Re: [newbie] Enlightenment vs Sawfish

2001-09-14 Thread Jesse C. Chang

ryan_steffes wrote:

> Which one do most of you prefer?

Enlightenment is my window manager of choice, though I don't use it in
conjunction with Gnome or KDE, other than very occasionally running
GMC.  E17 will take care of that, however.  :)

> For
> starters, my X-Windows doesn't display menu's on a rightclick on the
> desktop.

Enlightenment has three different menus which appear when you click on
the desktop with the three different mouse buttons.  Right-clicking
brings up the maintenance menu.  If that's what you're used to, it is
part of E, not Gnome.

> Is that an option in Sawfish? Heck I can't even figure out how
> to change my background.  I'd like to RTFM but all I can find is help
> for gnome, and I'm not sure which parts are gnome and which parts are
> Sawfish.

Have you checked the Sawfish web site?

Have you tried running Sawfish without Gnome?


   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   "I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best."  -- Oscar Wilde

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RE: [newbie] Fostering the linux comunity spirit...... and a question about mandrake security level..and another one on Bind..

2001-09-14 Thread Franki

OK, so they just closed it up using ipchhains?  if thats it, then I have no
problems, I know my way around ipchains fules..
I thought the security script may have done other stuff to close ports and

gonna have to learn iptables when 8.1 comes out though...



-Original Message-
From: Michael D. Viron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, 15 September 2001 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fostering the linux comunity spirit.. and a
question about mandrake security level..and another one on Bind..

>Is there anything available that explains how to open just what I need??
>(ie how to get port 25 open and listening for postfix... ditto with 80 and
>httpd, ditto with bind on 53 (or the high ports) ssh,,, etc, etc, you get
>the idea.
well, this depends on whether you are using iptables or ipchains.  If you
are using ipchains, you can do something like:

'ipchains -A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 80 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT'

which allows connections coming from and going anywhere on port 80.  The 80
can very easily be changed to accomodate other ports you need to have open
to anyone.

If you have "trusted" hosts (ie, machines under your direct control), you
can then also do something like:

'ipchains -A input -s -d 0/0 -p all -j ACCEPT'

which will allow any type of connection from that machine (either udp or
with a destination of anywhere.

>It seems more logical then starting at security level Medium and then
>installing the secure kernel, pmfirewall, portsentry. and trying to harden
>it as much as possible myself,,, if I could start hard and soften to my
>needs, no doubt it would be more secure in the long run. (not that I
>wouldn't do all of the above even if I could do it,, I just think the end
>results would be more secure.
>also, if you run a newer bind, and it is using the higher ports, how can
>open the firewall to allow it if you don't know that ports its using???  I
>have our bind tied to port 53, and it gets lots of attack attempts
>(thousands) and I'd like to block 53 and open the higher ports... does
>anyone know anything about this??
Well, the easiest way to block the port 53 attacks is to disallow all
connections by default, and then only allow connections depending on need.

For example, my ipchains file (in /etc/sysconfig) has:

-A input -s 53 -d 0/0 -p udp -j ACCEPT

which allows connections originating from my nameserver(s) and going
anywhere.  All other connection attempts on port 53 will be blocked (ip
changed for security reasons).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] File access- Me?,Machine?, Manual?

2001-09-14 Thread Michael D. Viron

>What you said makes sense. Except for one item,
>Root directory - key word is directory not root.
>The one item is if I am SU, does this automatically open
>the root file or the directory?  
>Assuming I have it set for all access.

If you 'su' without the dash, you become the root user (ie, user
'root'--basically the account which has all privileges) but it does not
change to root's home directory (/root).  (as stated in the man page for
su:  "Change the effective user id and group id to that of USER.")  

for example:

mviron@wsdo ~ $ pwd
mviron@wsdo ~ $ su
[root@wsdo mviron]# pwd
[root@wsdo mviron]# whoami
[root@wsdo mviron]#

whereas with su - (or -l or --login)

mviron@wsdo ~ $ pwd
mviron@wsdo ~ $ su -
[root@wsdo /root]# pwd
[root@wsdo /root]#

If you use -, -l, or --login  su acts as if you had just logged
into the machine directly as .

There are three different 'root's on a unix platform which mean 3 totally
different things:

1.  The root directory (/) under which all other directories connect.
2.  The root user, also known as the "Super-User", which has permission to
do whatever you want to do (including removing all files on the hard
drive), and is typically used for system administration (adding users,
editing configurations and so forth).
3.  The home directory for the root user (/root/) under which root's shell
initialization and configuration settings are stored.

The question then becomes which root are you talking about?  As far as I am
aware, there is no root file (unless you are considering the /root/
directory as a file).



Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] a positive end to

2001-09-14 Thread Jeff Reed

damn...that's really nice. especially whereas i do live in 
the boston (worcester) area and i did notice that for real. 
people were driving...looking around at each other...a lot. 
a lot of eye contact and head nods. no mas road rage. very 
cool peoples. it was...almostweird. no, it was very 
weird...and very nice. thousands of dead americans is a 
sh*tty wake up call...but a wake up call nonetheless. it's American i felt yesterday morning. i felt some of 
the past shine through in our insane present...just a bunch 
of hard working blue bloods waging war against traffic so 
they can make some bucks and head home to be with the 
wife/kids/tv...typical american fluff. but...i like that. 
it's weird...i don't think we (here in MA) hate each other 
at all...we're just too busy trying to fill our lives and 
pocketswe act like madmen because we haven't stopped to 
think and really look at each other ( bunch o' 
mugs  :)  ) in a long, long time. welp, it's a sad 
day...but at least we get to stop and THINK about 
stuff...most importantly, how lucky we are to be really 

blah blah blah...  :)

thanks jen...


On Friday 14 September 2001 21:32, jennifer wrote:
> Someone from Boston sent these sentiments out  that I
> would like to share. I know that some don't want OT on
> this list, but lets end our discussions as friends...
>   Subject: For the book...
>   Yesterday's events have had a profound impact on
> me...especially once I got home last night and had no
> distraction to take my mind off of it. The 2 main
> thoughts I've had I thought were worth sharing with "my
> people". One is a somewhat frivolous metaphor, yet it's
> accurate. The other...a more serious consideration.
>   The metaphor is this. I was driving to work today and
> thinking about how yesterday Governor Swift said it's
> important to get back to "business as normal." As I
> looked around at all the people heading into work, I
> started thinking that we're like the Whos down in
> Whoville. The terrorists are the grinch that tried to
> steal Christmas yesterday, but today we're holding hands
> and singing because we're not going to let them break our
> spirit.  > This led me to the second realization...
>Did any of you notice what I noticed this morning? No
> road rage. None from within my car and none from without.
> Today, for the first time in what seems like years, I
> felt something for my fellow man that was actually
> positive. I felt a connection as we all try to come to
> terms with we all are simultaneously
> experiencing the exact same emotion. Suddenly, letting
> someone in front of me felt better than speeding up to
> spite them. Suddenly, the cars around me became more than
> just faceless enemies. I began to actually look at the
> faces attached to the souls within each vehicle and I
> realized they are just like me. Just desperately trying
> to make it through another day in an increasingly
> frightening world that sometimes makes us feel more
> vulnerable than we can deal with admitting.
>   Perhaps if we as a society can hang on to this
> feeling...perhaps if we can smile at just one stranger
> today instead of glaring suspiciously at them. Perhaps if
> we can let just one person out in traffic...or back off
> the person in front of us by just 10 feet causing us to
> reach our destination a mere nanosecond later...perhaps
> then the tens of thousands of people who lost their lives
> yesterday will not have died in vain. If we can pull just
> one positive thing out of this staggering
> nightmare...maybe God...who's up there crying his eyes
> out right now...can smile again.
>Just a thought.
> ---

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


//--  Jeff Reed
//--  Co-founder / Odd (Job) Guy
//--  Metro West Boston Linux User Group

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[newbie] CD info question

2001-09-14 Thread Jon Doe

Ok, in windows you just right click on a cd and you get the info such as : CD 
title, CD publisher and all that good stuff. How do I do this in linux?

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little
 temporary safety, deserve neither safety nor liberty." -- Benjamin Franklin

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Re: [newbie] Libarary compatibility

2001-09-14 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

I did a quick search for "libc" at and I found a number of Mandrake
and Mandrake Cooker packages. What is the problem?

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 17:17:21 -0400, "Charles A. Punch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> >On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 17:18:01 -0400, mcoady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>In my ongoing attempt to get Mandrake8 to accept an earlier version of WP8,
> >>
> >tried to install the earlier library libc5 via rpm.
> >
> >>However I get the message: "file /etc/nsswitch.conf from install of
> >>
> >libc5-5.4.38-3 conflicts with file from package glibc-2.2.2-3.mdk
> >
> >>Does this not mean that the older library cannot coexist with a newer one?
> >>
> >
> >Is the libc package a Mandrake 8.0 RPM? 
> >
> I am having a similar problem. The only RPM I could find was a Caldera 
> one. This is the same one that I used before and it worked fine. WhenI 
> try to unpack it, I get an error message. I have since  made many 
> changes to my system, so I am thinking that it may be another conflict 
> within my system and not a problem with the RPM itself. Just guessing.
> ShalomOut
> Elder PCUSA
> Registered Linux user #217118
> >If so, try this:
> >
> >1. Make a backup of /etc/nsswitch.conf
> >2. Install libc5
> >3. Restore the old /etc/nsswitch.conf, in place of the new one
> >4. Install WP8.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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RE: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-09-14 Thread d

LURKER here, NOT a guru still trying to learn how to be a NEWBY.  NOW for 
this prob, just corrected a prob I had with my system.  My system was 
booting to LILO and I use the PowerQuest's BootMagic, I booted to LILO and 
then typed in windows, then went into the BootMagic Configuration and set 
thingys the way I wanted them and exited to DOS and ran 'fdisk /mbr' (with 
out the quotes).  Returned to WinBlow$ and exited and did a reboot and WOW! 
it worked the way I wanted.  What I am trying to say in all of this is I 
did NOT use a WinBlow$ boot disk, did it directly from DOS by just exiting 
to it.

At 06:56 AM 9/14/01, you wrote:
>Adam, not two weeks ago I did exactly the same thing, and it was a weekend
>so I had no way of finding out how to fix it. you might want to wait for
>someone to confirm this answer, but you use a Windoze Boot disk get into the
>c drive ( dir c: and press enter) then fdisk /mbr this clears the Master
>Boot Record.biut like I said, wait for confirmation from someone else
>-Original Message-

>I installed a lnx4win Mandrake 8.0 on a pc, which
>would load a text bootloader fine.
>However, when I decided to uninstall, I deleted the
>lnx4win folder (in windows) and rebooted.
>Grub still starts and then, being a complete newbie, I
>don't know how to get past it.
>Is there any way of getting rid of Grub, so that the
>machine boots straight into Windows?

San Antonio, Texas

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RE: [newbie] a positive end to

2001-09-14 Thread Siavash Sefidvash

Really nice sentiment. Enjoyed the read in prayerful hope that this dream
can come true soon. Man's nature seems to need to experience pain before he
can grow.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of jennifer
Sent: 15 September 2001 02:32
Subject: [newbie] a positive end to 

Someone from Boston sent these sentiments out  that I would like to share. I
know that some don't want OT on this list, but lets end our discussions as

  Subject: For the book...

  Yesterday's events have had a profound impact on me...especially once I
   got home last night and had no distraction to take my mind off of it. The
  2 main thoughts I've had I thought were worth sharing with "my people".
   One is a somewhat frivolous metaphor, yet it's accurate. The other...a
  more serious consideration.

  The metaphor is this. I was driving to work today and thinking about how
  yesterday Governor Swift said it's important to get back to "business as
  normal." As I looked around at all the people heading into work, I started
thinking that we're like the Whos down in Whoville. The terrorists are the
grinch that tried to steal Christmas yesterday, but today we're holding
and singing because we're not going to let them break our spirit.  > This
me to the second realization...

   Did any of you notice what I noticed this morning? No road rage. None
  within my car and none from without. Today, for the first time in what
  seems like years, I felt something for my fellow man that was actually
  positive. I felt a connection as we all try to come to terms with we all are simultaneously experiencing the exact same emotion.
  Suddenly, letting someone in front of me felt better than speeding up to
  spite them. Suddenly, the cars around me became more than just faceless
  enemies. I began to actually look at the faces attached to the souls
  within each vehicle and I realized they are just like me. Just desperately
trying to make it through another day in an increasingly frightening world
that sometimes makes us feel more vulnerable than we can deal with

  Perhaps if we as a society can hang on to this feeling...perhaps if we can
smile at just one stranger today instead of glaring suspiciously at them.
Perhaps if we can let just one person out in traffic...or back off the
in front of us by just 10 feet causing us to reach our destination a mere
nanosecond later...perhaps then the tens of thousands of people who lost
their lives yesterday will not have died in vain. If we can pull just one
positive thing out of this staggering nightmare...maybe God...who's up there
crying his eyes out right now...can smile again.

   Just a thought.


Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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Re: [newbie] multiple copies of ML messages

2001-09-14 Thread d

LURKER here, I am using the Eudora Lite v5.1 within WinBlow$ and receive 
multiple copies of first sent messages prior to any responses.  I find the 
"DEL" key works great in my system and just ignore that prob.  To me that 
is very insignificant compared to the benefits I am receiving from this list.

At 08:36 PM 9/13/01, you wrote:
>On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 13:37:23 -0700 (PDT), "Jesse C. Chang"
> > civileme wrote:
> >
> > > All of us have to click the "reply all" button or else use something 
> like
> > > KMail with filters to put this mail in a single folder and associate 
> that
> > > folder with the list address in order to send to the newbie list without
> > > typing in "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  This means that whoever has an
> > > in the header gets the message.
> >
> > Okay, I'd swear I've gotten multiple copies of messages that were not
> > replies to messages that had my email address in them too.
> >
> > Oh well.  I still ssh to a remote Unix shell account to check my email
> > with elm.  For me, just hitting r)eply works, unless the author added a
> > Reply-to: header (which is fairly common I suppose - I know I do).
> >
> > Hmm, maybe I should start being lazy too, and just hit G)roup reply
> > instead of type a short alias for the list address.  And I'll stop
> > editing included-text too, since nobody else seems to care.  :/
> >
> >

As for the "editing included-text" that is really up to the individual, 
but; to make a point without having to type in many words to bring the 
point back into your message, EDITING would be the LAZY man's way of doing 
it.  I do NOT use the "Cc" just the "Reply" button so it goes to the 
[Newby] addy that sent the message to me.  If someone posts without joining 
then they do NOT see the response, the expense to join is the best benefit 
we have for ALL of the assistance we receive from such KNOWLEDGEABLE people.

> > Jesse
>You're right. I've been getting multiple messages like this as well. I 
>find that
>the list mailfunctions a bit every few months, and gets fixed within a few 
>of the problem occurring. Just wait a little and it should hopefully stop.
>Sridhar Dhanapalan.
> "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
> LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
> -- Jeremy S. Anderson

MY $00.01.5 worth, thank you,

San Antonio, Texas

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RE: [newbie] Think its time for farewell

2001-09-14 Thread Siavash Sefidvash

Jennifer, my most sincere thanks to you for that solution as it worked. I
seem to have missed implementing the last couple of steps, namely to check
to turn on rule before clicking finish.

In the meantime I have in excess of 100 messages in my inbox to move to
approriate folder. Up till now I have been spending between 30 to 45 mins
per day relocating them.

I guess with your help I can afford the time to stick around.

Again thanks

Siavash Sefidvash

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of jennifer
Sent: 15 September 2001 01:59
To: Siavash Sefidvash; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Think its time for farewell


I just did a quick run through on my windows box using the following
instructions: they are a little crude, but they worked. Try running through
again and see if you can't get it to work

Rules wizard
Move messages based on content
with "newbie" in the subject or body
Move it to the "newbie" folder (make sure you have a newbie folder)
Choose next
Make sure with specific words in the subject or body is checked.
look at the lower pane and make sure the info is filled in
Make sure the move it the the speciefied folder is filled out
look at the lowe pane and make sure the info is filled in
Add any exceptions to the rule.
Name rule
Check  Turn on this rule box

Then click run now

Make sure the check box next to the rule you want to run is checked on
the next screen. Also check the "apply rules to" and "run in folder (inbox)"
are correct.

the rule should now run.

Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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RE: [newbie] USA this and USA that,w here did the newbie list go?

2001-09-14 Thread Hans N.

I have an ISP I have to pay for. One of their major centers, which happens
to be the one that affects me, is/was a quarter mile away from the world
trade center. Now my connection sucks. I'm trying to dial up for the 50th
time hoping I can go online and get my e-mail. *In a whiny cry-baby prickish
voice that some people remember as some jerky from work they'd like to kick
the crap out of* "Why don't they hurry up and toss those dead bodies away.
They're on my cables for my ISP, waaah waaah. I had to delete 150+ e-mails
because other people give a shit."

*end prickish voice*
My dad works on back up power systems. He couldn't call his client (Morgan
Stanley Dean Witter) that Tuesday morning because he lost the number. Not a
big deal, so he head off to the client's office. Half way there he hears
that the building the client's office is in just got hit by an airliner and
so did the building next to it. My dad was on the way to the World Trade
Center. He was going there to relieve/assist two of his friends from his
company. One of them hasn't been found. So the next time you go to school,
or work if you're mature enough, take a look at a good friend and pretend
he's dead and some asshole like you is whining about deleting mail while
your friend's dead carcass hasn't even been found yet. Go cry to your mommy
for having to delete e-mail and then yell at her for not teaching you how to
grow up. There's nothing to laugh at about Karma . . . what goes around will
eventually and definitely come around . . . Enjoy your day

Hans N.

PS - This e-mail wont be leaving my outbox until tomorrow, maybe deleting
e-mail will make it go out sooner? Or was it crying about it that makes it
go out faster?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hylton Conacher

Considering this is a Linux newbie list and I have managed to delete
over 150 email regarding the US TERROR ATTACK can we please drop the
subject on this list. some of us do have limited email space which we
pay for!

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RE: [newbie] Attention for everybody

2001-09-14 Thread Hans N.

I would think the city of God would be renowned for something more pure than
capitalism, wealth, and the fact that if the city had public restrooms, they
would be used as homes for those who live under boxes.

Hans N.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Mohammed Arafa
another off-topic post
ok can we debunk this? if a great city is burning ..doesnt that mean it
already is a war? how else would an entire city burn?

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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread bascule

cheers tom,
makes sense now :-)


On Saturday 15 September 2001 2:15 am, you wrote:
>   Bascule, 2.2.1 is ahead of, and is a "full 2.2".
> The 'pre' suffix just means it's not quite 2.2.1 which is expected next
> week.  Call it beta if you want, but IMO, most all Linux software is
> beta. Don't ya just love it that way ;

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Re: [newbie] To subscribe?

2001-09-14 Thread Mark Annandale

On Friday 14 September 2001 21:04, you wrote:
> Linux fellows, how could I subscribe to this list, please?
> Thanks

Go to and look on the left hand side for mailing lists. 
Scroll down the page and you will see the subscribe box, enter your email 
address. A few minutes later you will recieve a confirmation message by 
email, hit reply and you are on.

Good luck

Mark A

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[newbie] a positive end to

2001-09-14 Thread jennifer

Someone from Boston sent these sentiments out  that I would like to share. I 
know that some don't want OT on this list, but lets end our discussions as 

  Subject: For the book...
  Yesterday's events have had a profound impact on me...especially once I
   got home last night and had no distraction to take my mind off of it. The
  2 main thoughts I've had I thought were worth sharing with "my people".
   One is a somewhat frivolous metaphor, yet it's accurate. The other...a
  more serious consideration.
  The metaphor is this. I was driving to work today and thinking about how
  yesterday Governor Swift said it's important to get back to "business as
  normal." As I looked around at all the people heading into work, I started 
thinking that we're like the Whos down in Whoville. The terrorists are the 
grinch that tried to steal Christmas yesterday, but today we're holding hands 
and singing because we're not going to let them break our spirit.  > This led 
me to the second realization...

   Did any of you notice what I noticed this morning? No road rage. None from
  within my car and none from without. Today, for the first time in what
  seems like years, I felt something for my fellow man that was actually
  positive. I felt a connection as we all try to come to terms with we all are simultaneously experiencing the exact same emotion.
  Suddenly, letting someone in front of me felt better than speeding up to
  spite them. Suddenly, the cars around me became more than just faceless
  enemies. I began to actually look at the faces attached to the souls
  within each vehicle and I realized they are just like me. Just desperately 
trying to make it through another day in an increasingly frightening world 
that sometimes makes us feel more vulnerable than we can deal with admitting.
  Perhaps if we as a society can hang on to this feeling...perhaps if we can  
smile at just one stranger today instead of glaring suspiciously at them. 
Perhaps if we can let just one person out in traffic...or back off the person 
in front of us by just 10 feet causing us to reach our destination a mere 
nanosecond later...perhaps then the tens of thousands of people who lost 
their lives yesterday will not have died in vain. If we can pull just one 
positive thing out of this staggering nightmare...maybe God...who's up there 
crying his eyes out right now...can smile again.
   Just a thought.


Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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[newbie] huge fonts!

2001-09-14 Thread Tom Picot

Hi, I run mandrake 8. I changed X to the 4.x 
version using mandrakes setup program (can't rem the name, but, it let's you 
change the version running. So, I changed from 3.x to 4.x and now X has HUGE 
fonts. Everythings giant. What should I do?!
Thanks for any help.

Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 13 September 2001 06:30 pm, bascule escribió:
> perhaps thats it, i am using kmail 1.3.1, actually the 'about kmail'
> says kmail 1.3.1 (using kde2.2.1pre) but i don't understand since i
> am running mandrake freq2 with cooker kde upgrades so i thought kde
> would be full 2.2?
> bascule

   Hi-lite'g only what I want to respond to works here. Kmail 1.3.1 
(Using KDE 2.2.1pre).  Bascule, 2.2.1 is ahead of, and is a "full 2.2".
The 'pre' suffix just means it's not quite 2.2.1 which is expected next 
week.  Call it beta if you want, but IMO, most all Linux software is 
beta. Don't ya just love it that way ;>
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay
Admiral Yamamoto:  "I fear that all we have done is to awaken a
 sleeping giant,  and filled him with a terrible resolve."

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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread s

On Friday 14 September 2001 07:10 pm,  jennifer wrote:

> > No, there is a radio box in the settings to default all your threads to
> > collapsed and then you use the + or - in the subject list to expand them.
> > -s
> No, there isn't must be my version...bascule has reccomended (with
> cuation) that I may have to upgrade KDE. So off to maual land I go to
> figure out how to do that. See ya all in a few days with "i'm confused -How
> to Upgrade KDE questions"
> Thanks for your help.

hmmm, maybe it is a new thing.  Sorry.

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Re: [newbie] Think its time for farewell

2001-09-14 Thread jennifer


I just did a quick run through on my windows box using the following 
instructions: they are a little crude, but they worked. Try running through 
again and see if you can't get it to work

Rules wizard
Move messages based on content
with "newbie" in the subject or body
Move it to the "newbie" folder (make sure you have a newbie folder)
Choose next
Make sure with specific words in the subject or body is checked.
look at the lower pane and make sure the info is filled in
Make sure the move it the the speciefied folder is filled out
look at the lowe pane and make sure the info is filled in
Add any exceptions to the rule. 
Name rule
Check  Turn on this rule box

Then click run now

Make sure the check box next to the rule you want to run is checked on
the next screen. Also check the "apply rules to" and "run in folder (inbox)"
are correct.

the rule should now run.

Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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Re: [newbie] MS PowerPoint reader for linux?

2001-09-14 Thread Derek Jennings

Star Office works great

Not aware of anything else?


On Friday 14 September 2001 19:28, you wrote:
> Anything availible in linux to read MS PowerPoint presentations?

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Re: [newbie] TEST! was I thrown off the newbie list by Denis HAVLIK? is this a blow FOR Mandrake?

2001-09-14 Thread Ed Tharp

again and again I shall beg forgiveness for my self, this WAS NOT done by
anyone but me and my ISP changing POPmail settings. (they changed, I did
- Original Message -
From: "jennifer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] TEST! was I thrown off the newbie list by Denis
HAVLIK? is this a blow FOR Mandrake?

> This was recieved by the list...
> I would like to extend the invitation to those would like to keep
> our grief with members on this list to create a mailing list for that
> purpose. Email me and I will create a makeshift mailing list of those
> interested. Especially if you were "accidently bumped" (whatta jerk) off
> by mr. havlik.
> This list *is* supposed to be unmoderated after all.
> On Friday 14 September 2001 15:05, etharp wrote:
> > I have not received any mail from either the newbie list or the expert
> > since this morning, when I asked everyone to stay on the list to learn
> > we can. I hope we have not decided to take such measures at this time,
> > cool heads MUST prevail.
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="message.footer"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Content-Description:
> --
> Jennifer
> #221463
> Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
> #include 
> void ignorance (it offers no value)

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> Go to

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Re: [newbie] TEST! was I thrown off the newbie list by Denis HAVLIK? is this a blow FOR Mandrake?

2001-09-14 Thread Ed Tharp

MY BAD!!! sorry to EVERYONE whip me and my ISP with a wet noodle. they
screwed with my pop mail settings and I was not receiving any mail. all
my fault (he said with his head bowed)
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] TEST! was I thrown off the newbie list by Denis
HAVLIK? is this a blow FOR Mandrake?

> LURKER here, if I may?  I have conversed with Mr. Havlik before and he is
> NOT the OGER you think of.  He is just wanting to keep this "On Topic" for
> what it is supposed to be used.  I have been bumped for unknown reasons
> about a year ago.  That is NOT a big problem...just apologize and request
> to be re-instated.  I would rather see this keep to the topic at hand and
> be productive than fall into a trench compairing other wars, conflicts,
> disagreements or name calling.  This is Un-productive and not good for us
> or the others that are involved.  We are all on the same Space Ship, let
> work together and make it a better place for ALL.
> TIA,
> 'd'
> San Antonio, Texas

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> Go to

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[newbie] Think its time for farewell

2001-09-14 Thread Siavash Sefidvash


I really hope you don't mind me asking a windoz question. You see, I have
still not managed to install Mandrake.  Until I do I would like to continue
receiving mail from this list for future reference. However since the
average daily  mail from this list tends to range between 50 to 80. I simply
do not have time  sift through all. For this reason I would like to create a
rule in Outlook to move specific mail  by subject to designated folders in
my inbox. I very thank you in advance for your co-operation. Here is the
description of the problem.

I have recently gone over the MS Technet pages
Hi guys, been hoping some of you might be kind enough to help me filter the
massive amount of mail I get from this listing using the Outlook Rules
wizard. I guess assistance with MS  is a repugnant idea to  most. I have not
managed to get help to install my Mandrake 8 either. I guess as a total
newbie I need to seek support locally and come back as with more
intermidiate skills.

Farewell for now

Siavash;EN-US;Q196212  and
applied rules as instructions but the rules do not seem to be working.

I am trying to create rules to tell Outlook to put messages with specific
words in content of message, body or subject field, to be moved in specially
designated  folders.   I select TOOLS, RULES WIZARD,
then I select
"Move messages  based on content",
finally I insert the relevant content/words to base the relocation along
with specifiying which folder to move it in.

However I find each time I download mail they still pile up in Inbox rather
than moving them to the specified folder locations. I even tried the "RUN
NOW" button  which displayed the copy dialog box, but I still find that
messages do not move to specified folders on each download.

Can you throw some light on this?  Is this a ISP server  configuration

I am using Windoz 2000 Professional with Outlook 2000 installed from Office



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[newbie] Video Cards, any good?

2001-09-14 Thread Adrian Lynch

I'm about to buy a new video card, either a "3D Prophet 4500 PowerVR KyroII
64MB AGP", or a "VIVID! XS Kyro II 32MB AGP". Can anyone tell me what the
compatability is like with these and Mandrake 8.0, or a place I can find

Lovely Jubbly :o)

"Hey Ho...lets go"

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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread bascule

hmm, good luck if you decide to upgrade, but on reflection even if there 
isn't an option in 'settings' for default thread behaviour, wasn't there 
always an option hanging off the toolbar item 'folder' ?, i remember the plus 
and minus boxes not working but i'm sure that did,

for any one who knows a kmail developer, i would love to see a keyboard short 
cut to collapse/expand the current thread that i am reading, i can do this in 
netscape and i miss it,


On Saturday 15 September 2001 1:10 am, you wrote:
> > No, there is a radio box in the settings to default all your threads to
> > collapsed and then you use the + or - in the subject list to expand them.
> > -s
> No, there isn't must be my version...bascule has reccomended (with
> cuation) that I may have to upgrade KDE. So off to maual land I go to
> figure out how to do that. See ya all in a few days with "i'm confused -How
> to Upgrade KDE questions"

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Re: [newbie] MS PowerPoint reader for linux?

2001-09-14 Thread Ed Tharp

star office presenter seems to do pretty well
- Original Message -
From: "Jon Doe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 7:28 PM
Subject: [newbie] MS PowerPoint reader for linux?

> Anything availible in linux to read MS PowerPoint presentations?
> --
> "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little
>  temporary safety, deserve neither safety nor liberty." -- Benjamin

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> Go to

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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread jennifer

> > Your talking about ticking the little box with the plus or minus sign
> > right? (i'm really not as stupid as my questions sound) It doesn't work
> > for me. I am unsure whether kmail is corrupted or I have a different
> > version. I am using KDE 2.1.2 and kmail 1.2.
> No, there is a radio box in the settings to default all your threads to
> collapsed and then you use the + or - in the subject list to expand them.
> -s

No, there isn't must be my version...bascule has reccomended (with 
cuation) that I may have to upgrade KDE. So off to maual land I go to figure 
out how to do that. See ya all in a few days with "i'm confused -How to 
Upgrade KDE questions"

Thanks for your help.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="message.footer"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread s

On Friday 14 September 2001 06:37 pm,  jennifer wrote:
> > > yes, I know how to thread my messages, what i don't know how to do is
> > > expand or collapse the threaded messages. For example, what i see is
> > >
> > > subject#1>sender>date
> > >   subject#1>sender>date
> > >   subject#1>sender>date
> > > subject#1>sender>date
> > > Subject#2--->sender--->date
> > >   Subject#2>sender>date
> > > Subject#3--->sender--->date
> > >
> > > What I am trying to do is only see:
> > >
> > > subject#1->sender>date
> > > subect#2>sender>date
> > > subject#3->sender>date
> > >
> > > ...with the option of expanding and the subject group to view all
> > > messages with a specific subject header. Sorry if I can't explain it
> > > more clearly.
> >
> > Naw, it was me.  My brained forked for a minute.
> >
> > However, the setting in the config was correct.  Tick it to expand them
> > or untick to close them.
> >
> > -s
> Your talking about ticking the little box with the plus or minus sign
> right? (i'm really not as stupid as my questions sound) It doesn't work for
> me. I am unsure whether kmail is corrupted or I have a different version. 
> I am using KDE 2.1.2 and kmail 1.2.
No, there is a radio box in the settings to default all your threads to 
collapsed and then you use the + or - in the subject list to expand them.

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[newbie] StarOffice in KDE menu

2001-09-14 Thread Valerie Cheng

While playing around w/ my menu... I found out that the StarOffice links are 
actually installed. It's just don't show up if "Madrake costumization" is 
enabled. Once I disabled it, I see the StarOffice links.

and... sorrie... I lost the link for printing in staroffice. ^^;;
can someone give it to me again? thanx.

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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread bascule

aha! i'm sure i remember that behaviour briefly some months back - the plus 
and minus boxes not working - shortly after i upgraded or reinstalled i 
forget which, i think upgradeing kdenetwork (or is it kdeutils that has 
kmail?) is necessary, this could mean the whole of kde which itself could 
mean upgradingthe whole distro, a word of caution, when i upgrade mandrake 
8.0 orig to freq2 my menus were shagged, i think the later version used 
slightly different directory names for menu items, i backed up my home 
directory and then deleted the contents in the original, letting the upgrade 
create brand new menus etc. then i moved back all my custom desktp icons, 
config files for apps  etc.

no promises this would work for you of course :-) perhaps the best option is 
to wait for lm 8.1 final?


On Saturday 15 September 2001 12:37 am, you wrote:
> Your talking about ticking the little box with the plus or minus sign
> right? (i'm really not as stupid as my questions sound) It doesn't work for
> me. I am unsure whether kmail is corrupted or I have a different version.
>  I am using KDE 2.1.2 and kmail 1.2.

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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread jennifer

> >
> > yes, I know how to thread my messages, what i don't know how to do is
> > expand or collapse the threaded messages. For example, what i see is
> >
> > subject#1>sender>date
> > subject#1>sender>date
> > subject#1>sender>date
> > subject#1>sender>date
> > Subject#2--->sender--->date
> > Subject#2>sender>date
> > Subject#3--->sender--->date
> >
> > What I am trying to do is only see:
> >
> > subject#1->sender>date
> > subect#2>sender>date
> > subject#3->sender>date
> >
> > ...with the option of expanding and the subject group to view all
> > messages with a specific subject header. Sorry if I can't explain it more
> > clearly.
> Naw, it was me.  My brained forked for a minute.
> However, the setting in the config was correct.  Tick it to expand them or
> untick to close them.
> -s

Your talking about ticking the little box with the plus or minus sign right? 
(i'm really not as stupid as my questions sound) It doesn't work for me. I am 
unsure whether kmail is corrupted or I have a different version.  I am using 
KDE 2.1.2 and kmail 1.2.

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Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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[newbie] MS PowerPoint reader for linux?

2001-09-14 Thread Jon Doe

Anything availible in linux to read MS PowerPoint presentations?

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little
 temporary safety, deserve neither safety nor liberty." -- Benjamin Franklin

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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread bascule

perhaps thats it, i am using kmail 1.3.1, actually the 'about kmail' says
kmail 1.3.1 (using kde2.2.1pre) but i don't understand since i am running 
mandrake freq2 with cooker kde upgrades so i thought kde would be full 2.2?


On Saturday 15 September 2001 12:29 am, you wrote:
> It didn't work for me...perhaps kmail is corrupted. Would you mind telling
> me what version of KDE and kmail you are using? I am using the version
> contained in the original build of mandrake 8...I haven't upgraded yet.

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Re: [newbie] StartX-problems

2001-09-14 Thread Frans Ketelaars

Sebastian wrote:
> >
> > Your font server, xfs is not running.  One reason for xfs not starting may be
> > that you have deleted or moved the folders where all the fonts are stored.
> > To verify that you still have fonts to load, open this file at the shell
> > command prompt:
> >
> > vi /etc/X11/fs/config
> >
> > You ought to see some typing about halfway down that looks like this:
> >
> > catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,
> > /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled,
> > /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled,
> > /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1,
> > /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo,
> > /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/mdk:unscaled,
> > /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1
> >
> > ...Those are all the folders that contain fonts.  If none or some of these
> > folders are missing or empty you must re-install your fonts.
> >
> > If you have more questions you can reply straight to me.
> >
> > Richie
> >
> I have proofed this. The file /etc/X11/fs/config exists and the paths which are
> there exists too. Last time I have installed the system new but its take too long
> and I must configure everithing again, from new.
> Thank You for help.
> Seba

Hi, IIRC another reason for xfs not starting up is an (almost) full partition 
it needs space on. Check with 'df'.


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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread s

On Friday 14 September 2001 06:15 pm,  jennifer wrote:
> On Friday 14 September 2001 18:57, s wrote:
> > On Friday 14 September 2001 05:40 pm,  jennifer wrote:
> > > I have been searching for a post regarding how to expand and collapse
> > > the subject groups in kmail's threaded messages. I would rather have my
> > > inbox set up so i would only see on message header for each thread
> > > instead of all messages in every thread.  Similiar to using the plus
> > > and minus signs to the right of messages in Lookout?? Oh, I mean
> > > Outlook.
> > >
> > > I am fairly certain this has been addresed before. I also read on
> > > somewhere that there is a feature where you can highlight text in an
> > > email and when you choose reply, you will reply only to the highlighted
> > > text. Would anybody know how to implement this?
> >
> > There's a setting for it in the settings menu > configure kmail >
> > appearance
> >
> > > Layout.  There's also an option in Folder called "thread messages".
> >
> > Even windows people should know how to peruse a menu.  geeezzz.
> >
> > Just joking, just joking...  couldn't resist.  :-)
> >
> > -s
> yes, I know how to thread my messages, what i don't know how to do is
> expand or collapse the threaded messages. For example, what i see is
> subject#1>sender>date
>   subject#1>sender>date
>   subject#1>sender>date
> subject#1>sender>date
> Subject#2--->sender--->date
>   Subject#2>sender>date
> Subject#3--->sender--->date
> What I am trying to do is only see:
> subject#1->sender>date
> subect#2>sender>date
> subject#3->sender>date
> ...with the option of expanding and the subject group to view all messages
> with a specific subject header. Sorry if I can't explain it more clearly.

Naw, it was me.  My brained forked for a minute.

However, the setting in the config was correct.  Tick it to expand them or 
untick to close them.  


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[newbie] Updates

2001-09-14 Thread Mark Annandale

Hello all
did anyone ever figure out how to get the security update feature to work? 
When I try the ftp server is found, however the rpm manager just hanfs when 
trying to access the site.

I'm using mandrake 8.0 by the way.


Mark A

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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread jennifer

It didn't work for me...perhaps kmail is corrupted. Would you mind telling me 
what version of KDE and kmail you are using? I am using the version contained 
in the original build of mandrake 8...I haven't upgraded yet.

On Thursday 13 September 2001 19:19, bascule wrote:
> hi, i highlighted this text (below the 'On Frid..etc)
> r. clicked and chose reply, voila!
> bascule
> On Friday 14 September 2001 11:40 pm, you wrote:
> >  am fairly certain this has been addresed before. I also read on
> > somewhere that there is a feature where you can highlight text in an
> > email and when you choose reply, you will reply only to the highlighted
> > text. Would anybody know how to implement this?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="message.footer"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread bascule

hi, i highlighted this text (below the 'On Frid..etc)
r. clicked and chose reply, voila!


On Friday 14 September 2001 11:40 pm, you wrote:
>  am fairly certain this has been addresed before. I also read on somewhere
> that there is a feature where you can highlight text in an email and when
> you choose reply, you will reply only to the highlighted text. Would
> anybody know how to implement this?

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Re: [newbie] filters in Kmail

2001-09-14 Thread s

On Friday 14 September 2001 05:25 pm,  Stan Lockaby wrote:
> In replying to this post, I wish to thank all who responded. I'll play with
> all of this a bit, and see what happens. Thanks much.
> Peace,
> Stan

Well... we were getting bored...  no problem.  :-)  j/k

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Re: [newbie] TEST! was I thrown off the newbie list by Denis HAVLIK? is this a blow FOR Mandrake?

2001-09-14 Thread s

On Friday 14 September 2001 05:07 pm,  d wrote:
> LURKER here, if I may?  I have conversed with Mr. Havlik before and he is
> NOT the OGER you think of.  He is just wanting to keep this "On Topic" for
> what it is supposed to be used.  I have been bumped for unknown reasons
> about a year ago.  That is NOT a big problem...just apologize and request
> to be re-instated.  I would rather see this keep to the topic at hand and
> be productive than fall into a trench compairing other wars, conflicts, and
> disagreements or name calling.  This is Un-productive and not good for us
> or the others that are involved.  We are all on the same Space Ship, let us
> work together and make it a better place for ALL.
> TIA,
> 'd'
> San Antonio, Texas

Ummm.  Mandrake was having some trouble with their news servers about that 
time.  whole lots of people just suddenly quit getting any new messages.  We 
ended up going back to the site and put our names back on it.  

No body from mandrake said anything about banning people for off topic, just 
*that* topic.  It was too contraversial - I was the first to suggest not 
discussing it and the second to post on the topic.  I warned it'd get ugly.  

 I told you so   :-D


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[newbie] Enlightenment vs Sawfish

2001-09-14 Thread ryan_steffes

Which one do most of you prefer?  I use gnome, and in Mandrake 7 it
default installed Enlightenment and in 8 it defaulted to Sawfish.  I'm
not sure if the features I liked in Enlightenment exist and I don't know
how to set them up, or whether they were features of Enlightenment.  For
starters, my X-Windows doesn't display menu's on a rightclick on the
desktop.  Is that an option in Sawfish? Heck I can't even figure out how
to change my background.  I'd like to RTFM but all I can find is help
for gnome, and I'm not sure which parts are gnome and which parts are

Tips, tricks, suggestions?

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Re: [newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread s

On Friday 14 September 2001 05:40 pm,  jennifer wrote:
> I have been searching for a post regarding how to expand and collapse the
> subject groups in kmail's threaded messages. I would rather have my inbox
> set up so i would only see on message header for each thread instead of all
> messages in every thread.  Similiar to using the plus and minus signs to
> the right of messages in Lookout?? Oh, I mean Outlook.
> I am fairly certain this has been addresed before. I also read on somewhere
> that there is a feature where you can highlight text in an email and when
> you choose reply, you will reply only to the highlighted text. Would
> anybody know how to implement this?

There's a setting for it in the settings menu > configure kmail > appearance 
> Layout.  There's also an option in Folder called "thread messages".  

Even windows people should know how to peruse a menu.  geeezzz.   

Just joking, just joking...  couldn't resist.  :-) 


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[newbie] Expand/collapse in kmail

2001-09-14 Thread jennifer

I have been searching for a post regarding how to expand and collapse the 
subject groups in kmail's threaded messages. I would rather have my inbox set 
up so i would only see on message header for each thread instead of all 
messages in every thread.  Similiar to using the plus and minus signs to the 
right of messages in Lookout?? Oh, I mean Outlook. 

I am fairly certain this has been addresed before. I also read on somewhere 
that there is a feature where you can highlight text in an email and when you 
choose reply, you will reply only to the highlighted text. Would anybody know 
how to implement this? 
Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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Re: [newbie] filters in Kmail

2001-09-14 Thread Stan Lockaby

> Here's what I had as a filter for the Newbie list in KMail back when I used
> it (I have since switched to Sylpheed):
>  contains [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I've had a 100% success rate with this.

In replying to this post, I wish to thank all who responded. I'll play with 
all of this a bit, and see what happens. Thanks much.


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Re: [newbie] OT?

2001-09-14 Thread jennifer

We seem to have the same idea if you refer to one of my posts earlier. If we 
can't do this on -list , lets do it off-list.

Charles, Since I am guilty of "flaming you" and contradicting myself about 
posting OT, I again, offer my apologies. While I do still think there is a 
difference about that topic and this, I no less humbly admit my own 
contradictions. (and change of heart)

I hope that the majority of the poster to this list have not already been 
kicked off. I hope the show of hands support OT, but if not, I would be more 
than happy to join an off-list list. 

After all...silence is not a coping mechanism. 

On Thursday 13 September 2001 20:30, Charles A. Punch wrote:
> I have refrained from posting OT since Dennis HAVLIK posted about
> kicking people off the list. However, that was not the only one reason.
> The other is that I have had arguments in the past about posting OT, and
> I see some of the same people who flamed me about my opinion are now
> posting OT themselves, because this is not just another OT, this is
> different. This topic about the nation's tragedy is something that most
> people can't seem to ignore. Someone posted calling for a show of hands.
> I vote to allow OT. Someone else inquired if everyone had stopped
> because of Dennis HAVLIK's post. With all due respect to Mr. HAVLIK, the
> main reason I have refrained recently, is out of respect to those who
> feel so strongly against posting OT, that they have gone somewhat off
> the deep end emotionally and resorted to name calling. I don't want to
> be responsible for driving someone to that extreme. We have enough of a
> problem. The purpose of discussing the tragedy, is to try to work
> through it, not to create more of a problem. Unity is more important
> than my piddling "freedom of speech." I offer an invitation to anyone
> who wants to discuss this, or anything else off list, until this is
> cleared up ( and I'll try to actually post off list this time). I have a
> great deal of respect for everyone on this list, even those whom I have
> had differences with in the past. At the same time I don't wan to stick
> a gig in someone who is already hurting emotionally.
> ShalomOut
> Chal
> Elder PCUSA
> Registered Linux user 3217118
> Shalom does not mean peace (in the sense of absence of conflict). It
> means completeness and fulfillment. It could possibly be understood as
> "peace of mind."
> Paraphrased from the exeGesis Paralell Bible, an Aramaic translation and
> transliteration by exegete Herb Jahn

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Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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Re: [newbie] TEST! was I thrown off the newbie list by Denis HAVLIK? is this a blow FOR Mandrake?

2001-09-14 Thread d

LURKER here, if I may?  I have conversed with Mr. Havlik before and he is 
NOT the OGER you think of.  He is just wanting to keep this "On Topic" for 
what it is supposed to be used.  I have been bumped for unknown reasons 
about a year ago.  That is NOT a big problem...just apologize and request 
to be re-instated.  I would rather see this keep to the topic at hand and 
be productive than fall into a trench compairing other wars, conflicts, and 
disagreements or name calling.  This is Un-productive and not good for us 
or the others that are involved.  We are all on the same Space Ship, let us 
work together and make it a better place for ALL.


San Antonio, Texas

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[newbie] i810 chipset support....

2001-09-14 Thread Steven Pellham

Getting  a bad 
exit status trying to install the accelerated x-server for i810 chipset 
I can install the 
XFCom** file successfully but when I try to rebuild the kernal module I get the 
bad exit status listed below:
Bad exit 
status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.57140 (%build)
Has anyone else 
tried to install this patch or been able to install it successfully???  
Running Mandrake 7.0, XFree86 version 3.3.6

Re: [newbie] filenames with spaces causing error in script

2001-09-14 Thread bascule

i have also tried the following:
$ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0 "$file" "`basename "$file" 

i think this is fine apart from the first line, i think this is feeding each 
seperate word in a filename as a filename to the lame command, i think that 
it might actually be complicated to return a list of files that have 
spacenames and assign each whole filename to a variable
am i wrong?

On Thursday 13 September 2001 10:18 pm, I wrote:
> hi,
> i have used the following to convert some homemade wavs into mp3s:
> $ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0 $file `basename $file
> .wav`.mp3;done
> it works fine except for file names with spaces, i can't work out how to
> rectify this, i have also tried:
> $ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0 "$file" "`basename $file
> .wav`.mp3";done
> and
> $ for file in "`ls *.wav`";do lame -b 256 -q 0 "$file" "`basename $file
> .wav`".mp3;done
> as you can see i've tried using "" around references to file names but this
> hasn't helped, could someone please help me out
> tia
> bascule

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RE: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread Mark Stewart


>   This list is for the people by the people and if we as a
> whole want to allow
> off topic conversations, then we should allow it. If not, we shouldn't.

Actually this is a list that is hosted, operated and paid for by Mandrake.
They set it up and contribute to it for the purpose of helping people use
Linux. It is not a democratic forum. That the management at Mandrake hasn't
taken people off the list (I could be wrong about that but haven't seen much
evidence to suggest it) suggests they are okay with the list being used to
discuss other matters. I respect that decision but I would respect them just
as much if they were to remove people who consistently ignored the list's

> Either way, we need to remain respectful of each other and not let our
> emotions get the best of us. I've seen several postings come through that
> were nothing more than attacks on other members of the list. That
> is uncalled
> for.

Totally agree with that.

>   We all have (or at least we all should have) a delete key
> as well as most of
> us have filters that can block messages (to some extent) that we
> don't wish
> to receive. I don't mind receiving emails about other topics. I
> joined the
> list to offer assistance on any subjects that I am familiar with
> as I have
> often struggled with Linux over the last 18 months since my first
> installation. I have worked through a lot of problems and have
> had along the
> way and I'd like to help others. But that help doesn't have to end with
> Linux. We are all human. We all feel pain, sorrow, loss, etc.
> Most of us feel
> very bad about what happened recently and the impact that the events will
> have on the families directly affected as well as our nation and
> the world.
> We need to be able to express ourselves when the need arises
> without worrying
> about which list we are posting too or whether the topic is
> relevant. If I
> receive a post that I don't care about, I can hit the delete key and it's
> gone, end of story (I don't as I always keep everything just in
> case I want
> to refer back).
>   I suggest that before anyone gets offended to the poing of
> leaving the list,
> we have a show of hands, or in this case a show of posts as to
> who wants to
> allow other postings, and who does not. I'll start by saying that I am in
> favor of allowing off topic postings as long as they do not flood
> the list. A
> few here and there don't hurt anything. We are here for Mandrake
> Linux but
> there are other things to life and sometimes we need to discuss
> those other
> things.

I have pretty much the same feelings except that at this point I think the
WTC-threads have gone way over the line in terms of volume. I understand and
agree with your point about wanting to discuss things with people you know
and trust. It seems to me that it would be more productive and less noisy to
use another list (like the one civileme setup on Yahoo's eGroups) for that
purpose. You wouldn't have so many people complaining and you could actually
get to the heart of the matter instead of defending your right to post here.

Just a thought. I'll be using my delete button in the meantime.


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[newbie] Fostering the linux comunity spirit...... and a question about mandrake security level..and another one on Bind..

2001-09-14 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I have been scanning these off topic USA posts since they started on my
windows box,  and i never delete the mandrake posts. so my outlook.pst file
is 700 mb... nasty that,,,

anyway, my thought is this,,,

some things that are off topic should be ok, if they help foster the linux
community spirit, and co-operation...

Once things degenerate to all out name calling and fighting, its doing the
opposite to the above and quite rightly should be taken off the list...

We want to appear as rational, logical people to the world, not linux
fanatics... remember all these posts get archived to the web and are
searchable by google, (someone did a search for me the other day and found
about 1000 links from the 15 or 20 lists I am on...)

How do you want us to appear to the world??  keep that in mind

We want to make the windows users look like the illogical, arguementative
and irrationnal people...

so when it starts being less then beneficial and friendly, then it should be

As an example, the USA thing was fine when it was a sharing of thoughts,
sympathy, prayers and support.. (this helps healing and understanding.)

It bordered on "not so fine" when it became a discussion on racism,
prejudice and blame(this fosters bad feelings, predominately anger.)

you see my point...

I think Mandrake did the right thing to try to stop the thread, it could
have been worded alittle more sensitively...
but it is their mailing list, and it was starting to become arguementative
and combative... name hncalling and insults achieve nothing except to make
us look bad.

and this was my last say on the subject.

One another subject, if I want to set security level 5 or high,, (to start
really closed system, and then open just what I need... )

Is there anything available that explains how to open just what I need??
(ie how to get port 25 open and listening for postfix... ditto with 80 and
httpd, ditto with bind on 53 (or the high ports) ssh,,, etc, etc, you get
the idea.
It seems more logical then starting at security level Medium and then
installing the secure kernel, pmfirewall, portsentry. and trying to harden
it as much as possible myself,,, if I could start hard and soften to my
needs, no doubt it would be more secure in the long run. (not that I
wouldn't do all of the above even if I could do it,, I just think the end
results would be more secure.

also, if you run a newer bind, and it is using the higher ports, how can you
open the firewall to allow it if you don't know that ports its using???  I
have our bind tied to port 53, and it gets lots of attack attempts
(thousands) and I'd like to block 53 and open the higher ports... does
anyone know anything about this??



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[newbie] OT?

2001-09-14 Thread Charles A. Punch

I have refrained from posting OT since Dennis HAVLIK posted about 
kicking people off the list. However, that was not the only one reason. 
The other is that I have had arguments in the past about posting OT, and 
I see some of the same people who flamed me about my opinion are now 
posting OT themselves, because this is not just another OT, this is 
different. This topic about the nation's tragedy is something that most 
people can't seem to ignore. Someone posted calling for a show of hands. 
I vote to allow OT. Someone else inquired if everyone had stopped 
because of Dennis HAVLIK's post. With all due respect to Mr. HAVLIK, the 
main reason I have refrained recently, is out of respect to those who 
feel so strongly against posting OT, that they have gone somewhat off 
the deep end emotionally and resorted to name calling. I don't want to 
be responsible for driving someone to that extreme. We have enough of a 
problem. The purpose of discussing the tragedy, is to try to work 
through it, not to create more of a problem. Unity is more important 
than my piddling "freedom of speech." I offer an invitation to anyone 
who wants to discuss this, or anything else off list, until this is 
cleared up ( and I'll try to actually post off list this time). I have a 
great deal of respect for everyone on this list, even those whom I have 
had differences with in the past. At the same time I don't wan to stick 
a gig in someone who is already hurting emotionally.


Registered Linux user 3217118

Shalom does not mean peace (in the sense of absence of conflict). It 
means completeness and fulfillment. It could possibly be understood as 
"peace of mind."

Paraphrased from the exeGesis Paralell Bible, an Aramaic translation and 
transliteration by exegete Herb Jahn

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[newbie] filenames with spaces causing error in script

2001-09-14 Thread bascule

i have used the following to convert some homemade wavs into mp3s:
$ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0 $file `basename $file 

it works fine except for file names with spaces, i can't work out how to 
rectify this, i have also tried:
$ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0 "$file" "`basename $file 

$ for file in "`ls *.wav`";do lame -b 256 -q 0 "$file" "`basename $file 

as you can see i've tried using "" around references to file names but this 
hasn't helped, could someone please help me out



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Re: [newbie] TEST! was I thrown off the newbie list by Denis HAVLIK? is this a blow FOR Mandrake?

2001-09-14 Thread s

I had a similar idea, but maybe this yours is better.  Could call it: 


On Friday 14 September 2001 03:36 pm,  jennifer wrote:
> This was recieved by the list...
> I would like to extend the invitation to those would like to keep
> discussing our grief with members on this list to create a mailing list for
> that purpose. Email me and I will create a makeshift mailing list of those
> interested. Especially if you were "accidently bumped" (whatta jerk) off
> list by mr. havlik.
> This list *is* supposed to be unmoderated after all.
> On Friday 14 September 2001 15:05, etharp wrote:
> > I have not received any mail from either the newbie list or the expert
> > list since this morning, when I asked everyone to stay on the list to
> > learn what we can. I hope we have not decided to take such measures at
> > this time, when cool heads MUST prevail.
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="message.footer"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Content-Description:

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread Gary Traffanstedt

I think the argument of whether or not various topics should be allowed in 
this list or not has gotten a bit out of hand. Lets quickly look at both 
sides and see if we can come to a conclusion. 

First we have those that want to post about seemingly unrelated topics. 
Should this be allowed? The argument has been made that some people have to 
pay for access and should be spared the undue burden of paying for time to 
download messages of a non-relevant topic. While this may be a good reason, 
it's being argued by the wrong person/people. I have not read a single post 
from someone who is on a pay per minute/hour type account and who feels 
burdened by this. By allowing posts of an unrelated nature we do run the risk 
of this becoming an open forum to discuss anything and everything. There are 
better places for discussing unrelated topics if it's ongoing.
Second we have those who wish to post about seemingly unrelated topics in 
this list for several reasons, one of them being that they feel comfortable 
with those that frequent this list. Trajedy affects different people in 
different ways. Some need to quietly reflect and work through it on their 
own. Others need to talk to someone, anyone about what has happened. We each 
have our own way of coping with sorrow and loss. Once you have been on a 
mailing list for a while, it starts to become familiar and you feel safe 
within the list. You build friendships and you start to know one another. You 
feel safe discussing things with other members of the list that you wouldn't 
want to discuss with strangers so rather than go to a different list and 
discuss these things with strangers, you discuss them here among friends.
This list is for the people by the people and if we as a whole want to allow 
off topic conversations, then we should allow it. If not, we shouldn't. 
Either way, we need to remain respectful of each other and not let our 
emotions get the best of us. I've seen several postings come through that 
were nothing more than attacks on other members of the list. That is uncalled 
We all have (or at least we all should have) a delete key as well as most of 
us have filters that can block messages (to some extent) that we don't wish 
to receive. I don't mind receiving emails about other topics. I joined the 
list to offer assistance on any subjects that I am familiar with as I have 
often struggled with Linux over the last 18 months since my first 
installation. I have worked through a lot of problems and have had along the 
way and I'd like to help others. But that help doesn't have to end with 
Linux. We are all human. We all feel pain, sorrow, loss, etc. Most of us feel 
very bad about what happened recently and the impact that the events will 
have on the families directly affected as well as our nation and the world. 
We need to be able to express ourselves when the need arises without worrying 
about which list we are posting too or whether the topic is relevant. If I 
receive a post that I don't care about, I can hit the delete key and it's 
gone, end of story (I don't as I always keep everything just in case I want 
to refer back).
I suggest that before anyone gets offended to the poing of leaving the list, 
we have a show of hands, or in this case a show of posts as to who wants to 
allow other postings, and who does not. I'll start by saying that I am in 
favor of allowing off topic postings as long as they do not flood the list. A 
few here and there don't hurt anything. We are here for Mandrake Linux but 
there are other things to life and sometimes we need to discuss those other 


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Re: [newbie] TEST! was I thrown off the newbie list by Denis HAVLIK? is this a blow FOR Mandrake?

2001-09-14 Thread jennifer

This was recieved by the list...

I would like to extend the invitation to those would like to keep discussing 
our grief with members on this list to create a mailing list for that 
purpose. Email me and I will create a makeshift mailing list of those 
interested. Especially if you were "accidently bumped" (whatta jerk) off list 
by mr. havlik.

This list *is* supposed to be unmoderated after all. 

On Friday 14 September 2001 15:05, etharp wrote:
> I have not received any mail from either the newbie list or the expert list
> since this morning, when I asked everyone to stay on the list to learn what
> we can. I hope we have not decided to take such measures at this time, when
> cool heads MUST prevail.

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Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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Re: [newbie] StartX-problems

2001-09-14 Thread Sebastian

> Your font server, xfs is not running.  One reason for xfs not starting may be
> that you have deleted or moved the folders where all the fonts are stored.
> To verify that you still have fonts to load, open this file at the shell
> command prompt:
> vi /etc/X11/fs/config
> You ought to see some typing about halfway down that looks like this:
> catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled,
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled,
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1,
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo,
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/mdk:unscaled,
> /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1
> ...Those are all the folders that contain fonts.  If none or some of these
> folders are missing or empty you must re-install your fonts.
> If you have more questions you can reply straight to me.
> Richie

I have proofed this. The file /etc/X11/fs/config exists and the paths which are
there exists too. Last time I have installed the system new but its take too long
and I must configure everithing again, from new.
Thank You for help.


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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread Rog

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 10:52:30 -0500, you wrote:

>How many of your Mandrake customers are dead or maimed?  How many potential
>Mandrake business customers responsible for the re-building of IT
>infrastructure have you just alienated?  Does the death of  more than five
>thousand souls not transend the fact that this is a Linux mailing list?
>These are unprecedented events and you should take that into consideration.
>This affects all countries, all peoples of the world and Mandrake Linux is
>NOT more important.  I do agree there may be forums set-up to discuss these
>issues, but any  place to communicate is appropriate and proper.
>If you have noticed, the original purpose of the list is proceeding as
>normal, so what is the big deal?
>You allow other OT topics such as Bill Gates is Satan and XP can be cracked.
>What do these have to do with your customers learning how to use your
>product?  Not one damned thing, yet you and others defend the right for such
>inappropriate postings.
>It seems to me that given your experiences you would understand, obviously
>you do not!  This is a world forum to discuss things which affect Linux and
>Mandrake, is it not?  Don't you think these past few days affect Linux &
>Blacklist me if you like, I'm not sure I want to associate with someone like
>you any further.
>Good day and open your mind!

Thats the part that really gets me - off topic, long ranging threads
that don't mean shit can be discussed for weeks...but this, well, no!

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[newbie] TEST! was I thrown off the newbie list by Denis HAVLIK? is this a blow FOR Mandrake?

2001-09-14 Thread etharp

I have not received any mail from either the newbie list or the expert list 
since this morning, when I asked everyone to stay on the list to learn what 
we can. I hope we have not decided to take such measures at this time, when 
cool heads MUST prevail.

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Re: [newbie] filters in Kmail

2001-09-14 Thread skinky

On Saturday 15 September 2001 02:00, you wrote:
> On Thursday 13 September 2001 11:13 pm,  Stan Lockaby wrote:
> > Greetings all. I have my filters set up in Kmail so that anything with
> > "Newbie" in the subject line or in the "to" field should be sent to
> > another folder. This mostly works, but many posts from this slip
> > through to my inbox. Upon examination, I can see no reason why these
> > misbehaving posts are any different from others that are filtered. I
> > am running LM8. Any ideas? TIA,
> > Peace
> > stan

Hi stan

My filter works 100% in KDE2.2 with KMail 1.3.  It previously worked 100% 
IN KDE2.1 with KMail 1.2(?).

Match all of the following:

Perhaps the square brackets make a difference?  Good luck.


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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Tim Holmes

Really, just to respond to the  here, this is a problem that a lot
of ISPs run into.

Here's a basic run down of why.

Some ISPs don't use very advanced equipment.  And even those that do,
there are always issues of software and of telecommunications isssues.

Some small town ISPs are, for lack of a better comment, cheap bastards.
They purchase 33.6 bps modems, and have them flash upgraded to whatever
standard they need.  So when you dial into your ISP, you're getting one
of these cheap modems.

Now, when a customer logs on, and then decides they've had their fill of
all things Internet, the modem doesn't kill the call.  So there's a
modem there, that could be used, but is not!

National average, for a dialup session is between 25 and 35 minutes.
Yes there are those people that spend hours upon hours on the Internet,
but across the board, you can say that most people spend 30 minutes on

So as an ISP admin, you come across busy signals for users, or some
other issue(Such as percieved paranoia by the ISP in your case Randy.),
they kill the call to allow others to dial in.

Even on more "advanced" equipment, the same problem comes into play.
My day job is to monitor the worlds largest dialup network.  (One of our
customers, and our largest customers is AOL.)  We have 3Com cards in
modem racks around the world that cost anywhere from $10,000 to $5,000
EACH.  Some of these modem cards have 24 modems, some of them have 4
modems on them.  The code itself is pretty good, and there are some
customers that have hours they spend on line with no problems.  But at
the same time, there are other problems such as code, or errors on the
circuit that give incorrect information and a call appears to be a hung
call.  Where the call is no longer there, but the circuit and/or modem
thinks it's still being used.

So to combat that, a lot of local ISPs just do resets of modems after a
certain time.  Some of them do it via a script, some actually go and do
it manually.  And for these local ISPs, if you antagonize the owner or
company, they my seek you our and drop your call.  (I've known this to

As far as your hardware causing a disconnect, it is possible.  For
example, V.90 has a "bug" that when downloading large email attachments,
it may take a piece of the data, and confuse it as a disconnect singal.
When you're downloading saying a 1Mb email message, and your modem tries
to renegotiate the speed, it may get 10 digits of data, then pause.
Well those last 3 digits may be seen as a disconnect command, and then
do so.

There's also the issue of line noise.  This is harder to prove, but it's
very possible and does happen quite often.  Right behind my house runs a
major highway, with semis of all sizes flying by.  Hitting a bump in the
road, and a semi's bouncing and vibration can shake a telephone pole and
create line noise.  The only problem is, that's a draw back of analog
signals, and it's hard to prove unless it was being monitored at the
exact moment.

So the information you were given, does hold some truth to it, but I
more suspect, that in your instance, your ISP may have been irritated
with your call and is doing this purposely. :0)

Hope that clears things up a little for ya.
T. Holmes
"Real Men Use Vi!"

  1:55pm  up 4 days,  5:41,  6 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| (Except that my ISP has changed his rules since I signed up, and now
| considers that if I remain connected for more than 4 to 12 hours (I
| forget the exact rules), I am "hanging", and he takes it upon himself to
| disconnect me.  I can reconnect, but he seems to have his watchful eye
| on me -- since I found out about the change in policy (I wasn't
| notified), and when I called to find out what the problem was, I was
| told that this policy was on the contract I signed (it isn't), and since
| that phone call I'm quite certain I get disconnected more often than I
| did before that phone call.  (I should start a collection of logs, but
| they claim that not all of the disconnections come from them -- some of
| them might be from the phone company or other causes (my hardware?  I
| don't think so).  Anyway, I didn't mean to get into that, but if anyone
| knows how I can determine the cause of a disconnection not at my end of
| the phone line, please let me know.)  
| Here is a page I've started for the purpose of assembling information
| about metered access to the Internet (or email).
| Thanks,
| Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Libarary compatibility

2001-09-14 Thread Charles A. Punch

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

>On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 17:18:01 -0400, mcoady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>In my ongoing attempt to get Mandrake8 to accept an earlier version of WP8, I
>tried to install the earlier library libc5 via rpm.
>>However I get the message: "file /etc/nsswitch.conf from install of
>libc5-5.4.38-3 conflicts with file from package glibc-2.2.2-3.mdk
>>Does this not mean that the older library cannot coexist with a newer one?
>Is the libc package a Mandrake 8.0 RPM? 
I am having a similar problem. The only RPM I could find was a Caldera 
one. This is the same one that I used before and it worked fine. WhenI 
try to unpack it, I get an error message. I have since  made many 
changes to my system, so I am thinking that it may be another conflict 
within my system and not a problem with the RPM itself. Just guessing.

Registered Linux user #217118

>If so, try this:
>1. Make a backup of /etc/nsswitch.conf
>2. Install libc5
>3. Restore the old /etc/nsswitch.conf, in place of the new one
>4. Install WP8.
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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Charles A. Punch

Randy Kramer wrote:

(Except that my ISP has changed his rules since I signed up, and now
considers that if I remain connected for more than 4 to 12 hours (I
forget the exact rules), I am "hanging", and he takes it upon himself to
disconnect me.  I can reconnect, but he seems to have his watchful eye
on me -- 

I used to get that kind of treatment from AOL, but I changed to 
earthlink, when I got serious about Linux and have never had that 
problem since. Another thing that struck me as strange, was that AOL 
gave me about 3 numbers and when I complained about waiting too l,ong to 
comnect, they gave me 3 more. Earthlink gave me just one number and I 
have never had a long wait to connect or been cut off. I hope this don't 
sound like a commercial, but I gotta tell it like it is. About  the 
discussion of inappropriate topics, I feel that we should try to get 
along with each other first, before we start trying to save the world. I 
would like to see everyone on this list try to respect each other a 
little more. Some already are, but the majority are not.


Registered Linux user #217118

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RE: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-09-14 Thread James S Bear

yep, or if it's a win95 or win98 boot disk, it is on the A: drive.
Quoting Adrian Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Adam, not two weeks ago I did exactly the same thing, and it was a weekend
> so I had no way of finding out how to fix it. you might want to wait for
> someone to confirm this answer, but you use a Windoze Boot disk get into
> the
> c drive ( dir c: and press enter) then fdisk /mbr this clears the Master
> Boot Record.biut like I said, wait for confirmation from someone else
> -Original Message-
> From: Adam Cripps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 14 September 2001 12:41
> Subject: [newbie] Grub problems
> I installed a lnx4win Mandrake 8.0 on a pc, which
> would load a text bootloader fine. 
> However, when I decided to uninstall, I deleted the
> lnx4win folder (in windows) and rebooted.
> Grub still starts and then, being a complete newbie, I
> don't know how to get past it. 
> Is there any way of getting rid of Grub, so that the
> machine boots straight into Windows? 
> Thanks
> Adam
> __
> Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?
> Donate cash, emergency relief information

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RE: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread James S Bear

I think this is because most people know more about Windows than LInux.  I know
I do.  If somebody has a question to ask and I know the answer(and I had the
time to read e-mail that day), I answer it.  
Quoting John W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   Yes this is a Linux mailing list. I am often amazed at how many Linux 
> questions go unanswered and how much time is spemt helping people 
> with  general windows questions. I have voiced my opinions about this and 
> the answer I was given, "Do you have a delete key"?
> So if you are not happy with the attacks on the USA use your delete key and
> your filters!!!
> John

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread Don Wilson


How many of your Mandrake customers are dead or maimed?  How many potential
Mandrake business customers responsible for the re-building of IT
infrastructure have you just alienated?  Does the death of  more than five
thousand souls not transend the fact that this is a Linux mailing list?

These are unprecedented events and you should take that into consideration.
This affects all countries, all peoples of the world and Mandrake Linux is
NOT more important.  I do agree there may be forums set-up to discuss these
issues, but any  place to communicate is appropriate and proper.

If you have noticed, the original purpose of the list is proceeding as
normal, so what is the big deal?
You allow other OT topics such as Bill Gates is Satan and XP can be cracked.
What do these have to do with your customers learning how to use your
product?  Not one damned thing, yet you and others defend the right for such
inappropriate postings.

It seems to me that given your experiences you would understand, obviously
you do not!  This is a world forum to discuss things which affect Linux and
Mandrake, is it not?  Don't you think these past few days affect Linux &

Blacklist me if you like, I'm not sure I want to associate with someone like
you any further.

Good day and open your mind!

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Re: [newbie] ultimate security on Mandrake box

2001-09-14 Thread civileme

On Friday 14 September 2001 16:52, Joe Lareau wrote:
> Hi-
> I am trying to harden my Mandrake 8.0 box as much as possible. I would like
> your thoughts on what tools should be installed, and in what order.
> Specifically, I have heard I should install Bastille-Linux, ipchains, TCP
> wrapperswhat else is there? Does it matter the order? Does there exist
> a security checklist for Mandrake on how to harden the machine? This
> machine will be a web server.
> Thanks,
> Joe
Hmmm well you are missing the obvious setting of security level to what you 


Put that in /etc/profile and /etc/zprofile and soon you will likely want to 
change back to HIGH.  That is called the Paranoid setting and it is very 
secure, even from you.  Workarounds exist for you, but you better figure on 
running things from chroot jails.  Better yet, wait just a little longer for 
one with much improved security features and journaling filesystems.


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Re: [newbie]Dialling out problem

2001-09-14 Thread adam

John Rye wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 04:24:06 -0700 (PDT)
> Adam Cripps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have just installed and am looking forward to
>> getting on the net with Linux. My modem - (COM2) seems
>> to be working fine, but when it dials the ISP number I
>> get a woman on the network (recorded voice) saying
>> that the number has not been recognised, please try
>> again. 
>> I think the problem stems from the fact that for the
>> ISP (NTL - dialling in the UK) I have to dial a prefix
>> of 1263 - it might be this that causes problems in the
>> dialing process. Is there any way of getting a pause
>> between the 1263 and the rest of the 0800 number? 
> Adam, Your message above is a little confusing...
> Do you mean that you have to dial 1263 _before_ you can
> access the general telephone network?? If that's the case
> it would indicate that the first part of the number (1263) is
> used to get outside of a PABX (Private Branch Exchange) the
> internnal telephone system used by a business, and the recorded
> message comes from the PABX equipment rather than the
> General network.
> If you are calling from home, you would only use the 0800-number.
> If from your work, and your workplace uses a PABX then you
> have to use the first part as well.
> It may be that if you add a comma in the dial string after the 1 and
> another after the 263 part you will get through the PABX exchange.
> Your dialstring in this case should look like this:
>   ATDT1,263,0800 xxx   (the x's for the other numbers)
> Give this a try and come back to us. (you can also try dialing the
> nembers from your telephone to see what you get from which ever
> location you attemting to get access from - you should get noises
> similar to those you hear from fax machines when you connect to
> your ISP's modem
> Cheers
> John
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to
> message.footer
> Content-Type:
> text/plain
> Content-Encoding:
> 8bit
Thanks for the reply John. Things in the UK are a little confusing at 
the moment, but to let you know, that I've solved the problem with the 

Over here, we can opt out of using BT's network (they used to have a 
monopoly until only a few years ago) and other companies get you to run 
across their network by dialling a prefix - so it's not to get an 
outside line, it's to jump to your phone provider from BT. Their 0800 
number won't work unless you're on their network.

I hope that makes some sense, it is difficult to explain.


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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay foremail access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Matt Greer

on 9/14/01 9:58 AM, Randy Kramer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Matt Greer wrote:
>> Actually that's not true. Here in Chicago local calls cost by the minute, as
>> much as 9 cents per minute. This is probably true of New York and LA as
>> well, but I don't know for sure.
> Matt,
> Thanks for the reply!
> So in Chicago, you can't pay a (slighly (or significantly?)) higher rate
> to get unlimited local calls?

There's a plan where you can pay a fee (I think it's $10/month) then all
calls are ten cents per call.

The cost of the local call depends on distance. Close calls are 5
cents/call. The longest distance is the 9 cents/minute I said previously.
The plan above makes all calls ten cents regardless of distance.

My problem was I never found any isp within the 5 cents/call range where I
live. The best I could find was 5 cents/minute.

But no matter what you do, there's no unlimited calls at a fixed rate. At
least there wasn't, I haven't had a phone in a little over a year now.

I'll dig on Ameritech's site and see if I can find the rates.


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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Randy Kramer

Matt Greer wrote:
> Actually that's not true. Here in Chicago local calls cost by the minute, as
> much as 9 cents per minute. This is probably true of New York and LA as
> well, but I don't know for sure.


Thanks for the reply!

So in Chicago, you can't pay a (slighly (or significantly?)) higher rate
to get unlimited local calls?

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] ultimate security on Mandrake box

2001-09-14 Thread Joe Lareau


I am trying to harden my Mandrake 8.0 box as much as possible. I would like
your thoughts on what tools should be installed, and in what order.

Specifically, I have heard I should install Bastille-Linux, ipchains, TCP
wrapperswhat else is there? Does it matter the order? Does there exist a
security checklist for Mandrake on how to harden the machine? This machine
will be a web server.


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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay foremail access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Matt Greer

on 9/14/01 8:55 AM, Paul at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Most people in Europe that do not have access to ADSL or Cable internet (like
> me). Using a phone line already costs money, local phone calls are charged
> between $0.60 and $1.00 per hour (as far as I know)
>> What I mean is that the US is not a place where, AFAIK, anyone should
>> have such a problem.

Actually that's not true. Here in Chicago local calls cost by the minute, as
much as 9 cents per minute. This is probably true of New York and LA as
well, but I don't know for sure.

I have a cable modem and cell phone and it's actually cheaper than having a
standard phone line and dial up internet access.


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Re: [newbie] maximal mount count error

2001-09-14 Thread civileme

On Friday 14 September 2001 15:47, Seeun William Umboh wrote:
> When I boot up, I sometimes get a maximal mount count error, check forced.
> What does this mean? How do I avoid it?

You don't avoid it.  It is a maintenance function, not an error.  After a 
certain number of mounts (default 35), the filesystem receives a brief check. 
 Be happy you are seeing this check instead of the other one that comes from 
an emergency shutdown (same check, but one triggered cause buffers were dirty 
when the system went down).


Yes there is a way to set the number of mounts to allow, but I don't remember 
it off the top of my head.  It is in the /etc/ directory.

Now back to work for me.

> _
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[newbie] Getting X11 to use Mesa ?

2001-09-14 Thread Marcin Jendrzejewski

Hey all,
Ok this email is more like two questions than one.  I currently have a 
Nvidia Geforce2 Mx/200 with 64 megs of ram.  My query is it possible to 
use the Mesa3d library rather than Nvidias native GLX module (I'm 
prepared to lose some performance).  If so, how would I go about getting 
X to load the mesa library so that I can use opengl apps from X11 ?

Marcin Jendrzejewski

PS: I want to do this because the nvidia driver seems unable to load the 
GLX module for X11.

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Re: [newbie] Can't find StarOffice in KDE menu

2001-09-14 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

You can put whatever you like into an RPM package, including links. however,
most independent packagers (i.e. those not packaging for a distribution company)
don't bother doing this. Also, some distributions like Debian and Mandrake have
their own menu systems, which are incompatible with the default systems.

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 11:08:22 +0100, "Antonio Argentieri"
> As a complete newbie...
> Does anything automatically link itself into the menus?
> I've installed a number of things off the LM CD and never got links to
> them...
> Is linking part of the RPM standard?
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ed Kasky
> Sent: 14 September 2001 01:53
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't find StarOffice in KDE menu
> I even reported this little bug to Star and never heard anything back...
> I just manually created the links.
> Ed
> At 07:07 PM 9/13/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> >I installed StarOffice.. and it tells me it is installed into the KDE menu.
> I
> >restarted my KDE. But it's still not in the KDE menu. How can I make it
> >appear?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] filters in Kmail

2001-09-14 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 08:53:20 -0400, Richie de Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 14 September 2001 00:13, you wrote:
> > Greetings all. I have my filters set up in Kmail so that anything with
> > "Newbie" in the subject line or in the "to" field should be sent to another
> > folder. This mostly works, but many posts from this slip through to my
> > inbox. Upon examination, I can see no reason why these misbehaving posts
> > are any different from others that are filtered. I am running LM8. Any
> > ideas? TIA,
> > Peace
> > stan
> I got around it by setting a couple of extra filters just to make sure.  
> There is one option in KMail filters called , and you might want 
> to set up another filter to check the  header.
> Since I've added extra filters I'm catching about 98% of all the emails that 
> should be going to my 'Newbie' folder.
> I wonder sometimes, since these emails are coming from all over the world, if 
> some of the pattern matches in the filtering mechanism fail because the 
> messages are using an incompatible character set.  That's only a wild guess 
> though.
> Richie

Here's what I had as a filter for the Newbie list in KMail back when I used it
(I have since switched to Sylpheed):


I've had a 100% success rate with this.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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Re: [newbie] maximal mount count error

2001-09-14 Thread H. Narfi Stefansson

On Friday 14 September 2001 08:47, Seeun William Umboh wrote:
> When I boot up, I sometimes get a maximal mount count error, check forced.
> What does this mean? How do I avoid it?
Here's what has to say about the subject:

 "maximal mount count reached - check forced"
This is not an error, it's a feature ;-). After a specified number of reboots 
GNU/Linux checks the filesystem for consistency even if the box has been 
shutdown properly. This can take some time, especially on large partitions. 
You can set the interval with tune2fs.

I would always recomment these 2 sources of information:
1) The Mandrake reference manual. It's well written and chapter 13 on trouble 
shooting is invaluable for newbies! You should find it in HTML format on your 
hard drive: /usr/share/doc/mandrake/en/ref.html/index.html
2)  It is written for newbies and I've always 
found it to be very readable. .


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Re: [newbie] maximal mount count error

2001-09-14 Thread Gary Traffanstedt

On Friday 14 September 2001 08:47, you wrote:
> When I boot up, I sometimes get a maximal mount count error, check forced.
> What does this mean? How do I avoid it?
> _
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

It's not really an error and you don't want to avoid it. It's a good thing. 
The system is setup to allow you to mount the partitions at boot a certain 
number of times. Once this number is reached, it checks your disk and then 
resets the counter. This just helps to keep any minor disk problems from 
cropping up. I'm sure as with all things Linux, there is a way that you could 
disable it. It may require simply adjusting a setting in a config file, or 
recompiling something or several somethings but it could be done, unlike in 
the "take it or leave it" world of Windoze.


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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Paul

> Out of curiosity, I would be interested in having some ideas about:
>* how many people (what regions of the world) have to pay a "metered"
> rate for their Internet access

Most people in Europe that do not have access to ADSL or Cable internet (like
me). Using a phone line already costs money, local phone calls are charged
between $0.60 and $1.00 per hour (as far as I know)

> What I mean is that the US is not a place where, AFAIK, anyone should
> have such a problem.

Correct. In the US. I am in the Netherlands, paying an ISDN line (about
US$ 30 a month), my ISP ($15 a month) and the local phone charges of $.60
per hour. No charge on the amount of bandwidth I use unless I take things to
extremes. But with these charges, taking the extreme route is not what I am
aiming at. I don't even download things > 8 megs. Only downloading my mail
and usenet messages (offline) costs me around $100 per month, not counting
the costs of the ISDN line. (I used mailfilter to toss spam etc. off the
server before downloading, but that took about as long as downloading everything
and then let procmail take care of things.)

Expensive enough, me thinks...  I hope this satisfies part of your curiosity.

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Re: [newbie] Screen Resolution Problem

2001-09-14 Thread Gary Traffanstedt

On Friday 14 September 2001 08:40, you wrote:
> on 9/13/01 2:44 PM, Charles A Edwards at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I was saying that all resolutions are supported except
> > for 24bpp.
> > I could run 32bpp in both linux and windows as well as
> > 16bpp and all lower settins but Not 24bpp.
> Heh heh, I feel pretty stupid. My computer (running the riva tnt2) runs at
> 32bpp just fine. I started at 8 and worked my way up. When 24 didn't work I
> just assumed 32 wouldn't either.
> Thanks for pointing that out.
> Matt
> _
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You shouldn't feel stupid about what happened. You assumed that if a 
particular setting didn't work, none higher would which seems quite logical. 
Hardware is still (at least for some/most of us), the hardest part of Linux. 
I have been using Mandrake since 7.0 and the hardware supported has greatly 
improved. Mandrake 8 detected my zip drive, printer, graphics and sound cards 
without a hitch. I've installed several versions of 5 different distros and 
this is the first time that all of my hardware was detected.
A lot of my friends run RedHat or FreeBSD and I hear over and over that 
Mandrake is just a glorified RedHat distro. Maybe at one time it was, but 
it's not anymore. Mandrake goes way beyond RedHat for desktop use. I haven't 
use Mandrake as a web server other than development use so I won't say for 
cetain that it is better than any other distro for that type of use but for 
the desktop, it kicks some serious butt.
Now if only we could get that nifty "apt-get install" feature that Debian 


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Re: [newbie] Original desktop colors

2001-09-14 Thread s

On Friday 14 September 2001 06:43 am,  Robt. Miller wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 10:50:30 +0200, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> >If you're using KDE: KDE Control Centre -> LookNFeel -> Desktop ->
> >Number of Desktops. There is a slider in the upper right corner that
> >controls the number of desktops.
>  I change that back to 4 and every reboot it reverts to two.

Ummm, I find if I shut down from the cli, things don't stay put on the kde 
desktop.  I need to log out thru kde to get them to stick.  You may even have 
to try the checkbox for save settings for next login.

Just a thought.

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Randy Kramer

Tim Holmes wrote:
> But why are people a) complaining about it, b) messages like this
> suddenly being posted?  It takes less time to delete an email then it
> does to compose a message in complaint saying that you want something
> done on the list about a certain topic.

This message is intended to be carefully neutral about this thread, and
is intended to only remind us all that some people do not have unlimited
bandwidth but must pay by the minute (or something similar) for their
connection time.  Hence receiving unwanted messages costs them money.

I don't know how much, I don't know whether it is a burden, but
filtering does not solve the problem (unless they can set up one of the
more modern approaches to filtering which I think exist and which I
think can delete mail on their ISP's server before it is sent to them.

Out of curiosity, I would be interested in having some ideas about:

   * how many people (what regions of the world) have to pay a "metered"
rate for their Internet access
   * to how many people in each region that might be a burden
(presumably no existing metered rates would impact Bill Gate's usage of
the Internet)
   * are there really filters that work at an ISP, and can someone who
is not using Linux make use of them

However, I'm not proposing that lots of people post messages to this
group answering the question  -- it will just add to the problem.  Maybe
I'll start a wiki page for collecting such information, and maybe the
approach should be to do it by exception.  

What I mean is that the US is not a place where, AFAIK, anyone should
have such a problem.  AFAIK, almost anywhere in the US, people can
arrange to get a phone line with unlimited local usage at a reasonable
rate ($15 to $40/month?), find an ISP within the local calling area, and
get an unlimited usage ISP dial up account for a reasonable rate ($12 to

(Except that my ISP has changed his rules since I signed up, and now
considers that if I remain connected for more than 4 to 12 hours (I
forget the exact rules), I am "hanging", and he takes it upon himself to
disconnect me.  I can reconnect, but he seems to have his watchful eye
on me -- since I found out about the change in policy (I wasn't
notified), and when I called to find out what the problem was, I was
told that this policy was on the contract I signed (it isn't), and since
that phone call I'm quite certain I get disconnected more often than I
did before that phone call.  (I should start a collection of logs, but
they claim that not all of the disconnections come from them -- some of
them might be from the phone company or other causes (my hardware?  I
don't think so).  Anyway, I didn't mean to get into that, but if anyone
knows how I can determine the cause of a disconnection not at my end of
the phone line, please let me know.)  

Here is a page I've started for the purpose of assembling information
about metered access to the Internet (or email).


Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Screen Resolution Problem

2001-09-14 Thread Matt Greer

on 9/13/01 2:44 PM, Charles A Edwards at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I was saying that all resolutions are supported except
> for 24bpp.
> I could run 32bpp in both linux and windows as well as
> 16bpp and all lower settins but Not 24bpp.

Heh heh, I feel pretty stupid. My computer (running the riva tnt2) runs at
32bpp just fine. I started at 8 and worked my way up. When 24 didn't work I
just assumed 32 wouldn't either.

Thanks for pointing that out.


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[newbie] Samba being very Unruly - access denied

2001-09-14 Thread Marchetti, Peter

Building Mandrake 8 server and trying to Get samba working:

When I try a net view \\server_name from a W2K box it returns:

System error 5 has occured.

Access is denied.

This is the smb.conf file I am using:

  workgroup = MVI  #MVI is my NT domain name
  hosts allow = all
  browseable = yes
  guest account = guest

  comment = Root directory for hosted websites
  path = /var/www
  valid users = bob fred george #Names have been changed to protect
the innocent.  All are valid users
  public = no
  writable = yes

ANyone have any ideas?

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Re: [newbie] USA this and USA that,w here did the newbie list go?

2001-09-14 Thread Rog

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 09:41:45 +0200, you wrote:

>As I said, shit happens and we just have to live each day to the best of
>our current ability.

Regardless of how far away you are, regardless of the topic of this
mailing list, I cannot believe you just distilled what occurred this
past Tuesday to "shit happens."



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Re: [newbie] Attention for everybody

2001-09-14 Thread Rog

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 09:32:27 +0200, you wrote:

>On a last and final note I think it is more than likely LA as it is Los
>Angeles which means, I think, Without Angels.

Los means the. Los Angeles means The Angels.

>Greg G wrote:
>> no it is not the city of god
>> __
>> Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?
>> Donate cash, emergency relief information
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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread Rog

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 06:49:17 -0400, you wrote:

>Rog and everone else that cannot find the "delete" key.
>Please do not abandon this list, and do not ask to be killefiled or otherwise 
>put your heads in the sand. world wide co-operation and "humanization" is 
>almost the only way we have to prevent the types of tragedies we are living 
>thru. I KNOW you all knew that at one point without even discussing it. true 
>we do NEED to keep this focused on Mandrake Linux as our tool to have a 
>chance to offer human kindness to individuals world wide. if we close 
>ourselves off, we have a much more difficult time making others realize we 
>are as human and caring as they are. 
>That said, the delete key can be found on most keyboard right below the 
>insert key, and to the right of the carriage return or enter. (you know, the 
>one you use in M$winder$ [along with the Ctrl and Alt keys] to fix a 


I am not one of those who cannot find my "delete" key. I live 10
minutes outside the city - I can see the rubble. My girlfriend lives
on 12th street, I have not been able to get to her (I'm hoping today I
can get her into Jersey), and today was only the second time we were
able to speak since it happened. I have countless friends in the city,
including a handful that work on Wall Street, all of whom fortunately
are accounted for. Most of whom saw the second plane hit. Most of whom
lost friends. I can't understand the motivation to banish people from
the list for posting about this...when I suggested that the
mandrakesoft clown who started the blacklisting talk killfile me, it
was because I simply have no need to speak to him, ever. I don't have
a problem with it being posted about here - like any other social
group (which is what lists like this are, regardless of the stated
topic), I can't imagine it not being discussed.



>On Friday 14 September 2001 00:49, you had thoughts to the concept of:
>> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 16:15:03 +0200 (CEST), you wrote:
>> >FYI, I'll take a look at the list tomorrow, and blacklist everyone who is
>> >still talking about politics there. You are still welcome to discuss what
>> >happened in one of these threads:
>> Just curious - do you run this list? You've said twice how you'll
>> "blacklist" anyone still discussing it tomorrow as though you have the
>> ability to have us thrown off the list. If you are just talking about
>> killfiling people, please killfile me now, as I have no need for
>> discussion with you, about Linux or anything else.
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; name="message.footer"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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Re: [newbie] StartX-problems

2001-09-14 Thread Richie de Almeida

> When I log in and type startx the system tells me this text above.
> ...
> successfully loaded NV driver RIVA GLX Version=1.2
> -FontTransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno=2
> failed to set default font path 'unix/:-1'
> Fatal server error:
> Could not oen default font 'fixed'
> ...
> pleas send the full server output, no just the last message.
> XIO:fatal 10 error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"
> after 0
> requests (0 known processed) with 0 event

Your font server, xfs is not running.  One reason for xfs not starting may be 
that you have deleted or moved the folders where all the fonts are stored.  
To verify that you still have fonts to load, open this file at the shell 
command prompt:

vi /etc/X11/fs/config 

You ought to see some typing about halfway down that looks like this:

catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,

...Those are all the folders that contain fonts.  If none or some of these 
folders are missing or empty you must re-install your fonts.

If you have more questions you can reply straight to me.


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Re: [newbie] File access- Me?,Machine?, Manual?

2001-09-14 Thread Altaira

Thanks for the rapid response.  
Yes, I REALLY typed it, (<) Getting desperate!  Trying anything.
Yes I tried it without the < also. 
Sending the list? I am on one machine using the WIN98 O/S with
Netscape.  The list is on the MDLIN O/S on the same machine.
One thing I will explain root,root was what I visibly seen, via
the KDE module, nothing else.  I can't gain access that way. 
Maybe this is the question I should ask, I installed using DrakX.
Was/Is there something else I should have done directly after 
installation? After installation I did go in and set up another
user.  Possibly the incorrect way but it worked, and works.
Now since you have responded I have done or discovered the 
following issues -
WIN O/S - Netscape
How you managed to respond I don't know as I received three
"undeliverable" for the same message. 
I tried to print your message out, wouldn't.  It did before 
and will off of the network.  Modem is acting up.
I rebooted into Linux O/S -
All items on boot screen are OK except anti virus. Fine.
Typed -
ls -l /cat/p*
ls:invalid option --/ (may have been a spacing issue.)
ls -l /cat/p*
no such file or directory  (No issue - plain facts)
ls -l / > list.txt
ls:invalid option --/ Try 'ls --help' for more information.
Laugh now - I typed -
I went into Konquereor via graphic module -
In the home directory a file, List.txt. it was empty.
As for the other issue root, root.  In KDE graphic module,
Bookmarks, History, Home, Network, Root Directory, 
Clicked open root directory, over half way down is a 
locked root.  It is set to where I do have access, 
according to it's properties.  No access via graphics.
Please unless you want to you do not have to respond.
I responded due to FYI's for you.  Because of years
of dealing with issues indirectly related to all of
the above items I have to make some nasty decisions. 
All related to environmental variables. Several which
I have no control over. No dual O/S?
My gut told me it wouldn't work.  It is, but the fine
tuned items don't, or are messing with one another.
It is strange because the item messing up was 
recognized as a problem with the Linux O/S.  Does
not work with Linux O/S and it is messing up in the 
WIN 98 system.
I could install an additional modem on the dual O/S 
and have each dedicated, but that may lead to more 
issues. I do have five different systems.  I 
mainly deal with only three so I do have several 

Thank you! - I really do appreciate the help.

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Re: [newbie] filters in Kmail

2001-09-14 Thread Richie de Almeida

On Friday 14 September 2001 00:13, you wrote:
> Greetings all. I have my filters set up in Kmail so that anything with
> "Newbie" in the subject line or in the "to" field should be sent to another
> folder. This mostly works, but many posts from this slip through to my
> inbox. Upon examination, I can see no reason why these misbehaving posts
> are any different from others that are filtered. I am running LM8. Any
> ideas? TIA,
> Peace
> stan

I got around it by setting a couple of extra filters just to make sure.  
There is one option in KMail filters called , and you might want 
to set up another filter to check the  header.

Since I've added extra filters I'm catching about 98% of all the emails that 
should be going to my 'Newbie' folder.

I wonder sometimes, since these emails are coming from all over the world, if 
some of the pattern matches in the filtering mechanism fail because the 
messages are using an incompatible character set.  That's only a wild guess 


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Re: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-09-14 Thread Richie de Almeida

> Is there any way of getting rid of Grub, so that the
> machine boots straight into Windows?

Boot with a Windows floppy disk, the System boot disk that you can create 
from Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel is a good one to use.  At the 
command prompt type:


You must have a file on your bootdisk called SYS.COM in order for this to 


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[newbie] StartX-problems

2001-09-14 Thread Sebastian

I have any problems with starting X-windows since I have restart my
I working with the Mandrake linux v.8.00. During starting my system
again Linux fixed any bugs which were made by shutting the system down.
Then starts the Xserver and breaking down. The system opens the console

INIT switching to runlevel:3
INIT sending processes to TERM

When I log in and type startx the system tells me this text above.

successfully loaded NV driver RIVA GLX Version=1.2
-FontTransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno=2
failed to set default font path 'unix/:-1'
Fatal server error:
Could not oen default font 'fixed'
pleas send the full server output, no just the last message.

XIO:fatal 10 error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"
after 0
requests (0 known processed) with 0 event

I don't know how I can start X-windows.
Please for Help and sorry for my English!

I have a intel440bx motherboard
RIVA TNT2 graphic device
Celeron 400 processor


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RE: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-09-14 Thread Adrian Lynch

Adam, not two weeks ago I did exactly the same thing, and it was a weekend
so I had no way of finding out how to fix it. you might want to wait for
someone to confirm this answer, but you use a Windoze Boot disk get into the
c drive ( dir c: and press enter) then fdisk /mbr this clears the Master
Boot Record.biut like I said, wait for confirmation from someone else

-Original Message-
From: Adam Cripps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 September 2001 12:41
Subject: [newbie] Grub problems

I installed a lnx4win Mandrake 8.0 on a pc, which
would load a text bootloader fine. 

However, when I decided to uninstall, I deleted the
lnx4win folder (in windows) and rebooted.

Grub still starts and then, being a complete newbie, I
don't know how to get past it. 

Is there any way of getting rid of Grub, so that the
machine boots straight into Windows? 



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Re: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-09-14 Thread Paul

Boot with a win floppy and run fdisk /mbr

(as so often we hand out winders info...)

> I installed a lnx4win Mandrake 8.0 on a pc, which
> would load a text bootloader fine. 
> However, when I decided to uninstall, I deleted the
> lnx4win folder (in windows) and rebooted.
> Grub still starts and then, being a complete newbie, I
> don't know how to get past it. 
> Is there any way of getting rid of Grub, so that the
> machine boots straight into Windows? 
> Thanks
> Adam

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Re: [newbie] Original desktop colors

2001-09-14 Thread Robt. Miller

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 10:50:30 +0200, Frans Ketelaars wrote:

>If you're using KDE: KDE Control Centre -> LookNFeel -> Desktop ->
>Number of Desktops. There is a slider in the upper right corner that
>controls the number of desktops.

 I change that back to 4 and every reboot it reverts to two.

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[newbie] Grub problems

2001-09-14 Thread Adam Cripps

I installed a lnx4win Mandrake 8.0 on a pc, which
would load a text bootloader fine. 

However, when I decided to uninstall, I deleted the
lnx4win folder (in windows) and rebooted.

Grub still starts and then, being a complete newbie, I
don't know how to get past it. 

Is there any way of getting rid of Grub, so that the
machine boots straight into Windows? 



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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread etharp

Rog and everone else that cannot find the "delete" key.
Please do not abandon this list, and do not ask to be killefiled or otherwise 
put your heads in the sand. world wide co-operation and "humanization" is 
almost the only way we have to prevent the types of tragedies we are living 
thru. I KNOW you all knew that at one point without even discussing it. true 
we do NEED to keep this focused on Mandrake Linux as our tool to have a 
chance to offer human kindness to individuals world wide. if we close 
ourselves off, we have a much more difficult time making others realize we 
are as human and caring as they are. 
That said, the delete key can be found on most keyboard right below the 
insert key, and to the right of the carriage return or enter. (you know, the 
one you use in M$winder$ [along with the Ctrl and Alt keys] to fix a 

On Friday 14 September 2001 00:49, you had thoughts to the concept of:
> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 16:15:03 +0200 (CEST), you wrote:
> >FYI, I'll take a look at the list tomorrow, and blacklist everyone who is
> >still talking about politics there. You are still welcome to discuss what
> >happened in one of these threads:
> Just curious - do you run this list? You've said twice how you'll
> "blacklist" anyone still discussing it tomorrow as though you have the
> ability to have us thrown off the list. If you are just talking about
> killfiling people, please killfile me now, as I have no need for
> discussion with you, about Linux or anything else.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; name="message.footer"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards Version: 1.0-1512

2001-09-14 Thread Robert MacLean

I apologise if I wasn't clear enough, what I meant was.
ATI themselves do not have actual Linux drivers, and on there web site
state that they cannot (will not) provide technical support for there
own hardware under Linux :(
They give technical specs to Free to create drivers, which IMHO is not
ideal as they would most likely keep some things back (the more
advanced things) to protect company/technology secrets.
IMHO the ideal situation (for all hardware) is that the manufacturers
would create open source drivers for Linux themselves, or create close
source ones that are always up to date (as NVIDIA is trying to do -
but they appear to be a bit slow).

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
From: "Jeanette Russo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards Version:

> ATI does provide technical assistance to the XFree86 project it is
on their
> web site
> Jeanette
> Original Message-
>>From: "Robert MacLean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subj: Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards
> 1.0-1512
>>Type: IPM.Note
>>Sent:Monday, September 10, 2001 2:27 AM
>>IMHO you have 3 choices of graphic cards
>>3dfx - bad idea as they no longer exist (so no more drivers)
>>ATI - don't support Linux :(
>>nVidia - provide closed drivers for Linux.
>>and personally closed drivers are better than no drivers.
>>Robert MacLean
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "s" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 11:40 AM
>>Subject: Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards
>>> On Friday 07 September 2001 05:09 pm,  Tom Brinkman wrote:
>>> >   I've got one word for nVidia's Linux support, and like
most in
>>> > wintel-gang, it's    DISINGENUOUS. They're just stringin
>>> > with poor, partially capable, closed source secret drivers.
>>> > fear of losing M$ cooperation.   YMMV  I'm sort's pi$$'d at
>>> > buyin nVidia crap, even tho I knew all the above beforehand.
>>> > excuse is it's gettin harder and harder... not to.  Billy's
>>winning ;(
>>> That's just it.  What is our alternative?  Voodoo support is
>>what it was.
>>>  I had three machines (just sold one) with the voodoo3 in
them, and
>>they have
>>> not had decent acceleration since 7.2.  I tried all the the
>>tips and
>>> tricks other say got theirs to work ok, but nope... games suck
>>> machines.  ATI?  I read post after post of horror story with
>>> What could we get, even if money was no object (within the
home user
>>> -s
>>> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
>>> Go to

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Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards Version: 1.0-1512

2001-09-14 Thread Jeanette Russo

ATI does provide technical assistance to the XFree86 project it is on their
web site

Original Message-
   >From:   "Robert MacLean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   >Subj:   Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards Version:
   >Type:   IPM.Note
   >Sent:   Monday, September 10, 2001 2:27 AM
   >IMHO you have 3 choices of graphic cards
   >3dfx - bad idea as they no longer exist (so no more drivers)
   >ATI - don't support Linux :(
   >nVidia - provide closed drivers for Linux.
   >and personally closed drivers are better than no drivers.
   >Robert MacLean
   >- Original Message -
   >From: "s" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   >Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 11:40 AM
   >Subject: Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards Version:
   >> On Friday 07 September 2001 05:09 pm,  Tom Brinkman wrote:
   >> >   I've got one word for nVidia's Linux support, and like most in
   >> > wintel-gang, it's    DISINGENUOUS. They're just stringin us
   >> > with poor, partially capable, closed source secret drivers. IMO,
   >> > fear of losing M$ cooperation.   YMMV  I'm sort's pi$$'d at myself
   >> > buyin nVidia crap, even tho I knew all the above beforehand. My
   >> > excuse is it's gettin harder and harder... not to.  Billy's
   >winning ;(
   >> That's just it.  What is our alternative?  Voodoo support is not
   >what it was.
   >>  I had three machines (just sold one) with the voodoo3 in them, and
   >they have
   >> not had decent acceleration since 7.2.  I tried all the the little
   >tips and
   >> tricks other say got theirs to work ok, but nope... games suck on
   >> machines.  ATI?  I read post after post of horror story with those.
   >> What could we get, even if money was no object (within the home user
   >> -s
   >> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   >> Go to

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[newbie] [Fwd: ['s] Listaday Review: USAttacked]

2001-09-14 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

I am sorry and my thoughts go to those affected by the WTC air plane
crash but will the people who want to discuss the attacks please take
their chat to another forum i.e. like the one below:

 Original Message 
Subject: ['s] Listaday Review: USAttacked
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 14:11:00 -0500

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=, The Email List Review of The Day Mailing
List Delivers You A Brief Review of The Very Best Email Lists on
Earth! To Join, Send Email To: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Where do you turn when sticky issues arise
with subscribers or list members?
  Don't bother Emily Post.
 Send your questions to Etiquette Specialist Tonya Chao.
Join List-Etiquette mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Today's List-A-Day Review: USAttacked

We've just located a list created only hours ago, specifically 
to discuss the terrorist attacks on the U.S.

USAttacked is an unmoderated discussion list owned by Rich Martin. 
Anyone is welcome to join the discussion, and everyone is encouraged 
to speak up.

"Beginning at 12 noon EDT, the plush Westin Hotel in Bostons'Back 
Bay has been surrounded by various LEOs. It has been reported that 
police have taken at least one person into custody in relation to 
yesterdays' terrorist activity," posts one member. "The hotel is 
now being evacuated as bomb sniffing dogs have detected explosive 
material. It has been reported that there is an injured person at 
the Westin. It is not known if the arrestee and the injured are the 
same person. Also, LEOs are at a Newton, MA. hotel, terrorist 

To join this group immediately, send a blank message to 

To post to this group, send your message to 

Read this list online at

-Lisa Marie Heitman,
 Managing Editor

Know of a list that should be featured here? Send details to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] We would love to hear from you!

___ •'s Email List Reviews • ___
If you find this information valuable, please pass it on to a friend.

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ISSN: 1525-7142  -  Library Of Congress, Washington D.C., USA
© Copyright 2001 by Corporation - All Rights

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RE: [newbie] Can't find StarOffice in KDE menu

2001-09-14 Thread Antonio Argentieri

As a complete newbie...
Does anything automatically link itself into the menus?
I've installed a number of things off the LM CD and never got links to

Is linking part of the RPM standard?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ed Kasky
Sent: 14 September 2001 01:53
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't find StarOffice in KDE menu

I even reported this little bug to Star and never heard anything back...

I just manually created the links.

At 07:07 PM 9/13/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>I installed StarOffice.. and it tells me it is installed into the KDE menu.
>restarted my KDE. But it's still not in the KDE menu. How can I make it
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