Re: [newbie] What's on port 32768?

2004-11-18 Thread Stephen Kühn
On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 10:47, Eric Scott wrote:
> Yo;
> Me and my MDK 9.2 server are back... but it's not a tuffy on this string.  
> This evening I noticed a connection from the internet to port 32768 on my 
> server.  What's this port used for?  Can this be a security threat?  I tried 
> google, but all I found was something about some trojan peeps think they have 
> running on that port :-S.
> Thanx,
> SigmaChi


stephen kuhn
mobile: 0410-728-389
illawarra and regional new south wales
GNU/Linux/OpenSource Solutions and Alternatives
100% Microsoft Free and no viruses
Registered Linux User # 267497

Windows: Where do you want to go today?
MacOS: Where do you want to be tomorrow?
Linux: Are you coming or what?

"I got a question for ya. Ya got a minute?" -- two programmers passing
in the hall

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Re: [newbie] POP3? (Was Sendmail Setup?)

2004-11-18 Thread Eric Scott
> > Okay, so I got the Courier POP3 server installed. ÂNow what? ÂLol, I was
> > raised on Mac, and have only been using Linux for a couple years... when
> > there's no webmin module I'm stuck. ÂWho/what/wen/where/how do I
> > configure it?
> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂThanx,
> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂSigmaChi
> Courier requires mail to be in Maildir directories, which is not the
> standard format for a Linux mail spool. In order to get it Âinto Maildir
> format some MTA (Mail Transfer Agent needs to have put it there) Postfix
> can do that, as can Procmail.
> The alternative imap-2004 POP3 server uses standard mailspool files, but
> again, an MTA has to put the mail into the spool files..
> There is a set up file for courier-imap in your /etc/courier folder, but
> really there is no change from default configuration needed. The POP3
> server will expect to find the mail in a folder in each users home
> directory called ~/Maildir ÂThe inside of the Maildir folder has a special
> structure which is set up by an application called maildirmake++ ÂAll of
> this is described in the mailserver tutorial on my home page since
> courier-imap is what I use myself. ÂHowever the imap-2004 POP3 server is
> easier to set up. There is no need to create special directory structures.
> However I am still not clear how you intend to get the mail into this mail
> server, since you said in a previous post that your client has a Windows
> SMTP server which he intends to retain. POP3 is a protocol for getting mail
> **out** of a server. How does it get **in** in the first place?
> derek

I take it that, for example, [EMAIL PROTECTED] sends a message with his SMTP 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED], Postfix or something recieves it, and plops it into 
my "myaddy's" "~/Maildir" directory? ÂForgive me for my ignorance, but I have 
never set up an email server before :-P. ÂSo yeah, have I got the following 

-I install/startup Courier and Postfix
-I create a user for each email address that my client wants (I.E. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]), with a ~/Maildir directory for each of them.
-Your average Joe sends his message through his ISP's SMTP server to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Postfix grabs it, plops it in /home/Joanne/maildir, Joanne 
connects to the POP server, and takes it from their into outlook express or 
whatever. Â

Thanx for your patience... doubtless my next post will have something to do 
with how to setup Postfix ;-).

Registered Linux user #366862

This message was sent from a Microsoft-Free 750MHz Athlon system running SuSE 
Linux 9.1 (Kernel 2.6.5). "Failure is not an option with Microsoft; it's 
bundled with the software!"

"A Linux Only area ÂHappy bug hunting M$ clan, The time is here to FORGET 
that M$ Corp ever existed the world does not NEED M$ Corp the world hasÂNO USE 
for M$ Corp Âit is time to END M$ Corp"
-snipped from 
the signature of Peter Nikolic

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[newbie] What's on port 32768?

2004-11-18 Thread Eric Scott
Me and my MDK 9.2 server are back... but it's not a tuffy on this string.  
This evening I noticed a connection from the internet to port 32768 on my 
server.  What's this port used for?  Can this be a security threat?  I tried 
google, but all I found was something about some trojan peeps think they have 
running on that port :-S.
Registered Linux user #366862

This message was sent from a Microsoft-Free 750MHz Athlon system running SuSE 
Linux 9.1 (Kernel 2.6.5). "Failure is not an option with Microsoft; it's 
bundled with the software!"

"A Linux Only area  Happy bug hunting M$ clan, The time is here to FORGET 
that M$ Corp ever existed the world does not NEED M$ Corp the world has NO USE 
for M$ Corp  it is time to END M$ Corp"
-snipped from the signature of Peter Nikolic

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Re: [newbie] Cable interface stopped - DHCPREQUEST?

2004-11-18 Thread Paul
Op Thu, 18 Nov 2004 18:35:16 -0500 schreef Dan Gordon:

>I have seen this happen when my isp has to regroup (i know there is a 
>propper term for this) several subnets to gain performance,  a few ip's
>will be lost off of a subnet and a few new ones gained,  i have seen my
>ip go from 24.116.x.x to 24.226.x.x so if the ip you had was put into 
>another subnet then its possible the DHCP server did get it knickers in
>a twist.

As you mentioned this, I checked it. And indeed, the subnetmask has
changed. That must have been the problem then.

Now I understand why they say they only support M$-Windows. People who
run that reboot often enough to never notice things like this.  ;-)

Thanks everyone!
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Re: [newbie] Cable interface stopped - DHCPREQUEST?

2004-11-18 Thread Miark
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 20:05:51 +0100, Paul wrote:

> Suddenly this morning my pc stopped talking to the internet. In
> /var/log/messages I found this:
> Nov 18 11:15:27 nwyfre dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth1 to xxx.yy.zzz.aa
> port 67
> Nov 18 11:15:55 nwyfre last message repeated 4 times
> It comes back again and again.
> ...
> For the last 57 days my PC was up and running without any problem, and
> now this happened. After restarting the network services, eth1 (which
> connects to the net) came up again and communication is restored.


This happened to me just yesterday with my cable modem, and it
got fixed today. The problem was that the signal from my provider
was just _barely_ strong enough for my cable modem to lock on.
For the year that I've had this service I never had a problem (!)
then just yesterday for some reason, it was just weak enough for
my cable modem to loose the signal. It would eventually get the
signal again, but this kept happening over and over again. 

This morning a technician from my provider came to my house and
figured out the problem pretty quickly. He installed a signal
amplifier, and now all is well.

Hope this helps,

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[newbie] Lost Mandrake Omline Service Update Icon

2004-11-18 Thread Phil Savoie
Hi All,

How do I restore this icon in the system tray?  I used to be able to determine 
when updates were available by the icon changing colors.  Now I don't have an 
icon.  Not sure what I did to lose it but it is not there anymore and I would 
like it back.

Could anyone share as to how to bring it back please?

Thank you,


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Re: [newbie] Initial login very slow (10.1 Official)

2004-11-18 Thread Greg Meyer
On Thursday 18 November 2004 07:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > There are variations to this theme: I can open a TTY-window (alt-ctl-f1
> > etc).
> > The first login will hang there too, but opening a second tty-window will
> > let
> > you login immeadiately. So if I want to login quickly after reboot I have
> > login
> > three times  and to get to X-windows wait for five minutes). I can also
> > boot to
> > failsafe mode and still the initial login hangs.
> >
> > Has anyone seen anything like this? Actually I have, with the same
> > machine and
> > 10.0. Back then I ended up reinstalling everything to get rid of this.
> > Now I
> > would not like to do that. I would be (naturally) happy to provide info
> > that
> > might be helpful to solve this problem (like info on hardware or content
> > of log
> > files). I can also live with this problem, but rather not.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Saku Aura
> If the delay was about 90 seconds, I would suspect that it was a DNS
> problem when the system tried to find its host name.  That usualy happens
> when you give the system a host name, but do not put an entry for it in
> /etc/hosts, and you don't have a full time Internet connection, and no
> local name server...

This is also exactly where I would look first.  Make sure the first line of 
you /etc/hosts file looks like this localhost

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[newbie] Audacity problems! need help!

2004-11-18 Thread Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas
Hi  there!

I´ve used audacity before without any trouble but, now on mdk10, I just 

When I launch through a terminal I see a ¨Segmentation fault¨ message!

When I click on the icon, mdk tries do load it  and then it just goes away!

I´ve tried to d/l other versions but I got loads of ´dependencies´


Ricardo Castanho
Sorocaba - SP - Brazil

Linux user # 102240 => [EMAIL PROTECTED] user => 100% M$ FREE 

Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:05:00 -0200
 23:05:00 up 45 days, 21:40,  6 users,  load average: 13.80, 13.34, 13.17
Kramer's Law:
You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks.

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Re: [newbie] Initial login very slow (10.1 Official)

2004-11-18 Thread mikkel

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format...
> =_1100809020-1263-5226
> Dear all,
> This is my first post: I am turning to you for help for a minor
> inconvenience.
> I have two linux boxes, a home dual-boot machine (it also has XP for my
> kid's
> games) and a uniquely Linux box at work. Both were running 10.0 Official
> until last night when I have the idea of "UPRMI-installing" 10.1 Official
> to
> them. In my dual boot machine (old Walmart Special Edition HP) everything
> went
> smoothly. In my office machine (a three year old "high-end" Dell desktop)
> things
> went smoothly except the following:
> When I boot the machine, the two first logins hang for about five minutes
> before
> going through. This is not very serious, since I have no reason to boot
> this
> machine too often, but I'd rather have that fixed. Let me describe the
> problem
> in detail in steps.
> 1. Reboot the machine and let X-Windows start
> 2. Login using valid username. Login prompt disappears and nothing happens
> for
> about five minutes
> 3. Wait five minutes and then suddenly the login proceeds as normal.
> There are variations to this theme: I can open a TTY-window (alt-ctl-f1
> etc).
> The first login will hang there too, but opening a second tty-window will
> let
> you login immeadiately. So if I want to login quickly after reboot I have
> login
> three times  and to get to X-windows wait for five minutes). I can also
> boot to
> failsafe mode and still the initial login hangs.
> Has anyone seen anything like this? Actually I have, with the same machine
> and
> 10.0. Back then I ended up reinstalling everything to get rid of this. Now
> I
> would not like to do that. I would be (naturally) happy to provide info
> that
> might be helpful to solve this problem (like info on hardware or content
> of log
> files). I can also live with this problem, but rather not.
> Cheers,
> Saku Aura
If the delay was about 90 seconds, I would suspect that it was a DNS
problem when the system tried to find its host name.  That usualy happens
when you give the system a host name, but do not put an entry for it in
/etc/hosts, and you don't have a full time Internet connection, and no
local name server...

   Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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Re: [newbie] Scientific Citation Manager software?

2004-11-18 Thread Cezary Morga
On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 11:18:35 +1100
András Keszei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For the first 3 links, you would have to be using a real text
> formatting application with a real text editor (emacs with latex &
> bibtex), and although word seems to be the go in the corporate world,

But for ease of use you can try lyx ( which is a graphical
layer for latex and can easily convert one to another.

Cezary Morga cezarym(at) / thereidos(at)
Registered Linux User No. 362185 
GG# 169903 ICQ# 328-700-565 Jabber: thereidos(at)
backup email address: cezarym(at)

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Re: [newbie] Cable interface stopped - DHCPREQUEST?

2004-11-18 Thread Dan Gordon
On Thursday 18 November 2004 04:58 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
> >
> > I cannot really find a reason why this happened. Could it be that
> > the lease on the IP number somehow runs out after a certain amount
> > of time?
> >
> > Paul
> Yes DHCP leases do expire, but then the DHCP client will simply ask
> for a new lease, and in most cases will be granted the same IP
> address back again. Somehow your ISP's DHCP server seem to have got
> its knickers in a twist and was not responding to lease renewal
> requests.

I have seen this happen when my isp has to regroup (i know there is a 
propper term for this) several subnets to gain performance,  a few ip's 
will be lost off of a subnet and a few new ones gained,  i have seen my 
ip go from 24.116.x.x to 24.226.x.x so if the ip you had was put into 
another subnet then its possible the DHCP server did get it knickers in 
a twist.

Dan Gordon
Thu Nov 18 18:27:54 EST 2004
 18:27:54 up  5:19,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.03, 0.04
He who has the courage to laugh is almost as much a master of the world
as he who is ready to die.
-- Giacomo Leopardi

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Re: [newbie] Cable interface stopped - DHCPREQUEST?

2004-11-18 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 18 November 2004 19:05, Paul wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Suddenly this morning my pc stopped talking to the internet. In
> /var/log/messages I found this:
> Nov 18 11:15:27 nwyfre dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth1 to xxx.yy.zzz.aa
> port 67
> Nov 18 11:15:55 nwyfre last message repeated 4 times
> It comes back again and again.
> The IP address points to the DHCP server of my provider (I removed the
> actual number as I am not sure if this can be made public).
> For the last 57 days my PC was up and running without any problem, and
> now this happened. After restarting the network services, eth1 (which
> connects to the net) came up again and communication is restored.
> I cannot really find a reason why this happened. Could it be that the
> lease on the IP number somehow runs out after a certain amount of time?
> Paul

Yes DHCP leases do expire, but then the DHCP client will simply ask for a new 
lease, and in most cases will be granted the same IP address back again.
Somehow your ISP's DHCP server seem to have got its knickers in a twist and 
was not responding to lease renewal requests.



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Re: [newbie] Initial login very slow (10.1 Official)

2004-11-18 Thread Dennis Myers
On Thursday 18 November 2004 02:16 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear all,
> This is my first post: I am turning to you for help for a minor
> inconvenience. I have two linux boxes, a home dual-boot machine (it also
> has XP for my kid's games) and a uniquely Linux box at work. Both were
> running 10.0 Official until last night when I have the idea of
> "UPRMI-installing" 10.1 Official to them. In my dual boot machine (old
> Walmart Special Edition HP) everything went smoothly. In my office machine
> (a three year old "high-end" Dell desktop) things went smoothly except the
> following:
> When I boot the machine, the two first logins hang for about five minutes
> before going through. This is not very serious, since I have no reason to
> boot this machine too often, but I'd rather have that fixed. Let me
> describe the problem in detail in steps.
> 1. Reboot the machine and let X-Windows start
> 2. Login using valid username. Login prompt disappears and nothing happens
> for about five minutes
> 3. Wait five minutes and then suddenly the login proceeds as normal.
> There are variations to this theme: I can open a TTY-window (alt-ctl-f1
> etc). The first login will hang there too, but opening a second tty-window
> will let you login immeadiately. So if I want to login quickly after reboot
> I have login three times  and to get to X-windows wait for five minutes). I
> can also boot to failsafe mode and still the initial login hangs.
> Has anyone seen anything like this? Actually I have, with the same machine
> and 10.0. Back then I ended up reinstalling everything to get rid of this.
> Now I would not like to do that. I would be (naturally) happy to provide
> info that might be helpful to solve this problem (like info on hardware or
> content of log files). I can also live with this problem, but rather not.
> Cheers,
> Saku Aura
Sounds like the sys is looking for something it can't find. When you log on, 
hit escape and watch the text feed.  When it stops and you get the long wait 
before it proceeds, that is where the problem  is. Let us know what part of 
the text feed it waits on and maybe we have a better idea of how to help. 
Normally it is a hardware issue and disabling harddrake on start up will fix 
it. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] POP3? (Was Sendmail Setup?)

2004-11-18 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 18 November 2004 10:35, Eric Scott wrote:
> On Wednesday 17 November 2004 08:35, Rene Borchers wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I think you should have a look at the courier site
> >
> >
> > it looks like it could be the solution to you problem.
> >
> > mandrake has:
> > Name: courier-imap-pop
> > Version : 2.1.2
> > Release : 1mdk
> > Group   : System/Servers
> > Size: 66007Architecture: i586
> > Source RPM  : courier-imap-2.1.2-1mdk.src.rpm   Build Host:
> >
> > Packager: Oden Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > URL :
> > Summary : Courier-IMAP POP servers
> > Description :
> > This package contains the POP servers of the Courier-IMAP
> > server suite.
> > Name: courier-imap-pop
> > Version : 2.1.2
> > Release : 1mdk
> > Group   : System/Servers
> > Size: 66007Architecture: i586
> > Source RPM  : courier-imap-2.1.2-1mdk.src.rpm   Build Host:
> >
> > Packager: Oden Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > URL :
> > Summary : Courier-IMAP POP servers
> > Description :
> > This package contains the POP servers of the Courier-IMAP
> > server suite.
> >
> > On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 17:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I shoulda done a little more research before posting;  I realize
> > > now that Sendmail isn't what I need.  Okay, so I need a POP3 server. 
> > > Only a POP3 server;  the corporation I'm setting this up for will have
> > > it's own SMTP server.  Any recommendations for POP3 servers
> > > (Open-source, preferably)?
> > >
> > >  Cheers,
> > >   SigmaChi
> Okay, so I got the Courier POP3 server installed.  Now what?  Lol, I was
> raised on Mac, and have only been using Linux for a couple years... when
> there's no webmin module I'm stuck.  Who/what/wen/where/how do I configure
> it?
>  SigmaChi

Courier requires mail to be in Maildir directories, which is not the standard 
format for a Linux mail spool. In order to get it  into Maildir format some 
MTA (Mail Transfer Agent needs to have put it there) Postfix can do that, as 
can Procmail.

The alternative imap-2004 POP3 server uses standard mailspool files, but 
again, an MTA has to put the mail into the spool files..

There is a set up file for courier-imap in your /etc/courier folder, but 
really there is no change from default configuration needed. The POP3 server 
will expect to find the mail in a folder in each users home directory called 
~/Maildir  The inside of the Maildir folder has a special structure which is 
set up by an application called maildirmake++  All of this is described in 
the mailserver tutorial on my home page since courier-imap is what I use 
myself.  However the imap-2004 POP3 server is easier to set up. There is no 
need to create special directory structures.

However I am still not clear how you intend to get the mail into this mail 
server, since you said in a previous post that your client has a Windows SMTP 
server which he intends to retain. POP3 is a protocol for getting mail 
**out** of a server. How does it get **in** in the first place?


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Re: AW: [newbie] Problems with 10.1 and wireless (ipw2100 - intelcentrino)

2004-11-18 Thread Fajar Priyanto
On Monday 25 October 2004 07:50 pm, Sebastian Martin wrote:
> This sounds like you didn't install the firmware properly. For 10.1 you
> need the firmware version 0.54. Once that was installed in the right place,
> I could go past the point of choosing between "manual" or "automatic" and
> properly set up the device. However with the version 0.54 (wich is the one
> included in 10.1 Community) i could not get encyption to work, I had to
> upgrade to 0.55.
> sebastian

Hi Sebastian,
Using MCC, I can't get pass the automatic/manual setting of my ipw2100.
How do I uninstall the 0.54 firmware and where to get the 0.55?

This is my ipconfig -a
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:C0:9F:28:15:65
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::2c0:9fff:fe28:1565/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:19450 errors:110 dropped:55 overruns:0 frame:55
  TX packets:17726 errors:11 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:4
  collisions:56 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:12484264 (11.9 Mb)  TX bytes:1716859 (1.6 Mb)

eth1  Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:354 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:354 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:25186 (24.5 Kb)  TX bytes:25186 (24.5 Kb)

sit0  Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4
  NOARP  MTU:1480  Metric:1
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 |
03:17:41 up 1:50, Mandrakelinux release 10.1 (Official) for i586 
public key:

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[newbie] Initial login very slow (10.1 Official)

2004-11-18 Thread s . aura
Dear all,

This is my first post: I am turning to you for help for a minor inconvenience.
I have two linux boxes, a home dual-boot machine (it also has XP for my kid's 
games) and a uniquely Linux box at work. Both were running 10.0 Official 
until last night when I have the idea of "UPRMI-installing" 10.1 Official to 
them. In my dual boot machine (old Walmart Special Edition HP) everything went 
smoothly. In my office machine (a three year old "high-end" Dell desktop) things
went smoothly except the following:

When I boot the machine, the two first logins hang for about five minutes before
going through. This is not very serious, since I have no reason to boot this 
machine too often, but I'd rather have that fixed. Let me describe the problem 
in detail in steps. 

1. Reboot the machine and let X-Windows start
2. Login using valid username. Login prompt disappears and nothing happens for 
about five minutes
3. Wait five minutes and then suddenly the login proceeds as normal.

There are variations to this theme: I can open a TTY-window (alt-ctl-f1 etc). 
The first login will hang there too, but opening a second tty-window will let
you login immeadiately. So if I want to login quickly after reboot I have login
three times  and to get to X-windows wait for five minutes). I can also boot to
failsafe mode and still the initial login hangs. 

Has anyone seen anything like this? Actually I have, with the same machine and
10.0. Back then I ended up reinstalling everything to get rid of this. Now I
would not like to do that. I would be (naturally) happy to provide info that
might be helpful to solve this problem (like info on hardware or content of log
files). I can also live with this problem, but rather not.


Saku Aura

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[newbie] Cable interface stopped - DHCPREQUEST?

2004-11-18 Thread Paul
Hi everyone,

Suddenly this morning my pc stopped talking to the internet. In
/var/log/messages I found this:

Nov 18 11:15:27 nwyfre dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth1 to xxx.yy.zzz.aa
port 67
Nov 18 11:15:55 nwyfre last message repeated 4 times

It comes back again and again.

The IP address points to the DHCP server of my provider (I removed the
actual number as I am not sure if this can be made public).

For the last 57 days my PC was up and running without any problem, and
now this happened. After restarting the network services, eth1 (which
connects to the net) came up again and communication is restored.

I cannot really find a reason why this happened. Could it be that the
lease on the IP number somehow runs out after a certain amount of time?


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Re: [newbie] Errors I still get on Kmail

2004-11-18 Thread Derek Jennings
On Sunday 14 November 2004 08:14, Bill Mudry wrote:
> I finally got my kmail working --- I think ...
> My hesitation is because of the error that still comes up when I check for
> mail:
> ...
>. Sending failed:
> Message sending failed since the following recipients
> were rejected by the server.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The server responded:
> "<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: recipient address rejected:
> need fully-qualified address")
> The message will stay in the 'outbox' folder until you
> either fix the problem (e.g. a broken address) or
> remove the message from the 'outbox' folder.
> The following transport protyocol was used:
> ...
> I just checked and this error happens each time I check. How
> can deal with getting rid of this consistent error?
> With faith for excellent help,
> Bill Mudry

The problem is exactly what it says. You have an undeliverable mail stuck in 
the "outbox" queue. With kmail all sending will be blocked until you remove 
the undeliverable mail from the Outbox folder.

The mail is undeliverable because "localhost" is your local machine, and 
unless you are running a mail server on it, then the mail is not going to get 



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Re: [newbie] Best use of Disk Space

2004-11-18 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 18 Nov 2004 16:01, Wojciech PodgÃrni wrote:
> Depends on how you use your computer. But Mandrake defaults (I think
> they are about ~50% /home, ~50% root, and the rest - twice the size of
> your RAM to the swap partiton) usually are good.
Though it seems to be accepted that 500MB is the maximum needed for swap 
except in rare conditions (huge amounts of intensive processing).

> > Is it best to have a separate partition for Home Directory?

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Re: [newbie] Switching between LAN and dialup

2004-11-18 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 18 Nov 2004 15:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Seems to me that this is a common-enough need. TWiki article?
> >
> > Anne
> I guess this is a hint that I should to learn to write one.  


> It will have 
> to be based on 9.2, but it should work for 10.x as well.
No problem.  Just one thing - will you please be specific about the version.  
That way, if anyone spots anything that needs updating for 10.x they can add 
it on.  We've come across a few places where it is clear that a point refers 
to a particular version, but the author omitted to say which one.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] Switching between LAN and dialup

2004-11-18 Thread Ron Hunter-Duvar
On November 17, 2004 20:33, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
> On Thursday 18 November 2004 03:30 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have encountered this problem too. The network in my office and home is
> different in respect of network class and thus subnet and default gw. So,
> to make things easier (rather than to change the config all the times) I
> make 2 config files for each location
> (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, /etc/resolv.conf,
> and /etc/sysconfig/network).

There are a couple of apps available to handle switching between different 
network profiles:

o NetGo:

o QuickSwitch:

I haven't tried them (haven't had the need), so I can't vouch for them 
handling the exact problems discussed in this thread, but they might be worth 
a try. From the version numbers QuickSwitch seems to be the more mature, but 
if you prefer kde apps, you might want to try NetGo. FWIW.

ron dot hunterduvar at shaw dot ca

Opinions expressed here are all mine. Rights to have 
the same opinions are granted under the GNU GPL :^)

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Re: [newbie] POP3? (Was Sendmail Setup?)

2004-11-18 Thread Eric Scott
On Wednesday 17 November 2004 08:35, Rene Borchers wrote:
> Hi,
> I think you should have a look at the courier site
> it looks like it could be the solution to you problem.
> mandrake has:
> Name: courier-imap-pop
> Version : 2.1.2
> Release : 1mdk
> Group   : System/Servers
> Size: 66007Architecture: i586
> Source RPM  : courier-imap-2.1.2-1mdk.src.rpm   Build Host:
> Packager: Oden Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> URL :
> Summary : Courier-IMAP POP servers
> Description :
> This package contains the POP servers of the Courier-IMAP
> server suite.
> Name: courier-imap-pop
> Version : 2.1.2
> Release : 1mdk
> Group   : System/Servers
> Size: 66007Architecture: i586
> Source RPM  : courier-imap-2.1.2-1mdk.src.rpm   Build Host:
> Packager: Oden Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> URL :
> Summary : Courier-IMAP POP servers
> Description :
> This package contains the POP servers of the Courier-IMAP
> server suite.
> On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 17:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I shoulda done a little more research before posting;  I realize now
> > that Sendmail isn't what I need.  Okay, so I need a POP3 server.  Only
> > a POP3 server;  the corporation I'm setting this up for will have it's
> > own SMTP server.  Any recommendations for POP3 servers (Open-source,
> > preferably)?
> >
> >  Cheers,
> >   SigmaChi

Okay, so I got the Courier POP3 server installed.  Now what?  Lol, I was 
raised on Mac, and have only been using Linux for a couple years... when 
there's no webmin module I'm stuck.  Who/what/wen/where/how do I configure 

Registered Linux user #366862

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Re: [newbie] Best use of Disk Space

2004-11-18 Thread Wojciech Podgórni
Hello Tim!
Użytkownik Tim napisał:
What in your opinion/s would be the best way to utilize the disk space 
of an 80G hard disk?
Depends on how you use your computer. But Mandrake defaults (I think 
they are about ~50% /home, ~50% root, and the rest - twice the size of 
your RAM to the swap partiton) usually are good.

Is it best to have a separate partition for Home Directory?
Indeed it is. Otherwise you would have to copy all your personal data 
before each reinstallation (which can happen - rarely, but sometimes 
does happen).

Is it wise to have spare partition for testing stuff on?  I understand 
some folks do this.
I use one partition on my secondarry HD to test newer Mandrakes before 
it stabilizes. But it is unnecessary for most applications to create a 
separate partition just to test them.

Separate partition for root?
It depends. But IMO unnecessary (the data in drakx subdirectory would be 
overwritten by the next installation of Mandrake, anyway - and don't use 
root account unless absolutely necessary - it creates a significant 
security risk).

What is best?
There are many ways to use Mandrake. The answer on this question depends 
on your ideas how to use the system.

Obviously for Linux only,
I currently have a 40G HD Dual booting XP and ML 10. with 3 * 10G for 
Windows and 1 * 10G for ML.

This Disk is very nearly full and i don't want to delete anything from 
the windows partitions.
I primarily use ML instead of XP (Yep, another convert).

I do plan to upgrade to ML 10.1 when i get the new HD.
All advice welcome
Thank you

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [newbie] fsck on boot

2004-11-18 Thread Dick Gevers
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:02:30 +, Peter Watson wrote about [newbie] fsck
on boot:

>Where do I set how often the HD's get fsck'd on boot.


See: man tune2fs

=Dick Gevers=
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encryption is an envelope - the contents are private.


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[newbie] Best use of Disk Space

2004-11-18 Thread Tim
What in your opinion/s would be the best way to utilize the disk space 
of an 80G hard disk?

Is it best to have a separate partition for Home Directory?
Is it wise to have spare partition for testing stuff on?  I understand 
some folks do this.
Separate partition for root?

What is best?
Obviously for Linux only,
I currently have a 40G HD Dual booting XP and ML 10. with 3 * 10G for 
Windows and 1 * 10G for ML.

This Disk is very nearly full and i don't want to delete anything from 
the windows partitions.
I primarily use ML instead of XP (Yep, another convert).

I do plan to upgrade to ML 10.1 when i get the new HD.
All advice welcome
Thank you

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Re: [newbie] Switching between LAN and dialup

2004-11-18 Thread mikkel
> On Thursday 18 Nov 2004 04:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > On Thursday 18 November 2004 03:30 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >
>> > I have encountered this problem too. The network in my office and home
>> is
>> > different in respect of network class and thus subnet and default gw.
>> So,
>> > to
>> > make things easier (rather than to change the config all the times) I
>> > make 2
>> > config files for each location
>> > (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, /etc/resolv.conf,
>> > and /etc/sysconfig/network).
>> >
>> > Then, I make an alias in the bash profile such as:
>> > netoffice and nethome
>> >
>> > Where those scripts consist this: (netoffice)
>> > #!/bin/bash
>> > cp -v /etc/resolv.conf-office /etc/resolv.conf
>> > cp -v /etc/sysconfig/network-office /etc/sysconfig/network
>> > cp
>> > -v /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
>> > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>> > service network restart
>> >
>> > I think you can use it modifying a little.
>> > HTH,
>> I like to use netprofiles for things like this.  You just set up a
>> profile
>> for each one.  You can then create LILO entries to select the profile on
>> boot.  You can also change the profile in use using MCC, or running
>> set-netprofile as root.  I have one profile for wireless, one for
>> dialup,
>> one for dynamic IP, and one for static IP.  It works well for me.
> Seems to me that this is a common-enough need. TWiki article?
> Anne
I guess this is a hint that I should to learn to write one.  It will have
to be based on 9.2, but it should work for 10.x as well.


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[newbie] bandwidth management tool.

2004-11-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can you help me to get simple network management tool i have tried MRTG
but is complicated to set it up.


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[newbie] billing system

2004-11-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can any one help me to get the billing system on Linux, I am running an
Internet cafe with sixteen computers and eight phones. I am trying to
get billing system that could help me. i am running mandrake 10 on the



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[newbie] fsck on boot

2004-11-18 Thread Peter Watson
Where do I set how often the HD's get fsck'd on boot.


Ardnamurchan   Scotland

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Re: [newbie] runlevel

2004-11-18 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 18 November 2004 11:45, Paul Kaplan wrote:
> Where do I set the system to boot to runlevel 5 instead of 3?
> Paul

In /etc/inittab

Or by GUI in Mandrake Control Centre>Boot>Autologin
check the box to start in graphical environment.



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[newbie] runlevel

2004-11-18 Thread Paul Kaplan
Where do I set the system to boot to runlevel 5 instead of 3?

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Re: [newbie] Firefox Mouse Config

2004-11-18 Thread Margot
JoeHill wrote:
On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 19:43:45 -0700
mike disseminated the following:

mousewheel.withnokey.sysnumlinesuserset   boolean   false

Ack! I missed that one. Many thanks!
Maybe you just need to buy a faster mouse? ;-)
Sent using Mozilla on a 100% Microsoft-Free Computer
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