Re: [newbie] X setiathome

2000-08-21 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Andrew Scotchmer wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone successfully installed the X setiathome screen.
> I have just downloaded the text version as I could not get the X version
> to work at all.  I am using Mandrake 7.1 now.
> Thanks in advance

Hi Andrew.

I'm running Seti@Home myself.  In order to run the X version (graphics)
to work, you need the following command line:

./setiathome -graphics & ./xsetiathome

The -graphics option tells the setiathome prog to send it's output in a
format readable by the xsetiathome bit.

I also run a text-only version in another directory, i.e, two copies at
once, although the x client can only see one at a time.

Incidentally, have you tried look@seti - this enables you to see
multiple instances simultaneously - even if they are on remote
machines.  There is even an option to view a skymap showing the area
that your signals came from!

Hope that helps.


[newbie] Dependency Problem

2000-08-17 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Re-set due to bounce...

> Hi.
> I am trying to install modutils-2.3.14-1.i386.rpm but I'm getting the
> following error:
> Dependency Problem:
> /sbin/is_depmod_necessary is needed by initscripts-4.72-13mdk
> Does anyone know where I can get this file?
> Regards,
> Ozz.

Re: [newbie] *delicate cough* - some constructive suggestions

2000-08-15 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Hi guys.

I must admit that I am sending much of my e-mail from root.  You are
correct in that this is generally a Bad Thing.  However, I am making so
many changes to my system at the moment, many of which have to be done
as root, that it is impractical to keep changing.

Once I have got this laptop sorted I'll be back to my user account.

Thanks for your concern though guys #;-D


"L. H. LOO" wrote:
> I do not believe he is "sends e-mail from the root account".  More likely
> he is just advertising himself. ( Ozz, I am just joking ;-), no hard
> feelings please)
> Regards
> At 14-08-2000 08:17 PM, you wrote:
> >hey Austin, this is way of topic, but what kinda sysadmin sends e-mail from
> >the root account? kinda dangerous if you ask me (of course no one would ever
> >ask me, I are a newbie and proud)

Re: [newbie] *All coughed out*

2000-08-14 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

You are right - I made a typo for hda4 - that should have read hda5.  It
is hda4 that does not exist on this system.

Thank you for pointing out my error.


"L. H. LOO" wrote:
> PMJI, I thought you should have a hda5 partition ? But I could be wrong,
> since I am such a "sin kek"  (aka newbie) myself ;-)
> At 13-08-2000 10:43 PM, you wrote:
> >My configuration has three FAT32 partitions on a single 6Gb disk, plus
> >the suspend partition, plus three Linux partitions!
> >
> >hda1 - suspend to disk
> >hda2 - Win98 C: (FAT32)
> >hda3 - Win98 D: (FAT32)
> >hda4 - Extended, contains:
> >hda6 - Win98 E: (FAT32)
> >hda7 - Linux Swap
> >hda8 - Linux /boot (ext2)
> >hda9 - Linux / (ext2)
> >
> >Regards,
> >Ozz.

[newbie] Mail Bounces

2000-08-14 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

I don't know about you guys, but my last few posts have been bouncing...


[Fwd: Undeliverable: Re: [newbie] modem]

2000-08-14 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

System Administrator wrote:
> Your message
>   Subject: Re: [newbie] modem
>   Sent:Mon, 14 Aug 2000 12:42:58 +0100
> did not reach the following recipient(s):
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon, 14 Aug 2000 13:16:09 +0100
> The recipient name is not recognized
> The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a=
> Subject: Re: [newbie] modem
> Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 12:42:58 +0100
> From: "Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Collin Schroeder wrote:
> >
> > hi my name is collin I am having trouble installing my us robotics 56k
> > internal voince fax modem. when I use hardrake and detect isa devices it
> > says that it detects a modem but under kppp I am unable to dial in. I know
> > the modem uses com2 and irq3 under windows but when I checked the irqs in
> > mandrake irq3 was not being used. this let me know that the modem indeed
> > wasn't installed but hardrake wont install it either.
> > I went into setup under modem and made sure that it was set to tts3 (com2)
> > and I did the same thing in linux conf but i am still unable to dial out
> > under mandrake.
> When you say you are unable to dial out, what exactly is the problem?
> What error message (if any) do you get?
> I have a problem with my PCMCIA modem in that it says the modem is
> busy.  However, I can get round this by setting it to irq polling mode.
> If that is your problem, then try using setserial as follows:
> setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq 0
> remember to change the ttyS1 to suit your port...
> Regards,
> Ozz.

Re: [newbie] Wrong Kernel Reported

2000-08-14 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Cindy Bartorillo wrote:
> My lilo.conf reads:
> image=/boot/vmlinuz
> which is a link to the new kernel. So I figured I shouldn't have to change anything.
> Does lilo need to be rerun anyway? I'd really like to understand what goes on here.

Yes, lilo does indeed need to be rerun anyway. 


Re: [newbie] Wrong Kernel Reported

2000-08-14 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Cindy Bartorillo wrote:
> I just took a deep breath and updated my kernel from the 2.2.15-4 that came
> with my brand-new Mandrake 7.1 to the 2.2.16-9 that the Update feature said I
> needed. As recommended I downloaded the rpm's myself and installed them by
> hand. Everything seems to have gone OK.
> But when I rebooted, the opening screen says I have 2.2.15-4, and so does the
> KDE Control Center, and so does the Netscape site.
> I have the new 2.2.16-9 directory and the links in /boot definitely point to the
> new kernel. So why won't anyone acknowledge it?
> CindyB

Did you make sure that lilo is aware of the new kernel?  You need to
edit /etc/lilo.conf to point to your new kernel, then re-run lilo to
enable lilo to find the new kernel.


Re: [newbie] modem

2000-08-14 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Collin Schroeder wrote:
> hi my name is collin I am having trouble installing my us robotics 56k
> internal voince fax modem. when I use hardrake and detect isa devices it
> says that it detects a modem but under kppp I am unable to dial in. I know
> the modem uses com2 and irq3 under windows but when I checked the irqs in
> mandrake irq3 was not being used. this let me know that the modem indeed
> wasn't installed but hardrake wont install it either.
> I went into setup under modem and made sure that it was set to tts3 (com2)
> and I did the same thing in linux conf but i am still unable to dial out
> under mandrake.

When you say you are unable to dial out, what exactly is the problem? 
What error message (if any) do you get?

I have a problem with my PCMCIA modem in that it says the modem is
busy.  However, I can get round this by setting it to irq polling mode. 
If that is your problem, then try using setserial as follows:

setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq 0

remember to change the ttyS1 to suit your port...


Re: [newbie] *All coughed out*

2000-08-13 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Romanator wrote:
> I must have spent half a day formatting and repartitioning. Windows 95,
> Windows 98 require
> a single DOS partition for M$ Setup to continue. I always make a single FAT
> partition just in case. For some bizarre reason, if you have multiple
> paritions with FAT32, Win98 will not install.

I recently re-installed Win98 SE on my laptop (I still need access to my
USB accessories!), and other than blatting lilo it worked fine.  

My configuration has three FAT32 partitions on a single 6Gb disk, plus
the suspend partition, plus three Linux partitions!

hda1 - suspend to disk
hda2 - Win98 C: (FAT32)
hda3 - Win98 D: (FAT32)
hda4 - Extended, contains:
hda6 - Win98 E: (FAT32)
hda7 - Linux Swap
hda8 - Linux /boot (ext2)
hda9 - Linux / (ext2)


Re: [newbie] Install to a laptop without a CD drive?

2000-08-11 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Carjam wrote:
> Yes. It is expensive. It is also free, if you know where to look. Not sure
> how much it costs for an official copy. Interlink, however, is free. It
> comes with dos, and it is technically illegial to download or distribute it.
> But it is not for sale anywere, so your not doing anything wrong, right?

However, Interlnk does not handle long filenames - only the old
DOS-style 8.3 format.  Also, it gets unreliable when used with large
disks ('large' in this case being a gig or so, IIRC).

It requires both machines to be running DOS - not exactly ideal for
installing a 'real' operating system #;-D


Re: [newbie] Freshmeat?

2000-08-11 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

It's, NOT .com


A V Flinsch wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> > Works fine for me.
> >
> > > Has anyone else besides me had trouble getting to the past few
> > > days?
> >
> I have been having problems on and off for the past week. It seems to depend on
> which of my isp's dialup numbers I use. I can get to freshmeat using one, but
> not the other, while I can get to my newsserver using the dialup that can't
> connect to freshmeat, but not on the one that can connect. Seems to be a
> routing problem somewhere.
>  --
> Alex
> (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

[Fwd: [newbie] Star Office Install]

2000-08-05 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Re-sent due to bounce (!)

> Tim wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Just spent FOREVER downloading Star Office 5.2 from the Sun site ("only" 100
> > MB ... dunno why it took all day. My ISP will blame net-congestion, Sun
> > would blame my ISP ... in any case the file's here).
> Me too - I'm on a 56k modem ;-(
> > It's a file ending in .bin  I can guess "binary" BUT double-clicking (or
> > just clicking) gets me nowhere(!).  Nothing is associated w/ ".bin" files.
> That should work - although it takes a while to start up.  It took best
> part of a minute to do anything on this machine (Laptop, AMD k6/2 @
> 380Mhz, 64Mb RAM).
> Other than that, try checking the permissions (chmod 755)
> Regards,
> Ozz.

[newbie] [Fwd: No messages for 2 days]

2000-08-05 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Re-sent due to bounce(!)

> You and me both.  I've just received a copy of a post I made five days
> ago (Sunday)!
> Regards,
> Ozz.
> Mark Weaver wrote:
> >
> > I don't know but I wish I did.
> >
> > --
> > Mark
> >
> >   ** Registered Linux user # 182496 **
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, Paul Marriott wrote:
> >
> > > Looks like it's a general problem. Nothing (or very little) is coming
> > > through...
> > > ¿Waz 'appening??
> > >
> > >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > > Have I unwittingly unsubscribed or is there a problem with the list ?
> > >
> > >

Re: [newbie] No messages for 2 days

2000-08-05 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

You and me both.  I've just received a copy of a post I made five days
ago (Sunday)!


Mark Weaver wrote:
> I don't know but I wish I did.
> --
> Mark
>   ** Registered Linux user # 182496 **
> On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, Paul Marriott wrote:
> > Looks like it's a general problem. Nothing (or very little) is coming
> > through...
> > ¿Waz 'appening??
> >
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > Have I unwittingly unsubscribed or is there a problem with the list ?
> >
> >

Re: [newbie] Star Office Install

2000-08-05 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Tim wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just spent FOREVER downloading Star Office 5.2 from the Sun site ("only" 100
> MB ... dunno why it took all day. My ISP will blame net-congestion, Sun
> would blame my ISP ... in any case the file's here).

Me too - I'm on a 56k modem ;-(

> It's a file ending in .bin  I can guess "binary" BUT double-clicking (or
> just clicking) gets me nowhere(!).  Nothing is associated w/ ".bin" files.

That should work - although it takes a while to start up.  It took best
part of a minute to do anything on this machine (Laptop, AMD k6/2 @
380Mhz, 64Mb RAM).

Other than that, try checking the permissions (chmod 755)


Re: [newbie] Where is the serial number for Boot Magic installation?

2000-08-05 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Romanator wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install Boot Magic but the installation is prompting me
> for a serial number.
> Look on the sticker. It came on a CD with: "The Multi-Boot Configuration
> Handbook"
> I would like to check out this boot loader for my Linux MDK7.1 and
> WinNT4.
> Where can I find the number? Do I have to buy the software?
> --
> Roman
> Registered Linux User #179293

Mine was on the "Getting Started Manual" that came with Mandrake.  At
least, it was with 6.5 - my upgrade to 7.0 was downloaded...


Re: [newbie] Linux resources online

2000-08-05 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

> Anybody else on this list old enough to remember when the "suits"
> didn't run things, and games/software were ported to every single
> platform, just because they could/it was neat? Circa '80's with
> names like Tandy, Atari, Amiga, etc, etc,... ;-)

Oh yes - those were the days!

I remember thinking all my birthdays had come at once when I managed to
upgrade my Sinclair ZX81 from 1kb to 16kb RAM.  And, that 16kb cost me
more than 64Mb would today...
The printer was a small thermal affair that printed on what can only be
described as silver toilet tissue at 50cps.  One generally printed about
4 copies, and then created one readable copy by the liberal use of

ObOldFogie - I seem to remember a GUI bearing more than a little
resemblance to Windoze that ran on a 48k Sinclair Spectrum...


"640K RAM is enough for ANYONE." - Bill Gates.

PS - The old ZX81 now functions as a very useful doorstop ;-D

Re: [newbie] uninstalling StarOffice?

2000-08-02 Thread Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Hi Jeff.

The directory in which you installed Star Office should contain a
program called 'setup'.  Run this and you will be given the option to

Hope this helps.


Jeff Malka wrote:
> I would like to uninstall staroffice, which I installed from the mandrake
> disctibution CD by clicking on its rpm which brought up "kpackage" which
> then installed it.  However when I click on kpackage it tells me star office
> is not installed, even though it is.  What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks.
> Jeff Malka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Registered (Newbie) Linux user  183185