
2001-02-25 Thread Tea Pot

For those who may still interested on partitioning
Below are the result I got of lm7.2 expert mode
partitioning from wut I described in the prior
posting of mine.

I actually want my /boot to be /dev/hde3 and dun
like mah /dev/hde2 to be replaced to /dev/hde5,
as DiskDrak? has done for me.
Short, the best result u can get from that mode is
may be like:
/dev/hde1 the untouchable M$ c:\ partition
all the rest as logical partition inside
the extended partition.

Can see below:

# /etc/fstab
/dev/hde1 /mnt/ntc ntfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hde5 /mnt/ntd ntfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hde6 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hde7 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hde8 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hde9 /z reiserfs defaults 1 2

none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto sync,user,noauto,nosuid,nodev 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom auto user,noauto,nosuid,exec,nodev,ro 0 0
/dev/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 auto user,noauto,nosuid,exec,nodev,ro 0 0

# the first 2 lines with ntfs were appended manually for
# automounting, add something to /etc/filesystems
# if it dun automount after reboot

--- change thema 

For those who still considering how the partitions should look
like. Next reinstall I will do my partitioning from da prompt
with fdisk, cfdisk first b4 beginning my next installation.
(use lilo-boot-disk,cdrom.img,rescue.img to get booted in first)

My partitions should look something like:
/dev/hde1   c:\, nt installer can format largest 4GB
/dev/hde2   d:\, that is why the 2nd nt-space required
/dev/hde3   /boot
/dev/hde4   the wrapper for extended partition
/dev/hde5   swap
/dev/hde6   /
/dev/hde7   /r2, 2nd root partition
/dev/hde8   /r3, 3rd root partition

(problem: dun use Win$os to create the partitions for linux!)

If the system to be installed for hiring many users,
then /home is meaningful, maybe even mount another
/dev/hdf to the /home.
For experiment installation I'd prefer to have 2 or
even more root-partitions, than to have (/usr,/var),
if the HD-space is big enoo

LILO/grub can be configured to boot image with diverse
root-partition as root !
U may then have different version of linux distribution
or divers distribution installed in ur root-partitions.
/boot can be shared for all roots partitions, no question

/usr,/var are may be meaningful, if u desired to bastle
your own linux distribution, (sucks the packages say
from sunsite, metalab ...
If /usr are not clean then easily format, install, ..

Other consideration is may be, if the root partition
is too large and u are planning to use ext2 for that,
because onces u do something wrong with the shutdown,
next time have to wait long untill the e2fschk-ing
process ends, the problem could be solved if reiserFS
is used, as some1 mentioned b4...

Otherwise, I dun think it would be a good Idea,
to share the /usr, /var for diverse root partition.
I mean, u maybe dun want to delete the old partition
before u get satisfied with installing a new one on
other partition ?

For security reason, I just do periodically
tar -cvf - /etc | gzip -c > /boot/etc.tgz
tar -cvf - /root| gzip -c > /boot/root1.tgz

The /boot partition is that partition that should
always be there, while the other partitions are
being delete, repartitioned ...
For ppl who use mobos from the dinos time
I mean prior to '95/94, could still have bios that
dun support LBA, in this case the /boot partition
should be inside the fisrt 1024 cylinder in order
to be able to get booted ..

I think, that should be one of the reason why redhat
installer would create that /boot partition as an
extra partition automatically if u let it do
the autopartitioning.

Nope envelope, stamply ..
Those ones, cvleme are actually nope so nope welcomin
I mean to let da option open, sporadish so,
I'd be bored, else ..
Was never so frndly b4, nope so eno.., 
Things there, keyboard 1b1 protokol implemented ?
I mean, at least, 1 after another, man
I'd like to have absence a while so sporadish

;; ding ding
dog Biter Org

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Re: [newbie] Impossible question?

2001-02-25 Thread John Rye

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001 01:39:37 +0100

Have you attempted to compile this afterstep 'upgrade' yet. ?

The first step in the process is to run './configure' in the top
directory (without the quotes).

If the configure works you can move on to the next step which is run

The word '_works_' in this case means to run without error messages.
What you are looking for are messages such as: 
'Can't find htop/passthegravy.h'
'File not found' 
and so on.

So...in short

unpack the tarball:-  tar -zxvf filename
cd to the resulting directory
Run './configure'
Write down the _entire_ text of any messages thrown up by the compiler
so that we might help.

Then we can move to the next step.

At that point some of those of on the list just might have sufficient
information with which to help you. You may rest assured that if you
don't supply relevant information your problem may well end up in
pending baskets underneath the PDP-11's some of us keep in our

All that said, I am a Linux newbie myself, I've been around computers
since the Intel 4040 was issued with linen daipers. I'm at the other end
of the world and my nearest hands-on help is more than 6 hours drive
away. I have discovered to my peril that if I don't supply timely,
consise and sensible information when I seek help that I might as well

Nuf said?



"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
   (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

Re: [newbie] Impossible question?

2001-02-25 Thread Len Lawrence

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, DRX wrote:

> snip --

>  The first package I am looking for is:
> XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm   According to www.rpmfind.net this
> package doesn't exist.  If it does exist however, I don't know where, and I
> don't know how to find it.

You might be able to use XFree86-devel-4.0.1-26mdk.i586.rpm.  That comes
on the second CD of the LM7.2 Complete set so it should be available from
>  The other package I don't even know the name for.  It was described to
> me like this: "and I don't know how the other one called, but it should be
> for headers for development with graphics libraries"  Apparently he
> considered this sufficient information that somebody who knows more than I
> do would be able to identify this package.  I can't even begin to guess
> what this package might be called, even less where to find it.  That is
> also why a reply like "Go to www.developerrpms.net and you'll find what you
> are looking for" is no help.  If there is such a place it will probably
> have hundreds of rpms and I am too ignorant to be able to figure out what
> the ones I am looking for are named.  I am just a newbie.
Agreed; that doesn't help much.  And agreed also, the "everything" option
in the install does not mean what it says.  Mandrake take the view that
their distribution will only be of interest to strict newbies and refugees
from the M$ world.  They should have more self confidence and realise that
they have a first class product which appeals to diehard Unixers as well.

Have you tried installing AfterStep and locating/downloading each
missing RPM that is reported?  It is a tedious process but you may
get there in the end.  I have had to do it.  If you can get hold of the
second CD that could save a lot of downloading.

Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

Re: [newbie] Can't get eth1 up

2001-02-25 Thread Digital Wokan

If this is a cut-and-paste as opposed to a retype with a typo, then you
should probably change 3th1 to eth1.

Doug Roberts wrote:
> alias eth0 3c503
> alias 3th1 3c503
> options 3c503 irq=5,9 io=0x2e0,0x2a0
> This used to work for SuSE, before it went south on me. What am I doing
> wrong that I cant get eth1 to work?
> If you need more info, I am glad to provide.
> Doug

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

[newbie] Can't get eth1 up

2001-02-25 Thread Doug Roberts

Hi all

I have this problem..2 ethernet nics, both 3com Etherworks II tp using 3c503
modules. Mandrake 7.2 will not see eth1, although eth0 is properly set up
and I can ping the internet and if xwindows  would set up properly, I could
surf the net.

Right now nothing seems to work. linuxconf (loaded from the command line)
will not allow me to set up eth1. Everytime I try to set up eth1 it puts the
io and irq lines in the same space in eth0 and ignores eth1 all together. I
have looked at the modules.conf file and manually setup the lines for eth0
and eth1:

alias eth0 3c503
alias 3th1 3c503
options 3c503 irq=5,9 io=0x2e0,0x2a0

This used to work for SuSE, before it went south on me. What am I doing
wrong that I cant get eth1 to work?
If you need more info, I am glad to provide.


[newbie] Re: Crazy??

2001-02-25 Thread A. Talsta

On 24-Feb-01, you wrote:

> Can any one read this attachment?

Whats the point...


A. Talsta

It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same.
-- Mike Dennison

Re: [newbie] Impossible question?

2001-02-25 Thread Dennis Myers

On Monday 26 February 2001 03:16, you wrote:
> I hope u guys don't mind my butting in here, but I just can't not ask about
> this anymore.  How in the world does one do a "developers install"?  I keep
> reading people talking about it.  I think it must be there somewhere.  I
> know I must have reinstalled this distro a dozen times by now and I have
> yet to hit upon it.  I've typed in expert after pressing F1 and it goes
> back to the regular gui install.  I've typed all, the same basic result. 
> The only expert part is the partitioning.  I have to install much of  the
> developement stuff after wards.  What is the trick?  (7.2)
> TIA,
> -s
> On Sunday 25 February 2001 09:33 pm, you wrote:
> > One other thing, did you do a developer install?
> > -Paul R
Which version of 7.2 do you have? If it is the 2 disk set you can not do the 
developer install cause the files are on disk 3 and 4 of the PowerPack Deluxe 
set, or so it appears to me.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Lotus Organizer for Linux?

2001-02-25 Thread Dennis Myers

On Monday 26 February 2001 01:30, you wrote:
> I used Lotus Organizer for my diary on windows, what options for a diary on
> linux is there?
Maybe korganizer will work for you. It is like a calender todo list etc type 
app.  Look for kpim to.  Good Luck,
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Impossible question?

2001-02-25 Thread Dennis Myers

On Monday 26 February 2001 00:39, you wrote:
>  It seems likely that somebody out there knows the answer to my
> question.  Perhaps he or she thinks that "All he has to do is insert his
> Mandrake CD, and in KDE click on the RpmDrake icon, and then use the
> special SearchMandrakeCD function, and then pick out the package
> Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another package called
> Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number and start the
> "InstallWhatchamacallitGizmo" and that's it," or that "All he has to do is
> to go to ftp://ftp.linux-mandrake.com/sub/lib/dev/rpm/pack/thisorthat/dir
> and then click on down through the subdirectories, until he comes to the
> right one, in which the package Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another
> package called Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number are, and then download
> them to his hard drive."
>  It seems unlikey that he or she will tell me about it however.  I
> don't know why.  Perhaps the answer is considered so simple that I have to
> be an idiot not to know the answer?  Perhaps on the other hand the problem
> is too difficult?  I don't believe that though.  I think most of you
> experienced Linux users could probably solve this in no time, so here it
> goes, one more time:
>  I have downloaded a tarball with the latest version of AfterStep.  In
> order to compile it I need first to install two packages which were not
> installed in Mandrake, even though I chose "everything" when I installed
> Mandrake.  Finding and installing these two packages is probably
> ridiculously easy once you know how it's done, but unfortunately I don't
> know how it's done.  Perhaps they are on the Mandrake CD.  Perhaps there is
> some kind of tool in KDE to find out.  I don't know.  Perhaps they are at
> the Mandrake FTP site.  Perhaps there is even some page on the site which
> contains full instructions concerning what I need and where to find it.  I
> don't know.  I have tried these things though.  I have tried searching the
> Mandrake CD.  I have tried using the "RpmDrake" tool.  I have tried
> searching at the Mandrake site as well, and I have tried searching at
> www.rpmfind.net.  Nothing has produced any results, and it seems that I
> have to conclude that it is not possible to install AfterStep on Linux
> Mandrake -- not possible for me that is.  Probably somebody else could.
>  The first package I am looking for is:
> XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm   According to www.rpmfind.net this
> package doesn't exist.  If it does exist however, I don't know where, and I
> don't know how to find it.
>  The other package I don't even know the name for.  It was described to
> me like this: "and I don't know how the other one called, but it should be
> for headers for development with graphics libraries"  Apparently he
> considered this sufficient information that somebody who knows more than I
> do would be able to identify this package.  I can't even begin to guess
> what this package might be called, even less where to find it.  That is
> also why a reply like "Go to www.developerrpms.net and you'll find what you
> are looking for" is no help.  If there is such a place it will probably
> have hundreds of rpms and I am too ignorant to be able to figure out what
> the ones I am looking for are named.  I am just a newbie.
>  I am very grateful for all and any help.  Thank you.
http://niteowl.userfriendly.net/linux/RPM/AfterStep.html This URL implies 
that the complete AfterStep  window manager will install on the file to be 
downloaded here. ???  Like you I have looked at all the various sites and 
find no devel file  for xfree86.  Something just isn't right about this. So I 
looked in my rpmdrake and lo and behold afterstep is installed on my system. 
This then begs the question>> is your install from the internet download or 
the two disk commercial set. If it is, I suspect the afterstep files are part 
of the commercial PowerPack Deluxe 7 disk set.  I don't know of any other 
explanation and can't find the files you need to download.  Sorry I'm no help.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

[newbie] New Majordomo mandrakeusers help list

2001-02-25 Thread KompuKit

I've created a new domo list for mandrakeusers...
it's an unofficial help list...
to subscribe:
send email to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with in the body of it, send the command:

subscribe mandrakeusers

please adhere to the server times below, before sending
to this list...
Registered Linux User: 167369
<= http://www.kompukit.com =>
Personal WebServer:   http://kompukit.dyndns.org
WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am & S+S=12pm-12am)

RE: [newbie] Impossible question?

2001-02-25 Thread Paul Rodríguez

The developer install option should come shortly after you choose "beginner,
custom, or expert".  It asks you what the general purpose of your system
will be, and gives you three options "workstation, server, development".  At
least that's what I remember from a 7.1 expert install.

-Paul R

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of s
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Impossible question?

I hope u guys don't mind my butting in here, but I just can't not ask about
this anymore.  How in the world does one do a "developers install"?  I keep
reading people talking about it.  I think it must be there somewhere.  I
I must have reinstalled this distro a dozen times by now and I have yet to
hit upon it.  I've typed in expert after pressing F1 and it goes back to the
regular gui install.  I've typed all, the same basic result.  The only
part is the partitioning.  I have to install much of  the developement stuff
after wards.  What is the trick?  (7.2)

On Sunday 25 February 2001 09:33 pm, you wrote:
> One other thing, did you do a developer install?

> -Paul R

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Re: [newbie] Add themes to theme manager on KDE2.1 beta 2

2001-02-25 Thread s

On Sunday 25 February 2001 05:14 pm, you wrote:
> s wrote:
> > On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> > > s wrote:
> > > > That one's a little different.  the instructions are at the site
> > > > where you downloaded it, but it amounts to cp the theme.rc to the
> > > > kstyles/themes folder and copying aquatic's pixmaps folder to
> > > > kstyles/pixmaps/.  Then you can choose it from your Styles section
> > > > rather than the theme manager.  You can get real creative and copy
> > > > one of the button.png to the panel directory so you can have your
> > > > kpanel quick launcher 'skinned'.  Please check the site for offical
> > > > instructions. -s
> > > >
> > > > On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> > > > > On Saturday 24 February 2001 14:10, Romanator wrote:
> > > > > > That's all there is to it.
> > > > >
> > > > > There has to be more to it.
> > > > >
> > > > > I'm running KDE 2.1 Beta 2. I just downloaded
> > > > > Aquatica-KDE2.0.tar.gz from kde.themes.org and put it in a temp
> > > > > directory. Then I clicked on Add in the Themes Manager and
> > > > > navigated to the temp dir.
> > > > >
> > > > > First off, it's got a filter of *.ktheme so it can't see what I
> > > > > downloaded.
> > > > >
> > > > > If I append .ktheme to the filename -- or if I change the filter to
> > > > > *.gz -- I get a message saying "Theme does not contain a .themerc
> > > > > file".
> > > > >
> > > > > M.
> > >
> > > I checked it out. I was able to edit my panel and wallpaper manually.
> > > However, the automatic install feature seems to be temporarily
> > > disabled. The only theme that works okat is anti-stress.tar.gz
> >
> > It's not automatic, you must do it manually.
> > -s
> I know. Mdk7.0 to 7.1 allowed an automatic installation. I'm sure that
> they will not remove this feature in Version 8. I'm looking forward to
> it. I think it's still an alpha.
> Roman

I tried that Matrix theme.  I was pretty cool, but it seemed to use a lot of 
resources.  My machine would just stop working and when I looked at the 
memory usage tab, this was the first time I ever needed swap.  At times both 
the physical and swap were at 100% used.  Then when I tried to unload it, it 
wouldn't go away.  Most of it did, but the window borders stayed through 
several reboots.  I had to reinstall my os anyway, but I don't think I'll try 
that one again.  Aquatic looks pretty cool.  I'm going back to get 
Assimilated, it's almost just like a WindowBlind I had back in my windows 

Re: [newbie] Impossible question?

2001-02-25 Thread s

I hope u guys don't mind my butting in here, but I just can't not ask about 
this anymore.  How in the world does one do a "developers install"?  I keep 
reading people talking about it.  I think it must be there somewhere.  I know 
I must have reinstalled this distro a dozen times by now and I have yet to 
hit upon it.  I've typed in expert after pressing F1 and it goes back to the 
regular gui install.  I've typed all, the same basic result.  The only expert 
part is the partitioning.  I have to install much of  the developement stuff 
after wards.  What is the trick?  (7.2)

On Sunday 25 February 2001 09:33 pm, you wrote:
> One other thing, did you do a developer install?  

> -Paul R

RE: [newbie] Impossible question?

2001-02-25 Thread Paul Rodríguez

One other thing, did you do a developer install?  It sounds like you might
be missing the libraries to be able to compile a program that are included
when you state that you'll be using your system for development (as opposed
to workstation or server).  I seem to remember it being said on the list
that you can put in the mandrake cds again and choose to upgrade (even
though it's the same version) to a developer install.  I've never tried it
though, so I'm not sure if it works.  Also, you can check for a folder in
rpmdrake listed something like graphical desktops then a subfolder within
that called afterstep (my system's currently down so I can't check this).
You might want to try installing those packages first and seeing if that

-Paul R

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of DRX
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 9:40 PM
Subject: [newbie] Impossible question?

 It seems likely that somebody out there knows the answer to my
question.  Perhaps he or she thinks that "All he has to do is insert his
Mandrake CD, and in KDE click on the RpmDrake icon, and then use the
special SearchMandrakeCD function, and then pick out the package
Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another package called
Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number and start the
"InstallWhatchamacallitGizmo" and that's it," or that "All he has to do is
to go to ftp://ftp.linux-mandrake.com/sub/lib/dev/rpm/pack/thisorthat/dir
and then click on down through the subdirectories, until he comes to the
right one, in which the package Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another
package called Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number are, and then download
them to his hard drive."

 It seems unlikey that he or she will tell me about it however.  I
don't know why.  Perhaps the answer is considered so simple that I have to
be an idiot not to know the answer?  Perhaps on the other hand the problem
is too difficult?  I don't believe that though.  I think most of you
experienced Linux users could probably solve this in no time, so here it
goes, one more time:

 I have downloaded a tarball with the latest version of AfterStep.  In
order to compile it I need first to install two packages which were not
installed in Mandrake, even though I chose "everything" when I installed
Mandrake.  Finding and installing these two packages is probably
ridiculously easy once you know how it's done, but unfortunately I don't
know how it's done.  Perhaps they are on the Mandrake CD.  Perhaps there is
some kind of tool in KDE to find out.  I don't know.  Perhaps they are at
the Mandrake FTP site.  Perhaps there is even some page on the site which
contains full instructions concerning what I need and where to find it.  I
don't know.  I have tried these things though.  I have tried searching the
Mandrake CD.  I have tried using the "RpmDrake" tool.  I have tried
searching at the Mandrake site as well, and I have tried searching at
www.rpmfind.net.  Nothing has produced any results, and it seems that I
have to conclude that it is not possible to install AfterStep on Linux
Mandrake -- not possible for me that is.  Probably somebody else could.

 The first package I am looking for is:
XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm   According to www.rpmfind.net this
package doesn't exist.  If it does exist however, I don't know where, and I
don't know how to find it.

 The other package I don't even know the name for.  It was described to
me like this: "and I don't know how the other one called, but it should be
for headers for development with graphics libraries"  Apparently he
considered this sufficient information that somebody who knows more than I
do would be able to identify this package.  I can't even begin to guess
what this package might be called, even less where to find it.  That is
also why a reply like "Go to www.developerrpms.net and you'll find what you
are looking for" is no help.  If there is such a place it will probably
have hundreds of rpms and I am too ignorant to be able to figure out what
the ones I am looking for are named.  I am just a newbie.

 I am very grateful for all and any help.  Thank you.


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RE: [newbie] Impossible question?

2001-02-25 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Sorry, that should read "can't help you".  Sorry about that.

-Paul R

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Rodríguez
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 12:00 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Impossible question?

Ok, the rpm for XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm is at the following link.
I did a search for xfree86 on rpmfind.net and looked at the packages
labelled mandrake in the "distribution" column.


I can help you on the other points.
Sounds like good Linux desperation though.  We've all been there.  :)
Good luck.

-Paul R

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of DRX
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 9:40 PM
Subject: [newbie] Impossible question?

 It seems likely that somebody out there knows the answer to my
question.  Perhaps he or she thinks that "All he has to do is insert his
Mandrake CD, and in KDE click on the RpmDrake icon, and then use the
special SearchMandrakeCD function, and then pick out the package
Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another package called
Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number and start the
"InstallWhatchamacallitGizmo" and that's it," or that "All he has to do is
to go to ftp://ftp.linux-mandrake.com/sub/lib/dev/rpm/pack/thisorthat/dir
and then click on down through the subdirectories, until he comes to the
right one, in which the package Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another
package called Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number are, and then download
them to his hard drive."

 It seems unlikey that he or she will tell me about it however.  I
don't know why.  Perhaps the answer is considered so simple that I have to
be an idiot not to know the answer?  Perhaps on the other hand the problem
is too difficult?  I don't believe that though.  I think most of you
experienced Linux users could probably solve this in no time, so here it
goes, one more time:

 I have downloaded a tarball with the latest version of AfterStep.  In
order to compile it I need first to install two packages which were not
installed in Mandrake, even though I chose "everything" when I installed
Mandrake.  Finding and installing these two packages is probably
ridiculously easy once you know how it's done, but unfortunately I don't
know how it's done.  Perhaps they are on the Mandrake CD.  Perhaps there is
some kind of tool in KDE to find out.  I don't know.  Perhaps they are at
the Mandrake FTP site.  Perhaps there is even some page on the site which
contains full instructions concerning what I need and where to find it.  I
don't know.  I have tried these things though.  I have tried searching the
Mandrake CD.  I have tried using the "RpmDrake" tool.  I have tried
searching at the Mandrake site as well, and I have tried searching at
www.rpmfind.net.  Nothing has produced any results, and it seems that I
have to conclude that it is not possible to install AfterStep on Linux
Mandrake -- not possible for me that is.  Probably somebody else could.

 The first package I am looking for is:
XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm   According to www.rpmfind.net this
package doesn't exist.  If it does exist however, I don't know where, and I
don't know how to find it.

 The other package I don't even know the name for.  It was described to
me like this: "and I don't know how the other one called, but it should be
for headers for development with graphics libraries"  Apparently he
considered this sufficient information that somebody who knows more than I
do would be able to identify this package.  I can't even begin to guess
what this package might be called, even less where to find it.  That is
also why a reply like "Go to www.developerrpms.net and you'll find what you
are looking for" is no help.  If there is such a place it will probably
have hundreds of rpms and I am too ignorant to be able to figure out what
the ones I am looking for are named.  I am just a newbie.

 I am very grateful for all and any help.  Thank you.


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

RE: [newbie] Impossible question?

2001-02-25 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Ok, the rpm for XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm is at the following link.
I did a search for xfree86 on rpmfind.net and looked at the packages
labelled mandrake in the "distribution" column.


I can help you on the other points.
Sounds like good Linux desperation though.  We've all been there.  :)
Good luck.

-Paul R

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of DRX
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 9:40 PM
Subject: [newbie] Impossible question?

 It seems likely that somebody out there knows the answer to my
question.  Perhaps he or she thinks that "All he has to do is insert his
Mandrake CD, and in KDE click on the RpmDrake icon, and then use the
special SearchMandrakeCD function, and then pick out the package
Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another package called
Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number and start the
"InstallWhatchamacallitGizmo" and that's it," or that "All he has to do is
to go to ftp://ftp.linux-mandrake.com/sub/lib/dev/rpm/pack/thisorthat/dir
and then click on down through the subdirectories, until he comes to the
right one, in which the package Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another
package called Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number are, and then download
them to his hard drive."

 It seems unlikey that he or she will tell me about it however.  I
don't know why.  Perhaps the answer is considered so simple that I have to
be an idiot not to know the answer?  Perhaps on the other hand the problem
is too difficult?  I don't believe that though.  I think most of you
experienced Linux users could probably solve this in no time, so here it
goes, one more time:

 I have downloaded a tarball with the latest version of AfterStep.  In
order to compile it I need first to install two packages which were not
installed in Mandrake, even though I chose "everything" when I installed
Mandrake.  Finding and installing these two packages is probably
ridiculously easy once you know how it's done, but unfortunately I don't
know how it's done.  Perhaps they are on the Mandrake CD.  Perhaps there is
some kind of tool in KDE to find out.  I don't know.  Perhaps they are at
the Mandrake FTP site.  Perhaps there is even some page on the site which
contains full instructions concerning what I need and where to find it.  I
don't know.  I have tried these things though.  I have tried searching the
Mandrake CD.  I have tried using the "RpmDrake" tool.  I have tried
searching at the Mandrake site as well, and I have tried searching at
www.rpmfind.net.  Nothing has produced any results, and it seems that I
have to conclude that it is not possible to install AfterStep on Linux
Mandrake -- not possible for me that is.  Probably somebody else could.

 The first package I am looking for is:
XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm   According to www.rpmfind.net this
package doesn't exist.  If it does exist however, I don't know where, and I
don't know how to find it.

 The other package I don't even know the name for.  It was described to
me like this: "and I don't know how the other one called, but it should be
for headers for development with graphics libraries"  Apparently he
considered this sufficient information that somebody who knows more than I
do would be able to identify this package.  I can't even begin to guess
what this package might be called, even less where to find it.  That is
also why a reply like "Go to www.developerrpms.net and you'll find what you
are looking for" is no help.  If there is such a place it will probably
have hundreds of rpms and I am too ignorant to be able to figure out what
the ones I am looking for are named.  I am just a newbie.

 I am very grateful for all and any help.  Thank you.


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] printers again

2001-02-25 Thread Michael O'Henly

You might get better responses if you said what your requirements are first. 
Office? Colour? High volume? Cost?

For starters, any Postscript printer can be made to work perfectly with any 
Linux flavour. More and more non-Postscript printers are being well supported 
as well. In Linux-Mandrake that support is primarily through the use of CUPS. 
Check this site for details:


Actually, it's not responding today for some reason, but keep checking the 
URL. Lots of good info here.


On Sunday 25 February 2001 17:44, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> looking for many opinions on printers ones that work perfectly with
> 7.2 all responses are greatly appreciated

Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

RE: [newbie] boot problems (was unmounting drives)

2001-02-25 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Thanks for the help.  BUt no.  Still had the smae problem.  NO biggy.
I'm going to reinstall, try ReisserFS why I'm at it.
:)  I'll let you know how it goes.

-Paul R

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 4:47 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] boot problems (was unmounting drives)

Paul Rodríguez wrote:
> Yes, I've run fsck, ound no problems.  I might have to
> reformat and reinstall.  Any last minute ideas?
> -Paul R
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Alan Shoemaker
> Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 7:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] boot problems (was unmounting drives)
> Paul Rodríguez wrote:
> > Hi, I still can't get this resolved.
> >
> > When I try to boot I get an error that /dev/hda9 and
> > /dev/hda8 are already mounted, can't continue, and drop's
> > me to root for maintenance with password.
> >
> > Once there, I can't unmount /hda8 because it is in use.
> > If I switch runlevels to single user mode, I can unmount
> > both drives, but whatever I do, the same thing happens
> > when I reboot.
> >
> > Please help!
> >
> > -Paul R
> Paulhave you run fsck on them after you've gotten them
> unmounted in single user mode?
> --
> Alan
> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Paulyes, try the following before you reformat.  In
single user mode, after getting them both unmounted do as
below (example is from my system):

[root@obi-wan /root]# fdisk /dev/hda

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/hda: 64 heads, 63 sectors, 787 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 4032 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1   104209632+   6  FAT16
/dev/hda2   105   787   13769285  Extended
/dev/hda5   105   231256000+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda6   232   235  8032+  83  Linux
/dev/hda7   236   239  8032+  83  Linux
/dev/hda8   240   243  8032+  83  Linux
/dev/hda9   244   247  8032+  83  Linux
/dev/hda10  248   251  8032+  83  Linux
/dev/hda11  252   255  8063+  83  Linux
/dev/hda12  288   787   1008000   83  Linux

Command (m for help):

Then copy all of the info from the lines of /dev/hda8 and
/dev/hda9.  Then do a 'd' (delete) command on partitions 8
and 9.  Finally recreate them with the 'n' command using the
data you copied down.  The two new partitions should be
intact containing all of the original data and hopfully not
containing the problem.  I don't remember for sure if they'll
still be 8 and 9, if they're not there's a command in the x
(expert) menu called 'f' (fix partition order).  Good luck.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

[newbie] printers again

2001-02-25 Thread dalpe

looking for many opinions on printers ones that work perfectly with
7.2 all responses are greatly appreciated

[newbie] Lotus Organizer for Linux?

2001-02-25 Thread Jon Doe

I used Lotus Organizer for my diary on windows, what options for a diary on 
linux is there?

[newbie] sicstus prolog

2001-02-25 Thread Yogindra Persaud

Does anyone know where I can get a free copy of 
sicstus prolog...that is, an unlicensed version that doesn't expire after 30 

Re: [newbie] system sounds

2001-02-25 Thread Mark Weaver

Hmmm...is your sound card recognized?


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, KompuKit wrote:

> Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 16:56:38 +
> From: KompuKit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] system sounds
> installed ALSA...still can't hear system sounds
> Mark Weaver wrote:
> >
> > Hi Kit,
> >
> > Installing Alsa sounds like a good idea to me.
> >
> > --
> > Mark
> >
> > "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
> > "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
> >
> > On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, KompuKit wrote:
> >
> > > Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 08:59:44 -0500
> > > From: KompuKit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > To: Linux-Mandrake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > >  Expert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: [newbie] system sounds
> > >
> > > I can't get any system sounds...
> > > I hear Licq sounds, MP3s, midi's, wavs...if clicked on separately...
> > > but not any systems sounds...why?
> > >
> > > do i need to install ALSA 
> > >

[newbie] Impossible question?

2001-02-25 Thread DRX

 It seems likely that somebody out there knows the answer to my
question.  Perhaps he or she thinks that "All he has to do is insert his
Mandrake CD, and in KDE click on the RpmDrake icon, and then use the
special SearchMandrakeCD function, and then pick out the package
Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another package called
Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number and start the
"InstallWhatchamacallitGizmo" and that's it," or that "All he has to do is
to go to ftp://ftp.linux-mandrake.com/sub/lib/dev/rpm/pack/thisorthat/dir
and then click on down through the subdirectories, until he comes to the
right one, in which the package Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another
package called Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number are, and then download
them to his hard drive."

 It seems unlikey that he or she will tell me about it however.  I
don't know why.  Perhaps the answer is considered so simple that I have to
be an idiot not to know the answer?  Perhaps on the other hand the problem
is too difficult?  I don't believe that though.  I think most of you
experienced Linux users could probably solve this in no time, so here it
goes, one more time:

 I have downloaded a tarball with the latest version of AfterStep.  In
order to compile it I need first to install two packages which were not
installed in Mandrake, even though I chose "everything" when I installed
Mandrake.  Finding and installing these two packages is probably
ridiculously easy once you know how it's done, but unfortunately I don't
know how it's done.  Perhaps they are on the Mandrake CD.  Perhaps there is
some kind of tool in KDE to find out.  I don't know.  Perhaps they are at
the Mandrake FTP site.  Perhaps there is even some page on the site which
contains full instructions concerning what I need and where to find it.  I
don't know.  I have tried these things though.  I have tried searching the
Mandrake CD.  I have tried using the "RpmDrake" tool.  I have tried
searching at the Mandrake site as well, and I have tried searching at
www.rpmfind.net.  Nothing has produced any results, and it seems that I
have to conclude that it is not possible to install AfterStep on Linux
Mandrake -- not possible for me that is.  Probably somebody else could.

 The first package I am looking for is:
XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm   According to www.rpmfind.net this
package doesn't exist.  If it does exist however, I don't know where, and I
don't know how to find it.

 The other package I don't even know the name for.  It was described to
me like this: "and I don't know how the other one called, but it should be
for headers for development with graphics libraries"  Apparently he
considered this sufficient information that somebody who knows more than I
do would be able to identify this package.  I can't even begin to guess
what this package might be called, even less where to find it.  That is
also why a reply like "Go to www.developerrpms.net and you'll find what you
are looking for" is no help.  If there is such a place it will probably
have hundreds of rpms and I am too ignorant to be able to figure out what
the ones I am looking for are named.  I am just a newbie.

 I am very grateful for all and any help.  Thank you.


Re: [newbie]

2001-02-25 Thread UDDANE

thank you Ricky

this was what I needed to know


Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread adam

I tried that they can't find it (my email)Jack#$@#$!!!
- Original Message -
From: Paul Rodríguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 10:26 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.

> Thanks so much.  I laughed so %^&%#&$*^%$ hard!
> -Paul  R
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 11:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is
> crazy.
> > That's simply hillarious! Where do you find that kind of stuff?
> From another Email list I am on.  One of the list members posted it.  You
> might want to save an .html copy of it.  I don't know if M$ has been
> or if it's for real.  
> On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 00:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Maybe this link will help you to unsub:
> >
> > http://www.microsoft.com&[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.
> >asp
> >
> > (You're Welcome.)
> >
> > ---
> >
> > > On Thursday 22 February 2001 10:43 pm, you wrote:
> > > Please take me off I can't even check my email without having 200
> > > a day from people who don't know how to pick up a book...please
> > > thank's.
> How does that old saying go?  "Sorry about your luck."?  ;)
> > --
> >
> > And oh yeah, speaking of people who can't read, books or otherwise.
> > Unsub where you signed up to begin with. just like it reads on the
> > web site.
> --
> Sridhar Dhanapalan.
> "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
> LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
> -- Jeremy S. Anderson
> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

RE: [newbie] Linux partitioning

2001-02-25 Thread Daryl Johnson

well, having answered this one already a few days ago it looks to me as though 
there may be some mileage in both a FAQ and an archive in a more formally 
structured ng.
here goes.
If you 
have <128Mb memory it seems like a good idea to make swap partition = double 
certainly need a / partition, which can be pretty large and a /home partition 
for users and their assorted personal/mail files does no harm either.  
Say... anything from 10Mb upwards for /home?
/root partition is quite a good idea if you are going to be using more than one 
kernel.  This one can be limited to say 10Mb.
= 2 times Ram (unless you have large amounts of Ram
= 10Mb or more depending on number of users and what personal 
files/configurations they have
= /10Mb say?
/ = 
the rest.
all the good things being said about reiser in this ng it is worth considering 
this format instead of ext2.
oh yes, there is lots of information on this topic in already existing FAQs and 

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Gregg BlackSent: 25 February 2001 22:09To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] Linux 
  partitioningI'm reading up on setting up 
  linux, and it states that many will setup separate partitions for /usr and 
  /home besides ones swap space.  I would like to ask you how you usually 
  setup your partitioning.  I was a little bit confused on it, for you at 
  least need a mounting point of root.  This is how I did it, but I'm not 
  sure if it's how it should be done.  I set one partition for about 3/4 of 
  the drive as '/'.  I thought that would cover my separate partition for 
  /usr as well as the mount point.  My second partition and about 1/4 of 
  the drive (not all, as the last is for swap) I set as mount point /home.  
  Then of course the remaining 256 megs I set for swap.At first I was 
  going to create a 7 meg partition just for mounting root, then the larger 3/4 
  approx for /usr, and then the last primary for /home but I thought it just 
  made more sense to make just a / and /home partition.  Maybe I'm just not 
  thinking about this correctly.  Any suggestions would be 
  appreciated!I'm using mandrake 7.2-Gregg 

Re: [newbie] **offtopic** JavaScript

2001-02-25 Thread David Grubb

Put the following tags in the   section of your webpage - may not work 
for every browser, but should for most. Effectively, it tells the browser to get the 
page from the server every time, and not cache the page to the local computer...


-Original Message-
From: Édison Andrés [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 11:17 AM
To: Linux Novatos
Subject: [newbie] **offtopic** JavaScript

I made a web page that calls a JavaScript file.

My problem is when I change the JavaScript file, the browser not
download the new archive.

I think if I delete my history, the problem desapear for me.  But what
happen with the other users?

Anybody knows how can I solution this problem for final users?

Édison Andrés Rivera Noreña
Ingeniero de Sistemas
Departamento de Informática
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Medellín - Colombia

David Grubb - Internet / Intranet Content Officer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +61 2 9895-7408
Department of Land and Water Conservation
Sydney,  Australia


WARNING: This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain 
confidential/privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please 
delete it and notify the sender. Views expressed in this messages are those of the 
individual sender, and are not necessarily the views of the NSW Department of Land and 
Water Conservation. You should scan any attached files for viruses.

RE: [newbie] Some problems

2001-02-25 Thread Daryl Johnson

I was advised once not to use kill -9 if I could get away with using one of
the other signal numbers as it is so 'brutal'. (It was described as 'like
creeping up behind the process and hitting it with an axe'.)

I'm impressed that this option doesn't work and don't know what to suggest



> A) Sometimes kwintv hung and it is impossible to kill it (kill -9 ps or
> killall kwintv doesn't work). If I shutdown the computer every thing
> seems to be OK, but starting the computer again, the partition hdb8
> (/home) is not well umounted and needs to be fixed.
> One time I did: umount /home before to shutdown and the message doesn
> appear when the computer started again, but this is not a good solution,
> If kwintv hang and I like to watch tv I need to shutdown the computer.
> Does anybody know a way to kill efectively kwintv when this occurs?


[newbie] Timezone problem

2001-02-25 Thread Renaud OLGIATI

My timezone (Paraguay) has changed this morning from Summer Time to Winter 

Only problem is that it is not supposed to change for at lease another month.

Where could I report the discrepancy ?

I hink the problem is in the file /usr/share/zoneinfo/america/Asuncion, but 
its written in illegible, and I dont know how to modify it  ;-(


Ron the Frog, on the banks of the Paraguay River.
 Measure with a micrometer.  Mark with chalk.  Cut with an axe.
  ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

[newbie] Help on g77 installation

2001-02-25 Thread Aldo Colussi


I have Mandrake 7.2 and I'm trying to install g77.
Accordind to the installing instruction I shound run
configure, but when I type ./configure I receive a
"not found" error.

Can somebody help me about it?

Does anyone have some clear installation instructions?

Thank you, Al

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] Add themes to theme manager on KDE2.1 beta 2

2001-02-25 Thread Romanator

s wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> > s wrote:
> > > That one's a little different.  the instructions are at the site where
> > > you downloaded it, but it amounts to cp the theme.rc to the
> > > kstyles/themes folder and copying aquatic's pixmaps folder to
> > > kstyles/pixmaps/.  Then you can choose it from your Styles section rather
> > > than the theme manager.  You can get real creative and copy one of the
> > > button.png to the panel directory so you can have your kpanel quick
> > > launcher 'skinned'.  Please check the site for offical instructions.
> > > -s
> > >
> > > On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> > > > On Saturday 24 February 2001 14:10, Romanator wrote:
> > > > > That's all there is to it.
> > > >
> > > > There has to be more to it.
> > > >
> > > > I'm running KDE 2.1 Beta 2. I just downloaded Aquatica-KDE2.0.tar.gz
> > > > from kde.themes.org and put it in a temp directory. Then I clicked on
> > > > Add in the Themes Manager and navigated to the temp dir.
> > > >
> > > > First off, it's got a filter of *.ktheme so it can't see what I
> > > > downloaded.
> > > >
> > > > If I append .ktheme to the filename -- or if I change the filter to
> > > > *.gz -- I get a message saying "Theme does not contain a .themerc
> > > > file".
> > > >
> > > > M.
> >
> > I checked it out. I was able to edit my panel and wallpaper manually.
> > However, the automatic install feature seems to be temporarily disabled.
> > The only theme that works okat is anti-stress.tar.gz
> It's not automatic, you must do it manually.
> -s

I know. Mdk7.0 to 7.1 allowed an automatic installation. I'm sure that
they will not remove this feature in Version 8. I'm looking forward to
it. I think it's still an alpha.


[newbie] Some problems

2001-02-25 Thread falcaraz

Dear folks,
I have the next problems:

A) Sometimes kwintv hung and it is impossible to kill it (kill -9 ps or
killall kwintv doesn't work). If I shutdown the computer every thing
seems to be OK, but starting the computer again, the partition hdb8
(/home) is not well umounted and needs to be fixed.
One time I did: umount /home before to shutdown and the message doesn
appear when the computer started again, but this is not a good solution,
If kwintv hang and I like to watch tv I need to shutdown the computer.

Does anybody know a way to kill efectively kwintv when this occurs?

B) I have an Avermedia TVCapture98 tv-card, but when mandrake start it
detects an Avermedia TVPhone98. Both are so similar, but the bttv code
differs and to have the tv working I need to introduce in modules.conf
the bttv module with parameters (card=16).
Is there anyway to force linux recognized the right card? or it is the
modules.conf modification is the only solution?

Thanks a lot for your kind help,

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

Re: [newbie] Linux partitioning

2001-02-25 Thread Ricky Schultz

the swap file should never be more than 128meg in size...actually
smaller if you have more than 128 mb of ram!

you can do a complete install with as little as one / partition and one
swap file!
on my current setup I have / ,/home, and swap as my partitions
mandrake does the rest

Gregg Black wrote:
> I'm reading up on setting up linux, and it states that many will setup
> separate partitions for /usr and /home besides ones swap space.  I
> would like to ask you how you usually setup your partitioning.  I was
> a little bit confused on it, for you at least need a mounting point of
> root.  This is how I did it, but I'm not sure if it's how it should be
> done.  I set one partition for about 3/4 of the drive as '/'.  I
> thought that would cover my separate partition for /usr as well as the
> mount point.  My second partition and about 1/4 of the drive (not all,
> as the last is for swap) I set as mount point /home.  Then of course
> the remaining 256 megs I set for swap.
> At first I was going to create a 7 meg partition just for mounting
> root, then the larger 3/4 approx for /usr, and then the last primary
> for /home but I thought it just made more sense to make just a / and
> /home partition.  Maybe I'm just not thinking about this correctly.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated!
> I'm using mandrake 7.2
> -Gregg

Re: [newbie] **offtopic** JavaScript

2001-02-25 Thread David Grubb

Regarding my last post with the  tag solution, I've just re-read your post and 
it clicked that you are linking a js file, not embedding the script within the page - 
in which case the meta tags won't stop the js files from being cached.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is a solution for this that doesn't involve user 
intervention (don't quote me on that and by all means, keep looking :)  -  Mark 
Johnson mentioned holding the shift key while clicking reload (control - r in most 
browsers works also), probably the best solution would be to include a note on the 
page asking visitors to press ctrl-r to ensure they receive the most up to date 
version of the page



David Grubb - Internet / Intranet Content Officer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +61 2 9895-7408
Department of Land and Water Conservation
Sydney,  Australia

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/24 4:16 am >>>
I made a web page that calls a JavaScript file.

My problem is when I change the JavaScript file, the browser not
download the new archive.

I think if I delete my history, the problem desapear for me.  But what
happen with the other users?

Anybody knows how can I solution this problem for final users?

Édison Andrés Rivera Noreña
Ingeniero de Sistemas
Departamento de Informática
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Medellín - Colombia


WARNING: This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain 
confidential/privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please 
delete it and notify the sender. Views expressed in this messages are those of the 
individual sender, and are not necessarily the views of the NSW Department of Land and 
Water Conservation. You should scan any attached files for viruses.

Re: [newbie] Can't load file with zoneinfos (install fails on 7.2)

2001-02-25 Thread Ricky Schultz

did you make your disks from the iso images?  If so, than I would
suggest your cds may be at fault for sure.  iso image is te best deal! 
You could buy the storebought copy with manuals for less than 30 bucks.  

Peter Schram wrote:
> Hi,
> I have downloaded Mandrake 7.2 (2 CD's). Install goes great untill the
> installing timezone part. It states it can't find the file with the
> zoneinfos. When the install is aborted, I can read on the console: can't cd
> to /usr/share/zoneinfo.
> This dir isn't on my disk anywhere. I checked the downloadsite, there
> shouldn't be one either. At least I don't think so. This problem has occured
> on two totally different machines, so I think it has to be the cd's.
> As a result I don't have a working Linux install. Does anyone have a
> suggestion?
> Best regards,
> Peter Schram

[newbie] Linux partitioning

2001-02-25 Thread Gregg Black

I'm reading up on setting up linux, and it states that many
will setup separate partitions for /usr and /home besides ones swap
space.  I would like to ask you how you usually setup your
partitioning.  I was a little bit confused on it, for you at least
need a mounting point of root.  This is how I did it, but I'm not
sure if it's how it should be done.  I set one partition for about
3/4 of the drive as '/'.  I thought that would cover my separate
partition for /usr as well as the mount point.  My second partition
and about 1/4 of the drive (not all, as the last is for swap) I set as
mount point /home.  Then of course the remaining 256 megs I set for

At first I was going to create a 7 meg partition just for mounting root,
then the larger 3/4 approx for /usr, and then the last primary for /home
but I thought it just made more sense to make just a / and /home
partition.  Maybe I'm just not thinking about this correctly. 
Any suggestions would be appreciated!

I'm using mandrake 7.2


Re: [newbie] Add themes to theme manager on KDE2.1 beta 2

2001-02-25 Thread s

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> s wrote:
> > That one's a little different.  the instructions are at the site where
> > you downloaded it, but it amounts to cp the theme.rc to the
> > kstyles/themes folder and copying aquatic's pixmaps folder to
> > kstyles/pixmaps/.  Then you can choose it from your Styles section rather
> > than the theme manager.  You can get real creative and copy one of the
> > button.png to the panel directory so you can have your kpanel quick
> > launcher 'skinned'.  Please check the site for offical instructions.
> > -s
> >
> > On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> > > On Saturday 24 February 2001 14:10, Romanator wrote:
> > > > That's all there is to it.
> > >
> > > There has to be more to it.
> > >
> > > I'm running KDE 2.1 Beta 2. I just downloaded Aquatica-KDE2.0.tar.gz
> > > from kde.themes.org and put it in a temp directory. Then I clicked on
> > > Add in the Themes Manager and navigated to the temp dir.
> > >
> > > First off, it's got a filter of *.ktheme so it can't see what I
> > > downloaded.
> > >
> > > If I append .ktheme to the filename -- or if I change the filter to
> > > *.gz -- I get a message saying "Theme does not contain a .themerc
> > > file".
> > >
> > > M.
> I checked it out. I was able to edit my panel and wallpaper manually.
> However, the automatic install feature seems to be temporarily disabled.
> The only theme that works okat is anti-stress.tar.gz

It's not automatic, you must do it manually.

Re: [newbie] Abiword

2001-02-25 Thread Romanator

> For anyone interested version 0.7.13 is now available for download (4.6mb),
> don't know what the improvements are yet I've just downloaded but not tried
> it yet.

Which web page?
Registered Linux User #179293
The Original Tux Email Thread Creator

Re: [newbie] system sounds

2001-02-25 Thread KompuKit

installed ALSA...still can't hear system sounds

Mark Weaver wrote:
> Hi Kit,
> Installing Alsa sounds like a good idea to me.
> --
> Mark
> "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
> "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
> On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, KompuKit wrote:
> > Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 08:59:44 -0500
> > From: KompuKit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Linux-Mandrake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >  Expert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [newbie] system sounds
> >
> > I can't get any system sounds...
> > I hear Licq sounds, MP3s, midi's, wavs...if clicked on separately...
> > but not any systems sounds...why?
> >
> > do i need to install ALSA 
> >

Registered Linux User: 167369
<= http://www.kompukit.com =>
Personal WebServer:   http://kompukit.dyndns.org
WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am & S+S=12pm-12am)

[newbie] Can't load file with zoneinfos (install fails on 7.2)

2001-02-25 Thread Peter Schram


I have downloaded Mandrake 7.2 (2 CD's). Install goes great untill the
installing timezone part. It states it can't find the file with the
zoneinfos. When the install is aborted, I can read on the console: can't cd
to /usr/share/zoneinfo.

This dir isn't on my disk anywhere. I checked the downloadsite, there
shouldn't be one either. At least I don't think so. This problem has occured
on two totally different machines, so I think it has to be the cd's.

As a result I don't have a working Linux install. Does anyone have a

Best regards,

Peter Schram

Re: [newbie] Testing for bad RAM

2001-02-25 Thread abe



Mark Weaver wrote:
> abe wrote:
> >
> > regrettably that tech is misinformed.  In my time as a pc repair tech I
> > saw many sticks of ram that passed the boot test put were infact bad.
> > Quick tech pro is one of the best memory testers you'll find.  It
> > actually test's most of the hardware in your system.  Quick tech can
> > identify a single bad sector in ram.
> >
> > Good luck
> >
> > Abe
> >
> > > "Myers, Dennis R NWO" wrote:
> > >
> > > I've been told by local computer techs that if your bios sees the ram
> > > at bootup ,( in other words detects it and counts it off on the first
> > > screen that shows your primary  and secondary IDE devices and  you can
> > > hit del to get to bios) then the ram memory is good and should be
> > > functional. I am not a technician so I am relying on their advice.
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
> > > Sent:   Tuesday, February 20, 2001 1:31 PM
> > > To: LinuxNewbie (E-mail)
> > > Subject:[newbie] Testing for bad RAM
> > >
> > > I am suspicious that my RAM is bad.  Is there anyway in linux that I
> > > can
> > > confirm this?
> Abe,
> Where does one find and buy a copy of this amazing program?
> --
> Mark
> "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being
> worthless,"
> "Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Re: [newbie] Printing from Star Office

2001-02-25 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

If you printer has been set up to print from other apps via LPR or 
CUPS, then all you need to do is print as postscript (don't choose a 
driver for your specific printer). The print daemon will use its own 
driver to translate this to a language that your printer understands.

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 15:24, - Ron - wrote:
> My printer works just fine from all applications except Star Office
> Apps. Then it just prints gibberish. Is it outputting in Postscript?
> I have selected & configured my printer in SO, but it just doesn't
> work right.
> How do you...?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread Mark Weaver

yeah, yeah...ok...I'll let this poor guy off the hook.

send a self addressed stamped envelope to each and every member on this
list. Inlcude inside that envelope a $10 bill and at the end of the month
we'll all get together and take a vote on whether or not to let you "off"
the list.


you could send a message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with
un-su-b-scri-be listname [EMAIL PROTECTED]  in the message body
without the (-) hyphens of course and you'll be removed from the list.

There...hows that? And by the way. I got those directions from the message
"I" was sent when "I" subscribed to the list.  :)


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Roger Sherman wrote:

> Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 10:46:42 -0500 (EST)
> From: Roger Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is
> crazy.
> Are you joking? For real, is this really that hard? Sheesh...
> peace,
> Rog
> Registered Linux user #19071
> On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, adam wrote:
> > Please take me off I can't even check my email without having 200 a day from
> > people who don't know how to pick up a book...please thank's.
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Dale Kosan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 4:56 AM
> > Subject: Re: [newbie] boot.ini
> >
> >
> > > Well, not as easy as one would think. I have NT and Linux at work on same
> > the
> > > machine, along with 98 and 2000.Maybe someone else knows away.I could post
> > > the procedure givin to me if you like. The one thing is you should be
> > running
> > > lilo.Let me know if you would like the info and I will post from work
> > today...
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread Mark Weaver

I kinda like it this way to tell you the truth. I've got a ton of messages
archived and it makes it a lot easier to search through them when I need
to find information on something. Move /var from /dev/hda to /dev/hdc is a
prime example. Instead of a tiring and sometimes fruitless search through
page after page of the list archives online I was able to search my own
stash of messages and found a solution within a few minutes. Thanks to
something Civileme had posted to another user I was able to modify his
recomendation to suit my needs and now /var is living happily on another
physical drive and Linux sees and treats it as a normal part of the root

I love the awesome stuff you can do with Linux.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Ricky Schultz wrote:

> Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 13:03:48 -0500
> From: Ricky Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is
> crazy.
> Question:  Why is this forum not on a regular newsgroup.  After being on
> this email forum for 12 hours, I understand where Anthony is coming
> from...
> bottom line: Lets get this thing on a "newsgroup"  promote the new
> newsgroup address and save the hassle.
> Mark Weaver wrote:
> >
> > prolly wasn't aware of the sheer volume of messages on a daiy basis.
> >
> > --
> > Mark
> >
> > "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
> > "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
> >
> > On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Anthony Daniell wrote:
> >
> > > Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 08:45:48 +1000
> > > From: Anthony Daniell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is
> > > crazy.
> > >
> > > why join a list if you can not handle the email
> > >
> > > Anthony Daniell
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "philomena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 5:45 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.
> > >
> > >
> > > > this has got to be a joke, right ? just inciting the continuation of
> > > > these responses ?
> > > >
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Please take me off this newbie list can't stand all this mail
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >

Re: [newbie] Crazy??

2001-02-25 Thread Mark Weaver


I ate too many of those beans the other evening. Sorta forgot what I was
shoving down my neck while I was fighting with my machine...anyway, the
next thing I knew I had eaten seven of the little buggers and wasn't able
to get to sleep until well after midnight. What a trip that was!


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Romanator wrote:

> Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 13:29:39 -0500
> From: Romanator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Crazy??
> Mark Weaver wrote:
> >
> > Roman,
> >
> > Pine 4.31 reads it just fine, but why in the world are you posting this
> > stuff to the list? Have you been earing too many expresso beans or
> > something?
> >
> > --
> > Mark
> >
> > "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
> > "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
> >
> > On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Romanator wrote:
> >
> > > Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 14:44:45 -0500
> > > From: Romanator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Subject: [newbie] Crazy??
> > >
> > > Can any one read this attachment?
> > >
> > >
> Too many beans. However, I have stopped. Sorry all.

[newbie] arabisation under linux

2001-02-25 Thread siham benabbou

1. can anyone help me to map a linux keyboard into an
Arabic font and also in enabling writing from write to
left -which is the arabic direction- as opposed to
from left to right -in latin.
2.Does linux have Unicode?

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread Martin Cleaver

> Question:  Why is this forum not on a regular newsgroup.  After being on
> this email forum for 12 hours, I understand where Anthony is coming
> from...

Now that is a very good point! Why  on earth is such an active mailing list
not in the form of a mailing list??? Hopefully Google/Deja would then also
keep archives!!! It's too much for me, that's for sure.

Now there is a Mandrake newsgroup, but it ain't this active.



Re: [newbie] Crazy??

2001-02-25 Thread Romanator

Mark Weaver wrote:
> Roman,
> Pine 4.31 reads it just fine, but why in the world are you posting this
> stuff to the list? Have you been earing too many expresso beans or
> something?
> --
> Mark
> "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
> "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
> On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Romanator wrote:
> > Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 14:44:45 -0500
> > From: Romanator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [newbie] Crazy??
> >
> > Can any one read this attachment?
> >
> >

Too many beans. However, I have stopped. Sorry all.
Registered Linux User #179293
The Tux email thread creator

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread Ricky Schultz

Question:  Why is this forum not on a regular newsgroup.  After being on
this email forum for 12 hours, I understand where Anthony is coming
bottom line: Lets get this thing on a "newsgroup"  promote the new
newsgroup address and save the hassle.

Mark Weaver wrote:
> prolly wasn't aware of the sheer volume of messages on a daiy basis.
> --
> Mark
> "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
> "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
> On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Anthony Daniell wrote:
> > Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 08:45:48 +1000
> > From: Anthony Daniell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is
> > crazy.
> >
> > why join a list if you can not handle the email
> >
> > Anthony Daniell
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "philomena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 5:45 AM
> > Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.
> >
> >
> > > this has got to be a joke, right ? just inciting the continuation of
> > > these responses ?
> > >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Please take me off this newbie list can't stand all this mail
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Re: [newbie]

2001-02-25 Thread Ricky Schultz

Hi Marianne,

On deleting the partitions of linux with the help of partition magic, 1.
you should be in windows, or using the partition magic floppy boot disk
to get to partition magic.

Just highlight the linux ext2 partitions, and delete them.  there are
these big Icons on the bottom of the screen to start that process, or
you can right click on them and an option box will open up asking what
you want to do with the partitions in question.  

after you have deleted the linux partitions, including the "swap"
partition. be sure and click that little green icon in the lower right
hand corner that says "apply changes".

the computer will grind away for another 15 minutes or so, depending on
the speed of your processor, and tada! no more linux partitions!  they
should reallocate to a gray color, being unallocated space.  you can
then resize your windows partition to take up the space, or reinstall
another something in the space.

if the LILO/Grub boot pops up on the screen, and you can't get to
windowsturn the computer off.  start your computer with the windows
emergency boot disk, have it start without cdrom support (on a command
line).  make sure you are at a c:\ prompt not c:\windows
how do you do  that?  if the command line says c:\windows...type
right after c:\windows cd c:\ and then hit return.  the complete line
you type before return should look like c:\windows cd c:\  when you
hit enter you should get a c:\ prompt.

then type fdisk /mbr   the line should look like c:\fdisk /mbr

what this does is ...it sets your computer back to the factory setting
of the master boot record, and wipes out the LILO/Grub mbr boot put
there by linux.  Your computer will start every time with windows from
there on in.

the link for my posting is in the archives of the newbie section of
linux-mandrake (where you signed up for the service)  I assumed because
you signed up for the service, you knew how to get there.   It has all
of the archives of the most recent email conversations.

I really don't know why they are not doing this in a regular newsgroup
situation.  it is really a pain getting all of these emails for every


> Rick,
> You forgot to include the link!
> >>chek out my listing on this newbie page on getting rid of extra boots
> listed!
> cheers!<<
> marianne

RE: [newbie] New install - Xwindows

2001-02-25 Thread Franki

try xconfigurator or XF86setup (I think thats right) they are both console
apps that don't require x to be running to use them.

Frank Hauptle
/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop & Network Payment Solutions.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Owens, Blaine C
Sent: Sunday, 25 February 2001 4:02 AM
Subject: [newbie] New install - Xwindows

After a new install my Xwindows has horizontal lines making most
applications INCLUDING DrakConf applications basically unusable. Perhaps if
I could get Xwindows working reasonably I could address some of the other
problems I am having. I reinstalled this morning - still horizontal lines
making most X applications INCLUDING DRAKCONF (smartass) basically unusable.
If anybody who is not a smartass can give me a clue as to how to correct my
Xwindows problem then I think I can figure the rest out for myself.

The card according to Windows Device Manager is Trident
9685/9680/9682/9685/9382/9385-1 PCI
It was discovered by the Mandrake install as Trident Microsystems TGUI9660
(generic) TGUI 9660/968x/968x

All non-smart-asses - I cannot use DrakConf effectively because I can't even
read most Xscreens because of this problem. I'm posting this to the Newbie
list and not the expert list because I AM a newbie, but I am not an idiot. I
know how to search the net and RTFM but after about 6 hours of frustration I
post a question and the only response is to use an X app which I cannot even
use because of the horizontal lines. Good grief!

Blaine Owens
Eastman Chemical Company
Phone - (423)-229-3579
Cell Phone - (423)-817-0704
Fax - (423)-229-1188

[newbie] query...regarding sound configuration...

2001-02-25 Thread B.V.L.S.Prasad

Dear all,

I have installed very recently Mandrake7.2.

I have Intel I-815EP chipset..with onboard sound card.
Intel 815 ICH2 (Rev1).

Why my system doesnot have amixer


how should I activate it...
I have full installation of amixer.

thanks in advance.


Happy Day,
Prasad, B.V.L.S.,
Research Scholar.
_   __      ___   ___   ___
|Thought|   | Fourier|   |  |   |Different|   | Fourier |   |Structure|
| waves |-->|Analysis|-->|NATURE|-->|Forms of |-->|Synthesis|-->|   of|
|   |   ||   |  |   |Knowledge|   | |   | NATURE  |
|___|   ||   |__|   |_|   |_|   |_|


Re: [newbie]

2001-02-25 Thread UDDANE


You forgot to include the link!

>>chek out my listing on this newbie page on getting rid of extra boots 


RE: [newbie] X Question - URGENT

2001-02-25 Thread Daryl Johnson

I believe you use a tool called YaST2.



> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Dale Kosan
> Sent: 25 February 2001 10:51
> Subject: Re: [newbie] X Question - URGENT
> First off, it says he's running SUSE.I dont think SUSE has Drakeconfig.I
> would send this message to a SUSE list and find the tool that SUSE uses.I
> believe YAST has a entry for xconfig in it,not sure though...

Re: [newbie] Add themes to theme manager on KDE2.1 beta 2

2001-02-25 Thread Mark Weaver

Um...you guys are making this harder then it really is.

1) open theme manager
2) click on the add button
3) insert cursor in the filter field
4) change .ktheme to read *.* and hit ENTER

This will allow you to see all the theme .tar.gz files in the dir where
you've naviaged to provided they are indeed there.

5) choose the theme you wish to install by a single click and then click
6) hit apply and you're done.

Now...this works great with all themes prior to KDE2.0 themes. (KDE1.1.2)
The themes for KDE2.0 and above are a bit different and don't seem to work
so good. There's nothing really wrong with Theme Manager other then the
fact that it looks for files with the .ktheme extension by default instead
of looking for "All files" when the file dialog is opened.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Romanator wrote:

> Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 02:12:34 -0500
> From: Romanator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Add themes to theme manager on KDE2.1 beta 2
> Michael O'Henly wrote:
> >
> > On Saturday 24 February 2001 14:10, Romanator wrote:
> > > That's all there is to it.
> >
> > There has to be more to it.
> >
> > I'm running KDE 2.1 Beta 2. I just downloaded Aquatica-KDE2.0.tar.gz from
> > kde.themes.org and put it in a temp directory. Then I clicked on Add in the
> > Themes Manager and navigated to the temp dir.
> >
> > First off, it's got a filter of *.ktheme so it can't see what I downloaded.
> >
> > If I append .ktheme to the filename -- or if I change the filter to *.gz -- I
> > get a message saying "Theme does not contain a .themerc file".
> >
> > M.
> >
> > --
> > Michael O'Henly
> > TENZO Design
> Hi Michael,
> I know. I tried everything. Renaming, running install scripts - the
> whole 9 yards. I think the theme manager hasn't been finished. However,
> I have heard that they expect KDE2.1 to be released by the end of
> February.
> Roman

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread Roger Sherman

Are you joking? For real, is this really that hard? Sheesh...


Registered Linux user #19071

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, adam wrote:

> Please take me off I can't even check my email without having 200 a day from
> people who don't know how to pick up a book...please thank's.
> - Original Message -
> From: Dale Kosan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 4:56 AM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] boot.ini
> > Well, not as easy as one would think. I have NT and Linux at work on same
> the
> > machine, along with 98 and 2000.Maybe someone else knows away.I could post
> > the procedure givin to me if you like. The one thing is you should be
> running
> > lilo.Let me know if you would like the info and I will post from work
> today...
> >
> >

RE: [newbie] Yet another question.

2001-02-25 Thread Daryl Johnson

Open a terminal window and type 'man shutdown' which should give you all the
options available to you.

The command line entry 'shutdown -h now' has always worked for me though
like most I have occasionally had to crash out and have my hard drives
checked  ;o)



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matthew Harrison
> Sent: 25 February 2001 04:06
> Subject: [newbie] Yet another question.
> As I am a total newbie to linux, I have a question on how exactly do I
> use the shutdown command to shutdown the computer.  Right now I have to
> just let it reboot and shutdown as soon as it resets.  Thanks.
> Matt

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread Mark Weaver

prolly wasn't aware of the sheer volume of messages on a daiy basis.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Anthony Daniell wrote:

> Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 08:45:48 +1000
> From: Anthony Daniell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is
> crazy.
> why join a list if you can not handle the email
> Anthony Daniell
> - Original Message -
> From: "philomena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 5:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.
> > this has got to be a joke, right ? just inciting the continuation of
> > these responses ?
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > Please take me off this newbie list can't stand all this mail
> >
> >

RE: RE: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread Mark Weaver

Say! now there's a thought. What a concept!


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Daryl Johnson wrote:

> Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 12:01:33 -
> From: Daryl Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: RE: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is
> crazy.
> Or possibly we just enjoy our moment of amusement and amazement at the
> immaturity shown, laugh at the web page and then get on with aiding and
> abetting the assistance that most of us joined the list for?
> regards
> Daryl
> [snip]
> > Subject: Re: RE: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is
> > crazy.
> >
> >
> > 
> > > This one HAS got to be a joke! Right.
> > >
> > > If not, then I would like to see a show of hands for all those
> > in favor of
> > > us each sending  to him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] the mickey page
> > that Romanator
> > > was so kind as to have saved and sent us.
> [snip]

Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread Mark Weaver

Um...yeah. that would be my take on it. Roman is, after all, the master of
thread and controversy creation.  :)


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, philomena wrote:

> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 14:45:10 -0500
> From: philomena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is
> crazy.
> this has got to be a joke, right ? just inciting the continuation of
> these responses ?
> >
> > Please take me off this newbie list can't stand all this mail

Re: [newbie] Crazy??

2001-02-25 Thread Mark Weaver


Pine 4.31 reads it just fine, but why in the world are you posting this
stuff to the list? Have you been earing too many expresso beans or


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Romanator wrote:

> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 14:44:45 -0500
> From: Romanator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [newbie] Crazy??
> Can any one read this attachment?

RE: [newbie] Yet another question.

2001-02-25 Thread Ingo Bauer

Hi Matt

you need to issue the following command "shutdown -h now" (without the quotation 
marks)   you can also check 
"man shutdown" for all available options


-Original Message-
From:   Matthew Harrison [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   February 25, 2001 12:05 AM
Subject:[newbie] Yet another question.

As I am a total newbie to linux, I have a question on how exactly do I
use the shutdown command to shutdown the computer.  Right now I have to
just let it reboot and shutdown as soon as it resets.  Thanks.



Re: [newbie] system sounds

2001-02-25 Thread Mark Weaver

Hi Kit,

Installing Alsa sounds like a good idea to me.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, KompuKit wrote:

> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 08:59:44 -0500
> From: KompuKit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Linux-Mandrake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Subject: [newbie] system sounds
> I can't get any system sounds...
> I hear Licq sounds, MP3s, midi's, wavs...if clicked on separately...
> but not any systems sounds...why?
> do i need to install ALSA 

Re: [newbie] X problems

2001-02-25 Thread AndyMonks
i have put it on fbdev and it works fine.

[newbie] more telnet and ftp woes

2001-02-25 Thread Thomas Nichols

Good Morning,
I'm a Linux newbie (with a little Solaris experience) stumped by this one - 
I can't get ftp or telnet access to my Linux box from a second PC.

I have LM 7.2 loaded from a downloaded iso image (just 1st CD), loaded into 
an existing partition and configured as a "Recommended installation" type, 
I've chosen the "install all packages" option.

After searching the list archives, "ntsysv" allowed me to set up inet to 
run on  boot.

/etc/inetd.conf now has lots of processes available - including FTP and 
telnet. And I no longer get a "Connection refused" message, as I did before.

However, I still can't connect. When I FTP from my NT box (capella) to the 
LM box (betelgeuse) I get:

Connected to betelgeuse.
Connection closed by remote host.

/etc/hosts.deny is empty, I've tried adding a line containing just 
"capella" to /etc/hosts.allow, makes no difference.
/etc/hosts has an entry for capella - "ping capella" works fine.
I've tried creating a /etc/hostname containing just "capella" without 
resolving it.
I have an xterm session working fine (Hummingbird Exceed), and can get the 
Gnome desktop up with an XDMCP broadcast - so I have an NT taskbar (which I 
keep at the top of the screen) and a Gnome panel-bar (I don't know the 
correct term) displayed on the same screen. Wonderful!

Now if only I could get FTP working I could actually shift some stuff across...

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Suggestions would be most welcome,

Thanks in advance,

RE: RE: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread Daryl Johnson

Or possibly we just enjoy our moment of amusement and amazement at the
immaturity shown, laugh at the web page and then get on with aiding and
abetting the assistance that most of us joined the list for?



> Subject: Re: RE: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is
> crazy.
> > This one HAS got to be a joke! Right.
> >
> > If not, then I would like to see a show of hands for all those
> in favor of
> > us each sending  to him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] the mickey page
> that Romanator
> > was so kind as to have saved and sent us.

Re: [newbie] Yet another question.

2001-02-25 Thread angry

I am a newbie too, so I jump at the chance to answer a question
the proper way to shutdown would be something like:

shutdown -h now

the -h passes the halt command to the shutdown scripts and is, as I have
read, the cleanest way to shutdown your machine.

Matthew Harrison wrote:

> As I am a total newbie to linux, I have a question on how exactly do I
> use the shutdown command to shutdown the computer.  Right now I have to
> just let it reboot and shutdown as soon as it resets.  Thanks.
> Matt


"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck,
is probably the day Microsoft starts making vacuum cleaners."
- Ernst Jan Plugge

RE: [newbie] httpd-perl cannot determine local host name

2001-02-25 Thread Franki

is there anything in your /etc/hostname file???

Frank Hauptle
/ /  _  
---/ /  (_)__  __   __  
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop & Network Payment Solutions.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of mongenix
Sent: Sunday, 25 February 2001 2:06 AM
Subject: [newbie] httpd-perl cannot determine local host name

During boot and when I restart httpd with /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd
restart, I receive an error that says:
Starting httpd:
httpd-perl: cannot determine local host name
Use the ServerName directive to set it manually

and then it Fails.

The problem is that I am trying to set up emumail and it wont work, I
assume because I have to reset httpd and it fails, this is why it wont
I have searched and entered information in every conf file I could find.

Can someone tell me where I missed setting someting up correctly.


RE: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread Franki

I will keep that one in mind,, but having been asked this question before a
couple of times, I don't think its as funny as I used to think.  :-)

Frank Hauptle
/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop & Network Payment Solutions.

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, 25 February 2001 1:45 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is

>Maybe your clients could use this one too.
>   http://web14.compaq.com/falco/detail.asp?FAQnum=FAQ2859
It lists "Marilyn O" as the author.  I'm sure only Compaq's very best
get asked to tackle such a project.  I'll bet she has a very bright
future at there!

Re: [newbie] X Question - URGENT

2001-02-25 Thread Dale Kosan

First off, it says he's running SUSE.I dont think SUSE has Drakeconfig.I 
would send this message to a SUSE list and find the tool that SUSE uses.I 
believe YAST has a entry for xconfig in it,not sure though...

Re: [newbie] X Question - URGENT

2001-02-25 Thread Goldenpi

The problem seems to be your screen resution. X is running in 1024x768 but
the screen is only running in 640x480. I suggest reconfigureing the vid card
with drakeconfig. If you cant get to 1024x768 then use a generic.

- Original Message -
From: "Matthew Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 3:57 AM
Subject: [newbie] X Question - URGENT

> I am running SuSE 6.0 on a 450 mhz AMD K6-2 w/ 3dnow and when X comes up
> it is huge.  How do I specify the screen size before X loads.  I set all
> resolutions in the X configuration to 1024-768.  What is the command to
> load X at that size.  Thank for any help.
> Matt

[newbie] Printing from Star Office

2001-02-25 Thread - Ron -

My printer works just fine from all applications except Star Office Apps. 
Then it just prints gibberish. Is it outputting in Postscript? I have 
selected & configured my printer in SO, but it just doesn't work right.

How do you...?


Re: [newbie] CUPS

2001-02-25 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Saturday 24 February 2001 14:00, you wrote:
> Can someone tell me,
> what HP driver do I choose for a
> DeskJet 648c
> I don't see that one listed...in 7.2 cups
I used the HP 660C.  Works good.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~