Re: [newbie] Adding a SCSI adapter to a running system

2000-01-01 Thread Auroch

-Mensagem original-
De: Dave Bukove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: Quinta-feira, 23 de Dezembro de 1999 13:19
Assunto: [newbie] Adding a SCSI adapter to a running system

>I am trying to add a second SCSI adapter to my mdk6.1 system. I can insmod
>modprobe the driver and it works great. What I can't seem to find is where
>the init scripts should I put the commands to load the module? I poked
around a
>while in the /etc dir and in /usr/docs but I couldn't seem to find anything
>about it... not that it's not there, I just can't seem to find it.
>Dave Bukove

Hello Dave,
This might not help but, it's in the general area...
My multiple Ethernet cards (at work) are configured in /etc/conf.modules ,
as per Ethernet-HOWTO (and NET3-HOWTO and...) instructions.
Activation-on-start and default-routes were set  using   'control panel  /
network'  in X.
These latter failed to work for a Cyclades router - apparently due to a bug
in RH initscripts version (not Mandrake). I then added ifconfig  and route
commands to /etc/rc.d/rc.local script as suggested by those same HOWTOs.
Best  of luck!

Antonio C T Rocha

Re: [newbie] Mail client that handles many different pop accounts???

1999-12-08 Thread Auroch

Thanks, o wiser-than-I-in this-for-sure ;-}

As per another merciful  advice, I have already downloaded staroffice, but
haven't installed it yet.
I'll give that a try at work first. It might be a better solution for a
business co.
When (and if ever - sigh -) I get it to work, I'll try your method at home.

Your method seems much more interesting and 'educational'. It is the perfect
excuse to understand Linux mail machinery better, not to mention all those
cool clients and .files that real linuxers seem  to use.

Thanks mightily!

Antonio C T Rocha

-Mensagem original-
Data: Quinta-feira, 9 de Dezembro de 1999 00:11
Assunto: Re: [newbie] Mail client that handles many different pop

>Pada Minggu, 06 Dec 1999, Auroch menulis:
>> Hello, Wise Ones,
>not me ;)
>>Q : Which Linux mail client handles several different accounts for the
>> same user at the same time, and also handles html, images and such?
>Mutt []
>i use 3 email accounts for 6 mailing list and it works great.
>the main keys are "send-hook", and "set sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail -f
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in your .muttrc files, use fetchmail for download
emails, and use procmail for filtering.
>here's one of my send-hook for .muttrc (i.e.):
>send-hook newbie 'set sendmail="sendmail -f [EMAIL PROTECTED]"; \
> my_hdr From: Ribbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; \
> set signature:"~/.mutt/sig/ribbo"'
>and this is my .fetchmailrc:
>poll proto POP3
> user ribbo password  is des fetchall
> user des password  is des fetchall
>poll proto POP3
> user jedi password  is des fetchall
>["des" is my account in my linux box]
>html could be seen with configured mailcap (you can find it by the link
>from the URL above), and also sounds, pics, mpg
>but you need to run mutt under X cause it needs some X apps to open
>those files. or you can save it if you running mutt in the console, then
>open it later (those files will be seen as attachment).
>html still viewable in the console if you have lynx installed.
>you can use the newest version of XFmail (need XForm) or Postilion
>(, still need procmail for filtering).
>both running under X.

Re: [newbie] Mail client that handles many different pop accounts???

1999-12-07 Thread Auroch

I had completely forgotten about installing Staroffice.  I tested it before
in my ex-windows-now-linux box. It ought to do the trick.
Of course, I'm not sure how much faith to put in SUN maintaining and
updating it.
So, Mahogany wil get a trial run too.

Many thanks...

Antonio C T Rocha

-Mensagem original-
De: Traci Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: Segunda-feira, 6 de Dezembro de 1999 05:31
Assunto: Re: [newbie] Mail client that handles many different pop

>Auroch wrote:
>> Hello, Wise Ones,
>>Q : Which Linux mail client handles several different accounts for the
>> same user at the same time, and also handles html, images and such?
>It seems like most Linux gurus don't understand and never anticipated
>this need. The Star Office mail client handles this, and there is
>another client that doesn't seem to get a lot of press but appears to
>be capable this way - Mahogany. I haven't gotten the hang of folders
>inside my various accounts in Star Office so I am still changing
>users and using Netscape. Hopefully I will squeeze some time later
>this month and get Mahogany up and running on my system.
>Traci Collins, MA
>Professor of Computer Education
>Colorado Mountain College

[newbie] Mail client that handles many different pop accounts???

1999-12-05 Thread Auroch

Hello, Wise Ones,

   Q : Which Linux mail client handles several different accounts for the
same user at the same time, and also handles html, images and such?

   Unfortunately, Netscape 4.61 in LinuX only seems to allow me one pop

Motive : I'm still suffering M$-Outlook because I get (and send) mail
through several accounts : my paid provider; several departamental and
individual accounts on my company server; and another external provider
account I share with an interested party.
Another reason for using it is that - due to work - I recieve a _lot_ of
mail with html, pictures, annexes and whatnot. I am often forced to answer
in the same manner.And I cannot  do otherwise.

   Dire consequence of failure : I shall have to reinstall the "W-thing" on
my computer at work. I shall also forfeit any chance of convincing the suits
that the company  can  work  on Linux.

   Any  flicker of hope would be most  welcome.


Antonio C T Rocha

Re: [newbie] Ext3 -- What's that?

1999-12-05 Thread Auroch

-Mensagem original-
Data: Domingo, 5 de Dezembro de 1999 18:29
Assunto: Re: [newbie] Ext3 -- What's that?

On 5 Dec 99, at 12:57, Benjamin Sher wrotf:
> Could someone clarify this for us?
Ext3 is the name ive heard given to RH's new filing system.  
Apparently it caused a bit of unerst due to the fact that RHs intro of 
Ext3 (otherwise known as the journaling filesystem) is somewhat 
deviating from Mr Torvald's road map. . .

What does He have to say  regarding  this?

Antonio C  T  Rocha

Re: [newbie] video card Intel 740 server

1999-11-27 Thread Auroch

Thanks immensly!

Antonio  C   T  Rocha

-Mensagem original-
Data: Sexta-feira, 26 de Novembro de 1999 19:08
Assunto: Re: [newbie] video card Intel 740 server

>it's also available on the mandrake 6.0 cd under /apps
>you need to grab the xf86config.tar as well.  it's available at the above
>address as well.
>instructions are included in the readme file.
>> I have so far downloaded the sources from
>>   sources  (?).  Tonight,   left
>> downloading.
>> Sure  would  like to find a nice RPM  file  -  with  good instructions on
>> installation,  however.
>> Antonio  CT   Rocha
>> Brasil
>> >
>> >__
>> >Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] video card Intel 740 server

1999-11-24 Thread Auroch

-Mensagem original-
De: Len de Roder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: Quarta-feira, 24 de Novembro de 1999 11:05
Assunto: [newbie] video card Intel 740 server

>I recently bought a new machine with a card with the intel 740 chipset.
>But when reinstalling Linux it doesn't support my card, is there a server
>for my card to be found?
>If so where?
>And (i still have to learn) how do i install it??
>Tanks in advance.
>Greetz LEN

The  newer version of  XFree86 supposedly supports it.
It  can be downloaded from   .
FTP site is .  They  suggest  using  mirrors  instead  of
main  site.

Am facing  same problem on my  computer at work.
I'm  trying to set it up fully in Linux to prove  that  it is a viable
company alternative.
If other computers are this much trouble, it might not be.

I have so far downloaded the sources from   sources  (?).  Tonight,   left  docs
Sure  would  like to find a nice RPM  file  -  with  good instructions on
installation,  however.

Antonio  CT   Rocha

>Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] xconfigurator help

1999-11-20 Thread Auroch

Been in the same predicament.
Finally decided to  look veeery carefully at  the  docs and then tried


and [enter].

Notice the capital X.

Hope its that simple  for  you too.

Antonio C T Rocha

-Mensagem original-
De: Ryan Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: Sábado, 20 de Novembro de 1999 20:13
Assunto: [newbie] xconfigurator help

>I need to configure my computer's video card settings
>to get a better resolution.  The help documents told
>me to do it in "xconfigurator".  The problem I have is
>that I can't find xconfigurator anywhere and so I
>can't run it.  I even used the find feature to find it
>and tried typing it in the terminal.  Could you please
>tell me where I might find it or another way I could
>change my monitor settings to get a better resolution.
> I really appreciate it.
>Ryan Gardner
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Bid and sell for free at

Re: [newbie] Video Settings

1999-01-04 Thread Auroch

I usually just  keep bashing away changing  Xconfigurator  settings
(almost) at random until something works.
CTRL-ALT-+ will change screen resolution on the fly (if you select several
in Xconfigurator), but  this has not worked with an Intel 3D video board I
have at work.
CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE, fortunately, does work at bailing  out  from a
"glitched"  X-windows session.

Antonio C T Rocha
Brasilia, Brasil
-Mensagem original-
De: Jason Fuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: Sexta-feira, 5 de Novembro de 1999 17:03
Assunto: [newbie] Video Settings

Hello all -
I'm happy to have a working Mandrake system on the first try - except I
can't get the video to 800x600.  I'm stuck at 640x480 8bits - making the KDE
too small to work with... sometimes i can't see the "ok" buttons!

When I set this up (using Linux - 4 - windows) and tried using 800x600
8bits (i didn't try 16bits, giving me 65536 colors) and it said "problem
with X windows" and brought me back to the video setup where I put in
640x480, and it worked.

***>>>Now that I have the KDE installed at 640x480, how do i change this
to 800x600 16 bits???  I couldn't find anything in the menus on the K
"start" menu.

...and is X Windows referred to in the setup the same as the KDE that is
actually used?

thanks for your help!