internet in Mandrake 6.1.  I have a modem
> (with plug and pray turned off) on Com4 (as it is called in windows).
>  Now there is no dev/modem. So I set the dialler to use com4 (tty3 or
> what it is called), it can communicate with the modem but will not
> pickup.
>  What do I have to do to achieve pickup so it can connect?
>  (my modem is a non winmodem that I have got to run fine in the past
> with the same settings on another unix)

Re: [newbie] Xwin

2000-01-29 Thread SuperS

i tried that, then it says unable to exec /etc/X11/X

At 11:13 PM 28/01/00 +1300, you wrote:
>SuperS wrote:
>> I seem to be having a problem with mandrake7 when it runs X setup on the
>> install or I run XFdrake, my system just freezes. Any ideas whats wrong?
> Your video card is not supported or Xfree is set up wrong (can't help more
>without more info).
> Try:XF86Setup  at the command line and try and set it with that.

[newbie] Mandrake 7.0

2000-01-29 Thread Web Dreamer

Ok, I'm a big newbie here, but I downloaded Mandrake 7.0 and when I tried to 
install it, I get some error that tells me that supermount isn't supported 
or something like that. I have installed Mandrake 6.1 before and everything 
went perfectly fine. I'm installing it from a FAT32 partition to an ext2 
partition on hda, anyone had any similar problems? Also, in the install 
program (DrakX) it says an error occurred and can't set up the Zone Info. 

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

RE: [newbie] Graphical FTP server

2000-01-29 Thread Jason M. Shatto

I was just pointed to and like a program call gftp under the GNOME apps
section and then under internet.  it works great.


Jason M. Shatto
A+ Certified Technician


Computer Renaissance - Cincinnati

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Scott Stone wrote:

> when ya find something please let me know also!!   
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason M. Shatto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 3:15 PM
> To: Newbie list server
> Subject: [newbie] Graphical FTP server
> I'm looking to download QUITE a bit from an FTP server, In windows, I
> always used Ws-Ftp, I'm looking for a similiar program or just something
> graphical would be nice.  With Netscape I can only download one file at a
> time, I want to download directories.
> Any help would be appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Jason
> ===
> ---
> Jason M. Shatto
> A+ Certified Technician
> telnet/ftp/http
> cr.dyndns.org
> Computer Renaissance - Cincinnati
> http://www.recycledcomputers.com
> ---

Re: [[newbie] netscape not working]

2000-01-29 Thread mulerider

On Wed, 05 Mar 2036, Michael Scottaline wrote:
> > hi i installed mandrake
> > 
> > its great
> > 
> > the modem works it dials out it can connects to my ISP
> > 
> > but netscape does not work?
> > 
> > 
> > i know i need my ISP DNS etc?? where do i get them from and where do i put 
> > them in mandrake

You need to edit your \etc\resolv.conffile

sign on as root and open an editor.

I use joe for my editor.  It is simple and has onscreen instructions.

you want to edit your file to show as follows:

domain   your domain name   (for example mine is elpasonet.net)
nameserver your primary dns number (for example
save and close.

I've just reloaded mandrake 7.0 and had to reconfigure everything.  I've found
that if I start root and then configure my kde modem connections the the
resolv.conf file sets up just fine.  Then I log on as a local
user and set up my modem and everything works. 

Good luck


ps I'll be looking for help from some of you gurus in installing fortify.  For
some reason I'm having trouble this time.

"I don't want to swim in a roped off sea" JB

[newbie] help -error with KDE install

2000-01-29 Thread John Bishop

I believe that I missed the boat somewhere.  I just installed
Linux/Mandrake 6.5.

I installed Linux per the install guides.  I'm able to log in
successfully, but instead of getting KDE as the default user interface I
get the X user interface.  Not that big of a deal, but I thought KDE
would be installed automatically.  I did a "find" on kde and came up
with nothing.

So... I looked at CD3 of and saw that there was a "getting started with
KDE".  I found the install section, copied over the appropriate files
off of CD1 and ran the rpm -Uvh on the files in the correct order.
However,  on

$ rpm -Uvh kdebase_1.1.2-9mbk.i586.rpm

I got

error : failed dependencies
mandrake_desk >= 0.8.2 is needed by kdebase_1.1.2-9mbk.i586.rpm
libMesaGL.so.3 is needed by kdebase_1.1.2-9mbk.i586.rpm
libMesaGLU.so.3 is needed by kdebase_1.1.2-9mbk.i586.rpm

So... this was the only one that failed, but because it is "base" I'm
not getting what I need.  I'm guessing I need to upgrade a rpm

I'm assuming that after I get this up and going that startx command -

Any help is appreciated - I'm not so sure I what to hang out in the X



[newbie] Mandrake 7.0

2000-01-29 Thread Web Dreamer

Ok, I'm a big newbie here, but I downloaded Mandrake 7.0 and when I tried to 
install it, I get some error that tells me that supermount isn't supported 
or something like that. I have installed Mandrake 6.1 before and everything 
went perfectly fine. I'm installing it from a FAT32 partition to an ext2 
partition on hda, anyone had any similar problems? Also, in the install 
program (DrakX) it says an error occurred and can't set up the Zone Info. 

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [newbie] LS-120 configuration

2000-01-29 Thread Jason M. Shatto

I'm rather new to this, but I've used a zip drive and it's probably the
same thing, I thin you should be able to use whatever file type you like.
I used DOS on my zip, it worked fine.


Jason M. Shatto
A+ Certified Technician


Computer Renaissance - Cincinnati

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Carl Kehley wrote:

> How do I go about configuring an internal Imation LS-120 drive in
> Mandrake 7.0?  I've got a standard floppy drive also.  The LS-120 is
> recognized as hdb on startup, so I guess the mount point would be hdb1,
> since the superdisks are partitioned (at least that worked in 6.1)  What
> would the correct file type be?  That seems to be where I'm getting
> stuck at.

Re: [newbie] netscape not working

2000-01-29 Thread Jason M. Shatto

I get mine from a windows 98 machine by using winipcfg. You could connect
on someone else's machine if need be.  All of the information will be
there after connection.  This is of course assuming you've checked the
web page of you ISP for the information.


Jason M. Shatto
A+ Certified Technician


Computer Renaissance - Cincinnati

On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, JAMIL HUSSAIN wrote:

> hi i installed mandrake
> its great
> the modem works it dials out it can connects to my ISP
> but netscape does not work?
> i know i need my ISP DNS etc?? where do i get them from and where do i put 
> them in mandrake
> #
> thanks for all your help
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

[newbie] Repair Image for Mandrake 6.1

2000-01-29 Thread Jeffrey M. Metcalf


I recently installed Mandrake 6.1, and although the documentation
indicates that there should be a repair.img file in the images
none exists.  I visited Mandrake's main site, but they only have
Mandrake 7.0 available.  All 6.1 ftp servers I could find have the
identical distribution that I do, with no repair.img.  Can anyone
me to a location where I can fine the image file compatible with 6.1?
I'll settle for the 7.0 version if someone knowlegeable says I'll have
no backward compatibility issues.


J. Metcalf

Re: [newbie] Another installing programs question

2000-01-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Lance & Carrie Borden wrote:
> Randall Randall wrote:
> >
> >
> > On a side note, I am unable to get tar to even
> > show me a list of a tar archive, so this might
> > not work properly.  It doesn't give errors, just
> > stops.
> Thanks for the great help.  I'm now getting my system all organized!  Regarding the
> above, I'm not sure if what I'm about to write will make a lot of sense, but it
> DOES seem to work!  I'm running mdk 6.1.
> I've noticed that I can right click any .tar.gz or .tgz file (in kfm) and get the
> option to view the contents with ark.  However, after I unzip those files, I no
> longer get the option to use ark to view the .tar files.  BUT, if I zip them back up,
> I can use ark again.  Don't know if you've found another way to see a list of the tar
> archive, but for me, making it a .gz will allow me to view the list with ark.
mc will let you view the contentsfrom the CLI. :-)

Re: [newbie] Graphical FTP server

2000-01-29 Thread Mercy Ships-Pacific Webmaster

Try out IglooFTP  

or perhaps gftp  .. I prefer IglooFTP cause of the cool icons...  You
probably have that installed already.. type IglooFTP from a console to find
Aaron Sinclair
Webmaster, Regional Communications
Mercy Ships-Pacific

> From: "Scott Stone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 02:10:46 -0600
> Subject: RE: [newbie] Graphical FTP server
> when ya find something please let me know also!! 
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason M. Shatto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 3:15 PM
> To: Newbie list server
> Subject: [newbie] Graphical FTP server
> I'm looking to download QUITE a bit from an FTP server, In windows, I
> always used Ws-Ftp, I'm looking for a similiar program or just something
> graphical would be nice.  With Netscape I can only download one file at a
> time, I want to download directories.
> Any help would be appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Jason
> ===
> ---
> Jason M. Shatto
> A+ Certified Technician
> telnet/ftp/http
> cr.dyndns.org
> Computer Renaissance - Cincinnati
> http://www.recycledcomputers.com
> ---

Re: [newbie] fortune

2000-01-29 Thread Ribbo

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, David Odin (aka DindinX) wrote:

>   If you want your sig to change from time to time, put this script to your
> crontab:
> #!/bin/bash

Thanx David,
do you have another suggestion? thats nice but sometimes i also want
to put my name to my sig 
(maybe i have to 'tweak' my signature files on send-hook :)

and for friends, i want to share a little about fortune.
if you want to read fortune every time you log to the console, put this
lines to your /etc/profile :

/usr/games/fortune #or else, use 'whereis fortune' to locate it.

and if you want to see fortune every time you open terminal just put
"ls" to the shortcut, i.e:
konsole -ls
aterm -ls
xterm -ls

for optional display of fortune, $ man fortune

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
-- Mark Twain

[newbie] HP Deskjet 710C

2000-01-29 Thread Billy Noel -Jacob-


Since one week I run Linux Mandrake 7.0 on my system. It is totaly new for 
me, and I still have to install a lot of hardware. Also my HP Deskjet 710C 
Printer. But on the web I found the following note:

NOTE: Host-based printers suchs as the HP deskjet 710C, 720C, 820C, and 
1000C series will not function in the Linux environment because they depend 
on the Microsoft Windows Operating system.

Is it possible to install my printer? And if so, does anyone know how? If 
not, will it be possible in the future?

Thanks in advantage,
(nickname: BillyNoel)
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

RE: [newbie] Graphical FTP server

2000-01-29 Thread Vic H

Here is a site to test out it has buttloads of linux software.


I think thats the right URL but if not lemme know

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> when ya find something please let me know also!!   
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason M. Shatto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 3:15 PM
> To: Newbie list server
> Subject: [newbie] Graphical FTP server
> I'm looking to download QUITE a bit from an FTP server, In windows, I
> always used Ws-Ftp, I'm looking for a similiar program or just something
> graphical would be nice.  With Netscape I can only download one file at a
> time, I want to download directories.
> Any help would be appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Jason
> ===
> ---
> Jason M. Shatto
> A+ Certified Technician
> telnet/ftp/http
> cr.dyndns.org
> Computer Renaissance - Cincinnati
> http://www.recycledcomputers.com
> ---
Linux Cat

RE: [newbie] Graphical FTP server

2000-01-29 Thread David van Balen


On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Scott Stone wrote:

> when ya find something please let me know also!!   
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason M. Shatto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 3:15 PM
> To: Newbie list server
> Subject: [newbie] Graphical FTP server
> I'm looking to download QUITE a bit from an FTP server, In windows, I
> always used Ws-Ftp, I'm looking for a similiar program or just something
> graphical would be nice.  With Netscape I can only download one file at a
> time, I want to download directories.
> Any help would be appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Jason
> ===
> ---
> Jason M. Shatto
> A+ Certified Technician
> telnet/ftp/http
> cr.dyndns.org
> Computer Renaissance - Cincinnati
> http://www.recycledcomputers.com
> ---

Re: [newbie] netscape not working

2000-01-29 Thread Hieronymous Bosch VII

I'm a "newbie" as well, or in the military, a "cherry" as of today.  I just
installed Linux today.  I'm not vacuous, having a Ph.D., but I upgraded to
Netscape 4.7 immediately, and had no problems.  But having after worshiping at
the alter of Bill Gatez for so many years, and building my own computers, I do
have a modicum of knowledge of computers, but Linux is a whole new, and
exciting world.  Good Luck.

> What kind of error are you getting with Netscape?
> You will need to get your ISP's DNS IP # from your ISP.  There is a place to
> specify them in the Kppp setup menu.
> Good luck,
> Jason Elwell
>  On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> > hi i installed mandrake
> >
> > its great
> >
> > the modem works it dials out it can connects to my ISP
> >
> > but netscape does not work?
> >
> >
> > i know i need my ISP DNS etc?? where do i get them from and where do i put
> > them in mandrake
> > #
> >
> > thanks for all your help
> > __
> > Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [newbie] Another installing programs question

2000-01-29 Thread Randall Randall

Lance & Carrie Borden wrote:

> I've noticed that I can right click any .tar.gz or .tgz file (in kfm) and get the
> option to view the contents with ark.  However, after I unzip those files, I no
> longer get the option to use ark to view the .tar files.  BUT, if I zip them back up,
> I can use ark again.  Don't know if you've found another way to see a list of the tar
> archive, but for me, making it a .gz will allow me to view the list with ark.

I'm stuck in the days of the command line. :)  Using KDE,
and didn't know you could do that...

I was using "tar -t packagefoo.tar"

Crypto key: www.freedomspace.net/~wolfkin/crypto.text
On a visible but distant shore, a new image of man;
The shape of his own future, now in his own hands.-- Johnny Clegg.

[newbie] yamaha ymf-724f (ds-xg)

2000-01-29 Thread Jaswinder S. Ahluwalia


Does anybody know where i can get drivers for the yamaha ymf-724f? Or can
anybody send me the crack to opensound? 


[newbie] problems with titlebars icons

2000-01-29 Thread Elizabeth Dolan

   i have a annoying problem with the titlebar shortcuts within a
   the buttons that go back or forward through the windowsis not there
   but in fact has a scambled mess
   does anyone know how to kix this problem

   thank you

[newbie] problems with modules

2000-01-29 Thread Elizabeth Dolan

  i recently compilied and installed 2.2.14 kernel due because i have
sound so i downloaded the the kernel sourse as well as th cmi8338
source code everything i think went well anyway i got to  do what
said in the driver readme file so i did:
modprobe -a \* -displays all the modules but it came up with that
everone had unresolved symbol
i go on to do:
modprobe -a
then comes up wit han error
modprobe: not and ELF file
does anyone know what the problem is as i still don't have any
can anyone tell me how to fix this or what the problem is
thank you

Re: [newbie] typing in licq

2000-01-29 Thread Randall Randall

David van Balen wrote:
> Thanks for the help. It would've taken me forever to figure out about that
> env variable with the new qt path if you hadn't mentioned it!
> Even though I have licq working now, it's complaining about my config
> files... I'm getting messages like
> [WRN] Inifile: Warning, failed to find key.
> File   = /hone/user/.licq/licq.conf
> Section = [network]
> Key = "TCPServerPortRange"
> There are several of these messages, all of which are different, including
> one about not being able to find section [startup] in licq_qt-gui.conf.
> All of these things that it says it can't find really are in those files
> and appear, to the best of my knowledge, to have a reasonable value
> assigned to them. These warnings don't appear to affect licq I'd rather
> not see them... I did think about changing the debug level but that
> section seems to have been removed from the menu in this version.

Hm.I didn't have this problem, but then, I didn't follow the
instructions I gave you exactly.  What I actually did was
copy all the "users.conf" file to the new one, and let it
discover the attributes of the contacts from ICQ.  Probably,
then, there is some spacing or punctuation difference in licq.conf.  

Anyway, here is my network section, if it helps:

AllowNewUsers = 1
NumOfServers = 3
DefaultServerPort = 4000
Server1 = icq.mirabilis.com
Server2 = icq2.mirabilis.com
Server3 = icq3.mirabilis.com
TCPServerPort = 0
TCPServerPortRange = 0
TCPEnabled = 1
FirewallHost =
MaxUsersPerPacket = 100
Errors = log.errors
Rejects = log.rejects
Translation = none
UrlViewer = viewurl-netscape.sh
Terminal = xterm -T Licq -e
IgnoreTypes = 1

Yours may have different values, but it should have the
same order and structure.

Crypto key: www.freedomspace.net/~wolfkin/crypto.text
On a visible but distant shore, a new image of man;
The shape of his own future, now in his own hands.-- Johnny Clegg.

[newbie] unsubscibe

2000-01-29 Thread K Mathews


Re: [newbie] linux problems

2000-01-29 Thread Christopher Molnar

You may also want to subscribe to the kde-user list at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and post the problem there as well.
A lot of problems like this are solved very quickly on that list. 

Christopher Molnar
New Enland Business Services, LLC  Aetna, Inc.
Hartford, CT USA   Middletown, CT USA

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Thomas Wegner wrote:

> Hi Christopher! Am Don, 27 Jan 2000 schrieb Chris:
> > i dont understand what the opperating screen is supposed to look like
> > when im done installing, but all i get is a command promt. i cant get
> > gnome or kde or anything to come up. i type "kde" and all i get is a
> > bunch of messages saying xserver canot be found. whats up?
> Try to type "startx". Perhaps you will get some error-messages which will
> be more informative. Perhaps there is a missing link from
> /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86_SVGA to /etc/X11/X. (if you are using a SVGA-Card).
> For more information change to another console (Ctrl-Alt-F5) and type
> "less /var/log/messages".
> --
> Bitte E-Mail an: Thomas Wegner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [newbie] Help!!!Leonardo!!!Brasil!!!

2000-01-29 Thread Bernardo Rodrigues

Hi Leonardo,

Have you tried installing Mandrake in Portuguese, this could possibly be an easier way 
of sorting out your problem. For the StarOffice part , look under the non-kde 
applications item of your K-Menu you should be able to find an icon for StarOffice. If 
you do not have one then after you've installed StarOffice you should have restarted 
kde and this is done in one of the items of your K-Menu ( the little K that you see in 
the far- bottom left of your screen). Also StarOffice does not need to be installed as 
root . If you've created yourself a user account you should be able to install 
StarOffice easily with no need of root's intervention. Please feel free to email me 
personally if you need any help in Portuguese.

Hope this helps.


Bernardo Rodrigues

[newbie] USB and the single guy!

2000-01-29 Thread Dean Westray

Can Linux handle USB devices?
I have an Epson Stylus Photo 750, a Umax Astra2000 Scanner and a external Jetway
modem being run off a 7 port USB Hub.
The version of Linux I'm using is Linux-Mandrake 6.0.
Additionally, can Linux handle a Sound Blaster Live! Player 1024?

D. L. Westray, Dagenham, Essex. U.K.
ICQ# 60436397

[newbie] Mandrake 6.0

2000-01-29 Thread Jake Pettengill


My name is Jake and I bought your Maximum Linux magazine #1. I enjoyed
the magazine but i have trouble installing the Linux Mandrake 6.0 in my
computer (h.p) I have install it several times now, but failed to work. I'm
don't familiar with Linux but I want to learn from it. I'm going to explain
you what happens when I try to get in.

1- Turn on the computer and choose Linux
2- In my screen it appears The Penguin
3- and I'm asked for a login, wich I type jakepp (the one I typed in the 
4- then I type my password (333666) and i get this:

Last login: Fri Jan 28 14:42:48 on tty1
[jakepp@localhost jakepp]$

After this it stays like this, i type "help" and it gives me a list,
I also typed "Tab" key and it gives me another list.

I am trying hard to get it to work but I think is time to ask for help
from people who know, I also followed the 12 easy steps from the magazine
and I also tryed to do it in Workstation and Custom but failed to do so.

I would really appreciate if you can help, thank you!

 Jake Pettengill
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [newbie] Graphical FTP server

2000-01-29 Thread Jason Pratt

At 04:15 PM 1/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm looking to download QUITE a bit from an FTP server, In windows, I
>always used Ws-Ftp, I'm looking for a similiar program or just something
>graphical would be nice.  With Netscape I can only download one file at a
>time, I want to download directories.
>Any help would be appreciated,

What you need to look into is IglooFTP (www.littleigloo.org).  Now from the 
in your post I'm thinking you meant FTP "Client" not server. IglooFTP is a 
client FTP program.
And if your using GNOME it's even better :)  But it looks great by itself 
in KDE..

Give it a whirl!

Jason Pratt

*When God shuts down Windows, he opens Linux.*

[newbie] RPMs

2000-01-29 Thread Lance & Carrie Borden

Hey Y'all,

Does it make any difference "what kind" of rpm I see/install?  What's the
difference between an i386.rpm and a noarch.rpm?  There is sometimes the option
to download i386.rpm, i586.rpm or noarch.rpm, and sometimes there are even rpms
with the same name from different companies (mandrake, suse, red hat, etc.) --
does it make any difference in the world which one I download and install?  I
assume i386 means you need at least a 386 machine, and 586 at least pentium, but


Re: [newbie] simple question I think?

2000-01-29 Thread shuxclams

Have another problem, if I try and "surf" from the IP Masq, netscape for
whatever reason locks up. It did not do this yesterday and nothing has
changed as far as I know on the Linux box? Any Ideas?


sean wrote:

> What is the command to see what services are running? I want to shut
> off SMTP on my IP MASQ. and see what else is running.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
> http://im.yahoo.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] sorry for disturb

2000-01-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> i am a new user of linux i want i have the mandrake 6.1 and i can't run the 
> x windows on my pc
> while installing it ask me to choose a CARD but my card its not found its 
> ATI (128 RAGE) 32MB and my screen is view sonic g790
> i select in the card category unlisted and in the screen my screen view 
> sonic g790 when the test will run it tells there is an error
> please tell me what is the best configuration to setup my vga card and to 
> get on x windows
I believe that the RAGE128 is a new chipset. You MIGHT try
the XF86_Mach64 SVGA server and see if that works... that's
what most of the other ATI cards use.

Re: [newbie] LILO

2000-01-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> Help,I currently run dual OS.I've recently had to re-install win9x on my
> "a"drive and I've lost LILO.How do I re-install LILO?Please be gentle as
> I'm not familiar with linux.While I'm at it,how do I set up my internet
> connection in linux?Also,what would be some good books to read about
> linux?I'm familiar with the microsoft OS-but am getting real tired of
> them,and I'm eager to learn more of linux.Everything I've seen so far is
> most impressive.I look forward to your response.
Do you have the custom boot floppy that was recommended to
create at installation? If so, it's as easy as booting off
that floppy, then log in as root, get to a command-line
prompt and type "/sbin/lilo" (minus quotes.) This will
restore your LILO.

Re: [newbie] A new convert to Linux

2000-01-29 Thread Seth Gibson

On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, RICHARD FRIEDMAN wrote:
> Now, if only we can get a port of High Heat Baseball, the Friedman household
> will be in heaven. :-)
Head over to tuxgames.com and add it to their petitions page

[newbie] Raw Devices

2000-01-29 Thread BryanMoorehead

I am trying to run an install script that asks for the raw floppy device.  My
standard floppy is /dev/fd0
Any idea what I should tell the script to look at for the "raw" floppy?

I tried /dev/rfd0, but apparently that isn't it...


[newbie] How do I unscribe? Too much mail!

2000-01-29 Thread John F. McClinton

RE: [newbie] LILO

2000-01-29 Thread Hever C. Rocha M.I.S

1 -Configure your computer to boot from cdrom

2 -Insert de mandrake cdrom and start the instalation

3 -When the instalation ask for the type the instalation chose upgrade.

4 -This action check yor instalation problem and reinstall your "lilo"

any problems mail-me [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I'm not american! I'm brazilian :-))

-Original Message-
From: mike kelley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: sexta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2000 02:43
To: Linux-mandrake
Subject: [newbie] LILO

Help,I currently run dual OS.I've recently had to re-install win9x on my
"a"drive and I've lost LILO.How do I re-install LILO?Please be gentle as
I'm not familiar with linux.While I'm at it,how do I set up my internet
connection in linux?Also,what would be some good books to read about
linux?I'm familiar with the microsoft OS-but am getting real tired of
them,and I'm eager to learn more of linux.Everything I've seen so far is
most impressive.I look forward to your response.

Thank you
Michael Kelley

Re: [newbie] kernel can't detect my ls-120

2000-01-29 Thread tanghim

Hi Neville,

I've followed what you told me: inputting the line "/dev/hdc/ls120  
msdos   rw,no auto, user  0  0" in the /etc/fstab, but it seems that 
still doesn't work.  The two messages still appear after lilo.  The 
ls-120 cannot be mounted in root user as well as normal users.  I 
think the kenel can detect a ATAPI drive in hdc but can't recognize 
the disk drive is a ls-120 and doesn't load the required driver for 
it.  The BIOS can detect the disk as a ls-120 and I can use it under 
windows 98 (I have two OS in my PC).  What do you think that I should 
do to make the kernel recognizes my ls-120?

>Date sent:Wed, 26 Jan 2000 07:19:07 +1100
>From: Neville Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:  Re: [newbie] kernel can't detect my ls-120
>Send reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Hi,
>> I have installed linux mandrake 6.0, but it can't recognize my
>> ls-120 drive.  The atapi floppy driver has been  installed as a
>> module.  My ls-120 is in hdc.
>> messages after lilo:
>> ...
>> hdc : Q, ATAPI UNKNOWN (type 17) drive
>> ...
>> /dev/hdc: Device not configured
>> Anyone can help me to make the kernel recognize my ls-120?
>> John
>If extra drives are installed after the main installation has passed
>you must add the word 'user' in the options of the device to be
>mounted. Otherwise if left at default, the user will not have rights
>to mount the drives, only root. This can be corrected through kfstab
>and removing 'default' and replace it with rw,no auto,user.Note: you
>will need to add a directory in the root or /mnt (wherever your
>current drives are located)  /ls120 (or anything you like) to mount
>the device. The program kfstab can facilitate this process.
>/etc/fstab file should have the following line.
>/dev/hdc   /ls120  msdos   rw,no auto, user  0  0

Re: [newbie] Xwin

2000-01-29 Thread M Thompson

It sounds like a problem with a piece of hardware on your PC.  Since you are 
having a problem with your hardware, we need to know what hardware you have 
on your PC!


>Subject: [newbie] Xwin
>Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 15:48:27 -0500
>I seem to be having a problem with mandrake7 when it runs X setup on the
>install or I run XFdrake, my system just freezes. Any ideas whats wrong?

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [newbie] Graphical FTP server

2000-01-29 Thread Bernardo Rodrigues

Have you tried gFtp yet? If not give it a try. It is located under the non-kde item of 
your K-Menu. Look for the item Internet under Gnome, you will find it there. It is 
similar to the one you've used under Windows with more features.
If you haven't got it try and find from your Mandrake CD. Also do a search at  
http://www.linuxberg.org  you'll find lots of software there.

Hope this helps

Bernardo Rodrigues