Re: [newbie] cups problem in 8.2

2002-05-02 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Thursday 02 May 2002 08:26 am, you wrote:
> Well 8.2 does almost everything better than 8.1, but not with regard to
> my printer.  I have a Canon S450, which worked faultlessly under 8.1,
> but under 8.2 the test page and anything else I print comes out double
> width.  i.e. I only get the left hand side of my A4 page.  It's as if
> it's try to print A3 landscape and running out of room.
> Anyone found this, or even better - a way around it?
> Brian

Hi Brian,

I have the Canon S450 as well. It worked well in LM 8.0, although the output 
quality using CUPS was "interesting" -- I switched over to Turboprint. You 
really have to try turboprint --  the quality is simply outstanding! They 
have a driver for this model as well. A free d/l is available, and if I was 
ever to purchase software, turboprint pro would be well worth the $.

I haven't used it so far in LM 8.2 (mainly because all my tanks are empty), 
but it's all set to go.


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
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[newbie] Changing defaults in a distribution rpm

2002-04-14 Thread Andre Dubuc

Using Apache + PHP + PostgreSQL from the LM8.2 distribution, register_globals 
defaults to "on".

After building my prototype db-driven website with globals on, I decided to 
switch to $_SESSION: I had to turn globals=off. I edited the php.ini file and 
changed register_globals to off. Unfortunately, by doing so, support for 
PostgreSQL has disappeared.

I can build Apache + PHP + PostgreSQL from source, but I would rather use the 
package set up by LM8.2. Is there anyway of over-riding the default RPM 
configuration for PHP (as set up by Mandrake) so that the db was still be 

[I had spent hours trying to track down why I was getting an "undeclared 
function() while trying to connect to the database. When I looked in 
phpinfo() I noticed that support for PostgreSQL had "disappeared". It's 
obvious that the connection had been broken by editing the php.ini file.]

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

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[newbie] Changing mouse actions in MC in LM8.2?

2002-04-02 Thread Andre Dubuc

Is there anyway to change the default mouse actions in Midnight Commander in 

My Logitech Optical wheel mouse worked fine in LM8.0 in MC -- the scroll 
function is very addictive. I miss it! So far, in my search through the docs, 
I've been unable to discover how to affect/effect changes in MC.

Other than that, LM8.2 is excellent -- I'm so glad I upgraded.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
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[newbie] Apache + PHP - htdocs?

2002-04-01 Thread Andre Dubuc

Having upgraded from LM8.0 to LM8.2, I've switched from source to the 
pre-compiled editions of Apache and PHP.

For the life of me, I can't figure out where my "htdocs" (the php/html files 
I've created) should go in LM8.2, and what owner/group they should be listed 

I would greatly appreciate any help, since all of my work for the last two 
months is in "htdocs".

Btw, LM8.2 is simply fantastic! Way to go, Mandrake!


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Re: [newbie] Adding Text Input in a SELECT drop-down list

2002-03-24 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Michael,

I stand "slapped and corrected" :>

Perhaps it was lack of sleep, but I sort of figured I should try another list, but 
everyone seems so helpful and knowledgeable on the newbie list.
Sorry about that!

At any rate, I've tried what you suggested -- and from other lists, I found that it 
can't be done. Sigh.

Thanks for your idea, though.


On Sunday 24 March 2002 06:05, you wrote:
> First off: This is an HTML problem not a Mandrake one.
> Second: The usual proceedure is to have an "other" option followed by an
> You can save yourself the greif and follow the usual method, or not :)
> Michael
> "other"
> New Zealand
> Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > I have written, in an html form, a drop-downlist that uses :
> >
> > i.e. 
> > State
> > AL
> > AZ
> > // and so on
> >
> > I would like a text input as the last option so that a user can type in a
> > state (non-USA) and have this variable passed on. Is there any way of
> > accomplishing this using html or php?
> >
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated,
> > Tia,
> > Andre

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[newbie] Re: error message on boot up

2002-03-23 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Song,

As a quick reply, if I remember correctly, the error disappaeared once I made 
a directory:

mkdir /initrd

The problem went away once I did that (I checked my archive on that one)

(If not, give me a bit more info to work with)

On Saturday 23 March 2002 20:55, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I saw in the mail archive a question from you asking about the followin
> error at the boot:
> change root to /initrd: error -2
> I was wondering if you have any idea to solve it. In the archive, the
> person that answer your question was pkoch and told you to do a search in
> the newsgroup.
> I tried but didn't find nothing..
> If you did find that mail, may i ask you to forward to my email address?
> Thank you in advance.

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
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[newbie] Adding Text Input in a SELECT drop-down list

2002-03-23 Thread Andre Dubuc

I have written, in an html form, a drop-downlist that uses :

// and so on

I would like a text input as the last option so that a user can type in a state 
(non-USA) and have this variable passed on. Is there any way of accomplishing this 
using html or php?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

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[newbie] Dual Booting: LM8.0 & LM8.2?

2002-03-23 Thread Andre Dubuc

I plan to add LM8.2 to my system and keep LM8.0 for daily use until I'm sure 
everything works. My LM 8.0 is on hda a 20 gig hd) and I use LILO to boot. I plan to 
purchase a new 40 gig hd, and devote that entirely to LM8.2. -- the new drive would be 

My questions:

Preserving the setup, 8.0 on hda, and 8.2 on hdc:

1. Will I be able to boot into hdc using the present LILO setup?
2. I want to use XFS with 8.2; presently 8.0 uses ext2. Can I mix&match?
3. Can I use GRUB with 8.2 and LILO with 8.0 (would this "break" something?)

Changing the setup:

1. If I move hda to become hdc, will this mess up LILO? (That is, if I make
 LM 8.0 the secondary drive (hdc), and use the new drive as hda). I don't  
  want to take a chance on losing data.

I hope that the above is not too confusing -- Any suggestions or warnings?

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

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Re: [newbie] pdf printing trouble

2002-03-05 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 19:38, you wrote:
> I searched the archive and found that many people seem to have this
> problem, but I did see a good answer.  Most involved try this or that prog.
>  One mentioned xpp which I tried as well.
> So my problem is I can't print pdf.  I have to go to xpdf and output to
> postscript and then print it.  While this works I would like to be able to
> skip the extra step.
> What I have tried so far:
>   opened with PS and PDF viewer -> print (using CUPS, xpp, or lpr) get
> client-error-bad-request msg.
>   opened with Ghostview -> print (using lpr) = crash
>   opened with Ghostview -> print ( using xpp) = client-error-bad-request
> msg.
> I have a HP DeskJet 670c that prints .doc, .ps and lots of others fine.  If
> anyone has some advice I would appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

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Hi Jeff,

I've had the same frustration. Try opening XPP, click 'Browse", enter the 
file name, then 'Print'.. Finally, I got print-out. If you've already tried 
that  . . . sigh!

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
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[newbie] Ext2fs to ext3fs conversion in LM8.0?

2002-03-03 Thread Andre Dubuc

The area where I live has numerous power failures. I'm using LM8.0 ext2fs 
filesysytem and . . .  I'm getting tired of having to re-install when the 
files system get so messed up that fsck won't fix it.

Is it possible, with LM8.0, to switch over to the ext3fs -- the one that's 
jouranlized? {Btw, I don't wnat to try LM8.1 -- I've had enough problems 
getting 8.0 to work fine.] If so, how do I go about it with my present system?

Any help would be appreciated.

Tia, Andre

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

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Re: [newbie] 3 cheers for Linux

2002-03-02 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Todd,

Sorry about that empty reply -- hit the wrong button. (Maybe I need more 

Anyway, a wonderful article on Imagemagick that hepled me "discover" its 

Actually, anything on that site is well worth reading.


On Saturday 02 March 2002 13:07, you wrote:
> I'm not usually the cheerleader type, but here goes.
> One of the things that prevented me from making the jump to an all-Linux
> machine was that I assumed I would have problems downloading pictures from
> my digital camera to my computer (10 minutes on comp.os.linux.hardware
> solved that), and I was also worried about finding an application that
> would allow me to view and manipulate the images easily. I was aware of
> GIMP, but I could never quite get into the scripting to do batch
> processing.
> I just discovered ImageMagick, jhead, and Gallery. With ImageMagick, I can
> resize (mogrify) an entire folder full of images. I can also create a
> contact sheet (tiled thumbnails) of the directory. I use Jhead to rename
> the images according to the date, which is taken from the exif data. I
> also use jhead to write all the exif data to a text file.
> Now I can take a folder full of pics, rename them, copy them to a new
> folder, and resize them using a simple shell script I wrote. Then I zip
> them up and upload them to my web-based photo gallery run by Gallery
> 1.2.5. This is way easier than when I was running Windows. Perhaps I could
> have done the same thing, but I would not have known where to begin.
> If only I could figure out how to do color adjustments in batch, as my
> camera gives a slightly reddish cast to images, I would be totally
> satisfied.
> Happy Camper Todd

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

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Re: [newbie] 3 cheers for Linux

2002-03-02 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Saturday 02 March 2002 13:07, you wrote:
> I'm not usually the cheerleader type, but here goes.
> One of the things that prevented me from making the jump to an all-Linux
> machine was that I assumed I would have problems downloading pictures from
> my digital camera to my computer (10 minutes on comp.os.linux.hardware
> solved that), and I was also worried about finding an application that
> would allow me to view and manipulate the images easily. I was aware of
> GIMP, but I could never quite get into the scripting to do batch
> processing.
> I just discovered ImageMagick, jhead, and Gallery. With ImageMagick, I can
> resize (mogrify) an entire folder full of images. I can also create a
> contact sheet (tiled thumbnails) of the directory. I use Jhead to rename
> the images according to the date, which is taken from the exif data. I
> also use jhead to write all the exif data to a text file.
> Now I can take a folder full of pics, rename them, copy them to a new
> folder, and resize them using a simple shell script I wrote. Then I zip
> them up and upload them to my web-based photo gallery run by Gallery
> 1.2.5. This is way easier than when I was running Windows. Perhaps I could
> have done the same thing, but I would not have known where to begin.
> If only I could figure out how to do color adjustments in batch, as my
> camera gives a slightly reddish cast to images, I would be totally
> satisfied.
> Happy Camper Todd

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

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[newbie] Printing with Ghostview or PS/PDF Viewer Possible?

2002-02-27 Thread Andre Dubuc


Is there a secret to getting any pdf file to print? Both gs and ps/pdf refuse 
to print pdf files. The 'print command: lpr' doesn't work even if I change 
the command to the printer name 'laser'. At one point it worked, but for the 
life of me, I can't recall the magic I had to perform to get either to work.

Any suggestions?

Btw, does acroread work with LM 8.0?

I sure would like to print some files: I've tried importing to Gimp, 
StarOffice, OpenOffice -- I've run out of applications in an attempt to 
bypass the gs / ps/pdf problem.


Tia, Andre
Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

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[newbie] Black background in Konqueror

2002-02-27 Thread Andre Dubuc

Often when I move to a new page in Konqueror while on the web, the page 
originally displays with a solid black background, that sometimes changes to 
white (as it does in Netscape 6.2).

Frequently, it stays black and I cannot read the text. Is there any way of 
changing this to a default white background? I have the same problem in 
Konsole -- the default Terminal. (I finally switched to Xterm since it has a 
white background.)


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

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[newbie] Adding user: with no icon at login

2002-02-24 Thread Andre Dubuc

I would like to add a user, say "Trial", that would not be displayed at login 
(i.e. as an icon named 'Trial'). 

I've tried all the options in `man useradd', but I end up with a user and an 
icon. What I'm trying to achieve is end up with a user like 'postgres' in the 
LM 8.0 rpm of PostgreSQL. There is no icon, and only a group entry in 

I would like to duplicate this action, since I'm trying to install the source 
PostgreSQL 7.2. Whenever I try "useradd postgres", I end up with an icon, and 
a home directory that I definetly don't want. Perhaps I should try 'groupadd' 
first with 'postgres' and then useradd 'postgres' ??

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

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[newbie] Apache + PHP + PostgreSQL

2002-02-20 Thread Andre Dubuc

I've hacked away and actually got a working copy of Apache + PHP + PostgreSQL 
to install on my disk: Apache and PHP from source, and the rpm'd version of 
PostgreSQL 7.0.3 mdk. 

I have followed a tutorial from entitled "Beginning PHP 
and PostgreSQL" that included an html/php script to connect with Apache. It 
doesn't work. The offending lines are:

 $db = pg_connect("dbname=friends user=htdocs");
 $query = "SELECT * FROM friends";
 $result = pg_exec($db, $query);

I cannot "connect" with Apache, no matter what I put as "user". I get the 
following message:

"WARNING: PostgreSQL query failed in /home/lab/apache/htdocs/frnz0.php on 
line 6

I've created user "htdocs". Nothing. In the tutorial he wrote: "Obviously at 
this point, change the username to the one that your web server runs as." 
Would that be "postgres" or "nobody"? I'm really confused (as a newbie) since 
I'm trying to sort out three new things at once: Apache, PHP, and Postgresql! 
>From the information I've listed here, can any gurus figure out what I've 
messed up? I'd really appreciate your help so that I could actually use the 


The setup (so far):

Apache 1.3.23 and PHP 4.1.1 (from source), and PostgreSQL 7.0.3.mdk (RPM from 

Apache: with DSO installed in /home/lab/apache with recursive 755 
permissions (from /lab) nobody:nobody; document root = htdocs (755 

PostgreSQL: installed in /var/lib/pgsql 755 postgres:postgres; /data 700 


Somehow, I think that it's the permission thing again, but where? Any ideas?
I'd greatly appreciate help again -- man this is fun! It's bringing back 
so many neat memories -- I love this stuff.


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

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Re: [newbie] cd burning trouble

2002-02-17 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Todd, 

First off, if there are any errors in this, it's because I had to copy it 
from the archive. Sigh . . 

I think your problem is that you've no entry for the /dev/scd0 in fstab.
I've tried xcdroast and others, and have found tha gtoaster works the best 
and is the easiest to set up. Once you add that entry to fstab, reboot.

Load Gtoaster and click on Preferences > CDROM and Recorder Setup > Scan Bus 
: it should, at least, give you the cdrw. To add the CDROM  click Add and 
manually copy the same info, but uncheck "This drive is a CD Writer" and,as 
well, enter the correct "Device File" (probably /mnt/cdrom in your case)

Now, if you don't get this or it refuses to "see" the wriiter, there's one 
other thing you can do. Hope it works . .


[Original Message from Todd Slater:]

I've been trying to get xcdroast to work without any luck. I searched the
mail archives for some info, tried some tips, to no avail.

My CD R/RW is an HP CD-Writer Plus. CD-ROM is a Toshiba.

When I run setup in xcdroast, the device scan only shows my zip and CD-R.
For the CD Reader configuration, it defaults to the CD-R and will not
allow me to enter my CD-ROM.

I have also tried to burn WAVs using Gcombust and Gnome-toaster, but get
errors. (Wrong scsi settings or no permission to device, but I added
myself to the cdwriter group.) Here is an error I get using eroaster:

Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in write mode for single session.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... cdrecord: Input/output
error. mode select g1: scsi sendcmd: no error CDB:  55 10 00 00 00 00 00
00 3C 00 status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x26 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in parameter list) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.008s timeout 200s
cdrecord: Warning: using default CD write parameter data.
Mode Select Data 00 15 00 00 05 32 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
96 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 cdrecord: Cannot open new session.

My hardware info as reported by Harddrake:
R/RW 4x4x24
Vendor: Unknown
Model: R/RW 4x4x24
Device: /dev/hdd

Toshiba CD-ROM
Vendor: Unknown
Device: /dev/hdc
Vendor: IDE-CD

Model: R/RW 4x4x24
Device: /dev/scd0
Bus Type: SCSI

My fstab contains:
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0/dev/scd0
/mnt/cdrom2 auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

Any idears?

Todd Slater
Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for even the
greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer. (C.C. Colton)

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

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[newbie] Attempt to fake stamp??

2002-02-17 Thread Andre Dubuc

Meanwhile back at the ranch . . .

Seems like I'm getting all sorts of bounced mail again through "newbie". The 
latest returned mail included one that was "from: nobody @localhost with 
Subject: Re: A few changes; From: ert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>." [Never 
heard of him]

I checked the logs and saw that localhost procmail had three separate entires 
on Feb 15th, 16th, and 17th with "Attempt to fake stamp by "nobody." Btw, 
does anybody know whether  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is ligit? His name appears on 
all the mandrake bounces as "On behalf of: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

My question: aside from filtering these out of KMail, is there anything I 
should do? Is this a security threat -- seems like "nobody" is after me :>

Any pointers where to read up on this would be appreciated.


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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Re: [newbie] Netscape 6.2 Installation

2002-02-17 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Chuck,

The big question: did you keep Netscape 6.2? Is it worth the trouble? -- I'm 
developing a website and I'm just curious to see how it compares to the 
Netscape 4.xx that came with LM 8.0. 

I use Konqueror almost exclusively. (I'm not fond of all the clutter in 


On Saturday 16 February 2002 23:37, you wrote:
> When I installed Netscape 6.2, I had problems with conflicts with
> Mozilla. I have seen this problem mentioned on other lists as well.
> Regards,
> Chuck
> > On Fri, 15 Feb 2002 10:31:04 +
> > "rsch77" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> thoughtfully uttered these words to
> >
> > ponder:
> > > Hi Andre,
> > > I am a newbie also : ), so I can't help you much with installing it
> > > as an ordinary user. I installed Netscape 6.2 as root and I can run
> > > it as a normal user. If that is your worry, don't worry anymore. You
> > > could try installing it in another directory which you have
> > > permission to write, but I've never done it, can't help again.
> > > Good luck,
> > >
> > > Rodrigo
> >
> > Instead of download "just" the installer grab the entire package from
> > the Netscape FTP server and then run the installer on your system
> > instead of using their "net" installer.
> >
> > problem solved.
> >
> > --
> > daRcmaTTeR
> >
> > Registered Linux User 182496
> > Mandrake 8.2beta1
> > -
> >  10:16am  up 17:44,  2 users,  load average: 1.05, 1.01, 0.91
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > Go to

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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Re: [newbie] Netscape 6.2 Installation

2002-02-16 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Mark,

Now that's my kind of install! :) 

I've no intention of letting Netscape do the "M$" thing. I'd rather not have 
it on my disk, thank-you very much! 

(The last time I let M$ do an upgrade, they generously passed on a virus that 
had infected the file! After searching their "Knowledge Base" [should be 
called "BugBase"], I found the problem -- they admitted that the file had 
been infected -- nice touch, eh? Well, enough ranting about that 
has-been-on-my-computer OS.)

Next question: how do I access their FTP server? Would you happen to have 
their ftp address? I plan to do it from Konqueror (I hope they don't mind too 
much :>)

Btw, I just have to tell someone -- I finally got Apache + PHP + Postgresql 
installed and running on my system! Took two weeks, but I finally figured out 
the correct configure sequence [pat, pat, pat on my shoulder! Thanks!] :)


On Saturday 16 February 2002 10:21, you wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Feb 2002 10:31:04 +
> "rsch77" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> thoughtfully uttered these words to
> ponder:
> > Hi Andre,
> > I am a newbie also : ), so I can't help you much with installing it
> > as an ordinary user. I installed Netscape 6.2 as root and I can run
> > it as a normal user. If that is your worry, don't worry anymore. You
> > could try installing it in another directory which you have
> > permission to write, but I've never done it, can't help again.
> > Good luck,
> >
> > Rodrigo
> Instead of download "just" the installer grab the entire package from
> the Netscape FTP server and then run the installer on your system
> instead of using their "net" installer.
> problem solved.

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] "Retry timeout exceeded"?

2002-02-14 Thread Andre Dubuc

Thanks Mark,

That's probably what did it. 

Just after the 7th my IP changed providers, and with it, of course DNS 
addresses. I've had to change a few things at this end. Then I noticed the 
mail slowed down, and stopped entirely from N@L-M.

Good to know, in hindsight. Nice to be back though!


On Wednesday 13 February 2002 16:00, you wrote:
> I have found that you must send emails to this list from the email account
> registered.  Any other sending address is just bounced right back.
> Hope this help!
> On Wednesday 13 February 2002 14:48, you wrote:
> > I haven't received messages from "newbie" since Sunday. I've received
> > four failed mail deliveries ( returning message to sender, indicating
> > it's a "permanent error") with the message above.
> >
> > I can receive/send messages to other lists. What should I do to correct
> > this? All other lists work. What should I do to correct this?
> >
> > Tia,
> > Andre

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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[newbie] Netscape 6.2 Installation

2002-02-14 Thread Andre Dubuc

Maybe I'm paranoid, but to "install" Netscape using "NetscapeInstaller" 
involves downloading from the net. I've no problem with that, but I do take 
issue that, in order for the install to succeed, the files must go into 

Now, unless I'm mistaken /usr/local has root:root permissions. So, in effect 
I have to download as root? Sounds like a Windows-come-and-get me install??

My gut feeling is that I must be mistaken, and/or I don't understand the 
perrmission thing with /usr/local/ . . . Since no-one else has complained 
about this, how can I download it as user? I get error messages about 
"pipeline being broken" or such.

How I love being a newbie -- just got back onto the list. Great to be back!


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] Re: Looking for a site . . .

2002-02-13 Thread Andre Dubuc

Thanks Derek,

That's the one I was looking for!

Btw, excuse the impersonal reply . . . I still cannot get any "newbie" mail 
in . . . have to view it via the mail archive (what a pain). Wish I knew how 
to fix that! Sigh . . .


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] "Retry timeout exceeded"?

2002-02-13 Thread Andre Dubuc

I haven't received messages from "newbie" since Sunday. I've received four 
failed mail deliveries ( returning message to sender, indicating it's a 
"permanent error") with the message above. 

I can receive/send messages to other lists. What should I do to correct this? 
All other lists work. What should I do to correct this?


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Permissions: Nobody in Apache + PHP

2002-02-12 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Kevin, 

Just wanted to thank you for your help. 

Figured out the problem -- it was partly permission problem (that you helped 
to solve). I tried a simpler script, testing to see whether I could simply 
write to a file. I could. It would even append. But back in the 
"graffiti.php" it still wouldn't recognize or pass the variable.

I looked at phpinfo() output and noticed that: 

register_globals=off  and register_argc_argv= off

No wonder it wasn't passing the variable. The php.ini told it not to. Changed 
both to "on",  and bingo - a working script!

Thanks again,

On Sunday 10 February 2002 01:42, you wrote:
> Andre,
> Yes, your problem is testing the script as root.  As a rule of thumb, never
> write scripts or test stuff as root.  The root user should only be used
> when you need to install something new, or perform system maintenance.
> Kevin
> - Original Message -
> From: "Andre Dubuc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Kevin Old" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 10:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Permissions: Nobody in Apache + PHP
> > Kevin,
> >
> > My tmp directory was set to drwxrwxr-t  -- I changed it, as well as the
> > graffiti.dat in /htdocs. The file in both /tmp and /htdocs was not
> > apache: apache but root:root. Is this where the problem lies? I'm testing
> > the
> script
> > while in root (Btw, I wrote it in root: I can't seem to get any script to
> > work as user).
> >
> > Where would I find "errors in my browser"?
> >
> > Thanks for your advice!
> >
> > Andre
> >
> > On Saturday 09 February 2002 23:00, you wrote:
> > > Andre,
> > >
> > > I copied the code and executed it and worked fine for me.
> > >
> > > Make sure your tmp directory is set like this
> > >
> > > drwxrwxrwt4 root root 1024 Feb  9 16:41 tmp/
> > >
> > > This is how the file was created
> > >
> > > -rw-r--r--1 apache   apache  0 Feb  9 16:38 graffiti.dat
> > >
> > > Are you getting any errors back in your browser from PHP?
> > >
> > > Kevin
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "Andre Dubuc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: "Kevin Old" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 9:26 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [newbie] Permissions: Nobody in Apache + PHP
> > >
> > > > Thanks Kevin,
> > > >
> > > > You're right it's a permission thing, but it doesn't make any
> difference
> > > sinc
> > >
> > > > I palced Grafiti.dat and graffiti.php in the same directory (htdocs).
> I
> > > also
> > >
> > > > tried it in /tmp, setting the permissions the same. No go. Since this
> is
> > > > a tutorial script, (PHP 101 - Part 5 from I wonder if
> > > > there's a mistake in it: the variable $graffiti does not seem to be
> > > > defined except
> > >
> > > by
> > >
> > > > the name=graffiti function in the form section.
> > > >
> > > > My error log is a mess! Primary error: $graffiti not defined, and, 
> > > > no permission to grafiti.php. The script is simple and should work: I
> > >
> > > included
> > >
> > > > it below. If you would be so kind as to scan for errors (particularly
> for
> > > > $graffiti definition):
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > >  > > > // set the file name
> > > > $filename = "/tmp/graffiti.dat";
> > > >
> > > > // open the file
> > > > $handle = fopen ($filename, "a+");
> > > >
> > > > // write the string to the file handle
> > > > fputs ($handle, $graffiti);
> > > >
> > > > // close the file
> > > > fclose ($handle);
> > > > ?>
> > > >
> > > >  [I changed graffiti.php4 to
> > > > php] 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > >  > > > // Display current contents of file if available
> > > > if (file_exists ($filename))
> > > >  {
> > > >  echo "Current graffiti reads: ";

Re: [newbie] Permissions: Nobody in Apache + PHP

2002-02-10 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Micahel,

First, to answer your questions:

user/group on /tmp  root:root
r/w permissions on tmp :  rwxrwxrwxt

Now Apache + PHP is loaded in /home/web/apache (root:root) with (rwx r-x r-x) 
on all subdirectories including /htdocs where graffiti.php resides. I've 
tried placing graffiti.dat in /htdocs and in /tmp, and even created a new 
dierctory /home/web/apache/tmp directory. Nothing works.

Tried changing (chown -R apache:apache /home/web) and (chown -R andre:andre 
/home/web) -- nothing works. [What is the problem with this setup? I've had 
so much trouble with Apache and PHP!]

What permissions, user/group should Apache + PHP have? User is in Apache 
group, also tried putting user in the Nobody group.

Where should I look? The error log indicate: 

[Sun Feb 10 13:01:31 2002] [error] PHP Warning:  fopen("/tmp/graffiti.dat", 
"a+") - Permission denied in /home/web/apache/htdocs/graffiti.php on line 18
[[[ $handle = fopen ($filename, "a+"); ]]]
[Sun Feb 10 13:01:31 2002] [error] PHP Warning:  Undefined variable:  
graffiti in /home/web/apache/htdocs/graffiti.php on line 22
[Sun Feb 10 13:01:31 2002] [error] PHP Warning:  Supplied argument is not a 
valid File-Handle resource in /home/web/apache/htdocs/graffiti.php on line 22 
 [[[ fputs ($handle, $graffiti); ]]]

[Sun Feb 10 13:01:31 2002] [error] PHP Warning:  Supplied argument is not a 
valid File-Handle resource in /home/web/apache/htdocs/graffiti.php on line 25

Thanks for your advice,

On Sunday 10 February 2002 00:43, you wrote:
> There are several things to check
> For example which user / group owns /tmp?
> What are the read / write permissions on /tmp?
> If nobody does not have write privileges to /tmp, the file will not get
> updated.
> Michael
> --
> Michael Viron
> Registered Linux User #81978
> Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
> Alumni Representative, Online Operations
> Web Spinners, University of West Florida
> At 03:14 PM 02/09/2002 -0500, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> >Finally, I have working copies of Apache 1.3.22 and PHP 4.1.1 on my LM8.0
> >box. Apache has been set up with "nobody' permissions, and I write test
> >scripts as root and place them in /home/web/apache/htdocs.
> >
> >I can read scripts from this directory, but I've tried to use:
> >. . . excerpt . . .
> >
> > $filename = "/tmp/graffiti.dat";
> > $handle = fopen ($filename, "a+");
> > fputs ($handle, $graffiti); [I've also tried fwrite]
> > fclose($handle);
> >
> >. . .  followed by a form that takes $graffiti as input . . . and then a
> > php script that displays the contents of the appended $filename . . .
> >
> >And no matter what I try, nothing is written to "graffiti.dat" -- I've
> >checked that it is writeable. Somehow, I think it's related to permissions
> >and the group "nobody". I've written the script as root, and another as
> user.
> >Neither works. Apache (temporarily) is run at root -- I'm just learning
> >Apache and PHP -- this is a developmental setup, not connected to the
> outside.
> >If there are any gurus that can help me, I'd appreciate it. Permissions
> > are set otherwise to 755.
> >
> >I'm obviously not clear on the concept of "nobody" and how it affects
> running
> >of scripts. Who cn arun these, if it's set to "nobody"?
> >
> >Tia,
> >Andre
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
> >Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.
> >
> >May God bless you abundantly in His love!
> >
> >For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --
> >
> >
> >Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> >Go to

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Permissions: Nobody in Apache + PHP

2002-02-09 Thread Andre Dubuc

Thanks Kevin,

You're right it's a permission thing, but it doesn't make any difference sinc 
I palced Grafiti.dat and graffiti.php in the same directory (htdocs). I also 
tried it in /tmp, setting the permissions the same. No go. Since this is a 
tutorial script, (PHP 101 - Part 5 from I wonder if there's a 
mistake in it: the variable $graffiti does not seem to be defined except by 
the name=graffiti function in the form section.

My error log is a mess! Primary error: $graffiti not defined, and,  no 
permission to grafiti.php. The script is simple and should work: I included 
it below. If you would be so kind as to scan for errors (particularly for 
$graffiti definition):

   [I changed graffiti.php4 to php]

Current graffiti reads: ";
 readfile ($filename);
 echo "File not found!";


Somehow, I think there's a boo-boo in here (but then again, I'm a newbie! :>)

Tia, (and thanks for your help!)

On Saturday 09 February 2002 20:47, you wrote:
> Andre,
> Yes, it has to be a permissions issue.  Here's one thing that has gotten me
> in the past.  Make sure that the directory (and ones above it) for
> grafitti.dat have the same permissions and are owned and grouped exactly as
> grafitti.dat is.  Try that and let me know what happens.  Also, check your
> Apache error_log for error messages and they might help you pinpoint the
> problem.
> As for your original question, nobody is just an ordinary user like any
> other.  The only thing is that the nobody account is disabled so that
> nobody can log in in the normal way.  The purpose of having such an
> account is to limit the power of processes that run as this user and to
> partition them off to some extent from other users although there seems
> to be something of a trend nowadays to run various services as their own
> separate users (eg, in Debian: www-data for Apache, proxy for squid, et
> al.)
> If you want to know why 'nobody' is not singled out as a specially
> restricted user then I can only give you my explanation and I don't know
> how authoritative that is.  Firstly the Unix model says there are two
> types of users: superusers (uid=0) and ordinary users (uid!=0).  Many
> would argue that this approach is the reason Unix security is such a
> problem so the question of whether introducing a new users with varying
> privileges would actually help or not would need to be considered
> carefully.  Perhaps the main reason why it hasn't been done so far is
> that there is little need.  If you and I both have an account on the
> system, can I delete your files?  Hopefully not -- unless you have
> specifically given a group I am in this privilege (or, heaven forbid,
> the dreaded 'other').  If you have private files then hopefully you have
> set the permissions/umask appropriately hence I can't read these
> either.  Consequently, we are both unprivileged users and only ourselves
> (or, more correctly, processes with our uid) can do any damage to our
> files (unless permission is granted otherwise).  Hence use of the nobody
> limits the damage that can be done to 'nobody': a user who owns
> virtually nothing and can only access (read/write) files to which r/w
> permission has been granted to "other" -- how more unprivileged could
> this be?  (Perhaps rlimits could be permanently enforced but in some
> ways perhaps this is the responsiblity of the application process, not
> the user id it runs as.)  As I said, this is just my opinion and someone
> else can probably provide a better answer. :)
> Hope this helps,
> Kevin
> - Original Message -
> From: "Andre Dubuc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 2:14 PM
> Subject: [newbie] Permissions: Nobody in Apache + PHP
> > Finally, I have working copies of Apache 1.3.22 and PHP 4.1.1 on my LM8.0
> > box. Apache has been set up with "nobody' permissions, and I write test
> > scripts as root and place them in /home/web/apache/htdocs.
> >
> > I can read scripts from this directory, but I've tried to use:
> > . . . excerpt . . .
> >
> >  $filename = "/tmp/graffiti.dat";
> >  $handle = fopen ($filename, "a+");
> >  fputs ($handle, $graffiti); [I've also tried fwrite]
> >  fclose($handle);
> >
> > . . .  followed by a form that takes $graffiti as input . . . and then a
> php
> > script that displays the contents of the appended $filename . . .
> >
> > And no matter what I try, nothing is written to "graffiti.dat" -- I've
> > checked that it is writeable. 

[newbie] Permissions: Nobody in Apache + PHP

2002-02-09 Thread Andre Dubuc

Finally, I have working copies of Apache 1.3.22 and PHP 4.1.1 on my LM8.0 
box. Apache has been set up with "nobody' permissions, and I write test 
scripts as root and place them in /home/web/apache/htdocs.

I can read scripts from this directory, but I've tried to use:
. . . excerpt . . .

 $filename = "/tmp/graffiti.dat";
 $handle = fopen ($filename, "a+");
 fputs ($handle, $graffiti);[I've also tried fwrite]

. . .  followed by a form that takes $graffiti as input . . . and then a php 
script that displays the contents of the appended $filename . . .

And no matter what I try, nothing is written to "graffiti.dat" -- I've 
checked that it is writeable. Somehow, I think it's related to permissions 
and the group "nobody". I've written the script as root, and another as user. 
Neither works. Apache (temporarily) is run at root -- I'm just learning 
Apache and PHP -- this is a developmental setup, not connected to the outside.

If there are any gurus that can help me, I'd appreciate it. Permissions are 
set otherwise to 755.

I'm obviously not clear on the concept of "nobody" and how it affects running 
of scripts. Who cn arun these, if it's set to "nobody"?


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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[newbie] Switching partitions?

2002-02-03 Thread Andre Dubuc

My / partition (/hda5) is too small (only 243MB) and is currently running at 
87.1%. I want it to be at least 1GB. 

Another partition /var (/hda9) is 1.1GB and only has 10% usage. 

I would like to switch partitions -- i.e., copy contents of /hda9 to my 
unused /hdc which is only a one 1G partition. Then, I'd like to remount /hda9 
as / and copy the files from /hda5 to /hda9.

After I've completed that, I would remount /hda5 as /var and copy the 
contents of hdc to it.

Would this work? Would it mess up my fstab, lilo or anything else? I plan to 
use DiskDrake to accomplish the remounts.


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP

2002-02-01 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Todd,

Just received your message today (Feb 1st!). In the meantime, I dumped the 
LM8.0 versions of Apache/PHP and tried source. Not much better.

Anyway, I re-installed LM8.0 versions and, yes, in commonhttpd.conf there are 
those lines which I uncommented. Now, either as user or root, with the test 
file in /var/www/html, I still get text. 

So, how did you activate php? What did you do if you wanted to run a test to 
see if it was working? Where did you do it from (and did you try as user with 
permissions to the group apache? What should I expect to see? Unfortunately, 
I've trashed Netscape's mime-types after trying manually to insert the type: 
whenever I try a php file, it asks me where I want to save it. If only I 
could remember where I deleted entries like that in Netscape . . . :>

This has gone beyond an obsession. I've sort of lost track exactly why I want 
php installed, if the installtion causes so much grief, what about when it's 
in use?

Anyway, thanks for the tip. If you've got any other suggestions to get this 
php thing php-ing, I I love to hear them!


On Tuesday 29 January 2002 17:15, you wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 January 2002 03:20 pm, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > The problem with my LM8.0 configuration for Apache is that it doesn't
> > have those lines "AddType" in any of the .conf files! I wondered what
> > they were talking about -- and I have checked them all!
> >
> > In desperation, I finally decided to go source. I d/l the binary from
> > Apache, and after my first attempt, I still cannot see my test file. I'll
> > have to check my PHP config.
> I think my version of Apache is pretty recent. You don't have a file
> "commonhttpd.conf" in /etc/httpd/conf? Maybe do a find?
> This is about half-way through my commonhttpd.conf, and I just uncommented
> the last two lines:
>  # AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing it, or
> to # make certain files to be certain types.
>  #
>  # For example, the PHP 3.x module (not part of the Apache distribution -
> see # will typically use:
>  #
>  #AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
>  #AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
>  #
>  # And for PHP 4.x, use:
>  #
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
> I guess the nice thing about installing it from Mandrake disc is that it's
> already configured. I didn't touch any PHP file. Is moving up to 8.1 (or
> soon, 8.2) an option?
> > Perhaps, that's the problem: I'm unclear where any files that I make
> > should go. Are they supposed to be put in the /htdocs area in apache's
> > directory? Will they work from elsewhere? I've also set up a /public_html
> > directory in personal home directory.
> My web files go in /var/www/html. If your root is /htdocs, that's where I
> would put them. I'm not sure but what you may need to give permission to
> normal users to use PHP.
> Maybe try alt.os.linux.mandrake, a PHP or Apache group.
> Todd

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP

2002-01-29 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Steve,

Well that option has been fully explored: I installed everything! Still no 
go. I just received my LM8.0 Update disk today and dumped my original config, 
reloaded everything, and I was very surprised to find the http.conf file 
exactly like the one that has the missing AddType lines.

I didn't bother with the update disk -- I've already downloaded the Apache 
binary and have source PHP 4.1.1. This version of Apache has the "AddType" 
lines that can be uncommented. Now it seems to be more of a question of 
permissions for the php files. (At least I've seen the run-tests.php in 

I don't know what was messed up with the stock LM8.0 config, but my guess, 
from examining the updates, is that PHP had caused a problem. I seem to 
luck-in with these no-go installations !

Anyway, It's been a great learning experience!  (This is terribly excellent 
fun! Much better than the boring "...has performed an illegal operation and 
will be shut down." At least this way I can mess it up some more! :>)

Thanks for your suggestion.

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 17:13, you wrote:
> Sounds to me like to you don't have all the necessary apache rpm's
> installed. I'd recommend you go into software manager, select flat-listing
> and enter apache in the search box. Install anything which is shown.
> > -Original Message-
> > From:   Andre Dubuc [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:21 PM
> > To: Todd Slater
> > Subject:Re: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP
> >
> > On Tuesday 29 January 2002 13:43, you wrote:
> > > Andre,
> > >
> > > I just got php up and running (I think) without a fuss. I'm using
> >
> > Mandrake
> >
> > > 8.1 and I installed php, php-common, php-manual_en, and php-mysql.
> > >
> > > Then, I went to the Apache configuration folder--on my system
> > > /etc/httpd/conf. I opened commonhttpd.conf with vi, and scrolled down
> > > to the part about php. I just uncommented two lines (remove the #)
> > > about AddType blah blah .php and saved it.
> > >
> > > I stopped httpd.
> > > I started httpd
> > >
> > > I looked for the most basic script I could find because I don't know
> > > anything about it, and found a date one here:
> > > I put that in my web
> > > directory (renamed the text-file .php) and called it and it worked!
> > >
> > > I don't know if that will help or not.
> > >
> > > Todd
> >
> > Thanks Todd,
> >
> > The problem with my LM8.0 configuration for Apache is that it doesn't
> > have
> >
> > those lines "AddType" in any of the .conf files! I wondered what they
> > were
> >
> > talking about -- and I have checked them all!
> >
> > In desperation, I finally decided to go source. I d/l the binary from
> > Apache,
> > and after my first attempt, I still cannot see my test file. I'll have to
> > check my PHP config.
> >
> > Perhaps, that's the problem: I'm unclear where any files that I make
> > should
> > go. Are they supposed to be put in the /htdocs area in apache's
> > directory?
> >
> > Will they work from elsewhere? I've also set up a /public_html directory
> > in
> > personal home directory.
> >
> > I'm having all sorts of fun installing/uninstalling and generally messing
> > about with these programs. Sure is a great way to find out where
> > everything
> > is, and how everything is inter-related. Too bad it doesn't work!
> >
> > Regards,
> > Andre
> >
> > --
> > Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
> > Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.
> >
> > May God bless you abundantly in His love!
> >
> > For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --
> >
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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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Re: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP

2002-01-28 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Saturday 26 January 2002 10:27, you wrote:
> On Saturday 26 January 2002 09:53 am, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > I've installed (in LM 8.0) all the appropriate Apache programs and
> > modules, and all the PHP related stuff. In the LinuxConf - Service
> > Control, I notice that apache is not listed, and both httpd and webmin
> > are running.
> >
> > What do I have to do to get a working "server" so that I can test any
> > code that I write in html/php? (Can I use my only computer as a
> > stand-alone server, and access it as a client? I assume that I should be
> > able to do something like that especially since freeciv sets up
> > server/client on my machine.)
> >
> > If someone could point me in the right direction, it would save me wading
> > through tons of documentation that assumes I have Apache up-and-running!
> > Help?
> Andre, I'm a newbie too, but I think this is one question I can answer! If
> you have httpd running, then Apache is running. By default it installs the
> web documents in the directory /var/www/html. There is also
> /var/www/cgi-bin where all the scripts can go.
> You can access your web stuff by typing http://localhost in your browser.
> If you know your IP address, you can type that in as well. You should get a
> page telling about the version of Apache that you are running. That's just
> to let you know that the server is running.
> To avoid having to be root to add/change to your web directory, you have to
> add yourself to the group Apache. This can be done using UserDrake. Then,
> you should give the group write access to /var/www. Do this by typing
> "chmod g+w /var/www". That gives the group write permissions to the
> directory. You may have to log out and back in for that to take effect, I'm
> not sure. Then you should be able to edit and write new stuff in your
> /var/www/html directory.
> If your users want to have web pages, they have to create a directory in
> their home directory called "public_html". That's where they put all their
> web stuff. Then the user has to issue the command "chmod 755 ~USERNAME".
> Then the user's directory can be reached by "http://yourip/~username";.
> HTH,
> Todd

Hi Todd,

I've been struggling with the PHP module trying to get it to work. I've 
followed your instructions, but the Apache module doesn't seem to recognize 
PHP. I ran the test.php (") and I just see the text as it is 
written here.

In the docs, they mention that I should ad "AddType application/x-http-php 
.php" in the http.conf. I'm not exactly sure where I should add this: I've 
placed it after the "include" statement in the "Global Configuration". 
Problem is: in the Mime.types it doesn't show up. I can't get the "AddType" 
to work, so of course, PHP is non-functional in any test.

I've d/l the newest stable version of PHP, followed all the instructions 
(with/without, in various combinations, the following: Mysql, Postgresql, 
Apache. PHP) I've tried the bare-bones approach: only Apache and PHP - 
installing PHP 1st, then Apache first from LM8.0.  Nothing seems to work. I 
do get the Apache splash screen. I've loaded Webmin, and then removed it with 
little effect. (I've followed PHP instructions --with-mysql=/path. ...)

This is becoming an obsession -- almost like my attempts with HylaFax!

If you have any ideas on how to get PHP up-and-running, I'd greatly 
appreciate your assistance. I can't develop my new web-site until I get PHP 

Perhaps you could send me a copy of your (working) httpd.conf and php.ini 
files so I could maybe see what I've messed up. (Btw, in my last LM8.0 
install of PHP, I couldn't find php.ini anywhere.

Sorry to be so long-winded, but this is . . .  sigh!


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

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[newbie] Starting/Using PHP in Apache

2002-01-26 Thread Andre Dubuc

After the kind (and quick!) help from the list, I discovered that Apache was 
already running on my system. However, it refuses to load PHP. This is 
despite what I see at the top of the "Welcome" screen for Apache (aka httpd):

"Running version Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.19 (Linux-Mandrake/3mdk)
mod_perl/1.25 PHP/4.04pl1"

Two php test scripts do not work. "Httpd -l" gives me "command not found in 
bash" (either as root or user). I've read most of the on-line tutorials, but 
they assume that I'm using a tarball and make.

These HOW-TO files for PHP assume that I'll be d/l, compiling, and installing 
the various packages. They give voluminous instructions on a setup different 
from my LM 8.0 rpm installation. (Httpd which runs Apache is installed in 
/etc/httpd.) There are no hints what do to with a rpm installation that 
doesn't work.

My httpd and php.conf look OK -- they appear to have all the required 
modules. But I still can't access PHP since the commands "httpsdctl start" 
"...stop" don't work. Nor can I find any reference to what they say (in a 
How-To section called PHP installation *NIX) is "php.ini". (That suffix 
sounds like a Windows file to me do). The bottom line is I don't know what is 
wrong with my setup, since most commands to sleuth out the problem do not 

Perhaps some kind PHP/HTTP guru could point out where I'm going wrong or what 
I'm missing.

Tia, Andre

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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Re: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP

2002-01-26 Thread Andre Dubuc

Thanks Ed,

I tried "httpd -l" from the command line and I got:

bash: httpd: command not found  (neither as ~ or root)

I wonder whether php is working, since the little php test script doesn't 

Any ideas?


On Saturday 26 January 2002 11:12, you wrote:
> The htpd you are seeing is the Apache deamon.  To be sure that php is
> working, do "httpd -l" from the command line and you will see the compiled
> modules - or view them from webmin since you have it running.
> Also, if you start a browser and try the Apache info and
> congratualtions page will pop up
> Ed Kasky
> Los Angeles, CA
> ~~~
> "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."
> ~ Albert Einstein
> On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > I'm not even sure how to ask this: that's how abysmal my knowledge of
> > servers. I would like to learn scripting in PHP, and I need to run an
> > Apache server to test the code.
> >
> > I've installed (in LM 8.0) all the appropriate Apache programs and
> > modules, and all the PHP related stuff. In the LinuxConf - Service
> > Control, I notice that apache is not listed, and both httpd and webmin
> > are running.
> >
> > What do I have to do to get a working "server" so that I can test any
> > code that I write in html/php? (Can I use my only computer as a
> > stand-alone server, and access it as a client? I assume that I should be
> > able to do something like that especially since freeciv sets up
> > server/client on my machine.)
> >
> > If someone could point me in the right direction, it would save me wading
> > through tons of documentation that assumes I have Apache up-and-running!
> > Help?
> >
> > Tia,
> > Andre
> >
> >
> > --
> > Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
> > Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.
> >
> > May God bless you abundantly in His love!
> >
> > For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --
> >

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Starting Apache + PHP

2002-01-26 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Saturday 26 January 2002 10:27, you wrote:
> On Saturday 26 January 2002 09:53 am, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > I've installed (in LM 8.0) all the appropriate Apache programs and
> > modules, and all the PHP related stuff. In the LinuxConf - Service
> > Control, I notice that apache is not listed, and both httpd and webmin
> > are running.
> >
> > What do I have to do to get a working "server" so that I can test any
> > code that I write in html/php? (Can I use my only computer as a
> > stand-alone server, and access it as a client? I assume that I should be
> > able to do something like that especially since freeciv sets up
> > server/client on my machine.)
> >
> > If someone could point me in the right direction, it would save me wading
> > through tons of documentation that assumes I have Apache up-and-running!
> > Help?
> Andre, I'm a newbie too, but I think this is one question I can answer! If
> you have httpd running, then Apache is running. By default it installs the
> web documents in the directory /var/www/html. There is also
> /var/www/cgi-bin where all the scripts can go.
> You can access your web stuff by typing http://localhost in your browser.
> If you know your IP address, you can type that in as well. You should get a
> page telling about the version of Apache that you are running. That's just
> to let you know that the server is running.
> To avoid having to be root to add/change to your web directory, you have to
> add yourself to the group Apache. This can be done using UserDrake. Then,
> you should give the group write access to /var/www. Do this by typing
> "chmod g+w /var/www". That gives the group write permissions to the
> directory. You may have to log out and back in for that to take effect, I'm
> not sure. Then you should be able to edit and write new stuff in your
> /var/www/html directory.
> If your users want to have web pages, they have to create a directory in
> their home directory called "public_html". That's where they put all their
> web stuff. Then the user has to issue the command "chmod 755 ~USERNAME".
> Then the user's directory can be reached by "http://yourip/~username";.
> HTH,
> Todd

Thanks Todd,

That ot me up-and-running! I also understand what httpd is now (I never 
noticed the comments on the bottom of LinuxConf screen when I checked httpd!)

I still can't load any php test scripts, even though the modules are loaded 
in httpd.conf. I wonder whether the test script needs to be written in php.4 
(it's php.3) -- even though I "loaded" the older modules as well in 
httpd.conf. Obviously, I think you can tell I don't know what I'm doing here!

I think I'll have to do some reading as Michael suggested  . . . sigh!

One last thing, what effect will "chmod g+w /var/www have on Bastille? It 
doesn't seem to like that command too much. I'm a littel leary about changing 
pemissions to programs and files that I don't know too much about. 

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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[newbie] Starting Apache + PHP

2002-01-26 Thread Andre Dubuc

I'm not even sure how to ask this: that's how abysmal my knowledge of 
servers. I would like to learn scripting in PHP, and I need to run an Apache 
server to test the code.

I've installed (in LM 8.0) all the appropriate Apache programs and modules, 
and all the PHP related stuff. In the LinuxConf - Service Control, I notice 
that apache is not listed, and both httpd and webmin are running.

What do I have to do to get a working "server" so that I can test any code 
that I write in html/php? (Can I use my only computer as a stand-alone 
server, and access it as a client? I assume that I should be able to do 
something like that especially since freeciv sets up server/client on my 

If someone could point me in the right direction, it would save me wading 
through tons of documentation that assumes I have Apache up-and-running! Help?


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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Re: [newbie] LILO

2002-01-17 Thread Andre Dubuc

A very rough (and probably poor translation) but this seems to be the gist 
what he is asking:

I use Mandrake 7.2 and made one small partition for windows, and because of 
installing windows, I can't reconfigure my lilo because of the errors that 
are written from the windows partition. It seems that to say that the 
partition does not have a valid entry or boot sector. And if if Linux  
/dev/hda1 and of windows (or it seems to be) /dev/hda5 (or does linux mount 
the partition from the end of the program. I can access it normally) Or if 
it's lilo entry not configured correctly at boot? Please help me recover from 
this mess. 


On Thursday 17 January 2002 20:30, you wrote:

> Hello:
> The email below is not written in Spanish, it looks more like Portuguese to
> me.  It is confirmed by the persons email address, which points to Brazil.
> Reagards,
> Dexter
> > On Qui, 17 Jan 2002 12:18:08
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Ajuda Plase!!!
> > >
> > > Uso o Mandrake 7.2 e deixei uma partição vaga para o windows, qd
> > > instalei o windows, não consegui reconfigurar meu lilo pois ele dá erro
> > > na hora de escrever a partiÇão do rwindows. Aparece dizendo que a
> > > partição não tem uma entrada válida no setor de boot da partição. A do
> > > Linux é /dev/hda1 e a do windows é (ou deveria ser) /dev/hda5 (pois o
> > > linux monta a partição dos neste end. e eu acesso ela normalmente). Pq
> > > então o lilo não configura corretamente o boot? Ou, como posso fazer
> > > para configurar isto corretamente? Se for erro meu ou se alguém puder
> > > me ajudar desde já agradeço.
> > >
> > > J. Castro Jr.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > iBEST - Internet com alta qualidade de conexão.
> > > GANHE ACESSO GRATUITO à Internet do iBEST em
> > >
> >
> > --
> >
> > "Programming, an artform that fights back."
> >
> > =
> > Anuerin G. Diaz
> > Design Engineer
> > Millennium Software, Incorporated
> > 2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
> > Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City
> >
> > Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
> > Fax# 638-3079
> > =
> ---
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > Go to

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] USB Modems

2002-01-16 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Wednesday 16 January 2002 04:19, you wrote:
> > I'm considering an USB hardware modem [AOpen FM56-RU] to
> > replace my AOpen
> > FM56-ITU/2 hardware ISA modem. I'd like to free up the ISA
> > slot for an old
> > scanner.
> >
> > I've checked LM Hardware database using my ISA modem and it
> > declares my
> > present moidm unsupported! Do any usb modems function with
> > LM8 or 8.1?
> > If not, could you recommend a good external modem?
> Hello,
> I made the mistake of purchasing a USB modem to use with my LM8.0
> installation - "it's an external modem, isn't it?".
> Well, yes and no! I won't go into the details of what I eventually worked
> out from reading forums and newsgroups, but basically some USB modems work,
> and some don't.
> So: buy a good old-fashioned serial port external modem. It will work
> straight out of the box without any messing about with drivers.
> I settled on a Elsa Microlink Fun, simply because a) it was cheap b) I
> liked the colour c) I couldn't find any negative reviews with Google.
> Have fun,
> Richard
> ***
> This e-mail and its attachments are intended for the above named
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> ***

Hi Richard,

I think I'll follow your lead!
Btw, what color did you choose? :>


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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Re: [newbie] CDPlayer - cdrom2 "no disc"

2002-01-15 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 15 January 2002 10:46, you wrote:
> Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > Hi Kaj,
> >
> > Thanks for the info. I added the additional "append".
> >
> > My cdwriter is set in lilo, but I'm not clear how to set either to
> > "/dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 respectively. "
> >
> > >From my understanding, the cdwriter already is seen as as ide-scsi
> > > device --
> >
> > I use Gtoaster and it works beautifully.
> >
> > How do I change /mnt/cdrom2 to /mnt/scd1?
> >
> > I changed lilo as you suggested, but my fstab reads (after I've changed
> > lilo):
> >
> > /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660
> > ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev 0 0 /dev/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2
> > iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev 0 0
> >
> > Obviouisly, I'm missing something here!
> Well Andre, I'm not sure I read you correctly, but I assume you are able
> to burn CD's on your CD-Writer-drive, which seems to be /mnt/cdrom2 on
> your system. But can you (for example) copy an audio-CD from one drive
> to the other ? Did you remember to issue the command (as root) : "lilo"
> (without the quotes) ? In your "/etc/lilo.conf" - file the append-line
> should read something like "append=" hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi
> devfs=mount " and nothing about the CD's ( who in this context are
> nothing but additional drives, althoug SCSI-ones.).
> Then your "/etc/fstab"-file should read something like this :
> /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto
> user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
> user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> If it doesn't, edit it by hand (as root) and save it. Reboot and check.
> Another medthod : Rightclick an empthy spot on your desktop, choose
> "create new --> CDROM-device --> device" and fill in the appropriate
> settings (probably already there in the pull-down menu).
> Concerning the CD-player : Open it, click the tools-symbol and then
> "kscd options" and choose "/dev/scd1" for your "/mnt/cdrom2". That'll do
> the trick (I suppose).
> If you have further troubles, don't hesitate to ask again, but please
> attach your "lilo.conf" and "fstab" files. Maybe I can be to some help.
> Kaj haulrich

Hi Kaj,

Well, it works. Seems like the problem centered around the identities of 
cdrom(1) - the cdwriter functioning as a writer, and cdrom2 - the CDROM 
player. After I edited the fstab as Derek suggested, it still wouldn't work 
(though I could manually get the CDROM to play (by pushing the play button on 
the machine).

I tried changing the preferences in Kcdplayer to /dev/scd0 (for the CDROM, 
which it should be according to the drive parameter "hdb") -- it worked.
Now, why it wouldn't it do the same when listed as an IDE device 
(/dev/cdrom)? Sigh . . . 

Thank-you for responding so quickly, and in length. Your advice was great. My 
wife also thanks you -- now she can listen to her Flamenco guitar music!


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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] CDPlayer - cdrom2 "no disc"

2002-01-15 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Derek,

Well, it works. I tried changing the preferences in Kcdplayer to /dev/scd0 
(for the CDROM, which it should be according to the drive parameter "hdb") -- 
it worked. 

Now, why it wouldn't it do the same when listed as an IDE device 
(/dev/cdrom)? Sigh . . . 

Thanks for the help - fast and great!


On Tuesday 15 January 2002 11:10, you wrote:
> You need to follow the second part of Kaj's advice and edit your /etc/fstab
> file to look like the example he gave.
> /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto
> user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
> user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> (Note these two entries occupy one line each. There is a space before and
> after 'auto')
> Once you have it set up right you should also edit your CD icons on your
> desktop to select the correct device (Just right click on the icon and you
> should be able to work out how to edit it)
> derek
> On Tuesday 15 January 2002 15:19, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > Hi derek,
> >
> > Well, I did what Kaj suggested, and checked my kdsdrc file and it's
> > already set to /dev/scd1 -- still get "ejected" on the display.
> >
> > Somehow, I think that I haven't set /dev/scd1 yet -- mainly because I
> > don't know how to do it.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Tia, Andre
> >
> > On Tuesday 15 January 2002 09:39, you wrote:
> > > After doing as Kaj advises then find the hidden file in your home
> > > directory ~/.kde/share/config/kscdrc and edit the line
> > > CDDevice=/dev/cdrom and change it to /dev/scd1  You will then be able
> > > to play audio CD's on your Cdrom
> > >
> > > derek
> > >
> > > On Tuesday 15 January 2002 14:13, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> > > > Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > > > > My cdwriter is /dev/cdrom, and my CDROM is /dev/cdrom2.
> > > >
> > > > Andre, try to change those to /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 respectively.
> > > > For
> > > >
> > > > a more in-depth explanation, read on :
> > > > > I can play audio cd's, using CDPlayer in KDE, using only cdrom. If
> > > > > I change the preferences in the CDPlayer to /dev/cdrom2, I get
> > > > > "ejected" - no disc. (I've also tried it Gnome -- same thing.)
> > > > >
> > > > > However, I can start and play the audio cd (and it plays but still
> > > > > shows "no disc") by pushing the external forward button on the
> > > > > machine.
> > > >
> > > > Yes you can, because audio-CD's don't need to be mounted.
> > > >
> > > > > This doesn't seem normal. Is there anyway I can get the software to
> > > > > recognize the drive, and get it to play? Permissions are correct,
> > > > > and cdrom2 has abeen added to my group.
> > > > >
> > > > > Andre, you have to check (and possibly edit - (as root))
> > > > > two files :
> > > > >
> > > > > 1. the file "/etc/lilo.conf" should read something like this
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > image=/boot/vmlinuz
> > > > >   label=Linux
> > > > >   root=/dev/hda2
> > > > >   initrd=/boot/initrd.img
> > > > >   append=" hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount "
> > > > >   vga=791
> > > > >   read-only
> > > > > the important line being : append=" hd(your CD-drive here)=ide-scsi
> > > > > which tells the kernel to "see" your ATAPI CD-ROM as a SCSI device.
> > > > > After editing this file, remember to run lilo (at a command-prompt,
> > > > > type
> > > > >
> > > > > : lilo. Then reboot to let the kernel know the changes.
> > > > >
> > > > > 2. the file "/etc/fstab" should read something like this :
> > > > >
> > > > > /dev/hda2 / reiserfs notail 1 1
> > > > > none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
> > > > > none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
> > > > > /dev/hda4 /home reiserfs notail 1 2
> > > > > /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto
> > > > > user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> > > > > /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
> > > > > user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> > > > > /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
> > > > > user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
> > > > > /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat
> > > > > iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0 none /proc proc
> > > > > defaults 0 0 /dev/hda3 swap swap defaults 0 0
> > > > > the important lines being the ones with the cdrom's.
> > > > >
> > > > > Regards
> > > > >
> > > > > Kaj Haulrich

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

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Re: [newbie] CDPlayer - cdrom2 "no disc"

2002-01-15 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi derek,

Well, I did what Kaj suggested, and checked my kdsdrc file and it's already 
set to /dev/scd1 -- still get "ejected" on the display.

Somehow, I think that I haven't set /dev/scd1 yet -- mainly because I don't 
know how to do it.

Any ideas?

Tia, Andre

On Tuesday 15 January 2002 09:39, you wrote:
> After doing as Kaj advises then find the hidden file in your home directory
> ~/.kde/share/config/kscdrc and edit the line CDDevice=/dev/cdrom and change
> it to /dev/scd1  You will then be able to play audio CD's on your Cdrom
> derek
> On Tuesday 15 January 2002 14:13, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> > Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > > My cdwriter is /dev/cdrom, and my CDROM is /dev/cdrom2.
> >
> > Andre, try to change those to /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 respectively. For
> >
> > a more in-depth explanation, read on :
> > > I can play audio cd's, using CDPlayer in KDE, using only cdrom. If I
> > > change the preferences in the CDPlayer to /dev/cdrom2, I get "ejected"
> > > - no disc. (I've also tried it Gnome -- same thing.)
> > >
> > > However, I can start and play the audio cd (and it plays but still
> > > shows "no disc") by pushing the external forward button on the machine.
> >
> > Yes you can, because audio-CD's don't need to be mounted.
> >
> > > This doesn't seem normal. Is there anyway I can get the software to
> > > recognize the drive, and get it to play? Permissions are correct, and
> > > cdrom2 has abeen added to my group.
> > >
> > > Andre, you have to check (and possibly edit - (as root))
> > > two files :
> > >
> > > 1. the file "/etc/lilo.conf" should read something like this
> > >
> > >
> > > image=/boot/vmlinuz
> > >   label=Linux
> > >   root=/dev/hda2
> > >   initrd=/boot/initrd.img
> > >   append=" hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount "
> > >   vga=791
> > >   read-only
> > > the important line being : append=" hd(your CD-drive here)=ide-scsi
> > > which tells the kernel to "see" your ATAPI CD-ROM as a SCSI device.
> > > After editing this file, remember to run lilo (at a command-prompt,
> > > type
> > >
> > > : lilo. Then reboot to let the kernel know the changes.
> > >
> > > 2. the file "/etc/fstab" should read something like this :
> > >
> > > /dev/hda2 / reiserfs notail 1 1
> > > none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
> > > none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
> > > /dev/hda4 /home reiserfs notail 1 2
> > > /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto
> > > user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> > > /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
> > > user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> > > /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
> > > user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
> > > /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat
> > > iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0 none /proc proc defaults 0
> > > 0 /dev/hda3 swap swap defaults 0 0
> > > the important lines being the ones with the cdrom's.
> > >
> > > Regards
> > >
> > > Kaj Haulrich

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

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Re: [newbie] CDPlayer - cdrom2 "no disc"

2002-01-15 Thread Andre Dubuc

Hi Kaj,

Thanks for the info. I added the additional "append".

My cdwriter is set in lilo, but I'm not clear how to set either to  
"/dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 respectively. "

>From my understanding, the cdwriter already is seen as as ide-scsi device -- 
I use Gtoaster and it works beautifully.

How do I change /mnt/cdrom2 to /mnt/scd1?

I changed lilo as you suggested, but my fstab reads (after I've changed lilo):

/dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev 0 0

Obviouisly, I'm missing something here!

On Tuesday 15 January 2002 09:13, you wrote:
> Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > My cdwriter is /dev/cdrom, and my CDROM is /dev/cdrom2.
> Andre, try to change those to /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 respectively. For

> a more in-depth explanation, read on :
> > I can play audio cd's, using CDPlayer in KDE, using only cdrom. If I
> > change the preferences in the CDPlayer to /dev/cdrom2, I get "ejected" -
> > no disc. (I've also tried it Gnome -- same thing.)
> >
> > However, I can start and play the audio cd (and it plays but still shows
> > "no disc") by pushing the external forward button on the machine.
> Yes you can, because audio-CD's don't need to be mounted.
> > This doesn't seem normal. Is there anyway I can get the software to
> > recognize the drive, and get it to play? Permissions are correct, and
> > cdrom2 has abeen added to my group.
> >
> > Andre, you have to check (and possibly edit - (as root))
> > two files :
> >
> > 1. the file "/etc/lilo.conf" should read something like this
> >
> >
> > image=/boot/vmlinuz
> >   label=Linux
> >   root=/dev/hda2
> >   initrd=/boot/initrd.img
> >   append=" hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount "
> >   vga=791
> >   read-only
> > the important line being : append=" hd(your CD-drive here)=ide-scsi
> > which tells the kernel to "see" your ATAPI CD-ROM as a SCSI device.
> > After editing this file, remember to run lilo (at a command-prompt, type
> > : lilo. Then reboot to let the kernel know the changes.
> >
> > 2. the file "/etc/fstab" should read something like this :
> >
> > /dev/hda2 / reiserfs notail 1 1
> > none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
> > none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
> > /dev/hda4 /home reiserfs notail 1 2
> > /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto
> > user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> > /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
> > user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> > /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
> > user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
> > /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat
> > iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
> > /dev/hda3 swap swap defaults 0 0
> > the important lines being the ones with the cdrom's.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Kaj Haulrich

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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[newbie] KPrint: cannot change default A4 paper size

2002-01-14 Thread Andre Dubuc

Ever since I've installed LM8.0, I've had this problem - no matter what I 
change it always defaults to A4 -- aargh!. During the support period, they 
told me it was a bug. I'm using cups 1.1.7-11 mdk.

Have any else had this problem? Is it cups that causes the problem, or qtcups 
the interface?

I'm wondering whether it might be because I'm still using the standard KDE 
2.1.2. Would an upgrade to KDE 2.2.2 help?

Anyone have any ideas what I should upgrade to get rid of this very annoying 


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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[newbie] CDPlayer - cdrom2 "no disc"

2002-01-14 Thread Andre Dubuc

My cdwriter is /dev/cdrom, and my CDROM is /ev/cdrom2. 

I can play audio cd's, using CDPlayer in KDE, using only cdrom. If I change 
the preferences in the CDPlayer to /dev/cdrom2, I get "ejected" - no disc. 
(I've also tried it Gnome -- same thing.)

However, I can start and play the audio cd (and it plays but still shows "no 
disc") by pushing the external forward button on the machine.

This doesn't seem normal. Is there anyway I can get the software to recognize 
the drive, and get it to play? Permissions are correct, and cdrom2 has abeen 
added to my group.


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] O.T. Modem Lecture

2002-01-14 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Monday 14 January 2002 10:40, you wrote:
> HI All,
> I am hoping that someone can help me out.
> I have been asked to give a talk on Modems this Friday morning to the
> Edmonton Freenet/Community Network volunteer help desk.  This is a
> charitable not for profit group that  attempts to provide connectivity to
> lower income families and other non profit organizations.
> I have been asked to speak for about half an hour minimum.
> I am hoping that a few people can either give me links to some good pages
> or provide some general info on how they work, hardware vs. software
> modems, etc.
> Kind of pressed for time so I don't have the luxury of spending hours
> searching the 'net.
> I thank you all in advance and hope that your day is great,
> Frank McKenna
> Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals
> Plato ~ "It takes a minute to have a crush on
> someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
> someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone."

Hi Frank,

An excellent source on modems is:

Modem-HOWTO by David S. Lawyer in LM8.0 Documentation. I believe that it's 
also available on-line somewhere (I can't remember where).

Another source would be "Linmodems" probably found at DaveCentral (I don't 
have the URL handy). These should get you going. Try also the Serial HOW-To 
if you really want to wow them (and put them to sleep :>)

Hopefully, someone else will give you a better reply (and URL's).

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
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May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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[newbie] StarOffice: Hyphens & Spelling

2002-01-13 Thread Andre Dubuc

I've finally completed my novel. To my horror, SO5.2 absolutely refuses to 
hyphenate properly. It drops words like "I'll" rendering them as "I  
'll". Most often it drops one letter or two, and in particular, 
anything with an apostrophe.

The spelling check gives me "OK" for everything - typos, and even grossly 
misspelled words. I can't trust it. When I did my last re-write, the 
autospeller kicked (mysteriously), and somehow disabled the standard speller. 
I've searched the help system in SO5.2 to reset it, but to no avail.

Somehow, these errors must be related. Can anyone help me on this?


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] USB Scanner not seen

2002-01-13 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Sunday 13 January 2002 12:31, you wrote:
> At 10:31 PM 1/12/02 -0500, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> >I hope I can help: I have an Epson 1240U, and had similar problems with LM
> >8.0 (I haven't upgraded yet.)
> >
> >First place to check: cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
> >For my machine the vendor # is 0x04b8 and the Product # is 0x010b (it'll
> > be different for your 1650U)
> >
> >once you've found the Product # you can modprobe:
> >
> >modprobe scanner vendor=0x04b8 product=0x0---
> >
> >create the device file in /dev:
> >
> >mknod /dev/usbscanner0 c 180 48
> >chmod 666 /dev/usbscanner0
> >
> >then edit your /etc/sane.d or /usr/local/etc/sane.d:
> >
> >usb /dev/usbscanner0
> >
> >
> >Hope this helps: it got my scanner up and running in LM 8.0. I can't vouch
> >what will happen in LM 8.1 because I've never seen the file system.
> Thanks, Andre.  That was what I needed.  I am now up and scanning.  Thanks
> again.
> andy

Hi Andy,

I'm glad it worked. Now that you have it working, what was the product # for 
the Epson 1650U? I'd like to add it to my info sheets. Btw, congrats!


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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
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Re: [newbie] USB Scanner not seen

2002-01-12 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Saturday 12 January 2002 21:47, you wrote:
> OK, I thought this was going to be an easy one.  Apparently I was wrong.  I
> have an Epson Perfection 1650 USB scanner chosen partially because it is
> supported by SANE under Linux. I am running Mandrake 8.1 which has USB
> support.  But the scanner does not show up in /dev/usb, though usbview
> shows it as present.  And, of course, it doesn't show up --- nothing does
> --- in sane-find-scanner run as root.
> I downloaded and installed the latest versions of sane (1.0.6) and xsane
> (0.83) to no avail.
> Help! I have been through the newbie and expert email archives and found
> nothing that seems relevant. Where do I look next? Anybody got a spare clue
> for me?
> andy
>   Andy Davidson   --- Pheon Research
>If you know what you're doing, you're not learning anything.

Hi Andy,

I hope I can help: I have an Epson 1240U, and had similar problems with LM 
8.0 (I haven't upgraded yet.)

First place to check: cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
For my machine the vendor # is 0x04b8 and the Product # is 0x010b (it'll be 
different for your 1650U)

once you've found the Product # you can modprobe:

modprobe scanner vendor=0x04b8 product=0x0---

create the device file in /dev:

mknod /dev/usbscanner0 c 180 48
chmod 666 /dev/usbscanner0

then edit your /etc/sane.d or /usr/local/etc/sane.d:

usb /dev/usbscanner0

Hope this helps: it got my scanner up and running in LM 8.0. I can't vouch 
what will happen in LM 8.1 because I've never seen the file system. 


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] Wine & Caesar 3

2002-01-12 Thread Andre Dubuc

Thanks for asking . . .  I just dumped the mess I had created. Everything 
went fine until I got the error:

"Could not find wine config [Drive x] entry for current working directory.
  Invalid path `C:2\windows' for windows directory: does not exist"

Figured out it had to be the mess I created when the MBR wouldn't allow LILO 
to load (it's a WD hd with its own bootlaoder). Finally got LM working by 
loading another drive, D, with windows and linking back to C. Sounds messy: 
it was/it is. Soon, I'll be dumping windows, and getting a new hd. Fix it up 


On Saturday 12 January 2002 18:20, you wrote:
> On Saturday 12 January 2002 03:48 pm, you wrote:
> > Not sure how it works with CVS since I used the RPM's
> How's that working out for ya'?  Are the games really enjoyable?
> -s

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

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Re: [newbie] Wine & Caesar 3

2002-01-12 Thread Andre Dubuc

Thanks Derek,

I downloaded winex CVS source last night. Everything went smoothly except for 
the final "make install" where I got an error message:

"Could not find wine config [Drive x] entry for current working directory.
Invalid path `C:2\windows' for windows directory: does not exist"

Now, I'm confused. Are they talking about how LM names the directory 
(/mnt/win_c/windows) or MS (C:\Windows). The entry in the error message seems 
to be a mix of LM and MS! [My other drive is /mnt/win_2 but does not have 
windows installed, but is formatted VFAT.]

Perhaps, as a newbie I messed up by doing everything as root. Now I don't 
have an entry for ./wine in my home directory . . .sigh! Can I do a m"make 
install" as a local user as well?

These things seem so simple, once you've got them working, but I'm unclear 
about the protocol for naming MS//LM drives -- which does Wine want?

Can you help me out here?

On Saturday 12 January 2002 14:56, you wrote:
> You might find winex is better than standard wine. They have put work
> recently into handling of CD's for games. Winex is a 'fork' of wine devoted
> to making games work. Eventually the work will be folded back into wine,
> but first the developers want to recover their costs by selling
> subscriptions.
> Go over to
> You will find there a catalogue of games, and how well they work under
> winex.
> If you want an RPM of winex you will have to subscribe for at least 3
> months subscription at $5 a month, or else you can get the CVS source for
> free if you follow their links.
> derek
> On Saturday 12 January 2002 02:38, you wrote:
> > The only program that I use Win98 partition is Caesar 3. I'd like to wine
> > it, and run it within Linux.
> >
> > So far, I've managed the get the splash screen with an empty dialogue
> > box, and it hangs. I'm aware that the game needs the cd running, and
> > therein lies my problem. How do you write the argument for wine to get it
> > to run the cd?
> >
> > What I run:
> >
> > I've cd to /Caesar3 [all the files are on my linux partition] then typed
> > in: wine c3.exe c3_mapping.exe
> >
> > Obviously, I'm missing something [perhaps /mnt/cdrom/Caesar3??]
> >
> > Any help will be appreciated [I'd really like to dump W98!]
> >
> > Tia,
> > Andre

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] [OT Humor] - ASSISTED COMPUTING

2002-01-12 Thread Andre Dubuc

Gee, Tom -- do you think I could apply? 

One month, I installed W98 over 100 times, before realizing that my had 
motherboard died. So, I bought another one, but this time I plugged it in, 
and it had Linux on it! 

Btw, I'm still waiting for my refund from MS.

Hopefully yours,

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice "build" 641c

2002-01-11 Thread Andre Dubuc

Thanks Sridhar,

Or should I say, ahaha: so that's what "build" means -- should've guessed it. 
I once tried my hand at building "Wordnet'. That was some experience! I tried 
it within my first Linux month -- a very bad move!

I plan to keep SO5.2 in the background with all my important stuff, and I 
burn a cd backup regularly [I learned the hard way!].

Thanks for the reply, and your advice. It's always valuable, as usual!

On Friday 11 January 2002 22:33, you wrote:
> "Build" would mean "compile". Since precompiled binaries are available,
> there is no need to compile the source yourself. The installation only
> takes a few minutes.
> One word of warning: 6 is still beta-quality
> software. At present, I have found that it performs a little faster than SO
> 5.2. Since speed optimisation usually comes last in the development cycle,
> expect this to improve with the final version. Another thing to watch out
> for is stability. Build 641c has proven to be reasonably
> stable for me, but I have experienced the odd crash and document file
> corruption. Keep backups of your work if you're editing them in
> On Fri, 11 Jan 2002 21:38:02 -0500, Andre Dubuc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > I've ordered my cd for OpenOffice, and before I get it, I would like to
> > know how easy is it to install.
> >
> > Reading the FAQ in OO, they mentioned that the "build" takes 20 hrs on a
> > standard setup. Now, I'm not too clear: do they mean 20 hours to install
> > OO? What exactly does "build" mean to the end-user?
> >
> > If any of you have had experience installing OO, I'd appreciate your
> > comments, and perhaps, some pitfalls to avoid.
> >
> > Tia,
> > Andre

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice "build" 641c

2002-01-11 Thread Andre Dubuc

That's what I thought. Thanks.

On Friday 11 January 2002 21:50, you wrote:
> It took only like 5 minutes for me to install 641c. It works fine for
> me.  Though I prefer staroffice.  They are the same.  Really sucks that
> Staroffice 6.0 beta is gone.
> On Fri, 2002-01-11 at 21:38, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > I've ordered my cd for OpenOffice, and before I get it, I would like to
> > know how easy is it to install.
> >
> > Reading the FAQ in OO, they mentioned that the "build" takes 20 hrs on a
> > standard setup. Now, I'm not too clear: do they mean 20 hours to install
> > OO? What exactly does "build" mean to the end-user?
> >
> > If any of you have had experience installing OO, I'd appreciate your
> > comments, and perhaps, some pitfalls to avoid.
> >
> > Tia,
> > Andre
> >
> >
> > --
> > Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
> > Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory.
> >
> > May God bless you abundantly with His love!
> >
> > For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > Go to

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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[newbie] Wine & Caesar 3

2002-01-11 Thread Andre Dubuc

The only program that I use Win98 partition is Caesar 3. I'd like to wine it, 
and run it within Linux. 

So far, I've managed the get the splash screen with an empty dialogue box, 
and it hangs. I'm aware that the game needs the cd running, and therein lies 
my problem. How do you write the argument for wine to get it to run the cd?

What I run:

I've cd to /Caesar3 [all the files are on my linux partition] then typed in:
 wine c3.exe c3_mapping.exe

Obviously, I'm missing something [perhaps /mnt/cdrom/Caesar3??]

Any help will be appreciated [I'd really like to dump W98!]


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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[newbie] USB Modems

2002-01-11 Thread Andre Dubuc

I'm considering an USB hardware modem [AOpen FM56-RU] to replace my AOpen 
FM56-ITU/2 hardware ISA modem. I'd like to free up the ISA slot for an old 

I've checked LM Hardware database using my ISA modem and it declares my 
present moidm unsupported! Do any usb modems function with LM8 or 8.1? 
If not, could you recommend a good external modem?

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.4.8-31.2mdk (error messages on bootup)

2002-01-08 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 08 January 2002 22:48, you wrote:
> Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > I just installed kernel 2.4.8-31.2 to upgrade from 2.4.3-20. Later. I
> > tried to install kernel which did not install, because of
> > failed dependencies.
> >
> > On reboot, I noticed a few error messages during boot-up. I wonder what
> > they mean, and whether they're serious:
> >
> >
> > Change_root: old root has d_count= 2
> > Trying to unmount old root  . . . <3>error -16
> > Change root to /initrd: error -2
> >
> >
> > Everything seems to be working OK with the 2.4.8-31.2 kernel. I'm
> > wondering whether these error messages were generated by the .17 kernel?
> >
> > Is there any possibility that the attempt to install the .17 kernel has
> > left a "residue" that is messing something up? Do I need to "uninstall"
> > it, even though it was never really "installed". If the .17 kernel
> > attempt did interfere with the .8 kernel, should I uninstall & re-install
> > it? What would the command be to uninstall?
> >
> > I'm rather new at kernel installation. In hindsight, I probably
> > shouldn't have messed with the .17 kernel.
> >
> > Tia for any assistance on this,
> > Regards,
> > Andre
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > Go to
> Greetings,
> I just learned today to fix the: Change root to /initrd: error -2 you
> simply have to make a directory /initrd
> as root
> mkdir /initrd
> will solve that error message. For the reason do a search of the
> mandrake news group. I asked the question a little earlier in the
> mailing list.
> Thanks to the person who responded to my inquiry in the mandrake news
> group. As for the other errors, I am not sure so hopefully a more
> informed individual will help out on those.
> Pat

Thanks Pat,

I appreciate the quick reply. I'm not too sure what you mean by "Mandrake 
News Group" -- I presume you mean "Mandrake Users" board?

Thanks again!

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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[newbie] Kernel 2.4.8-31.2mdk (error messages on bootup)

2002-01-08 Thread Andre Dubuc

I just installed kernel 2.4.8-31.2 to upgrade from 2.4.3-20. Later. I tried 
to install kernel which did not install, because of failed 

On reboot, I noticed a few error messages during boot-up. I wonder what they 
mean, and whether they're serious:

Change_root: old root has d_count= 2
Trying to unmount old root  . . . <3>error -16
Change root to /initrd: error -2

Everything seems to be working OK with the 2.4.8-31.2 kernel. I'm 
wondering whether these error messages were generated by the .17 kernel?

Is there any possibility that the attempt to install the .17 kernel has left 
a "residue" that is messing something up? Do I need to "uninstall" it, even 
though it was never really "installed". If the .17 kernel attempt did 
interfere with the .8 kernel, should I uninstall & re-install it? What would 
the command be to uninstall?

I'm rather new at kernel installation. In hindsight, I probably 
shouldn't have messed with the .17 kernel.

Tia for any assistance on this,

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice and StarOffice

2002-01-03 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Thursday 03 January 2002 22:24, you wrote:
> Works for me.  I have both in my /home directory in their own
> subdirectories and have detected no problems or conflicts so far.
> Rob

Thanks Rob,

That's what I wanted to hear!


> On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 22:05:16 -0500
> Andre Dubuc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> |Just a quick question: can OpenOffice and StarOffice co-exist on the same
> |drive in LM 8.0?
> |
> |I plan to try OO, but I really don't want to remove SO, until I'm sure
> | it'll do the job and not mess up the work I've already done in SO.
> |
> |Why I ask: from my cursory glance at OO, it seems to use the same "start"
> |command: soffice.
> |
> |Any advice will be appreciated, Tia
> |Andre
> |
> |
> |
> |--
> |Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
> |Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory.
> |
> |May God bless you abundantly with His love!
> |
> |For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --
> |

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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[newbie] OpenOffice and StarOffice

2002-01-03 Thread Andre Dubuc

Just a quick question: can OpenOffice and StarOffice co-exist on the same 
drive in LM 8.0?

I plan to try OO, but I really don't want to remove SO, until I'm sure it'll 
do the job and not mess up the work I've already done in SO.

Why I ask: from my cursory glance at OO, it seems to use the same "start" 
command: soffice.

Any advice will be appreciated, Tia

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] Question - school related so ignore if you want.

2002-01-03 Thread Andre Dubuc

> On Thursday 03 January 2002 04:26 am, you wrote:
> > I need to do a project for my statistics class and thought this place
> > would be perfect for it. I need 50 people to answer this and it would be
> > greatly appreciated.
> >
> > 1. How many hours a week do you spend online?
> > 2. What is your age?
> > 3. Sex? M/F
> > 4. What type of Internet connection do you have?
> > 5. How many computers do you own?
> >
> >
> > This is for a Elementary Statistics course for a project I am doing. It's
> > a wintersession course and I need to collect this information ASAP. I
> > need a total of 50 people to respond.
> >
> > Thanks again if you decide to answer these questions.


1. 30+ (+120 hrs/mo)
2. 53 
3. M
4. 28K Dial-up
5. 3

Regards, Andre

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] SecurityUpdates and Kernel 2.4.8-31.2mdk

2002-01-03 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Thursday 03 January 2002 01:02, you wrote:
> At 09:44 PM 01/02/2002 -0500, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> >Well, I finally got SoftwareUpdate to work again. Browsing through the
> >updates I notice the new kernel 2.4.8-31.2mdk. Now, I vaguely recall
> Civileme
> >or someone else warning against updating the kernel through Update.
> >
> >I'm of the school "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" -- is this "update"
> >really necessary? I mean everything except AC97 sound recording works very
> >well. Would you advise that I skip this update? Is it necessary?
> >
> >I'm a bit confused by the additional kernel stuff that's included with the
> >update, i.e.:
> >
> > Kernel-source, kernel-linus 2.4, kernel 2.2 -- Do I upgrade all, or only
> the
> > 2.4 items?
> -- These you do not have to install, since they only apply to kernel 2.2.x
> -- kernel22-2.2.19-20.1mdk.i586.rpm - main copy of the 2.2.19 kernel
> kernel22-secure-2.2.19-20.1mdk.i586.rpm - secured version of the 2.2.19
> kernel kernel22-smp-2.2.19-20.1mdk.i586.rpm - multiprocessor 2.2.19 kernel
> kernel22-source-2.2.19-20.1mdk.i586.rpm - source for 2.2.19 kernel -- End
> Do Not Need to Install --
> kernel-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - main (base) kernel 2.4.8
> kernel-doc-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - kernel documents for 2.4.8
> kernel-enterprise-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - kernel supporting over 1 GB
> memory kernel-headers-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - kernel headers
> kernel-linus2.2-2.2.20-1.1mdk.i586.rpm - 2.2.20 kernel, linus style (ie, no
> mandrake patches)
> kernel-pcmcia-cs-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - 2.4.8 kernel module(s) for
> laptops kernel-smp-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - multiprocessor 2.4.8 kernel
> kernel-source-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - kernel source for 2.4.8
> HTH,
> Michael
> --
> Michael Viron
> Registered Linux User #81978
> Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
> Web Spinners, University of West Florida


Thanks Michael!

That's the info I was looking for: the functions of the various 

I think I'll pass on the upgrade. Everything is working fine. I'll upgrade 
later to 8.1 or 8.2.

Thanks for your help.


Btw: Have a very Blessed New Year!

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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[newbie] SecurityUpdates and Kernel 2.4.8-31.2mdk

2002-01-02 Thread Andre Dubuc

Well, I finally got SoftwareUpdate to work again. Browsing through the 
updates I notice the new kernel 2.4.8-31.2mdk. Now, I vaguely recall Civileme 
or someone else warning against updating the kernel through Update.

I'm of the school "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" -- is this "update" 
really necessary? I mean everything except AC97 sound recording works very 
well. Would you advise that I skip this update? Is it necessary?

I'm a bit confused by the additional kernel stuff that's included with the 
update, i.e.:

Kernel-source, kernel-linus 2.4, kernel 2.2 -- Do I upgrade all, or only the 
2.4 items?

Presently I'm running the stock LM8.0 kernel 2.4.3-20mdk. Any advice would be 
greatly appreciated. I don't want to mess up my system that's working great 
for something that isn't necessary.


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] Update problem in 8.0

2002-01-02 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Wednesday 02 January 2002 14:29, you wrote:
> Barbara Pfieffer wrote:
> > I have Mandrake 8.0 installed on a Dell Inspiron 2500. I run Mandrake
> > Update, and setup a security update site. As soon as I do that (and I've
> >  reinstalled Mandrake just to check it) it starts filling the trees and
> > when it gets to the security site, it stops at 26% (every time) and
> > freezes. I have to kill the program. So now, basically, I can't update
> > my computer except by getting rpms  and using kpackage. Anyone else had
> > this problem and any suggestions on how to fix it? And no, I can't get
> > Mandrake 8.1 to work on this computer, so don't suggest that.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Barbara
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > Go to
> do a urpmi.removemedia (
> then try a different mirror.  Not all mirrors are managed carefully as
> they are all volunteered space, and incorrect permissions would cause
> exactly what you are seeing.
> Civileme

Hi Barbara and Civileme,

I've had the same problem, and I've tried two sites:, and when I 
tried to download the list of mirrors, Boith gave me the same 
problem. I've deleted the list another way "delete" in var/lib/urpmi -- will 
that cause problems?

If you could suggest a good site, one that works, it would be appreciated 
since I think I'm overdue for updating (July '01 was my last succesful 


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: [newbie] RE: Office Suites

2002-01-01 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 01 January 2002 19:23, you wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Jan 2002 09:12:25 -0500
> Ed Tharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
> > On Tuesday 01 January 2002 01:38, you wrote:
> > > On 31 Dec 2001 20:05:55 -0500, Michael Leone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > wrote:> >I think Civileme's point was that if/when the UCITA law
> > > passes in> >Washington, USA, then Microsoft (headquartered in
> > > Washington) will be> >able to make a minor change to their
> > > proprietary .doc/.xls/whatever> >file formats, and it will be
> > > illegal for Sun or anyone else to> >reverse-engineer that file
> > > format to create a new filter for their> >competing office suite.
> > >
> > > > Sun licenses the file formats from MS, don't they? They didn't
> > > > reverse-engineer them, I thought.
> > >
> > > Nope, they are reverse-engineered. That's why it has taken so long
> > > for the filters to reach their present level of quality (which is
> > > very good). Calling it "reverse engineered" is a little of a
> > > dangerous reach, (in my HUMBLE opinion), my guess is a lot of the
> > > info is from APIs released by M$, to allow third parties to be able
> > > to write macros and other programs that will work with M$
> > > applications, the rest would be "obvious" to someone studying, say,
> > > word processor programing.
> I don't say this lightly, or with any reservation or apology at all. I
> think it's past time to just tell MS to take a fly leap on a rolling
> donut and move away from them in mass. For some it may be a bit
> difficult, but not impossible. If we don't we've only got ourselves to
> blame for the feeling of being held hostage by their proprietary
> systems.
> I for one am going to begin recommending, and loudly, to my superiors
> that its time we begin productivity migration away from MS. There just
> isn't any future in it. O, well, _their_ future, but certainly not one
> of choice and freedom.

Just to add my experience with M$ bondage:

ALL my documents, in their original format, were in MS Word for Windows 2.0c 
format. Some I had used in Ventura for DTP. When I decided to switch to 
LM 8.0, I was left in a quandry. All those documents had to be 
converted. Unfortunately, W2W 2.0c file format cannot be imported directly in 
StarOffice 5.2. 

If I had not made a firm decision to continue with LM, I would have backed 
out because of this major import problem. Luckily, I could import rtf -- so 
converted all the documents. My Win partition awaits to be deleted (the kids 
use it for Caesar III).

As far as businesses are concerned, most have upgraded to Word 95/97 etc. So, 
if the switch would be relatively painless. When I ran my 
publication, it was a constant struggle to get different programs to work 
together (in WIn 3.1) . With Linux, I've had few problems, aside from 
learning a new OS. StarOffice, though it's sort of slow, allows me to "plan" 
what I'm about to do -- at least I have time to grab a coffee while it loads!

>From my limited business experience, I would not trade the stability, ease of 
use, and functionality of LM, for all the glitz and promise of continuous 
reboots that I had encountered with M$ products. Furthermore, the threats of 
forced upgrades, dubious registration tactics, and cost of operating MS might 
tip the balance for other businesses to switch from MS. It's just a question 
of time. 

I agree that there "isn't any future in it" -- but getting businesses to take 
that first step. . . .

Have a Blessed New Year!

[Btw -- And I'm REALLY Off-Topic here: My wife received the neatest present 
from her mother: PJ's with a whole bunch of cute,smiling little penguins. 
Guess that makes her a "Linux-Lady" -- Maybe LM should promote these? Or send 
one as a present for Billy's wife???]

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember, in your prayers, the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

May God bless you abundantly with His love!

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Re: Open Source (was Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites? Now OT)

2001-12-25 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 20:08, you wrote:
> This is an interesting discussion. I agree with some of your points, but
> am not convinced by others. For example, if a company hires a dozen
> programmers and they spend a year creating and tweaking and debugging
> code, even if you think the company has no right to the *idea* (I am not
> convinced of that though), surely they have the right to the code itself,
> if they so choose? Otherwise somebody could just repackage it with much
> less effort and no development costs and make profit on the other
> company's investments.
> As far as $100 for an upgrade being expensive or not - I guess it depends
> on what the upgrade is...
> doug
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):
> >On Tuesday 25 December 2001 19:17, you wrote:
> >> What do people think about free vs commercial software in general? I
> >> myself don't object to commercial software. In fact, I work for a
> >> company that makes very high-quality commercial software with a great,
> >> loyal customer base.
> >>
> >> Surely there is nothing wrong with paying to have software supported and
> >> updated?
> >>
> >> doug
> >>
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wednesday, December 26, 2001):
> >> >MAndrakesoft is committed to free software.  All the Mandrake Tools are
> >> >licensed under the GNU GEneral Public License and source is available.
> >> > Find another major distro that does that!
> >
> >Nothing wrong with it until it becomes the only game in town, or you have
> > to update at an exorbitant fee every other year. With the open source
> > programs you can see what's going on under the hood, tinker with it , fix
> > it, or if your like me, break it.  And you don't have to pay to reinstall
> > it.  The argument has always been that you can't make money with free
> > software. What is software? It is a string of letters and symbols that in
> > effect write a formula for a machine to operate from.  I submit that
> > folks have been making a comfortable living by selling their services
> > using the formulas necessary to make "air conditioning work", "heating
> > systems", internal combustion engines and on and on. All these things are
> > based on public domain mathematics and formulas, but they are packaged
> > and sold to people who want the benefits but don't have the time,
> > knowledge or skills, or all three to make use of the formulas in a useful
> > or productive manner.  Intellectual content is ludicrous because, what
> > the mind of one man can concieve of another can too.  Case in point
> > Edison and Tesla.  Money and deciet won
> out.
> >The more intelegent person was Tesla IMHO, but the formulas for the
> > electron flows that were developed are used world wide and are free, and
> > a lot of people make a living using them.  Closed source is fine because
> > it gives an edge to someone as a starter, but patent laws and copyright
> > laws need to change,  because the closed source community is willing to
> > sue at the
> drop of
> >a hat when someone comes out with a program or process that looks even
> >remotely like what they do even though the thoughts behind the new process
> >may be totally original to the individual presenting them.  So you get a
> >multimillion dollar company suing Joe Schmo and guess who will win,  the
> >money every time.  "You've stolen my property!" Bah Humbug, ideas are no
> >man's property. MandrakeSoft and some of the others are making a pretty
> > fair run at making money on freesoftware because they are packaging it
> > and presenting it in a manner that someone like me can relate to and
> > finds useful, and they are not charging " make me and my company officers
> > filthy rich" prices.  $100 for an upgrade!  Fixing something that should
> > never have been broken in the first place!  Thievery I call it.   This is
> > my own
> opinion
> >and totally unsolicited by anyone, : )
> >--
> >Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842
> >

Just to add my $1000 worth . . . 

In my stupider days, I needed an OCR package to convert faxes and submitted 
articles for my international publication. I was using win 3.1. Well, I 
bought my first OCR "Professional" package for a cool grand a) because I 
needed it and b) because all the reviews raved about it.

I installed the package, and it didn't work as advertised. There was no 
recourse: buyer beware! Within a month, an "upgrade" became available for 
only $199! Well, I snapped that one up fast! It didn't work much better. 

So, I learned how to type -- it was faster and much more accurate than these 
"professional" packages. So it went for most of the software I bought for 
Win, including a very famous relational database package. The support, if you 
could afford it, basically told me "It's your problem: you bought it." I 
solved my own problems with workarounds, including encrypting passwords as 
fake dll's . . . sigh!

Thievery? Too polite a word! Extortion -- a little too harsh. (Btw: If you'r

[newbie] MandrakeUpdate problems

2001-12-21 Thread Andre Dubuc

I would like to get the latest Security Update, especially for glibc, but I'm 
having problems (again) actually getting MU to work. 

The ftp site I've used in the past was but it seems to 
have gone bye-bye (i.e., nothing happens when the source lists are loaded). 
Yet, "ciril" is on my MU "Updates only" list. However, after connecting to 
the web, the lists load, but nothing shows up for updates. That cute little 
slider keeps going and going, but the update area is blank.

I've checked "details" in kppp to see if anything is happening, and for a 
short period, there's some activity. I've checked /var/cache/urpmi and it 
shows some of the latest updates, but why don't they show up in MU??

I decided to delete the source in MU, and try again. Now, I can't get the 
"ciril" source to stick. No matter what I do, after I press "OK" it 
disappears. (Am I supposed to do this while on the Internet, perhaps? I can't 
remember how I did it before.)

If anyone has any ideas, tricks, or even a better mirror source, I'd 
appreciate any help I can get on this.

Btw, where would I find a list of mirrors for MU security updates?  

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion and terrorism.
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Re: [newbie] Accounting software for Linux

2001-11-23 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Thursday 22 November 2001 19:04, you wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I'm currently looking for accounting software for linux. Does anyone know
> of any? or any open source groups currently attempting to develop these
> types of products?
> Thanks,
> Nelson

Hi Nelson,

I don't know whether you want a full-fledged accounting package, but if you 
do, try Kontor (you'll need to install Postgresql).



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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion and terrorism.
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Re: [newbie] Creating or Modifying PS files?

2001-11-20 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Wednesday 21 November 2001 21:30, you wrote:
>   I remember I had used it with windows a while back and with it I could
> modify read only pdf files
> On November 20, 2001 04:31 pm, you wrote:
> > I have two questions regarding an existing ps and pdf file:
> >
> > 1. Are there any programs that would allow me to modify an existing ps
> > file, in particular, a file that includes a graphic in tiff format?
> >
> > 2. Since I've already converted a copy of this ps file to pdf, is there
> > any possibility I could modify it instead? If so, what program would be
> > best to use?
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated,
> > Tia,
> > Andre
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Thanks Grant,

I'm having a dog of problem with my old ps files (made in Ventura 4.11). 
Fortunately, I was able to return to W98 and redo the files in question and 
save it in ps.

Now the bad news:

1. Ghostscript likes the ps file, but won't print it in color (which was the 
whole point of the modifcation). I've tried all combos for my printer command 
(replacing the "lpr" command with "/dev/usb/lp0", "tp0", "lp0" . . .  and 
other combos! Nothing works!

2. Now, to add insult to injury, Ghostview doesn't "like" the ps file. 
However, it is willing print a color ps (at least I'm able to configure my 
Canon printer to do it in GS), but won't display it -- if you can figure that 
one out. (And I thought GV was just an interface to GS??) 

3. To make things even more interesting, GS likes Turboprint (the driver that 
prints such wonderful and immaculate colors!). Unfortunately, Turboprint jams 
the test print with an overlay of the CUPS test print -- what a mess!

Seems like I'm back in my Windoze days -- you know, to print a file you need 
program-abc, that needs a convertor-bcd, which in turn needs program-ace, but 
won't run with either b or d. Sorry for the rambling, but I'm just so 
frustrated . . . 

Thanks again. I think I'll call it quits and grab some zzz.

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion and terrorism.
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[newbie] Creating or Modifying PS files?

2001-11-20 Thread Andre Dubuc

I have two questions regarding an existing ps and pdf file:

1. Are there any programs that would allow me to modify an existing ps file, 
in particular, a file that includes a graphic in tiff format?

2. Since I've already converted a copy of this ps file to pdf, is there any 
possibility I could modify it instead? If so, what program would be best to 

Any help would be appreciated,

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Re: [newbie] Web page design

2001-11-15 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Thursday 15 November 2001 15:34, you wrote:
> Hello,
>   What program is the best to design web pages without knowing now to
> program.  I have been using frontpage 2000.  I'm trying to get away from
> windows and just use linux.  next i need to change over my hp joranda 450
> to use under linux and quicken then i can delete windows.
> thanks Bill Nash

Try Bluefish it's great!  I made my first webpage only two months ago. After 
you're finished creating your page (or even before you start to get info), 
try validating it on WC3 HTML Validation Service - I learned much from my 


Also, I used a "Beginner's Guide to HTML" which I think I found at the site 
above. Check it out anyway. 

Good luck and have fun!



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Re: [newbie] postgres - "postgres" user password?

2001-11-13 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 13 November 2001 18:53, you wrote:
> hi andre!
> thx for the DISPLAY warning.  can you explain why this was necessary?  thx!
>  :)
> good luck with the creating the tables!  my next step too...  :)
> At 14:05 01/11/13 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hi tek!
> >
> >Nope. I'm using the pre-installed version. Btw, shortly after I sent the
> > last reply, I solved my problems with gui Postgresql Access.
> >
> >In case you run into the same problem: it took me three days to figure
> > this one out - I forgot to su to root (and exit after!) for:
> >
> >bash$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
> >
> >As soon as I had entered this, of course I could access the db! (A big
> > duhh here!). I've found that if I plug away at something long enough, I
> > get to know the program.

Hi tek!

Without the export DISPLAY statement, I couldn't load the GUI "Postgresql 
Access", but I could access it on the commandline. I kept getting the 
following error messages (since the postmaster wasn't running):

"Connection to database 'postgres' failed. connectDB() failed: Is the 
postmaster running and accepting connections at 'UNIX Socket' on port '5432'?"


"Connection to database 'postgres' failed. connectDB() failed: Isthe 
postmaster running and accepting connections TCP/IP (wit -i) connections at 
'localhost' on port '5432'?"

Wish I had su-ed then typed the command. It would have saved me lots of 
grief; but then again, I wouldn't have learned much. 


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Re: [newbie] postgres - "postgres" user password?

2001-11-13 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 13 November 2001 01:41, you wrote:
> i'm trying to create a new user in postgres (createuser [user]), but when
> logged in as root or any other user, i get "permission denied".  i tried to
> "su postgres", but it prompts me for the password, which seems to have been
> set by default by mandrake.  does anyone know what it is?  if i log in as
> root and 1) change the password or 2) remove the postgres user and create a
> new one with a new password, will the postgres startup service still work?
> thank you very much,
> a linux and postgres newbie...

Hi tek1!

I sure hope you'll get better help than this! (I'm going through the learning 
curve for Postgresql from LM8.0).

I'll be using PostgreSQL with Linux-Kontor (an accounting package), and the 
install instructions for Postgresql are fairly clear. You might want to check 
them out. 

Anyway, while as root user, change the password for the user "postgres" -- 
then exit the root shell.

su postgres   [use your new password when it prompts you]

To answer your questions: 
1) I've done it, and the postgres startup service still seems to work (though 
I'm having all sorts of probs with postmaster and its refusal to accept  
connection in the gui Postgresql Access. 

2) Hopefully?? Check out the Newbie Mail Archive: RE:[ newbie] postgresql. 
There were an articleson what you were asking.

Wish I could help more . . .

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Re: [newbie] postgres - "postgres" user password?

2001-11-13 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 13 November 2001 13:18, you wrote:
> hi andre!
> thx very much for the advice!  it worked!  :)
> out of curiosity, are you using postgres as mandrake pre-installed it (in
> /var/lib/pgsql/data) or have you changed the location and create your own
> db/installation?
> thx again!  :)
> At 11:09 01/11/13 -0500, you wrote:
> >On Tuesday 13 November 2001 01:41, you wrote:
> > > i'm trying to create a new user in postgres (createuser [user]), but
> > > when logged in as root or any other user, i get "permission denied".  i
> > > tried to "su postgres", but it prompts me for the password, which seems
> > > to have been set by default by mandrake.  does anyone know what it is? 
> > > if i log in as root and 1) change the password or 2) remove the
> > > postgres user and create a new one with a new password, will the
> > > postgres startup service still work?
> > >
> > >
> > > thank you very much,
> > >
> > > a linux and postgres newbie...
> >
> >Hi tek1!
> >
> >I sure hope you'll get better help than this! (I'm going through the
> > learning curve for Postgresql from LM8.0).
> >
> >I'll be using PostgreSQL with Linux-Kontor (an accounting package), and
> > the install instructions for Postgresql are fairly clear. You might want
> > to check them out.
> >
> >Anyway, while as root user, change the password for the user "postgres" --
> >then exit the root shell.
> >
> >su postgres   [use your new password when it prompts you]
> >
> >To answer your questions:
> >1) I've done it, and the postgres startup service still seems to work
> > (though I'm having all sorts of probs with postmaster and its refusal to
> > accept connection in the gui Postgresql Access.
> >
> >2) Hopefully?? Check out the Newbie Mail Archive: RE:[ newbie] postgresql.
> >There were an articleson what you were asking.
> >
> >Wish I could help more . . .
> >Andre
> >

Hi tek!

Nope. I'm using the pre-installed version. Btw, shortly after I sent the last 
reply, I solved my problems with gui Postgresql Access.

In case you run into the same problem: it took me three days to figure this 
one out - I forgot to su to root (and exit after!) for:

bash$ export DISPLAY=:0.0

As soon as I had entered this, of course I could access the db! (A big duhh 
here!). I've found that if I plug away at something long enough, I get to 
know the program. 

I was going to change LM's directory settings, but after reading enough, I 
left them alone. I works great! Btw the listing from Konrad Hernblad?? was 
mine -- I don't know how that happened!

Now comes the fun stuff -- formatting the table structure. Have fun!


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Re: [newbie] postgres - "postgres" user password?

2001-11-13 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 13 November 2001 01:41, you wrote:
> i'm trying to create a new user in postgres (createuser [user]), but when
> logged in as root or any other user, i get "permission denied".  i tried to
> "su postgres", but it prompts me for the password, which seems to have been
> set by default by mandrake.  does anyone know what it is?  if i log in as
> root and 1) change the password or 2) remove the postgres user and create a
> new one with a new password, will the postgres startup service still work?
> thank you very much,
> a linux and postgres newbie...

Just after sending the last reply i went to:


This one's interactive and they have answers for LM 8.0!


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Re: [newbie] See what has done?

2001-10-27 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Saturday 27 October 2001 21:27, you wrote:
> > >This is complete crap. Almost all of the browsers they blocked
> > >out support enough HTML 4.0 to make the site perfectly viewable. I
> > >find it hard to believe that MS even cares about W3C standards as
> > >there are a lot of proprietary HTML tags supported only by MSIE.
> >
> > Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my understanding that
> > Opera and Mozilla were designed *specifically* to be as closely
> > as possible in compliance with W3C standards -- unlike IE.
> just for the fun, try in the validator at
> Rick
> Kitty5 WebDesign -
> POV-Ray News & Resources -
> TEL : +44 (01270) 501101 - FAX : +44 (01270) 251105 - ICQ : 15776037
> PGP Public Key

Correct me if I'm wrong, but works for me in Konqueror 
2.1.1, Netscape 4.77, and Mozilla 0.8 as of 23:48 est.

But after my experiences with MS, I have no need to go there.


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Re: [newbie] running wine ?

2001-10-27 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Saturday 27 October 2001 18:43, you wrote:
> Joan, I've never been able to get the wine that comes with Mandrake going;
> however, Codeweavers wine has run great for me. You can get it at
> HTH!
> On Fri, 26 Oct 2001, Joan Tur wrote:
> > Hallo!
> >
> > Does any of you know how to run a windows program using wine??  I get the
> > following error:
> > -
> > [quini@quinipc Starcraft]$ winereal starcraft.exe
> > Warning: could not find wine config [Drive x] entry for current working
> > directory /mnt/win/Archivos de programa/Starcraft; starting in windows
> > directory.
> > winereal: cannot find 'starcraft.exe'
> > [quini@quinipc Starcraft]$
> > 
> >
> > Thanks!
> peace,
> Rog
> "The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I
> hit him"

Just thought I'd add my experience with Wine. Be careful!

I used it to access my old Word for Windows 2.0c files using mdk version. 
Thank heavens I took their advice about copying the files to a separate 
directory - if you get an error, your files will be trashed. I mean trashed 
--- as in irrevocably!

Luckily for me, I had been planning to nix my window setup soon. After using 
Wine with Ventura 4.11, well --- bye-bye Windows. 

I've messed up my W98 config so badly its not worth repairing - not that W98 
was worth running in the first place!. (I must add that I knew I shouldn't 
have tried VPWin - even in windows it was troublesome).

So, if you want to be a total Linux convert -- maybe Wine's the best way to 

More than likely if I had read more on Wine all would have worked well. But 
to my understanding, you're courting Windows' instability, no matter how you 
dress it up.


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[newbie] A program that will print thumbnails?

2001-10-26 Thread Andre Dubuc

I'm looking for a program that will print thumbnails of jpg images.

So far, I've tried Pixie (which is great) on LM 8.0 but it doesn't seem to 
have a print function once the thumbnails are generated. 

Same thing happens in Gqview. ElectricEyes doesn't seem to be able to 
generate them. I've not been able to figure out whether I make thumbnails 
with the Gimp . . .

Has anyone generated thumbnails and printed them in ImageMagick?

If anyone has had experience with any of these programs and can help out, it 
would save a lot of experimenting to find the right program. TIA.


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion and terrorism.
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Re: [newbie] HTML: Links & Anchors

2001-10-03 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Wednesday 03 October 2001 02:17, you wrote:
> At 12:28 AM 10/03/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> >On Tuesday 02 October 2001 23:41, you wrote:
> >> Gidday Andre
> >> It's not really an Html help site so I'll send the details direct
> >> This is the main page
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >> 
> >> 
> >> "(Type a title for your page here)"
> >> 
> >>   
> >>
> >> 
> >>  >> alink="#ff0080">
> >>
> >>Open the new Html Document at a
> >> specific place
> >>
> >>  >> src="DocToLinkTo.jpg" alt="Open the new Html Document at an
> >> image">
> >>
> >>place to link to on this page
> >> 
> >>
> >> 
> >> >>
> >>
> >>linked place on this page
> >>   
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>
> >> This is the page you are linking to
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>  >> alink="#ff0080">
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >> >>
> >>> 
> >>
> >> 
> >> >>
> >>> linked place
> >>
> >> 
> >> >>
> >>>< br>
> >>
> >> 
> >> 
> >>
> >> WebTutor by Joe Barta was very helpful for me when I was learning. The
> >> URL may have changed
> >> If it has just search for it on the net.
> >> If you have trouble finding it I'll see if I've still got it.
> >> Regards
> >> Max
> >
> >Thanks Max!
> >
> >Now that's what I call service!:>
> >
> >I just toured, and then Google for info on registering my
> >site. I was about to logoff but decided to check my mail again (I'm an
> e-mail
> >addict!). The info on "list keywords that search engines may look
> >for" and giving "a description of your page" was what I was looking for.
> >Thanks!
> >
> >I'm having another annoying problem: seems like the first half of my
> >web-page has "normal" text (i.e., Lucidatypewriter 12 pt), then it changes
> >into bold even though I have not specified any fonts in Bluefish. (I
> > didn't know how!)
> >
> >So, some further questions: is this font OK for the web, and secondly,
> > isn't the size a touch BIG? Oh, the questions I have -- where would I
> > look for details like this?
> >
> >My webpage is simple - I've used ps2pdf for conversion of my PS files, and
> to
> >be honest, I'm not too impressed with the quality of the output. (It
> > almost makes me long for . . . ) It's sort of fuzzy and washed-out.
> Unfortunately, I
> >can get my printer (HP 4000) even to print a draft using "PS and PDF
> Viewer".
> >Loads but doesn't print . . .sigh!
> >
> >Anyway, thanks again, and gidday to you too! (Sounds like Ottawa Valley to
> >me?)
> >
> >Regard,
> >Andre
> Just a few pointers:
> #1.  Do not use  as a multi-line seperator between lines of text (ie,
> don't have multiple  tags so that there are x number of lines of space
> between lines of text).
> #2.  Do not use spaces in image or file names.  I have seen too many times
> where this is problematic for people browsing websites.
> #3.  Verify that all links actually point to either a complete url or to a
> filename, instead of somewhere on your hard drive before posting the site.
> #4.  Your generator, if you are using one, should generate html 4.x code,
> not 3.2 as shown in the example -- not much of a difference, but there is
> still a difference.
> #5.  Try not to use  in your code, as it is "deprecated" and
> may disappear in future releases of the HTML / XHTML specifications.
> Michael

Thanks for the info, Michael.

I have a few questions concerning what you've suggested:

#1. What should I use to replace  as a multi-line separator?

#2. What should I use to replace spaces (nbsp?) in images?

#5. Is 12pt font size too big? If I understand what you're saying: fonts 
become user-specific to their browser/setup? (So, in effect, it doesn't 
matter what font I use?)

Thanks for your help,
"The windows of opportunity have performed an illegal operation . . ."

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Re: [newbie] HTML: Links & Anchors

2001-10-02 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 02 October 2001 23:41, you wrote:
> Gidday Andre
> It's not really an Html help site so I'll send the details direct
> This is the main page
> "(Type a title for your page here)"
>  alink="#ff0080">
>Open the new Html Document at a specific
> place
>  alt="Open the new Html Document at an image">
>place to link to on this page
> >
>linked place on this page
> This is the page you are linking to
>  alink="#ff0080">
> > 
> > linked place
> >< br>
> WebTutor by Joe Barta was very helpful for me when I was learning. The URL
> may have changed
> If it has just search for it on the net.
> If you have trouble finding it I'll see if I've still got it.
> Regards
> Max

Thanks Max!

Now that's what I call service!:>

I just toured, and then Google for info on registering my 
site. I was about to logoff but decided to check my mail again (I'm an e-mail 
addict!). The info on "list keywords that search engines may look
for" and giving "a description of your page" was what I was looking for. 

I'm having another annoying problem: seems like the first half of my 
web-page has "normal" text (i.e., Lucidatypewriter 12 pt), then it changes 
into bold even though I have not specified any fonts in Bluefish. (I didn't 
know how!)

So, some further questions: is this font OK for the web, and secondly, isn't 
the size a touch BIG? Oh, the questions I have -- where would I look for 
details like this?

My webpage is simple - I've used ps2pdf for conversion of my PS files, and to 
be honest, I'm not too impressed with the quality of the output. (It almost 
makes me long for . . . ) It's sort of fuzzy and washed-out. Unfortunately, I 
can get my printer (HP 4000) even to print a draft using "PS and PDF Viewer". 
Loads but doesn't print . . .sigh!

Anyway, thanks again, and gidday to you too! (Sounds like Ottawa Valley to 

"The windows of opportunity have performed an illegal operation . . ."

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Re: [newbie] cd writing howto

2001-10-01 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Monday 01 October 2001 16:59, you wrote:
> Wasn't there a Mandrake specific cd-writing howto somewhere?
> -Paul Rodr?guez

The best HOWTO I found (that got me up and running quickly with my LITE-ON 
16x10x40) was:

"CD-Writing with an ATAPI CDR Mini-HOWTO" (Issue 57 of Linux Gazette)

Another was "CD-Writing HOWTO" by Winifried Trumper. (I can't remember wher I 
found it)

Hope this helps, and good coasting!
"The windows of opportunity have performed an illegal operation . . ."

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Re: [newbie] PS, HMTL and Web page design

2001-09-19 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 00:42, you wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 16:49:34 -0400, Andre Dubuc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > I have produced five booklets of 56 to 100 Postscript pages that I would
> > like to place on a website, with the intent that persons could download
> > them, or view them. The pages are heavily formatted (I used Ventura 4.11
> > in my Windoze days). I'm a total newbie in Web page design.
> >
> > Prior to embarking on another steep learning curve, I wonder if someone
> > might offer some suggestions as to pitfalls I'm certainly going to
> > encounter.
> >
> > I have a few questions that will expose my woeful ignorance:
> >
> > 1. Is there a program that could "convert" the PS files to HMTL? (Is this
> > a real newbie question, or what!) All my original document files are in
> > .doc Word for Windows 2.0c and StarOffice doesn't recognize this file
> > format. I've since converted everything to sdw files, except of course,
> > the PS files.
> At a terminal, type "man xxx", where "xxx" is one of:
> ps2ascii  ps2frag   ps2pdfps2pdf13  ps2pk
> ps2epsi   ps2lwxl   ps2pdf12  ps2pdfwr  ps2ps
> Most notably, you can convert PS to ASCII (plain text) and PS to PDF
> (thanks to Free Software, you don't have to pay Adobe $$$ to make PDF
> files!). Converting PS to ASCII will allow you to import the output into a
> word processor or HTML editor for editing and embellishment.
> > 2. I've discovered "Screem" but have yet to use it. Is this a good
> > program to use in creating web-pages? Does it "accept" PS files? Could
> > you recommend anything better?
> Screem is good, but it doesn't accept PS files (neither do other editors).
> You should also try Bluefish and Quanta+. Also, take a look at Amaya
> (
> > 3. I would like to give people the option to d/l each booklet in either
> > PS (preferrred) or HMTL format. Each booklet runs anywhere from 1.6MB to
> > 2.2MB. Which (or both) would you suggest?
> Here's what I would do:
> 1. Use ps2ascii to convert each PS booklet to plain text.
> 2. Use a word processor or HTML editor to turn the ASCII text into a HTML
> page. 3. Either use ps2pdf to turn the original PS files into PDFs, or
> 'print' the HTML pages to PS files (most apps can do this) and then use
> ps2pdf on those. The latter should ensure that both the HTML and PDF files
> look the same.
> > 4. Could you suggest some links that would ease me into this project
> > gracefully?
> Everything I mentioned is included in Mandrake (except Amaya). No other
> links are necessary :-)
> > Thanks for any help,
> > Andre

Thanks for the great info. I was beginning to despair about the project. 

Btw, Screem freezes on KDE (locks on "Creating desktop"), and is usable (sort 
of) only in Gnome. Probably some dependency that is missing. I'll try 
Bluefish and Quanta+ instead.

Thanks again for the thorough information,
Regards, Andre

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[newbie] PS, HMTL and Web page design

2001-09-18 Thread Andre Dubuc

I have produced five booklets of 56 to 100 Postscript pages that I would 
like to place on a website, with the intent that persons could download them, 
or view them. The pages are heavily formatted (I used Ventura 4.11 in my 
Windoze days). I'm a total newbie in Web page design. 

Prior to embarking on another steep learning curve, I wonder if someone might 
offer some suggestions as to pitfalls I'm certainly going to encounter.

I have a few questions that will expose my woeful ignorance:

1. Is there a program that could "convert" the PS files to HMTL? (Is this a 
real newbie question, or what!) All my original document files are in .doc 
Word for Windows 2.0c and StarOffice doesn't recognize this file format. I've 
since converted everything to sdw files, except of course, the PS files.

2. I've discovered "Screem" but have yet to use it. Is this a good program to 
use in creating web-pages? Does it "accept" PS files? Could you recommend 
anything better?

3. I would like to give people the option to d/l each booklet in either PS 
(preferrred) or HMTL format. Each booklet runs anywhere from 1.6MB to 2.2MB.
Which (or both) would you suggest?

4. Could you suggest some links that would ease me into this project 

Thanks for any help,

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Re: [newbie] Updating

2001-09-04 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Tuesday 04 September 2001 18:39, you wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 September 2001  4:35 pm, Scott Thurmond wrote:
> > I have LM 8.0 installed and everything is working beautifully.  My
> > question is this:  There are some updates out there that I want
> > -Evolution being one of them.  I opened the software manager and tried
> > defining a new source (an FTP source that I got from the LM download
> > site.)  I tried several of the FTP URLs but each time the software
> > manager finishes looking at the site, I open the defined sources and the
> > list is gone.  It never retains the sources I put in there.  For example,
> > one of the sources I defined was this one:
> >
> >
> > What am I missing?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Scott
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="message.footer"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Content-Description:
> I have exactly the same problem, I've posted it on this list several times
> but no-one has responded. If any one out there knows the answer please let
> us know.
> Is there a known problem with the software manager.

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I had the same problem after re-installing LM8 and not updating immediately - 
(I had let the "Define Source?" dialog close.) I finally remembered how I did 
it the first time:

Open Software Manager > Define Sources > New > Type > Security Updates
Type in "New Sources Name": (I used this one, but any will work)""
Type in "Choose your mirror":
Click "OK" > "OK"
You should see it listed. 
Switch "All" to "Updates only", then connect to the Internet.
After that I had no problem. Hope it works for you -- it's VERY frustrating!

Regards, (and good luck!) Andre.

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Re: [newbie] CD Writer

2001-09-03 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Monday 03 September 2001 21:01, you wrote:
> xcdroast
> On Monday 03 September 2001 16:35, you wrote:
> > Hello everyone
> > Some one know of a robust application to write CDs R-RW? (I'm using
> > BlackBox-0.61.1 and Mandrake 8.0)
> >
> > Thanks
> > Lionel
"gtoaster" is another excellent choice. It's easy to set up, intuitive, and 
has excellent docs!


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[newbie] "Floppy" entry for LILO?

2001-09-02 Thread Andre Dubuc

I'd like to have the ability, on bootup, of choosing "Floppy". Unfortunately, 
I had deleted the original entry in lilo.conf  for LM8.

After an extensive search on the Net, I can't seem to find an example of how 
to do it. I don't want to mess up Lilo another time. Would anyone have this 
entry in their lilo.conf?

Btw, thanks for all the great info on this list! Andre

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[newbie] USB device node registration failure

2001-08-24 Thread Andre Dubuc

I have three USB devices connected: Canon S450 printer on bus1/1; Epson 1240U 
on bus1/2, and a Logitech USB Optical Wheelmouse on bus 2/1. All were 
working fine on LM8. 

When I wanted to use the printer this week, I saw that "Status: Stopped". I 
tried restarting using "service usb restart, and service cups restart", but 
it did not change. 

I ran dmesg to see what was happening there and read:
printer.c: usblp0: device node registration failed
printer.c: usblp0: USB bidirectional printer device 3 if 0 alt 0

Now what's strange is that according to the dmesg printout, the device number 
assigned is 2, not "device 3" as reported in the lines above. I'm confused 
since the device is first in line on the first bus, so shouldn't it be 
"device 2"?

I've read through all the USB stuff I could find, including links provided by 
USB HowTo.

Any idea what I can do to get this printer started again? Btw, my last post 
went unanswered: is my formatting OK, or am I committing netiquette 
errors too?

Thanks for any help, Andre

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[newbie] DCOP server error message??

2001-08-22 Thread Andre Dubuc

I received this error message as KDE was loading:

"Could not read network connection host." -- "/home/andre/.DCOP 

I had checked, during my original installation of LM8, "Network Computer 
(client)' and chose what then seemed to be a few appropriate items (I thought 
I needed them to get Bastille to work). Subsequently, I removed these items, 
and have only "openssh-clients" installed.

After I had removed whatever I had installed from "Network Computer 
(client)", on every bootup I noticed a new message: "Caldera Calserver server 
daemon: Can't register service (already exists)", and the next line, "Caldera 
keyserver daemon - OK". I'm not clear whether these things are related, since 
I cannot find docs on them to read.

In my search, I examined LinuxConf - Config - Networking - Client tasks, and 
received a Kerror: "Too many nameservers defined  /etc/resolv.conf maximum 3"

Could someone help me understand what is happening here? Obviously, in my 
ignorance, I've triggered some events -- I'm getting the feeling I've messed 
up the configuration of my system.

Thanks, Andre.

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Re: [newbie] VIA bug?

2001-08-19 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Sunday 19 August 2001 21:45, you wrote:
> On Sunday 19 August 2001 07:32 pm, Andre Dubuc escribió:
> > Dmesg excerpt: "via_audio: ignoring drain playback error -11"
> >
> > Before update: This message is repeated 3 times in a row, with three
> > separate occurrences of it.
> >
> > After update: Four occurrences of the message in groupings of 3
> > repeats.
> >
> > Any idea what this error message means?
>   Nothin to worry over.  Sound works, no ?

Guess the old adage fits: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" My problem is 
that I like tinkering, and I usually cause problems for myself. ... I'll take 
your advice, thanks Tom.
Regards, Andre.

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[newbie] VIA bug?

2001-08-19 Thread Andre Dubuc

I have followed this thread carefully since I have had some minor problems 
with sound. Xmms and cdplayer work fine. I've updated my BIOS after reading 
about the VIA problem.

Epox 8KTA2 Motherboard, VIA KT133A + VT82C868B, Duron 800, 256 RAM, 20G WD HD 
WD hardrive (lucky me - I had even special ordered it!), no soundcard, LITEON 
1610B CDRW (works fine), LM 8.0.

Dmesg excerpt: "via_audio: ignoring drain playback error -11" 

Before update: This message is repeated 3 times in a row, with three separate 
occurrences of it.

After update: Four occurrences of the message in groupings of 3 repeats.

Any idea what this error message means? I cannot find any reference to it. 
(Btw, my CDRW burns at full speed both CD-R and CD-RW.)

This is my second post to the board. If I wish to reply to someone, should I 
post to them or to the list as I have done here? The info here is great: I've 
learned so much - thanks!

Regards, Andre.

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