[newbie] printing woes w/mdk8.0 and canon bjc-2000

2001-06-02 Thread Alan Schussman

CUPS isn't quite working with my Canon BJC-2000 printer on mandrake 8.0.
Specifically, there are two  problems: 

1) I'm unable to make it print more than one page of a document from netscape
or opera -- it hangs up right at the end of the first page, and then delays
about 2 minutes before printing the very end, but never prints further than
that. In StarOffice, it prints multiple pages, but with too-large top margins
after the first page. These may be unrelated items, but they arise in the
process of trying to solve the former issue of netscape/opera not printing more
than one page. Oddly, when I specify either application to print *only* one
page, it works fine -- ejects the page and everything.

2) I can't get true-black output from my black ink cartridge (I don't have a
color cartridge installed). I have tested it with different color settings in
the kups configuration, but nothing quite does it. I get grey text when it
should be black.

Anyone have an idea what's happening? I have heard that cups works well with
the BJC-2000, but that's not really my experience so far. Can I elect to drop
cups and go back to lpr? That was more of a hassle, but it worked for me on
mdk7.1 for over a year! I sure would appreciate some suggestions.


[newbie] menudrake, mandrake 8, and windowmaker

2001-05-31 Thread Alan Schussman

I'm using windowmaker and a new install of mandrake 8. So far, I like mdk8.0
quite a bit -- it's working smoothly (right down to perfect installation of the
nvidia drivers). However, I cannot get windowmaker to read the menu generated
by menudrake. WM errors out on it, as does wmakerconf's menu importing tool. I
remember that the same problem popped up with mdk7.1, but I was able to work
around that by slightly modifying the default menu so that wmakerconf could
read it.

No luck here, though -- this seems to be a persistent problem with menudrake.
Is that the case? If so, has anybody found a solution? I like the features that
menudrake purports to give me, but it doesn't do me any good if it won't really
work with windowmaker. Does anyone have a solution for reading the
menudrake-generated menu in windowmaker?



[newbie] Now I've done it -- broken X?

2000-04-29 Thread Alan Schussman


Why I thought this was a good idea to tinker with the week before finals
I'll never know. I tried upgrading XFree86 4.0 so I could use the
newly-released Nvidia drivers, but I must have missed a step or
misconfigured something, because now X won't run at all.

When I initially tried the upgrade (using RPMs) a couple of nights ago, I
was able to run startx and get Xwindows running, no problem -- but without
the accellerated drivers. I couldn't get them to install properly, nor
could I get the previous nvidia drivers to work (they at least had a
modicum of accelleration in them), once I had made the upgrades.
xf86config wouldn't make a workable XF86Config file, but Xconfigurator
could (which strikes me as very odd). 

Yesterday, however, when I booted up, I wasn't able to load X at all. I'm
getting the error: execve failed on /etc/X11/X (errno 2). /etc/X11/X is
linked to XF86_SVGA, a file which seems to be nowhere to be found -- and
despite re-installing XFree86-SVGA, is still missing. I can also no longer
run Xconfigurator; it dies after probing for my video card. Am I missing
something serious (like bolts in my head for even trying this) or do you
think this might be a config problem? (Or both -- certainly possible.) 

Any ideas how I can at least get X up and running again?

- alan

[newbie] silly question: mandrake 6.0 and Y2K?

1999-12-20 Thread Alan Schussman

I found the 6.1-Y2K page at the mandrake web site, which indicates that
Helios is tested compliant. It occurred to me, "what about 6.0?" There are
(I assume) plenty of us running 6.0, and while I understand linux is
generally free from Y2K problems, are there any issues with Venus I should

- alan

/ note my new email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

[newbie] looking for libbz2.so?

1999-09-17 Thread Alan Schussman

I just downloaded the new gnome-core-1.0.9-9 RPM from the mandrake update
site, and it's telling me that it needs libbz2.so -- try as I might, I
can't find that file. Does anyone know where to find it?

- alan

[newbie] Canon printer problems

1999-09-08 Thread Alan Schussman

I'm still struggling along with my Canon BJC-2000. After first believing
it simply must be a winprinter, I planned to sell it to a friend.
Researching what new printer to get, I checked the database at
http://www.picante.com/~gtaylor/pht/printer_list.cgi and saw that the
BJC-2000 is listed as "mostly" compatible, so I'm trying to get it to work
at least a little.

I have it set up properly in printtool, according to the info from the
compatibility database: set to the proper device (/dev/lp0) and using the
correct driver (600-4000). However, when I try to print test pages, I get
nothing: Trying to print text gets me an immediate error message saying:

Error printing test page to lp
Reason: lpr: connect: Connection refused
jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.

What is that telling me? How do I fix it? The other test, postscript,
doesn't get errors from printtool, but klpq tells me 'waiting for lp to
become ready (offline ?)' - but I think the printer's online (silly new
printers don't have control panels) and that error's related to the lpr

I try to run lpr at the shell prompt, and get the same lpr error as above.
I'm puzzled. Also, a note that may be important: I can't use lpc, either.
I can get an lpc> prompt, but trying to make it actually do anything dumps
me out with a segmentation fault. If I run 'lpc start lp' I get an error
similar to the above, saying "lpc: connect: Connection refused. Couldn't
start daemon."

I have the feeling that there's something blocking the route to the
printer somehow, but I don't really know where to begin unblocking it. Can
anybody help?

- alan

/ note my new email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

Re: [newbie] setting up printers?

1999-09-04 Thread Alan Schussman

I get the same error if I try printtool, linuxconf, etc, without first
executing 'xhost +localhost' from a terminal window as user. Run that, and
it should do what you need to run printtool.

- alan

/ note my new email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

> On Sat, 04 Sep 1999, alann wrote:
> > open up a terminal 
> > 
> > make yourself root  type ' su '
> > run printtool
> > 
> Thanks...tried that. An almost exact quote is "cannot connect to
> display :0.0, connection refused by server."
> I guess I"ve got to reboot and run X as root. :-(
>   John

[newbie] How daunting is a kernel upgrade?

1999-09-02 Thread Alan Schussman

Hi all-

There's been lots of discussion here about kernel upgrades, and it seems
to be a pretty daunting task to me, as a relatively new linux user but a
pretty confident and competent computer user in general.

My case is that I'm running Mandrake 6.0 and would like to upgrade the
kernel to get rid of some of those mount/unmount errors that have been
described here already. Is the best upgrade for me the one at cooker
(kernel-2.2.11-2mdk.src.rpm), as opposed to the multitude of files I find
at kernel.org? Is it preferable for me to stick to a Mandrake release of
any given kernel?

I guess what I'm looking for is a slightly more hands-on howto (I have
read the kernel howtos, and what keeps me from simply following the
directions is that, knowing how crucial the kernel is, I just don't want
to botch it), and at this point, there seem to be an awful lot of starting
places (cooker, kernel.org, the new cassini test, and so on). Those of you
who are familiar with this, can you offer a little guidance? I don't need
hand-holding so much as just an indication that if I, for example, start
with the cooker kernel, I'll be on the right track. 

Thanks much-
- alan

/ note my new email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

Re: [newbie] Opening Windows Files

1999-08-30 Thread Alan Schussman

Ken and John-

Thanks for the feedback. You may be right, John; regardless of how I try
to set the mount, it won't let anybody but root write to it. I certainly
understand the logic of not corrupting the DOS file system, but such a
hard-and-fast prevention seems to short-circuit any benefit of being able
to access the partition at all. It's pretty inconvenient to have to su in
order to copy shared files to my windows partition, but if that's what I
have to do, well I guess that's what I have to do.

- alan

/ note my new email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

> On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> > > mount -t vfat /dev/hdax /mnt/dos (replace hdax with the
> > > device where your DOS partition is.)
> > 
> > It works fine for me, with one exception: the directory to which I mount
> > my windows partition is only writeable by root, even if I chmod it after I
> > mount the partition. Has anybody experienced that? 
> > 
> Umm...yeah that's for a good reason. :-) If you aren't
> careful you can corrupt your DOS file system, at least
> that's what I suspect is the reason for disallowing anyone
> but "root" to write to the dos partition.

Re: [newbie] Opening Windows Files

1999-08-30 Thread Alan Schussman

> mount -t vfat /dev/hdax /mnt/dos (replace hdax with the
> device where your DOS partition is.)

It works fine for me, with one exception: the directory to which I mount
my windows partition is only writeable by root, even if I chmod it after I
mount the partition. Has anybody experienced that? 


[newbie] acrobat4 plugin for netscape?

1999-08-28 Thread Alan Schussman

Has anyone configured the netscape plugin for Acrobat 4? I'm having some
trouble running the config script that comes with A4 under mandrake 6.0,
but I don't know enough about how plugins work under Linux to really set
it up on my own. Can anyone lend a hand?


/ note my new email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

Re: [newbie] WindowMaker freezes in certain situations (fwd)

1999-08-25 Thread Alan Schussman

Thanks for the suggestions, Matt. I've removed all the files I think were
pertinent to both gnome and windowmaker, and it appears that things are
again functioning normally.

Here's one more general question for folks: Before I did the above, I
tried a trick I found in the gnome documentation (surprise!) that
describes completely resetting a user session, right back to new defaults.
The docs say to hold down CTRL-SHIFT as you log in to gnome, and you'll
get a dialog box that allows you to reset the session. But, at least on my
PC, holding down CTRL-SHIFT didn't do anything. Has anybody used that
option? Is there another way to invoke it?

- alan

/ note my new email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

[newbie] WindowMaker freezes in certain situations (fwd)

1999-08-25 Thread Alan Schussman

I sent this yesterday morning, but never saw it come through the list. I
apologize if anyone receives this twice.

Since I sent the first message, my inital problem is back: WindowMaker is
again trying to load multiple panels and loads mulitple gmc windows at
startup, even after I close those windows and save the session. Am I doing
something wrong? Where are these things coming from? It worked fine
through several restarts of X yesterday, but first thing this morning, the
problem is back.


original message

I've started to play with Gnome/WindowMaker in the last few days
(Enlightenment was cool, but wow, resource-intensive). In the process of
configuring my desktop, I inadvertently loaded multiple instances of gmc
and panel. Subsequently, whenever I started WindowMaker, gmc and panel
would try to load extra copies -- making for an unaesthetic experience
because I had to cancel the extras each time and cancel the error messages
alerting me to the presence of a second panel. No matter what I did, I
could not get those extra instances to not load up when starting X. So my
first question is, what did I do wrong and how might I have fixed it? What
I ended up doing is replacing ~/GNUstep/Defaults/* with unmodified files
from another account, and correcting a few path arguments in
'WindowMaker'. That seems to have partly worked, at least in the sense
that extra instances of panel and gmc are not loading at startup now.
However, I know that probably isn't the preferred solution; is there a way
to tell WindowMaker to absolutely return to default settings? 

Second, since making that file switch, running certain commands in the
"Run program" dialog seems to freeze up WM. Programs that I would expect
to run in a terminal window, like telnet or ftp, when I try to enter them
in the "run" box, hang up the whole system. CTRL-ALT-DEL usually recovers
and drops me back to shell, but it doesn't always do the trick; I had to
manually power down once. Did I break something by switching in the other
files? Can I fix this one somehow?

Thanks for any help anybody can offer-

- alan

/ note my new email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

Re: [newbie] Unpredictable Netscape closing?

1999-08-15 Thread Alan Schussman

> Sounds more like you slid a little too far down the menu and accidently
> hit the 'Exit' choice instead.  That would cause what you describe. 
> Can't say I've ever had 'Close' close all the windows.

One might think, but nope, that's not what I'm doing -- it's actually the
close -button- out on the upper right of the window. Sometimes it shuts
down Netscape, and sometimes it just closes a single browser window. Odd,


[newbie] Unpredictable Netscape closing?

1999-08-15 Thread Alan Schussman


Here's one that's not really a problem, but it's an annoying "feature" of
Netscape 4.6 on Mandrake 6.0. When I have multiple navigator windows open,
the behavior of the "close" icon in the upper right of the window is
unpredictable: Sometimes it closes only the particular navigator window,
which is almost always what I want it to do, as that behavior is similar
to other mulit-window browsers. But sometimes it shuts down Netscape
entirely, including all my other windows.

I know, I know, "upgrade" will be my answer, and I will do so. But I'm
curious: has anyone else encountered this behavior? It takes me by
surprise every time.


Re: [newbie] How to use Gnome w/Mandrake 6.0?

1999-08-14 Thread Alan Schussman

Related to this thread:

When I reinstalled Mandrake 6.0 some time ago, I mistakenly didn't install
Ghome. I have since reinstalled it, but it doesn't show up in the
graphical K login. How do I re-place it as an option on that screen?


On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, John May wrote:

> You can choose it out of the drop-down box in the K Login box.  If you aren't using 
>that, you can 
> change your desktop with desktopcfg or switchdesk.  Type either of the two at the 
> prompt as your normal user.
> *
> Original message from: Jim Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Hi
> >
> >How do I use Gnome with Mandrake 6.0?
> >
> >I am really happy with KDE except for occasional lockups but would like to try
> >Gnome.
> >
> >Many thanks.
> >
> >Jim

[newbie] Missing .h files

1999-08-10 Thread Alan Schussman

I sent this a couple of days ago, but never saw it show up on the list.
Perhaps it got burped out somewhere.

On my new PC, mandrake 6.0 has worked really well -- even kppp is working
flawlessly! But when I tried to compile some downloaded software the other
day, I hit a wall of errors. First, make was missing, and I had to install
it from an RPM. The second error I'm now getting is that all the .h files
that I expected were standard (stdio.h, string.h, math.h, etc) are also
missing. I can't find them anywhere. After installing gcc and all the
libraries I came across on the RPM CD, they're still nowhere to be found.

I'm inclined to think that since make was originally missing, I must have
mistakenly not installed some things when I made the initial installation.
Any suggestions for ensuring that I have all the proper packages
installed to fix this one?

Thanks much-

[newbie] printing w/Mandrake 6 and bjc-2000

1999-08-09 Thread Alan Schussman


First problem of the day is printing from Mandrake 6 with my Canon
BJC-2000. I don't get any kind of response from the printer when I send
jobs to it. Printtool identifies a printer on /dev/lp0, and indicates to
me that it is successfully sending test pages to it, but the printer never
does anything -- and yes, the printer is connected. lpc never show
any print jobs or anything getting through. Could I be missing a
package or something? I'd expect the printer to do something if it's
really receiving data, and I'd feel a little puzzled if it even printed
garbage; but at least I'd have a starting point. Any suggestions from you
folks? (And if I actually get the printer to do something, has anyone put
together ghostscript configuration for the bjc2000?)

Thanks -

[newbie] BJC-2000 printer

1999-07-28 Thread Alan Schussman

Is anyone successfully using Mandrake 6.0 with a canon BJC-2000?


| note my new non-Whitman email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Bye-bye Whitman; I'll be writing from U of Arizona in August! |

Re: [newbie] new computer means new linux questions

1999-07-21 Thread Alan Schussman

Thanks, Sean. The nvidia drivers did the trick!


| note my new non-Whitman email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Bye-bye Whitman; I'll be writing from U of Arizona in August! |

[newbie] new computer means new linux questions

1999-07-20 Thread Alan Schussman

I'm installing mandrake 6.0 on a new PC, and the first problem I've run
into is with X. Xconfigurator identifies my video card (Diamond v770), but
is then unable to probe it, and when I try to manually configure it I get
a prompt for my clockchip -- and I have no idea what my clockchip is. I
assume that means the clock on the video card, but I'm not positive. Does
anyone know what the chip is?

If I don't enter a clockchip, all I can select is low-resolution x 8-bit
color, which sure seems like a waste of good computing power. Otherwise,
Xconfigurator errors out starting the x server.

Thanks, all-


| note my new non-Whitman email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Bye-bye Whitman; I'll be writing from U of Arizona in August! |

Re: [newbie] Linux Startup Programs

1999-07-17 Thread Alan Schussman

This is a sort of peripheral question. I've used unix for several years --
lots of use in college, until I graduated, anyway -- but that path/file
has got to be about the most arcane thing I've ever seen. Yes, I'm new to
linux and actually getting behind the scenes of a *nix box, but is there
rhyme or reason to that convention? Relatedly, is there any kind of  
reference that lists those "standard" unix system files and explains their
purpose? That would go a long way in helping me feel like I really have a
handle on what I'm doing.


On Sat, 17 Jul 1999, Marc Indekeu wrote:

> /etc/rc.d/rc.local can be used for that purpose. It gets executed when linux boots.
> later
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Lei Tie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Datum: zaterdag 17 juli 1999 19:14
> Onderwerp: [newbie] Linux Startup Programs
> Hi, if i want to make linux to start a program automatically when it boots, what 
>file should I modify?  Let's just say that my file is /sbin/file, where do I add this 
>line of command?
> thank you.


| note my new non-Whitman email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Bye-bye Whitman; I'll be writing from U of Arizona in August! |

[newbie] sorting out kppp problems

1999-07-03 Thread Alan Schussman

Hi everybody-

My problem still stems from trying to use ppp as user, rather than root. I
can get kppp to do something, but not to successfully negotiate a ppp
connection, when I run it as a user. Since I can get kppp to at least
dial, I've tried to work backwards from that point, to either debug kppp
and get it to actually achieve a ppp connection, or to copy kppp's process
and apply it to a script that I can run as user. More details are below:

Can anyone help me make sense of this one? kppp dials the modem and
-almost- works when I run as user. However, I always get an error
after connecting to my ISP, "LCP: timout on config-request", and kppp
tells me the remote server may not be configured properly. Running a
script from the consoler as root, I can connect just fine. Under kppp, 
when I run a ps and look at the pppd process, I get this:

100 S root 1196 1185 1 66 0 - 382 do_sel 13:29 ttyS1 00:00:00 \
  pppd -detach crtscts defaultroute -chap user alan debug 

1) what is -chap doing there? I have pap set in kppp's config; is
that possibly the reason for the LCP timeout on cfgreq error? 
2) what does kppp do to actually run pppd as root? Whatever I do,
I cannot make my term script do anything unless I run it as root. If I can
mimic whatever kppp is doing to access pppd and the modem, maybe I can
skip it altogether and just keep using my script, but as user rather than
root. -- I know the easy answer to that is suid on pppd, but that does
nothing for me. In some instances, I get an error that access is
prohibited to /dev/ttyS1; in others, I get errors that I can't use "name"
with pppd except as root -- are there ways around this? 

I've been working on this since almost day one of using linux, and keep
hoping that by providing more information here I'll get some good ideas.
If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks much-


Re: [newbie] Still slogging my way through ppp

1999-06-27 Thread Alan Schussman

On Sun, 27 Jun 1999, Stefan Dozier wrote:

> At 12:20 AM 6/27/99 -0600, you wrote:
> >Second, which will be just as significant, is that when I run my script as
> >anything but root, I get the error that permission is denied on ttyS1, my
> >modem. There must be some way around that, right? -- but modifying the
> >permissions on ttyS1 doesn't do it. I do have kppd suid. How should I
> >proceed?
> Have you tried setting `chat' suid ?
> That works for me, although I still using the 5.3 version of mdk.

Yep, I sure have, but I still get: 
Failed to open /dev/ttyS1: Permission denied.


| note my new non-Whitman email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Bye-bye Whitman; I'll be writing from U of Arizona in August! |

[newbie] hard drive errors on linux boot?

1999-06-27 Thread Alan Schussman


I just encountered some hard drive errors on bootup. A portion of my boot
seqence is below:

/dev/hda7 reached maximal mount count, check forced

I then had a long disk read, followed by something to the
effect of:

hard drive has errors, run fsck MANUALLY, without options

I entered the root pw, and got a prompt. I ran fsck on hda7 and
received this message:

i_faddr for inode 360590 (/usr/share/applnk/System/switchdesk.kdelnk) is
65536, clear?

I answered yes, and eventually got some "everything seems okay"
messages from fsck, then rebooted, and everything seems to be all right
now. But I'm curious what happened -- what does maximal mount count mean,
and does the "i_faddr..." msg really tell me? Is there something I'm
perhaps doing that I shouldn't be doing? (Is it a problem with not
properly unmounting a windows drive?)

Thanks again-


| note my new non-Whitman email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Bye-bye Whitman; I'll be writing from U of Arizona in August! |

Re: [newbie] ppp question

1999-06-27 Thread Alan Schussman

On Sun, 27 Jun 1999, Michael Norris wrote:

> I just istalled version 6.0 (previous was 5.0). Now when I start up ppp,
> using my old 5.1 ppp-on script, the ppp0.pid is placed in /etc/ppp
> instead of /var/run. Is this the way this is supposed to work in version
> 6.0, is there a  fix for this? The same thing happens when I use
> linuxconf to make the ppp connection, or if I use kppp.

I've noticed the same thing in Mandrake 6 -- I had to modify the paths in
/etc/ppp/ppp-down to get it to disconnect and hang up properly, but it
hasn't apparently caused problems (it's one thing I've successfully worked
around, though of course I'm still having my own share of troubles!). I
guess the thing I'm curious about is if that can cause any problems I'm
not aware of?


| note my new non-Whitman email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Bye-bye Whitman; I'll be writing from U of Arizona in August! |

[newbie] Still slogging my way through ppp

1999-06-26 Thread Alan Schussman

Hi all-

I'm starting to get the hang of all this, but could use some more advice.
The core of my problem is that I can't get a dialup ppp connection without
going to root and jumping through some hoops, which makes linux decidedly
impractical for people like my girlfriend or houseguests to use it.

I have a pppd call + chat script that works great from root; the problem
is that it uses 'pppd [...] name alan [...]'. pppd's name option can only
be called from root, so I have tried to put my ISP login name and password
in my chat script, but to no avail. It kills it every time. It appears
that putting that info in the chat script starts some sort of
qualitatively different communication with my isp dialin server -- instead
of getting LCP requests and the like, I get a text prompt for a system
password -- which sure gets me nowhere! My ISP has been pretty un-helpful
on that note. Does anyone have any ideas at all on that one?

Second, which will be just as significant, is that when I run my script as
anything but root, I get the error that permission is denied on ttyS1, my
modem. There must be some way around that, right? -- but modifying the
permissions on ttyS1 doesn't do it. I do have kppd suid. How should I

Thanks much for any advice-