Re: [newbie] LiLo Boot

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On 24 Aug 2003 14:22:01 -0700
Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> I had a dual boot system and I allowed Lilo to boot to Windows by
> default (for my daughter). I now have only Linux on here but I can't
> figure out how to remove the Windows from the boot menu and make it
> boot to Linux by default.
> Any help would be appreciated

Edit /etc/lilo.conf

You will see a line:

default="really bad OS that will eventually kill you"

make it:


then you will be safe.

To remove Windows entries from the menu totally, I believe (it's been
awhile since I dual booted), you can do that in MCC under Boot. In fact,
you may be able to do both under MCC, but I wanted to make a joke, so...

Registered Linux user #282046
Well, you know, no matter where you go, there you are.
-- Buckaroo Banzai

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Re: [newbie] List Probs

2003-08-24 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Sunday 24 August 2003 06:13 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 22:10:22 +0100
> Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > + posts being dropped
> ya, I know my posts tho are getting thru in many cases, because people
> are replying to them, but I never actually *see* my post
> weird...

Check your filters.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] LiLo Boot

2003-08-24 Thread Jason Greenwood
Yes, there are 2 ways to do this. Go into the Mandrake Control Center 
and change boot options.
Boot>DrakBoot>Lilo/Grub Mode (Configure)>Then ok at the first dialog, 
then you can delete entries and set a new default.
Go into /etc/lilo.conf in a text editor as root and then edit the file 
by hand. Once you have done this, run "lilo" at the command line as 
root. Just type "lilo" and it will make your edited file "live" for the 
next reboot.

Hope this helps.



Russ wrote:

Hi All,

I had a dual boot system and I allowed Lilo to boot to Windows by
default (for my daughter). I now have only Linux on here but I can't
figure out how to remove the Windows from the boot menu and make it boot
to Linux by default.
Any help would be appreciated


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[newbie] MOHAA

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac

Now that MOHAA is working (somewhat) under Linux, i wonder if anyone can
point me to a cool icon for the game. The one that comes with it is
kinda small and lame, you know just kinda a grey metal logo about half
the size of a regular icon.

Registered Linux user #282046
There is no comfort without pain; thus we define salvation through
suffering.  -- Cato

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[newbie] LiLo Boot

2003-08-24 Thread Russ
Hi All,

I had a dual boot system and I allowed Lilo to boot to Windows by
default (for my daughter). I now have only Linux on here but I can't
figure out how to remove the Windows from the boot menu and make it boot
to Linux by default.

Any help would be appreciated


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[newbie] mgetty help

2003-08-24 Thread WILLIAM NASH
Is there a way to get mgetty to work with distinctive ring?  I have been
using winfax with windows 98 installed.  I want to change over to Linux
William R. Nash
488 Thornbrooke Drive
Hiram, Ga 30141
770-949-6999 Office
770-949-2424 Fax
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Re: [newbie] Fw: Short Message delivery report

2003-08-24 Thread Chris
On Sunday 24 August 2003 05:16 pm, Curt Tresenriter wrote:
> I just received this, as a result, I guess, of sending
> a reply to Funnyresponses to linux commands.
> Got two of 'em actually.
> After the first, I resent the post.
> Anyone know what's happening?

Its definately Russian, heres the site link:

Now, how are posts to the newbie list going through Russia?

  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774
  5:43pm  up 5 days, 19 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.25, 0.23, 0.18

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Re: [newbie] Fw: Short Message delivery report

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 17:16:13 -0500
Curt Tresenriter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> I just received this, as a result, I guess, of sending
> a reply to Funnyresponses to linux commands.
> Got two of 'em actually.
> After the first, I resent the post.
> Anyone know what's happening?

I'm gettin' em too, it's kinda like a "out of office" response. Just
added it to my famous/infamous filter...

Just some luser who's technology is ahead of his brainpower.

If he ever does post here, he's gonna get an earful, that's fer sure.

Registered Linux user #282046
You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.
-- Jeannette Rankin

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[newbie] dropped emails

2003-08-24 Thread Eric Huff
Wow, it is really bad today.  Since people were talking about it, i have
been watching one of the archives.  

Messages i did get don't show up there, even though newer ones do.

One message i sent three times hasn't made it to the archive or to me.

I think there may have been one that i saw on the archive, but not in my
box, too, but i am not sure...

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
David E. Fox wrote:

   I've run cooker only since 7.2. Current cooker is solid, no 
problems on a overclocked XP 3000+. 2266 Mhz on a KT400a chipset 

It's *pretty* solid. There are still some issues I'm experiencing. One
is the timezone drift in kde's clock - my time zone is 5 hours off. I
have retried the fix multiple times with no luck. The best approach
seems to be to restart KDE. It is getting better. With the last urpmi,
it lasted nearly the whole weekend and then all of a sudden it's five
hours off. It thinks I'm in SSY+ time now. If I try to adjust it the
closest I can get to my time zone is your time zone :). Maybe I should
move to Texas? :) ;)
I think I got that one reported to Cooker bugzilla recently.

Still, it's a relatively minor bug. The OS time is correct so I'm not
worried. I just have to glance at my watch every time I see the clock on
screen and say "oh yeah'.

with 512MB DDR 419, Cas2.5, R/C 2, preCh 2, 2-bank.  I don't have 
or need a printer.  I highly suggest you read this site,

Then you might not have noticed bug #2, which I think is a show stopper.
I can't print. Printing here results in launching a Perl process (used
to be parallel:/dev/lp1, there also was a 'gs' process) that will just
eat all RAM & swap. Since you have 512 megs of RAM yours might not fall
over like mine, but there's no indication that the Perl is not
requesting infinite memory.

the install. When it tried to detect my printer (Brother
MFC4800), which is not supported by Linux yet, it displayed a
message that it was unable to find "printer.rpm" and stopped

That's been reported and is repeatable. The error message is a dialog box
complaining about some missing printer-utils RPM. The bad news is that
holds up the install. The good news is that you can shutdown and restart
into a clean upgrade (more or less) at that point.
I haven't made interim ISOs so have no idea if an upgrade install
addresses the problem. I've been doing interim urpmi.update's on a
regular basis, at least twice a week.
Also, noatun and kaboodle no longer function. They haven't for some
time. OK, so there are other sound programs to use.
Then there are the random unexplained seg faults in konqueror, and in
k3b (coastered cds.)
LX brought this up last weekend: How are you supposed to be able to make
a boot disk in cooker 9.2? The kernel image is too damned big!
Most of this admittedly belongs on cooker's list but I haven't
subscribed to it. I subscribed to changelog though. 

The OP should look at The Cooker howto (while
useful) really doesn't address the OP's issues with it.

   Mirrors have been screwed up lately, but since Sat. (8/23) 
they're in order again.  OTOH, RC1 was due last Friday. Look for it 

Hmm. Well, I'm just running another urpmi.update -a & urpmi
--auto-select just for good measure.

to come out very soon (probly why the mirrors were froze ;)
I suspect if you update to current, you'll have RC1

RC1 is out? (yum)


   You didn't say anything about your hardware, other than your 
tree killer ;>  Some things like nforce2 chipsets have issues. 

Mine's rock solid. Been through the mprime torture test a few times,
cpuburn OK, etc. Too bad it's only an athlon 1000 & 256 megs of RAM

   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me

How, specifically, are you adjusting your time zones?

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
  AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdkduron
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Short Message delivery report

2003-08-24 Thread Eric Huff
> Damm, I just got the same thing, are our posts now going through
> Russia?  I believe thats what the .ru is.

> From: Sms Message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> There is no such user (newbie).

Maybe someone in russia that is a member of the list messed up a spam
filter or something...

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Re: [newbie] OT hijacked: nmap and port crashing/id'ing Blockedports

2003-08-24 Thread Eric Huff
> > 8081/tcp   openblackice-icecap

> > sure nuf, nmap again shows no 8081.   (8081 is used with popfile,
> > no sure what the name blackice is...)
> >
> > Any i dea why nmap kills popfile?
> Does it?  Not on my box, it doesn't.  Popfile uses 8080, btw.  
> Googling on blackice-icecap came up with this

Well, i think i have it sorted out.

Since i run popfile as a user, I set popfile to 8081 just to get away
from the default (though this was really unnecessary, since i am the
only user).

That's why i had assumed blackice was the "port"  prog for popfile.

Manning nmap:

"Nmap always gives the port's  "well  known"  service  name  (if
any),  number,  state,  and protocol."

So it was just kidding when it called it blackice-icecap.

Also, i found out that nmap by default only probes ports 1-1024 and
those in /etc/services

under the -p option
 The default is to scan all ports
  between 1 and 1024 as well as any ports listed in  the 
  file  which  comes  with  nmap.

So, it seems to find all ports, you have to 

nmap -p 1-65535

though i probably just missed an "all" switch.

As for the crashing popfile (more man nmap stuff):

 It  should  also  be  noted  that  Nmap has been known to crash certain
   poorly written applications, TCP/IP stacks, and even operating

So, that's what was going on...

For kicks, i bumped popfile over to 8085, and nmap (default) doesn't
hurt it since 8085 is not in the services file, but nmap "all" does nuke

8085/tcp   openunknown 

This time, no guess as to the service


more interesting man nmap info:
 nmap should be run as root when-
   ever possible (not setuid root, of course).

 It  should  also  be  noted  that  Nmap has been known to crash certain
   poorly written applications, TCP/IP stacks, and even operating
   Nmap  should  never  be run against mission critical systems
unless you
   are prepared to suffer downtime.  We acknowledge  here  that 
Nmap  may
   crash  your  systems  or networks and we disclaim all liability
for any
   damage or problems Nmap could cause.

   Because of the slight risk of crashes and because a few black
hats like
   to  use  Nmap  for reconnaissance prior to attacking systems,
there are
   administrators who become upset and may complain when their 
system  is
   scanned.   Thus,  it  is  often  advisable to request permission
   doing even a light scan of a network.

   Nmap should never be run with privileges (eg suid  root)  for 


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Re: [newbie] Fw: Short Message delivery report

2003-08-24 Thread Eric Huff
> I just received this, as a result, I guess, of sending

> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 02:10:31 +0400
> From: Sms Message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Short Message delivery report
> There is no such user (newbie).

I have been getting the same thing.  Not sure why.


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[newbie] Fwd: Short Message delivery report

2003-08-24 Thread Chris
Damm, I just got the same thing, are our posts now going through Russia?  I 
believe thats what the .ru is.

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Short Message delivery report
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 02:21:51 +0400
From: Sms Message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is no such user (newbie).


  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774
  5:35pm  up 5 days, 11 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.11, 0.15

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Re: [newbie] archive

2003-08-24 Thread Chris
On Sunday 24 August 2003 10:30 am, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 16:11:44 -0500
> Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > Anyone know why the latest message at the newbie archive is 16 Aug?
> Isn't it usually a bit behind anyway? And with all the internet
> shenanigans, slow traffic, power outages, dropped posts, etc.,
> I wouldn't worry much.
> In fact, now that I just looked, it's right up to date!

Thats odd, I just went there and the latest message is dated 19 Aug.  We are 
going to the same site aren't we?

  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774
  5:16pm  up 4 days, 23:52,  4 users,  load average: 0.48, 0.34, 0.18

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Re: [newbie] Funny responses from linux commands

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 23:26:04 +0300
manolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> I think on this group someone posted a list of commands for linux that
> give funny answers...
> I don't seem to locate it on the forum archive.
> Can anyone help me find it?


type "man fortune" for more.

there are a lot more than just funny ones, that's how I and many others
generate our sig.

Registered Linux user #282046
Goodbye, cool world.

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Re: [newbie] SCO Site Down

2003-08-24 Thread Eric Huff
> > Of course they are.  They *own* it!  :)
> > 
> Er don't you mean they *claim* to own it?

Yeah, i forgot the (sarcasm) type cast...

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Re: [newbie] laptop install problems

2003-08-24 Thread Claire Suttle
Ok, I've been trying to do a network install (using both the network.img and
the pcmcia.img) and after it asks me what installation method I want to use
(nfs, ftp,. http) I then get an error message stating:

"no NET device found."

I have a wireless card for my laptop, but I've tried to do a network install
using both the wireless card, and using a wire - both methods give the same
error message. Does this mean that my network card isn't supported? It's a
Xircom CreditCard Ethernet 10/100 + Modem. (The mandrake hardware checker
does not mention it as either supported or unsupported, but I read a webpage
somewhere else where someone with a compaw armarda and the same netword card
installed mandrake...his cd drive was bootable though)


- Original Message -
From: "Derek Jennings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 5:41 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] laptop install problems

> On Sunday 24 Aug 2003 9:01 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
> > On Saturday 23 Aug 2003 9:44 pm, Claire Suttle wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I've just downloaded the mandrake 9.1 ISO's, and I now want to install
> > > onto a compaq armarda laptop. I'm having problems because I can't boot
> > > from cd's, and the cd drive is interchangeable with the floppy drive.
> > > I try to boot from the floppy, then switch drives, the cd drive isn't
> > > recognised.
> > >
> > > I don't really want to copy the iso's to my hard drive and install
> > > there as i want to get rid of windows completely on the laptop.
> > >
> > > I read somewhere that there was a way to make my hard disk bootable,
> > > browse to the cd and install from there, but I couldn't find any clear
> > > instructions on how to do this - can anyone tell me how this is done?
> > >
> > > Otherwise, I can try installing over the network? Is it possible for
> > > to put the install cd in another machine in my house (all running win
> > > with static ip's) and install it over the network? I tried this just
> > > but couldn't work out how to do it - does anyone know if this is a
> > > possibility?
> > >
> > > tia,
> > > Claire
> >
> > Yes you can do a network install.
> >
> > All you have to dois make a boot floppy as described here
> >
> >-bootdisk.html#id260 but instead of the the cdrom boot image
> > in the text use the network image you will find in /images/network.img
> > your install CD
> >
> > When you boot from the network image you will be prompted for the path
> > the install CDs. The network image will boot using ftp, or nfs.
> > The network image does not give you the option of changing CDs, so the
> > easiest solution is just to copy all 3 CDs into a folder on an ftp
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > derek
> I should have also said - When the bootloader asks for the path to the
> stage bootloader. Give the path to the /Mandrake/base  folder on the
> CD.
> derek
> --
> --

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> Go to

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[newbie] Fw: Short Message delivery report

2003-08-24 Thread Curt Tresenriter

I just received this, as a result, I guess, of sending
a reply to Funnyresponses to linux commands.
Got two of 'em actually.
After the first, I resent the post.
Anyone know what's happening?

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 02:10:31 +0400
From: Sms Message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Short Message delivery report

There is no such user (newbie).

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[newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

2003-08-24 Thread Ronald J. Hall
I've got some older cassettes that I'd love to transfer into OGG. Does anyone 
know of a good "how to" that literally walks thru the process step by step? 
(we're talking handholding here!)

I grabbed an old cassette player, plugged a mini-jack to mini-jack cable from 
the headphone out to line-in on my Soyo Dragon plus MB, but it didn't work 
too good. Pretty bad actually. I got lots of crackles/snap/pops and the sound 
was very, very, low.

What is aumix supposed to be set to? I'm using gramofile (trying) and it 
didn't seem to want to find anything.


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Re: [newbie] Funny responses from linux commands

2003-08-24 Thread Curt Tresenriter
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 00:29:03 +0300
manolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>(by way of manolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

|I think on this group someone posted a list of commands for linux that give
|funny answers...
|I don't seem to locate it on the forum archive.
|Can anyone help me find it?
Google found these

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Re: [newbie] You've got to love microsoft for some things...

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 17:57:42 -0400
Todd Slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Me too--pruning is getting to be a lost art.

Exactly, proper pruning negates the desire and/or need to top post.

Registered Linux user #282046
Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you
do it.
-- Gandhi

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[newbie] qmail, sendmail, etc.

2003-08-24 Thread Lee Wiggers
1.  Any preferences?

2.  A few months ago, I couldn't get through sympa to the list.  I was led to believe 
there was a problem at my host with DNS.

I am about to tackle a mail server but my ip is subject to change by comcast at will. will handle the resolution within a few minutes, but I wonder if I'll have 
problems with the mail when it happens.

Any thoughts?


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Re: [newbie] List Probs

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 22:10:22 +0100
Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> + posts being dropped

ya, I know my posts tho are getting thru in many cases, because people
are replying to them, but I never actually *see* my post


Registered Linux user #282046
Nasrudin walked into a teahouse and declaimed, "The moon is more useful
than the sun."
"Why?", he was asked.
"Because at night we need the light more."

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday August 24 2003 09:59 am, David E. Fox wrote:
> > I've run cooker only since 7.2. Current cooker is solid, no
> > problems on a overclocked XP 3000+. 2266 Mhz on a KT400a
> > chipset
> It's *pretty* solid. There are still some issues I'm
> experiencing. One is the timezone drift in kde's clock - my time
> zone is 5 hours off. I have retried the fix multiple times with
> no luck. The best approach seems to be to restart KDE. It is
> getting better. With the last urpmi, it lasted nearly the whole
> weekend and then all of a sudden it's five hours off. It thinks
> I'm in SSY+ time now. If I try to adjust it the closest I can get
> to my time zone is your time zone :). Maybe I should move to
> Texas? :) ;)
> I think I got that one reported to Cooker bugzilla recently.

Do you have your time set correctly in bios? Do you run ntpd ?
I have no time issues with 9.2 over two differnet sets of hardware 
(motherboard clock RTC chipsets). has a list of 
time servers, ntp is in cooker (ntp-4.1.2-1mdk) I use, 
(U of Houston, Central time). You'll need to have your time set 
fairly close before ntpd can sync it with a server's atomic clock. 
It uses a calculus algorithm to correct the error half at a time, 
eventually approaching an exact sync. (n/2 > 0)

[root /tom] $ service ntpd status
ntpd (pid 1795) is running...I have a dynamic IP, an I shut the 
connection off every once in awhile to get a different IP (for 
security sake). ntpd doesn't complain when the connection's not up.

> Then you might not have noticed bug #2, which I think is a show
> stopper. I can't print. Printing here results in launching a Perl
> process (used to be parallel:/dev/lp1, there also was a 'gs'
> process) that will just eat all RAM & swap. Since you have 512
> megs of RAM yours might not fall over like mine, but there's no
> indication that the Perl is not requesting infinite memory.

I don't have a printer. No problems here ;)
> > > the install. When it tried to detect my printer (Brother
> > > MFC4800), which is not supported by Linux yet, it displayed a
> > > message that it was unable to find "printer.rpm" and stopped

> Also, noatun and kaboodle no longer function. They haven't for
> some time. OK, so there are other sound programs to use.

They work fine here. Onboard AC97 5.1 surround sound, uses alsa. 
I did recently havt'a start usin aRts to play QT (Sorenson) .mov's
(mplayer -ao  arts ). That's a latest mplayer issue tho.
The latest alsa in cooker works fine for everything else. MOF, I'm 

> Then there are the random unexplained seg faults in konqueror,
> and in k3b (coastered cds.)

I wouldn't touch k3b with a ten foot pole. 'Sides, the CL is 
quicker an easier for burnin CDr's than any GUI app. No problems 
here. If you're stuck in a GUI, try simplecdrx. It won't fsck'up 
your fstab like k3b wants to, and can.

   Sig11's point as much to hardware (ram) as anything else. So 
eliminate that first. Memtest86 is OK, but not a ram test. It uses 
cpu/cache/ram (L1 & L@ cpu caches and the ram).  Run it without the 
caches enabled ('c' for configure) to try and get closer to 
checking installed ram. mprime is a better, harder cpu/cache/ram 
test. Choose 17, the torture test. It should just keep on chuggin 
along, no errors.

> LX brought this up last weekend: How are you supposed to be able
> to make a boot disk in cooker 9.2? The kernel image is too damned
> big!

Support for all the crazy hardware people go out an buy, then 
see if it'll work on Linux. Instead of the other way around. If 
you're not usin XFS, then you should be able to compile a trimmed 
down kernel and 'mkbootdisk $(uname -r)'. But why?... the first CD 
provides rescue functions. I haven't bothered with a boot floppy in 
ages. 'Sides my ancient floppy drive died some time ago anyhow ;)

> Most of this admittedly belongs on cooker's list but I haven't
> subscribed to it. I subscribed to changelog though.

   That's you're first mistake IMO. Read the cooker list, or at 
least daily check the archive. Which takes more time to do than 
just subscribin to an readin the list.

> > Mirrors have been screwed up lately, but since Sat. (8/23)
> > they're in order again.  OTOH, RC1 was due last Friday. Look
> > for it
> Hmm. Well, I'm just running another urpmi.update -a & urpmi
> --auto-select just for good measure.

Latest (synthesis)hdlist is 8/23, 9:23 AM on the primary mirror, 
with no files missing. Cooker should be updated daily.

> > to come out very soon (probly why the mirrors were froze ;)
> >  
> >
> > I suspect if you update to current, you'll have RC1
> RC1 is out? (yum)

   An educated conjecture on my part. I expect the iso's on mirrors 
any time now. Probly by Mon. or Tues.  I'll let ya have first crack 
at 'em ;) I'm already runnin RC1.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas


Re: [newbie] Funny responses from linux commands

2003-08-24 Thread Curt Tresenriter
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 00:29:03 +0300
manolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>(by way of manolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

|I think on this group someone posted a list of commands for linux that give
|funny answers...
|I don't seem to locate it on the forum archive.
|Can anyone help me find it?
Google found these

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Re: [newbie] Att: Lyvim Xaphir

2003-08-24 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 24 August 2003 03:11 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> Which contains the ip address for  According to that
> lookup, as of now there was a blacklist on 5.3 days ago.
> This may have been what was stopping your mail as I know that
> uses rtbl blocking.  Also according to the above report is
> no longer blacklisted by  So you might want to try to send
> some email private again and see if it gets thru.
> LX

Okay, I'll send a test e-mail. :-)

Dark>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] You've got to love microsoft for some things...

2003-08-24 Thread Todd Slater
On Sun, Aug 24, 2003 at 01:07:03PM -0700, Eric Huff wrote:
> > Might I add that this was not always true.  I still remember being
> > flamed on this list three years ago for top posting.
> Is top posting when you write the new stuff on top, or leave the old
> messageon top?

Top posting is when you write new stuff on top.

> I get sick of scrolling down thru pages of unedited stuff to read a one
> line answer.

Me too--pruning is getting to be a lost art.


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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread Lanman
Thanks. Maybe I read the release incorrectly. They must have been saying that it would 
be included in the next version, and I took it to mean Beta2, not 9.3. I'm going to 
wait for RC1 before doing a real upgrade.


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Re: [newbie] laptop install problems

2003-08-24 Thread Peter Meyns
Hello Todd,

on Sun, 24 Aug 2003 12:41:42 -0400GMT (24.08.03, 18:41 +0200GMT here),
you wrote in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

> Some of us with older hardware might not be able to boot from cd. I
> don't know if it's a function of BIOS or cd drive or both, but I know
> mine won't boot from cd.

Neither will mine. Here it is due to 64 MB RAM along with a 200 MHz
processor... ;-)


Always proofread carefully to see if you any words out.

Winamp currently playing: Barbara Thompson - O My Love, How Long

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[newbie] Funny responses from linux commands

2003-08-24 Thread manolis

I think on this group someone posted a list of commands for linux that give
funny answers...
I don't seem to locate it on the forum archive.

Can anyone help me find it?

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Re: [newbie] Unreal Tournament GOTY Install

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 16:21:33 -0400
Brant Fitzsimmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> God doesn't hate you; He loves you.  Supermount hates you.

Does God hate Supermount? ;-)

Now, he says to disable supermount (this BTW explains why the install
workded fine in 9.0 but not now in 9.1) with supermount -i?

Can I then reenable it? Or will I be forever required to manually mount
CDs, cuz I really don't like the idea of that, perhaps out of an
irrational fear of screwing other things like playing CDs with MPlayer
or Grip and such...

Could you or someone allay these fears before I attempt this?

Registered Linux user #282046
An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it.

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[newbie] Hostname

2003-08-24 Thread Lee Wiggers

First, I did rtfm.

I couldn't ftfa.

How do I change the hostname, with or without webmin.

It's the little things that get you.

All 8 boxes on my lan are properly named except for my pride and joy.

She is listed as "".


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[newbie] Funny responses from linux commands

2003-08-24 Thread manolis

I think on this group someone posted a list of commands for linux that give 
funny answers...
I don't seem to locate it on the forum archive.

Can anyone help me find it?

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Re: [newbie] You've got to love microsoft for some things...

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 15:19:36 -0400
Lee Wiggers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Might I add that this was not always true.  I still remember being
> flamed on this list three years ago for top posting.

Now you vould be *shot*.

> Things have changed dramatically since then.

Yesss, zey haff, herr Viggers, vee are much more strickt!

Registered Linux user #282046
I hope you're not pretending to be evil while secretly being good.
That would be dishonest.

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Re: [newbie] You've got to love microsoft for some things...

2003-08-24 Thread Eric Huff
> Might I add that this was not always true.  I still remember being
> flamed on this list three years ago for top posting.

Is top posting when you write the new stuff on top, or leave the old
messageon top?

I get sick of scrolling down thru pages of unedited stuff to read a one
line answer.

But, it is important when the flow really does need to be kept...

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Re: [newbie] Att: Lyvim Xaphir

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On 24 Aug 2003 15:11:13 -0400
Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> This is strange.  I got this one.  Evidently I can get the stuff from
> California but not from Kentucky. ;)

It's that Liberal-Socialist-Anarchist-Elitist-Media conspiracy *for

Registered Linux user #282046
At the end of your life there'll be a good rest, and no further
are scheduled.

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread David E. Fox
> Do you have your time set correctly in bios? Do you run ntpd ?
> I have no time issues with 9.2 over two differnet sets of hardware 
> (motherboard clock RTC chipsets). has a list of 

That's all done and running properly. 'date', xclock, what have you, all
show the correct time. There was one time recently when the time was
about 20 minutes off but I fixed it. It's the *KDE* clock display that's
wrong. Right now it's fine but give it a while and it'll spontaneously
change. Or maybe it won't. We'll see. I just did a urpmi --auto-select
earlier this morning and I notice 160 new / changed packages.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# service ntpd status
ntpd (pid 1112) is running...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# date
Sun Aug 24 11:43:38 PDT 2003
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ntptrace
localhost.localdomain: stratum 3, offset 0.26, synch distance
0.12144 stratum 2, offset -0.016175, synch distance 0.04117 stratum 1, offset -0.018553, synch distance 0.00172, refid

Seems close enough for government work.  (Something my junior high
school science teacher used to say.)

> [root /tom] $ service ntpd status

How often does this thing sync?

> I don't have a printer. No problems here ;)

FWIW that got squashed; printing is back to normal.

> They work fine here. Onboard AC97 5.1 surround sound, uses alsa. 
> I did recently havt'a start usin aRts to play QT (Sorenson) .mov's

emu10k1 here, sblive. arts doesn't seem to want to get loaded. Near as I
can tell, it's complaining that it can't connect to a socket in
/tmp/mcop-dfox/. Yet there are files therein and they are recent.

> (mplayer -ao  arts ). That's a latest mplayer issue tho.
> The latest alsa in cooker works fine for everything else. MOF, I'm 
> impressed.

Well, since arts couldn't get loaded, no sound. But without the -ao
mplayer is happy. Funny thing is that no sound drivers seem to be loaded
(apart from those modules in the kernel, of course) and the system plays
sounds just fine. Dunno wny one needs an extra complication above what
is already there. 

I want to try some mov files again but traler park wants the flash
plugin. I get it, install it, and still it thinks it's not there. I've
had that problem for some time now. 

> I wouldn't touch k3b with a ten foot pole. 'Sides, the CL is 
> quicker an easier for burnin CDr's than any GUI app. No problems 

Agreed up to a point, and depends on to what extent this can be
automated. At some point one might have a bunch of files, and some
processing may be needed on some files. For a lot of things cdrecord is
better - if you like saying 'cdrecord -dev 1,0,0 -speed 4 -audio -pad '
and then typing in filename after filename that contain spaces and
underscores in the most obscene places.

At some point you'll want some GUI, if only to feed cdrecord a list of

I was messing around the other day and burned an avi via 'cdrecord -dev
1,0,0 -data johnq.avi'. To view it, I have to dd /dev/cdrom because
there ain't no filesystem. But the other day when I burn a number of
mp3s (this time using gcombust) I can mount the CD, or play it in my mp3

Is it that in case a) I am dealing with only 1 file?

I also was futzing around with making an ISO image that I can loopback
mount & hang off somewhere in /tmp. The idea is that I can then open
konqueror, copy files to the "ISO" to my heart's content, and then burn
the image with cdrecord when I'm done. The closest I got was that I made
a file of approximately 650 megabytes using dd, then mkisofs that file -
it appeared to do something, but the ISO is still just a file of zero
bytes. And at one point I had a ISO containing its own self-image (again
full of zeros) with no way to remove that file to put other files

And if we want to make VCD's ... well let's just not go there now.

>Sig11's point as much to hardware (ram) as anything else. So 
> eliminate that first. Memtest86 is OK, but not a ram test. It uses 

I did all that (mprime, memtest, cpuburn) - no problems at all, this box
is solid.

> Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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RE: [newbie] You've got to love microsoft for some things...

2003-08-24 Thread Frankie
Case in point, I asked a question about winNT server here the other day and
got several answers..

So there you go, even windows support is good on this list.. :-)



>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of HaywireMac
>Sent: Sunday, 24 August 2003 11:35 PM
>Subject: Re: [newbie] You've got to love microsoft for some things...
>On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 17:46:19 +0300
>manolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
>> Now in linux I think there is NO difference except:
>> RTFM became RTFHTO  (Read The Fucking How TO), Is this any change?
>> From linuxgroups I got less answers in my question and a lot more
>> answers outside the scope of my question.
>> I can ask about let's say a mini program error and get answers like :
>> "Yeah M$ sucks!"
>This is simply not true. I have never, ever, seen this type of behaviour
>on any of the over 20 lists I belong to to do with Linux, with very very
>minor exceptions.
>Linux peeps are known the world over for being more tolerant, helpful,
>understanding, and sympathetic, than MS peeps.
>Registered Linux user #282046
>Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.
>   -- Seneca

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Re: [newbie] SCO Site Down

2003-08-24 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
> Of course they are.  They *own* it!  :)

Er don't you mean they *claim* to own it?

John Willby
Registered Linux user number 321644
ICQ: 92791912
17:49:51 up 3 days,  5:04,  2 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00

John Willby
Registered Linux user number 321644
ICQ: 92791912
 20:35:17 up 3 days,  7:50,  2 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00

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[newbie] Unreal Tournament GOTY Install

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac

Ok, so I finally went out and dropped a whopping 15 dollars Canadian on
this bugger, because I figured if I was a Good Boy and didn't try to
install my old warezed copy, I would be smiled upon by the Lord and
blessed with being able to play this wonderful game.

Nope. God evidently still hates me.

1. I downloaded and ran the, but it does not see
the CD in the drive, just keeps asking me to to please insert the CD. I
tried both my CDROM drive and DVD-ROM drive. No go.

2. I tried just installing the binaries (I get this error: "ERROR: Can't
find /usr/local/games/ut/System/Editor.u, but the binary install
seems to finish successfully) and copying all files (2 CD's)
to/usr/local/games/ut, both overwriting all files and overwriting no

When I run "ut", I get this:

Unreal engine initialized
Bound to
Joystick [0] : Unknown Joystick
SDLClient initialized.
Bound to
Lighting subsystem initialized
Rendering initialized
LoadMap: Entry
Failed to load 'Entry': Can't find file 'Entry'
Failed to load 'Level None.MyLevel': Can't find file 'Entry'
appError called:
Failed to enter Entry: Can't find file 'Entry'
Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Executing USDLClient::ShutdownAfterError
Signal: SIGIOT [iot trap]
Name subsystem shut down

I have done a lot of Googling, but most topics deal either with Gentoo,
Windows, or non-GOTY versions of the install or game.

Please help me!

Registered Linux user #282046
If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do
have a problem.
-- Richard Bach, "Illusions"

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Re: [newbie] You've got to love microsoft for some things...

2003-08-24 Thread Lee Wiggers
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:34:42 -0400
HaywireMac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 17:46:19 +0300
> manolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > Now in linux I think there is NO difference except:
> > RTFM became RTFHTO  (Read The Fucking How TO), Is this any change?
> > From linuxgroups I got less answers in my question and a lot more
> > answers outside the scope of my question. 
> > I can ask about let's say a mini program error and get answers like :
> > "Yeah M$ sucks!"
> This is simply not true. I have never, ever, seen this type of behaviour
> on any of the over 20 lists I belong to to do with Linux, with very very
> minor exceptions.
> Linux peeps are known the world over for being more tolerant, helpful,
> understanding, and sympathetic, than MS peeps.
> -- 
> HaywireMac
> Registered Linux user #282046
> Homepage:
> ++
> Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.
>   -- Seneca
Might I add that this was not always true.  I still remember being flamed on this list 
three years ago for top posting.

Things have changed dramatically since then.

I love it.


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Re: [newbie] Att: Lyvim Xaphir

2003-08-24 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 06:45, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> Lyvim, the last 3/4 e-mails that I've sent to you offlist have bounced 
> (undeliverable mail). Just thought I'd let you know that I'm not ignoring you 
> or anything like that. :-)
> I'm not sure why they are bouncing - seems like I can't hardly send any mail 
> to yahoo addressess.
> Every other e-mail I send to works fine.

This is strange.  I got this one.  Evidently I can get the stuff from
California but not from Kentucky. ;)

There is alot of spam control going on right now and it may be that
yahoo has your ISP blocked for some reason or another.  If yahoo is like
any other reasonable ISP then the postmaster at your ISP can send an
email to the postmaster or administrative email address at yahoo and get
you unblocked.  I just had to do this for a customer as of last week. 
Because many of the ISP's are making attempts to tighten up on spam, but
in many cases they don't know what they are doing.

Another possibility is that your ISP may be RTBL or real time
blacklisted.  You can check this with:

Which contains the ip address for  According to that
lookup, as of now there was a blacklist on 5.3 days ago. 
This may have been what was stopping your mail as I know that
uses rtbl blocking.  Also according to the above report is
no longer blacklisted by  So you might want to try to send
some email private again and see if it gets thru.


Linux Mandrake 9.1  Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk
*Catch Star Trek Enterprise, Wednesdays on UPN*

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Re: [newbie] OT Blocked ports

2003-08-24 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 24 Aug 2003 4:32 pm, Eric Huff wrote:
> This is somewhat of a hijack, but could be useful for all of us who
> are suddenly nmapping:
> ~ $ nmap
> 8081/tcp   openblackice-icecap
> Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1 second
> [2]+  Exit 107perl >.popfile.out
> 2>.popfile.errors  (wd: ~/bin/popfile)
> sure nuf, nmap again shows no 8081.   (8081 is used with popfile,
> no sure what the name blackice is...)
> Any i dea why nmap kills popfile?

Does it?  Not on my box, it doesn't.  Popfile uses 8080, btw.  
Googling on blackice-icecap came up with this

Icecap appears to be a firewall for windows machines?


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Re: [newbie] You've got to love microsoft for some things...

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 17:46:19 +0300
manolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Now in linux I think there is NO difference except:
> RTFM became RTFHTO  (Read The Fucking How TO), Is this any change?
> From linuxgroups I got less answers in my question and a lot more
> answers outside the scope of my question. 
> I can ask about let's say a mini program error and get answers like :
> "Yeah M$ sucks!"

This is simply not true. I have never, ever, seen this type of behaviour
on any of the over 20 lists I belong to to do with Linux, with very very
minor exceptions.

Linux peeps are known the world over for being more tolerant, helpful,
understanding, and sympathetic, than MS peeps.

Registered Linux user #282046
Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.
-- Seneca

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday August 24 2003 10:27 am, David E. Fox wrote:
> Lanman, see my other post to Tom on this. The upshot is that even
> with the missing rpm message, you can reboot and get a working
> install. It's nearly at the end of the install.
> RC1 (rumor unsubstantiated) is out. You could burn new images.

Haven't got your post yet David. I don't see RC1 on the mirrors 
yet, just checked. I'm fairly certain current cooker is RC1. I'd 
just go ahead an update beta2 to current, rather than fool with the 
iso's. I just usually d/l the iso's for backup, or to take a look 
at the installer (upgrade an already current cooker). Then urpmi 
any missing rpms from the beta2 install.

> > e's a work-around? Also, didn't Mandrake announce that the new
> > 2.6 Kernel w= ould be added to Beta2? Didn't find it. FYI, I
> > checked the md5sums of cours=
> Hmm. I have not seen it. I'm not about to try something that
> dangerous
> :). You might want to urpmi kernel to see if it shows up. AFAIK
> : 2.6 is
> not going to be shipped with 9.2.

   Whether it will or not, it's on cooker mirrors in /contribs 

 That's test3, test4 should be available shortly. I don't think 
2.6 will be in mainstream distros till early next year. I wouldn't 
fool with it just now.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] laptop install problems

2003-08-24 Thread Todd Slater
On Sun, Aug 24, 2003 at 11:15:24AM -0400, HaywireMac wrote:
> On 24 Aug 2003 14:55:52 +1000
> Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > Aren't you able to specify in the BIOS what the default booting device
> > is?
> Beatcha to it again mate...

Some of us with older hardware might not be able to boot from cd. I
don't know if it's a function of BIOS or cd drive or both, but I know
mine won't boot from cd.


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Re: [newbie] OT Blocked ports

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 08:32:45 -0700
Eric Huff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> no
> sure what the name blackice is...)

Wasn't Blackice some POS, heavily warezed, firewall that a lot of people
were using on Windows way back when? Didn't even block outgoing
connections, IIRC.

Registered Linux user #282046
In the long run we are all dead.
-- John Maynard Keynes

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Re: [newbie] laptop install problems

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 12:36:52 +0200
Frans Ketelaars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Can't you just (auto)run the first CD from windows?

Damn, d00d, that's not complicated enough! LOL! ;-)
Registered Linux user #282046
There are no accidents whatsoever in the universe.
-- Baba Ram Dass

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Re: [newbie] laptop install problems

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On 24 Aug 2003 14:55:52 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Aren't you able to specify in the BIOS what the default booting device
> is?

Beatcha to it again mate...

Registered Linux user #282046
An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it.

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread Lanman
Excuse me? I thought this was a thread about Mandrake 9.2 Beta2? What did I hijack? 
Please define a hijack for me, so I can avoid it. Besides, isn't this a List about 
Mandrake Linux? It has been since I joined 4 years ago ! Please explain how I could've 
hijacked a thread when I believe I was the one who posted this in the first place!



On 8/24/2003 at 11:38 AM HaywireMac wrote:

>On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 08:04:38 -0400
>"Lanman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
>> Any suggestions in Mandrake-Land?
>Ya, don't hijack threads.
>Registered Linux user #282046
>If we do not change our direction we are likely to end up where we are
>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
>Go to

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[newbie] Thanks to all

2003-08-24 Thread Lee Wiggers
Well you did it again.

I barely know enough to tie my shoelaces and I got an apache server up.  Between 
lurking and asking a vague question now and then, all of a sudden it came together.

The last bit of understanding was my hardware firewall (duh).

I feel like deleting everything and starting over, just to see if we can do it again.

(Criticism encouraged)

Thank-you all.


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Re: [newbie] OT Blocked ports

2003-08-24 Thread Eric Huff
This is somewhat of a hijack, but could be useful for all of us who are
suddenly nmapping:

~ $ nmap

8081/tcp   openblackice-icecap 

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1 second
[2]+  Exit 107perl >.popfile.out
2>.popfile.errors  (wd: ~/bin/popfile)

sure nuf, nmap again shows no 8081.   (8081 is used with popfile, no
sure what the name blackice is...)

Any i dea why nmap kills popfile?

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread David E. Fox
> Thanks. Maybe I read the release incorrectly. They must have been saying th=
> at it would be included in the next version, and I took it to mean Beta2, n=

Just checking ATM -- beta 2 is still there. No RC1 yet.
But there's been a flurry of activity. I just finished a urpmi
--auto-select a few minutes ago --- 160 package updates. The neat thing
is that printing now seems to be working - 2 page per sheet PDF in
konqueror doesn't seem to want to do anything. I guess I could be
missing an RPM (mpage?).

Clock is OK (PST). I'm watching it to see if it changes yet again...

> Lanman

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] SCO Site Down

2003-08-24 Thread Curt Tresenriter
On 24 Aug 2003 11:38:27 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

|On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 06:25, Chris wrote:
|> Was going to send a friend the link to the sco linux faq, however when trying 
|> to contact I keep getting "operation timed out", gee could the 
|> site be down :)
|Dang - that's horrible - almost made me shed a tear - those poor poor
|SCO guys'n'gals being beat up like this so

SCO hangs themselves...

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[newbie] Modules loading error

2003-08-24 Thread Julien Sobrier
I have some problems to load the FireWire modules during the boot. What 
is strange is that it used to work well.

Here are the error messages from syslog:
kernel: devfs_register(raw1394): could not append to parent, err: -17
kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Error logging into SBP-2 device - login failed
kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: sbp2_login_device failed
I didn't find what err -17 means and how to fix it.
I enclosed more lines of my syslog file at the end of the message.
The consequence of the error is that the /dev/sda* nodes are not 
created. So, I can not access to my external FireWire hard drive.

Then, if I plug the HD, I have the following message, which looks OK:
kernel: ohci1394_0: SelfID received outside of bus reset sequence
kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Logged into SBP-2 device
kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Node[01:1023]: Max speed [S400] - Max payload [2048]
/etc/hotplug/ieee1394.agent: Setup sbp2 for IEEE1394 product 

This used to work on my Mandrake 9.0, so there should be a solution.

Thank your for the help
kernel: ohci1394: $Rev: 530 $ Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
kernel: PCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 02:0f.2
kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 00:1f.2
kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 02:06.0
kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 02:06.1
kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 02:0f.0
kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 02:0f.1
kernel: ohci1394_0: OHCI-1394 1.0 (PCI): IRQ=[10] 
MMIO=[f8ffc800-f8ffd000]  Max Packet=[2048]
kernel: devfs_register(raw1394): could not append to parent, err: -17
kernel: raw1394: /dev/raw1394 device initialized
kernel: i2c-core.o: i2c core module version 2.6.4 (20020719)
Aug 23 10:17:10 julien kernel: i2c-proc.o version 2.6.4 (20020719)
kernel: hdb: Disabling (U)DMA for SAMSUNG CD-ROM SN-124
kernel: hdb: ATAPI 24X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache
julien kernel: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12
kernel: ieee1394: Host added: Node[00:1023]  GUID[464fc0003018a810] 
[Linux OHCI-1394]
kernel: ieee1394: Device added: Node[01:1023]  GUID[00309e510e000bd8] [BAFO]
kernel: kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
kernel: EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.17, 10 Jan 2002 on ide0(3,8), internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: Error logging into SBP-2 device - login failed
kernel: ieee1394: sbp2: sbp2_login_device failed
kernel: scsi1 : IEEE-1394 SBP-2 protocol driver (host: ohci1394)
kernel: $Rev: 530 $ James Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
kernel: SBP-2 module load options:
kernel: - Max speed supported: S400
kernel: - Max sectors per I/O supported: 255
kernel: - Max outstanding commands supported: 8
kernel: - Max outstanding commands per lun supported: 1
julien kernel: - Serialized I/O (debug): no
kernel: - Exclusive login: yes
/etc/hotplug/pci.agent: ... blacklisted module:  usb-uhci
nfslock: Démarrage de rpc.lockd succeeded
kernel: uhci.c: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v1.1
insmod: /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/usb/uhci.o.gz: 
init_module: No such device
insmod: Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module 
parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.   You may find 
more information in syslog or the output from dmesg
Aug 23 10:17:11 julien modprobe: modprobe: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/usb/uhci.o.gz failed
modprobe: modprobe: insmod uhci failed
/etc/hotplug/pci.agent: ... can't load module uhci
/etc/hotplug/pci.agent: missing kernel or user mode driver uhci
Loading module: nvidia
Loading module: scsi_hostadapter
Loading module: ohci1394
Loading module: raw1394
Loading module: i2c-proc
/etc/hotplug/ieee1394.agent: Setup sbp2 for IEEE1394 product 
pcmcia: Starting PCMCIA services:
/etc/hotplug/pci.agent: pcimodules is scanning more than  ...
cardmgr[745]: watching 2 sockets
pcmcia: done.
pcmcia: cardmgr[745]: watching 2 sockets
cardmgr[760]: starting, version is 3.2.0
automount[1497]: starting automounter version 4.0.0, path = /misc, 
maptype = file, mapname = /etc/auto.misc
automount[1497]: Map argc = 1
automount[1497]: Map argv[0] = /etc/auto.misc
automount[1507]: starting automounter version 4.0.0, path = /net, 
maptype = program, mapname = /etc/
automount[1507]: Map argc = 1
automount[1507]: Map argv[0] = /etc/
autofs: Démarrage de automount succeeded
automount[1497]: mount(bind): bind_works = 1
automount[1497]: using kernel protocol version 4
automount[1497]: using timeout 60 seconds; freq 15 secs
automount[1507]: mount(bind): bind_works = 1
loadkeys: Loading /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/azerty/fr-latin1.kmap.gz
automount[1507]: using kernel protocol version 4
automount[1507]: using timeout 60 seconds; freq 15 secs
devfsd[127]: read config file: "/etc/devfsd.conf"
devfsd: Actions devfsd actives: succeeded
diskdrake[3390]: found mounted partition on hdb with /mnt/cdrom
diskdrake[3390]: found mounted partition on scd0 with /mnt/cdrom2
diskdrake[3390]: found mounted partition on 

Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 08:04:38 -0400
"Lanman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Any suggestions in Mandrake-Land?

Ya, don't hijack threads.

Registered Linux user #282046
If we do not change our direction we are likely to end up where we are

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Re: [newbie] archive

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 16:11:44 -0500
Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Anyone know why the latest message at the newbie archive is 16 Aug?

Isn't it usually a bit behind anyway? And with all the internet
shenanigans, slow traffic, power outages, dropped posts, etc.,
I wouldn't worry much.

In fact, now that I just looked, it's right up to date!

Patience grasshopper... ;-)

Registered Linux user #282046
No matter where I go, the place is always called "here".

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread Lanman
Thanks Tom & dfox. Since I was using a removable hard drive rack, it's not that 
critical. I'll wait for RC1. Tom, went to the website you mentioned, but I didn't see 
anything about how to get around the printer problem I was having. The install fails 
as soon as it tries to run printer-utils.rpm. At that point, I have 2 options - keep 
clicking the "OK" button until I wear out my mouse, or reset the computer, and use my 
other hard drive to run 9.1.

Curious though,'d think that something as basic (on a relative scale that 
is,...) as the install GUI would work, since the 9.1 GUI is fine. All they'd have to 
do is to add options and anything else necessary for the new packages, after they 
update the paths for the newer versions of existing or standard packages. Wonder how 
something as basic as the "printer-utils.rpm" package could've been missed? Well, it's 
beyond me, and that's probably a good thing! LOL!




On 8/24/2003 at 8:46 AM Tom Brinkman wrote:

>On Sunday August 24 2003 07:04 am, Lanman wrote:
>> Since the release of 9.2 Beta2 I haven't heard or seen anything
>> about it from anyone on the list. Is this because it's so amazing
>> that list members are speechless?
>I've run cooker only since 7.2. Current cooker is solid, no
>problems on a overclocked XP 3000+. 2266 Mhz on a KT400a chipset
>with 512MB DDR 419, Cas2.5, R/C 2, preCh 2, 2-bank.  I don't have
>or need a printer.  I highly suggest you read this site,
>> Or because they can't finish an
>> install, and are therefore disconnected from the "Net" ? I tried
>> burning and installing them, and it quickly went to hell. Several
>> restarts later (this is the short version), I got to the end of
>> the install. When it tried to detect my printer (Brother
>> MFC4800), which is not supported by Linux yet, it displayed a
>> message that it was unable to find "printer.rpm" and stopped
>> there. That's it. All done. It simply wouldn't go any further.
>> I'm considering re-doing the install without a printer attached
>> to see if that solves it, but without the above-noted rpm, I
>> doubt it will finish properly at all. Obviously, either the rpm
>> is not on the CD's at all, or the path statement used by the
>> installer is wrong. Either way, it's not happening.
>Get a connection and use urpmi to update to current. I'd
>recommend you first 'urpmi urpmi', then urpmi --auto-select. I use
>this alias to update several times a day, alias cook='urpmi.update
>-a -f --wget && urpmi --wget --no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v'
>I'd also suggest you install the current kernel ASAP,
>$ uname -r
>Mirrors have been screwed up lately, but since Sat. (8/23)
>they're in order again.  OTOH, RC1 was due last Friday. Look for it
>to come out very soon (probly why the mirrors were froze ;)
>I suspect if you update to current, you'll have RC1
>> Any suggestions or similar situations out there in Mandrake-Land?
>> I realize that it's a Beta, and that there may be bugs in it
>> still, but perhaps there's a work-around? Also, didn't Mandrake
>> announce that the new 2.6 Kernel would be added to Beta2? Didn't
>> find it. FYI, I checked the md5sums of course. Just curious if
>> anyone had something to offer about any of this ?
>> Thanks in Advance,...
>> Lanman
>Only issue I've had lately is with DM's. None of the Session
>Managers wanna work properly for me. So I boot to level 3 and
>'startx'. Nobody else is complainin so I reckon I've got a borked
>config file. Level 3 is better for testing overclocking with
>mprime-17 and burnK7 tho anyhow ;)
>You didn't say anything about your hardware, other than your
>tree killer ;>  Some things like nforce2 chipsets have issues.
>Check the cooker ML archive (or LKML).
>   has a good
>search engine. IMO, runnin cooker requires daily reading of the
>cooker and CHRPM (change log) lists. If your printer is still a
>problem, post to the cooker list, and if need be file a bug report
>on bugzilla. Hurry every chance you get, it's gettin late in the
>9.2 testing stages.
>Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas
>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
>Go to

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread Mark Annandale
On Sunday 24 Aug 2003 1:04 pm, Lanman wrote:

The only way I managed to install it was to first disconnect my printer 
completely. Cannot remember what else wasn't working but I decided to go back 
to 9.1. Fortunately my /home stuff was still there and I didn't even notice 
I'd reinstalled.


Mark A
> Since the release of 9.2 Beta2 I haven't heard or seen anything about it
> from anyone on the list. Is this because it's so amazing that list members
> are speechless? Or because they can't finish an install, and are therefore
> disconnected from the "Net" ? I tried burning and installing them, and it
> quickly went to hell. Several restarts later (this is the short version), I
> got to the end of the install. When it tried to detect my printer (Brother
> MFC4800), which is not supported by Linux yet, it displayed a message that
> it was unable to find "printer.rpm" and stopped there. That's it. All done.
> It simply wouldn't go any further. I'm considering re-doing the install
> without a printer attached to see if that solves it, but without the
> above-noted rpm, I doubt it will finish properly at all. Obviously, either
> the rpm is not on the CD's at all, or the path statement used by the
> installer is wrong. Either way, it's not happening.
> Any suggestions or similar situations out there in Mandrake-Land? I realize
> that it's a Beta, and that there may be bugs in it still, but perhaps
> there's a work-around? Also, didn't Mandrake announce that the new 2.6
> Kernel would be added to Beta2? Didn't find it. FYI, I checked the md5sums
> of course. Just curious if anyone had something to offer about any of this
> ?
> Thanks in Advance,...
> Lanman

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Re: [newbie] SCO Site Down

2003-08-24 Thread Eric Huff
> Am I reading this right?
> SCO running linux and apache.

Of course they are.  They *own* it!  :)

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Re: [newbie] where to find rpm packages

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:46:38 -0300
"Angus Auld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> From what I understand from some searching, "flex" is the free version
> of "lex". This is the extent of what I "understand" about it though.
> ;-)

Go here and configure all your souces:

urpmi flex

while yer at it:

urpmi bison

they sometimes are both necessary for compiling certain packages.

Registered Linux user #282046
Ah, but a man's grasp should exceed his reach, 
Or what's a heaven for ?
-- Robert Browning, "Andrea del Sarto"

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Re: [newbie] archive

2003-08-24 Thread Eric Huff
It was a trick question, since there's three archives (that i know of )
for newbie alone!

> > Anyone know why the latest message at the newbie archive is 16 Aug?
> In fact, now that I just looked, it's right up to date!

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Re: [newbie] Menu madness: apps stop launching; can't add apps

2003-08-24 Thread Eric Huff
You could try running update-menus 

As for menudrake, if you run menudrake (can be done at cli) it is pretty
straight forward to edit it.


> Why are app items in menus failing to launch apps?  They launch okay 
> from a terminal window.
> Should menus work the same in both KDE and Gnome?  For example, if I 
> install an RPM package under Gnome which adds a menu item, will that 
> menu item still be present in KDE?  I ask becaause I use both KDE and 
> Gnome at whim.

> Somebody told me there was a MenuDrake but I can't see (a) how to 
> edit existing menu items or (b) how to add new menu items.  It is 
> partly a matter of terminology, as the Linux conventions are 
> different from Windows and Mac OS terms.

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Re: [newbie] OT Blocked ports

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 13:08:36 +0100
Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> So why should I not be concerned that ips are visible in email 
> headers?


Exactly, Anne, see my post below, I grabbed HIS from the headers...

What's that saying about paranoia? 


It's definitely less threatening than someone grabbing your telephone
number, now, isn't it eh?


Registered Linux user #282046
If you live long enough, you'll see that every victory turns into a
-- Simone de Beauvoir

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread David E. Fox
> Any suggestions or similar situations out there in Mandrake-Land? I realize=
>  that it's a Beta, and that there may be bugs in it still, but perhaps ther=

It happened to me...

Lanman, see my other post to Tom on this. The upshot is that even with
the missing rpm message, you can reboot and get a working install. It's
nearly at the end of the install.

RC1 (rumor unsubstantiated) is out. You could burn new images.

> e's a work-around? Also, didn't Mandrake announce that the new 2.6 Kernel w=
> ould be added to Beta2? Didn't find it. FYI, I checked the md5sums of cours=

Hmm. I have not seen it. I'm not about to try something that dangerous
:). You might want to urpmi kernel to see if it shows up. AFAIK 2.6 is
not going to be shipped with 9.2. 

> Lanman

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] where to find rpm packages

2003-08-24 Thread David E. Fox
> I do not want to download the whole iso CD.

Bookmark this link:

Follow the prompts, and enjoy.

This is the *first* web site I visit on a new install/upgrade.

I suspect that this won't "find" rpm's for you but if you include other
sources (especially contrib) you'll have a much larger set to select

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] OT Blocked ports

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On 24 Aug 2003 14:34:46 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Ok - so now yer advertising yer puny little box to
> hack/crack/crash...when shall we commence?

Sure, although the IP changed during the night:
Registered Linux user #282046
A halted retreat
Is nerve-wracking and dangerous.
To retain people as men -- and maidservants
Brings good fortune.

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Re: [newbie] OT Blocked ports

2003-08-24 Thread Sharrea Day
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 07:10, Lee Wiggers wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 14:20:38 -0400
> yankl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Some one need to run nmap against your IP address and then diff it with
> > nmap aginst
> >
> > Yankl
> Any volunteers?
> I show this on
> Port   State   Service
> 21/tcp openftp
> 22/tcp openssh
> 25/tcp opensmtp
> 37/tcp opentime
> 53/tcp opendomain
> 80/tcp openhttp
> 111/tcpopensunrpc
> 139/tcpopennetbios-ssn
> 443/tcpopenhttps
> 621/tcpopenunknown
> 631/tcpopenipp
> 720/tcpopenunknown
> 783/tcpopenhp-alarm-mgr
> 953/tcpopenrndc
> 2049/tcp   opennfs
> 6000/tcp   openX11
> 1/tcp  opensnet-sensor-mgmt
> 32770/tcp  opensometimes-rpc3
> 32771/tcp  opensometimes-rpc5

Output from:
#  nmap -sS -O
Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( )
sendto in send_tcp_raw: sendto(3, packet, 40, 0,, 16) => 
Operation not permitted
 Interesting ports on (
(The 1599 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered)
Port   State   Service
80/tcp openhttp
5050/tcp   closed  mmcc

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 786 seconds

BTW, my dynamic IP address ( will likely show up in logs 
whilst scanning your IP address.

Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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Re: [newbie] where to find rpm packages

2003-08-24 Thread Angus Auld
- Original Message -
From: Kurniawan Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 05:48:33 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [newbie] where to find rpm packages 

> Hi, 
> I have one packages missing in my linux mandrake ie:
> lex package. Where can I download this individual
> package ?   
> I do not want to download the whole iso CD.
> Thanks
>From what I understand from some searching, "flex" is the free version of "lex".
This is the extent of what I "understand" about it though. ;-)

You can find some info on it here:";>flex_info

HTH a little.


"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness."--James 

~Linux Powered by Mandrake 9.1~
~Reg. Linux User #278931~

Get OperaMail Premium today - USD 29.99/year

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread David E. Fox
> I've run cooker only since 7.2. Current cooker is solid, no 
> problems on a overclocked XP 3000+. 2266 Mhz on a KT400a chipset 

It's *pretty* solid. There are still some issues I'm experiencing. One
is the timezone drift in kde's clock - my time zone is 5 hours off. I
have retried the fix multiple times with no luck. The best approach
seems to be to restart KDE. It is getting better. With the last urpmi,
it lasted nearly the whole weekend and then all of a sudden it's five
hours off. It thinks I'm in SSY+ time now. If I try to adjust it the
closest I can get to my time zone is your time zone :). Maybe I should
move to Texas? :) ;)

I think I got that one reported to Cooker bugzilla recently.

Still, it's a relatively minor bug. The OS time is correct so I'm not
worried. I just have to glance at my watch every time I see the clock on
screen and say "oh yeah'.

> with 512MB DDR 419, Cas2.5, R/C 2, preCh 2, 2-bank.  I don't have 
> or need a printer.  I highly suggest you read this site,

Then you might not have noticed bug #2, which I think is a show stopper.
I can't print. Printing here results in launching a Perl process (used
to be parallel:/dev/lp1, there also was a 'gs' process) that will just
eat all RAM & swap. Since you have 512 megs of RAM yours might not fall
over like mine, but there's no indication that the Perl is not
requesting infinite memory.

> > the install. When it tried to detect my printer (Brother
> > MFC4800), which is not supported by Linux yet, it displayed a
> > message that it was unable to find "printer.rpm" and stopped

That's been reported and is repeatable. The error message is a dialog box
complaining about some missing printer-utils RPM. The bad news is that
holds up the install. The good news is that you can shutdown and restart
into a clean upgrade (more or less) at that point.

I haven't made interim ISOs so have no idea if an upgrade install
addresses the problem. I've been doing interim urpmi.update's on a
regular basis, at least twice a week.

Also, noatun and kaboodle no longer function. They haven't for some
time. OK, so there are other sound programs to use.

Then there are the random unexplained seg faults in konqueror, and in
k3b (coastered cds.)

LX brought this up last weekend: How are you supposed to be able to make
a boot disk in cooker 9.2? The kernel image is too damned big!

Most of this admittedly belongs on cooker's list but I haven't
subscribed to it. I subscribed to changelog though. 

The OP should look at The Cooker howto (while
useful) really doesn't address the OP's issues with it.

> Mirrors have been screwed up lately, but since Sat. (8/23) 
> they're in order again.  OTOH, RC1 was due last Friday. Look for it 

Hmm. Well, I'm just running another urpmi.update -a & urpmi
--auto-select just for good measure.

> to come out very soon (probly why the mirrors were froze ;)
> I suspect if you update to current, you'll have RC1

RC1 is out? (yum)

> You didn't say anything about your hardware, other than your 
> tree killer ;>  Some things like nforce2 chipsets have issues. 

Mine's rock solid. Been through the mprime torture test a few times,
cpuburn OK, etc. Too bad it's only an athlon 1000 & 256 megs of RAM

> Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] You've got to love microsoft for some things...

2003-08-24 Thread manolis
Yea right !
I was in windows many years and as the site says:
RTFM is the main concept in windows conserning the support   (Read The Fucking 
Personally I don't get it. When I had a problem (some very difficult ones for 
advanced users)  I could get answer from a public group in 
in less than an hour.

Now in linux I think there is NO difference except:
RTFM became RTFHTO  (Read The Fucking How TO), Is this any change?
>From linuxgroups I got less answers in my question and a lot more answers 
outside the scope of my question. 
I can ask about let's say a mini program error and get answers like : "Yeah M$ 

1. Don't blame anyone.
2. I don't like the thinking way ... ' we are smart ' they are "stupid"
3. I don't make any arguement of the official support, because the link refers 
to IRC, groups etc
4. I am very fanatic fan of linux in my little linux experience time.

Very sorry for my english

Στις Κυρ 24 Αυγ 2003 16:47, ο/η Lanman έγραψε:
> Hey,...How come the links at the top of the page don't work??? What kind of
> website is this, anyhow? LOL!
> Lanman
> On 8/24/2003 at 7:43 AM Glenn wrote:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED]/methuselah/rtfm/
> >
> >
> >
> >Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> >Go to

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Re: [newbie] Dell TFT 17"Flat Screen

2003-08-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 05:38, Tom Brinkman wrote:

>FWIW, I wouldn't buy one on specs. You need to see it in a 
> store's showroom. Then get the model number an buy it online after 
> checking for Linux compatibility and performance. The one's you see 
> in a store are runnin Winsux. Same for online reviews.

That's why having a Knoppix CD is so handy - boot the "showroom" box
with the Knoppix CD (if you can convince the sales simian that it ain't
going to muck up the box); then you can see the resolution(s) and the
likes...great way for telling if a box is going to give you problems as
well...(or for doing forensic research on a box) (grin)

Sun Aug 24 11:35:00 EST 2003
 11:35:00 up 6 days, 14:01,  3 users,  load average: 1.47, 1.43, 1.28
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+ & RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *


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Re: [newbie] 9.1 ISO problem

2003-08-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 04:16, Claire Suttle wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to download the Mandrake 9.1 ISO's from the Mandrake site.
> I've now tried downloading from about 5 of the FTP mirrors, and the
> first ISO always comes across corrupted. 
> I'm downloading w/ CuteFTP, in binary mode, and I haven't resumed any
> of the downloads. When I try to burn the ISO with Nero it says that
> the block size is incorrect. The first ISO I downloaded I burnt
> anyway, and then my computer (currently XP) couldn't read the
> cd...running the checksum program gives a different result string to
> the one listed on the Mandrake site.
> Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? or where I can get a non
> corrupted ISO? The second and third ISO's downloaded and burnt just
> fine.
> Please help!

I just downloaded the three the other day - but from

...didn't have a prob - and it's a rather fast mirror...

Sun Aug 24 11:30:00 EST 2003
 11:30:00 up 6 days, 13:56,  3 users,  load average: 0.97, 1.26, 1.20
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+ & RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The primary purpose of the DATA statement is to give names to constants;
instead of referring to pi as 3.141592653589793 at every appearance, the
variable PI can be given that value with a DATA statement and used instead
of the longer form of the constant.  This also simplifies modifying the
program, should the value of pi change.
-- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers

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Re: [newbie] where to find rpm packages

2003-08-24 Thread Dick Gevers
Hash: SHA1


On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 05:48:33 -0700 (PDT), Kurniawan Mitchell
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about [newbie] where to find rpm packages :

>I have one packages missing in my linux mandrake ie:
>lex package. Where can I download this individual
>package ?   
>I do not want to download the whole iso CD.

There is no `lex` package. It is an executable that is part of the flex
package. If you do not have it, look in any of the mirrors, e.g. :

and look for flex-2.54a.20.mdk.i586.rpm

=Dick Gevers=

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encryption is an envelope - the contents are private.


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Re: [newbie] URPMI database update

2003-08-24 Thread David E. Fox
> Attempting to run urpmi --auto-select, It told me that "..some files are missing. 
> You may want to update your urpmi database"

Curt - yes, you are confusing the two databases. "Updatedb" is a command
that runs every night (4:00am) and when finished it contains a database
of all the files that you have on your drive at that point in time. That
way you can 'locate' a file and have the system search through this
database to find your file. It's quite a bit faster than the 'find'

The other (urpmi) is how we upgrade the RPM database -- a database of
all *packages* on a system. Packages contain files. They also contain a
lot of information about what a package needs, what a package offers,
what dependencies it needs and so forth. For many "personal" files this
would be overkill, and you don't have RPMs for your pr0n :) right?

Since urpmi updates the package database - then it has to be able to
remove and install packages. updatedb doesn't do anything except build
an index of what files are already present.

It could be argued that this stuff should be part of the filesystem 
level. I'm not a filesystems expert but doing so might eliminate a 
lot of extra work. I'm not a college CS major (although I took many CS
college courses at a jr. college and that was a long time ago) and thus
some of the stuff is over my head on the reiserfs paper sites but he
does talk a lot obout abstracting objects. Filenames are objects but
there's a lot of other possible things that could be objects too.

> Curt

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] You've got to love microsoft for some things...

2003-08-24 Thread Lanman
Hey,...How come the links at the top of the page don't work??? What kind of website is 
this, anyhow? LOL!



On 8/24/2003 at 7:43 AM Glenn wrote:

>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/methuselah/rtfm/
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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday August 24 2003 07:04 am, Lanman wrote:
> Since the release of 9.2 Beta2 I haven't heard or seen anything
> about it from anyone on the list. Is this because it's so amazing
> that list members are speechless? 

I've run cooker only since 7.2. Current cooker is solid, no 
problems on a overclocked XP 3000+. 2266 Mhz on a KT400a chipset 
with 512MB DDR 419, Cas2.5, R/C 2, preCh 2, 2-bank.  I don't have 
or need a printer.  I highly suggest you read this site,

> Or because they can't finish an 
> install, and are therefore disconnected from the "Net" ? I tried
> burning and installing them, and it quickly went to hell. Several
> restarts later (this is the short version), I got to the end of
> the install. When it tried to detect my printer (Brother
> MFC4800), which is not supported by Linux yet, it displayed a
> message that it was unable to find "printer.rpm" and stopped
> there. That's it. All done. It simply wouldn't go any further.
> I'm considering re-doing the install without a printer attached
> to see if that solves it, but without the above-noted rpm, I
> doubt it will finish properly at all. Obviously, either the rpm
> is not on the CD's at all, or the path statement used by the
> installer is wrong. Either way, it's not happening.

Get a connection and use urpmi to update to current. I'd 
recommend you first 'urpmi urpmi', then urpmi --auto-select. I use 
this alias to update several times a day, alias cook='urpmi.update 
-a -f --wget && urpmi --wget --no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v'
I'd also suggest you install the current kernel ASAP,  
$ uname -r

Mirrors have been screwed up lately, but since Sat. (8/23) 
they're in order again.  OTOH, RC1 was due last Friday. Look for it 
to come out very soon (probly why the mirrors were froze ;)
I suspect if you update to current, you'll have RC1

> Any suggestions or similar situations out there in Mandrake-Land?
> I realize that it's a Beta, and that there may be bugs in it
> still, but perhaps there's a work-around? Also, didn't Mandrake
> announce that the new 2.6 Kernel would be added to Beta2? Didn't
> find it. FYI, I checked the md5sums of course. Just curious if
> anyone had something to offer about any of this ?
> Thanks in Advance,...
> Lanman

Only issue I've had lately is with DM's. None of the Session 
Managers wanna work properly for me. So I boot to level 3 and 
'startx'. Nobody else is complainin so I reckon I've got a borked 
config file. Level 3 is better for testing overclocking with 
mprime-17 and burnK7 tho anyhow ;)

You didn't say anything about your hardware, other than your 
tree killer ;>  Some things like nforce2 chipsets have issues. 
Check the cooker ML archive (or LKML).   has a good 
search engine. IMO, runnin cooker requires daily reading of the 
cooker and CHRPM (change log) lists. If your printer is still a 
problem, post to the cooker list, and if need be file a bug report 
on bugzilla. Hurry every chance you get, it's gettin late in the 
9.2 testing stages.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] OT Blocked ports

2003-08-24 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Lee Wiggers wrote:

On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 14:20:38 -0400
yankl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Saturday 23 August 2003 14:03, HaywireMac wrote:

On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 12:02:17 -0400

Lee Wiggers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

How can I determine what ports my providing is blocking?

try getting someone to telnet to them from outside, for example for
postifx, have someone try to telnet to port 25.

Some one need to run nmap against your IP address and then diff it with nmap 



Any volunteers?

I show this on

Port   State   Service
21/tcp openftp
22/tcp openssh
25/tcp opensmtp
37/tcp opentime
53/tcp opendomain
80/tcp openhttp
2049/tcp   opennfs
6000/tcp   openX11
1/tcp  opensnet-sensor-mgmt
32770/tcp  opensometimes-rpc3
32771/tcp  opensometimes-rpc5


Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( )
Warning:  OS detection will be MUCH less reliable because we did not 
find at least 1 open and 1 closed TCP port
Interesting ports on (
(The 1145 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered)
Port   State   Service Owner
1997/tcp   closed  gdp-port
2027/tcp   closed  shadowserver
5050/tcp   closed  mmcc
5304/tcp   closed  hacl-local
6699/tcp   closed  napster
Too many fingerprints match this host for me to give an accurate OS guess

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 281 seconds

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
  AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdkduron
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] laptop from Hell Part 2

2003-08-24 Thread Scott
On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 22:21, Erylon Hines wrote:
> O.K.  Last week I installed 9.1 on a firends Compaq Presario 905us.  After 
> installing expert with the "Linux noauto nomce noisapnp" switches I actually 
> got the install to complete, and everything worked but usb and the Realtek 
> 8139 card.  After getting random crashes I added to the lilo.conf's append 
> line "ide=nodma" and the crashes during normal use went away.  After choosing 
> the Realtektoo mod, the Realtek works now, but usb is still a no go.  
> Additionally, the dvd-rom is seen as an Atapi CD-Rom, so some of its 
> functions don't work either.
> USB is the hangup right now, and it is a serious one.  I can do a "modprobe 
> usbcore, modprobe usb-ohci, and modprobe usb-storage".  No errors, and the 
> modules appear to be inserted, but shortly after and KDE locks up hard, 
> requiring an "alt/sysrq/X".  Error messages in the logs are non-existent for 
> this crash, but on screen during the sysrq sequence, I see 
> I/O error, dev 03:05 (hda), sector 5775824  INIT: cannot execute 
> "sbin/shutdown"
> alt/sysrq/b is the only way out, and reboot always results in an "operating 
> sytem not found" error.   A cold reboot brings the return of lilo.  
> Boot errors are limited to
> PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device 00:10:0
> Anyone know what this is?
> Another is
> Boot Imige: /dev/hda1 > ide/host 0/bus 0/target0/lun0/part1
> Fatal:Kernel doesn't support initial RAM disks
> Is this a scsi emu error associated with the DVD ROM?  Should I recompile and 
> be certain scsi emu is built-into the kernel?
> Also
> EXT3-fs error (device ide0 (3,5) in start_transaction:
> Journal has aborted
> : Read failure inode=372431 block=755259
> No clue here-can anyone help?
> I think the problem is the ALI chipset in this machine.  It doesn't appear to 
> be fully supported, (ALI Northbridge caution message at begining of boot) and 
> the USB is a nightmare.  
> I tried booting a known working Knoppix disk, and it wouldn't boot.  I didn't 
> try any of the boot switches, though, because Knoppix obviously didn't like 
> this piece of crap either.
> Any help at all would be appreciated.  BTW, W2K runs fine, but XP crashed 
> randomly on this machine, according to the owner--hence the reformat and 
> install of W2K.

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Just curious, what do you see in /proc/ioports?  What ports are the
cd-rom (dvd) and your hard drive using?

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Re: [newbie] Dell TFT 17"Flat Screen

2003-08-24 Thread Michael Juntunen

--- John Richard Smith
> OK, so this is an offer from a UK supplier and I
> asked them what 
> resolution is it capable of. They replied,
> Its native resolution is 1280 x 1024. It'll go
> higher with interpolation
> but the image quality suffers. TFTs aren't like CRTs
> in that respect
> because the screen is constructed from a grid of
> pixels of dimensions
> 1280 x 1024.
> So this means in effect the best resolution is 1280
> x 1024, right ?
> Well that is what I'm used to, and the price is
> right, though I would dearly of liked a 19" for the
> same money. 
> Question ,
> How much would you have to pay in the states for a
> 19" flat screen with at least 1280 x 1024 resolution
> and is that the same in reality as a regular CRT
> monitor of the same resolution ?
> Who has the experience to say ?
> because I don't.
> John

 I am currently looking for a monitor myself and I
have been using ebay (  Found that I
just mught be able to get about 2" larger thatn I
would have otherwise been able to afford.  
 Also, the reviews on can give you a
general feel for how a particular manufacter's product
is going to behave for you.  It can be hard to get a
review for the particular model you are interested in,
but manufactureers tend to stick to certain styles and
assumptions when they make things.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

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Re: [newbie] Gnomemeeting and webcamera

2003-08-24 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 23 Aug 2003 6:25 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> On Friday 22 August 2003 08:42 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
> > I would like to get suggestions from those doing
> > gnomemeeting/netmeeting in linux regarding model of web cameras
> > and a few more info. I went through the netmeeting howto also.
> Anne and I have been trying to get Gnomemeeting working with v9.1
> of Mandrake since xxx (fill in the blank for time here). With the
> latest release from their web site, I can get it to work with my
> Logitech 3000 Quickcam, but only if I run it as root. If I run it
> from my normal user account, I get an error message saying that
> /dev/video0 can't be accessed. I tried changing permissions,
> ownership and groups, but nothing helps. Of course, I won't run an
> app that goes across the 'Net as root so I'm currently stuck.
Confirm - I also can get it to work as root, but not as user - someone 
here must have ideas about that?

I'm using a Philips ToUcam Pro.


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Re: [newbie] parport problem

2003-08-24 Thread L.V.Gandhi
On Saturday 23 Aug 2003 11:21 am, Eric Huff wrote:
> Do you have acpi running?
> I found that with acpi running, my parport would not load.
> I worked on it before i new about modprobe parport, so don't know what
> happens if i do that, but i had no lps, etc in /dev.
> With acpi off, parport works fine.  (this is only a prob in linux)
> You could try turning that off ( add acpi=off to the append string in
> /etc/lilo.conf)
I already have
append="quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi acpi=off"

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] Sync Pilot with Evolution contacts

2003-08-24 Thread HaywireMac
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 15:04:18 +0100

> Hi there,
> I'm real newbie amd i have one problem.
> I can't sync my palm contacts with evolution contacts, i know i have
> to create a conduite but i don't know how?
> Anybody help me??

Okay, I just got my Handspring Visor to sync, and load the PDB files
with my machine. The Handspring Visor, though ridiculously less
functional than the Palm Pilot, *will* sync with Mandrake, it has full
support for Palm-based devices built into the kernel.

I started here:

which led me to here:

You can install Pilot Link with:

urpmi pilot-link

>From then on my info is specific to the Visor, but once you have Pilot
Link installed, you should be able to load the files from your device to
your computer, See "man pilot-link" for more info on that. At that point
Evolution should be able to import the data.

Also check out:


These are GUI front-ends, I believe, but I have not checked them out

Registered Linux user #282046
You can always pick up your needle and move to another groove.
-- Tim Leary

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[newbie] archive

2003-08-24 Thread Chris
Anyone know why the latest message at the newbie archive is 16 Aug?

  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774
  4:11pm  up 3 days, 22:46,  4 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.09, 0.11

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Re: [newbie] OT Blocked ports

2003-08-24 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Lee Wiggers wrote:

On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 14:20:38 -0400
yankl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Saturday 23 August 2003 14:03, HaywireMac wrote:

On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 12:02:17 -0400

Lee Wiggers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

How can I determine what ports my providing is blocking?

try getting someone to telnet to them from outside, for example for
postifx, have someone try to telnet to port 25.

Some one need to run nmap against your IP address and then diff it with nmap 



Any volunteers?

I show this on

Port   State   Service
21/tcp openftp
22/tcp openssh
25/tcp opensmtp
37/tcp opentime
53/tcp opendomain
80/tcp openhttp
2049/tcp   opennfs
6000/tcp   openX11
1/tcp  opensnet-sensor-mgmt
32770/tcp  opensometimes-rpc3
32771/tcp  opensometimes-rpc5


Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( )
Warning:  OS detection will be MUCH less reliable because we did not 
find at least 1 open and 1 closed TCP port
Interesting ports on (
(The 1145 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered)
Port   State   Service Owner
1997/tcp   closed  gdp-port   
2027/tcp   closed  shadowserver   
5050/tcp   closed  mmcc   
5304/tcp   closed  hacl-local 
6699/tcp   closed  napster
Too many fingerprints match this host for me to give an accurate OS guess

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 281 seconds

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
  AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdkduron
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] KDeveloper vs QT

2003-08-24 Thread John Layt
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 12:40, Mike Adolf wrote:
> I just read the guick starts for both KDeveloper and QT.  KDeveloper has QT
> in its tool menu but QT seems to be a stand-alone IDE (with widgets).  What
> is the intended relationship/usage between KDeveloper and QT.
> thanks
> mike

You use KDevelop as your main IDE, and from there you launch QTDesigner to 
design your gui, the file for which is then passed back to KDevelop to be 
intergrated into your app.  Note that if QTDesigner is compiled with a 
certain switch set, then the KDE GUI elements are available as well as the 
usual QT elements.

See the developers website for a couple of tutorials on the 
subject (note one tutorial uses Gideon, the next version of KDevelop, so the 
screenshots look different, but the theory and code are the same).  Also see 
the KDevelop website ( for more details.

You can also use QTDesigner as an IDE for QT apps, but it doesn't have as many 
features as KDevelop.


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[newbie] wireless connection

2003-08-24 Thread MG
Hello all,
was wondering if anybody has any ideas on this...
I'm trying to get a wireless connection to another house near mine.
I have a dial up account and my neighbor has a broadband business
account and would allow me to use it. I currently use Smoothwall as a
gateway-firewall but I'm going to have to install a desktop pci wireless
card with an external antenna and Smoothwall doesnt have wireless
support for cards. Is there any gateway-firewalls out there that support this.

Wish list:
 Easy configuration and adminitration ( I'm a newbie :-)
 Free (very low budjet)

I should also say we both run linux (MDK)


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[newbie] Menu madness: apps stop launching; can't add apps

2003-08-24 Thread Hedley Finger

I installed Opera and a menu item appeared in the Networking > W W W 
menu, which initially worked with the Gnome desktop.  After some days 
it the menu item caused a "launching" button to appear in the taskbar 
(panel?) but this then vanished without the Opera browser appearing.

I included in the initial installation a couple of 
weeks ago but had not used it until a few days ago.  It too showed a 
"launching" item in the taskbar but after a few minutes it 

Why are app items in menus failing to launch apps?  They launch okay 
from a terminal window.

Should menus work the same in both KDE and Gnome?  For example, if I 
install an RPM package under Gnome which adds a menu item, will that 
menu item still be present in KDE?  I ask becaause I use both KDE and 
Gnome at whim.

Also, I downloaded pfaEdit, a font designer and editor like 
FontoGrapher.  It  was  a *.tar.gz file, not an RPM file so did not 
install into menus.

Somebody told me there was a MenuDrake but I can't see (a) how to 
edit existing menu items or (b) how to add new menu items.  It is 
partly a matter of terminology, as the Linux conventions are 
different from Windows and Mac OS terms.

Setup: Mandrake Linux 9.1, Dell GR260 w. Dell monitor, Pentium 4 2.4 
GHz, dual boot with Windows XP Professional and Linux partitions

Hedley Finger
   User documentation and technical writing
   Adobe(R) Certified Expert, FrameMaker 5.5
Hand Holding Projects Pty Ltd   ABN 98 007 418 153
   Technical  consultancy for electronic publishing
   28 Regent Street   Camberwell VIC 3124   Australia
   Tel +61 3 9809 1229   Mobile +61 412 461 558
   E-mail mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [newbie] SCO outside the US

2003-08-24 Thread Richard Urwin
On Friday 22 Aug 2003 2:20 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
> Thanks, I just pissed myself.

I hope you collected it in a ziplock bag.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] kernel with priority

2003-08-24 Thread manolis
I didn't understand enough what you are trying to say but for changing the 
priority of processes just take a peek at the commands nice and renice.

you can read the manual with:
man nice
man renice


Στις Κυρ 24 Αυγ 2003 11:57, ο/η Anarky έγραψε:
> I understand there is a newer linux kernel out there ... one which
> would know how to give higher priority ot processes I just started &
> stuff like that .. any chance that will be included in 9.2?
> greets,

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[newbie] kernel with priority

2003-08-24 Thread Anarky
   I understand there is a newer linux kernel out there ... one which 
would know how to give higher priority ot processes I just started & 
stuff like that .. any chance that will be included in 9.2?

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Re: [newbie] laptop install problems

2003-08-24 Thread Derek Jennings
On Saturday 23 Aug 2003 9:44 pm, Claire Suttle wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just downloaded the mandrake 9.1 ISO's, and I now want to install onto
> a compaq armarda laptop. I'm having problems because I can't boot from
> cd's, and the cd drive is interchangeable with the floppy drive. If I try
> to boot from the floppy, then switch drives, the cd drive isn't recognised.
> I don't really want to copy the iso's to my hard drive and install from
> there as i want to get rid of windows completely on the laptop.
> I read somewhere that there was a way to make my hard disk bootable, then
> browse to the cd and install from there, but I couldn't find any clear
> instructions on how to do this - can anyone tell me how this is done?
> Otherwise, I can try installing over the network? Is it possible for me to
> put the install cd in another machine in my house (all running win XP, with
> static ip's) and install it over the network? I tried this just now, but
> couldn't work out how to do it - does anyone know if this is a possibility?
> tia,
> Claire

Yes you can do a network install.

All you have to dois make a boot floppy as described here
but instead of the the cdrom boot image described in the text use the network 
image you will find in /images/network.img  on your install CD

When you boot from the network image you will be prompted for the path to the 
install CDs. The network image will boot using ftp, or nfs.
The network image does not give you the option of changing CDs, so the easiest 
solution is just to copy all 3 CDs into a folder on an ftp server.



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[newbie] laptop from Hell Part 2

2003-08-24 Thread Erylon Hines
O.K.  Last week I installed 9.1 on a firends Compaq Presario 905us.  After 
installing expert with the "Linux noauto nomce noisapnp" switches I actually 
got the install to complete, and everything worked but usb and the Realtek 
8139 card.  After getting random crashes I added to the lilo.conf's append 
line "ide=nodma" and the crashes during normal use went away.  After choosing 
the Realtektoo mod, the Realtek works now, but usb is still a no go.  
Additionally, the dvd-rom is seen as an Atapi CD-Rom, so some of its 
functions don't work either.

USB is the hangup right now, and it is a serious one.  I can do a "modprobe 
usbcore, modprobe usb-ohci, and modprobe usb-storage".  No errors, and the 
modules appear to be inserted, but shortly after and KDE locks up hard, 
requiring an "alt/sysrq/X".  Error messages in the logs are non-existent for 
this crash, but on screen during the sysrq sequence, I see 

I/O error, dev 03:05 (hda), sector 5775824  INIT: cannot execute 

alt/sysrq/b is the only way out, and reboot always results in an "operating 
sytem not found" error.   A cold reboot brings the return of lilo.  

Boot errors are limited to

PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device 00:10:0

Anyone know what this is?

Another is

Boot Imige: /dev/hda1 > ide/host 0/bus 0/target0/lun0/part1
Fatal:Kernel doesn't support initial RAM disks

Is this a scsi emu error associated with the DVD ROM?  Should I recompile and 
be certain scsi emu is built-into the kernel?


EXT3-fs error (device ide0 (3,5) in start_transaction:
Journal has aborted
: Read failure inode=372431 block=755259

No clue here-can anyone help?

I think the problem is the ALI chipset in this machine.  It doesn't appear to 
be fully supported, (ALI Northbridge caution message at begining of boot) and 
the USB is a nightmare.  

I tried booting a known working Knoppix disk, and it wouldn't boot.  I didn't 
try any of the boot switches, though, because Knoppix obviously didn't like 
this piece of crap either.

Any help at all would be appreciated.  BTW, W2K runs fine, but XP crashed 
randomly on this machine, according to the owner--hence the reformat and 
install of W2K.

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Re: [newbie] OT Blocked ports

2003-08-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 10:33, HaywireMac wrote:

> Here's mine, go to town, bud:

Ok - so now yer advertising yer puny little box to
hack/crack/crash...when shall we commence?

Sun Aug 24 14:30:00 EST 2003
 14:30:00 up 6 days, 16:56,  2 users,  load average: 1.26, 1.61, 1.64
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+ & RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Law of Communications:
The inevitable result of improved and enlarged communications
between different levels in a hierarchy is a vastly increased
area of misunderstanding.

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[newbie] laptop install problems

2003-08-24 Thread Claire Suttle

I've just downloaded the mandrake 9.1 ISO's, and I now want to install onto
a compaq armarda laptop. I'm having problems because I can't boot from cd's,
and the cd drive is interchangeable with the floppy drive. If I try to boot
from the floppy, then switch drives, the cd drive isn't recognised.

I don't really want to copy the iso's to my hard drive and install from
there as i want to get rid of windows completely on the laptop.

I read somewhere that there was a way to make my hard disk bootable, then
browse to the cd and install from there, but I couldn't find any clear
instructions on how to do this - can anyone tell me how this is done?

Otherwise, I can try installing over the network? Is it possible for me to
put the install cd in another machine in my house (all running win XP, with
static ip's) and install it over the network? I tried this just now, but
couldn't work out how to do it - does anyone know if this is a possibility?


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Re: [newbie] Re: kde 3.1.3

2003-08-24 Thread David E. Fox
> Go to to configure
> Texstar as a urpmi source (you'll see it down the page). Then 
> "urpmi kde" and let the sparks fly.

Hmm. If texstar went and did kde3.1.3 for 9.1 that is just great. It is
of course in 9.2 cooker (with a few little problems) but upgrading is
not quite that easy - urpmi kde gives more choices than just the logical
ones you might consider 'part of' kde.

It is getting better. Upgrading used to be somewhat difficult from time
to time - if you remember to upgrade in stages, start from the lower
level components and work out to the other components (i.e., upgrade qt
& qt-devel first, then libarts & libarts-devel, then kdelibs &
kdelibs-devel). Hint: pair up the main and devel packages and install
them both at once. Install all relevant packages at once to avoid
unresolved dependencies.

Adding Texstar as a source and 'urpmi --media texstar kde' works too, of
course :). (The one modification I'd make, since things might get
confused & the --media tells the system to only look at a specific

Things are more complicated in Cooker, unfortunately. One thing I don't
see the point is that there are several different numbered versions of
components (like kdelibs4... and libwhatever1) this gets a bit

> Miark

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] SCO Site Down

2003-08-24 Thread yankl
Am I reading this right?
SCO running linux and apache.

On Saturday 23 August 2003 16:25, Chris wrote:
> Was going to send a friend the link to the sco linux faq, however when
> trying to contact I keep getting "operation timed out", gee
> could the site be down :)

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