Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 16:13, ed Tharp wrote:
> what ever happened to the concept of "average and reasonable" as in; "if the 
> average and reasonable person believes they have purchased a CD when they pay 
> their money and leave the store, and does not find out until after having 
> broke the shrinkwrap that the did NOT purchase a CD but instead bought an 
> electronic license device, did they buy a CD as they thought as they paid 
> their money? when is it a sale? and when is it a "lease"? does not the 
> perception of the average and reasonable consumer determine the fair business 
> practice in common commercial and retail law? does the averge joe typing a 
> letter on his 2gigHz pentium have a clue about the EULA? 


I've read the EULA; I can say what it says and implies.  But for most of
the rest of your questions above, I think we could get a much better
idea of what's going on if a lawyer on the list here would contribute
his 2c worth.

I can give you a best guess to your last question, tho..Nope.


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Henry B. Wangle Jr.

On Friday 03 May 2002 23:53, you wrote:
Normally I lurk but this time I have to Say a "" Well Said " along with a 
"Amen to that" .

 "I Bend but I do not break to eventually spring back with much force " 
Unidentified French Underground Fighter.
> There is a war going on to "deemphasize" the individualism and the
> heroism that characterized times in our recent past.  Some years ago,
> for instance, a man (bystander) saw a young woman being victimized by a
> bunch of gang members; probably on her way to being raped, injured, and
> worse.  He single handedly took on the scumballs, and IF memory serves I
> believe he rescued the lady and ended up running the gang off, probably
> saving her life.  I can't remember if he actually killed any of those
> criminals or not, but the gist of it was that the state ended up taking
> the good samaritan to court because they stated that it was the job of
> the police to protect the citizens and not he.
> Further.the crime rate of any country has been shown to
> statistically increase when the law abiding populace is disarmed, yet
> still the liberals continue to slide laws in that push defensive weapons
> out of the hands of the law abiding public. There's only one purpose
> that this could serve, and a reasonable person must assume that the
> instigators are aware of that purpose.
> See the book: "More Guns, Less Crime : Understanding Crime and
> Gun-Control Laws (Studies in Law and Economics (Chicago, Ill.).)" by
> John R., Jr. Lott
> In California, registration leads to confiscation.  Even worse, in
> Massachusets for example, if you are attacked in your own home by an
> intruder, by law you cannot defend yourself; you are *required* to run
> away.  By state law.  If you do defend yourself and injure the intruder
> you risk ending up in jail yourself.  My question is, how in the hell
> did those laws get passed in front of the public eye?
> Fortunately in the state of North Carolina we are still allowed to kill
> home intruders if we can convince a jury that we were in fear of our
> lives (or those of our loved ones) at the time that the home intrusion
> took place.  Most everyone I know is armed for home defense and has
> adequate defense measures in place accordingly.  Other states have
> better gun laws than this state (read: less restrictive on law abiding
> tax paying citizens), such as Texas, Tennessee, and a few others I can't
> remember.
> I sound like I'm ranting here, but as I intimated before, the tapestry
> of this situation is quite large; and it all ties in together.  I just
> focus here on some of the more vital and important problems; such as
> your recourse if a terrorist/criminal breaks into your family home and
> puts your wife/kids in mortal danger.  For those peeps in the US, if you
> haven't already, I suggest that you take a careful look at your
> local/state laws.
> The bottom line is that all this stuff ties in together at some
> juncture.  The liberal NEA, the teacher's union, the liberal gun control
> laws, the liberal media that supports Palestine instead of the Israeli
> democracy (CNN, the commie news network), the DMCA, the choke hold on
> our information sources, the practice of being taught what to think
> instead of how to think in our public schools, the erosion of public
> ethical standards, and finally the lack of personal individual rights
> that we are beginning to suffer at the hands of the RIAA, MicroShaft,
> Senator Hollings of South Carolina, Hollywood and others.  Our
> individual rights and identities are being legistlated out of existence
> via financial might and it happens to be a liberal movement.  Bush has
> nominated over 100 justices to the Supreme Court bench and the Democrats
> have only let 50 or so of them through.  This is kind of like me
> pretending to hide while I slap your face, then I laugh about it in
> front of you because I don't think you're smart enough to know I slapped
> you.  If that makes any sense.
> I will say this, though.  From what I've been hearing lately, the Jewish
> people that *were* democrats in the US have of late publicly revolted;
> therefore they indeed have seen the light.  This is a big deal for the
> democrats, because of course the Jewish folk are by and large quite
> affluent; that of course means a big dent in that "financial might" that
> I spoke of earlier.  Funny.right after that word went up, either
> today or yesterday the Dems stated openly their support of Israel
> (wether by law or by speech I am not sure, i was out of town today),
> thus at long suffering last giving the Israelis what is rightly theirs,
> NAMELY a carte blanc to handle terrorists in their region AS THEY SEE
> FIT.
> How does this apply to our computer rights?  Well, for one thing it
> shows that the voter power in our nation IS STILL INTACT.  That means
> that if we wanted toI mean IF WE REALLY WANTED TO, we could easily
> back the Electronic Frontier Foundation to the p

Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread FemmeFatale

Derek Byram wrote:

> a 147 break in snooker always starts with a pot on a single red ;-)
> --
> derek the lurker - essex england - linux user 264346

very true for a 149 break. An extremely rare event I've heard. :)

now keep on posting Lurker-wannabe!

Good Decisions You boss Made:

"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 21:46, Kaj Haulrich wrote: 
> On Friday 03 May 2002 08:17 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > Since they now control the Department of Justice via bribe money,
> > payoffs, and "soft money" (legal bribe money) I would assume then that
> > they have already merged.  Both them and susceptible members of
> > congress.  MSUSA is already a reality;  the only thing left to do is to
> > congratulate you on coming up with the new name for the old United
> > States.  Good work.
> >
> > Now we need to put it into use.
> >
> > Keep up the good work,
> >
> > LX
> >
> > (writing from inside the M$USA)
> Makes me sad, Lyvim. What happened to "the land of the free" ? 
> We europeans (well, most of us) have great admiration for the United States 
> of America. Mostly because you kicked the oppressors out, wrote a brand new 
> Constitution - and took it seriously !
> What you describe here makes me doubt : is USA becoming  "Europized" ? - 
> Reverting to feudalism, pseudo-democracy, corruption, fraud and mob-rule ?
> If so, where can we find hope ?

Sorry.  Sometimes I get disillusioned when I see what is going on in our
political system.  I guess I should have more faith in the system; but
I'm sincerely worried that we are indeed becoming Europized.  There's
just too much destructive force in our system right now; I've been
tracking a huge amount of it, and I confess, sometimes I get depressed
about it, because I wonder if the good people are going to get the wake
up call in time to avert disaster. (which is right about yesterday.) 
The good folk don't seem to be getting alarmed at the backslide of
values in our society; when they should be very angry and upset about
it.  When I review the evidence concerning the NEA and the democratic
party, and what looks like a marxist movement to destroy our society
from within, I really cannot understand why people are not making
changes in the leadership of this country. 
> When I was a kid (I still am, sort of) I liked westerns. The "lone rider" 
> versus "the system". What happened to him ?

There is a war going on to "deemphasize" the individualism and the
heroism that characterized times in our recent past.  Some years ago,
for instance, a man (bystander) saw a young woman being victimized by a
bunch of gang members; probably on her way to being raped, injured, and
worse.  He single handedly took on the scumballs, and IF memory serves I
believe he rescued the lady and ended up running the gang off, probably
saving her life.  I can't remember if he actually killed any of those
criminals or not, but the gist of it was that the state ended up taking
the good samaritan to court because they stated that it was the job of
the police to protect the citizens and not he.

Further.the crime rate of any country has been shown to
statistically increase when the law abiding populace is disarmed, yet
still the liberals continue to slide laws in that push defensive weapons
out of the hands of the law abiding public. There's only one purpose
that this could serve, and a reasonable person must assume that the
instigators are aware of that purpose.

See the book: "More Guns, Less Crime : Understanding Crime and
Gun-Control Laws (Studies in Law and Economics (Chicago, Ill.).)" by
John R., Jr. Lott

In California, registration leads to confiscation.  Even worse, in
Massachusets for example, if you are attacked in your own home by an
intruder, by law you cannot defend yourself; you are *required* to run
away.  By state law.  If you do defend yourself and injure the intruder
you risk ending up in jail yourself.  My question is, how in the hell
did those laws get passed in front of the public eye?

Fortunately in the state of North Carolina we are still allowed to kill
home intruders if we can convince a jury that we were in fear of our
lives (or those of our loved ones) at the time that the home intrusion
took place.  Most everyone I know is armed for home defense and has
adequate defense measures in place accordingly.  Other states have
better gun laws than this state (read: less restrictive on law abiding
tax paying citizens), such as Texas, Tennessee, and a few others I can't

I sound like I'm ranting here, but as I intimated before, the tapestry
of this situation is quite large; and it all ties in together.  I just
focus here on some of the more vital and important problems; such as
your recourse if a terrorist/criminal breaks into your family home and
puts your wife/kids in mortal danger.  For those peeps in the US, if you
haven't already, I suggest that you take a careful look at your
local/state laws.

The bottom line is that all this stuff ties in together at some
juncture.  The liberal NEA, the teacher's union, the liberal gun control
laws, the liberal media that supports Palestine instead of the Israeli
democracy (CNN, the commie news network), the DMCA, the choke hold on
our information sources, the practice of being taught what to think

Re: [newbie] The Register, Microsoft EULA's and all that jazz

2002-05-03 Thread Damian G

On Sat, 4 May 2002 00:42:21 -0400
Carroll Grigsby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My 2 cents on this whole deal: Just because it says something in the EULA 
> doesn't mean it's legal. The problem is that MS has a lot of highly paid 
> lawyers who get their marching orders from Uncle Bill. His agenda for 
> domination is a matter of public record, and he has the resources to do 
> whatever he thinks that it takes to achieve that end.

exactly my feelings. thx Carroll.


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[newbie] The Register, Microsoft EULA's and all that jazz

2002-05-03 Thread Carroll Grigsby

The Register published an update to their earlier article. Read it at:
MS has backed down somewhat from their earlier position that the software and 
the hardware are absolutely inseparable. Now it's not a legal requirement, 
just beneficial.

Included in the article is a link to:
Read it, too -- it presents some very powerful arguments as to why the MS 
stance is both irrational and unreasonable.

My 2 cents on this whole deal: Just because it says something in the EULA 
doesn't mean it's legal. The problem is that MS has a lot of highly paid 
lawyers who get their marching orders from Uncle Bill. His agenda for 
domination is a matter of public record, and he has the resources to do 
whatever he thinks that it takes to achieve that end.

On a lighter note: In case you aren't familiar with The Register, this is a 
site that you should check out frequently. Be sure to look for the latest 
BOFH episode. (There's a new one every two weeks.) They're some of the 
funniest damn stuff anywhere on the web, but they do require some 
understanding of contemporary British English.

-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 03 May 2002 22:39:23 -0500, Mike Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You might try for free pop/smtp/forwarding email or 
> for a free forwarding type email.
> I thought I had several others, but they started charging ( 
> ) or dropped their Enlish language version ( ). With today's 
> dot bomb financial situation most free services have started charging or 
> gone belly-up ( @home ). There is no such thing as a permanent email 
> address, at least for free..and probably not even if you pay.

Yes, it's unfortunate. I think the simplest way is to buy your own domain name.
Buying only cost me US$29 for two years. That price was simply
for 'domain parking', so I got Virtual Avenue ( to
handle all my e-mail for that domain... for free. All mail going to gets redirected to my ISP account, which I can access with any
POP client. It works brilliantly, plus I get 50MB of web hosting for free (which
I've never bothered to use).

The most important thing is that I own the whole domain, and I can do anything I
want with it. As long as I continue to renew it, it's mine.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

There's no place like ~

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Re: [newbie] Errors during instalation of Mandrake 8.2 on my Toshiba laptop

2002-05-03 Thread civileme

Frederico Figueiredo wrote:

>Hi there.
>I'm able to install Mandrake 7.2 on my Toshiba 1700-500 (Celeron 700 10G
>disk and 128MB RAM) laptop with no problems.
>I've tryed installing versions 8.1 and 8.2, and many errors occur, of the
>type: There was an error installing packages: XPTO Go on anyway? If I say
>YES the errors repeat and the installation crashes a few errors after.
>This happends in both versions but only on my laptop. I've tryed the same
>instalation files in my desktop PC (PII 233 3G disk and 248RAM) and it works
>Both versions are recorded in diferent CD's.
>Any idea what is the problem?
>I really need help since I'm need to update my linux.
>Thanks for the help.
>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
>Go to
Well, that is not among the deadly Toshibas, so it should(tm) work.  Try 
making media with very fast and very slow burns and maybe you can find a 
set of CDs that the drive can read well.

Other potential problems are memory (use /images/memtest-x86.bin) and 
your hard disk target.  To run the memory test just dd 
if=/mnt/cdrom/images/memtest-x86.bin of=/dev/fd0 on your desktop then 
boot your laptop from the floppy produced.  It does a really thorough check.

Oh, one more thing--when you finally try installing make sure you select 
the hotplug package if you want to use modems or ethernet cards from the 
pcmcia slots.


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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 18:46, David wrote:

> Well, this has worked sometimes (for a friend, of course--I would
> never do something like this)...  
> When making your copies of some microshit, instead of just copying
> disk-to-disk, copy all files to your HD.  Then find the file named 
> EULA.txt and edit away.  Then burn your CDs.  
> HTH  
> Dave  
> -- 

This is interesting.  I wonder if there are any lawyers on the list here
who could say wether this is a bona fide loophole or not?


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Mesa Help

2002-05-03 Thread Kirtis Bakalarczyk

> With mesa-4.0.2 you need to use kernel=>
> I am assuming you are using an ATI vid card.

oops... they should warn people about that.  I'm currently using kernel 2.4.8 
with a  Nvidia TNT2.

*sigh*  I guess this means that it's kernel upgrade time

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 4 May 2002 03:46:15 +0200, Kaj Haulrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Makes me sad, Lyvim. What happened to "the land of the free" ? 
> We europeans (well, most of us) have great admiration for the United States 
> of America. Mostly because you kicked the oppressors out, wrote a brand new 
> Constitution - and took it seriously !
> What you describe here makes me doubt : is USA becoming  "Europized" ? - 
> Reverting to feudalism, pseudo-democracy, corruption, fraud and mob-rule ?
> If so, where can we find hope ?

This seems to be some sort of cycle. England once thought itself as the freest
and most democratic nation on earth, with an instilled duty to hold back the
tides of despotism (with their old enemy France being the main target of this).
They believed this right up to the American Revolution. So what had happened?
The 'revolutionary' zeal that had taken England through a civil war only a
century earlier had died down, and people had become more conservative. There
was little interest in England of promoting democracy in the colonies. While
there were some prominent members of parliament, most notably the Prime Minister
Pitt (the Elder), who _did_ want parliamentary representation for the Americans,
they were greatly outnumbered by the conservatives (IIRC, Pitt resigned because
he didn't get it).

At the same time, that revolutionary fervour that had to that stage been seen as
distinctly "English" had been transported to the American colonies. It is this
that fuelled the American Revolution, just as it had fuelled the English civil
wars of the years preceding it. So you might say that the Americans were more
'English' than the English.

Now, fast-forward to today. The actions of the US governmental bodies seems no
different in principle from the English government of the 1780s. The
circumstances are very similar: both are/were well-established bodies and both
are/were the major world powers of their day. From their point of view, they
have far more to gain by being conservative and preserving the status quo.

As an Irani cleric (who now opposes the established theocracy) once said, "Power
is like water. If it does not flow it becomes stagnant."

Sridhar Dhanapalan

"I'll bet you $5 USD (and these days,
that's about a gadzillion Euros) that this explains it."
-- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread Mike Larson

You might try for free pop/smtp/forwarding email or for a free forwarding type email.

I thought I had several others, but they started charging ( 
) or dropped their Enlish language version ( ). With today's 
dot bomb financial situation most free services have started charging or 
gone belly-up ( @home ). There is no such thing as a permanent email 
address, at least for free..and probably not even if you pay.


James Thomas wrote:

> ps. I really need to switch email accounts (this is owned by 
> Microsoft) but it's so hard to do - anyone know of any free mail 
> forwarding site that acts as a sort of relay so if you change ISPs or 
> email addresses, there are no problems and no one has to be given a 
> new address?

Mike Larson
Registered Linux User # 246593
Linux Mandrake 8.2   Mozilla 0.9.8
"If Bill Gates had a nickel for everytime Windows crashed..oh wait,he does!"

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 03 May 2002 16:37:10 -0700, "James Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ps. I really need to switch email accounts (this is owned by Microsoft) but 
> it's so hard to do - anyone know of any free mail forwarding site that acts 
> as a sort of relay so if you change ISPs or email addresses, there are no 
> problems and no one has to be given a new address?

I scored an address I feel like Woz and Capt. Crunch!

Sridhar Dhanapalan

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." -- Bill Gates, 1981

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[newbie] Errors during instalation of Mandrake 8.2 on my Toshiba laptop

2002-05-03 Thread Frederico Figueiredo

Hi there.
I'm able to install Mandrake 7.2 on my Toshiba 1700-500 (Celeron 700 10G
disk and 128MB RAM) laptop with no problems.

I've tryed installing versions 8.1 and 8.2, and many errors occur, of the
type: There was an error installing packages: XPTO Go on anyway? If I say
YES the errors repeat and the installation crashes a few errors after.

This happends in both versions but only on my laptop. I've tryed the same
instalation files in my desktop PC (PII 233 3G disk and 248RAM) and it works

Both versions are recorded in diferent CD's.

Any idea what is the problem?

I really need help since I'm need to update my linux.
Thanks for the help.

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Sat, 4 May 2002, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

> Makes me sad, Lyvim. What happened to "the land of the free" ?
> We europeans (well, most of us) have great admiration for the United States
> of America. Mostly because you kicked the oppressors out, wrote a brand new
> Constitution - and took it seriously !
> What you describe here makes me doubt : is USA becoming  "Europized" ? -
> Reverting to feudalism, pseudo-democracy, corruption, fraud and mob-rule ?
> If so, where can we find hope ?
> When I was a kid (I still am, sort of) I liked westerns. The "lone rider"
> versus "the system". What happened to him ?
> Question : "What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean" ?
> Answer : " A brilliant start"
> OK - that was my "refugium depressivum" for today.
> Otherwise I don't care at all : Next month I'll have to buy a brand new PC
> for my daughter. I Denmark it's impossible to get one without  "Windows"
> preinstalled. First thing to do : format the whole kadoodle, use the M$-CD as
> a shining target for her rifle-practice and install Linux. She's really fond
> of Linux already, what with her boy-friends flocking around a "she-guru".
> If Microsjuft then wants to claim her beauty-box, let 'em try !
> Kaj Haulrich
> Denmark

Hoo-ya! you can say that again.

Registered Linux User 182496

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Derek Byram

On Saturday 04 May 2002 03:33, you wrote:
> On Saturday 04 May 2002 04:16 am, Derek Byram wrote:
> > On Saturday 04 May 2002 02:46, you wrote:
> > > On Friday 03 May 2002 08:17 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> > > Question : "What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean" ?
> > > Answer : " A brilliant start"
> > >
> > > Kaj Haulrich
> > > Denmark
> >
> > not enough lawyers :(
> > derek the lurker
> "A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step"  (Konfutse)
> Kaj Haulrich
> Denmark


a 147 break in snooker always starts with a pot on a single red ;-)

derek the lurker - essex england - linux user 264346

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Derek Byram

On Saturday 04 May 2002 03:33, you wrote:
> On Saturday 04 May 2002 04:16 am, Derek Byram wrote:
> > On Saturday 04 May 2002 02:46, you wrote:
> > > On Friday 03 May 2002 08:17 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> > > Question : "What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean" ?
> > > Answer : " A brilliant start"
> > >
> > > Kaj Haulrich
> > > Denmark
> >
> > not enough lawyers :(
> > derek the lurker
> "A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step"  (Konfutse)
> Kaj Haulrich
> Denmark


a 147 break in snooker always starts with a pot on a single red ;-)

derek the lurker - essex england - linux user 264346 

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Saturday 04 May 2002 04:16 am, Derek Byram wrote:
> On Saturday 04 May 2002 02:46, you wrote:
> > On Friday 03 May 2002 08:17 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > Question : "What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean" ?
> > Answer : " A brilliant start"
> >
> > Kaj Haulrich
> > Denmark
> not enough lawyers :(
> derek the lurker

"A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step"  (Konfutse)

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Derek Byram

On Saturday 04 May 2002 02:46, you wrote:
> On Friday 03 May 2002 08:17 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> Question : "What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean" ?
> Answer : " A brilliant start"

> Kaj Haulrich
> Denmark

not enough lawyers :(

derek the lurker

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread Jose Paiva

Try about $20/year. I've used it for at least 4 years and only had
problems only once (they were upgrading their system) and I can't open Word
docs on StarOffice 6.0.

- Original Message -
From: "James Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

> I actually have little against Windows - personally, I think XP is a fine
> (best Windows by far yet, IMO). Where I take exception is the company
> and its business practices.
> If my printer worked properly in Linux (for some reason it works right off
> the bat after I reboot or after I use printerdrake to install it (again)
> it stops working after about a half hour or so, most annoying), I would
> use Windows to play games. Now that OpenOffice 1.0 is out (a VERY NICE
> product, not quite as powerful as Word but comparable), I don't even need
> use Office. :)
> Strangely enough, my networking in Windows dies on me after about an hour
> being up (I have a cable modem and am always online) but under Linux, I
> zero problems with the networking. I have no clue how to go about fixing
> problem in Windows but when I had a similar problem in linux, was able to
> resolve it in about 10 minutes - who says using Linux is harder? :)
> And now that KDE 3.0 is out, I finally have a GUI in linux that I like. I
> have no complaints whatsoever. :)
> James
> ps. I really need to switch email accounts (this is owned by Microsoft)
> it's so hard to do - anyone know of any free mail forwarding site that
> as a sort of relay so if you change ISPs or email addresses, there are no
> problems and no one has to be given a new address?
> >I agree whole heartedly with you on this subject.
> >The unfortunate part is that there appear to be no moderators on this
> >list.
> >
> >I wish people would stop taking such a negative attitude to windows, we
> >were all windows users at one point.
> >
> >NB
> >
> >On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 21:21, Nick Andriash wrote:
> > > On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you wrote:
> > >
> > > > A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
> > >
> > > I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux using Mandrake 8.2 but am
> > > disheartened to see signatures such as yours. How typical of Linux
> >Users...
> > > and almost enough to make me gag and want to wipe Linux off my
> > >
> > > Tell me something Shane... Why do you feel Windows Users are fools? I
> >use
> > > Windows... am I a fool in your eyes? You don't even know me, so where
> > > you get off labelling me as one... and putting something like that in
> >your
> > > signature? No wonder Users are slow to try Linux, what with greetings
> >like
> > > yours. I am amazed that the List Moderators haven't said anything to
> >you.
> > >
> > > --
> > > Nick Andriash
> > > Courtenay, B.C. Canada
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> >
> > > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > > Go to
> >
> >
> >
> >Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> >Go to
> James Thomas
> _
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> Go to

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Friday 03 May 2002 08:17 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> Since they now control the Department of Justice via bribe money,
> payoffs, and "soft money" (legal bribe money) I would assume then that
> they have already merged.  Both them and susceptible members of
> congress.  MSUSA is already a reality;  the only thing left to do is to
> congratulate you on coming up with the new name for the old United
> States.  Good work.
> Now we need to put it into use.
> Keep up the good work,
> LX
> (writing from inside the M$USA)

Makes me sad, Lyvim. What happened to "the land of the free" ? 

We europeans (well, most of us) have great admiration for the United States 
of America. Mostly because you kicked the oppressors out, wrote a brand new 
Constitution - and took it seriously !

What you describe here makes me doubt : is USA becoming  "Europized" ? - 
Reverting to feudalism, pseudo-democracy, corruption, fraud and mob-rule ?

If so, where can we find hope ?

When I was a kid (I still am, sort of) I liked westerns. The "lone rider" 
versus "the system". What happened to him ?

Question : "What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean" ?
Answer : " A brilliant start"

OK - that was my "refugium depressivum" for today.

Otherwise I don't care at all : Next month I'll have to buy a brand new PC 
for my daughter. I Denmark it's impossible to get one without  "Windows" 
preinstalled. First thing to do : format the whole kadoodle, use the M$-CD as 
a shining target for her rifle-practice and install Linux. She's really fond 
of Linux already, what with her boy-friends flocking around a "she-guru".

If Microsjuft then wants to claim her beauty-box, let 'em try !

Kaj Haulrich

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RE: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread Schwenk, Jeanie

SO6 has not crashed on loading windoze doc files (File ... Open) for me but
it does crash when using the spell checker (not every time, just sometimes).

My system is a clean install of 8.2 with office 6.0 (no upgrades anywhere
since I've only been up and running since April 23rd). 

I tried emailing a word document but my email is via a citrix server and I
haven't figured out how to get it to open documents on my pc (the linux one)
since it gives me no options and automatically uses what's on the server

My only other complain is the page preview ... I dare you to get out of it
if you're not printing.  I hate to say it but if I don't have the luxury of
time, it's Word for me.


-Original Message-
From: Brian Parish [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 8:42 AM
To: newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

OK - This got a nice little flame war going, but didn't really address
the question.  Is anyone else using SO6 - not the other flavors - and
seeing the same behavior as I am?  A friend who just upgraded to 8.2 has
SO6 crashing on every doc file he's tried to open by any means so far. 
Not my experience, but then he did UPGRADE, while I have done clean
installs.  Maybe it's all to do with some font settings or something.

Now if everyone who replies to this can please refrain from saying
anything vaguely antagonistic, it really would be nice to hear of some
comparable experiences.  I paid for this SW.  Just because I pay for
Windows and expect it to fail doesn't mean I will put up with it from
Sun.  Oops!  Shane you are SUCH a bad influence ;-)


On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 09:56, Brian Parish wrote:
> Just a quick note on SO6.  I have seen claims here that it opens
> everything faultlessly and that it crashes and is totally useless.  It
> turns out that both are true :-)
> Try to open a word doc file received as an attachment with the "Open in
> StarOffice" dialog - crash!  Try to open a word doc in the same way from
> Konq - crash.  Open SO6, then use the File > Open on the same docs - no
> problem.
> It may not be faultless, but used this way it looks pretty good to me so
> far.  Hopefully Sun and/or Mandrake will make the "open with" way of
> doing things work soon.  Could actually be a Mandrake issue I guess.
> Brian

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[newbie] aba_sofiane

2002-05-03 Thread Sofiane Cirat

I bought Linux mandrake 8.1 to give it a try, I have a PowerPC 360 Mhz,
152 Mb of RAM, a KDS monitor, and a graphic card (that Linux has detected as 
SiS 620 )built-in the motherboard.  The whole installation went fine but in 
X configuration a window poped up containind the monitors lists and was set 
to Generic( My monitor's brand was not in the list)with the high frequency 
1026*;  I had the prompt to test the display, when I clicked test there was 
a black screen containg 2 files name in the top-left such:
file.ini ( no such file )
file.ini ( no such file )
then there was the pinguin on the screen for the test screen but all the 
letters were scrambled like it was a mis-synchronization/
I changed my monitor to A NEC monitor supposedly in the list,
I changed the resolution,
but still the X configuration dont work
Plese help me out in solving this problem


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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread James Thomas

I actually have little against Windows - personally, I think XP is a fine OS 
(best Windows by far yet, IMO). Where I take exception is the company itself 
and its business practices.

If my printer worked properly in Linux (for some reason it works right off 
the bat after I reboot or after I use printerdrake to install it (again) but 
it stops working after about a half hour or so, most annoying), I would only 
use Windows to play games. Now that OpenOffice 1.0 is out (a VERY NICE 
product, not quite as powerful as Word but comparable), I don't even need to 
use Office. :)

Strangely enough, my networking in Windows dies on me after about an hour of 
being up (I have a cable modem and am always online) but under Linux, I have 
zero problems with the networking. I have no clue how to go about fixing the 
problem in Windows but when I had a similar problem in linux, was able to 
resolve it in about 10 minutes - who says using Linux is harder? :)

And now that KDE 3.0 is out, I finally have a GUI in linux that I like. I 
have no complaints whatsoever. :)


ps. I really need to switch email accounts (this is owned by Microsoft) but 
it's so hard to do - anyone know of any free mail forwarding site that acts 
as a sort of relay so if you change ISPs or email addresses, there are no 
problems and no one has to be given a new address?

>I agree whole heartedly with you on this subject.
>The unfortunate part is that there appear to be no moderators on this
>I wish people would stop taking such a negative attitude to windows, we
>were all windows users at one point.
>On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 21:21, Nick Andriash wrote:
> > On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you wrote:
> >
> > > A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
> >
> > I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux using Mandrake 8.2 but am
> > disheartened to see signatures such as yours. How typical of Linux 
> > and almost enough to make me gag and want to wipe Linux off my Computer.
> >
> > Tell me something Shane... Why do you feel Windows Users are fools? I 
> > Windows... am I a fool in your eyes? You don't even know me, so where do
> > you get off labelling me as one... and putting something like that in 
> > signature? No wonder Users are slow to try Linux, what with greetings 
> > yours. I am amazed that the List Moderators haven't said anything to 
> >
> > --
> > Nick Andriash
> > Courtenay, B.C. Canada
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > Go to
>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
>Go to

James Thomas

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread David

[EMAIL PROTECTED] said onto me:  
 |I hear that...
 |If it does go Enron then they also have to prove I have that on my systems,
 |at which time will have nothing but Mandrake, Redhat, SuSe, or anyone of the
 |other flavors out there.   Believe me I am not paying a dime to that co, nor
 |am I going to jail for them either.  
 |But, none the less you did make good points.  I don't agree with the license
 |agreement but the only way I can use is to click yes.  I haven't found a way
 |to get around that yet.  

Well, this has worked sometimes (for a friend, of course--I would never do something 
like this)...  

When making your copies of some microshit, instead of just copying disk-to-disk, copy 
all files to your HD.  Then find the file named EULA.txt and edit away.  Then burn 
your CDs.  


 |Anyway if I could get winex to work I wouldn't need to use that inferior
 |product anyway.
 |>>If they start to go Enron, then
 |>>you can expect an all out user hunt.


David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
Mandrake  8.2  Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.4claws
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Homepage:

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Re: [newbie] How to cope with the volume of linux-mandrake mail?

2002-05-03 Thread Brian Koppe

That would be XP - I read the e-mail after playing Jedi Knight II which 
I have not had time to figure out how to get working in Linux yet.

civileme wrote:

> Brian Koppe wrote:
>> Wow - how'd you know it was Mozilla?  Thanks btw, it works
>> shane wrote:
> View=>Headers=>All and look at User-Agent, which also says you are 
> using Windows NT 5.1.  Is that what MS calls W2K formally ?  Or is it XP?
> Civileme
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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread ed Tharp

what ever happened to the concept of "average and reasonable" as in; "if the 
average and reasonable person believes they have purchased a CD when they pay 
their money and leave the store, and does not find out until after having 
broke the shrinkwrap that the did NOT purchase a CD but instead bought an 
electronic license device, did they buy a CD as they thought as they paid 
their money? when is it a sale? and when is it a "lease"? does not the 
perception of the average and reasonable consumer determine the fair business 
practice in common commercial and retail law? does the averge joe typing a 
letter on his 2gigHz pentium have a clue about the EULA? 

On Friday 03 May 2002 02:48 am, you wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 02:12, Damian G wrote:
> > > Well, someone who cannot post to the list because his ISP is out
> > > picking daisies and not supplying reverse resolution sent me a missive
> > > pointing out that no one buys Windows.  It is a license one buys,
> > > nothing more.
> >
> > hi Civileme.
> >
> > uhm.. i do not agree with that part, nor do i think a proper trial would,
> > just like the case of that guy that god sued by Adobe for reselling.
> >
> > "as long as the transaction has the form of a sell, it is a sell".
> > period.
> >
> > if "buying" a cd of any kind of product implied that license, then the
> > buyer should get to read a printed copy of the license or something,
> > before he made the purchase.
> >
> > but if you just enter a shop, lay off some money and take a CD, then
> > you just bought a CD, and the bytes contained in it do not matter
> > until you put that CD in a reader device and read them.
> > there's no such thing as "when you buy that CD you are really buying a
> > license".
> >
> > Namely put, as long as you do not put  the CD into a CD reader,
> > it technically is just a piece of plastic to you.
> >
> > that's how that Adobe trial ended anyway..
> >
> > Damian
> Civ does have a point.  According to the EULA, you do NOT own the
> software; you are only granted a license to use the software at
> MicroShaft's behest.  When you buy the CD, you are indeed buying a
> license.  Now wether you decide to USE that license or not at whatever
> time in the future is up to you; but that does not nullify the fact that
> you purchased the license.  If you want to leave that license on the
> shelf, that's your right, but again it does not affect the fact that you
> purchased a license, and your invoice is your proof of purchase for that
> license.
> What I'm discussing here is basically YOUR contract with the seller of
> the software.  If we discuss another software seller other than M$, then
> the terms of that EULA may well indeed dictate that you DO OWN the
> software; in which case your assertion holds true.
> The bottom line is that no matter what you or I consider ethically right
> with respect to what we bought, we both are legally bound by the terms
> of use of the authors (copyrighters) wether we like that or not.  The
> USE of the software and agreement to the terms of use constitute a
> contract; and a contract can say ANYTHING.  M$ is a prime example of
> that; they've redefined the myriad ways that a EULA can screw the common
> man.
> LX

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RE: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 3 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I hear that...
> If it does go Enron then they also have to prove I have that on my systems,
> at which time will have nothing but Mandrake, Redhat, SuSe, or anyone of the
> other flavors out there.   Believe me I am not paying a dime to that co, nor
> am I going to jail for them either.
> But, none the less you did make good points.  I don't agree with the license
> agreement but the only way I can use is to click yes.  I haven't found a way
> to get around that yet.
> Anyway if I could get winex to work I wouldn't need to use that inferior
> product anyway.
> >>If they start to go Enron, then
> >>you can expect an all out user hunt.
> >>LX

thats a really scary thought...M$ going enron. yikes!

Registered Linux User 182496

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[newbie] USB controllercard

2002-05-03 Thread adrian

another problem is that the scanner is connected to a USB controller card 
which is on a PCI slot and mandrake doesnt recognise it and its now under 
"other units" in my hardware list. The printer and the scanner is also under 
"other units" as unknown devices so im not sure if the USB controller card 
works or not but the devices connected to it doesnt work, thats for sure.
Any help that would get these devices running would be very apreciated

The USB card is a lucent microelectronics card
Scanner is a HP 5370C
Printer is a Lexmark Z22

Best regards:

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[newbie] try...try...try again

2002-05-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

are we reeaching yet?

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread Damian G

> note, the sig below is in no way intended to poke fun at any 6 fingered ppl 
> who can indeed carry out the command described, no similarity to any ppl 
> living or dead is accidental.  the name "shane" may not be mine.  i may be 
> spoofing.  your milage may vary.  do not taunt happy fun ball.  void in 
> utah, and all states whos names have vowels.  see your dealer for details. 
> -- 
> "Hold (ESC)(CTRL)(ALT)(TAB)(SHIFT)(ENTER) & click here> #"
> shane
> Profile at:
> Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
> Mandrake Users Club Member
> Registered linux user #101606 @



man, that's a good one. i might even try to make that key combination 
and see what happens.


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Re: [newbie] Mesa Help

2002-05-03 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Fri, 3 May 2002 15:48:31 -0400
Kirtis Bakalarczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I recently installed the newest version of mesa (4.0.2) (which was stupid 
> because it already worked fine i just had to tinker...)  and all of a 
> sudden quake 3 won't work!  Well actually it runs, just ral slow.
> has anyone had a similar problem and if so, have they figured out how to fix 
> it.   I need my stress reliever.

With mesa-4.0.2 you need to use kernel=>
I am assuming you are using an ATI vid card.


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Re: [newbie] Re: WineX was: OT over reacting

2002-05-03 Thread shane

On Friday 03 May 2002 11:27, Femme opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

> If any QuakeIII players/SC players or Old diablo/Vanilla D2 want to play
> sometime, email me.  I am looking for friends to play with.
> And I'm looking for ppl to meet every once in  a while on irc with to
> setup games. :)  Just for fun I don't compete well * I lose lots*

i used to play quake II with the name "i tend to die a lot" but i haven't 
played III yet..  ;)

"I do not believe that I am dreaming this life, but I can not prove that I 
am not." -Bertrand Russell

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606 @

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[newbie] Mesa Help

2002-05-03 Thread Kirtis Bakalarczyk

I recently installed the newest version of mesa (4.0.2) (which was stupid 
because it already worked fine i just had to tinker...)  and all of a 
sudden quake 3 won't work!  Well actually it runs, just ral slow.

has anyone had a similar problem and if so, have they figured out how to fix 
it.   I need my stress reliever.


BTW, i tried reinstalling quake and it didn't work.

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Re: [newbie] Linux and Windows

2002-05-03 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Fri, 03 May 2002 14:51:12 -0400
Randy Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kristjan Klementi wrote:
> > You can try installing Linux on Win only if you have 95/98/ME...
> > Nt and above are independent OS and do not allow that action.
> I'm a little confused by the above -- it may be misleading (or I may be
> confused):
> AFAIK, you can install Linux in a dual boot configuration with any
> version of Windows including NT and above.  Perhaps this is referring to
> Lin4Win or something like that, which might be limited to being
> installed with 95/98/ME.
Either that are the fact that diskdrake can not handle NTFS.
But there are multiple 3rd party partitioning programs which can.

I personally have used PM and SC to partition drives to dual boot linux
with Win98, 2k, and XP.


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Re: [newbie] Linux and Windows

2002-05-03 Thread Randy Kramer

Kristjan Klementi wrote:
> You can try installing Linux on Win only if you have 95/98/ME...
> Nt and above are independent OS and do not allow that action.

I'm a little confused by the above -- it may be misleading (or I may be

AFAIK, you can install Linux in a dual boot configuration with any
version of Windows including NT and above.  Perhaps this is referring to
Lin4Win or something like that, which might be limited to being
installed with 95/98/ME.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On 4 May 2002, Brian Parish wrote:

> OK - This got a nice little flame war going, but didn't really address
> the question.  Is anyone else using SO6 - not the other flavors - and
> seeing the same behavior as I am?  A friend who just upgraded to 8.2 has
> SO6 crashing on every doc file he's tried to open by any means so far.
> Not my experience, but then he did UPGRADE, while I have done clean
> installs.  Maybe it's all to do with some font settings or something.

ok...I'm getting the impression that the problem is elsewhere and not with
SO6 itself. since it was an upgrade and not a fresh install you could be
onto something. why not try formatting and doing a fresh install on the
machine and then reload SO6. I have a feeling you'll see quite a
difference. it sounds very much like some very important files got hosed
in the process of the upgrade, hence the bad behavior from SO.

as for me I've had nothing but successfrom SO6 on all my machines that
I've installed it on including those where I work.

Registered Linux User 182496

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RE: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 3 May 2002, Barran, Richard wrote:

> I HAVE to use Windows 8 hrs a day in the workplace - does that make me an
> idiot?
> I use Win98 at home - no Linux CD-burner comes close in quality to Nero
> Burning Rom. Does that make me an idiot?
> Signatures such as 'all Windows users are idiots' are actually very useful.
> They are a good way to spot a reply to a newbie's question that will start
> with a 'first of all, you shouldn't be using the GUI' and end with a 'RTFM'
> :-)
> Richard
> PS Bank holiday coming up in England - 3-day weekend, LM8.2 installation
> disks at the ready!


of course that doesn't make you an idiot. and I always got the impression
that the newbies that begin with "first of all" and end with "RTFM" have
the mistaken impression that if they appear abusive towards windows users
then they'll be more quickly accepted into a mistakenly perceived clique.
personally I find this behavior mildly amusing, but it send a message
about those that they're watching and listening to. it also causes me to
ask myself if maybe I'm presenting the wrong image of what a real Linux
user is and should be. KNow what I mean?

And I feel your pain having to use windows 8 hours a day. I too must
endure the same. it wouldn't be so bad if I could use win2K or XP instead
of win98. there are days when I can't get anything done because the
macnhine just won't play nice.

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] Linux and Windows

2002-05-03 Thread Femme

On Fri, 3 May 2002 12:52:27 +0300 (GMT+03:00)
ivo ailis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have recently downloaded Mandrake 8.2. Before i install i want to
> know whether is it possible to have both windows and Linux on one
> computer. If so could you give me detalized step-by-step
> instructions...Well i am really a newbie to Linux :) Also could you
> give me some installation suggestions, and what i have to do after
> format c: (creating boot diskete and so on)...
> Thanks..

have at it & Read on:

use that site frequently before trying here. Its got most of the basic
info you'll need to get started & makes you feel less silly for asking
us :)

I learned that the hard way.


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Re: [newbie] Re:OT

2002-05-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 3 May 2002, Femme wrote:

> On Fri, 3 May 2002 12:09:41 -0400 (EDT)
> daRcmaTTeR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2 May 2002, Jon Doe wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > > On Thursday 02 May 2002 09:21 pm, Nick Andriash wrote:
> > > > > On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you wrote:
> > > > > > A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
> > > > >
> > > > > I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux using Mandrake 8.2
> > > > > but am disheartened to see signatures such as yours. How typical
> > > > > of Linux Users... and almost enough to make me gag and want to
> > > > > wipe Linux off my Computer.
> > >
> > >
> > > Hmm, many Widnows users call linux users communists, will this make
> > > you wipe windows off your computer?
> > > Maximum PC just published an article where the author called linux
> > > people:"commie, penguin-loving, free-software nuts"
> > > Authers name is Dick Matthews if anyone is interested.
> > >
> >
> > hmmm...never trust a guy with two first names and is named after a
> > male body art. especially when that body part is among the stupidist
> > of all the body parts.
> >
> > --
> > daRcmaTTeR
> > --
> > Registered Linux User 182496
> >
> *giggles* OK True enough Darc.  However in his defense he switched over
> his whole network to linux shortly before or after that.  He's meant to
> offend *He pissed me off with his bluster a few times*.  The column is
> *Windows tips for Morons* says it all doesn't it? :)
> He's a very smart man & quite sweet I think but his column is meant to
> get you off your ass & thinking.
> FWIW, he recently X'd out the "Windows" & put "linux" in there for an
> issue.  The article was on "Grep".
> Femme

hmmm... I might have to give this guy a read and see what he's got to say.

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] Re: WineX was: OT over reacting

2002-05-03 Thread Femme

On Fri, 3 May 2002 08:38:38 -0700
shane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 03 May 2002 08:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] opened a 
> general hailing frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
> > I play these games regularly
> > Starcraft/Broodwars
> > Diablo2/Lord of Destruction
> > Jedi Knight 2
> > Medal of Honor: Allied Assualt
> > Quake III
> > Unreal Tournement
> if you have winex installed correctly you should be able to simply
> insert the cd for one of those games and (in console) type "winex 
> /mnt/cdrom/install.exe" or perhaps "setup.exe" to install the game. 
> try it out, report back.
> -- 
> Vini, vidi, Linux.  I came, I saw, I got a real OS.

If any QuakeIII players/SC players or Old diablo/Vanilla D2 want to play
sometime, email me.  I am looking for friends to play with.

And I'm looking for ppl to meet every once in  a while on irc with to
setup games. :)  Just for fun I don't compete well * I lose lots*



*this thread hijacked by your friendly *well maybe* neighbourhood linux

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Re: [newbie] Re:OT

2002-05-03 Thread Femme

On Fri, 3 May 2002 12:09:41 -0400 (EDT)
daRcmaTTeR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 2 May 2002, Jon Doe wrote:
> >
> > > On Thursday 02 May 2002 09:21 pm, Nick Andriash wrote:
> > > > On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you wrote:
> > > > > A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
> > > >
> > > > I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux using Mandrake 8.2
> > > > but am disheartened to see signatures such as yours. How typical
> > > > of Linux Users... and almost enough to make me gag and want to
> > > > wipe Linux off my Computer.
> >
> >
> > Hmm, many Widnows users call linux users communists, will this make
> > you wipe windows off your computer?
> > Maximum PC just published an article where the author called linux
> > people:"commie, penguin-loving, free-software nuts"
> > Authers name is Dick Matthews if anyone is interested.
> >
> hmmm...never trust a guy with two first names and is named after a
> male body art. especially when that body part is among the stupidist
> of all the body parts.
> -- 
> daRcmaTTeR
> --
> Registered Linux User 182496

*giggles* OK True enough Darc.  However in his defense he switched over
his whole network to linux shortly before or after that.  He's meant to
offend *He pissed me off with his bluster a few times*.  The column is
*Windows tips for Morons* says it all doesn't it? :)

He's a very smart man & quite sweet I think but his column is meant to
get you off your ass & thinking.

FWIW, he recently X'd out the "Windows" & put "linux" in there for an
issue.  The article was on "Grep".


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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 3 May 2002, Femme wrote:

> On Fri, 3 May 2002 10:56:50 -0400 (EDT)
> daRcmaTTeR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The bottom line is that no matter what you or I consider ethically
> > > right with respect to what we bought, we both are legally bound by
> > > the terms of use of the authors (copyrighters) wether we like that
> > > or not.  The USE of the software and agreement to the terms of use
> > > constitute a contract; and a contract can say ANYTHING.  M$ is a
> > > prime example of that; they've redefined the myriad ways that a EULA
> > > can screw the common man.
> > >
> > > LX
> >
> > well said LX...well said. you make a very good argument that is
> > compelling. I shall now be quiet.  ;)
> >
> > --
> > daRcmaTTeR
> > --
> Yup.  LX is going off his rails again but this time I'm inclined to
> agree with him. ;)
> FWIW, I use windows too...however much their EULA asserts they own my
> hardware, they can bite my pretty fanny if they think i'm going to
> capitulate & say... "Why yes!  You can take my comp with my 2k OS !"
> Femme

I'm with you femme...they can kiss my white of
they even think about taking my hardware. i can guarentee they won't
leave in the same condition they arrived in.

Registered Linux User 182496

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[newbie] hot-plug USB causes lock up

2002-05-03 Thread Andy Liaw


I have an USB Orb drive, which works if it's plugged
before Mandrake 8.2 is booted.  If I plug it in after
Mandrake is booted, then the machine appears to freeze
up.  Does anyone know how to solve this problem?



Andy Liaw

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Re: [newbie] VNC on MDK 8.2 - keyboard problem

2002-05-03 Thread RichardA

The VNC docs don't mention one, 'vncserver --help' doesn't, and google says 
no too. So I guess there isn't a keyboard lock...


Sevatio, Thursday 02 May 2002 9:30 pm:
> RichardA wrote:
> > Is anyone else using the VNC which came with MDK 8.2? I can start the
> > server, start the viewer on my laptop and everything looks great, except
> > that key presses don't get through to the remote desktop. They seem to go
> > to the shell I launched the viewer from. The mouse works fine.
> >
> > RichardA
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> Isn't there an option to lock or unlock keyboard functions on the VNC
> server?
> Sevatio

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[newbie] ALN-601a PCMCIA Network Card doen't work on my Linux Distribution

2002-05-03 Thread Frederico Figueiredo

Hi there.

I have an ALN-601a PCMCIA Network Card (ACER) an I can't configure it on my
Linux Mandrake 7.2.

Can someone help me?

Thanks a lot,

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Femme

On Fri, 3 May 2002 10:56:50 -0400 (EDT)
daRcmaTTeR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The bottom line is that no matter what you or I consider ethically
> > right with respect to what we bought, we both are legally bound by
> > the terms of use of the authors (copyrighters) wether we like that
> > or not.  The USE of the software and agreement to the terms of use
> > constitute a contract; and a contract can say ANYTHING.  M$ is a
> > prime example of that; they've redefined the myriad ways that a EULA
> > can screw the common man.
> >
> > LX
> well said LX...well said. you make a very good argument that is
> compelling. I shall now be quiet.  ;)
> -- 
> daRcmaTTeR
> --

Yup.  LX is going off his rails again but this time I'm inclined to
agree with him. ;)

FWIW, I use windows too...however much their EULA asserts they own my
hardware, they can bite my pretty fanny if they think i'm going to
capitulate & say... "Why yes!  You can take my comp with my 2k OS !"


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Re: [newbie] the sig file silliness continues

2002-05-03 Thread ed Tharp

On Friday 03 May 2002 11:50 am, you wrote:
> On Friday 03 May 2002 02:55, Barran, Richard opened a general hailing
> frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
> > I HAVE to use Windows 8 hrs a day in the workplace - does that make me an
> > idiot?
> > I use Win98 at home - no Linux CD-burner comes close in quality to Nero
> > Burning Rom. Does that make me an idiot?
> heavens people!  did you buy the windows machine at work?  recommend they
> use windows?  is it your money?  maybe the fool is your company?  time will
> tell.

who is the larger fool? the first fool that runs off the cliff and hollars 
"follow me" as he falls to his death, or the fool that follows?

> > Signatures such as 'all Windows users are idiots' are actually very
> > useful. They are a good way to spot a reply to a newbie's question that
> > will start with a 'first of all, you shouldn't be using the GUI' and end
> > with a 'RTFM'
> i spend almost all my time in the GUI and think man pages re a last resort,
> but if you wish
> tell me, should i just submit my sig file to the list nazis for editing
> now?

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Re: [newbie] Re:OT

2002-05-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Thu, 2 May 2002, Jon Doe wrote:

> > On Thursday 02 May 2002 09:21 pm, Nick Andriash wrote:
> > > On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you wrote:
> > > > A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
> > >
> > > I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux using Mandrake 8.2 but am
> > > disheartened to see signatures such as yours. How typical of Linux Users...
> > > and almost enough to make me gag and want to wipe Linux off my Computer.
> Hmm, many Widnows users call linux users communists, will this make you wipe
> windows off your computer?
> Maximum PC just published an article where the author called linux people:
> "commie, penguin-loving, free-software nuts"
> Authers name is Dick Matthews if anyone is interested.

hmmm...never trust a guy with two first names and is named after a male
body art. especially when that body part is among the stupidist of all the
body parts.

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Randy Kramer

Damian G wrote:
> i'll hunt down the links later, if i find it, i'll post the link where i found
> a snip of that judge's resolution..

Here is a link to a page with links to other pages (sorry about that ;-)
that deal with rulings oveturning the validity of at least some claims
in an EULA.  (Note that these rulings are  subject to further appeal
(and, you can bet that they will be, since they are unfavorable to
Microsoft and other big software companies):

Randy Kramer

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RE: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Michael . Hughes

I hear that...

If it does go Enron then they also have to prove I have that on my systems,
at which time will have nothing but Mandrake, Redhat, SuSe, or anyone of the
other flavors out there.   Believe me I am not paying a dime to that co, nor
am I going to jail for them either.  
But, none the less you did make good points.  I don't agree with the license
agreement but the only way I can use is to click yes.  I haven't found a way
to get around that yet.  

Anyway if I could get winex to work I wouldn't need to use that inferior
product anyway.

>>If they start to go Enron, then
>>you can expect an all out user hunt.


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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread shane

On Thursday 02 May 2002 23:04, civileme opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

> The signature implies to me that Microsoft is to blame for leading
> gullible people, but I never saw that the meaning "everyone who uses
> windows is gullible" could be read into it.  Certainly I did not since I
> still have to use Windows to test doftware for compatibility and
> interoperability.

all the fools i know with computers have windows, but not all the widows 
users are fools

what i don't understand is how someone could be so bothered by a sig that 
stop using an OS yet they can click "ok" on the EULA.  oh well.

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread civileme

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

>On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 02:12, Damian G wrote:
>>>Well, someone who cannot post to the list because his ISP is out picking 
>>>daisies and not supplying reverse resolution sent me a missive pointing 
>>>out that no one buys Windows.  It is a license one buys, nothing more. 
>>hi Civileme.
>>uhm.. i do not agree with that part, nor do i think a proper trial would,
>>just like the case of that guy that god sued by Adobe for reselling.
>>"as long as the transaction has the form of a sell, it is a sell". period.
>>if "buying" a cd of any kind of product implied that license, then the 
>>buyer should get to read a printed copy of the license or something, 
>>before he made the purchase.
>>but if you just enter a shop, lay off some money and take a CD, then
>>you just bought a CD, and the bytes contained in it do not matter
>>until you put that CD in a reader device and read them.
>>there's no such thing as "when you buy that CD you are really buying a 
>>Namely put, as long as you do not put  the CD into a CD reader,
>>it technically is just a piece of plastic to you. 
>>that's how that Adobe trial ended anyway..
>Civ does have a point.  According to the EULA, you do NOT own the
>software; you are only granted a license to use the software at
>MicroShaft's behest.  When you buy the CD, you are indeed buying a
>license.  Now wether you decide to USE that license or not at whatever
>time in the future is up to you; but that does not nullify the fact that
>you purchased the license.  If you want to leave that license on the
>shelf, that's your right, but again it does not affect the fact that you
>purchased a license, and your invoice is your proof of purchase for that
>What I'm discussing here is basically YOUR contract with the seller of
>the software.  If we discuss another software seller other than M$, then
>the terms of that EULA may well indeed dictate that you DO OWN the
>software; in which case your assertion holds true.
>The bottom line is that no matter what you or I consider ethically right
>with respect to what we bought, we both are legally bound by the terms
>of use of the authors (copyrighters) wether we like that or not.  The
>USE of the software and agreement to the terms of use constitute a
>contract; and a contract can say ANYTHING.  M$ is a prime example of
>that; they've redefined the myriad ways that a EULA can screw the common
>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
>Go to
There is one thing important to the difference between the Adobe case 
(which will almost certainly be appealed) and the Microsoft License--the 
license is click-wrapped on MS and was not on Adobe.  In other words, 
you have to click to agree to the license terms in order to use MS 
software, thus agreeing to the contract.  If you click on "Not Agree" 
then a message banner comes up with instructions on returning the 
software for refund, and informing you that you may not use the software.

Mnay versions of the EULA do indeed provide options on disposal of the 
system, indicating you may not transfer the software to another system, 
but they do imply that you can sell the system with its original 
software or bare.  If now they are saying removal of the software cannot 
be legally accomplished within the terms of that license, then that is a 
new wrinkle and a modification of the original EULA, which the user may 
or may not have previously agreed to by clicking.


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RE: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 09:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> M$ can only screw you if you let them.  Personally I don't give a rats A$$
> about M$ or their products.  The only reason I still have M$ is to play the
> couple of games I like to play.
> Oh I don't even read the licensee agreement that M$ uses, because I don't
> care what it says.
> >> M$ is a prime example of that; they've redefined the myriad ways that a
> >> EULA can screw the common man.
> >>LX
I don't give a rat about the EULA either, but that's because I haven't
agreed to the terms of the EULA.  Which in turn means I don't use the

The thing to be aware of is that if you are presently using the
software, you are then bound by the terms of their agreement (and
therefore it's legal consequences) wether you care or nottherefore
it is possible to come under legal fire for violations OF that
agreement.  Such as the SPA paying you a visit for alleged "pirated"
copies of software. Then if they discover "inconsistencies" you may be
looking at an SPA fine levied for someone not being able to produce the
original license numbers or manuscript, or even some kind of lawsuit. 
With M$ stock being overleveraged by 40 or 50 times, it's not beyond the
realm of possiblity that regular visits by the SPA will soon be
commonplace, as they rely on the government to supply their profits for

They are already attempting to replace proper programming with
legislation that goes after the crackers, instead of doing the right
thing and writing the software correctly to begin with.  They are also
crowbarring their way into schools so that they can prey on the
taxpayer's money and the minds of the children.  It's only another ass
scratch over to the point where they search out and demand money for
unaccounted copies of their software.  If they start to go Enron, then
you can expect an all out user hunt.


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] How to cope with the volume of linux-mandrake mail?

2002-05-03 Thread civileme

Brian Koppe wrote:

> Wow - how'd you know it was Mozilla?  Thanks btw, it works
> shane wrote:

Well, if you want to know what mailer people are using just click on 
View=>Headers=>All and look at the stanzas in the header beginning with 
the letter X.  Older headers had an X-Mailer entrywhich identified the 

That will serve for 99.9%+ of all cases except for someone who uses 
remailer programs or gets cute with telnetting into some relaying 
machine on port 25 to completely spoof the header (which is after all 
just text).



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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

> Civ does have a point.  According to the EULA, you do NOT own the
> software; you are only granted a license to use the software at
> MicroShaft's behest.  When you buy the CD, you are indeed buying a
> license.  Now wether you decide to USE that license or not at whatever
> time in the future is up to you; but that does not nullify the fact that
> you purchased the license.  If you want to leave that license on the
> shelf, that's your right, but again it does not affect the fact that you
> purchased a license, and your invoice is your proof of purchase for that
> license.
> What I'm discussing here is basically YOUR contract with the seller of
> the software.  If we discuss another software seller other than M$, then
> the terms of that EULA may well indeed dictate that you DO OWN the
> software; in which case your assertion holds true.
> The bottom line is that no matter what you or I consider ethically right
> with respect to what we bought, we both are legally bound by the terms
> of use of the authors (copyrighters) wether we like that or not.  The
> USE of the software and agreement to the terms of use constitute a
> contract; and a contract can say ANYTHING.  M$ is a prime example of
> that; they've redefined the myriad ways that a EULA can screw the common
> man.
> LX

well said LX...well said. you make a very good argument that is
compelling. I shall now be quiet.  ;)

Registered Linux User 182496

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[newbie] usb scanners work under mandrake 8.2?

2002-05-03 Thread adrian

i have a HP scanjet 5370C scanner that connects through USB wire and i cant 
get it to work under  MD8.2, any suggestions?


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RE: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-03 Thread Michael . Hughes

Personally I don't agree with anyone "flaming" someone because of the email
signature.  Who cares what their opinion is.  Also he does have a right to
his opinion especially if he lives in the USA, this is guaranteed by the 1st
amendment in the Constitution ( As noted below).  

Also Microsoft does suck, I have used windoz products for a number of years
now and I have just started to use Linux in the last year.  I never have to
reboot my Linux box, but I have to reboot any windoz box at least once a

And the only reason I still use windoz is because I like to some games every
now and then.  If the damn game companies would port stuff to Linux I would
get rid of windoz all together.

Just my $.02

>>shockingly, freedom of speech is something that the open source ppl
>>highly of.  

>>welcome to linux.

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[newbie] Installing QT PRoblems

2002-05-03 Thread Pauljames Dimitriu

I'm having a little problem installing qt2 from the
rpms.  I have to install
libpng & libqt2, but when I go to install libpng, I
get the following list
of conflicts:

gdk-pixbuf-loaders < 0.16.0-1mdk conflicts
with libpng3-1.2.1-6mdk
gnome-core < conflicts with
kdebase < 2.2.2-37mdk conflicts with
kdegraphics < 2.2.2-4mdk conflicts with
kdelibs < 2.2.2-29mdk conflicts with
kdelibs-sound < 2.2.2-29mdk conflicts with
kdemultimedia < 2.2.2-3mdk conflicts with
kdenetwork < 2.2.2-11mdk conflicts with
kdepim < 2.2.2-2mdk conflicts with
kdesdk < 2.2.2-4mdk conflicts with
kdetoys < 2.2.2-6mdk conflicts with
kdeutils < 2.2.2-6mdk conflicts with
kdevelop < 2.0.2-4mdk conflicts with
koffice < 1.1.1-8mdk conflicts with
kvirc < 2.1.1-5mdk conflicts with
libcups1 < 1.1.12-3mdk conflicts with
libeel0 < 1.0.2-6mdk conflicts with
libgd1 < 1.8.4-4mdk conflicts with
libgtkxmhtml1 < conflicts with
libimlib1 < 1.9.11-8mdk conflicts with
libqt2 < 2.3.1-24mdk conflicts with
libwraster2 < 0.80.0-2mdk conflicts with
linuxconf < 1.26r5-2mdk conflicts with
sawfish < 1.0-7mdk conflicts with

Any ideas how I can get around this so I can install
libpng so I can install



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[newbie] RE: [Newbie] Linux and Windows

2002-05-03 Thread Charles Muller

> I have recently downloaded Mandrake 8.2. Before I install I want
> to know whether is it possible to have both windows and Linux on
> one computer. If so could you give me detailed step-by-step
> instructions...

For one, please take a look at the instructions I wrote up for installing
8.1 at

As far as I can tell, there are no real differences for 8.2 in terms of the
process described.


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Re: [newbie] Kmail problems

2002-05-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Thu, 2 May 2002, Mike Larson wrote:

> In Kmail under LM 8.2, when attempting to fill in the To:, CC:, or BCC fields, I get 
>an error message the moment I begin to type an email address. The error box header is 
>"File Error" and says "Could not load the file". Clicking OK gives another box saying 
>Kmail crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV). Clicking "Close" on that error box 
>causes it and Kmail to close down.
> Any ideas? Kmail was working OK before.
> Mike


it sounds like one of the Kmail config files got roasted. find the kmail
app dir under .kde and remove it saving it's contents in another place for
later. you may be able to salvage some of the files. allow kde to recreate
the app's folder and things should be ok.

Registered Linux User 182496

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[newbie] mandrake 8.2 ppc on ibook

2002-05-03 Thread marco koorstra

hello i'm marco and i can't get it running i tryed yaboot and bootX but it 
doesn't work with BootX i get my ibook turns it self off when i press the 
linux button and i can't get yaboot running. and in the beginning pressing 
the "c"key doesn't work at al. en i don't realy know witch keys are cmd and 
de option key for booting into open firmware. can you help me?

greetings from marco koorstra (the netherlands)

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Re: [newbie] To list admin (Denis Havlik?)

2002-05-03 Thread Michael

civileme wrote:
> Roman Korcek wrote:
> >Hi Mark,
> >
> >>>I lost my old email address an thus can't unsub. (because it
> >>>needs a confirmation which I can't confirm since the request is sent
> >>>to my old address). The old address was [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Could you
> >>>please unsub. me?
> >>>Or if I am asking at the wrong place, could someone point me please in
> >>>the right direction?
> >>>
> >
> >>there is no confirmation request needed or asked for when unsubing from
> >>the newbie or the expert list.
> >>
> >
> >On the webpage when I try to unsub. it says it will send a
> >confirmation request to my email in a few moments to confirm the
> >unsub. It makes pretty much sense, otherwise I could easily ubsub. you
> >or whoever I choose.
> >
> >BTW: Did you get my email from Tue?
> >
> >TIA
> >Roman
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> >Go to
> >
> Just send a message to
> and spoof the header by changing your email address, then the message
> body should be
> set newbie nomail
> That won't require a confirmation and is the next best thing to signing off.
> Remember to change your email identity back afterwards.
> Civileme

Ya know, for someone who was gonna make himself scarce, we seem to get a
lot of you around here still. Heck, I aint complaining though.


Air is water with holes in it.

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Re: [newbie] How does one get a joystic to work ?

2002-05-03 Thread Michael

Rob Lofland wrote:
> s wrote:
> >On Thursday 02 May 2002 03:13 am, Rob Lofland wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Using a Logitech 3d Extreme on LM 8.2 USB port. Control panel says the
> >>joystick is unknown.
> >>
> >>
> >>Thanks,
> >>Rob
> >>
> >>
> >
> >modprobe usb-uhci
> >modprobe input
> >modprobe joydev
> >modprobe adi
> >
> >or put in /etc/modules.conf:
> >alias char-major-13 input joydev adi
> >-s
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> >Go to
> >
> >
> Thanks. The 4 modprobes worked but putting the alias into modules.conf
> didn't. Isn't there a "depmod" or something like that that you have to
> run ? Is that little "-s" supposed to be on the same line ? Where do you
> learn this stuff ? On his honeymoon, did Bill Gates' wife really say
> "Now I know why you named your company Microsoft" ?

Dunno about Bill Gates, But i tried to change my password to "p*n*s" and
the response was "Bad password, way to short". Man does that make your
cheeks go red. Try it!

Air is water with holes in it.

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RE: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread Barran, Richard

> On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 21:21, Nick Andriash wrote:
> > On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you wrote:
> > 
> > > A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
> > 
> > I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux using Mandrake 8.2 but am
> > disheartened to see signatures such as yours. How typical of Linux
> > and almost enough to make me gag and want to wipe Linux off my Computer.

> > 
> > Tell me something Shane... Why do you feel Windows Users are fools? I
> > Windows... am I a fool in your eyes? You don't even know me, so where do
> > you get off labelling me as one... and putting something like that in
> > signature? No wonder Users are slow to try Linux, what with greetings
> > yours. I am amazed that the List Moderators haven't said anything to
> was a random sig, man.  Not part of his message body.  Lots of
> peeps on the list here have anti-M$ sigs.  Except for me, I shun the
> sigs and devote the entire message body to anti-M$ content.
> Tongue in cheek.
> No harm, no foul. :)  LX

I HAVE to use Windows 8 hrs a day in the workplace - does that make me an
I use Win98 at home - no Linux CD-burner comes close in quality to Nero
Burning Rom. Does that make me an idiot?

Signatures such as 'all Windows users are idiots' are actually very useful.
They are a good way to spot a reply to a newbie's question that will start
with a 'first of all, you shouldn't be using the GUI' and end with a 'RTFM'


PS Bank holiday coming up in England - 3-day weekend, LM8.2 installation
disks at the ready!

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[newbie] Linux and Windows

2002-05-03 Thread ivo ailis

I have recently downloaded Mandrake 8.2. Before i install i want to know whether is it 
possible to have both windows and Linux on one computer. If so could you give me 
detalized step-by-step instructions...Well i am really a newbie to Linux :)
Also could you give me some installation suggestions, and what i have to do after 
format c: (creating boot diskete and so on)...


--> - your number one mobile email service!

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Re: [newbie] How to cope with the volume of linux-mandrake mail?

2002-05-03 Thread Michael

Brian Koppe wrote:
> Wow - how'd you know it was Mozilla?  Thanks btw, it works
> shane wrote:
> >On Thursday 02 May 2002 20:24, Brian Koppe opened a general hailing
> >frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
> >
> >
> >
> >>How do you sort by thread?  That'd be really cool
> >>
> >>
> >
> >what is your mail client?  wait
> >
> >looks like mozilla, yes?  try going to view > sort by > thread.  may be
> >wrong, don't recall, been using kmail for what seems like forever.
> >

No secret about the Mozilla thing. This info is suplied with your e-mail.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.0rc1) Gecko/20020417

Air is water with holes in it.

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Re: [newbie] Simple Programming application

2002-05-03 Thread Alastair Scott

On Friday 03 May 2002 2:06 am, Marcia wrote:

> Some months ago I asked about a programming app for Linux that was
> simple and easy to learn and some of you gave me a name of one that I
> just cannot remember. It was something like Enterprise? but I am sure
> it was not the Java Enterprise. Maybe it was a different name than
> that. It was around December, of 2001 that I asked for this I
> believe. The archives do not seem to go back that far for searching.
> Does anyone know what program this could have been? Sorry to have
> such sketchy info about it. Thanks for any help.

It probly wasn't KBasic, but it looks very interesting anyway: (not yet KDE 3, alas).

Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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Re: [newbie] Jedi Knight 2...

2002-05-03 Thread Michael

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 12:50, Steve Borrett wrote:
> >
> > >Just thought I'd pass along that I just installed Jedi Knight 2 on my Mandrake
> > >Linux box using Winex 2.0!
> >
> > There is of course already a dedicated JK2 server available, but it is nice
> > to know that
> > someone got the game itself working :-)
> >
> > >Installation was not perfect - there was some issues with fonts/screens
> > >being a
> > >little skewed/scrambled, but nothing that you can't get around.
> >
> > This is not restricted to the Winex installation. I have found similar
> > problems on other
> > Windows based systems, so sometimes Linux/Winex can run Windows games better
> > than Windows :-)
> > Out of interest, how did you resolve these problems?
> >
> > Steve.
> I'd like to note here that although I had many freezes and lockups under
> Winblows, I've been able to play Diablo2 nonstop without any crashes.
> Frankly I've been taken aback at the stark difference in stability.
> Well, not really.  ;)
> LX

Okay, Lyvim. On the monitor is a button. Press it. Go for a walk in the
spring air. Your game will still be there when you get back, and you will
have fixed your non-stop problem ;-)

Air is water with holes in it.

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread Alastair Scott

On Friday 03 May 2002 4:42 am, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:

> I am using the OpenOffice version of StarOffice. I have not had any
> problems with it. I open Micorosoft documents (Word, Excell), edit
> them and save them in those formats without any problem.

Seconded, and the round trip (Word 97 or 2000 - OO - Word 97 or 2000 - 
OO ... on different machines) works with my project documents; an 
incredible achievement by OO!

No problems apart from fonts not appearing antialiased; there's quite a 
bit of discussion on the mailing lists about this but no 
simple solution yet.

(I note that kword 1.2 beta 1 displays 100 per cent CPU usage and 
tremendous disk thrashing on trying to open some Word documents; time, 
I think, for everyone to come together, further perfect and distribute 
the OO Office filters, and stop reinventing the wheel).

Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread Alastair Scott

On Friday 03 May 2002 2:21 am, Nick Andriash wrote:

> On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you wrote:
> > A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
> I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux using Mandrake 8.2 but am
> disheartened to see signatures such as yours. How typical of Linux
> Users... and almost enough to make me gag and want to wipe Linux off
> my Computer.
> Tell me something Shane... Why do you feel Windows Users are fools? I
> use Windows... am I a fool in your eyes? You don't even know me, so
> where do you get off labelling me as one... and putting something
> like that in your signature? No wonder Users are slow to try Linux,
> what with greetings like yours. I am amazed that the List Moderators
> haven't said anything to you.

As a former The Bat!* and former Windows user, I reluctantly agree.

About 18 months ago, when I started off with Linux, I asked a few 
questions about a then-very-problematic ADSL modem (the Alcatel Speed 
Touch USB) and almost had my head knocked off in response; I was so 
offended I _did_ wipe Linux off the computer.

Now things seem to be much better, mainly because of, 
but also because there's much less arrogance in general and the old 
growlers are generally bypassed or ignored in my experience. (Doubtless 
there are places where they congregate and reminisce 'when there were 
only a command line ...' :)

That said, saying things about Windows _users_ is off limits for me 
because, quite apart from anything else, I (and I suspect a large 
proportion of the list readers) are forced to use it at work.


* I recognise the author from elsewhere; it is noticeable that, among 
others, the kmail developers seem to have solved problems that The 
Bat!'s developers heaved and sweated over, in isolation and often only 
partially successfully, for months. Such are the virtues of Open Source 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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RE: Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptionsexplained

2002-05-03 Thread falcaraz

I use both, Windows98 and linux Mandrake; I 
will never say that windows user ar fools; 
windows has good things, but... 
- You must pay a lot for it. 
- You must pay for each update and frequently
those updates are just partial bug solver. 
- Almost every years you should upgrade and 
every time you need a more powerfull computer. 
- You can't know the source code, there are lot 
of well informed sources that think windows 
could content some spyware. 
- With XP your computer seems to be controled 
by windows. 
So I am just using windows because some 
applications that I need still don't run under 
linux, but everytime are less and less. 
Linux was problematic for a long time but with 
the new releases (mandrake from 7.2 and last 
Suse) you have: 
- A better desktop than windows 
- High hardware compatibility 
- Lots and lots of applications even better 
thant the windows ones, including both, 
opensource and commercial withou source 
- More and more easy installations of the main 
- Games (yes, also we or our children need 
games) Do you know the commercial release of 
tuxracer?, I like it so much, as we said in 
Spain, ¡es la caña!; Quake III, Age of Empires 
(runing from wine), and so on. 
But, at the moment, there are more games to 
play under windows than under linux; I hope in 
the future this relation will be more balanced. 
- Dos emulations: some old dos packages can be 
run with dosemu or xdosemu; Windows XP has loss 
the capability to run dos packages. 
BTW, there will be Staroffice for windows; 
nowadays you can download the Openoffice 1.0 
for windows also (, I have 
tested it and run like a charm. 
Francisco Alcaraz 
Murcia (Spain) 
- Mensaje Original -  
Remitente: Nick Andriash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Fecha: Viernes, Mayo 3, 2002 3:21 am  
Asunto: Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the  
different perceptions explained  
> On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you  
> > A fool and his money are soon using  
> I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux  
using Mandrake 8.2 but am  
> disheartened to see signatures such as yours.  
How typical of Linux   
> Users...and almost enough to make me gag and  
want to wipe Linux off   
> my Computer.   
> Tell me something Shane... Why do you feel  
Windows Users are fools?   
> I use  
> Windows... am I a fool in your eyes? You  
don't even know me, so   
> where do  
> you get off labelling me as one... and  
putting something like that   
> in your  
> signature? No wonder Users are slow to try  
Linux, what with   
> greetings like  
> yours. I am amazed that the List Moderators  
haven't said anything   
> to you.  
> --   
> Nick Andriash  
> Courtenay, B.C. Canada  

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Re: [newbie] How to cope with the volume of linux-mandrake mail?

2002-05-03 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Thu, 02 May 2002 23:11:22 -0500
Brian Koppe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled intuitively:

>Wow - how'd you know it was Mozilla?  Thanks btw, it works
>shane wrote:

You can check the headers for that sort of info ;o)


"He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that
fool you., he really is an idiot."

-Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-03 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Thu, 2 May 2002 20:37:50 -0700
shane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled impishly:

>Microsoft: The company that made email dangerous.

Does Microsoft mean small and limp


"He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that
fool you., he really is an idiot."

-Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] Jedi Knight 2...

2002-05-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 12:50, Steve Borrett wrote:
> >Just thought I'd pass along that I just installed Jedi Knight 2 on my Mandrake
> >Linux box using Winex 2.0!
> There is of course already a dedicated JK2 server available, but it is nice 
> to know that
> someone got the game itself working :-)
> >Installation was not perfect - there was some issues with fonts/screens 
> >being a
> >little skewed/scrambled, but nothing that you can't get around.
> This is not restricted to the Winex installation. I have found similar 
> problems on other
> Windows based systems, so sometimes Linux/Winex can run Windows games better
> than Windows :-)
> Out of interest, how did you resolve these problems?
> Steve.

I'd like to note here that although I had many freezes and lockups under
Winblows, I've been able to play Diablo2 nonstop without any crashes. 
Frankly I've been taken aback at the stark difference in stability.

Well, not really.  ;)



Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Wed, 2002-05-01 at 14:01, Miark wrote:
> > What ms considers to be illegal is the following:
> > 
> > I buy a machine with preinstalled windows 
> > 
> > I uninstall windows and install a real os
> > 
> > I sell/give the version of windows that came with the machine to someone 
> > else
> > 
> > What ms wants is that when I sell or give away the machine, I must 
> > also hand the original version of windows to whoever gets the machine 
> > also.
> That makes more sense, but not much more. Winblows, even on pre-installed
> computers, costs something, and that cost is passed on to the final
> consumer. So despite its cost being buried in a sticker price, you pay
> for Winsux on a pre-installed computer.
> In my way of thinking, if I pay for it, I have the right to sell it--
> even separately, if I choose.
> Miark

Ethically, you are correct.  Lawfully, you could be fined, sued or
jailed.  There has been a clear disparity of ethics and law within the
last 10 years; heads up.  Time to go activist, and get these losers out
of power.

If anyone sells a preloaded XP machine, I suggest strongly that all
identifying marks be removed, and possibly the machine be parted out or
recombined with other parts.  Serial numbers everywhere should be

Oh, and make sure you government-wipe the drive and load Mandrake.

Just a thought.  ;)


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6 - the different perceptions explained

2002-05-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 21:21, Nick Andriash wrote:
> On Thursday, May 02 2002 at 05:17 PM PDT, you wrote:
> > A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
> I am/was beginning to experiment with Linux using Mandrake 8.2 but am
> disheartened to see signatures such as yours. How typical of Linux Users...
> and almost enough to make me gag and want to wipe Linux off my Computer. 
> Tell me something Shane... Why do you feel Windows Users are fools? I use
> Windows... am I a fool in your eyes? You don't even know me, so where do
> you get off labelling me as one... and putting something like that in your
> signature? No wonder Users are slow to try Linux, what with greetings like
> yours. I am amazed that the List Moderators haven't said anything to you. was a random sig, man.  Not part of his message body.  Lots of
peeps on the list here have anti-M$ sigs.  Except for me, I shun the
sigs and devote the entire message body to anti-M$ content.

Tongue in cheek.

No harm, no foul. :)  LX

> Nick Andriash
> Courtenay, B.C. Canada

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to
Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Linux Praise

2002-05-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 02:22, Brian York wrote:
> Back when i was a windows user and would use a Mac ever once in a while i 
> would love it. Just couldn't get over how good and well though out the OS 
> was. Well after havering been using linux for a while i played around with 
> Mac OS X and though to my self this OS sucks. I almost bought a Mac last fall 
> i am thankful that i didn't (i know they make linux for apple) and windows xp 
> is the worst OS since WinME, haha. DOS was good and then i got worse and 
> worse after that. After you use linux when you touch the mouse of a Win box 
> or Mac box  you will see just how bad they really are and it will make you 
> appreciate the wonderful linux community for tech support and all the linux 
> programmers.  I thank each of you.
> Thanks
> Brian
> -- 
> Linuxenough said!

Well...this sure was a nice letter.  Thanks for sending it!

Personally it is my wish that Mandrakesoft be successful and fruitful in
their efforts.  They deserve success; they've brought a top notch
distribution to folks worldwide.  Heck, even Robin "Roblimo" on
Newsforge gave it a super review recently.  I think that Mandrake's
success would be assured if they had enough subscribers; so if you guys
get the chance, plug the Mandrake subscription to your friends!  And
maybe even some strangers.  :)

L8R,  LX

Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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