RE: [newbie] Wwhich motherboards?

1999-06-11 Thread Birchall, Richard

Pankil Richards [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I'm using an ASUS P2B 440 BX and it's working very well with
>Linux-Mandrake (if that's your particular concern).

A BX motherboard won't work with his current Pentium cpu or future AMD cpu.


RE: [newbie] Wwhich motherboards?

1999-06-11 Thread Birchall, Richard

Steve Winston [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I want a new motherboard. Can anyone recommend particular brands?
>I am looking for an ATX, 3 DIMM slots, Slot 7, something compatible
>with the Pentium 233 mmx chip I have now but that will accept a
>more powerful AMD chip later when I have the $$ for a new cpu.

Linux should not have any trouble with any Super7 motherboard.

However if you plan to buy a AGP video card and play Windows 3D games, it
might be best to avoid motherboards with the ALi chipset.


RE: [newbie] kppp in mandrake 6.0

1999-06-08 Thread Birchall, Richard

Pian [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

> this is the error message :
> localhost pppd[1381] : pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
> localhost pppd[1381] : Using interface ppp0
> localhost pppd[1381] : Connect: ppp0 <---> /dev/ttys1
> localhost pppd[1381] : Hangup (SIGHUP)
> localhost pppd[1381] : Modem hangup
> localhost pppd[1381] : Connection terminated
> localhost pppd[1381] : Connect time 0.3 minutes

Add the following line to /etc/ppp/options:

Edit /etc/syslog.conf.  Change where it says:

(Don't forget to switch this back after you get your ppp connection working)

Then stop & restart the syslogd daemon.
killall -HUP syslogd

Before you retry your ppp connection, open another console window, then
tail -f /var/log/messages

This will give more detail as to what is going wrong...


RE: [newbie] configuring Xfree86

1999-06-03 Thread Birchall, Richard

Alex Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I've spent many an hour now trying to configure the Xfree86 that
> came with  my Mandrake package

Try using XF86Setup instead of Xconfigurator.


RE: [newbie] Linux suport from nVIDIA

1999-06-03 Thread Birchall, Richard

Sean [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Well that didn't work. :-( The riva_install shell script kept on dying. 

Make sure you are typing



RE: [newbie] establishing a ppp connection

1999-05-31 Thread Birchall, Richard

s3x [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>i seemed to have my modem (isdn bri t/a external) configured
>properly under kppp and the account info is correct but it never
>finishes logging in.  when i watch the log window all i get is
>garbage characters. i've tried every setting i saw ( CHAP, PAP,
>Script and Terminal) to no avail. i've filled in expected
>arguements and all. does anyone have a clue where i should start
>to fix this.

Your first step is probably to delete the kppprc file and start fresh.
   $ (HOMEDIR)/.kde/share/config/kppprc

Each user (including root) has a separate home directory.  The .kde
directory is hidden, so you have to enable "view hidden files" in the KDE
file browser.

Garbage characters usually means you are already in PPP mode, and do not use
a text-based login.   So that means use PAP or CHAP (not Script or

It sounds like you are using kppp, so you should just enter your username &
password in the very first screen, and kppp will pass that info to pppd.

To view the debugging messages:

Edit /etc/syslog.conf.  Change where it says:

(Don't forget to switch this back after you get your ppp connection

Then stop & restart the syslogd daemon.
killall -HUP syslogd

Add the following line to /etc/ppp/options:

While you are trying your ppp connection, open another console window, then
tail -f /var/log/messages

You can include those last few lines of ppp debug info, in future


RE: [newbie] Netscape's preference

1999-05-31 Thread Birchall, Richard

Obrag Aterg [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>My ISP does not give the DNS.
>ping'ing produced the message
>Unknown host
>SO what am I suppose to do now?

A smart-ass response would be to "get a new ISP".

However...try using the DNS server of another ISP in your area.Check
their web pages under "customer setup", etc.


RE: [newbie] EFS File support in windoze

1999-05-31 Thread Birchall, Richard

Andre Baron [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I know that there was an address posted a little while ago for a
>until that would let me read my efs disk under windoze, but I
>can't seem to find it in my archive, can some one repost that
>for me?



RE: [newbie] Netscape's preference

1999-05-31 Thread Birchall, Richard

Obrag Aterg [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>The thing is, my ISP don't have a given DNS: what now?

Your ISP *does* use a DNS server, but they probably don't normally have to
tell their typical Windows-based user about it.

The DNS server address can be automatically passed to the client TCP/IP
stack during the PPP negotiation (IPCP).   The ppp daemon used by Linux does
not support this IPCP extension, so you have to enter the DNS servers

If you have connected a Win9x box to this ISP, then just run "winipcfg" to
see the DNS server address(es) and enter that in kppp.


RE: [newbie] Video Card

1999-05-25 Thread Birchall, Richard

Owens, Jerry[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I have just installed RedHat 6.0 on my computer.  When I was going
>through the installation process my video card was detected but it
>couldn't set it up and the message said that I would have to set it
>up manually.  I am new to Linux and have no idea how to do this.
>Any help would be appreciated.  My video card is a Matrox Mystique.
>I would like to get this working so I can set up Xwindows.

Try using XF86Setup to set this up.

Use rpm or kpackage to install the following files from the /Redhat/RPMS
directory, on the CD.

Then run XF86Setup and choose the Mystique from the list...


RE: [newbie] Starting Programs at Startup

1999-05-25 Thread Birchall, Richard

michael.thorp [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I'm new at using mandrake linux.  I've been trying to figure out how to
>get a program to start when the computer starts up.

For services, these can be set with ntsysv


RE: [newbie] talk about no knowledge

1999-05-24 Thread Birchall, Richard

Pliler Main Unit [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I know my CD works, but how do  I use the CD to upgrade the
> Netscape to the 4.5 on the disk

The easiest point-and-click way is to use kpackage.   Start kpackage, then
use it to open the Netscape 4.5 rpm file that is the RPMS subdirectory on
the CD.Should be able to upgrade over top of the existing Netscape.
However, it might be safer to remove the old Netscape first...


[newbie] Star Office 5.1 released

1999-05-19 Thread Birchall, Richard

New Star Office version 5.1, compatible with glibc2.1 and Red Hat 6.0

(best to wait a week or so, unless you need it...)


RE: [newbie] Re: Linux-Mandrake User Guide

1999-05-18 Thread Birchall, Richard


>> Here it is from the "Install" file on the Mandrake 5.3 CD:
>> "your main Linux partition, which will need to be loaded on
>> " / " ("Mount point : / "). This will be the root directory
>> (" root directory "). The size of this partition will need
>> to be at least 300 Mb. More experienced users may load the
>> /usr and /home directories on supplementary partitions."

>What's wrong with that?  You can still break it up so it isn't
>just in one large partition, it's just saying that most users
>will just put linux into one drive with a / mount point, and
>that should be 300 megs -- with the addition that you can put
>/usr and /home on supplementary partitions.  /usr is the bulk
>of the size of the install 

>> RedHat's documentation on the same CD recommends 50 to 100MB
>> for /. You'll get "disk full" messages if you set up a small
>> root.

It makes sense that the Mandrake instructions should supercede any
conflicting Red Hat instructions.

Those Red Hat 5.2 instructions didn't allow for all the KDE files being
installed into /opt/kde.

Mandrake 5.3 and Red Hat 6.0 both work fine with a single 465 MB "/"
partition.  (I have 500MB extra for Linux, using 32MB for swap).
Just don't install "everything"...


RE: [newbie] what a diff a day makes

1999-05-18 Thread Birchall, Richard

Pliler [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I am using a USB port , with USB modem attached.

Not supported...


RE: [newbie] Pppd dies unexpectedly

1999-05-17 Thread Birchall, Richard

Steve Philp [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Turn on debugging and see if anything obvious pops up.  Check your
>log files and see if anything is listed there when the connection
>is dropped.

For fellow newbies:

A useful tip I found in a PPP "help" page.   To view the debugging messages:

Edit /etc/syslog.conf.  Change where it says:

(Don't forget to switch this back after you get your ppp connection

Then stop & restart the syslogd daemon.
killall -HUP syslogd

Add the following line to /etc/ppp/options:

While you are trying your ppp connection (I recommend trying to get it
working with kppp first), open another console window, then type:
tail -f /var/log/messages

Now leave that console window open.  This is a cool feature.  This console
window will now display all the debugging messages, as they occur.

>Do you need gpm?  It doesn't sound like you're very comfortable at
>the command line, so I'm wondering if it's even necessary for you
>to run it.  If you don't need it, turn it off.  Problem solved.

When I am out of X Window, I like to be able to copy & paste info at the
shell prompt.  For example listing a rpm file, then copying that file name
to the rpm command that I am making.  Saves typing those long file names!
The middle mouse button is your friend.

>> I also installed Red Hat 6 on another partition. It is missing kpackage
>> glint, which is a very ugly error from Red Hat.

I tried installing kpackage in Red Hat 6.0, from the rpm file.   It
doesn't work (doesn't display the installed packages).I would just wait
for kpackage to be fixed.   In the meantime, GnoRPM is pretty good.   And
it's a good chance to hone your command line skills with rpm!


RE: [newbie] 2.2.x kernel and KPPP

1999-05-14 Thread Birchall, Richard

Philip C. Hewitt II [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I have upgraded my kernel to 2.2.7 and all support files
>that were available and now I can't seem to get KPPP to dial
>out anymore...I receive a message from KPPP saying something
>about the remote host not responding to configuration
>requests...I thought the kernel might not have PPP support
>but after recompiling a new one with PPP support I still was
>unable to connect...I can connect from windows98 and I was
>able to connnect before with the 2.0.36 kernel so I know my
>modem is good...any help would be great.

Try upgrading kppp to the latest version 1.6.11; this fixes some bugs (see
list following).  The rpm file is here (long URL):


Excerpt from the kppp 1.6.11 ChangeLog:

1999-04-24  Harri Porten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* runtests.cpp: test for `lock' in /etc/ppp/options is not needed
more, thanks to a hint from Paul Mackeras (pppd). Leaving away ttySx
(99/04/10) from the command line and binding stdin/stdout to the
device (99/01/12) stops pppd from trying to lock the device itself.

1999-04-10  Harri Porten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* connect.cpp: solved problems with pppd 2.3.6 and 2.3.7
* pppdata.cpp: PPPDebug() defaults to `false'.
* opener.cpp: introduced MY_ASSERT macro. We don't want to see our
security checks disabled by the NDEBUG flag.

1999-04-09  Harri Porten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* modem.cpp: improved protection against socket notifier zombie as
suggested by Brian Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

1999-04-06  Harri Porten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* modem.cpp: set modemfd to -1 in closetty().
* modem.cpp: block attempts to start the socket notfier if modemfd <
* connect.cpp: call closetty() _before_ execppp(). This should solve
some of the reported timeout errors and the observed memory hogging.
* modem.cpp: added stop() in closetty() (just to be sure)
(all fixes above were proposed by Ian Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
* requester.cpp: setpppdRunning(false) _before_ killing the pppd.

1999-03-26  Harri Porten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* main.cpp: added flushX() before every command_execute()
* increased maximum modem string size
* store child pid in helper_pid instead of gpppdata.* (safer) 

1999-03-20  Harri Porten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* connect.cpp: fixed "unknown speed" bug introduced in previous

1999-03-15  Harri Porten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* opener.cpp: replaced regex library calls with self-written
algorithm. This hopefully prevents the segfaults reported with SuSE
and Caldera binaries. (Update: identified the assert() around
as the bug. It was left out when compiling with NODEBUG) 
* connect.cpp: fixed bugs of internal scripting loop. Possible
symptoms: broken 'Expect' command and incorrectly parsed modem

1999-03-10  Harri Porten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* modem.cpp: dropped ISTRIP option and made everything else "8-bit
clean" by using unsigned char and removing 0x7F AND'ing. Characters
like [§´°äöü] will work now.
* conwindow.cpp (ConWindow): initialise volinfo after discovering
this prevents a segfault with Qt2.0 (turned out to be a beta bug

1999-03-09  Harri Porten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* opener.cpp: utilize CMSG_LEN macro if present
* opener.cpp: insert LF if missing at end of *-secrets file
* opener.cpp: supply REG_NOSUB flag to regcomp

1999-03-05  Harri Porten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* requester.cpp: relaxed check for msg_controllen due to alignment
problems on different hardware architectures (eg. Alphas). Proposed
by Martin Ostermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* removed unused or doubled code

== KDE 1.1 released 

RE: [newbie] StarOffice 5.0 vs Mandrake 6.

1999-05-13 Thread Birchall, Richard

Jeanette Russo[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>A lot has been made of the problems with RH 6.0 and StarOffice 5.
>As a Star Office user will Mandrake 6 inherit this problem?

There is some reporting of this issue here:

Seems likely that StarDivision will soon release a version that works with


RE: [newbie] Installing Mandrake Upgrades

1999-05-13 Thread Birchall, Richard

michael.thorp [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>The exact error message is as follows:
>Authentication failed
>_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect:  Can't connect:  errno = 111
>giving up.
>xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server
>xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error
>This looks like a problem with the pam modules, but I have upgraded
>them with no luck.  When I use the root login, startx works just
>fine, but when I use my login, I get the above error.

As a workaround try:

edit /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config and change (or comment out these lines):




RE: [newbie] a suggestion needed from someone knowledgeable in Mandrake---PLEASE!!!

1999-05-13 Thread Birchall, Richard

Glenn C. Ewen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>A buddy of mine gave me this linux-mandrake cd because I've always
>been interested in linux.  Now I've installed it fine and even got
>my nic and printer to work but that's about it. I can't get my
>sound or modem to work and I don't know my way around or anything.
>So I was wondering if anyone knew of a book I could get to help me
>along. I'm pretty knowable with pc's if that helps.

See if running sndconfig to gets the soundcard working.

Ensure that you don't have a "winmodem" or PCI modem.

If you have web access, try:

Linux Newbie Administration Guide

The Newbie's Linux Manual

Linux Installation and Getting Started

The Linux Documentation Project


RE: [newbie] Printer?

1999-05-13 Thread Birchall, Richard

turgut kalfaoglu [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Greetings; I installed Mandrake a few weeks ago on my laptop;
>and only have a few glitches that annoy me: Such as printer
>support. Our printers are handled by Netbios (they are on an
>OS/2 machine and a Win98 machine); and I dont know how to
>access them from Linux. Btw, the OS/2 machine also has LPD

The protocol is NetBIOS over TCP/IP (unless you are unfortunately running

Use Samba to print to the NBT-shared printers.

Or use lpr to print to the lpd-shared printer.


RE: [newbie] Desktop Display

1999-05-13 Thread Birchall, Richard

> What causes it, is that the Red Hat XConfigurator program (which is run
> during the Mandrake install) is not up-to-date with the latest video card
> database.
I note that the Xconfigurator in Red Hat 6.0 still misidentifies my Trident
9680 card as a 9660 card (as did Mandrake 5.3).  Perhaps this can be fixed
for Mandrake 6.0 ?


RE: [newbie] Desktop Display

1999-05-13 Thread Birchall, Richard

Philip W. Huff[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I've recently installed Linux Mandrake for the very first time.
>I've never seen the OS in person.  I started the desktop, but
>all the elements are EXTREMELY large.  So large, that I can't
>even see all of the listings in some of the menus.  I've
>configured the video card and the monitor settings to just
>about every monitor that I can think of, including custom
>settings, and this does nothing to change my situation.  Any
>suggestions besides buying a new monitor?  I have a Compaq
>Presario 1725 monitor and a Trident Video card.

I had exactly this same problem using a Trident 9680 video card.

X Window is running at 320x240 resolution, looking quite strange indeed.

What causes it, is that the Red Hat XConfigurator program (which is run
during the Mandrake install) is not up-to-date with the latest video card

Run XF86Setup (outside of X) to fix this.  It should identify your Trident
card properly and set the recommended optimizations.


RE: [newbie] RedHat 6.0 revisited

1999-05-12 Thread Birchall, Richard

Manny Styles [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I haven't tried to switch desktops, but after customizing Gnome, I
>really like it and actually perfer it to KDE.  I still do switch
>back and forth though because of the programs that are dependent
>on KDE.  Still very much looking forward to the final release of
>Mandrake 6.0 though.

I was having a problem with X Window in RH 6.0.   After a point,
the desktop environment (GNOME or KDE) would stop working; I couldn't
open any new applications.

Turns out that it was a X authentication problem...   I didn't name
my host, and my dynamic PPP connection would instead provide a
transient name.   Once my host was renamed after a PPP connect,
no additional X clients could access my X server.   Do'h!

Didn't see that problem with Mandrake 5.3 though...   hopefully it
won't appear in Mandrake 6.0.

Anther "problem" with RH 6.0, is that they've changed the DHCP
client from dhcpcd to pump, and pump doesn't work with some cable
modem services (e.g. @Home).   pump doesn't support the DHCP
client identifier option  (the -l switch for dhcpcd).   I would
recommend that Mandrake 6.0 uses dhcpcd instead of pump.


RE: [newbie] Upgrade Mandrake 5.3 to KDE 1.1.1 ?

1999-05-12 Thread Birchall, Richard

Martin Barnard [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>> Worse. RH 6.0 installs KDE in straight /usr, which is not only
>> stupid but also a violation of FSSTND.
>> Unfortunately, we have to stick with it in Mandrake 6.0 because
>> we want to remain compatible.
>An alternative would be to move the kde directory into /opt & place
>a symlink in /usr or /usr/local, depending upon where RH6 placed it.

The problem is that RH 6.0 doesn't have a kde directory.  The KDE files are
spread all over the /usr subdirectories, mixed with all the other files.

I think you would need a symlink for every file?   Or can Linux logically
combine two different directories, e.g /usr/bin and /opt/kde/bin ?


RE: [newbie] RedHat 6.0 revisited

1999-05-12 Thread Birchall, Richard

Arnold Kelly[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I noticed some of you had tried RH6 and was wondering if you
>knew how to change the "default" X Windows Manager when you use
>the XDM to log in?   The default is Gnome, of course.  I don't
>mind having to manually switch to KDE, but would like to know
>how to make it the default without having to go through the
>extra "work".

Type "switchdesk" in a console, while in X.


RE: [newbie] ensoniq pci audio card

1999-05-11 Thread Birchall, Richard

Glenn C. Ewen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>i checked the mandrake site and found out that this card isn't
>supported but was wondering if anybody ever got it to work.
>any advice would be appreciated.

There is some information here.  Looks like you have to patch or replace
your kernel?

Did you try running sndconfig ?


RE: [newbie] Upgrade Mandrake 5.3 to KDE 1.1.1 ?

1999-05-11 Thread Birchall, Richard

Arnold Kelly [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>What I'd like to know is can you "upgrade" Mandrake 5.3 using
>Redhat 6.0?  I would think you SHOULD be able to, since
>Mandrake is basically Redhat 5.2..What do you think?

RH 6.0 installs KDE 1.1.1pre2 in /usr/local/kde (?) instead of /opt/kde.
You would probably have to install RH 6.0 without KDE, then try to get your
old KDE 1.1 working again.   Or add a symlink /usr/local/kde ---> /opt/kde.
And I think the kde html documents are in a different spot?

Let us know how you make out.   : )


RE: [newbie] Upgrade Mandrake 5.3 to KDE 1.1.1 ?

1999-05-11 Thread Birchall, Richard

> Bernhard Rosenkraenzer[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Has anyone tried installing the KDE 1.1.1 rpm files for Red Hat 5.2,
> > with Mandrake 5.3?
> This won't work, because RH 6.0 is glibc 2.1, Mandrake 5.3 is glibc 2.0.
Thanks for the response!

These KDE 1.1.1 rpm files are for RH 5.2 though, not RH 6.0.

The readme file says: "This is compiled with egcs-1.0.3a and glibc2." 

Is it best to remove KDE 1.1 from Mandrake 5.3 before installing?

> Good news: We have kde 1.1.1-final in Mandrake 6.0 (RH 6.0 has 1.1.1pre2).
That is good news.   Keep up the great work! : )



[newbie] Upgrade Mandrake 5.3 to KDE 1.1.1 ?

1999-05-11 Thread Birchall, Richard

Has anyone tried installing the KDE 1.1.1 rpm files for Red Hat 5.2,
with Mandrake 5.3?



RE: [newbie] Mandrake 5.3 energy saver

1999-05-11 Thread Birchall, Richard

Turgut Kalfaoglu [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Sorry, but why do you have it turned off in BIOS?
>let the machine do its thing :)

There are sometimes good reasons to disable all powersaving features.  They
can interfere with some operations (e.g. CD-R burning) and some older
equipment (e.g. monitors) doesn't wake up again...


RE: [newbie] expert-digest

1999-05-10 Thread Birchall, Richard

Roberto Angelo [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>How can find the numbers 61, 62 of expert digest?
>Someone can send me? I lost them
>Please the number 75 of newbie digest too.

If you have web access, these mailing list archives are at:


RE: [newbie] On the issue of language...

1999-05-09 Thread Birchall, Richard

Kuraiken [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Does anyone know how I could input Japanese chars with my US
>keyboard? I used to have this word processor for windows that
>accomplished this. Now, in Linux, I can read Japanese just
>fine (in Netscape, anyway) but I can't _write_ (type?) it...
>Is there a site where I can find out more?

Try this?


RE: [newbie] Mandrake 6.0

1999-05-07 Thread Birchall, Richard

Ripcrd6 [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Probably mid to late May.   May be longer if they are making serious
>headway on Lothar.

I would be happy if MandrakeSoft waited until GNOME 1.1 was released.  GNOME
1.0 behaves like buggy beta software.

I've tried the default environment of Red Hat 6.0, GNOME/Enlightenment; it
is nothing that I'd wish on us newbies.

It makes me appreciate the excellent job that MandrakeSoft did integrating
Red Hat 5.2 and KDE 1.1!



RE: [newbie] Any web page that teaches how to install Linux?

1999-05-07 Thread Birchall, Richard

Ripcrd6 [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Try this.  It's the Linux Newbie Administration Guide.  It talks about
>Redhat, but it applies and it is written by newbies.  That means it
>shouldn't be over your head.   It cleared up some questions for me.

Also check out:

The Linux Documentation Project

The Newbie's Linux Manual



[newbie] RE: SIS6326? Thanks, NOT, for now! WAS: "Flaky" video modes WAS: [newbie] Video Modes

1999-05-06 Thread Birchall, Richard

Vladimir V. Popov [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I tested all Options recom. from README.SIS but it don't helps
>me.  In Win98/NT my SiS6326 works properly. Need to wait for
>new X*_SVGA rel.

Try running XF86Setup (the XFree86 utility), instead of XConfigurator (the
Red Hat utility).   

It is more up-to-date with the latest XFree86 tweaks for various video
cards.I was able to fix my Trident card that way.



RE: [newbie] Isa card problems

1999-05-06 Thread Birchall, Richard

Tom A.H. Piel [EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I'm having some problems with my NE2000 plus
>isa card which is not detected during installation
>and my soundcard is not working (also not detected)
>during install it asked me for autoprobe or specific
>and both failed (can't detect device anywhere on the
>the same is happening with scsi card (adaptec 1542)
>I'm using a toshiba 3000 with 2 pci and 2 isa slots
>system is set to pnp os no. 
>any help or hints would be appreciated :-)

I am able to use my Adaptec 1542b SCSI card.

In the BIOS, I reserved the IRQ and DMA of this ISA card.   That should
probably be done for any non-PnP ISA cards.

Also, I selected PnP OS: Yes

Perhaps try those changes.



RE: [newbie] About command ps.

1999-05-06 Thread Birchall, Richard

John l.yn [EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I want to kill the daemon of inetd avoid rebooting. I use command
>"ps aus" ,but inetd isnt listed. Why ? How to rerun the daemon after
>kill it?

Try:ps -A

Then:  kill -9 



RE: [newbie] a new linux man from FRANCE

1999-05-05 Thread Birchall, Richard


>I' am having problems with my olitec 56.000kps under the mandrake 5.3 i
>just can't acces the net if anyone can help me i'd be very happy

If it is a PCI modem, it won't work.

There are lots of comments about Olitec modems here:*linux*

Otherwise, follow the instructions in the kppp online help.



RE: [newbie] New install

1999-05-04 Thread Birchall, Richard

linux [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I would like to install Mandrake 5.3 on a Toshiba Tecra notebook
>that is currently running Win98 on a FAT32 HD.  I would actually
>like to remove Win98 and install only Mandrake.  How can I do so?

During the install, use Disk Druid to delete the FAT32 partition.  Then
create a swap partition equal to your memory size, and a "/" Linux native
partition (select growable to use the remainder of the disk).



RE: [newbie] How to install my 56k modem

1999-04-29 Thread Birchall, Richard

Ripcrd6 [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Does this mean that Diamond MM modems won't work?  I have a 28.8 and
>a 56K.  Both have software drivers (.inf files) that are loaded, but
>I think both have processors on them.

.inf files are not drivers, they are text files with configuration
information, e.g. modem init strings.



RE: [newbie] Very need your help!About Install

1999-04-28 Thread Birchall, Richard

>Get this file:

In addition you should get:

which contains a new xf86config that has a listing for the i740cards. 

Once you've gotten the files


rpm -ihv XBF-i740-glibc-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm


tar zxvf /path/to/xf86config-glibc-1.0.0.i386.tgz

to install them. Note that you need to do the "tar" step in the root
directory for the files to end up in the right place.

Then run the xf86config utility.



RE: [newbie] How to install my 56k modem based on PCI bus?

1999-04-28 Thread Birchall, Richard

John l.yn [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Now, I meet a new question: How to install my inner modem of 56k based
>on PCI bus.  I have installed the modem in win98, all thing is ok. But
>the product havent driver for linux. What driver shall I choose?

Time to buy a new modem...




[newbie] Linux Support for Riva TNT2

1999-04-26 Thread Birchall, Richard

" confirmation from NVidia that the new Riva TNT2 will have full X
and 3D support under Linux. They should be announcing it on their web site
in about 2 weeks time."



RE: [newbie] Video card problem

1999-04-26 Thread Birchall, Richard

Mike [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I have an S3 Trio3D (86C365 chipset) video card (seems like the only S3
>that isn't supported by X, just my luck). I have tried different drivers
>it and can't get it to work. I am wondering if anyone out there has the
>card and/or knows of any way to make it work with X. I know that there are
>commercial Xservers that support it but I can't really afford to buy one
>right now.

This is from

Q.F18- Is a server for the S3 Trio3D or the S3 Savage3D available?
Boards based on those two S3 chips are not supported in XFree86. XFree86 has
only recently (November 98) received the documentation for these chips, so
development is underway. We will include support for both chipsets in our
next XFree86 release. 

Q.A9- When is the next release?
The 4.0 release, with significant changes, is being worked on. It is not
known at this point when it will be released

Until then, you can use the generic VGA server...



RE: [newbie] ancient monitor

1999-04-25 Thread Birchall, Richard

Jose Alberto Abreu [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Problem is... my monitor is a complete mystery. Its an old Compaq
>that a friend gave to me, it was part of his 386 setup...
>In windblows, it works as "standard VGA monitor" and also works
>under "Acer 11D", but fails to enable 800-600 resolution in both
>cases (I use it in 640x480)...
>Can I use this under Linux? Can i get it to run 800-600?

You will run X at 640x480 resolution, but many of the KDE panels
do not fit entirely on a 640x480 screen.

However, you can use a larger "virtual" screen size to solve this.
When your mouse hits the screen edge, the view pans within the larger
virtual screen.

This is setup if you specify larger screen sizes during the XConfigurator
setup.  Ensure that you set 640x480 as your default resolution.



RE: [newbie] When on kppp, getting mail but not getting out

1999-04-23 Thread Birchall, Richard

Linda [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>On top of my regular problems with Linux, when I am in e-mail, I am able to

>download all my mail, but the message I sent yesterday never made it to the

>group.  I am able to get onto Netscape, also.  So what setting do you think

>is not set right?

SMTP server/account?   POP3 is working.

>Also, if I should get really frustrated, what is the best way to uninstall 
>Mandrake and start again?

Rerun the Mandrake install.  Use Disk Druid to delete the Linux swap and /



RE: [newbie] Freeserv

1999-04-22 Thread Birchall, Richard


>Did anyone try to connect to freeserve ISP in UK.
>I can't make it working. Any advice will be welcome.

Instructions to setup kppp with Freeserve are here:



RE: [newbie] Dual OS Install

1999-04-21 Thread Birchall, Richard

Jerry Owens [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I have a 486Dx2/66 computer with a Pentium overdrive chip and a 1.2 GB
>HD.  I would like to install Linux on this machine as well as keeping
>the copy of windows 95 that is already loaded on the machine.  I have
>seen references for doing this with two hard drives, but I only have
>one.  Is it possible to load two operating systems on one drive and what
>do I need to do to accomplish this.  I am still fairly new to Linux and
>I am very new to using two operating systems on one computer so any help
>would be appreciated.

You can use FIPS.EXE (DOS utility that comes on the Mandrake CD) to create a
new partition out of the free space in your existing DOS partition.   It's
like a free version of Partition Magic.

The Mandrake installation sets up LILO for you (like a free version of
System Commander).

However, are you using an overlay program (to be able to use a 1.2 GB hard
disk with a 486)?   Are you using Ontrack Disk Manager, EZ-Drive, or
equivalent?  Do you see a bootup message about this?

Since these overlay programs modify the MBR (master boot record) and shift
all the disk tracks, there may be some risk in using FIPS and LILO.
Definitely back up your data before proceeding if this is the case...



[newbie] 3dfx card and MESA

1999-04-21 Thread Birchall, Richard

I am unable to get the MESA (OpenGL clone) demos working on my Voodoo
Graphics card.

1.  I have downloaded & installed the binary rpm's for the Linux Glide
driver.   The 3dfx test program does work (displays the rotating
3dfx logo).

2.  I have downloaded & installed the binary rpm's for the MESA 3.1
driver, GLUT library, and MESA demos.  However nothing happens when
I try running the demo programs  (do'h!).   Could it be a version

Has anyone tried these MESA demos?

Here are the links for those rpm files:
   3dfx Glide driver
   MESA rpms

MESA home page:



RE: [newbie] Adaptec SCSI card

1999-04-20 Thread Birchall, Richard

sledge151 [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Here's my problem, maybe someone can help.  I installed Red Hat 5.2 on
>a dual boot system and entered the parameters manually
>(aha1520=0x340,11,7).  The OS saw the card and installed fine from there.
>(I should say that I installed from a Scsi cd-rom)  I want to change to
>Mandrake 5.3 for the KDE desktop.  When I try to install the OS won't see
>my Scsi card even with the parameters entered in.  Nothing has changed
>with the card.  Anyone have any ideas?  

Try instead entering:


(change 1520 to 152x)

Or maybe a Plug & Play card grabbed the IRQ 11 from this card.   Ensure that
you have reserved the IRQ and DMA  resources for this card in the
motherboard BIOS.



RE: [newbie] Diamond S220

1999-04-20 Thread Birchall, Richard

hevnsnt [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Has anyone tried linux with a Diamond S220?
>For some reason it doesnt seem that I can get over 800x600..  Anyone know
>why?  A couple posts ago, someone was talking about the Viper 550, and
>someone mentioned a site that they should read, I checked out that site
>but it did not give me any useful info..   Anyone have any ideas?  I want
>1024x768 16m .. Thats all i want. =)

Diamond Stealth S220 uses the Rendition V2100 chip, not the nVidia TNT chip.

Check that you're running XFree86 (comes with Mandrake 5.3) and try
running xf86config instead of XConfigurator.



RE: [newbie] Samba mounting

1999-04-20 Thread Birchall, Richard

True Death [EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>How in the heck do you mount smbfs drives?

By using "smbmount" and "smbumount".

There is lots of info here (long URL):

If you're running Linux kernel 2.2.x, you need to get the smbmount that
comes with Samba Release 2.



RE: [newbie] Montego A3D sound PCI sound card setup

1999-04-16 Thread Birchall, Richard

Luca Braglia [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I have a problem with my sound card 
>Montego A3D 64 Voice PCI Sound Card.

The beta OSS Vortex-1 (Montego) driver has just come out.




RE: [newbie] Viper550

1999-04-16 Thread Birchall, Richard


>Thanks for all, svga I just have, but I was hopping for some driver with
>3D acceleration.

Hopefully you don't also have a SBLive! soundcard and PCI modem to go with
that TNT card...

: )



RE: [newbie] Mandrake Installation

1999-04-15 Thread Birchall, Richard

Kevck [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Hi there, I need help on this! I am having trouble installing Mandrake
>5.2. from CD. I did the boot disks and everything seemed right with
>menus walking me through the installation steps. However, when it gets
>to initializing the CD drive, it just stops. Nothing happens then - I
>am using 486Cyrix-133 with Cymax 16speed CD drive.

Perhaps the info here will help:

IDE probing hangs on non-existant device



RE: [newbie] Install program with RPM HELP Me

1999-04-15 Thread Birchall, Richard


>Maybe it is me, but how do you install a program within the RPM.  I tried
>but I just can't figure it out.  I can install the program at a prompt
>with a command line.  But is there anyway to install it using the RPM
>p.s.  I am running Mandrake 5.3

Have you tried kPackage, in KDE?   Pretty slick!



RE: [newbie] Viper550

1999-04-15 Thread Birchall, Richard


>No, because I cannot connect to it from here.

Slashdot has an article on TNT and Linux.   No accelerated 3D for NVidia
chips, only for 3Dfx.

For TNT support in X Window, you need to update your XFree86 to version

This is available at the Red Hat mirror in Italy.  Hopefully you can connect
to that!

You may be able to just download the 1.2MB SVGA file, instead of the entire
7MB XFree86 file.

Use XF86Setup.



RE: [newbie] Bring up terminal window after dialing

1999-04-15 Thread Birchall, Richard

Jeanette Russo [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Using Kppp I am trying to connect to an ISP which uses an old style login
>where you bring up a terminal window after the connection and manually
>your user name and password.  Playing around with Kppp I got the window to
>come up once but cannot repeat.   Does anyone know how to do this, its easy
>enough in Windows Dial up networking you just check a box for terminal
>window after dialing but can;t find that in KPPP.

kppp can enter your username, password, etc. in response to the login
prompts.Don't need to open a terminal window & do it manually every



RE: [newbie] Viper550

1999-04-15 Thread Birchall, Richard


>Please can anyone tell me, where can I get Linux drivers for Viper 550,
>which work with Quake?

Have you tried searching for this yet?



RE: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live anyone ?

1999-04-14 Thread Birchall, Richard

There is information on the Linux drivers for SBLive! here:

As per that, Creative is not publically releasing programming data for this
sound card, but is working on binary drivers.



RE: [newbie] Sound

1999-04-13 Thread Birchall, Richard

John Mandeville said:

>i have a Intel Atlantis 440 LX Mother board that has a yamaha sound card
>built on 
it its supposed to be sound blaster compatiblehow do i get i to

Exit KDE, and type sndconfig at the shell prompt.   What are the results?


RE: [newbie] SCSI Cards and Zip Drives

1999-04-13 Thread Birchall, Richard

Andre Baron [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>> I'm trying to get my Adaptec AHA 1542b scsi card to work with my
>> system  I have gotten it working under Windblows but linux
>> seem to like it

No problem with my Adaptec 1542b SCSI card and Mandrake 5.3.I
installed Mandrake from a NEC 6X CD-ROM drive connected to that card in

Ensure that the IRQ and DMA resources for the 1542b card are
reserved in the motherboard BIOS setup.   My BIOS is set to "Plug and Play

I do have the BIOS on the 1542b card disabled, as I am not trying to
boot from a SCSI drive.I did try to boot the Mandrake CD, without
success (tried both CD-ROM and SCSI options in the motherboard BIOS).   But
it is very easy to make a boot floppy from the CD.

I have the floppy controller on the 1542b card disabled, as my
motherboard does that.

My SCSI CD-ROM works perfectly within KDE, using the 1542b.   Click
on the icon to mount a CD.

Try setting the card jumpers to default, as given here:

Contact me if you continue to have problems, I'll check my card




RE: [newbie] Audio setup problems

1999-04-02 Thread Birchall, Richard


>3. I need to get rid of this card, and use something else.  I have an
>Ensoniq Audio PCI card in another computer, and if I looked hard enough, I
>could probably find my old SoundBlaster AWE64.

This will work easily (the AWE64).

Just run sndconfig as root, and all will be well.


RE: [newbie] Re:Really New/Dual Boot

1999-04-01 Thread Birchall, Richard

>See the BootPart web site for lots of info.

Also see these:



RE: [newbie] Re:Really New/Dual Boot

1999-04-01 Thread Birchall, Richard

mark+gomez [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>Now that I have my linux and kde working, I also have found the need to
>dual-boot so that  I can do stuff in NT.  Here's my question:  since NT and
>want a piece of the mbr, how do I get them to coexist w/o using an NT or
linux boot
>When I installed lm 5.3 the other day it made it's own entries into the
mbr.  When
>I tried to boot NT, I got the blue screen, so I ran fdisk /mbr and
>worked fine after that exept linux needed to boot with a disk.

You can use the Windows NT multi boot menu to do this.   You won't be
able to have LILO in the MBR, I think.

There is a utility called BootPart that copies the first sector of the Linux
partition into a file, which you then store in your NT partition.

You can then edit the c:\boot.ini file to include the Linux option.

In order to use the Windows NT boot loader, the NT partition must be
the active boot partition.

See the BootPart web site for lots of info.



RE: [newbie] Scanners

1999-04-01 Thread Birchall, Richard

Linda [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>I haven't read where anyone has installed their scanner and used it with 
>Linux.  I have a Mustek 1200 III EP and am wanting to use it with 
>Mandrake.  Any ideas?

Mandrake includes Mandrake-SOHO (Small Office Home Office) package
which includes SANE 1.0 (scanning plugin for Gimp) 

...and If you check the SANE site, Mustek scanners are supported:



RE: [newbie] Switching...

1999-04-01 Thread Birchall, Richard

Jeanette Russo [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

>>> how can I get alt.os.linux.mandrake it is not on my ISP news server is
>>> there a free newserver that carries this?

>Ok thanks that's one way but I really prefer to use a news reader if

This is a very reasonable request to make to your ISP (add a news group).

Alternatively, try using Deja News to search on "public news server".



RE: [newbie] Switching...

1999-03-31 Thread Birchall, Richard

> Jeanette Russo [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:
> how can I get alt.os.linux.mandrake it is not on my ISP news server is
> there
> a free newserver that carries this?
