Re: [newbie] Dependencies included in rpm package?

2001-03-12 Thread DRX

Thomas Adam wrote:
>To solve this problem
>browse to the rpm file. select it and press F3 and
>then manually install the files.

 Thank you, Thomas.  Yes, this might help -- if I can figure out how to
install those files manually.  If I can't do it through rpm, and they are
not supposed to be compiled, how do I do it?  Is it just a matter of moving
them to the correct directories?

>Thomas Adam
>Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School
>e-mail (school): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>e-mail (yahoo) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] Partition information?

2001-03-09 Thread DRX

 I have gone and lost the paper on which I had written down what
partitions on the hard disk contain which Linux partitions.  Is there some
way to get informaion about this in Linux -- some kind of command I can
give, or some kind of application I can run?

 The best thing would be if I could get that information in a form that
I can understand, preferably something like this:

 /dev/hda5 /  1.2 GB
 /dev/hda6 /usr   1.2 GB
 /dev/hda7 /home  650 MB
 /dev/hda8 /swap  500 MB

 I understand that this is probably asking way too much though, so I'll
settle for information about how big the partitions are, and what they are
called (/dev/hda?).  I can probably figure out what they contain just by
getting information on how big they are.


Re: [newbie] How to find dependencies?

2001-03-09 Thread DRX

On Tuesday 06 March 2001 09:58:58 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
>Now if locate or whatprovides turn up nothin, then go to,
> search
>  which returns XFree86-libs-4.0.1-28mdk-i586.rpm  (among many others
>and other distros)
 When I clicked on the link to download the download
manager showed that I was about to download the
XFree86-libs-4.0.1-28mdk-i586.rpm package again.  This seemed unnecessary,
since I had already downloaded it once.  Are you saying that it is possible
to download _only_, _separately_?  I was unable to find any way
to do that, but I'll check again.

>So  XFree86-libs-4.0.1-28mdk  needs to be installed before
>XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.  BUT, not neccesarily, when upgrading multiple
>packages for something like XFree86 it's a good idea to d/l them all into a
>directory all by themselves and then run 'rpm -Uvh *'   This helps to
>avoid circular dependency failures.  rpm will cross check all the rpms in
>the dir, and still may return some failed deps.  So then it's back to
>  to get those.  Repeat til successful ;>
 I'm not sure that I am "upgrading multiple packages."  All I am trying
to do is to install XFree86-libs-4.0.1-28mdk-i586.rpm.  That is only one
package.  Granted, it can't be installed unless it has first been
installed, but the libraries needed to install it are not available except
as part of this package.  I'm afraid that I don't understand what you mean
by "BUT, not neccesarily, when upgrading multiple packages for something
like XFree86 it's a good idea to..."

 If there were several packages and several libraries to download and
install, I could place them all in the same directory, but as it is I have
only one package.  I can place this in a directory by itself, but will it
help to do the 'rpm -Uvh *' thing when you have only one package?

>There's other ways to find/satisfy deps, urpmf and rpm2html come to

 I've never heard of those.  Are they alternative methods to install an
rpm package?

>but the above is how I do it. Also, when upgrading to packages newer
>than your distro version (eg, LM7.2), you'll prob'ly get into situations
>sooner or later when you might be a little leary of the provider (eg,
>cooker, contribs, etc.).  Then it's a good idea to get the src rpm version
>and rebuild it on your system to better insure compatibility.

 Perhaps that would be better.  Where do I get that?

>Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever,
> he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
>  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Dependencies included in rpm package?

2001-03-06 Thread DRX

Thomas Adam wrote:
>To solve this problem
>browse to the rpm file. select it and press F3 and
>then manually install the files.

 Thank you, Thomas.  Yes, this might help -- if I can figure out how to
install those files manually.  If I can't do it through rpm, and they are
not supposed to be compiled, how do I do it?  Is it just a matter of moving
them to the correct directories?

>Thomas Adam
>Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School
>e-mail (school): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>e-mail (yahoo) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] How to find dependencies?

2001-03-06 Thread DRX

 Trying to install an rpm package downloaded from I got an
error message saying that two libraries were needed before I could install
this rpm package.  Going back to to download those two
libraries I discovered two things:

 1.  The two missing libraries are included in the rpm package I was
trying to install.

 2.  The two missing libraries are _only_ included in the rpm package I
was trying to install.  That is, it is _not_ possible to download those two
libraries separately.  Attempting to download the two missing libraries
only results in downloading the original rpm package.  I doubt that it will
help to download it again.

 The name of the package I have tried to install is
XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm.  The two libraries needed in order to install
it are and  These two libraries are included in
the XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm package.  How can there be a failed
dependency when those two libraries are included in the package?  How do I
get around this?  How can I install XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk?   Thank you for
your help.


[newbie] Dependencies included in rpm package?

2001-03-05 Thread DRX

 I have been trying to install XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm, using the
command rpm -i filename.  This failed because of three dependencies.  The
first two dependencies are and, which the error
message tells me are needed by XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.

 Searching at, I found that those two libraries are
included in the XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm package.  How can it say that
there is a failed dependency when those two libraries are included in the
package?  How do I get around this?  How do I install XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk?
Thank you for your help.


[newbie] Bunzip two?

2001-03-02 Thread DRX

I have a file which ends with the suffix .bz2   How do I unzip it?  I
have tried with commands like "bunzip" (in analogy with "gunzip" for "gz"
files), but that doesnt't work.  What is the proper command?


[newbie] Global .bashrc? (was: Real rm?)

2001-03-02 Thread DRX

Meph Istopheles wrote:
>  This one bothered me too (read "drove me nuts") till I finally
>looked in ~./.bashrc.  It appears MandrakeSoft chose to make an
>alias for rm to rm='rm -i' which is for interactive.  I suppose
>to gear toward the total 'puter newbie.
>  You can either remove the alias or, as I'd done, switch it to
>rm='rm -f' which is for force, ie, no questions asked.
>  Meph
 Thanks Meph.  It drives me nuts too.  The problem is that I use
several users, for different purposes.  Since they are all me, they all
want the usual Unix response to "rm."  It's annoying to have to edit every
single ~./.bashrc.  Where do I find the "global" or "master" .bashrc file,
so I can get rid of that interactive nonsense once and for all?  I found a
bashrc (without the dot in front of it) in /etc, but this didn't contain
any of that alias stuff.  When a new user's home directory is created,
presumably the new .bashrc file is copied from some master .bashrc file
somewhere, but where is that?  Is that the one I should change to get real
rm for all users?


[newbie] /usr/sbin/install-menu?

2001-03-02 Thread DRX

 I have just been trying to install XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm, using
the command rpm -i filename.  This failed because of three dependencies.
The third of these dependencies is that a /usr/sbin/install-menu is needed
by XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.  Am I supposed to create that "install-menu"
myself?  How do I do that?  Are there any guidelines available on how to
create an "install-menu"?  Or is this "install-menu" something that I can
download from somewhere and just put in the /usr/sbin directory?  Thank you
for your help.


[newbie] Dependency included?

2001-03-02 Thread DRX

 I have just been trying to install XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm, using
the command rpm -i filename.  This failed because of three dependencies.
The first two of those are and, which the error
message tells me are needed by XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.  Searching at for them, I found that those two libraries are included in the
XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm package.  How can it say that there is a
failed dependency when those two libraries are included in the package?
How do I get around this?  How do I install XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk?

[newbie] Impossible question?

2001-02-25 Thread DRX

 It seems likely that somebody out there knows the answer to my
question.  Perhaps he or she thinks that "All he has to do is insert his
Mandrake CD, and in KDE click on the RpmDrake icon, and then use the
special SearchMandrakeCD function, and then pick out the package
Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another package called
Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number and start the
"InstallWhatchamacallitGizmo" and that's it," or that "All he has to do is
to go to
and then click on down through the subdirectories, until he comes to the
right one, in which the package Xfree.this.or.that.some.number and another
package called Devel.Graph.Lib.Some.Other.Number are, and then download
them to his hard drive."

 It seems unlikey that he or she will tell me about it however.  I
don't know why.  Perhaps the answer is considered so simple that I have to
be an idiot not to know the answer?  Perhaps on the other hand the problem
is too difficult?  I don't believe that though.  I think most of you
experienced Linux users could probably solve this in no time, so here it
goes, one more time:

 I have downloaded a tarball with the latest version of AfterStep.  In
order to compile it I need first to install two packages which were not
installed in Mandrake, even though I chose "everything" when I installed
Mandrake.  Finding and installing these two packages is probably
ridiculously easy once you know how it's done, but unfortunately I don't
know how it's done.  Perhaps they are on the Mandrake CD.  Perhaps there is
some kind of tool in KDE to find out.  I don't know.  Perhaps they are at
the Mandrake FTP site.  Perhaps there is even some page on the site which
contains full instructions concerning what I need and where to find it.  I
don't know.  I have tried these things though.  I have tried searching the
Mandrake CD.  I have tried using the "RpmDrake" tool.  I have tried
searching at the Mandrake site as well, and I have tried searching at  Nothing has produced any results, and it seems that I
have to conclude that it is not possible to install AfterStep on Linux
Mandrake -- not possible for me that is.  Probably somebody else could.

 The first package I am looking for is:
XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm   According to this
package doesn't exist.  If it does exist however, I don't know where, and I
don't know how to find it.

 The other package I don't even know the name for.  It was described to
me like this: "and I don't know how the other one called, but it should be
for headers for development with graphics libraries"  Apparently he
considered this sufficient information that somebody who knows more than I
do would be able to identify this package.  I can't even begin to guess
what this package might be called, even less where to find it.  That is
also why a reply like "Go to and you'll find what you
are looking for" is no help.  If there is such a place it will probably
have hundreds of rpms and I am too ignorant to be able to figure out what
the ones I am looking for are named.  I am just a newbie.

 I am very grateful for all and any help.  Thank you.


[newbie] "public" directory?

2001-02-22 Thread DRX

 I want to have a directory in /home which every user can get to, and
put files in as well as take files from.  Who should I set as owner?  Is
there some kind of function so that I can set "anyone" as owner?


[newbie] Real time?

2001-02-22 Thread DRX

 The internal clock in the BIOS is set correctly, but Linux is one hour
too fast.  I guess I could solve this by setting the internal clock in the
BIOS to be one hour slow, but surely there must be some way that I can fix
this, so that Mandrake understands that the time is the same as shown by
the internal clock?  In other words: where do I set the time?


[newbie] Real rm?

2001-02-22 Thread DRX

 When I give the command "rm annoyingfile" I expect annoyingfile to
disappear -- not to be asked

rm: remove 'annoyingfile'?

 What's the point of asking that?  I wouldn't have given the command rm
if I didn't want to remove annoyingfile, would I?

 How do I change the function of rm to make it work the way I would like?


[newbie] "public" directory?

2001-02-22 Thread DRX

 I want to have a directory in /home which every user can get to, and
put files in as well as take files from.  Who should I set as owner?  Is
there some kind of function so that I can set "anyone" as owner?


[newbie] Still no development packages

2001-02-22 Thread DRX

>Have a look at You can use packages labelled
>"Mandrake". Mandrake Cooker and Red Hat use RPM 4, which is
>incompatible with Mandrake 7.2's RPM 3. To use these, you will have to
>download and compile the source (.src.rpm) packages.
> says "No package found of name
XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm."  Since I don't know the name of the
other package, I don't know what to type in the search field to look for
that one.  The AfterStep people only told me "I don't know how the other
one called, but it should be for headers for development with graphics
libraries."  To somebody with an extensive and intimate knowledge of
packages for the Unix/Linux environment, this might mean something, but I
am a complete newbie, and I don't know anything.

>On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 00:44, DRX wrote:
>> I need two packages: one called
>> "XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm," and the other was described
>> like this: "I don't know how the other one called, but it should be
>> for headers for development with graphics libraries."
>>  Where do I find these packages?  Somewhere at the Mandrake FTP
>> site? Or are they included somewhere on the CD?  If so, how do I
>> find them?
>>  The reason I need them is that I would like to use AfterStep,
>> and I have been told by the AfterStep people that I need to get
>> these two packages in order to be able to use AfterStep -- even
>> though I chose "everything" when I installed Mandrake.
>> DRX
>Sridhar Dhanapalan.
>   "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
>   LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
>   -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] No Internet access 2

2001-02-22 Thread DRX

>>  Yes.  /etc/resolv.conf included only two lines, and those are:
>> search localdomain
>> nameserver
>>  The "nameserver" line contains the correct address to my DNS.  Perhaps
>> it shouldn't read "search localdomain" though?  Could this be the problem?
>Yes, yes!  Change the search line to
 I hope  meant that I should write my ISP's DNS on the
"search" line as well, because I don't know my ISP's IP number.  I have
never needed to know my ISP's IP number since everything has worked anyway.

>Also, see if you can find a second dns# and add a second "nameserver" line

 I added the DNS for another ISP I could have used (since I have an
account there as well), but it didn't work anyway.  Finally I added a new
account, and set this for the other ISP, and that worked!  The problem is
not with the ISP though, because this is sent through the first, the
original, ISP.


[newbie] Real time?

2001-02-22 Thread DRX

 The internal clock in the BIOS is set correctly, but Linux is one hour
too fast.  I guess I could solve this by setting the internal clock in the
BIOS to be one hour slow, but surely there must be some way that I can fix
this, so that Mandrake understands that the time is the same as shown by
the internal clock?  In other words: where do I set the time?


[newbie] Re: How to find packages?

2001-02-21 Thread DRX

>use the package manager in drakeconf, and install afterstep, you should find
>that it will tell you what packages you need and automaticaly install them
>for you..
>hope this helps.
 Thank you for your help, but no, unfortunately it doesn't help.  When
I installed Mandrake I also installed AfterStep, and it worked just fine.
The problem is that I stupidly tried to upgrade AfterStep to a later
version.  What happened then was that AfterStep stopped working altogether,
and when I asked the AfterStep people about this, they told me that I
needed to install some additional packages.  So you see the packages needed
to run the version of AfterStep included on the Mandrake CD are not enough.
That does not mean that the packages I need are not included on that CD
though -- they may well be -- it just means that I don't know how to go
about to find them.

>-Original Message-
>I need two packages: one called "XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm,"
>and the other was described like this: "I don't know how the other one
>called, but it should be for headers for development with graphics
> Where do I find these packages?  Somewhere at the Mandrake FTP site?
>Or are they included somewhere on the CD?  If so, how do I find them?
> The reason I need them is that I would like to use AfterStep, and I
>have been told by the AfterStep people that I need to get these two
>packages in order to be able to use AfterStep -- even though I chose
>"everything" when I installed Mandrake.

Re: [newbie] AfterStep support?

2001-02-20 Thread DRX

>It sounds like you downloaded a source tarball for AfterStep, and now you
>need to compile and install it. Yes?

 Yes.  Exactly correct.

>You should have the rpm's you need on
>one of the two Mandrake cd's.

 I installed Mandrake from a CD downloaded from the Mandrake FTP site.
I only have one CD though.  If the rpm's I need are on the "other" CD, the
one I don't have, they should nevertheless also be available at Mandrake's
FTP site, shouldn't they?  The problem therefore is only (!!!) how to find
them at the FTP site?

>If not, try
 A search engine for rpms?  The problem is that I don't know the name
of one of the two packages.  Apparently the AfterStep people didn't know
the name either.  They just told me "I don't know how the other one called,
but it should be for headers for development with graphics libraries."  I
don't think I can write that in a search engine and expect any useful

>At 11:36 AM 2/17/01 +0100, you wrote:
>> I have been told by the AfterStep people that I apparently need two
>>additional packages installed in order to be able to use AfterStep.  One of
>>these they said is called "XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm," and the
>>other was described like this: "I don't know how the other one called, but
>>it should be for headers for development with graphics libraries."
>>  Where do I find these packages?  Somewhere at the Mandrake FTP site?
>>Or are they included somewhere on the CD?  If so, how do I find them?
>> DRX

Re: [newbie] No Internet access 2

2001-02-20 Thread DRX

>If you setup your "/home" directory to be on a seperate partition, the
>damage of reinstalling is minimal. You will not lose anyfiles that you
>have placed into this directory but you should not choose to **format**
>this directory when the partitioner asks you for this action. Format "/"
>and mayber "/boot" if they are seperate and you should be ok.
 Yes, but I will lose all new scrips and programs installed in /usr, as
well as the users, won't I?

 I was hoping that there would be a less drastic way to regain Internet
access.  I have always heard that what makes Linux so great is that it
consists of independent modules which are easy to configure and exchange
for other modules, while still keeping the same system.  To use brute force
and reinstall the whole system because of a malfunction in one of these
modules goes completely against this idea, doesn't it?  It feels a bit like
scrapping your car and getting a new one just because the ashtray is full.

>> > if you're abroad :o( .) a few times, inclluding Suse installs.
>> >Try and configure what I did, nothing worked. When doing a fresh
>> >install everything worked fine (not always) a sort of a lottery:o(
>>  So you're saying that I should reinstall the whole Mandrake CD again?
>> Erase the whole system and start from scratch?  I guess I'll have to
>> eventually, but I was kind of hoping that there might be a less extreme
>> solution.
>>   DRX
>> >ciao,
>  .--. `
>  |__| .---.   Altoine Barker
>  |=.| |.-.|   Maximum Time, Inc
>  |--| ||$SEND||   Chicago Based Enterprise
>  |  | |'-'|
>  |__|~')_('

Re: [newbie] No Internet access 2

2001-02-20 Thread DRX

>Can you post the contents of /etc/resolv.conf ?

 Yes.  /etc/resolv.conf included only two lines, and those are:

search localdomain

 The "nameserver" line contains the correct address to my DNS.  Perhaps
it shouldn't read "search localdomain" though?  Could this be the problem?


>> >most often you will need to correctly set your ISP's DNS Server in whatever
>> >program you use to dial-in
>>  I use something called "kppp."  On the desktop of KDE this is reached
>> by clicking on an icon named "Internet."  As I stated in my previous
>> postings, the DNS is still the same as it was when I could get out on the
>> Internet, and yes, it is correct (the settings are the same as on this
>> computer, and I can get out on the net with this -- running another OS).
>>   DRX

Re: [newbie] No Internet access 2

2001-02-18 Thread DRX

> if you're abroad :o( .) a few times, inclluding Suse installs.
>Try and configure what I did, nothing worked. When doing a fresh
>install everything worked fine (not always) a sort of a lottery:o(

>Being logged in at the isp apparently had nought to do with it,
>it's internal that's for sure.

 So you're saying that I should reinstall the whole Mandrake CD again?
Erase the whole system and start from scratch?  I guess I'll have to
eventually, but I was kind of hoping that there might be a less extreme

>Semper avanti,sailing on Linux,
>Harm Bathoorn Free evermore.
>Hoek. NL.
>   |~>
>   |  _
>  ___|__.__\_|_||_...
>  \___\_|__||_|__|__
>  _\_Triade__NL__/

[newbie] How to find packages?

2001-02-18 Thread DRX

I need two packages: one called "XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm,"
and the other was described like this: "I don't know how the other one
called, but it should be for headers for development with graphics

 Where do I find these packages?  Somewhere at the Mandrake FTP site?
Or are they included somewhere on the CD?  If so, how do I find them?

 The reason I need them is that I would like to use AfterStep, and I
have been told by the AfterStep people that I need to get these two
packages in order to be able to use AfterStep -- even though I chose
"everything" when I installed Mandrake.


[newbie] No Internet access 3

2001-02-17 Thread DRX

>Take a look at the DNS setup in LinuxConfig. I have seen it stick a temporary
>address in there, instead of the ISP name server and hold on to it if you had
>a bad shutdown or forgot to shut down the modem before shutting down the
>system. If it shows two or three temporary addresses change
>them back to your ISP dial up addresses and then try connecting.  Luck,

 This sounded promising, but no such luck I'm afraid.  Assuming that
"LinuxConfig" is the same as "Linuxconf 1.16" which is reached through the
"DrakConf" utility in KDE, the only DNS entry to be found there is the same
as in the "kppp" thing, and it is only there because I entered it yesterday
just to see if this would help any in getting out on the 'net.  It didn't.

>Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

>On Saturday 17 February 2001 04:33, you wrote:
>>  The modem beeps the way it's supposed to, and the little window tells
>> me that it is connecting me to the Internet, but when it is finished I
>> can't get to anywhere in Netscape.  It tells me that every address is
>> unknown.  I cannot ping anything either.  The command ping gives the reply
>> that the address is unknown, no matter whom I try to ping.
>>  It's been a couple of months since I used Linux, but when I did, I had
>> no trouble getting out on the Internet.  I have checked the "kppp
>> configuration" settings, and they are correct -- they are the same they
>> were a couple of months ago, when everything worked just fine.  I can't
>> figure this out.  Does anybody have any suggestions?  I am grateful for all
>> help.
>> DRX

[newbie] No Internet access 2

2001-02-17 Thread DRX

>most often you will need to correctly set your ISP's DNS Server in whatever
>program you use to dial-in

 I use something called "kppp."  On the desktop of KDE this is reached
by clicking on an icon named "Internet."  As I stated in my previous
postings, the DNS is still the same as it was when I could get out on the
Internet, and yes, it is correct (the settings are the same as on this
computer, and I can get out on the net with this -- running another OS).
Thank you for your advice though.  The DNS entry was the first thing I
checked, and apparently it wasn't completely wrong to do so.


>> I have checked the "kppp
>> configuration" settings, and they are correct -- they are the same they
>> were a couple of months ago, when everything worked just fine.  I can't
>> figure this out.  Does anybody have any suggestions?  I am grateful for
>> help.
>> DRX

[newbie] No Internet access 1

2001-02-17 Thread DRX

>Have you checked that you have a correct 'homepage' entry in Netscape, I
>found that problem after one of my installs.
 It is set to "Browser starts with Blank page," and the home page the
Home page button is set to is  I don't see how an
error here could affect the ping thing though.

>Also check if you have proxys enabled, could be in there too.
 There are no proxys enabled as far as I can tell.  If there were,
would I see that in the "DrakConf" utility, or should look somewhere else?
I know that I have never knowingly enabled any proxys.


[newbie] AfterStep support?

2001-02-17 Thread DRX

I have been told by the AfterStep people that I apparently need two
additional packages installed in order to be able to use AfterStep.  One of
these they said is called "XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm," and the
other was described like this: "I don't know how the other one called, but
it should be for headers for development with graphics libraries."

 Where do I find these packages?  Somewhere at the Mandrake FTP site?
Or are they included somewhere on the CD?  If so, how do I find them?


[newbie] Disappeared Internet access

2001-02-17 Thread DRX

 The modem beeps the way it's supposed to, and the little window tells
me that it is connecting me to the Internet, but when it is finished I
can't get to anywhere in Netscape.  It tells me that every address is
unknown.  I cannot ping anything either.  The command ping gives the reply
that the address is unknown, no matter whom I try to ping.

 It's been a couple of months since I used Linux, but when I did, I had
no trouble getting out on the Internet.  I have checked the "kppp
configuration" settings, and they are correct -- they are the same they
were a couple of months ago, when everything worked just fine.  I can't
figure this out.  Does anybody have any suggestions?  I am grateful for all

[newbie] file error?

2001-02-16 Thread DRX

 When I click on the "Internet" icon in KDE, I get an error message
saying that kppp has detected a file.  It also tells me that
another instance of kppp seems to be running under process-ID 803.  It
tells me to delete the pid file and restart kppp. I can su to root and kill
process 803, but this error ocurrs every time I log in as this user.  How
do I stop this error from recurring?

Thank you.


[newbie] Internet access failure

2001-02-16 Thread DRX

 It's been a couple of months since I used Linux, but when I did, I had
no trouble getting out on the Internet.  Now, when I try I first get some
error message about a file, and then, although the logging on
process seems to work as it should, I apparently do not get connected to
the Internet.

 The modem beeps the way it used to, and the little window tells me
that it is connecting me to the Internet, but when it is finished I can't
get to anywhere in the browser.  It tells me that every address is unknown.
I also cannot ping anything.  When I give the command ping I don't even get
the prompt back.  I guess it just keeps on trying to ping.

 I have checked the "kppp configuration" settings, and they are correct
-- they are the same they were a couple of months ago, when everything
worked just fine.  I thought that perhaps the DNS settings were wrong (what
do I know?  Gotta try something), but they were also correct.  I can't
figure this out.  Does anybody have any suggestions?  I am grateful for all


[newbie] root and /usr?

1999-11-27 Thread drx

If I make / (root) and /usr different partitions on my hard disk, how big
do these partitions need to be?

Re: [newbie] 900 MB too small partition?

1999-11-25 Thread drx

 Since I am totally ignorant of everything in the Linux world, I tend
to believe what I read and what people who have experience of Linux tell
me.  In one guide for Linux newbies it is recommended that an 80 MB root
partition is quite sufficient, and people have told me that Linux programs
take up extremely little space and RAM.  This led me to believe that 900 MB
would be sufficient -- especially since I didn't believe that a 650 MB CD
could install more than, at most, 650 MB of software.  Now that you have
explained it I feel pretty foolish for not realizing that the installation
files were compressed.  Your recommendation that I swap partitions makes
sense, but since I don't have anything at all on the hard disk as yet, I
might as well repartition it instead.  Perhaps it would be better to make a
special /usr partition as well?  I'll follow Brett Jones's advice and NOT
install everything.  I won't run a news group or an YP server.  In fact, I
don't know what I'll use Linux for -- I just want to learn more about it
first.  Then eventually it may become clearer to me what I'll mainly use it

 The reason I made a rather large /home partition was because I figured
that if I happened to get a lot of things I wanted to keep I could have
those things in this partition even if I eventually would upgrade Linux by
making a completely new installation in the root (and /usr?) partition.  Of
course 2 GB is a bit of overkill, and it'll take me several years to fill
that, but, as I said, I didn't realize that linux itself required that much
space.  How would you recommend that I partition the hard disk to get the
most out of it?  Does for instance this seem reasonable:

 / 300 MB
 /usr 1500 MB
 /home1500 MB

   (and about 1000 MB for Solaris)

 By the way, thanks Brett for wishing me luck with the Solaris
installation.   I know that it's a hassle to install it, and it's a pretty
godawful system as well in many ways, but I have to install it since I am
taking a course in Solaris and I need to practice at home.  I only hope it
won't be too difficult to double boot with Linux on the same hard disk.  At
least I am keeping that disk Micro$oft free (although I do prefer IE over
Netscape -- a Linux version of IE sounds interesting).

Thanks for your help.


>drxthe initial installation puts virtually nothing in a /home
>partition.  So you're trying to do an "everything" install with just 900
>megabytes of space allocated to store all of the compressed software on
>a 600+ megabyte CD.  The installation is reporting to you that it needs,
>at a minimum, 524 bytes more allocated to the / partition to
>successfully complete your "everything" installation.  Why don't you
>believe this?  I recommend that you swap your allocations and give the /
>partition the 1900 megabytes and the /home partition the 900 megabytes.
>That will work and leave a little space for expansion in the /

[newbie] 900 MB too small partition?

1999-11-24 Thread drx

 It can't be correct that the root partition has to be at least 1426
megabytes, can it?  That's right -- one thousand four hundred and
twenty-six megabytes?

 The reason I ask is that this is what I am told during installation.
I'll take it from the beginning:

 I have an EIDE disk, 4.3 GB, onto which I would like to install
Mandrake.  On the disk I have created three partitions, using fdisk which I
ran from a DOS floppy disk.  The three partitions are 902 MB, 1953 MB, and
1200-something, respectively.  I had intended to use the 902-megabyte
partition for Mandrake's root partition, and the 1953-megabyte partition
for the /home partition.  On the final 1200-something partition I had
intended to install Solaris 7 for Intel machines.

 When I came to the Disk Druid part of the installation, I finally
figured out that I had to delete these partitions and then add them again.
Once I had done this, they became "Linux Native" and I could allocate them
to the purposes I wanted.  When the time came to choose which packages I
wanted to install, I chose "everything," in the belief that I would have
space enough for this.  A little after this, installation failed however.
The error message I was given read like this:

 "You don't appear to have enough disk space to install the packages
you've selected.  You need more space on the following filesystems:

   mount point   space needed
/   524 M "

 Since I already have 902 MB for the root filesystem, and Mandrake
wants an additional 524 MB, it seems that it wants at least 1426 MB.  I was
asked if I wanted to go ahead and install anyway, but it seemed to me that
I something had to be wrong, and I tried the other options instead -- "try
again," and "menu."  In the end I had to abort installation altogether and
try to do it again from the beginning, but it always fails at this same
point and for the same reason.

 When I come to the Disk Druid part, everything looks OK:


  /   hda1 902902
  /home   hda61953   1953

 Despite this, it seems that Mandrake must have changed its mind at the
last minute, and tried to use some other partition for the root
installation -- a partition too small for it to fit.

     How do I fix this?
