[newbie] ug, windows cave man got head sore. (mostly x-windows related)

2001-07-26 Thread Robert MacLean

ug ug ug bunnies ;)
(hello bunnies ;))

I have some questions about x-windows.
My biggest worry is that when my machine is starting up (in aurora, I
think it's called) It try's to load something called "X Windows System
[K" and that seems to crash. I couldn't find any reference to it in
any of the log files (maybe I looked at the wrong log files).
Everything seems fine, XWindows starts and runs (but it seems less
stable than before I got that error).
firstly I'm running something called Easel and Nautilus, and it is
SLOW. Is there a better alternative? Or a way to make it faster?
Being the windows user I am, I got a lot of True Type Fonts and was
wondering if I can use them under Gnome? And if so how?
And my only question not XWindows related is how to I get something to
run on start-up?

Thank you very much for any responses

Robert MacLean

Re: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

2001-07-26 Thread Robert MacLean

I had the same problem with my 52x CDRom

I replaced the CDRom and it loaded in 40minutes.

The CDRom appeared to be very very very slightly off track, and that
caused the problem,

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
From: "Franki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 9:52 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

> Those same CD's have loaded very quickly on other box's,, so I am
> assuming its probably the cdrom that made it so slow..
> oh well..
> its loaded and running now anyways..
> rgds
> Frank
> -Original Message-
> mooseman
> Sent: Friday, 27 July 2001 3:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..
> X-RebelTech Is Here: www.rebeltech.ca
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> where did your cd come from?
> was it downloaded and then burnt from a winblows box?
> in the past i have had things like that happen when i got a cd that
> written using packet writing (ie: direct cd). a lot of older cdroms
> like packet technology and will either barf right away or slug away
at it
> and
> read the disc _really slow_
> just a thought anyways.
> On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:29, you wrote:
> > It was Fri, 27 Jul 2001 01:12:27 +0800 when Franki wrote:
> >
> > Hi Frank.
> > That amount of time is definitely NOT normal. On my old P/II-400
> it
> > took about 45 minutes. On a 200mhz it will take some longer but
never 6
> > hours. Perhaps someone else can shed light on the problem though.
> > Paul
> >
> > >I just did an install on a test box I have here,, the box details
> > >
> > >CPU: Pentium Pro 200,
> > >RAM: 64mb EDO.
> > >MB:  FX Chipset.
> > >Harddisks:  4.3 gig Maxtor, and 1.03 gig Seagate.
> > >CDROM: 24speed IDE Sony.
> > >Video: S3 Virge 2mb.
> > >I did a total install of Mandrake 7.2, and it just finished
> files,
> > >it took nearly 6 hours.
> > >
> > >is that normal??
> >
> > --
> > The universe is ruled by letting things take their course.
> > It cannot be ruled by interfering.
> > -Chinese proverb
> >
> > http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
> >  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
> > ** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

[newbie] Libc.so.6

2001-07-26 Thread Everette

Linux 7.2

I am trying to install some software and keep
It say's 
Dependency Problem
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2) is needed by my software.

I looked at the list archives and found several
people with the same
problem, but never seen an answer. Could someone
please tell me how to
fix this problem.

[newbie] libc.so.6

2001-07-26 Thread Everette

I am trying to install some software and keep getting
It say's 
Dependency Problem
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2) is needed by my software.

I looked at the list archives and found several people with the same
problem, but never seen an answer. Could someone please tell me how to
fix this problem.

Re: [newbie] Time to Quit the Install?

2001-07-26 Thread erylon hines

On Thursday 26 July 2001 15:26, John Rigby wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Well, I purchased the official M8 Powerbox ( to avoid any problems
> with install) - in Oz it costs twice the price of USA - $140
> After two weeks of at least half a day every day - asking for and
> getting great support here, it seems time to call a halt .
> The distro install is definitely deteorating - like my adrenalin
> reserves :-)
O.K., I'll probably get flamed for this, but I, too, had multiple problems 
with version 8.0, across multiple installs.  Total lockups required hitting 
the reset button (something I've had to do maybe 3 times in 4 years with 
linux) happened at least twice a week.  DNS problems which would come and 
go--sometimes dns worked, sometimes the browser would hang resolving 
hostname, and would require the kill command to close it.  Ghost windows 
staying after I killed the proc, etc.  And processes would sometimes take an 
inordinate amount of time to complete on my P233 developmental box that I had 
it installed on.  After the third install I finally just went back to 7.2 and 
the problems have ALL GONE AWAY.  I know there are lots of people out there 
that have had no problems with 8.0, but I'm not one of them.


Re: [newbie] Sound card drivers

2001-07-26 Thread erylon hines

On Thursday 26 July 2001 13:47, Guy R Gauthier wrote:
> Hello,
> Hopefully this is the right place to ask. I'm trying to install drivers
> for my Aureal sound card. I downloaded the drivers from a site, but I
> don't know how to unarchive it. The file name is au88xx-1.0.5.tar.gz.
> I've been given examples of how to unzip it, but so far nothing has
> worked. Any help would be appreciated.

Relax, it ain't that hard.  I have this card on two different linux boxes and 
it works great--Clapton's spinning as I write.

First, according to my notes, you must be sure of which aureal card you have 
(there are three different versions--the 8810, the 8820 and the 8830.  If you 
have a Montego II it uses the 8830.

1.  PNP MUST be disabled in the bios

2.  Create a directory (mine is /aureal), copy the tar to it and Unpack the 

tar xvzf au88xx-1.0.5.tar.gz

3.  Change to the driver directory  if you're not already there and become 
root if you're not already:

   cd /aureal

4.  Type the following install commands:

If you have an 8830-based card

make install

If you have an 8810-based card

make install10

If you have an 8820-based card

make install20

You don't need to reboot.  If you get "unresolved symbol" errors you need to 
rebuild your kernel with the sound support (soundcore) built in (not as a 
module) -- but I never have had that problem.

And kudos to BOFH for developing this driver and this how-to, which I am 
passing on.


Re: [newbie] Time to Quit the Install?

2001-07-26 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 08:26, John Rigby wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Well, I purchased the official M8 Powerbox ( to avoid any problems
> with install) - in Oz it costs twice the price of USA - $140
> After two weeks of at least half a day every day - asking for and
> getting great support here, it seems time to call a halt .

Actually, the price is about the same when you take into account the exchange 
rate (about $US1 = $A2 at present).

> The distro install is definitely deteorating - like my adrenalin
> reserves :-)
> I didn't have this many problems doing my first ever Concurrent-Dos
> Network twenty years ago, when my only "expert" quit suddenly and
> left me with the job.
> Side Note: I am an industrial psychologist. I NEVER tuned my own car
> :-).
> Possible causes:
> 1. Either it is my machine.
> 2. It is the Disks/Distro itself faulty.
> 3. My efforts at getting progs to work have broken it.
> 1. The machine EVEN runs W98SE with the only fault being the famous
> memory leak under heavy use. I can keep it going all day!

Wow, that's amazing! I used to reboot several times a day! With GNU/Linux, I 
only reboot (and not out of necessity) once or twice a week (I keep my 
machine on all the time).

> 2.  It seemed ok. Even though by accident of accepting all the
> defaults I could see, resulted in my installing a full Server
> version.  It was very fast to get up and connect to the inet.
> 3. Till 48 hours ago, the problems seemed typical Newby. " Where's
> the bathroom? Now, how do I flush?"
> Then the neg reports/events began:
> As of this A.M.:
> 1. On startup many problems are reported - particularly relating to
> Disk Partitions.  e.g. "blocks 64 should be 8 -fixed"(see 3)

If you use the Ext2 filesystem (the default), the machine will execute a file 
system check (fsck) on bootup if you didn't shut down correctly. It will also 
issue a periodic checkup after a certain number of boots (I've forgotten how 
many). This is normal.

> 2. On Logout, sometimes it offers a login alternative screen,
> sometimes it simply boots back into the default user - and continues
> the problem.

That's odd -- things should be consistent here. I'm not sure about this one.

> 3. On Shutdown it reports numerous and seemingly increasing problems
> - particularly with both CDs and "devices".

What are the "problems"? Sometimes these are not "problems" at all (but then 
again, sometimes they are).

> 4. PPP dies unexpectedly regularly.

You mean you get disconnected from the Internet? This could be a problem with 
your ISP, or from being logged in for too long, or maybe from an idle 

> 5. Kmail will suddenly "whiteout" and only a logout will help. This
> costs the loss of the display details of the KPPP.  It is still
> connected, but no display of the fact is available.

Turn off interval mail checking in KMail. Also, have you considered another 
client, like Evolution or Aethera, or maybe even Mozilla Mail? Wait for KDE 
2.2 (due out on Aug 6). Maybe things will be fixed in there.

> 6. Intense Disk activity (thrashing in the Doze world) has caused
> lockup 3 times in 2 days.  Always involving Kmail.
> (VERY frustrating to duplicate 100+ emails downloaded! )
> Resolved by hitting cancel button on display saying ( each reboot)
> "indexing".

Try going to /home/username/Mail (after closing all instances of KMail) and 
delete all files with the extensions ".sorted" and ".index". Now reload 
KMail. I find that this can often fix KMail errors.

> ( On startup not relog, a display of "Gnome is searching for Trash
> bins" also appears and has to be cancelled. It does not go away.)
> 7.  A Gnome Desktop has appeared on Dtop 4 and is un-cancellable

I assume you are using KDE? Have you tried logging out from GNOME? This 
should leave only KDE. When you exit from KDE, make sure that your session is 
saved (there's an option for this in the Control Centre). When you next log 
in, there should be no more GNOME.

> 8.  Hitting the Kill option has no effect on the locked-up programs.
> In the now severe cases. the final event is reminescent of the
> "B.S.O.D." of Doze. Only recourse is a reboot.

In almost all cases, a reboot is unnecessary. Some apps don't die with an 
ordinary kill (e.g. as done through xkill). If you use an app like gtop 
(there are KDE equivalents, but I don't know them), you should have options 
to issue stronger kills than what is standard. Sometimes I find that this is 
necessary (although I do the same thing through a command line).

> If it was a horse, I would "put it down" - it seems in great pain. :-)

Before you reinstall, try using other environments besides KDE. I personally 
find GNOME/Sawfish (i.e. not loaded inside KDE) to be far more stable (in 
face, rock-solid) than KDE. Other users find that the opposite is the case 
for them. Try a few alternatives and see what works best. You may even begin 
to like them :-)

> NOW:  If I decide to start again, does this seem like:
> 1. 

Re: [newbie]User privilages

2001-07-26 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Is it possible to remove the K Menu entirely? I don't use KDE, so I'm not 
sure. I know that the menu (in fact, everything) can be removed from GNOME's 
Panels. You could also delete everything in the menu (except the games) with 
menudrake. Do this when logged-in in your son's account. If you do it as root 
you will mess up _all_ users.

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 05:18, George Baker wrote:
> I have a son who has discovered that Linux has games. How can I set him
> up as a user that only has access to the games. I tried removing all
> desktop icons and edited the K menu, but I could not get rid of the KDE
> menu items. Been searching through manuals, info, and docs with no real
> success.
> --
> Thanks
> George Baker
> South Africa

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Lin4Win

2001-07-26 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 10:52, Michael Leone wrote:
> >I am always getting confused on this issue. In short:
> >
> >Lin4Win - http://www.netraverse.com/
> >Lnx4Win - Tool to install Linux-Mandrake on a Windos partition
> >
> >So I was right this time :-)
> SO close! But the NeTraverse product is Win4Lin, not Lin4Win.

I know. I posted an updated notice about five seconds after I sent this bad 
one :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Help, odd IRQ/SCSI problem.

2001-07-26 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Okay, I just upgraded my computer to the following:

Soyo mb (not raid, not KT133 via chipset)
Onboard sound
850mhz AMD Duron, 256 megs of DDR RAM
generic 56x IDE CD-ROM
WinTV tuner card
Telsys network card
Geforce2 GT 32meg video card. (agp)
Adaptec 2930 SCSI card for Plextor CDRW.

I had the WinTV tuner card, Adaptec SCSI/Plextor setup in my previous Linux
box, and they worked fine there (exception: install bug for SCSI in boot
kernel adds wait-states, and causes a very long install)

Anyways, I installed v8.0 from the generic 56x CD, and there was a very long
pause after the message about installing the SCSI module. Finally, it went on.
Rest of the install went smoothly, until I got to the desktop itself (I'm
using KDE). First, of all, it takes it about 5 mins to get past the welcome
(many lang.) screen. There was no icon for the burner, nor was there a scsi
entry in /etc/fstab. I tried to add my own, but it said there was an i/o error
regarding that device. 

In KDE's system control, it finds the 2930 card, on IRQ 11, but it has a
conflict with the onboard sound, as well as the TV tuner card.

I disabled USB in bios, to free up as many IRQs as I could, I moved the SCSI
card into each slot on the MB (excepting the first slot next to the AGP slot,
since everyone says thats a shared slot and can cause conflicts. I finally
pulled the network card, as well as the TV tuner card. So...with nothing but
the SCSI card, and the video card, I still get IRQ conflicts. I did a "cat
/proc/interrupts,  and everything was clear except for the SSI adaptor, and
the TV-Tuncer card and onboard sound still conflicting. (all on same line). I
finally gave up and pulled the Adaptec card as well. Booting up, the 5 min
delay is gone from the welcome screen.

Anyone have any ideas how to get Mandrake 8.0 to recognize my Adaptec/Plextor

Thanks much! ;-)


Re: [newbie] cannot re-edit XF86Config-4

2001-07-26 Thread erylon hines

I concur with this conclusion.  Most likely your /var/log/messages file (or 
one of the log files) is full.  Boot up into console and delete whatever is 
in the message files and see if that doesn't allow you to get to X.  If it 
does, the next step to fixing it is edit   /etc/logrotate.conf   and change 
any references to "monthly" to "weekly" (no quotes) and anything that is 
"weekly" to "daily".  And change the "4" to a "1" -- there isn't any reason 
to keep all those logs if you don't run a server.  That may have prevented 
the boot to X in the first place (hopefully).

That should stop the silliness permanently.


On Thursday 26 July 2001 01:52, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> > Scott Wagner wrote:
> >
> > I had a problem with the X font server (Mandrake 8.0)starting so I
> > took someone's advice (not on this list) to change the port for xfs
> > from "unix/:-1" to port "7100". I changed this in
> > /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and in /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs. It didn't work. I
> > opened the files from the command line with vim and tried to put them
> > back the way they were but I cannot write changes to the file. I get
> > error messages like "write error in swap file" and "write error
> > (system full?)"
> Maybe a partition is full? IIRC that can prevent xfs from starting up.
> Check with df.


Re: [newbie] login problem

2001-07-26 Thread root

On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:34, etharp wrote:
> what happens if you hit ctrl+alt+f4 (or any other f-key up to f6) and log
> in?

nothing.  no reaction at all

> On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:30, root wrote:
> > running mandrake 8.0
> >
> > on occasions following what is currently an undectable pattern, I get to
> > the login window where i would enter root or my user name and password,
> > enter the uid and password correctly, the system thinks for awhile and
> > bounces me back to the same login window.
> >
> > I have to reboot under those circumstances, sometimes several times,
> > sometimes powering off entirely and waiting for bios to clear, before the
> > system accepts my uid and password.
> >
> > I'm careful to comfirm that I have entered the password correctly, and
> > caps lock is off.  The password is simple enough that mistyping multiple
> > times is not a likely explanation.
> >
> > I've never had a situation where one (root or user) accepts but the other
> > doesn't.
> >
> > login is set to start kde.  I do not get to the kde loading panel before
> > the bounce occurs.
> >
> > ideas?
> >
> > --
> > "Gentlemen, it's in beta.  That means it's like Windows.  They're letting
> > you test it while they continue to screw it up until it's totally
> > useless." (Bigg Fredd in RCC talking about Google's temporary interface
> > to the deja archives)

"Gentlemen, it's in beta.  That means it's like Windows.  They're letting you
test it while they continue to screw it up until it's totally useless."
(Bigg Fredd in RCC talking about Google's temporary interface to the deja

Re: [newbie] Time

2001-07-26 Thread Hitesh Gulati

Hi everyone
I have installed timed daemon on my all linux machine for time
synchronization. On one server machine timed daemon is running in master
mode with following command.

/usr/sbin/timed -M -F client1 client2  

On all client machines the timed is running as slave mode with following

Everything works smoothly if the server is up and then clients get

After power failure or some other problem if server is down or
in case all clients get booted and server is not up then as server starts
booting,  the clocks of all clients goes reset upto a random value it may
be 30-40 years past or in future. 

How can I come up with this strange behaviour of timed.
Hitesh Kr. Gulati 
Engineer - SC [software]
Institute For Plasma Research
Near Indira Bridge
Bhat, Gandhinagar(Gujarat)
Ph.(079)3269001-15(O) Extn 226/315

Re: [newbie] Newbie network question

2001-07-26 Thread Jon Doe

On Thursday 26 July 2001 11:16 pm, you wrote:
> Dear Jon,
> What they have done, is they have added dns entries for the IP's that they
> are serving out via dhcp.
> If you do an nslookup, it should resolve to a number similar to the one you
> had originally.
> Michael
> --
> Michael Viron
> Registered Linux User #81978
> Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
> Web Spinners, University of West Florida
for the answer, thought maybe somthing was wrong

Re: [newbie] Newbie network question

2001-07-26 Thread Michael D. Viron

Dear Jon,

What they have done, is they have added dns entries for the IP's that they
are serving out via dhcp.

If you do an nslookup, it should resolve to a number similar to the one you
had originally.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:12 PM 07/26/2001 -0400, Jon Doe wrote:
>I have a road runner cable connection. For the first three months I have had 
>a single IP, can't remember what it was now, 65. somthing, well today I have 
>noticed my host is now called dhcp 19-43! What happened? Is this something I 
>installed on linux or is this something RoadRunner would have done?
>Could this be related to my earlier unansweared post about netscape noticing 
>my windows partition? 
>I am clueless about the way all this network stuff works. I can connect and 
>thats about it...lol.

[newbie] Samba stopped working..

2001-07-26 Thread Tuan Duc Tran

I have a LINUX OS computer which is used to store my back up files for
all computers I have at home. It used to work but last week I could not
access to this computer. I did not change anything at this computer. I
checked everything and pretty sure that there is no problem with this
computer except SAMBA. When I type IP of this computer from my windows
computer browser and I saw it. Therefore I knew Apache was running.
After I decided to re-install LM8.0, I could not get SAMBA back to work!
Could anyone please explain for me and how to fix it? I am using Win2000
I also have two more questions: How can I setup FTP and mail server? I
know not thing at all.

Thank all of you

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] Time to Quit the Install?

2001-07-26 Thread etharp

no problem, I really hope he gets it running as well as it should. 
I, on the other hand need to remember spellcheck. 

On Thursday 26 July 2001 21:37, you had thoughts to the concept of:
> Ed,
> Don't let him get under you skin.
> Roman
> On Thursday 26 July 2001 08:32 pm, you wrote:
> > well, this looks like my opretunity to see if I am filtered. I believe
> > you must have some services running that you should not or at least do
> > not need. you are not running a server as much as a desktop at this time?
> > what happens when you log into a different console (ie; ctrl+alt+f4 or
> > any f1to6) as root and type "top" with out the quotes?
> >
> > if you ain't even gonna read it why should i type it?
> >
> > On Thursday 26 July 2001 18:26, you had thoughts to the concept of:
> > > Hi folks,
> > > Well, I purchased the official M8 Powerbox ( to avoid any problems
> > > with install) - in Oz it costs twice the price of USA - $140
> > > After two weeks of at least half a day every day - asking for and
> > > getting great support here, it seems time to call a halt .
> > >
> > > The distro install is definitely deteorating - like my adrenalin
> > > reserves :-)
> >
> > detereroating?
> > deteorating?
> > ahhh, getting worse?
> >
> > > I didn't have this many problems doing my first ever Concurrent-Dos
> > > Network twenty years ago, when my only "expert" quit suddenly and
> > > left me with the job.
> > > Side Note: I am an industrial psychologist. I NEVER tuned my own car
> > >
> > > :-).
> > >
> > > Possible causes:
> > >
> > > 1. Either it is my machine.
> > > 2. It is the Disks/Distro itself faulty.
> > > 3. My efforts at getting progs to work have broken it.
> > >
> > > 1. The machine EVEN runs W98SE with the only fault being the famous
> > > memory leak under heavy use. I can keep it going all day!
> > >
> > > 2.  It seemed ok. Even though by accident of accepting all the
> > > defaults I could see, resulted in my installing a full Server
> > > version.  It was very fast to get up and connect to the inet.
> > >
> > > 3. Till 48 hours ago, the problems seemed typical Newby. " Where's
> > > the bathroom? Now, how do I flush?"
> > >
> > > Then the neg reports/events began:
> > >
> > > As of this A.M.:
> > > 1. On startup many problems are reported - particularly relating to
> > > Disk Partitions.  e.g. "blocks 64 should be 8 -fixed"(see 3)
> > > 2. On Logout, sometimes it offers a login alternative screen,
> > > sometimes it simply boots back into the default user - and continues
> > > the problem.
> > > 3. On Shutdown it reports numerous and seemingly increasing problems
> > > - particularly with both CDs and "devices".
> > >
> > > 4. PPP dies unexpectedly regularly.
> > >
> > > 5. Kmail will suddenly "whiteout" and only a logout will help. This
> > > costs the loss of the display details of the KPPP.  It is still
> > > connected, but no display of the fact is available.
> > >
> > > 6. Intense Disk activity (thrashing in the Doze world) has caused
> > > lockup 3 times in 2 days.  Always involving Kmail.
> > > (VERY frustrating to duplicate 100+ emails downloaded! )
> > > Resolved by hitting cancel button on display saying ( each reboot)
> > > "indexing".
> > > ( On startup not relog, a display of "Gnome is searching for Trash
> > > bins" also appears and has to be cancelled. It does not go away.)
> > >
> > > 7.  A Gnome Desktop has appeared on Dtop 4 and is un-cancellable
> > >
> > > 8.  Hitting the Kill option has no effect on the locked-up programs.
> > > In the now severe cases. the final event is reminescent of the
> > > "B.S.O.D." of Doze. Only recourse is a reboot.
> > >
> > > If it was a horse, I would "put it down" - it seems in great pain. :-)
> > >
> > > NOW:  If I decide to start again, does this seem like:
> > > 1.  Simple install interference?
> > > 2.  Something broke? ( I have under advice hit the update button)
> > > 3. Only foreign body introduced was IBM's Websphere which brings Wine
> > > with it..   All others were part of the Distro.
> > >
> > > How would you suggest I re-install?
> > > 1. Uninstall
> > > 2. Delete entire partition.
> > > 3. Send away for new disks. ( Another week lost)
> > >
> > > Thanks again for all the fish folks, I promise that I'm trying to do
> > > my bit to come up with THAT Newby FAQ/Gotcha list. But I didn't
> > > expect to be the MAIN contributor :-)


2001-07-26 Thread Kevin Khaw

To many A's B's and PC's

Re: [newbie] USB modem

2001-07-26 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Maybe. Some (where "some" could be any number from 0 to 100%) are
winmodems. If yours is one of those, it may be difficult or impossible.
It also depends on what Linux distribution and version that you have
installed. Here are some places to look:
www.qbik.ch/usb/devices   -- follow the comm link
You could also try reposting, but include the manufacturer and model
number of your modem as well as the exact Linux that you are running.
It's quite possible that someone else on this list can be more helpful.

"Alexander A. Aksyutik" wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have USB modem. How I can use it with Linux?
> --
> Best regards,
>  Alexander  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Windows 98 + LM 8.0 Networking Questions

2001-07-26 Thread etharp

have you tried SAMBA? it will allow you to access files on the linux box from 
winders. and NFS? or do you want apache running to serve web pages over the 
IP number to the dual boot via HTTP? 

On Thursday 26 July 2001 20:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Heres what I want to do:
> I have Linux on PC A and windows/Linux dual boot on PC B
> I want PC B to be able to access shared files on PC A no matter what OS PC
> B is in.
> I want PC A to be a web server, in which PC B could access through some
> way(probobly the IP num) PC A's web box. I made a program specifically for
> my business in CGI, I want PC A to run it while PC B could access it when
> PC A changes. Simular to the way the way in Internet works, just on my own
> private network.
> I tried a few things and I had no luck.
> Could someone point me to where some info could be?
> Thanks for everyones help in advance
> ~Lance

Re: [newbie] Lin4Win

2001-07-26 Thread Michael Leone

>I am always getting confused on this issue. In short:
>Lin4Win - http://www.netraverse.com/
>Lnx4Win - Tool to install Linux-Mandrake on a Windos partition
>So I was right this time :-)

SO close! But the NeTraverse product is Win4Lin, not Lin4Win.

Michael J. Leone  Registered Linux user #201348 
ICQ: 50453890 AIM: MikeLeone
PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF

Taking a mental stroll through the psychic park of pleasure.

[newbie] Windows 98 + LM 8.0 Networking Questions

2001-07-26 Thread CastleKidd

Heres what I want to do:
I have Linux on PC A and windows/Linux dual boot on PC B
I want PC B to be able to access shared files on PC A no matter what OS PC B 
is in.
I want PC A to be a web server, in which PC B could access through some 
way(probobly the IP num) PC A's web box. I made a program specifically for my 
business in CGI, I want PC A to run it while PC B could access it when PC A 
changes. Simular to the way the way in Internet works, just on my own private 
I tried a few things and I had no luck.
Could someone point me to where some info could be?

Thanks for everyones help in advance

Re: [newbie] segmentation fault at shut down

2001-07-26 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Root: Go to
and check out the last item on that page about GPF's after shutdown.
You've got to edit your /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt file and change the -i -d
-p option to -i -d. IIRC, Paul Pagan has this fix on his site as well,
but I've lost the address. I had this problem with 7.1, 7.2 and 8.0 on
some installations, but not this box -- perhaps because it has a newer
BIOS. The actual code is different across the LM versions, but you
shouldn't have any problem.
By the way, I'll give an authentic attaboy to anyone who can tell me
what the different options mean.

root wrote:
> when shutting down, not rebooting, I am getting an odd segmentation fault.  I
> don't get it on warm reboot since the problem occurs after the path diverges
> for reboot vs shut down.  I have to power off to get out of it.
> message sequence in log is:
> halting system
> stopping all md devices
> power down
> general protection fault: f000
> CPU:0
> EIP:0050:[<872b>]
> EFLAGS:00010047
> bunch of registers elided here
> Process Halt (PID:1319 Stackpage: c5add000)
> stack dump elided here
> /etc/rc0.d/s01halt: line 1: 1319 segmentation fault halt -i -d -p
> tia
> --
> "Gentlemen, it's in beta.  That means it's like Windows.  They're letting you
> test it while they continue to screw it up until it's totally useless."
> (Bigg Fredd in RCC talking about Google's temporary interface to the deja
> archives)

Re: [newbie] Time to Quit the Install?

2001-07-26 Thread etharp

well, this looks like my opretunity to see if I am filtered. I believe you 
must have some services running that you should not or at least do not need. 
you are not running a server as much as a desktop at this time? what happens 
when you log into a different console (ie; ctrl+alt+f4 or any f1to6) as root 
and type "top" with out the quotes?

if you ain't even gonna read it why should i type it?

On Thursday 26 July 2001 18:26, you had thoughts to the concept of:
> Hi folks,
> Well, I purchased the official M8 Powerbox ( to avoid any problems
> with install) - in Oz it costs twice the price of USA - $140
> After two weeks of at least half a day every day - asking for and
> getting great support here, it seems time to call a halt .
> The distro install is definitely deteorating - like my adrenalin
> reserves :-)

ahhh, getting worse?
> I didn't have this many problems doing my first ever Concurrent-Dos
> Network twenty years ago, when my only "expert" quit suddenly and
> left me with the job.
> Side Note: I am an industrial psychologist. I NEVER tuned my own car
> :-).
> Possible causes:
> 1. Either it is my machine.
> 2. It is the Disks/Distro itself faulty.
> 3. My efforts at getting progs to work have broken it.
> 1. The machine EVEN runs W98SE with the only fault being the famous
> memory leak under heavy use. I can keep it going all day!
> 2.  It seemed ok. Even though by accident of accepting all the
> defaults I could see, resulted in my installing a full Server
> version.  It was very fast to get up and connect to the inet.
> 3. Till 48 hours ago, the problems seemed typical Newby. " Where's
> the bathroom? Now, how do I flush?"
> Then the neg reports/events began:
> As of this A.M.:
> 1. On startup many problems are reported - particularly relating to
> Disk Partitions.  e.g. "blocks 64 should be 8 -fixed"(see 3)
> 2. On Logout, sometimes it offers a login alternative screen,
> sometimes it simply boots back into the default user - and continues
> the problem.
> 3. On Shutdown it reports numerous and seemingly increasing problems
> - particularly with both CDs and "devices".
> 4. PPP dies unexpectedly regularly.
> 5. Kmail will suddenly "whiteout" and only a logout will help. This
> costs the loss of the display details of the KPPP.  It is still
> connected, but no display of the fact is available.
> 6. Intense Disk activity (thrashing in the Doze world) has caused
> lockup 3 times in 2 days.  Always involving Kmail.
> (VERY frustrating to duplicate 100+ emails downloaded! )
> Resolved by hitting cancel button on display saying ( each reboot)
> "indexing".
> ( On startup not relog, a display of "Gnome is searching for Trash
> bins" also appears and has to be cancelled. It does not go away.)
> 7.  A Gnome Desktop has appeared on Dtop 4 and is un-cancellable
> 8.  Hitting the Kill option has no effect on the locked-up programs.
> In the now severe cases. the final event is reminescent of the
> "B.S.O.D." of Doze. Only recourse is a reboot.
> If it was a horse, I would "put it down" - it seems in great pain. :-)
> NOW:  If I decide to start again, does this seem like:
> 1.  Simple install interference?
> 2.  Something broke? ( I have under advice hit the update button)
> 3. Only foreign body introduced was IBM's Websphere which brings Wine
> with it..   All others were part of the Distro.
> How would you suggest I re-install?
> 1. Uninstall
> 2. Delete entire partition.
> 3. Send away for new disks. ( Another week lost)
> Thanks again for all the fish folks, I promise that I'm trying to do
> my bit to come up with THAT Newby FAQ/Gotcha list. But I didn't
> expect to be the MAIN contributor :-)

Re: [newbie] ATTENTION all newbies!

2001-07-26 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Thank you very much for this link. I've forwarded it to several people
who are in the "thinking about Linux" stage. The writer has done an
excellent job of balancing all of the FUD about how hard it is to
install Linux (it really isn't) with the message that Linux ain't
exactly load-it-and-run-it (not to say that Windows actually falls in
that category). About the only shortcoming that I could see was that he
failed to mention that the installation includes a wealth of
applications far beyond anything that you'll get from Microsoft. Thanks
also for getting me to the IBM site. I'd never been there before, and I
was very impressed with the amount and quality of information that is

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> IBM have just released a great FAQ titled "Transitioning from Windows to
> Linux". I had a look at it and it appears quite Newbie-friendly:
> --
> Sridhar Dhanapalan.
> "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
> LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
> -- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] OT; the truth about Civilme's vacation

2001-07-26 Thread etharp

we all know the "real" reason Civilme is going on vacation, he has 
"offered" the chance to check into a Paris, France based branch of the Betty 
Ford clinic, while MOST people go there to learn how to enjoy life with out 
drugs or Alcohol, Our Friend, is going to take intensive training in how to 
relax. IF he gradutates, this will be followed up with a few days out of 
reach.. http://www.tenerife-direct.com 

Just a bit off the planet, much less off topic

RE: [newbie] Vacation Notice

2001-07-26 Thread Michael Mitchell


The committee has reviewed your request for vacation, and are sad to
inform you that it has been denied.  Should you choose to ignore the
committee's decision, you will be compelled to use a Microsoft OS in
a pentablet to continue answering our intelligent questions during any
time of leisure taken.

The Committee

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Carroll
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 5:14 PM
To: civileme
Subject: Re: [newbie] Vacation Notice

Hmmm... Does this mean that I've got to finally learn to RTFM? We'll
survive, knowing that your hiatus has a lot to do with making 8.1 a
blockbuster. Any chance that you'll get some REAL vacation time? You've
earned it.

civileme wrote:
> I will be absent from posts to this list for the next two months.
> It is time from a vacation from my favorite hobby to turn my
> attention fully to my work tasks.  LSB compliance testing,
> software testing, preparation of updates, and coordination of
> the crashtesters will replace helping people getting things running.
> I really enjoy this list, but I'm gone.  Catch you in October.
> Civileme

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0 install hangs after IDE detection

2001-07-26 Thread Kevin R. Bulgrien

The install locks up the system only on the Western Digital WDC AC24300
drive.  Various utilities report that there are no errors on that drive,
though the "Disk Minder" utility whines about the boot loader not being
present even though Grub works just fine.

If I temporarily take the WD drive out and switch the Fujitsu to be the
master drive, the install will not lock the system up, but, that is not
the drive I want to install on...

The onscreen message log is:


block: queued sectors max/low 62581kB/20860kB, 192 slots per queue
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 32000K size 1024 blocksize
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision 6.31
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes : override with idebus=xx
SIS5513: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 09
PCI: Assigned IRQ 14 for device 00:01.1
SIS5513: chipset revision 208
SIS5513: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
  ide0: BM-DMA at 0x4000-0x4007, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
  ide1: BM-DMA at 0x4008-0x400f, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
hda: WDC AC24300B, ATA DISK drive
hdb: FUJITSU M1638TAU, ATA DISK drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14


At this point the system is locked up and only a power cycle will
reset the system.

[newbie] ETH0/ETH1 changed in Mandrake 8.0

2001-07-26 Thread Herbert

I have a strange problem!

First my eth0 card was a 3com and my eth1 card a ne2k-pci
after a uptime from 6 day's i found problems with my intern network, its
was verry slow.
The problem was my cards a changed, now is my 3com eth1 and ne2k-pci
I have NO reboot my system, the config is changed in uptime.
How is that posible??
I can't fix my old config.


Re: [newbie] Vacation Notice

2001-07-26 Thread etharp

Thank you, we will miss your assistance and wisdom. I am sure the rest of the 
folks around here will try help, but I ma sure we will not be able to fill 
the void you will leave here. hurry back (and don't take my next post 

On Thursday 26 July 2001 18:23, civileme wrote:
> I will be absent from posts to this list for the next two months.
> It is time from a vacation from my favorite hobby to turn my
> attention fully to my work tasks.  LSB compliance testing,
> software testing, preparation of updates, and coordination of
> the crashtesters will replace helping people getting things running.
> I really enjoy this list, but I'm gone.  Catch you in October.
> Civileme

Re: [newbie] AMR modems

2001-07-26 Thread CastleKidd

Well, is there anything that slot is good for on Linux?


Re: [newbie] Sound card drivers

2001-07-26 Thread s

You don't have to copy it over.  In a terminal, 
cd /to/where/you/want/it/unzipped then 
tar -zxvf /mnt/floppy/au88xx-1.0.5.tar.gz   Then 
cd au88xx-1.0.5   then 
cat INSTALL  and cat README   (use:  
ls   to give you list of files).
That will probably tell you to use the commands:
./configure, make, su, , make install
Then you will probably/maybe have to put something in your /etc/modules.conf 
file, but the INSTALL should tell you.
BTW, if you want to copy something, use cp.  ex.:  
cp /mnt/floppy/au88xx-1.0.5.tar.gz /home/// 
If you want to copy a directory, use -r, ex.:  
cp -r /home// /mnt/win_c/windows/Desktop/

On Thursday 26 July 2001 03:47 pm, you wrote:
> Hello,

> The file is now on a floppy disk. I downloaded the file to win98 and then
> I copied it to a floppy. Now when I boot into Mandrake 8.0, I tried to
> unzip and couldn't. Would it be better if I moved it to the Mandrake
> partition and then unzip it, or is okay to try and unzip it on the
> floppy. If it's better to copy it, then will someone explain to me how to
> do that. I am very new at Linux, so the simplest explanation would be
> appreciated. Thanks to anyone who replies.
> Guy Gauthier

Re: [newbie] Sound card drivers

2001-07-26 Thread etharp

Have you run sndconfig in a text console? if you have any questions about how 
to do this let me know. also what is the error message you get when you try 
to unzip it and what command are you using?
also to untar a *.tar.gz file I believe the command is (with out the quotes 
of course) "tar xzf /path/to/file/to/open" where path/to/file/to/open is 
changed to the correct path to the file on your computer.
to copy a file the command is "cp filename /place/to/put file 

On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:47, Guy R Gauthier wrote:
> Hello,
> Hopefully this is the right place to ask. I'm trying to install drivers
> for my Aureal sound card. I downloaded the drivers from a site, but I
> don't know how to unarchive it. The file name is au88xx-1.0.5.tar.gz.
> I've been given examples of how to unzip it, but so far nothing has
> worked. Any help would be appreciated.
> The file is now on a floppy disk. I downloaded the file to win98 and then
> I copied it to a floppy. Now when I boot into Mandrake 8.0, I tried to
> unzip and couldn't. Would it be better if I moved it to the Mandrake
> partition and then unzip it, or is okay to try and unzip it on the
> floppy. If it's better to copy it, then will someone explain to me how to
> do that. I am very new at Linux, so the simplest explanation would be
> appreciated. Thanks to anyone who replies.
> Guy Gauthier
> Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
> Join Juno today!  For your FREE software, visit:
> http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.

Re: [newbie] Newbies top ten commands tutorial

2001-07-26 Thread Romanator

steve wrote:
> Suffer from termiphobia?
> Think that all this typing is a pain?
> Can't tell a cat from a tar?
> Couldn't compile your way out of a wet paper bag?
> Sick of man's and How-To's that assmume you already have a beard?
> Please allow me to present my Newbies guide to the ten commands no hacker[1]
> should be without
> http://www.cmm.uklinux.net/steve/ntt.html
> Comments, suggestions and ( ahem) corrections cheerfully received
> fleames>/dev/null
> post em here or mail me direct with anything.
> [1] that is hacker as in quick and clever penguin abuser as opposed to M$
> HacKEr script kiddie.


Looks good.
Registered Linux User #179293
"su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey"

Re: [newbie] login problem

2001-07-26 Thread etharp

what happens if you hit ctrl+alt+f4 (or any other f-key up to f6) and log in?

On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:30, root wrote:
> running mandrake 8.0
> on occasions following what is currently an undectable pattern, I get to
> the login window where i would enter root or my user name and password,
> enter the uid and password correctly, the system thinks for awhile and
> bounces me back to the same login window.
> I have to reboot under those circumstances, sometimes several times,
> sometimes powering off entirely and waiting for bios to clear, before the
> system accepts my uid and password.
> I'm careful to comfirm that I have entered the password correctly, and caps
> lock is off.  The password is simple enough that mistyping multiple times
> is not a likely explanation.
> I've never had a situation where one (root or user) accepts but the other
> doesn't.
> login is set to start kde.  I do not get to the kde loading panel before
> the bounce occurs.
> ideas?
> --
> "Gentlemen, it's in beta.  That means it's like Windows.  They're letting
> you test it while they continue to screw it up until it's totally useless."
> (Bigg Fredd in RCC talking about Google's temporary interface to the deja
> archives)

[newbie] Time to Quit the Install?

2001-07-26 Thread John Rigby

Hi folks,
Well, I purchased the official M8 Powerbox ( to avoid any problems 
with install) - in Oz it costs twice the price of USA - $140 
After two weeks of at least half a day every day - asking for and 
getting great support here, it seems time to call a halt .

The distro install is definitely deteorating - like my adrenalin 
reserves :-) 

I didn't have this many problems doing my first ever Concurrent-Dos 
Network twenty years ago, when my only "expert" quit suddenly and 
left me with the job.  
Side Note: I am an industrial psychologist. I NEVER tuned my own car 

Possible causes:

1. Either it is my machine. 
2. It is the Disks/Distro itself faulty.
3. My efforts at getting progs to work have broken it.

1. The machine EVEN runs W98SE with the only fault being the famous 
memory leak under heavy use. I can keep it going all day! 

2.  It seemed ok. Even though by accident of accepting all the 
defaults I could see, resulted in my installing a full Server 
version.  It was very fast to get up and connect to the inet. 

3. Till 48 hours ago, the problems seemed typical Newby. " Where's 
the bathroom? Now, how do I flush?" 

Then the neg reports/events began: 

As of this A.M.:
1. On startup many problems are reported - particularly relating to 
Disk Partitions.  e.g. "blocks 64 should be 8 -fixed"(see 3)
2. On Logout, sometimes it offers a login alternative screen, 
sometimes it simply boots back into the default user - and continues 
the problem. 
3. On Shutdown it reports numerous and seemingly increasing problems 
- particularly with both CDs and "devices". 

4. PPP dies unexpectedly regularly. 

5. Kmail will suddenly "whiteout" and only a logout will help. This 
costs the loss of the display details of the KPPP.  It is still 
connected, but no display of the fact is available.

6. Intense Disk activity (thrashing in the Doze world) has caused 
lockup 3 times in 2 days.  Always involving Kmail.
(VERY frustrating to duplicate 100+ emails downloaded! )
Resolved by hitting cancel button on display saying ( each reboot) 
( On startup not relog, a display of "Gnome is searching for Trash 
bins" also appears and has to be cancelled. It does not go away.)

7.  A Gnome Desktop has appeared on Dtop 4 and is un-cancellable 

8.  Hitting the Kill option has no effect on the locked-up programs. 
In the now severe cases. the final event is reminescent of the 
"B.S.O.D." of Doze. Only recourse is a reboot. 
If it was a horse, I would "put it down" - it seems in great pain. :-)

NOW:  If I decide to start again, does this seem like:
1.  Simple install interference?
2.  Something broke? ( I have under advice hit the update button)
3. Only foreign body introduced was IBM's Websphere which brings Wine 
with it..   All others were part of the Distro. 

How would you suggest I re-install?
1. Uninstall
2. Delete entire partition.
3. Send away for new disks. ( Another week lost) 

Thanks again for all the fish folks, I promise that I'm trying to do 
my bit to come up with THAT Newby FAQ/Gotcha list. But I didn't 
expect to be the MAIN contributor :-) 


http://counter.li.org GO HERE IF YOU SUPPORT LINUX! 

Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] @ symbol in latin american keyboard

2001-07-26 Thread Carlos Arigós

El Jue 26 Jul 2001 12:20, escribiste:
> Hello everyone,
> I was wondering if any of you has a latin american keyboard layout. I have
> it, but I haven't found where the @ symbol is.
> Regards.
> Hugo

Hola, Hugo. Probá AltGr + q o si no AtlGr + 2



Re: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

2001-07-26 Thread etharp

I wonder which ide channels are the hard drives and the cdrom on. sure is a 
long time though.

On Thursday 26 July 2001 15:42, mooseman wrote:
> X-RebelTech Is Here: www.rebeltech.ca
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> where did your cd come from?
> was it downloaded and then burnt from a winblows box?
> in the past i have had things like that happen when i got a cd that was
> written using packet writing (ie: direct cd). a lot of older cdroms don't
> like packet technology and will either barf right away or slug away at it
> and read the disc _really slow_
> just a thought anyways.
> On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:29, you wrote:
> > It was Fri, 27 Jul 2001 01:12:27 +0800 when Franki wrote:
> >
> > Hi Frank.
> > That amount of time is definitely NOT normal. On my old P/II-400 (128Mb)
> > it took about 45 minutes. On a 200mhz it will take some longer but never
> > 6 hours. Perhaps someone else can shed light on the problem though. Paul
> >
> > >I just did an install on a test box I have here,, the box details are:
> > >
> > >CPU: Pentium Pro 200,
> > >RAM: 64mb EDO.
> > >MB:  FX Chipset.
> > >Harddisks:  4.3 gig Maxtor, and 1.03 gig Seagate.
> > >CDROM: 24speed IDE Sony.
> > >Video: S3 Virge 2mb.
> > >I did a total install of Mandrake 7.2, and it just finished copying
> > > files, it took nearly 6 hours.
> > >
> > >is that normal??
> >
> > --
> > The universe is ruled by letting things take their course.
> > It cannot be ruled by interfering.
> > -Chinese proverb
> >
> > http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
> >  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
> > ** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

RE: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

2001-07-26 Thread Franki

yep, just changed the cdrom for an 8 speed matsuhita and it seems to be a
good bit faster...

I am hoping that my previous data curruption can be fixed by doing an
upgrade for a couple of packages..

see if that helps,, I got a copy of inittab from another computer running
the same version of linux, and put it in the corrupted box, and it half
worked,,, but not enough to get it up again, just changed the message to
some others...

fingers crossed.. I have had more trouble on this box then with any of my
other installs (probably around 60 now)
I thought linux was supposed to be good on older hardware :-)



Re: [newbie] THat stuck message from Kmail - again.

2001-07-26 Thread John Rigby

Hi Paul,
No wonder I had no idea what you meant!!!   :-)
The only word that stuck out was "cron" and that from a warning to be 
very careful how you used it. some time ago I admit! 

Actually, I am involved in a project with the concept of making  
Mandrake accessible to the other 99% of the population. 
This means at least obtaining similar ease of access as Doze - vis: 
via a GUI. 
Linux *IS* fantastic -especially in workaround capabilty, but the 
black screen is no place for the person with no interest in "pulling 
the engine apart" only driving the thing from A to B. 
This is a bad fault in KDE, not like the lack of auto-adding 
respondent addresses, which is merely annoying, but along with the 
messy problems of getting the KDE Help Search Engine to work - 
probably THE most vital component of the whole suite - is going to 
lose a lot of people.   

So, again thanks for your help - I am posting a bit more of this info 
shortly on List as subject:  "Don't RTFM!" 

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 20:44, you manipulated electrons to produce:

> > > Leave interval checking off in kmail, then set up fetchmail as
> > > a cron job. When you need your mail fix, just retrieve it from
> > > local.

> Good luck!
> Paul


http://counter.li.org GO HERE IF YOU SUPPORT LINUX! 

Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Vacation Notice

2001-07-26 Thread tazmun

I'm sure you'll be missed here Civileme by myself and others.  Your
contributions to help us learn are always very good.
- Original Message -
From: "civileme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 5:23 PM
Subject: [newbie] Vacation Notice

> I will be absent from posts to this list for the next two months.
> It is time from a vacation from my favorite hobby to turn my
> attention fully to my work tasks.  LSB compliance testing,
> software testing, preparation of updates, and coordination of
> the crashtesters will replace helping people getting things running.
> I really enjoy this list, but I'm gone.  Catch you in October.
> Civileme

Re: [newbie] two usb devices: conflict?

2001-07-26 Thread A V Flinsch

On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:18, you wrote:

> What I'm wondering is it possible to have two usb devices function at
> the same time?  Surely.  If so, just curious, what do you suppose was
> the problem with the joystick and the scanner?   Makes one think some
> kind of conflict, but rooting around in the /proc/bus/usb directory is
> a humbling experience.

It is possible to have multiple USB devices active at the same time. I 
have played my USB radio, while synching my USB Visor and accessing my 
USB Zip drive all at the same time. Is it possible that  there is some 
conflict between the specific devices that you are trying to use at the 
same time?

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

RE: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

2001-07-26 Thread Franki

Thanks civilme,

both hard drives are on the same channel.
according to the bios, both drives are pio mode 4.

I think its the CDROM, I just booted to rescue using it, and it took ages to
do that as well...

bloody OEM sony :-)

PS, how do I mount a reiserfs harddrive from a rescue load? (I just booted
from the CD and typed rescue, and now I don't know how to mount my hard
disk, it keeps asking for a valid FS type. )

didn't want to try ext2 in case it corrupted things even more..



-Original Message-
From: civileme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 27 July 2001 6:45 AM
To: Franki; NEWBIE Mandrake List
Subject: Re: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

On Thursday 26 July 2001 17:12, Franki wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just did an install on a test box I have here,, the box details are:
> CPU: Pentium Pro 200,
> RAM: 64mb EDO.
> MB:  FX Chipset.
> Harddisks:  4.3 gig Maxtor, and 1.03 gig Seagate.
> CDROM:24speed IDE Sony.
> Video:S3 Virge 2mb.
> I did a total install of Mandrake 7.2, and it just finished copying files,
> it took nearly 6 hours.
> is that normal??
> rgds
> Frank

That's a tad on the long side.  If the maxtor and the Seagate are on the
same channel
and the Seagate is PIO3 or PIO2, that would explain a lot.  PPro of course
way way before DMA and almost all thier chipsets run in PIO mode.  PIO4 can
about 3-4 Mb/s on a good day, and if the Seagate was on the same channel as
Maxtor, more likely your best read speed was about 1.8 or 1.9 Mb/s  Write is
somewhat slower

And you are talking about nearly 3G of software installed in a full version.


[newbie] Sound card drivers

2001-07-26 Thread Guy R Gauthier


Hopefully this is the right place to ask. I'm trying to install drivers
for my Aureal sound card. I downloaded the drivers from a site, but I
don't know how to unarchive it. The file name is au88xx-1.0.5.tar.gz.
I've been given examples of how to unzip it, but so far nothing has
worked. Any help would be appreciated. 

The file is now on a floppy disk. I downloaded the file to win98 and then
I copied it to a floppy. Now when I boot into Mandrake 8.0, I tried to
unzip and couldn't. Would it be better if I moved it to the Mandrake
partition and then unzip it, or is okay to try and unzip it on the
floppy. If it's better to copy it, then will someone explain to me how to
do that. I am very new at Linux, so the simplest explanation would be
appreciated. Thanks to anyone who replies.

Guy Gauthier

Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
Join Juno today!  For your FREE software, visit:

[newbie]User privilages

2001-07-26 Thread George Baker

I have a son who has discovered that Linux has games. How can I set him
up as a user that only has access to the games. I tried removing all
desktop icons and edited the K menu, but I could not get rid of the KDE
menu items. Been searching through manuals, info, and docs with no real
George Baker
South Africa

[newbie] segmentation fault at shut down

2001-07-26 Thread root

when shutting down, not rebooting, I am getting an odd segmentation fault.  I 
don't get it on warm reboot since the problem occurs after the path diverges 
for reboot vs shut down.  I have to power off to get out of it.

message sequence in log is:

halting system
stopping all md devices
power down
general protection fault: f000

bunch of registers elided here

Process Halt (PID:1319 Stackpage: c5add000)

stack dump elided here


/etc/rc0.d/s01halt: line 1: 1319 segmentation fault halt -i -d -p

"Gentlemen, it's in beta.  That means it's like Windows.  They're letting you
test it while they continue to screw it up until it's totally useless."
(Bigg Fredd in RCC talking about Google's temporary interface to the deja

[newbie]Virus and telnet commands

2001-07-26 Thread George Baker

Hi - I read the mails about the new Windoze virus that sends a huge
attachment and tonight while downloading my wife's e-mail (on a win box)
I noticed that it was huge. Cancelled the download and telnet into the
pop server. After "list" I suddenly realised I could not remember the
command to view the mail (thought it was "top"). What is the command?
Anyway the 2 mails were both 49+megs, so I deleted them.
George Baker
South Africa

Re: [newbie] newbie and hardware questions

2001-07-26 Thread George Baker

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

> On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 16:53, Robert MacLean wrote:
> > Good Morning Bunnies ;)
> >
> > My next one is also hardware. I have a Genius Netscroll Optical mouse.
> > But for some reason I can't select it, when I tried it during install
> > it stuffed the mouse up. So I choose std mouse. Any way to fix this? I
> > miss my mouse wheel :(
> Run "mousedrake" as root.
> Sridhar Dhanapalan.
> "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
> LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
> -- Jeremy S. Anderson

I'm using LM 7 and I notice it only has Genius Netscroll on PS2. I have
a serial
Netscroll mouse - any ideas how I can set it up?
George Baker
South Africa

[newbie] login problem

2001-07-26 Thread root

running mandrake 8.0

on occasions following what is currently an undectable pattern, I get to the 
login window where i would enter root or my user name and password, enter the 
uid and password correctly, the system thinks for awhile and bounces me back 
to the same login window.

I have to reboot under those circumstances, sometimes several times, 
sometimes powering off entirely and waiting for bios to clear, before the 
system accepts my uid and password.

I'm careful to comfirm that I have entered the password correctly, and caps 
lock is off.  The password is simple enough that mistyping multiple times is 
not a likely explanation.

I've never had a situation where one (root or user) accepts but the other 

login is set to start kde.  I do not get to the kde loading panel before the 
bounce occurs.


"Gentlemen, it's in beta.  That means it's like Windows.  They're letting you
test it while they continue to screw it up until it's totally useless."
(Bigg Fredd in RCC talking about Google's temporary interface to the deja

[newbie] Strange X problem I have never had before. (damn thing crashed again.)

2001-07-26 Thread Franki

Hi guys,

just wondering if anyone can give me any ideas on this:

The system:
200 Ppro
64mb ram.
S3Virge 2MB

The Problem:

System boots in vga=788 mode with Aurora perfectly.

when starting x, (after using drakconf and trying progressively lower res
and color) the system locks up tight..

monitor starts flashing "no sync signal" and CTRL-ALT-DEL, or
CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE or anything else works either..

altough the number lock and caps key lights are still working, so it doesn't
look like a total lockup..

can't switch to another terminal either..

Latest problem, after another crash, this time haing tried 640x480 bit,,,
the system is reporting this no boot (unsucessful boot I might add.

INIT: version 2.78 booting
INIT: /etc/inittab[6]: id field too long (max 4 characters)
INIT: /etc/inittab[7]: id missing action field

a heap of other stuff like that,,, then :

Enter runlevel:

no mater what I select, it tells me "INIT: no more processes left on this

anyone know how to fix that? I have just reinstalled this thing 3 times,
don't want to make it 4 if it can be avoided..

The daft thing was, I had KDE running perfectly, had upgraded the kernel to
2.2.19 and did all my usual config stuff..

Then I tried to load aurora, got that working, then X disappeared, and now
it appears that I have had a data coruption as well.

This is not going well at all...

any help, suggestions, general cursing,, anything at all is most welcome..



[newbie] two usb devices: conflict?

2001-07-26 Thread s

Hi all,
I experienced a little inconvenience yesterday, when I noticed my scanner was 
no longer recognized since adding a usb joystick last week.   Well, it turns 
out that this particular joystick will function hooked up the gameport when 
my other wouldn't (but what if it didn't?).  So I talked the scanner into 
coming back (wasn't easy).  But the problem isn't fixed, just worked around.

What I'm wondering is it possible to have two usb devices function at the 
same time?  Surely.  If so, just curious, what do you suppose was the problem 
with the joystick and the scanner?   Makes one think some kind of conflict, 
but rooting around in the /proc/bus/usb directory is a humbling experience.  

Thanks in advance as always,

RE: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

2001-07-26 Thread Franki

Those same CD's have loaded very quickly on other box's,, so I am left
assuming its probably the cdrom that made it so slow..

oh well..

its loaded and running now anyways..



-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, 27 July 2001 3:42 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

X-RebelTech Is Here: www.rebeltech.ca
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

where did your cd come from?
was it downloaded and then burnt from a winblows box?
in the past i have had things like that happen when i got a cd that was
written using packet writing (ie: direct cd). a lot of older cdroms don't
like packet technology and will either barf right away or slug away at it
read the disc _really slow_

just a thought anyways.

On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:29, you wrote:
> It was Fri, 27 Jul 2001 01:12:27 +0800 when Franki wrote:
> Hi Frank.
> That amount of time is definitely NOT normal. On my old P/II-400 (128Mb)
> took about 45 minutes. On a 200mhz it will take some longer but never 6
> hours. Perhaps someone else can shed light on the problem though.
> Paul
> >I just did an install on a test box I have here,, the box details are:
> >
> >CPU: Pentium Pro 200,
> >RAM: 64mb EDO.
> >MB:  FX Chipset.
> >Harddisks:  4.3 gig Maxtor, and 1.03 gig Seagate.
> >CDROM:   24speed IDE Sony.
> >Video:   S3 Virge 2mb.
> >I did a total install of Mandrake 7.2, and it just finished copying
> >it took nearly 6 hours.
> >
> >is that normal??
> --
> The universe is ruled by letting things take their course.
> It cannot be ruled by interfering.
> -Chinese proverb
> http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
>  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
> ** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

2001-07-26 Thread mooseman

X-RebelTech Is Here: www.rebeltech.ca
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

where did your cd come from?
was it downloaded and then burnt from a winblows box?
in the past i have had things like that happen when i got a cd that was 
written using packet writing (ie: direct cd). a lot of older cdroms don't 
like packet technology and will either barf right away or slug away at it and 
read the disc _really slow_

just a thought anyways.

On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:29, you wrote:
> It was Fri, 27 Jul 2001 01:12:27 +0800 when Franki wrote:
> Hi Frank.
> That amount of time is definitely NOT normal. On my old P/II-400 (128Mb) it
> took about 45 minutes. On a 200mhz it will take some longer but never 6
> hours. Perhaps someone else can shed light on the problem though.
> Paul
> >I just did an install on a test box I have here,, the box details are:
> >
> >CPU: Pentium Pro 200,
> >RAM: 64mb EDO.
> >MB:  FX Chipset.
> >Harddisks:  4.3 gig Maxtor, and 1.03 gig Seagate.
> >CDROM:   24speed IDE Sony.
> >Video:   S3 Virge 2mb.
> >I did a total install of Mandrake 7.2, and it just finished copying files,
> >it took nearly 6 hours.
> >
> >is that normal??
> --
> The universe is ruled by letting things take their course.
> It cannot be ruled by interfering.
> -Chinese proverb
> http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
>  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
> ** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

[newbie] Dual booting win 2000 with NTFS file system with aurora and lilo

2001-07-26 Thread tazmun

Hi all

I've been actually dual booting one of my systems with win 2000 NTFS file
system for some time now with MD 8.0 with no problems.  All seemed to work
flawlessly and was set up on original install no muss no fuss.  However at
this point I'm also trying on another system to get Red Hat 7.1 going.  This
box also has win 2000 on it with NTFS file system.  So far I've not figured
out how to get the RedHat booted with out using the boot up disk I made.
The way the Red Hat is installed is similiar to the mandrake with the Root
filesystem being on hdb5hdb1 is win NTFS as well as hda is all NTFS.  Is
the lilo used in mandrake totally different or is it the Aurora giving me
the dual boot screen at start up.  I get a dark bluish screen(I'm somewhat
color blind so don't quote me on this could be purple too) offering me NT,
Linux, Floppy.  I can edit the properties of this screen in the GUI config
offered in Mandrake as well.  The Mandrake distro claims that this
particular version of Aurora is made especially for them in RPM information
but that downloads for other distros are available as well on their site.
Any idea where that site would be.  In searchs thus far no luck.
www.aurora.com seems to be a company of some sort not related to the aurora
I speak of here.  Even if I find this site is it likely it will solve my

I realize this is a bit off topic being it is redhat oriented, but this list
seems more informative then the redhat install list.  Ya gotta give Mandrake
a high 5 on this issue since they seem to have left redhat in the dust on
dual booting.  Any suggestions here other then just run mandrake would be
greatly appreciated... :-)



[newbie] Problem with Mozilla Messenger

2001-07-26 Thread Kevin Fonner

I have been using Mozzila Messenger for about a month or two without any 
major problems.  I do have a couple of major pains though.  Mozilla 
seems to keep forgetting what I set the preferences at.

It forgets that I set to spell check outgoing email,
It forgets that I have a  signiture file...

Those are the two major ones.

Kevin Fonner
Vice President and CTO
Greenfern Corporation

Phone:  (888) 411-3923
Fax:(877) 807-4064

Re: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

2001-07-26 Thread Paul

It was Fri, 27 Jul 2001 01:12:27 +0800 when Franki wrote:

Hi Frank.
That amount of time is definitely NOT normal. On my old P/II-400 (128Mb) it
took about 45 minutes. On a 200mhz it will take some longer but never 6 hours.
Perhaps someone else can shed light on the problem though.

>I just did an install on a test box I have here,, the box details are:
>CPU: Pentium Pro 200,
>RAM: 64mb EDO.
>MB:  FX Chipset.
>Harddisks:  4.3 gig Maxtor, and 1.03 gig Seagate.
>CDROM: 24speed IDE Sony.
>Video: S3 Virge 2mb.
>I did a total install of Mandrake 7.2, and it just finished copying files,
>it took nearly 6 hours.
>is that normal??
The universe is ruled by letting things take their course.
It cannot be ruled by interfering.
-Chinese proverb

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0 install hangs after IDE detection

2001-07-26 Thread Kevin R. Bulgrien

I have remade the boot floppy from the CD and from downloaded
files from the linux-mandrake site.

The behavior does not change.

At 09:34 PM 7/24/01, you wrote:

>Your machine's getting old, but I have had Mandrake 8.0 working on a similar
>machine.  My guess would be that it is bad media.  
>Quoting "Kevin R. Bulgrien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I have a system that successfully boots Mandrake 7.2...
>> I want to install 8.0 instead, so I have the boot floppy
>> and a bootable CD.
>> I can boot both types of media.  All installation choices
>> fail with a hard system hang immediately after the system
>> detects the IDE devices in the system.
>> No error messages are displayed.
>> Win98 works fine, Mandrake 7.2 works fine.  What might be
>> causing this low-level failure in the install process.
>> I do not have cutting edge hardware...
>> AMD K6-166, 96MB RAM, Advansys SCSI controller, SMC ISA
>> 10MB NIC, ISA soundblaster AWE 64, ATI XPert 98 PCI video
>> card.
>> All the messages I have seen regarding installation 
>> failures seem to imply that other people get farther
>> than I do...
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Kevin R. Bulgrien 
>> MEMRAM=96Mb
>> DRIVES=Western Digital 4GB and Fujitsu 2GB
>> PRINTERS=Canon  BJC-600;
>> BIOS=Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG12/04/97
>> DISPLAY=ATI Rage 128 GL SD PCI (English);
>> MULTIMEDIA=Creative AWE64 16-bit Audio (SB16 compatible)
>> CDROM=IDE and SCSI CDWriter on Advansys SCSI card
>> MODEM=Zoom External 56K LT Voice Faxmodem;Zoom External 56K LT Voice
>> Faxmodem;
>> NETCARD=ISA SMC EtherEZ (8416);
>> MONITOR=Super VGA 1280x1024;
>> KEYBOARD=Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural Keyboar

[newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

2001-07-26 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I just did an install on a test box I have here,, the box details are:

CPU: Pentium Pro 200,
RAM: 64mb EDO.
MB:  FX Chipset.
Harddisks:  4.3 gig Maxtor, and 1.03 gig Seagate.
CDROM:  24speed IDE Sony.
Video:  S3 Virge 2mb.

I did a total install of Mandrake 7.2, and it just finished copying files,
it took nearly 6 hours.

is that normal??



Re: [newbie] Time

2001-07-26 Thread Frans Ketelaars

Marcelo Maraz wrote:
> How can I chanche the initial time of the lilo menu?
> at the momnet the actual time is 5s, but I sharing the M8 with another SO
> and I need more time to choose the SO.

Mandrake Control Centre -> Boot -> Boot Config -> Configure 


(I just read Paul's mail after composing this message, well, this 
is the GUI way :)


[newbie] locked drives

2001-07-26 Thread James S Bear

This sounds like a lie, but it really is not.  I expressed my sadness about the
fact that I filtered some of you intelligent linuxers out of my e-mail.  Then, I
posted a few questions and have yet to receive a response.  I am sure somebody
did, but Ifiltered them out.  For this reason, I have been trying to de-filter
my mail,but I have no control over the mail server because I am part of an
educational institution.  Their server is not allowing this at this time.  

So, please, I would really appreciate a response from somebody who did not
respond before.  My CDRom and my floppy drive keeps getting locked.  I manage to
unlock them by different maneuverings of fstab or mounting and unmounting, but
it gets to be a pain and I would really like to know why this occurs and how I
can fix it more easily.  I would appreciate any response.


Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] Extreme *nix user wantabee

2001-07-26 Thread Tim Holmes

Basically anton's correct.  It makes the Makefile clean.

When you run a ./configure and it goes down and checks a lot of things,
do you have this, do you have that, do you need this, do I care that you
don't have this?  Stuff like that.  Then in the Makefile it adds a lot of
extra stuff.

When you run the make, it will then make the install information, but it
can make it with a lot of extra stuff.  Directories that aren't needed
for your configuration, and others.

It's a good idea to run make clean, but not needed.  Some cases it's not
"supported."  a lot like make depend.

But always, and I stress ALWAYS read, at the very least, the INSTALL
file.  It will tell you if you need or should run the make clean.

Hope that helps ya.

T. Holmes
"Real Men Use Vi!"

 12:18pm  up 6 days, 12:45,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| What does the 'make clean' bit at the end do? i aint never done that
| before 
|-- Jamie
| >--
| >Sent:26 July 2001 16:17
| >Subject: Re: [newbie] Extreme *nix user wantabee
| >
| >Go in main subfolder:
| >and type:
| >
| >./configure
| >make 
| >make install
| >make clean
| >
| >But first read everyhing (readme , install notes , tutorials , how to's , and
| >so on)
| >
| >
| >
| >On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 10:48:26 -0400, Chris Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >My first voyage into non-MS waters.
| >
| >Installed Mandrake 7.1
| >DL'ed NetAtalk from http://www.umich.edu/~rsug/netatalk/obtaining.html
| >I want to create a Linux file system for out DTP Macs.
| >
| >I TARed it and it created several subfolders.
| >
| >Now what?  How to Install this app?
| >
| >Thanks
| >Chris
| >
| >
| >_
| >This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
| >delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
| >information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or alternatively call
| >Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.
| >

Re: [newbie] ISP

2001-07-26 Thread Tim Holmes

There's a 'good' reason why you can't connect, and JUNO gave you line of
BS for two reason.

1)  They don't know how their network works since they don't maintain it.
2)  It's not in their best interest to tell the world how it works.

My "day job" is working for Worldcom, which handles, literally 80% + of
the worlds dial in service.  When you dial in  you hit Worldcom
equipment.  Once you've athenticated on our network, with the userID &
passwd supplied in the software, you're then sent to their network which
you then have to athenticate there as well.  

To authenticate on our network we use PAP.  From there, JUNO uses CHAP.
(At least last I heard they do.)  Now, if somebody were to create a tool
to dialup like that, it would be nice, but I'm sure it would be illegal.
If it's not, then a lot of people would hunt after them trying to sue!

So... what I'd suggest, is break out your phone book.  Look up Internet
services and then find an ISP there.  There are tons of advantages to
doing this.

1)  Local people who can referr you to local dealers.  Local support
2)  Friendly support due to lack of volume.  You call AOL or EarthLink
and you spend a lot of time on hold.  They have POPs all over the world,
they're busy!
3)  Reliable dialup pools for your area.  Since AOL and others have
sucked up such a huge market, the chance of getting busy signals are very
low, and they're caused by TELCO issues, not capacity issues.
4)  Price.  Some of these places have unlimited accounts for $15-$20.
And a direct feed to the Internet.  NO proxies, no transparent proxies.
Just you, your machine, your modem, and the Internet.
5)  Any OS you want!  I worked at a such an ISP for a year.  We supported
Mac OS 7.1+, Win3.x, Win9x, WinNT, *nix.  Since most of those ISPs are
*nix based, they usually have people that can help with a Linux box.

There's a webpage that lists and rates ISPs, but I can't remember the
URL.  Maybe somebody knows of the link. I know I heard Martin on TechTV's
ScreenSavers mention the URL and other ways to help. Check out their
site, they may have it there and available.


One other thing I'd suggest.  Join a Linux Users Group. (LUG)  Almost all
of them have mailing lists.  Local people who can suggest and swear by
their ISP.  People in your area to suggeset an ISP in your area.

Hope that helps!

T. Holmes
"Real Men Use Vi!"

 11:38am  up 6 days, 12:05,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| Right now I have Juno as my dial up ISP. I tried connecting to Juno
| by typing modem commands like,
| atdt .
| I get connected. When I enter the user/passwd it says there is a
| user/passwd mismatch. I asked customer service and they said,
| I have to use their dialing software because their dialing software
| encryptes my password.
| So they said their software supports Windows only.
| Can anyone suggest me a dial up ISP where there is no kind of
| special dialing software I am forced to use for encryption. This would help 
| me get connected to the internet from Linux.
| Regards,
| Karthigan.
| _
| Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

Re: [newbie] Quicktime

2001-07-26 Thread Robert MacLean

Try This

Robert MacLean
IDWS Technical Services
Web: http://www.idws.com
Tel: (011) 955-5613 ext 14
Fax: (011) 955-5611

NOTE: Please include this message in your reply.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jordan Elver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mandrake Newbie Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 9:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] Quicktime

> Hi, 
> Does anyone know how to play QuickTime (mov) under Mandrake?
> Also, is there a plugin available for mozilla?
> Cheers,
> Jord
> -- 
> Jordan Elver
> Web Developer
> The InternetOne UK Ltd

[newbie] @ symbol in latin american keyboard

2001-07-26 Thread Hugo GONZALEZ

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if any of you has a latin american keyboard layout. I have it, but I 
haven't found where the @ symbol is.



[newbie] Quicktime

2001-07-26 Thread Jordan Elver

Does anyone know how to play QuickTime (mov) under Mandrake?
Also, is there a plugin available for mozilla?



Jordan Elver
Web Developer
The InternetOne UK Ltd

Re: [newbie] Extreme *nix user wantabee

2001-07-26 Thread anton

Go in main subfolder:
and type:

make install
make clean

But first read everyhing (readme , install notes , tutorials , how to's , and so on)

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 10:48:26 -0400, Chris Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My first voyage into non-MS waters.

Installed Mandrake 7.1
DL'ed NetAtalk from http://www.umich.edu/~rsug/netatalk/obtaining.html
I want to create a Linux file system for out DTP Macs.

I TARed it and it created several subfolders.

Now what?  How to Install this app?


Re: [newbie] Mounting NTFS partition

2001-07-26 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Kernels compiled by MandrakeSoft have read-only NTFS support built in. If 
you're satisfied with that, then you don't need to recompile. M$ have kept 
their NTFS specs secret, so write support in GNU/Linux is a matter of 
guesswork and clever reverse-engineering. At present, NTFS write support is 
still highly experimental (there's a good chance it may ruin the data), and 
it is left out of the default Mandrake kernel for this reason. If you still 
want to risk it, you should be able to compile in write support in without 
any external files. All you need is a Mandrake kernel-source package. I 
highly doubt that you can just add a ntfs.o file and have it work properly, 
if at all.

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 00:21, Kevin Khaw wrote:
> Besides recompiling the kernel and adding ntfs support, can I just get
> ntfs.o, place in in one of the libraries and do and insmod... followed by a
> mount?
> if anybody has ntfs.o (I dont have my red hat cd with me) could you please
> also add it with your next mail. Dont flood the list, you personally email
> it to me with instructions. Thanks

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Extreme *nix user wantabee

2001-07-26 Thread Chris Hunt

My first voyage into non-MS waters.

Installed Mandrake 7.1
DL'ed NetAtalk from http://www.umich.edu/~rsug/netatalk/obtaining.html
I want to create a Linux file system for out DTP Macs.

I TARed it and it created several subfolders.

Now what?  How to Install this app?


Re: [newbie] Integrated Video chip vs S3 Trio 64

2001-07-26 Thread Lin

thanks, I thought i810e uses my celeron processor.

Right now I am trying to install BeOS, it is really cool, and it doesn't
have any partitioning problems, but it doesn't work with my i810e
video chip.  I was thinking to put this 1 meg S3 card in, but wishing to
know if the performance will be degraded too much under windows and linux.

Thanks again


On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, civileme wrote:

> On Thursday 26 July 2001 13:12, Lin wrote:
> > I had an i810 shared memory video accelerator(up to 11mb sdram), will it
> > make a difference if instead I put in a 1 MB S3 trio 64 v2 video card to
> > run Linux?
> >
> > I couldn't really find the video accelerator on my Motherboard, I am
> > worrying it is actually using my processor to do all the work...
> >
> > Thanks all
> >
> > Eric
> It would absolutely assure that you had no video acceleration, and it would be
> non-trivial to configure.
> Actually the video accelerator is buried in the Northbridge of the i810 Chipset.  
> The new NVidia Chipset is designed the same way, and no one can fault its 
> projected performance.
> Civileme

[newbie] Time

2001-07-26 Thread Marcelo Maraz

How can I chanche the initial time of the lilo menu?
at the momnet the actual time is 5s, but I sharing the M8 with another SO
and I need more time to choose the SO.



[newbie] Newbies top ten commands tutorial

2001-07-26 Thread steve

Suffer from termiphobia?
Think that all this typing is a pain?
Can't tell a cat from a tar?
Couldn't compile your way out of a wet paper bag?
Sick of man's and How-To's that assmume you already have a beard?

Please allow me to present my Newbies guide to the ten commands no hacker[1] 
should be without


Comments, suggestions and ( ahem) corrections cheerfully received
post em here or mail me direct with anything.

[1] that is hacker as in quick and clever penguin abuser as opposed to M$ 
HacKEr script kiddie.