Re: [newbie] more very basic questions

2003-03-30 Thread Teilhard Knight
On Monday 31 March 2003 01:34 am, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
> Those are typically executables. They are not associated with anything,
> but must be run from the shell.
> Open a shell (also known as terminal), change to the directory where the
> .bin is located (with cd), then type ./.bin

Thanks so much. That installs it, huh? Cool.

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla dependencies

2003-03-30 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 31 Mar 2003 6:24 am, Bob wrote:
> Hi Listers
>   I've downloaded and tried to install mozilla-1.3-1mdk.i586.rpm on my MDK
> 9.0 box. Here is my list of unsatisfied dependencies.
> error: failed dependencies:
>   libnspr4 = 1.3-1mdk is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   libnss3 = 1.3-1mdk is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   gtk+2 >= 2.2.0 is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   mozilla = 1.1 is needed by galeon-1.2.5-8mdk
>   mozilla = 1.1-10mdk is needed by mozilla-mail-1.1-10mdk
>   mozilla = 1.1-10mdk is needed by mozilla-irc-1.1-10mdk
>   is needed by galeon-1.2.5-8mdk
> When you guru's are faced with the same thing do you have a better solution
> than to chase down each of these files one by one?
> Bob

Where did you find mozilla 1.3 for Mandrake 9.0?  I cannot find it in any of 
the usual sources. I suspect you have got yourself mozilla-1.3 for 9.1 in 
which case there will be many dependencies which will be difficult for you to 
resolve. The simplest way round it is to upgrade to 9.1, or else get the 
mozilla source and compile it yourself.

As for the question do we "not quite so newbies" chase down dependencies one 
at a time?

The answer is no. We (or at least I) define a number of urpmi sources such as 
Texstar, plf, and Mandrake Club where updated packages appear for various 
Mandrake releases. The simple command
urpmi mozilla
would be all that was needed to upgrade to the latest version of mozilla the 
sources contained as well as all its dependencies.

Go here to define urpmi sources
Read about urpmi here



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Re: [newbie] more very basic questions

2003-03-30 Thread Raffaele Belardi
Those are typically executables. They are not associated with anything, 
but must be run from the shell.

Open a shell (also known as terminal), change to the directory where the 
.bin is located (with cd), then type ./.bin


What do I do with a .bin package? I have no file asociations with those 
archives. What program handles them?

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[newbie] 9.1 Bootup menu greatly expanded

2003-03-30 Thread Guy Rouillier
Upgraded 9.0 to 9.1, boot with grub.  Under 9.0, I had two boot menu
items, smp and non-smp.  After upgrading, I now have **9** items
including "windows" (this is a multi-boot system - System Commander) and
"floppy". Also has redundant items.  For example, it has "old_linux" and
"2419-16" - the startup lines in menu.lst are exactly the same for these

I can understand (and actually appreciate) upgrade retaining my previous
kernel and giving me links to it, but that should have given me 4
entries, not 9.  Upgrading shouldn't add more entries than I originally
Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Teilhard Knight
> When I buy a PC it comes with Windows and I dont have
> to pay anything extra, right? So ... what's the point
> to do format c: and go for Linux?

Of course you are paying for Windows and all the software they push through 
your throat and they do not ask you if you want it. It is included in the 
price. Have you seen in the Mandrake site the prices of the new PC's loaded 
with Mandrake? Well below half the price of a commercial equivalent PC.

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

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[newbie] 9.1 Bootup got stuck on Linuxconf

2003-03-30 Thread Guy Rouillier
I shut down the system normally yesterday.  Today, when I tried to boot
up using the smp kernel (default), it got all the way through but hung
on configuring Linuxconf.  Tried rebooting, same results.  So then I
rebooted into the non-SMP kernel, which went fine.  Then I rebooted back
to the SMP kernel, and now everything is okay.  Weird, and will probably
(hopefully?) never happen again.
Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Chris Fox
On Sunday 30 March 2003 08:05 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> Either which, ignore those that M$ bash - just remember that most of
> them ain't been laid in a month of Sundays...

(high-fives Herr Kuhn)

what the man said.  

I've wasted my last 3am energy getting worked up over something like Windows 
vs. Linux.  Programming for Windows keeps a roof over my head, learning Linux 
keeps life interesting.  And I only feel like a fraud once a month or so, 
which is way over average!
Chris Fox
Server Developer

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[newbie] 9.1 Long bootup activity

2003-03-30 Thread Guy Rouillier
Upgraded 9.0 to 9.1.  Under 9.0, during the bootup process, DevFS used
to take a long time. Under 9.1, now that is pretty quick.  However, now
checking module dependencies takes a long time with continuous disk
activity.  Does anyone know why that is, and how to address it?  I would
think once the module dependencies were figured out, future boots would
go quickly.  This happens to me every time.
Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 31 March 2003 04:39, m wrote:
> Hope I didn't upset anybody, just like to hear your
> opinion.
> Martin

Here's an extra nice one for the laptop:

Once it's configured well you never have to switch the notebook off.

I've got 9.0 running on a fuyitsu lifebook with 8 months uptime. I just close 
the lid and when I need it I just open it and carry on where I left off.

You can actually hear the M$-laptop users, jaws hit the table when I do that 
in a meeting..."Gawd, that's fast!!"

Good luck,

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[newbie] problem with USB device - PDA palm zire

2003-03-30 Thread Shamot
Hello. I have just problem when to try hotsync because of nonexisting 
/dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyUSB1

When I do hotsync it seems kernel recognizes my device and try to load modules 
and creare /dev/ust/tts/0.

Something is wrong here coze I get this from kernel:

Mar 30 19:26:02 Shamota kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor / Palm 4.0 / 
Clié 4.x converter now attached to ttyUSB0 (or usb/tts/0 for devfs) Mar 30 
19:26:02 Shamota kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor / Palm 4.0 / Clié 4.x 
converter now attached to ttyUSB1 (or usb/tts/1 for devfs) Mar 30 19:26:02 
Shamota devfsd[143]: error copying: "/lib/dev-state/usb/tts/0" t o 
"/dev/usb/tts/0" Mar 30 19:26:02 Shamota devfsd[143]: error copying: 
"/lib/dev-state/usb/tts/1" t o "/dev/usb/tts/1" Mar 30 19:26:03 Shamota 
kernel: usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 2, frame# 244 Mar 30 19:26:03 Shamota 
kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 00:1d.1-2 addres s 14

hotsync is canceled then and no files in dev are created. Any suggestion how 
to solve this problem ?
Thanks Shamot

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[Fwd: Re: [newbie] 9.1 Flakey installs??]

2003-03-30 Thread Guy Rouillier
-Forwarded Message-

> From: Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.1 Flakey installs??
> Date: 31 Mar 2003 02:14:02 -0500
> On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 15:03, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > any type of connectivity aside from LAN - and WAS NOT HAPPY with the
> > damn BloodCurve, er, BlueCurve setup and the "mishmash" way that the
> > entire menu structures were setup; so, in complete desperation to regain
> > control of my sanity and machine, I installed Mandrake 9.1rc2 - crikey -
> > what a difference from MDK 9.0 it was right off the bat.
> > 
> Stephen, I just made the jump from RedHat to Mandrake when 9.0 came out
> for similar reasons.  I understand RedHat's motives - they are trying to
> become a drop-in corporate product, and companies want a standardized,
> easy to support desktop.  But for me, RedHat has taken the life out of
> both Gnome *and* KDE.  They've distilled both down to some blase common
> denomination, and the strengths of both are lost.  I prefer gnome to KDE
> because I prefer a simpler interface, but people who prefer KDE's highly
> stylized interface ought to have it.
> I still have RedHat 8.0 installed, but I haven't booted it in weeks.  As
> soon as I need the space, I'm sorry to say RedHat will have to go.  I
> hope they don't drive away their user base in their attempt to appeal to
> corporations.
> -- 
> Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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[Fwd: Re: [newbie] 9.1 Sourcing a shell script from .bashrc nolonger works]

2003-03-30 Thread Guy Rouillier
-Forwarded Message-

> From: Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.1 Sourcing a shell script from .bashrc no longer works
> Date: 31 Mar 2003 02:06:35 -0500
> On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 14:35, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 17:58, Guy Rouillier wrote:
> > > I had the following script that I sourced from .bashrc to let me know
> > > when I was running out of disk space.  
> > > 
> > > #!/bin/bash
> > > df | grep dev | cut -c53-54,56- | while read p1 p2
> > > do
> > >if [ $p1 -gt 95 ]
> > >then
> > >   echo "Danger! $p2 is $p1 full!"
> > >fi
> > > done
> > > 
> > > This worked fine under Mandrake 9.0 and RedHat 8.0.  I've just spent 3
> > > tortuous hours determining that sourcing this no longer works.  Now I
> > > have to simply run it.  That is, before where I had 
> > > 
> > > source ~/
> > > 
> > > now I must have simply
> > > 
> > > ~/
> > > 
> > > The original method produces this:
> > > 
> > > bash: [: -gt: unary operator expected
> > > bash: [: -gt: unary operator expected
> > > bash: [: ha: integer expression expected
> > > bash: [: oo: integer expression expected
> > > bash: [: -gt: unary operator expected
> > > 
> > > The reason that I sourced it originally is that because I was starting a
> > > shell script from within .bashrc, I got into an infinite loop.  This no
> > > longer appears to happen.  Why does sourcing no longer work?
> > 
> > That is rather strange, Guy - just as a side note, though, have you
> > checked all your lib path and system path statements?
> Thanks for the reply.  Path appears to be *mostly* intact:
> /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/home/guyr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
> Upgrading to 9.1 appears to have stuck /usr/games in, but the rest of it
> is standard.
> I'm curious why I'm not getting the infinite looping by invoking a shell
> script from within .bashrc.  I guess bash has changed to detect this
> situation and not spawn another shell.  I actually prefer this - much
> easier just to run the script than to source it. Doesn't help me
> understand it, though.
> -- 
> Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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[Fwd: Re: [newbie] 9.1 Leaving X I see many drmAgp unresolvedmessages]

2003-03-30 Thread Guy Rouillier
-Forwarded Message-

> From: Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.1 Leaving X I see many drmAgp unresolved messages
> Date: 31 Mar 2003 02:00:22 -0500
> On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 13:54, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 14:59, Guy Rouillier wrote:
> > > Upgraded from 9.0 to 9.1.  When I exit X (gnome) I see these messages.
> > > Did not get this under 9.0.  gnome seems to be working okay.  Do I need
> > > to fix anything?  This is a very old system - I do not have AGP at all -
> > > two PCI graphics cards.  Both work under Win2K, but for some reason
> > > XFree86 doesn't like the Matrox Millenium II.
> > > 
> > 
> > I wouldn't really worry about the Xserver messages - especially if your
> > system (or WM) is(are) running alright...
> > 
> > I'm rather surprised that the Matrox ain't working, though...
> Thanks, I'll ignore the X messages.  This system has been very good but
> it is old and slow, and I'm eyeing a dual Opteron.  I'm surprised about
> the Millenium difficulties also - the reason I got it was that it was
> one of the few old boards that you could jumper off the VGA support,
> which made it (supposedly) compatible with anything for dual-monitor
> setup.  Oh well, again, I can live with it for another month or two.
> -- 
> Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 31 March 2003 05:19, Lanman wrote:
> And this is a bad idea? Personally, I'm not all that fond of sharks!
> Besides, we could toss in the laywers while we were at it, and do
> the world a favor! LOL!
> Hey Bill! You get to jump in first, you lucky guy!
> Lanman

hey watch it!
That's polution!
This way you'll have Greenpeace activists crawling all over you to protect 
those poor fish.

Ee"Save our Sharks!" ...?

Good hunting,

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[newbie] more very basic questions

2003-03-30 Thread Teilhard Knight
What do I do with a .bin package? I have no file asociations with those 
archives. What program handles them?

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

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Re: Multiple X sessions was Re: [newbie] installing!

2003-03-30 Thread Vahur Lokk
Ühel kenal päeval (pühapäev, 30. märts 2003 21:29) kirjutas Derek:

> Then instead log in as root and type
> gdm  (assuming you have gdm installed)
> gdm will work out which display is in use, and start a new one.

Yess! It works


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Re: [newbie] Another very naive question

2003-03-30 Thread Teilhard Knight
On Sunday 30 March 2003 05:01 am, Toran Korshnah wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 07:12 am, you wrote:
> > How do I install a rpm package? In Debian I used "dpkg" for deb's, but
> > obviously this doesn't work here. My experience with Debian was very
> > short and upon discovering Mandrake, I soon changed.
> >
> >
> > Teilhard Knight
> > The Extraterrestrial
> >
> > Who ate my sandwich?
> Download the file and double-click on it in Konqueror.
> Kpackage will install it for you.
> You can also open a shell
> rpm -ivh filename
> in order to install
> rpm -Uvh filename
> to upgrade.
> also ONLY on Mandrake (same as apt!)
> Urpmi filename

Thanks a lot.

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

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Re: [newbie] How to autostart cd player

2003-03-30 Thread Guy Rouillier
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 04:23, Vahur Lokk wrote:
> Ühel kenal päeval (pühapäev, 30. märts 2003 07:39) kirjutas Guy Rouillier:
> > I just upgraded from 9.0 to 9.1.  To be honest, I don't remember if this
> > worked automatically in 9.0 or not.  When I stick a music CD in my
> > CD/RW, Mandrake doesn't automatically start to play it.  What do I have
> > to do to get that to work?  Thanks.
> Open kscd. Settings. You find it there.

My apologies, I should have mentioned I'm running gnome. Anything
equivalent from gnome-cd?

Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 userdrake cannot lock user lib file

2003-03-30 Thread Guy Rouillier
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 02:55, Thorsten von Plotho-Kettner wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 30. März 2003 06:44 schrieb Guy Rouillier:
> > Just upgraded from 9.0 to 9.1.  When I log on as root and bring
> > up Mandrake Control Center, click System then userdrake, it pops
> > up a dialog that tells me "cannot lock user lib file /etc/ptmp or
> > /etc/gtmp exist".  Any idea what is going on?  Of course, I could
> > just go to a console and userdel.
> Just erase these files!

 That was pretty straightforward - thanks! Of course, I'm
embarassed that I didn't think of that before posting.

> Thorsten
Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [newbie] Another very naive question

2003-03-30 Thread Teilhard Knight
On Sunday 30 March 2003 12:39 pm, Derek wrote:
> On Sunday 30 Mar 2003 1:12 pm, Teilhard Knight wrote:
> > How do I install a rpm package? In Debian I used "dpkg" for deb's, but
> > obviously this doesn't work here. My experience with Debian was very
> > short and upon discovering Mandrake, I soon changed.
> >
> >
> > Teilhard Knight
> > The Extraterrestrial
> >
> > Who ate my sandwich?
> Click on it.
> By default konqueror will open kpackage, but there is a better Mandrake
> tool called gurpmi.
> gurpmi is smaller and quicker than kpackage. But an even better advantage
> is the fact that gurpmi will work out any depndencies needed and install
> them for you.
> To make gurpmi the default, Open KDE Control Centre>File Browsing>File
> Associations
> Enter 'rpm' in the seach box, and the associations for rpm files will be
> shown.
> The first application in the list is kpackage, and the second is 'Software
> Installer' (gurpmi).
> Just move gurpmi up to the top of the list and it will become the default
> application.
> Almost any application you want to install is either on your CDs or an
> online rpm source. To add online sources to your Mandrake Software manager
> install urpmi.setup from your CDs and then run it as root.
> Alternatively go here

Thanks, Derek. What you suggested is cool. I just finished adding all sort of 
sources of software to the manager. I didn't know how to install urpmi,setup 
from the CD's, so, I used the web site a typed the instructions in a command 
line. I have now urpmi as the default application for rpm's. In any case, I 
tasted everything for the package I installed today (autoconf), and it 
doesn't show in the end. I had to sign up in the club and download it by 
hand. So, I added a "Local" software source site in my home directory.

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

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Re: [newbie] Root User

2003-03-30 Thread Joe Menola
Assuming you're using kdm. From the kde control center>sytem>login 

On Sunday 30 March 2003 11:39 pm, Computa User wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm using KDE in Mandrake Linux 9.1.  I want to add
> 'Root' as an option on the login screen [Right now it
> only shows a normal user].  Does anybody know how I
> can do that?
> Thanks.
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!

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Re: [newbie] Root User

2003-03-30 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Sunday 30 March 2003 11:39 pm, Computa User wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm using KDE in Mandrake Linux 9.1.  I want to add
> 'Root' as an option on the login screen [Right now it
> only shows a normal user].  Does anybody know how I
> can do that?
> Thanks.

Users below UID 500 or so are not displayed in gdm, kdm, or mdkkdm(or whatever 
that thing is) display managers.  This is because you are not supposed to 
login with system level UID's.  Eh, unless you know exactly what you are 
doing.  Anything below 500 is, if memory serves, considered to be a system 
level ID.  Display managers show all users above 500.

In windows systems up to 2k you are automatically the equivalent of root with 
whatever id you log in as.  This goes against the multiuser and security 
philosophy of Unix systems since their advent in or around 1969; for a 
bazillion good reasons.

The accepted method for root access is to log in as a regular user and then 
use an Eterm to run su.  Normal non-system applications in Linux (like X, for 
instance) are not meant to be run as root and therefore can introduce a 
multitudinous plethora of concerns, both of security and armageddon.

System level applications that require root access will prompt you for a root 
password on their own.


Kernel 2.4.21-0.11mdk   LM91-RC3
Enlightenment-0.16.5-12mdk  Kmail  1.5
Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 15:42, Anders Lind wrote:
> > 9.) Redwings vs. Maple Leafs
> OT: Sorry I had throw this one in but _everyone_ knows that the
> Canucks rules anyway
> *retreats to his corner*
> /Anders

A-HEM; I might have been away from the US for four years, but you can't
possibly tell me that the Wings ain't kickin ass no moright? Tell me
I'm right? Please?

(BTW, I really do, did and will hate sports - much to the discontent of
my Aussie mates - but I didn't mind watching a mind-numbing ice-hockey
game filled with violence, fighting and heaps of beer - and they even
fought on the ice, too!)

Mon Mar 31 15:45:01 EST 2003
 15:45:01 up 10 days,  3:32,  3 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.10, 0.12
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Imitation is the sincerest form of plagarism.

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla dependencies

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 15:24, Bob wrote:
> Hi Listers
>   I've downloaded and tried to install mozilla-1.3-1mdk.i586.rpm on my MDK 9.0 
> box. Here is my list of unsatisfied dependencies.
> error: failed dependencies:
>   libnspr4 = 1.3-1mdk is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   libnss3 = 1.3-1mdk is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   gtk+2 >= 2.2.0 is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
>   mozilla = 1.1 is needed by galeon-1.2.5-8mdk
>   mozilla = 1.1-10mdk is needed by mozilla-mail-1.1-10mdk
>   mozilla = 1.1-10mdk is needed by mozilla-irc-1.1-10mdk
>   is needed by galeon-1.2.5-8mdk
> When you guru's are faced with the same thing do you have a better solution 
> than to chase down each of these files one by one?
> Bob

I thought there was a way to get urpmi to "snag" it along with all the
dependencies so that you don't need to gain a headache or ulcer from
tracing out all the deps...but I might be mistaken...

Mon Mar 31 15:40:00 EST 2003
 15:40:00 up 10 days,  3:27,  2 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.16, 0.15
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Salut ca fart'

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Anders Lind
> 9.) Redwings vs. Maple Leafs

OT: Sorry I had throw this one in but _everyone_ knows that the
Canucks rules anyway

*retreats to his corner*


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Re: [newbie] Modem awol

2003-03-30 Thread Joeb
Chances are your 56K modems were winmodems.  They won't be detected until you download 
and install the drivers for them.  Check out for more info.

As for your 28.8K modem.  I'm assuming it is using one of the first four serial ports 
(com1-com4 on Windows machines).  If that is the case, then whichever it is using 
might be conflicting with the TTY port for your regular serial ports (again using 
windows terms, com1 and com3 share interrupts as do com2 and com4).  If you think that 
is the case, then in your CMOS settings, you can disable the on-board serial port 
(most likely com2).  And then see if it's detected.

An easy way to detect a modem under Mandrake is to switch to a console window (not a 
shell) by pressing ctrl-alt-F1 (assuming you boot to a gui).  Once there, log in as 
root and issue the command modemconf.  A window should be displayed and you can click 
on the button to locate it.  If it finds the modem, it will automatically create the 
/dev/modem link and point it to the appropriate port.

See if that helps, and let us know.  Also, if you have problems figuring out what you 
need from the linmodem site, I'm sure some on this list will probably has the same 
modem (chipset) and can offer assistance in getting it to work.


On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 17:20:15 -0500
Rachel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, How do I install - manually, a modem on Mandrake 9?  It was 
> installed before.  Its a crappy 28k.  I tried to install two different 
> 56k's but they were not 'seen' and suprisingly this isn't either.  It's 
> given me a massive headache.
> Also, about SAMBA - how do I set up username passwords again?  I can 
> browse my husbands XP but he cannot browse mine.  I lost the text file I 
> had saved the how to's you guys gave me.  NT is proving to be the 
> hardest to network for some reason.
> Thanks in advance,
> Rach

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[newbie] Mozilla dependencies

2003-03-30 Thread Bob
Hi Listers
I've downloaded and tried to install mozilla-1.3-1mdk.i586.rpm on my MDK 9.0 
box. Here is my list of unsatisfied dependencies.

error: failed dependencies:
libnspr4 = 1.3-1mdk is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
libnss3 = 1.3-1mdk is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
gtk+2 >= 2.2.0 is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk   is needed by mozilla-1.3-1mdk
mozilla = 1.1 is needed by galeon-1.2.5-8mdk
mozilla = 1.1-10mdk is needed by mozilla-mail-1.1-10mdk
mozilla = 1.1-10mdk is needed by mozilla-irc-1.1-10mdk   is needed by galeon-1.2.5-8mdk

When you guru's are faced with the same thing do you have a better solution 
than to chase down each of these files one by one?



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Re: [newbie] Another very naive question

2003-03-30 Thread Toran Korshnah
On Sunday 30 March 2003 07:12 am, you wrote:
> How do I install a rpm package? In Debian I used "dpkg" for deb's, but
> obviously this doesn't work here. My experience with Debian was very short
> and upon discovering Mandrake, I soon changed.
> Teilhard Knight
> The Extraterrestrial
> Who ate my sandwich?

Download the file and double-click on it in Konqueror.
Kpackage will install it for you.

You can also open a shell
rpm -ivh filename 
in order to install

rpm -Uvh filename
to upgrade.

also ONLY on Mandrake (same as apt!)
Urpmi filename



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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Jason Greenwood

m wrote:
It's not too encouraging ... are you saying I should
give up?

 Hmmm, I don't like to give up easy. Why don't
you rather suggest how to fix some of the things ...
say make fonts in Mozilla look like in Windows.
Things in Linux look/act differently to Windows, if you prefer Windows, 
stay with it. You'll never emulate Windows exactly, thank God.

See comments below:

As a newbie (I'll consider myself newbie till I'm

to compile my own kernel and that won't happen any
time soon, as PC is just a tool for me and I don't
have time for it) I've decided to try Linux as
Then many of us are newbies too, if that's the definition.


all that how great it is made me curious. 
Good that you've heard good things, I love Linux myself, would never go 
back to Winblows.

So far

didn't give me anything I couldn't do with
That's not the point. If you think that the only important thing to do 
is re-create the Windows environment in Linux, forget it.

stability is out of question as my laptop is

more often with Linux then Win2k, things I like
Then you have a bung install, simple as that. Linux does not 
crash...repeat after me, does not crash, I have been using it for 2 
years, so I know (others far longer, and they agree with me). The only 
way it would is if you were trying some exotic kernel or beta software 
or similar.


much e.g. suspend or hot swapping of my cdrom with
floppy ain't working to the same extend as with
Windows (sometimes after wakeing it up, display
wouldn't get in sync at all etc etc), fonts in say
Mozilla sucks comparing what it is in Windows.
Sounds like an XFree/Video card problem to me. Pop in Knoppix and try 
the same thing, it may configure your video better than Mandrake does, 
it has on some of my boxes.


is still a lot of software I need in my day to day
business not available for Linux too, 
Like? Be specific so we can make recommendations.

so the only
bright side is I can do my expect/tcl script on my
Hey!! At least you found a silver lining!!

instead of login to some of the corporate Sun

and I LOVE xterm ... getting help from Linux gurus

the same hassle as getting help for MS issues.
Um, no, I disagree.

When I buy a PC it comes with Windows and I dont

to pay anything extra, right?
Yes you do, it's bundled in with the price (ie. Windows Tax). Buy a 
whitebox and save between $100-$600 depending on the bundle.

 So ... what's the

to do format c: and go for Linux?
If you still don't know all of the benefits, I'll post them again at the 
bottom of this email.
Hope I didn't upset anybody, just like to hear

Ok, you got it.



PS, My PERSONAL reasons for using Linux/OSS:

Freedom - the freedom to use, modify and in general, play with my 
software with a level of transparency simply not available with Windows.

Modifiable - Being able to modify most things on my computer through 
simple, text editable text files, without the worry/hassle of a 
"registry" of any kind.

Value/Cost for performance - in my experience, Linux and OSS offer a 
price for performance return that Windows doesn't even come close to.

Community - I like being part of a community of my choice, rather than 
being a slave to a company in Redmond that uses my net's back channel to 
report my usage behaviors and buying decisions - all for my own supposed 

Helping others - I can help others by introducing them to Linux for 
almost no cost without feeling like I am "stealing" and without fear of 
getting caught "pirating"

Stability - the feeling that I can do almost anything to/with my PC and 
not have to worry about lock ups or slowing system performance. No need 
to do a "general" reboot every few days/hours just to keep my system 
fuctioning normally.

Security - I know EXACTLY who has access to my computer and when, and I 
can easily control it.

Choice - I have PLENTY of money to buy MS software, thankfully I have 
the CHOICE not to, which I gladly exercise.

Interopability - I can use software that adheres to global, well 
documented and open computing standards instead of using software that 
has its own "standards" that don't play nice with anyone else's, forcing 
me to use that, and only that software.

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Re: [newbie] cpuburn and memtest

2003-03-30 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Tuesday 01 April 2003 08:37 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> I started this thread a while back and had many positive replies as to what
> to do about my computer not being able to run cpuburn longer than about 2
> mins or so.
> Right now, I can run memtest overnight and cpuburn (burnK6) for an hour
> with no errors or crashes.
> I changed the memory settings in BIOS from "spd" - auto to 2.5 - manual.
> Can I safely assume that (most likely) memory was my problem? Sure seems
> that way...
> Its PNY right now. Tom Brinkman suggested Samsung. Could someone post a url
> to a good reliable site that sells Samsung? I tried googling that and came
> up with lots of hits but when I would go to a site they wouldn't actually
> sell "Samsung 2.5" memory. What about Kingston or Crucial? Are they okay?
> Thanks.

When I built this box two years ago, I bought the RAM from Mushkin. At the 
time, they were highly recommended on various hardware sites, but I haven't 
heard about them for a while. I was very pleased with the whole transaction, 
but things change; sadly, not always for the better.

BTW, check your date setting.

-- cmg

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[newbie] Root User

2003-03-30 Thread Computa User

I'm using KDE in Mandrake Linux 9.1.  I want to add
'Root' as an option on the login screen [Right now it
only shows a normal user].  Does anybody know how I
can do that?


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Re: [newbie] Printing (Actually NO-Printing) in 9.1

2003-03-30 Thread rob

Thanks for your input.  Unfortunately, I was messing with Webmin for
most of the day, under the assumption that I'd be able to "fix" things
that way.  No go.  I can't remember exactly what errors I was getting
with it but it certainly didn't fix things...I'll try it again tomorrow
since I'm so brain dead from this and it's time for bed, I'll not be
able to post any usable error data or misconfiguration reports that

More later...


On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 22:55, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 13:40, rob wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > 
> > I am interested in whether anyone else has had printing problems in
> > 9.1.  I cannot get anything to print, even though I get no error
> > messages.
> > 
> > I cannot configure CUPS -- Connection refused.
> > 
> > In Webmin, I'm told there is no printer installed on this system.  Yet,
> > G-print clearly shows my HP Deskjet 970Cse as the default printer.  I've
> > changed the permissions on all the printer related files I can find,
> > especially relative to CUPS...
> I would suggest using Webmin to setup/configure the printer - that
> SHOULD work quite well - and once that's done, reboot and double check
> to see that the connectivity is still there and that you're still
> printing. (If all else fails, use Webmin! - it's a great tool)
> Can't figure the rest of y'alls issues/problems, but hey, the couple
> that crashes together, #/bin/bash's together! (bad joke)

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Re: [newbie] cpuburn and memtest

2003-03-30 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 30 March 2003 11:15 pm, David E. Fox wrote:

> Hmm. I'm not sure what that does physically - my guess that it is
> slowing the memory so it is more in spec or more in tolerance to
> its requirements. It could be that your memory is just a tad out of
> tolerance vs. your motherboard - and the converse could also be true, that
> yuor motherboard could be just a wee bit out of spec with respect to
> the memory capabilities. Either way, the memoy settings seem to have
> fixed the problem.

Tom Brinkman was kinda explaining it to me - seems auto/spd has your MB grab 
the specs from the Ram itself. So if the Ram is over-rating itself to the MB, 
then you could have problems. (I think I got this right). By going manually, 
you dicate to the Ram how its to run. Which, in a convoluted way is kinda 
what you were saying...

Does that make any sense? :-)

> As to cpuburn - it runs a very tight loop. I would think that it runs
> entirely within the L1 processor cache (the loop is maybe 50 bytes
> long) and as such your memory may not be as big an issue.

Yes, the man page explains how you can get it to focus on diff. areas of cache 
and ram. Very cool program.

> Crucial seems to be highly recommended. Not sure about Kingston.


 Dark< >Lord 

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Re: [newbie] Printing (Actually NO-Printing) in 9.1

2003-03-30 Thread rob


Checked all three ISOs with MD5sums...all were fine.  I figger if we had
a problem there we'd have had a bigger problem than just printing.

On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 22:57, Jason Greenwood wrote:
> Just wondering, did you check the md5sums of the ISO's and bootable 
> CD's? Your problems sound like a bad burn to me...
> rob wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > 
> > I am interested in whether anyone else has had printing problems in
> > 9.1.  I cannot get anything to print, even though I get no error
> > messages.
> > 
> > I cannot configure CUPS -- Connection refused.
> > 
> > In Webmin, I'm told there is no printer installed on this system.  Yet,
> > G-print clearly shows my HP Deskjet 970Cse as the default printer.  I've
> > changed the permissions on all the printer related files I can find,
> > especially relative to CUPS...
> > 
> > I've "reinstalled" to the extent that I've tried to get my printer
> > installed and configured.  No change.
> > 
> > Not sure where to go from here unless the only option is to re-install
> > 9.0, if that's possible.
> > 
> > In a related matter, my significant other, whose computer is right
> > behind me installed 9.1 (upgrading from 8.2) seems to have had a smooth
> > install but when she rebooted, the last thing that appears on her screen
> > before it hangs is GRUB.  She also attempted to "reinstall" in order to
> > get the boot loader properly installed.  She also attempted to make a
> > boot floppy during this process but that hung.
> > 
> > I'm wondering if there is something unique to our machines that would
> > give both of us these major problems or whether there are some major
> > problems that others may be experiencing with 9.1 that we haven't seen
> > reported.  (I have a Dell 1 GHz - Pentium and she has an AMD, Athlon 700
> > MHz.
> > 
> > Any suggestions would sincerely be appreciated.  I'd hate to have to
> > repartition.  It boggles my mind as to why printing seems to be such
> > rocket science in Linux.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> > Go to
> __
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] cpuburn and memtest

2003-03-30 Thread David E. Fox
> I changed the memory settings in BIOS from "spd" - auto to 2.5 - manual.

Hmm. I'm not sure what that does physically - my guess that it is 
slowing the memory so it is more in spec or more in tolerance to
its requirements. It could be that your memory is just a tad out of
tolerance vs. your motherboard - and the converse could also be true, that
yuor motherboard could be just a wee bit out of spec with respect to
the memory capabilities. Either way, the memoy settings seem to have
fixed the problem.

As to cpuburn - it runs a very tight loop. I would think that it runs
entirely within the L1 processor cache (the loop is maybe 50 bytes
long) and as such your memory may not be as big an issue.

> "Samsung 2.5" memory. What about Kingston or Crucial? Are they okay?

Crucial seems to be highly recommended. Not sure about Kingston.

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[newbie] konqueror fonts

2003-03-30 Thread John Drouhard
In konqueror, sometimes the font on certain websites is a.d. mono. I checked 
the document source, finding out that it was within a paragraph tag. 
Anyway, how can I change Konqueror's fonts to display these fonts in say, 
Helvectica? Thanks!

John Drouhard

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Sunday 30 March 2003 09:45 am, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
> ZZ

Well, in my case, money was a factor. This is a hobby, not a way of earning a 
living. Yes, I'm cheap and proud of it. However, that was just one of many 
considerations. Let me add another -- frustration -- to the many that have 
already been posted. An illustration:

I recently replaced my old mouse with a new one -- same manufacturer 
(Logitech), same connection (USB), and the same price range (cheapest) -- the 
only difference being that the new one is optical and the old one was 
mechanical. I brought it home, swapped them out, booted into Mandrake, and it 
worked. Simple as that. No tweaking required.

Several days later I did my monthly Windows (98SE) boot to update my 
checkbook. Arghhh!!! Windows decreed that since I had committed the sin of 
installing new hardware, I was consigned to Windows Configuration Purgatory. 
My punishment was to spend a half hour searching for driver files, trying to 
interpret GatesSpeak, rebooting, being subjected to the infamous BSOD (TM - 
Microsoft) and repeated until the Gods in Redmond were satisfied that I'd 
done my penance. Why? This is just a simple mouse -- what's the big deal? As 
near as I can determine, both rodents use the same protocols and have the 
same capabilities. (Note to self: Get rid of Quicken and avoid this misery.)

Similar stories abound. See any Windows support site.

Consider also: I do not update my antivirus .DAT files, nor do I defrag my HD, 
nor do I religiously access Windows Update to protect myself against this 
week's killer Windows worm. When my new 9.1 CDs arrive, I will do what I've 
always done -- copy /home to /archives, pop in the new CDs, do a new install, 
and in an hour or so I will have a brand new installation of a _full_ 
operating system, myriad browsers, office suites, and other good stuff. I 
will _not_ spend any time installing MS Office, McAfee, Norton and the like.

BTW -- congratulations to you for an excellent question, and to those who have 
provided so many fine responses. It's been a good thread.

-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 13:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Micro$oft sux.
> > 
> > Sorry, couldn't resist.  ;)
> That's too bad, because it drives people away.  For everyone with a hate-on for MS 
> there are a dozen people who're potentially interested in UNIX but who are repelled 
> by the puerile behavior that comes with it.  I was one of them for about a decade.

Bingo - you hit the nail on the head.
24 years in this biz, and the worst fights I have seen have been

1.) Novell networking vs. UNIX networking
2.) IBM OS/2 vs. Win95
3.) Desqview vs. Win95
4.) OS/2 vs. NT 3.0 (and after)
5.) Windows(whatever version) vs. Mac
6.) Windows(whatever version) vs. linux(whatever version/distro/flavour)
7.) HTML vs. plain text
8.) emacs vs. vi
9.) Redwings vs. Maple Leafs
10.) Souther Baptists vs. Northern Catholics
11.) OJ vs. The Supreme Court

Personally, I jab in fun - at least most of the time - as I have to
support/care for quite a large number of Windows and Mac boxes in my
current biz/venture - but there are those that do so with a horrible,
mean, deep, hurtful vengeance...

Some people have lost heaps of money in their dealings with either
Microsoft of Microsoft products - so understanding and compassion have
to come into play; yet, the same can be said in reverse.

Either which, ignore those that M$ bash - just remember that most of
them ain't been laid in a month of Sundays...

Mon Mar 31 13:55:00 EST 2003
 13:55:00 up 10 days,  1:42,  4 users,  load average: 0.21, 0.15, 0.12
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

I know engineers.  They love to change things.
- Dr. McCoy

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Re: [newbie] Printing (Actually NO-Printing) in 9.1

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 13:40, rob wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am interested in whether anyone else has had printing problems in
> 9.1.  I cannot get anything to print, even though I get no error
> messages.
> I cannot configure CUPS -- Connection refused.
> In Webmin, I'm told there is no printer installed on this system.  Yet,
> G-print clearly shows my HP Deskjet 970Cse as the default printer.  I've
> changed the permissions on all the printer related files I can find,
> especially relative to CUPS...

I would suggest using Webmin to setup/configure the printer - that
SHOULD work quite well - and once that's done, reboot and double check
to see that the connectivity is still there and that you're still
printing. (If all else fails, use Webmin! - it's a great tool)

Can't figure the rest of y'alls issues/problems, but hey, the couple
that crashes together, #/bin/bash's together! (bad joke)

Mon Mar 31 13:50:00 EST 2003
 13:50:00 up 10 days,  1:37,  4 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.12, 0.12
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Lawful Dungeon Master -- and they're MY laws!

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Re: [newbie] Printing (Actually NO-Printing) in 9.1

2003-03-30 Thread Jason Greenwood
Just wondering, did you check the md5sums of the ISO's and bootable 
CD's? Your problems sound like a bad burn to me...

rob wrote:

I am interested in whether anyone else has had printing problems in
9.1.  I cannot get anything to print, even though I get no error
I cannot configure CUPS -- Connection refused.

In Webmin, I'm told there is no printer installed on this system.  Yet,
G-print clearly shows my HP Deskjet 970Cse as the default printer.  I've
changed the permissions on all the printer related files I can find,
especially relative to CUPS...
I've "reinstalled" to the extent that I've tried to get my printer
installed and configured.  No change.
Not sure where to go from here unless the only option is to re-install
9.0, if that's possible.
In a related matter, my significant other, whose computer is right
behind me installed 9.1 (upgrading from 8.2) seems to have had a smooth
install but when she rebooted, the last thing that appears on her screen
before it hangs is GRUB.  She also attempted to "reinstall" in order to
get the boot loader properly installed.  She also attempted to make a
boot floppy during this process but that hung.
I'm wondering if there is something unique to our machines that would
give both of us these major problems or whether there are some major
problems that others may be experiencing with 9.1 that we haven't seen
reported.  (I have a Dell 1 GHz - Pentium and she has an AMD, Athlon 700
Any suggestions would sincerely be appreciated.  I'd hate to have to
repartition.  It boggles my mind as to why printing seems to be such
rocket science in Linux.

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 30 March 2003 04:31 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> Micro$oft sux.
> Sorry, couldn't resist.  ;)
> --LX

Hehehehehehe, you wouldn't be "you" if you could have resisted that Lyvim!

and I'll continue this very popular theme:

 Micro$oft sux vacuum hard.


 Dark< >Lord 

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread DissectingTable

> Micro$oft sux.
> Sorry, couldn't resist.  ;)

That's too bad, because it drives people away.  For everyone with a hate-on for MS 
there are a dozen people who're potentially interested in UNIX but who are repelled by 
the puerile behavior that comes with it.  I was one of them for about a decade.

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread m
I've installed Mandrake9.0 on IBM T20. I've already
tried ask few questions here, have not gotten much
help so I had to go through a lot of searching and
reading as I don't like to give up easy :). Issues I
have faced so far:

1. T20 wouldn't boot from CD (may be my burner let me
2. Sudden system lock up (I believe I fixed this one,
issue was Mandrake install has detected my T20 display
as plug-n-play, I found few XF86config out there with
'generic' so I have changed it and since it didn't
lock up yet)
3. hot swap not working - I can probably live with
this and do it after I suspend the laptop. I found
this after few days looking everywhere in my free time
as I had to do my job too (didn't get much sleep :).
The issue here is, Mandrake sometimes doesn't survive
even 2 suspends in a row and leaves display out of
sync so the only way to get it work is to reboot.
4. I boot Mandrake fresh, hit a reboot button and
nothing happens ... i have to do it again but then
during a boot I get a message file system was not
dismounted properly and have to go through fixing it.
I have to hit log as different user twice too.
5. Today experience, as other PC I have at home was
occupied, my wife wanted to check her email on mine so
she opened Mozilla typed logged in and
 ... Mozilla died and all my web sites I had opened
died too ... I couldn't even kill it doing kill -9.
6. I talked to friend about Linux and he suggested to
check my video board performance using glxgears ...
I'm getting only ~80 - 100 pps and he said it's way
too slow, I've checked drm and it says no and it seems
  to be it. I don't know yet how to make it work but
trying to get as much info as possible.


--- mycal62 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Martin , what did you try linux on ?  and what
version ?? 

Since this is a help list ask a specific question and
let us try to help.

You said  " 
getting help from Linux gurus isthe same hassle as
getting help for MS issues.

This is simply untrue , especially when you ask for
opinions instead of help;-) 

Let us help 

an "m" also 

m wrote:
As a newbie (I'll consider myself newbie till I'm
ableto compile my own kernel and that won't happen
anytime soon, as PC is just a tool for me and I
don'thave time for it) I've decided to try Linux as
hearingall that how great it is made me curious. So
far itdidn't give me anything I couldn't do with
Windows,stability is out of question as my laptop is
freezingmore often with Linux then Win2k, things I
like verymuch e.g. suspend or hot swapping of my cdrom
withfloppy ain't working to the same extend as
withWindows (sometimes after wakeing it up,
displaywouldn't get in sync at all etc etc), fonts in
sayMozilla sucks comparing what it is in Windows.
Thereis still a lot of software I need in my day to
daybusiness not available for Linux too, so the
onlybright side is I can do my expect/tcl script on my
PCinstead of login to some of the corporate Sun
serversand I LOVE xterm ... getting help from Linux
gurus isthe same hassle as getting help for MS
issues.When I buy a PC it comes with Windows and I
dont haveto pay anything extra, right? So ... what's
the pointto do format c: and go for Linux?Hope I
didn't upset anybody, just like to hear
youropinion.Martin--- Lanman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hmmm,...I'll try to keep this under 10 pages!Reasons I
like Linux;1) I'm fed up with paying for something
that doesn'twork as advertised!2) I'm fed up with
buying products from companiesthat don't back up what
they sell, without chargingfor the service. Imagine if
new cars weresold/leased the way Microsoft products
are!3) If I wanted to lease an O/S, I'd fill in a
leaseagreement, not have one forced down my throat.4)
If I wanted to lease something, at least I get totake
it for a test drive BEFORE signing the lease.5) I'm
fed up with big companies trying to controlwhat I can
do with my property. When I buy gas formy car, Shell
doesn't tell me where I am allowed todrive, or how
fast, or in what lane!6) In the same analogy, Shell
doesn't try toprosecute me if I pour fuel additives in
my gas tankmade by STP. But if I want to try to
improveWindows, I can't, unless I replace it with
Linux!7) I detest the way Microsoft treats computer
userslike morons. Since they don't provide free
supportto back up their products ( Yeah, we know we
soldyou a piece of crap, but you'll have to pay us
tofix it!), they should at least let me peek under
thehood to try and fix it myself!8) I'm a bit of a
rebel.9) I detest monopolies10) I happen to like the
fact that there's a LinuxCommunity, where people help
each other simply forthe pleasure of helping each
other, and not alwaysfor the Almighty Buck! I like the
fact that thiscommunity is global and simply bypasses
a lot of thecrap that politicians dictate to us. It
renews myfaith in what humanity can accomplish when
they arefocussed towards a common goal. Sure I'm
amidealist! What's your poi

Re: [newbie] 9.1 Flakey installs, no internet dialer etc

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 10:34, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:40 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 06:23, robin.bcc wrote:
> > > Mozilla 1.3 classes this list as junk mail ;-)
> > > Sir Robin
> >
> > What, are you saying it ISN'T? Dang...and I like junk mail...
> Stephen:
> OK. We'll forward all of our spam to you.
> -- cmg

Spam spam, spammity spam!
Makes you wonder
Who you am!

(NOTE: All my BBS's were named Spam!, The Spam! BBS, Not the Spam! BBS,
Son of Spam! BBS, Son of Not the Spam! BBS and Spam! Again BBS...)

Mon Mar 31 11:00:00 EST 2003
 11:00:00 up 9 days, 22:47,  4 users,  load average: 0.34, 0.19, 0.18
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

There comes to all races an ultimate crisis which you have yet to face
 One day our minds became so powerful we dared think of ourselves as gods.
-- Sargon, "Return to Tomorrow", stardate 4768.3

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Re: [newbie] How do I terminate an ASDL connection?

2003-03-30 Thread Benjamin Pflugmann
On Sat 2003-03-29 at 12:25:06 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > If you look at this description you now know, why people prefer to
> > refer to the shorter shell commands for giving advice. ;)
> Yes, too much on your part, I am sorry.

No need to apalogize. This *is* the newbie-list, after all.

My comment was more meant as explanation why people generally prefer
to give instructions with shell commands (too lazy :-) and also that,
even if shell commands are given there is often also a point-and-click
way to do the same.

Another advantage of shell commands (beside being easy on the lazy
ones :) is that they are less ambigious.



Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Eko Budiharto
for personal use, it is partial money issue. But for in the corporate 
environment, it is a big issue, because developing with Microsoft very 
expensive. Microsoft charges per head for development softwares. With Linux, 
you can develop for free with Java, Perl, etc. 

On Sunday 30 March 2003 01:47 pm, Marc Oestreicher wrote:
>I guess it is partially about money for me. A few years ago when I knew
> almost nothing about computers I was more or less forced to buy a computer
> with windoze 98 installed, to the best of my knowledge that was the only
> thing available on any name brand computer and I sure did not know enough
> at the time to build my own at that time. I latter found out about the way
> that microsoft  strong arms computer manufactures into building and selling
> only machines with windoze products installed. I also found out a hell of a
> lot of other things about how microsoft does business and none were to my
> liking. Due to the fact that my first machine came with windoze 98
> installed I have a windoze 98 disk that I could use on any of the machines
> that I own now. It would be a bit unstable, need to waste resources on
> virus protection and have a number of security holes ECT but it would be
> capable of doing anything that I wanted to do.
>   However I would much rather spend a few dollars on a operating system
> done by a honest decent company than continue to use stuff done by a
> dishonest corrupt monolopy. I was involved in cooperate America long enough
> to understand microsoft style business practices and I prefer not to
> support that sort of company in any way shape or form!!!

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Marc Oestreicher
   I guess it is partially about money for me. A few years ago when I knew 
almost nothing about computers I was more or less forced to buy a computer 
with windoze 98 installed, to the best of my knowledge that was the only 
thing available on any name brand computer and I sure did not know enough at 
the time to build my own at that time. I latter found out about the way that 
microsoft  strong arms computer manufactures into building and selling only 
machines with windoze products installed. I also found out a hell of a lot of 
other things about how microsoft does business and none were to my liking.
  Due to the fact that my first machine came with windoze 98 installed I have 
a windoze 98 disk that I could use on any of the machines that I own now. It 
would be a bit unstable, need to waste resources on virus protection and have 
a number of security holes ECT but it would be capable of doing anything that 
I wanted to do.
  However I would much rather spend a few dollars on a operating system done 
by a honest decent company than continue to use stuff done by a dishonest 
corrupt monolopy. I was involved in cooperate America long enough to 
understand microsoft style business practices and I prefer not to support 
that sort of company in any way shape or form!!!

   So yes it is about partly about money. I would rather spend a few dollars 
on mandrake, support a good company and have a bit of a new learning curve 
than to use windoze for free.

On Sunday 30 March 2003 10:52 pm, Jason Greenwood wrote:
> Just another reason to use Linux - you are not buying pirated software. =)
> robin.bcc wrote:
> >> On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 10:45, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
> >>> Hash: SHA1
> >>>
> >>> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
> >>> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
> >>> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
> >>> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
> >
> > It's certainly not about money for me - here in Turkey I could buy any
> > version of Windows on the street for about $2.
> >
> > Sir Robin
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > Go to


Powered by Mandrake Linux 9.0 and Kmail.  
This is a 100%Windows and microsoft free computer
For a superior OS, virus and crash resistant go to

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Michael Scottaline
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 19:40:32 +
Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insightfully noted:

>On Sunday 30 Mar 2003 3:45 pm, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
>> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
>> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
>> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
>Hi, ZZ
>To start with, not all of us can afford M$ software, but you are absolutely 
>right - it isn't really about money.  It's about a better, more secure 
>system.  It's about an ideology of sharing, helping, and seeing things 
>develop.  And above all, it's about freedom of choice, not being dictated to.
Very nice, succinct summary, Anne.  May I add enhanced control over the way
our boxes are configured and work.  Perhaps that's included in your "freedom
of choice" comment above.

"The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life"
--Muhammad Ali

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Re: [newbie] best wm/apps for a low end machine

2003-03-30 Thread Michael Scottaline
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 12:52:05 -0800
erylon hines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insightfully noted:

>On Saturday 29 March 2003 08:58 pm, you wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I have it running on my 200MHz Pentium, 96MB ram...
>> Do you have recommendations for window manager, web browser, etc for a low
>> end machine?
>> I have seen a few recs for wm (icewm, blackbox, etc).  Any other opinions?
>> For this machine, i am not looking for pretty, just some of the convenience
>> of the gui.
>> Same goes for the browser: the faster and uglier the better...
>> thanks,
>> huff
>Everyone has their own prefs for what to use.  Try them all. 
If you'd like to try some really minimalist wm, my favorite is ion (no icons,
taskbar, or menues though). You might give haze a try also (it has some menues
that can very easily be edited).  Blackbox is more full featured yet still
maintains a very small footprint.
As recommended above, try a bunch and find what suits the way you work.  Try
getting more RAM as well (an additional 256 will likely cost you $50-$60)

"The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life"
--Muhammad Ali

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 Flakey installs, no internet dialer etc

2003-03-30 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:40 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 06:23, robin.bcc wrote:
> > Mozilla 1.3 classes this list as junk mail ;-)
> > Sir Robin
> What, are you saying it ISN'T? Dang...and I like junk mail...

OK. We'll forward all of our spam to you.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Monday 31 March 2003 01:29, lewis wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 04:10 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> > On Sunday 30 March 2003 23:33, lewis wrote:
> > > On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:18 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > > > On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 07:14, lewis wrote:
> > > > > Sorry.  I don't understand what 'lspci-v' is.  Where do I need to
> > > > > look? Brenda
> > > >
> > > > Open a terminal windows (Konsole, Xterm or something similar) and
> > > > type:
> > > >
> > > > lspci -v
> > > >
> > > > And note what is shown! You'll do right mate!
> > >
> > > I typed it in and it said:  pcilib:  Cannot open /proc/bus/pci
> > > lspci:  Cannot find any working access method.
> >
> > 'PnP OS' is set to 'no' in the BIOS ?
> >
> > -Frans
> It was set to yes and I changed it to no, but sndconfig gave me the same
> messages as before.  pcilib:  Cannot open /proc/bus/pci
> lspci:  Cannot find any working access method. Brenda

But what does 'ls -l /proc/bus/pci' and 'lspci -v' say now?


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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 09:13, Damian Gatabria wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 11:45, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
> > North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
> > and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
> > softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
> >
> It's about Crystal Icons.
> Damian

...uh, Damian, you forgot to mention the really cool Penquin wallpapers,
too, mate...

Mon Mar 31 09:25:00 EST 2003
 09:25:00 up 9 days, 21:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.24, 0.20
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

A bore is someone who persists in holding his own views after we have
enlightened him with ours.

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread lewis
On Sunday 30 March 2003 04:10 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 23:33, lewis wrote:
> > On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:18 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > > On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 07:14, lewis wrote:
> > > > Sorry.  I don't understand what 'lspci-v' is.  Where do I need to
> > > > look? Brenda
> > >
> > > Open a terminal windows (Konsole, Xterm or something similar) and type:
> > >
> > > lspci -v
> > >
> > > And note what is shown! You'll do right mate!
> >
> > I typed it in and it said:  pcilib:  Cannot open /proc/bus/pci
> > lspci:  Cannot find any working access method.
> 'PnP OS' is set to 'no' in the BIOS ?
> -Frans

It was set to yes and I changed it to no, but sndconfig gave me the same 
messages as before.  pcilib:  Cannot open /proc/bus/pci
lspci:  Cannot find any working access method. Brenda

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread G_REEPER
Hash: SHA1

While I can't truly speak for all the people in North America or the UK.
IMHO many Linux users are either hackers "as in like to tinker with systems", 
want something secure and reliable, or just really dislike Micro$oft. Many 
are also students who maybe learning programming and can't afford to shell 
out over $100 per language for M$'s visual net software . Linux offers a 
great alternative. Most users can't afford every piece of software M$ or 
anyone else for that matter produces. 

I've been using Mandrake since 5.1or 5.2 (I'd have to look at the disk). I 
like how it has developed over the years. I can safely say on my part that 
9.1 is the best yet. I was speechless when I installed it on a friends system 
and only had to set the correct time zone. I mean it picked up the printer, 
and the network and set them all up. I did have to add the Nvidia driver for 
his video, but compared to the windows installed I had just completed on the 
same system which required drivers on almost every piece of hardware it was 
mind blowing. I also enjoyed watching his jaw drop after the Mandrake install 
too ;-)

That's my two cents worth anyway.
Long live GNU

 Sunday 30 March 2003 08:45 am, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
> ZZ
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Jason Greenwood
Agree'd =) That's why their attepts at controlling it are primarily the 
most active in 1st world countries. They don't even actively discourage 
it elsewhere. They know it helps them maintain their monopoly and 
locking elsewhere. To them it is just a necessary evil and they probably 
use it as a write off anyway.



robin.bcc wrote:
Jason Greenwood wrote:

Just another reason to use Linux - you are not buying pirated 
software. =) 

I sometimes think it would be a good thing if MS finally succeeded in 
bullying developing countries into enforcing "anti-piracy" laws - that 
could really herald the end of Windows in most of the world.

Sir Robin

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Damian Gatabria
On Sunday 30 March 2003 11:45, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.

It's about Crystal Icons.


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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread robin.bcc
Jason Greenwood wrote:

Just another reason to use Linux - you are not buying pirated 
software. =) 
I sometimes think it would be a good thing if MS finally succeeded in 
bullying developing countries into enforcing "anti-piracy" laws - that 
could really herald the end of Windows in most of the world.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread mycal62
I agree with all the above as well as this post  

To all I say AMEN !  Hear Hear ! Bravo!  could not have said it better! 
Yeah ! and ME TOO !


Mike McNeese Springdale, Arkansas USA

Dual booting 98lite;MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Kde 3.1 
Registered Linux User #248955 acqua / Keramik Theme

"If obstacles are what you see in your path...
   Then you have lost sight of your goal! " 

Lanman wrote:

Hmmm,...I'll try to keep this under 10 pages! Reasons I like Linux;

1) I'm fed up with paying for something that doesn't work as advertised!

2) I'm fed up with buying products from companies that don't back up what they sell, without charging for the service. Imagine if new cars were sold/leased the way Microsoft products are!

3) If I wanted to lease an O/S, I'd fill in a lease agreement, not have one forced down my throat.

4) If I wanted to lease something, at least I get to take it for a test drive BEFORE signing the lease.

5) I'm fed up with big companies trying to control what I can do with my property. When I buy gas for my car, Shell doesn't tell me where I am allowed to drive, or how fast, or in what lane!

6) In the same analogy, Shell doesn't try to prosecute me if I pour fuel additives in my gas tank made by STP. But if I want to try to improve Windows, I can't, unless I replace it with Linux!

7) I detest the way Microsoft treats computer users like morons. Since they don't provide free support to back up their products ( Yeah, we know we sold you a piece of crap, but you'll have to pay us to fix it!), they should at least let me peek under the hood to try and fix it myself!

8) I'm a bit of a rebel.

9) I detest monopolies

10) I happen to like the fact that there's a Linux Community, where people help each other simply for the pleasure of helping each other, and not always for the Almighty Buck! I like the fact that this community is global and simply bypasses a lot of the crap that politicians dictate to us. It renews my faith in what humanity can accomplish when they are focussed towards a common goal. Sure I'm am idealist! What's your point?




On 3/30/2003 at 5:16 PM David Williams wrote:


On Sunday 30 March 2003 09:45 am, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:

As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.

I converted last year to Linux (at home). I did it for choice and because
wanted to find and support an alternative to Microsoft (the possiblity of
Paladium and the lockdown on  XP scared the heck out of me). I have not
looked back. I have found replacement software that was as good if not
for everything I was doing on Microsoft and Linux is significantly more
stable. Case in point - I went to use my wifes PC (Win98) this afternoon
the first time in months) and I had to reboot 3 times before I could
what I was doing. I haven't had to rebooted my Linux box in about 4 months
now and I'm not sure I had to reboot when I did.

(  )  (  )
( 0 0 )
---(  )---
"Linux is not The Answer. Yes is the answer. Linux is The Question"
Registered Linux user #300497
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Re: [newbie] Kernel compile from src ques.

2003-03-30 Thread Derek Jennings
On Sunday 30 Mar 2003 11:50 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> On Sunday March 30 2003 11:08 am, Angus Auld wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply Tom. I am very confused as to the process
> > here. I have upgraded my kernel once in 8.2, and again in 9.0. I
> > thought that the idea of a src rpm was to rebuild it against your
> > particular arch and hardware, and then install it like any other
> > rpm. (using the correct method for kernel "install" rather than
> > "upgrade" of course). What is the purpose of the .src.rpm for the
> > kernel?
>You would rebuild that for your system
> and arch, but in the process you end with a sh!+load of kernels you
> don't want or need. IE, the SMP kernel, the PPC kernel, Linus-kernel,
> and several others. That's why it was so large and had so many
> dependencies. IOW's it's a collection of all Mandrake source for
> various kernels. You only need the kernel-source rpm for the type of
> kernel you use.
>   Sorry, I should'a explain that better in my earlier reply. But ya
> really ough'ta read over the kernel link. It usually
> explains things better than I do. Actually the whole site does. I get
> confused too ;)
>  OTOH, let me interject some experienced opinion ( I always do
> anyhow ;)   Compiling for your specific arch above i586 will only
> provide imagined improvement. Rarely anything measurable. Believe me,
> I've been tryin to prove myself wrong on this for years. Pushin
> optimizations too far will most often present more problems. Only the
> little bit of software specifically optimized to take advantage,
> would benefit anyway.  Optimizing for Athlon FPU/cycle advantages
> over Intel does provide a touch better performance, but mostly, with
> most all apps, its imagined too.

And for evidence to prove Toms point

Mandrake 9.0 with its 'generic' compiling was faster than the 'optimised' 


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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Lanman
Hmmm,...I'll try to keep this under 10 pages! Reasons I like Linux;

1) I'm fed up with paying for something that doesn't work as advertised!

2) I'm fed up with buying products from companies that don't back up what they sell, 
without charging for the service. Imagine if new cars were sold/leased the way 
Microsoft products are!

3) If I wanted to lease an O/S, I'd fill in a lease agreement, not have one forced 
down my throat.

4) If I wanted to lease something, at least I get to take it for a test drive BEFORE 
signing the lease.

5) I'm fed up with big companies trying to control what I can do with my property. 
When I buy gas for my car, Shell doesn't tell me where I am allowed to drive, or how 
fast, or in what lane!

6) In the same analogy, Shell doesn't try to prosecute me if I pour fuel additives in 
my gas tank made by STP. But if I want to try to improve Windows, I can't, unless I 
replace it with Linux!

7) I detest the way Microsoft treats computer users like morons. Since they don't 
provide free support to back up their products ( Yeah, we know we sold you a piece of 
crap, but you'll have to pay us to fix it!), they should at least let me peek under 
the hood to try and fix it myself!

8) I'm a bit of a rebel.

9) I detest monopolies

10) I happen to like the fact that there's a Linux Community, where people help each 
other simply for the pleasure of helping each other, and not always for the Almighty 
Buck! I like the fact that this community is global and simply bypasses a lot of the 
crap that politicians dictate to us. It renews my faith in what humanity can 
accomplish when they are focussed towards a common goal. Sure I'm am idealist! What's 
your point?




On 3/30/2003 at 5:16 PM David Williams wrote:

>On Sunday 30 March 2003 09:45 am, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
>> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
>> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
>> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
>> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
>> ZZ
>I converted last year to Linux (at home). I did it for choice and because
>wanted to find and support an alternative to Microsoft (the possiblity of
>Paladium and the lockdown on  XP scared the heck out of me). I have not
>looked back. I have found replacement software that was as good if not
>for everything I was doing on Microsoft and Linux is significantly more
>stable. Case in point - I went to use my wifes PC (Win98) this afternoon
>the first time in months) and I had to reboot 3 times before I could
>what I was doing. I haven't had to rebooted my Linux box in about 4 months
>now and I'm not sure I had to reboot when I did.
> (  )  (  )
>  ( 0 0 )
> ---(  )---
> o
>"Linux is not The Answer. Yes is the answer. Linux is The Question"
>Registered Linux user #300497
>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
>Go to

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Jason Greenwood
Just another reason to use Linux - you are not buying pirated software. =)

robin.bcc wrote:

On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 10:45, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:

Hash: SHA1
As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.

It's certainly not about money for me - here in Turkey I could buy any 
version of Windows on the street for about $2.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Kernel compile from src ques.

2003-03-30 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday March 30 2003 11:08 am, Angus Auld wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Tom. I am very confused as to the process
> here. I have upgraded my kernel once in 8.2, and again in 9.0. I
> thought that the idea of a src rpm was to rebuild it against your
> particular arch and hardware, and then install it like any other
> rpm. (using the correct method for kernel "install" rather than
> "upgrade" of course). What is the purpose of the .src.rpm for the
> kernel?

   You would rebuild that for your system 
and arch, but in the process you end with a sh!+load of kernels you 
don't want or need. IE, the SMP kernel, the PPC kernel, Linus-kernel, 
and several others. That's why it was so large and had so many 
dependencies. IOW's it's a collection of all Mandrake source for 
various kernels. You only need the kernel-source rpm for the type of 
kernel you use. 

  Sorry, I should'a explain that better in my earlier reply. But ya 
really ough'ta read over the kernel link. It usually 
explains things better than I do. Actually the whole site does. I get 
confused too ;)

 OTOH, let me interject some experienced opinion ( I always do 
anyhow ;)   Compiling for your specific arch above i586 will only 
provide imagined improvement. Rarely anything measurable. Believe me, 
I've been tryin to prove myself wrong on this for years. Pushin 
optimizations too far will most often present more problems. Only the 
little bit of software specifically optimized to take advantage, 
would benefit anyway.  Optimizing for Athlon FPU/cycle advantages 
over Intel does provide a touch better performance, but mostly, with 
most all apps, its imagined too.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas
  Damn, Jr damn near won Texas again

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Re: [newbie] Modem awol

2003-03-30 Thread Derek Jennings
On Sunday 30 Mar 2003 11:20 pm, Rachel wrote:
> Hi, How do I install - manually, a modem on Mandrake 9?  It was
> installed before.  Its a crappy 28k.  I tried to install two different
> 56k's but they were not 'seen' and suprisingly this isn't either.  It's
> given me a massive headache.
> Also, about SAMBA - how do I set up username passwords again?  I can
> browse my husbands XP but he cannot browse mine.  I lost the text file I
> had saved the how to's you guys gave me.  NT is proving to be the
> hardest to network for some reason.
> Thanks in advance,
> Rach

For samba passwords, as root
smbpasswd -a user_name

The password is the windows password, which may or may not be the same as the 
Linux password.


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Re: [newbie] Modem awol

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 08:20, Rachel wrote:
> Hi, How do I install - manually, a modem on Mandrake 9?  It was 
> installed before.  Its a crappy 28k.  I tried to install two different 
> 56k's but they were not 'seen' and suprisingly this isn't either.  It's 
> given me a massive headache.
> Also, about SAMBA - how do I set up username passwords again?  I can 
> browse my husbands XP but he cannot browse mine.  I lost the text file I 
> had saved the how to's you guys gave me.  NT is proving to be the 
> hardest to network for some reason.
> Thanks in advance,
> Rach

When you were having the probs installing the modems - did you seek out
the drivers for those particular modems, or just wait for MDK to find
them? Sometimes, you'll find that winmodems will be found quite easily
with the correct drivers installed and compiled - most with
Rockwell/Conexant chipsets work wonderfully well under any version of
linux (not always with RedHate, but MOST - especially MDK).

You might want to chuck out the 28.8k and try one of the other modems
again - just go to and check for the proper drivers
against the chipset you see onboard the PCI modems...that shouldn't
prove to be too hard...

Samba is actually SO easy to setup/configure and install - especially
when you're using Webmin for it's configuration in conjunction with
SWAT...or you can directly edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf for it's
configuration and then just restart the smb services (drakxservices and
choose stop then choose start). NT isn't always fun to play with -
especially when there' strange IP subnets and the likes...but hey, some
folks like pain, others like pleasure...

Mon Mar 31 08:30:00 EST 2003
 08:30:00 up 9 days, 20:17,  4 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.05
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Hope is a waking dream.
-- Aristotle

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Re: [newbie] Modem awol

2003-03-30 Thread Marc Oestreicher
On Sunday 30 March 2003 10:20 pm, Rachel wrote:
> Hi, How do I install - manually, a modem on Mandrake 9?  It was
> installed before.  Its a crappy 28k.  I tried to install two different
> 56k's but they were not 'seen' and suprisingly this isn't either.  It's
> given me a massive headache.

   How about a few more details, internal or external modem?
Have you tried kppp  setup  modem  querry modem?

Also don't underestimate the old 28K modem in a area like where I live even a 
old 28K modem is still faster than my ISP can supply data. I have run 28 and 
56 K modems side by side and have not noticed a dimes worth of differance 
with my ISP.


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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread robin.bcc

On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 10:45, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:

Hash: SHA1
As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.

It's certainly not about money for me - here in Turkey I could buy any 
version of Windows on the street for about $2.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread erylon hines
On Sunday 30 March 2003 12:14 pm, you wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 16:45, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
> > North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
> > and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
> > softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
> >
> > ZZ
For me, it was freedom from having to update my virus files every week, and 
knowing that I am, essentially, immune to those nasties.  Every virus scanner 
I have ever used was a resource hog.  Now, I have dual boot machines, but I 
actually go months without booting Windows.

The last straw for me was when my wife clicked on the AnnK virus and sent it 
to everyone in her address book.  After all, it was the first of the line 
that could do that, and she got the file from someone she knew and 
trusted--the filename was truncated, and she thought it was a picture, which 
she gets all the time in her business.  The anti-virus didn't even have an 
update for it because the virus was so new, so it didn't catch it.

Now,  my machines are VIRUS FREE.

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 07:31, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 23:18, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 07:14, lewis wrote:
> > > Sorry.  I don't understand what 'lspci-v' is.  Where do I need to look?
> > > Brenda
> >
> > Open a terminal windows (Konsole, Xterm or something similar) and type:
> >
> > lspci -v
> >
> > And note what is shown! You'll do right mate!
> Oi!! You forget to add: hit  after typing 'lspci -v'.;o)
> Good luck,
> HarM

Alright alright alright - HEY! LEWIS! HIT ENTER AFTER TYPING THAT

...ya reckon she heard that all the way from here?

Mon Mar 31 08:20:01 EST 2003
 08:20:01 up 9 days, 20:07,  3 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.06, 0.06
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

In most instances, all an argument proves is that two people are present.

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Jason Greenwood
Nope, it's not about money. I could drone on about all of the GREAT 
things about Linux and OSS (Open Source Software) in general but that 
has been covered by the list already. All I can say is try it, I mean 
really try it. Try it for 6 months. Try to NOT use any MS products for 
that 6 months. I am certain that the benefits will be self explanatory 
after that time.



PS, My PERSONAL reasons for using Linux/OSS:

Freedom - the freedom to use, modify and in general, play with my 
software with a level of transparency simply not available with Windows.

Modifiable - Being able to modify most things on my computer through 
simple, text editable text files, without the worry/hassle of a 
"registry" of any kind.

Value/Cost for performance - in my experience, Linux and OSS offer a 
price for performance return that Windows doesn't even come close to.

Community - I like being part of a community of my choice, rather than 
being a slave to a company in Redmond that uses my net's back channel to 
report my usage behaviors and buying decisions - all for my own supposed 

Helping others - I can help others by introducing them to Linux for 
almost no cost without feeling like I am "stealing" and without fear of 
getting caught "pirating"

Stability - the feeling that I can do almost anything to/with my PC and 
not have to worry about lock ups or slowing system performance. No need 
to do a "general" reboot every few days/hours just to keep my system 
fuctioning normally.

Security - I know EXACTLY who has access to my computer and when, and I 
can easily control it.

Choice - I have PLENTY of money to buy MS software, thankfully I have 
the CHOICE not to, which I gladly exercise.

Interopability - I can use software that adheres to global, well 
documented and open computing standards instead of using software that 
has its own "standards" that don't play nice with anyone else's, forcing 
me to use that, and only that software.

Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.

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[newbie] /net

2003-03-30 Thread Rachel
Oh, one more question.  How to I get off the network?  My computer will 
not shut down all the way.  Say /net is busy.
Husband with XP having same problem.


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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread David Williams
On Sunday 30 March 2003 09:45 am, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
> ZZ

I converted last year to Linux (at home). I did it for choice and because I 
wanted to find and support an alternative to Microsoft (the possiblity of 
Paladium and the lockdown on  XP scared the heck out of me). I have not 
looked back. I have found replacement software that was as good if not better 
for everything I was doing on Microsoft and Linux is significantly more 
stable. Case in point - I went to use my wifes PC (Win98) this afternoon (for 
the first time in months) and I had to reboot 3 times before I could finish 
what I was doing. I haven't had to rebooted my Linux box in about 4 months 
now and I'm not sure I had to reboot when I did.

 (  )  (  )
  ( 0 0 )
 ---(  )---

"Linux is not The Answer. Yes is the answer. Linux is The Question"
Registered Linux user #300497

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Modem awol

2003-03-30 Thread Rachel
Hi, How do I install - manually, a modem on Mandrake 9?  It was 
installed before.  Its a crappy 28k.  I tried to install two different 
56k's but they were not 'seen' and suprisingly this isn't either.  It's 
given me a massive headache.
Also, about SAMBA - how do I set up username passwords again?  I can 
browse my husbands XP but he cannot browse mine.  I lost the text file I 
had saved the how to's you guys gave me.  NT is proving to be the 
hardest to network for some reason.
Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] mandrake rpms

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 00:16, Aron Smith wrote:
> do red hat rpms still work in mandrake 9.0  or can any rpm 386 or above 
> work?

Just be careful WHAT/WHICH RH RPM's you install - some might break lib
paths or system paths or want libraries that are compiled strictly for
RH - so as long as you're careful, you'll find alot of things do work
with MDK that were written for RH.

Mon Mar 31 08:05:00 EST 2003
 08:05:00 up 9 days, 19:52,  3 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.13, 0.10
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

If the master dies and the disciple grieves, the lives of both have
been wasted.

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Sunday 30 March 2003 23:33, lewis wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:18 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 07:14, lewis wrote:
> > > Sorry.  I don't understand what 'lspci-v' is.  Where do I need to look?
> > > Brenda
> >
> > Open a terminal windows (Konsole, Xterm or something similar) and type:
> >
> > lspci -v
> >
> > And note what is shown! You'll do right mate!
> I typed it in and it said:  pcilib:  Cannot open /proc/bus/pci
> lspci:  Cannot find any working access method.

'PnP OS' is set to 'no' in the BIOS ?


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Re: [newbie] mandrake rpms

2003-03-30 Thread Jason Greenwood
Depends, some do, some don't, depends on the libs etc. the RPM was 
comiled against. All inall, best to stick with ML RPM's. What do you 
need that ML doesn't provide an RPM for anyway?? In my experience, they 
provide almost everything under the sun you could want.



Aron Smith wrote:
do red hat rpms still work in mandrake 9.0  or can any rpm 386 or above 

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Sunday 30 March 2003 23:33, lewis wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:18 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 07:14, lewis wrote:
> > > Sorry.  I don't understand what 'lspci-v' is.  Where do I need to look?
> > > Brenda
> >
> > Open a terminal windows (Konsole, Xterm or something similar) and type:
> >
> > lspci -v
> >
> > And note what is shown! You'll do right mate!
> I typed it in and it said:  pcilib:  Cannot open /proc/bus/pci
> lspci:  Cannot find any working access method.

Uhm, what does 'ls -l /proc/bus/pci' say?

_Someone_ must be able to solve this :)


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[newbie] mandrake rpms

2003-03-30 Thread Aron Smith
do red hat rpms still work in mandrake 9.0  or can any rpm 386 or above 

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Re: [newbie] Why ISO? was: 9.1 final has been released

2003-03-30 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 30 March 2003 23:28, Chris Fox wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 March 2003 08:32 pm, Jay R. Camp wrote:
> > The 1st CD is always bootable.  Just set your BIOS to look at your CD-ROM
> > first and off you go.  It'll pull the installer, some packages, etc. off
> > of there.
> On a related note, has anyone gotten FTP-install to work?  I do it all the
> time with FreeBSD, Debian, and RedHat but for some reason it never works
> with Mandrake.  And the update step at the end of install often fails to
> bring up the network.
> If I hadn't gotten it to work so easily on the other OSs and if I wasn't
> using totally mainstream 3Com nics, I'd suspect I was doing something
> wrong.

I have, a number of times. Starting at Mdk7.2 without any problems.

Note I am talking LAN here i.e a local ftp server with the install CD's 
mounted on them.
Never tried it over the internetdon't really feel like either, for a 
number of reasons but I don't see why it shouldn't work. Mandrake update 
works just fine in a simular way.

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread lewis
On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:18 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 07:14, lewis wrote:
> > Sorry.  I don't understand what 'lspci-v' is.  Where do I need to look?
> > Brenda
> Open a terminal windows (Konsole, Xterm or something similar) and type:
> lspci -v
> And note what is shown! You'll do right mate!

I typed it in and it said:  pcilib:  Cannot open /proc/bus/pci
lspci:  Cannot find any working access method.

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Adolfo Bello
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 10:45, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
> ZZ
Oh, yeah, it is about money.

Each of the several reboots that you need to do using Winblows makes you
waste your time, and time is money.

Every document that you are working with and that you have to retype
(partially o totally) makes you waste your time (in this particular case
you also have to invest in stuffs like mylanta, maalox, peptobismol,

Every business presentation where you have to reboot can make you loose
clients (and money).

Every disaster recovery will drive you nut (more expenses in

After a few months working with Linux I have no doubt that it is a money

In addition, I also back all the other points already posted in the

   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //celular: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / <_/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Sunday 30 March 2003 23:14, lewis wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:04 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> > On Sunday 30 March 2003 22:55, lewis wrote:
> > > On Sunday 30 March 2003 11:11 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> > > > On Sunday 30 March 2003 17:40, lewis wrote:
> > > > > On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:24 am, Vahur Lokk wrote:
> > > > > > Ühel kenal päeval (pühapäev, 30. märts 2003 07:38) kirjutas Guy
> > >
> > > Rouillier:
> > > > > > > Well, there you go.  You don't have a SoundBlaster 16.  You
> > > > > > > have an Ensoniq AudioPCI.  Go here
> > > > > > > and search
> > > > > > > for your model number.  Dig around the support materials and
> > > > > > > see if you can identify if it has Linux capability.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I have something similar in my comp. SB16 written on the box and
> > > > > > Mdk says its Ensoniq. Probably little better model though - there
> > > > > > are four plugs instead of three that Brenda has.
> > > > > > Was recognised on install and works flawlessly. Except when I
> > > > > > once plugged speakers to my disabled VIA onboard card ;-)
> > > > > > Maybe Brenda has some onboard stuff as well, causing conflict?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Wahur
> > > > >
> > > > > Hi,  I did have an onboard sound system, but I did disable it in
> > > > > the bias, but no luck on detection.
> > > > > Thanks all for your help.  You are great.
> > > > > Brenda
> > > >
> > > > Does Mandrake Control Centre -> hardware -> harddrake detect your
> > > > card? It should!
> > > >
> > > > Btw you have a soundblaster 16 PCI which only has a similar name
> > > > as the old SB 16 ISA cards but is completely different and based on
> > > > an Ensoniq chip as already said. Creative Labs marketing creating
> > > > confusion :(
> > > >
> > > > HTH,
> > > >
> > > > -Frans
> > >
> > > I have checked MCC but there is no sound card detected.  When I run
> > > sndconfig it doesn't detect the card.  I pick the card from the list
> > > and it tells me: The following error occured running the modprobe
> > > program: /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/es1371.o.gz: 
> > > init_module: No such device  modprobe:  insmod
> > > /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/es1371.o.gz  failed
> > > modprob:  insmod sound-slot-0 failed
> > > I don't understand this stuff.  Thanks again.   Brenda
> >
> > Does 'lspci -v' list your card?
> >
> > -Frans (I also don't understand 'this stuff' :) )
> Sorry.  I don't understand what 'lspci-v' is.  Where do I need to look?
> Brenda

Type 'lspci-v' without qoutes from the prompt in a terminal and hit 'enter'.

You get a terminal by clicking the "monitor_and_shell" icon on the lower
part of the screen,  third from the left :)

Good luck!


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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 30 March 2003 23:18, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 07:14, lewis wrote:
> > Sorry.  I don't understand what 'lspci-v' is.  Where do I need to look?
> > Brenda
> Open a terminal windows (Konsole, Xterm or something similar) and type:
> lspci -v
> And note what is shown! You'll do right mate!

Oi!! You forget to add: hit  after typing 'lspci -v'.;o)

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] Why ISO? was: 9.1 final has been released

2003-03-30 Thread Chris Fox
On Tuesday 25 March 2003 08:32 pm, Jay R. Camp wrote:
> The 1st CD is always bootable.  Just set your BIOS to look at your CD-ROM
> first and off you go.  It'll pull the installer, some packages, etc. off of
> there.

On a related note, has anyone gotten FTP-install to work?  I do it all the 
time with FreeBSD, Debian, and RedHat but for some reason it never works with 
Mandrake.  And the update step at the end of install often fails to bring up 
the network.  

If I hadn't gotten it to work so easily on the other OSs and if I wasn't using 
totally mainstream 3Com nics, I'd suspect I was doing something wrong.

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 07:14, lewis wrote:

> Sorry.  I don't understand what 'lspci-v' is.  Where do I need to look?  
> Brenda

Open a terminal windows (Konsole, Xterm or something similar) and type:

lspci -v

And note what is shown! You'll do right mate!

Mon Mar 31 07:15:00 EST 2003
 07:15:00 up 9 days, 19:02,  3 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.06, 0.07
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

One is not born a woman, one becomes one.
-- Simone de Beauvoir

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread lewis
On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:04 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 22:55, lewis wrote:
> > On Sunday 30 March 2003 11:11 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> > > On Sunday 30 March 2003 17:40, lewis wrote:
> > > > On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:24 am, Vahur Lokk wrote:
> > > > > Ühel kenal päeval (pühapäev, 30. märts 2003 07:38) kirjutas Guy
> >
> > Rouillier:
> > > > > > Well, there you go.  You don't have a SoundBlaster 16.  You have
> > > > > > an Ensoniq AudioPCI.  Go here
> > > > > > and search
> > > > > > for your model number.  Dig around the support materials and see
> > > > > > if you can identify if it has Linux capability.
> > > > >
> > > > > I have something similar in my comp. SB16 written on the box and
> > > > > Mdk says its Ensoniq. Probably little better model though - there
> > > > > are four plugs instead of three that Brenda has.
> > > > > Was recognised on install and works flawlessly. Except when I once
> > > > > plugged speakers to my disabled VIA onboard card ;-)
> > > > > Maybe Brenda has some onboard stuff as well, causing conflict?
> > > > >
> > > > > Wahur
> > > >
> > > > Hi,  I did have an onboard sound system, but I did disable it in the
> > > > bias, but no luck on detection.
> > > > Thanks all for your help.  You are great.
> > > > Brenda
> > >
> > > Does Mandrake Control Centre -> hardware -> harddrake detect your
> > > card? It should!
> > >
> > > Btw you have a soundblaster 16 PCI which only has a similar name
> > > as the old SB 16 ISA cards but is completely different and based on
> > > an Ensoniq chip as already said. Creative Labs marketing creating
> > > confusion :(
> > >
> > > HTH,
> > >
> > > -Frans
> >
> > I have checked MCC but there is no sound card detected.  When I run
> > sndconfig it doesn't detect the card.  I pick the card from the list and
> > it tells me: The following error occured running the modprobe program:
> > /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/es1371.o.gz:  init_module:
> > No such device  modprobe:  insmod
> > /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/es1371.o.gz  failed
> > modprob:  insmod sound-slot-0 failed
> > I don't understand this stuff.  Thanks again.   Brenda
> Does 'lspci -v' list your card?
> -Frans (I also don't understand 'this stuff' :) )
Sorry.  I don't understand what 'lspci-v' is.  Where do I need to look?  

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Sunday 30 March 2003 22:55, lewis wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 11:11 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> > On Sunday 30 March 2003 17:40, lewis wrote:
> > > On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:24 am, Vahur Lokk wrote:
> > > > Ühel kenal päeval (pühapäev, 30. märts 2003 07:38) kirjutas Guy
> Rouillier:
> > > > > Well, there you go.  You don't have a SoundBlaster 16.  You have an
> > > > > Ensoniq AudioPCI.  Go here
> > > > > and search for
> > > > > your model number.  Dig around the support materials and see if you
> > > > > can identify if it has Linux capability.
> > > >
> > > > I have something similar in my comp. SB16 written on the box and Mdk
> > > > says its Ensoniq. Probably little better model though - there are
> > > > four plugs instead of three that Brenda has.
> > > > Was recognised on install and works flawlessly. Except when I once
> > > > plugged speakers to my disabled VIA onboard card ;-)
> > > > Maybe Brenda has some onboard stuff as well, causing conflict?
> > > >
> > > > Wahur
> > >
> > > Hi,  I did have an onboard sound system, but I did disable it in the
> > > bias, but no luck on detection.
> > > Thanks all for your help.  You are great.
> > > Brenda
> >
> > Does Mandrake Control Centre -> hardware -> harddrake detect your
> > card? It should!
> >
> > Btw you have a soundblaster 16 PCI which only has a similar name
> > as the old SB 16 ISA cards but is completely different and based on
> > an Ensoniq chip as already said. Creative Labs marketing creating
> > confusion :(
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> > -Frans
> I have checked MCC but there is no sound card detected.  When I run
> sndconfig it doesn't detect the card.  I pick the card from the list and it
> tells me: The following error occured running the modprobe program:
> /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/es1371.o.gz:  init_module: 
> No such device  modprobe:  insmod
> /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/es1371.o.gz  failed
> modprob:  insmod sound-slot-0 failed
> I don't understand this stuff.  Thanks again.   Brenda

Does 'lspci -v' list your card?

-Frans (I also don't understand 'this stuff' :) )

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 Flakey installs??

2003-03-30 Thread John Richard Smith
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

>On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 01:42, Lanman wrote:
>>What about the rest of you? Any success stories? Sound off and let the
>>world know that Mandrake works for you!
>I can't say enough about how much a difference there is here. RedHat
>just got moved to the trash bin in my books - at least for desktop stuff
>- and soon I'm going to be finding out how well it handles high-end
>stuff as a server...since I've always built RH servers, I'm going to
>shoot for the next one as an MDK server for email, firewalling, file
>sharing and intranet - so this should be relatively interesting...
>So that's MY happy story...I'm now a Mandrakian instead of a
>RedHatter...and that's after 10 years...
Sadly, I cannot say the same. M9.1 's in general have been a nightmare
to install, and even M9.1rc2 has so many problems I've given up.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster sound card not detected

2003-03-30 Thread lewis
On Sunday 30 March 2003 11:11 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 17:40, lewis wrote:
> > On Sunday 30 March 2003 03:24 am, Vahur Lokk wrote:
> > > Ühel kenal päeval (pühapäev, 30. märts 2003 07:38) kirjutas Guy 
> > > > Well, there you go.  You don't have a SoundBlaster 16.  You have an
> > > > Ensoniq AudioPCI.  Go here
> > > > and search for
> > > > your model number.  Dig around the support materials and see if you
> > > > can identify if it has Linux capability.
> > >
> > > I have something similar in my comp. SB16 written on the box and Mdk
> > > says its Ensoniq. Probably little better model though - there are four
> > > plugs instead of three that Brenda has.
> > > Was recognised on install and works flawlessly. Except when I once
> > > plugged speakers to my disabled VIA onboard card ;-)
> > > Maybe Brenda has some onboard stuff as well, causing conflict?
> > >
> > > Wahur
> >
> > Hi,  I did have an onboard sound system, but I did disable it in the
> > bias, but no luck on detection.
> > Thanks all for your help.  You are great.
> > Brenda
> Does Mandrake Control Centre -> hardware -> harddrake detect your
> card? It should!
> Btw you have a soundblaster 16 PCI which only has a similar name
> as the old SB 16 ISA cards but is completely different and based on
> an Ensoniq chip as already said. Creative Labs marketing creating
> confusion :(
> HTH,
> -Frans

I have checked MCC but there is no sound card detected.  When I run sndconfig 
it doesn't detect the card.  I pick the card from the list and it tells me:  
The following error occured running the modprobe program:  
/lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/es1371.o.gz:  init_module:  No 
such device  modprobe:  insmod
/lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/es1371.o.gz  failed
modprob:  insmod sound-slot-0 failed
I don't understand this stuff.  Thanks again.   Brenda

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Re: [newbie] HELP-BIOS can't recognize new HD

2003-03-30 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 15:33:38 -0500
todd slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If anybody knows of a good but cheap mobo that will support large hard
> drives and take an AMD [EMAIL PROTECTED], and at least 512MB RAM, I'm all ears.

Todd, another option be to get an add-on pci ide controller card.
Since they operate with there own bios they would be able to bypass the
hd limitations of your mobo bios.

You can find them online for $25 or less.


Tonight's the night: Sleep in a eucalyptus tree.
Mandrake Linux 9.1 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.13mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] [slighlty OT] Mozilla junk filtering

2003-03-30 Thread Mark
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003, robin.bcc wrote:

> Does anyone know of a good guide to getting the junk filtering in 
> Mozilla 1.3 working properly?  The Help page hasn't been written yet, 
> and the guide I found on was a little cryptic.  At the 
> moment it's deciding that most of the mail posted to this list is junk, 
> and I'm having problems persuading it otherwise.
> Sir Robin

Hi Robin,

As I understand it, it's am accumulative process where each time you tell 
it something is junk it sort of learns to tell the difference between what 
is "really" junk and what is not. I had the same experience with it as 
you're describing and stopped using it. Besides...procmail works so much 


"If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?"
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2 & 9.0
ICQ# 27816299

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 Flakey installs??

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 01:42, Lanman wrote:

> What about the rest of you? Any success stories? Sound off and let the
> world know that Mandrake works for you! 

Success stories? Hmmm...
Well, as most of y'all know, I USED to run RedHat on my primary box
(this one) until a horrible debacle about a month ago - where my RH 7.3
hosed up after a reinstall of XP blew my partition table away - sadly
loosing thousands of emails and the likes (and my damn bookmarks -
shit); in attempting to regain some upward mobility, I TRIED the RedHat
8.0 against my better judgement only to find that after about 36 bloody
hours of getting the damn distro working SEMI properly I couldn't get
any type of connectivity aside from LAN - and WAS NOT HAPPY with the
damn BloodCurve, er, BlueCurve setup and the "mishmash" way that the
entire menu structures were setup; so, in complete desperation to regain
control of my sanity and machine, I installed Mandrake 9.1rc2 - crikey -
what a difference from MDK 9.0 it was right off the bat.

No hardware went unnoticed. Nothing. 45 minutes of the installation,
about 15 minutes of tweaking, rebooting, tweaking, rebooting - and
finally, a beautiful "startx" into KDE 3.1 - unreal. Just bloody unreal.
Even without the "unified NVidia driver" it was bloody awesome. I really
couldn't believe it. Modem installation was only like three minutes.
Really. KPPP was another two minutes. Wham bam thank you ma'am. Slam
dunk bigtime.

After getting online and starting to get my mail and the likes, it
wasn't long til I was loading up my system with every available package
on the three CD's (copied them to the /usr/src/ directory and modified
the RPMDrake path so I don't have to slap CD's around); added some other
urpmi paths for cooker stuff - unreal.

Out performs my last stable RH 7.3 desktop by leaps and bounds. No hours
of mucking around with BS that I wanted and needed (only missing one
application - knetmon-applet - but hell, I'll live without that since
the writer - who is French - doesn't want to create an RPM for Mandrake)
and now I'm back to being not just productive (if you can call it that)
but I've more time now than I did before to either explore, play, test
or just muck around.

I can't say enough about how much a difference there is here. RedHat
just got moved to the trash bin in my books - at least for desktop stuff
- and soon I'm going to be finding out how well it handles high-end
stuff as a server...since I've always built RH servers, I'm going to
shoot for the next one as an MDK server for email, firewalling, file
sharing and intranet - so this should be relatively interesting...

So that's MY happy story...I'm now a Mandrakian instead of a
RedHatter...and that's after 10 years...

Mon Mar 31 05:50:00 EST 2003
 05:50:00 up 9 days, 17:37,  3 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.07, 0.09
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

The perfect man is the true partner.  Not a bed partner nor a fun partner,
but a man who will shoulder burdens equally with [you] and possess that
quality of joy.
-- Erica Jong

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RE: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Frankie
definately about money.. though that certainly doesn't hurt..

Its about:
1.  freedom of choice.. The right to steer your own destiny as it were.
2. Security.. The list of major flaws in windows past and present is so long
that it would be easier to tell you what isn't broken in some way.. since
linux is open source, anyone that wants to, can go and find/fix bugs... with
windows you have to wait for M$ to get off their butts and fix it.. and
sometimes that takes to long.. the damage is done before they shut the gate.
3. knowledge.. No-one really knows just what windows does behind the
scenes.. it is a closed source compiled bunch of code.. we can make guess's,
we can reverse engineer some stuff. but there is vast amounts of stuff we
just don't know.
4. Competition, right now, with the exception of Macs, microsoft has no
competition on the desktop... thats never a good thing.
5. Stability and productivity.. our windows server needs to be restarted
once every week or two.. nearly all our linux box's have uptimes over 50
days and most are closer to 100, only kernel updates really cause a reboot.
6. more for less.. I have gotten a huge amount of server work done on
ridiculously underpowered machines.. machines that win2000 server would not
even load on, let alone run services with any degree of usefulness.

I could go on.. but thats enough for most people to swap...

it is easy to use, just takes some getting used to.. as did windows when you
first tried it.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Zariyan Zephyr
Sent: Sunday, 30 March 2003 10:46 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

Hash: SHA1

As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 30 March 2003 09:45 am, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
> ZZ
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iD8DBQE+hwMNJNWEiI6aGI4RAi4jAJ9/k3JiSHTkxSU6mOgAH0Wfc1WICgCeM1q/
> 96KVzkO01TRZm43oVewOhY4=
> =GXxk

And having control of your own computer, not some con man in Washington state.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Jozef Riha
Hash: SHA1
Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
| As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
| North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
| and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
| softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
| ZZ
it is about security and independency. why should i be dependent on what
microsoft thinks is best for me? if you don't like something in your
system, you can change it.. the system is really flexible and you are
not breaking laws when you are discovering how does it work. and the
community is really great.

- -- joe


to tell you the truth i would rather spend my money on something else
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: [newbie] Another very naive question

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 22:12, Teilhard Knight wrote:
> How do I install a rpm package? In Debian I used "dpkg" for deb's, but 
> obviously this doesn't work here. My experience with Debian was very short 
> and upon discovering Mandrake, I soon changed.
> Teilhard Knight
> The Extraterrestrial
> Who ate my sandwich?

If you're using Konqueror as your file manager, just click the RPM and
you're happening...or right-click, open with, software installer...

Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kuhn Media Australia

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread Anders Lind
> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.

Nope...well, some of it is...but the main thing is that Linux is Open Source
and freedom that it brings. Another thing of course is stability and


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Re: [newbie] Another very naive question

2003-03-30 Thread Teilhard Knight
On Sunday 30 March 2003 12:37 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Sunday 30 Mar 2003 1:12 pm, Teilhard Knight wrote:
> > How do I install a rpm package? In Debian I used "dpkg" for deb's, but
> > obviously this doesn't work here. My experience with Debian was very
> > short and upon discovering Mandrake, I soon changed.
> I always use Configuration > Packaging > Install Software, others use the
> same gui approach but from MCC.  If you prefer c/l use urpmi - there's a
> man page for it.  All of these maintain a correct database.

Thank you, Anne, I tried the Install Software, but the package I wanted 
doesn't show up there (autoconf). I think I'll try urpmi, as Derek suggests.

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 Sourcing a shell script from .bashrc no longerworks

2003-03-30 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 17:58, Guy Rouillier wrote:
> I had the following script that I sourced from .bashrc to let me know
> when I was running out of disk space.  
> #!/bin/bash
> df | grep dev | cut -c53-54,56- | while read p1 p2
> do
>if [ $p1 -gt 95 ]
>   echo "Danger! $p2 is $p1 full!"
> done
> This worked fine under Mandrake 9.0 and RedHat 8.0.  I've just spent 3
> tortuous hours determining that sourcing this no longer works.  Now I
> have to simply run it.  That is, before where I had 
> source ~/
> now I must have simply
> ~/
> The original method produces this:
> bash: [: -gt: unary operator expected
> bash: [: -gt: unary operator expected
> bash: [: ha: integer expression expected
> bash: [: oo: integer expression expected
> bash: [: -gt: unary operator expected
> The reason that I sourced it originally is that because I was starting a
> shell script from within .bashrc, I got into an infinite loop.  This no
> longer appears to happen.  Why does sourcing no longer work?

That is rather strange, Guy - just as a side note, though, have you
checked all your lib path and system path statements?

Mon Mar 31 05:30:01 EST 2003
 05:30:01 up 9 days, 17:17,  2 users,  load average: 0.52, 0.23, 0.18
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

A true beanie should have a propellor on the top.

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-03-30 Thread et
On Sunday 30 March 2003 09:45 am, Zariyan Zephyr wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> As a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why people in Europe and
> North America has chosen Linux for daily use. I think people in Europe
> and North America can afford Microsoft Windows and application
> softwares under Windows. It isn't about money, is it ?.
> ZZ
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iD8DBQE+hwMNJNWEiI6aGI4RAi4jAJ9/k3JiSHTkxSU6mOgAH0Wfc1WICgCeM1q/
> 96KVzkO01TRZm43oVewOhY4=
> =GXxk

it is not about money for me, I can and do own M$ products as required for 
work, but it is about choice, and being able to make the choice, and choosing 
what works best.

Linux counter number 167806

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Re: [newbie] Another very naive question

2003-03-30 Thread Anders Lind

How do I install a rpm package? In Debian I used "dpkg" for deb's, but 
obviously this doesn't work here. My experience with Debian was very short 
and upon discovering Mandrake, I soon changed.

dpgk and apt is superior in my opinion, anyway not as good as ports in
FreeBSD, well, over to your actual question, become root and type:

rpm -ivh , (well rpm -i is the actual command
however v makes that you see what happens)
and pray ;o)


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